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Persistent cough in children

Article · January 2008

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Philip K Pattemore
University of Otago


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Continuing Medical Education

Persistent cough in children

Philip K Pattemore

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The mammalian cough reflex is de-

signed to protect the lower airways Philip Pattemore is Associate Professor of Paediatrics at
and air-exchanging regions of the
lung from infection and inhalation Christchurch School of Medical and Health Sciences, Uni-
of foreign substances. Reptiles, who versity of Otago. He is a general and respiratory paediatri-
have no glottis to cough with, are
prone to dying from pneumonic in- cian with research, teaching and clinical interests in the
fection of their simple lungs. Cough epidemiology and management of childhood asthma, and
is due to irritation of sensory nerve
endings, particularly in the larynx, in cystic fibrosis airway disease.
trachea and major bronchi. Cough
receptors are sparse in the pharynx
and epiglottis above the vocal cords often the main concern of parents. of partially collapsed airway walls),
and in the respiratory bronchioles This is possibly because of the low and shortness of breath. In an acute
and alveoli (Figure 1). Cough is not ambient noise at night, a long spell episode there will also be tachypnea,
in itself a sign of airway obstruction. in close proximity to the child, and increased inspiratory effort, hyper-
Normal children wearing cough the fact that the coughing disturbs expansion, auscultatory wheeze, pro-
meters have been recorded as cough- the parent’s sleep. Cough undergoes longed expiration, and decreased air
ing 10–11 times per day, but rarely developmental changes and is weak entry. Cough may or may not be
at night.1,2 During respiratory infec- in premature infants.3 prominent. Very few children with
tions, or in children presenting with Asthma clinically consists of in- asthma have cough as their predomi-
recurrent cough, coughing may oc- termittent episodes of intrathoracic nant symptom but they will have
cur 60–100 times by day, and less airway obstruction manifest by ex- wheeze and chest tightness as well.
often at night. Coughing at night is piratory wheezing (due to vibration This is best categorised as ‘cough-
predominant asthma’.4
Figure 1. The anatomical localisation of signs and symptoms of airway irritation and The important thing to note here
obstruction. is that recurrent or nocturnal cough
in the absence of wheezing is (a) very
Irritation Obstruction common, particularly in pre-school
children (b) very non-specific with a
Sneezing nose Snoring broad differential, and (c) unlikely to
Dysphagia pharynx be due to asthma.5 The term ‘cough-
variant asthma’ should not be used in
Inspiratory children.6 Whether or not there is an
entity of cough-variant asthma in adults
is beyond the scope of this article.
In a child with recurrent or per-
sistent cough the first important dis-
Expiratory tinction to make clinically is between
Cough Wheeze
Hyperexpansion an irritating, dry cough (this refers
to the absence of moist, rattly, or
phlegmy sounds, rather than to be-
ing non-productive) and a moist or
Pleural Expiratory rattly cough. A moist cough may or
Chest Grunting may not be productive in school chil-
Pain (alveolar dren. A guide to assessment and when
to refer is shown in Table 1.

432 Volume 34 Number 6, December 2007

Continuing Medical Education

Table 1. Types of cough in children and diagnostic features

Type of cough Trigger Diurnal and Typical duration Likely diagnosis Recommended
seasonal pattern management

Dry, repeated Repeated viral Day and night. 2–4 weeks Post-viral cough Education and reassurance,
infections Mostly winter simple measures. Avoid
smoke exposure, discuss
day care exposure

Dry (sometimes wet) Drinking, eating, Day and night. 3–4 months Pertussis syndrome Infant, or child becoming
paroxysmal attacks movement, upset Any time of year gradual (may be pertussis, apneic: Refer urgently
leading to red face, resolution, or other) (N.B. contagious).
vomiting with or may relapse for Swabs are Others: Erythromycin in 1st
without apnoea or brief periods insensitive after 2 weeks. Education about
whoop. Undistressed with URTIs 2 weeks time course and lack of
in between attacks treatment response,
and reassurance

Dry throat-clearing Before speaking Day time; absent Weeks–years Psychogenic cough Reassure regarding chest.
or brief repeated or under stress during sleep. – habit or tic Consider sources of stress.
Any season Refer to speech language

Loud honking Situation specific, Day time; absent Weeks–months Psychogenic cough Reassure regarding chest.
in adolescent often at school. during sleep. – contrived Consider sources of stress
Repeatable on Any season or secondary gain. Refer
request to speech language therapy
or behaviour modification

