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As we head toward the shortest day of the year, much of the vegetable patch might seem ____________ asleep.
However, even in the dark days of December there is one unusual, exotic vegetable that is just ____________ to be
planted. This rare crop is much prized by French chefs for its ____________ and complexity of flavour. Sadly, it's rarely to
be ____________ in even the fanciest UK supermarkets, although it's a real cinch to grow. If you re a Brit, what you
know as a shallot is nearly ____________ merely a small variety of onion. These have been traditionally ____________
for their diminutive size and for a slightly milder flavour. As often happens with plant common names, these shallots
aren t actually ____________ shallots at all. They have just been traditionally labelled as ____________ because of their
passing resemblance to the real deal, despite being a totally different species.

The Tribune

A quick B fast C swift D rapid

A hurting B suffering C aching D agonizing

A depth B extent C distance D remoteness

A identified B found C exposed D disclosed

A always B forever C eternity D endlessly

A appointed B nominated C designated D selected

A correct B true C honest D sincere

A though B like C such D so

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