What Were The Origins of The Cold War?: V Lf0Axpys6Ca&Safe Active

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What were the origins of the Cold War?

\CNN Cold War Episode 3 – Marshall Plan 1947-52

Watch and answer the questions below on the Marshall plan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?

1. What problems still existed in Italy after WW2? What might this lead to?
Italy’s unemployment a decline in trade, rising taxes and a weak and divided government
and could lead to facscism

2. What did the US want to make sure didn’t happen in Europe?

Communism spreading through europe and if western europe didn’t rebuild and grow
strong soon it may soon fall

3. Why did the US have to become involved in Greece?

Active in providing humanitarian aid to Greece after the devastation and opposed the British
to restore king George II of Greece because of his connections to fascism

4. How did Truman persuade the American politicians to expect the Truman Doctrine?
Help nation resist communism to prevent its spread and policy of containment would help
rebuild after the war, pledged 13 bill to aid europe.

5. Why were people attracted to Communism post WW2?

They were opportunists and people who had convictions

6. Who did Truman ask to plan the US response to the threat of Communism in Eastern
George c Marshall proposed the extension of massive economic assistance to the devastated
nations of europe

7. How did the US and USSR disagree about the future of Germany?
US government was initially hostile to the soviet \leaders for taking Russia out of world war
1 and was opposed to a state ideologically based on communism

What were the origins of the Cold War?

8. What did Marshall decide to put together to help Europe?

Economic cooperation act which set aside 4 bill in aid for western europe

9. What was the British reaction to the Marshall Plan?

Britain actually received more than a third more marshall aid than western Germany

10. How did Stalin view the Marshall Plan?

Believed that economic integration would allow eastern bloc countries to escape soviet

11. What did Soviet spies uncover about the Marshall Plan?
Weaken soviet interest in their satellite states through the soviet unions refusal to accept
aid from the Marshall plan and allow any of their satellite states to do so because of their
belief that the Marshall plan was an attempt to weaken soviet interest in their satellite
states through the conditions imposed and by making beneficiary

12. What did Stalin force Czechoslovakia to do?

Crack down on reformist trends in Prague and the soviet unions action successfully halted
the pace of reform in Czechoslovakia

13. What was the purpose of Cominform and Comecon?

Ensure ideology unity and set up to ensure economic development along soviet lines

14. Where did the Communists seize power in 1948?


What were the origins of the Cold War?
15. How much aid was promised by the Marshall Plan? How much was spent? What impact did
it have on the US?
Passed in 1948 for foreign aid to western europe the US transferred over 12 bill in economic
recovery programs to western European economics after the end of world war II

16. How did the Marshall Plan help Greece?

Tried to help backwards participate in international trade and created foundations for post
war development

17. What did the US say the French had to do before they received Marshall Aid?

18. How did Marshall Aid help the disintegration of relations between the USSR and Yugoslavia?
Helped Yugoslavia overcome poor harvests but almost no economic growth before 1952, but
US backing Yugoslavia successful 1949 bid for a seat on the UNS council against soviet

19. In what two ways did the US try and influence the Italian elections? Who else campaigned
against Communism in Italy?
US governments voice of America radio began broadcasting anti-communist campaign
pleased Italy on march 24 and this undertook a campaign of writing ten million letters

20. What was the impact of the Marshall Plan on Europe as a whole?
Encouraged the economic integration that led first to the creation of the European coal and
steel community among six nations

Extension - How is the approach shown in the Marshall Plan different to the pre-war American
approach to foreign relations? Why do you think their approach has changed?


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