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UNITED He is Irish.
He is f r o m N o r t h e r n
The symbol;
Ireland is a

KINGDOM Ireland. andaredM

Northern Ire!
IRELAND She is Welsh.
She is f r o m W a l e s .


T h e sy|
is a da1
Условные обозначения:

— m e m o r y g a m e s ( и г р ы на т р е н и р о в к у п а м я т и )

— role-playing (ролевые игры)

— other g a m e s ( п р о ч и е и г р ы )

— key ( к л ю ч )

— A m e r i c a n English ( а м е р и к а н с к и й в а р и а н т а н г л и й с к о г о )
Trafalgar Square Piccadilly Circus Westminster Abbe
T h e National Gallery The Tower of London st. P a u l ' s C a t h e d r a l
and a R a v e n m a s t e r

C h a n g i n g the Guard St. J a m e s ' s Park Covent Garden

at B u c k i n g h a m Palace

T h e H o u s e s of P a r l i a m e n t
and Big Ben Barbican Arts Centre
Royal Courts
Leicester British Museum
Square of'Justice Museum of London
' «,\U Rmal Exchange St Kathàhne*
National Garden, fkx'k Limehou
Gallery. A «fe>
Monument Twer •
St Paul's ofljonaon
Cirrus- % Cathedral £
< . T-5 Wappi'
LT t H A * E S Äjr
Pii-catlilly "Tmver
Cirrus "«'MKKST Sri,lui
1 ;
HVBSPABK : SS - South Bank
ArtsCentrrSouthtearh Hits Surrey Ihx-ks
'• Guani» Royal Cathedral Belfast
PARK fWES*MlNSrf;H Festival Hall
Kernel foyaiAlbert
G u a r d s in H y d e Parle* 'alace Hall m
« P i Hannes of
Kt.vsiScTöyy № .1 Westminster Parliament
Buckingham Oteenuïth
/Woe* Abbey
Museum 'ietoria & jVbert Museum Main sh* ng streets
m- ni \ i
Natural History Museum
A m a p of London
A V i e w of L o n d o n

Т. Б. Клементьева
Б. Монк

Книга I

для 5 - 6 классов
средней школы

Художник Е . В . Ромашко

Министерством образования
Российской Федерации


ББК 81.2Англ-922

The p u b l i s h e r s a r e deeply g r a t e f u l to the British Council f o r help in the

o r g a n i z a t i o n of this textbook p r o j e c t and f o r supplying m a t e r i a l s .

Photographs by kind permission of:

Mary Glasgow Publications
British Tourist Authority
Victoria and Albert M u s e u m
British Museum
National Gallery
Tate Gallery
Public Record Office
C e n t r a l O f f i c e of I n f o r m a t i o n
Dr M a r t i n M o n k
Philip and J o a n n a Kirk
Hamish and D o m i n i q u e N o r b r o o k
David Lambert
Bruce Monk

The publishers would like to thank the following:

M i c h a e l B i r d , J o n a t h a n C l a y d o n , D i a n e C o u r t n e y , N o r m a n E v a n s , B a r b a r a H a y , A n n e H o b b s , Ri-
c h a r d H u m p h r e y s , J o a n n a K i r k , R o s e m a r y M i t c h e l l , Dr M a r t i n M o n k , J a n e M y l e s , H a m i s h a n d
D o m i n i q u e N o r b r o o k , Coririne Sharpe, Patsy Vanags, Collin W i g g i n s

Thanks are also due to:

Alison Atkins, Craig Ellinson, Richard Horsley, James Powell
Professor Svetlana Grigorievna Ter-Minasova (Faculty of F o r e i g n Languages, Moscow State

Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б.

К48 С ч а с т л и в ы й а н г л и й с к и й . К н . I: У ч е б . д л я 5 - 6 кл. с р е д , ш к . /
Т . Б . К л е м е н т ь е в а , Б . М о н к . — М.: П р о с в е щ е н и е , 1992. —
416 с. ил. — ISBN 5-09-004406-6.
Впервые издаваемый в нашей стране новый учебник — совместный
труд российско-британского авторского коллектива. В нем использованы
современные подходы к обучению иностранному языку. Учебник написан
подлинным английским языком, личностно ориентирован, содержит жиз-
ненно важный, интересный, занимательный материал, включает вопросы
для самопроверки, ключи, различные приложения и англо-русский сло-

„ 4306021600 - 456
103 (03) - 92 инф. письмо - 92, доп. №1 ББК 81,2Англ-922

ISBN 5-09-004406-6 © Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б.;

художник Е.В.Ромашко, 1992


Unit 1. Hello 6

Unît 2. N i c e to M e e t You 45
Unit 3. Meet the F a m i l y 72.
Unit 4. Would You L i k e a C u p of Tea? 87
Unit 5. At Home 105
Unit 6. Asking the Way 131
Unit 7. At a D e p a r t m e n t Store 155
Unit 8. At a F o o d S h o p 178
Unit 9. T a k e a w a y s and C a f é s 210
Unit 10. A Look at British H i s t o r y 232

Unit 11. Sightseeing in London 258

Unit 12. P a r t i e s and H o l i d a y s 292

Phonetic Support 315

Reading Support 326

Grammar Support 331

Keys 372

Translation of Tasks 382

Irregular Verbs 396

Vocabulary 397

1. L o o k , listen a n d r e p e a t . T h e n a c t o u t t h e d i a l o g u
I. Good M o r n i n g .




[h] hi, h e l l o
[rj] m o r n i n g

II. G o o d M o r n i n g , G o o d A f t e r n o o n , G o o d E v e n i n g .

[h] [q] [6] w [d] [t]

hi morning thanks fine goodbye afternoon
hello evening afternoon good morning night ^
M* night good evening /"/?•? i t J

12 Lifcal972
III. H o w A r e You?

H e l l o , Ben

Fine, thanks. And

thanks and Pat

goodbye thanks

2. Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .
Addressing People.

Hello, P e t e r .
Excuse me, sir.

mum, I m Peter Claydon.
M rs^ I
madam« My n a m e is P e t e r .

My s u r n a m e 1 is Claydon,J
W h a t ' s your name? oliceman

W h a t ' s your surname?

Hello, Pete. H e l l o , Mr Claydon.

grandad, grandmother,
grandpa grandma, T
granny I

[6] m o t h e r , f a t h e r , g r a n d m o t h e r , g r a n d f a t h e r [л] mother, mummy, mum

[as] d a d d y , dad, g r a n d m o t h e r , g r a n d m a , g r a n - [a:] f a t h e r , grandfather
ny, g r a n d f a t h e r , g r a n d a d , g r a n d p a [э:] s i r s u r n a m e
^ СУР p
Щ last n a m e
m o m m y , mom

3. Say how they address Mrs Mary Claydon.

My n a m e is Mary

My s u r n a m e
is C l a y d o n .

1. Hello, Mary. 2. Hello, Mum. 3. Hi, M u m m y . 4. Hello, Mary.

5. Excuse me, m a d a m . 6. Hello, Mrs Claydon.


4. Look, listen, repeat and act.
Informal: Grandma, G r a n d p a / G r a n d a d , M u m / M u m m y , Dad/Daddy.

Thank you, M u m

Tea, G r a n d p a ? You're welcome.

S o r r y , Grandma.


Formal: Mr, Mrs, Miss, sir or madam.

Good m o r n i n g , Mr Hay

5. a). What would Alison say? b). Act out the d i a l o g u e s .

A l i s o n ' s Day.

! »M i'^ft J" 'À

I'm fine E v e n i n g , Alison

Bye, A l i s o n thanks.

Mornin Good afternoon


Hello, Alison
Alison. \b

I. How are you, Ben? V. Good m o r n i n g , Mr Claydon.

II. Good a f t e r n o o n , Granny. VI. Hello, Pat.
III. Goodbye. VII. G o o d n i g h t , Mummy.
IV. Good morning, Mrs Claydon. VIII. Good evening, Dad.

1 III, 2 V, 3 IV, 4 I, 5 II, 6 VI, 7 VIII, 8 VII


6. What would you say?
ipi mnrzrzz

Fine, thanks. And you?

Thank you

A. How are you? C. Sorry.

B. Bye. D. Y o u ' r e welcome.

Look, listen and match

I. — Thank you. IV. — Coffee?

— You're welcome. — No, thank you.
II. — Tea^Mum? V. — H o w are you?
— Yes, please. — Fine, t h a n k s . And you?
III. — Goodnight. VI. — Sorry.
— Night. — That's OK.

1 III, 2 V, 3 II, 4 I, 5 VI, 6

8. Listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: In the Morning.

Act 1. At Home. Father Thank you. Goodbye.

Newspaper boy Bye.
Jane: Good morning, Grandpa. Milkman Good morning, Mrs
Grandfather: Morning, Jane. Mason. How are you?
Jane: Good morning, Dad. Mother: Fine, thanks. And
Father: Good morning. you?
John: Tea, Mum?
Milkman: I ' m OK. Your milk,
Mother: Yes, please. Thank you. Mrs Mason.
John: You're welcome. Thank you. Goodbye.
Jane: Oh, sorry. Goodbye.
Grandfather: T h a t ' s OK. Jane: Bye, M u m . See you,
Act 2. In the Street.
John: Bye-bye, Mummy.
Newspaper boy: Good morning, Mr Goodbye, Dad.
Mason. How are you? Mother Goodbye.
Father: I ' m fine, thank you. Father See you.
And you? Good morning, Mrs
Newspaper boy: I ' m fine. Your news- Mason.
papers, Mr Mason. Mrs Mason: Good morning, ... .

9. Listen, sing, read and write the letters.

A d B b C c D el Ee Ff
[ei] [bh] ' [Si:] [dl:J [i:] [ef]

G d\ Wh ! i Jj m iii
£ d 31 - ] [eitj] Cai] [d3ei] [kei] [el]

Mm Mm Oo Pp Cto
[em] [en] [au] [pi= J [kju.]>

Rr Si U f #
[a:] [es] [th] [ju:j [vh]
Xx 2 s•
t'dAblju:] [eks] [wai ] [zed]

^ ^ K left-handed right-handed
— V I

. Listen and practise.

[ei] PO [e] [at] [9U] Du:]
A, B F I 0 Q
H c L Y U
T Z (Br.) [zed]
Z (Am.) [zi:]
1 1 . Find the letters A to Z.
S h a k e s p e a r e ' s House.

23 Likal972
n o p q r s t u v w x y z

12. Which ship has no pier?

f 9 y P

m* p. 372

1 3 . Which parachutes are missing?

G H 1 J K L
M N 0 P Q R
S T u V W X
y 2
p. 372


14 Write these letters in alphabetical order. W h i c h letter is on this

p. 372

15 . a). Write small letters,

b). C o m p a r e capital and small letters and f i n d eight letters that
you write in the same way. Write and r e m e m b e r t h e m .


^ p. 372

16. a). Find 10 A, 2 B, 5 C, 2 D, 10 £ , 4 F, 3 G, 4 H, 7 I, 1 J, 2 K, 8 L,
3 M, 8 N, 10 O, 7 P, 1 Q, 8 R, 8 S, 10 T, 7 U, 1 V, 1 W, 2 X,
1 Y, 1 Z.
b). Listen and say which words you know.
c). Copy the words in alphabetical order.
d). Write these words in alphabetical order in small letters.

English Street.




p. 372

17. a). Look, listen and repeat.
b). Write the signs in small letters.


(•* p. 372

18. a). Look, listen and repeat.

b). Read and write the English n a m e s in a l p h a b e t i c a l order.

•-U.'M.,- „-UjHU;


1 9 . Look, n a m e t h e l e t t e r s a n d g u e s s .

2 0 . Listen, repeat and l e a r n .


A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
J o h n is h i d i n g 1 f a r f r o m m e .
L o o k i n g 2 here, l o o k i n g there,
I c a n ' t 3 see him a n y w h e r e .

2 1 . Listen, repeat, learn and write.

Г2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Я 0
one two three four five six seven eight nine zero

is hiding ['haidiq] — п р я ч е т с я
looking — с м о т р ю
1 can't — Я не могу

Li & 19 72
2 2 • Where must the spaceships land?

2 3 . a). Look and say.

0 7 1 - 9 3 8 8501, 071-938 9123, 071-636 1555, 071-821 1313, 071-839 3321

b). Listen and | ^

match. I ItW mSsS
a) 0 7 1 - 8 2 1 1313 '
• I a h ' * i r «M ^mm
b) 071-636 1555 **< • ^ '
c) 0 7 1 - 9 3 8 9123
d) 071-839 3321
1) Natural History M u s e u m 2) National Gallery
e) 0 7 1 - 9 3 8 8501

3) Tate Gallery 4) British Museum 5) Victoria and

Albert Museum

30 Lifcal972
c). Listen and write.

(<•" b). l c , 2d, 3a, 4b, 5e

c). 071-636 1555, 071-938 8501, 071-938 9123, 071-821 1313,
071-839 3321

2 4 . Listen, repeat aind act.

W h a t ' s Your Phone Number?

•' W h a t ' s your p h o n e n u m b e r , J o h n ? H

It's six-double seven-nine-0.1

2 5 . a). Write down your telephone number.

b). Find out the phone numbers of 5 pupils in your class.

26. a). Listen, repeat and act.


Pat: 67190. Hello. Jane: 364 5328. Hello.

Mary: Hello, Pat. Mark: Hello, Jane. I t ' s Mark.
Pat: Oh, hello, Mary. How are you? Jane: Oh, hello, Mark.
Mary: Fine, thanks. And you? Mark: L e t ' s go to the club.
Pat: I ' m fine. L e t ' s go to the cin- Jane: Sorry, I ' m busy. L e t ' s go to
e m a 2 today. morrow.
Mary: Yes, all right. See you. Bye. Mark: OK. See you, Jane.
Pat: Bye, Mary. Jane: Bye, Mark.

b). Look, listen, repeat and make new dialogues with these words.

It's six-seven-seven-nine-zero

theatre museum

concert gallery

disco circus

32 Lifcal972
Articles a/an.

2 7 . a). Look, listen, repeat and remember,

b). Help the children to choose a or an.

a — 3, 4, 6,
7, 8, 10
an — 1, 2, 5, 9

2 8 . Help the children to choose a/an or -s/-es.

(«•* a — 1 , 6 ; an — 7;
-s — 2, 4, 5, 8, 10; -es — 3, 9
2 9 . a). Listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .
b). W r i t e y o u r o w n p o e m w i t h b a n a n a s , a p p l e s , etc.


One p o t a t o ,
Two potatoes,
Three potatoes,
Five p o t a t o e s ,
Six p o t a t o e s ,
Seven potatoes more,
Bad o n e .

3 0 . a). Listen, repeat and act. b). Make up your own d i a l o g u e s .

Two Bananas, Please.


^A p e a r , an a ppl and
t w o b a n a n a s , Pi ease

T h a n k you

You're welcome

3 1 . a). Listen, sing and remember, b). Compose your own song.


Brown and green and blue and white,

Blue and white,
Blue and white,
Brown and green and blue and white,
Red and black and yellow.

3 2 . Look, listen a n d m a t c h A a n d B.

1) black and white a) green
2) yellow and red b) orange
3) blue and yellow and red c) brown
4) blue and yellow d) grey
5) blue and red e) purple

I d , 2b, 3c, 4a, 5e

. Listen, repeat and remember.

B L U E IS T H E S E A .

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass,
White are the clouds,
As they slowly pass. 1
Black are the crows,
Brown are the trees,
Red are the sails
Of a ship in the breeze.

3 4 . Listen, repeat and answer.

Taxis are black in the UK.
Buses, post-boxes and telephone boxes are red in the UK.

What colour are taxis, buses, post-

boxes and telephone boxes in your

as they slowly pass — когда они медленно п р о п л ы в а ю т

37 Lifcal972
Taxis are... Post-boxes are...
Buses are... Telephone boxes are...

3 5 . a). Name the colours.

b). Paint an abstract picture.

David B ö m b e r g (1890 — 1957)

(Tate Gallery, London)

2 Счастливый английский 33
The Secrets of Some English Letters.
3 6 . a). Look, listen and r e p e a t .
b). F i n d the s e c r e t s of E n g l i s h letters.

pencil watch
pen .NL, perfume
1* bee
r<4 £eîMo:l




A. pin


k i m


3 7 . a). Compare the vowels and find what is common among them,
b). Read and write out the phonetic s y m b o l s for the letters in
bold type.

plate [ ] flag [ ] car [ ] hare [ ]

bee [ ] pen [ ] perfume [ ] here [ ]
pine [ ] P'n [ ] bird [ ] fire [ ]
rope [ ] box [ ] fork [ ] pure [ ]
tube [ ] tub [ ] turkey [ ]
% []
syringe [ ]

3 8 . Read and write out the phonetic symbols for the letters in bold
type. Check y o u r reading with the tape.

K a t e [ ] has Pete [ ] has Mike [ ] has Rose [ ] has Susan [ ] has

a "cat [ ]. apetf], apig[], adog[], abus[].

3 9 . Make your own table of English vowels.

p. 329

40. a). Find the secrets of the letter a and open the locks.

©K E ^ g M * © h ire

ä a s w

b). Read and r e m e m b e r . C h e c k with the tape.

K a t e has a cat and a car and a hare.

m- a). 1 II, 2 I, 3 III, 4 IV

4 1 . Listen and practise.

4 2 . Read and listen.

[6J [t]
[d] [n] Jl] [r]

t h r e e |[morning|
mother it 1 dad | fine 1 listen 1 I !z=x=r
1 1 1 1 1
thanks look sorry evening
father two daddy] nine
nice let's brown
ljl£äiIgJ|grandmotherir ten Ifand
r , E
gran dfather tea | I ü l |Tit—II eleven I C H p £
CSTghO lafternoonl
night onion red
carrot |



1 r
entrance madam


[a:] [A] [a:]

p l 1 •
welcome sir club car
I 1 •
surname |mumm} park
p u r p l e 1 | b u s 11 s m a r t ~"j
mother father |
1 1
onion I banana
1 1
colour tomato

39 - :

What would you say? Act out the dialogues.
A f t e r n o o n Tea.

1. — Please, sit down. 5. — Thank you.

— Thank you. — You're welcome.
2. — Good afternoon. 6. — Tea?
— Hello. — Yes, please.
3. — L e t ' s go to the club. 7. — Coffee?
— Yes, all right. — No, thanks.
4. — Goodbye. 8. — Sorry.
— Bye-bye. — T h a t ' s OK.

a2, b5, c l , d7, e6, f8, g3, h4

Talk to Starkid
i .
1) M y n a m e is S t a r k i d . 1
W h a t ' s your name?
2) M y s u r n a m e is G a l a x y .
W h a t ' s your surname?
3) M y t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r is 0 0 1 1 .
W h a t ' s your telephone number?
4) L e t ' s g o to the s p a c e 2 c l u b . — ...
5) C o f f e e ? - ... Starkid.
6) Tea? - ... Galaxy.
7) L e t ' s g o to the s p a c e c i n e m a . — . 0011.

II. H o w M a n y New Words f r o m Unit 1 Do You K n o w ?

1 one black apple cinema b u s stop busy morning
2 two blue apricot circus closed fine afternoon
3 three brown banana club open please evening
4 four green cabbage concert entrance sorry night
5 five grey carrot disco exit thank today
6 six orange coffee gallery pull tomorrow
7 seven purple onion museum push
8 eight red orange park telephone
9 nine white pear theatre
10 ten yellow potato
11 eleven tea
12 twelve tomato
Mr M r s M i s s sir m a d a m
0 zero m o t h e r m u m m y m u m (USA mommy, mom)
f a t h e r d a d d y dad
grandmother grandma granny
grandfather grandad grandpa
S t a r k i d — З в е з д н ы й м а л ь ч и к (star — з в е з д а , kid — р е б е н о к )
2 space — космос, к о с м и ч е с к и й

Do You Know These E x p r e s s i o n s from Unit 1?

Hello Good afternoon

Hi. Afternoon.

Good morning Good evening

Morning. Evening.

How are you?

Very well, thank you. And you?
Fine, thank y o u . / I ' m OK.

Goodbye Bye-bye. — Goodnight

Bye. See you. — Night.

Thank you very m u c h . / T h a n k s

You're welcome.

C o f f e e , Dad?
No, thank you

f— Let's go to the cinema.
| - OK./Yes, all right.
- Sorry. I ' m busy./ No, thanks

See you.

1. Write the missing n u m b e r s .
3 7 io

2. Write the missing letters.

Aa Bb Zz

3. Write what these signs mean.

4. Add four more words to each list.

a) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 9 , 12
one, two, ..., ..., ..., ...

b) black, blue, ..., ..., ..., ...

c) an apple, an apricot, ..., ..., ..., ...

5. Give the plurals.

apple — apples
banana, cabbage, club, museum, concert

6. Find the secrets of the letter a in the names Jane, Pat,

Mark and Clare. Write the phonetic symbols for
the letter a.

7. H e l p J o h n to greet p e o p l e .

8. Listen and c h o o s e the c o r r e c t a n s w e r .

1) Phone number a) 071-383 4792 b) 071-382 4792 c) 071-383 3792.

2) a) H e l l o , Pat. b) Hi, Pat. c) M o r n i n g , Pat.
3) L e t ' s go to the a) c i n e m a b) disco c) theatre.
4) a) Yes, O K . b) Sorry, I ' m b u s y , c) Yes, all right.
5) a) Bye, Pat. b) G o o d b y e , Pat. c) B y e - b y e , Pat.

9. Listen and write the letters.

See ( • * .

What's your score? 1

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

W h a t ' s y o u r score? — К а к о й счет?

49 Likal972
1. Look, listen, repeat and read. T h e n act out the d i a l o g u e s .
I. At the A i r p o r t .

Mr Bell: Excuse me.

Svetlana: Yes.
Mr Bell: Are you from M o s c o w ?
Svetlana: Yes, I a m .
Mr Bell: A r e y o u t h e g r o u p leacjer? 1
Svetlana: Yes, I am.
Mr Bell: M y n a m e is P a t r i c k
Oxford school.
Svetlana: H o w do you do? I ' m
Mr B e l l : H o w do you do? Nice
Pat: H e l l o , m y n a m e is Pat
Alexander: H e l l o , I am A l e x a n d e r
Pat: N i c e to m e e t y o u .
Alexander: N i c e to m e e t you too

group leader ['gru:pli:do] — руководитель группы

II. What's Your Name?

— What's your name?

— My name's Mary.
— What's your surname?
— My surname is Hay.
— H o w old are you?
— I'm eleven years old.
— Where are you from?
— I am from Oxford.
— What's your address?
— 25 Queen Street, Oxford.
— What's your telephone number?
— It's 6 3 3 9 1 .
Mr Jones, this is Svetlana.

How do you do?

Pleased to meet you.

H o w do you do?
N i c e to meet you too

Hello. My name is Mike.

Hello. I'm Alexander.

N i c e to meet you

Pleased to meet you too.

51 Lifcal972
2. Listen, repeat, match and act.
Hello! Satellite Link Moscow - London.

Hello, I'm John.

What's your name? Hello, Peter.
H o w are you?
What s your hobby?
Pleased to meet you

My name's
Kate. I'm eleven
I'm from London. Painting

Where are Fine, thanks.

you from?
And you?

Pleased to
meet you too

Moscow London

A4, B6, C I , D5, 3E, 2F

3. Open the front cover of the book. Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .

4. Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .

He is f r o m Scotland. She is f r o m Wales.

It is f r o m It is f r o m Scot- We are f r o m Great Britain.

England too. land too.

They are f r o m Great Britain.

I ' m from America.
W h e r e are you f r o m ?

5. Listeii and sing.


I am happy. We are happy.

You are happy. You are happy.
He is happy. They are happy too.
She is happy.

6. Where must the bees land? The letters will help you.

Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg

7. Complete the table.

I — my It —
You — your We —
He — You —
She — They —


8. Look, listen, repeat and answer.
I. My hobby is painting. What is your hobby?

collecting computer
collecting stamps
collecting coins

II. My favourite sport is badminton. What is your favourite


table tennis basketball gymnastics






9. Tell your classmates about your hobby and favourite sport.

10. Read about these five children. Choose a pen-friend. Say why you
choose him/her.

Name John Lewis Name Louisa Croft

Age 12 years old Age 11
Hobbies and music, reading, Hobbies and music, gymnas-
favourite sports drawing, tennis, favourite sports tics, reading,
baseball drawing

Name Oliver Myles Name Tom Clark

Age 10 Age 12
Hobbies and music, collecting Hobbies and collecting coins,
favourite sports stamps, football favourite sports painting, reading,

Name Mike Brown

Age 12
Hobbies and chess, collecting
favourite sports computer,

1 1 . Interview your classmate about his/her hobby and favourite
sport. Tell the class about it.

12. Listen to the children and write down their names, telephone
numbers, favourite sports and hobbies, where they are from and
how old they are.

p. 372

A game: What is your naine? Choose a name for yourself.

D o n ' t tell your classmate. A s k each other questions and
guess each other's names. Good luck. Start the game.

Name Sur- Address Phone Hobby Favourite Where How

name number sport from? old?

Peter Bell 5 Queen St. 57613 drawing tennis Oxford 10

Ann Bell 5 Queen St. 57613 music tennis Oxford 12
James Bell 5 Queen St. 57613 drawing tennis Oxford 11
Ben Bell 5 Queen St. 57613 music tennis Oxford 9
Tony Hay 7 O x f o r d St. 385 5721 drawing judo London 12
Kate Hay 7 Oxford St. 385 5721 music judo London 10
David Hay 7 O x f o r d St. 385 5721 drawing judo London 9
Pat Hay 7 Oxford St. 385 5721 music judo London 11

Questions and A n s w e r s .
Q: Excuse me. Q: W h a t ' s your hobby?
A: Yes. A: My hobby is ...
Q: W h a t ' s your surname? Q: W h a t ' s your favourite sport?
A: My surname is ... A: My f a v o u r i t e sport is ...
Q: W h a t ' s your address? Q: Where are you f r o m ?
A: My address is ... A: I ' m f r o m ...
Q: W h a t ' s your phone number? Q: How old are you?
A: My phone number is ... A: I am ...
Your name is ...

1 4 . Introduce yourself.
First n a m e
Telephone number
Favourite sports

1 5 . a). Work in a group of three. Find out as much as you can about
your classmates,
b). Tell the class about one of your classmates.

1 6 . a). Write your own story about the girl.

b). Listen and compare it with the real story of this girl.

The girl is ... y e a r s old.

Her n a m e is ...
She is f r o m ...
Her d a d ' s n a m e is ...
Her m u m ' s n a m e is ...
Her h o b b i e s are ...

p. 3 7 3

1 7 . Listen, repeat and remember.


I h a v e six h o n e s t 2 s e r v i n g m e n .
T h e y t a u g h t 3 me all I k n e w . 4
T h e i r n a m e s are W h a t and W h y and W h e n
A n d H o w and W h e r e and W h o .
Rudyard Kipling

s e r v i n g m e n ['so:viq men] — слуги
h o n e s t fomst] — честные
t a u g h t [to:t] — научили
k n e w [nju:] — знал

Look, listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: At Linda's Party.

Linda- Oh hello, John.

John: Hello, Linda. This is Mary.
Linda; Hello, Mary. Nice to meet you.
Mary: Hello, Linda. Nice to meet you too.
Linda: L e t ' s have tea.
John: Thank you.
Mary: Thank you.
Linda: Where are you f r o m , Mary?
Mary: I ' m f r o m Oxford.
Linda: How old are you?
Mary: I ' m eleven. How old are you, Linda?
Linda: I ' m eleven too.
John: W h a t ' s your hobby, Linda?
Linda: Painting.
Mary: And my hobby is sport.
John: W h a t ' s your favourite sport?
Mary: Gymnastics.
Linda: Hello, David. This is David.

Be — Present Simple.
19. a). Look, listen, r e p e a t a n d r e a d .
b). Pay attention to the forms of the verb to be.

C O M I C I. Alison and Tony.

A computer game. Match the planets and the spaceships.

1C, 2A, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6B, 7A

21. Complete the table for column +.


I am ( I ' m ) Am I 9 I am ( ' m ) not

He J.S J.17
She is ( s h e ' s )
it Is it? It is not ( i s n ' t )
We ... Are we? We are not ( a r e n ' t )
You are ( y o u ' r e ) You are not ( a r e n ' t )
They ... Are they? They are not ( a r e n ' t )

p. 332

Hello, is Alison in?

Is that you, Alison?

Alison: Yes, it's me.

Tony: Are you all right?

Alison: Yes, I ' m fine, thanks.

Tony: Is your dad in?

Alison: No, he is not. He is at work.

Tony: Is your mum in?

Alison: No, she is not She's out.

Tony: Let's go to the park.

Alison: Yes, OK.

What? Sorry.
I have no cat. Wrong number

62 Lifcal972
2 3 . Complete the table for columns —, ?.

p. 332

2 4 . a). Look at the letters and compare them,

b). Copy letters for joined writing.

abcdefcjkljk l/n/icrpyrstunvxi/z
cub cdeftjkijIdmrvop yrsUv\rtvxyz
2 5 . Copy and write.

am kcr nq
ch tif ok
vtc ru
wi rk oi>
2 6 . Watch out! You don't need to make a join after these letters.
Copy them.

b g j pq s X y z

A handwriting game. Who gets more capital and break
letters? Throw a dice and go through the alphabet.

a). Look, listen, repeat and then copy the letter;

20 Queui Street,
(uour aAdr&ss) Oxford, UK
20th. April /772
My name Us MiAe. My surname, us Clay don. / am, el&iwi
/ am from Oxford. My hobby Us ooUzctirig computer garrm. Mypvovuriie.
sporùs are potbaJA, and ofwss. My telephone ruomSer Us 0865-
3//36. And you, ? What Us your namz ? How oid are you, ?
What are your favourUe. sports and h/rbbti<s ?
With, b&st washes/

With best wishes — с наилучшими пожеланиями

b). Fill in the letter.

2 3 University Street,
I Oth Mcuj m i
Dear MUu, , \\ , t ;yi
My name , A Im ander. My surname. J. KryLov. I f r o m
Moscow. My phone number... /4-5 27 15. / j ^ Uwlve
years old. My favourite, sportej;. badminton and pvtbaM.
Wotk best withe*,

is, is, am, is, am, are

. Look at the picture, listen and compare British and Russian ad


30. Which address is correct?

London SW/m
MlAS Ann Jones
Trafalgar Stredl


3 1 • Write a first letter to your pen-friend about yourself. Write an
address on the envelope.

3 2 . Look, listen, repeat and remember. Match the picture and the
At School.

1. pen [pen] 8. map [masp] 16. eraser [ l ' r e t z s ]

2. pencil ['pensl] 9. bag [beeg] 17. boy [boi]
3. pencil case ['pensl keis] 10. lamp [lasmp] 18. girl [ga:l]
4. felt-tip pen [,felt tip 11. blackboard ['blaekbo:d] 19. teacher ['ti:t/9]
'pen] 12. calculator 20. brush, [brAj]
5. desk [desk] fkaelkjuleita] 21. sharpener
6. book [buk] 13. pupil [ pju:pl] [7ct:pana]
7. exercise book f e k s a s a i z 14. computer [ k a m ' p j u : t 9 ] 22. ruler f r u : l a ]
buk] 15. paints [peints] 23. chalk [t/o:k]

N a m e the objects in your bag and in your c l a s s r o o m .

A m e m o r y game. Close the b o o k and write what there is

in the p i c t u r e . W h a t ' s y o u r s c o r e ?

Listen, repeat, learn and w r i t e .



to50 sixty
70 seventy

ninety a hundred BO 1,000

a thousand
a miilion eighty

3 6 . 100 1,000 I t*©0,000

a). Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .


D e c e m b e r , J a n u a r y and F e b r u a r y are
winter months.
M a r c h , A p r i l and M a y are s p r i n g
J u n e , July and A u g u s t are s u m m e r
S e p t e m b e r , O c t o b e r and N o v e m b e r
are a u t u m n m o n t h s .

b). Fill in the r h y m e .
30 d a y s has S e p t e m b e r , A p r i l , 30 d a y s has S er, A....
J u n e and N o v e m b e r , J... and N ,
All the rest h a v e 3 1 All the rest h a v e 31
E x c e p t i n g F e b r u a r y alone Excepting F alone
W h i c h has 28 days clear W h i c h has 28 d a y s clear
A n d 29 in each l e a p year. A n d 29 in each leap year.


Li & 19 72
3 7 . Look, listen, repeat and remember.

Art Cooking Science Handicraft


Time •
Day • 9-10 10-11 11-12 L 13-14 14-15
Monday History Geography Science ^Literature English
Tuesday Biology Sport v Music N Art vCooking

Wednesday Art Science English C v Handicraft Drama

Thursday English Computing History H Geography Maths
Friday Computing Maths Biology Literature Sport

3 8 . Read and answer.


— Maths, Geography, Science and English are my favourite subjects.

— And my favourite school subjects are Cooking, History, Music and Art.
— What are your favourite subjects?

3 9 . Interview your classmate about his/her favourite subject.

4 0 . Write your timetable in English for Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-

day, Thursday and Friday.

4 1 . Read the text and then write about your classmate.


David is my classmate. His surname is Edwards. He is British. He

is f r o m the UK. His telephone number is 071-372 4681. His address
iS|9 Green Street, London SW7. His hobbies are tennis, reading and
drawing. He is eleven years old. His favourite subject at school is

Lirais 72
. Read and listen.

[i:] [i] [e] [«]

teacher six ^ pen bag
reading sixty pencil maths
three fifty tennis mathematics
Zealand history chess badminton
fourteen British when lamp
fifteen English pencil case map
sixteen winter Wednesday Saturday
seventeen spring ten blackboard
eighteen million twelve Canada
nineteen England seven calculator
season literature seventy stamp
we his Welsh handicraft
she February January
September gymnastics
No vember

[u:] M Liu:] [o:] [o]

ruler book Tuesday chalk hobby
June cooking pupil four golf
judo football music forty photography
who July computer sport Scottish
your boxing
drawing what
[a:] [A] [a:]
girl Monday art
her Sunday March
Thursday one basketball
thirty hundred sharpener


4 3 • listen, repeat and match.
Countries and Nationalities.

1). G r e a t Britain (the a). E n g l i s h 6). the U n i t e d States

United Kingdom) b). S c o t t i s h of A m e r i c a
c). British

I d). Irish
e). A m e r i c a n
f). Welsh
g). a N e w 7). N e w Z e a l a n d
h). C a n a d i a n
i). A u s t r a l i a n
j). Russian I r^:

8). A u s t r a l i a

4). Wales
9). C a n a d a

5). N o r t h e r n Ireland 10). R u s s i a

W 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 f, 5 d, 6 e, 7 g, 8 i, 9 h, 10 j

3 Счастливый английский
a). Listen, read and answer.


The f l a g s of the United Kingdom, the United States of America,

Australia and New Zealand are red, white and blue.
The f l a g of Scotland is blue and white.
The f l a g of Wales is green, red and white.
The f l a g s of England and Canada are red and white.
What colour is the f l a g of your country?
What nationality are you?

b). Can you find and name these flags on the first pages of
units 3-12?

Listen, sing and remember.


What is your name, what is your name?

Now tell me, please, what is your name?
My name is Jenny, my name is Jenny,
My name is Jenny, t h a t ' s my name.
How old are you, how old are you?
Now tell me, please, how old are you?
I am ten, I am ten,
I am ten, t h a t ' s my age.
W h e r e are you f r o m , where are you f r o m ?
Now tell me, please, where are you f r o m ?
I ' m f r o m London, I'm f r o m London,
I ' m f r o m London, t h a t ' s where I ' m f r o m .

A game: At the international school

party. Make a card like one of these. Mary
Then interview each other. Good luck. 12
Start the game. Great Britain
tel: ...

Anne Barbara Charles
11 13 12
Scotland England Wales
Scottish English Welsh
tel: ... tel: ... tel: ...

David James Mark

10 11 12
New Zealand Australia the U S A
a New Zealander Australian American
tel: ... tel: ... tel: ...

Jane Diana Helen

10 11 12
Canada Northern Ireland Australia
Canadian Irish Australian
tel: ... tel: ... tel: ...

Alexander Andrew Chris

11 10 11
Russia Scotland America
Russian Scottish American
tel: ... tel: ... tel: ...

W h a t ' s your name? How old are you? Where are you f r o m ? What
nationality are you? W h a t ' s your telephone number?

Talk to Starkid.
I. Hello. Ask me:
1) My n a m e ' s Starkid. W h a t ' s 1) - .? — My name is Starkid.
your name? 2) - .? — My surname is Galaxy.
2) My surname is Galaxy. 3) - ? — I am 132 years old.
W h a t ' s your surname? 4) - .? — 1 am from the Red Planet.
3) I ' m from the Red Planet. 5) - .? — Star tennis and badminton.
Where are you from?
4) My favourite sports are star tennis and badminton
What are your favourite sports?
5) I am 132 years old. How old are you?

II. How M a n y New Words from Unit 2 Do You K n o w ?

classroom school subjects numbers days
bag art eleven 11 Monday
blackboard biology twelve 12 Tuesday
book cooking thirteen 13 Wednesday
brush English fourteen 14 Thursday
calculator geography fifteen 15 Friday
chalk handicraft sixteen 16 Saturday
computer history seventeen 17 Sunday
desk literature eighteen 18
eraser mathematics nineteen 19 months
exercise book (maths) twenty 20 January
felt-tip pen music twenty-one 21 February
lamp science thirty 30 March
map sport forty 40 April
paints fifty 50 May
pen sixty 60 June
pencil seventy 70 July
pencil case eighty 80 August
pupil ninety 90 September
ruler a hundred 100 October
sharpener a thousand 1,000 November
boy a million 1,000,000 December

countries nationalities hobbies seasons
America American collecting coins, spring
(the U S A ) Australian stamps and com- s u m m e r
Australia Canadian puter g a m e s autumn
Canada English drawing winter
England British painting year
Great Britain Irish photography
(the United a New Zealander reading »
Kingdom) Russian name
Northern Ireland Scottish surname
New Zealand Welsh address
Russia telephone
Scotland number
favourite sports
badminton gymnastics I my
baseball judo he his
basketball table tennis she her
boxing (ping-pong) it its
chess tennis we our
cricket football you your
golf they their

1 5 2 ( + 8 0 )

Do You K n o w T h e s e E x p r e s s i o n s f r o m Unit 2?

— Hello, my name is Mike

— Hello. I'm Pat.
— Nice to meet you.
— Pleased to meet you too.

W h a t ' s your name, please?
My name is Barbara.
W h a t ' s your surname?
My surname is Atkins.
Where are you f r o m ?
I ' m from London.
W h a t ' s your address, please?
<3 23 Oxford Street, London. 3)
W h a t ' s your telephone number, Barbara?
071-236 7798.
What nationality are you?
I ' m British.
W h a t ' s your hobby?
Music and painting.
W h a t ' s your favourite sport?
How old are you?
I ' m eleven.

Hello. Is Mike in?

Just a minute... H e ' s out

Is that 12357?
Sorry, wrong number

1. Complete the table for the verb to be.
I ... I' ... we ... w e ' ...
you . y o u ' .. you ... y o u ' ...
he ... h e ' ... they ... t h e y ' ...
she .. s h e ' ...
it ... it' ...
2. Here are some answers. Write the questions.
a) My n a m e ' s Ann. b) I'm twelve, c) 23 Queen Street, d) 12379.

3 a). Fill in the letter from Anthony Black.

b). Write A n t h o n y ' s address correctly on the envelope.

16 Quem. Street,
Oxford. UK

in Uiz centre. \

4. Write a list of the countries of the UK.

5. Write questions for an interview:
name, surname, address, phone number, how old he/she is, hobbies,
favourite sport and subjects at school.

6. Listen to the children and write down their names, addresses,

telephone numbers, hobbies, favourite sport and subjects at
school, where they are from and how old they are.

What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

76 Li£al972

. Look, listen, repeat, read and act.

I. Welcome to Britain.

Mother: Come in. Welcome to Oxford.

gander: Thank you.
Mike: Mum, this is Alexander.
tander: How do you do, Mrs Claydon?
Mother: Hello, Alexander. Nice to meet you.
Mike: This is my brother Terry.
xander: Hello, Terry.
Terry: Hello, Alexander.
xander: I've got some presents from
my parents. Here they are,
Mrs Claydon.

I I . HAVE Y O U G O T A C O M P U T E R ?

Mike: Come in. This is my room.

A l e x a n d e r : You have a nice room and y o u ' v e got a computer. Have
you got any computer games?
Mike: Yes, I have quite a lot.
Alexander : Have you " S p a c e trans-
Mike : Yes. Here it is.
Alexander : Have you any chess compu-
ter games?
Mother Thank y o t f v ^ y muj Mike No, I ' m afraid I h a v e n ' t .
-Mike Have ot an
broth i r s r siste
A l e x a n d e r : Yes, I ve jot one
sister cal ed Olg
Mike: How ibid s she?
Alexander: S h e ' s nin
Terry: And his is my log Meg.
It is / e n clevei . Come here,
Meg. Haj/e you jot any pets,
Sash *?
Alexander: Yes, /е.
I've 1 cat с allied Kitty.
Terry How is it?
Alexander: I t ' s t|iree years c
And it has | o t
thre« ens.

Space T r a n s p o r t e r s — космический

2. Look, listen and repeat. Then answer the questions.
What Have You Got?

Have you a camera? Have you got any

brothers or sisters?

Have you got

a dog?

Yes, I have./
No, I haven't

camera calculator budgie GN tortoise

IMLB ['kaemara] ff'kaelkjuleita] [bAd3l] [ to:t9s]
f'wo:kman] bicycle
J * ^ goldfish hamster
fbaisikl] <L? ['haemsta]
cassette cassette rabbit parrot
^recorder [ka'set] I'raebit] fpasrat]

Have you got a camera? Have you a rabbit?

Have you got a walkman? Have you a tortoise?
Have you got a cassette recorder? Have you got a hamster?
Have you a calculator? Have you got a parrot?
Have you got a bicycle? Have you got a cat?
Have you got a cassette? Have you got a dog?
Have you a budgie? Have you a sister?
Have you got a goldfish? Have you got a brother?

Li & 19 72
3. a). Read and say which things you have got with you today.

I have/I have got...

a pen, a pencil, an eraser, a sharpener, an exercise book, an English

book, a ruler, a brush, felt-tip pens, a pencil case, a bag
b). Has your classmate got the same?

He (she) has got/He (she) has...

4. Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the expression

have got.
C O M I C . What a Nice Camera.

What a nice camera

you've got. Let me take your picture.
H a v e you got your hat with you'

You haven't got your
hat but y c u ' v e got your sunglasses. Put them
on and sit down there. ^
iobal" ooa
SWaHjii t r . v-v-v ddo ooo

/" Fine.
Have you got your sunshade?

F ^ N o , I haven't b u r ' That's fine. Put it up.
I've got my umbrella Have you got a book?

No, I

h a v e n ' t got
you've got
Open it. What film have you got?
Colour or black and white?

A computer game: Space transporters. Finish the
question codes, write the questions and help the space
t r a n s p o r t e r s to land.
1 4
Have I? 14
1 4 3
Have I got? 143
He She We You They
29 28 ... ... 17
— — 153 — —


p. 373

6. Complete the table.


+ ? —

I . . . ( . . . ) got.
He ... ;}< Has he got? He ...(...) got.
She ... She has not (hasn't) got.
It has ('s) got. I t . . . ( . . . ) got.
We have ( ' v e ) got. Have we got? We have not ( h a v e n ' t ) got.
You ... You ... (...) got.
They ... They have not ( h a v e n ' t ) got.

p. 340

Possessives 1 's or s'.

7 . Choose between 's or s'.

The parrot's [s] apple

T h e p a r r o t s ' [s] a p p l e
T h e d o g ' s [z] h o u s e
The d o g s ' f z ] h o u s e ^ f ?
The b u d g i e ' s [z] cage
The budgies' [z] cage

1 [(Si4 4p"%
IflQfâk со ) i r i


1) Mrs C l a y d o n ' s calculator 6) Terry's hamster

2) M i k e ' s computer 7) Mr C l a y d o n ' s camera
3) the rabbits' carrot 8) B a r b a r a ' s cassette recorder
4) the b o y s ' parrot 9) the d o g s ' house
5) the cats' basket 10) P a t ' s tortoise

possessives — п р и т я ж а т е л ь н ы й п а д е ж

Lirais 72
8. Look, listen, repeat and remember. Match the picture and the

1- mother ['mA&a] 7. aunt [ci:nt] 13. grandmother ['grsen,mA6a]

2. father f f c i : 5 a ] 8. uncle ['Aqkl] 14. grandfather [ ' g r £ e n d , f a : 5 a ]
3. son [sAn] 9. nephew [ ' n e v j u : ] 15. great-grandmother f g r e i t
4. daughter f d o : t a ] 10. niece [ni:s] 'graen,mA6a]
brother ['brASa] 11. cousin ['kAzn] 16. great-grandfather f g r e i t
sister f s i s t a ] 12. parents [ ' p t a r a n t s ] 'graend,fci:5a]

A memory game. Close the book and write who there is in
the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

Listen and read. Then say who is who in your family.


Your father and your mother are your parents. You are their son
or daughter. Your m o t h e r ' s father and your f a t h e r ' s father are your
grandfathers. Your m o t h e r ' s mother and your f a t h e r ' s mother are
your grandmothers. Your g r a n d m o t h e r ' s or g r a n d f a t h e r ' s mother is
your great-grandmother. Your g r a n d f a t h e r ' s or g r a n d m o t h e r ' s father
is your great-grandfather.
Your m o t h e r ' s or your f a t h e r ' s sister is your aunt. Your f a t h e r ' s
or your m o t h e r ' s brother is your uncle. Your a u n t ' s or your u n c l e ' s
children are your cousins. The child of a brother or a sister is a niece
or a nephew. Girls are nieces, boys are nephews.

Read and answer: Has Alexander got a g r a n d m o t h e r ?

This is my family. I ' v e got a sister. My s i s t e r ' s name is Olga. She
is nine years old. Her hobby is collecting stamps. I ' v e got two
cousins. Their names are Andrew and Helen. Helen is eleven and
Andrew is f i f t e e n . H e l e n ' s favourite sport is tennis. A n d r e w ' s
favourite sport is football. I ' v e got a father and a mother but I
h a v e n ' t got a grandmother.

Listen and answer: How many sisters has Mike got?

Look at the family tree and draw your family tree. Write about
yourself and your family. A s k your family to help you.

me Date of birth 1 — 5.10.82

Name — Pat Claydon Place of birth 2 —- London

d a t e of b i r t h [Ьэ:9] — д а т а р о ж д е н и я
place of b i r t h — место р о ж д е н и я

My m o t h e r My g r a n d m o t h e r
N a m e ...
Date of birth ...
p l a c e of birth ... My g r a n d f a t h e r
My f a t h e r
N a m e ...
Date of birth ... My g r e a t -
Place of birth ... grandmother

My sister

My g r e a t -
My b r o t h e r

1 4 . Write about your family.

. Look and answer.

1. W h o has got a family tree? 2. How many pets have they got?
3. How many pictures have they got?

William Hogarth (1697 — 1764)

" T h e Marriage Contract" 1 (National Gallery, London)

"The Marriage Contract" — «Брачный контракт»

Read and listen.

[i:] [i] [e] [as] [о:] [o]

meet film pet cat walkman got
niece sister clever have tortoise
children present black cassette recorder
bicycle camera

[Л] [a:] [ei] И [w] [v]

son grandfather name photo welcome nephew
brother aunt game walkman
uncle great
budgie afraid
colour eraser
cousin calculator

Listen, repeat and remember. Find the meaning of the underlined

words in the vocabulary.


Mother is the dearest 1

Father is the kindest 2
Of all the friends I know. Of all the friends I know.
She helps me work and helps me play. He likes to take me out with him.
T h a t ' s why I love her so. T h a t ' s why I love him so.

Listen and sing. Find the meaning of the underlined words in the


I love mother, she loves me. I love sister, she loves me.
We love daddy, yes siree; 3 We love brother, yes siree;
He loves us and so you see, He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family. We are a happy family.

dearest — самая дорогая
kindest ['kaindost] — самый добрый
siree ['s9:'ri:] — сэр (ам., используется в песнях для рифмы)
Listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: A New Friend at Home.

Mrs Mason: Hello. Come in.

Jane: Mum, this is Kate.
Kate: How do you do, Mrs Mason?
Mrs Mason: Nice to meet you.
Jane: This is my brother John.
John: Hello, Kate.
Kate: Hi, John. I ' v e got some presents f r o m my parents.
Here they are, Mrs Mason.
Mrs Mason: Thank you very much. How nice.
John and Jane: Thanks a lot.
John: Kate, have you got any brothers and sisters?
Kate: Yes, I ' v e got a brother called Andrew.
Jane: And this is our dog Judy. Have you got any pets at
home, Kate?
Kate: Yes, I ' v e got a cat and a goldfish.
John: Dad, this is Kate.

Role - playing.
Roles: a Russian boy or girl and an English friend.
1) Meet a friend from England at the airport. 2) Take him/her to school
to meet your classmates. 3) Take him/her home to meet your parents.


Talk to Starkid.
Hello. How are you?
1) I have a spaceship and in the
spaceship I ' v e got computers and
cameras. Have you got computers
at school? Have you got cameras at
2) At home on the Red Planet I ' v e got
a big family: my parents, my grand-
parents, thousands of brothers, sis-
ters and cousins. Have you got a
big family too?
3) My brothers, sisters and I have
starbudgies, hamsters, goldfish,
rabbits, tortoises and parrots. What
pets have you got?

II. How Many New Words from Unit 3 Do You Know?

family pets presents clever

aunt budgie bicycle happy
brother cat calculator friend
cousin dog camera
great-grandfather goldfish cassette recorder
great-grandmother hamster film
nephew kitten walkman
niece parrot
parents rabbit
sister tortoise

33 (+232)

Do You K n o w T h e s e E x p r e s s i o n s f r o m U n i t 3?

Have you got any brothers and sisters? 1.

Yes, I ' v e got one sister called Mary.

[ — Have you a dog?

\ — Yes, I have.

— Have you M i k e ' s telephone number?

No, I h a v e n ' t .


1. W r i t e a b o u t y o u r s e l f . Use am, is, are, have, has.
My name ... . I ... f r o m ... . I ... years old. My father ... years old. My
m o t h e r ' s name ... . We ... a pet. I ... cousins.

2. A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
W h o is Barbara?(Mike). Barbara is Mike's mother.
(Kate). Barbara is Kate's grandmother.

Tony - Barbara

Mike Helen = Peter

Bill Kate

a) W h o is Helen? (Tony, Kate)

b) W h o is Bill? (Barbara, Kate)

3. N a m e the m e m b e r s of your family.

4. Listen and write the answers.

a) How many brothers has Nick got?

b) Has he got a sister?
c) W h a t ' s his s i s t e r ' s name?
d) How old is she?
e) How many cousins has he got?

5. You meet a boy/girl from another 1 country.

a) Say 2 that you are pleased to meet him/her.

b) Introduce 3 your brother to him/her.
c) Say that it is a present f r o m your parents.

d) Say that you have two sisters and a brother.

See ( • * .

another [э'плбэ] — другая
say [sei] — с к а ж и
i n t r o d u c e [,intra'dju:s] — п р е д с т а в ь

1. Look, listen, r e p e a t , r e a d a n d a c t .
At Table.

Can I pour you s o m e m o r e tea?

Yes, p l e a s e .
C o u l d you p a s s
me a s c o n e , p l e a s e ?
i f Would you like s o m e m o r e m i l k ?