Dry or wet with Night, exercise, Day and night; Weeks–years Cough-predominant Treat asthma on the basis
associated wheeze cold air, may be seasonal asthma of controlling wheeze
allergens, URTIs and/or shortness of breath.
Reassure regarding cough –
irritative, not a sign of

Dry, repeated Tobacco smoke Day and night; Years Tobacco smoke Counsel regarding role of
exposure without any season exposure (passive tobacco smoke and quitting.
other obvious smoker’s cough) Re-evaluate after
triggers decreasing exposure

Dry, repeated Multiple without Day and night; Years Cough-receptor Should exclude foreign
obvious trigger any season hypersensitivity body or atelectasis with
CXR. Consider referral
for confirmation

Dry or wet, with Reflux or night Night Weeks–years Aspiration of Chest x-ray and refer for
vomiting and choking: time predominance; secretions or barium swallow and
developmental delay any season refluxed stomach consideration of other
or swallowing contents procedures

Wet, moist or rattly Accentuated Night, on waking, >4 Weeks Persistent bacterial Refer for paediatric
cough, with or during activity or day time with bronchitis; respiratory evaluation
without sputum, or RTIs activity. Winter Bronchiectasis;
clubbing, crackles accentuation Cystic fibrosis
in chest, poor (especially in
weight gain Caucasians);
Ciliary dyskinesia;
TB (in contacts or

Volume 34 Number 6, December 2007 433

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Repeated or persistent dry cough- weeks of illness may shorten the pe- Figure 2. The distinction of normal and
ing may be due to increased cough riod of infectivity but does not af- clubbed fingers. Note that the earliest signs
receptor sensitivity, exposure to ir- fect the course of the coughing.7 are increased AP diameter compared to the
ritants, or psychogenic. In some cases persistent atelecta- distal IP joint and flattening of the nail an-
gle. Fluctuance is too subjective to be used
sis, or congenital narrowing of the
Increased cough receptor as a marker. Curvature without the other fea-
airway (bronchomalacia) may result tures is called beaking and may be familial.
sensitivity in persistent coughing. In cases of
Coughing is very common for two to persistent dry cough, without an ob- Normal
three weeks following a viral respira- viously recognisable cause, it is im-
tory infection in many pre-schoolers portant to obtain a chest x-ray and
and is often the last symptom to disap- consider paediatric specialist referral.
pear. Prospective studies of coughing In some children increased cough
due to viral infections show that 50% receptor sensitivity appears to be con- Early clubbing
last less than one week, 70–80% less stitutional and is repeatedly demon-
than two weeks, and only 5% last more strated on capsaicin challenge testing.8
than four weeks.4 From aged two to Some children with this condition are
five children may have four to 10 epi- atopic, but the coughing does not re-
sodes of respiratory infection per year, liably respond to anti-asthma medi- Established clubbing
mostly during winter. Persistent cough- cation such as inhaled steroids.4
ing after each bout may thus blend
seamlessly into the next infection and, Management
although this may be reported as Specific treatment of dry protracted
chronic coughing over three months, coughing is not available at this
careful enquiry will reveal the repeated point.9 Symptomatic treatment of the
viral infection pattern. This is a pro- cough itself with asthma medications, many respiratory infections (ears, nose,
tective reflex and can be regarded as cough suppressants and antibiotics is throat, bronchial and pneumonic).
helping to prevent atelectasis, stagnant unhelpful,10 associated with adverse In children with swallowing prob-
secretions and bacterial pneumonia. effects, and not necessary.11 Support- lems, for instance due to cerebral
Increased cough receptor sensi- ive management is important, how- palsy, or oesophageal disease, reflux
tivity is also characteristic of pertus- ever, to stop a frustrating search for or secretions with aspiration at night
sis syndrome, in which the hyper-sen- a cure on the part of the parents. This may cause a dry or moist cough de-
sitivity is so extreme that attacks of primarily involves reassurance about pending on the amount of aspiration
coughing (often triggered by drink- the aetiology, natural history, and the and the development of chronic in-
ing or disturbance) occur without in- absence of signs of serious underly- fection. However aspiration is ex-
tervening breaths until red face, vom- ing disease. In my experience reas- tremely uncommon in neuro-
iting, and sometimes apnoea and cya- surance is more effective after doing developmentally normal children with
nosis occur. A whoop on the follow- a thorough examination of the child simple gastro-oesophageal reflux.
ing massive inspiration may or may and in some cases a chest x-ray (to A foreign body in the chest may
not be present. Pertussis apnoea may check for unexpected findings such cause cough or wheeze or both. A his-
be life-threatening in young infants as a foreign body, or atelectasis). On tory of a choking episode should be
who should be referred for urgent ad- occasions specialist referral is appro- sought but its absence does not exclude
mission. In between these bouts the priate for reassurance. Reassurance a foreign body. A chest x-ray may iden-
child usually looks and sounds en- is often all that is necessary to take tify persisting pulmonary problems.
tirely normal with no chest signs. The the pressure and focus off a child’s Paediatric respiratory referral should
coughing bouts in whooping cough coughing. Other simple measures such be made if foreign body or aspiration
usually last for three to four months,7 as a glass of water beside the bed or lung disease is suspected or likely.
gradually decreasing unless re- school desk, or lemon and honey sips, Cough may be associated with na-
stimulated by intercurrent viral in- may be helpful as temporary reliev- sal disease but the cough is not due to
fections. Pertussis syndrome is clini- ers. Offering to re-check the child af- post-nasal drip.12 Nasal secretions track
cally diagnosed – it may be caused ter some weeks is also helpful. to the pharynx and oesophagus rather
by Bordetella pertussis, adenovirus, than the airway. Throat clearing (rather
Mycoplasma pneumoniae or other Extrapulmonary irritants than true cough) occurs when there are
agents. Swabs for culture or PCR of The most common irritant in the child- a lot of secretions in the pharynx. How-
Bordetella pertussis are insensitive hood environment is tobacco smoke ever airway disease often affects both
after the first few weeks of illness. – children exposed at home cough the nasal and tracheo-bronchial epi-
Erythromycin given in the first two more, but also get two to four times as thelium (viral infections, allergic rhini-

