Identifying Effects! Directions:: Learning Task 2

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1. Referring again to the lecture, we learned that Non-Ionizing radiation comes in the forms
of: ELF (extremely low frequency), Radio Frequencies, Microwave Frequencies, Lasers,
Infrared, Visible Spectrum and Ultraviolet.
2. Referring again to the lecture, we learned that Ionizing radiation comes in the forms of:
X-rays, gamma rays, alpha radiation, beta radiations and neutron radiations.
3. Fill in the table below by writing the possible effects of the different forms of non-ionizing
and ionizing radiations to the living things and the environment as well.
4. Answer the guide questions and write your answer on the space provided after the guide
questions. (25 pts)

Possible Effects to the

Non-ionizing Radiations Possible Effects to Health

1. Extremely Low There is no experimental evidence Extremely Low Frequency like household
Frequency showing that normal levels of ELF appliances run on electricity or gas, the
radiation are dangerous to humans. production of which increases greenhouse
However, it may cause disturbances. gases within the atmosphere. There is a
very small amount of naturally occurring
carbon dioxide in the air, but consuming
electricity and utilizing appliances increases
those levels considerably. The halocarbons
in refrigeration appliances contribute to the
greenhouse effect. These gases prevent
heat from escaping from the earth and
deplete the ozone layer that filters the sun's
rays. The greenhouse effect and ozone
layer depletion contribute to global

2. Radio frequencies Exposure to electromagnetic fields in this Radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which
frequency range can warm up exposed includes radio waves and microwaves, is at
tissues because these absorb the radio the low-energy end of the electromagnetic
wave and convert these into heat. The
spectrum. ... Non-ionizing radiation has
frequency level determines the depth of
enough energy to move atoms in a
penetration into the body. For example,
using a cell phone causes the ear and/or molecule around or cause them to vibrate,
head to get warm. Warming up by this but not enough to ionize (remove charged
radiation is the most dangerous for the particles such as electrons).
brain, eyes, genitals, stomach, liver, and
kidneys. However, there is no scientific
proof that RF non-ionizing radiation
increases the risk of cancer or causes any
harmful effects on the body.

3. Microwave No scientific evidence that can Microwaves release millions and millions of
cause harm. tons of carbon monoxide into the
environment every year, a new study has
shown. Microwaves negative environment
footprint peaks during their manufacturing
and when they are thrown away. According
to the research, the manufacturing process
alone “contributes more than 20 percents to
depletion of natural resources and to
climate change.

4. Lasers When not used properly, lasers burn Lasers impact our environment in many
and cause severe damage to tissues, ways. For example, by using lasers,
especially in the eye. A narrow beam scientists working for NASA have been able
of light concentrates the effects on the to calculate cloud coverage and water vapor
retina, causing blind spots. on earth. This has a negative impact on the
environment as large amounts of water are
wasted every year to be used as a coolant
for these lasers (Phillips).

5. Infrared About half of the total energy the sun IR radiation from the sun is normally
gives off is in the form of IR radiation, absorbed by the Earth’s surface and the
which we feel as heat. In large clouds then released as heat into the
amounts, this type of radiation can atmosphere. When the atmosphere has a
damage the eyes and even cause lot of water vapor, along with nitrogen,
blindness. sulfur, and fluorocarbons, the IR radiation
gets trapped and causes the atmospheric
temperature to rise. This is called the
greenhouse effect. Temperature increases
like this cause changes in the weather
patterns on Earth and leads to climate

6. Visible spectrum Overexposure to visible light can Plants rely on the energy provided by visible
damage both the eyes and skin. light to power their photosynthetic cycle,
allowing them to make simple sugars from
components found in their environment.
Without light, photosynthetic plants would
exhaust their energy supplies and die.

7. Ultraviolet Both UVA and UVB light are important Ultraviolet radiation not only affects
for humans in the production of humans, but wildlife as well. Excessive UV
Vitamin D. However, the effects of -B inhibits the growth processes of almost
overexposure to UV rays can be all green plants. There is concern that
negative and can be immediate or ozone depletion may lead to a loss of plant
delayed. Sunburn, skin cancer, and species and reduce global food supply. One
cataracts develop over time with of the main biological impacts of UV
excessive exposure. exposure on aquatic ecosystems is a
reduction in the rate of photosynthesis. This
can have a direct effect on primary
productivity and, since different species
may vary in their sensitivity to UV exposure,
may eventually affect biodiversity.

