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15 February 1962 I

9 June 1962 Ilk 11

CONTROL NO. (244039 REVISED 1 July 1963 '

J. L
1 ) '.lMay,1964 LI."C&



REPORT 8616 COPY N 0 . L

h d s
T. P. Brooks, H. C. Goran, Chief
ProJect Strength kgr. Strength Engr,


MAC 2 7 3 (REV 21 FEB 6 2 )

-~ --

T. P. Brook

I .
V I S I O N "1
R e p o r t c mpletely revised

P. P. Brooks

3. C. Goran

+ . 3J . 3
T. P. Brook:

2.7.3 penetration c r i t e r i t , R. C. Goran
3.7.1 dded e j e c t i o n s e a t
3.7.2 a l l u t e and Dersonn
abort c r i t e r i a
A -1 3 1
1 July 1963 PAGE 1.2.1
IMay 1964 REPORT 8616

MODEL Gemini

1.1 Index of Revisions .............................................. 1.1

1.2 Table of Contents ................................................. 1.2.1

1.3 List of Pages ................................................... 1.3

References ................................... ..... ...... ... 1.4

1.6 Introduction ................................. ....... .......... 1.6
2.1 Spacecraft Description ....... ................................... 2.1
2.2 Spacecraft General Arrangement .................................. 2.2

2.3 Spacecraft Design Weights ....................................... 2.3.1

2.4 Standard Atmomere :.........................* .................. 2.4.1
2.5 W i n a Shears axid Velocities .........................................2.5.1
2.6 Grrsta ........................................................... 2.6
2.7 Meteorbld Distribution .......................................... 2.7,1
PART !l?KREE - mmL4
3.1 Limit and Ultimete Conditions ................................... 3.1.1
3.2 h o s t m s e ........................................~*..~~.~~ 3.2:1

3.3 Orbital Phase ................................................... 3.3.1

3.4 Rendezvous Phase .......................~ ........................ 3.4
3.5 Re-Ratry Phase ...................................................... 3.5.1
3.6 Landing Phase ...................................... ............. 3.6.1~1
3.7 Abort Phase ..................................................... 3.7.1


MAC 2 3 1 U (REV I AUG 6 1 )

PAGE 1.2.2

-LE OF CC:XE+TTS (Continued)

3.8 Hoisting and Transportation .....................................3.8

3.9 Pressurization .................................................. 3.8
3.10 Controls ........................................................3.10
3.11 Seats and Harness ...............................................3.11.1
3.12 mock and Acceleration Environment .............................. 3.11.1
3.13 Vibration an8 ACoWtlc M o m a t .............................. 3.11.1

Al.1 Boost Phase ....................................................A-1.1

A1.2 Boost Phase ...................................... A-1.2

Al.3 Boost Phase TraJectory ......................................... A-1.3.1

A2.1 Rendezvous Phase ............................................... A-2.1


- -

DATE 15 Februarv 1962- tt. LOUIS, MISSOURI PAGE 1.3

1 . 3 L i o t of Pages
1.1 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
2 01 2 02 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3
2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2 07 01 2.7.2 2.7.3
2.7.4 2.7.5 2.7.6
3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2.1 3 0202 3.2.3 3.2.4

3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.3.1 3 .3 .2

3 .4 3.5-1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5

3.5.6 3.5 .7 3.5.8 3.5.9 3.5.10 3.5.11

3.5.12 3-5-13 3.5.14 3.5.15 3.5.16 3-5-17

3.5.18 3.5 -19 3.5.20 3.5.21 3.5.22 3.5.23
a 3.5.24 3.5 -25 3.5.26 3 .5 027 3.5.28 3.5.29

3.5.30 3.5.31 3.5.32 3.5.33 3-5.34 3.5.35

3.5.36 3.5.37 3.5.38 3.5.39 3.60101 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6

3.7.1 3.7.2 3 -8 3 010 3.11.1 3.11.2

3 03.2 3.13.1 3.13.2

A01.1 A-1.2 A-1.3-1 A -1 3.2 . A-2.1

m a

YODEL Gemini

1.4 References

1. MAC Report 8611 Gemini Spacecraft Performance


A Reference Atmosphere f o r P a t r i c k
AFB, Cape Kennedy, Florida,Annual

3. NASA m D-610 Monthly and Annual Wind D i s t r i -

bution as a Function of A l t i t u d e
f o r Patrick AFB, Florida
- --
Engineering Criteria
No. EC-1
Meteoroid Environment i n Near-Earth,
Cislunar, and Near-Lunar Space,
dated 8 November 1963

5. NASA Letter GPO 00169 Gemini Landing Requirements

dated 21 June 1962
6. MAC Report 8774 -
ProJect Gemini Predicted
Vibration and Accoustic Environment

7 . MAC Report 8433 General Environmental Requirements

f o r Model 133P

8. Martin Letter mom64 D i g i t a l Printout of Trajectory

309, dated 15 May 1963
9. Martin IDC Design D i g i t a l Printout of Trajectory
Verification Trajectories 333
10. Lockheed Document Design Launch t o O r b i t Trajectory
mC/A377490 f o r Gemini Mission, dated 29 M y
ll. MAC Report 9998 Gemini Ablation Shield S t r u c t u r a l
Capability and Performance Limits
( b be publishe5)

12. Lockheed (LMSC) Interdepart- Preliminary Gemini/Agena D Balance

mental Communication m/80 571 . and I n e r t i a Data, dated 11December



DATE 15 Febrmrv 1961 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI PACE 1.5
1 J u l y 1963 REPORT 8616
REVISED 1 m y 1964 MODEL Gemini

1.5 Summary

This report forms part of the Gemini Spacecraft Performance Specification

(Reference 1)and gives t h e detail c r i t e r i a f o r the design of the s t r u c t u r e .

