Superhero Genetics Project

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SUPERHERO GENETICS PROJECT Name: ______________________________

Genetic Vocabulary
• Traits Acquired Trait Inherited Trait Heredity Dominant Recessive Allele
• Genotype Phenotype Heterozygous Homozygous

Part I: Choosing the Parents and Determining Their Traits

• Go to and/or (
• Choose a male and female superhero (no villains) to be the father and mother in your superhero family. At least one must
have a superpower. Wonder Woman and Black Lighting
Teacher Initial: _________
• On your character sheet, record 12 traits for each character. A trait is a characteristic that is determined by their genes,
which can be passed on to their offspring. For example, one can pass on super powers to a baby but not a job, where one
grew up or hair style.
• Each character sheet MUST list the SAME 12 traits but can, of course, have different versions. Help finding traits…
 Height (tall or short)  Skin color
 Eye Color  Powers like flight, super speed, telekinesis, etc.
 Hair Color  Weaknesses
 Hair Type
Teacher Initial: _________
In this project, most traits will show complete dominance. For each trait, I will determine which allele should be dominant (A)
and which should be recessive (a). If the character has the dominant trait, you decide if they are heterozygous (have a dominant
allele and a recessive allele) or homozygous dominant (have two dominant alleles). If they have the recessive trait, they are
homozygous recessive (two small letters). The majority of your dominant traits must be heterozygous. Circle the correct
genotype for each trait on your worksheet.
Teacher Initial: _________

Part II: Determining the Traits of the Baby

Remember, traits are randomly determined based on the genes that the parents can give to their offspring.
For each trait, you will complete a Punnett Square to determine the probability that a trait will be inherited by the offspring.
When the Punnett Square is complete, use two coin tosses or to determine which genotype the offspring
will inherit. (Heads= Dominate and Tails=recessive)
Circle the gene that the parent gives to the offspring and record it on the Superchild sheet.
Teacher Initial: _________

Part III: Presentation

1. Either draw and color or print out a color picture of each of the parents.
2. Once the traits of the child have been determined, draw a picture of the offspring as an adolescent, teen, or adult (not a
baby) showing the appropriate traits. I love to see your drawings! If you want to create and print a picture at home, you
may do so using any digital design software.
3. Describe the traits of each character. (You may make a list or table)
4. Give a short back story for each character (who are they, where are they from, what do they do)
a In your back story include the vocabulary from the unit. (gene, trait, genotype, etc.)
b Your back story should include 4 to 5 well thought out sentences.
5. Explain why you chose your character. (about 4 or 5 sentences each).
a In your back story include the vocabulary from the unit. (gene, trait, genotype, etc.)
b Your character selection story should include 4 to 5 well thought out sentences.
6. Put all of this together on a poster board or large paper to present to the class.

5 4 3 2 1
Project exceeds Project barely meets Project does not
Project meets
creative expectations; expectations; does meet expectations; Project is
expectations; student
well thought-out; not appear to be does not make incomplete;
Creativity spent a moderate
apparent that student well-thought out; sense; student spent missing; or entirely
amount of time
spent time planning student did not very little time incorrect.
planning project
it. spend time planning planning project
Student barely uses
Student uses text as a Project may come
Student uses text as text as a
background for from the story, but Project is
the basis for the background; project
project, but project has no or little incomplete;
Use of Text project; even the is missing
may have a few significance in the missing; or entirely
smallest details are significant
things that are not story; story is not incorrect.
based on the story. components from
based on text used as a basis.
the story.
Student spends a Student puts forth
Student obviously Students spends
decent amount of little effort in Project is
spends a significant only just enough
time on project; may completing project; incomplete;
Effort amount of time on time to complete
be lacking in evident that it was missing; or entirely
planning and creating project; no initiative
planning or effort in rushed and incorrect.
project. to make it better
creating. unimportant.
Project has an Project is
Project is neat and Project is complete,
exceptionally neat Project is sloppy, incomplete,
Neatness has a pleasing but lacks neatness
and pleasing messy, and rushed. missing, or entirely
appearance. and presentation.
appearance. incorrect.

Trait Worksheet
Trait Allele (Letter) Dominant Phenotype Recessive Phenotype
1. Eye color B Blue No color
2. Hair color H Black Brown
3. Height T Tall Short
4. Strength Weak Strong
5. Fight Power Lightning No Lightning
6. Compassion Helpful Mean
7. Body Structure Muscular Fluffy
8. Speed Fast Slow
9. Hair Type Long Short
10. Skin Color Brown White
11. Skills

Character Worksheet
Mother: _______Wonder Woman____________________________

Traits Genotype Phenotype

1. Eye color List the physical expression
of the traits
2. Hair color here
3. Height For Example
4. 1. Blue eyes
2. Brown hair
5. 3. Tall
6. 4. Can fly
7. 5. Normal speed
Make sure they reference
8. the same traits on the same
9. line
Sex XX

Father: ____Black Lighting _________________________________

Traits Genotype Phenotype

1. Eye color
2. Hair color
3. Height
4. List the physical expression
of the traits
5. here
6. For Example
1. Blue eyes
2. Brown hair
8. 3. Tall
9. 4. Can fly
5. Normal speed
10. Make sure they reference
11. the same traits on the same
12. line
Sex XY

Superchild: ________________________________________________

Traits Genotype Phenotype

1. Eye color
2. Hair color
3. Height

Punnett Square Worksheet

Your dominant trait may be heterozygous or homozygous. Most of your dominant traits must be heterozygous.
Trait #1: ________________
Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #2: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here
Trait #3: ________________
Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #4: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #5: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________

Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Trait #6: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
3 4
Dad’s alleles go here
Genotype ______ ______% Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles go here
Trait #7: ________________
Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #8: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #9: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #10: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here
Trait #11: ________________
Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

Trait #12: ________________

Mom’s Trait: ______________ Dad’s Trait: ______________
Mom’s alleles go here Which is dominant? ________________________

Choose a letter to demonstrate the dominant trait: ________

1 2 Genotype ______ ______%

Phenotype ______ ______%
Dad’s alleles 3 4
go here

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