Anatomy of The Heart: Materials Pre-Lab Quiz

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20 Anatomy of the Heart

Materials Pre-Lab Quiz

□ X-ray image of human thorax and X-ray 1. The heart is enclosed in a double-walled sac called the:
viewing box (if available)
a. apex c. pericardium
□ Torso model or laboratory chart showing
b. mediastinum d. thorax
heart anatomy
□ Heart model (three-dimensional) 2. What is the name of the two receiving chambers of the heart?
□ Red and blue pencils
□ Three-dimensional models of cardiac and
3. The left ventricle discharges blood into the , from which all
skeletal muscle

systemic arteries of the body diverge to supply the body tissues.
Demonstration area: Compound
microscope set up with a longitudinal a. aorta c. pulmonary vein
section cardiac muscle; pointer on an b. pulmonary artery d. vena cava
intercalated disc
4. Circle the correct term. The right atrioventricular valve, or tricuspid /
□ Preserved sheep heart, pericardial sacs
intact (if possible) mitral, valve prevents backflow into the right atrium when the right
□ Dissecting tray and instruments ventricle is contracting.
□ Pointed glass rods for probes 5. The functional blood supply of the heart itself is provided by the:
□ Disposable gloves a. aorta c. coronary arteries
□ Spray bottle containing 10% bleach b. carotid arteries d. pulmonary trunk
6. Two microscopic features of cardiac cells that help distinguish them from
other types of muscle cells are branching and:
a. intercalated discs c. sarcolemma
b. myosin fibers d. striations

he major function of the cardiovascular system is transportation. Using

T blood as the transport vehicle, the system carries oxygen, digested foods, cell
wastes, electrolytes, and many other substances vital to the body’s homeo-
stasis to and from the body cells. The propulsive force is the beating heart,
which is essentially a muscular pump equipped with one-way valves. As the
heart con- tracts, it forces blood into a closed system of large and small
plumbing tubes (blood vessels) within which the blood circulates. This
exercise deals with the
structure of the heart. Exercise 21 considers the anatomy of blood vessels.

Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart

OBJECTIVE 1 Describe the location of the heart in the
The heart, a cone-shaped organ approximately the size of a fist, is located
within the mediastinum, the medial cavity of the thorax. It is flanked laterally
by the lungs, posteriorly by the vertebral column, and anteriorly by the sternum
(Figure 20.1). Its more pointed apex extends slightly to the left and rests on the
diaphragm, approximately at the level of the fifth intercostal space. Its broader
base, from which the great vessels emerge, lies beneath the second rib and
points toward the right shoulder. In the body, the right ventricle of the heart
forms most of its anterior surface.
If you press just below the left nipple, you can feel the apical pulse of your
beating heart. Verify the relationships described above on an X-ray image or on
Figure 20.1.
The heart is enclosed within a double-walled serous sac called the
pericardium. The loosely fitting outer part of this sac is referred to as the
fibrous pericardium. This fibrous layer protects the heart and anchors it to
248 Exercise 20 Anatomy of the Heart 248

Midsternal line

2nd rib
Diaphragm Apical

Figure 20.1 Location of the heart in the thorax.

surrounding structures, such as the diaphragm and sternum. The walls of the heart are composed of three layers:
Below the fibrous pericardium is the two-layer serous
pericardium. Its parietal layer lines the inside of the fi- • Epicardium: The outer layer, which is also the visceral
brous pericardium. At the base of the heart, the parietal pericardium.
layer reflects back to cover the external heart as the vis-
ceral layer, or epicardium. Serous fluid produced by
• Myocardium: The middle layer. It is the thickest layer
and is composed mostly of cardiac muscle.
these membranes allows the heart to beat in a relatively
friction- less environment. • Endocardium: The inner lining of the heart that is made
of simple squamous epithelium. It covers the heart valves
and is continuous with the inner lining of the great vessels.

