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6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

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How To Judge Education Horoscope In Astrology



Education Horoscope In Astrology

Education Astrology Prediction
How To Predict / Education Horoscope In Astrology: Education is judged mainly from
four houses – 2nd house, 4th house, 5th house & 9th house. All planets represents some 1/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

kind of educational field or field of studies. For example, Saturn represents History, Mercury
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represents Accounting or finance related studies etc. Only one condition should be fulfilled to
get success in any education field is that concerned house, its lord and the significator planet
of that particular field of study should be in good state.

Education Horoscope and 2nd House In Astrology: From 2nd house and its lord we
judge the studies of early-childhood. If there is any malefic influence on this house or on its
lord, like any weak, debilitated, or afflicted planets are placed or aspects this house, then the
the native face problems in early age educations which may result into break in education.
Especially planets like Saturn and Rahu creates many complexities and frustrated situations
during that time. Any ‘Dusthana’ house presence in the house gives trouble according to
‘karkatwa’ of the particular house and lord.

Education Horoscope and 4th House In Astrology: This house plays an important role in
Education Astrology predictions. Fourth house of the horoscope represents mind and
mental stability. Thus capability of learning or grasping anything quickly partly depend on this
house. According to Vedic Astrology 50% of the whole grasping power of an individual
depends on the strength of this house and its lord. If both them are in good state (exalted,
strong or well influenced) then due to mental strength and good grasping power the native
score well. But, If any of the two or both comes under bad influence (house or planets) then
the native becomes failure in the field of study due to poor grasping power and restless mind.
How much restless or strong the mind would be that depends on the intensity of weakness
and strength of the planet placed in house, its lord and the house itself. In the
present scenario this house also represents education till school level.

Education Horoscope and 5th House In Astrology: The 5th house in horoscope
represents memory power and the 50% of the whole grasping power of an individual.
Actually 4th and 5th house combine controls our full grasping power. On the strength of
these two houses and their lords decides whether an individual has the capability to grasp 2/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

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The 5th house in horoscope is called the primary house to judge education related matters.
In any case if other education related houses are strong but the 5th house is badly afflicted
then the break in education is destined. On the other hand for research oriented education
eighth house of the horoscope should be analyzed thoroughly. 8th house is also very
much important for any secret knowledge related studies, magical-powers, occultism,
astrology etc.

In Vedic-Astrology some very famous and known combinations are there, like “Buddh-
aditya Yoga” & “Saraswati-Yoga”, these two yogas are combination of Sun-Mercury-Venus &
their positive placement in the birth chart.

The person may have tendencies, to learn about music, painting; dance; tourism & other-
artistic-work. 4/14
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if Venus is strong & well placed in the birth chart & If Mars is also strong & well placed, so,
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the educational-field could be of engineering, Medical – doctor / surgeon etc. Moon
(chandra), Mars (Mangal), Rahu & Saturn (Shani) always indicates Engineering or Medical
related field of education. Electrical field of studies are denoted by Venus & Mars. Ketu on
the other hand indicates electronic media.

Saturn represents the combination of earthy and air, therefore the area always belongs to
this big slowest moving planet are “Mines”( because Saturn denotes under the ground
matter), Petroleum, Leather & minerals etc.

Planets always have their own effect on each native in education choices & make them
capable to grasp them. If 2nd and 5th house of the horoscope is badly influenced or afflicted
so there will be problem in education, the education may be little or fully devoid of.

The 9th house is the house, of religion & spirituality, is always considered to be a house of
higher education. In natural zodiac the 9th house is ruled by Jupiter and thus it covers fields
like “spirituality”, “science”, “philosophy”, “religion” etc.

If somebody is really confused which education field he/she should choose, so he/she can
take the help of astrology, because, always remember the right choice of education field can
lead to the right destination of career.

