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harmony, concord,.)~\' t~~ 'J~! 'r~! :u~l is, am, are .. ? was, were .. ?

accord, agreement, symphony; rapport, affinity; does .. ? did .. ? have .. ?
union, unity, coalescence do they then deny the favors ~ 0 _,'. :.:.; ~I ~::) j
coalition, (J:;~ _,i ~~ _,i '7'' ~) 0~!
;.i of c. oct?
entente :.-- tJ ... • .........
did you write the letter? have you ~~l.)l ~I
coalition (governmen t, cabinet, etc.); ·~,
- written the letter?
harmonious , harmonic, symphoniou s, symphonic .... ..... ., ,.,
didn't I tell you? haven't I told you? ~CU Jil ~I
to harmonize (with), be ~~-:·!'~c.; :(e): ,;Fi! whether ... or, (~~~ ~~) ;.i ... i .I}:.' ;.i ... i
harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree
no matter whether ... or
(with), accord (with), be in accord (with), go well •J • •" .- • 'I ............. •t'l
(with), blend (with), square (with), match, fit, suit, whether thou warn them or r' J~ ~ t I ~ J..i.; II
adjust (to), tune (with), be in tune (with), be in do not warn them
conformity (with), be consistent (with), be or? perhaps? (~} j
compatible (with) -- ~ , __ ,
or do you doubt it? do you perhaps ~~~ .j \!.L;.j_, I
to unite, combine, merge, ~! , :.;.; ! :: oF;! doubt it? you wouldn't doubt it, would you?
coalesce, join forces, be united :;. 'f __ .,
to form a
"' •
(t:JJ ~1;.1 ~) Li~l js::.:.: ~!
:;. ; ....... truly, verily, indeed; oh Cl, 'SI
... J... - ....
coalition oh, do know! Jet it be known! l~li ':II
J]1 e.-'.) -Jl;j!
oleander, rosebay (..::..~) .I
.......... .;:.-•

r' e.-',;-.........; :~1 returning, coming back, going back; ~ ~ , e IJ : ~~

to follow someone's example, be -: 1..5~!:-! ~! returnee, returner
guided by, copy, imitate, emulate ·
J ... ... 0
to return, come back, go back
conferring, conference, deliberation , .JJ L; :A~ I
consultation , talk to wear or wrap oneself in a
plotting, conspiring, conspiration , ;c :
J ~I
conspiracy, colluding, collusion, intriguing, schem~
to follow someone's example,
ing, conniving, connivance
imitate, copy, emulate, pattern after, take after,
plot, conspiracy, collusion, intrigue,
c; ;.1;:. : ~I J model after, be guided by
· ·
obedience, compliance, t~ '~\.1: J~!
j'C e.-')- j'C :J5;:.:j!
J :;. ..........
yielding; submission, submissiven ess, subjection to blaze, flame, flare up Ul~l
- -)
following the example of, (~) .1~1 :(-!) r~! to burn with anger, flame with rage, ( ,:,i. ~!
copying, imitation, emulation flare up, seethe, fume, boil
EIMMU~~~~~m~~*fflBiB*HBBB*~~----~-..aBEBEggBEBEB~ '" ~BBEBEIEWa&gggggga.a&EEEEEHEEHBBBBEEB~¥1

stork trust, confidence, faith, reliance

fox credit ~:w~!

,.. _-t ' - -_ 0 '

breach of trust ~L.~I ;;.-L...j :0~~1 :_,..

robin, redbreast
fiduciary , ·l:.,;;; I
nasturtium """ 0 0

goatfish, surmullet to confer, deliberate, consult, hold talks ~J 8 :~!

aardvark to plot, conspire, collude, intrigue,
scheme, connive
to obey, carry out t_Cb\ :;} ~I,~;.~ ~I
jay someone's orders, follow, yield to, submit to,
comply with (someone's orders, wishes, etc.)
to trust, have confidence in, place one's ..; ~J ~! :
navel orange confidence in; to rely on, depend on ·
marabou; adjutant to entrust someone with, _, ~J ¥: ~ ~!
swordfish entrust something to, confide to, commit to,
consign to, put in the hands of J , 0

angler, anglerfish t.P- J : ":-'~!