Brachiocephalic trunk Left common carotid artery

Superior vena cava Left subclavian artery

Right pulmonary artery Aortic arch

Ligamentum arteriosum
Ascending aorta
Left pulmonary artery
Pulmonary trunk Left pulmonary veins

Right pulmonary Left atrium

Auricle of left atrium

Right atrium
Circumflex artery
Right coronary artery
in coronary sulcus (right Left coronary artery in
atrioventricular groove) coronary sulcus (left
atrioventricular groove)
Anterior cardiac vein
Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Great cardiac vein
20 Marginal artery
Anterior interventricular
Small cardiac vein artery (in anterior
Inferior vena cava interventricular sulcus)


Figure 20.2 Anatomy of the human heart. (a) External anterior view.
Heart Chambers semilunar (SL) valves are located between a ventricle and a
great vessel on each side.
The heart has four chambers: two superior atria and two
inferior ventricles (Figure 20.2). The septum that divides • Right atrioventricular (AV) valve (tricuspid valve):
the heart longitudinally is referred to as the interatrial or Has three cusps (Figure 20.2b) anchored to the papillary
interventricular septum, depending on which chambers muscles of the ventricular wall by cords called chordae
it partitions. Functionally, the atria are receiving chambers tendineae (literally, “heart strings”).
and are relatively ineffective as pumps. The right atrium
receives oxygen-poor blood from the body via the superior • Left atrioventricular (AV) valve: (mitral valve or
and inferior venae cavae. Four pulmonary veins deliver bicus- pid valve): Has two cusps anchored to the papillary
oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium. muscles by chordae tendineae.
The inferior ventricles, which form the bulk of the heart, • Pulmonary semilunar valve: Has three cusps located
are the discharging chambers. They force blood out of the between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk.
heart into the large arteries that emerge from its base. The
right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary trunk, • Aortic semilunar valve: Has three pocketlike cusps lo-
cated between the left ventricle and the aorta.
which sends blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. The left
ventricle discharges blood into the aorta, from which all When the heart is relaxing, blood flows passively into
systemic arteries of the body diverge to supply the body tis- the atria and then into the ventricles. At first, the AV valve
sues. This is a much longer circuit than the pulmonary flaps hang limply into the ventricular chambers, and then
circuit, and the left ventricle walls are much thicker than they are carried passively toward the atria by the accumulat-
those of the right ventricle. Discussions of the heart’s ing blood. When the ventricles contract and compress the
pumping action usually refer to the activity of the ventricles. blood in their chambers, the intraventricular pressure rises,
forcing the valve flaps superiorly, which closes the AV
Heart valves. The chordae tendineae anchor the flaps in a closed
Valves position that prevents backflow into the atria during ven-
tricular contraction.
Four valves enforce a one-way blood flow through the heart The SL valve cusps are forced open and flatten against
chambers. The atrioventricular (AV) valves, located be- the walls of the artery as the ventricles pump their blood
tween the atrium and ventricle on each side, prevent back- into the large arteries during systole. However, when the
flow into the atria when the ventricles are contracting. The

Superior vena cava Aorta

Pulmonary trunk

Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery

Left atrium

Right atrium Left pulmonary veins

Right pulmonary
veins Pulmonary semilunar valve

Fossa ovalis Left atrioventricular valve

(bicuspid, or mitral, valve)
Aortic semilunar valve
Right atrioventricular
valve (tricuspid valve)
Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Interventricular septum
Chordae tendineae
Inferior vena cava
Endocardium 20
Visceral pericardium

Figure 20.2 (continued) (b) Frontal section showing interior chambers and valves.
ventricles relax and blood flows backward toward the heart, Capillary beds
the cusps fill with blood, closing the semilunar valves. This of lungs where
prevents the backflow of blood from the great vessels into gas exchange
the ventricles.
OBJECTIVE 2 Identify the major anatomical
areas and structures of the heart when provided with a heart
model, diagram, or sheep heart.

Pulmonary Circuit
Activity 1 Pulmonary
arteries Pulmonary
Using the Heart Model to Study Heart Anatomy veins
When you have pinpointed in Figure 20.2 all the Venae Aorta and
struc- tures described so far, observe the human cavae branches
heart model, and identify again the same structures
without referring to the figure. Notice how much
thicker the myocardium of the left ventricle is than
that of the right ventricle. Compare the shape of atrium
the left ventricular cavity to the shape of the right Left
ventricular cavity. Record your obser- vations on the Right ventricle
lines below. atrium Heart
Systemic Circuit