Education Horoscope Prediction

Education Horoscope In Astrology

Sun & Education in Astrology Moon & Education in Astrology

Mars & Education in Astrology Mercury Education in Astrology

Jupiter & Education in Astrology Saturn & Education in Astrology 5/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

Venus & Education in Astrology Rahu & Education in Astrology

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Ketu & Education in Astrology

Author Recent Posts

Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee Follow Him:

Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Expert at
Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist & Vastu Expert Shankar Bhattacharjee, a
respected & “well known” name in Vedic Astrology field. He was born in a traditional
Brahmin family in India - West Bengal - near Kolkata, "The City Of Joy", which is one of
the major cities in India.

Experience: More than 15 Years.

Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting Future

through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient
Horary System.

WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for free consultation)

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Yogagamya says:
Namaste sir,
Currently I’am pursuing my btech degree in computer science branch in 3rd year. My parents want me to
go for higher studies through gate exam. But I feel confused whether to go for higher studies or go for a
job. And the main reason i feel is that i really have low confidence on myself sometime. I know i have to
work hard and i make plans but unfortunately i always fail to stick to the plan. I just want to know is there
any possibility in my birth chart that will help to go for higher studies or it will be better to take a job.
My details:
D.O.B: 07/07/1998
Place: Koraput,Odisha,India
Time: 08:48am
Thank you

JANUARY 17, 2020 AT 3:07 PM

Vijayalekshmi s says:
My son 16 ys old DOB 11/11/2003 plus one student not interestesd in studies lazy in going to school and
tuition. Both father and mother worried about his future. No peaceful atmosphere at home
His behaviour making me sad . He neither obeys me nor his father. Please give a solution

NOVEMBER 29, 2019 AT 12:47 PM 7/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

Shubhangi says:
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Warm greetings,
Time:9 pm
Dob:17 July 2003
My name is shubhangi . I would like to know the results of saturn mahadasha and sade sati…. Which will
start in June 2020.will it bring good or bad results!!!
Moreover, which career should I opt according to my planetary positions… Which is better glamour world
or ias

NOVEMBER 23, 2019 AT 7:37 PM

Shubhangi says:
Warm greetings,
My name is Shubhangi
Birth place bhopal, time 9 pm, dob 17 July 2003.
I would like to know the results of sade sati and Saturn mahadasha which will begin in June 2020…
How bad or favourable will be the results….. Which career should I choose according to my planetary
placement… Will I get more success in govt exam or glamour world
I shall be highly obliged for your insight!!!!!! Namaskar

NOVEMBER 23, 2019 AT 7:04 PM

Saiteja suryadevara says:

My name is Saiteja,
Dob: 08/10/1991
Pob: madhira, telangana,india
I completed my cma in 2016, from then I’m trying to complete my CA final but I’ve failed multiple times.
Can u tell me whether I’ll complete my CA final, if yes, which time!

NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 8:59 PM

Stuti Mallick says:

I am in the final year of engineering and I wish to do my post graduation. will I be able to do my higher
studies? Since there is a lot of pressure on me, it would really be helpful if you can guide me
DOB: 31.08.1996
Time: 12:33pm
Place: Sodepur, West Bengal

NOVEMBER 8, 2019 AT 10:09 PM

milan says:
I wish to know about my completion year of Bachelor degree. I have attempt several times of Graduation
in Electrical enginnering exam but failed. 8/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

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Time : 09:05 PM
Place : Bankura West Bengal

OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 2:23 AM

Saatvik Aravind Kumar says:

Sir I want to ur number

AUGUST 14, 2019 AT 10:44 PM

Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee (Jyotish Pravakar) says:

+91 9051357099

NOVEMBER 29, 2019 AT 5:13 PM

Oruganti veerabadhra sastry says:

Education period present please my birth 06.02.1969 time 10.21 Am

JUNE 7, 2019 AT 11:06 AM

Astrologer Dr Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

Your place of birth is missing without which I can not draw the horoscope to predict on your
education related question. Beside place of birth your question is not also clear, I have no clue
what do you mean by ‘education period’. Please mention your place of birth and ask your question
more precisely and elaborately so that I can give you answer in a proper way.

