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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

Directions (Q. 1 - 5): Study the following graph carefully to answer these
Number of students (Males and Females) in thousands passed out from various exams in a

1) What is the difference between the total number of students passing out from
IBPS Exam and the total number of students passing out from RRB Exam?
a) 20,500
b) 21,000
c) 10,500
d) 10,000
e) None of these

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

2) The number of Males passing out from IBPS Exam and SBI Exam together is
what percent of the number of females passing out from RBI Exam and SSC Exam
a) 45
b) 40
c) 35
d) 50
e) None of these
3) The number of Females passed out from RBI Exam is approximately what
percent the total number of Females passed out from all the exams together?
a) 40 %
b) 30 %
c) 50 %
d) 65 %
e) 80 %
4) What is the average number of students (Males & Females) passed out from all
the exams together?
a) 38000
b) 48000
c) 42000
d) 51000
e) None of these
5) What is the respective ratio of the total number of Males to the total number of
Females passed out from all the exams together?
a) 37:47
b) 18:25
c) 23:19
d) 25:18
e) None of these

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

Directions (Q. 6 - 10): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions
given below.

Amount invested by six different companies during six different months (in lakhs)

6) What is the difference between the investment made by company A and E

together in March and company B and D together in January (in lakh)?

a) 75

b) 65

c) 50

d) 85

e) None of these

7) What is the average of investment made by company C in May, D in February

and E in January (in lakhs)?

a) 22

b) 36

c) 42

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d) 46

e) None of these

8) In which month was the investment made by companies maximum?

a) March

b) April

c) May

d) June

e) Other than given in the options

9) By what percent approximately is the investment made by company A in June

less than that by company D in the same month?

a) 23%

b) 12%

c) 35%

d) 42%

e) 55%

10) What was the average investment made by company F during all the months
(in lakhs)?

a) 34

b) 43

c) 32

d) 44
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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

e) 42

Directions (Q. 11 - 15): In the following graph, the number of selected candidates
for 6 different banks in three different years 2015, 2016 and 2017 has been shown.

Read the graph carefully and answer the questions.

11) What is the respective ratio between the average number of candidates
selected in all banks in 2015 and 2017?

a) 113 : 105

b) 102 : 111

c) 113 : 115

d) 115 : 103

e) 103 : 115
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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

12) The number of candidates recruited for Syndicate Bank in 2016 is

approximately what percentage of total candidates recruited in that year?

a) 40%

b) 25%

c) 10%

d) 55%

e) 65%

13) The total number of candidates recruited for Andra Bank in all the years is
approximately what percent of the total candidates recruited in 2015 in all banks?

a) 60%

b) 40%

c) 25%

d) 15%

e) 35%

14) What is the ratio between the number of all candidates selected in 2015 and
selected candidates of Canara Bank and UCO Bank in all three years?

a) 103 : 107

b) 101 : 103

c) 103 : 112

d) 107 : 103

e) 104 : 109

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

15) The number of candidates recruited for Canara Bank and Indian Bank in 2017 is
approximately what percent of the candidates recruited for UCO Bank and Andra
Bank by the 2017?

a) 125%

b) 110%

c) 135%

d) 140%

e) 145%

Directions (Q. 16 - 20): Study the following table carefully answer the questions
given below: Number of shirts of different prices bought over the years.

16) In the price range of 1000 - 1999 the number of shirts bought in 2011 and
2016 together is approximately what percent of the number of shirts bought in
2013 and 2015 in the 2000 – 2999 price range?

a) 225 %

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b) 260 %

c) 280 %

d) 245 %

e) 200 %

17) What is the ratio between the number of shirts in price range 4000 - 5000
bought in 2011 and 2015 together and number of shirts in price range 1000 - 1999
bought in 2012 and 2016 together?

a) 168 : 101

b) 103 : 174

c) 91 : 159

d) 101 : 168

e) None of these

18) What is the difference between the number of shirts bought in 2015 and 2016?

a) 950

b) 1080

c) 1020

d) 1210

e) 1460

19) In which year maximum number of shirts was bought?

a) 2012

b) 2016
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c) 2014

d) 2015

e) None of these

20) In which price range maximum shirts were bought in the given years taken

a) 500 - 999

b) 2000 - 2999

c) 1000 - 1999

d) 3000 - 3999

e) None of these

Directions (Q. 21 - 25): Study the following table carefully and answer the
questions given below it.