The s t r u c t u r a l design c r i t e r i a as described herein f o r the Gemini space-

c r a f t i s applicable f o r all spacecraft as t h e missions are currently

projected. It is planned that this r e p o r t will be revisedlas new require-

ments arise either.from changed o r addedimissions o r from more refined

a n a l y s i s of the current missions.




mm m7 -"i 9 r-. 1 .-. 4 ,q
& -,-* 4-'LwIy-L( I

DATE l5 February 1962 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI PAGE 2.3.2

REVISED 1May 1964 REPORT 8616
MODEL Gemini

2.3.5 Desim Re-entry Weeight (4050 t o 5050 lb.)

Spacecraft weight upon re-entry into t h e atmosphere. It i s t h e

Design Hetrograde Weight less a t t i t u d e propellant and the retrograde

section of t h e adapter.
2J.6 Design Deployment Weights

2.3.6,1 Design Drogue Parachute Deployment Weight (4730 lb.)

Spacecraft weight a t the time of deploying t h e drogue

parachute and/or p i l o t parachute. De,sim Main Parachute Deployment Weight (400 lb.)

Spacecraft weight including parachute a t t h e time of

deploying the main parachute. Design Paraglider Deployment Weight (3650 t o 4650 1b.l

Spacecraft weight a t t h e t i m e of i n i t i a t i n g t h e paraglider

deployment sequence. It i s the Design &-entry Weight l e s s a t t i -

tude propellant, ablative material, p i l o t chute and paraglidor

housing .
2.3.7 Design Iandina Weights Design Parachute Landing Wei,qht (4300 1b.l

Spacecraft weight impacting the water. It is the weignt

suspended under t h e parachute. Design Paravlider Landing Weipht (3300 to 4300 l b . 1

Spacecraft weight during landing runout o r impacting t h e

water. It is a l s o the weight suspended under t h e paraglider.

It i a the Design Paraglider Deployment Weight l e s e paraglider
and propellant jettison.

2.3.8 Desim Flotation Weight (3300 t o 4300 lb.)

This is the same as the maximum Landing Weight.

MODEL Zenini

2.3.9 Design l!ater Recovery WeiEht (5500 to 6500 lb.)

This is t h e weight t o be hoisted a f t e r a water landing. It i s t h e

Design Flotation Weight plus 2200 lb. of trapped water.

2.3.10 Design Abort Weight (4900 t o 5900 lb.)

The spacecraft weight a t t h e i n i t i a t i o n of separation from the

launch vehicle f o r an abort. It i s t h e Design hunch Weight less t h e

launch vehicle mating section and t h e e q u i p e n t section of t h e Adapter.

2.3.U. Design Transportation Weip,ht (6000 lb .)

The weight f o r hoisting, handling, and transporting as a u n i t .

2 ,. 4 Standard Atmosphere

A l l loads and temperature calculations s h a l l be based on t h e a t m s - k e r e

LS defined in Reference (2). Density and pressure are shown on Figure 2.11.2

and Figure 2.4.3 as a function of a l t i t u d e .

1.6 Gusts

Strength shall be provided for loads associated w i t h i s o t r o p i c sharp edged

lusts of 30 fpe, equivalent airspeed, below 40,000 f e e t and 60 fps, t r u e airspeed,

tbove,40,000 feet neglecting penetration effeote and w i t h an a l l e v i a t i o n f a c t o r

,f l r O . Gusts a h a l l be considered separately o r in conjunction wfth tho wind

3heare of Section 2,5. When combining t h e gust v e l o c i t i e s with the wind shear

wqulremente, t h e awn of t h e wind plue gust v e l o c i t i e s s h a l l not exceed t h e

iesign wind velocity shown in Figure 2.5.2.


2.7 Msteoroid Env5ronment

The meteoroid environembb s h a l l consist of the n e a p e a r t h and cislunar

sporadic meteoroids and t h e major meteoroid streams. The s p e c i f i c environment

based on d a t a from Reference (4) i s defined i n t h e following paragraphs.

LOG N = -1.34 log m - 10.k23
Where N - number of h p a c t s per square foot per day

m - ass i n grams

Density: 0.5 d c c , a l l particle s i z e s ,

Average Geocentric Velocity: 30 km/sec, a l l p a r t i c l e sizes.

The flwc-mass relationship s t a t e d above is shown graphically i n Figure 2.7.3.

The f l u x r e l a t i o n given above is an average of t h e monthly variations. For a

e particular period, the f a c t o r s from Figure 2.7.4 a r e used. Since t h e sporadic

meteroids are non-directional, t h e above c r i t e r i a are applied t o t h e surface

area of t h e vehicle. A l l v e l o c i t i e s are assumed t o be directed normal t o t h e

target surface.

