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Department : Machanical Engineering

Program : B. Sc. Engineering
Sessional quiz Examination, Summer 2020
Section: ME0220-Kmart+ME0220-Loblaws
Course Code: ME 352
Course Title: Mechanics of Machinery Sessional
Name of the Course Teacher: Md. Suzauddin
Time: 2 (Two) hours Full Marks: 60

1. How balancing is done in rotating body? 5

2. Draw Turning Moment Diagram for a Four Stroke Cycle Internal Combustion Engine. 5
3. Differentiate between whiring speed and critical speed. 5
4. Differentiate between governor and a flywheel. 5
5. Write the different criteria for sensitiveness. 5
6. Draw a Porter Governor and writes its function. 5
7. Draw a fly wheel and writes its function. 5
8. Write the name of following figure and discuss its mechanism. 10

9. Draw and write the function of following types of gear train. 15

1. Simple gear train, 2. Compound gear train, 3. Epicyclic gear train.

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