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Name: Cătălin

FINAL TEST for Surname:Loghin

Test rules:
1. Write your name and
surname in the right upper corner of this paper;
2. Listen carefully to the instructions for each part of the test;
3. You have 1 minute before the test starts to look through the


I. READING AND VOCABULARY (___/25 points) 20
II. GRAMMAR III (___/25 points) 35
III. LISTENING II (___/25 points) 24
IV. WRITING (___/25 points) 25

FINAL SCORE: ______/ 100 points

TIME LIMIT: ~120 MINS. (2 HOURS) FINAL MARK: ______/ 20
DATE: 07 12 2018
1.Read the following article and do the exercises.
1. Check your understanding: true or false. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. Modern zoos can offer animals a living environment that is as good as their natural habitats.
2. One of the reasons zoo animals become distressed is because they are separated from their
families. True
4. Dolphins and whales usually live longer in zoos than in the wild. False
5. People who have visited zoos are more likely to support animal conservation and protection.
6. Zoos protect animals from being used for scientific research. False
7. Endangered animals kept in zoos are less likely to meet a mate and breed.
8. In their natural habitats, animals suffer problems related to human activity.
9. Endangered species often lack genetic diversity in their population.
10. Zoos promote genetic diversity by breeding animals and then releasing them back into the
11. If zoos have more animals than they can look after, they always give them to another zoo or
release them back into the wild.
12. Animals that have been bred in captivity quickly adapt to life in hunting ranches.
13. The author thinks that, on balance, zoos are generally a good thing.

2. Check your vocabulary. Complete the gaps with a word from the box.
habitat suicide tricks illnesses
mate wild environment species

1. Even the best artificial environments cannot come close to an animal's natural habitat.
2. Whales and dolphins in zoos are often made to perform tricks.
3. Distressed and depressed zoo animals sometimes try to commit suicide.
4. Zoos can provide a safe environment for animals that have been mistreated or abandoned.
5. Zoos carry out important research into how to treat illnesses.
6. International breeding programmes are particularly important for endangered species.
7. In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty finding a mate.
8. One criticism of breeding programmes is that they do not always release animals back into the
_____ / 25

II. Listening
Listen to the radio interview about improving your memory and do the exercises to practise and
improve your listening skills.

1.Match the words with the definitions and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.
1…b to tune in a. to be coming quickly, to seem very close
2…g- to visualise b. to listen to a live radio programme
3…f- familiar c. a small change
4…c- an adjustment d. necessary, of extreme importance
5…h. a knock-on effect e. the last exams in a university course
6…d- vital f. well known or easily recognised
7…a- to be looming g. to form a mental picture of something
8…e finals h. something that happens as a result of smth

2. Check your understanding: multiple selection

Which sentences are true about memorisation? Tick (✓) four correct answers.
Yes- We all use memory in the same way.
No- We learn to use our memory as soon as we are born.
Yes There are two different forms of memorisation.
No We are taught how to improve our memory in history lessons.
No Writing shopping lists can improve your memory.
Yes- Teaching helps us to memorise.
Yes We can train our brains to be more effective.
No We can only use one image at a time as an aid to memorisation.

3. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. The speaker explains how to make our memorisation (memorise) function better.
2. We can make improvements(improve) in our ability to memorise.
3. We use a combination(combine) of long-term and short-term memory.
4. There are several things we can do to recall informations(inform).
5. We can use word association(associate) to remember a concept.
6. The term visualisation(visualise) means imagining a picture.
7. You can use different formules(formulate) to remember historical facts.
8. Following the tips will improve your abilities(be able to) to remember.
_____ / 25

1.Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
will probably go
1. I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.
2. Our train (leave) at 4:47.
are you wearing
3. What (wear / you) at the party tonight?
'll find
4. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my
mum's wardrobe.
'am going
5. This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.
6. Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.
will meet
7. My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.
is going to rain
8. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain) .
will be
9. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.
10. What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of
am going to slip
her? - Oh dear! I (slip) !

2.Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

Have you taken

1. A: (you / take) the dog for a walk yet?
have been working 've just come
2. B: I (work) all day. I (come / just) home from work and I
haven't had
(have / not) the time yet to walk the dog.
has the dog been
3. A: How long (the dog / be) home alone?
have not walked
4. B: For about 6 hours. You (walk / not) the dog for a long time. Don't you
want to go?
have not been lazing
5. A: Well, I (laze / not) about all day either, you know. I have a very
have not finished
important meeting tomorrow and I still (finish / not) my presentation.
have you put
6. B: Okay, I will go then. Where (you / put) collar and leash?
have you eaten
7. A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, (you / eat) anything yet? If not,
could you get us something from the supermarket?

3. Use modal verbs where possible. If a modal verb can't be used with a certain tense, use its

1. You (must) get up early tomorrow.
need not
2. You (not / need) call a baby sitter.
3. We (may) watch the film tonight.
4. He (not / can) see me yesterday.
had to
5. She (must) stay at school yesterday afternoon.

6. (may / you) go to the disco yesterday?

must not
7. He (not / must) sleep now.
need not
8. You (not / need) answer.
was supposed
9. He (ought to) give evidence at the court yesterday.
can not
10. Since he bought the new car he (not / can) sleep.

4.For the points 17-24, read the text below.Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning. (0)
17. introduction
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Choose one of the following topics and write a text (160-190 words).
 “We are what we wear.” Discus, with examples from your own way of dressing.
 Tell about a funny experience that happened to you during your holidays. You can speak
about a recent experience or something from your childhood
 “Students should be required to do some type of civil service before they graduate from
university.” Comment.

We are what we wear

Nowadays we live in a world in which clothes plays a big role in our life, even we
realise it or not.
Firstly, wearing a certain type of clothes creates our own style, that highlights us in
the world. Every style is different and original, and it makes us being individual. Also, having
and respecting a style is the way that people perceive us as a human being. For example, I
always wear a shirt and people makes a first impression about me that I am very serious, and
that is right.
Secondly, “we are what we wear” because we want to show that to the world. You
will never see a person wearing a T-shirt printed with a superhero on it if that person isn’t
childish. When I am not wearing a shirt I am wearing T-shirts with my hobbies, like
computer sciences and math, because I want my friends to know which are my passions and
what I enjoy doing in my free time.
In conclusion, I can say that our style defines us as a person and we need to be careful
about what we are wearing because this is the way that people percept us.
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