Number of students from various cities, studying in different institutions

21) What is the average number of students studying in Institute E taking all the
cities together?
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a) 1098

b) 1078

c) 925

d) 915

e) 898

22) The number of students studying in institute A in Bangalore is approximately

what percentage more than that of students studying in institute D in Kochi?

a) 70 %

b) 80 %

c) 95 %

d) 60 %

e) 50 %

23) What is the respective ratio between the number students studying in Institute
D in Hyderabad and Institute A in Goa?

a) 3:2

b) 1:2

c) 2:1

d) 2:3

e) 3:4

24) What is the difference between the total number of students studying in
Bangalore and Mumbai taking all the institution together?

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a) 1070

b) 1080

c) 1180

d) 1060

e) 1170

25) The number of students studying in institute A in Chennai and Hyderabad

together is what percentage less than the number of students studying in institute
C in Bangalore and Hyderabad together?

a) 21%

b) 19%

c) 17%

d) 16%

e) 15%

Directions (Q. 26 - 30): Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions.

Number of staffs (in thousands) in two different banks in six different years

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

26) The number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India in the year 2015 is what
Percentage increased as compared to the previous year?

a) 55 %

b) 25 %

c) 15 %

d) 45 %

e) 35 %

27) If 25% of the staffs in State Bank of India in the year 2014 were females, what
was the number of male staffs in the State Bank of India in the same year?

a) 11250

b) 10750

c) 12650

d) 13250

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e) 14950

28) In which year, the difference between the number of staffs in Reserve Bank of
India and the number of staffs in State Bank of India is highest?

a) 2013

b) 2014

c) 2016

d) 2015

e) 2012

29) What was the difference between the average number of staffs in Reserve
Bank of India and State Bank of India in all the years together?

a) 3000

b) 3500

c) 1500

d) 2500

e) 2000

30) What is the sum of the number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India in the year
2011, 2013 and 2015 together and the number of staffs in State Bank of India in
the year 2012, 2014 and 2016 together?

a) 130000

b) 90000

c) 110000

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d) 150000

e) 120000

Directions (Q. 31 – 35): Study the following table carefully to answer the questions
that follow:

Number of medals won by the five different countries in six Olympic Games

China USA India Russia England
1992 120 65 35 65 64
1996 140 60 70 36 28
2000 42 50 56 42 110
2004 132 38 108 41 59
2008 90 74 76 45 63
2012 64 46 82 69 80

31) Which country won second highest number of medals over all the Olympics

a) China

b) Russia

c) India

d) England

e) USA

32) What was the approximate percent increase in number of medals won by
country-India in the year 2004 from the previous Olympics?

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a) 85%

b) 75%

c) 95%

d) 60%

e) 105%

33) If 50 percent of the medals won by USA in the year 2000 were gold medals. 10
percent were bronze and remaining were silver medals, then find the number of
silver medals won by that country?

a) 20

b) 33

c) 43

d) 37

e) None of these

34) Number of medals won by country-China in the years 2012 was approximately
what percentage of the number of medals won by country-Russia in the year 1996?

a) 145%

b) 180%

c) 155%

d) 60%

e) 75%

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

35) One of the countries performances decreased consistently from the year 1992
to the year 2012. Which of the following is that country?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) None of these

Directions (Q. 36 – 40) Study the following table carefully to answer the questions
that follows:

The following table gives number of people in different villages and percentage of Men,
Women and Children in these villages.

Village Total % % of % of
No. of of Women Children
People Men
L 1240 35 45 20
M 2140 45 30 25
N 1450 50 30 20
O 1680 65 20 15
P 2060 40 40 20
Q 1990 40 50 10

36) Which village has the least number of children?

a) L

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b) N

c) Q

d) O

e) None of these

37) What is the respective ratio of the number of women in Villages L and P
together to the number of men in the same villages together?

a) 617 : 664

b) 629 : 691

c) 664 : 617

d) 691 : 629

e) None of these

38) What is the total number of women and children together in Village Q?

a) 995

b) 1184

c) 1086

d) 988

e) None of these

39) The total number of people from Village O is approximately what per cent of
the total number of people from all the Villages together?

a) 15 %

b) 25 %
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c) 35 %

d) 45 %

e) 60 %

40) What is the total number of children from Villages M and N together?

a) 785

b) 825

c) 855

d) 795

e) None of these

Directions (Q. 41 - 45): Study the column graph carefully and answer the questions
given below:

The number of visitors travelled to India (in lakhs) from four different countries in different

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

41) What is the difference between the number of visitors from China in 2014 and
that from Malaysia in 2009?

a) 2.5 lakh

b) 1 lakh

c) 1.5 lakh

d) 1.75 lakh

e) 1.9 lakh

42) The total number of visitors in 2013 is approximately what percent of the total
number of visitors in 2016?