Yes, h e r e you are No t h a n k s

Look, listen, repeat and remember,

Cream Tea


2) cream

5) strawberries

a). Look, listen, repeat and make. b). Try and repeat the recipes
How to Make English Tea and Scones.


Fill the kettle Warm the pot

iBoil the water
with cold water

sugar teapot


U l J o Put one teaspoon
of tea in the pot Pour hot water into the pot
for each person and one extra for the pot Enjoy your tea.

For scones you need: 1

Add the butter,
sugar, raisins,
an e g g and milk.

Mix the flour

and baking 3 5 0 g flour
powder. 1 teaspoon baking powder
75 g butter
1 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt m
1 tablespoon of raisins
1 egg 4. Cut into
3. Roll out the rounds.
pastry to about
1 cm thick.

5. Bake 1 5 - 2 0 minutes Enjoy your

in a hot oven. scones.

a). Listen, sing and remember. Find the meaning of the under-
lined words in the vocabulary.


I ' m a little teapot, short and stout.

H e r e ' s my handle, h e r e ' s my spout.
When I hear the teacups, hear me shout:
"Tip me over, pour me out." 2

I ' m a very clever pot, i t ' s true.

H e r e ' s an example of what I can do.
I can change my handle and my spout.
"Tip me over, pour me out."

need — н у ж н о
T i p me over, p o u r me out. — О п р о к и н ь т е меня, в ы л е й т е меня.

First you put your right hand on your hip.
That makes the handle that you can tip.
Then you make your left hand form the spout
To tip you over, pour you out.

Now l e t ' s see how clever you can be.

Reverse position and you will see. 1
You can change your handle and your spout
To tip you over, pour you out.

I ' m a little teapot, short and stout.

H e r e ' s my handle, h e r e ' s my spout.
When I hear the teacups, hear me shout:
"Tip me over, pour me out."

b). Look at the teapot A l e x a n d e r designed. Design your own


5. Look, listen and say who has good manners.

Table Manners.

Q Help yourselves. J)

Thank you. j A ^ IS( Thank you

will see — у в и д и ш ь

Please, sit d o w n

1) Tony, 2) Tom, 3) Peter, 4) Richard.

6. Listen, read and remember. Find the meaning of the u n d e r l i n e d

words in the v o c a b u l a r y .


A child should always say w h a t ' s true,

And speak when he is spoken to, 1
And behave mannerly at table:
At least as far as he is able. 2
Robert Louis Stevenson

Hearts, like doors, will open with ease 3

To very, very little keys.
And d o n ' t f o r g e t 4 that two of these
Are "I thank y o u " and "If you please".
From "Mother Goose Rhymes"

when he is spoken to — когда к нему обращаются
at least as far as he is able — в меру своих способностей
Hearts, like doors, will open with ease — Сердца, как двери, от-
крываются с легкостью
don't forget [fa'get] — не забывай

. Look, listen, repeat and remember. Match the picture and the

Breakfast Table.

1. ham [hœra] 11. scrambled egg 20. cereal f s i a r i a l ]

2. napkin f n a s p k i n ] fskraembld eg] 21. roll [raul]
3. tablemat f t e i b l m a e t ] 12. c u p [ k A p ] 22. coffeepot ['kofipot]
4. toast rack ['taust 13. honey ['hAni] 23. plate [pleitj
rœk] 14. butter f b A t a ] 24. bacon f b e i k a n ]
5. glass [ g l a : s ] 15. mushroomfi vfM^t1 25. toast [taust]
6. vase [vci:z] fmAjrum] 26. spoon [spu:n]
7. marmalade ['ma:maleid] 16. fork [fo:k] 27. orange j u i c e ['orind3
8. pepper [ ' p e p a j 17. salt [so:lt] d3u:s]
9. boiled egg f b o i l d eg] 18. saucer ['so:s9] 28. cheese [tfi:z]
10. fried egg ['fraid eg] 19. k n i f e [naif] 29. flower [ f l a u a ]


A memory game: Who has got the best memory? Close
the book and draw the table properly laid. Then write
what there is in the picture. W h a t ' s y o u r score?

Look and say what English people usually have for breakfast.

m- cereal, bacon and eggs, toast,

butter, m a r m a l a d e

1 0 . a). What is healthy food?

b). Write your healthy menu for lunch.
1. butter 2. carrots 3. pepper 4. salt 5. an apple 6. sugar 7. j u i c e
8. honey 9 . t e a 10. c o f f e e 11. salad 12. cheese

A game: Who can lay the table quickest? You need a dice
and a counter. Choose the teatable or the b r e a k f a s t table,
throw the dice and move the counter a c c o r d i n g to the
n u m b e r on the dice. If the food can go on y o u r table, write down
the word and draw a picture if you like. If the food can't go on
your table, wait for the next turn. The person w h o lays the table
quickest is the winner. Good luck. Start the game.


aucers toast rack


teapot honey
,, '


bacon mus


juice lade



1 2 . Help the children to choose a/an or some.

m- a — 2 , 8, 10, 12, 17
an — 1, 4, 14, 15
some — 3 , 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 1 8 - f

13. a). Look, listen, repeat and remember,
b). Try and repeat the recipes.
A Slice of Toast.

Cut a slice of bread Put it in the t o a s t e r

Wait a m i n u t e
It's ready!

Put the toast on your plate.

Put s o m e butter on it.
Put s o m e jam on the toast. Enjoy it

Scrambled Eggs

Break three e g g s
and drop them in
a bowl.

Mix the e g g s
Add s o m e salt and s o m e milk with a s p o o n .

Put it on the r t o v e Pour the e g g m i x t u r e Put it on y o u r plate

to heat it up. into the pan and cook it. and eat it. E n j o y it.


Breakfast Cereal.

Pour on s o m e cold milk.

Add s o m e s u g a r . I t ' s g r e a t .
( 2 ) Put s o m e cereal E n j o y it.
in y o u r b o w l . ©

the box.

1 4 . Write what you need to make toast, scrambled eggs, scones and

1 5 . a). Look, listen, read and remember.

b). Say what you can see in this lunch box.


British and A m e r i c a n boys and girls

take packed lunches in lunch b o x e s
to school. They like oranges, apples,
cheese and ham sandwiches, banana
sandwiches, jam sandwiches, raisins,
yoghurt and chocolate.

c). Say what packed lunch you would

like to have.

1 6 . Look, listen, r e p e a t a n d r e a d . Pay a t t e n t i o n to the i m p e r a t i v e s .

COMIC: Be Careful.

Look! A new washing machine

Let's look at
the instructions.

P u t your washing in there. Choose the programme!

Press the red button

Oh, Alison and Tony. Help us!

Please help us!

103 Li£al972
Listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: Breakfast Time.

Grandpa: Could I have a cup of tea, please?

Mother: With milk?
Grandpa: Yes, please, but no sugar.
Mother: And what would you like? Tea or c o f f e e ?
Father: C o f f e e , please.
Mother: White or black?
Father: White, please.
Mother: Sugar?
Father: No sugar for me, thanks. Would you like tea or juice,
Jane: I ' d like juice, please.
Father: What j u i c e would you like? G r a p e f r u i t or orange?
Jane: Orange, please. Thanks, i t ' s great.
John: Could you pass me the butter, please, Dad?
Father: Here you are. Help yourself to toast, John.
John: Thanks a lot.
Mother: Would you like another cup of tea?
Grandpa: No, thanks.


iviuiiier: j o n n , j a n e . iaKe your pacKea luncnes. Jane, put an
orange in your lunch box. John, make some sand-
wiches. Cut some brown bread and some slices of
cheese and ham.
John: I ' d like raisins in my sandwiches. Can you make a
packed lunch for me, Jane?

1 8 . R e a d a n d listen.

[9] [h] [w] [t] [1] Lf]

thank have would take leave sugar
hear warm try look
honey wash tea like
hot wait
hand waiter

W] № [r] [p] [f]

change enjoy roll pour finish
choose jam remember press fill
cheese juice raisins put fruit

[i:] [i] [e] [ae] fbii] [o]

cheese mix help jam pour pot
cream milk egg add your hot
tea hip pepper mat fork coffee
biscuit left rack salt

[A] [a:] [19] [ei] [ai] [O!] [au]

cut pass cereal bake design oil open
butter vase break like boil bowl
onion banana cake slice stove
mushroom marmalade make
instruction bacon

Talk to Starkid.
1) Welcome to the Red Planet.
Would you like a cup of star tea?
2) Would you like some juice?
3) What would you like? Help your-
self to Red Planet fruit.
4) Tell me what you like to make or

II. How M a n y New W o r d s f r o m Unit 4 Do You K n o w ?

add like careful bacon milk bowl
bake make cold baking mushroom coffeepot
boil mix extra powder orange juice cup
break need hot boiled egg packed lunch fork
can oil warm bread pepper flower
choose pass certainly butter raisins glass
cook pour breakfast cereal roll kettle
cut put cheese salad knife
eat roll chocolate salt napkin
enjoy take cream sandwich plate
fill wait flour scone saucer
have tea warm fried egg scrambled egg spoon
help fruit slice of toast tablemat
grapefruit strawberry tHpPPt
ham sugar I teaspoon
honey water toast rack
jam yoghurt vase
8 4 ( + 2 6 5 ) marmalade

Please, come in.
Thank you.
Please, sit down. Would you like
cup of tea?
Yes, please.
Help yo.urself to scones.
Thank you.
How about some cream?
No, thank you. Could you pass me
the sugar, please?
Yes, here you are.
Can 1 have another cup of tea?
Yes, certainly.


1. W r i t e these w o r d s in a l p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r .
bread, milk, flour, eggs, sugar, cake, honey, scone, jam

2. P u t t h e p i c t u r e s into t h e c o r r e c t o r d e r
a n d w r i t e how to m a k e tea.
1) Boil the water.
2) Warm the pot..
3) Put one teaspoon of tea
in the pot for each person
and one extra for the pot.
4) Pour hot water into the pot.
5) Fill the kettle with cold water.

3. Look a n d w r i t e how to m a k e c a r r o t b i s c u i t s .

4. W r i t e the n u m b e r s in w o r d s .
19 — nineteen
15 22 35 11 100 1,000

5. W r i t e w h a t you see on the t a b l e .

6. Fill in a, an/some.
... apple, ... sugar, ... orange, ... tea, ... milk, ... carrot

7. F i n d t h e s e c r e t s of the l e t t e r e. W r i t e t h e p h o n e t i c s y m b o l s f o r t h e
l e t t e r e.
Lena has a pen in her hand.
Lena is here.

8. A s k politely f o r s o m e s c o n e s .

— Here you are.

9. O f f e r a c u p of t e a .

— Yes, please.

10. L i s t e n a n d c h o o s e t h e a n s w e r .
Make the lunch box. Put a) an orange b) an apple c) a banana in your
lunch box. Take d) a ham sandwich e) a cheese sandwich f) a jam


What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2


1. Look, listen, repeat, read and act.

I. In the Hall.

Itoty a
M i k e : T h e r e is a light switch here. T h e r e is a t e l e p h o n e
T h e r e are k e y s there.
A l e x a n d e r : Is there a b a t h r o o m u p s t a i r s ?
M i k e : Yes, there is.
A l e x a n d e r : Is there a T V set u p s t a i r s ?
M i k e : N o , there i s n ' t . But there is a T V set in the living r o o m .
A l e x a n d e r : Are there T V p r o g r a m m e s f o r c h i l d r e n ?
M i k e : Yes, there are p r o g r a m m e s f o r c h i l d r e n every day.
A l e x a n d e r : Are there T V p r o g r a m m e s in R u s s i a n ?
II. Around the House.

H o w m a n y g a m e s are
there on the disc?

.There are

T h e r e is a k n o c k
at the door.
o and answer]
the d o o r . J


H o m e , sweet h o m e
2. a). Look, listen and repeat. Match the picture on page 105 and the
b). Say what there is in the hall.
In the hall (10) there is a rug (1), a cupboard (2), a mirror (3), a
„ - table (13) and a telephone (7), a light switch (5) and a door (11). In
/ the hall there are pictures (4) on the wall (12), lamps (8), keys (6),
( s t a i r s (14) and stools (9).

1. rug [rAg] 6. key [ki:] 11. door [do:]

2. cupboard ['kAbad] 7. telephone f ' t e l i f o u n ] 12. wall [wo:l]
3. mirror [ ' m i r a ] 8. lamp [leemp] 13. table f t e i b l ]
4. picture f p i k t / o ] 9. stool [stu:l] 14. stairs [stEaz]
5. light switch ['lait switf] 10. hall [ho:l]

A memory game. Close the book and write what there is

in the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

/^4. a). Look, listen and repeat. Match the picture on page 106 and
the words,
b). Say what there is in the house.
^ ^ ^ Upstairs in the house there is an attic (6) with a w i n d o w (2), a
v balcony (7) and a roof (9). There are b e d r o o m s (5), b a t h r o o m s (10)
and a study (8). D o w n s t a i r s in the house there is a hall, a kitchen (1),
a living room (3) and a cellar (4).

1. kitchen [ ' k i t / a n ] 6. attic f'setik] downstairs f d a u n ' s t e a z ]

2. window f w i n d a u ] 7. balcony ['baelkani] upstairs [Ap'steoz]
3. living room [Tiviq rum] 8. study f s t A d i ]
4. cellar f ' s e l o ] 9. roof [ru:f]
5. bedroom f ' b e d r u m ] 10. bathroom [ ' b n : 9 r u m ]

A memory game. Close the book and write what there is

in the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

6. a). Look, listen and repeat. Match the picture and the words,
b). Say what there is in the living room and in the b e d r o o m .


In the living room there is a carpet (4), a fireplace (10), a rug, a
Isofa (8), a stereo (9), a table, a television (2), a mirror and a lamp.

107 Li!<al972
T h e r e are a r m c h a i r s (5), c a n d l e s (3), c h a i r s (7), c u r t a i n s (6), pic-
tures, s h e l v e s (1) and vases.
T h e r e is a s o f a near the w a l l . T h e r e is a stereo near the f i r e p l a c e .
T h e r e are v a s e s on the table and on the TV. T h e r e is a rug near the
lace. T h e r e is a cat u n d e r the table.

1. shelf [Jelf] 6. curtain [ ' k 9 : t n ]

2. t e l e v i s i o n ['tellV139n] 7. chair [tjE9]
3. candle f k c e n d l ] 8. sofa f s 9 u f g ]
4. c a r p e t ['kci:pit] 9. stereo [ s t i 9 r i 9 u ]
5. armchair f a : m t f E 9 ] 10. fireplace ffaigplets]


In the b e d r o o m there is a bed (3), a chest of d r a w e r s (4), a table, a

m i r r o r , a stool and a rug. T h e r e are c u r t a i n s , a b l a n k e t (5), a sheet (1),
p i l l o w s (2), c o m b s (7), b r u s h e s (6), a clock (8), a l a m p and a v a s e .

I«« Li!çal972
1. sheet [Ji:t] 5. blanket ['blasqkit]
2. pillow [ ' p i l a u ] 6. brush [brAj]
3. bed [bed] jipj^'A 7. comb [kaum]
4. chest of drawers [,tfest av 'dro:z] 8. clock [klok]
7. Fill in the text.
In the bedroom there is ... near the wall. There are two white ... on
the bed. There is a blue ... and a white ... on the bed. There is ... near
the bed. There is ... near the w i n d o w . There are ... and ... on the table.
There is ... near the table.

a bed, pillows, blanket, sheet, a lamp, a table, brushes, combs, a


A memory game. Look at the pictures of a living room

and a b e d r o o m for two minutes. Then close the b o o k
and write what there is in the pictures. W h a t ' s your

9. a). Look, listen, r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r .
Be Kind to Cats.

basket 2
) in the
basket 3) r the
L J M iMi. 0 basket

4) u n d e r the
mmmb athes k e t
8) b e t w e e n
6) b e h i n d the b a s k e t s / ] 10) to the left A
w T o f the H J '
the b a s k e t . ^ S B f T S i l f i p fc^basketW3®£f

a m o n g the b a s k e t s
7) in f r o n t of the b a s k e t to the right of the b a s k e t

b). W h e r e a r e t h e c a t s ?

There is a cat ...

Look, r e a d a n d m a t c h . T h e n say w h e r e the cats a r e

1. There is a red cat a. in the fireplace.
There is a black cat b. on the armchair.
\l There is a white cat c. between two vases.
d. near the sofa.
4. There is a black and white cat
5. There is a grey cat e. under the table.
6. There is a grey and black cat f. behind the curtain.
7. There is a red and black cat g. above the table.
There is a red, black and white cat h. among the pillows.
There is a grey and white cat i. to the left of the fireplace,
10. There is a black, grey and red cat j. in front of the sofa.

I d , 2b, 3a, 4f, 5i, 6c, 7g, 8j, 9e, 10h

m A guessing game. Choose any cat you like in the picture
and write down its colour. Don't tell your classmate
about it. Your classmate must guess where the cat is.

— There is a red cat under the table.

— Yes, there is./No, there isn't.

A magic card game. Look, listen and do

Put one picture of the dog on
Make 3 pictures of a dog the table. Put one to the left

3 pictures of a cat and 3 pictures of a parrot of that and one to the right

Put the three pictures of the cat on Put the three pictures of the parrot
the three pictures of the dog. on the three pictures of the cat.

Put the A s k your

cards friend to cut
of cards on each other. face down on the table. the pile.

111 Likal972
Put the top card on the table.

Put one to the right of it and one to the left of it. Do the s a m e again and
again and you get three

Turn the piles f a c e up. W h a t can y o u see?

(4T" a pile of pictures of the dog, a pile of pictures of the cat, a pile of
pictures of the parrot

1 3 . Look, listen and repeat. Find the objects in the picture and read
the text.
My Room.

There is one w i n d o w in my room. There are white curtains on the
w i n d o w . Under the w i n d o w there is a desk. T h e r e ' s a vase on it.
There are three roses in the vase. To the right of the w i n d o w t h e r e ' s a
lamp. In front of the desk there is a chair. There is a vase of f l o w e r s
on the floor near the lamp. T h e r e ' s a computer to the left of the desk
and there is a box of computer discs under the computer. On the wall
behind the computer there is a calendar. There are two pictures on the
wall to the left of the computer. There is a picture b e t w e e n the lamp
and the d o o r . \ T h e r e ' s a lamp above the picture. There is a bed near
the wall and there is a lamp above it. Near the wall there is a table
with a telephone on it. There are pillows on the bed. There is a rug
near the bed. There is a sofa near the door and there is a cat on the
sofa. There is a rug in front of the sofa. To the right of the w i n d o w
there is a stereo. On the wall behind the stereo t h e r e ' s a picture.

14. Read the text again, choose and write sentences for each room.

W p. 374

1 5 . a). Draw your own room and write what there is in it.
b). Ask your classmate what there is in his/her picture.

Is t h e r e a s o f a in the r o o m ? — Yes, t h e r e i s . / N o , t h e r e i s n ' t .

A r e t h e r e a r m c h a i r s in the r o o m ? — Yes, t h e r e a r e . / N o , t h e r e a r e n ' t .

1 6 . Complete the table.


+ ? —

There is ( t h e r e ' s ) There is not ( i s n ' t )

There are ( t h e r e ' r e ) ...(...)

p. 342

1 7 . a). Look, listen, repeat and remember. Match the picture and the
words, b). Say what there is in the kitchen.
In the Kitchen.

I cW- 12. mug [mAg]
j piece of soap [pi:s av ' s a u p ]
2. vacuum cleaner ['vaskjuam ' k l i : n a ] 13. cutting board fkAtii] bo:d]
3. washing m a c h i n e f w o / i q ma'J"i:n] 14. bottle ['botl]
4. f r i d g e [ f n d 3 ] 15. saucepan ['so:spsen]
5. dishwasher [ ' d i j w o j a ] 16. broom [bru:m]
6. mixer [ ' m i k s a ] 17. f r y i n g pan ['franij ,pasn]
7. mincer [ ' m i n s a ] 18. m i c r o w a v e oven fmaikrauweiv Avn]
8. sink [siqk] 19. stove [stauv]
9. bread bin ['bred bin] 20. toaster [ ' t a u s t a ]
10. kettle ['ketl] 21. iron [ ' a i a n ]
11. matches f m a s t j i z ]

A memory game. Close the book and write what there is

in the kitchen. W h a t ' s your score?

A memory game. Look at the picture for two minutes,

then turn to page 117 and do exercise 24.

A memory game. Write five objects for each of the rooms:

a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a study. Add
more words to each list. W h a t ' s your score?
a sofa, a bed, a dishwasher, a desk, a blanket, an armchair, a f r i d g e , a
computer, a telephone, a fireplace, shelves, a cutting board, a chest
of drawers, a mincer, a television, a mirror, a mixer, a brush, a lamp,
a table

p. 374

115 Li£al972
Listen, look at the plan a n d find the r o o m s .


i 11
ï J (3)
1 !_ \ 1 J!

Describe the d o l l ' s h o u s e .

What? Where? What colour? How many

2 3 . Describe any of the four rooms in the doll's house to your class-
mate. Your classmate must draw the room. Then compare the
picture and the drawing.

1. How many cups, irons, spoons, mugs and plates are there in the
2. What is there on the table?
3. What colour are the plates on the shelf?
4. What is there on the wall to the right of the table?
p. 375

. Read and listen.

M [i] [e] [as]

key kitchen \J dishwasher bec^oom set attic
sheet living room fridge cellar bed balcony
cleaner window picture chest any blanket
machine switch mincer bread many pan
between mirror mixer shelf television vacuum
sin pillow candle
HvW lamp

[A] [a:] [o:] [o] [a:]
cup oven vase door lot turn
rug front bathroom drawers clock curtain
much some carpet board bottle
brush above armchair saucepan washing
study among
cutting [u:] [ai] [au]
cupboard roof light sofa
upstairs broom frying close
under microwave stove
mug behind comb

. Listen a n d sing.


Ten green bottles h a n g i n g 1 on the wall,
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall.
If one green bottle should accidentally f a l l 2
T h e r e ' d be 3 nine green bottles h a n g i n g on the wall.

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall,

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall.
If one green bottle should accidentally fall
T h e r e ' d be eight green bottles hanging on the wall.

One green bottle h a n g i n g on the wall,

One green bottle hanging on the wall.
If that green bottle should accidentally fall
T h e r e ' d be no green bottles h a n g i n g on the wall.

hanging ['hasqiij] — висят
If... should accidentally feeksi'dentsli] fall — Если бы... с л у ч а й н о
There'd be — было бы

118 Li!çal9T2
Articles a/an — the.
2 7 . a). Look a n d r e m e m b e r .
I n d e f i n i t e 1 article a/an D e f i n i t e 2 article the

a car, a bag, a house the car, the bag, the house

b). Listen, read and think why a/an or the.

In space there is a galaxy. In the country there is a city.
In the galaxy there is a sun. In the city there is a park.
Near the sun there is a planet. In the park there is a house.
On the planet there is an ocean. In the house there is a bedroom.
Near the ocean there is a continent. In the bedroom there is a bed.
On the continent there is a country. And in the bed there is... me.

a / a n — n e w 3 information
the — o l d 4 information

indefinite [in'defmit] — н е о п р е д е л е н н ы й
definite ['defimt] — о п р е д е л е н н ы й
new [nju:] — новый
old [auld] — старый

119 Li!çal972
28. Choose between there is/are and a lot/lots of.

pepper, salt, sugar, tea, butter, oil eggs, onions, carrots, apples

There is a lot of butter. There are a lot of onions.

There is lots of water. There are lots of apples.

29, Help the children to choose.

1) There is some (a lot of) flour.

There are some (a lot of) apples.

2) Is there any (much) flour?

Are there any (many) apples?

3) There isn't any sugar.

There a r e n ' t any bananas.
There isn't much flour.
There a r e n ' t many apples
1) There is some (a lot of) cheese (butter, tea, oil, bread, fruit, flour,
toast, milk).
There are some (a lot of) eggs (pears, apples, carrots, tomatoes, ba-
nanas, oranges, onions, scones).

2) Is there any (much) cheese (butter, tea, oil, bread, fruit, flour,
toast, milk)?
Are there any (many) eggs (pears, apples, carrots, tomatoes, bananas,
oranges, onions, scones)?

3) There i s n ' t any (much) cheese (butter, tea, oil, bread, fruit, flour,
toast, milk).
There a r e n ' t any (many) eggs (pears, apples, carrots, tomatoes, ba-
nanas, oranges, onions, scones).

A game: Who is the best cook?
a) Make the chance cards (2 or 3 of each) and put them
face down on the table,
b) Take a chance card and go to the kitchen to cook. Say what
there is or there isn't for your chance card menu. If you have
what you need, move on to the next place in the kitchen and
wait for your next turn. If not, stay where you are and wait for
your next turn. Good luck. Start the game.

There is s o m e ...
Tea Fruit S a l a d
There i s n ' t any
tea There are s o m e ... apples
There aren't any... pears
milk bananas
sugar cream

powder butter
sugar jam

Cereal Scrambled
raisins milk

Make Make Make Make Make Make

some some some some some some
tea. cereal. toast. fruit scones scrambled
salad. eggs.

127 Lifcal972
3 1. Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the expressions
there is/there are.
C O M I C : Treasure Hunt. 1

Good morning, Mr Page.

Are there

Treasure Hunt.
There i s a house on a hill. There i s an attic in
the house. There i s a red roof on the house and a
Downstairs t h e r e i s a kitchen and a living room.
In the kitchen t h e r e i s a table but there aren't any
chairs. On the table t h e r e a r e a lot of cups and some
saucers. There i s a cupboard and there are a lot of
mugs in it.
In the living room t h e r e are two armchairs and a
sofa. Upstairs t h e r e are two bedrooms. There i s n ' t a
bathroom in the house.
In One bedroom t h e r e i s a bed. There a r e n ' t any
curtains on the windows. In the other bedroom t h e r e
i s a fireplace. Near the fireplace t h e r e i s a box and
in the box there is... a key to your economy.

32. Listen, read and learn 3 magic words for your economy.

Close the door i (the w i n d o w , the fridge).

Turn off the water (the gas).

Switch o f f / t u r n off the

light/the radio
£ (the TV, the toaster, the vacuum
cleaner, the washing machine, the
stove, the dishwasher, the micro-
wave oven). v

A game: How to be economical in the house. You need
a dice and a counter. Throw the dice and move your
counter according to the number on the dice. If you are
on an empty square, wait for your next turn. If you are on a
picture, tell us what to do. If you know how to be economical in
the house, have an extra go. If you don't know, you miss a turn.
Good luck. Start the game.


Listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: Saturday Lunchtime.

Jane: Hello, Mum. Hello, Dad. Hi, John.

Robert: Hello, Mrs Mason. Hello, Mr Mason. Hello, John.
(John is reading the newspaper.)
Robert: Is there a football match on TV?
John: Yes, there is.
Robert: How many films are there this evening, John?
John: There are two or three good f i l m s .
Jane: M u m , what is there for lunch?
Mum: Ham and some salad.
Jane: Is there any g r a p e f r u i t j u i c e ?
Mum: I'm afraid there isn't. There's some apple juice and orange
juice in the f r i d g e .
Jane: Is there any fruit?
Mum: Yes, there are some b a n a n a s and pears.
Dad: Oh! There i s n ' t any bread.
Robert: John, l e t ' s go to the shop.
(Robert and John leave the house. There's a knock at he door.)
Dad: Jane, could you go and answer the door?
Jane: I t ' s the postman Are there any letters for us?
Postman: No, there a r e n ' t any letters but t h e r e ' s a very big parcel.

Talk to Starkid.
I. Hello.
1) L e t ' s talk about our homes.
I ' v e got a nice house on the Red
Planet. In my house there is an
attic with telescopes, balconies
with gardens and a cellar with
space m u s h r o o m s . What is there
in your house?
2) There are three hundred and twenty-five rooms in my house.
How many kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms and
studies are there in my house? What is there in the rooms?
3) In front of my house there is a park. There are a lot of space
parrots in it. Is there a park in front of or behind your house?
4) In my gardens there is a lot of space fruit. There are many red
bananas, blue apples and orange pears. Are there red bananas,
blue apples and orange pears on your planet? What colour is the
fruit on your planet?

II. How Many New Words from Unit 5 Do You Know?

house hall living room bedroom

attic cupboard armchair bed
balcony downstairs candle blanket
bathroom key carpet brush
bedroom light switch chair chest of drawers
cellar mirror curtains clock
door rug fireplace comb
home table lamp pillow
kitchen upstairs picture sheet
living room shelf
roof sofa
study stereo
window television (TV

bread bin mincer parcel on, under, in, near,
bottle mixer postman between, among, above,
broom mug behind, in front of,
cutting board saucepan a lot of to the left, to the right
dishwasher sink any •

fridge soap lots of close

frying pan stove many switch o f f / o n
iron vacuum cleaner much turn o f f / o n
matches washing machine some
m i c r o w a v e oven 89 (+ 349)

Do You Know These Expressions from Unit 5?

How many rooms are there in

your house?
How many people are there in
your family?
Is there a park near your
Yes, there is.

See you.

1. Read and find the object.
You are in the room. There is a sofa under the w i n d o w . To the left
of the sofa there is a table. There is a lamp on it. There is a picture
above the fireplace. There is a cat in front of the fireplace. There is an
object to the right of the cat. What is it?

133 Lifcal972
Look at the picture of a doll's house and write the names of the

3. Write how to be e c o n o m i c a l in the house.

Close... .
Turn off... .
Switch off... .

5 Счастливый английский

134 Li£al972
4. Fill in a or the.

There is ... house in ... city. ... house is on ... hill. There is ...
bedroom in ... house. ... bedroom is very nice.

5. Fill in some, any, much, many.

— Are there ... bananas in your bag?

— Yes, there are.
— How ...?
— Five.
— Is there ... milk in the fridge?
— Yes, there is ... .
— How ...?
— One bottle.

6. Listen and choose the answer.

— Is there any a) milk b) bread c) cheese at home?
— Yes, there is.
— Are there any a) oranges b) pears c) apples in the fridge?
— No, there aren't.

See W

What's your s c o r e ?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

1. Look, listen, repeat, read and act.

I. At the Bus Stop.

Mike: H e r e ' s the b u s stop.

Alexander: Which bus should we take?
Mike: We can take b u s n u m b e r 5 or 6.
Alexander: W h e r e must we get o f f ?
Mike: At the town c e n t r e . We
s h o u l d buy a b u s p a s s f o r you.
II. On the Bus.

2. a). Look, listen and repeat, b). Find the places in the street,
c). Say what there is in the street.
In the Street.

1. police station 10. bus station 18. crossing ['krosiq]

2. bridge [brid3] 11. car [kct:] 19. crossroads ['krosraudz]
3. city library 12. car park f k n : pci:k] 20. corner ['ko:na]
4. hotel [hau'tel] 13. market f m c u k i t ] 21. church [ t j a : t j ]
5. restaurant f ' r e s t a r o q ] 14. supermarket [sju:pa 22. pavement [ ' p e i v m a n t ]
6. cafe f k a s f e i ] ,mn:kit] 23. playground f ' p l e i g r a u n d ]
7. bank [bseqkj 15. hospital ['hospital] 24. railway station
8. traffic light ['traefiklait] 16. bookshop [ ' b u k f o p ] 25. road f r a u d ]
9. s u b w a y f s A b w e i ] 17. toy shop [ toi J"op] 26. post o f f i c e

3. A memory game. Close the book and write what there is
in the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

4. Draw a map of your dream town. Write the names of the build-

5. a). Look, listen and repeat. Find the places in the picture.

1) The café is in Queen Street. 5) The bus station is over there round
2) The car park is at the end of the the corner.
street. 6) The hotel is next to the m u s e u m .
3) There is a restaurant at the cross- 7) The park is to the right of the
roads. museum.
4) There is a bank opposite the café. 8) The hospital is on the corner.

i. Be a detective and follow this man around the town.

c). Work in pairs. Tell your classmate where the man is going.
He/she must show it on the map. Then change roles.

134 Lilçal972
6. Listen, repeat, read and act.
How can 1 get to ...?

V Excuse me.
Where is the post o f f i c e , please?
It's over there.
Thank you very much.
T h a t ' s all right.

Where can 1 buy stamps and send a
You can buy stamps at the post
o f f i c e round the corner.
Is it far f r o m here?
No, it's opposite the museum.
— Excuse me.
— Yes, can I help you?
— Yes, could you tell me the way to the toy shop?
— I t ' s in Pembroke Street. Cross the street and turn right at the
— Thank you.
— Excuse me. Is this the right way to the bookshop?
— Yes, it is. Go straight ahead. I t ' s over there.
— Thank you very much.
— Not at a l l . 6 '
V/ v.
— Can you tell me how to get to the market?
— Well, you can take a taxi or a bus.
— How far is it?
— I t ' s about two miles.
— Can you help me, please? W h a t ' s the best way to get to this
— I think by bus but you can go on foot.
— Can you tell me where the police station is?
— Turn right and go straight ahead.

— Thank you very much.
— T h a t ' s all right.
— How can I get to the supermarket f r o m here?
— Go along Queen Street. Turn right. The supermarket is on your
— Thank you.
— You're welcome.
— Excuse me.
— Yes?
— Is there a bus station near here?
— Yes, there is.
— Is it far?
— No, it i s n ' t very far. Go past the post o f f i c e and turn right into
Queen Street.
— Thank you.
— You're welcome.

A memory game. Look at the picture on page 22 (unit 1)

for two minutes. Close the b o o k and a n s w e r the questions.
W h a t ' s your score?
1) Where is the m u s e u m (the restaurant, the sports shop)?
2) How many cars are there in the street (in the car park)?
3) What is the name of the street?
4) What colour is the taxi?

p. 375

a). Read the directions 1 and find Mike's house.

b). Write directions from M i k e ' s house to the church (the bank).
You are at A l i s o n ' s house. Walk along North Street to Queen
Street. Then turn right and walk down Queen Street. Turn left. Cross
Queen Street and walk past the park to South Street. Cross South
Street and walk along West Road. Turn right and M i k e ' s house is in
front of you.

p. 375

direction [di'rekfn] — yKa3aHHe

9. a). Listen and repeat Mike's directions. Find where A l e x a n d e r
wants to go in Oxford.

They are near the City Library.

1) Go to the end of Queen Street. Turn right. Walk past the Infor-
mation Centre and the Job Centre. It is next to the Job Centre on
the right.
2) Go along St. E b b e ' s Street. Take the first turning on the left. It is
on the corner of the street on your left.
3) Go along Queen Street. Take the first turning on the left. Go to the
end of the street, then turn left. Go along George Street to the
crossing. I t ' s on the corner on the left opposite the market.

b). Listen and help to find the place. C o m p a r e your answers with
the key.

You are near the City Library.

1) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Information Centre is,
2) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Apollo Theatre is, please?
3) Excuse me. Could you tell me where the City Church is, please?

p. 375

142 Li£al972
. Open the back cover of the book, look at the map and find where
these people are in London and help them to get a) from Tooley
Street near Tower Bridge to St. Paul's Cathedral, b) from
St. Paul's Cathedral to T r a f a l g a r Square. Write the dialogues.

At Tower Bridge At St. Paul's Cathedral

** p. 375


Roles: a stranger1 and a passer-by.2

Ask: Tell:
where... is turn right at the crossroads
how to get to... cross the road and go straight on, it is opposite the.
the best way to get to... go straight on, turn right at the corner
how far it is not very far, take the... turning on the left
which bus you should take take bus No...

Modal Verbs Can, Could, May, Should, Must.

Can, Could

12. Look, listen, repeat and say what you can do and what you can't

pJay t e n n i s play c r i c k e t play the

r - q . piano

|3 roller-skate I can't
k paint

g , ride a bike V 0 m a k e tea

stranger fstreind3a] — н е з н а к о м е ц
passer-by fpaiso'bai] — п р о х о ж и й


. Look at the picture and interview your classmate about what he
can do. Find who can do what you can do.

Can you ride a bike? — Yes, I can./No, I can't.

1 4 . Tell us about the talents in your class and in your family. What
sort of class are you: musical, sporty?


1 5 . Listen, repeat, read, act and remember. Pay attention to the

meaning of the verbs can, could.

C a n you pass me
a scone, please? Could you a n s w e r
Certainly the p h o n e for me, p l e a s e ?
~J6 11 L ) |
Thank you.
Yes, c e r t a i n l y

C o u l d vou switch
off thé light?

T h a n k s a lot


. Listen, repeat, read, act and remember. Pay attention to the

meaning of the verb may.

1 7 . Listen, repeat, read and act.


— Can/May/Could I open the w i n d o w ?
— Yes, certainly.
— Can/May/Could I close the door?
— Yes, of course.
— Can/May/Could I have a cup of tea?
— Yes, of course you can/may.

Can Can^
C o u l d —I h a v e your pen, p l e a s e ? Could—I h e l p y o u ?

~ v r No, thanks.
I ' m a f r a iidd
I t ' s all right.
I n e e d it at the
moment. I'm fine.

— C a n / M a y / C o u l d I speak to Mr Atkins, please?
— I ' m sorry, h e ' s not in at the m o m e n t . Could you phone again
— C a n / M a y / C o u l d I help you, Miss?
— No, thank you. I t ' s all right.
— C a n / M a y / C o u l d I have a look at your newspaper?
— I ' m afraid I need it at the m o m e n t . I can give it to you in a minute.

1 8 . Speak polite English with your classmate and then write the
dialogues. You want to:

1. speak to Mary (on the phone) 1. close the door

2. help him/her 2. have another cup of tea

Answer — no Answer — yes

142 Li/çal972

9. Listen, repeat, read, act and remember. Pay attention to the

meaning of the verb should.
— When and where should we meet?
— L e t ' s meet at the park entrance at eleven.
— Should we take our roller-skates?
— Yes, we should.
— Should we have lunch first?
— No, we can have it at one.

2 0 . Look at the picture and say what he should/shouldn't do to be

safe at home.


He should close the door of the cage. 1

He shouldn't turn on the gas (turn the gas on).

close the window, turn the gas o f f , turn the gas on, put the knife in
the drawer, turn the water o f f , close the door of the cage, play with

p. 376

cage [keid3] — KjieTKa

. Listen, read and answer. Remember for life how to be safe in the


You should cross the street at the crossing.

You should cross the street when the light is green.
You should first look right when you cross the street
in Great Britain.
Should you first look left or right when you cross
the street in your country?
R e m e m b e r ! A l w a y s use this code when you cross
the road.

2 2 . a). Look, listen, repeat and follow the directions.

go b e h i n d the pond 8 ° o v e r the b r i d g e

\ Start here. You should first go across the road. Then go through
1 the entrance. Turn left. You should then go in front of the pond, not
behind it. Walk through the forest. You should then go under the
bridge and in front of the hill. Walk in front of the playground. Then
you should go up the stairs and down the stairs. Finish here.

m- p. 376


. Listen, repeat and remember. Pay attention to the meaning of the

verb must.

1) I m u s t go b a c k . I m u s t n ' t go there. 2) I m u s t go right. I m u s t n ' t go l e f t .


4) P a s s e n g e r s m u s t 5) P a s s e n g e r s
3) S h o u l d I go by bus or by train? take t h e s e t h i n g s . m u s t n ' t take
these things.

24. Choose between mustn't and should.

Danger ['deind33]! Thin ice. — О с т о р о ж н о ! Т о н к и й л^ц.

You ...

You ... put litter

You ... keep in the bin.
Britain tidy.

(<•* mus 't — 1 , 3 , 4

should — 2, 5, 6, 7

Keep off the grass. — He ходите по т р а в е .
Poison fpoizan]! — Я д !
Do not obstruct the door. — He з а г о р а ж и в а й т е выход.
Give up your seat to old people. — У с т у п а й т е место пожилым
Keep Britain tidy. — С о д е р ж и т е В е л и к о б р и т а н и ю в чистоте.
Put litter in the bin. — К л а д и т е мусор в мусорный я щ и к .
Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the modal verbs
C O M I C : A Dangerous Plastic Bag.

OK. Could you put

my bag up there?

Yes, certainly.
Look, there's a plastic bag here.
Can you hear a noise from it?

What should we do? You're on a diet.

Is it a bomb? You shouldn't eat bread.
Should we stop the train or You shouldn't have coke.
call a policeman? You shouldn't eat ice cream

No, we must open the

window and throw it out
There. That's fine.
Now we can have lunch.

Yes, you should eat Where's my bag?

more fruit and

26. A game: Space traffic lights. Make five questions
and five answers and the spaceship can go. W h o is the


could you it
should we

Can I 2) I can
Could you You could
May she go? She may go-
Should it It should
Must we We must
they They

2 7 . Complete the table.


+ ? —

I can go. Can I go? I cannot (can't) go.

He/she/it could ... Could he/she/it ...? He/she/it could not ( c o u l d n ' t ) . . .
We , may ... May , we ...? We i may not ...
You must ... Must you ...? You must not ( m u s t n ' t ) ...
They should ... Should they ...? They should not

p. 344

2 8 . Listen and sing. Find the meaning of the underlined words in the


The little red engine is p u f f i n g along.

He comes to a great big hill.
He says, "I must puff and never stop.
I must p u f f , p u f f , puff
'Till I reach the top. 1
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can."
And he p u f f s right over the hill.

. a). Look, listen and do. You should come to the right place,
b). Make your own directions to the hotel and to the bank.
A Town Game.

W p. 376

'Till I reach the top — Пока не достигну в е р ш и н ы

Look, listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: What Should We Do?

Act I. On the Way to the Post Office.

John: I must send this letter. L e t ' s go to the post o f f i c e .
Jane: OK, l e t ' s stop for a m o m e n t and have a look at the map.
John: No, l e t ' s ask. Excuse me. Could you tell us where the
post o f f i c e is?
Passer-by: Yes, certainly. You should go straight ahead. Then take
the second turning on the right. You should go along the
street to the t r a f f i c lights. Turn left and the post o f f i c e is
at the end of that street on the right.
Jane: So, we should go straight ahead, take the second turning
on the right, then turn left...
Passer-by: No. You should go along the street to the t r a f f i c lights.
Then you should turn left.
Jane: Oh yes. The post o f f i c e is at the end of that street. Thank
you very much.
Passer-by: Y o u ' r e w e l c o m e .
Act II. At the Post O f f i c e .
Assistant: May I help you?
John: Yes, please. Could I send this letter to the USA?
Assistant: Yes, certainly.
John: Thanks.
Jane: Oh, look! T h e r e ' s a bag there. What should we do?

Talk to Starkid
I Hello. May I ask you some questions?
1) I can play star ball. Can you play star ball?
2) I can star skate. Can you skate?
3) I can play star tennis. Can you play tennis?
4) I can make space tea with stars.
Can you make tea?
5) I can play the space piano and the guitar.
Can you play the piano and the guitar?
6) Can you play chess?
7) Can you swim and ride a bike?
8) Tell me what you can do and what you can't do.
9) What should I do to be safe in the streets of your town?
10) What should I do on your planet to be economical at home?

How Many Words from Unit 6 Do You K n o w ?
bank hotel bus stop can across
bookshop market crossing could along
bridge playground crossroads cross down
bus pass police station pavement do into
bus station pond road get off next to
café post o f f i c e subway may opposite
car park railway station town centre must out of
church restaurant traffic lights phone past
city library supermarket turning roller- through
forest toy shop skate to
hill way should up
hospital send
59 (+ 438) think

Do You K n o w T h e s e E x p r e s s i o n s f r o m Unit 6?

1) to/on the left/right 2) go as far as... 3) by bus

straight on/ahead go to the end of the street by taxi
on the corner/round turn left/right by train
the corner take the first/second on foot
at the corner turning
at the crossroads take a taxi/ a bus
at the end of the get off
in/on ... street
over there
over the bridge

— Is this the right way to the

— Yes, it is. Go straight ahead.

— Could you tell me the way to

the town centre?
— Turn left. It's over there.

How can 1 get to this address?

Go along Queen Street. It's
the end of the street.

— Excuse me.
— Yes.
— Is there a bus station near here 9
— Yes, there is. It isn't very
It's round the corner.
— Thank you very much.
— You're welcome.

1. Fill in the p r e p o s i t i o n s .
Go ... the road. The telephone box is ... the bus stop. The museum
is ... the right of the telephone box. The bank is ... the corner. The
park is ... the end of the street. The b o o k s h o p is ... the bank.

2. F i n d S t a r k i d .
a) Starkid is in the star park. First you should go through the
entrance in front of you. Walk straight ahead past the houses. There
are three roads in front of you. Go along the road on your right. Then
you should go over the bridge. Where are you?
b) You should go up to the museum, then turn right and go into
the second door. Starkid is behind this door. Which door is it?

3. W r i t e w h a t you s h o u l d do to be safe in the r o a d .

4. W r i t e w h a t you can do a n d w h a t you c a n ' t do.

5. Fill in can, could, may, should or must.

1) — ... I speak to Miss Atkins, please?
— I'm sorry, s h e ' s not in at the moment.
— ... you phone back later?
2) ... I have a scone, please?
3) You ... put litter in the bin.
4) Danger! Thin ice. You ... not go there.

See '

What's your s c o r e ?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 ' 2

159 Li£al972
1. Listen, repeat, read and act.
I. Cameras and Electrical Goods.

Mike: Can you s h o w me s o m e f i l m s , p l e a s e ?

Shop assistant: C o l o u r or black and w h i t e ?
Mike: Colour.
Shop assistant: Slides or prints?
Mike: S l i d e s , p l e a s e . I t ' s rather e x p e n s i v e .
§1,; H a v e you got a n y t h i n g c h e a p e r ?

№ $ p assistant: H a v e a look at this one. I t ' s c h e a p e r
but not as good as that one.

Assistant: Can I help you?

Alexander: I'd like a pair of trainers, please.
Assistant: What size?
Alexander: Size 41, please.
Assistant: Try this pair on. They are the cheapest, the lightest and
the most comfortable. T h e y ' r e very popular.
Alexander: T h e y ' r e rather small.
Assistant: Try these then. T h e y ' r e bigger.
Alexander: How much are they?
Assistant: £17.
Alexander: I think t h e y ' r e great.


Mike: Can I see that toy dolphin, please?

Assistant: This one?
Mike: No, the one to the left of it.
Assistant: Here you are. I t ' s very nice.
Mike: Can you show me these dolls and those rubber rings,
Assistant: These?
Mike: No, those. The red and blue ones.


Alexander: Hello, could you show me one of those T-shirts?

Assistant: H e r e ' s a nice one. What size?
Alexander: Size 44, I think.
Assistant: Yes, h e r e ' s one.
Alexander: How much is it?
Assistant: £4.50.
Alexander: H e r e ' s £5.00.
Assistant: T h a t ' s 50 pence change.
Mike: Can I see your new T-shirt? Oh, i t ' s very smart but i t ' s
not your size. Let's go and change it.
Alexander: Can you change this T-shirt, please?
Assistant: Why? W h a t ' s wrong with it?
Alexander: It's too big for me. Have you got them in a smaller size?
Assistant: How about this one?
Alexander: Can I try it on?
Assistant: Certainly.
Mike: I think t h a t ' s better. Russian and British sizes a r e n ' t the same.

2. Listen, repeat and remember.
British Money.

1. one penny
2. two pence
3. five pence
4. ten pence
5. twenty pence
6. f i f t y pence
7. one pound (£1) =
100 pence
8. five p o u n d s (£5)
9. ten p o u n d s ( £ 1 0 )
10. twenty pounds (£20)
11. f i f t y pounds (£50)

3. You are in a department store. Act out a dialogue with a shop

assistant. Then change roles.

4. Look, listen, repeat and remember.

This, That, These, Those.

4 nil
that those

a) ... book?
b) ... cassette?
Can you show me c) ... pens?
d) ... brushes?

Qtt' a) that, b) this, c) these, d) those

. a). Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r . M a t c h the picture and the
b). Say w h a t t h e r e is in the d e p a r t m e n t store.

1. j e a n s [d3i:nz] 8. hat [haet] 14. mask [mn:sk]

2. slippers ['slipaz] 9. p a n t s [ p a i n t s ] 15. p y j a m a s [pa'd3Ct:maz]
3. f i s h i n g rod f f i j i q rod] 1 0 . handkerchief 16. s o c k s [soks]
4. sweater ['sweta] ['haeqkatfif] 17. soldiers ['sauld3az]
5. d r e s s [dres] 11. gloves [glAvz] 18. doll [dol]
6. teddy b e a r f t e d i b£a] 12. rubber ring ['rAbariq] 19. doll's house
7. j a c k e t f d3a£kit] 13. scarf [skct:f] f'dolz h a u s ]

20. ball [bo:l] 27. pullover f p u l a u v a ] 34. trousers ['trauzaz]
21. shirt [Ja:t] 28. trainers ['treinaz] 35. blouse [blauz]
22. T-shirt ['ti:Ja:t] 29. blazer f ' b l e i z a ] 36. coat [kaut]
23. skirt [ska:t] 30. paints [peints] 37. raincoat f r e i n k a u t ]
24. boots [bu:ts] 31. train set ftrein set] 38. suit [sju:t]
25. shoes [Ju:z] 32. tie ftai] 39. school u n i f o r m [sku:l
26. balloon [ b a ' l u : n ] 33. tights [taits] 'ju:nifo:m]

7. A memory game. Close the book and write what there is
in the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

8. A game: Let's dress a man. You need a dice and a

counter. Draw a man, throw the dice and move y o u r

Likal972 j
counter according to the n u m b e r on the dice. W h a t e v e r clothes
you land on draw them on the man and write their names. You
can throw the dice 10 times. The person who dresses the man
properly first is the winner.

^acTjiHBbiii aHrjiHHcKHH 161 Lil<al972


9. What can you buy here and what would you like to buy here? Act
out a dialogue.

10. a). Listen and read. b). Compare these school uniforms with your
school u n i f o r m , c). Draw a uniform which you would like to have
and tell the class about it. Whose uniform is the best?

I. We wear a uniform at our school. I wear a black blazer, a black

skirt and a white blouse. We wear red and white hats, grey tights or
socks, black or brown shoes and white gloves.

II. Our school colours are blue and red. We wear black trousers,
black shoes, blue blazers with red stripes, blue pullovers, blue ties
with red stripes and white shirts.
III. Our school colours are blue, grey and red. We wear blue
skirts, red blazers with grey stripes, grey pullovers, blue or black ties
with white stripes and white blouses. We wear grey tights and black
shoes. Sometimes we wear grey and red scarves and gloves.

1 1 . a). Draw clothes which you would like to have and describe them,
b). Invent clothes for Starkid.

Comparison of Adjectives. 1
12. a). Look, listen, repeat and remember.
b). Close the book and write as many words as you can.

dirty [ ' d o : t i ] clean [kli:n

fat [feet] thin [Gin] big [big]
little f ' l i t l ]

[hai]J low 1[lau]J
, , . , „ , ,inl1 y o u n g [jAtj] old [ould]
b e a u t i f u l [ bju:tiful] ugly [ л д Ь ]

old [ould] new [ n j u : ] m e s s y neat | smar , [sma:t ]

c o m p a r i s o n of a d j e c t i v e s — с т е п е н и с р а в н е н и я п р и л а г а т е л ь н ы х

, л:
t .
jgeatjU- ffl

hot [hot] warm [wo:m] cold [keuld]

«лрНррНш яи р р п Д
1 щ
U1 ц щ o-
tall [to:l] short [Jo:t] strong [stroij] weak [wi:k]

happy f h a s p i ] sad [seed] &

fast [fa:st] slow [slou]
long [log] short [ p : t ]
,у ' • * « « ' *

dry [drat] wet [wetl bad

[ba2d] good [gud] large [Ict:d3]

1 3 . a). Write your own story and tell it to the class. Use as many
adjectives as you can. Whose story is the best?
b). Draw the characters in your story.