2.7.2 Near Earth and Cislunar, Meteoroid Streams F l u , Pass:

fM; N -1.34 log m - 2.68 log V - 6.465 + log F

Where N = number of impacts per square foot per day

m - mass i n grama
V geocentric velocity of t h e meteoroid stream ( b / s e c )

F r a t i o of accumulative meteor stream flux t o t h e sporadic

meteor f l u . The value of F, t h e period of a c t i v i t y ,

and the geocentric velocity of t h e major streams gre

shown I n Table 2.7.5. The integrated value of F for

any given date during t h e e n t i r e year is shown in

Figure 2.7.6.

Density: 0.5 gpL/cc, all p a r t i d e s i z e s

Ceocentrio Velocity: A 8 shown in Table .Z!.7m5. Since t h e meteoroid

streams are directional, the above c r i t e r i a

a r e applied t o t h e projected area of t h e

vehicle. The vehicle shall be given the most

critical orientation ‘ r e l a t i v e t o t h e stream.

, That is, a t any time, t h e l a r g e s t projected

area of t h e vehicle or component i s to be

used .
2.7.3 ShieldinR Factor

The shielding f a c t o r accounts f o r t h e f a c t t h a t in the v i c i n i t y of the

earth, meteoroids whose velocity vectors lie within a cone with t h e apex a t t h e

spacecraft ani surface tangent t o the surface of the e a r t h have intercepted

the earth’s surface. Consequently, the spacecraft is e f f e c t i v e l y shielded from

these meteoroids. To account for this, a near earth shielding f a c t o r of 0.5

shall be applied to t h e surface area of the spacecraft.

PAGE 2,7,1;
REPORT e.616
. .

A v e r a g e Value (Flux-Mass E q m t i o n )
' Log N 4 - 3 4 ; Lbg.m' -10.423




g .6


oc t Dec
SeP Nov Jan




Table 2.7.5
Periods of Activity. Relative Frequency, a M
Velocities for Major Keteor S t r e a m

Period of Date Velocity
Name Activity * Max. Fmax. (kr/se c )
Quadrantids Jan 2-4 Jan 3 8.0 42
April 19-22
May 1-8
April 21 .85 48
I h Y 4-6 2.2 64
wetid 16-23. b Y 14-23. 2.0 37
Arietid b y 29-June 1 9 June 6 4. 5 38
4 -Perseid June 1-16 June 6 3.0 29
j3 -Taurids June 24-July 5 June 28 2.0 34
6 -Aquarid JuQ 2 6 - A ~5 'July 28

1.5 40
Perseid July 1 5 - A ~ g 18 Aug 10-14 5.0 60
Ziacobinid* Oct 9-10 Oct 10 20 23
3rionid Oct 15-25 o c t 20-23 1.2 66
h i et id, Oct-Nov Nov 5 1.1
;out hern 28

r a ~ i d ~ , Oct 24-Nov 22 Nov 10

Jorthern 0.4 29

raurids, Nov 1.0

Qw 37

raurids, Oct 26-Nov 22 Nov 5

jouthern 0.9 28

Leonid* NOV 15-20 Nov 16-17 0.9 72

Bielids Nov 15-Dec 6 2.5 16
kninld Nov 25-Dcc 17 D ~ C12-13 4.0 35
Ursids Dec 20-24 Dec 22 2.5 37
# A l l a c t i v i t y i s taken t o be periodic, annually except f o r Giacobinids which have a
wrlodlc'peak every 6.5 years and the extra peak of the Leonids every 33.25 years.
7 = r a t i o of maximurn accumulative meteor stream flux t o t h e sporadic ineteor flux.
3*1 Llnit and Ultimate Conditions

Limit loads and heating e f f e c t s r e s u l t from enviromental conditions

a r i s i n g from normal mission, a8 described i n t h i s part, combined with t h e

e f f e c t s of any single malfunction. Abort o r s e a t ejection s h a l l not be

considered a m a l f h c t i o n in t h i s definition. I n t h e case of malfunction

of a single retrograde rocket, causing only t h r e e out of four t o fire,

maneuvering r e s t r i c t i o n shall be placed on t h e re-entry f l i g h t t o preclude

exceeding the s t r u c t u r a l limitations required f o r t h e nominal mission.

Ultimate loade s h a l l be limit loads multiplied by the Factor of Safety.

The minimum factor of s a f e t y $hall be 1.36 with t h e following exceptions:

For retrograde rocket pressures on t h e b l a s t shield and water impact

pressures on t h e re-entry module, ultimate design loads may be equal t o

Ut loads and damage t o the s t r u c t u r e s h a l l be acceptable provided t h a t

astronaut safety and f l o t a t i o n requirements a r e m e t .

A minimum margin of safety of 25% s h a l l be maintained as defined below

for the following elements or assemblies.

(a) &andlng Gear and Support F i t t i n g s - A l l j o i n t s where s t r u c t u r a l

i n t e g r i t y could be dependent on a single b o l t or pin and t h e design

condition'is defined by 'landing Loads.

(b) Paraglider - All j o i n t s where s t r u c t u r a l i n t e g r i t y could be dependent

on a single b o l t o r pin and the design condition is defined by paraglidel

deployment o r maneuvering,

(c) Hatch Actuation - Hatch actuator, latching mechanism and a l l j o i n t s

where s t r u c t u r a l i n t e g r i t y could be dependent on a single b o l t o r pin anc

t h e design condition is defined by hatch actuation.

