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STUDENT ID : 11422
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by the software industry to design,
develop and test high quality softwares. The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality software that
meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates.

 SDLC is the acronym of Software Development Life Cycle.

 It is also called as Software Development Process.
 SDLC is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development
 ISO/IEC 12207 is an international standard for software life-cycle processes. It aims to
be the standard that defines all the tasks required for developing and maintaining
What is the Software Development
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is a framework that development teams use to
produce high-quality software in a systematic and cost-effective way. The SDLC methodology is
used by both large and small software organizations. These teams follow development models
ranging from agile to lean to waterfall and others.The software development lifecycle gives
organizations a methodical, step-by-step approach to developing successful software. From
gathering the initial requirements for a new product, through maintaining a mature product on
the market, we’ll teach you how to employ SDLC.

How SDLC Works:

SDLC works by lowering the cost of software development while simultaneously improving
quality and shortening production time. SDLC achieves these apparently divergent goals by
following a plan that removes the typical pitfalls to software development projects. That plan
starts by evaluating existing systems for deficiencies. Next, it defines the requirements of the
new system. It then creates the software through the stages of design, development, testing,
and deployment. By anticipating costly mistakes like failing to ask the end user for suggestions,
SLDC can eliminate redundant rework and after-the-fact fixes.


SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software organization. It consists of a
detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific
software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the
overall development process.

6 Stages of Software Development Life Cycle

 Requirements Gathering

 Software Analysis

 Design Architecture

 Development

 Testing

 Deployment and Maintenance

Stage 1:
Requirements Gathering And Analysis
Requirements gathering is the first most crucial phase of the software development life
cycle. It decides how your software will look and perform at the end. To build a quality
software, it is imperative to spend ample time in this phase. During this step, the project
managers or business analyst meet with the customer and ask for the software
specifications. It happens during communication, business meetings or during
interviews with customers. Therefore, it is recommended to ask open-ended questions
to pull out the maximum details of the project. The more information you gathered, the
more it will become easy to understand client expectations from the project.
Here are some key points you must not forget while working in phase 1:
Know the target audience and purpose of the Software: Knowing the purpose of the
software will open out the details why software is required and who will be the users of
the software. The target audience will help you to build the software from their
perspective and enables you to get the results as expected.

Stage 2: Software Analysis

Once you are done with the requirements gathering, you need to draw the project
timeline and scope. Not only this, but the second phase also helps you to explore the
functional and non-functional requirements of the project.
Software Analysis is the process of collating factual data, identify software flaws,
understanding the information architecture and developing solutions to overcome the
weaknesses of the project. In the end, a software requirement specification (SRS) is
built which determines the overall cost. It also defines the functionalities which will be
designed and developed during the project lifecycle.

Stage 3: Design Architecture

When you have the SRS in your hand, then it’s the time to move on to phase 3. In this
phase, you design the architecture of the software. Considering technical requirements
you can propose one or more than one design approach and document it in a DDS
(Design Document Specification). There are two types of design; high-level design and
low-level design. High-Level Design is the overall software design covering the system
architecture and database design. It helps you to understand the flow of the system.
Whereas, the low-level design is the extension of HLD. Class diagrams and entity
relationship diagrams all comes under LLD, and it covers all the programs
When the DDS is built, the stakeholders review it and based on the reviews the best
approach is selected. The selected approach is then modified with the feedback.
Phase 3 identifies the design architecture of the project and all the functional and non-
functional requirements of the project. It is the best phase to correct your mistakes in
case you find any or else your time and cost will get doubled.
Stage 4: Development

This phase requires developers to implement what has been decided in the previous
phases. The developers build the code, test, integrate and manage. It is the longest
phase of SDLC because all the development takes place in this phase. As the life cycle
is divided into manageable pieces, it needs to be accomplished step by step. The
implementation in this phase depends on the development model you choose for your

Stage 5: Testing
Testing is the crucial phase of the software development life cycle. It helps to find the
bugs and errors of the software. There are four different types of testing; unit testing,
integration testing, acceptance testing and system testing. The testing team test each
project module and check either they are functioning properly. After passing through the
various testing stages, the software is ready to go live.

Stage 6: Deployment and Maintenance

In this stage, the software is released in the market. Sometimes, the project is released
to the current clients only and based on their feedback changes are made. After the
project is released successfully in the market, maintenance is carried out for customers.
The project team updates software to make sure it is relevant to the current market

Benefits of SDLC
Following the software development process can allow to control and manage the
software on a high level. You can not only save the project from failure but can also
correct the flaws in the mid stages. All the team members are assigned their duties,
software development cost is finalized and risks are identified.

More About SDLC

If you are following the software development life cycle you should also know its
different models that are:
Waterfall Model: In the waterfall model, steps are followed logically. You need to
complete the previous phase first then you can move on to the next phase. It is the
straightforward and oldest SDLC model.
Agile Model: The Agile model breaks the project into the cycle. It divides the module
and the working model is released fairly quickly. Every module is sent to the client for
feedback and then, at last, all the modules are summed to develop the final end-
Iterative Model: The iterative model is based on the concept of repetition. The software
is developed quickly at a low cost. Then onwards it is tested and improve through rapid
and successive versions.
V-Shaped Model: The V-shaped model is also followed logically like the waterfall
model. The only difference is that every development stage is tested as it is completed.
Big Bang Model: The Big Bang model does not follow any planning or process. It is
ideal for small projects and can be started with little cost.
Spiral Model: The spiral model is the amalgamation of the iterative model with the
controlled aspects of the waterfall model. It follows incremental releases of the product
through each iteration around the spiral.
As the technology is evolving in the digital world today, humans are becoming
dependent for their needs. Now, there are not only social apps that are making
communication easy but also the apps to manage daily routine chores.
Therefore, it has become important to adopt the emerging trends. It will help you to stay
ahead in the competition.

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