return(ing), coming back, going back
~~~I)- ._...;1
bitter orange
old woman, woman over fifty years old j~ : ~~
Abu Dhabi
_.f. "" .d
to return, come back, go back E:-~ ~~ :
lion .J...I :()"'I} Y.l
-0 ... - 0- Jf.
to turn to Cod in repentance; to y\:; :oUII JJ yl
chestnut; marron .L.:.S :ii_,) Y.l repent
0 :;;; J J'f
to long for, yearn for :_,~I:JJ~j
chameleon ·~.....:-- :ii.} Y.l •
0.., ,,
father ..JI_, : 1..:-'1
horn bill ()U.) 0.} Y.l •
blackcap (JU.) .;_.:.j.i
. ;i
. father ~\5' :._,.,1

~) :~\5' Y.l ancestor, forefather

wolf -- 0:;;. ~ .- f.

··0·.... ,,_,1~~~..,.,1
0 :;;; .,

J't 0 .- Jf
-- , 0 "" ,

: ..;;.5 Y. I , ~ Y. I foster father

mumps, parotitis(u"> .r) uK.i ""f. 01- _If.
.J...I :Jl.;. ~I Y.l
, 0 ,.-

shoebill ()U.) ..,.,,s- .r Y.l lion

J Jf.

0 , -- _,

earwig chaffinch () l1) J_,:.. _;. .._;..;I .r. Y. I

(JL. JU.) ~ ;i
"" -.... o-- J Jf

skimmer gecko ~ j_, : Ll"":! .r. Y. I

-- - -- ,,
spoonbill (..,'L. .r·u.) .::i. Y.'i 0
Adam 1-JI : _r:.J I Y. I

ibis ()U.)~;i chat, wheatear ()U.)~ ;i

cock, rooster bread

sawfish wolf

gar, garfish; hallbeak scarab; dung beetle

poppy, opium poppy crab

Sphinx lion
S,-.,g.--&·g,. l·$:,rM.PiHJ1·<~3 '®*~lJMA.
'' ·1·¥ 3ii&i¥4hfi{t- -&iW ,fM¥·41*-kMZ- 4· §'"$-&& ,§J;;;
' J§f.

licentious, uninhibited, libenine, rakish; ~~! cock, rooster

4~ :.:,Uu.;JI ~I

pronipte, dissolute, lewd, bawdy; pornographic

the parents, rather and mother .:,,JI : .:,1,;~1
licentiousness, license, libeninism; pronipcy, ~ GI * ~.. .. • ...
dissoluteness, dissipation; pornography .. ~ · · reverend father (~I~) li~l
to annihilate, exterminate, eradicate, ~i,:.;;,.: :J~j .#1.. • .. ...
handed down or transmitted from rather ~ ,y. ~ I
extirpate, destroy, wipe out, blot out, expunge to son, inherited from forefathers, from one
annihilation, extermination, 1.!.1~ 1 , ~ : oJG I generation to another, by heredity
eradication, extirpation, destruction ' ·• paternal (~1~1 ~ :r) ~~
genocide ~~
.. . :~GI. ~ ~ 0 my father! ~it.
~j :~~j
- 0 -

to ruin, destroy, wipe out, annihilate

August ~f:yl
eL.... :.;~1 -1.
, 6 .. ,

~~ _,1 ,r-~1
, • J ;,f
the (Heavenly) [~1_,....;] ~£!1 -~~~~ J;i :y~l
flea ~,&. .r. : J~ 1 Father

group, troop, band, company, body ~~ :~~1 unwilling, reluctant, (~).,~IS', _u-01; ~ :(~~1) 1..:-'1
.... .... , ~..... .. ... ~-- .. t grudging, disinclined, averse, loath
to ovulate ~1 :.. 'I · · ~ · L.-1
····· CJ>· I , ~~-'·~. grass, herbage; pasture
.. ..... .. .
... .. .. ... , J ,, _.. ~

ovulation ~l.:r ~I (J.P- :~~) to refuse, decline, reject, turn down ~ J :~I
• ~. .. .. .. .. ... f
to offer for sale • : .II ·
· L.l to disdain, scorn, ,y. :..2!, .;r ~), ~i: ~i
to cause to urinate J;; ~ :J~i spurn, reject haughtily
~ ,... .. ... .. ..
to deny, refuse, withhold ·~] ... .J>: I.iS'~ <S'I
bale, bundle, bunch; parcel, package, pack (. j~ :4J ~) from
.. :;,...

~ ~I; - ~_,1 , ~I :u~l

.. .. 1 I _.. - • f. ... .-f
to insist on
u I ~!
~ .....
<S' 1
to separate, detach, cut off t1i, ~ :04i whether he likes it or not, willingly or <S' I 1 .-I!.
unwillingly, willy-nilly, without choice
time ........ .. . ... ..- ....
1-"! ~1; -J_;1 •lSJI :~I
during, in the course of, at the time of ..:,~1 j , 0~1
0 >i; " • ~

i; ~I; -J} 'r~j :(.J _,i ~) .-4i

~ ~1;-~~! refusal, rejection ~~:.~)
If~! ~I; - '-"'~1 ... J~ .... ,
disdain, haughtiness, pride, ~ o~ , .i..u I : • 4]
to be sad, unhappy, grieved, gloomy, -
U" .
81 superciliousness; self-esteem, sense of honor ·
distressed, afflicted .. ,... ... .. .. .. f.