This story is about ... and ... . Their names are Tim and Tom. Tom
is ... . Tim is ... . Tom has got ... . Tim has got ... . They are happy

opposite — антоним (слово с противоположным значением)

1 4 . Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the degrees of
c o m p a r i s o n of adjectives.
C O M I C : Tony and Alison.

My house is newer than your house

It is the newest in our street. No, it isn't. Your house is older
than my house. Your garden is
AWUwi smaller than my garden.

Yes, it is. But it is m o r e Our car is bigger, newer,

beautiful. It's the most beautiful m o r e c o m f o r t a b l e and m o r e
. garden in our city. expensive than your car.

/ Yes, our car is older and
l£>ok! This car is the biggest,
I smaller, but faster, c h e a p e r and/ newest and the most beautiful.
\ more beautiful than your car.

I'm older, I'm the strongest, the oldest,

taller and s t r o n g e r than you. f the tallest and the fastest in our
zmm . class. Let's see.

Alison is as fast and

clever as Tony. Tony is as fast and
clever as Alison.

1 5 . Fill in the table with the adjectives from the comic and guess the

Positive 1 Comparative 2 Superlative 3

a) old older the oldest

big bigger the b i g g e s t
messy the messiest

b) expensive more expensive the most expensive


c) C o m p a r i s o n 4 with as ... as

a) n e w e r — t h e newest b) more b e a u t i f u l — t h e most b e a u t i f u l

f a s t e r — t h e fastest more c o m f o r t a b l e — t h e most com-
taller—the tallest fortable
stronger—the strongest c) as clever as
smaller—the smallest
c h e a p e r — t h e cheapest
messier - It

Short words: new newer the newest

Long words: expensive more expensive the most expensive

positive — п о л о ж и т е л ь н а я с т е п е н ь
comparative — с р а в н и т е л ь н а я с т е п е н ь
superlative — п р е в о с х о д н а я с т е п е н ь
comparison — с р а в н е н и е

1 6 . Listen, match the pictures and the proverbs and find the Russian

g o o d — b e t t e r — t h e best

a) Better late than never.

b) Two heads are better than one.
c) East or West home is best.

p. 376

17. Write the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

dry — d n e r — t h e driest
f a t — f a t t e r — t h e fattest

low, slow, cold, high, long, w a r m , weak, neat, kind, young, short,
smart, light, strong, ugly, busy, happy, messy, big, sad, hot, wet,
popular, b e a u t i f u l , expensive, copifortable

«•* p. 376

. Listen, read and answer the question: Is the lion clever and kind?

lion: Who am I?
lion: You are the strongest, the fastest,
the cleverest, the best and the most
b e a u t i f u l of all the animals.

A bee: Hello. W h o are you?

lion: Hello. I ' m the strongest, the fastest,
the cleverest, the best and the most
b e a u t i f u l of all the animals... Oh!..

A parrot: Hello. W h o are you?

lion: Hello. I ' m the strongest, the fastest,
the cleverest, the best and the most
b e a u t i f u l of all the animals... Oh!..

An owl: Hello. Who are you?

lion: Hello. I ' m the strongest, the fastest,
the cleverest, the best and the most
b e a u t i f u l of all the animals.
An owl: Never say that you are the strongest,
the fastest, the cleverest, the best
and the most b e a u t i f u l of all the ani-
mals. There are animals which are
stronger, faster, cleverer, better and
more b e a u t i f u l than you.
lion: Thank you, Mr Owl.

D a n g e r ! N e v e r tell me that I ' m the

s t r o n g e s t , the f a s t e s t , the c l e v e r e s t ,
the best and the most b e a u t i f u l of
all the a n i m a l s . I m a y eat you up.

174 LiRal972
A young
lioness: You are the strongest, the fastest,
the cleverest, the best and the most
beautiful of all the animals.

19, Look, listen and repeat. Choose the answer.

"" ЕАЛ 1 Scotland

•2 England
3 Mont Blanc 4807
4 Monaco
5 San Marino


Africa 30,300,000 sq km 1
North America 24,247,000 sq km
South America 18,280,000 sq km
Antarctica 13,975,500 sq km
Asia 43,400,200 sq km
Europe 10,354,600 sq km
Oceania 1,260,000 sq km

sq km — s q u a r e k i l o m e t r e — к в а д р а т н ы й к и л о м е т р

1) a. Europe is the largest continent. JO
b. Asia is the largest continent.
2) a. Africa is bigger than Europe.
b. Antarctica is bigger than Oceania.
3) a. North America is smaller than Europe. ^ •
b. Oceania is smaller than South America.
4) a. South America is as big as Antarctica,
b. Europe is as big as A f r i c a .
5) a. A f r i c a is the smallest continent,
b. Oceania is the smallest continent.


The Nile 6,670 km

The Mississippi 6,420 km
The Amazon 6,437 km
The Volga 3,530 km

1) a. The Volga is the longest river.

b. The Nile is the longest river.
2) a. The Amazon is longer than the Mississippi,
b. The Amazon is longer than the Nile.
3) a. The Mississippi is not as long as the Nile,
b. The Volga is not as long as the A m a z o n .
4) a. The Amazon is as long as the Mississippi,
b. The Volga is as long as the Mississippi.


Everest 8,848 m
Elbrus 5,642 m
Kilimanjaro 5,895 m
Mont Blanc 4,807 m

1) a. Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro,

b. Elbrus is higher than Mont Blanc.

2) a. Elbrus is the highest mountain,
b. Everest is the highest mountain.
3) a. K i l i m a n j a r o is as high as Elbrus,
b. Mont Blanc is as high as Elbrus.

I. 1 b, 2 a, b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b
II. 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, b, 4 a
III. 1 a, b, 2 b, 3 a

Do you know geography well? Listen, read and choose the

1) Which river is longer?
a. the Mississippi, b. the Volga.
2) Which city is older?
a. London, b. New York.
3) Which is the biggest ocean on our planet?
a. the Indian, b. the Atlantic, c. the Pacific, d. the Arctic.
4) Which is the largest continent on our planet?
5) Which country is bigger?
a. the USA, b. the UK.
6) Which country is smaller?
a. Scotland, b. England.
7) Which is the smallest country?
a. Vatican City, b. Monaco, c. San Marino.

1) a, 2) a, 3) c (the Pacific — 179,700,000 sq km, the Atlantic —

93,360,000 sq km, the Indian — 7 4 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 sq km, the Arctic —
13,100,000 sq km), 4) Asia, 5) a, 6) a (Scotland — 78,700 sq km,
England — 131,000 sq km), 7) a (Vatican City — 0.4 sq km,
Monaco — 1.9 sq km, San Marino — 61 sq km)

Do you know astronomy well? Listen, read and choose the

1) Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?
a. Jupiter, b. Mars, c. Venus.
2) Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?
a. Pluto, b. Neptune, c. Uranus.

3) Which planet is nearer to the Sun?
a. the Earth, b. Mars, c. Venus.
4) Which is smaller?
a. the Sun, b. Jupiter.
5) Which is the fastest planet?
a. Mercury, b. Mars, c. Saturn.
6) Which is the nearest planet to the Sun?
a. Neptune, b. Jupiter, c. Mercury.
7) Which is nearest to the Earth?
a. the Moon, b. Mars, c. Venus.


1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c, 7 a

2 2 . Listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: Some Presents for Our Friends.

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

John: Yes, please. Can I try these j e a n s on?
Shop assistant: Certainly. Over there.
John: Thank you.
Jane: Have you got these j e a n s in another colour and a
larger size?
Shop assistant: Here you are.
Jane: Thanks a lot. How much are they?
Shop assistant: £20.
Jane: They are very smart. T h a n k you.
John: I must buy presents for my f r i e n d s in Scotland.
Jane, could you help me? Two heads are better ...

Talk to Starkid
Hello a g a i n !
1) I ' m very strong. I can lift a London taxi.
Are you stronger or weaker than I am?
2) I am one metre tall.
Are you taller or shorter-than I am?
3) I ' m 132 years old.
Are you older or younger than I am?
4) Tell me about your family.
W h o is the oldest, the youngest, the tallest,
the shortest and the best at English in your family?
5) Tell me about your friends. Who is the tallest, the oldest, the best at
English and the best at sport in your class?
6) Tell me about your country. What is the biggest (the oldest) town in
your country? What is the longest river in your country? What is the
most b e a u t i f u l place in your country? What is the most popular sport
in your country?

How Many New Words from Unit 7 Do You K n o w ?

clothes handkerchief pyjamas socks boots

blazer hat raincoat suit shoes
blouse jacket scarf sweater slippers
coat jeans school tie trainers

dress pants uniform tights

I gloves pullover shirt

W-; show
\1 try on
SE wear

toys continent planet beautiful — happy — sad
ball department pound ugly high — low
balloon store river big - little large — small
doll garden size busy — free light
d o l l ' s house goods North clean — dirty messy — neat -
fishing rod money South comfortable smart
mask mountain East dry — wet popular
paints ocean West expensive — strong — weak
rubber ring pence cheap tall - short —
soldiers fast — slow long
teddy bear fat - thin young — old —
train set good — bad new
101 (+497)

Do You Know These E x p r e s s i o n s from Unit 7?

I'd like a pair of shoes, please.

What colour?
And what size are you?
Seven. Can I try them on, please?

Can you show me a camera, p l e a s e T * ^

Yes, here you are.
How much is it?
£ 45.
T h a t ' s quite expensive. Have you
got anything cheaper?

Can you change this T-shirt, please?

W h y ? W h a t ' s wrong with it?
I t ' s too big for me.
4) Better late than never.
East or West home is best.
T h a n k you. G o o d b y e . Two heads are better than one

1. C o m p l e t e the table.

Positive Comparative Superlative

high higher
big ... the biggest
comfortable ...

2. C o m p a r e Nick and Rick.

tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak

3. Write the dialogue between you and a shop assistant.

You are in a shoe shop. Ask how much the black shoes are. Ask to
try them on. They are too small for you. Ask for another pair. They
are your size. Ask if they have any other colours. Choose the brown

4. Listen and choose the answer.

1) Can you change this a) T-shirt, b) pullover, c) blouse?

2) Why, what's wrong with it? — It's too a) big for me,
b) small for me.
3) What size are you? - a) 10, b) 12, c) 14.
4) How much is this one? - a) £10, b) £12, c) £15.
5) Have you got anything a) in red, b) in blue,
c) in white? d) No, I ' m afraid I h a v e n ' t ,
e) Yes, try this one on.


What's your s c o r e ?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

Look, listen, repeat, read and act.
Dialogue I.

Mrs Claydon: I'm looking for strawberries.

Have you got any?
A s s i s t a n t : Yes, I have. How many would you like?
Mrs C l a y d o n : I want two p o u n d s , p l e a s e .
A s s i s t a n t : Here you are.
Mrs C l a y d o n : T h a n k you.
D i a n a : Hi, Mary. What are you buy"
Mrs C l a y d o n : I'm b u y i n g some s t r a w b e r r i e s for tea.
A s s i s t a n l : Do you need a n y t h i n g else?
Mrs C l a y d o n : Yes, I'd like a loaf of b r e a d , a dozen eggs,
a tin of onion s o u p , a box of cereal,
a bottle of milk, a jar of honey,
a bunch of g r a p e s , a tube of m u s t a r d and
a bar of c h o c o l a t e . How much is that?
A s s i s t a n t : £ 6.42.
Mrs C l a y d o n : T h a n k s a lot.


Diana: How much are these bananas?

Shop assistant: T h e y ' r e 70p a pound. 1
Diana: I ' d like three pounds, please.
Shop assistant: T h a t ' s two pounds ten, please.


2.00 lb at £0.65/lb . £1.30
1.00 lb at £0.60/lb . £0.60
L O A F OF B R E A D . . £0.44
12 EGGS . £1.16
1 TIN OF O N I O N SOUP. . . . . £0.35
1 BOX OF C E R E A L . .£0.85
1 B O T T L E OF MILK . £0.27
1 JAR OF HONEY . . £0.65
1 T U B E OF MUSTARD . .£0.55
1 BAR OF CHOCOLATE. . . . . . £0.25
TOTAL 2 . £6.42
CASH3 £10.00
CH ANfrF. . £3.58


pound (lb) = 0.4 kg
total ['tautal] — общая сумма
cash [kasj] — н а л и ч н ы е деньги
Thank you for your custom. — С п а с и б о ,
что Вы п о к у п а е т е у нас.

. Read, match and write.

1. a pound of ... a) bread

2. a bottle of . b) honey
3. a box of ... c) chocolate
4. a bar of ... d) cheese
5. a jar of ... e) lemonade
6. a loaf of ... f) eggs
7. a dozen ... g) cereal
8. a bunch of . h) grapes

3. a). Look, listen, repeat and remember. Match the picture and
the words,
b). Say what there is in the food shop.

Meat Vegetables

CT^^ Fruit

1. beef [bi:f] 9. cherry [ ' t j e r i ] 17. pork [po:k]
2. peach [pi:tj] 10. lettuce [ letis] 18. strawberry ['stro:bari]
3. beans [bi:nz] 11. spaghetti [ s p a ' g e t i ] 19. bacon f ' b e i k a n ]
4. peas [pi:z] 12. lamb [lasm] 20. grapes [greips]
5. beetroot ['bi:tru:t] 13. plum [ p U m ] 21. steak [steik]
6. chicken f t f i k i n ] 14. raspberry [ ' r a : z b e r i ] 22. rice [rais]
7. melon [ ' m e l a n ] 15. chop [tfop] 23. pineapple [ ' p a i n a j p l ]
8. lemon f l e m a n ] 16. sausage f'sosid3] 24. cucumber [ ' k j u : k a m b a ]

A memory game. Close the book and write what there is

in the picture. W h a t ' s your score?

. Look and say what you can and what

you would like to buy here. Act out a

6. You've got £5. Look at the picture on

page 178. What can you buy for £5 at
a food shop?

I ' v e got ... I can buy ...


Roles: a customer1 and a shop


1) Say you would like a pound of

2) Ask how much a kilo of apples is.
3) Say that they are good and cheap.
4) Ask for a pound of cheese, a packet of biscuits, 2 a bottle of fruit
juice, a packet of tea, a dozen eggs, a pound of sausages and a
kilo of steak.

customer fkAstama] — п о к у п а т е л ь
biscuit fbiskit] — п е ч е н ь е

5) Ask how much it is.
6) Say there is something wrong with...

Look at the picture on page 178. You must go to the food shop
and buy three or four things there. Act out the dialogue.

You've got a dream shop. Write what things there are in your
shop. Advertise' your shop on TV. Who has got the best shop?

Good, cheap products!

The best products in town!
Products without chemicals! 2

Listen and sing.

P E A S E 3 P U D D I N G HOT.

Pease pudding hot,

Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.
Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.

advertise fsedvotaiz] — р е к л а м и р о в а т ь
without chemicals [wi'5aut 'kemikalz] — без х и м и к а т о в
pease [pi:z] — с у ш е н ы й горох

187 Lifcal972
1 1 . Look, listen and remember.

grandfather clock 1 a clock showing time

throughout the world

hourglass mechanical clock

12. Look, listen, repeat and remember.

I t ' s a quarter to four/

I t ' s one o ' c l o c k . three f o r t y - f i v e .

I t ' s half past eight/
I t ' s twenty to ten.
eight thirty.

I t ' s a quarter past six/
six f i f t e e n . I t ' s twenty past ten.

1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

grandfather clock — высокие с т о я ч и е часы

1 3 a). Look at the clocks and say what the time is.

b). Act out a dialogue with y o u r cla-

— Excuse me, please. Could you
tell me the time?
— I t ' s ... .
— Thank you.
— You're welcome.

a) 1) 2.48 2) 2.03 3) 1.50 4) 5.42

184 Lifcal972
14. Look, listen and answer the questions.
Time Zones.

a.m. — ante meridiem (before n o o n ) 1 p . m . — post meridiem (after noon) 2

a) It is 12 o ' c l o c k (noon) in London.

It is 2 p.m. in M o s c o w .
It is 7 a.m. in New York.
What time is it in: 1) St.Petersburg, 2) Vladivostok, 3) Tokyo,
4) Sydney, 5) San Francisco?
b) What is the time d i f f e r e n c e 3 b e t w e e n :
1) M o s c o w and Sydney, 2) London and Pretoria, 3) New York
and Rio de Janeiro?

a) 1) 2 p.m. 2) 9 p.m. 3) 9 p.m. 4) 10 p.m. 5) 4 a.m.

b) 1) 8 hours 2) 2 hours 3) 2 hours

before noon — до п о л у д н я
after noon — после п о л у д н я
difference ['difrans] — р а з н и ц а

Listen and write down the times.

1) 7.48 a.m. 2) 9.25 p.m. 3) 3.30 p.m. 4) 5.45 a.m. 5) 6.35 p.m.

Listen and sing. Find the meaning of the underlined words in the


My uncle has a cuckoo clock

To tell us all the time.
He pops out of his little house
And always sings this rhyme:
"Cuckoo, cuckoo."

The cuckoo says i t ' s two o'clock,

I t ' s telling us the time.

My uncle has a cuckoo clock

To tell us all the time.
He pops out of his little house
And always sings this rhyme:
" C u c k o o , c u c k o o , c u c k o o , cuckoo."

The cuckoo says it's four o'clock,

I t ' s telling us the time.

English Tenses.
Look, read and pay attention to the system of English
tenses. 1

tense — время (грамматическая категория)

1 T h e S y s t e m of E n g l i s h Tenses
I past present future i

will -t T
у «dl
« • • • V r00 shall V

(факт, регулярное
perfect simple Ьаз
had V З *ЬаУС VV : 3

v. V:
\ / ed

progressive \v-as wil1
• \jfjnj
аге 'п£ be
weгe V N shall

perfect progressive
be en V have bcen V ' n g
t n shall
і been V È »have

длящееся в тече- ЯЙШШР
ние о п р е д е л е н н о г о
пери ода в р е м е н и )
Present Simple and Present Progressive.
18. Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the simple and
progressive tenses.
COMIC: Alison and Tony.

Tony, Tony.
Where are

I'm watching
a spaceship.
It's coming down

Really? I come here every day,

I often play under this tree but What's that?
What's the matter?
I never see spaceships. What's happening?

Tell me,

It'5 coming nearer,

it's coming down.
r ^ t t e ^ f

The door is opening.

There is somebody there
U^f coming out now.
19. a). Look, listen and repeat.
b). Choose the tense and show it on the k e y b o a r d .

A. O f t e n
S t a r k i d p a i n t s h i s s p a c e s h i p e v e r y year.

B. N o w
S t a r k i d is painting his s p a c e s h i p n o w .

1) I'm watching a spaceship.

2) It's coming down.
3) I c o m e here every day.
4) I o f t e n play under this tree.
5) I never see s p a c e s h i p s .
6) W h a t are you d o i n g ?
7) W h a t ' s happening now?
8) It's landing!
9) The door is o p e n i n g .

present future


p e r f e c t o.

. Choose and write what people often do and what they are doing

Often: he/she + Vs Now: he/she + is Ving

paints, plays, watches, cooks, is painting, is playing, is watching, is


(•* often: 1 watches, 3 cooks, 6 plays, 8 paints

now: 2 is painting, 4 is playing, 5 is cooking 7 is watching

21. Choose which words go with which sentence.

1) She cooks... a) often c) usually
2) She is cooking... b) now d) at this moment

2 2 . a). Act out progressive and simple actions

with these things.

a newspaper and many newspapers, a packet of bis-

cuits and biscuits on a plate, some chalk I drink milk every day.

b). Work in groups of three or four. Act out

progressive and simple actions with other
things. Let your classmates guess what tense
you are demonstrating.

I'm drinking milk now.

Present Simple.
2 3 . Look, listen, repeat and remember. Pay attention to the meaning
and the forms of the present simple tense.

What always (usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never) happens?

V, V s

+ -

I paint I do not ( d o n ' t ) paint

you paint you do not ( d o n ' t ) paint
he/she/it paints he/she/it does not ( d o e s n ' t ) paint
we paint we do not (don't) paint
you paint you do not (don't) paint
they paint they do not ( d o n ' t ) paint

Time t
wake u
go to h
go to


196 Lifcal972
Read, fill in and write.

1) 1 usually get up at in the morning. 2) I have breakfast at ...
and then y I go to school. 3) I d o n ' t go to school by bus. I go on foot.
4) At 'tl. I have lunch. 5) At<5?. I go home. 6) I play badminton at ... .
7) I go to bed a t . . . . ^oyc&vk.

1 ) 7 o'clock, 2 ) 7 . 3 0 , 4) 1 o ' c l o c k , 5)3.30, 6) 5 o ' c l o c k ,

7) 10 o ' c l o c k

Tell us about your morning. Use the following words.

It is Monday morning.
wake up, get up, wash, take a shower, take a bath, have b r e a k f a s t , eat,
go to school

I wake up at 7.30. I get up, wash my face and hands. I take a shower.
I d o n ' t take a bath in the morning. I have b r e a k f a s t at 8 o ' c l o c k . I
usually eat cereal and toast. I go to school at 8.30.

Tell us about your day. Say when you get up, wash, eat, work,
enjoy yourself, go to bed. Draw a clock and show the time on it.
Use brown for work, red for playtime, yellow for meals, blue for

Tell Starkid about your dream day.

Listen, read and say what the mother does in the evening.
My mother comes f r o m the North of England. Now she lives in
Oxford. She works in a bank. She usually goes to work at 9 o ' c l o c k .
She is at the bank f r o m 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. She gets up at 8 o ' c l o c k and
cooks breakfast for all of us but she d o e s n ' t like cooking. There is a
good café near the bank and she has lunch there at half past one.
Every day she c o m e s home at 6 o ' c l o c k . S o m e t i m e s she goes
shopping after work. In the evening she sometimes goes to see my

grandparents or goes out. She d o e s n ' t like to watch TV. She goes to
bed at about 11 o ' c l o c k .

2 9 . Say how different members of your family spend their day.

3 0 . Work in a group of three. Tell the class about any pupil in your
group. The class niust guess who it is.

3 1 . Write a story about Starkid's day.

3 2 . Look, listen and repeat. Pay attention to the questions and

Yes/No Questions.

3 3 . Listen and answer. Then test yourself and see how good you are.


1) Do you help at home?

2) Do you make your bed?

? Счастливый английский 193 Lifcal972

3) Do you help your mother in the kitchen?
4) Do you help your father in the garden?
5) Do you cook dinner for your family?
6) Do you go shopping?

Score 6 You are very good!

Score 4-5 Sometimes you are good.
Score 1-3 Sometimes you are good, sometimes you are not.
Score 0 You are terrible! (Very bad!)

A question game. Work in a group of three. Look at exer-

cises 23 and 32 and write 10 questions. Use I, you, we,
they, do. W h o is the fastest?

Interview your classmates about his/her interests and studies.

Ask if he/she (•*

likes music (strawberries) Do you like ...?

plays the guitar (the piano, an instrument) Do you play ...?
learns Russian (English, German) 1 ^U-kcL DO you learn ...??
often works with a computer Do you work ...?
goes to school on Saturdays Do you go ...?
lives in M o s c o w (in Oxford) Do you live ...?

Starkid interviews you about your mother. Answer his questions.

1) Does your mother often make toast for breakfast?
2) Does she often boil eggs?
3) Does she like cooking?
4) Does your mother work?
5) Does she learn English?
6) Does she play an instrument?

A question game. Work in a group of three. Look at exer-

cises 23 and 32 and make 10 questions. Use he, she, does.
W h o is the fastest?

German ['d3a:man] — HeMenKHH h3hk
3 8 . Interview Starkid about his parents (grandparents, sisters and

Ask if his mother (...)

works (in an o f f i c e , at home) Does your mother work ...?
likes space music Does your mother like ...?
cooks well Does your mother cook ...?
plays an instrument (star tennis) Does your mother play ...?
collects stamps (coins) Does your mother collect ...?
likes to go to the space theatre (disco, club) Does your mother like ...?

3 9 . Look, listen and repeat. Compare these rockets with the rockets
on page 193. Pay attention to the questions and answers.


B i j f l • I 1 live I in spacej:

B W h e r e d o S you X f i live?

B we jH W e live in s p a c e . m

I ^ H l they S

^ ^ ^ ^ S s H M p he a

H What does J B P B B J ^ - . / ; ^
likes space. jB
[ aflfagfllBl she ^ like? 1l i She

B| it ^ ^ g S H B H i

Starkid > does. H

• Who I lives 1 in s p a c e ? ^ Ê
Starkid 41 lives J in s p a c e d

4 0 . a). A new pupil comes to your class. You want to know more
about him/her. A s k him/her:

1) where he/she lives,

2) when he/she goes to school,
3) what he/she does after school,
4) how he/she gets to school,
5) w h o speaks English in his/her family.

b). A s k your classmate about a new pupil.

p. 377

4 1 . Listen to a Russian boy and an English girl, read and answer the
girl's questions.

1) I like to get up at 7 1) I d o n ' t like to get up at 7 o ' c l o c k . What

o ' c l o c k . I wash my face about you?
and brush my teeth.

2) I make b r e a k f a s t myself. 2) I d o n ' t make b r e a k f a s t myself. My mother

makes it for me. W h o m a k e s b r e a k f a s t for

3) I usually have a cup of tea 3) My mother usually boils eggs. I d o n ' t like
with cheese sandwiches. I scrambled eggs. I like c o f f e e , ham sand-
o f t e n have scrambled eggs wiches and toast with m a r m a l a d e . What do
too. you like for breakfast?

4) A f t e r b r e a k f a s t I go to 4) A f t e r breakfast I d o n ' t go to school. I go

school. to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then
I go to school. What do you do after break-

Present Progressive.

4 2 . a). Look, listen, repeat and remember. Pay attention to the

m e a n i n g and the forms of the present progressive t e n s e ,
b). Look and say what they are doing now and what they are not
d o i n g now.

is w r i t i n g a l e t t e r are drinking juice

s d o i n g her h o m e w o r k

W h a t is h a p p e n i n g n o w ?
be + Ving

+ -

I am p a i n t i n g I am not ( ' m n o t ) p a i n t i n g
y o u are p a i n t i n g you are not ( a r e n ' t / ' r e not) painting
h e / s h e / i t is p a i n t i n g h e / s h e / i t is not ( i s n ' t / ' s n o t ) p a i n t i n g
we are p a i n t i n g w e a r e not ( a r e n ' t / ' r e n o t ) p a i n t i n g
you are p a i n t i n g you a r e not ( a r e n ' t / ' r e n o t ) p a i n t i n g
t h e y are p a i n t i n g t h e y a r e not ( a r e n ' t / ' r e n o t ) p a i n t i n g

are speaking
is h a v i n g a b a t h is c o o k i n g d i n n e r o v e r the p h o n e is m a k i n g c o f f e e

. Act out the verbs and ask your classmates to say what you are

What am I doing?—You are writing.

drink, eat, cook, mix, open, close, pull, push, walk, paint, play,
have a shower, watch, brush, speak, make your bed

. Look, listen and repeat. Pay attention to the questions and

Yes/No Questions.

. Listen and answer Starkid's questions.

1) Are you wearing a T-shirt (a sweater, an overcoat, trainers, slip-
pers, jeans, school u n i f o r m ) ?
2) Are you having English (maths, literature, geography) now?
3) Are you reading a Russian (an English) book now?

. a). Act out the verbs. Your classmates must ask you what you are

Are you cooking? — Yes, I am./No, I ' m not.

b). Your c l a s s m a t e s must ask e a c h o t h e r w h a t you are d o i n g .

Is he/she cooking? — Yes, he (she) is./No, he (she) isn't.

drink, eat, c o o k , m i x , open, close, pull, p u s h , w a l k , paint, play,

h a v e a s h o w e r , w a t c h , b r u s h , speak, m a k e your bed

4 7 . Look, listen and repeat. Compare these rockets with the

rockets on page 198. Pay attention to the questions and

.» ** t
•. *

T W 4

^ ^ A i

• * , •

I E * * i S Ü ^ •* * «•* *•"

mmr j L ^ ^ * •
, J
B r pPfflPBL ^smk.
p r
. JIWIW - wmrnm
• : i m p
* •

* # ^

• * m
• #

« <

I H . ^ I ^ ^ B W I P

204 Lifcal972
. Your pen-friends from Great Britain and America have sent you
pictures of their schools. Write them letters and ask them about
their schools.

Who? What? Where?

In a British school. In an American school.

4 9 . Complete these tables.


+ ? —

I paint. Do I paint? I do not ( d o n ' t ) paint.

You ... ... you ...? You (...) ...
He/she/it ... Does he/she/it paint? He/she/it does not (doesn't) paint.
We ... ... we ...? We (...) ...
You ... ... you ...? You (...) ...
They ... ... they ...? They (...) ...


+ ? —

I am ( ' m ) painting. Am I painting? I am ('m) not painting.

You are ('re)... ... you ...? You ... not ( a r e n ' t / ' r e not) painting.
He/she/it is('s) ... Is he/she/it ...? He/she/it ... not ( i s n ' t / ' s not) painting.


+ ? —

We are ('re)... ... we ...? ( a r e n ' t / ' r e not) ...

You ... (...) ... 9
They ...С..)... ... they ...? They (... /...) ...

Щ- pp. 355, 356

. There are five houses in Queen Street. Five people live in these
houses. Read about them and choose who lives in which house.

a) John lives in one of these houses. He usually gets up at 7. He

goes to school at 7.45. He goes to school every day by bus. He does
not go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. In the evening he plays
the piano or plays with his computer. Now he is wearing a blue v
T-shirt and he is eating ice cream. John has a pet cat. I t ' s grey and

b) Peter goes shopping e v e r y d a y . He buys fruit and vegetables.

He likes oranges and tomatoes. At lunchtime he goes home to have
lunch. He has a pet dog. I t ' s brown. Its name is Rover. In the even-
ing Peter likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. He is now
reading a newspaper and listening to the radio. Peter's favourite '
sport is tennis. His hobby is music.

c) Mike likes to go to cafés. He goes to a café every Saturday with

John and Peter. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema. He likes
music, so he often buys cassettes. He has a cat. I t ' s black and white.
He is wearing brown trousers and an orange sweater. He is playing
chess now. He can play chess on his computer. His hobby is photo-

d) Colin goes out at six o ' c l o c k every morning and plays basket-
ball. He plays basketball every day and tennis every Saturday. He
likes sports very much. He is playing tennis in the park now. He
usually has ham and eggs, some toast and a glass of orange juice for
breakfast. Colin has a pet dog. Its name is Fido. I t ' s black and grey.
Colin always goes to bed at 10 o ' c l o c k .

e) David goes to school on foot. For breakfast he usually eats
grapefruit. He likes bananas too. He likes to go to the discos. David
can dance very well. He is listening to music and dancing now. His
hobby is cooking. In the evening he likes to watch videos. He has got
a hamster. I t ' s yellow.

a) B4, b) A5, c) D l , d) E3, e) C2

. a). Listen, read, choose and answer,
b). Write a story about the picture.

William Hogarth ( 1 6 9 7 — 1 7 6 4 )
"The Graham Children" (National Gallery, London)

William Hogarth is one of the most f a m o u s British painters. His

pictures tell stories.

1) The boy has got a) a music box b) a box of soldiers.

2) What are the children doing?
The boy is a) listening to music, b) dancing.
The girl to the left of him is a) playing music, b) dancing.
The little girl is looking a) at the cat, b) at the cherries.
The big girl is a) eating some grapes, b) playing with the
little girl.
3) How many birds 1 are there in the picture?
4) What is the cat doing?
a) It is eating, b) It is looking at the bird, c) It is sitting on the
5) What are the children wearing?
6) Do they wear these things every day?
7) What colours are their dresses?
8) Which child is the youngest?
9) Which child is the oldest?
10) Give the children, the cat and the bird names.

a bird [bs:d] — nTHu,a

. a). Listen and guess the meaning of the words: prince, princess,
organisation, visit, formal, polo.
b). Find the m e a n i n g of these words in the vocabulary: royal,
palace, holiday, member, hard, other.
c). Listen, read and answer.


Do you know who the Prince and Princess of Wales are? Do you
know their names? His name is Charles and her name is Diana. They
are m e m b e r s of the British Royal Family. They live in Kensington
Palace in London. They are very busy. They help a lot of organisa-
tions. They always work hard. Every year they visit other countries.
Do you know the names of their sons? Their names are William and
Henry. The two boys go to school.
Do the Prince and Princess have time for hobbies? The Prince
often paints and draws and s o m e t i m e s plays polo. The Princess
swims and dances very well. They d o n ' t have very much free time.
They often go to formal dinners. Princess Diana always wears very
b e a u t i f u l clothes.
The Prince and Princess also have family holidays. Look at the
picture. They are on holiday in the West of England. What is the
Princess wearing in this picture? What colour are her clothes? What
is Prince Charles wearing? What colour are the b o y s ' clothes? What
are they doing in this picture?


5 3 . Look, listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: Telephone Talk.

Mr Bell: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Mason, please?

Kate: Sorry, but he c a n ' t come to the phone. He is cooking in the
Mr Bell: W h a t ' s he cooking?
Kate: H e ' s making a cake. He often makes cakes on Saturdays.
Mr Bell: Could I speak to Mrs Mason then?
Kate: No, I ' m afraid you c a n ' t . S h e ' s working in the garden.
Mr Bell: W h a t ' s she doing?
Kate: S h e ' s watering the tomatoes. She waters them every day.
Mr Bell: Could I speak to John then?
Kate: No, I ' m afraid you c a n ' t . H e ' s at school.
Mr Bell: W h a t ' s he doing at school today?
Kate: He's playing football. He always plays football on Saturdays.
Mr Bell: Can I speak to Jane?
Kate: No, I ' m afraid you c a n ' t .
Mr Bell: Why not? Is she playing football too?
Kate: No, s h e ' s doing her h o m e w o r k at her f r i e n d ' s house. She
usually does her homework at her f r i e n d ' s house.
Mr Bell: W h o can I speak to then?
Kate: You can speak to me!
Mr Bell: Who are you?
Kate: I ' m ...
Mr Bell: What are you doing there?
Kate: I ' m ... I always ...

Talk to Starkid.
Hello again. I'd like to ask you some questions.
1) I live in space. 1 live on the Red Planet. Where do
you live?
2) I live with 1,000,000 star brothers and sisters. How
many brothers and sisters do you have?
3) What does your mother, father, sister do?
4) What is your mother doing now?
5) What are you doing now?
6) Do you like to read?
7) What are you reading now?
8) How many hours do you sleep?
9) In the evening I usually like to watch the Earth.
What do you do in the evening?
10) I go to a space school. What school do you go to?
What do you like most at school?
11) I ' m wearing a spacesuit now. What are you
wearing now?

II. How Many Words from Unit 8 Do You Know?

meat fruit vegetables time

beef cherry bean bar hour
chicken grapes beetroot bunch minute
chop lemon cucumber dozen second
lamb melon lettuce jar
pork peach pea loaf
sausages pineapple packet
steak plum rice pound
raspberry spaghetti tin

brush look for bath palace
clean paint dinner royal
come sleep face shower
dance w a k e up hand supper
fly wash holiday teeth
get up watch homework weekend
happen work
live 6 5 ( + 5 9 8 )

Do You K n o w T h e s e Ex r e s s i o n s from Unit 8?

1) go to bed make (my) bed

go to school play g a m e s
go to sleep t a k e / h a v e a bath
do (my) h o m e w o r k take/have a shower

A r e you g o i n g to the c i n e m a ?
Yes, what time d o e s the film start?
It starts at 7 p.m.
W h a t ' s the time n o w ?
It's 6 o'clock.

7 3 c

— Do you want a n y t h i n g else?

j — Yes, please. I ' m g o i n g to a party. 3)
I ' d like a box of c h o c o l a t e s .

212 Lifcal972
1. C o m p l e t e the table.

Present Simple

+ 9 —

I play Do I play? I do not (don't) play.

She ... ... she play? She ... (...) ...

Present Progressive

+ 7 —

I am ( ' m ) playing. Am I playing? I am ( ' m ) not playing.

You ... (...) ... ... you playing? You are not (aren't) playing.
She is (...) playing Is she playing? She ... (...) playing.

2. Complete the sentences.

1) I am taking this test a) every week

2) I take tests b) right now

3. Ask questions.
1) She teaches English at a school.
a) Yes/No. b) Where? c) What? d) Who?
2) She is reading a book.
a) Yes/No. b) W h o ? c) What?

4. Choose and fill in the verb.

— David, it's time to go to the disco.
— I ('m writing, write) a letter to my granny. I ('m writing, write) a
letter to her every week.

5.' A n s w e r the questions,
1) What do you like to read? 2) What are you reading now?

6. Listen and answer.

1) Where is the boy going? 2) Does he like classical music?

See <8T*.

What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

1. a). Look, listen, repeat, read and act.
b). M a k e up y o u r own d i a l o g u e s using the m e n u .
I. At a H a m b u r g e r Bar.

Mike What shall we have? I

r /
usually l>ave a hamburger
Hamburger £0.85 and a large coke. Bût today
Kingsize £1.25 I'll take a kingsize and a
Cheeseburger £0.95 strawberry m i l k / shake
Fishburger £0.95 I'cd very hungr
Bacon and Egg in a Bun ....£1.00 Mexander:
ïnder I I I have the same.
Chicken in a Bun £1.25 I Assistant:
Assistant Hello.
Hot Dog £1.00 Mike: Hello. T w o kingsize ham-
burgers and two strawberry
Chips £0.60
milk shakes, please,
Hot Apple Pie £0.75 Assistant : Anything else?
Coke: large £0.75 Vlexander: Yes. Chips, ' plfÊÈgfT jà
small £0.60 Thank you very ffWidLjf I
Milk Shakes £0.75 Assistant: That'll be £ 4.60, pleâseu J
Pure Orange Juice £0.65


Small cheese and tomato

pizza £1.10 1
Any 3 toppings 9 Op
SHAKES £1.50
Mixed salad •95P i
1 CHIPS £0.60
All together in a b o x . . . 2.75
£ j
TOTAL £4.60
CHANGE £0.40
1 11.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
K E E P BRITAIN TIDY. 1 P L E A S E | 7 days a week
P U T L I T T E R 2 IN ITS P L A C E .

| Srni^B
II. A P I Z Z A P L A C E .

Mike: L e t ' s go into this pizza restaurant. I ' d like some

takeaway pizzas. Hello. Could you show us the menu,
A s s i s t a n t : Here it is.
Mike: Two cheese and tomato pizzas to take away, please.
A s s i s t a n t : Certainly. T h e y ' l l be ready in five minutes. Would
you like to take a seat?
A l e x a n d e r : I ' m thirsty. Shall we have a drink?
Mike: One large coke and a pure orange j u i c e , please.
A s s i s t a n t : Here you are. T h a t ' l l be £3.60, please. T h a n k you very
much. Goodbye.
Mike: Bye.

Keep Britain tidy. — С о х р а н я й т е В е л и к о б р и т а н и ю в ч и с т о т е .
litter — мусор

2. a). Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r ,
b). Find the food on the m e n u s .

baked potato
Cheese and Tomato £1.15
C h e e s e , T o m a t o and Ham £1.40
Cheese, Tomato and Chicken £1.40
Smiley Pizza with a Pineapple Face. . . £1.30
Extra Toppings EACH £0.25
Cheese, ham, chicken, salami, sausage, onions,
%I V
mushrooms, pineapple
mineral water
• »» TASTY BAKED POTATO 'minaral'woita]
Cheese £1.00
C h e e s e a n d H am £1.10

Coffee. 50p
Tea 50p
Milk 50p
Mineral water 40p fish and
Juices 75p chips
Coke 75p
Hot chocolate 50p
1'fi.f a n d t j i p s ]

pizza roast chicken

['pi :tsa ] fraust't.fikin]


grapefruit segments ice c r e a m [,ais 'kri:m]

['smaili] pizza
with a pineapple
['painsepl] face ['greipfru:t'segments]

Soup 65p
Roast Chicken £1.65
Meat Pie £1.55
0 hot chocolate
Fish and Chips £1.30
Ham Sandwich. 75p
Cheese Sandwich 65p
A p p l e Pie 75p
Fruit Salad 75p
Vanilla Ice C r e a m 75p
fruit salad t $
* I « o paw
soup [su:pj

fizzy wmBÊÊÊtÊÊÊmmmÊÊmmÊÊmÊÊsmÊm

S e r v e d f r o m 7 a . m . u n t i l 10 a . m .

English Breakfast Continental Breakfast

Fruit juice Fruit juice

g r a p e f r u i t or o r a n g e g r a p e f r u i t or o r a n g e
or T o a s t , roll or s w e e t roll
H o t or c o l d c e r e a l and butter
Bacon, mushrooms, sausage, tomato M a r m a l a d e or j a m
w i t h f r i e d or s c r a m b l e d e g g s Tea, c o f f e e or hot c h o c o l a t e
Toast and butter £5.50
M a r m a l a d e or j a m

mmmmmmm "IHIMITT

213 Li!çal972
A memory game. Close the book and write what there is
on the m e n u s . W h a t ' s your score?

Write your own menus and draw them.

A guessing game. Choose any food on the menus. W r i t e

its name on a sheet of paper. Your c l a s s m a t e must ask
you q u e s t i o n s and guess what it is.

Look at the picture and act out a dialogue between the a s s i s t a n t

and the boys.

a). Listen, repeat and act.

b). M a k e up y o u r own d i a l o g u e s using the m e n u s .

AT A C A F E .

Alexander: W h e r e shall we sit?

Mike: L e t ' s sit over there near the w i n d o w .
Waiter: Can I help you?
Mike: Yes, could you show us the menu, please?
Waiter: Certainly. Here it is. Are you ready to order?
Mike: Yes, w e ' l l have fish and chips, please.
Waiter: A n y t h i n g else?
Alexander: Yes, please. An apple pie and a vanilla ice cream.

Waiter: What will you have to drink?
A l e x a n d e r : I ' l l have a g r a p e f r u i t j u i c e .
Mike: And I ' l l have a strawberry milk shake, please. How do
you like fish and chips?
A l e x a n d e r : I t ' s great. I t ' s really delicious.
Mike: How about the j u i c e ?
A l e x a n d e r : I t ' s very nice too, thank you.
Waiter: Here is your bill. T h a t ' l l be £5.50, please. Thank you.
Mike: Thank you.
Waiter: G o o d b y e .
Mike: G o o d b y e .

8. Listen and say what the girl wants to order.

«r p. 378

9. a). Listen, repeat and remember, b). Make up your own dia-

1) Waiter: Would you like some ice cream?

Richard: Yes, I ' d love some. I t ' s lovely!

It's great! It's wonderful!
It's lovely! It's very tasty!
It's delicious! It's very nice.
It's fantastic! It's very good.

2) A l e x a n d e r : Do you like the salad?

Mike: Oh yes. I t ' s quite nice.

I t ' s quite nice. I t ' s all right.
I t ' s quite good. I t ' s OK.

3) Linda: H o w ' s the pizza?

Mary: I t ' s terrible!
I t ' s not very good. It's awful.
I t ' s not very nice. I t ' s really a w f u l .
I t ' s terrible. I t ' s really bad.

1 0 . a). Look at the picture and r e m e m b e r how to lay the t a b l e . 1
b). Close the book, draw the table properly laid and n a m e the
things on the table.

1 . s o u p spoon
2. big knife for meat or fish
3. glass
4. big f o r k for meat or fish
5. small plate for bread
6. small k n i f e f o r bread or cheese
7. spoon and fork for dessert

1 1 . Work in a group of three. Invite your friend to a café and act

out a d i a l o g u e b e t w e e n you and a w a i t e r .

1 2 . a). What are the most typical dishes in your country?

b). Do you know any dishes that are typically British?
MF P-378

. Listen and read the pizza recipe. Create your own pizza and
give it a n a m e .


lOOg f l o u r 2 tomatoes
25g butter 5Qg c h e e s e
pinch of salt E x t r a t o p p i n g s (salami,
2 t a b l e s p o o n s of milk mushrooms, ham)

lay [lei] the table — н а к р ы в а т ь на стол
3.Cut the b u t t e r into small 4. Add s o m e milk and 5. Put the d o u g h into
p i e c e s and mix it with the oiled pan.
the f l o u r .

7. Bake for about

15 minutes
on the dough. in a hot oven.

14. Read and answer the c o o k ' s q u e s t i o n s .


1) W h a t do you usually have f o r b r e a k f a s t ?

2) Which drinks do you like and w h i c h d o n ' t you like?
3) Which fruit do you like?
4) What is your f a v o u r i t e f o o d ?
(pizza, f i s h and chips, roast c h i c k e n , meat pie, baked p o t a t o e s ,
hot dogs, h a m b u r g e r s )
5) What can you m a k e yourself and what c a n ' t you make?
(omelette, boiled eggs, s a n d w i c h e s , fish and chips, baked pota-
toes, scones, pizza, toast)

Future Simple.
1 5 . Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the future simple
C O M I C : Alison and Tony.

I ' m afraid.
We'll go into s p a c e
What shall we do?
It'll be f a n t a s t i c .
Will he c a t c h us?

First of all I'll s h o w yc

the Earth f r o m s p a c e

T h e n П 1 t a k e you to # T h e n I'll s h o w you our

a star c a f e and y o u ' I ] , - giant s p a c e c o w .
d r i n k a star
milk s h a k e . /

It l i v e s on the s t r a w b e r r y p l a n e t .
It g i v e s s t r a w b e r r y m i l k .
It is b i g g e r than
the b i g g e s t h o u s e in y o u r c o u n t r y .

CD m a
umT,,', .„

T h e n I ' l l g i v e you star T h e n w e ' l l g o to the

s k a t e s and w e ' l l p l a n e t w h e r e I live.
s k a t e in s p a c e .

Then you'll go home.

^ Y o u ' l l be in'space for
o n l y six e a r t h s e c o n d s

T o n y , I w a n t to g o into s p a c e .

Yes, w e ' l l fly with you into s p a c e .

16. Complete the table.

+ ? —

I w i l l / s h a l l ('11) paint. W i l l / s h a l l I paint? I w i l l / s h a l l not ( w o n ' t /

s h a n ' t ) paint.
You will ('11) paint. Will you ...? You will not (...) paint.
He/she/it ... (...) paint. ... he/she/it ...? He/she/it ... (...) paint.
We w i l l / s h a l l ('11) paint. Will/shall we paint? We will/shall not
( w o n ' t / . . . ) paint.
You will (...) paint. Will you ...? You will not (...) paint.
They ... (...) paint. ... they paint? They ... (...) paint.

(C p. 359

1 7 . a). You will be very busy next week. Say four things you will
do. Use these verbs: see, go to, buy, meet.
b). Tell the class w h a t you will cook for an u n e x p e c t e d guest.
D e c i d e whose meal is the best.

. a). Look, listen and repeat. Pay attention to the questions and
Yes/No Q u e s t i o n s .

in space

Yes, I w j l l / s h a l l . l
in s p a c e ?

jNo, we w o n 1

1 1
go [into s p a c e ^ B j ^ ^ ^ d L ^ ' J

N o , she won't.

b). A s k Starkid if he will do the f o l l o w i n g t h i n g s t o m o r r o w . He
will a n s w e r your q u e s t i o n s .

get up at 7 o ' c l o c k Will you get up at 7 o ' c l o c k t o m o r r o w ?

go to school Will you go to school t o m o r r o w ?
have lunch at school Will you have lunch at school t o m o r r o w ?
have English Will you have E n g l i s h t o m o r r o w ?
play space f o o t b a l l Will you play space f o o t b a l l t o m o r r o w ?
go to the space disco Will you go to the space disco t o m o r r o w ?
fly to the Red Planet Will you fly to the Red Planet t o m o r r o w ?

1 9 . a). Look, listen and repeat. C o m p a r e these rockets with the

r o c k e t s on page 220. Pay a t t e n t i o n to the q u e s t i o n s and

next week

a picture


b). A s k Starkid q u e s t i o n s about what he will do t o m o r r o w . He
will a n s w e r your q u e s t i o n s .

W h e n / h a v e your first lesson When will you have your first lesson?
W h e r e / h a v e lunch W h e r e will you have lunch?
W h a t / d o on Saturday What will you do on Saturday?
W h o / f l y to the Red Planet. Who will fly to the Red Planet?

20. Write about what Starkid will do t o m o r r o w ,

2 1 . Work in a group of three and make up questions about what

your c l a s s m a t e s will do a f t e r the lessons. T h e n ask the other

2 2 . Listen and choose the answer.

— Are you ready to order?

— Yes.
— What would you like to drink?
— I'll have a) pure orange j u i c e b) a coke c) m i n e r a l w a t e r .
— What would you like to eat?
— I ' l l have d) a kingsize e) a c h e e s e b u r g e r f ) a hot apple pie.


— Hello, could you show me the m e n u , please?

— Here it is.
— Two a) cheese and t o m a t o pizzas b) cheese, t o m a t o and ham
pizzas c) cheese, tomato and c h i c k e n pizzas, please.
— Certainly. T h e y ' l l be ready in ten minutes.
— A bottle of mineral water, please.
— Here you are. T h a t ' l l be d) £ 2 . 5 0 e) £ 2 . 8 0 f) £3.20, please.
— Thank you very much.

(i^ la, e lib, d

. a). Look, listen, repeat, act and c o n t i n u e .

Drama: At a Playday Party.

Act 1

To.. Robert.,
Please come to . .a. Play day Party. . ..
On. August 12
From . 5.00. .to. 7..0.0. p.m.
At. ihz. Hamburger Bar, 5.Qu&e<i. St.
From . Jane.

Mum: T h e r e ' s a card for you, Robert.

Robert: Can I go, M u m ? I t ' s a P l a y d a y . 1
Mum: Of course you can.
Robert: I ' l l be home about seven. What shall I wear?
Mum: W h a t about your blue pullover?
Robert: OK. Shall I write and say I ' m c o m i n g ?
Mum: Yes. Say that y o u ' l l be happy to go.

playday — д е н ь игр
Act 2
Party C l o w n : E n j o y your m e a l , 1 c h i l d r e n . I have some name
b a d g e s 2 and hats f o r you. Put them on. N o w I ' l l read
you a story. This story is about an elephant and a fly.
They live in the circus. The fly is very y o u n g but the
elephant is very old. The fly is very small and the
elephant is very big. The elephant is very slow but
the fly is very fast. The elephant is very fat and the
fly is very thin. The fly likes dry days and the el-
ephant likes wet days. The fly likes to play and the
elephant likes to w o r k . The fly is very messy but the
elephant is very neat. The fly is always happy but the
elephant is always sad. W h y ? . . . b e c a u s e 3 he c a n ' t
leave the circus but the fly can fly w h e r e he likes.
Now write your own story of o p p o s i t e s . The win-
ner can eat as many h a m b u r g e r s and drink as many
drinks as he likes. T h a t ' l l be the prize.
P l e a s e d o n ' t leave your b o x e s on the tables.
Please put litter in its place.
Robert: I ' m sorry I ' m late.
Jane: C o m e and join us, R o b e r t .
Robert: I ' d like...

The Party Clown asks two children what they will wear for the
P l a y d a y Party. Listen to the i n t e r v i e w s and draw the clothes.
C o m p a r e y o u r d r a w i n g s with those of y o u r c l a s s m a t e s .

p. 378

a). Listen and sing with the Party C l o w n and the children. Find
the m e a n i n g s of the u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in the v o c a b u l a r y .