3.1 L i m i t and Ultimate Conditions (Continued)

( 3 ) For the drogue parechute support structure, the minimum f a c t o r of s a f e t y

shall be 1.36 f o r the normal mission and 1.10 f o r the case of a re-entry
from t h e V - p a b o r t boundary (Flgure 3.5.3) vlth a failure of the a t t i t u d e

control system (without rete damping). This value i s used because of the
improbable combination of events that w o u l d be required t o reach this

extreme condi tion .

(4) For the personnel parachute canopies, the minimum Factor of Safety shall be

1.10 based on the minimum f a i l i n g strength. W e value i s used because of

the improbability of all of the necessary circumstances combining t o produce

the design condition and the probability that the canopy strength does exceed

the minimum. The minimum f a i l u r e load of the C-9 type canopy, which i s being

0 used by t h e direction of NASA, is 5,000 pounds and the noPainal c a p e b i l i t y i s

6,500 pounds. I n order to reach the design condition f o r deployment of the

personnel parachute, ejection must occur a t a p a r t i c u l a r a l t i t u d e during

launch and the seat must be oriented i n a-unique a t t i t u d e . I n t h i s attitude,

t h e barostat, which i n i t i a t e s parachute deployment, senses ram pressure

superimposed on *static pressure ' causing premture parachute deployment.

U l t i m a t e heating e f f e c t s are those obtained by increasing l i m i t temperatures

2009 o r hen-+-i q m t s by 154 whichever i s c r i t i c a l f o r r e - e n t r y and increasing

l i m i t t e m p e r a t u r e lOoOe f o r boost, except f o r i t e m s inside the pressure vessel.

Structure inside the pressure vessel which i s not attached to the, skin and has
no s i g n i f i c a n t thermal mass shall be designed f o r 250% ultimBte. U l t i m a t e design

conditions are either ultimate loads combined.with Wt heating e f f e c t s o r u l t i -

a mate heating e f f e c t s combined w i t h l l m i t loads.

Deformations r e s u l t i n g from aero-thermal e l a s t i c e f f e c t s a t l i m i t con-
d i t i o n s shall not e f f e c t adversely the aeroaynamia or functional c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
7.1 Limit and Ultimate Conditions (Continued)

of the vehicle, Nonsurvivable failure shall not occur qnder ultimate loads

or under limit loads for the unique situation where u l t h a t e loads equal limit

The design s h a l l be based on a service life of one nominaldssion. The

Re-entry Module s h a l l be re-usable after a minimum amount of refurbishment

and -placement of certain c r i t i c a l items.

All conditions i n t h i s report are limit condition8 unless otherwise specified,

2 Boost Phase (Continued)

considered. However, the considerations f o r the momentary guidance f a i l u r e

condition shall be limited by t h e t h r u s t vector r e s t o r i n g moment available t o

maintain s t a b l e f l i g h t . For t h e malfunction conditions, t h e boost phase s h a l l b-

considered ended when both astronauts haw passed c l e a r of the open hatch struc-

ture during e j e c t i o n o r when t h e connection between the'.spacecraft and t h e booster

h a s been severed during retrograde rocket abort. Booster engines may o r may not
be ehut down f o r ejection, but they must be shut down f o r t h e retrograde rocket


The a l t i t u d e ranges through which e j e c t i o n abort o r retrograde rocket abort

conditions must be considered a r e presented i n Section 3.7.

Atroospheric density variation s h a l l be considered by increasing dynamic

pressure in the nominal t r a j e c t o r y by 5%.

a .
- -
MTC 1' July 1963 MCDONNELL ?AOC Ti2.7

BATE ~ 1J U - k l q 6 3 L MdCDOMrn~LL PAGE 3.5020



1 July 1963
1 &y 196r, '

rnT m
T Eii





I "



, . .

. ._. . ., .

_. . . .

The landing phase is defined as including a l l operations s t a r t i n g from t h e

i n i t i a t i o n of t h e recovery system deployment u n t i l t h e re-entry module is safely

on t h e grmnd o r water, It covers drogue parachute deployment, @ot prackute

I Cc?loyment, main parachute o r paraglider deployment, steady s t a t e o r maneuveririg

descent, and surface inpact considerations, A l l mass items s h a l l be desigfied

: f o r the shock and acceleration requireaents of Section 3.12.

i 3.6.1 Parachute Landing Phase

I Pcachute larxling system c r i t e r i a a r e described herein fo? both the two

1 parachute systez bein4 used on the e a r l y spacecraft arid the t h r e e parachAe
i systein beirg developed f o r l a t e r spacecraft.

The basic two parachute systen consists of a ring-sail p i l o t paraciiute

a I 18 f e e t i n d i z x t e r and a ring-sail main parachute 84 f e e t in diameter.

k h r e e parachu-Le system consists of a conical type drogue parachute

8.3 f e e t i n
d i m e t e r i n addition t o the i d e n t i c a l ring-sail p i l o t and main parachutes used

i n t h e basic system. Tho design loads f o r each parachute in t h e sequenca Bra


based on deployment a t t h e spacecraft t e r n i n a l f r e e - f a l l dynamic pressure of

120 psf. This condition i s consistent with normal f u l l y controlled re-entries

both from o r b i t and f r o m t h e abort boundaries, For a normal f u l l y controlled

re-entry, t h e spacecraft re-enters heat shield first with pitch and yaw r a t e

d a p i n g operative. Designing all parachutes f o r t h i s dynamic pressure insures

t h a t i n case of f a i l u r e o r malfiunction of t h e drogue o r p i l o t chutes, t h e

remainhg system can e f f e c t a safe recovery. The c r i t e r i a f o r both systems

are s w m r i z e d i n Table 3.6.1,

I - ,.. - .. - -
. ni.
~ c l i

. -
Table 3.6.1

Parachute Landim System

P U l l
1 Deploy Off
Dia, Altitude Ar.~le
onfi.quratian Parachute Type Feet Re-Entry Feet Reefed Iilx.