434 Volume 34 Number 6, December 2007

Continuing Medical Education

tis, CF, bronchiectasis, ciliary dyski- Table 2. The desktop guide to evaluating cough in children
nesia) and the irritation of bronchial Background to consider
epithelium does cause coughing.
The child
Psychogenic cough • Always chesty or unwell
Psychogenic cough13 can be of two • Hypotonia, difficulties with secretions, swallowing or airway protection
main types. In the first, a dry cough (e.g. Down’s syndrome, muscular dystrophy, oesophageal surgery)
or throat clearing is a habit or tic, oc- The environment and contacts
curring before speaking or under
stress. The cough may have first • Passive smoke exposure
started with a respiratory infection. • Exposure to other children at home or in day care / pre-school
The cough is usually brief and fre- • Refugee / immigrant from high risk country, contact with TB
quent, easily noticed during a con- • Contact with whooping cough
sultation. In the second, an adolescent Symptoms to enquire for
produces a loud ‘honking’ cough that
• Character of cough and associated symptoms (vomiting, choking, wheeze, apnoea)
is disruptive and occurs in particular
• Onset, time course and time of day / season of cough
situations, such as the classroom, but
• Has there been a significant choking episode?
can be readily demonstrated to the
• Triggers of coughing (drinking, lying down, exercise, allergens, school class)
doctor on demand. In both types of
psychogenic cough, coughing is ab- Signs to look for
sent when the child is truly asleep (but • Respiratory distress
may occur when lying awake in bed). • Noisy breathing (see Figure 1)
Identification of stresses and triggers • Growth and development
at school or at home is the principal • Clubbing (see Figure 2)
investigation (‘Let’s see what situa- • Chest deformity
tions make your coughing worse…we • Wheeze or crackles – generalised or localised
may be able to help you deal with the
situations that make your coughing Reassure when cough is benign or due to pertussis syndrome after 1 year old
worse’). and often vocal re-training by • Otherwise well child
speech language therapists or behav- • Coughing is always dry, triggered by repeated viral infections, or clearly paroxysmal
iour modification is necessary.14 with red face, vomiting (N.B. refer acutely if the paroxysms cause significant apnoea)
• Cough did not start with choking on food or other item
Moist cough • Chest x-ray is clear
A persistent or recurrent moist, rattly,
Investigations to consider if any cough is persistent >4 weeks
or productive cough that lasts beyond
the time course of a usual viral respi- • Chest x-ray
ratory infection (four weeks) is of sig- • Spirometry in older child
nificant concern. Whereas sometimes • Sputum microbiology in older child if productive
this is just the tail end of the infection, • Sources of stress in situational cough
it may alternatively reflect low-grade • Mantoux test in refugee / immigrant from high risk country / TB contact
secondary bacterial infection with or- Referral to paediatrician recommended
ganisms such as non-typable Haemo-
philus influenzae and Streptococcus 1. Any cough started with an episode of choking on food or other item
pneumoniae – referred to sometimes 2. Cough lasts >4 weeks AND any of the following:
as persistent bacterial bronchitis15 or (a) Moist or productive cough does not respond to antibiotics within two weeks,
relapses immediately on stopping antibiotics, or undergoes repeated prolonged
protracted bronchitis. Many paediatri-
cycles for more than three months
cians believe this may be a reflection
(b) Nocturnal only cough is associated with vomiting and choking, or occurs in a
of airway damage presaging the de- child with neurodevelopmental or oesophageal problems (other than simple
velopment of bronchiectasis. Hence reflux)
antibiotic treatment of a moist cough (c) Child is chronically unwell or has poor weight gain
lasting more than four weeks is rec- (d) Fingernails are clubbed
ommended (14 days of amoxicillin- (e) There are persistent asymmetrical added sounds in the chest: wheeze
clavulanic acid, macrolide or (in spite of bronchodilators) or crackles (in spite of antibiotics)
cotrimoxazole). Signs of clubbing and (f) There are significant x-ray findings
poor growth should be sought and, in (g) Mantoux is greater than 5mm
older children who can produce spu-

