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To fulfill the English assignment

Scouted by Mr.Yulius Irham, S.Pd., MM

Groups 2 :

 Ine Lusiana (P17220194048)

 Anis Mahmudah (P17220194051)

 Ismatuz Zuhriyah (P17220194070)

 Rahil Salsabilaning (P17220194071)

 Irma Ayu (P17220194084)


January 2021

1. URTI meaning
The upper respiratory tract includes the sinuses, nasal passages, pharynx, and
larynx. These structures direct the air we breathe from the outside to the trachea and
eventually to the lungs for respiration to take place. An upper respiratory tract
infection, or upper respiratory infection, is an infectious process of any of the
components of the upper airway.
Infection of the specific areas of the upper respiratory tract can be named
specifically. Examples of these may include rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal
cavity), sinus infection (sinusitis or rhinosinusitis) -- inflammation of the sinuses
located around the nose, common cold (nasopharyngitis) -- inflammation of the nares,
pharynx, hypopharynx, uvula, and tonsils, pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx,
uvula, and tonsils), epiglottitis (inflammation of the upper portion of the larynx or the
epiglottis), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), laryngotracheitis (inflammation of
the larynx and the trachea), and tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea).

2. Symptoms of URTI disease

Signs and symptoms of URTI disease usually appear quickly, within a few hours to
several days.
A. Symptoms of mild URTI :
1. Cough
2. Hoarseness
3. Fever
4. Flu and nasal congestion
B. Symptoms of moderateURTI :
1. Body temperatur over 390c
2. Red throat
3. Embossed red blotches on the skin blotches resembling measles
4. Ear pain or remove the pus from the ear hole
5. Breathing sounds like snoring
6. The breath was wheezing
C. Symptoms of severe URTI :
1. Lips or skin turn blue
2. High fever and chills
3. The nostrils fluffing up when breathing
4. Decreased consciousness
5. Breathing sounds like snoring and looks restless
6. Rapid pulse more than 160 beats per minute or not palpable
3. Cause of URTI disease
URTI disease is caused by bacteria or viruses that enter the respiratory tract.
The bacteria that cause URTI generally are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus
influenzae, Chlamydia spp., and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Air pollution can be in the
form of gas or smoke and also other particles such as dust.
Transmission of viruses or bacteria that cause URTI can occur through contact
with an infected person's saliva. Viruses or bacteria in saliva will spread through the
air, into the nose or mouth of other people. In addition to direct contact with saliva
splash patients, the virus can also be spread through contact with contaminated
objects, or shaking hands with an infected person.
Some people are more susceptible to URTI disease :
1. Children and the elderly
2. Adults with weak body systems
3. Patients with heart and lung disorders
4. Active smokers

4. Contagious
A majority of upper respiratory infections are due to self-limited viral
infections. Occasionally, bacterial infections may cause upper respiratory infections.
Most often, upper respiratory infection is contagious and can spread from person to
person by inhaling respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. The transmission
of respiratory infections can also occur by touching the nose or mouth by hand or
other object exposed to the virus.

 By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes).

 By skin-to-skin contact (handshakes or hugs).
 By saliva (kissing or shared drinks).
 By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).

5. Treatment of URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)

As previously mentioned, URTI is most often caused by viruses, so it will heal itself without
need for special treatment. Some actions to relieve symptoms can be done independently at
home, namely:
• Get plenty of rest and consume water to thin out phlegm, making it is easier to expel.
• Drink warm lemon or honey to help relieve coughs.
• Gargle with warm salt water, if you have a sore throat.
• Breathing in steam from a bowl of hot water mixed with eucalyptus or menthol oil to
relieve nasal congestion.
• Positioning the head higher when sleeping using an additional pillow, to facilitate

6. Prevention of URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)

The main preventive measure for URTI is to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. There are
several ways that can be done, namely:
• Wash hands with soap, especially after activities outside the home.
• Memorize the face, especially the mouth, nose and eyes, to prevent transmission of
viruses and bacteria.
• Use a handkerchief or tissue to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. This is
done to prevent the spread of the disease to other people.
• Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, to increase
• Exercise regularly.
• Do not smoke.
dr. Tjin Willy. (n.d.). ISPA. ISPA.



Jerry R. Balentine, Siamak N. Nabili, & William C. Shiel. (n.d.). Upper Respiratory Tract

Infection (URTI). Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI).

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