im Chute Pilot Ring 18 All 10,600 Yes 45O

lystam Sail

Main Ring 84 All (1 1 Yes 16,000 9oo


hroe Drogue Con- 8,3 Normal 50,000 Yes

hute icnl Abort 40,000 yes

Pilot Ring 18 All 10,600 Yes

Pin Ring 84 All (1 1 Yes 16,CG3 YO0

Two seconds a f t e r p i l o t parachute deployment

Nominal limit loads are based on a dynamic pressure (9) of 120 p s f .

Ultimate loads a r e 1.36 times limit loads

Parachutes shall be qualified a t a dynamic pressure 1.50 times

t h a t used for design ( 4 q ~ a l = 1.50x 9design = 180 psf).

( 5 1 The increased load on the structure f o r t h i s condition over the
two-chute system is due t o the f a c t t h a t the drogue chute is still
attached when the p i l o t chute i s deployed. The design U t h d

for the parachute is 3,500 pounds.

a navisco MODEL

I n the basic two parachute system, the p i l o t parachute i s deployed i n a

reefed condition a t a n a l t i t u d e of 10,600 - 750 feet,

f A f t e r a delay of approxi-

mately two seconds, the Rendezvous and Recovery Section i s separated from the

spacecraft, The reefed p i l o t chute pulling the R & R Section away s t r e t c h e s the

main parachute lines deploying the main parachute i n a reefed condition. After a

s h o r t delay, the min parachute i s then dlsreefed, The p i l o t chute i s disreefed

6 seconds a f t e r deployment t o reduce the probability of recontact of the R & R

Section and the main parachute canopy and/or t h e spacecraft.

I n t h e tnree parachute system, t h e drogue parachute has been added t o

ensure spacecraft s t a b i l i t y below &n a l t i t u d e of 50,OOO feet. It I s deployed i n

a reefed condition a t an a l t i t u d e of 50,000 feet a f t e r re-entry from o r b i t and a t

40,006 feet a f t e r re-entry,fram launch aborts. A t an a l t i t u d e of 10,600 -+ 750

0 f e e t , the p i l o t parachute I s deployed i n a reefed condition with t h e drogue chute

attached i n tandem. A f t e r a delay of approximately two seconds, the R & R Section

i s separated f r o m the spacecraft and the remaining portion of the sequence i s

i d e n t i c a l t o t h a t f o r the two parachute system. The probability of recontact I s

f u r t h e r reduced because of the added drag of the drogue chute i n tandem with the

p i l o t chute. For the case where rate damping has been l o s t o r degraded, the dyna-

mic pressure a t t h e drogue parachute deployment a l t i t u d e can reach 145 psf. The
increased loads f o r t h i s condition w i l l be absorbed with the.reduced margins of

s a f e t y noted i n Section 3.1.

Spacecraft employing parachutes a r e designed f o r water landings only. To

yinimlze water impact loads, the main parachute suspension bridles have a provi-
sion f o r r o t a t i n g the spacecraft t o a position where t h e spacecraft 2 a x i s i s i n -

a cllned at an angle of 55' r e l a t i v e to the parachute a x i s . Water impact loads s h a l l

0 be those r e s u l t i n g from a v e r t i c a l velocity of 30 f p s combined w i t h a horizontal

velocity from winds up to 51 f p s plus the e f f e c t of parachute swine;. The e f f e c t of

parachute s w i n g s h a l l be considered e i t h e r a s a horizontal velocity increment of

15 February 1962 STe LOUIS, MISSOURI PAGE 3.6.2
REVISED May '964 REPORT 8616

11, f p s w i t h zero swing angle or a zero horizontal velocity increment w i t h l.5

degree swing angle. A maximum wave dope of 9 degrees shall be considered. The

strength requirement f o r water landing capability is Umited t o the capability

t o remain a f l o a t f o r a t least 36 hours per Reference (5) in a flrotation a t t i t u d e

in which the hatches are on the upper wrface.
3.6.2 hrapJider Iandins: Phase
The paraglider landing system consists of a 8.3 foot diameter conical type
drogue parachute, the paraglider, and the &id type landing gear.

The drogue parachute is deployed a t an altituie of 60,OOO f e e t following

re-entry from o r b i t ami a t an a l t i t u d e of 35,000 f e e t $bllowing a retrograde

abort. "lie design dynamic pressure shall be 125 psf . The drogue parachute is
attached t o the ReI.ldez,vous and Recovery Section and iB Jettisoned w i t h t h i s

s e c t ion.

Paraglider deployment begins a t an a l t i t u d e of 5O,ooO f e e t following

re-entry from orbit. The paraglider a s s a b l y I s uncovered by the j e t t i s o n i n g of

the Hedesvous and Reaovery Section. It then-goes through a sequence of partial
deployment, i n f l a t b n of the stiffening menbera, and finally release t o the

g l i d e configuration. bads during the deployment sequence shall be investigated

and strength provided f o r all cirfitical caaes.