Pulmonary, Systemic, and Cardiac

OBJECTIVE 3 Trace the pathway of Capillary
blood through the heart, and compare the pulmonary and beds of all
systemic circulations.
body tissues
where gas
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulations exchange
The heart is a double pump. The right side serves as the occurs
pulmonary circulation pump, sending the carbon diox- KEY:
ide–rich blood entering its chambers to the lungs to unload Oxygen-rich, CO2-poor blood
carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen and then back to the
Oxygen-poor, CO2-rich blood
left side of the heart (Figure 20.3). Gas exchange is the
sole purpose of the pulmonary circuit. The second circuit,
Figure 20.3 The systemic and pulmonary circuits.
the systemic circulation, carries oxygen-rich blood from The heart is a double pump that serves two circulations.
the left heart through the body tissues and back to the right The right side of the heart pumps blood through the
heart. It supplies the functional blood supply to all body pulmonary circuit to the lungs and back to the left heart.
tissues. (For simplicity, the actual number of two pulmonary
arteries and four pulmonary veins has been reduced to
Activity 2 one each.) The left heart pumps blood via the systemic
20 circuit to all body tissues and back to the right heart.
Tracing the Path of Blood Through the Heart Notice that blood flowing through the pulmonary circuit
gains oxygen and loses carbon dioxide. Blood flowing
Trace the pathway of blood through the heart by
through the systemic circuit loses oxygen and picks up
adding arrows to the frontal section diagram (Figure
carbon dioxide.
20.2b). Use red arrows for the oxygen-rich blood and
blue arrows for the less oxygen-rich blood.
Cardiac Circulation of the body, cardiac muscle is very important to life. Cardiac
muscle is involuntary, ensuring a constant blood supply.
O B J E C T I V E 4 Name and follow the functional The cardiac cells are arranged in spiral or figure-
blood supply of the heart. 8-shaped bundles (Figure 20.4). When the heart contracts,
Even though the heart chambers are bathed with blood its internal chambers become smaller (or are temporarily
almost continuously, this blood does not nourish the obliterated), forcing the blood upward into the large arteries
myocardium. The blood supply that nourishes the heart is leaving the heart.
provided by the right and left coronary arteries (see Figure
20.2a). The coro- nary arteries branch from the base of the
aorta and encircle the heart in the coronary sulcus Activity 3
(atrioventricular groove) at the junction of the atria and Examining Cardiac Muscle Cells
ventricles. They then branch over the heart’s surface, the
right coronary artery supplying the posterior surface of the 1. Observe the three-dimensional model of
ventricles and the lateral aspect of the right side of the the cardiac muscle, examining its branching cells and
heart, largely through its posterior interventricular and the areas where the cells interdigitate, the
marginal artery branches. The left coronary artery intercalated discs.These two structural features
supplies the anterior ventricular walls and the laterodorsal provide a continuity to cardiac muscle not seen in
part of the left side of the heart via the ante- rior other muscle tissues and allow coordinated heart
interventricular artery and the circumflex artery. The activity.
coronary arteries and their branches are compressed during
2. Compare the model of cardiac muscle to the
systole and fill when the heart is relaxed.
model of skeletal muscle. Note the similarities and
The myocardium is drained by several cardiac veins,
which empty into the coronary sinus (an enlarged vessel on differences between the two kinds of muscle tissue.
the backside of the heart). The coronary sinus, in turn, emp- 3. Go to the microscope at the demonstration area,
ties into the right atrium. In addition, several anterior and observe a longitudinal section of cardiac muscle
cardiac veins empty directly into the right atrium. under high power. Identify the nucleus, striations,
intercalated discs (pointed out), and sarcolemma of
the individual cells, and then compare your
Microscopic Anatomy observations to Figure 20.5.

of Cardiac Muscle
OBJECTIVE 5 Describe the microscopic struc-
ture of cardiac muscle, and indicate the importance of inter- Intercalated
calated discs. discs
Cardiac muscle is found in only one place—the heart.
Because the heart acts as a blood pump, propelling blood to Sarcolemma
all tissues



Figure 20.5 Photomicrograph of cardiac muscle (6653).