a) 60 %

b) 85 %

c) 40 %

d) 70 %

e) 50 %

43) If the visitors go to amusement park, the entry fees for Malaysia visitors is 350
and that of China visitors is 450 for all visitors then what is the total income of for
that park from both the country visitors during 2014 to 2016?

a) 87.5 crore

b) 95 crore

c) 92.5 crore

d) 77.5 crore

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e) 90 crore

44) From which country is the number of visitors travelled to India maximum
during the eight years?

a) Russia

b) China

c) Japan

d) Either Japan or China

e) Malaysia

45) If the visitors from Russia donate 400 rupees each for a children foundation
and the each visitors from Japan donate for the same foundation 20% more than
that of Russia visitors, then what is the ratio of the donation of Russia in 2015 to
that of Japan in 2016?

a) 3 : 10

b) 5 : 9

c) 4 : 7

d) 6 : 5

e) 5 : 6

Directions (Q. 46 - 50): Study the table and answer the given questions.

Figures regarding number of cars produced and sold (in lakh per year)

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

46) What is the ratio of the total number of cars produced by company C in both
the years 2007 and 2010 together, to the total number of cars sold by company A
in both the years 2007 and 2009 together?

a) 3 :2

b) 14:11

c) 9 : 7

d) 7 :4

e) 29:18

47) What is the percentage change in the number of unsold cars for company C in
the year 2009, compared to the previous year?

a) 68 23 % increase

b) 500% increase

c) 25% decrease

d) 50% increase

e) 400% increase

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

48) What is the total number of cars sold by all the given companies together in the
year 2008?

a) 10.4 lakh

b) 12.1 lakh

c) 11.8 lakh

d) 11.0 lakh

e) 8.4 lakh

49) What is the average production of company A over all the years?

a) 2.85 lakh

b) 2.90 lakh

c) 2.36 lakh

d) 2.78 lakh

e) 2.58 lakh

50) What is the ratio of the total sales of Company A to that of Company D for the
years 2007, 2009 and 2010 taken together?

a) 3 : 7

b) 4 : 9

c) 10 : 11

d) 7 : 13

e) 14 : 23

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

Answers & Explanation:

1) Answer: e)
Passed students from IBPS Exam= 37500
Passed students from RRB Exam = 17500
Difference = 37500 – 17500 = 20000

2) Answer: d)
Passed Boys from IBPS Exam and SBI Exam
= 15000 + 17500
Passed Girls from RBI Exam and SSC Exam
= 35000 + 30000
Required % = 32500/65000 × 100 = 50%

3) Answer: b)
Passed Girls from RBI Exam = 35000
Passed Girls from All exams = 115000
Required % = (35000 / 115000) × 100 = 29.78% = 30%

4) Answer: c)
Average number of passed students in all Exams
Boys + Girls = Students
IBPS =15000 + 22500= 37500
SBI = 17500 + 20000= 37500
RBI = 27500 + 35000= 62500
SSC = 25000 + 30000= 55000
RRB = 10000 + 7500 = 17500
Total = 210000
Average = 210000/5 = 42000

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5) Answer: a)
Ratio between passed all boys and all girls in all exams
= > 92500 : 117500
= > 37 : 47

6) Answer: a)

Investment made by A and E in March = 52 + 83 = 135

Investment made by B and D in January = 28 + 32 = 60

Hence, required difference = 135 – 60 = 75

7) Answer: c)

Required average = (47 + 55 + 24)/3 = 126/3 = 42 lakhs

8) Answer: b)

The total investment of companies,

In January = 25 + 28 + 50 + 32 + 24 + 35 = 194 lakh

In February = 45 + 40 + 60 + 55 + 28 + 38 = 266 lakh

In March = 52 + 38 + 46 + 72 + 83 + 65 = 356 lakh

In April = 80 + 45 + 70 + 90 + 65 + 76 = 426 lakh

In May = 15 + 20 + 47 + 25 + 13 + 30 = 150 lakh

In June = 62 + 95 + 27 + 80 + 50 + 20 = 334 lakh

Hence, April month has the maximum investments.