sadness, grief, sorrow, gloom(iness), distress, 1:;,; I to lodge, put up for the night ~ ~ :.:.~1
U" -·-
to buy, purchase (.);.:.I : t ~I
abbot [ :i...;l
.. .)'4'· ] ....,.."GI,
. -· -·
....,.."l..l 0

L~) ;,.;,..;~I;- C.r) >~I

apatite (..:,...._.) c..,.;.;~i
- "' f .. _.f.
f ~ "' J~ .. 0 to permit, allow, legalize, legitimize, make j ~I : (~I
l..u ~1.;-1~1 lawful, sanction, approve, authorize; to justify,
•-'! ~I;- .1~! warrant
staning ... , beginning ... , from. .. , as oL,
effective from ...
:r ~~~! to disclose, divulge, reveal

permission, allowance, allowing, -~~I :~GI

elementary; primary; preparatory, - '1~1 authorization, legalization, legitimization, approval, · ·
....,.. -·-
preliminary; initial, first, original; primitive, sanction(ing)
rudimentary, primeval, primordial; incipient. disclosure, divulgence, revelation .GJ '6~ :~4J

docked, bobbed; cutaway, cutout inchoate, embryonic

.......... ~ ... ,1, ,.,,,,.,. ..... \
amputee ~ 1.;:; ~ ~ l...<.&.l ~ ~ .2. u-- : .Y-o! of first instance
........ .... .. ...
tailless; anuran, salientian ~j~:.Y-!1 elementary education
; .... ·'
~ ~ : .Y-o! I

without offspring, childless court of first instance

to extort (from), exact forcibly (from), usurp (~) ~!
:;. , • "' . . . . 0 "'

elementary school, primary school ~I~ I ~J...u

(from); to bleed (from); to racketeer; to wring contrivance, contriving, devisal, J~!:tl~!
(from), wrest (from), take away (from); to steal, devising, excogitation, designing, fashioning;
rob (oO, strip of, fleece, pilfer invention, innovation, origination, creation;
to blackmail coinage, coining
extortion, forcible exaction, usurpation; gouge; j I~! heresy, heterodoxy,
racket, racketeering; bloodsucking, vampirism; unorthodoxy
theft, stealing, robbery, robbing, fleecing, pilferage heretical
blackmail; chantage ( :~J..j -:) ·I'· .. 'I
':? _ .. ::'+' J r,, improvisation, extemporization
extortionate to hurry (to), hasten (to), rush (to),
smiling; smile run (to)
to get ahead of, forestall, anticipate,
smile act in advance of
to take premature action, before I could utter a word, he said ... ~\.; ~~~!
begin prematurely or too
accelerate, precipitate
to contrive, devise, excogitate, design, ~! : ~! t
_,<.-<.·I fashion; to invent, innovate, originate, create,
to smile r·(""*'-!_ make, conceive, introduce, coin, start, be the first
to lie, tell an untruth yjS- )G.:~! to do something
... 0 .... ... .......

to originate a heresy ~~ t) I : t~!

~ ~1)-~~1
........ , .... .... 0 to improvise, extemporize, ad-lib, deliver~~ I : ~:21
moving away, going away; oJ.llu , ...,..l.a j : .l~! offhand, do on the spur of the moment
• • J -- ....
departure, leaving 0 .... 0

.. .... .,. .. ... ; ., 0 hackneying; abuse, J~liiol.J qj~! :JI..i;!!

keeping away .;r '-:-'~ •.:r I~ tlA.JI :.y .l~! misuse
"""' ... o J • :;;; J • .- ....
or far from, staying away or far from, withdrawal e

triteness, commonness, ~.i.::.:-o ~~I 0~ :JI~!

from; absenting oneself from
commonplaceness, platitude, banality
i'~ : J 1.;.;:,;
separation, detachment indecorum, indecency;
J.... . . .. • i L:;;.1
- -·-I
avoidance, shunning, keeping ...,_;.:...; : .;r .l~! vulgarity; immorality
away from, keeping clear of, steering clear of, to hackney, hack, wear out in everyday ~! :J~I
keeping off; turning away from, turning one's back use, make trite, make hackneyed
on, turning a cold shoulder to to violate accepted standards ~~~I~) :Ji:.;!
farness, remoteness ~: .l~l of good manners, be indecorous, be indecent, be
