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BCC Debate Dynasty

Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Framework page of 74

Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Framework Arguments Index 1/2

Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Framework Arguments Index..................................................................................1
Class Analysis Insufficient for Liberation......................................................................................................................3
Freirian Dialogue Key to Liberation...............................................................................................................................4
Debate Education is not Neutral.....................................................................................................................................5
Lens of the Oppressed Sees Reality................................................................................................................................6
Liberation is a Moral Imperative....................................................................................................................................7
Liberation must ovecome internalized oppression.........................................................................................................8
Consciousness Change must come first..........................................................................................................................9
Consciousness Change Leads to Mobilization against Oppression..............................................................................10
Education Fails without Consciousness Change...........................................................................................................11
Transformation is Possible in spite of obstacles...........................................................................................................12
Recognition of the Oppressed Other Key to Breaking the Cycle.................................................................................13

Praxis in Debate Education Key to Liberation.............................................................................................................14

Oppression does not yield to objectified argument.......................................................................................................15
Formerly Oppressed Persons Assume White Privilege................................................................................................16
Desire to Control Drives Oppressors............................................................................................................................17
Educated Deference to Power Disintegrates Organic Intellect.....................................................................................18
Activism Cannot Replace Dialogue for Revolutionary Change...................................................................................19
Oppressed People Must Recognize their Subject Positions..........................................................................................20
This Debate Round is the Key Pedagogical Tool for Liberation..................................................................................21
Resolutional Debate Frustrates Consciousness Change...............................................................................................22
Resolutional Debate Objectifies Debaters....................................................................................................................23
Debate Must be Integrated with the Realities of Oppression.......................................................................................24
Any Form of Banking Education Must Be Rejected....................................................................................................25
Banking Education must be rejected.............................................................................................................................26
Education Must Begin from the Situatedness of the Oppressed...................................................................................27
This is praxis!................................................................................................................................................................28
Dialogue is freakin’ awesome!.....................................................................................................................................29
Passive Education is Oppressive...................................................................................................................................30
Fiat is Bad Debate.........................................................................................................................................................31
Thematic Alternative to Resolutional Debate...............................................................................................................32
Resolution Presents a Limit Situation...........................................................................................................................33
Personal History Allows Thematic Evaluation.............................................................................................................34
Resolutional Limit Situations are Oppressive...............................................................................................................35
Histories and realities of people break free of limit situations.....................................................................................36
Limit Situations Silence People....................................................................................................................................37
Debate Impacts are Constructed by Debaters...............................................................................................................38
Imposed Objectivity is Deadly; Choose Life!..............................................................................................................39
Thematic Investigations are Educational......................................................................................................................40
Imagining the Impossible Key to Breaking Down Limit Situations.............................................................................41
Decoded Impossibilities Become Plausible Action......................................................................................................42

Revolutionary Praxis Builds Movements.....................................................................................................................43

Subjective Transformation Key to Movements............................................................................................................44
Both Judges and Debaters Need Revolutionary Consciousness...................................................................................45
Judge’s Role is to Fight with the Oppressed.................................................................................................................46
Objective Analysis of the Oppressed Spurs Countermovements.................................................................................47
Antidialogical Action Spurs Conquest and Oppression................................................................................................48
Oppression Creates Passive Relationships to Reality...................................................................................................49
Focusing on Specific Topic Issues Ignores the Totality...............................................................................................50
Movement Toward Unity of Oppressed Peoples Leads to Change..............................................................................51

Conventional Debate Practices Makes Debaters Passive.............................................................................................52

“Voting Issue” Claims Inhibit Dialogue and Liberative Thinking...............................................................................53
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Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Framework Arguments Index 2/2