Possible Effects to the

Ionizing Radiations Possible Effects to Health
1. X-rays All X-rays are dangerous because X-RAY-It can result in both beneficial and
they can damage healthy living cells. dangerous biological effects. These ionizing
Of the body. This is the reason why radiations penetrate the living tissues and
frequent exposure to X-rays should can destroy living cells, chromosomal
be avoided. Too much exposure to X- aberrations and carcinogenic effects.
rays can damage body tissues and Another by-product of traditional x-rays is
can cause cancer. lead foils. In the environment, lead waste is
held in the topsoil, where it can remain for
as long as 2000 years. It is readily picked
up by plants, and enters our food system.
Lead is a deadly neurotoxin.

2. Gamma rays They can destroy living cells, produce Because of their very high frequencies,
gene mutations, and cause cancer. gamma rays have more energy than any
Ironically, the deadly effects of other electromagnetic waves. Sources of
gamma rays can be used to treat gamma rays include radioactive atoms,
cancer. In this type of treatment, a nuclear explosions, and stars. Gamma rays
medical device sends out focused from space are absorbed by Earth's
gamma rays that target cancerous atmosphere. Gamma rays can destroy
cells. The gamma rays kill the cells living cells and produce mutations
and destroy the cancer

3. Alpha radiation The health effect from exposure to The alpha particles can damage
alpha particles depends greatly on how
sensitive living tissue.
a person is exposed. Alpha particles
lack the energy to penetrate even the
outer layer of skin, so exposure to the
outside of the body is not a major
concern. Inside the body, however, they
can be very harmful. If alpha-emitters
are inhaled, swallowed, or get into the
body through a cut, the alpha particles
can damage sensitive living tissue. The
way these large, heavy particles
because damage makes them more
dangerous than other types of radiation.
The ionizations they cause are very
close together - they can release all
their energy in a few cells. This results
in more severe damage to cells and

4. Beta Radiations Beta particles are more penetrating Similarly to humans and animals, plants and
than alpha particles but are less soil are also affected negatively from high
damaging to living tissue and DNA amounts of nuclear radiation. Just like in
because the ionization they produce humans, radioactive material can damage
is more widely spaced. They travel plant tissue as well as inhibit plant growth.
farther in the air than alpha particles Mutations are also possible due to the
but can be stopped by a layer of damage caused to the DNA.
clothing or by a thin layer of a
substance such as aluminum. Some
beta particles are capable of
penetrating the skin and causing
damage such as skin burns.
However, as with alpha-emitters,
beta-emitters are most hazardous
when they are inhaled or swallowed.

5. Neutron radiations Neutron radiation is a type of radiation Neutron radiation is very harmful to both
hazard. Exposure to very high levels individual organisms and the environment.
of radiation, such as being close to an An understanding of all aspects of both
atomic blast, can cause acute health direct and indirect effects of radiation is
effects such as skin burns and acute necessary to accurately assess the risk of
radiation syndrome (“radiation neutron radiation exposure. This review
sickness"). It can also result in long- seeks to review current evidence in the
term health effects such as cancer literature for radiation-induced bystander
and cardiovascular disease. effects and related effects attributable to
neutron radiation.

Guide Questions:
1. What is non-ionizing radiation?
2. What is ionizing radiation?

1. Non-Ionizing Radiation is a type of low-energy radiation that does not have enough energy to remove an
electron (negative particle) from an atom or molecule. Most types of non-ionizing radiation have not been
found to cause cancer. This radiation exists all around us from many sources. It is to the left of ionizing
radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum in the figure below. Non-ionizing radiation includes visible,
infrared, and ultraviolet light; microwaves; radio waves; and radiofrequency energy from cell phones.

2. Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms that travel in the form of electromagnetic waves
(gamma or X-rays) or particles (neutrons, beta, or alpha). The spontaneous disintegration of atoms is
called radioactivity, and the excess energy emitted is a form of ionizing radiation. Unstable elements that
disintegrate and emit ionizing radiation are called radionuclides. Ionizing radiation takes a few forms:
Alpha, beta, and neutron particles, and gamma and X-rays. All types are caused by unstable atoms,
which have either an excess of energy or mass (or both). In order to reach a stable state, they must
release that extra energy or mass in the form of radiation.

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