1. Now what will I do with my h e r r i n g ' s head?

Aye, what will I do with my h e r r i n g ' s head?

meal |mi:lj
[mi:l] — e^a
badge [basd3] — 3HaqoK
because [bi'koz] — n0T0My m o
I'll make it into loaves of bread.
Herring's head? Loaves of bread?
Aye, and all manner of things. 1

Of all the fish that live in the sea

The herring is the one for me.
Well, what do you say to such a thing?
Have I done w e l l 2 with my jolly herring?

2. N o w what will I do with my herring's eyes?

Aye, what w i l l I do with my herring's eyes?
I'll make them into puddings and pies.
Herring's eyes? Puddings and pies?
Herring's head? Loaves of bread?
Aye, and all manner of things.

Of all the fish that live in the sea...

3. N o w what will I do with my herring's gills?

Aye, what will I do with my herring's gills?
I'll make them into windowsills.
Herring's gills? Windowsills?
Herring's eyes? Puddings and pies?
Herring's head? Loaves of bread?
Aye, and all manner of things.

Of all the fish that live in the sea...

all manner of tnings — и все тому подобное
Have I done [dAn] well... — Я хорошо обошелся...

|ивый английский 225 _ # у. , _ •

SALT, M U S T A R D , V I N E G A R , P E P P E R .

Salt, mustard, vinegar, p e p p e r ,

F r e n c h almond rock,
Bread and butter f o r your supper
T h a t ' s all m o t h e r ' s got.

Fish and chips and Coca Cola,

Put them in a pan,
Irish stew and i c e - c r e a m s o d a , 1
W e ' l l eat all we can.

Egg and b a c o n , salted herring,

Put them into a pot,
Pickled onions, apple p u d d i n g ,
We will eat the lot.

Salt, m u s t a r d , v i n e g a r , pepper,
P i g ' s head and trout,
Bread and butter for your supper
O U T spells out.

a). Draw your own space food, houses, transport and g a m e s .

Show y o u r p i c t u r e s to y o u r c l a s s m a t e s and d e s c r i b e t h e m .

b). M a k e y o u r own space recipes and m e n u s .

A game: F o r t u n e - t e l l e r . 2

a) Work in a g r o u p of f o u r or five. W r i t e on a sheet of p a p e r

one s e n t e n c e about what will h a p p e n to y o u r c l a s s m a t e s in
the f u t u r e . You can write s o m e t h i n g realistic or f a n t a s t i c .
Fold the p a p e r over and pass it on to each other. T h e n read
your fortune.

You will go to the circus next month.

ice-cream soda = lemonade and ice cream
fortune-teller ['fo:t/an'telo] — п р е д с к а з а т е л ь судьбы

231 Lifcal972
b) Work in the s a m e g r o u p s . E a c h g r o u p is r e s p o n s i b l e for
s o m e m o n t h s of the y e a r . W r i t e h o r o s c o p e s f o r these m o n t h s
on c a r d s and put them up in the c l a s s r o o m f o r e v e r y o n e to

O n A u g u s t 2 2 y o u w i l l g o t o a P l a y d a y P a r t y in L o n d o n .
On January 1 you will fly into space with Starkid.

2 8 . a). Look at exercises 17 a), b) and 20. C o m p l e t e them using the


I am going to ( s e e a f i l m ) n e x t w e e k .
H e / s h e is going to ( h a v e l u n c h a t s c h o o l ) .

b). Look at e x e r c i s e s 18 b), 19 b) and 21. C o m p l e t e them u s i n g

the f o l l o w i n g :

Are y o u going to ( p l a y f o o t b a l l ) t o m o r r o w ?
What are y o u going to ( d o ) tomorrow?

An advertising game. Work in a group of three or four.

W r i t e a plan of a holiday on S t a r k i d ' s planet. A d v e r t i s e
the p r o g r a m m e . W h o s e p r o g r a m m e and a d v e r t i s e m e n t
are the best?


Hi, K i d s !

I'd l i k e t o t e l l y o u a b o u t m y new s p a c e
In m y c l u b y o u ' l l get a free b a d g e .
T h e s e are t h e t h i n g s y o u w i l l do in t h e
You w i l l f l y t o a s t r a w b e r r y p l a n e t a n d
y o u w i l l have a s p a c e m i l k s h a k e .
You are g o i n g t o s t a r s k a t e a n d ...
Y o u ' l l get p r i z e s !

Talk to Starkid.
Hello a g a i n . I want to ask you some
questions. What will life be like on
your planet in a hundred years?

1) What will a classroom be like?

a) pupils, a teacher and a computer
b) pupils and a robot teacher
c) a pupil at home with a computer
2) What will children learn?
a) English
b) m a t h e m a t i c s
c) the history and geography of
d) space cooking
e ) s p a c e languages
3) Where will people live?
a) in houses
b) in spaceships
c) under water
d) on the Moon
e) on other planets
4) What will people eat and drink? 6) What transport will there be?
a) pizza a) bicycles
b) space milk b) buses
c) star hamburgers c) cars
d) space fruit d) spaceships
e) moon chips
5) What sports will children play? 7) When will people live on the Moon?
a) tennis a ) i n 1999
b) moon badminton b ) i n 2050
c) star skating c) in 2099
d) space chess d) never

II. How Many New Words from Unit 9 Do You Know?
badge food drinks
bill baked potatoes coke
eye bun fizzy drink
kid cheeseburger mineral water
menu fishburger
fish and chips
catch grapefruit segment continental
create hamburger delicious
find hot dog fantastic
give kingsize hungry
love pie lovely
pizza (smiley pizza) quite nice
order roast chicken ready
say salad really awful
take away soup tasty
write sweet terrible
topping thirsty

48 (+663) vanilla ice cream wonderful

Do You Know These Expressions from Unit 9?

1) — How do you find your salad?

t ' s great! It's all right. It's awful.
t ' s delicious! It's OK. It's not very good.
t ' s fantastic! It's quite good. It's not very nice.
t ' s lovely! It's quite nice. It's really awful.
t ' s very good, It's really bad.
t ' s very nice, It's terrible.
t ' s very tasty,
t's wonderful!

— Are you ready to order?
— Yes, a cheeseburger, please,
— A n y t h i n g else?
— A large coke, please. I ' m
very thirsty.

Could you show us the

menu, please?
Here it is.
I ' m very hungry. I ' d like
fish and chips.
And I think I'll have
cheese and tomato pizza.
It'll be ready in
T h a n k you.
See y o u .

1. Write what Mike will do tomorrow.
Tomorrow I (get up) at seven. Then I (go to school). I (have
lunch) at one o ' c l o c k . I (come home) at three. Then I (play tennis).
A f t e r that I (do my h o m e w o r k ) .

2. A s k questions.
Peter will learn English in Oxford next year,
a) W h o ? b) What? c) W h e n ? d) Where?

3. Look and answer. You are having a meal in a café.

What thing is missing? How would you ask for it?

235 Lifcal972
4. Listen and choose the answer.
— What shall we have for dinner?
— I'll have a) chicken b) tomato soup c) pizza.
— And I'll have d) a hot dog e) h a m b u r g e r s f) baked potatoes.

5. Write your own menu.

K i d ' s Menu

Extra toppings


What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

236 Lifcal972
1. Look, listen, repeat, read and act,
I. On the Train.

Mike: Good morning, Mr Evans.

Mr Evans: Hello, Mike.
Mike: Mr Evans, this is Sasha.
H e ' s from M o s c o w .
Alexander: How do you do, Mr Evans?
Mr Evans: Hello, Sasha. N i c e to meet you.
... When did you c o m e to England?
jxar ' '
lr~EK kend?
tiexalider; We went to a foojfeaJljnatch.
Ir E v \ n s : Where did yojr go yesterday?
1*»" jer: W e w | r e a t j f m u s g u m.
Mr Evans: Which museum w a s it?
Mike: The Modern Art Museum.
Mr Evans: Was it interesting?
Alexander: Yes, it was great.

II. W H A T IS T H E D O M E S D A Y B O O K ?

Mike: Mr Evans works in the Public Record

O f f i c e 1 in London.
Alexander: Really? What is that?
Mike: They keep all the oldest official docu-
ments of England there.
Alexander: I like history very much. What is the
oldest official document in England?
Mr Evans: The Domesday Book.
Alexander: What is the Domesday Book?
Mr Evans: It's detailed information about England.
Alexander: When did they write it?
Mr Evans: In 1086.
Alexander: Who ordered the book?
Mr Evans: King William the Conqueror. 2

Past Simple.
2. Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the past tense of
the verb be.

Public Record Office — архив древних актов
King William the Conqueror ['koqkora] — король Вильгельм

C O M I C I: A l i s o n and Tony.

We w e r e in space

In s p a c e ? we were there^
with Starkid. He is a boy
from space.

W h a t time w a s it?
About six o'clock^""
I w a s under a tree and
Tony w a s in the tree.

He w a s short

W h a t c o l o u r w a s his suit?

It w a s blue
N o , it w a s n ' t blue
It w a s y e l l o w .

S o m e t i m e s they w e r e
U green, s o m e t i m e s N o , they w e r e n ' t gree
&s they w e r e blue, y They w e r e grey.

A I , A2, A3, A4; B5, B6, B7

4. C o m p l e t e the table.


+ ? —

I was Was I? I was not (wasn't)

He/she/it was
We ... Were we?
You were ... You were not (weren't)
They ... Were they?

p. 365

5. Listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r . Find the meaning of the u n d e r -

lined w o r d s in the v o c a b u l a r y .


There was a boy whose name was Jim;

His friends were very good to him.

They gave him tea, and cakes, and jam,
And slices of delicious ham,
And chocolate with pink inside,
And little tricycles to ride.
H. Belloc

6. Say where you and your family were.

Yesterday I was at home,

Yesterday morning my mother were at school,
Yesterday afternoon we at the library,
Last night my grandparents at the shops,
Last week at work,
Last month at the cinema,
Last year at the club.
Three days ago

1. Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r . M a t c h the pictures and the


1. pop singer ['pop s i q g a ] 7. sportsman ['spo:tsman]
2. engineer [,end3i'nia] 8. writer f r a i t a ]
3. actor f f f i k t a ] 9. scientist ['saiantist]
4. actress ['sektris] 10. composer [kam'pauza]
5. artist f a : t i s t ] 11. spaceman ['speismon]
6. doctor f d o k t a ]

8. M a t c h the names and the p r o f e s s i o n s .

1) Tchaikovsky a) a writer
2) Charlie Chaplin b) an artist
3) Lewis Carroll c) a spaceman
4) Michelangelo d) an actor
5) Gagarin e) a composer
6) Archimedes f) a sportsman
7) Kasparov g) a scientist

1 e, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 g, 7 f
W h o were these p e o p l e ?
1) Neil Armstrong was a) a composer b) an artist c) a spaceman.
2) Cleopatra was a) an actress b) a queen c) a prime-minister.
3) Caesar was a) a Roman general b) an artist c) a king.
4) William the Conqueror was a) a sportsman b) a king c) a scien-
5) George Washington was a) a writer b) an engineer c) a presi-
6) Hogarth was a) a composer b) a scientist c) an artist.
7) Isaac Newton was a) a scientist b) a doctor c) an actor.
8) Mozart was a) an engineer b) a scientist c) a composer.
9) Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky were a) writers b) composers
c) artists.
10) The Beatles were a) composers b) pop singers c) doctors.
1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 c, 7 a, 8 c, 9 b, 10 a, b

Look, listen and repeat. Pay attention to the questions and

Yes/No Questions.

Interview y o u r classmate about a) his/her day yesterday;

b) h i s / h e r m o t h e r ' s day y e s t e r d a y .

243 Lifcal972
Ask if he/she was at school, at home, at a café, at work, at the

Were you...? Was your mother...?

. Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r . C o m p a r e these rockets with

the r o c k e t s on page 2 3 8 . Pay a t t e n t i o n to the q u e s t i o n s and

1 3 . Do you know this man? Look, listen and a n s w e r

the q u e s t i o n s .
1) Who was this man?
2) What country was he from?
3) What was his profession?
4) Was he the first man in space?
5) When was it?

m* p. 378


. R e m e m b e r your early c h i l d h o o d and a n s w e r the q u e s t i o n s .
1) What was your favourite toy (food, fruit, drink, place to play)?

My f a v o u r i t e ... was ...

2) What were your favourite pets (sports, places to go)?

My f a v o u r i t e ... were ...

1 5 . Interview a g r o u p of s p a c e m e n who were in space last year.

We were in space last year. Where were you last year?

Where? When? Why? Who? When were you in space?
Why were you in space?
Who was in space last year?

1 6 . Peter was away from school yesterday. A s k him questions a b o u t

his day.

Past Simple: Regular and Irregular Verbs.

1 7 . Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to the past tense of
the verbs.

COMIC II. Alison and Tony.

What did you do y e s t e r d a y ? Can you tell me?

Yes, certainly.

Starkid took us into space. Then we went to a star park,

We c o u l d see the Earth from the $ark we heard space music
tli£_spaceship. „ We stojwJfid at a space cafe, « g

We ate some space-hamburgers Then we left the space cafe i

and d r a n k «"star milkvshake. and visited a giant space c o w l
which lives on the strawberry]
s* planet. i aAlAI*

»Then Starkid g a v e us some

,space skates and w e s k a t e d
.from one planet to another.
We liked it very much.

?**»ij , hen w e c a m e home

• B P m We w e r e in space
ft for only six earth
A L. scconds.

1 8 . Find the past tense of the following verbs in the comic and write
the v e r b s .

I. Regular verbs — Ved II. Irregular Verbs — V 2

stop - be — ... eat — ...

visit - take — ... drink — ...
skate can — ... give — ...
like — go — ... come — ...
hear — ... leave — ...

I. stopped II. be — were eat — ate

visited take — took drink — drank
skated can — could give — gave
liked go — went come — came
hear — heard leave — left

1 9 . Listen, read and r e m e m b e r .

Regular verbs—Ved: want — wanted.

W [d] [id]

danced stopped answered opened collected added

brushed thanked cleaned played painted needed
cooked washed closed pulled skated created
finished watched enjoyed ordered started waited
liked worked happened visited
pushed switched lived wanted

20. Look and say what h a p p e n e d last night.

cook visit like

clear the table watch TV, enjoy the evening

2 1 . Listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .

Irregular verbs —V2: come —came.

can — could come — came sleep — slept

do — did drink — drank wear — wore
have — had eat — ate keep — kept
hear — heard get — got fly — flew
go — went give — gave find — found
make — made meet — met leave — left
buy — bought see — saw swim — swam
think — thought take — took ride — rode
catch — caught wake — woke break — broke
put — put write — wrote say — said

22. Look and say how your g r a n d m o t h e r went shopping y e s t e r d a y .

2 3 . Do y o u k n o w a n y f a m o u s B r i t i s h p e o p l e ? Listen, read and

I. He w a s E n g l i s h . H e w a s b o r n 1 in a) A g a t h a Christie
1 5 6 4 . He w a s a w r i t e r and an a c t o r .
He d i e d 2 in 1 6 1 6 .

II. He w a s b o r n in L o n d o n in 1 8 8 9 . b) Shakespeare
L a t e r he l i v e d in t h e U S A . He w a s a
film actor.

III. He was born in 1859. He was a 6) C h a r l i e C h a p l i n

w r i t e r . He w r o t e stories about
Sherlock Holmes.

- 0 ;
IV. She w a s b o r n in 1 8 9 1 . She w r o t e 75 d) Sir Arthur Conan-
d e t e c t i v e s t o r i e s . She died in 1 9 7 6 . Doyle
* * lb, l i e , I l l d , IVa

w a s b o r n [bo:n] — р о д и л с я
d i e d [daid] — у м е р

249 Li£al972
Listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r Lisa Betts' poein. Change the
u n d e r l i n e d words and write your own poem.


O n e day I s a w Do you w a n t to be
A cat. My f r i e n d ?
A n d the cat s a i d , Yes, said
Who T h e cat.
Are you? So that w a s
I am That.
Lisa. Lisa Betts (age 7)

L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r -
l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .


O n c e u p o n a t i m e 1 t h e r e lived t h r e e little f o x e s ,
W h o k e p t t h e i r h a n d k e r c h i e f s in c a r d b o a r d b o x e s .
T h e y lived in the f o r e s t in t h r e e little h o u s e s ,
But t h e y d i d n ' t w e a r c o a t s and t h e y d i d n ' t w e a r t r o u s e r s .
From "When We Were Very Young" by A.A.Milne

W r i t e a s t o r y a b o u t w h a t y o u d i d l a s t S u n d a y . Use t h e p a s t t e n s e
of t h e f o l l o w i n g v e r b s .

get up, h a v e b r e a k f a s t , go f o r a w a l k , m e e t , v i s i t , b u y , c o m e h o m e ,
go to bed

once upon a time — ж и л и - б ы л и
a). R e a d t h e s t o r y a n d fill in t h e v e r b s in t h e p a s t tense.
b). A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n : W h y w a s t h e w o m a n h a p p y ?


M a n y y e a r s a g o t h e r e (live) an old w o m a n . 2
O n e day she ( c o o k ) a g i n g e r b r e a d m a n . He ( b e )
v e r y h a p p y and (go) f o r a w a l k . On the w a y he
( m e e t ) a c o w and she ( g i v e ) h i m s o m e m i l k . H e
( t h a n k ) h e r and they (go) to the f o r e s t . In the
f o r e s t t h e y ( m e e t ) a d o g and (play) w i t h h i m . T h e n
t h e y (see) a cat. T h e cat ( w a n t ) to play w i t h t h e m
t o o . A n d they (play) g a m e s till e v e n i n g . T h e n the
g i n g e r b r e a d m a n (take) his n e w f r i e n d s h o m e and
t h e old w o m a n (be) v e r y h a p p y . N o w s h e ( h a v e ) a
c o w , a d o g and a cat.
p. 3 7 9

L o o k a t t h e v e r b s in e x e r c i s e s 19, 2 1 a n d w r i t e a s t o r y . U s e n o t
l e s s t h a n t e n v e r b s . W h o s e s t o r y is t h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g ?

R e a d a n d c h o o s e a, b, c o r d. F i n d w h a t t h e y m e a n in t h e k e y .
Tell t h e s t o r y t o y o u r c l a s s m a t e s a n d t h e n w r i t e i t .

1) W h e r e w a s it? a), b), c), d)

2) W h e n w a s it? a), b), c), d)
3) W h o m did you m e e t ? a), b), c), d)
4) W h e r e did you m e e t t h e m ? a), b), c), d)
5) W h a t did you f i n d ? a), b), c), d)
6) W h a t did you do a f t e r you f o u n d it? a), b), c), d)

1. It w a s in a) A m e r i c a , b) E n g l a n d , c) A u s t r a l i a , d) N e w Z e a l a n d .
2. a) y e s t e r d a y , b) last y e a r , c) t w o m o n t h s a g o , d) last w e e k e n d
3. a) a f r i e n d , b) my p a r e n t s , c) m y t e a c h e r , d) m y aunt
4. a) at a d i s c o , b) in the p a r k , c ) at my f r i e n d ' s h o u s e , d) at a tea

g i n g e r b r e a d ['d3ind3abred] m a n — и м б и р н ы й п р я н и к в ф о р м е
woman fwuman] — женщина

5. a) a b a g , b ) a p a r r o t , с) a c a m e r a , d) a s c o n e
6. a) I t o o k it h o m e , b ) I t o o k it to the z o o , с) I t o o k it to the p o l i c e
s t a t i o n , d) I t o o k it to s c h o o l .

. Listen and sing.


F i v e little d u c k s w e n t s w i m m i n g o n e d a y ,
O v e r the p o n d and f a r a w a y .
Mother duck said:
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only f o u r little d u c k s c a m e b a c k .

F o u r little d u c k s w e n t s w i m m i n g o n e d a y ,
O v e r the p o n d and f a r a w a y .
Mother duck said:
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only t h r e e little d u c k s c a m e b a c k .

T h r e e little d u c k s w e n t . . .

O n e little d u c k w e n t s w i m m i n g o n e d a y ,
O v e r the p o n d and f a r a w a y .
Mother duck said:
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
A n d f i v e little d u c k s c a m e s w i m m i n g b a c k .


Five b r o w n b u n s in the b a k e r ' s s h o p

R o u n d and f a t w i t h s u g a r o n the t o p .
A little b o y c a m e w i t h a p e n n y o n e d a y ,
He b o u g h t o n e b u n and t o o k it r i g h t a w a y .

F o u r b r o w n b u n s in the b a k e r ' s s h o p
R o u n d and f a t w i t h s u g a r on the t o p .
A little g i r l c a m e w i t h a p e n n y o n e d a y ,
She b o u g h t o n e b u n and t o o k it r i g h t a w a y .

b a k e r ' s fbeikoz] shop — б у л о ч н а я
T h r e e b r o w n b u n s in the b a k e r ' s s h o p

N o b r o w n b u n s in the b a k e r ' s s h o p
R o u n d and f a t w i t h s u g a r o n t h e top.
A little b o y c a m e w i t h a p e n n y o n e d a y ,
T h e r e w e r e no b r o w n b u n s f o r h i m to t a k e a w a y .

3 1 . L o o k , l i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . P a y a t t e n t i o n to t h e q u e s -
tions and answers.

Yes/No Questions.

I < lived in , s p a c e

A s k y o u r c l a s s m a t e w h a t h e / s h e d i d in t h e s u m m e r . T h e s e w o r d s
will h e l p y o u . Y o u r c l a s s m a t e m u s t a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .

e n j o y the s u m m e r , g o to the f o r e s t , p l a y f o o t b a l l and b a d m i n t o n

e v e r y d a y , g o to t h ^ r i v e r , p a i n t , t a k e p i c t u r e s

p. 3 7 9

3 3 . Look, listen, r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . C o m p a r e these rockets with
the r o c k e t s on p a g e 248. P a y a t t e n t i o n to t h e q u e s t i o n s a n d


' * * ê ™

Ä g g p
IBWwF • * * „ m* • H • . ' •
jm&qwl« *•
•"»w . " B M f Jgili%sf gji^awebM'iiL ' E i B B ^ ^ mtrnpi^Ê^émmmÊÊ^
^ H I B H B l r

SÛÎ> ' J B S E I B s f S f f i ^ 1 1 !K f f B ^ ^ M i f H f i l M l S j f l B H ^

"T IHSL • . ••
• ' •
* » »

3 4 . A n s w e r these questions and write what you did y e s t e r d a y .

1) W h a t t i m e did you get u p y e s t e r d a y ?
2) H o w did you c o m e to s c h o o l ?
3) What was your first lesson?
4) W h e n did you h a v e l u n c h ?
5) W h e n did y o u g o h o m e ?
6) Did you do y o u r h o m e w o r k ?
7) Did you w a t c h T V last n i g h t ?
8) W h a t t i m e did you g o to b e d ?

3 5 . S t a r k i d went into space last week. I n t e r v i e w him a b o u t his t r i p .

He w e n t i n t o s p a c e last w e e k . W h e r e did you go?

Where? When? Why? Who? W h e n did you go i n t o s p a c e ?
W h y did you go t h e r e ?
W h o went into space?
3 6 . L i s t e n , r e a d a n d c h o o s e t h e a n s w e r . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e
u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .
1) W h o w a s the f i r s t m a n in s p a c e ? a) A r m s t r o n g , b) G a g a r i n , c) N e w t o n
2) W h e n did he go i n t o s p a c e ? a) 1 9 5 9 , b) 1 9 6 1 , c) 1 9 7 2
3) W h o f i r s t w a l k e d on the M o o n ? a) H o g a r t h , b) N e w t o n , c) A r m s t r o n g
4) W h e n did he w a l k on the M o o n ? a) 1 9 6 9 , b) 1 9 6 1 , c) 1 9 5 3
5) Who painted "The Marriage a) C o n s t a b l e , b) Turner, c) H o g a r t h
6) W h o i n v e n t e d the t e l e p h o n e ? a) N e w t o n , b) H o g a r t h , c) B e l l
7) W h e n did he i n v e n t the t e l e - a) 1 8 7 6 , b ) 1921, c) 1 8 1 0
8) Who discovered penicillin? a) Constable, b) Fleming, c) Armstrong
9) W h e n did he d i s c o v e r it? a) 1 8 1 2 , b) 1 9 2 9 , c) 1959
10) W h e r e w a s the f i r s t u n d e r g r o u n d a) L o n d o n , b ) P a r i s , c) N e w Y o r k
r a i l w a y in t h e w o r l d ?
11) W h e n did t h e y o p e n it? a) 1 8 9 0 , b) 1901, c) 1 8 6 3
12) W h e r e did the f i r s t s t a m p ( P e n n y a) E n g l a n d , b) F r a n c e , c) Italy
Black)1 come out?
13) H o w m u c h w a s it? a) 2p, b) l p , c) 5 p
14) W h e n did it c o m e o u t ? a) 1 7 5 5 , b) 1 9 0 5 , c) 1 8 4 0
«•* l b , 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11c, 12a, 13b, 14c

3 7 . A p e n - f r i e n d f r o m England visited your classmate and they

w e n t to the c i n e m a . A s k y o u r c l a s s m a t e a b o u t it.
1) ( W h e n ) g o to the c i n e m a .
2) ( W h a t ) see at the c i n e m a .
3) ( H o w ) like it.
4) ( W h o ) be in the f i l m .

m* p. 3 7 9

P e n n y B l a c k — н а з в а н и е п е р в о й м а р к и (она была черного
цвета и стоила 1 пенни)

. Listen, repeat and continue.

— I w e n t to L o n d o n to v i s i t t h e Q u e e n .
— A n d w h a t did you see w h e n you w e r e
— I saw some soldiers when I was there.
— A n d w h a t did y o u b u y w h e n you w e r e
— I bought a new coat when I was there.
— A n d w h a t did y o u d r i n k w h e n you w e r e
— I drank a coke when I was there.
— A n d w h a t did y o u r e a d w h e n you w e r e
— I read a newspaper when I was there.
— A n d w h a t did you ... w h e n y o u w e r e t h e r e ?
— I ... w h e n I w a s t h e r e .

3 9 . L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r -
l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .


W i l l y b r o k e the w i n d o w p a n e . M o l l y , my s i s t e r , and I f e l l o u t . 3
W i l l y s p i l l e d the i n k . A n d w h a t d o you t h i n k it w a s a b o u t ?
W i l l y l e f t the w a t e r p i p e She loved coffee and I l o v e d tea,
R u n n i n g in the s i n k ! A n d that w a s the reason we couldn't agree.
D i d his m o t h e r p u n i s h h i m ?
N o ! I ' l l tell you w h y .
W i l l y , he o w n e d up to i t , 1
A n d d i d n ' t tell a l i e !
W i l l y told his moth&r
B e f o r e s h e f o u n d it out.
H e s a i d : "I am so s o r r y ! "
S h e s a i d : "I h a v e n o d o u b t ! " 2

o w n e d found] u p to it — о т к р о в е н н о п р и з н а л с я
I h a v e n o d o u b t [daut]! — H e с о м н е в а ю с ь !
fell o u t — п о с с о р и л и с ь
4 0 . L i s t e n , d r a w six c l o c k s a n d s h o w t h e t i m e o n t h e m . W r i t e t h e
v e r b s in t h e p a s t s i m p l e t e n s e n e a r t h e c l o c k s .

got up

p. 3 7 9

4 1 . W r i t e Hb-.)a: o n e of t h e b e s t d a y s of y o u r l i f e , Wjhat h a p p e n e d ?
Use the w o r d s :
f i r s t , nest, t h e n , a f t e r that, at ... o ' c l o c k , l a t e r

4 2 , M r Evans asked Mike and A l e x a n d e r some questions about the

h i s t o r y of E n g l a n d a n d R u s s i a . T r y 1 t o a n s w e r t h e m .
1) W h o w a s the f i r s t E n g l i s h m a n in a) C a p t a i n C o o k , b) R i c h a r d Chan-
Russia? c e l l o r , c) F r a n c i s D r a k e
2) H o w did he c o m e to R u s s i a ? a) on f o o t , b) by s h i p
3) W h e n w a s it? a) 1742, b) 1653, c) 1 5 5 3
4) Did he w a n t to visit R u s s i a ? a) Yes, b) No
5) W h e r e did he w a n t to go to? a) to A m e r i c a , b) to C h i n a , 2 c) to
6) W h e r e did he stop in R u s s i a ? a) Sebastopol, b) Vladivostok, c) Near
7) W h o w a s the T s a r of R u s s i a in a) Ivan IV (the Terrible), b) Catherine
1553? the G r e a t , c) P e t e r I
8) W h o w a s the K i n g / Q u e e n of a) K i n g J o h n , b) Q u e e n M a r y Tudor,
England? c) K i n g G e o r g e III
9) Did R i c h a r d C h a n c e l l o r m e e t the a) No, b) Yes
Russian Tsar?
10) Did the R u s s i a n T s a r and the a) Yes, b) No
English Queen write letters to
each other?

Ш l b , 2b, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a

t r y [trai] — п о п ы т а й с я
China ftfaina] — Китай
A r c h a n g e l fa:k,eind3al] — А р х а н г е л ь с к
. Listen and read about this historic period.

In 1 5 5 3 R i c h a r d C h a n c e l l o r w a n t e d to go to C h i n a a c r o s s the
A r c t i c O c e a n . W h e n he r e a c h e d A r c h a n g e l his s h i p had p r o b l e m s .
H e l e f t it and w e n t to M o s c o w to m e e t I v a n IV. T h e R u s s i a n T s a r
w a s v e r y n i c e to h i m . A f t e r that I v a n IV and M a r y T u d o r , the Q u e e n
of E n g l a n d , w r o t e l e t t e r s to e a c h o t h e r . W h e n M a r y ' s s i s t e r
E l i z a b e t h w a s Q u e e n of E n g l a n d s h e a l s o w r o t e to the T s a r . T h e
f i r s t t r e a t y 1 b e t w e e n E n g l a n d and R u s s i a w a s in 1 7 3 4 .

I v a n IV Elizabeth I

t u * "TWUmm* "

•mW »* Äww '

r '^M. 'Akflt* "
(J),.'.»! ••> tl»A*t# H (<••<"
'i"> ft KHlW
i W »MMW»«

d ••Trr.ifr

Kl"» (J ( Ji'ittfr W i <> «-in MhiJl IM'»

-i. W«4«. „ »KUtfiw*.--M^ M '•№«"/*<
MAtwiliJ j.A»ilw w/i» J-iitftii tum i» fitfoh'p
.5 * * .«/„,, m pnünii* ",/WW, y"
f""'£'*• i f>J «I •on •»<»« Ji^iuit/i'Ui I^IUIJ
l'<l-"iHf fl.1t mJiIW*
r^Ji««^ itHt'r

Letters from Elizabeth I

t r e a t y ftri:ti] — floroBop

. Listen, repeat, act a n d c o n t i n u e .

Drama: Twenty Questions.

J o h n Y e s t e r d a y I r e a d a v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g b o o k " W h o Were T h e s e
P e o p l e ? " . In the b o o k I l e a r n e d h o w to p l a y the g a m e " T w e n t y
Q u e s t i o n s " . D o you k n o w h o w to p l a y t h i s g a m e ?
J a n e : N o , I d o n ' t . L e t ' s p l a y it.
J o h n : O K . You m u s t g u e s s w h o the p e r s o n is. You c a n only ask
twenty yes/no questions.
J a n e : I ' l l start the g a m e .
J o h n : I ' l l w r i t e t h e n a m e of a f a m o u s p e r s o n in h i s t o r y . You m u s t
g u e s s the n a m e .
J a n e : L e t ' s start. Did he live John: Yes, he w a s .
in A m e r i c a ? Jane: Did he w r i t e p o e m s ?
J o h n : No, he d i d n ' t . John: Yes, he did.
J a n e : Did he l i v e in E n g l a n d ? Jane: Did he h a v e a f a m i l y ?
J o h n : Yes, he did. John: Yes, he did.
J a n e : W a s he a c o m p o s e r ? Jane: Was he an a c t o r ?
J o h n : N o , he w a s n ' t . John: Yes, he w a s .
J a n e : W a s he a s c i e n t i s t ? Jane: Shakespeare?
J o h n : No, he w a s n ' t . John: Yes, t h a t ' s r i g h t . A n d n o w
J a n e : Was he a w r i t e r ? it's your turn.1

i t ' s y o u r t u r n [ta:n] — т е п е р ь т в о я о ч е р е д ь

Talk to Starkid.
H e l l o ! I w a n t to ask you s o m e q u e s t i o n s
a b o u t the history of y o u r p l a n e t .
1) W h o w a s the first m a n in s p a c e ?
2) W h o w a s the first m a n on the M o o n ?
3) W h o i n v e n t e d the t e l e p h o n e ?
4) How many detective stories did
Agatha Christie write?
5) W h o w a s the first E n g l i s h m a n in
6) W h e n did he g o there?
7) W h o w a s the R u s s i a n T s a r at that
8) W h o w a s the E n g l i s h Q u e e n at that

II. H o w M a n y N e w W o r d s f r o m U n i t 10 Do You K n o w ?

actress ago discover
actor hair guess
artist last invent
composer ^ woman stop
doctor yesterday visit
pop singer

b r e a k — broke drink — drank hear — heard s l e e p — slept
buy — bought eat — ate m a k e — made s w i m — swam
can — could f i n d — found m e e t — met take — took
catch — caught fly — flew ride — rode think — thought
c o m e — came get - got say — said w a k e — woke
do — did give — gave see — saw w e a r — wore
g o — went write — wrote
h a v e — had

4 9 ( + 7 1 1 )

Do You K n o w T h e s e E x p r e s s i o n s f r o m U n i t 10?

H o w w a s your h o l i d a y ?
It w a s g r e a t . We went to Londo
H o w long w e r e you there?
We stayed for f i v e d a y s
Did you take any p h o t o g r a p h s ?
Yes, I did.

• ft

1. Fill in t h e v e r b s in t h e p a s t s i m p l e t e n s e .

I. Regular verbs II. Irregular Verbs.

visit a) My f r i e n d ... me yester- be a) I t . . . S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n .
day. be b) It ... in London.
bake b) My m o t h e r ... a cake, go c) I ... to a c a f é .
watch c) We ... a film on TV. meet d) I ... some f r i e n d s there.

start d) The f i l m ... at 7 o ' c l o c k , eat e) We ... h a m b u r g e r s and
f i n i s h e) It ... at 8.30. chips.
like f ) I ... the f i l m . drink f ) We ... c o k e and o r a n g e
h a v e g) We ... hot apple pies too.
leave h) We ... the café at about 9.
find i) We ... a bag at the c a f é
take j ) We ... it to the p o l i c e
2. M a k e q u e s t i o n s . station.

H e w e n t to E n g l a n d last year,
a) W h o ? b) W h e r e ? c) W h e n ?

3. L i s t e n a n d a n s w e r : a) W h e r e w a s H e l e n ? b) W h e n w a s P e t e r a t
the sports centre?

4. W r i t e a l e t t e r to y o u r f r i e n d a b o u t y o u r v i s i t to t h e cinema/
theatre/zoo. Write about these things:
W h e n you w e n t t h e r e .
W h o you w e n t w i t h .
W h a t you s a w . H o w m u c h it w a s .
H o w l o n g you w e r e there.

See N

What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

9 Счастливый английский
1. Listen, repeat, read and act.
I. At the S t a t i o n .

A l e x a n d e r : T h i s is g r e a t ! I h a v e h e a r d and r e a d so
much about London.
I ' v e a l w a y s w a n t e d to v i s i t it.
y ° u e v e r b e e n to the B r i t i s h
Mike: Yes, f f i a v © . ^ .
Alexander: H o w m a n y timeTflra*£_you b e e n t h e r e ?
Mike: Several times.
_When did y o u last g o t h e r e ?
y. t h e r e t h r e e m o n t h s a g o .
H e l l o , lCTrih^44ia^£n't s e e n y o u f o r a g e s .
m ^ M a r y . .We've just^come,.f^orn^ O x f o r d
This is S a s n f f W f c f r o m M o s c o w .
- Mary: H o w l o n g h a v e you
b e e n in O x f o r d , S a s h a ?
Alexander: I ' v e b e e n in O x f o r d s i n c e T h u r s d a y .
Mary: H a v e you seen? a~ny places.a£..interesj,,yet?
Alexander: Yes. I p a v e . f J ^ H P t ^ :
Mary: W h e r e h a v e you.-been? '
Alexander: I ' v e b0en to scjnie Oxfold'jbollf | e s and ,
I ' v e seen the M o d e r n A r t M u s e u m . j
Maryr H a v e you seen tfrfc-'Ashmoiean M u s e u m ^
Alexander: No, we haven't yet. j !'
Mary: You m u s t go t h e r e . I ' m a f r a i d I m u s t g o .
Nice meeting you, Sasha.Qood|>ve.- i
Alexander: Bye. |4V. ^ .
See ydu. T h e r e ' s so muchjto visit. Let's g o
ML to the Tourist I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e to get
some ideas about what wo'should see.

2. You m a y see t h e s e s i g n s s h o w i n g
d i r e c t i o n s at a n y r a i l w a y s t a t i o n in
Britain. Listen, r e p e a t , guess and
r e m e m b e r w h a t they m e a n .

259 Li!çal972
a). L i s t e n , r e p e a t , r e a d a n d a c t .


M i k e : H e l l o . C o u l d you g i v e us s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n
about London's most f a m o u s sights?
I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e r : W h a t h a v e y o u a l r e a d y s e e n in L o n d o n ?
A l e x a n d e r : We h a v e n ' t s e e n a n y t h i n g yet. We h a v e o n l y
just come.
I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e r : H a v e a l o o k at the l e a f l e t s 1 o v e r t h e r e and
t a k e w h a t you like.
A l e x a n d e r : L e t ' s start w i t h a L o n d o n s i g h t s e e i n g tour on
a double-decker bus.
M i k e : O K , f i n e . L e t ' s go to T r a f a l g a r S q u a r e . T h e
tour s t a r t s f r o m t h e r e . I h a v e n ' t b e e n to
Trafalgar Square for a long time.

b). L i s t e n , r e a d a n d m a t c h t h e t e x t a n d t h e l e a f l e t .

1. L o n d o n Z o o , 2. M a d a m e T u s s a u d ' s ,
Regent's Park, Marylebone Road,
London NW1. London N W 1 5LR.
Open every day. C o m e and f i n d out w h o ' s in and w h o ' s o u t .
L i f e - s i z e w a x f i g u r e s of f a m o u s p e o p l e .
M a d a m e T u s s a u d ' s is o p e n f r o m 10 a . m . to
5.30 p.m. every day.

l e a f l e t [Ti:flit] — ßpoiniopa
3. B e t h n a l G r e e n M u s e u m of C h i l d h o o d ,
Cambridge Heath Road,
L o n d o n E 2 9PA.
T h e r e is a l a r g e toy c o l l e c t i o n in the m u s e u m : d o l l s , d o l l ' s
h o u s e s , t o y s , toy t h e a t r e s and g a m e s .
O p e n i n g h o u r s : M o n d a y s to T h u r s d a y s and S a t u r d a y s : 10 a . m .
to 6 p . m . S u n d a y s : 4 . 3 0 p . m . to 6 p . m .
4. T h e N a t u r a l H i s t o r y M u s e u m ,
Cromwell Road,
London SW7 5BD.
T h e n a t i o n a l c o l l e c t i o n s of z o o l o g y and b o t a n y .
O p e n i n g t i m e s : M o n - S a t 10 a . m . to 6 p . m . S u n d a y 1 p . m . to
6 p.m.
Open every day.
5. S e e the s i g h t s f r o m a t r a d i t i o n a l red L o n d o n b u s .

c). C h o o s e w h a t y o u w o u l d l i k e t o see in L o n d o n a n d a c t o u t a
dialogue with your classmate.

a). O p e n t h e b a c k c o v e r 1 of t h e b o o k , l o o k a t t h e p i c t u r e s , l i s t e n
and repeat.

French Admiral Nelson T h e H o u s e s of P a r l i a m e n t

European Sir C h r i s t o p h e r W r e n B i g Ben

back cover — второй ф о р з а ц
266 Li£al972
The T h a m e s Tower B r i d g e Westminster Abbey
Fleet Street T h e Tower of L o n d o n St. J a m e s ' s P a r k
The Strand The R a v e n M a s t e r Regent's Park
Trafalgar Square Covent Garden Hyde Park
Piccadilly Circus The National Gallery C h a n g i n g the G u a r d
St. P a u l ' s C a t h e d r a l Buckingham Palace
b). F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e s e w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .
anyone, battle, chapel, defeat, duck, early, fall, fortress, gov-
e r n m e n t , h o p e , p o i n t , p r i s o n , r a v e n , t o m b , top
c). L i s t e n , r e a d a n d g u e s s t h e m e a n i n g of t h e w o r d s ,
architect, column, democratic, interesting, legend, pelican,
statue, tourist
d). L i s t e n , r e a d a n d f i n d t h e p l a c e s o n t h e m a p i n s i d e t h e b a c k
c o v e r of t h e b o o k .


H e l l o , l a d i e s and g e n t l e m e n . We w e l c o m e you to L o n d o n .
L o n d o n is one of the l a r g e s t c i t i e s in the w o r l d . A b o u t s e v e n m i l -
lion p e o p l e live here. L o n d o n is m o r e t h a n t w o t h o u s a n d y e a r s old.
L o n d o n ' s m o s t f a m o u s s i g h t s are Tower B r i d g e , Big B e n and the
H o u s e s of P a r l i a m e n t , T r a f a l g a r S q u a r e and St. P a u l ' s C a t h e d r a l .
Y o u ' l l see all t h e s e p l a c e s and m u c h m o r e of L o n d o n f r o m our red
We start f r o m T r a f a l g a r S q u a r e . On the c o l u m n in the c e n t r e
t h e r e is a s t a t u e of A d m i r a l N e l s o n w h o d e f e a t e d the F r e n c h at the
B a t t l e of T r a f a l g a r in 1805. To the l e f t of us you can see the N a -
t i o n a l G a l l e r y . It has a f i n e c o l l e c t i o n of E u r o p e a n p a i n t i n g s .
N o w we are c o m i n g to P i c c a d i l l y C i r c u s . It is the m e e t i n g p o i n t
of six s t r e e t s .
W e ' v e j u s t p a s s e d P i c c a d i l l y C i r c u s and n o w we are m a k i n g our
w a y to B u c k i n g h a m P a l a c e . L o o k r i g h t . We are p a s s i n g H y d e P a r k .
In the p a r k a n y o n e can s t a n d up and say w h a t they w a n t . It is a v e r y
democratic park.
N o w we are at B u c k i n g h a m P a l a c e . It is the L o n d o n h o m e of the
Q u e e n . W h e n the f l a g is f l y i n g on the top she is at h o m e . L o o k , they
are c h a n g i n g the G u a r d . It h a p p e n s e v e r y day at 11.30 a . m .
We h a v e j u s t t u r n e d l e f t and you can see St. J a m e s ' s P a r k . It is
o n e of the r o y a l p a r k s . H e r e you can see p e l i c a n s and d u c k s . T h e r e
are a lot of p a r k s and g a r d e n s in L o n d o n . In R e g e n t ' s P a r k t h e r e is
the L o n d o n Z o o . It is one of the b i g g e s t z o o s in the w o r l d .

In f r o n t of you you can see the
Houses of P a r l i a m e n t and Big Ben.
The Houses of Parliament is the seat of
the British g o v e r n m e n t . Big Ben is
one of the most f a m o u s c l o c k s in the
In a m o m e n t you will see West-
minster Abbey. It is a royal church.
Here you can see the t o m b s of many
British kings and queens and other fa-
mous people and the b e a u t i f u l Henry
Piccadilly Circus at night
VII Chapel. Now we are crossing
Tower Bridge over the river T h a m e s .
From here you can see the Tower of
London. It was a f o r t r e s s , a royal pal-
ace and later a prison. It is a m u s e u m
now. There are a lot of interesting col-
lections in the Tower of London. The
ravens are another f a m o u s sight. The
legend says that without them the
Tower will fall. The Raven Master is
the person who gives them f o o d .
Earlier in our tour we saw a f a m o u s
royal church, Westminster A b b e y . We
are now m a k i n g our way to the second
f a m o u s church, St. P a u l ' s Cathedral.
It is the greatest work of the architect
Sir Christopher W r e n .
We a r e ' now going along Fleet London Zoo
Street to the Strand. On the right
y o u ' l l see Covent G a r d e n . It was a big
f r u i t and v e g e t a b l e m a r k e t . It is now a
tourist s h o p p i n g centre with c a f é s and
r e s t a u r a n t s . W e ' l l stop here so that
you can go s h o p p i n g . Our tour has f i n -
ished. I hope very much that you have
e n j o y e d this tour of London. Thank
you and g o o d b y e .

Henry VII Chapel

5. T h e t o u r i s t s h a v e j u s t finished t h e i r t o u r . Listen, r e a d a n d say
w h a t they h a v e a l r e a d y seen or visited a n d w h a t they have not
y e t s e e n in L o n d o n .

They have already seen (visited) Trafalgar Square.

They h a v e n ' t seen (visited) the Tate Gallery.

1) London Zoo 12) Piccadilly Circus

2) Trafalgar Square 13) R e g e n t ' s Park
3) T h e H o u s e s of P a r l i a m e n t 14) T h e Tate G a l l e r y
4) The British Museum 15) The Thames
5) St. J a m e s ' s P a r k 16) Big Ben
6) Madame Tussaud's 17) Westminster Abbey
7) T h e Tower of L o n d o n 18) The National Gallery
8) Buckingham Palace 19) St. P a u l ' s C a t h e d r a ]
9) T h e M u s e u m of C h i l d h o o d 20) Hyde Park
10) C h a n g i n g the G u a r d 21) Tower Bridge
11) The Natural History Museum 22) Covent Garden

T h e y h a v e a l r e a d y seen 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22.
T h e y h a v e n ' t yet s e e n 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14.

Present Perfect Simple.

6. Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay attention to t h e present
perfect tense.
C O M I C : A l i s o n and Tony.

We p a s s e d it t w e n t y m i n u t e s H a v e you
p a s s e d the
Green Planet?

We are p a s s i n g W h e n will We c a n s e e it n o w ,
What's so w e ' l l b e t h e r e in
the Y e l l o w P l a n e t y o u get to my
happening about twenty minutes
Red Planet?

Why haven't We landed five

Starkid, Starkid, Starkid, minutes ago but
we have landed! /ou c o m e o u t ?
w e are l a n d i n g we can't open
the d o o r .

We h a v e p r e s s e d it It h a s o p e n e d . Y o u r
o and the d o o r is
^ opening now. p l a n e t is f a n t a s t i c '

H a v e you p r e s s e d
the g r e e n b u t t o n ?
7. a). L o o k , listen a n d r e p e a t . M a t c h the p i c t u r e s a n d t h e sen-
t e n c e s . b). C h o o s e t h e c o m p u t e r key to s h o w t h e r i g h t t e n s e .

a 1. The spaceship h a s p a s s e d the G r e e n P l a n e t .

2. The spaceship will p a s s the Red Planet in thirty m i n u t e s .
3. The spaceship is p a s s i n g the Yellow P l a n e t .
4. The spaceship p a s s e d the Blue P l a n e t thirty m i n u t e s ago.
A B C D„

i. 1. We p a s s e d it t w e n t y m i n u t e s ago.
2. We are p a s s i n g the Yellow Planet.
3. W e ' l l be there in about t w e n t y m i n u t e s .
4. We are l a n d i n g .
5. We have l a n d e d .
6 We landed five m i n u t e s ago.
7. W e ' v e just p a s s e d it.
8. Have you p r e s s e d the g r e e n b u t t o n ?
9. T h e door is o p e n i n g now.
10. It has o p e n e d .

present fut
m, •

a. A 4, B 1, C 3, D 2
b. Past simple: 1, 6
Present perfekt simple: 5, 7, 8, 10
Present p r o g r e s s i v e : 2, 4, 9
Future simple: 3
8. Complete the table.


+ ? —

I have ('ve) Have I painted? I h a v e not ( h a v e n ' t ) p a i n t e d .

You ... (...) ... ... you ...? You (...) ...
He/she/it has ('s) H a s h e / s h e / i t ...? H e / s h e / i t has not
painted. (hasn't) painted.
We ...(...)... H a v e we ...? We h a v e not (...) ...
You ... (...) ... ... you ...? You (...)...
They have ('ve) ... they ...? They (...) ...

W p. 3 6 3

9. Act o u t p r o g r e s s i v e a n d p e r f e c t a c t i o n s w i t h t h e s e t h i n g s .

Vm drawing a p i c t u r e . I h a v e d r a w n a picture,
g l a s s e s of w a t e r , n e w s p a p e r s , b o o k s , a p a c k e t of b i s c u i t s

. a). O p e n t h e b a c k c o v e r of t h e b o o k , l o o k a t t h e m a p i n s i d e a n d
m a k e u p a s i g h t s e e i n g t o u r f r o m a n y p l a c e y o u l i k e . Use t h e
1) G o o d m o r n i n g , b o y s and g i r l s . W e l c o m e to our s i g h t s e e i n g t o u r .
We are n o w ...
2) We h a v e j u s t c r o s s e d ( p a s s e d , s e e n , t u r n e d l e f t / r i g h t into ...
s t r e e t ) ...
3) N o w w e ' r e m a k i n g our w a y a l o n g ( c r o s s i n g , p a s s i n g , g o i n g
a l o n g , t u r n i n g r i g h t / l e f t i n t o ... s t r e e t , g o i n g r o u n d ) ...

4) S o m e m i n u t e s ago w e c r o s s e d ( p a s s e d , t u r n e d l e f t / r i g h t , w e r e ,
s a w ) ...
5) L o o k to the l e f t ( s t r a i g h t a h e a d , in f r o n t of u s ) and y o u ' l l see ...
W e ' l l s t o p h e r e f o r half an h o u r and you can do s o m e s h o p p i n g .

b). L i s t e n t o y o u r c l a s s m a t e ' s s i g h t s e e i n g t o u r a n d s h o w it o n
t h e m a p . W h o s e t o u r is t h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g ?

1 1 . Look, listen, repeat and r e m e m b e r .

Things People Do.

b u i l d [bild] break fbreik| t e a c h [ti:tf] learn [ ! a : n ]

s l e e p [sli:p] wake [weik] say [sei] tell [ l e i ]

w a l k [wo:k] run [ t a n 1 talk fto:k] listen [ ' l i s n ]

smile [small] shout fjaut] whisper f'wisp^]

begin [bi'gin] finish [ ' f i n i j ] stand [ s t a ; n d ]

find [faind] keep [ki:p]

c o m e [k/\m] go [gou] /leave [li:v] catch jkaetf] drop [drop]

give [giv] take [teik]

a). L i s t e n , r e a d a n d r e m e m b e r .


First you c o m e and then you go.

Then you s m i l e and then you cry.
T h e n you w h i s p e r and then you s h o u t .
C a n ' t you tell me what i t ' s all a b o u t ?
Why do you sit and then s t a n d ?
Why do you s l e e p and then w a k e ?
Why do you w a l k and then run?
T h i s really i s n ' t very m u c h f u n !
Why did you go up and not c o m e d o w n ?
Why did you talk and not l i s t e n ?
W h y did you eat and not d r i n k ?
What really should I t h i n k ?
C o m e and go, s m i l e and cry,
In and out, w h i s p e r and s h o u t .
N o w you can tell me
W h a t i t ' s all a b o u t . . .

b). Fill in t h e p o e m o r w r i t e y o u r o w n ,

First you ... and then you ...

T h e n you ... and then you ...
Then you ... and then you s h o u t .
C a n ' t you tell me what i t ' s all a b o u t ?
W h y do you ... and then ...?
Why do you ... and then ...?
Why do you ... and then r u n ?
T h i s really i s n ' t very m u c h f u n !
Why did you ... and not ...?
Why did you ... and not ...?
W h y did you ... and not d r i n k ?
W h a t really s h o u l d I t h i n k ?
... and ..., ... and ...,
In and out, ... and s h o u t .
N o w you can tell me
W h a t i t ' s all a b o u t . . .

