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Code Year of Semester Lecture Semester
Education Credit

2019- Spring X 4
Language English
Subject type Compulsory
Instructor Afet Abbasova
Office hours UNEC, building 2, room 116, Monday09.00-13:00
Office Phone

Mob. 502118223
E-mail Address

Writing is an integral part of an academic education.The

Catalog purpose of this writing course is to introduce students to
Description the main types of academic writing they will be expected
to do.The course will cover the basic structures of term
papers and other types of academic writing, with focus on
establishing the rationale and purpose of an academic
paper. Since academic writing is dependent on the research
of others, the course will emphasize the importance of
finding, evaluating and referring to relevant
literature. Reference is a key issue here. In addition, the
course will provide students with writing and language
techniques that are useful in writing a clear, coherent,
logical text.

The course will be instructed in English and will be a

combination of lectures and student participation (group
 To write clear, well-structured academic texts
of some length, with a high degree of grammatical
accuracy and in an appropriate style (articles,
dissertations, etc.)
 To use in a appropriate way a range of
argument types and demonstrate a good command
of both general and specialized vocabulary
 To edit one's own and colleagues' texts,
improving them stylistically and grammatically

Course Content Each class session includes writing, text analysis, and
redrafting/editing work.
Composing. We discuss and practice the important
distinction between the composing of text and the editing
process. Students write during each class meeting to see
first-hand how writers develop content and fluency through
practice with timed, unedited journaltype writing.
Peer editing. Student pairs read and give extensive
feedback to each other’s text, a vital aspect of writing
development. Group editing. We discuss and edit student
texts that we project on a screen in front of the class.

RequiredTextbooks 1. Academic Writing for Graduate Students - Essential

Tasks and Skills. Second Edition. John M. Swales and
Christine B. Feak. 2004. The U. of Michigan Press.
2. Abstracts and the Writing of Abstracts. John M. Swales
and Christine B. Feak. 2009. The U. ofMichiganPress.

Class information
Week Topics Hour Lesson Type
1 Course overview, sentence structure, 2 Seminar
2 Course overview, sentence structure, 2 Seminar
3 Writing a Paragraph 2 Seminar
4 Writing a Paragraph 2 Seminar
5 Descriptive Paragraphs 1 2 Seminar
6 Descriptive Paragraphs 1 2 Seminar
7 Outline of the Paragraphs and Drafts 2 Seminar
8 Outline of the Paragraphs and Drafts 1 Seminar
9 Process Writing 2 Seminar
10 Process Writing 2 Seminar
11 Narration 2 Seminar
12 Narration 2 Seminar
13 Final Draft 2 Seminar
14 Final Draft 2 Seminar
15 Paraphrasing in Writing tasks 2 Seminar
16 Paraphrasing in Writing tasks 2 Seminar
17 Persuasive Essays 2 Seminar
18 Persuasive Essays 2 Seminar
19 Opinions Essays 2 Seminar
20 Opinions Essays 2 Seminar
21 Discussion Essays 2 Seminar
22 Discussion Essays 2 Seminar
23 Cause and Effect essays 2 Seminar
24 Cause and Effect essays 2 Seminar
25 Punctuation in Essays 2 Seminar
26 Punctuation in Essays 2 Seminar
27 Verbs for scientific academic writing 2 Seminar
28 Verbs for scientific academic writing 2 Seminar
29 Plagiarism 2 Seminar
30 Plagiarism 2 Seminar

Grading method:

The students will be graded based on:

1. Three quizzes each being* 30 points

2. Independent project** 10 points

3. Class attendance*** 10 points

4. Final exam 50 points

*One of the quizzes might at the discretion of the university changed

onto in-class activity grade

**The projects are expected to be delivered in class session and in a

group of two students and each student will be expected to participate
in two of such groups. The projects are expected to be analytical. The
descriptive projects shall be half graded. Please address to the
professor if you need an explanation of analytical and descriptive.

The e-version of the project shall be given to the professor for

presenting to the Dean`s office.

***Maximum 10 min. accidental lateness will be tolerated.

Attendance Requirements

Academic Writing class has on-time attendance, on-time assignment completion

and on-time make-up examinations as priority times in development of course
requirements and evaluations.

Repeated or extended absences will no doubt jeopardize your grade. In the case
of extended illness or hospitalization, each case will be evaluated individually.

Attendance is important if you expect to do well in this class. It is the

responsibility of each student to complete all assignments. Late points will be
assessed on assignments not turned in on time. I will do so based on the
completion of your assignments. If you are behind during the fourth week of
class, I will submit an excessive absence report and may withdraw you from the

Instructor: prof. Afet Mousssa Abbasova

Date: 03.02.2020

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