In t h e glide configuration: the apacecrilft qhaU be designed to maneuver

using t h e avaiLable r a t e and amount of center of gravity travel in both t h e

longitudinal and l a t e r a l directions. The mminal range of paraglider angle of

a t t a c k shall be 25 t o 40 degrees with provision for 20 t o 45 degrees.

The spacecraft landlng gears ahaU be designed f o r t h e landing parameters

defined below using t h e wight defined in subsection W l n g lift s h a l l be

considered i n a rational manner. For landing gear loading conditions, t h e f a c t o r

f. . 7
c ..I- -7

15 February 1962 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI PAGE 7,h-?
REVISED 1 May 1964 REPORT 8616
MODEL Gemini

3.6.2 ParaRUder Landina Phase (Continued)

of safety shall be applied t o the t o t a l energy t o be abosrbed i n t h e v e r t i c a l

direction, The t o t a l energy shall include t h e k i n e t i c energy due t o sink speed

and the p o t e n t i a l energy based on gear compression allowing f o r w i p l~i f t . Tho

loads computed on t h l a baais will be ultimate design loads f o r t h e landing

Landing Gear Desipn Parameter hXiIllUTl b:inimum

Sink s p e d blimit) 10.0 f p s 0

Horizontal airspeed loo fps

Pitch a t t i t u d e a t contact OO (nose up) -15 (nose d o n )
(angle measured between
t h e surfaae and t h e
spacecraft z axis)
Yew angle -+ 25' O0

Roll a t t i t u d e -+ 100 0

Coefficient of f r i c t i o n 0*50 0.20

( a t impact)

The values quoted i n t h e preceding t a b l e a r e extreme values f o r each of the

individual parameters, These parameters s h a l l be combined i n a r a t i o n a l manner

f o r the landing gear design conditions. Alowable combinations of yaw and r o l l

a t t i t u d e s a t touchdown are shown i n Figure 3.6,4.

Sink speeds for y a k d and r o l l e d a t t i t u d e s shall be determined from t h e

where Ry and R sink speed f a c t o r s from Figure 3.6.5.

Q a r e t h e yaw and r o l l
Lateral force components on the gear s h a l l be determined by using the
designation coeilficients of f r i c t i o n except where applicable t e s t d a t a i n d i c a t e s

t h a t t h i s i s not valid: however, design f e a t u r e s of t h e contact surface penetra-

tion, or other special tendencies shall be accounted f o r i n a r a t i o n a l manner,

3.6.2 Paraglider Landiw Phase (Continued)

Paraglider water landings e h a be based on the same sink speeds, a i r s p e d s ,
and attitudes as ground landings. Wave slopes up to 9 shall be considered. The

strength requirement for water landing capabiuty i s limited to the cnpabiUty

to remain afloat for at least 36 hour8 per Reference ( 5 ) in a flotation attitude
in which the hatches are on the upper surface.
MODEL Gemini

3.7 Abort Phasa

The abort phase is defined a8 including all operations required t o return

the astronauts safely t o e a r t h subsequent t o a malfunction i n t h e launch vehicle 0:

the spacecraft which requires termination of t h e mission.

2,7,1 Mode I (Ejection) Abort Phase

Mode I aborts are accomplished with t h e use of the e j e c t i o n seats,

T h i s mode of escape i s used off-the-pad only a f t e r removal of t h e erector
tower and during the boost phase up t o an a l t i t u d e f o 70,000 feet. The e j e c t i o n

seats may a l s o be used f o r escape below an altitude of 60,000 f e e t following re-

e n t r y frcnn o r b i t and below a n a l t i t u d e f o 35,000 f e e t following re-entry after

A b o r t Hode X I , The re-entry module surrounding the astronauts must maintain

s t r u c t u r a l i n t e g r i t y with the hatches open until both astronauts a r e clear.

The design loads for this phase s h a l l consider t h a t t h e time i n t e r v a l required t o

complete t h e ejection cycle (from t h e i n i t i a l detection of the failure including

allowances f o r both' human and system reaction times, system operating time, and

programmed delaya) is short enough t o preclude t h e vehicle reaching a s t r u c t u r a l l y

catastrophic condition. The hatch operating loads and t h e e j e c t i o n seat loads
for Node I launch phase aborts shall be based on a t o t a l angle of attack of 15'

i n pitch and/or yaw. The overall vehicle loads f o r Mode I aborts shall not exceed

t h e strength c a p a b i l i t i e s required by launch phase c r i t e r i a , d e f i n e d i n Section 3.2

The Mode I abort sequence may be initiated by e i t h e r astronaut pulling h i s

ID-rir@. The hatches are opened by pyrotechnically powered actuators. The seats
are then propelled along guide rails by separate pyrotechnically powered c a t a p u l t s
J u s t p r i o r t o leaving the rails, sustainer rockets attached t o each of t h e scata

are f i r e d propelling t h e seats clear of t h e spacecraft, The ejection s e a t s s h a l l

e 0

be designed f o r a l l forces resulting from these operations.

MODEL Gemini

3.7.1 Mode I (Ejection) Abort Phase (Continued)

S e a t s separation is programmed t o occur 1.03 seconds a f t e r t h e s e a t

leaves the rails. Five seconds a f t e r t h e seat leaves t h e rails, a b a l l u t e

attached to each astronaut's backboard is deployed. The design load f o r t h e

b a l l u t e shall be 3,750 pounds ultimate. The b a l l u t e is Jettisoned a t a pressure

a l t i t u d e of 7,500 2 700 f e e t .
The barostat controlling the persorrllel parachute deployment is armed a t
seat-man separation and the parachute is deployed 2.3 seconds a f t e r the b a r o s t a t

senses a pressure a l t i t u d e of 5700 .