Cultural Group Invasion is Violent and Antidialogical................................................................................................54
Cultural Group Invasion Internalizes Inferiority in the Oppresed................................................................................55
Cultural Revolution Requires Society-Wide Changes..................................................................................................56
Historical Developments Underlie Cultural Revolution...............................................................................................57
Opponents’ Strategy is Cultural Invasion.....................................................................................................................58
AT: Dialogue Perm......................................................................................................................................................60
We Must Choose Our Liberatory Praxis.......................................................................................................................61
Our Praxis is Most Consistent with the Movement......................................................................................................62
Cultural Domination of the Oppressed Subverts Realities...........................................................................................63
Opposing Strategies are Manipulative..........................................................................................................................64
Personal Experience is the Frame for Historical Analysis............................................................................................65
Witnessing and Organizing is Social............................................................................................................................66
Authority Must Yield to Freedom.................................................................................................................................67
Cultural Action Aims at Liberation..............................................................................................................................68
Antidialogical Cultural Action Necessitates Domination.............................................................................................69
Cultural Invasion Destroys the Agency of the Oppressed............................................................................................70
Cultural Synthesis and Liberation Must Start With Our Decisions..............................................................................71
Praxis is the Theory that Informs LIberation................................................................................................................72
White Supremacy is the Cause of Modern War and Eco-Crisis...................................................................................73
White Supremacy Leads to Extinction.........................................................................................................................74
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Class Analysis Insufficient for Liberation

Classism is only one aspect of the struggle for liberation. We cannot ignore the historical or
human factors that exist

Macedo in 1968
Donaldo. Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
“Pedagogy of the Oppressed” Pg 13-14. 1968

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Freirian Dialogue Key to Liberation

The engagement in the Freirian notion of dialogue is essential to realize libratory pedagogy

Macedo in 1968
Donaldo. Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
“Pedagogy of the Oppressed” Pg 17-18. 1968
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Debate Education is not Neutral

There is no such thing as neutral education- the notion of fairness should not exist in
debate rounds

Shaull in 1968
Richard. Professor of Ecumenics at Princeton Theological Seminary, “Pedagogy of the
Oppressed” Pg 34. 1968
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Lens of the Oppressed Sees Reality

The true reality can be perceived as one joins in the liberation process and examines issues
through the lenses of the oppressed

Freire in 1968
Paulo. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 39. 1968

“Dehumanization” is a skewed reality that is created by those who have stolen the
humanity. It causes the oppressed to become the oppressors

Freire in 1968
Paulo. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 44
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Liberation is a Moral Imperative

It is a moral imperative for the oppressed to free themselves from the unjust social order

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 44
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Liberation must ovecome internalized oppression

The liberation process needs to address the internalization of the oppressor by the
oppressed in order to be successful.

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 46
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Consciousness Change must come first

The oppressed consciousnesses is the first step to ejecting the oppressor in their
transformation of the humanity

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 47
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Consciousness Change Leads to Mobilization against Oppression

Mobilization follows the discovery of self-consciousness and the ejection of the oppressor

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 46- 47
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Education Fails without Consciousness Change

Education needs to account for the duality nature of oppression

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 46- 47
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Transformation is Possible in spite of obstacles

Stop being pessimistic- we can transform this oppression!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 47
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Recognition of the Oppressed Other Key to Breaking the Cycle

Until you understand the humanity of those whom you oppressed, you will continue the

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 47-48
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Praxis in Debate Education Key to Liberation

We have to engage in a praxical mode of education to break down the dichotomies that
domesticates us

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 51-52

When we integrate our realities into our educational process, we are able to break down
the dialectic between a teacher and student thus establishing our praxis

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 83
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Oppression does not yield to objectified argument

We have to acknowledge the subjectivity of oppression and deny the imposition of
objectivity- we don’t exist in a static world!