1 3 . Listen, read and r e m e m b e r .

Irregular verbs: buy - bought (V-,) bought (V3)

think thought thought get — got - got

buy — bought - bo light lose — lost lost

catch — c a u g h t — caught tell told told

teach — taught — taught s t a n d — stood — s t o o d

drink — d r a n k — drunk have - had — had

run — ran — run sit — sat — sat
s i n g — sang — sung make made - made
swim — swam — swum sleep slept - slept
begin — b e g a n — begun leave left —* left

Uli -ä do — did — done k e e p — kept — kept

be — w a s / w e r e -—been read — read — read
go — went gone say — said — said

break—broke— broken build — built — built

wake — woke — woken learn — learnt — l e a r n t
wear — wore — worn hear — heard — heard
take — took — taken find — found — f o u n d
give — gave — given
eat — ate — eaten come — came — come

write — wrote — written

ride — rode — ridden
fly — flew — flown
show—showed— shown

276 Li£al972
1 4 . L o o k a t t h e s e c l o u d s a n d w r i t e t h e t h r e e f o r m s of e a c h v e r b a s in
the model.

get - got - got

t h i n k - thought - thought
buy tell
stand /


drink — drank — drunk make — made — made

sing sleep — slept — slept
swim T
begin / \

do - did - d o n e
be — w a s / w e r e — b e e n
go — went — gone
build — built
hear — heard heard

break broke — broken

come — came — come

L i s t e n a n d s i n g . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in
the vocabulary.


T h r e e little k i t t e n s
T h e y lost t h e i r m i t t e n s
A n d t h e y b e g a n to cry,
"Oh mother dear, we sadly fear
Our m i t t e n s w e h a v e l o s t . "
" W h a t ? Lost y o u r m i t t e n s ?
You n a u g h t y k i t t e n s .
T h e n you w i l l h a v e no p i e . "

The three little kittens

They found their mittens
A n d they b e g a n to cry,
" O h m o t h e r d e a r , see h e r e , see h e r e ,
Our mittens we have f o u n d . "
" P u t on y o u r m i t t e n s
You silly k i t t e n s
A n d you w i l l h a v e s o m e p i e . "

T h e t h r e e little k i t t e n s
Put on t h e i r m i t t e n s
A n d s o o n ate u p the pie.
"Oh mother dear, we greatly fear
Our mittens we have soiled."
"What? Soiled your mittens,
You n a u g h t y k i t t e n s . "
A n d they b e g a n to cry.

T h e t h r e e little k i t t e n s
They washed their mittens
A n d h u n g t h e m out to dry.
" O h m o t h e r d e a r , do you not h e a r ?
Our mittens we have washed."
"What? Washed your mittens,
You g o o d , little k i t t e n s .
N o w you w i l l h a v e m o r e p i e . "

16. Look, listen a n d r e p e a t . Pay attention to t h e q u e s t i o n s and
Yes/No Questions.

Starkid has i gone into space.

' he I ^ M g W ^ B Yes, he has.

I Has
H » J
- /H^-V"- • ifeî Jp
• • H g NOT it hasn't]

gone ^ into space?

No, they haven't

1 7 . Listen, find the question, repeat it a n d a n s w e r it. W h i c h 3

q u e s t i o n s h a v e n ' t we a s k e d ?
a) ... b e e n to a c h i l d r e n ' s t h e a t r e ?
... s e e n a s p a c e s h i p ?
... d r u n k c o k e ?
... been to L o n d o n ?
... eaten p i z z a ?

H a v e you ever l o s t your k e y s ?

... built a toy p a l a c e ?

... b r o k e n a w i n d o w ?
... f l o w n in a p l a n e ?
... h e a r d an o p e r a ?
... read any b o o k s by D i c k e n s ?
... w r i t t e n a p o e m ?
... f o u n d any m o n e y ?
... s w u m in the s e a ? ... m a d e a c a k e ?
b) ... go to a c h i l d r e n ' s t h e a t r e ?
... see a s p a c e s h i p ?
... d r i n k c o k e ?
... eat p i z z a ?
W h e n d i d you l e a r n a p o e m ?
... lose y o u r k e y s ?
... b r e a k a w i n d o w ?
... fly in a p l a n e ?
W h a t o p e r a did you h e a r ?
W h a t b o o k s by D i c k e n s did you read?
Or P- 3 7 9

1 8 . K a t e is a t s c h o o l n o w . S h e l e f t h o m e a n h o u r a g o . L o o k a t w h a t
is h a p p e n i n g in h e r h o u s e a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .

1) H a s she s w i t c h e d the iron o f f ? 5) H a s she s w i t c h e d the light o f f ?

2) H a s she s w i t c h e d the k e t t l e o f f ? 6) H a s she t u r n e d the gas o f f ?
3) Has she c l o s e d the f r i d g e ? 7) W h a t has she d o n e r i g h t ?
4) H a s she t u r n e d the w a t e r o f f ?
Is the w a t e r r u n n i n g ?

1 9 . a). L o o k , l i s t e n a n d r e p e a t w h a t y o u s h o u l d n o t d o in t h e p a r k ,
b). S a y w h o h a s b r o k e n w h i c h p a r k r u l e . 1


You s h o u l d not b r e a k b r a n c h e s , 2 p i c k 3 f l o w e r s , c a t c h d u c k s ,
l e a v e litter, s w i m in the l a k e , 4 r i d e b i k e s in the p a r k .

«T P-: 379

2 0 . A s k y o u r c l a s s m a t e a b o u t w h a t h e / s h e h a s d o n e . Use t h e p r e s e n t
p e r f e c t of t h e f o l l o w i n g v e r b s :
be, see, p l a y , r e a d , w r i t e , b u y , s i n g

Yes, I h a v e .
Yes, (very) o f t e n .
H a v e you e v e r ...? Yes, o n c e (three t i m e s ) .
No, I h a v e n ' t .
No, n e v e r .

r u l e [ru:l] — п р а в и л о
b r a n c h [brci:ntf] — в е т к а
p i c k [pik] — р в а т ь
l a k e [leik] — о з е р о
2 1 . W r i t e t h r e e t h i n g s t h a t y o u h a v e d o n e . T r y to f i n d t w o p e o p l e in
y o u r class who have done one or m o r e things that you have

I have been to the zoo. Have you been to the zoo too?

2 2 . Look, listen and repeat. C o m p a r e these rockets with the rockets

on p a g e 274. P a y a t t e n t i o n to t h e q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s w e r s .


a spaceship

done [ i n space?;
has {helped Starkid


I have b e e n T on a n o t h e r p l a n e t .

into space? Starkid has

2 3 . A n s w e r S t a r k i d ' s q u e s t i o n s a n d tell him w h a t you h a v e d o n e
t o d a y . T h e n w r i t e a b o u t it a n d s e n d a l e t t e r t o h i m o n t h e R e d

1) What h a v e you e a t e n t o d a y ? 6) W h a t h a v e you b o u g h t t o d a y ?

2) W h a t h a v e you d r u n k t o d a y ? 7) W h e r e h a v e you b e e n t o d a y ?
3) W h a t g a m e s h a v e you p l a y e d t o d a y ? 8) W h a t h a v e you learnt t o d a y ?
4) W h a t l e s s o n s h a v e you had t o d a y ? 9) W h o have you p l a y e d with t o d a y ?
5) W h o h a v e you met t o d a y ? 10) W h o has not c o m e to s c h o o l t o d a y ?

2 4 . A s k S t a r k i d w h a t he h a s d o n e t o d a y .

2 5
. I n t e r v i e w a B r i t i s h t o u r i s t in M o s c o w .
1) H o w l o n g h e / s h e has b e e n in M o s c o w .
2) If h e / s h e has b e e n s i g h t s e e i n g .
3) If h e / s h e has b e e n to the K r e m l i n .
4) If h e / s h e has b e e n to S u z d a l .
5) If h e / s h e has v i s i t e d o t h e r R u s s i a n t o w n s .
6) W h a t i n t e r e s t i n g p l a c e s h e / s h e has s e e n .

p. 3 8 0

. a). C o m p a r e t h e f o u r p i c t u r e s a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s . P a y
a t t e n t i o n to t h e f o r m s of t h e v e r b s .
... W h a t h a p p e n s every day (often)l 2. W h a t is h a p p e n i n g n o w ?

3. What h a s just (already) happened? 4. W h a t h a p p e n e d yesterday"!

b). W o r k in a g r o u p of f o u r a n d a c t o u t w h a t you see in t h e

pictures. Your classmates must guess the tense.

. a). L o o k a n d say w h a t g o o d t h i n g s R i c h a r d a n d J a n e d i d l a s t
week and what they have done this week,
b). M a k e y o u r o w n t a b l e to s h o w h o w g o o d y o u a r e .


Last w e e k This week

Richard Jane Richard Jane

help mum in the cook dinner w a s h up m a k e my bed

do all my h o m e - help dad in 1 1
\ )% go s h o p p i n g wash up
work the g a r d e n
w r i t e to my g r a n n y give a present cook break- play with my
to my g r a n d a d fast little sister

P- 3 8 0

. a). R e a d a n d r e m e m b e r h o w t o a s k q u e s t i o n s in d i f f e r e n t t e n s e s .

1) He makes cakes very well.

2) He is m a k i n g a c a k e n o w .
3) He has m a d e a cake. i'uA^L
4) He m a d e a cake yesterday.

Yes/No Questions Wh-questions

1) D o e s he m a k e c a k e s w e l l ? 1) W h e n d o e s he m a k e c a k e s ?
2) I s he m a k i n g a c a k e n o w ? 2) Who makes cakes?
3) H a s he m a d e a c a k e ? 3) W h a t is he m a k i n g n o w ?
4) D i d he m a k e a c a k e y e s t e r d a y ? 4) Wlvy h a s he m a d e a c a k e ?
5) W h e n d i d he m a k e the c a k e ?

b). T r y a n d a s k q u e s t i o n s in d i f f e r e n t t e n s e s : Yes/No, what,

where, who, when.

1) H e is e a t i n g b r e a k f a s t 1) Is he e a t i n g b r e a k f a s t in the k i t c h e n ?
in the k i t c h e n . W h a t is he e a t i n g ?
W h e r e is he e a t i n g b r e a k f a s t ?
W h o is e a t i n g b r e a k f a s t ?
2) He r e a d s n e w s p a p e r s in 2) D o e s he read n e w s p a p e r s in the k i t c h e n e v e r y
the k i t c h e n e v e r y m o r n - morning?
ing. W h a t d o e s he r e a d e v e r y m o r n i n g ?
W h e r e d o e s he read n e w s p a p e r s ?
W h o r e a d s n e w s p a p e r s in the k i t c h e n ?
W h e n d o e s he read n e w s p a p e r s ?
3) She h a s w r i t t e n a let- 3) H a s s h e w r i t t e n a l e t t e r ?
ter. W h a t h a s she w r i t t e n ?
Who has written a letter?
4) She w r o t e the letter 4) Did she w r i t e a letter y e s t e r d a y ?
yesterday. W h a t did she w r i t e y e s t e r d a y ?
W h o w r o t e the l e t t e r ?
W h e n did she w r i t e a l e t t e r ?

c). A s k S t a r k i d q u e s t i o n s in all t h e t e n s e s . T h e w i n n e r is t h e
person who can ask the most questions.

. L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r
l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .


P u s s y - c a t , p u s s y - c a t , w h e r e h a v e you b e e n ?
I ' v e b e e n to L o n d o n to look at the Q u e e n .
P u s s y - c a t , p u s s y - c a t , w h a t did you do t h e r e ?
I f r i g h t e n e d a little m o u s e u n d e r a c h a i r .

. Look, listen, repeat, read and a n s w e r .

H e l l o , my n a m e is A n n e H o b b s . I
w o r k in the N a t i o n a l A r t L i b r a r y at
the V i c t o r i a and A l b e r t M u s e u m in
L o n d o n . I ' d l ; k e to s h o w you s o m e
famous English books for children.
H e r e they are.

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" (1719)
Jonathan Swift "Gulliver's Travels" (1726)
L e w i s C a r r o l l " A l i c e ' s A d v e n t u r e s in W o n d e r l a n d " ( 1 8 2 5 )
Alan M i l n e " W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h " ( 1 9 2 6 )
B e a t r i x P o t t e r " T h e Tale of P e t e r R a b b i t " ( 1 9 0 2 )
Robert Louis S t e v e n s o n " T r e a s u r e I s l a n d " ( 1 8 8 3 )
J.M.Barrie "Peter Pan" (1906)
Rudyard Kipling "The Jungle Book" (1894)

Robinson Crusoe by D a n i e l D e f o e ?
Gulliver's Travels by J o n a t h a n S w i f t ?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by L e w i s C a r r o l l ?
H a v e you read Winnie-the-Pooh by Alan Milne?
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by B e a t r i x P o t t e r ?
Treasure Island by R o b e r t Louis S t e v e n s o n ?
Peter Pan by J . M . B a r r i e ?
The Jungle Book by R u d y a r d K i p l i n g ?

A s k y o u r c l a s s m a t e s if they h a v e read t h e s e b o o k s .

L o o k a t t h e list of b o o k s a n d say w h e n t h e y w r o t e t h e s e b o o k s .

Alan Milne wrote Winnie-the-Pooh in 1926.

Answer Anne Hobbs' questions and then write about the book
y o u a r e r e a d i n g n o w . S a y w h y y o u l i k e it o r d o n ' t l i k e i t .

1) W h a t are you r e a d i n g n o w ?
2) W h o w r o t e the b o o k and w h e n ?
3) How m a n y p a g e s are there?
4) W h o are the c h a r a c t e r s in the s t o r y ?
5) H o w old are t h e y ?
5) Do you like t h e m ?

3 3 a). L o o k , l i s t e n , r e a d a n d a n s w e r .

H e l l o , my n a m e is C o l l i n W i g g i n s .
I w o r k at the N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y in
L o n d o n w h i c h has o n e of the f i n e s t
c o l l e c t i o n s of p a i n t i n g s in the w o r l d .
I ' d like to s h o w you a p i c t u r e f r o m the
g a l l e r y . It is " T h e C o r n f i e l d " 1 by
C o n s t a b l e . He is o n e of the m o s t
f a m o u s B r i t i s h a r t i s t s . I ' d like to ask C o n s t a b l e (1776 — 1837)
you s o m e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t the p i c t u r e . "The Cornfield",
(1824, N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y )

H a v e you b e e n to an art g a l l e r y ?
H a v e you h e a r d of the N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y in L o n d o n ?
H a v e you s e e n this p i c t u r e b e f o r e ?
W h o p a i n t e d it?
W h e n did the artist paint it?
In w h i c h c o u n t r y did the artist live?
H o w old do you t h i n k the boy in the p i c t u r e is?
Is the w a t e r he is d r i n k i n g c l e a n ?
Can you see any of these t h i n g s in the p i c t u r e : litter, a p l a n e ,
a car?
10) Was B r i t a i n c l e a n and tidy in 1824?
11) Do you like the p i c t u r e ? W h a t do you l i k e ?
12) H a v e you e v e r p a i n t e d a p i c t u r e ?

c o r n f i e l d fko:nfi:ld] — nuieHHMHoe no/ie

. Look, listen, repeat, act and continue.

Drama: Cops and Robbers.

Act I
J o h n : L e t ' s play c o p s and r o b b e r s . 1
K a t e : I h a v e n e v e r p l a y e d c o p s and r o b b e r s . H o w do you p l a y it?
R o b e r t : Y o u ' v e n e v e r p l a y e d c o p s and r o b b e r s ? E v e r y b o d y has
p l a y e d c o p s and r o b b e r s .
K a t e : Well, I h a v e n ' t ! S h o w m e h o w to p l a y .
J o h n : O K . Half of us are c o p s , and half of us are r o b b e r s . W h o
w a n t s to be a r o b b e r ?
Robert: Me!
Kate: Me!
J o h n : J a n e and I w i l l be c o p s . I ' l l go by car and J a n e w i l l b e at
the p o l i c e s t a t i o n . I ' l l t a l k to y o u , J a n e , by car r a d i o .
K a t e : R o b e r t , l e t ' s go and r o b a s h o p .

Act II
J o h n : Can you h e a r m e all r i g h t ?
J a n e : Yes, sir. W h a t ' s h a p p e n i n g ?

cops a n d r o b b e r s — п о л и ц е й с к и е и в о р ы

J o h n : T h e r o b b e r s are c o m i n g up to the s h o p . T h e y ' v e b r o k e n the
s h o p w i n d o w and t h e y are in the s h o p n o w . They are o p e n -
i n g a s a f e . T h e y h a v e a l r e a d y o p e n e d it.
J a n e : W h a t are t h e y d o i n g n o w ?
J o h n : T h e y ' v e t a k e n all the m o n e y f r o m the s a f e . T h e y are g o i n g
out of the s h o p .
J a n e : S h a l l I h e l p you, sir?
J o h n : No, I ' v e a l r e a d y c a u g h t t h e m . I ' m t a k i n g t h e m to the
police station.

J a n e : C o m e in. W h a t is y o u r n a m e ?

The London game.

1) Work in a g r o u p of f o u r . P l a y in p a i r s . M a k e 9 c a r d s and c o p y
t h e t a s k s b e l o w 1 on o n e s i d e 2 of the c a r d s and the k e y s on the
other side.
2) Put t h e m on the t a b l e in a p i l e w i t h the t a s k u p w a r d s . 3
3) M a k e t w o c o u n t e r s .
4) Take the f i r s t c a r d , read the t a s k and m a k e up a d i a l o g u e w i t h
y o u r c l a s s m a t e . If you c a n b o t h 4 do it, you can m o v e y o u r c o u n -
ter o n e p l a c e f o r w a r d 5 on the m a p at the b a c k of the b o o k .
5) If you can or c a n ' t do the t a s k , put the c a r d b a c k at the b o t t o m 6
of the p i l e .
6) C o n t i n u e the g a m e u n t i l 7 s o m e o n e h a s g o n e r o u n d the m a p . W h o
is the f a s t e s t ?

t a s k s b e l o w ['tcusks bt'lau] — за; , приведенные ниже
side [said] — с т о р о н а
u p w a r d s ['Apwo:dz] — в в е р х
b o t h IbouQ] — оба (обе)
f o r w a r d ffo:wad] — вперед
bottom fbotam] — вниз
u n t i l [лп'и!] — до т е х п о р п о к а
285 Li!(al972
1) Asking the way. Ask if there is an underground station near here
and if it is far.
2) Shopping. You are in a b o o k s h o p . Ask for a book by B.Potter.
Ask how much it is.
3) Takeaway. You are near a pizza restaurant and a hamburger bar.
Decide w h e r e to go and then buy some takeaway food and
4) Telephone talk. Phone your f r i e n d and invite him/her out. Say
w h e r e and w h e n you will meet.
5) At a museum. Find out what time the m u s e u m opens and closes.
Ask if the museum opens on Sundays.
6) At a post office. Y o u ' r e at a post o f f i c e . Buy some stamps.
7) At a bus stop. Find out what number bus you must take to get to
O x f o r d Street. Ask how far it is.
8) At a Tourist Information Office. Ask if they have a map of
London. Ask for i n f o r m a t i o n about a London s i g h t s e e i n g tour.
9) Asking the time. Go and ask the time.

1) — Excuse me. 2) — Good m o r n i n g .

— Yes. — Good m o r n i n g .
— Is there an underground — Have you got a book by
station near here? B. Potter?
— Yes, there is — Yes, we have.
— Is it far? — How much is it?
— No, i t ' s |ust lound the corner. — I t ' s £2.95.
— Thank you very much. — Thank you very much.
— T h a t ' s all right.

3) — Where shall we go? To the h a m b u r g e r bar or the pizza restau

— Let's go to the hamburger bar.
— Hello. What would you like?
— T w o h a m b u r g e r s , please.
— Anything else?
— Yes, two orange j u i c e s , please.
— Here you are.
4) — Hello. Could 1 speak to Peter, please?
— Certainly, just a m o m e n t .
— Hello, Peter speaking.

— H e l l o , i t ' s M i k e here. L e t ' s g o to a c o n c e r t t o n i g h t .
— G o o d idea. W h e r e shall we m e e t ?
— L e t ' s meet n e a r the concert hall.
— What time?
— At a q u a r t e r to s e v e n .
— Fine.
— See you later t h e n .
— Bye.

5) — E x c u s e m e . W h e n d o e s the m u s e u m o p e n ?
— I t ' s o p e n f r o m 10 a.m. to 5 . 3 0 p.m.
— Is it o p e n on S u n d a y s ?
— Yes, it is.
— T h a n k you very m u c h .

6) — C o u l d I h a v e six s t a m p s , p l e a s e ?
— H e r e you are.
— T h a n k you very m u c h .

7) — Excuse me.
— Yes.
— D o e s this b u s go to O x f o r d S t r e e t , p l e a s e ?
— No, it d o e s n ' t . You should take b u s n u m b e r . . .
— A n d how f a r is it?
— About four stops.
— Thank you.

8) — Hello.
— Hello.
— H a v e you got a m a p of L o n d o n , p l e a s e ?
— H e r e you are.
— T h a n k y o u . And w e ' d like s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t L o n d o n
sightseeing tours.
— C e r t a i n l y , p l e a s e take o n e of these l e a f l e t s .

9) — E x c u s e me, p l e a s e . C o u l d you tell me the t i m e ?

— Yes, i t ' s half past ten.
— Thank you.
— You're welcome.

. C r e a t e y o u r o w n g a m e . Use a L o n d o n m a p a n d m a k e y o u r o w n
Ta lk to Starkid.
H e l l o . I h a v e n ' t seen you f o r ages.
1) I h a v e b e e n to L o n d o n t o d a y . I h a v e
seen T r a f a l g a r S q u a r e , Piccadilly
C i r c u s and H y d e P a r k . I d i d n ' t have
time to see any other f a m o u s s i g h t s in
L o n d o n . Tell me w h e r e you h a v e been
and w h a t you h a v e seen in L o n d o n .
2) I ' v e heard that m a n y b i r d s live in
L o n d o n . W h i c h b i r d s live in the
Tower of L o n d o n and w h y do they
live there? W h i c h b i r d s live in
St. J a m e s ' s P a r k ?
3) I h a v e been in y o u r t o w n since this
m o r n i n g . I h a v e n ' t seen m u c h . W h a t
are the most f a m o u s s i g h t s in y o u r
4) H a v e any f a m o u s actors, w r i t e r s ,
s c i e n t i s t s , s p o r t s m e n and a r c h i t e c t s
ever lived in y o u r t o w n ? Can you
name them?
5) W h e n did these p e o p l e live in y o u r

II. H o w M a n y N e w W o r d s f r o m U n i t 11 Do You K n o w ?
architect sight already cry — s m i l e listen talk
cop sightseeing just drop shout whisper
double-decker tour yet finish rob
robber tourist

be — was/were — been m a k e — made — made

b e g i n — began — begun meet — met — met
b r e a k — broke — broken read — read — read

build — built — built ride — rode — ridden
b u y — bought — bought run — ran — run
catch — caught — caught say — said — said
c o m e — came — come see — saw — seen
do — did — done s h o w — showed — shown
d r i n k — drank — drunk sing — sang — sung
eat — ate — eaten sit — sat — sat
f i n d — found — found s l e e p — slept — slept
fly — flew — flown stand — stood — stood
get - got - got s w i m — swam — swum
g i v e — gave — given take — took — taken
go — went — gone teach — taught — taught
h a v e — had — had tell - told - told
hear — heard — heard think — thought — thought
k e e p — kept — kept w a k e — woke — woken
learn — learnt — learnt w e a r — wore — worn
leave — left — left write — wrote —written
lose — lost — lost
3 3 ( + 7 6 0 )

Do You K n o w T h e s e E x p r e s s i o n s f r o m I nit 11?

H a v e you ever been to B r i t a i n ?

Yes, I have.
H o w m a n y t i m e s h a v e you been there?
W h e n did you go?
I w e n t last year.


10 С ч а с т л и в ы й а н г л и й с к и й
1. C o m p l e t e t h e t a b l e s .
I. Present P e r f e c t S i m p l e

+ ? —

I... H a v e I ...? I have not ( h a v e n ' t ) ...

He has cooked ... he ...? He ... (...) ...

II. Past S i m p l e

+ ? —

I cooked. Did I ...? I did not ( d i d n ' t ) ...

She ... ... she c o o k ? She did not (...) ...
We ... ... we ...? We . . . ( . . . ) . . .

2. M a k e q u e s t i o n s .
1) He went to O x f o r d y e s t e r d a y .
a) Y e s / N o . b) W h e n ? c) W h e r e ? d) W h o ?
2) He has n e v e r been to O x f o r d b e f o r e ,
a) Y e s / N o . b) W h o ? c) W h e r e ?

3. C o m p a r e t h e p i c t u r e s . P u t t h e v e r b s i n t o t h e p r e s e n t p r o g r e s s i v e
or present perfect.

eat read drink open paint

4. C h o o s e a n d fill i n .
W e l c o m e to B r i g h t o n . I h o p e that you (will e n j o y , e n j o y e d ) your
walk a r o u n d the t o w n . We (are, w e r e ) n o w in the centre of the t o w n .
We h a v e j u s t (passed, will p a s s ) the c r o s s r o a d s and n o w we (are
g o i n g , g o ) a l o n g N o r t h Street. Look d o w n N o r t h Street and you (will
see, s a w ) a small c h u r c h on the left.. Look b a c k a c r o s s the road to the
old p a l a c e . N o w we (are g o i n g , go) to a c a f é . I hope very m u c h that
you (have e n j o y e d , will e n j o y ) this w a l k a r o u n d B r i g h t o n . You (have
seen, see) a small c h u r c h , a p a l a c e and m a n y other p l a c e s of interest.
T h a n k you and g o o d b y e .

5. O p e n t h e b a c k c o v e r of t h e b o o k , l o o k a t t h e m a p i n s i d e , listen
a n d follow the d i r e c t i o n s .

What's your score?

Mistakes 0-1 2-3. 4-5 >5

Score 5 4 3 2

a). L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e a d . b). C r e a t e y o u r o w n i n v i t a t i o n .

A l e x a n d e r : W h a t are you
Mike: I'm making invitations for our balloo
p a r t y . I ' v e m a d e s o m e . Havje a l o o k . D o
you like t h e m ?
A l e x a n d e r : Y e s , v e r y m u c h . H o w d o yo|u m a k e
Mike: I c u t t h e c a r d in t h e f o r m d f a b a l l o o n ,
p i n e it t o t h e e n v e l o p e a n d l p u t a p i e c e
o f s t r i n g o n it. I t h e n w r i t e ! t h e invita-
tion on the b a l l o o n .
Alexander: Shall I help you?
Mike: OK.
Alexander: Look. I've made my own ilnVita-
t i o n . D o y o u like it?
. Mike: Yes, it's very good.
' Dear John,
There will be. \
a. balloon party \
cw Friday lOtA Jidy\
at 35 Quun St.
\ from 5p.m. to 8.50p.m.
\ Phase. Let rm, know
\ (/ you can come
\ /Wi^e

/ To Joan X
/ С і т я м 6c? 3 5 Si\

on Friday /Oth July \

at 5p.m.
There. mAl be a baiUron
\ Рігабе шаг і
\ fancy drees. /
^ ^ A l m a n d e / y

2. a) L o o k , l i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e m e m b e r . M a t c h t h e p i c t u r e and
the words,
b) S a y w h a t t h e r e is in t h e p i c t u r e .

1. f o r t u n e t r e e ['fo:tfan t r i : ] 10. n a m e b a d g e ['neim b a s d j ]

2. ice c r e a m s t i c k s f a i s k r i : m stiks] 11. parcel ['pa:sl]
3. string [striq] 12. thin card [Otn ' k o : d ]
4. scissors f s i z o z ] 13. i n v i t a t i o n card [ , i n v i ' t e i j a n k a : d ]
5. envelope f e n v s l o u p ] 14. place marker ['pleisma:ka]
6. f a n c y d r e s s ['faenst d r e s ] 15. glue [glu:]
7. cracker f k r e e k a ] 16. coloured paper fkAlod 'peipa]
8. lantern f l a e n t o n ] 17. s a f e t y pin f s e i f t t p i n ]
9. plasticine ['plagstisi:n] 18. poster of a donkey f p a u s t o av 9 'doqki]

3. A m e m o r y g a m e . C l o s e t h e b o o k a n d w r i t e w h a t t h e r e is
in t h e p i c t u r e . W h a t ' s y o u r s c o r e ?

4. Listen, repeat and read.


Mum: John, have you made place markers?

John: Yes, I m a d e t h e m y e s t e r d a y .
Alexander: H o w did you m a k e t h e m ?
John: I t o o k a p i e c e of c a r d a b o u t 10 cm
by 10 cm and cut it in the f o r m of a
b a l l o o n . T h e n I w r o t e the n a m e and
f o l d e d the b a l l o o n in half so that it
s t a n d s up.
M u m : J o h n , put t h e m on the t a b l e in f r o n t
of the p l a t e s . T h e c h i l d r e n w i l l then
k n o w w h e r e to sit.


Alexander: W h a t do you w a n t to do n e x t ?
John: Let's make some badges.
Alexander: H o w do y o u m a k e t h e m ?
John: I cut a p i e c e of card in the f o r m of a
b a l l o o n and g l u e a p i e c e of s t r i n g on
it. T h e n I w r i t e the n a m e of a g u e s t
on e a c h b a d g e so e v e r y b o d y k n o w s
w h o is w h o .
A l e x a n d e r : I ' l l h e l p you w i t h the n a m e b a d g e s .

5. M a k e your own place m a r k e r s and n a m e b a d g e s .

Materials: thin card, f e l t - t i p p e n s , s c i s s o r s , g l u e , s t r i n g , s a f e t y


295 Li£al972
L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e a d h o w to p r e p a r e 1 a t a b l e f o r a p a r t y .


M i k e : M a r y , w h e r e are y o u ? W h a t are you d o i n g ?

M a r y : I ' m m a k i n g a c a k e . I ' v e a l r e a d y put s a n d w i c h e s ,
b i s c u i t s , f i z z y d r i n k s , m i l k s h a k e s , s w e e t s and b u n s
on the t a b l e . I ' l l put the h a m b u r g e r s , hot d o g s and ice
c r e a m on the t a b l e l a t e r .
D a v i d : I ' v e m a d e s o m e t h i n g s p e c i a l . W h a t is it? Can you
A l e x a n d e r : N o , I c a n ' t . W h a t is it?
D a v i d : We call t h e m a p p l e s u r p r i s e s . F i r s t you t a k e a p p l e s
and w a s h t h e m . T h e n you p u s h an ice c r e a m stick i n t o
e a c h a p p l e l i k e this. M a k e s o m e s o f t c h o c o l a t e and put
e a c h a p p l e i n t o it. Turn the a p p l e r o u n d and r o u n d so
that t h e r e is c h o c o l a t e all o v e r it. T h a t ' s g r e a t ! Put t h e
a p p l e i n t o a p l a t e of n u t s , t h e n into the r e f r i g e r a t o r .
M a r y : I o f t e n m a k e s w e e t s l i k e t h i s . I t a k e g r a p e s and p i e c e s
of o r a n g e . T h e n I put half of the f r u i t into s o f t c h o c o -
late and I get w o n d e r f u l s w e e t s .

p r e p a r e [pri'pea] — roTOBMXb
296 Lifcal972
L i s t e n , r e p e a t a n d r e a d h o w to m a k e d e c o r a t i o n s 1 f o r a p a r t y .
F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .


D i a n a : A l e x a n d e r , l e t ' s put s o m e f l o w e r s on the t a b l e . T h i s is

h o w w e ' l l do it. W e ' l l t a k e t h i s b o w l . I t ' s r o u n d and
not too h i g h . W e ' l l put t h i s i n t o it. N o w l e t ' s t a k e
t h e s e f l o w e r s and s m a l l b r a n c h e s . T h a t ' s f i n e . N o w w e
can f i l l the b o w l w i t h w a t e r and p u t it on the t a b l e .
D a d : You s h o u l d b l o w up the b a l l o o n s and h a n g t h e m on the
Mike: OK.
A l e x a n d e r : W h y are t h e r e so m a n y b a l l o o n s ?
M i k e : B e c a u s e i t ' s a b a l l o o n p a r t y . T h e c h i l d r e n w i l l go
h o m e w i t h t h e m . W e ' l l g i v e o n e to e v e r y b o y and girl.
A l e x a n d e r : W h a t do you u s u a l l y w r i t e on t h e m ?
M i k e : We w r i t e a n a m e on e a c h b a l l o o n and " T h a n k y o u f o r
c o m i n g to the p a r t y " . H a v e a l o o k .

d e c o r a t i o n s [,dek9'reiJ"onz] — yicpameHH»


A l e x a n d e r : >A(hat are you d o i n g , J a n e ?

J a n e : I ' m m a k i n g c r a c k e r s . We u s u a l l y
h a v e t h e m at C h r i s t m a s 1 but w e ' l l
m a k e t h e m f o r our p a r t y . I ' m w r i t i n g
j o k e s on p a p e r and p u t t i n g t h e m w i t h
the s w e e t s i n s i d e the c r a c k e r s .
A l e x a n d e r : I see. But h o w do you o p e n t h e m ?
J a n e : We p u l l t h e m .


R o b e r t : I.'ve m a d e a f o r t u n e tree f o r the

p a r t y . First of all I put the c o l o u r e d
p a p e r on the b o w l and a l a r g e p i e c e
of p l a s t i c i n e into it. I then p u t the
b r a n c h into the p l a s t i c i n e . A f t e r that
I w r o t e f o r t u n e s on p i e c e s of p a p e r
and put t h e m w i t h the s w e e t s on the
e x a n d e r : W h a t h a v e you w r i t t e n ?
Robert: Have a look.
A l e x a n d e r : H o w very i n t e r e s t i n g !

Yesterday wo/s a good dbcuyforyou. Today you are

having a wry good, turn and tomorrow- will be even better.

You have had a good weeA. You had a. good day at

sohooi yesterday. Next wwk you wilt yet cl pn&serut.

Th/ùs summeryou wilt go- to- an uvtere^tbngpLcuœ. Vow'LL

vvsli another planet. Howe a good time,!
C h r i s t m a s f k r i s m s s ] — PoacflecTBO

M i k e : A l e x a n d e r , h a v e you h e a r d of H a l -
A l e x a n d e r : No, I h a v e n ' t . W h a t is it?
M i k e : I t ' s on 31st O c t o b e r . We u s u a l l y
m a k e l a n t e r n s . We can m a k e s o m e
f o r our p a r t y and put t h e m in the
A l e x a n d e r : H o w do w e m a k e t h e m ?
M i k e : You t a k e a l a r g e p u m p k i n and cut o f f a p i e c e f r o m the
top. T h e n t a k e out w h a t is i n s i d e w i t h a k n i f e and
s p o o n . T h e n y o u cut out the e y e s , n o s e and m o u t h and
put a c a n d l e i n s i d e t h e l a n t e r n . L o o k , you can see the
c a n d l e l i g h t t h r o u g h the e y e s , n o s e and m o u t h .

8. M a k e the things you need for y o u r balloon p a r t y .

Balloons: balloons, felt-tip pens.
Crackers: thin c a r d , g l u e , s c i s s o r s , p a i n t s , a p a i n t b r u s h , a p e n c i l ,
A fortune tree: a b o w l , c o l o u r e d p a p e r , s w e e t s , p l a s t i c i n e , a

9. L i s t e n , r e p e a t , r e a d a n d p l a y . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r -
l i n e d w o r d s in t h e v o c a b u l a r y .


Alexander: W h a t is this p o s t e r f o r ? W h a t is it?

Mike: It's a donkey.
Alexander: A d o n k e y ? But w h e r e is its t a i l ?
Mike: I t ' s f o r the g a m e " P i n the Tail on the D o n k e y " .
Alexander: H o w do you p l a y it?
Mike: First you m u s t put the p o s t e r on the w a l l . T h e n
e v e r y b o d y h a s a c h a n c e to pin the tail on the d o n k e y .
I t ' s not so easy: b e c a u s e y o u c a n n o t see. You h a v e a
scarf o v e r y o u r e y e s . T h e p e r s o n w h o p u t s the tail
n e a r e s t to the r i g h t p l a c e is t h e w i n n e r .

H a l l o w e ' e n fhaelau'i:n] — канун дня всех святых (название
299 LH&1972
Richard: John, do you r e m e m b e r how we played it last year? It
was f a n t a s t i c .

A l e x a n d e r : And what is the parcel for?

Mike: T h a t ' s for the game " P a s s the Parcel". You w r a p a
small toy or a bar of chocolate in a lot of paper. We all
stand or sit in a circle and pass the parcel to the person
next to us. T h e r e ' s m u s i c playing when w e ' r e doing
this. When the m u s i c stops you take off one piece of
paper. Then the music starts again. The person w h o
takes the last piece of paper off w i n s the prize.
Listen, repeat, read, act and continue.

Drama: At a Party.

Act I. S a y i n g H e l l o .
Mum: A n s w e r the d o o r , J a n e .
Jane: I ' m c o m i n g . Just a m i n u t e . H e l l o , A n n . C o m e in.
Ann: T h i s is my f r i e n d R i c h a r d .
Jane: Hello, Richard.
Richard: Hello, Jane.
Jane: T h i s is my b r o t h e r J o h n .
Richard: Hi, J o h n .

Act II. A t T a b l e .
Jane: H e l p y o u r s e l v e s to the c a k e , p l e a s e . W h a t sort of ice
c r e a m w o u l d you like?
Richard: Strawberry, please.
Jane: W o u l d you like s o m e m o r e c a k e ?
Ann: N o , t h a n k s . I h a v e n ' t e a t e n my f i r s t p i e c e yet.
Mary: May I have another biscuit?
Jane: Yes, c e r t a i n l y .
Richard: C o u l d you p a s s the s u g a r , p l e a s e ?
Jane: H e r e you are.

Act III. L e t ' s P l a y a n d D a n c e .
J a n e : L e t ' s p l a y s o m e g a m e s . L e t ' s start w i t h " P i n the
Tail on the D o n k e y " . W h o w a n t s to s t a r t ?
N i c k : C a n I?
(The children play the game.)
John: Let's dance.
Ann: OK, fine.
R i c h a r d : W h a t p o p g r o u p do you l i k e ?
J a n e : I l i k e ...

Act IV. S a y i n g G o o d b y e .
A n n and R i c h a r d : T h a n k you f o r a n i c e p a r t y .
J a n e : P l e a s e t a k e y o u r b a l l o o n s and a p i e c e of c a k e .
R i c h a r d : B y e and t h a n k s a g a i n .

1 1 . L i s t e n a n d r e a d . F i n d t h e m e a n i n g of t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in
the v o c a b u l a r y . T h e n say w h a t you have l e a r n t a b o u t British


January 1 —New Year's Day

On D e c e m b e r 31 p e o p l e u s u a l l y visit t h e i r f r i e n d s . T h e r e is a
lot of d a n c i n g and e a t i n g . In S c o t l a n d p e o p l e b r i n g a p i e c e of c o a l
f o r g o o d l u c k in the N e w Year.

February 14 —St. Valentine's Day1

P e o p l e b u y or m a k e V a l e n t i n e c a r d s and send t h e m to p e o p l e
they l o v e . T h e y s h o u l d not w r i t e t h e i r n a m e s on the c a r d s . T h o s e
w h o get t h e m m u s t g u e s s w h o sent t h e m .

March —Mother's Day

On M o t h e r ' s Day c h i l d r e n h e l p t h e i r m o t h e r s at h o m e and g i v e

or send t h e m c a r d s and p r e s e n t s .

St. V a l e n t i n e ' s Day — д е н ь с в я т о г о В а л е н т и н а

April —Easter1

At E a s t e r c h i l d r e n eat c h o c o l a t e E a s t e r e g g s . S o m e t i m e s p a r -
e n t s h i d e t h e m in the h o u s e or in the g a r d e n and the c h i l d r e n l o o k
for them.

June —Father's Day

On F a t h e r ' s Day c h i l d r e n g i v e or send t h e i r f a t h e r s and g r a n d -

f a t h e r s c a r d s or p r e s e n t s .

October 31 —Hallowe'en

T h e y say g h o s t s and w i t c h e s
c o m e out on H a l l o w e ' e n . C h i l d r e n
m a k e l a n t e r n s out of p u m p k i n s .
Some people have H a l l o w e ' e n par-
ties and d r e s s as w i t c h e s and g h o s t s .

December 25 —Christmas Day

In the w e e k s b e f o r e C h r i s t m a s p e o p l e are b u s y . T h e y m a k e or
b u y C h r i s t m a s c a r d s and send t h e m to t h e i r f r i e n d s , g r a n d p a r e n t s ,
c o u s i n s , a u n t s and u n c l e s . T h e y also buy C h r i s t m a s p r e s e n t s . M a n y
c h i l d r e n m a k e t h e i r C h r i s t m a s c a r d s at s c h o o l . P e o p l e b u y C h r i s t -
m a s t r e e s 2 and p u t t h e m in their l i v i n g r o o m s . T h e c h i l d r e n d e c o r -
ate the C h r i s t m a s t r e e w i t h t o y s and little c o l o u r e d l i g h t s . T h e r e are
b e a u t i f u l C h r i s t m a s d e c o r a t i o n s in the s t r e e t s .
On C h r i s t m a s E v e 3 e v e r y b o d y p u t s their p r e s e n t s u n d e r the
C h r i s t m a s t r e e . P e o p l e say that at n i g h t F a t h e r C h r i s t m a s p u t s p r e s -

E a s t e r fi:sta] — п а с х а
Christmas tree — рождественская елка
C h r i s t m a s Eve [i:v] — к а н у н Р о ж д е с т в а
e n t s into the s t o c k i n g s w h i c h c h i l d r e n u s u a l l y h a n g on t h e i r b e d s .
T h e t r a d i t i o n a l C h r i s t m a s m e a l is r o a s t t u r k e y and C h r i s t m a s

a). L i s t e n , r e a d a n d m a t c h t h e g r e e t i n g a n d t h e c a r d .
b). M a k e y o u r o w n c a r d s .

C h r i s t m a s g r e e t i n g s 1 and b e s t w i s h e s f o r the N e w Year.

W i l l y o u be m y V a l e n t i n e ?
Happy Valentine's Day.

Best wishes for a happy Easter.

This comes with love to wish you every happiness2 for today and
always. ,
Happy Father's Day.

Love you, Mummy, very much,

So here's a great big kiss3
For the nicest person in the world —
The one who's reading this!
Happy Mother's Day.

Happy Birthday and many happy reiurns of the day.4

g r e e t i n g fgri:tii]] — п о з д р а в л е н и е
to wish you e v e r y h a p p i n e s s fhaepinis] — ж е л а ю с ч а с т ь я
kiss — п о ц е л у й
H a p p y B i r t h d a y a n d m a n y h a p p y r e t u r n s of t h e d a y . —
Поздравляю с днем рождения, ж е л а ю вам долгих лет жизни.
Listen, read and sing.
My name is Rosemary Mitchell. I worl£
in London and I sometimes organise festi-
vals for children to sing and make music
together. I have collected some of the songs
in this book for you because I know that
children in Britain enjoy singing them. I
hope that you will enjoy them too. The song
"Hot Cross Buns" is a traditional one.
People eat hot cross buns on Good Friday.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter
Sunday. There is a white cross on a hot
cross bun.


Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns.
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters
Give them to your sons.
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.

a). Listen and read. Find the meaning of the underlined w o r d s

in the v o c a b u l a r y .
b). Say what English 9hildren like to celebrate.


Hallowe'en parties have a theme.1 Children dress as witches
and ghosts. You've already read about a balloon party. Can you
guess the themes of these parties? Yes, they are celebrating a teddy

theme [9i:m] — TeMa

bear birthday party and a football birthday party. What have they
made for these parties? A cake in the form of a football field and a
cake in the form of a teddy bear. Look at this boy. What has he got
in his hands? It's a cake in the form of a ship. For this sort of theme
party children make a lot of things: fancy dress, partv masks, party

hats, place markers, name badges, invitations, cakes and posters.
The parties which children like to celebrate most of all are birthday
parties and Christmas parties. At a birthday party there is always a
cake on the table with candles. If you want to know how old the
child is you should count the candles.

c). Look at the pictures and a n s w e r the q u e s t i o n s .

1) What are the children wearing?
2) What is there on the tables?
3) What decorations are there in the rooms?

1 5 . Work in a group of five. Create your own party. Make all the
necessary things for it and act it out.

1 6 . Do you like to get presents and have parties? A n s w e r these


1) When do you give people presents?

2) What sort of presents do you like?
3) When do people give you presents?
4) When do people have parties?

1 7 . Look, listen, read and answer.

Hello. I'm Richard Humphreys

from the Tate Gallery in London. I
would like to show you a very beau-
tiful picture by John Singer Sargent.
I ' l l tell you something about him. He
was an American painter who lived
and worked in England. He had friends
who had beautiful daughters and he
painted them. I would like to ask you
some questions about the picture.
Singer Sargent (1856 — 1925)
"Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose"
(Tate Gallery, London)
308 Li£al972
1) What can you see in the picture?
2) Where are the girls?
3) How old are they?
4) What are they wearing?
5) Can you see how many sorts of
flowers there are?
6) What sorts of flowers are they?
7) What colour are the flowers?
8) What have the sisters got in their
9) What are they doing? Do you think
they are preparing for a party?
10) Do you like the picture and why?

A game "Everything Under the Sun". You can play this

game in two d i f f e r e n t ways. You can also create some
others yourselves.

a. 1) Make a roulette board with a large,

round piece of card and an arrow
which can spin.
2) Make folded question cards. Each
set of questions (Everything Under
the Sun, Me and My World, At the
Station, On the Train) should have
different coloured cards.
3) Write the questions on the outside
of the cards and the answers on the
4) Place the folded cards round the
roulette board.
5) Take turns to spin the arrow.
6) Try and answer the question where
the arrow stops. If the answer is
correct, you can keep the card. If
the answer is wrong, you must put

the card back. The one who gets the most cards is the winner,
b. 1) Use the same 4 piles of coloured cards.
2) One of the pupils gives one card to each person.
3) Each person must answer the question on his/her card. If the
answer is correct, you can keep the card. If the answer is
wrong, you must give the card back.
4) The person who has the most cards at the end of the game is
the winner.
Good luck! Start the game.
I. Everything Under the Sun.
1) Say or sing A - Z or count 1-10.
2) Name 7 colours.
3) Count 10-20.
4) Name 5 sorts of fruit or 5 vegetables.
5) Name 5 objects in your bag.
6) Name 5 things in your classroom or 5 school subjects.
7) Name the days of the week.
8) Name the months of the year.
9) Name the 4 countries of the United Kingdom.
10) Name 5 hobbies or 5 sports.
11) Name 5 professions.
12) Name 5 things you put on the table for breakfast.
13) Name 5 things that boys wear or 5 things that girls wear.
14) Name 3 things you can do.
15) Name 3 things you must do to be economical.
II. Me and My World.
1) Tell us about yourself.-
2) Tell us about your family.
3) Tell us about your best friend.
4) Tell us about your flat, 1 your ideal flat or your room.
5) Tell us about the street or town where you live.
6) Tell us what you did last week.
7) Tell us what you have done this week.
8) Tell us what you do in the evenings.
9) Tell us what you are doing now.
10) Tell us what you will do in the summer.
11) Tell us about the happiest day of your life.

flat — квартира
III. What would you say in English? Make up dialogues.
You are going to Scotland.
At the Station.
1) Ask for something in a souvenir 1 shop.
2) Order something in a café.
3) Phone somebody.
4) Say goodbye.
On the Train.
5) Ask if the seat is free.
6) Ask if you can look at a magazine.
7) Introduce yourself: give your name, where you are from and
what you do.
8) Ask the other person: name/surname, where he or she is from,
what he or she does and his or her hobbies.
9) Ask him or her how many people there are in his or her family,
if he or she has any brothers or sisters, what their names are
and what they do.
10) Ask him or her if he or she has any pets.
11) Ask if this is his or her first visit to Scotland and how long he
or she will stay there. Ask if he or she has been to other coun-
tries and how he or she liked them.
12) Ask him or her if he or she wants something to eat.
13) Ask him or her what he or she is reading at the moment and
what he or she usually likes to read.

m- PP- 380 — 381

. Write your own story and use all the tenses you have l e a r n e d .

souvenir ['su:vamo] — сувенир
311 Lifca.972

Talk to Starkid.

How Many Words from Unit 12 Do You Know?

birthday name badge blow up

card nose bring
carnation nut celebrate
chance paper count
cracker place marker decorate
envelope plasticine decoration
fancy dress poster fold
fortune tree prize hang
glue pumpkin pin
group rose win
guest safety pin winner
invitation scissors wish
joke string wrap
lantern surprise
lily tail easy
luck theme soft
mouth turkey

49 (+ 793)
Total 842

Do You Know These E x p r e s s i o n s from Unit 12

Have you had a good time at the party, John?

Yes, I've enjoyed myself very much.

2) Christmas greetings and best

wishes for the New Year.
3) Happy Valentine's Day.
4) With best wishes for a Happy Easter
5) Happy Father's Day (Mother's Day),
6) Happy Birthday.

1. Read and complete.

Richard Mum.
Mrs Clark Yes, Richard.
Richard Will we be here next Saturday?
Mrs Clark On Saturday. I don't think so. We'll be at Aunty Peggy's.
Richard Isn't that the week after?
Mrs Clark What date is it next Saturday?
Richard It's J uly 5. I've got an invitation to Peter's fancy dress
party. Can I go?
N , Clark Where does Peter live?
Richard At 54 Longwood Road.
Mrs Clark What time does it start?
Richard At six o'clock.

Lita 19 72
Phonetic Support
(Фонетический справочник)
Учимся правильно произносить английские звуки.
Дорогой друг!
Перед тобой волшебная звуковая ромашка. Н а ней все
звуки английского языка. Если ты научишься их произно-
сить, то будешь говорить, как настоящий англичанин. Ж е -
лаем успеха!

The Secrets of Good English Pronunciation

(Секреты хорошего английского произношения)
Consonants (Согласные)
Давай учиться правильно произносить английские со-
гласные звуки, которых нет в русском языке ([h], [q], [0], [б],
[w]) , которые сильно отличаются от звуков русского языка

Дифтонги — сочетания двух гдасных звуков, типичные для английского

( [t], [d], [n], [1], [г]), а также звук [р]. Именно они и создают
особенности английского произношения. Вот первые се-
креты хорошего английского произношения.

