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Western Lands

Summer 2010 Research, Outreach, and Advocacy to Keep Public Lands Public
Western Lands Project
Seattle, Washington
Vol. 14, No. 1

Rethinking Big Solar on Public Lands

ince passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, scale, intensity, and irreversibility of the impacts these
the federal government has been strongly projects will bring to public land essentially render
promoting renewable energy projects on public them permanent. In fact, we consider the projects to
land, including large-scale solar facilities in parts entail “virtual privatization,” because they completely
of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, alter their sites and preclude all other uses and public
Utah, and Colorado. Companies are taking values.
advantage of fast-track federal permitting and huge
Some of the national environmental groups have
tax incentives that will come to those who can present
called for large energy projects to be built on
substantial plans by the end of 2010. The Southwest
“already-degraded” public lands, or on private
could be especially hard hit, with hundreds of
agricultural land that has gone out of use. But for
thousands of acres of fragile desert paved in mirrors,
the most part, they have acquiesced to the sacrifice
if the projects planned there go through.
of large areas of public land they might otherwise
Intuitively, large solar energy projects strike most defend to accommodate a non-fossil-fuel energy
people as sensible, an unquestioned public good, policy they also support.
even benign. For public lands advocates, however, it is
We were more sympathetic to the dilemma before
much more complicated. The average proposed “Big
we found copious (if largely unpublicized) evidence
Solar” project occupies 5,000 acres. Of the hundreds
that better, far less damaging, and more efficient
of projects lining up for permits, about 35 are
technology is available in the form of distributed
currently on the fast track, and of those, 14 (planned
solar—i.e., installations
on about 50,000 acres)
on rooftops and other
are in critical habitat for
areas of the built
the threatened desert
environment. The
common “wisdom”
These facilities must also has been that these
hook up to transmission technologies cannot
lines, and hundreds of compete in cost-
miles of new lines and
Continued next page 
extensions are planned.
Where permits succeed,
the projects will be built
on public land rights-
of-way, a temporary use. The desert is perennially
The solar plants have undervalued and too easily
estimated project lives abused.
of only 30 years. Yet the Photo: Chris Clarke
—Continued from page 1
effectiveness and efficiency with the large- Southwest spend their days studying,
scale solar developments—that’s what the critiquing and dreading the arrival of these
power companies would like the public to projects. In the nature of so many local
believe in order to protect their bottom activists we have known, their passion has
lines, and it’s what they are telling members driven them to become experts and to
of Congress every day. Yet this is not the seek an alternative scenario. Because we
If you would like to case at all. have several years’ experience educating
policymakers on our issues, the Western
help push things in While Congress has put considerable
Lands Project is now working with activists
political will and momentum behind
in the desert to help them deliver their
the right direction, Big Solar, it has not studied distributed
message to Congress about the impacts
generation—let alone considered
of, and sane alternatives to, massive public
please contact your promoting and deploying it on the grand
lands “renewables” development. We are
scale that could transform our energy use.
demonstrating to congressional staff that
representatives in Now 13 years into our organization’s there is another story to be told, and a
well-established mission to keep public tremendous reservoir of information they
Congress. Tell them land public, we know we cannot dedicate can and must tap into.
ourselves wholly to the issue of distributed
It’s unlikely we can turn things around
you don’t want solar technology, but neither can we ignore
completely, but citizens must act to spare
the fact that there is an alternative to the
as much public land as we can and bring a
your public lands destruction of so much public land. Our
better alternative, distributed generation,
obvious course of action is one we often
to the forefront.
relegated to the take: turn to the grassroots!
You can read an excellent summary of the issues
While the big national environmental
status of an energy at writer-photographer Chris Clarke’s blog, Coyote
groups are issuing bland statements of
Crossing: index.php/site /
concern about the dilemma of Big Solar,
factory, and that the grassroots activists all over the desert

far better alternative

of distributed
generation must be
our policy.

The Mojave Cross.