JUNE 8, 2019 AT 10:14 AM

Chhayank rajesh keluskar says:

I want know which is the right education to get qualified for me to build my career in future

JUNE 2, 2019 AT 10:30 AM

Astrologer Dr Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

Unlike you many students have the same question when it comes to education and choosing the
right career path accordingly. In case of self-improvement matters which, if relates to our physical
well-being, we already know many methods which works really great. To remain fit, you should eat
right beside regular exercise etc. To improve physical stamina, you train your body to lift weights
than it can normally. To advance your memory power, you get enough sound sleep etc. But when
it comes to the question: what should you do to really improve and prosper in your career? Your
mind becomes blank. It confuses you more when you see thousands of options are there to 9/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

choose from. Here astrology helps you to do choose the right education for the right career. Just
 and
 their
 connection
  with 10th house or its lord.
see the 4th house, 4th house lord, Mercury,
There are some other ways to see that in horoscope, but this is the basic and easy procedure.
You haven’t mentioned your birth details here (date of birth, time of birth, place of birth) which is
necessary to draw the horoscope or kundli. If you do not want to reveal your personal details here
publicly then you can take the help of the above article and the procedure I have mentioned in the

JUNE 8, 2019 AT 11:14 AM

jha Suprita says:

Sir I want to consult. Regarding my son.

MAY 13, 2019 AT 5:28 PM

Astrologer Dr Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

Definitely, you can consult. Follow this link to book any Astrology,
Numerology, Palmistry, and other occult related consultation. At the time of booking please do not
forget to mention everything in the given form so that I can analyze each and every part of your
whole question. If you have any doubt please do not hesitate to contact me through WhatsApp
before booking…

MAY 13, 2019 AT 10:41 PM

Asha Sharma says:

Very good analysis. I also dabble in astrology. I am Regional Director with IGNOU. Would
like to discuss on my analysis of a horoscope.

JUNE 3, 2019 AT 12:53 PM

Astrologer Dr Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

Dear Asha,
Thanks for your comment. You are most welcome in horoscope analysis. If you want
free analysis of horoscope then please ask here, I will definitely reply, but if you want
a private personalized discussion then please book an appointment by clicking this

JUNE 3, 2019 AT 9:56 PM

Comments are closed.

6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology

anything very quickly or not. On the basis of the strength of this house it can be predicted
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whether a native will pass the high-school or not to go for further Bachelor-degree studies.
Fifth house also represents the analytical power of the native.

Higher education in Vedic Astrology: Finally the the 9th house of the horoscope helps us
in case of higher studies prediction in astrology. This is the house which represents
higher studies which is beyond of bachelor. This house in horoscope is also called house of
higher education in astrology. In specific topics later I will also discuss on astrology yoga
for higher education. Planets responsible for higher education are specially Jupiter and

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Education Horoscope and 8th House In Astrology: There is another house of

education in astrology that is 8th house, this house denotes the education which is not
related to main-stream or conventional, it can relate to occult or any kind of secret or
research oriented studies.

Some Education Related Combinations In Astrology:

How to predict education through astrology: In Vedic Astrology Jupiter or Guru is
always considered as a “karaka” or significator of education & knowledge. When this
knowledge giver Guru is placed in Trine (1st, 5th, 9th) or angle (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) with the
owner of fifth or fourth house, it brings good result in the matter of education or studies.

Mercury denotes intelligence. So, to bring result, along with Jupiter, Mercury or Budh
should also be strong and well-placed in the birth chart. To determine, the area of study, we
will have to also consider second house for primary education of the student & his ability to
express anything. 3/14
6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology
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I loved the predictions. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. Everything that you
said about me and my personality, my husband’s personality was absolutely true. Whenever i
have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but
your prediction was to the point. It really helped me clear all the doubts I have had for
months. It’s definitely a five star consultation for me

Foram Parsana
/ Script Writer in ‘Netflix’ – Pune, India




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6/30/2020 Education Horoscope In Astrology


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