Freire in 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 48-49
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Formerly Oppressed Persons Assume White Privilege

The ‘oppression’ of the former oppressed comes from the skewed perception of their
privilege at the expense of others

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 57-58
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Desire to Control Drives Oppressors

The need to possess drives the oppressors to control, from the being to the humanity, of the

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 59
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Educated Deference to Power Disintegrates Organic Intellect

The deference of power to those who are privilege in their education process prevents the
oppressed from integrating their organic intellect

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 63
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Activism Cannot Replace Dialogue for Revolutionary Change

It is imperative that the oppressed do not engage in mere activism- the reflective dialogue
interdependent from the oppressed will be the first step to the revolution

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 66
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Oppressed People Must Recognize their Subject Positions

The oppressed must realize that they are the subject of the struggle for their liberation, not
the object

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 67-68
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This Debate Round is the Key Pedagogical Tool for Liberation

This debate round is the pedagogical tool that is key to liberation

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg
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Resolutional Debate Frustrates Consciousness Change

The resolution serves to domesticate the minds of debaters by not considering realities and

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg74-75
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Resolutional Debate Objectifies Debaters

The resolution causes us to be spectators of the realities of the topic and those around us,
dooming us to being objects of our educational process

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 75-76
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Debate Must be Integrated with the Realities of Oppression

Unless we authenticate our education process in this activity through integrating realities,
we will be oppressed

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg77
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Any Form of Banking Education Must Be Rejected

In order to participate in liberation from our social locations as debaters, we have to reject
any form of banking education

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 79
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Banking Education must be rejected

Banking education domesticates and dehumanizes

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 83-84
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Education Must Begin from the Situatedness of the Oppressed

By allowing for people to include their human vocation, we allow for their humanity and
subjectivity to be included

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 85
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This is praxis!
Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 87-88
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Dialogue is freakin’ awesome!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 88-89

Your pessimism sucks! Get some hope dude.

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 91-92
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Passive Education is Oppressive

Education toward the salvation and domestication of the students invades cultures and

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 95
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Fiat is Bad Debate

Fiat is bad- it encourages discourse separate from the realities of people and introduces
jargon irrelevant to the education of students

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 96
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Thematic Alternative to Resolutional Debate

The topic is a theme, but the resolution serves to domesticate

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 96-97
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Resolution Presents a Limit Situation

The resolution presents a limit situation to which we can evaluate our consciousness

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 99-100
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Personal History Allows Thematic Evaluation

We do not exist in a static world. The historical experiences that we have contribute to the
thematic universe of how we evaluate the world

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 101
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Resolutional Limit Situations are Oppressive

Limit situations are applied to maintain the status quo oppression

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 102
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Histories and realities of people break free of limit situations

We have to look at the histories and the realities of the people in order to break free of limit

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 104
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Limit Situations Silence People

The limit situations that are put forth causes the inability to self-determine, thus silenced

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 106
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Debate Impacts are Constructed by Debaters

Hello! If you want to argue nuclear war, you are creating it!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg107
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Imposed Objectivity is Deadly; Choose Life!

Imposed objectivity equals death
Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 108

We must act upon our existence within our realities

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 108
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Thematic Investigations are Educational

Of course we are flippin’ educational! More than you anyway…

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg109
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Imagining the Impossible Key to Breaking Down Limit Situations

We have to think outside the box and imagine the impossible- this is the key to breaking
down limit situations

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg
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Decoded Impossibilities Become Plausible Action

In the process of decoding the reality, the exploration of the ‘impossible’ turns it into
plausible action

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 115
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Revolutionary Praxis Builds Movements

Revolutionary praxis allows for the people to integrate themselves into the movement
rather than following the blind propagandas

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg126
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Subjective Transformation Key to Movements

We need to participate in the movement through being the subject of the transformation of
our reality!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg
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Both Judges and Debaters Need Revolutionary Consciousness

The transformation happens when both leaders and people are subjects of the process

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg130
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Judge’s Role is to Fight with the Oppressed

The elites must join the oppressed, understanding that they do not ‘grant’ them their
liberation but fights together with them

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 132-133
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Objective Analysis of the Oppressed Spurs Countermovements

We cannot regard the oppressed as objects of analysis- this creates dichotomies that deters
dialogue, creating myths that serve counter-effective to the movement