Photo: Gina Ferazzi
LA Times-Newscom

Western Lands Update 2 Summer 2010

Supreme Court Sends Back Mojave Cross Case
n late April, the United States Supreme not oblige the government to avoid any
Court issued a knotted and narrow ruling public acknowledgement of religion’s role
in Salazar v. Buono, a case concerning in society.” This opinion had the most
the display of a Latin cross as a war votes, but not a majority, so it did not speak
memorial within the Mojave National for the court. Even the five justices that
Preserve in California. Six opinions were signed on to the judgment ordering the
issued, none representing a majority of remand were split: Three said that the
justices. By a 5-4 decision, the Court district court erred in holding that the
remanded the case back to the district land exchange did not conform with the
court, finding that the lower court used a Establishment Clause while the two others
faulty legal standard when it invalidated a said the lower court should not have even
Congressional land exchange involving the reached the issue because the plaintiff
land on which the cross sits. lacked the standing necessary to challenge
the land trade. (It is somewhat surprising
The cross was first erected in 1934, by
that seven justices found that Buono did
private citizens, though on federal land.
have standing, as in the last 20 years or so,
Plaintiff Frank Buono, a war veteran and
the court has generally narrowed standing).
retired National Park Service employee,
first brought suit in 2001, arguing that the The judgment directs the district court
Park Service permitting the display of the to reevaluate whether the land trade
cross was a violation of the Constitution’s violated the Establishment Clause. Given
Establishment Clause. After the district and Kennedy’s opinion, it seems likely that
Ninth Circuit courts ruled in Buono’s favor, the lower court will allow the land trade
Congress tried to keep the cross in place to proceed and the cross to remain.
by inserting language in a defense bill that Nonetheless, despite reaching the Supreme
directed the Park Service to make a land Court, the case may not have much of
trade with a local VFW post for the acre of an effect on Establishment Clause law, as
land on which the cross sits. Buono again Kennedy implied: “To date, this Court’s
brought suit and the district and Ninth jurisprudence in this area has refrained
Circuit courts ruled that the legislative end- from making sweeping pronouncements,
run did not cure the Establishment Clause and this case is ill suited for announcing
violation. categorical rules.”
Justice Anthony Kennedy’s opinion said Western Lands Project, with Public
that “the goal of avoiding governmental Employees for Environmental
endorsement [of religion] does not require Responsibility (PEER), submitted an
eradication of all religious symbols in the amicus brief in support of Frank Buono in
public realm,” and “the Constitution does this case.

Western Lands Update 3 Summer 2010

Land Grab is the Latest Threat to Tongass National Forest
n 1971, Congress passed the Alaska much of the Tongass was shipped to Japan
Native Claims Settlement Act, creating barely processed. The contracts were a
a system whereby Alaskan aboriginal huge money loser for taxpayers, and when
land claims could be resolved. The bill the mills shut down in the mid and late
was given strong impetus largely by oil- 1990s in the face of shrinking subsidies
development proposals that would otherwise and lower mandated timber targets, the
be stalled. ANCSA created 200 native Village contracts were terminated.
Corporations and thirteen native Regional
Now, Sealaska has cut all of its most
Corporations to select lands on behalf of
accessible trees and wants to cherry-pick
native groups. Boundaries were established
the largest remaining trees in the Tongass.
from which the respective corporations could
Legislation now in Congress would allow
make land selections. All together, the native
Sealaska to claim up to 85,000 acres of
entities were entitled to 44 million acres and
public land outside the mandated ANCSA
cash payments of almost a billion dollars.
boundaries. Senator Lisa Murkowski,
The regional corporation Sealaska made ranking Republican member of the Senate
its land selections in and around the lush Energy and Natural Resources Committee,
Tongass National Forest—our largest. is sponsor of S. 881, the Southeast Alaska
Under lax state regulations governing Native Land Entitlement Finalization Act.
private forest practices, Sealaska proceeded
Sealaska’s entitlement under ANCSA was
to cut down to bare dirt the forest it
some 350,000 acres, of which about 63,000
had claimed under ANCSA. (To see the
acres have yet to be selected. The pool of
extremity of their practices, go to YouTube.
lands from which it can currently make
com and search for “Hoonah’s Legacy”).
selections comprises 327,000 acres —this
In the meantime, Forest Service-managed is public land, but the corporation persists
forest in the Tongass was also subject to in characterizing this as a “trade.” The
massive exploitation and environmental trees Sealaska hopes to end up with are
damage. The publicly-owned trees of accessible by way of a road system put in
the Tongass were clear-cut under 50-year place under Forest Service management
contracts—unique in the National Forest (and thus provided by you and me).
System— granted to just two corporations, Sealaska wants mainly “big-tree old-growth”
Alaska Pulp Corporation and Ketchikan on areas of karst, a relatively rare and fragile
Pulp Company. APC and KPC received this soil and soluble-rock regime that supports
largesse for building and running mills to exceptionally biologically-rich forest.
employ area workers. Also unique was a
Residents of southeast Alaska are, frankly,
waiver that allowed trees from the Tongass
freaked out at the prospect of Sealaska
to be exported as whole logs—something
claiming the areas they have targeted.
not allowed in other national forests—and

Much of the private,

state, and Native
Corporation land in
southeast Alaska looks
like this.
Photo: David Beebe