The Sheep Heart
Dissecting a sheep heart is valuable because it is
similar in size and structure to the human heart. Also,
dissection allows you to view structures in a way not
possible with models and diagrams. Refer to Figure
Figure 20.4 Longitudinal view of the heart chambers 20.6 as you pro- ceed with the dissection.
showing the spiral arrangement of the cardiac muscle Text continues on next page. ➔
Base Pulmonary artery Aorta Opening
Ligamentum of superior
Aorta vena cava
Right trunk
Left auricle Pulmonary Right
auricle veins atrium
Right Left atrium
Left atrium Opening
atrium (beneath fat)
(beneath fat) of inferior
(beneath vena cava
Left ventricle
Right Right
ventricle ventricle
Left Coronary vessels in
ventricle anterior interventricular Apex
Right pulmonary Pulmonary Left pulmonary Pulmonary Right pulmonary
artery veins artery veins artery Aorta

Ligamentum vena cava
Aorta Brachio-
Pulmonary cephalic
trunk trunk
Superior Left atrium
vena cava (fat-covered)
Auricle of
right atrium
(lumen) Inferior
Auricle vena cava
of left (peg in
atrium lumen)
Right Right
auricle ventricle
Right Left
ventricle ventricle
Anterior interventricular Apex of Left Apex of heart
sulcus (fat-filled proximally) heart ventricle
(a) (b)

Figure 20.6 Anatomy of the sheep heart. (a) Anterior view. (b) Posterior view.
Diagrammatic views at top; photographs at bottom.

1. Obtain a preserved sheep heart, a dissecting tray, 3. If the serous pericardial sac is still intact, slit open
dis- the
secting instruments, a glass probe, and gloves. Rinse parietal pericardium and cut it from its attachments.
the sheep heart in cold water. Now you are ready to Ob- serve the epicardium (visceral layer). Using a
make your observations. sharp scalpel, carefully pull a little of this serous
2. Observe the texture of the pericardium. Also, find membrane away from the myocardium. How do its
its point of attachment to the heart. Where is it position, thickness, and ap- position to the heart differ
attached? from those of the parietal layer?
heart was removed.) Identify the superior and
inferior venae cavae entering the right atrium.
Compare the approximate diameter of the superior
vena cava with that of the aorta.

Which is larger?
Which has thicker walls?
4. Examine the external surface of the heart.
Notice the accumulation of adipose tissue, which Why do you suppose these differences exist?
in many cases marks the separation of the
chambers and the

location of the coronary arteries. Carefully scrape away

some of the fat with a scalpel to expose the
coronary blood vessels.
5. Identify the base and apex of the heart, and then
tify the two wrinkled auricles, earlike flaps of tissue pro-
jecting from the atrial chambers.The balance of the
heart muscle is ventricular tissue. To identify the left
ventricle, compress the ventricular chambers on
each side of the
longitudinal fissures carrying the coronary blood 8. Turn the heart to view its posterior surface. The
ves- sels. The side that feels thicker and more solid is heart will appear as shown in Figure 20.6b. Notice that the
the left ventricle. The right ventricle is much thinner right and left ventricles appear equal-sized in this view.
and feels somewhat flabby when compressed. This Try to identify the four thin-walled pulmonary veins
difference re- flects the greater demand placed on entering the left atrium. (It may or may not be possible
the left ventricle, which must pump blood through to locate the pulmonary veins from this van-
the much longer sys- temic circulation. Hold the
heart in its anatomical posi- tion (Figure 20.6a), with
the anterior surface uppermost. In this position, the
left ventricle composes the entire apex and the left
side of the heart.
6. Identify the pulmonary trunk and the aorta
leaving the superior aspect of the heart. The
pulmonary trunk is more anterior, and you may see
it divide into the right and left pulmonary arteries if
it has not been cut too close to the heart. The
thicker-walled aorta, which branches almost
immediately, is located just beneath the pulmonary
trunk.The first branch of the sheep aorta, the
brachiocephalic trunk, can be identified unless the
aorta has been cut immediately as it leaves the
heart.The brachiocephalic trunk splits to form the
right carotid and subclavian arteries, which supply
the right side of the head and right forelimb,
Carefully clear away the fat between the pulmonary
trunk and the aorta to expose the ligamentum arteriosum,
a remnant of the ductus arteriosus. (In the fetus, the duc-
tus arteriosus allows blood to pass directly from the
pulmonary trunk to the aorta, thus bypassing the non-
functional fetal lungs.)
7. Cut through the wall of the aorta until you see
the aortic semilunar valve. Identify the two openings
into the coronary arteries just above the valve. Insert
a probe into one of these holes to see if you can
follow the course of a coronary artery across the
OBJECTIVE 6 Explain the operation of pulmonary semilunar valve. Pour some water into
the heart valves. the base of the pulmonary trunk to observe the
9. Insert a probe into the superior vena cava, closing action of this valve. How does its action
and use scissors to cut through its wall so differ from that of the atrioventricular valve?
that you can see the interior of the right
atrium. Do not extend your cut en- tirely
through the right atrium or into the ventricle.
Ob- serve the right atrioventricular valve.