Секрет первый
[h] Э т о т звук похож на легкий, еле слышимый выдох.
Подуй на руки, как будто греешь их. Когда в легких оста-
нется совсем мало воздуха, у тебя получится на выдохе
звук [h],

hi, hello, how, help

Секрет второй
[p] Э т о т звук произносится с придыханием. Поднеси лист
бумаги к губам (на расстоянии 5-6 см от них) и произнеси,
например, слово «папа» попеременно, то с придыханием, как
англичане, то без. Если ты произнесешь правильно по-ан-
глийски, то лист бумаги от струи воздуха отклонится в сто-
рону, зажженная свеча потухнет, а несколько маленьких
клочков бумаги, положенных на ладонь, разлетятся. Одуван-
чик тоже разлетится, если ты произнесешь этот звук пра-
вильно по-английски,
pen, pencil, picture
Секрет третий
[w] Вытяни губы вперед, как будто ты хочешь свистнуть
или затушить свечу,
white, well, welcome

Секрет четвертый
[9] При произнесении этого звука кончик языка находится
между зубами и немного виден. Верхние и нижние зубы
должны быть видны, как будто ты собираешься чистить их.
three, thanks, something
Будь осторожен со звуками [s] и [9], иначе англичане пой-
мут тебя неправильно,
sink— тонуть, think— думать
[б] Звук [б] произносится как глухой [9], но с голосом,
mother, father, brother

Секрет пятый
[t, d, n, 1] При произнесении этих звуков кончик языка
ставится на альвеолы (бугорки, находящиеся над верхними
зубами). Прочитай следующие русские имена, как прочи-
тали бы их англичане: Нина, Таня, Лена. Ты уловил разницу
русского и английского произношения?
[t] it, ten, tea
[d] dad, red, daddy
[n] nine, fine, nice
[1] listen, lamp, small

Секрет шестой
[г] При произнесении этого звука отсутствует вибрация
кончика языка, типичная для русского [Р]. Произнеси Рита,
Лариса, Рома, Марина, ворона, к а к п р о и з н е с л и бы а н г л и -
sorry, brown, grandmother

Секрет седьмой
[q] При произнесении этого звука воздух проходит через
нос, звук напоминает удар гонга,
morning, evening, reading

Секрет восьмой
В русском языке звонкие согласные в конце слова всегда
оглушаются, но это не меняет значения слова. Если ты про-
изнесешь по-русски «леф» или «лев», то все поймут, что речь
идет о льве. В английском языке звонкие согласные в конце
слова произносятся звонко. Оглушение звонкого согласного
изменяет смысл слова. Сравни:
bag [д] — сумка, back [к] — спина.

Секрет девятый
В английском языке нет мягких согласных. Сравни «лук»
и «люк». Англичанин произнесет «лук» вместо «люк»,
«лублу» будет звучать вместо «люблю».


Прочитай следующие английские слова, обращая особое

внимание на произнесение согласных звуков.

[h] hamburger hand [heend] honey ['Ьлш] harp [hn:p]


[р] picture pen [pen] pencil f'pensl] pan [paen]


[w] walkman watch [wotj] window ['windau] woman ['wuman]


[8] three [9ri:] thin [9in] month [тлп9] mouth [mau9]

[6] mother [ ' т л б э ] father ['fa:5a] brother ['Ьглбэ]

[t] teapot ['ti:pot] tennis f'tenis] tie [tai] tomato

[d] desk [desk] doll [dol] door [do:] dress [dres]

[n] nine [nain] ocean faufan] one [wAn] onion fAnjan]

[1] lemon ['leman] light [lait] loaf [lauf] melon fmelan]

[r] roll [raul] ring [rig] ruler fru:la] recorder


I j r O w

[q] swimming long [log] morning ['mo:niq] evening ['i:vniq]


319 Li£al972
Vowels (Гласные)

Секрет первый

Перед тобой волшебное дерево, которое поможет тебе

правильно произносить английские гласные звуки. Все лис-
тья на дереве показывают степень открытия рта при произ-
несении гласных звуков. З в у к и расположены сверху вниз от
наиболее закрытых до самых открытых. При произнесении
звуков, находящихся на левой ветке, губы должны быть рас-
тянуты. Н а правой — округлены, но не вытянуты вперед. Н а
стволе расположены звуки, при произнесении которых губы

Секрет второй
Английское слово cheese [tfi:z] означает сыр и произно-
сится с улыбь м. "Say cheese" у англичан — приглашение к
улыбке. Г; . го и-, у больше улыбайся, и у тебя будет прекрас-
ное англ1 До произношение. Не забывай говорить "please"
с улыбкой.

Секрет третий
В русском языке долгота гласного не влияет на значение
слова. Например, П О Р Т — П О - О - О - Р Т . В английском
языке есть краткие и долгие гласные (см. «ромашку»), и за-
мена долгого гласного кратким и наоборот влечет за собой
изменение значения слова. Например:

port [po:t] — порт pot [pot] — горшок

Секрет четвертый
При произнесении английского гласного [е] рот более за-
крыт, чем при произнесении русского гласного [э]. Меньше
раскрывай рот и улыбнись, и ты произнесешь звук [е] верно.
При произнесении английского гласного [аз] рот открыт
шире, чем при произнесении русского [э]. При этом кончик
языка должен упираться в основание нижних зубов.
Нельзя путать звуки [е] и [ае]. Э т о может изменить смысл
слова. Например:

реп [реп] — ручка men [men] - мужчины

pan [ржп] — сковорода man [masn] - мужчина

Секрет пятый
При произнесении английского гласного [л] рот более за-
крыт, а английского [а:] — шире открыт, чем при произнесе-
нии русского [а]. Открой рот широко, как будто ты показы-
ваешь горло врачу, и у тебя получится правильный англий-
ский звук [а:]. Э т и звуки тоже нельзя путать. Сравни:
hut [hAt] хижина
heart [hcr.t] — сердце

1 1 Счастливый английский 321 Likal972


Прочитай следующие английские слова, обращая особое

внимание на правильное произнесение гласных звуков.

[i:] bee [bi:] three [0ri:] sea [si:] green [gri:n]

[1] pig [р!д] chicken ftfikin]

[е] ten [ten] red [red] pen [pen] telephone ftehfoun]

[as] cat [kast] parrot fpasrat] apple ['агр1] carrot ['k£erat]

[u:] shoe [Ju:] [Ш: blue [blu:] ruler ['ru:laj

[u] book [buk] cook [kuk]

[о:] four [fo:] chalk [tfo:k] door [do:] ball [bo:l]

[o] dog [dog] box [boks] clock [klok] sock [sok]

[э:] girl [дэ:1] thirteen [,0o:'ti:n] turkey fta:kt] bird [ba:d]

[э] camera ['кгетэгэ] butter f'bAta] hamster fheemsta]

[л] duck [dAk] one [wAn] bus fbAs] onion ['Anjan]

[a:] glass [glct:s] car [ka:] banana [ba'nct:na] tomato [to'mci:tau]

Секрет шестой
Дифтонги — звуки, состоящие из двух слитно произноси-
мых в одном слове гласных звуков. Они отсутствуют в рус-
ском языке и характерны для английского языка. Первый
звук дифтонга более сильный, а второй — более слабый.

327 Li£al972
Прочитай следующие английские слова, обращая особое
внимание на правильное произнесение дифтонгов.

[et] plate [pleit] cake [keik] [ai] fly [fiai] nine [nain]

[au] house [haus] blouse [blauz] [au] coat [ksut] open ['эирэп]

[Di] boy [boi] coin [koin] [19] deer [dis] ear [ia]

[ЕЭ] bear [Ьеэ] chair [t/еэ] [из] sure [/иэ]

English Intonation (Английская интонация)

В английском языке смысловую нагрузку несет на себе не
только содержание сообщения, но и интонация, с которой это
сообщение произносится. Так, если вместо необходимого по-
вышения голоса в вопросах, требующих ответа Д а / Н е т , ты
произнесешь вопрос с понижением голоса, то беседующий с
тобой англичанин расценит твой вопрос невежливым.
Yes/No questions (Вопросы, требующие ответа Д а / Н е т )
1) Is it your first visit to the — Э т о ваш первый визит на
^ Earth? Землю?
2) Do you live on the * Moon? — Вы живете на Луне?
3) Have you been to our planet — Вы были на нашей пла-
be ^ fore? нете раньше?
4) Do you V like our planet? — Вам нравится наша пла-
5) Have you got a / family? — У вас есть семья?

\Vh-questions (Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных

слов где?, когда? и т.д.)

Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных слов, произ-

носятся с понижением голоса.

1) How do you ** like it here? — Вам здесь нравится?

2) What's your Sk name? — Как вас зовут?
3) Where do you ^ live? — Где вы живете?
4) When did you ** come here? — Когда вы приехали сюда?
5) Who is your N. friend? — К т о ваш друг?
6) Why did you N come here? — Почему вы приехали сюда?

Polite requests (Вежливые просьбы)

Вежливые просьбы произносятся с повышением голоса.

1) May I ask you a / question? Можно вам задать вопрос?

2) May I come * in?. Можно войти?
3) Shall I ^ read? Мне читать?
4) Can I open the S window? Можно открыть окно?
5) Would you say it a^gain, Повторите, пожалуйста,
please? еще раз.

Imperatives (Приказания)

Приказания произносятся с понижением голоса.

1) Say it avgain. — Повторите.

2) Sit v down. — Садитесь.
3) Stop N talking. — Прекратите разговаривать.
4) Go on "v reading. — Продолжайте читать:
5) Go to your V place. — Идите на свое место.

Reading Support


city orange
перед перед
.e, i, y,
(Справочник по ч т е н и ю )
Учимся читать по-английски.
Дорогой друг!
Т ы входишь в мир чтения на английском языке. Перед
тобой лужайка, покрытая волшебными цветами — буквами
(с. 326 — 327). П о ч т и каждая английская буква может чи-
таться по-разному, в зависимости от того, какими буквами
она окружена. Давай разгадаем секреты английских букв, и
ты легко сможешь правильно читать английские слова. В до-
брый путь!

The Secrets of English Vowels

(Секреты английских гласных букв)
Давай соберем букет из гласных букв.
1) Сколько секретов (лепестков) имеет каждая гласная
2) Сравни слова в лепестках этих букв и найди то общее,
что объединяет эти слова.

Секрет первый
Т ы нашел лепестки, слова (слоги) в которых оканчива-
ются на гласную. Гласные в корне этих слов читаются как в
[ei] [i:] [ai] [au] [ju:]
Kate Pete Mike Rose Susan

Секрет второй
А вот лепестки, слова в которых оканчиваются на соглас-
ную. Гласные в корне этих слов читаются следующим обра-
[œ] [е] [i] [о] [л]
Pat Ben Nick, Syd Tom mum

Секрет третий
Слова (слоги) в других лепестках оканчиваются на глас-
ную + г. В этом случае гласные в корне читаются так:
[а:] [э:] [э:] [о:] [э:]
Mark Bert bird Norman fur

Секрет четвертый
Слова в оставшихся лепестках оканчиваются на гласную
+ г + е, а гласные в корне читаются так:
[ЕЭ] [ia] faia] [о:] £ju э]
Clare here fire more pure

Все эти правила приведены в следующей таблице.

Таблица чтения гласных букв

Алфавитное В конце слога находится

jj гласная ()J- согласная гласная + r /гласная + r + e
h ' Kh (+ согласная)
a [ei] —> [ei] К а Ц [ae] cat [a:] car [ЕЭ] hare
о [au] [эи] rose [0] dog [o:] fork [o:] more
u [ju:] [ju:] tube [Л] bus [a:] turkey [jua] pure
e[i:] ^ [i:] Pete [e] pet [a:] perfume [ia] here
i/y [at]/[wai] [ai] Mike, [1] pig, system [a:] bird fata] fire

в ы п о л н и и ЗАПОМНИ.
Теперь, когда ты овладел некоторыми секретами чтения,
прочитай следующие предложения правильно по-англий-
ски. <

a Kate has a cat, a car and a hare.

0 Rose has a dog, a fork and an ore.
u Susan has a cup, a turkey and pure orange juice,
e Pete has a pet and a perfume here.
1 Mike has a pig, a bird and a fire.
Секрет пятый
Так читаются сочетания некоторых гласных:
оо [u] Look, here is a book. We can cook,
oo [u:] There is a pool near our school,
ее [i:] I see a bee in a tree,
ea [i:] I like tea and meat. I eat meat.

329 Li£al972
The Secrets of English Consonants
(Секреты английских согласных букв)
Секрет первый
Мы срываем лепестки с согласными eng. Буква с читается
как [s] перед е, i, у — city, pencil, nice. В остальных случаях
буква с читается как [k] — cake, come, act, picture, music.
Буква g читается как [с1з] перед е, i, у — large, orange, page.
В остальных случаях буква g читается как [д] — bag, go, big,

Секрет второй
Найди лепестки со следующими буквосочетаниями: ch, ck,
ng, sh, ph, th, wh, kn, wr. Все они читаются как один звук.


Прочитай правильно следующие предложения и слова.

^ c h [tj] The children reach for a peach,
ck [k] Nick has a stick.
ng [q] Sing a song. Bring me a ring. The man is reading.
Kyi sh [J] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.
ph [f] Phone me. Give me a photograph and a book on geography,
th [6] [5] This is a thick book. Thank you.
wh [w] What, where, which, when, why?
Tqi [n] I know where the knife is.
^ r [r] Wrong number. You are wrong. zArtM/j^ i^X-i fC I

Согласные на лепестках цветов нижнего ряда не вызы-

вают особых трудностей у русских учащихся.

Grammar Support
(Грамматический справочник)
Unit 1
Indefinite Article
(Неопределенный артикль)
А р т и к л ь — это служебное слово, которое не имеет само-
стоятельного значения и не переводится на русский язык.
Неопределенный артикль происходит от слова один (совре-
менное one) и означает один из многих, какой-то, любой. Он
употребляется перед поддающимися счету (исчисляемыми)
существительными в единственном числе. Отдельно от суще-
ствительного артикль не употребляется.

а [а] перед согласными an [an] перед гласными

banana apple
pear an orange
tomato apricot

Plural of Nouns
(Множественное число существительных)
Множественное число существительных образуется при-
бавлением к форме единственного числа окончания -s (-es).
Singular Plural
(единственное число) (множественное число)

an apricot — персик- a B^ux^Oq -S [S] — после глухих согласных

~~ 5 apricots — пять персиков
•s [г] — после звонких согласных и
a pear — г р у ш а 3 pears — три г р у ш и
clKv etML г " М ^ у
-es [iz] — после sh, ch, x, s, ss
a box — коробка 2 boxes — два ящика
а реасА. - ШКЛЛЛІ I peaches
331 335Li!çal972
Unit 2
Be — Present Simple
(Глагол to be — быть, находиться, являться — в простом
настоящем времени)

Am/Is/Are I am = I ' m

+ 7 —

I am (I'm) A m I? I am ('m) not

(я есть, нахожусь)
Не is (he's) Is he? He is not (isn't)
(он есть, находится)
She is (she's) Is she? She is not (isn't)
(она есть, находится)
It is (it's) Is it? It is not (isn't)
(оно есть, находится)

We are (we're) Are we? We are not (aren't)

(мы есть, находимся)
You are (you're) Are you? You are not (aren't)
(вы есть, находитесь)
They are (they're) Are they? They are not (aren't)
(они есть, находятся)

Short Answers (Короткие ответы)

Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't ('s not).
Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren't ('re not).

— Excuse me. Are you Barbara Hay? — Извините, Вы Барбара Хей?

— Yes, I am. -Да.
— Are you from England? — Вы из Англии?
— No, I'm not. I'm from Scotland. — Нет, я из Шотландии.
— Is this your bag? — Э т о Ваша сумка?
— Yes, it is. -Да.

Pronouns (Местоимения)
Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения

I [ai] — я my [mai] — мой, моя, мое, мои

he [hi:] — он his [hiz] — его
she [|i:] — она her [ha:] — ее
it [it] — оно its [its] — его, ее
(неодушевленный предмет или
we [wi:] — мы our fauo] — наш, наша, наше,
you [ju:] — вы (ты) your [jo:] — ваш, ваша, ваше,
they [5ei] — они their [5ЕЭ] — их

Numerals (Числительные)
К а к в русском, так и в английском языке числительные
делятся на количественные, отвечающие на вопрос сколько?,
и порядковые, отвечающие на вопрос который?.

C a r d i n a l Numerals (Количественные числительные)

1 one [wAn] — один 11 eleven [l'levn] — одиннадцать

2 two [tu:] — два 12 twelve [twelv] — двенадцать
3 three [0ri:] — три 13Jhirteen [,0a:'ti:n] — тринадцать
4 four [fo:] — четыре 14 fourteen [,fo:'ti:n] — четырнадцать
5 five [faiv] — пять 15 fifteen [,fifti:n] — пятнадцать
6 six [siks] — шесть 16 sixteen [,siks'ti:n] — шестнадцать
7 seven fsevn] — семь 17 seventeen [,sevn'ti:n] — семнадцать
8 eight [eit] — восемь 18 eighteen [,ei'ti:n] — восемнадцать
9 nine [nam] — девять 19 nineteen [,nain'ti:n] — девятнадцать
10 ten [ten] — десять 20 twenty ftwenti] — двадцать
21 twenty-one — двадцать один
22 twenty-two— двадцать два (и т. д.)
30 thirty f0o:ti] — тридцать
40 forty ffo:ti] — сорок
50 fifty ffifti] — пятьдесят
60 sixty fsiksti] — шестьдесят
70 seventy fsevnti] — семьдесят
80 eighty feiti] — восемьдесят
90 ninety fnainti] — девяносто

100 a (one) hundred fhAndrad] сто
101 a (one) hundred and one — сто один
200 two hundred — двести и т. д.
1,000 a (one) thousand fBauzand] — тысяча
1,000,000 a million fmtljan] — миллион
1,000,000,000 a billion ['biljan] — миллиард

О с о б е н н о с т и о б р а з о в а н и я к о л и ч е с т в е н н ы х числительных

1) От 13 до 19 количественные числительные образуются

прибавлением с у ф ф и к с а -teen к соответствующим названиям
единиц. Например: four — fourteen.
Некоторые различия в написании имеются у числитель-
ных 13, 15 и 18: three — thirteen, five —fifteen, eight —
Числительные от 13 до 19 имеют два ударения. Например:
seventeen [,sevn'ti:n].
2) Количественные числительные, обозначающие де-
сятки от 20 до 90, образуются прибавлением с у ф ф и к с а -ty к
соответствующим названиям единиц. Например: six — sixty.
Некоторые отклонения в написании имеются у числитель-
н ы х 20, 30, 5 0 , 80: two — twenty, three — thirty, four — forty,
five — fifty, eight — eighty.
3) Между десятками и единицами на письме с т а в и т с я
дефис. Например: twenty-one, fifty-six.
4) Между сотнями и десятками или, если нет десятков,
между сотнями и единицами всегда с т а в и т с я союз and. Н а -
пример: 358 — three hundred and fifty-eight.
5) Числительные hundred, thousand, million не принимают
окончания -s во множественном числе. Например: two hundred
books, three thousand radio sets.
6) Разряды целых чисел в английском языке разделяются
запятой (в отличие от русского языка, где ничего не с т а -
вится) . Например: 7,250 (в русском: 7250); 1,380,000 (в рус-
ском: 1 380 000).

Ordinal Numerals (Порядковые числительные)

1st first — первый 5th fifth — пятый
2nd second — второй 6th sixth — шестой
3rd third — третий 7th seventh — седьмой
4th fourth — четвертый 8th eighth — восьмой

9th ninth — девятый
10th tenth — десятый
11th eleventh — одиннадцатый
12th twelfth — двенадцатый
13th thirteenth — тринадцатый
14th fourteenth — четырнадцатый
15th fifteenth — пятнадцатый
16th sixteenth — шестнадцатый
17th seventeenth — семнадцатый
18th eighteenth — восемнадцатый
19th nineteenth — девятнадцатый
20th twentieth — двадцатый
21st twenty-first — двадцать первый
22nd twenty-second — двадцать второй
23rd twenty-third — двадцать третий
24th twenty-fourth — двадцать четвертый (и т. д.)
30th thirtieth — тридцатый
40th fortieth — сороковой
50th fiftieth — пятидесятый
60th sixtieth — шестидесятый
70th seventieth — семидесятый
80th eightieth — восьмидесятый
90th ninetieth — девяностый
100th (one) hundredth — сотый
101st (one) hundred and first — сто первый (и т. д.)
1,000th (one) thousandth — тысячный
1,001st (one) thousand and first —тысяча первый (и т. д.)
1,000,000th (one) millionth — миллионный
1,000,001st (one) million and first —миллион первый (и т. д.)

О с о б е н н о с т и о б р а з о в а н и я порядковых числительных

Все порядковые числительные, за исключением first, sec-

ond и third, образуются от соответствующих количественных
числительных путем прибавления суффикса -th: fourth,
eleventh, twentieth, hundredth и т. д. Порядковые числитель-
ные обычно употребляются с определенным артиклем: the
first — 1st — первый, the second — 2nd — второй, the
tenth — 10th — десятый.
Некоторые различия в правописании имеются у следую-
щих числительных:
five — fifth eight —eighth nine — ninth twelve —twelfth
В числительных 20th — 90th буква у меняется на ie перед
суффиксом -th:
twenty —twentieth thirty —thirtieth seventy — seventieth ninety — ninetieth
Cardinal and Ordinal N u m e r a l s in Dates
(Количественные и порядковые числительные в датах)
1) При чтении четырехзначных чисел, обозначающих
годы, сначала читаются две первые цифры, а затем две по-
1992 — nineteen ninety-two 1999 — nineteen ninety-nine
1853 — eighteen fifty-three
2) Даты пишутся так: 2nd Jan., или Jan. 2nd., или 2.1.— и
ч и т а ю т с я : the second of January или January the second.
Часто указывается также и год. Пишется: May 15th, 1943
и л и 15.5.43. Ч и т а е т с я : May the fifteenth nineteen forty-three.
В письмах обычно названия следующих месяцев пишутся
January — Jan. September — Sept.
February — Feb. October — Oct.
March — Mar. November — Nov.
April — Apr. December — Dec.
August — Aug.
3) Американцы пишут даты по-другому. Они вначале
указывают месяц, а затем число: 15th of May — 5.15. Т а к , the
fifteenth of May nineteen forty-three в американском варианте
будет 5.15.43.
4) Когда необходимо указать в дате день недели, то пи-
шется так: Monday, 9th November. Таким образом обычно за-
писывается число на классной доске и в тетради, а читается
т а к : Today is Monday, November the ninth (или the ninth of
Wh - questions
(Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных слов
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)
what? (что?, какой?), where? (где?, откуда?), when?
(когда?), why? (почему?), how? (как?), who? (кто?)
1) What is your name? Как тебя зовут?
2) Where are you from? Откуда ты?
3) Why are you here? Почему ты здесь?
4) Who are you? К т о ты?
5) How do you do? Здравствуйте (только при первом

Prepositions (Предлоги)
Prepositions of Time (Предлоги времени)

When? (когда?)
1. ten (minutes) past —десять минут...
a quarter past —четверть ...
half past — половина ...

2. five (minutes) to — без пяти минут ...

twenty (minutes) to —без двадцати минут.

3. at 9 a.m. — в 9 часов at noon в пол- at 7 p.m. — в 7 часов ве-

утра день чера

4. on Friday — в пятницу
on 5th May (on the fifth of May) — 5-го мая
in 1992 — в 1992 году ? 1<< 21 23
in May — в мае MONDAY 1 8 1Я1 »
TUE5EAY A 9 1« И 30
3 10 1? 24 31
in the morning —утром И/EDNESBAY
THURSDAY 4 11 1S 25
т у FRIDAY 5 1Z 19 Г.Ь
SATURDAY s 13 го г.?

З а п о м' н и !
by 3 o'clock — к 3 часам
for 2 days — в течение двух дней
in a day — через день
after school — после школы
since yesterday — со вчерашнего дня

Prepositions of Place (Предлоги места)
Where? (где?)

at, by - у , о к о л о
next to - р я д о м с * J

between - между among - среди

Prepositions of Movement (Предлоги движения)

Where? ( к у д а ? )

Unit 3
Possessive Case of Nouns
(Притяжательный падеж существительных)

Притяжательный падеж существительных в единствен-

ном числе образуется путем прибавления к существитель-
ному апострофа и буквы s — 's.
Притяжательный падеж существительных во множествен-
ном числе образуется путем прибавления только апостро-
фа — ' . В обоих случаях буква s читается как [s] после глу-
хих согласных (cat's, cats') и как [z] после звонких сог-
ласных (dog's, dogs') и гласных (boy's, boys').
Singular Plural
(единственное число) (множественное число)

cat's [kaets] basket — cats' [kaets] basket —

корзина кошки корзина кошек

dog's [dogz] house — dogs' [dogz] house —

дом собаки дом собак
boy's [boiz] game — boys' [boiz] game —
игра мальчика игра мальчиков
brother's рЬгл&эг] book — brothers' ['Ьглбзг] book —
книга брата книга братьев
parrot's ['peerats] cage — parrots' fpasrats] cage —
клетка попугая клетка попугаев

Have / have got — Present Simple
(Глагол have (got) —иметь, обладать — в простом
настоящем времени)

H a v e / H a s got I have = I've

+ ? —

I have('ve) got Have I got? I have not (haven't) got

(я имею)
He has('s) got Has he got? He has not (hasn't) got
(он имеет)
She has ('s) got : r > S f Has she got? She has not (hasn't) got
(она имеет)
It has ('s) got Has it got? It has not (hasn't) got
(оно имеет)
We have('ve) got Have we got? We have not (haven't) got
(мы имеем)
Y o u have('ve) got Have you got? Y o u have not (haven't) got
(вы имеете)
They have('ve) got Have they got? They have not (haven't)
(они имеют) got

— Have you got any brothers and — У тебя есть братья и сестры?
— Yes, I have. (No, I haven't.) — Да. (Нет.)

Глагол have и выражение have got переводятся одинако-

во — иметь, обладать.
Не has got a sister.
тт , . ( У него есть сестра.
Не has a sister. J
Наиболее распространенным в современном английском
языке является вариант с have got. В вопросительных и отри-
цательных предложениях возможны следующие три вари-
У тебя есть сестра? У меня нет сестры.
1) Have you got a sister? I haven't got a sister.
2) Do you have a sister? I don't have a sister.
3) Have you a sister? I haven't a sister.
(менее употребительно) (I have no sister.)

У нее есть сестра? У нее нет сестры.

1) Has she got a sister? She hasn't got a sister.
2) Does she have a sister? She doesn't have a sister.
3) Has she a sister? She hasn't a sister.
(менее употребительно) (She has no sister.)

Наиболее распространенным в американском англий-

ском является вариант Do you have ...?

Unit 4
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
(Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные)
В английском языке, как и в русском, есть исчисляемые
(поддающиеся счету) и неисчисляемые (неподдающиеся
счету) существительные.
an apple, a bag some milk, some tea
В единственном числе перед исчисляемыми существитель-
ными употребляется неопределенный артикль а/ап, а перед
неисчисляемыми — местоимение some (немного, некоторое

There is/there are — Present Simple
(Конструкция there islthere are — находится, имеется,
есть — в простом настоящем времени)
Конструкция there is/there are употребляется, когда необ-
ходимо сообщить о наличии в данном месте какого-нибудь
предмета или лица.
There is an apple on the plate. — There are three apples on the plate. —
Н а тарелке есть (имеется, нахо- На тарелке есть (имеются, нахо-
дится) яблоко. дятся) три яблока.

There is/There are There is = T h e r e ' s

+ ? —

There is (there's) Is there? There is not (isn't]

There are (there're) Are there? There are not (aren't,
(есть, имеется, на- (есть ли, имеется ли, (нет, не имеется, НС
ходится) находится ли) находится)

При перечислении существительных в предложении,

если первое существительное стоит в единственном числе,
употребляется there is, если во множественном числе — there
There is a book and a lot of pencils on the desk.
There are a lot of pencils and a book on the desk.
К а к ты заметил, перевод данной конструкции начинается
с конца — с обстоятельства места.

Indefinite and Definite Articles

(Неопределенный и определенный артикли)
В английском языке имеется два вида артикля — неопре-
деленный а/ап и определенный the.
Определенный артикль происходит от слова тот (совре-
менное that). Неопределенный артикль происходит от слова
один (one).
1) Give me an apple, please. — Дайте мне, пожалуйста,
яблоко (все равно какое).

Give me the apple, please.— Дайте мне яблоко,

пожалуйста (это, определенное).

2) There is a cat on a chair. The cat is black.

Новая информация — a/an Старая информация — the
Мы употребляем неопределенный артикль перед исчисля-
емыми существительными, если говорим о них впервые, а
определенный, если они упоминаются повторно.

A Lot of, Much, Many (Много)
В английском языке имеется несколько слов, передающих
понятие много.

Для существительных, поддаю- Для существительных, не подда

щихся счету, — many fmeni]. ющихся счету, — much [mAtf],
Many употребляется с суще- Much употребляется с существи
ствительными во множественном тельными в единственном числе.
There are too (so) many books on There is too (so) much ice cream.
the table.
How many children are there in the How much ice cream is there?

Словосочетание a lot of [э 'lot ov] является синонимом

many и much. A lot of употребляется как с существительными
в единственном, так и во множественном числе в утверди-
тельных предложениях.
В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, а
также в утвердительных предложениях после so, as и too в
основном употребляются many и much.

There are a lot of people in the hall. There is a lot of ice cream.
Are there many people in the hall? Is there much ice cream?
There aren't (so) many people in the hall. There isn't much ice cream.

Some, Any (Немного, сколько-нибудь)

Местоимение some употребляется перед неисчисляемыми
существительными в утвердительных предложениях.
There is some milk in the bottle.
В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях вместо
него.употребляется местоимение any.
Is there any milk in the bottle?
There isn't any milk in the bottle.

343 Li£al972
Unit 6
Modal Verbs Can, Could, May, Must, Should
(Модальные глаголы can, could, may, must, should)
Can — могу, умею
— Can you play chess? — Т ы умеешь играть в шахматы?
— No, I can't. (Yes, I can.) — Н е т . ( Д а . )
Can, could — не могли бы вы (вежливая просьба)
Could you open the window? — He могли бы вы открыть окно?
Can you pass me the salt, please? — He могли бы вы передать мне соль?
May — могу (разрешение)
— May I ask you a question? — Можно задать вам вопрос?
— Please do. — Да, пожалуйста.
Must — должен
— Must we read the text? — Должны мы читать текст?
— Yes, you must. (No, you needn't.) — Д а . ( Н е т . )
Should — следует
You should turn off the gas. — Тебе следует выключить газ.
Can, could, may употребляются в вежливых просьбах.
May — более вежливая форма, чем сап.

+ ? —

I can go. Can I go? I cannot (can't) go.
He/she/it could go. Could he/she/it go? He/she/it could not
(couldn't) go.
We " may go. May > we go? We • may not go.
You must go. Must you go? You must not
(mustn't) go.
They should go. Should they go? They should not
(shouldn't) go.

О с о б е н н о с т и м о д а л ь н ы х глаголов
1) Глагол в неопределенной форме, следующий за мо-
дальным глаголом, употребляется без частицы to.
I must write a letter. They should be there at 3.

They can swim well. You may come in.
2) Модальные глаголы образуют отрицательную и вопро-
сительную форму без вспомогательных глаголов.
1) Must I go there? 6) You mustn't go there.
2) May I come at 12? 7) No, you may not.
3) Should I take my skates? 8) No, you s h o u l d n ' t .
4) Can you play volleyball? 9) No, I can't.
5) Could you open the window? 10) No, I c o u l d n ' t .
Англичане редко используют краткие отрицательные
ответы с модальными глаголами, так как они могут звучать
a) — Can I speak to Mrs Atkins, b) — May I use your pen?
please? — I'm sorry, I need it at the mo-
— I'm afraid she's not in at the ment. You can have it in a min-
moment. ute.
3) В 3-м лице единственного числа к модальным глаго-
лам не добавляется окончание -s.
Не reads Не can read.
She plays She must go.
He may take this.
She should cross the road at the crossing.

Unit 7
Demonstrative Pronouns (Указательные местоимения)

this these that those

This [5is] этот That [5ast] тот

These [5i:z] э т и Those [5auz] те
н а х о д я щ и й с я рядом, з д е с ь находящийся не рядом, далеко, там
1) I have a book in my hand. — У меня в руках книга.
This book is blue. — Э т а книга голубая.
2) I see a book on the shelf. — Я вижу книгу на полке.
That book is brown. — Т а книга коричневая.

345 Li!çal972
Comparison of Adjectives
(Степени сравнения прилагательных)

1) Односложные и двусложные

Positive Comparative Superlative

(положительная) (сравнительная) (превосходная)

short — shorter — (the) shortest —

короткий короче самый короткий
fat — fatier — (the) fattest —
толстый толще самый толстый
happy — happier — (the) happiest —
счастливый счастливее самый счастливый

К прилагательным, которые оканчиваются на букву е,

прибавляются суффиксы -г, -st.
white — whiter — the whitest
В односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на
одну согласную, конечная согласная удваивается.
red — redder — the reddest
hot — hotter — the hottest
Если односложное или двусложное прилагательное окан-
чивается на букву у, то при образовании сравнительной и
превосходной степеней буква у заменяется буквой i, а затем
прибавляется соответствующий суффикс,
dirty — dirtier — dirtiest
messy —messier — messiest

2) Многосложные

Positive Comparative Superlative

(положительная) (сравнительная) (превосходная)

interesting — more interesting — (the) most interesting—

интересный более интересный самый интересный
comfortable — more comfortable — (the) most comfortable —
удобный более удобный самый удобный

3) Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравне-
ния не по правилу. И х нужно запомнить.

Positive Comparative Superlative

(положительная) (сравнительная) (превосходная)

good — better — (the) best —

хороший лучше самый лучшии
many — more — (the) most —
много больше больше всего
bffioi WO г,se ( t f j t J Wo r-Ii Ь
4) При сравнении степени качества одного предмета со
степенью качества другого употребляется союз than (чем).
This room is larger than that. — Э т а комната больше, чем та.
Two heads are better than one. — Две головы лучше, чем одна.

5) При сравнении двух предметов одинакового качества

употребляется союз as... as (так же... как, такой же... как).
Прилагательное в положительной степени ставится между
as... as.
This book is as interesting as that.—Эта книга такая же инте-
ресная, как и та.

Unit 8
Secrets of the English Verb
(Секреты английского глагола)
Как русские, так и англичане могут с помощью различ-
ных глаголов рассказать о действиях в настоящем, прошед-
шем и будущем времени. Сравни и найли главный секрет ан-
глийского глагола.

Он пишет ежедневно, writes

Он пишет сейчас. is writing

Он уже написал. has written

Он пишет уже час. has been writing

Э т и формы английского глагола показывают, что дей-

ствие протекает по-разному. Главный секрет английского
глагола заключается в том, что он показывает, как проте-
кает действие.
Обрати внимание, что в русском языке трем английским
формам глагола соответствует одна.

• J 1
ежедневно сейчас уже час
.1 . 1 . . u u .1.
writes is writing has been writing

Значит, глагол в русском языке не показывает, как про-
текает действие.
Запомни! Каждый английский глагол не только обозна-
чает действие, но и показывает, как протекает это действие.
Н а характер действия указывают различные окончания и
вспомогательные глаголы.
Для обозначения различных времен в учебнике использу-
ются следующие символы.

simple (факт, регулярное действие) Vs/Ved/will V • • • •

progressive (длящееся, незаконченное be Ving
perfect simple (завершенное действие) have V 3
perfect progressive (действие, длящееся в have been Ving
течение определенного периода вре-

Разобраться в формах английского глагола тебе поможет

следующая таблица.

^ Формы а н г л и й с к о г о глагола

Основа гла- Прошедшее Причастие Причастие

гола простое прошедшего настоящего
Base время времени времени
Past Simple Participle II Participle I

Стандарт- V Ved Ving

ные глаголы
ask asked asked asking
спрашивать спросил спрошенный спрашиваю-
спрашивал щий

Нестандарт- V v2 v3 Ving
ные глаголы
write wrote written writing
писать написал написанный пишущий

При образовании видовременных форм следует иметь в

виду, что английские глаголы делятся на две группы:

349 £И&1972
1) стандартные (правильные) глаголы и 2) нестандартные
(неправильные) глаголы. К первой группе относится боль-
шинство английских глаголов. Вторая группа немногочис-
ленна, в ней всего около двухсот распространенных гла-
Прошедшее время стандартных глаголов образуется
путем прибавления суффикса -ed и совпадает по форме с
причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Например:
to ask — asked —asked,
to visit — visited — visited,
to play — played — played.
Нестандартными глаголы называются потому, что формы
прошедшего времени и причастия прошедшего времени
(Participle II) образуются не по общему правилу. Э т и формы
надо запомнить. Например:
to write — wrote — written,
to speak — spoke — spoken,
to begin — began — begun.
Действия могут совершаться в различное время: в насто-
ящем (present), прошедшем (past) и будущем (future), поэтому
глаголы имеют форму времени. Время (tense) и вид (aspect)
английского глагола представлены в следующих таблицах.

В р е м я глагола

Время действия пока- Настоящее Прошедшее Будущее

зывает первый вспомо-
гательный глагол am, is, are, was, were, shall, w: 11
have, has, do, does had, did

Вид глагола

be Ving длящееся, незаконченное действие (процесс в

настоящем, прошедшем и будущем)

have V 3 завершенное действие (в настоящем, прошед-

шем и будущем)

Система времен английского глагола

past s i m p l e p r e s e n t simple f u t u r e simple

Starkid painted his Starkid paints it every Starkid will paint it to-
spaceship yesterday. year. morrow.
Звездный мальчик Звездный мальчик Звездный мальчик
вчера покрасил свой красит его каждый будет красить его зав-
космический ко- год. тра.

past p e r f e c t s i m p l e present perfect simple f u t u r e p e r f e c t simple

Starkid had painted his Starkid has just paint- Starkid will have painted
spaceship before he saw ed it. it by the time you see
you. him.
Звездный мальчик
Звездный мальчик по- только что покрасил Звездный мальчик по-
красил свой космичес- его. красит его к тому вре-
кий корабль до того, мени, когда ты уви-
как увидел тебя. дишь его.
Система времен английского глагола

past progressive present progressive future progressive

Starkid was painting his Starkid is painting it Starkid will be painting

spaceship when we saw now. it when you come to-
him. morrow.
Звездный мальчик сей-
Звездный мальчик час красит его. Звездный мальчик
красил свой космиче- будет красить его зав-
ский корабль, когда тра, когда вы прие-
мы увидели его. дете.

past p e r f e c t p r o g r e s s i v e present perfect future perfect

progressive progressive

Starkid had been paint- Starkid has been S t a r k i d will have b e e n

ing his spaceship for two painting it for two hours. painting it for two hours
hours when we saw him. by the time we see him.
Звездный мальчик кра-
Звездный мальчик кра- сит его уже два часа. Звездный мальчик
сил свой космический будет красить его в те-
корабль уже два часа, чение двух часов к
когда мы увидели его. тому моменту,когда
мы увидим его.
Present Simple and Present Progressive
(Настоящее простое и настоящее длительное)
Сравните русское и английское предложения.

Starkid paints his spaceship every Starkid is painting his spaceship now.
year. Звездный мальчик красит свой
Звездный мальчик красит свой космический корабль сейчас.
космический корабль каждый год.

каждый год paints Vs

Он красит
сейчас is painting is Ving

В русском предложении глагольная форма одна — кра-

В английском языке характер действия передается раз-
ными формами глагола (регулярное действие — paints, про-
цесс — is painting).
Мы употребляем present simple, если мы хотим сказать о
том, что происходит регулярно, повторяется или происходит
все время (all the time) или в любое время (at any time).
Мы употребляем present progressive, если мы хотим сказать
о том, что происходит сейчас, в данный момент.
В ы б о р present simple и л и present progressive зависит от
того, как говорящий смотрит на события. Если ты хочешь
сказать о действии, которое происходит сейчас, когда ты го-
воришь, употребляй present progressive. Если ты хочешь ска-
зать о регулярном повторяющемся действии, употребляй pre-
sent simple.

Не is painting. Не paints. Не paints. Не paints.

( _ _ _ _ а 1 »
now every year

12 С ч а с т л и в ы й а н г л и й с к и й
Present Simple (Настоящее простое)

Употребление настоящего простого времени

Случаи Общеизвестная Обычные, регу- Последователь-

употребле- истина лярно повторяю- ность собйтий, дей-
ния щиеся действия ствий в настоящем

aiwcius -
Возмож- every day — к а ж - first — сначала
ные у к а з а - дый день then — затем
тели вре- usually — обычно after t h a t — потом и
мени often — часто ДР-
on Mondays — по
понедельникам и
№. - рйЪКО

Примеры The sun rises in the Starkid paints his

East. spaceship every
Солнце восходит year.
на востоке. Звездный маль-
чик красит свой
Starkid gets up at 7
космический ко-
o'clock, watches the
рабль каждый
space news on T V and
then flies to star
Звездный мальчик
встает в 7 часов,
смотрит космиче-
ские новости по те-
левизору и потом
летит в звездную

Образование настоящего простого времени
Present Simple

V, Vs

+ ? —

I paint. Do I paint? I do not (don't) paint.

You paint. Do you paint? You do not (don't) paint.
He/she'it paints. Does he/she/it paint? He/she/it does not (doesn't)
We paint. Do we paint? We do not (don't) paint.
You paint. Do you paint? You do not (don't) paint.
They paint. Do they paint? They do not (don't) paint.

Present Progressive (Настоящее длительное)

Употребление настоящего длительного времени

Случаи упо- Длительные действия (процессы), происходящие в на-

требления стоящий момент (в момент речи)

Возможные now — сейчас V

указатели at present — в настоящее время
времени at the present moment — в данный момент

Примеры What are you doing now? Look! Starkid's space-

I'm painting my space- ship is landing.
ship. Посмотри! Космичес-
Что ты делаешь сей- кий корабль Звезд-
час? ного мальчика при-
Я крашу свой космиче- земляется.
ский корабль.

355 Li!çal972
Следующие глаголы не употребляются в present
progressive. Вместо этого глагольного времени употребляется
present simple.
forget remember
hear see
know understand
like want

1) I hear her now.

2) Do you like London?
3) Now I understand what you want to say.

Образование настоящего длительного времени

Present Progressive

+ ? —

I am ('m) painting. Am I painting? I am ('m) not painting.

You are ('re) painting. Are you painting? You are not (aren't/'re not)
He/she/it is ('s) paint- Is he/she/it paint- He/she/it is not (isn't/'s not)
ing. ing? painting.
We are not (aren't/'re not)
We are ('re) painting. Are we painting? painting.
You are not (aren't/'re not)
You are ('re) painting. Are you painting? painting.
They are not (aren't/'re not)
They are ('re) painting. Are they painting?


1. П р е д с т а в ь , что ты смотришь в окно. Р а с с к а ж и о том,

что п р о и с х о д и т в данный м о м е н т на п л а н е т е З в е з д н о г о
It is a fine spring morning.

What is happening on Starkid's planet at this moment?

be Ving

Starkid's Planet

a) play space tennis c) drink space cola in a space café

b) go to star school on a space bike d) land

a) Some space people are playing space tennis.

b) The children are going to star school on a space bike.
c) Young spacemen are drinking space cola in a space café.
d) Some spaceships are landing.

2. С к а ж и , как о б ы ч н о п р о в о д и т свой д е н ь Звездный
мальчик и как е г о п р о в о д и ш ь ты.
What does Starkid do every day?
What do you do every day?

he Vs he doesn't V

I V I don't V

Starkid's Day

d) eat in a s p a c e c a f é b e t w e e n
12 and 1 o ' c l o c k ( u s u a l l y )

e) play s p a c e t e n n i s
a f t e r lunch ( o f t e n )

f) go to see a n o t h e r
p l a n e t in the
afternoon (sometimes)

a) Starkid usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.

I usually get up at ... o'clock.
b) He always flies to star school at 8 o'clock.
I don't fly to school, I walk to school. I usually go at ... o'clock.
c) He often learns about other planets in the morning.
I sometimes learn about other planets.
d) He usually eats in a space café between 12 and 1 o'clock.
I usually go home for lunch.
e) He often plays space tennis after lunch.
I don't play space tennis. I play ...
f) He sometimes goes to see another planet in the afternoon.
I never go to other planets.

Unit 9
Future Simple (Будущее простое)
Употребление будущего простого времени

Случаи упо- Действие, относящееся к будущему

Возможные tomorrow — завтра
указатели in a week — через неделю
времени next year — через год и др.

Примеры The first spaceship The second space- The third spaceship
will land on Star- ship will land in will land in an hour.
kid's planet in five half an hour. Третий космиче-
minutes. Второй космиче- ский корабль при-
Первый космиче- ский корабль землится через
ский корабль при- приземлится час.
землится на пла- через полчаса.
нете Звездного
мальчика через
пять минут.

Образование будущего простого времени

Future Simple

will/shall V

+ ? —

I will/shall ('11) paint. Will/shall I paint? I will/shall not (won't/shan't)

You will ('11) paint. Will you paint? You will not (won't) paint.
He/she/it will ('11) paint. Will he/she/it paint? He/she/it will not (won't) paint.
We will/shall ('11) paint. Will/shall we paint? We will/shall not (won't/shan't)
You will ('11) paint. Will you paint? You will not (won't) paint.
They will ('11) paint. Will they paint? They will not (won't) paint.

^ LH&1972
Вспомогательный глагол will употребляется со всеми ли-
цами, shall —с местоимениями I и we. Когда мы спрашиваем
совета или предлагаем что-то, то в вопросительных предло-
жениях с местоимениями I и we употребляется глагол shall, а
не will.
I will/shall go to the club. Shall I read this book? What shall
we do? Shall I help you?


С к а ж и , когда п а р а ш ю т ы п р и з е м л я т с я .

will/shall V

a) in one minute b) in two minutes c) in three minutes

[ф* a) The first parachute will land in one minute.

b) The second parachute will land in two minutes.
c) The third parachute will land in three minutes.
Будущее время также может быть выражено с помощью be
going to (собираться), когда речь идет о планах или намере-
I am going to go to the museum on Saturday.
She is going to play the piano this evening.
Are you going to visit your friends tomorrow?

Units 10-11
Present Perfect and Past Simple
(Настоящее завершенное и прошедшее простое)
Сравните русские и английские предложения под двумя

What have you b o u g h t ? When did you buy your new suit?
I've bought a new space suit. I bought it yesterday.
Ч т о ты купил? Когда ты купил свой новый кос-
Я купил новый космический ко- мический костюм?
стюм. Я купил его вчера.

только что have bought have V 3

Я купил
вчера bought v2

В ы б о р present perfect и л и past simple з а в и с и т от т о г о , к а к

говорящий смотрит на событие.
Если ты хочешь сказать о действии, которое уже произо-
шло, но результат связан с настоящим моментом, употре-
бляй present perfect.

Если ты хочешь сказать, когда точно действие произо-
шло в прошлом, употребляй past simple, даже если это было
всего одну секунду тому назад.
I have bought. I bought.

before now now yesterday now

( « « • • » > - ( Ш 1 1 ) «€t'»V»>

The first spaceship The second space- The third spaceship

has already left. ship has left. has left.

It left half an hour ago. It left fifteen minutes ago. It left five minutes ago.

Present Perfect (Настоящее завершенное)

Употребление настоящего завершенного времени

Случаи упо- Действие, совершившееся в прошлом, но имеющее непо-

требления средственную связь с настоящим моментом

Без уточнения времени С наречиями неопреде-

ленного времени
Возможные J 1/ ГЛ... — п . <Л/, Л И
указатели нет already — у ж е
времени yet — 1) еще (в отрица-
тельных предложениях)
2) у ж е (в вопроситель-
ных предложениях) и др.


Примеры — What has happened? Look! Starkid has already

— I've lost part of my space- landed.
ship. Смотри! Звездный маль-
— Что случилось? чик уже приземлился.
— Я потерял часть моего
космического корабля.

Образование настоящего завершенного времени

Present Perfect Simple

have/has V 3

+ ? —

I have ('ve) painted. Have I painted? I have not (haven't) painted.

You have ('ve) painted. Have you painted? You have not (haven't) painted.
He/she/it has ('s) Has he/she/it He/she/it has not (hasn't)
painted. painted? painted.
We have ('ve) painted. Have we painted? We have not (haven't) painted.
You have ('ve) painted. Have you painted? You have not (haven't) painted.
They have ('ve) Have they painted? They have not (haven't)
painted. painted.

363 Li!çal972

Past Simple (Прошедшее простое)

Употребление прошедшего простого времени

Случаи упо- Факты, отдельные действия Последовательность собы-

требления в прошлом тий в прошлом

Возможные yesterday —вчера first — сначала

указатели two days ago — два дня назад then —затем
времени last year — в прошлом году after that — п о т о м
и др. и др.

Примеры — When did you land, Starkid? First I bought new space
— I landed an hour ago at four shoes, then a new space bag.
o'clock. After that I bought a new
— Когда ты приземлился, space suit.
Звездный мальчик? Сначала я купил новые кос-
— Я приземлился час назад мические туфли, затем
в 4 часа. новую космическую сум-
ку. Потом я купил новый
космический костюм.

Образование прошедшего простого времени

Past Simple


+ ? —

I painted. Did I paint? I did not (didn't) paint.

You painted. Did you paint? You did not (didn't) paint.
He/she/it painted. Did he/she/it paint? He/she/it did not (didn't)
We painted. Did we paint? We did not (didn't) paint.
You painted. Did you paint? You did not (didn't) paint.
They painted. Did they paint? They did not (didn't) paint.

Be — Past Simple


+ ? —

I was Was I? I was not (wasn't)

He/she/it was Was he/she/it? He/she/it was not (wasn't)
We were Were we? We were not (weren't)
You were Were you? You were not (weren't)
They were Were they? They were not (weren't)

Если англичане говорят о том, что какое-либо действие
произошло сегодня утром до 12 часов, т.е. утро еще длится,
то надо употреблять present perfect.
Если же о действии, которое совершилось утром, говорят
после 12 часов, то употребляется past simple.
Have you seen him today?

Yes, I've seen him this morning. Yes, I saw him this morning.


1. Скажи, какие к о с м и ч е с к и е корабли у ж е приземли-

лись, а какие только п р и з е м л я ю т с я .
Which spaceships have already landed?

have/has V 3

(W* The second spaceship has already landed.
The third spaceship has landed.
The fifth spaceship has landed too.
The first and fourth spaceships haven't landed yet.
They are still landing.
2. С к а ж и , к о г д а с т а р т о в а л и к о с м и ч е с к и е к о р а б л и .
When did they go?


l 3-50

2 Jf I I X
5 345
k 3-55

The first spaceship left half an hour ago.

The second spaceship left twenty minutes ago.
The third spaceship left fifteen minutes ago.
The fourth spaceship left five minutes ago.

3. Н а й д и с о о т в е т с т в и е м е ж д у клавишами и п р е д л о ж е н и -
ями на э к р а н е к о м п ь ю т е р а .

Ш* past simple — 1, present perfect simple — 2, present simple —3,

present progressive — 4, future simple — 5

5. The spaceship
1. The spaceship left will land in five
fiv minutes.

Порядок слов в английском п р е д л о ж е н и и
От чего, по-твоему, зависит смысл предложения в анг-
лийском языке? Сравни.
Русские говорят так: Англичане говорят только так:
1) Звездный мальчик красит косми- Starkid is painting his spaceship,
ческий корабль.
2) Космический корабль красит
Звездный мальчик.
3) Красит космический корабль
Звездный мальчик.

В русском языке при изменении порядка слов в предложе-

нии смысл высказывания не меняется. В английском языке
обязателен строгий порядок слов в предложении. Н а первом
месте стоит подлежащее, потом сказуемое, затем второсте-
пенные члены —дополнение и обстоятельство.

1 2 3 4

подлежащее сказуемое дополнение обстоятельство

Starkid is painting his spaceship now.

Starkid lives in space. Звездный мальчик живет в космосе.

It is very warm on his planet. Н а его планете очень тепло.


Построй предложение сам.

1 2 3 Ш-

study I at school 2 13
warm It is 2 31
raining is It 3 21

Место в предложении обстоятельства времени.
Такие обстоятельства времени, как every morning (day), on
Saturdays (Mondays), могут находиться в начале или в конце

обстоятель- подлежащее сказуемое дополнение обстоятель-

ство времени ство времени

every morning I have breakfast every morning

on Saturdays he reads the newspaper on Saturdays

Обстоятельства времени, выраженные наречиями always,

usually, sometimes, often, употребляются после подлежащего.