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 133-134
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Antidialogical Action Spurs Conquest and Oppression

The paternalistic nature of conquest is necrophilic

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 138

Antidialogical agendas are made to further oppression and culturally conquer the

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 138
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Oppression Creates Passive Relationships to Reality

The oppressor turns the oppressed into the spectator of realities, turning them into the
objects of the education process

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 139-140
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Focusing on Specific Topic Issues Ignores the Totality

Focalized studies suck- it ignores the totality of the issue and its implicated realities!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 141-142
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Movement Toward Unity of Oppressed Peoples Leads to Change

The division that the oppressors put on the oppressed deprives them the ability to self-
determine and materializes into domination and manipulation

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg145
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Conventional Debate Practices Makes Debaters Passive

The debate community has prescribed practices that resembles dialogue that in actuality
are means to manipulate thinking and actions of debaters, turning them spectators to the

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg
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“Voting Issue” Claims Inhibit Dialogue and Liberative Thinking

Your voter is a way to stop us from thinking about liberation and dialogue!

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg149
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Cultural Group Invasion is Violent and Antidialogical

Cultural invasion is violence and antidialogical, a deterrence to self-determination

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 152

Cultural invasion is a form of domination and leads to the inauthentic reality of those

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 153
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Cultural Group Invasion Internalizes Inferiority in the Oppresed

The inferior complex of the invaded allows for the success of cultural invasion since it
encourages the internalization of the invaders

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 153-154
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Cultural Revolution Requires Society-Wide Changes

Cultural revolution calls for the change in the social fabric of the entire society

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg158-159
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Historical Developments Underlie Cultural Revolution

We have to constantly look at the historical development of the society through the cultural

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 159
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Opponents’ Strategy is Cultural Invasion

And this is how you qualify as cultural invasion and not transformation

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 160
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Self determination is key to unprescribing the notions of the oppressed

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg161
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AT: Dialogue Perm

Perm will not solve- you are a function of the oppressive powers, not through it.

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 165-166

It doesn’t matter that you fundamentally agree with us, your procedures turn back your

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 167
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We Must Choose Our Liberatory Praxis

As the subject of the activity, we have to act with the appropriate vocation in naming the
realities of the activity to break down the dialectics in the status quo

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 167-168

Please don’t name our world. We have to do it for ourselves

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 168-169
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Our Praxis is Most Consistent with the Movement

We solve best- we are the communion with the people. Your specialized ‘game’ separates
you from the movement

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 171

Impact= death of the being and soul in this invisible war forged against the oppressed

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 171-172
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Cultural Domination of the Oppressed Subverts Realities

The cultural domination and division of the oppressed allows for the subversion of their

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 173

We have to confront the myths that have deterred cultural action to self-determine. This is
the only way to solve

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 174
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Opposing Strategies are Manipulative

You manipulate us! We are merely organizing against this domination and conquest

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 176
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Personal Experience is the Frame for Historical Analysis

We have to evaluate the historical contexts in our own realities in order to break free from
the cycles of dominative mystification.

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 176
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Witnessing and Organizing is Social

The notion of witnessing cannot happen in a static (we call fiat)

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 176-177

Organizing needs to happen with the people, otherwise it constitutes depersonalization

Freire, 68
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 177

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Authority Must Yield to Freedom

Authentic authority requires the delegation of power derived from freedom aimed at
transforming reality that dominates the oppressed

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 178-179
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Cultural Action Aims at Liberation

Cultural action is aimed at the liberation of the people

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 179
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Antidialogical Cultural Action Necessitates Domination

Antidialogical cultural action is BAD…

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 179-180
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Cultural Invasion Destroys the Agency of the Oppressed

The invasion begins with making the oppressed the spectators of their culture and the
oppressors the actors

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 180
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Cultural Synthesis and Liberation Must Start With Our Decisions

We have to create our own paths of liberation and self determine our course of cultural

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 181
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Praxis is the Theory that Informs LIberation

Praxis is the theory of action for the oppressed to liberation

Freire in 1968
Paulo Freire. Educational Revolutionary. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Pg 183
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White Supremacy is the Cause of Modern War and Eco-Crisis

The silence of how white supremacy functions in the kritik perpetuates how it is an
invisible unnamed system that has made the modern world what it is today.