How many flaps does it have?

Pour some water into the right atrium and

allow it to flow into the ventricle. Slowly and
gently squeeze the right ventricle to watch the 20
closing action of this valve. (If you squeeze too
11. After observing semilunar valve action, drain
vigorously, you’ll get a face full of water!)
the heart once again. Return to the superior vena
Drain the water from the heart before
cava, and continue the cut made in its wall through
the right atrium and right atrioventricular valve into
10. Return to the pulmonary trunk and cut the right ventricle.
through its anterior wall until you can see the
tage point, depending on how they were cut as the Text continues on next page. ➔
12. Next, make a longitudinal incision through the aorta,
and continue it into the left ventricle. Again notice how
much thicker the myocardium of the left ventricle is than
that of the right ventricle. Compare the shape of the left
ventricular cavity to the shape of the right
ventricular How do the sheep valves compare with their
human counterparts?

13. Continue your incision from the left ventricle

superi- orly into the left atrium. Reflect the cut edges
of the atrial wall, and try to locate the entry points of
the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. Follow the
pulmonary veins to the heart exterior with a probe.
Notice how thin-walled these vessels are.
14. Dispose of the organic debris, and clean
the dissecting tray and instruments with

Are the chordae tendineae observed in the right

! detergent
and water. Wash the lab bench with bleach
solution before leaving the laboratory.
ventricle also present in the left ventricle?
Count the number of cusps in the left
atrioventricular valve. How does this compare with
the number seen in the right atrioventricular valve?


Anatomy of the Heart
Lab Time/Date

Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart

1. An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Identify each structure by writing its name on the corresponding
leader line:

2. What is the function of the fluid that fills the pericardial sac?

256 Review Sheet 20

3. Match the terms in the key to the descriptions provided below. (Some terms may be used more than once.)


1. drains blood into the right atrium atria

2. superior heart chambers coronary arteries

3. inferior heart chambers coronary sinus

4. visceral pericardium endocardium

5. receiving chambers of the heart epicardium

6. layer composed of cardiac muscle myocardium

7. provide nutrient blood to the heart muscle ventricles

8. lining of the heart chambers

9. actual “pumps” of the heart

4. What is the function of the valves found in the heart?

5. Can the heart function with leaky valves? (Consider this: can a water pump function with leaky valves?)

6. What is the role of the chordae tendineae?

Pulmonary, Systemic, and Cardiac Circulations

7. A simple schematic of a so-called general circulation is shown below. What part of the circulation is missing from
this diagram?

Correctly draw the diagram as best you can to make it depict a complete systemic/pulmonary circulation, and rename
“general circulation” as the correct subcirculation.

General circulation Capillaries


8. Differentiate clearly between the roles of the pulmonary and systemic circulations.
Review Sheet 20 257

9. Complete the following scheme of circulation in the human body:

Right atrium through the right atrioventricular valve to the through the

valve to the pulmonary trunk to the to the capillary beds of the lungs to

the to the of the heart through the valve to the

through the valve to the to the systemic arteries to

the of the tissues to the systemic veins to the and

entering the right atrium of the heart.

10. If the left atrioventricular valve does not close properly, which circulation is affected?

11. Why might a thrombus (blood clot) in the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery cause sudden death?

Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle

12. Add the following terms to the photo
of cardiac muscle at the right:

intercalated disc

nucleus of cardiac muscle fiber


cardiac muscle fiber

13. What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function? (Note: Before attempting a response,

describe the unique anatomy.)

258 Review Sheet 20

Dissection of the Sheep Heart

14. During the sheep heart dissection, you were asked initially to identify the right and left ventricles without cutting into
the heart. During this procedure, what differences did you observe between the two chambers?

How would you say this structural difference reflects the relative functions of these two heart chambers?

15. Semilunar valves prevent backflow into the ; Av valves prevent backflow into

. Using your own observations, explain how the operation of the semilunar

valves differs from that of the Av valves.

16. A remnant of the fetal structure is observable in the heart. What was it called in the fetal heart, where was it located,
and what purpose did it serve as a functioning fetal structure?

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