I+ 600 ft. The design load for t h e personnel

parachute shall be 5000 pounds ultimate. The r a t i o of ultimate t o limit load is

defined in Section 3.1.

3.7.2 Mode I1 (Retrograde Salvo) Abort Phase

a Mode I1 Aborts are accomplished by terminating booster t h r u s t , severing

t h e adapter structure a t Z Station 68.44, and f i r i n g the retrograde rockets in

salvo. This mode of abort is used a t a l t i t u d e s between 70,000 f t . and 522,000
feet. After burn-out of the retrograde rockets t h e retrograde section is jet-
tisoned, the re-entry module is turned t o i t s nonnal re-entry a t t i t u d e , and

following re-entry the landing system i s deployed.

The spacecraft shall be designed f o r a l l loads occurring during and a f t e r

separation f r o m t h e launch vehicle. The time f o r completing. t h e Mode I1 Abort

cycle shall include allowances f o r both human and system reaction times, systen

operating times, and programmed delays. Abort re-entry t r a j e c t o r i e s are shown

in Section 3.5.
3.7.3 Mode I11 (Separation) Abort Fhase

The Mode 111 Abort Phase covers abort requirements during t h e r e m i n i n g

portbn of t h e boost trajectory above 522,000 f e e t . Aborts during t h i s period

a r e accomplished by using the noxmd mission separation, re-entry and landing

9.7.3 Node 11(Separation)Aborb Phase (Continued)

wquences, The Mode I11 Abort sequence i s as follows: ,The launch vehicle

;bust i s terminated, t h e adapter structure i s severed a t t h e normal s e w r a t i o n

&me, the rendezvous maneuvering system is f i r e d t o provide separation velocity,

the retrograde rockets may or may not be f i r e d as required t o a t t a i n the deairad

%box%re-entrg trajectory, and following re-entry t h e landing system i s deployed.

The abort boundaries are shown on Figure 3.5.3.

3.8 Hoistinn and Transportation

The hoisting l i m i t load f a c t o r i s 2.0 for t h e spacecraft during pre-launch
operations and 3.0 for t h e capsule plus trapped water during recovery a f t e r a

water landing. The vehicle as packaged f o r shipping s h a l l be designed f o r t h e

following ultimate accelerations applied t o supporting fixtures separately.

Transportation by a i r c r a f t with t h e accelerations in t h e c a r r i e r a i r c r a f t axe:

6,Og Vertical (upward)

2.25g Lateral (+)

3.0g Longitudinal (aft)

The s p c e c r a f t 2 a x i s s h a l l be p a r a l l e l t o t h e a i r c r a f t longitudinal axis

and t h e other spacecraft w s shall be oriented as determined by t h e design of

the shipping fixtures.
3.9 Pressurization

For s t r u c t u r a l design the cabin pressure s h a l l be considered t o be 12.0 p s i

ultimate (burst) and 3.0 p s i ultimate (collapsing).

The cabin leakage rate s h a l l be measured a t sea l e v e l using nitrogen a t a

t a p e r a t w e of 70°F and a cabin pressure of 5.1 psig. The allowable leakage r a t e

s h d be 61.023 cubic inches per mhute (1000 oc/min.) f o r Spacecraft No. 1and

No, 2 and 30.511 wbic inches per minute (500 cc/min.) f o r Spacecraft No. 3 and up.
3.10 Controls

The control loads s h a l l be a s follows:

Primary Controls
w i t h r e : t i o n at

Attitude Control G r i p Stops :,:i.itcnes or V d v c s

Pitch Moment I33 in. lb. Sufficient t o
c r e a t e 100 l b s .
Side (RoU) loo lb. mininium a t switches

Twist (Yaw) I33 in. lb.

Abort Handle I
Side Sufficient t o

Fore/Aft 1 150 lb. m i n . t o 150 lb. max.

create 100 lbs.
minirnurr. a t switches

( h a d s are referenced t o center of knob.)

Other Controls
ManeuverinP Hardle

I 5ox(1 + lev? Sufficient t o
c r e a t e 100 lbs.
Side 50 Ib. min. t o 100 lb. max. mininium a t s w i t che 6


( b a d s are re,drenced to center of knob i n unstoned position.)

Environmental Contr o l e
lavers 5ox(1 + lever lenath) 3x p i l o t operating
----\ 3 / but not les3 than

50 lb. min. t o 100 lb. max. 70 l b . o r l e s s than
t h a t su'f i c i e n t t o
c r e a t e 103 l b s .
rninimm a t valves

Push-pull Handles 100 lbs. Not applicable

(Loads are referenced t center of knob o r ring.)

Rotating Knobs I Not Applicable 100 in. l b s .

( h a d is not applicable t o knobs operating e l e c t r i c a l switches.)
MODEL Gemini

3.U Seats and Harness

"he larriing load f a c t o r s shown on Figure 3.11.2 shall apply t o the harness
used t o r e s t r a i n the astronauts, t o t h e seats, and t o the attac.hent of the
s e a t s t o the primary structure, The magnitude of t h e design ultimate i n e r t i a

load vector is consistent w i t h an a c c e l e r a t b n of 40 g ' s b u t is terminated as

a function of direction such that the components do not .exceed the values shown

i n Figure 3.U.2. The seats, seat equipment, and harness shall also be designed
f o r ejection f r e e f l i g h t conditions, s t a b i l i z a t i o n device loads and personnel

parachute loads as applicable.