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9) Answer: a)

Required percent = (80 – 62)/ 80 × 100 = 18 / 80 × 100 = 22.5% = 23%

10) Answer: d)

Required average = (35 + 38 + 65 + 76 + 30 + 20)/6 = 264/6 = 44

11) Answer: e)

Total candidates selected:

2015 = 1030

2017 = 1150

Required ratio = 1030 : 1150 = 103 : 115

12) Answer: b)

Total candidates selected in 2016

= 10 + 30 + 160 + 360 + 250 + 220 = 1030

Required percentage = (250/1030) × 100 = 24% = 25 %

13) Answer: d)

Total number of candidates selected in Andra Bank

= 80 + 10 + 50 = 140

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Required percentage = (140/1030) × 100 = 14% = 15 %

14) Answer: a)

Total number of candidates selected in 2015

= 80 + 40 + 100 + 330 + 280 + 200 = 1030

Canara Bank + UCO Bank

= (100 + 130 + 160) + (200 + 220 + 260)

= 390 + 680

= 1070

Required ratio = 1030 : 1070

= 103 : 107

15) Answer: c)

In 2017

Canara Bank + Indian Bank

= 130 + 290 = 420

UCO Bank + Andra Bank

= 260 + 50 = 310

Required percentage = 420/310 × 100 = 135%

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16) Answer: b)

Price range of 1000 – 1999 the number of shirts bought in 2011 and 2016

= 140 + 470 = 610

Price range of 2000 – 2999 the number of shirts bought in 2013 and 2015

= 100 + 135 = 235

Required percentage = (610/235) × 100 = 259.57 % = 260 %

17) Answer: d)

Number of shirts in price range 4000 – 5000 bought in 2011 and 2015 together

= 105 + 400 = 505

Number of shirts in price range 1000 – 1999 bought in 2012 and 2016 together

= 370 + 470 = 840

Required ratio = 505 : 840 = 101 : 168

18) Answer: c)

Number of shirts bought in 2015

= (25 + 400 + 200 + 135 + 175 + 75 + 25) = 1035

Number of shirts bought in 2016

= (75 + 375 + 240 + 300 + 470 + 530 + 65) = 2055

Required difference = 2055 – 1035 = 1020

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19) Answer: a)

Number of shirts bought in:

2011 = 50+105+70+300+140+200+65=930

2012 = 106+1000+100+500+370+700+135=2911

2013 = 2+40+80+100+200+15+111=548

2014 = 30+105+115+216+225+400+188=1279

2015 = 25+400+200+135+175+75+25=1035

2016 = 75+375+240+300+470+530+65=2055

So maximum number of shirts was bought in 2012

20) Answer: e)

Number of shirts in the price range:

More than 5000 = 50 + 106 + 2 + 30 + 25 + 75 = 288

4000 – 5000 = 105 + 1000 + 40 + 105 + 400 + 375 = 2025

3000 – 3999 = 70 + 100 + 80 + 115 + 200 + 240 = 805

2000 – 2999 = 300 + 500 + 100 + 216 + 135 + 300 =1551

1000 – 1999 = 140 + 370 + 200 + 225 + 175 + 470 = 1580

500 – 999 = 200 + 700 + 15 + 400 + 75 + 530 = 1920

Less than 500 = 65 + 135 + 111 + 188 + 25 + 65 = 589

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So maximum number of shirts bought in price range of 4000 – 5000

21) Answer: d)

Required average = (950+ 800 + 910 + 920 +1090 +820)/6

= > 5490/6 = 915

22) Answer: a)

Required % = [(480 -280)/280] × 100 = 71.42% = 70 %

23) Answer: d)

Required ratio = 260 : 390 = 2: 3

24) Answer: b)

Total number students in Bangalore = 2910

Total number of students in Mumbai = 3990

Hence, required difference = 3990 – 2910 = 1080

25) Answer: c)

The number of students studying in institute A in Chennai and Hyderabad is,

= > 680 + 980 = 1660

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The number of students in institute C in Bangalore and Hyderabad is,

= > 900+1100 = 2000

Required percent = (2000 – 1660)/ 2000 × 100 = (340/ 2000) × 100 = 17%

26) Answer: b)

Number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India in 2015 = 25000

Number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India in 2014 = 20000

Increase = 25000 – 20000 = 5000

Increase % = 5000/20000 × 100 = 25%

27) Answer: a)

Total number of staffs in State Bank of India in 2014 = 15000

Number of females staffs = 25% of 15000

= 25/100 × 15000 = 3750

Number of male staffs = 15000 – 3750

= 11250

28) Answer: c)

Difference between the numbers of staffs in Reserve Bank of India & Number of staffs in
State Bank of India for the year

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2011 – (20000 – 10000) = 10000

2012 – (25000 – 15000) = 10000

2013 – (35000 – 25000) = 10000

2014 – (20000 – 15000) = 5000

2015 – (30000 – 25000) = 5000

2016 – (35000 – 20000) = 15000

Difference was highest in year 2016.