Volume 34 Number 6, December 2007 435

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tum, sputum culture is helpful. A chest

x-ray should be considered. Paediat-
seemed to indicate that some children
and adults with persistent night cough Key Points
ric specialist evaluation for suppurative had developed wheeze months to years • Persistent cough without
lung disease is recommend for chil- later and one study showed that such wheeze is not a sign of asthma
dren with moist cough who: coughing responded to theophylline. in children.
• have only partial response to an Very quickly the idea grew that this
antibiotic regime as above was the ‘dark matter’ of asthma, the • Persistent cough is usefully
• have moist cough for longer than hidden, under-diagnosed cases, and categorised as dry or moist.
three months this partly explained the rise in preva-
• Chest x-ray (and spirometry in
• have repeated protracted spells of lence of doctor-diagnosed asthma.16
older children) is recommended
moist cough Studies of cough and cough receptors
in children with protracted dry
• have clubbing or poor growth. in the 1990s,17,18 cast serious doubt on
or moist cough lasting greater
Sometimes children with established the entity of ‘cough-variant asthma’ and
than four weeks.
bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis we now know that theophylline has
present with repeated episodes such some cough-suppressing effects. How- • Well children with typical viral
as this (although they may have been ever the notion that these children have initiation of dry cough or
treated for asthma for a long time asthma has been extremely persistent pertussis syndrome, and
before this is recognised). and difficult to unseat. normal chest x-ray, do not
Rarely, asthma in children may Coughing is an important reflex benefit from medications, but
present with coughing, however in protecting the airways, but it may lots of reassurance is necessary
signs of airway obstruction, such as become over-active. Alternatively it for parents.
wheezing are also present, if not as may be a sign of noxious environ-
prominent. mental exposure, psychological • Children with moist cough
How did the idea of ‘cough-vari- stress, or serious chest disease. The lasting greater than four weeks
ant asthma’ become so widespread? In initial evaluation is largely clinical, should have a trial of two weeks
the early 1980s there was growing but may take significant interview of appropriate antibiotics.
concern about asthma – asthma preva- and observation time. • Children with persistent cough
lence and hospitalisations seemed to should be referred for paediatric
be rising in children and epidemics of Competing interest
evaluation if there is suspicion
asthma deaths had been documented The author has, in the past five years, of foreign material in the airway,
in adults. It was widely believed that received funding to attend symposia suppurative lung disease or TB,
asthma was being under-diagnosed from companies that have an inter- or the diagnosis is otherwise
and under-treated in children. At the est in medications for asthma, which not clear.
same time, a handful of small studies is dealt with in this paper.

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436 Volume 34 Number 6, December 2007

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