3.12 Shock and Acceleration Environment

The shock and acceleration environments f o r design of t h e spacecraft

equipment and support structure as defined i n Reference (6) and (7) a r e summarized

in Table 3.12, For the special case of parachute water landing with fiCS f u e l
tanks f u l l , the tank supports shall be designed f o r t h e a c t u a l accelerations

r e s u l t i n g from water impact. The Mt values to be used, as estimated for the

spacecraft cog. from model t e s t data, are nZ = 12.0, % = 1,6, 8 =110 radians/
second2 f o r heat shield f i r s t landings, and nz = 4 * 6 , ny = 12.0, 0 =U O radians/
second2 f o r cone f i r s t landings.

3.u Vibration and Acoustic Environment

The vibration and acoustic environments t o be used f o r . t h e design of t h e

spacecraft equipment and support structure occur during the bcmst phase and a r e

defined in Table 3.u. See Heferences (6) and (7).

MAC Z S I U tacv I AUC O I I

- 3

MlDONNE&d+ &

FIGURE A-3. a 3'



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I .- . .-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . L ! . .
I . , ,
f: ... " '.
. . . II .
1 "
.I ..
i .$6'
... I .< .- .. . , .
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,I . 28 1


, . I .

..... .i .,..

I l..6 3.

. *;:; 1:. j :
' I,

.... . , , . ; ...
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. .
_ . .. A ;-..

, ._ .

.._.. 0

M A C 1984 GC (13 JUNE 58)

I FIGURE A - 1.3
@ i.I

' I

A-2.1 Rendezvous Phase

The Target Docking Adapter shall be designed f o r t h e dockine and maneuver-

ing conditione presented in Paragraph 3.4 and t h e meteroid envirorkent presented
i n Paragraph 2.7 of this report. The adapter will contain a shock absorbing

system t o a l l e v i a t e the docking impact loads, a latching mechanism which will

make t h e Joint rigid, and other equipment required f o r t h e rendezvous and docking

operqtion. For t h e rendezvous phase ultimate loads are 1.36 times limit loads.
During t h e rendesvoua phase the Gemini weight s h a l l be a s shownin Paragraph

2.3.3 of this report. The following data for t h e Agena plus Target Docking
Adapter s h a l l be used. Weights, centers of gravity, and moments of ir.ertia

A t injection W -
f o r the Agena plus TDA are based on data from Reference 12,

6,919 lb.
* COG A.S. 347.5
* I = 7,650 Slug Ft.*
* h p e l l a n t a t aft end of ta;nks

At Burn-out kf p 3,829 lb. (include6 residual propellant)

COG.= A.S, 331.7

I 6,708 Slug Ft,2

Thrust 16,750 l b
Gimbal t r a v e l -+ 2.5' (single plane)
Gimbal r a t e 3O0/aec (-um>
3.2 Boost Phase
The boost phase i s defined as including a l l operat$ons and environments

encountered f r o m t h e i n a t a n t of launch vehicle engine t h r u s t i n i t i a t i o n u n t i l

shutdown and separation of t h e last stage ( i n j e c t i o n i n t o o r b i t ) , The calcula-

t i o n s f o r t h e design s t r u c t u r a l loads and temperatures w i l l be based on t h e two

boost phase t r a j e c t o r i e s presented i n Figures and Tables from 3!2?3 t o 3.2,8.

The traJectoriea are e s s e n t i a l l y v e r t i c a l f o r t h e f i r s t 20 seconds; then a

gravity turn i a maintained throughout t h e remaining 129 seconds of first stage

burning, The maneuvering required f o r o r b i t a l control is accomplished during

the active second stage f l i g h t , The first t r a j e o t o r y i s a nominal launch

with i n s e r t i o n at a n a l t i t u d e of 87 n a u t i c a l miles, The second t r a J e c t o r y i s

off-nominal i n t h a t t h e first stage t h r u s t was assumed t o be decreased by 3%

along with a -42,8°/hr. pitch gyro d r i f t . The second t r a j e c t o r y results i n

c r i t i c a l boost phase temperatures, These t r a j e c t o r i e s are from References ( 8 )


Loads during t h e boost phase s h a l l be based upon ( 1 ) the e f f e c t s of winds

and g u s t s as specified i n Paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6, (2) a momentary guidance
f a i l u r e t h a t r e s u l t s in a 10 degree angle of attack a t any a l t i t u d e with r e s t o r i n g

momenta from maximum t h r u s t vector deflection, or (3) a launch vehicle malfunction

which remdt.~i?? divergefit ezzGles cf attack, The launch vehicie zaaifunction

conditions shall be investigated and design loads defined so as t o preclude re-

e n t r y module s t r u c t u r a l failure prior t o t h e completion of t h e e j e c t i o n or abort

operation, The e f f e c t s of combinins e i t h e r t h e momentary guidance failure condi-

t i o n o r t h e launch vehicle malfunction condition with t h e 84.1% (representative

of o m sigma values) w i n d shear inputs, as derived from Reference (3), s h a l l be

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