Western Lands Update 4 Summer 2010

These are located on North Prince of Please help by registering your opposition to
Wales and Kosciusko islands, where small S. 881. Because most members of Congress
communities are scraping by on tourism, don’t allow email through their websites
guiding, fishing, small-scale logging and from non-constituents, your best bet is to
milling, and—very important—subsistence call and leave your comment. Here are
hunting and gathering. All are imperiled three key contacts:
by the Murkowski-Sealaska plan. Despite Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK),
their geographic isolation and logistical bill sponsor, 202.224.6665
challenges, residents have coalesced to
fight the bill, and Western Lands supports Senator Mark Begich (D-AK)
their efforts. Like them, we respect co-sponsor, 202.224.3004
Sealaska’s claim to more land within the Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Chair
ANCSA boundaries, but not a re-drawing of of Energy & Natural Resources
those lines. We simply have to stand on the Committee, 202.224.5521
side of the Tongass.

Phosphate Mine Proposal Includes Land Sale & Exchange

n April 13, the Bureau of Land accumulative mineral that contaminates
Management and Forest Service soil and air, occurs naturally at very high
announced a proposed land sale and levels in the phosphate fields, and is
land exchange that would facilitate brought to the surface during mining.
development of the Dairy Syncline Selenium is listed as a priority pollutant by
phosphate mine by J.R. Simplot Company. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
The mine site is in southeast Idaho, one of and there are fifteen related Superfund
the two primary phosphate deposit areas sites in Caribou County. Elevated selenium
in the U.S. The proposal includes a Forest concentrations have caused significant
Service land exchange; a BLM land sale; declines in, or even eliminated, Yellowstone
an open pit phosphate mine; a new milling cutthroat trout populations in some
facility; installation of underground lines watersheds. Over the years, sheep, cattle
for phosphate slurry, tailings and water; and horses have died from grazing or
a new tailings impoundment; and a new drinking water near phosphate operations.
power line. In total, the Dairy Syncline Last year, eighteen cattle died after
Mine would impact more than 2,100 acres being moved to an abandoned Simplot
of federal land. Simplot already holds phosphate-mining site located just a few
leases from the BLM that give the company miles from a federal wildlife management
exclusive rights to mine and dispose of the area. The cattle began dying less than a
phosphate deposit at the site. week after being moved to the site.
The lands Simplot wants to purchase and Campaigns by local and regional groups,
acquire by exchange would become the including the Caribou Clean Water
mine’s tailings pond area. The pond would Partnership (
be an earthen dam structure with a capacity and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition
of 20 million cubic yards of material, large ( have brought
enough to hold all tailings created during greater scrutiny to the phosphate mining
the mine’s lifetime. industry in the past few years. Western
Lands will be working with Idaho groups to
Environmental damage from phosphate
scrutinize the Dairy Syncline project as it
mining is already widespread in southeast
Idaho. Selenium, a persistent, bio-

Western Lands Update 5 Summer 2010

Turn a Dollar for Public Land into Two
Take a good look at the names to the right. This year, there’s a special incentive by one
Those are the people that keep Western of our funders to get even more members
Lands Project going strong. to join the ranks of those supporting our
mission. The Good Works Institute has
Among our current donors are longtime
offered to match all contributions from
members and those new to the fold. There
individuals, up to a total of $10,000 -
are fellow activists, retirees, ex-Forest
doubling your gift.
Service officials, BLM whistleblowers,
birders, writers, academics, and those who There’s never been a better time to donate
just want to help. Some members give a to Western Lands Project or tell others
little and some give a lot. The one thing all about our work. Please consider taking
of us share is our love of America’s public advantage of this opportunity to make your
lands and our belief in the value of the donation (and those of your friends and
commons. neighbors) go twice as far.
In our very first newsletter back in the fall As always, thank you for being a part of our
of 1997, when the project was just getting community of public land protectors. We
started, there were only five names on that couldn’t do this good work without you.
list. Members may have been few, but they
shared Janine’s outrage at the dismantling
of the commons.
Thirteen years later, our uncompromising
approach to public lands protection has not
changed, but our expertise and influence
Western Lands Project
P.O. Box 95545
on policy has steadily grown, along with our
Seattle, WA 98145-2545
membership list.
phone 206.325.3503
Some of those original donors from back
in 1997 continue to support us today. It’s
that kind of steadfast backing that inspires Board of Directors
us onwards and allows us to protect the Erica Rosenberg, President,
public places that we all treasure. And that’s Washington, DC
what the grassroots are all about – people Marianne Dugan, Sec’y-Treasurer,
coming together to lift up the causes they Eugene, OR
believe in. Sandra Perkins, Seattle, WA
Steve Gilbert, Helena, MT
David Gladstone, Snohomish, WA
There is just one hope of repulsing Sandy Lonsdale, Moab, UT
Rebecca Rundquist, Portland, ME
the tyrannical ambition of civilization
to conquer every niche on the whole Janine Blaeloch, Director
earth. That hope is the organization Christopher Krupp
of spirited people who will fight for the Staff Attorney
freedom of the wilderness. Emily Crandall
Development Manager
—Robert Marshall

