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Olaño, Hercules V.


HI, My name is Olaño, Hercules V. I was born and raised in a province which is so called
the Heart of The Philippines, Marinduque. My birthdate is on the 28 th day of January, 2000 So I
am turning 21 years old this month and unconscious of my age because as they say the more you
age the more you get ugly (LOL). But still there is a good result in it. I live in a Barangay Dos,
Gasan Marinduque which is a very peaceful barangay and because our neighbor in front is
Haunted House, a more than 100 years old house. By the way my mother and father are Florence
and Rodolfo Olaño, All in all, we are five siblings Three brothers and Two Sisters. Currently, I
live in my mother’s house while my father is in other country.

Talking about myself, For me, I am just simple man, with no talent just simple and
keeping my life happy and stress free. Because as a counter to my growing age, I believe that as
you grow happy you will not have wrinkles or have any symptoms of getting old. I also want to
achieve my goals in life so that my family would be proud of me. I have a height of 5’8 ft which
makes me a tall man, someone would say do it is fitted for my course and also the ask me about
do I play basketball, I usually say yes, but not a pro, just know how to play only. In contrast, they
would say I am handsome but I should say not really and I also say thank you while smiling. My
habit is staying physically fit, because it is needed trough my future work and also I am
conscious at my weight because at my father’s side, have the genes of being a healthy person.

Going back to the topic where why my place is peaceful, In front of my house many
would like to recommend to go there even the tourists since our place is a building where the
first floor is a souvenir shop, the second floor is where I live, and the third is not finished. You
would say we rich but not really, I say may “Kaya Lang”. Everyone always asked me even the
tourists to tour them in that house, because I can easily go in and out inside the house also
because my family is close to the owner of the house, the owner is not there they are in the other
country still the care taker is their so I usually talk to the care taker. As I say to them, No I would
not like to take you their because whenever I go to that house it gives me the chills, also there
might something happens to you, Moreover, even though there is something in that house I still
idolize the caretaker their because she sleeps their not alone but with a companion with his
offspring. She doesn’t sleep alone because she knows and she experiences something in there.
Like the feeling of the caretaker, I get used to it. Also maybe the caretaker is close to the
previous owner of the house which is buried beneath the house. I would like to talk more but still
I have trauma in that house, I would just recommend if you want to visit our province buy in our
house and I would gladly to tour you in front of the house as long as it is morning.

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