29) Answer: d)

Average number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India

= (10 + 15 + 25 + 20 + 25 + 35)/6

= 130/6

Average number of staffs in State Bank of India

= (20 + 25 + 35 + 15 + 30 + 20)/6

= 145/6

Difference = (145/6) – (130/6)

= 15/6 = 2.5*1000

= 2500

30) Answer: e)

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Number of staffs in Reserve Bank of India in 2011, 2013 and 2015

= 10000 + 25000 + 25000 = 60000

Number of staffs in State Bank of India in 2012, 2014 and 2016

= 25000 + 15000 + 20000 = 60000

Total staffs = 60000 + 60000 = 120000

31) Answer: c)

It is obvious from the table.

China = 588; USA = 333; India = 427; Russia = 298; England = 404

India won second highest number of medals over all the years together.

32) Answer: c)

Required percentage

= > (108-56)/56 x 100 = 52/56 x 100 = 93% = 95 %

33) Answer: a)

Total medals won by country USA in the year 2004 = 50

Number of gold and bronze medals = (50+10) % of 50 = 30

Therefore, Number of silver medals won = 50-30 = 20

34) Answer: b)
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Number of medals won by China in 2012 = 64

Number of medals won by Russia in 1996 = 36

Required percentage = (64/36) x 100 = 177.77 = 180 %

35) Answer: e)

Such country is not there in the table

36) Answer: c)

Number Number
number Number
Village of of
of of men
women children
L 1240 434 558 248
M 2140 963 642 535
N 1450 725 435 290
O 1680 1092 336 252
P 2060 824 824 412
Q 1990 796 995 199
Total 10560 4834 3790 1936

Village Q has least number of children’s ie., 199.

37) Answer: d)

Required ratio = (558 + 824) : (434 + 824) = 691 : 629

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38) Answer: e)

Required sum = 995 + 199 = 1194.

39) Answer: a)

Required percentage = (1680/10560)*100 = 16% = 15 %

40) Answer: b)

Required sum = 535 + 290 = 825

41) Answer: b)

Difference between the number of visitors from China in 2014 and the number of visitors
from Malaysia in 2009

= 3 lakh – 2 lakh

= 1 lakh

42) Answer: d)

Total number of visitors travelled in 2013


= 12 lakh

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Total number of visitors travelled in 2016


= 18 lakh

Required % = 12 × 100 / 18 = 66.67% = 70 %

43) Answer: c)

Income from Malaysia visitors during 2014 to 2016

= (5 + 2 + 4) × 350

= 3850 lakh

= 38.5 crore

Income from China visitors during 2014 to 2016

= (3 + 4 + 5) × 450

= 5400 lakh

= 54 crore

Total income = 38.5 + 54 = 92.5 crore

44) Answer: a)

Number of visitors travelled from Russia during the given eight years

= 6 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 3 = 43 lakh

Similarly, in China = 28 lakh

In Japan = 36 lakh

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2018 – Important 50 Data Interpretation Questions

In Malaysia = 27 lakh

The number of visitors travelled by Russia is the maximum.

45) Answer: e)

Donation of Russia visitors in 2015

= 600000 × 400 = 240000000

= 24 crore

Donation of Japan visitors in 2016

= 240000000 × 120 / 100

= 28.8 crore

Required ratio = 24 : 28.8 = 5 : 6

46) Answer: c)

Total number of cars produced by Company C in the year 2007 and 2010 together

= 3.1 + 2.3 = 5.4 lakh

Total number of cars sold by Company A in the year 2007 and 2009 together

= 1.9+2.3 =4.2lakh

Required ratio = 5.4/4.2 = 9/7 = 9 : 7

47) Answer: e)

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The number of unsold cars for Company C in the year 2009

= 3.3 – 2.8 = 0.5 lakh = 50000

The number of unsold cars for Company C in the year 2008

= 3.1 – 3 = 0.1 lakh = 10000

Required % change = [(50000 -10000) / 10000] x100

= (40000/10000) x 100 = 400% increase

48) Answer: d)

Total number of cars sold by all the given companies together in 2008

= 2 + 1.2 + 3 + 4.8 = 11.0 = 11 lakh

49) Answer: d)

Required average = (2.9 +3.2 +2.6 +3 + 2.2 )/5

= 13.9/5 = 2.78 lakh

50) Answer: a)

Required ratio = (1.9+2.3+1.8 ) / (4.7+4.5+4.8) = 6/14 = 3 : 7

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