подлежащее обстоятельство сказуемое другие члены

времени предложения

I always get up at 7 o'clock.

Dad usually takes us to school.
We sometimes write dictations.
We often go to concerts.

Порядок следования определений в английском предложении.

Определения, относящиеся к подлежащему или дополне-
нию, употребляются перед ним в следующем порядке:
1) количество three
2) размер big
3) цвет white
4) место происхождения English

Например: Three big white English cats.


Н а з о в и о п р е д е л е н и я в правильной п о с л е д о в а т е л ь н о с т и .

(Ж* Two long red pencils

^ LH&1972
Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях.

Учимся правильно задавать вопросы с глаголами:

be (быть, являться, находиться)
have (иметь)
сап (мочь)
come, want (приходить, хотеть)
Глаголы be и сап образуют вопросительную форму само-
стоятельно и стоят на первом месте. Э т о «короли».

Глагол have образует вопросительную форму либо само-

стоятельно, либо с помощью вспомогательного глагола do,
который стоит в начале предложения. Э т о «королева». Она
может действовать самостоятельно, но иногда ей необходим
и помощник (do).

Все остальные глаголы (come, want, С вспомогательным глаголом DO
go, read, see и т.д.) образуют вопроси-
тельную форму в разных временах
только с помощью вспомогательных гла-
голов. Э т о «пешки», которые не могут
самостоятельно действовать.

I w a n t to eat. I c o m e h o m e late.
D o I w a n t to eat? D o I ' c o m e h o m e late?

1. П о д б е р и п р е д л о ж е н и я к к а ж д о й к о л о н к е .

а) Т ы ж и в е ш ь а
в Москве?
б) Т ы у ч и ш ь с я б
в школе?
в) Т ы л ю б и ш ь
г) У т е б я е с т ь с о б а к а ? г
Д> К а к ее з о в у т ? д

2. О п р е д е л и , как о б р а з у ю т с я вопросы, и з а д а й о б щ и е во-

a) Anne is a pretty girl. e) She has lots of flowers.
b) She is very kind. f) She speaks English well.
c) She lives in Saratov. g) She can play the piano.
d) She has a small garden.

Самостоятельно С помощью do/does

a) Is Anne a pretty ...? c) Does she live in ...?
b) Is she very kind? d) Does she have ...?
d) Has she ...? e) Does she have ...?
e) Has she ...? f) Does she speak English well?
g) Can she play the piano?

Unit 1
Key to some exercises:
12. z, 13. d, x 14. q, 15. Cc, Oo, Pp, Ss, Vv, Ww, Xx, Zz
d) airport, bank, basketball, bus stop, eafé, car park, centre, cinema,
closed, entrance, exit, football, fruit, gallery, garage, hospital,
information, jeans, museum, open, pull, push, Queen St., restau-
rant, sport, taxi, telephone, tennis, theatre, zoo
17. pull, push, entrance, exit, telephone, bus stop, open, closed
Key to the test:
1. 1 2 4 5 6 8 9
2. Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk L I Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu V V Ww
Xx Y y
3. a) T E L E P H O N E b) BUS STOP c) PUSH d) P U L L e) OPEN
f) C L O S E D g) E N T R A N C E h) E X I T
4. a) three, four, nine, twelve
b) red, yellow, green, brown
c) an orange, a pear, a carrot, a banana
5. bananas, cabbages, clubs, museums, concerts
6. [ei] [ae] [a:] [ea]
Jane Pat Mark Clare
7. 1) Hi, ... . 5) Hello, Granny.
2) Good morning, ... . 6) How are you, ...?
3) Good morning, ... . 7) Good evening, Dad.
4) Goodbye. 8) Goodnight, Mummy.
8. lb, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5a

Unit 2
Key to some exercises:
12. a) Mary, 071-385 3577, reading, tennis, from London, eleven
b) Tom, 59651, collecting computer games, cricket, from Oxford,

16. This girl is twelve years old.
Her name is Jenny Johnson.
She is from London.
Her dad's name is Philip.
Her mum's name is Lisa.
Her hobbies are collecting coins and photography.
Key to the test:
1. am, are, is, is, is, 'm, 're, 's, 's, 's, are, are, are, 're, 're, 're
2. a) What's your name? b) How old are you? c) What's your address?
d) What's your telephone number?
3. a) are, is, am, are, is, is
b) Anthony Black,
25 Queen Street,
4. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
5. What's your name? What's your surname? What's your address?
What's your phone number? How old are you? What are your hob-
bies, favourite sport and subjects at school?
6. a) Pat; twelve; 35 Victoria Road, London; 071-935 0016; History,
music, gymnastics
b) Susan; Australia, 21 Green Street; 484 3877; eleven; collecting
stamps and reading; Literature and English; badminton

Unit 3
Key to some exercises:
5. He — (29) Has he? (293) Has he got? She — (28) Has she? (283) Has
she got? We — (15) Have we? (153) Have we got? You — (16) Have
you? (163) Have you got? They — (17) Have they? (173) Have they
Key to the test:
1. is, am, am, is, is, have got (have not got), have (have no)
2. a) Helen is Tony's daughter. Helen is Kate's mother,
b) Bill is Barbara's grandson. Bill is Kate's brother.
4. a) one b) Yes, he has. c) Her name is Mary, d) She is ten. e) two
5. a) Pleased to meet you. c) Here is a present from my parents,
b) This is my brother. d) I've got two sisters and a brother.

Unit 4
Key to the test:
1. bread, cake, eggs, flour, honey, jam, milk, scone, sugar
2. 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

373 Li£al972
3. Mix the flour and baking powder.
Add sugar, an egg, some salt, boiled carrots, some raisins and some
Roll out the pastry.
Cut into rounds.
Bake for twenty minutes in a hot oven.
4. fifteen, twenty-two, thirty-five, eleven, a hundred, a thousand
5. tea, sugar, cream, milk, scones, jam, cups, saucers, spoons, knives, a
6. an, some, an, some, some, a
7. [i:] [e] [a:] [ia]
Lena pen her here
8. — Could you pass me a scone, please?
9. — Would you like a cup of tea?
10. a), e)

KeyJ to some exercises:
There is one window in my room. Under the window there is a desk.
There is a vase on it. There are three roses in the vase. In front of the
desk there is a chair. There is a computer to the left of the desk and there
is a box of computer discs under the computer. On the wall behind the
computer there is a calendar. There are two pictures on the wall to the
left of the window. There is a bed near the wall and there is a lamp above
it. There are pillows on the bed. There is a rug near the bed. Near the wall
there is a table with a telephone on it.
There is one window in my room. There are white curtains on the
window. To the right of the window there is a lamp. There is a vase of
flowers on the floor near the lamp. There is a picture between the lamp
and the door. There is a lamp above the picture. There is a sofa near the
door and there is a cat on the sofa. There is a rug in front of the sofa. To
the right of the window there is a stereo. On the wall behind the stereo
there is a picture.
20. A living room:
a sofa, an armchair, a fireplace, a television, a table...
A bedroom:
a bed, a blanket, a chest of drawers, a mirror, a brush...
A kitchen:
a dishwasher, a fridge, a cutting board, a mincer, a mixer...
A study:
a desk, a computer, a lamp, a telephone, shelves...

374 Li£al972
21. the bedroom — 5, the living room — 2, the study — 4, the
kitchen — 3, the bathroom — 1
24. 1. three cups (two irons, twelve spoons, five mugs, eleven plates);
2. a teapot, three cups, a cake, sugar, milk and a plate; 3. blue and
white; 4. a mirror
Key to the test:
1. a vase
2. a) a sofa, a table, a cupboard, a chair, a stool, a piano, a lamp, a
picture, curtains, a carpet, a pillow, a vase
b) a bed, a sofa, a chest of drawers, a table, a chair, a blanket, a
pillow, a mirror, rugs, a picture, hats, curtains
3. Close the door (the window, the fridge).
Turn off the water (the gas).
Switch off/turn off the T V (the radio, the light, the toaster, the vac-
uum cleaner, the washing machine, the stove, the dishwasher, the
microwave oven).
4. a, a, the, a, a, the, the
5. any, many; any, some, much
6. c, b

7. 1) The museum is near the hospital (next to the bank). The restaurant
is under the cafe (opposite the car park). The sports shop is opposite
the car park (hotel). 2) There is one car in the street. There are three
cars in the car park. 3) Queen Street. 4) The taxi is black.
8. b) Go along West Road as far as South Street. Turn left and go
straight ahead along South Street. The church is opposite the third
house from the corner.
Go along West Road as far as South Street. Cross South Street at the
crossing and walk past the park as far as Queen Street. Cross Queen
Street. The bank is next to the house on the corner.
9. a) 1) Post Office 2) Museum of Modern Art 3) Computer Centre
b) 1) Go to the end of Queen Street. Turn right. It is next to the Job
Centre on the right.
2) Go along Queen Street. Take the first turning on the left. Go to the
end of the street and then turn left. Go along George Street. The
Apollo Theatre is on the right opposite the restaurant.
3) Go to the end of Queen Street. Turn left and go along Corn Market
Street to the end. The City Church is on the corner to the right.
10. a) — Excuse me, can you tell me the way to St. Paul's Cathedral?
— Go to the end of Tooley Street. Turn right and go across
London Bridge. Turn left into Cannon Street. St. Paul's
Cathedral is at the end of Cannon Street.

— Thank you very much.
— That's all right.
b) — Excuse me, is this the right way to Trafalgar Square?
— Yes. Go straight ahead to Fleet Street. Go to the end of Fleet
Street and then along the Strand. Trafalgar Square is at the
end of the Strand.
20. 1. He should close the window.
2. He should turn off the gas (turn the gas off).
3. He shouldn't turn on the gas (turn the gas on).
4. He should put the knife in the drawer.
5. He should turn off the water (turn the water off).
6. He should close the door of the cage.
7. He shouldn't play with matches.
22. b) Preposition.
29. a) At the bookshop.
b) Start here. Walk along the street to the corner. Turn left and walk
as far as the first crossing. Turn right and cross the street at the
crossing. Turn left and go to the corner. Turn right at the corner and
walk as far as the end of the street. The hotel is in front of you.
Start here. Walk straight ahead along the street. At the end of the
street there is a bank.

Key to the test:

1. along, next to, to, on, at, opposite
2. a) in front of the museum, b) D
3. You should cross the street at the crossing.
You should cross the street when the light is green.
You should first look right when you cross the street in Great Britain.
You should first look left when you cross the street in our country.
4. I can write... I can't play the piano...
5. 1) can/could/may, can/could 2) can/could/may 3) should 4) must

Unit 7
Key to some exercises:
16. lb. Две головы лучше, чем одна.
2а. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Зс. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
17. lower — the lowest weaker — the weakest
slower — the slowest neater — the neatest
colder — the coldest kinder — the kindest
higher — the highest younger — the youngest
longer — the longest shorter — the shortest
warmer — the warmest smarter — the smartest

lighter - - the lightest sadder — the saddest
stronger — the strongest hotter — the hottest
uglier — the ugliest wetter — the wettest
busier — the busiest more popular — the most popular
happier —- the happiest more beautiful — the most beautiful
messier -- the messiest more expensive — the most expensive
bigger — the biggest more comfortable — the most comfortable

Key to the test:

Positive Comparative Superlative

high higher the highest

big bigger the biggest
good better the best
cheap cheaper the cheapest
comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable

3. — Could you show me those black shoes? How much are they?
— £25.
— Can I try them on?
— Yes, certainly.
— They're rather small (too small for me).
— Can I see another pair? (Have you got them in a larger size?)
— Yes, here you are.
— They're fine. (I think that's better.)
— Have you got them in another colour?
— What colour?
— Brown, please. Thank you.
4. 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, e

Unit 8
Key to some exercises:
40. a) 1) Where do you live?
2) When do you go to school?
3) What do you do after school?
4) How do you get to school?
5) Who speaks English in your family?
b) 1) Where does he/she live?
2) When does he/she go to school?
3) What does he/she do after school?
4) How does he/she get to school?
5) Who speaks English in his/her family?

Key to the test:
Present Simple

+ ? —

She plays. Does she play? She does not (doesn't) play.

Present Progressive

+ ? —

You are ('re) playing. Are you playing?

She is ('s) playing. She is not (isn't) playing.

2. 1 b, 2 a
3. 1) a) Does she teach English at school? b) Where does she teach
English? c) What does she teach? d) Who teaches English?
2) a) Is she reading a book? b) Who is reading a book? c) What is she
4. 'm writing, write
5. 1) I like to read... 2) I'm now reading...
6. 1) The boy is going to a concert. 2) Yes, he does.

Unit 9
Key to some exercises:
8. grapefruit juice, bacon and tomatoes, tea
12. b) scones, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea with milk
24. 1) a long yellow dress, a white hat with yellow flowers, long white
gloves, white shoes, a small white bag
2) blue jeans, a grey jacket, a red T-shirt, white trainers, white socks

Key to the test:

1. I'll get up, I'll go to school, I'll have lunch, I'll come home, I'll play
tennis, I'll do my homework.
2. a) Who will learn English? c) When will Peter learn English?
b) What will Peter learn next year? d) Where will Peter learn English?
3. Could you give me a fork, please?
4. c, f
Unit 10
Key to some exercises:
13. 1) Gagarin. 2) He was from the Soviet Union. 3) He was a spaceman.
4) Yes, he was. 5) It was on April 12th, 1961.

27. a) lived, cooked, was, went, met, gave, thanked, went, met, played,
saw, wanted, played, took, was, had
b) Now she had a cow, a dog, a cat and a gingerbread man.
32. 1) Did you enjoy the summer?
2) Did you go to the forest?
3) Did you play football and badminton every day?
4) Did you go to the river?
5) Did you paint in the summer?
6) Did you take pictures?
37. 1) When did you go to the cinema? 3) How did you like it?
2) What did you see at the cinema? 4) Who was in the film
40. 1) got up — 7 o'clock; 2) had breakfast — 7.30; 3) went to school
— 8 o'clock; 4) got to school — 8.30; 5) had lunch — 1 o'clock;
6) got home — 4 o'clock.
Key to the test:
1. I. a) visited II. a) was f) drank
b)baked b) was g) had
c) watched c) went h) left
d) started d) met i) found
e) finished e) ate j) took
f) liked
2. a) Who went to England? b) Where did he go?
c) When did he go?
3. a) At the club, b) From seven to eight.

2. Way out — выход

1 to 4, 10 and 11 — указатель платформ
Left luggage — камера хранения
Car rental — прокат автомобилей
Information — информация
17. a) 1) Have you ever found any money?
2) Have you ever swum in the sea?
3) Have you ever made a cake?
b) 1) When did you fly in a plane?
2) What opera did you hear?
3) What books by Dickens did you read?
19. b) 1) A has broken a branch. 4) A has left litter on the grass.
2) В has picked some flowers. 5) С has ridden his bike.
3) A has caught a duck. 6) D has swum in the lake.

25. 1) How long have you been in Moscow?
2) Have you been sightseeing?
3) Have you been to the Kremlin?
4) Have you been to Suzdal?
5) Have you visited other Russian towns?
6) What interesting places have you seen?
26. a) 1) He reads. She eats. He writes.
2) He is reading. She is eating. He is writing.
3) He has read. She has eaten. He has written.
4) He read. She ate. He wrote.
27. a) Last week: Richard helped, did, wrote.
Jane cooked, helped, gave.
This week: Richard has washed up, has gone shopping, has
Jane has made, has washed up, has played.

Key to the test:

1. I. I have cooked. Have I cooked? I have not (haven't) cooked.
Has he cooked? He has not (hasn't) cooked.
II. Did I cook? I did not (didn't) cook.
She cooked. Did she cook? She did not (didn't) cook.
We cooked. Did we cook? We did not (didn't) cook.
1) a) Did he go to Oxford yesterday? 2) a) Has he been to Oxford before?
b) When did he go to Oxford? b) Who has been to Oxford?
c) Where did he go? c) Where has he been?
d) Who went to Oxford?
3. is eating, has eaten; is reading, has read; is drinking, has drunk; is
opening, has opened; is painting, has painted
4. will enjoy, are, passed, are going, will see, are going, have enjoyed,
have seen
5. the British Museum

Unit 12
Key to some exercises:
III. 1) — Could you show me that 2) —Hello. Can I help you?
calculator, please? — Yes. A cheeseburger, please.
— Certainly. It's a very good —Anything else?
one. —Yes. A cola, please.
— How much is it? — Large or small?
— £ 10.50. — Large, please.
— Thanks very much.

380 Li£al972
3) — Hello, 233 4761. 9) — How many people are there in
— Hello, could I speak to Jim,
please? your family?
— Speaking.
— Hi, Jim. It's Mike here. — Have you any brothers or sisters?
— Oh, hello, Mike. How are you?
— Fine, thanks and you? — What is his/her name?
— Fine.
— What does he/she do?
4) — Goodbye, Mike.
— Bye, Dad.
10) — Have you got any pets?
— Have a good time.
— OK. Bye.
11) — Is this your first visit to Scot-
5) — Is this seat free? land?
— Yes, it is.
— How long will you stay there?
6) — Excuse me. Could I look at your
magazine for a moment, please? — Have you been to any other
— Certainly. countries?
7) My name is Roger. I'm from Bristol.
I'm a schoolboy. — Did you like them?

8) —What's your name? 12) — Would you like something to

— Where are you from? — Yes, please.
13) — What are you reading at the mo-
— What do you do? ment?
— I'm reading...
— What are your hobbies? — What do you usually like to
— I like to read...

Key to the test:

1. To: ... Richard
From: ... Peter
Please come to my fancy dress party
on ... 5 July
at... six o'clock
Address: 54 Longwood Road
I hope you can come.
2. 1) Easter 2) Christmas
3. am, came, 'm living, are, have been, '11 be, '11 write, stop, is

Translation of Tasks (Перевод заданий)
A computer game. Match the planets Компьютерная игра. Подбери
and the spaceships. пары планет и космических кора-
A computer game: Space transport- Компьютерная игра: «Космичес-
ers. Finish the question codes, write кий транспорт». Закончи коды во-
questions and help the space transport- просов, напиши вопросы и помоги
ers to land. космическому транспорту призем-
Act out progressive and simple Проиграй действия в длящемся
(progressive and perfect)1 actions with и простом (длящемся и завершен-
these things. ном) временах, используя эти пред-
Act out the dialogues. Проиграйте диалоги.
Act out the verbs. Проиграй глаголы.
Add four more words to each list. Добавь по четыре слова в каж-
дый список.
A game: At the international Игра: «На международном
school party. Make a card like one of школьном вечере». Сделайте кар-
these. Then interview each other. Good точки наподобие одной из данных.
luck. Start the game. Затем возьмите друг у друга интер-
вью. Желаем удачи. Начинайте
A game: Everything under the sun. Игра «Все под солнцем». Вы
You can play this game in two different можете играть в эту игру двумя спо-
ways. You can also create some others собами. Вы также можете создать
yourselves. другие игры сами,
a. 1) Make a roulette board with a large, а. 1) Сделайте рулетку: поле из
round piece of card and an arrow which круглого куска картона и стрелку,
can spin. которая может вращаться.
2) Make folded question cards. Each set 2) Сделайте двойные карточки для
of questions (Everything Under the Sun, вопросов. Каждая группа вопросов
Me and My World, At the Station, On the («Все под солнцем», «Я и мой мир»,
Train) should have different coloured «На станции», «В поезде») должна
cards. быть на карточках разного цвета.
3) Write the questions on the outside of 3) Напишите вопросы на верхней
the cards and the answers on the inside. стороне карточек, а ответы —на
4) Place the folded cards round the 4) Разложите карточки чистой сто-
roulette board. роной вверх вокруг рулетки.
В скобках даны части заданий, имеющих одинаковое начало.

5) Take turns to spin the arrow. 5) Крутите стрелку по очереди.
6) Try and answer the question where 6) Попытайтесь ответить на во-
the arrow stops. If the answer is correct, просы тех карточек, где останавли-
you can keep the card. If the answer is вается стрелка. Если ответ пра-
wrong, you must put the card back. The вильный, вы можете оставить кар-
one who gets the most cards is the win- точку у себя. Если ответ неправиль-
ner. ный, вы должны положить кар-
точку обратно. Выигрывает тот, кто
наберет больше карточек.
b. 1) Use the same 4 piles of coloured б. 1) Используйте те же 4 набора
cards. цветных карточек.
2) One of the pupils gives one card to 2) Один из учеников раздает
each person. остальным по одной карточке.
3) Each person must answer the question 3) Каждый ученик должен ответить
on his/her card. If the answer is correct, на вопрос на карточке. Если ответ
you can keep the card. If the answer is правильный, вы можете оставить
wrong, you must give the card back. карточку у себя. Если ответ непра-
Good luck! Start the game. вильный, вы должны отдать кар-
точку. Желаем удачи! Начинайте
A game: Fortune-teller, a) Work in Игра: «Предсказательница судь-
a group of four or five. Write on a sheet бы». а) Работайте в группах из че-
of paper one sentence about what will тырех или пяти человек. Напишите
happen to your classmate in the future. на листке бумаги предложение, в
You can write something realistic or котором говорится о том, что слу-
fantastic. Fold the paper over and pass it чится с вашим одноклассником в
on to each other. Then read your будущем. Вы можете написать что-
fortune. нибудь реальное или фантастиче-
ское. Сверните листки бумаги и пе-
редайте их друг другу. Затем про-
читайте свою судьбу,
b) Work in the same groups. Each group б) Работайте в тех же группах.
is responsible for some months of the Каждая группа отвечает за какой-
year. Write horoscopes for these нибудь месяц года. Напишите горо-
months on cards and put them up in the скопы на эти месяцы на карточках
classroom for everyone to read. и развесьте их в классе, чтобы все
смогли их прочитать.
A game: How to be economical in Игра: «Как быть экономным в
the house. You need a dice and a coun- доме». Тебе понадобятся кубик и
ter. Throw the dice and move your coun- фишка. Бросай кубик и передвигай
ter according to the number on the dice. фишку в соответствии с показани-
If you are on an empty square, wait for ями кубика. Если ты попал на пу-
your next turn. If you are on a picture, стой квадрат, жди следующего
tell us what to do. If you know how to be хода. Если ты на к^ад^/ге ^ к ^ ^ ^
economical in the house, have an extra кой, скажи, что нужно делать. Если
go. If you don't know, you miss a turn. ты знаешь, как быть экономным в
Good luck. Start the game. доме, ты получаешь дополнитель-
ный ход. Если не знаешь, то пропу-
скаешь ход. Желаем удачи. Начи-
най игру.
A game: Let's dress a man. You Игра: «Давайте оденем чело-
need a dice and a counter. Draw a man, вечка». Тебе понадобятся кубик и
throw a dice and move your counter ac- фишка. Нарисуй человечка, бросай
cording to the number on the dice. кубик и передвигай фишку в соот-
Whatever clothes you land on draw ветствии с показаниями кубика.
them on the man and write their names. Нарисуй на человечке ту одежду,
You can throw the dice 10 times. The на которую попадет фишка, и на-
person who dresses the man properly пиши ее название. Ты можешь бро-
first is the winner. сать кубик десять раз. Победит тот,
кто первый правильно оденет чело-
A game: Space traffic lights. Make Игра: «Космический светофор».
five questions and five answers and the Составь пять вопросов и пять от-
spaceship can go. Who is the quickest? ветов, и космический корабль смо-
жет взлететь. Кто сделает это бы-
A game: What is your name? Игра: «Как тебя зовут?» Выбери
Choose a name for yourself. Don't tell себе имя. Не называй его своему од-
your classmate. Ask each other ques- нокласснику. Задайте друг другу
tions and guess each other's names. вопросы и догадайтесь, как кого
A game: Who can lay the table Игра: «Кто быстрее накроет на
quickest? You need a dice and a coun- стол?» Тебе понадобятся кубик и
ter. Choose the tea table or the break- фишка. Выбери чайный стол или
fast table, throw the dice and move the стол, накрытый к завтраку, бросай
counter according to the number on the кубик и передвигай фишку в соот-
dice. If the food can go on your table, ветствии с показаниями кубика.
write down the word and draw a picture Если еда подходит для твоего сто-
if you like. If the food can't go on your ла, запиши слово и нарисуй кар-
table, wait for the next turn. The person тинку, если хочешь. Если еда не
who lays the table quickest is the win- подходит для твоего стола, жди сле-
ner. Good hick, Start the game. дующего хода. Победитель тот, кто
накроет стол быстрее всех. Желаем
удачи. Начинай игру.
A game: Who is the best cook? Игра: «Кто лучший повар?»
a) Make the chance cards (2 or 3 of а) Сделай карточки (по 2 или 3
each) and put them face down on the каждого вида) и положи их лицевой
table. стороной вниз на стол.
b) Take a chance card and go to the kit- б) Возьми одну карточку и иди в
chen to cook. Say what there is or there кухню готовить. Скажи, что есть
isn't for your chance card menu. If you или чего нет для приготовления
have what you need, move on to the next того, что написано у тебя на кар-
place in the kitchen and wait for your точке. Если есть все, что тебе
next turn. If not, stay where you are нужно, передвигайся на следующее
and wait for your next turn. Good luck. место в кухне и жди следующего
Start the game. хода. Если нет, оставайся на преж-
нем месте и жди следующего хода.
Желаем удачи. Начинай игру.
A guessing game. Choose any cat Игра на догадку. Выбери на кар-
you like in the picture and write down тинке любую кошку и запиши ее
its colour. Don't tell your classmate цвет. Не говори своему одноклас-
about it. Your classmate must guess снику, какого она цвета. Он должен
where the cat is. угадать, где эта кошка находится.
A guessing game. Choose any food Игра на догадку. Выбери любое
in the menus. Write its name on a sheet блюдо в меню. Напиши его назва-
of paper. Your classmate must ask you ние на листке бумаги. Твой одно-
questions and guess what it is. классник должен задать тебе
вопросы и угадать, что это за
A handwriting game. Who gets more Игра на правописание. Кто на-
capital and break letters? Throw a dice берет больше заглавных букв и
and go through the alphabet. букв без соединения. Бросай кубик
и двигайся по алфавиту.
A magic card game. Look, listen and Игра в волшебные карты. Посмо-
do. три, послушай и сделай.
A memory game. Close the book and Игра на проверку памяти. За-
draw the table properly laid. Then write крой книгу и нарисуй правильно
what there is in the picture. What's your накрытый стол. Затем напиши на-
score? звания нарисованных предметов.
Какой у тебя счет?
A memory game. Close the book and Игра на проверку памяти. За-
write what there is in the picture. крой книгу и напиши, что есть на
What's your score? картинке. Какой у тебя счет?
A memory game. Don't look at Игра на проверку памяти. Не
exercise ... and answer the questions смотри на упражнение ... и ответь
about the picture. What's your score? на вопросы по картинке. Какой у
тебя счет?
A memory game. Look at the picture Игра на проверку памяти. По-
for two minutes, then turn to page ... and смотри на картинку две минуты,
do exercise ... . затем открой книгу на с. ... и вы-
полни упражнение ... .

A memory game. Write five objects Игра на проверку памяти. На-
for each of the rooms: a living room, a пиши названия пяти предметов для
bedroom, a kitchen and a study. Add каждой из комнат: гостиной,
more words to each list. What's your спальни, кухни и кабинета. Добавь
score? еще слова к каждому списку. Какой
у тебя счет?
An advertising game. Work in a Рекламная игра. Работайте в
group of three or four. Write a plan of a группах из трех или четырех чело-
holiday on Starkid's planet. Advertise век. Напишите план каникул на
the programme. Whose programme and планете Звездного мальчика. Раз-
advertisement are the best? рекламируйте программу. Чья про-
грамма и реклама лучше?
Answer the questions. Ответь на вопросы.
Ask politely for some biscuits. Вежливо попроси печенье.
Ask your classmate what there is in Спроси своего одноклассника,
his/her picture. что находится на его картинке.
Be a detective and follow this man Будь детективом и проследуй за
around the town. этим человечком по городу.
Can you find and name these flags Можешь ты найти и назвать эти
on the first pages of units 3-12? флаги на первых страницах уроков
Choose between... Выбери из...
Choose the tense and show it on the Выбери грамматическое время и
keyboard (which words go with which покажи его на клавиатуре (какие
sentence). слова соответствуют этим предло-
жениям) .
Compare capital and small letters Сравни заглавные и строчные
and find eight letters that you write in буквы и найди восемь букв, кото-
the same writing. Write and remember рые имеют одинаковое начертание.
them. Напиши и запомни их.
Compare the vowels and find what is Сра%ни гласные и найди, что об-
common among them. щего между ними.
Complete the sentences. Закончи предложения.
Complete the table (for column +, ?, Заполни таблицу (колонки +, ?,
Compose your own song. Сочини свою собственную
Copy and write. Спиши.
Copy the words in alphabetical Спиши слова в алфавитном по-
order. рядке.
Create your own game (invitation). Придумай свою собственную
Use a London map and make your own игру (приглашение). Используй
cards. карту Лондона и сделай свои соб-
ственные карточки.

Li & 19 72
Describe any of the four rooms in Опиши своему однокласснику
the doll's house to your classmate. Your любую из четырех комнат куколь-
classmate must draw the room. Then ного дома. Он должен нарисовать
compare the picture and the drawing. эту комнату. Затем сравни рисунок
и иллюстрацию.
Describe the doll's house. Опиши кукольный дом.
Do you know geography Ты хорошо знаешь географию
(astronomy) well? Listen, read and (астрономию)? Послушай, прочи-
choose the correct answer. тай и выбери правильный ответ.
Do you know these expressions from Ты знаешь эти выражения из
unit ...? урока ...?
Draw a map of your dream town. Начерти карту воображаемого
Write the names of the buildings. города. Напиши названия зданий.
Draw clothes which you would like Нарисуй одежду, которую ты
to have and describe them. Invent хотел бы иметь, и опиши ее. При-
clothes for Starkid. думай одежду для Звездного маль-
Draw your own room and write what Нарисуй свою комнату и на-
there is in it. пиши, что в ней находится.
Fill in the letter (the rhyme). Заполни пропуски в письме (в
Fill in the letter from Anthony Заполни пропуски в письме Ан-
Black. Write Anthony's address тони Блэка. Напиши адрес Антони
correctly on the envelope. правильно на конверте.
Fill in... (the prepositions). Заполни пропуски... (предло-
гами) .
Fill in the table with the adjectives Заполни таблицу прилагатель-
from the comic and guess the rules. ными из комика, догадайся о пра-
виле образования степеней сравне-
ния прилагательных.
Find the letters A to Z (the secrets of Найди буквы А-Ъ (секреты ан-
English letters). глийских букв).
Find the meaning of the underlined Найди значение подчеркнутых
words in the vocabulary. слов в словаре.
Find the objects in the picture (the Найди предметы на картинке
places in the street, the things in the (места на улице, вещи в магазине,
shop, the food in the menus). еду в меню).
Find the secrets of the letter A (and Найди секреты буквы А (и от-
open the locks). крой замки).
Give the plurals. Образуй множественное число.
Help John to greet people. Помоги Джону поприветство-
вать людей.

Help the children to choose... Помоги ребятам выбрать...
Here are some answers. Write the Вот несколько ответов. Напиши
questions. к ним вопросы.
How many words from unit ... do Сколько слов из урока ... ты
you know? знаешь?
Interview your classmate about his/ Спроси своего одноклассника о
her hobby and favourite sport (favourite его хобби и любимом спорте (люби-
subjects, interests and studies). Tell the мых школьных предметах, интере-
class about it. сах и занятиях). Расскажи об этом
Introduce yourself. Представь себя.
Listen and answer (match, practise, Послушай и ответь (подбери
sing, write the answers). пару, потренируйся, спой, напиши
Listen and help to find the place. Послушай и помоги найти нуж-
Compare your answers with the key. ное место. Сравни свой ответ с клю-
Listen and read. Compare these Послушай и прочитай. Сравни
school uniforms with your school uni- эту школьную форму со своей. На-
form. Draw a uniform which you would рисуй, какую бы школьную форму
like to have and tell the class about it. ты хотел иметь, и расскажи классу
Wfiose uniform is the best? об этом. Чья форма лучше?
Listen and read (then say who is Послушай и прочти (затем
who). скажи, кто есть кто).
Listen and say which words you Послушай и скажи, какие слова
know (and choose the correct answer). ты знаешь (и выбери правильный
Listen, look at the plan and find the Послушай, посмотри на план и
rooms. найди комнаты.
Listen, match the pictures and the Послушай, подбери пословицы к
proverbs and find the Russian equiva- картинкам и найди русские эквива-
lents. ленты пословиц.
Listen, read and answer. Remember Послушай, прочитай и ответь.
for life how to be safe in the road. Запомни на всю жизнь, как соблю-
дать правила безопасности на до-
Listen, read and learn 3 magic words Послушай, прочитай и выучи
for your economy. три волшебных слова, чтобы быть
Listen, read and say what the mother Послушай, прочитай и скажи,
does in the evening. что мама делает по вечерам.
Listen, read and say which words Послушай, прочитай и скажи,
you know. какие слова ты знаешь.

Listen, read and think why a/an or Послушай, прочитай и подумай,
the. почему a/an или the.
Listen, repeat, act and continue. Послушай, повтори, проиграй и
Listen, repeat and act (answer, Послушай, повтори и проиграй
learn, remember, say). (ответь, выучи, запомни, скажи).
Listen, repeat, learn and write Послушай, повтори, выучи и на-
(match and act). пиши (подбери пару и проиграй).
Listen, repeat, read, act and remem- Послушай, повтори, прочитай,
ber. Pay attention to the meaning of the проиграй и запомни. Обрати вни-
verbs can, could (may, should, must). мание на значения глаголов сап,
could (may, should, must).
Listen, sing, remember (read and Послушай, спой, запомни
write the letters). (прочти и напиши буквы).
Listen to the children and write Послушай детей и запиши их
down their names (addresses), tele- имена (адреса), телефоны, хобби,
phone numbers, hobbies, favourite любимый вид спорта и любимые
sport and subjects at school, where школьные предметы, откуда они,
they are from, how old they are. сколько им лет.
Look and answer (remember). Посмотри и ответь (запомни).
Look and answer. You are having a Посмотри и ответь. Ты ешь в
meal in a café. What thing is missing? кафе. Какого предмета не хватает?
How would you ask for it? Как ты его попросишь?
Look and say (what you can buy Посмотри и скажи (что ты мо-
here). жешь здесь купить).
Look and write how to make carrot Посмотри и напиши, как приго-
biscuits. товить морковное печенье.
Look at the family tree and draw Посмотри на фамильное дерево
your family tree. Write about yourself и нарисуй свое фамильное дерево.
and your family. Ask your family to Напиши о себе и о своей семье. По-
help you. проси членов твоей семьи помочь
Look at the letters and compare Посмотри на буквы и сравни их.
them. Copy letters for joined writing. Спиши буквы с соединениями.
Look at the picture and say what he Посмотри на картинку и скажи,
should/shouldn't do to be safe at home. что ему следует (не следует) де-
лать, чтобы находиться дома в бе-
Look at the picture, listen and Посмотри на картинку, послу-
compare British and Russian addresses. шай и сравни британский и русский
Look at the picture of a doll's house Посмотри на картинку куколь-
and write the names of the objects. ного дома и напиши названия пред-

Look at these clouds and write three Посмотри на эти облака и на-
forms of each verb as in the model. пиши три формы каждого глагола,
как в образце.
Look at the teapot Alexander de- Посмотри, какой чайник приду-
signed. Design your own teapot. мал Александр. Придумай свой чай-
Look at the verbs in exercises ... and Посмотри на глаголы в упражне-
write a story. Use not less than ten ниях ... и напиши рассказ. Исполь-
verbs. Whose story is the most in- зуй не менее десяти глаголов. Чей
teresting? рассказ самый интересный?
Look, listen and match (repeat). Посмотри, послушай и подбери
пару (повтори).
Look, listen and repeat. (Compare Посмотри, послушай и повтори.
these rockets with the rockets on (Сравни эти ракеты с ракетами на
page ... .) Pay attention to the questions с ) Обрати внимание на вопросы
and answers. и ответы.
Look, listen and repeat. Find the ob- Посмотри, послушай и повтори.
jects ih- the picture and then read the Найди предметы на картинке,
text. затем прочитай текст.
Look, listen and say who has good Посмотри, послушай и скажи, у
manners. кого хорошие манеры.
Look, listen, read and answer (re- Посмотри, послушай, прочитай
member). и ответь (запомни).
Look, listen, repeat, act and con- Посмотри, послушай, повтори,
tinue. проиграй и продолжи.
Look, listen, repeat and act (answer, Посмотри, послушай, повтори и
compare, match, remember, make). проиграй (ответь, сравни, подбери
пару, запомни,сделай).
Look, listen, repeat and make new Посмотри, послушай, повтори и
dialogues with these words. составь новые диалоги с этими сло-
Look, listen, repeat and read. Pay Посмотри, послушай, повтори и
attention to question and negative forms прочитай. Обрати внимание на во-
of the verb to be просительные и отрицательные
формы глагола to be
(the simple and progressive tenses, (простое и длящееся времена,
the degrees of comparison of adjec- степени сравнения прилагатель-
tives, ных,
the expression have got, выражение have got,
the expressions there is/there are, выражения there is/there are,
the forms of the verb to be, формы глагола to be,
the future simple tense, будущее простое время,
the imperatives, повелительное наклонение,

the modal verbs, модальные глаголы,
the past tense of the verbs, прошедшее время глаголов,
the past tense of the verb to be, прошедшее время глагола ґо Ье,
the present perfect tense). настоящее завершенное время).
Look, listen, repeat (and read). Then Посмотри, послушай, повтори
act out the dialogues. (и прочитай). Затем проиграй ди-
Look, listen, repeat and remember. Посмотри, послушай, повтори и
Match the picture and the words. запомни. Подбери слова к предме-
там на картинке.
Look, listen, repeat and then copy Посмотри, послушай, повтори,
the letter (find the places in the picture. затем спиши письмо (найди места
Write as many words as you can). на картинке. Напиши как можно
больше слов).
Look, listen, repeat, read and act. Посмотри, послушай, повтори,
прочитай и проиграй.
Look, name the letters and guess. Посмотри, назови буквы и дога-
Look, read and pay attention to the Посмотри, прочитай и обрати
system of English tenses. внимание на систему английских
Make up your own dialogues (table Составь свои диалоги (таблицу
of English vowels). английских гласных).
Name the colours (the members of Назови цвета (членов своей
your family). семьи).
Name the objects in your bag and in Назови предметы в твоем порт-
your classroom. феле и в классе.
Offer a cup of tea. Предложи чашку чая.
Open the back cover of the book, Посмотри на второй форзац
look at the map and find where these книги, найди на карте, где в Лон-
people are in London. Help them to get доне находятся эти люди. Помоги
a) from Tooley Street near Tower им добраться а) от Тулей-стрит
Bridge to St. Paul's Cathedral, b) from около Тауэрского моста до собора
St. Paul's Cathedral to Trafalgar святого Павла, б) от собора святого
Square. Write the dialogues. Павла до Трафальгарской пло-
щади. Напиши диалоги.
Open the front cover of the book. Посмотри на первый форзац
Look, listen, repeat and remember. книги. Послушай, повтори и за-
Paint an abstract picture. Нарисуй абстрактную картину.
Pay attention to the meaning and the Обрати внимание на значение и
forms of the present simple tense. формы глагола в простом настоя-
щем времени.

Put the pictures in the correct order Расположи картинки в нужном
and write how to make tea. порядке и напиши, как пригото-
вить чай.
Read about these five children. Прочти об этих пяти ребятах.
Choose a pen-friend. Say why you Выбери друга по переписке. Скажи,
choose him/her. почему ты выбрал его/ее.
Read and answer (listen, find the ob- Прочитай и ответь (послушай,
jects). найди предметы).
Read and choose a, b, c or d. Find Прочитай и выбери а, Ь, с или d.
what they mean in the key. Tell the story Найди в ключе, что они значат. Рас-
to your classmates and then write it. скажи своим одноклассникам, а
затем запиши.
Read and remember. Check with the Прочитай и запомни. Проверь
tape. себя с помощью кассеты.
Read and say which things you have Прочитай и скажи, какие пред-
got with you today. Has your classmate меты у тебя сегодня с собой. У тво-
got the same? его одноклассника с собой те же
Read and _write out the phonetic Прочитай и напиши фонетиче-
symbols for the letters in bold type. ские значки для букв, выделенных
Check your reading with the tape. жирным шрифтом. Проверь себя с
помощью кассеты.
Read and write the English names in Прочитай и напиши английские
alphabetical order. имена в алфавитном порядке.
Read the text again, choose and Прочитай текст еще раз, выбери
write sentences for each room. и напиши предложения, подходя-
щие для каждой комнаты.
Read the text and then write about Прочитай текст и напиши о
your classmate. своем однокласснике.
Remember your early childhood and Вспомни свое раннее детство и
answer the questions. ответь на вопросы.
Role-playing. Ролевая игра.
Say how different members of your Скажи, как различные члены
family spend their day. твоей семьи проводят свой день.
Say how they address Mrs Mary Скажи, как они обращаются к
Claydon. миссис Мэри Клейдон.
Say what packed lunch you would Скажи, что бы ты хотел взять с
like to have. собой на завтрак в школу.
Say what there is in the hall (in the Скажи, что находится в холле (в
house...). доме...).
Say what you see in this lunch box. Скажи, что ты видишь в этой ко-
робке со школьным завтраком.

392 £И&1972
Talk to Starkid. Поговори со Звездным мальчи-
Tell the class what you will cook for Расскажи классу, что ты приго-
an unexpected guest. Decide whose товишь для неожиданного гостя.
meal is the best. Решите, чье блюдо лучше.
Tell your classmates about your Расскажи своим одноклассни-
hobby and favourite sport. кам о своем хобби и любимом виде
Test yourself. Проверь себя.
Try and repeat the recipes. Попытайся повторить рецепты.
Watch out! You don't need to make a Внимание! Не нужно писать эти
join after these letters. Copy them. буквы с соединениями. Спиши их.
What are the most typical dishes in Какие наиболее типичные блюда
your country? Do you know any dishes в твоей стране? Ты знаешь какие-
that are typically British? нибудь национальные английские
What can you buy here and what Что ты можешь здесь купить и
would you like to buy here? Act out a что ты хотел бы здесь купить? Про-
dialogue. играйте диалог.
What is healthy food? Какая пища полезна для здоро-
What's your score? Какой у тебя счет?
What would Alison say? Что бы сказала Элисон?
What would you say? (Act out the Что бы ты сказал? (Проиграйте
dialogues.) диалоги.)
Where must the bees (the space- Где должны приземлиться пчелы
ships) land? The letters will help you. (космические корабли)? Буквы по-
могут тебе.
Which address is correct? Какой адрес правильный?
Which parachutes are missing? Каких парашютов не хватает?
Which ship has no pier? У какого корабля нет пирса?
Work in a group of three. Find out as Работайте в группе из трех че-
much as you can about your classmates. ловек. Узнайте как можно больше о
Tell the class about one of your class- своих одноклассниках. Расскажите
mates. классу об одном из них.
Work in groups of three or four. Act Работайте в группах по три-че-
out progressive and simple (progressive тыре человека. Проиграйте дей-
and perfect) actions with other things. ствия в длящемся и простом (для-
Let your classmates guess what tense щемся и завершенном) временах,
you are demonstrating. используя другие предметы. Пусть
ваши одноклассники догадаются, в
каком времени вы проигрываете
Work in pairs. Tell your classmate Работайте в парах. Расскажи

^ LH&1972
where the man is going. He/she must своему однокласснику, куда идет
show it on the map. Then change roles. этот человечек. Он должен пока-
зать его путь на карте. Затем поме-
няйтесь ролями.
Write about your family (your Напиши о своей семье (свое по-
healthy menu for breakfast). лезное для здоровья меню на завт-
Write about yourself. Use amlisl Напиши о себе. Используй атЦ$1
are/have/has. агеЦгауеЦгаз.
Write a first letter to your pen-friend Напиши первое письмо о себе
about yourself. Write an address on the своему другу по переписке. На-
envelope. пиши адрес на конверте.
Write a list of the countries of the Напиши список стран, входя-
U K (your telephone number, questions щих в Соединенное Королевство
for an interview). (твой телефон, вопросы для интер-
вью) .
Write down your telephone number. Запиши свой номер телефона.
Find out the phone numbers of 5 pupils Узнай номера телефонов пяти уче-
in your class. ников из твоего класса.
Write how to be economical in the Напиши, как быть экономным в
house. доме.
Write small letters (the missing let- Напиши строчные буквы (пропу-
ters, the missing numbers). щенные буквы, пропущенные
Write the degrees of comparison of Напиши степени сравнения сле-
the following adjectives (the dialogue дующих прилагательных (диалог
between you and the assistant). между тобой и продавцом).
Write the numbers in words. Напиши цифры словами.
Write the phonetic symbols for the Напиши фонетические значки
letter a. для буквы а.
Write the signs in small letters (what Напиши знаки строчными бук-
these signs mean). вами (что означают эти знаки).
Write these letters in alphabetical Напиши эти буквы в алфавит-
order. Which letter is on this balloon? ном порядке. Какая буква на этом
Write these words in alphabetical Нациши эти слова в алфавитном
order (in small letters). порядке (строчными буквами).
Write what you need to make toast, Напиши, что нужно, чтобы при-
scrambled eggs, scones and tea. готовить тост, яичницу-болтунью,
булочки с изюмом и чай.
Write what you see on the table. Напиши, что ты видишь на

Write your own poem with bananas, Напиши свое стихотворение, ис-
apples, etc. пользуя слова «бананы», «яблоки»
и т.д.
Write your own story about the girl. Напиши свой рассказ о девочке.
Listen and compare it with the real story Послушай и сравни его с настоя-
of this girl. щим рассказом о ней.
Write your own story and tell it to Напиши свой рассказ и рас-
the class. Use as many adjectives as you скажи его классу. Используй как
can. Whose story is the best? Draw the можно больше прилагательных.
characters in your story. Чей рассказ лучше? Нарисуй ге-
роев своего рассказа.
Write your timetable in English for Напиши по-английски свое рас-
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, писание уроков на понедельник,
Thursday, Friday. вторник,среду,четверг и пятницу.
Ты можешь видеть эти знаки,
You may see these signs showing указывающие направления, на
directions at any railway station in любой железнодорожной станции в
England. Listen, repeat, guess and re- Англии. Послушай, повтори, дога-
member what they mean. дайся и запомни, что они означают.
Your pen-friends from Great Britain Твои друзья из Великобритании
and America sent you pictures of their и Америки прислали тебе фотогра-
schools. Write them letters and ask фии своих школ. Напиши им
them about their schools. письма и задай вопросы об этих

Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы)
be [bi:] was/were [woz/wa:] been [bi:n] быть
begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [bi'gAn] начинать
b r e a k [breik] broke [brauk] broken ['braukan] ломать
build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt] строить
buy [bai] bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t] покупать
catch [kaetj"] caught [ko:t] caught [ko:t] ловить
come [ к л т ] came [keim] c o m e [kAm] приходить
do [du:] did [did] done [dAn] делать, выполнять
drink [driqk] drank [draeqk] drunk [drAqk] пить
eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten [ ' i : t n ] есть
find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] находить
fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [flaun] летать
get [ g e t ] got [ g o t ] got [ g o t ] получать
give [giv] gave [geiv] given f'givn] давать
go [ g a u ] went [went] gone [gon] идти, ходить
h a v e [haev] had [hasd] had [heed] иметь
hear [ h i a ] heard [ h a : d ] heard [ h a : d ] слышать
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] покидать,оставлять
learn [ l a : n ] learnt [ l a : n t ] learnt [ l a : n t ] учиться
lose [ l u : z ] lost [lost] lost [lost] терять
make [meik] made [ m e i d ] made [ m e i d ] делать, совершать
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать
ride [raid] rode [ r a u d ] ridden f r i d n ] ехать верхом
run [глп] ran [rasn] run [rAn] бежать
say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать
show [Jau] showed [Jaud] s h o w n [J"aun] показывать
sing [siq] sang [sasq] sung [SAIJ] петь
sit [sit] sat [saet] sat [saet] сидеть
sleep [ s l i : p ] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать
speak [spi:k] spoke [ s p a u k ] spoken [ ' s p a u k a n ] говорить
stand [stasnd] stood [stud] stood [stud] стоять
swim [swim] swam [swasm] swum [swAm] плавать
take [teik] took [tuk] taken [ ' t e i k a n ] брать
teach [ti:tj] taught [to:t] taught [to:t] учить
tell [tel] told [tauld] told [ t a u l d ] рассказывать
think [6113k] thought [ 9 o : t ] thought [9o:t] думать
understand understood understood понимать
[,Anda'staend] [,Anda'stud] [,Anda'stud]
wake [weik] woke [wauk] woken ['waukan] просыпаться
wear [wea] wore [wo:] worn [wo:n] носить (одежду)


A animal fsemmal] животное

another * [э'плбэ] другой, еще один
a [э], an [an] неопределенный ар- answer ['a:nsa] 1) ответ 2) отвечать
тикль Antarctica * [asn'tci:ktika] Антар-
A B C алфавит ктида
about [a'baut] приблизительно, око- any ['еш] какой-нибудь, сколько-ни-
ло, о, об будь, никакой, любой
above [ Э ' Ь Л У ] над anyone * f e m w A n ] любой, всякий
across [a'kros] через anything * f e m Q i q ] что-нибудь
act [aekt] 1) действие 2) играть, прои- anywhere * f e n i w E a ] где-нибудь,
грывать куда-нибудь
actor fffikta] актер apple faspl] яблоко
actress ftektns] актриса apricot feiprikot] абрикос
add [aed] добавлять, прибавлять April feipnl] апрель
address [a'dres] адрес architect fci:kitekt] архитектор
afraid [a'freid] испуганный Arctic Ocean * ['ci:ktik 'au/an] Север-
be afraid of бояться ный Ледовитый океан
Africa *x faefrika] Африка armchair ['ci:mtf£a] кресло
after fa:fta] после around [a'raund] вокруг
afternoon [,ci:fta'nu:n] время после по- arrival [a'raival] прибытие
лудня art [a:t] искусство
again [a'gein] снова, опять artist fcutist] художник
age * [eidj] возраст as [гег] 1) как 2) когда, в то время
age [э'даи] тому назад как; так как
agree * [a'gri:] соглашаться as... as... так же... как
airport ['fapo:t] аэропорт as far as до (какого-л. места)-, на-
all [э:1] весь, вся, всё, все сколько
almond rock * fa:mand rok] леденцо- Asia * feija] Азия
вая миндальная карамель ask [a:sk] спрашивать
alone [a'laun] один, одинокий
ask questions задавать вопросы
along [a'brj] вдоль, по
asleep * [a'sli:p] спящий
a lot of [a'lot av] много, масса
to be asleep спать
already [o:l'redi] уже
a' іstant * [a'sistant] продавец
always ['o:lwaz] всегда
Зі [eet] у, около
America [a'merka] Амер ика
American [a'mcnkanj 1) американец Atlantic Ocean * [at'Iasntik 'aufan] А т -
лантический океан
2) американский attic ['aetik] чердак
among [a'mAi]] среди, между August fo:gast] август
and [send] и, да aunt [cunt] тетя
angry fasqgri] сердитый Australia [o:s'treilja] Австралия

