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Most of people don’t reach their dream not because of failure. Most people don’t live their
dream because they give up. You see, it’s not the failure that stops us, but that most stop at
their first failure. Those who succeed don’t stop at
one failure. They don’t stop at ten failures. They don’t stop at one hundred, one thousand or a
million. They say: This is my goal and I will do it whatever it takes to achieve it.
I will learn the lesson from any failures. I will learn faster. I will work harder. I will work
smarter and I will not quit until my dream is a reality
That’s the difference between success and failure. Failure make winner stronger. Failure
makes winner Hungrier. But it’s makes most give up. It makes most feel worthless.
Winners don’t enjoy failure, but they would never let failure stop them.
Next time you encounter failure you’ve got to remember every great thing on this planet is
here because The creator learned what DID work, but learned more from what
DID not work. When we are
kids we don’t stop at failure. When we first learn to ride a bike it’s failure after failure, we
got knocked down, time after time but we get up and push forward. Until we achieve our
goal of riding the bike. But then we get old and most of us we get weak. We
are too soft to get back on the bike we come up with excuses “it must not be for me”
No. You’re just soft. No you’re just lazy. TELL YOURSELF THE TRUTH. Get back on
the bike learn why you fail, and make sure you don’t fall again. Make sure you are
stronger for having the lesson. Failure is not the end of your
story. Is it the start of your comeback story. If failure was the end of your story there
would be no greats. Greats like Jordan. Greats like Einstien. Like Edison. Like Oprah
Winfrey. If these people stopped at failure the world
would not filled with their greatness as it is today. Failure is
nothing but a lesson to the winner. Failure is nothing but a motivation to the winner.
Failure is fuel. No one likes to fail but the difference between those that Win and
those that lose in life is the winner decides a better Meaning for their failure. They decide
never again. They declare: “I
will be better next time” Don’t let failure stop you let it grow you let it develop you.
failure is not the end it’s just start. start of your comeback story. The only way you can call
it a failure is if you quit. If you keep going it’s only a hurdle – one you will overcome. The
only way you can fail is if you quit, never quit. Keep pushing you will get there in the end.
Failure doesn’t exist in the mind of champion. All of that push them to a higher level. Are
you a champion? Will you accept failure? Or keep going?
Learn the lessons Apply the lessons come out stronger than before and keep going, Some
people fear failure so much they never try. They never even start. Some people give up
right when they are about to succeed. They were so close. But they threw in the towel.
Don’t Let That Be You. Thomas
Edison didn’t fail. He found 10,000 ways that did not work. Guess what? He only needed
one way that did work. Einstein said: “Failure is Success in Progress. Failure is just one
more way not to do something. Keep going and you will succeed, KEEP GOING and you
WILL SUCCEED. Failure is not the end of your story it is the start of your comeback story
. If you use failure as a fuel you can’t really fail. If you use it as motivation you cannot be
defeated in the long term. If you use it to drive you. Use it to make you it can never break
you. If you never accept defeat you can never fail. Refuse to be defeated 2x. Learn the
lesson. Find a new path. A different way to your goal, there’s always a way.

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