Western Lands Update 6 Summer 2010

Thank you, wonderful members!*
Marlin Ard, Jerry & Mildred Asker, Molly Attell, Jack & Rosemary Bailey, Lynne Bama, Gregory
Bartha, Robert Beck, David Beebe, Janine Blaeloch, Joann Blalock, Denise Boggs, Chris &
Sandy Boothe, Joseph & Susan Bower, Bob Brister, Bart & Martha Brown, Julie Brugger,
Linda Campbell, Meg Campbell, Mel & Sheila Canal, Roald Cann, Irene Cannon-Geary, Rob
Castleberry & Joyce Thomas, Mark Collier, Charles Couper, Emily & Drew Crandall, Frank
We  our
Culver, Shirley Dahlner, Betsy Dennis, Tom Deveny, Craig & Lynn Dible, David & Martha
Doty, Mark Drake, Marianne Dugan, Mark & Lois Eagleton, George Early, Michelle Eaton,
Paul & Gladys Raye Eaton, Judith Enich, Jim & Elizabeth Erickson, Alan & Myra Erwin, Garth
Ferber, Donald Ferry, Deborah Filipelli, Jared Fuller, Lydia Garvey, Steve Gilbert, Thelma donors,
Gilmur, David & Melinda Gladstone, Nunzie Gould, Marshall & Elizabeth Hamilton, Charles
E. Hancock, Ginger Harmon, Roger Harmon, Ann Harvey, Rebecca Haseleu, RJ & Annie shown in
Haskins, Randall Holmberg, Heidi Hubbell, William Hull, Dave & Corey Jacobs, Dave Kaiser
& Kristin Temperly, Steve Kelly, Thad King, Fayette Krause, Chris Krupp, Jessica Langsam, bold.
Joseph Lee & Susan Eisner, David & Teri Leibforth, Michael Lengyel, Phyllis Lindner, Allan
J. Lindrup, John Livermore, Sandy Lonsdale, Craig Lorch, Joseph T. Maier, Mike Maloney, Become one
Brandt Mannchen, Louise Mariana, Jon Marvel, Clyde & Joan McClelland, Ann McConnell,
Rick McGuire, Laurene McLane, Jo Anne Monday & Daniel Daneff, Kim Morton, John
Mumma, Barbara Myers, Ralph Nader, Andrew Nelson & Teresa Ward, Rich Nelson, George
Nickas, Lyle Oberg, John & Rachael Osborn, Colleen O’Sullivan, Deborah Paulson, Forrest * These lists include
Peebles, Sandra Perkins & Jeffrey Ochsner, Scotty Phillips, Theresa Potts, Bill Rodgers, Ben donations/grants
Rogers & Myra Bergman Ramos, Paul Rogland, Erica Rosenberg & Dan Sarewitz, Erich received from December
1, 2009 to May 31,
Franz Schimps, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Schinnerer, Justin Schmidt, Gordon Schochet, Mary
2010. If your gift was
Ann Schroeder, Michael Shurgot, Richard Slagle, Bernadette M. Sonefeld, Richard Spudich, received after this date,
Robert Stivers, Sally Strain, Richard Strickland, Bob Strumpf, Val & Mary Ann Tollefson, you’ll be acknowledged
Kay Tornborg, Stephen Trimble, Jeanne Turgeon, Pete & Lisa Turner, Wolter & Anneka Van in our next newsletter.
Doorninck, John Viner, Wade & Shirley Vaughn, Gwen Warren, Cathy Weeden, Terry Weiner, We are grateful to have
Edward & Victoria Welch, Jerry Williams, Jennifer Yogi & Matt Adams, Ray Ziarno your support.

We are grateful for the foundations & businesses supporting our work!
The Elinor Patterson Baker Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Dancing Tides Foundation
The Darby Foundation
Firedoll Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Matching Gift
Horizons Foundation
Norcliffe Foundation
Park Foundation
PCC Natural Markets – Scrip Card Program
Pew Charitable Trusts – Matching Gift
Quail Roost Foundation
Safety Systems Foundation
Satterberg Foundation
The White Pine Fund
Western Lands Update 7 Summer 2010
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email Crandall@ keep public lands public. To make your donation today, please complete this form and return it with your tax-deductible contribution to:
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PO Box 95545
206.325.3503. Seattle, WA 98145-2545
Phone 206.325.3503 Fax 206.325.3515
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