Australian [o:s'treiljan] 1 ) а в с т р а л и е ц bee [bi:] п ч е л а
2) австралийский beef [bi:f] г о в я д и н а
autumn f o : t a m ] о с е н ь beetroot fbi:tru:t] с в е к л а
a w f u l ['o:ful] у ж а с н ы й before * [bi'fo:] до (какого-л. вре-
мени)', п е р е д ; р а н ь ш е
В begin [bi'gin] (began [ bi'geen], begun
b a c o n ['beikan] бекон [Ы'длп]) н а ч и н а т ь ( с я )
b a d [ba2d] п л о х о й behave * [bi'heiv] в е с т и себя
b a d g e [bsed3] з н а ч о к behind [bi'haind] с з а д и
b a d l y * fbaedli] о ч е н ь с и л ь н о b e t w e e n [bftwi:n] м е ж д у
b a d m i n t o n fbaedmintan] б а д м и н т о н b i c y c l e fbaisikl] в е л о с и п е д
b a g [baeg] п о р т ф е л ь , с у м к а b i g [big] б о л ь ш о й , к р у п н ы й
bake [beik] п е ч ь bike [baik] сокр. разг. от bicycle в е -
b a k e d [beikt] п е ч е н ы й лосипед
baking powder f b e i k i q ,pauda] п е к а р - bill [bil] счет
ный порошок (заменяющий b i n [bin] к о н т е й н е р ; м у с о р н о е в е д р о
дрожжи), сода bread bin хлебница
balcony ['baslkani] б а л к о н b i o l o g y [bai'oladji] биология
ball [bo:l] мяч bird [ba:d] п т и ц а
b a l l o o n [ba'lu:n] в о з д у ш н ы й ш а р birthday f b a : 9 d e i ] д е н ь р о ж д е н и я
banana [ba'ncuna] б а н а н b i s c u i t fbiskit] п е ч е н ь е
banister* ['basnista] п е р и л а (лест- b l a c k [blaek] ч е р н ы й
ницы ) blackberry * fblaekban] е ж е в и к а
bank [Ьагдк] б а н к blackboard fblaekbo:d] классная
bar of chocolate [,bci: av 'tfokalit] доска
плитка шоколада blanket fblaeqkit] о д е я л о
baseball ['beisbo:l] б е й с б о л blazer f b l e i z a ] п и д ж а к
basket fbcuskit] к о р з и н а blouse [blauz] б л у з к а
basketball fbci:skitbo:l] б а с к е т б о л blow [blau] (blew fblu:], blown [blaun])
bath [ba:0] 1 ) в а н н а 2) к у п а т ь Дуть
bathroom ['ba:0rum] в а н н а я к о м н а т а blow up раздувать
battle * fbastl] б и т в а , с р а ж е н и е blue [blu:] г о л у б о й , синий
beak * [bi:k] к л ю в boil [boil] в а р и т ь , к и п я т и т ь
bean [bi:n] боб bomb * [bom] бомба
b e a n s t a l k * ['bi:nsto:k] бобовый с т е - bone * [baun] к о с т ь
бель book [buk] к н и г а
bear [ЬЕЭ] м е д в е д ь bookcase * fbukkeis] к н и ж н ы й ш к а ф
b e a u t i f u l fbju:tiful] к р а с и в ы й , п р е - bookshop ['buk/op] к н и ж н ы й м а г а з и н
красный boot [bu:t] ботинок
because [bi'koz] п о т о м у ч т о , т а к к а к botany * ['botarn] б о т а н и к а
b e d [bed] к р о в а т ь , п о с т е л ь both * [bauQ] оба
b e d r o o m fbedrum] с п а л ь н я bottle f b o t l ] б у т ы л к а
b e d t i m e * fbedtaim] в р е м я л о ж и т ь с я bowl [baul] чаша
спать b o x [boks] к о р о б к а , я щ и к

boxing f b o k s i q ] б о к с Canadian [ka'neidian] 1) канадец
b o y [boi] м а л ь ч и к 2) канадский
b r e a d [bred] х л е б candle fkaendl] свеча
break [breik] (broke [brauk], broken candlelight * fksendllait] свет горя-
['braukn]) р а з б и т ь , с л о м а т ь щей свечи
b r e a k f a s t fbrekfast] з а в т р а к car [kci:] (легковой) автомобиль, ма-
breeze * [bri:z] бриз шина
bridge [brid3] м о с т card [kci:d] карточка, открытка;
b r i l l i a n t * fbriljant] б л е с т я щ и й , в ы - игральная карта
дающийся cardboard * fkci:dbo:d] картон
bring [briq] (brought [bro:t], brought care [kea] забота
[bro:t]) п р и н о с и т ь take care of заботиться о
B r i t i s h ['bntij] б р и т а н с к и й careful * fkEaful] заботливый; осто-
b r o o m [bru:m] м е т л а , в е н и к рожный
b r o t h e r ['Ьглбэ] б р а т carnation [kcii'neij'an] гвоздика
b r o w n [braun] к о р и ч н е в ы й carpet fka:pit] ковер
b r u s h [Ьгл/] 1) щ е т к а 2 ) ч и с т и т ь carrot fkgerat] морковь
( щеткой) cassette [ka'set] кассета
budgie ['Ьлёз1] м а л е н ь к а я п т и ч к а , п о - cassette recorder [ka'set n'ko:da] маг-
х о ж а я на п о п у г а я нитофон
build [bild] (built [bilt], built [bilt]) cat [kffit] кошка
строить catch [kaetf] (caught [ko:t], caught
b u n [Ьлп] с д о б н а я б у л о ч к а [ka:t]) ловить, поймать
b u n c h [bAntf] г р о з д ь celebrate fselibreit] праздновать, от-
b u n n y * ['Ьлш] к р о л и к мечать праздник
b u s [bAs] а в т о б у с cellar fsela] подвал
bus stop а в т о б у с н а я о с т а н о в к а centre ['senta] центр
busy f b i z i ] з а н я т о й cereal fsianal] каша (кушанье из
butter f b A t a ] м а с л о круп)
button * fbAtn] п у г о в и ц а certainly fsa:tanli] конечно
buy [bai] (bought [bo:t], bought [bo:t]) chair [tjea] стул
покупать chalk [tfo:k] мел
champion * ftfaempjan] чемпион
С chance [tja:ns] случай, возможность,
c a b b a g e ['kasbidj] к а п у с т а change [tjeind3] 1) сдача 2) менять,
café f k a e f e i ] к а ф е заменять
cake [keik] п и р о г , т о р т chapel * ftfaepal] часовня, церковь
calculator ['kaslkjuleita] к а л ь к у л я т о р character * ['k^erikta] действующее
call [кэ:1] н а з ы в а т ь , з в а т ь лицо
camera f k a e m a r a ] ф о т о а п п а р а т cheap [tji:p] дешевый
c a n 1 * [кагп] л е й к а cheese [tfi:z] сыр
can 2 [ksenj (could [kud]) м о ч ь , у м е т ь cheeseburger ftfi:zba:ga] чизбургер
Canada f k a e n a d a ] К а н а д а cherry ft/en] вишня

chess [tfes] шахматы collect [ka'lekt] собирать
chest of drawers [,tjest av'dro:z] комод collection * [ka'lekfn] коллекция
chicken ftfikin] цыпленок college * fkolid3] колледж
child [tjaild] ребенок colour ['кл1э] цвет
childhood * ['tfaildhudj детство column * fkolam] колонна
children ftfildran] дети comb [kaum] расческа
chips [tfips] жареная картошка come [клт] (came [keim], come [клт])
chocolate ftjokalit] шоколад приходить, приезжать
choose [tfu:z] (chose [tjauz], chosen come in войти
ftjauzn]) выбирать come out выйти
chop [tfop] 1) отбивная (котлета) comfortable fkAmfatabl] удобный
2) рубить compare * [kam'pea] сравнивать
chop off отрубать complete * [kam'pli:t] полный, закон-
Christmas fkrismas] 1) рождество ченный
2) рождественский compose * [kam'pauz] сочинять
church [tfaitf] церковь composer [kam'pauza] композитор
cinema fsinama] кино, кинотеатр computer [kam'pju:ta] компьютер
circle * fsa:kl] круг concert fkonsat] концерт
circus ['sa:kas] цирк continent fkontinant] континент
city ['siti] город continental [,konti'nentl] континен-
classmate * fklcusmeit] одноклассник тальный
classroom ['klci:srum| классная ком- continue * [kan'tinju:] продолжать
ната cook [kuk] 1) повар 2) готовить, ва-
clean [kli:n] 1) чистый 2) чистить, рить
убирать cooking fkukir)] кулинария
clear * [klia] зд. полный cop [kop] разг. полицейский
clear the table убирать со стола copy * [ kopi] переписывать, списы-
clever ['kleva] умный вать
climb * [klaim] подниматься, влезать core * [кэ:] сердцевина
clock [klok] часы (настенные, на- corner ['кэ:пэ] угол
стольные) count [kaunt] считать
close [klauz] закрывать country fkAntri] страна
closed [klauzd] закрытый cousin fkAzn] двоюродный брат, дво-
clothes [klau5z] одежда юродная сестра
cloud [klaud] облако cow [kau] корова
club [к1лЬ] клуб cracker ['кгагкэ] хлопушка
coal * [kaul] уголь cradle * fkreidl] колыбель
coat [kaut] пальто cream [kri:m] сливки
code * [kaud] код create * [kri(:)'eit] творить, созда-
coffee fkofi] кофе вать
coffeepot fkofipot] кофейник cricket ['knkit] крикет
coin [koin] монета cross [kros] крест
coke [kauk] кока-кола crossing fkrosiq] переход
cold [kauld] холодный crossroads ['krosraudz] перекресток

crow * [кгэи] ворона dirty fda:ti] грязный
cry [krai] кричать, плакать d i s a p p e a r * [,disa'pig] и с ч е з а т ь
cuckoo clock ['kuku: kbk] часы с ку- disc * [disk] д и с к , к р у г
кушкой disco fdiskau] дискотека
cucumber ['kju:k3mb9] огурец discover [dis'kAvo] у з н а в а т ь , о т к р ы -
cup [клр] чашка вать
cupboard fkAbad] шкаф, буфет dishwasher ['diJ",woJ"a] п о с у д о м о е ч -
curious* fkjuarias] странный ная м а ш и н а
curtain ['ka:tn] занавеска do [du:] (did [did ], done [dAn]) д е л а т ь ,
cut [kAt] (cut [kAt], cut [kAt]) резать, выполнять
отрезать doctor ['doktg] в р а ч
cutting board fkAtii] bo:d] разделоч- document * fdokjumant] д о к у м е н т
ная доска d o g [dog] с о б а к а
doll [dol] к у к л а
D doll's house кукольный дом
dolphin * fdolfin] дельфин
dad [deed] nana door [do:] д в е р ь
daddy fdaedi] папочка (уменьши- double * fdAbl] д в о й н о й
тельное от папа) d o u b l e - d e c k e r [,dAbl'dekg] д в у х э т а ж -
dance [da:ns] танцевать ный а в т о б у с
dangerous * ['deind39ros] опасный dough * [dgu] тесто
dark * [dci:k] темный down [daun] в н и з
day [dei] день downstairs [,daun'st£9z] внизу
dear [dig] дорогой, милый d o z e n ['dAzn] д ю ж и н а
December [di'semba] декабрь d r a w i n g ['dro:ii]] р и с о в а н и е , р и с у н о к
decide * [di'said] решать(ся) d r e s s [dres] 1 ) п л а т ь е 2 ) о д е в а т ь с я
decorate ['dekareit] украшать drink [dnqk] (drank [drgeqk], drunk
decoration [,deka'rei/an] украшение [drAijk]) пить
deep * [di:p] глубокий drop * [drop] р о н я т ь
defeat * [dffi:t] наносить поражение d r y [drai] 1 ) с у х о й 2 ) с у ш и т ь
delicious [driij9s] восхитительный, d u c h e ss * fdAtfis] герцогиня
очень вкусный d u c k [dAk] утка
democratic * [,dem9'kraetik] демокра- duty * ['dju:ti] д о л г , о б я з а н н о с т ь
тический be on duty д е ж у р и т ь , б ы т ь д е ж у р -
department [di'pcutmgnt] отдел ным
department store [di'pa:tm9nt sto:]
универмаг E
design * [di'zain] конструировать
desk [desk] парта, письменный стол each [i:tj] к а ж д ы й
dessert * [di'z9:t] дессерт each other ['i:tj ' л б э ] д р у г д р у г а
detailed * ['di:teild] подробный e a r l y * ['э:li] р а н н и й
dialogue ['daialog] диалог earth [э:0] земля
diet * [ daigt] диета east [i:st] в о с т о к
dinner ['ding] обед easy [i:zi] легкий

eat [i:t] (ate [et], eaten ['i:tn]) есть expensive [iks'pensiv] дорогой, доро-
economical * [,i:ka'n3mikal] эконом- гостоящий
ный, бережливый expression * [iks'pre/an] выражение
economy * [i(:)'konami] экономия, бе- extra ['ekstra] дополнительный
режливость eye [ai] глаз
egg [eg] яиДо-
boiled egg ['boild eg] вареное яйцо
fried egg ['fraid eg] яичница
scrambled egg ['skrasmbld eg] яич- face [feis] лицо
ница-болтунья fairy * ['feari] фея, волшебница
eight [eit] восемь fairy tale *['ftariteil] сказка
eighteen [,ei'ti:n] восемнадцать faith * [feiQ] вера
eighty ['eiti] восемьдесят fall * [fori] (fell [fel], fallen ['fo:lan])
electrical * [l'lektrikal] электричес- падать
кий family ['fas milt] семья
eleven [l'levn] одиннадцать famous f'feimas] знаменитый, извест-
else [els] еще ный
end [end] конец fancy dress [,faensi 'dres] маскарад-
engine * fendjin] паровоз ный костюм
engineer [,end3i'nia] инженер fantastic * [fasn'taestik] фантастиче-
England fiqgland] Англия ский
English ['lqglij] английский far [fa:] далекий
enjoy [m'd33i] получать удоволь- fast [fcust] быстрый
ствие, наслаждаться fat [feet] толстый
enough [l'nAf] достаточно father ffci:5a] отец
entrance fentrans] вход favourite ffeivant] любимый
envelope fenvalaup] конверт fear * [fia] бояться
eraser [l'reiza] ластик, резинка February ['februan] февраль
Europe ['juarap] Европа feel [fi:l] (felt [felt], felt [felt]) чув-
European * [juara'pian] 1) европеец ствовать
2) европейский feet [fi:t] ступни
ever ['eva] когда-либо felt-tip pen ['felt tip 'pen] фломастер
every f'evri] каждый, всякий fifteen [,fif 'ti:n] пятнадцать
everybody* ['evribodi] каждый, вся- fifty [ fifti] пятьдесят
кий figure * ['figа] фигура
everything * fevnGiq] всё fill [fil] наполнять
example * [ig'zci:mpl] пример film [film] пленка, фильм
excellent * feksalant] превосходный, find [faind] (found [faund], found
отличный [faund]) находить
excepting * [ik'septiij] за исключе- fine [fain] хороший, прекрасный
нием finish ['finij'] заканчивать
excuse [iks'kju:z] извинять, прощать fire * ['faia] огонь, костер
exercise book ['eksasaiz buk] тетрадь fireplace ['faiapleis] камин
exit feksit] выход first [fa:st] первый

fish [fij] рыба frighten * ffraitn] пугать
fishburger ffijba:ga] фишбургер frog * [frog] лягушка
fishing rod ['fijiq rod] удочка from [from] из, от
fishmonger * ['й/тлцдэ] торговец fruit [fru:t] фрукт
рыбой frying pan ['franq ,paen] сковорода
fishmonger's * рыбный магазин fun * [fAn] веселье
five [faiv] пять have fun веселиться
fizzy f'fizi] газированный fur [fa:] мех
flag [flseg] флаг
flat [fleet] квартира G
floor * [flo:] пол
flour fflaua] мука galaxy fgaelaksi] галактика
flower ['flaua] цветок gallery ['gaslari] галерея
flowerpot * ['flauapot] цветочный game [geim] игра
горшок garden fga:dn] сад
fly [flai] 1) муха 2) (flew [flu:], flown gardener * fga:dna] садовник
[flaun]) летать gather * ['джбэ] собирать
fold [fauld] складывать genius *['d3i:njas] гений
food [fu:d] пища gentleman * fd3entlman] джентльмен
foolish * ['fu:hf] глупый geography [d3i'ografi] география
foot [fut] ступня get [get] (got [got], got [got]) полу-
on foot пешком чать, доставать
football ffutbo:l] футбол get up вставать
for [fo:] для get off сойти
forest fforist] лес ghost [gaust] привидение
forget * [fa'get] (forgot [ fa'got], for- giant *['d3aiant] 1) великан 2) ги-
gotten [fa'gotn]) забывать гантский
fork [fo:k] вилка giantess * fd3aiantes] великанша
form [fo:m] 1) форма 2) придавать gills * [gilz] жабры
форму girl [дэ:1] девочка
formal * ['fo:mal] официальный give [giv] (gave [geiv], given ['givn])
fortress * ffo:tris] крепость давать
forty ffo:ti] сорок glass [gla:s] 1) стакан, стекло 2) сте-
fortune ffo:tfan] судьба клянный
four [fo:] четыре glue [glu:] 1) клей 2) клеить
fourteen [,fo:'ti:n] четырнадцать go [дай] (went [went], gone [доп]) идти
fox * [foks] лиса go back возвращаться
free [fri:] свободный goat * [gaut] козел
French * [frentf] французский gold * [gauld] золото
Friday ffraidi] пятница golden * f'gauldan] золотой
fridge [fnd3] холодильник goldfish fgauldfij - ] золотая рыбка
friend [frend] друг golf [golf] гольф
friendly * ffrendli] дружеский, дру- gong * [goq] гонг
желюбный good [gud] хороший

goods [gudz] товары handle * fhasndl] ручка
government * fgAvnmant] правитель- handsome * fhasnsam] красивый
ство hang * [haeq] (hung [Ьлц], hung [hAq])
grandad f'grgendsd] разг. дедушка висеть, вешать
grandfather fgr£end,fa:6o] дедушка happen fhsepan] случаться, происхо-
grandma ['graenmci:] разг. бабушка дить
grandmother ['дгагп,тлбэ] бабушка happily ['haepili] счастливо
grandpa ['graenpci:] разг. дедушка happy fhaepi] счастливый
granny ['grasm] ласк, бабушка hard * [ha:d] трудный, тяжелый
grape [greip] виноград work hard много работать
grapefruit fgreipfru:t] грейпфрут hare * [hea] заяц
grass * [gra:s] трава harp * [ha:p] арфа
great [greit] большой; разг. восхити- hat [h£et] шляпа
тельный, великолепный
have [hasv] (had [heed], had [haed])
Great Britain [,greit 'bntn] Велико-
he [hi:] он
great-grandfatherfgreit 'graend,fci:6a]
прадед head [hed] голова
hear [hia] (heard [ha:d], heard [ha:d])
great-grandmother ['greit 'дгагп,тлба]
heat * [hi:t] нагревать
green [gri:n] зеленый
hedgehog * fhed3hDg] еж
greet * [gri:t] приветствовать
hello [he'lau] привет
grey [grei] серый
help [help] 1) помощь 2) помогать
group * [gru:p] г р у п п а
hen [hen] курица
grow * [дгэи] (grew [gru:], grown
her [ha:] ее, ей
[дгаип]) расти
here [hia] здесь
guard [ga:d] охрана, караул
herring * fheriij] селедка
guess [дes] угадать
hi [hai] привет
guest [gest] гость
guita,r [gi'tci:] гитара hide * [haid] (hid [hid], hidden fhidn])
gymnastics [d3im'n£estiks] гимна- прятать(ся)
стика high [hai] высокий
hill [hil] холм, гора
H him [him] его, ему (косе, падеж от
hair [hta] волосы
hip * [hip] бедро
half[hci:f] половина
his [hiz] его, свой
hall [Ьэ:1] зал
history f'histan] история
ham [ham] ветчина
hamburger fh£emba:ga] гамбургер hobby fhobi] любимое занятие,
hamster ['hsemsta] хомяк хобби
hand [hasnd] рука hole * [haul] нора, дыра
handicraft fh£endikra:ft] ручной труд holiday fholidi] праздник, день от-
handkerchief fhaegkatfif] носовой дыха
платок home [haum] дом, очаг

homework ['haumwa:k] домашнее за- invent [in'vent] изобретать
дание invite * [m'vait] приглашать
honey ['Ьлпі] мед invitation [,invi'tei/an] приглашение
hope [haup] надеяться Ireland faialand] Ирландия
horse * [ho:s] лошадь Irish ['aianf] 1) ирландец 2) ирланд-
hospital ['hospital] больница ский
hot [hot] горячий iron faian] утюг
hot dog ['hot dog] бутерброд с горя- it [it] он, она, оно (о предметах и жи-
чей сосиской вотных)
hotel [hau'tel] отель, гостиница its [its] его, ее, свой (о предметах и
hour f'aua] час животных)
hourglass * fauaglci:s] песочные часы
house [haus] дом, здание J
how [hau] как, каким образом
hundred ['hAndrad] сотня jacket ['d3aekit] куртка
hungry ['Ьлгідгі] голодный jam [d3aem] джем
hurrah * [ha'rei] ура January fd3®njuari] январь
husband * f'huzband] муж j a r [d3Ci:] банка, кувшин
jeans [d3i:nz] джинсы
I joke [d3auk] шутка
I [ai] я jolly * fd3oli] веселый
ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] мороженое judo fd3u:dau] дзюдо
idea * [ai'dia] идея, мысль juice [d3u:s] сок
ideal * [ai'dial] 1) идеал 2) идеаль- July [d3u:'lai] июль
ный jump * [d3Amp] прыгать
if [if] если June [d3u:n] июнь
in [in] в Jupiter * fd3u:pita] Юпитер
Indian Ocean * [,indian 'aujan] Индий- just [d3Ast] только что, едва
ский океан
informal * [in'fo:ml] неофициальный К
information * [,infa'meij'9n] 1) инфор-
мация 2) информационный keep [ki:p] (kept [kept], kept [kept])
in front of [in 'frAnt av] впереди держать, хранить
ink * [iqk] чернила kettle ['ketl] чайник (для кипячения
inside * [ln'said] внутрь, внутри воды)
instruction * [m'strAkJan] инструкция key [ki:] ключ
instrument * fmstrumant] инструмент kid [kid] разг. ребенок
interest * ['intrist] интерес kind [kaind] добрый
interesting ['mtristiq] интересный king * [kit]] король
interview * fintavju:] 1) интервью king-size ['kiqsaiz] очень большой
2) интервьюировать kitchen ['kitfin] кухня
into ['into] в(о),на, к kitten fkitn] котенок
introduce * [,intra'dju:s] представ- knife [naif] нож
лять, знакомить knock * [nok] стук

^ LH&1972
know [пэи] (knew [nju:], known [noun]) list * [list] список
знать listen [Tisn] слушать
literature [Titaritfa] литература
litter [Tita] мусор
little [Titl] маленький
ladder * ['laeda] лестница live [liv] жить
lady* ['leidi] дама living room [Tivnj rum] гостиная
lamb [laem] мясо молодого барашка loaf [lauf] буханка
lamp [1агтр] лампа lobster * [Tobsta] омар
land [laend] приземляться lonely * ['launli] одинокий
language * flaei]gwid3] язык long [log] длинный
lantern [Taentan] фонарь look [luk] смотреть
large [lci:d3] большой look for искать
last [lci:st] последний lose [lu:z] (lost [lost], lost [bst]) терять
late [leit] поздний lots of ['lots av] огромное количество
lay * [lei] (laid [leid], laid [leid]) (кого-либо, чего-либо)
класть, положить love [IAV] 1) любовь 2) любить
lay the table накрывать на стол lovely * [ T A V I I ] красивый, прекрас-
lay eggs нести яйца ный
lazy * [Teizi] ленивый low [lau] низкий
lead [li:d] вести, руководить luck * [1лк] удача
leaf * [li:f] (pi leaves) лист lunch [L\ntf] обед; легкая закуска
leaflet * fli:fht] тонкая брошюра packed lunch школьный завтрак в
learn [1э:п] (learnt [la:nt], learnt упаковке
[la:nt]) учить(ся)
leave [li:v] (left [left], left [left]) поки- М
дать, уезжать
left [left] левый madam fmasdam] мадам
legend * ['led3and] легенда magic * fmaed3ik] волшебный
lemon fleman] лимон make [meik] (made [meid], made
letter f'leta] буква; письмо [meid]) делать, совершать
lettuce [Tetis] салат man [maen] человек, мужчина
library [Taibrari] библиотека manner * ['maena] манера
lie * [lai] ложь, обман mannerly * ['maenali] воспитанный, с
life * [laif] жизнь хорошими манерами
life-size * [Taifsaiz] в натуральную ве- many ['теш] много
личину map [masp] карта
lift [lift] поднимать March [ma:tj] март
light 1 [lait] свет market fmcukit] рынок, базар
light 2 [lait] легкий marmalade ['ma:maleid] джем, по-
like [laik] нравиться видло
lily [Till] лилия marry * ['maen] жениться, выходить
lion * [Taian] лев замуж
lioness * [Taianis] львица Mars * [ma:z] Марс

marvellous * ['mci:v9las] изумитель- mixer ['miksa] смеситель, миксер
ный mixture * ['mikstja] смесь
mask [mci:sk] маска modern * ['modan] современный
match * [maetf] 1) матч 2) подбирать, moment fmaumant] момент
сочетать Monday ['mAndi] понедельник
matches ['mastfiz] спички money [ т д ш ] деньги
mathematics [,mas6i'maetiks] матема- month [тлпб] месяц
тика moon * [mu:n] луна
matter * fmaet9] дело, вопрос more [тэ:] больший
What is the matter? В чем дело? morning ['mo:niq] утро
may [mei] мочь, иметь возможность mother ['тлбэ] мать
May [mei] май mountain fmauntin] гора
me [mi:] мне (косе, падеж от I) mouse [maus] (pi mice) мышь
meal * [mi:l] еда mouth [mau9] рот
mean [mi:n] иметь в виду; значить Mr ['mists] (сокр. от mister) мистер,
meat [mi:t] мясо господин (ставится перед фами-
mechanical * [mi'kasmkal] механиче- лией или названием должности и
ский полностью в этом случае никогда
meet [mi:t] (met [met], met [ met]) не пишется)
встречать Mrs fmisiz] (сокр. от mistress) мис-
melon ['melon] дыня сис, госпожа (ставится перед фа-
member * fmemba] член милией замужней женщины и пол-
menu fmenju:] меню ностью в этом случае никогда не
Mercury * ['m9:kjun] Меркурий пишется)
messy ['mesi] грязный much [mAtf] много
mice [mais] мыши mug [тлд] кружка
microwave fmaikrauweiv] микровол- mum [ т л т ] (сокр. от mummy) мама
новый mummy [ ' т л г т ] детск. мама
mile * [mail] миля museum [mju:'ziam] музей
milk [milk] молоко mushroom ['тл/гит] гриб
music ['mju:zik] музыка
milkman * ['milkman] продавец мо-
лока classical music классическая му-
milk shake fmilkfeik] молочный кок- зыка
тейль pop music популярная музыка
million fmiljan] миллион muslin * fmAzlin] муслин
mincer ['minsa] мясорубка must [mAst] должен
mineral ['minaral] минеральный mustard* ['mAstad] горчица
minute fminit] минута my [mai] мой, моя, мое, мои
mirror ['mira] зеркало myself * [mai'self] себя, меня самого
miss [mis] мисс, барышня ( п р и обра-
щении к девушке или незамужней
mitten * [ mitn] рукавица name [neim] имя
mix [miks] смешивать nanny * ['naeni] нянюшка

7 £И&1972
napkin ['naepkin] салфетка
national * fneejanl] национальный ocean ['эи/эп] океан
nationality [,паг/э'паг1ш] националь- Oceania * [,aufi'einja] Океания
ность October [ak'tauba] октябрь
natural * ['naetfral] естественный, office * fafis] контора
природный officer * fofisa] служащий
naughty * ['no:ti] непослушный official * [a'fijal] официальный
near [шэ] близко, поблизости often fofn] часто
neat [ni:t] чистый, аккуратный oil [oil] 1) масло (растительное)
need [ni:d] нуждаться; требоваться 2) смазывать
nephew fnevju:] племянник old [auld] старый
Neptune * fneptju:n] Нептун omelette * ['omlit] омлет
never fneva] никогда on [эп] на
new [nju:] новый once * [wAns] 1) однажды 2) один раз
newspaper fnju:s,peipa] газета one [wAn] один
New Zealand [nju:'zi:land] Новая Зе- onion ['Anjan] лук
ландия only * faunli] 1) единственный
New Zealander [nju:'zi:landa] новозе- 2) только
ландец open faupan] 1) открывать 2) откры-
next [nekst] 1) следующий 2) потом, тый
затем opposite fopazit] напротив
next to рядом,около orange forind3] 1) апельсин 2) оран-
nice [nais] хороший, приятный жевый
nieee [ni:s] племянница order fo:da] 1) порядок 2) заказы-
night [nait] ночь вать
nine [nam] девять organisation * [,o:ganai'zeiJan] орга-
nineteen [,nain'ti:n] девятнадцать низация
ninety ['nainti] девяносто other * ['лба] другой
no [паи] нет our faua] наш
nobody* fnaubadi] никто out of faut av] из
noise * [noiz] шум oven ['ЛУП] духовка
none * [плп] ни один over ['auva] над, через
nonsense * fnonsans] вздор, чепуха owl * [aul] сова
north [пэ:9] 1) север 2) северный own [aun] свой, собственный
nose [nauz] нос
nothing ['плби]] ничто, ничего
November [nau'vemba] ноябрь Pacific Ocean * [pa'sifik'aufan] Тихий
number ['плтЬэ] число, количество; океан
номер packet fpaskit] пакет
nursery * ['na:sari] детская (ком- page * [peid3] страница
ната ) paint [pemt] 1) краска 2) красить
nut [nAt] орех painter * ['peinta] художник
painting ['peintiq] живопись
pair * [pea] пара

408 Li£al972
palace ['peelis] дворец pie [раї] пирог
pan [pasn] кастрюля piece [pi:s] кусок
paper ['peipa] бумага pig [pig] свинья, поросенок
parcel fpcusl] посылка pile * [pail] груда, кипа
parent ['pearant] родитель pillow ['pilau] подушка
park [pci:k] парк pin * [pin] 1) булавка 2) прикалы-
parrot ['paerat] попугай вать
party f'pci:ti] званый вечер, вече- pine * [pain] сосна
ринка pineapple ['pamsepl] ананас
pass [pa:s] 1) пропуск 2) проходить; ping-pong ['pirjpoq] пинг-понг, на-
передавать стольный теннис
passage * ['peesid3] коридор pink * [piqk] розовый
passenger * fpa2sind3a] пассажир pipe * [раїр] труба
passer-by * [,pci:sa'bai] прохожий pizza fpi:tsa] пицца
past [pcust] мимо place [pleis] место
pavement fpeivmant] тротуар place marker карточка, указываю-
pay * [pel] (paid [peid], paid [peid]) щая место гостя за столом
платить plan * [plaen] план
pea [pi:] горох planet fplasmt] планета
peach [pi:tf] персик plaster * ['plci:sta] гипс
pear [р£э] груша plastic * ['plasstik] пластмассовый
pelican * fpelikan] пеликан plasticine ['plasstisi:n] пластилин
pen [pen] ручка plate [pleit] тарелка
pence [pens] pi от penny platform * ['plastfo:m] платформа,
pencil fpensl] карандаш перрон
pencil case fpenslkeis] пенал play [plei] играть
pen-friend * fpenfrend] друг по пере- playground ['pleigraund] площадка
писке для игр
penicillin * [,peni'silin] пенициллин please [pli:z] пожалуйста, будьте
penny fpeni] (pi pence — о денежной добры
сумме) пенни, пенс pleased [pli:zd] довольный
people [ pi:pl] люди plum [рілт] слива
pepper [ рерэ] перец Pluto * ['plu:tau] Плутон
perfume * ['pa:fju:m] духи pocket * fpokit] карман
person * fpa:sn] человек, личность poem ['pauim] поэма, стихотворение
pet [pet] любимое животное point * [point] точка; место, пункт
phone [faun] 1) телефон 2) звонить poison * fpoizn] яд
по телефону policeman * [pa'li:sman] полицейский
photography [fa'tografi] фотографи- police station [pa'li:s 'steijan] поли-
рование цейский участок
piano fpjffinau] пианино polite * [pa'lait] вежливый
pickled * [ pikld] соленый politely * [pa'laith] вежливо
picture fpiktfa] картина pond [pond] пруд
take pictures ф о т о г р а ф и р о в а т ь pop out * внезапно появиться

pop singer fpopsiqga] популярный purple ['pa:pl] пурпурный; фиолето-
певец вый цвет
popular fpopjula] популярный push [puj] т о л к а т ь (от себя )
pork [рэ:к] свинина pussy-cat * ['pusikaet] детск. ко-
porridge * fpond3] (овсяная) каша шечка, киска
position * [pa'zi/an] положение, ме- put [put] (put [put], put [ put]) класть,
стоположение положить
possibly * fposabli] возможно, веро- pyjamas [pa'd3ci:maz] пижама
post-box * fpaustboks] почтовый
ящик Q
poster fpausta] плакат, афиша, объ- queen [kwi:n] королева
явление question fkwestjan] вопрос
postman fpaustman] почтальон quick * [kwik] быстрый
post office fpaust,ofis] почта quickly * fkwikli] быстро
potato [pa'teitau] картофель quietly fkwaiotli] спокойно, тихо
pound [paund] 1) ф у н т (единица веса,
quite [kwait] вполне, совершенно
англ.=453,6 г) 2) фунт стерлингов
pour [ро:] лить(ся), наливать
practise * fpraektis] тренироваться, R

present1 fpreznt] настоящее время rabbit frasbit] кролик
present2 ['preznt] подарок radish * f r s d i j ] редиска
president * fprezidant] президент railway station [Teilwei'steijn] желез-
press * [pres] жать, нажимать нодорожная станция
pretty * fpriti] хорошенький; прият- raincoat freinkaut] плащ
ный raisins freiznz] pi изюм
prince [pnns] принц raspberry frcuzban] малина
princess [pnn'ses] принцесса rather* [То:5э] скорее, предпочти-
print * [print] фотоотпечаток (с нега- тельно, лучше
тива) raven * freivn] ворон
prison * fprizn] тюрьма reach [ri:tT] достигать
prize [praiz] приз read [ri:d] (read [red], read [red]) чи-
problem * fproblam] проблема, во-
прос, задача reading ['ri:dii]] чтение
profession * [pra'fejan] профессия ready fredi] готовый
programme * ['ргэидгагт] программа ready-made [,redi'meid] готовый
pudding * fpudiq] пудинг real * [rial] действительный, настоя-
puff * [pAf] пыхтеть щий
pull [pul] потянуть к себе really fnali] действительно, в самом
pullover fpulauva] пуловер, свитер деле
punish * ['pAniJ*] наказывать reason * fri:zn] причина
pupil ['pju:pl] ученик recipe * ['resipi] рецепт
pure [pjua] чистый red [red] красный

remember * [ri'memba] помнить, sail * [sell] парус
вспоминать salad fsaslad] салат, винегрет
repeat * [ri'pi:t] повторять salt [so:lt] соль
rest * [rest] остальной same * [seim] тот (же) самый, одина-
restaurant ['restaroq] ресторан ковый
reverse * [ri'va:s] менять, изменять sandwich fsasnwid3] бутерброд
rhyme * [raim] рифмованный стих satellite * ['sffitalait] спутник
rice [rais] рис Saturday fsaetadi] суббота
ride [raid] (rode [raud], ridden ['ridn]) Saturn * fsastan] Сатурн
ехать верхом на чем-л. saucepan fso:span] кастрюля
ring * [rig] звонок (телефонный) saucer ['so:sa] блюдце
river ['riva] река sausage ['sosid3] колбаса, сосиски
road [raud] дорога say [sei] (said [sed], said [sed]) гово-
roast [raust] жареный рить, сказать
rob [rob] грабить scarf [ska:f] шарф, галстук
robber froba] грабитель, разбойник, school [sku:l] школа
вор science fsaians] наука
roll [raul] 1) булочка 2) скатывать scientist fsaiantist] ученый
roller-skate fraulaskeit] кататься на scissors ['sizaz] ножницы
роликах scone [skaun] булочка с изюмом
roller-skates ['raulaskeits] коньки на Scotland ['skotland] Шотландия
роликах Scottish fskotij] шотландский
roof [ru:f] крыша sea * [si:] море
room * [ru:m] комната; место season ['si:zn] время года
rope * [raup] канат, веревка seat [si:t] место для сидения, место-
rose [rauz] роза нахождение
round [raund] 1) круг 2) вокруг second 1 f'sekand] секунда
round the corner за углом second 2 fsekand] второй
royal froial] королевский, царский secret * ['si:kritj секрет, тайна
rubber ring ['глЬэпд] резиновый круг see [si:] (saw [so:], seen [si:n]) видеть
rug [глд] ковер, коврик seem * [si:m] казаться
ruler fru:la] линейка segment fsegmant] часть, кусок
run [глп] (ran [raen], run [глп]) бегать seldom * ['seldom] редко
Russia ['гл/а] Россия sell * [sel] (sold [sauld], sold [sauld])
Russian ['гл/ап] русский продавать
send [send] (sent [sent], sent [sent]) по-
S сылать, отправлять
sad [seed] печальный, грустный September [sep'temba] сентябрь
sadly * fsasdli] разг. ужасно seven ['sevn] семь
safe [seif] сейф seventeen [,sevn'ti:n] семнадцать
safety * fseifti] безопасность, со- seventy fsevnti] семьдесят
хранность several * ['sevral] несколько
safety pin ['seiftipin] безопасная ан- shake * [feik] (shook [fuk], shaken
глийская булавка fjeikan]) сотрясать (ся)

sharpener ['/а:рапа] точилка slide * [slaid] 1) слайд 2) (slid [slid],
she [fi:] она slid [slid]) скользить
sheet (Ji:t] простыня slippers ['slipaz] тапочки, комнатные
shelf [Jelf] полка туфли
shine * [fain] (shone [Jon], shone [Jon]) slow [slau] медленный
светить slowly * ['slault] медленно
ship * [fip] корабль small [smo:l] маленький
shirt [Ja:t] рубашка smart [smci:t] элегантный
shoe [Ju:] туфля, полуботинок smile [small] 1) улыбка 2) улыбаться
shop [Jop] магазин smiley fsmaili] улыбающийся
shop assistant * fjорэsistant] прода- so * [sau] так, такой
вец soap [saup] мыло
short [fo:t] короткий sock [sok] носок
should [Jud] следует (выражает ре- sofa ['saufa] диван, софа
комендацию, пожелание) soft [soft] мягкий
shout [Jaut] кричать soil * [soil] пачкать(ся)
shovel * [ ' J A V I ] лопата soldier fsauld3a] солдат
show [Jau] (showed [Jaud], shown some [sAm] некоторое количество
[Jaun]) показывать somebody * ['sAmbadi] кто-нибудь,
shower [ Jaua] душ кто-то
have/take a shower принимать душ something * fsAmGii]] что-нибудь,
side * [said] сторона что-то
sight [salt] достопримечательность sometimes * ['sAmtaimz] иногда
sightseeing fsait,si:iq] осмотр досто- song * [soq] песня
примечательностей soon * [su:n] скоро
sign [sain] знак, символ sorry ['son] огорченный, полный со-
silly * ['sill] глупый жаления
since [sins] с тех пор sort * [so:t] сорт
sing [siq] (sang [saeq], sung [sArj]) петь soup [su:p] суп
sink [siqk] 1) раковина (водопро- South [sauG] юг
вода) 2) тонуть, утопать space [speis] 1) космос 2) космичес-
sir [sa:] сэр кий
sister fsista] сестра spaceman ['speisman] космонавт
sit [sit] (sat [seet], sat [saet]) сидеть spaceship * ['spetsjip] космический
six [siks] шесть корабль
sixteen [,siks'ti:n] шестнадцать spacesuit * ['speissju:t] костюм космо-
sixty fsiksti] шестьдесят навта
size [saiz] размер spaghetti [spa'geti] спагетти
skate [skeit] кататься на коньках speak [spi:k] (spoke [spauk], spoken
ski [ski:] кататься на лыжах ['spaukan]) разговаривать
skirt [ska:t] юбка special * fspejal] специальный, осо-
sleep [sli:p] (slept [slept], slept [slept]) бенный
спать spell * [spel] писать или произносить
slice [slais] ломтик слово по буквам

spill * [spil] проливать, разливать suit [sju:t] костюм
spoon [spu:n] ложка summer fsAma] 1) лето 2) летний
sport [spo:t] спорт sun * [sAn] солнце
sportsman ['sportsman] спортсмен Sunday ['sAndi] воскресенье
spout * [spaut] носик (у чайника) sunglasses * ['sAnglci:siz] очки от
spring [spriq] весна солнца
stairs [stEaz] лестница sunshade * ['sAnJeid] зонтик от
stalk * [sto:k] стебель солнца
stamp [staemp] марка super * ['sju:pa] первоклассный
stand [steend] (stood [stud], stood supermarket ['sju:pa,mci:kit] универ-
[stud]) стоять сам
start [stci:t] начинать supper ['sApa] ужин
station fsteijan] станция surname ['sa:neim] фамилия
bus station ['bAs'stei/an] автобус- surprise [sa'praiz] удивление
ная станция be surprised быть удивленным
police station [pa'li:s'steijan] поли- sweater ['sweta] свитер
цейский участок sweet [swi:t] 1) конфета 2) сладкий
railway station freilwei'steijan] же- swim [swim] (swam [swasm], swum
лезнодорожный вокзал [swAm]) плавать
statue ['stastju:] статуя switch [switf] выключатель
steak [steik] бифштекс switch off выключать
stereo fstiariau] стерео switch on включать
stew * [stju:] тушеное мясо syringe * fsirmd3] шприц
stick * [stik] палка
still * [stil] еще, по-прежнему T
stop [stop] 1) остановка 2) останав-
ливать (ся) table fteibl] стол
story * fsto:n] рассказ tablemat fteiblmast] подставка (под
stout * [staut] полный, дородный горячее блюдо или тарелку)
stove [stauv] кухонная плита tablespoon * fteiblspu:n] столовая
straight [streit] прямой ложка
strange * [streindj] странный table tennis fteibltems] настольный
strawberry ['stro:bari] 1) клубника теннис
2) клубничный tail [teil] хвост
street [stri:t] улица take [teik] (took [tuk], taken ['teikan])
string [striq] веревка брать, взять
stripe [straip] полоска takeaway fteikawei] 1) магазин или
strong [stroq] сильный кафе, где продается еда, которую
study fstAdi] изучать, учиться можно брать с собой 2) горячая
subject fsAbd3ikt] предмет еда, которую можно брать из кафе
subway fsAbwei] подземный переход с собой
such * [sAtf] такой talk [to:k] 1) разговор, беседа 2) раз-
suddenly * fsAdnli] вдруг говаривать, беседовать
sugar ['Juga] сахар tall [to:l] высокий
з Likal972
tart * [ta:t] торт those [6auz] те
tasty fteisti] вкусный thought * [0o:t] мысль
taxi ftaeksi] такси thousand ['9auzsnd] тысяча
tea [ti:] чай three [9ri:] три
teach [ti:tf] (taught [to:t], taught [to:t]) through * [9ru:] через
учить,обучать throw [9гэи] (threw |9ru:], thrown
teacher ftKtfa] учитель [9r3un]) бросать
teapot fti:pot] чайник Thursday ['0a:zdi] четверг
tear * [tia] слеза tidy ftaidi] аккуратный, чистый
teaspoon * fti:spu:n] чайная ложка tie [tai] галстук
teddy bear ftedi'bta] медвежонок tights [taits] колготки
(детская игрушка) time [taim] время; раз
telephone ftelifaun] телефон timetable ftaim,teibl] расписание
telephone box * ftehfaunboks] теле- tin [tin] консервная банка
фонная будка tired * ftaisd] усталый
telescope * fteliskaup] телескоп to [tu:] к, на
television f t e l l V 1 3 9 n ] телевизор toast [t3ust] ломтик хлеба, подрумя-
tell [tel] (told [tauld], told [tauld]) ска- ненный на огне;гренок, тост
зать, рассказывать toaster ftausta] тостер (прибор для
ten [ten] десять поджаривания гренков)
tennis ['tenis] теннис toast rack ['tsustraek] подставка для
terrible fterabl] ужасный, страшный гренков
than [багп] чем today [ta'dei] сегодня
thank [Qaeqk] благодарить together * [ts'gefts] вместе
that [5aet] тот tomato [t3'ma:t3u] помидор
theatre ['9iat3] театр tomb * [tu:m] могила
their [S£э] их tomorrow [ta'morau] завтра
them [5em] их, им ( к о с в е н н ы й падеж tonight * [ta'nait] сегодня вечером
от they) too [tu:] тоже, слишком
theme [9i:m] 1) тема 2) тематиче- tool-shed* ['tu:lfed] сарай, где хра-
ский нятся инструменты
there [без] там, туда tooth [tu:9] (pi teeth) зуб
these [6i:z] э т и toothbrush *['tu:9brA/] зубная щетка
they [6ei] они top [top] верх
thief* [0i:f] вор topping ['topiqj верхушка, верх
thin [9in] тонкий, худой tortoise fto:tas] черепаха
thing [9irj] вещь, предмет tour [tus] путешествие, поездка
think [0ii)k] (thought [9o:t], thought tourist ftuanst] турист, путеше-
[0o:t]) думать ственник
thirsty ['Qa:sti] испытывающий town [taun] город
жажду toy [toi] игрушка
thirteen [,9a:'ti:n] тринадцать traditional * [tra'dijanl] традицион-
thirty ['9a:ti] тридцать ный
this [6is] этот traffic light ftraefiklait] светофор

train [trein] поезд United Kingdom [ju'naitid 'kiqdam]
train set игрушечная железная до- Соединенное Королевство
рога until * [an'til] 1) до 2) (до тех пор)
trainers ['treinaz] кроссовки пока (не)
tree [tri:] дерево up [лр] вверх
trial * ['traial] суд upstairs [Ap'stfaz] наверх, наверху
tricycle * ['traisikl] трехколесный ве- Uranus * [ju'reinas] Уран
лосипед us [AS] нас, нам ( к о с в е н н ы й падеж от
trousers ['trauzaz] брюки we)
trout * [traut] форель
true * [tru:] верный, настоящий usually ['ju:3ali] обычно
try [trai] стараться, пытаться
try on примерять
T-shirt fti:Ja:t] футболка vacuum cleaner ['vaekjuam ,kli:na] пы-
tub * [Ub] лохань, бадья, бочонок лесос
tube * [tju:b] труба, трубка vanilla [va'nila] 1) ваниль 2) ваниль-
Tuesday ['tju:zdi] вторник ный
turkey ['ta:ki] индюк vase [vct:z] ваза
turn [ta:n] 1) очередь 2) поворачи- vegetable ['ved3tabl] овощ
ваться) Venus * fvi:nas] Венера
turn off выключать very f'ven] очень
turn on включать vinegar * ['viniga] уксус
turning ['tainiq] поворот visit fvizit] 1) посещение, визит
TV set ['ti:'vi:set] телевизор 2) посещать
twelve [twelv] двенадцать
twenty ['twenti] двадцать W
two [tu:] два wait [weit] ждать
waiter * ['weita] официант
wake [weik] (woke [wauk], woken
['waukan]) 1) просыпаться 2) бу-
ugly f'Agli] безобразный дить
umbrella * [лт'Ьге1э] зонт wake up просыпаться
uncle ['лг)к1] Д Я Д Я Wales [weilz] Уэлс
under ['Anda] под / walk [wo:k] 1) прогулка 2) идти
underground * ['AndagraundJ/iMeTpo- ( пешком )
политен walkman ['wo:kman] маленький кас-
understand [,Anda'steend] (understood сетный плейэр
[,Anda'stud], understood want [wont] хотеть
[,Anda'stud]) понимать warm [worm] 1) теплый 2) греться,
undress * [An'dres] раздевать(ся) согревать
unhappily [An'haspili] несчастливо wash [woj] мыть(ся), стирать
unhappy * [An'heepi] несчастный wash up мыть посуду
uniform fju:nifo:m] форменная washing machine ['wo/iqinaJi:n] сти-
одежда ральная машина
5 Li^al97Z
watch [wotf] I) часы 2) следить, на- winner ['wina] победитель
блюдать winter fwinta] зима
water fwo:ta] 1) вода 2) поливать wish [wij-] 1) желание 2) желать
wax * [weeks] 1) воск 2) восковой witch * [witj] колдунья, ведьма
way [wei] путь, дорога with [wi5] с
way out выход without [wi'Saut] без
we [wi:] мы woman fwuman] женщина
weak [wi:k] слабый wonderful fwAndaful] замечатель-
wear [wea] (wore [wo:], worn [wo:n]) ный, чудесный
носить одежду word [wa:d] слово
Wednesday fwenzdi] среда work [wa:k] 1) работа 2) работать
week [wi:k] неделя work hard работать усердно
weekend fwi:kend] конец недели; world [wa:ld] мир
время отдыха с пятницы до поне- worm * [wa:m] червяк
дельника would [wud] past от will
welcome fwelkam] приветствовать wrap * [ггер] завертывать
well [wel] хорошо write [rait] (wrote [raut], written
Welsh [welj-] уэльский fntan]) писать
west [west] запад writer ['raita] писатель
wet [wet] мокрый wrong [roq] неверный, неправиль-
what [wot] что, какой ный
when [wen] когда
where [wea] где, куда
which [witj] который
whisper fwispa] шептать year [ja:] год
white [wait] белый leap year * fli:pja:] високосный год
who [hu:] кто yellow ['jelau] желтый
whole * [haul] целый, весь yes [jes] да
why [wai] почему yesterday fjestadi] вчера
wife * [waif] жена yet [jet] еще, все еще
will [wil] (would [wud]) вспомога- yoghurt fjogat] йогурт (просто-
тельный глагол, служит для об- кваша)
разования формы будущего вре- you [ju:] ты, вы
мени во 2-м и 3-м л. young [JAIJ] молодой
win [win] (won [wAn], won [wAn]) ВЫИ- your [jo:] твой, ваш
грать yourself * [jo:'self] сам (a)
wind * [wind] ветер
window fwindau] окно Z
windowsill * fwindausil] подоконник
windowpane * ['windaupein] оконное zero fziarau] нуль, ноль
стекло zoo [zu:] зоопарк
wine * [wain] вино zoology * [zau'olad3i] зоология
wing * [wiq] крыло

№ Фамилия и имя Учебный Состояние учебника

ученика год
в начале в конце
года года





Учебное издание
Клементьева Татьяна Борисовна
Монк Брюс
К ниг а1
Учебник для 5 - 6 классов средней школы

З а в . р е д а к ц и е й Н.Н.Кузнецова
Р е д а к т о р Л.М. Узу нова
Х у д о ж н и к и Е.В.Ромашко, В.Чугуевский
Оформление Л.М.Чернышева
Макет Н.В.Зотовой
Х у д о ж е с т в е н н ы й р е д а к т о р Л.Ф.Малышева
Т е х н и ч е с к и е р е д а к т о р ы Е.С.Юрова, И.Ю.Щукина, С.В.Китаева
К о р р е к т о р Л.П.Батакова
Операторы Е.Р.Михальчук, Н.В.Карпова, Л.В.Федина
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