Charles Mills, a professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois writes in his book the
Racial Contract in 1997 p.1

White supremacy is the unnamed political system that has made the modern world what it
is today. You will not find this term in introductory, or even advanced, texts in political
theory. A standard undergraduate philosophy will start off with Plato and Aristotle,
perhaps say something about Augustine, Aquinas, and Machiavelli, move on to Hobbes, Locke,
Mill, and Marx, and then wind up with Rawls and Nozick. It will introduce you to notions of
aristocracy, democracy, absolutism, liberalism, representative democracy, socialism, welfare
capitalism, and libertarianism. But though it covers more than two thousand years of western
political thought and runs the ostensible gamut of political systems, there will be no mention
of the basic political system that has shaped the world for the past several hundred years.
And this omission is not accidental. Rather, it reflects the fact that standard textbooks and
courses have for the most part been written and designed by whites, who take their racial
privilege so much for granted that they do not even see it as political, as a form of
domination. Ironically, the most important political system of recent global history—the
system of domination by which white people have historically ruled over and, in certain
important ways, continue to rule over nonwhite people-is not seen as a political system at
all. It is jus taken for granted, it is the background against which other systems, which we
are to see as political, are highlighted.

White supremacy is at the root of war and eco-crisis.

This is Tim Wise in 2006
(Tim, over 15 book publications, 400+ radio/TV appearances, in the line where you tell people who I am, that I was a twelve-time qualifier for
TOCs in high school, on one of the top ten high school teams in the nation from 1985-1986, and ultimately quit debate because of its abstract way
of looking at real world issues, immediately after reaching the CEDA finals at the University of Alabama in 1988."Paleness as Pathology: The
Future of Racism & Antiracism in America," LIP Magazine, Summer 06)

It is the American form of white supremacy, still, as with its predecessor rooted in the
dichotomization of peoples into good/bad, responsible/irresponsible, which leads a nation such
as the U.S. to believe itself entitled to the resources of the earth, be they oil reserves beneath the
sands of Iraq, or coal deposits in a West Virginia mountainside. That entitlement mentality
precedes the drive for profit, and helps to place it in its proper context. That same mentality then
contributes to the world's ecological predicament, including global climate change, soil and
wetland erosion, polluted drinking water and air, and the related health effects of all these.
BCC Debate Dynasty
Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Framework page of 74

White Supremacy Leads to Extinction

White supremacy blinds us to disaster war will be inevitable under a system of white

Wise, noted antiracist activist and former policy debater, in 2006

(Tim, over 15 book publications, 400+ radio/TV appearances, in the line where you tell people who I am, that I was a twelve-time qualifier for
TOCs in high school, on one of the top ten high school teams in the nation from 1985-1986, and ultimately quit debate because of its abstract way
of looking at real world issues, immediately after reaching the CEDA finals at the University of Alabama in 1988."Paleness as Pathology: The
Future of Racism & Antiracism in America," LIP Magazine, Summer 06)

"White supremacy, American-style -- which has become the dominant form on the planet
today -- is what leads U.S. policy elites not only to believe an invasion of Iraq on false
pretenses is justified, but also to assume it will be a smashing success. The hubris and
self-congratulatory narcissism that predicted Americans would be met in the streets by
Iraqis throwing flowers to the troops -- and which now cannot seem to fathom how badly
things are going for the American empire -- stems from the mindset of racial and cultural
supremacy that simply fails to see oneself through the eyes of others. After all, privilege
and domination has allowed that same culture to never really care, or need to care, what
others think. The result of such willed ignorance, is, sadly, now proving to be disastrous."

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