indelicate; to display vulgar manners; to use
~ ~1)->i·~!
abusive language; to act immorally
tomoveaway(from),go~~~ 'I~ ;:,..J.~ :(.y) ~! to degrade oneself, demean J;;.:! :(~) Ji:.;!
away (from); to leave, depart (from) oneself, lower oneself, stoop , 0.. .. • j

to keep away or .;r y~ '.;r I~ :.y ~! J1 amputated, mutilated, cut, cut off, t~ :.i-11
far from, stay away or far from, distance oneself !>evered; disconnected, unconnected, detached,
from, withdraw from; to absent oneself from separated, broken; cut short, bobtail(ed), curtailed;
,., '
.••. ...., \

[ .l.,> i] .~I
' • to separate ~~, ~);, .;r ~! :.;r ~!
(oneselO from, detach oneself from, withdraw
anabolic [ • L.-:-- i] ~ ~!
JJr 'L.) : (~!
', -- ... ~ . from, part with, leave, quit, walk out on
rejoicing, jubilation, exultation; to avoid, shun, keep away (..)~~ , :. \.: : .;r ~!
joy, delight, happiness, gladness, delectation, from, keep clear of, steer clear of, keep ofT; to turn
exhilaration, glee, gaiety, mirth, hilarity, away from, turn one's back on, turn a cold
cheer(fulness), high spirits shoulder to
:Jr... ·,
supplication, prayer, invocation
~- to be or become far, faraway,~ I~ 0LS" : ~!
far-ofT, distant, remote
to rejoice (at), jubilate (at), exult (at); ~) : (-!) ~!
to be happy (at), glad (at), delighted (at), cheerful to be or become unlikely, J~ 'SI ~ 0LS": ~!
(about or over), merry (about or over), gay (about improbable
or over); to cheer up to seek, aim at, aspire to; to desire, wish, want, ~!
to show off, vaunt, flaunt -•< ---·1 crave after, covet
j:ll.:'<'l seeking, aiming at, aspiring to; ~:.. 1 ~:.~1
to exaggerate, overdo, overstate " c . .*-!_ ~-,) ---
desiring, wishing, wanting, craving after, coveting
to supplicate, pray humbly (to Cood), -t•-.:: -r.:: I __ ., .
invoke (Cod), implore earnestly, beseech, obtest
~ ~') - -.;:.;. .~~ .~~: ·~!
purchase, purchasing, buy(ing) .I";. : ~I t ~~I)- :}J; .~: -~1
(:;,.tl ;__) ~j ~I
to confide one's secret to, tell one's
secret to, let someone in on a secret, let out a
invention, creation, devisal, innovation,
origination; creativity, creativeness. creative
secret to, disclose to, reveal to, divulge to
to alphabetize

. ability, inventiveness, ingenuity; originality,
novelty; unique achievement
.... ~ •f coinage, coining (of ul~lJI Ji ..::..WS:JI ~~I
alphabetical, alphabetic, abecedarian ~:?~I words or phrases) - - - - -
alphabetically to invent, innovate, originate, t~! ''t.:'.:•! : F!
alphabet create, make, introduce, be the first (person) to do
something; to contrive, devise, excogitate, design,
potbellied, paunchy fashion
obese, fat, corpulent to coin (a word, l~l.o:..;.ll:-~ iWS''(-::1
'+"" C• J ·- J - ~-
.. ~ , , ;;._. ;;. _.. f, phrase, etc.)
to make hoarse, husky, harsh J "-- ~ :~I
, • "" .... _..f
to become wet; to be moistened, wetted, J,L:~I
hoarse, husky, harsh, raucous, throaty, L~ :~I drenched, dabbled, sparged, splashed
to test, try, put to the test ;:,_.:;,. , ;.:. ! :~!
sailing, navigation I~• ~I :,;l:..:l ~
to affiict, try, distress,

; "".

, ~ ._,..l.,o I : ~!
..... 0 ; f, ........

to sail, navigate, travel by sea, make a I~ ) L. :~ i torment, torture

sea voyage, voyage
-'~ :;. _.. "" 0 f
to be affiicted with, hit by, stricken by, ~ ~!
to sail, set sail, make sail, put to sea, ~I ~~I smitten by, sorely tried by; to suffer, sustain,
weigh anchor, depart, leave, begin a voyage undergo, experience
having bad breath, suffering
"" , , , ; ·'
r"-'1 ~1)'1.!! :fo.l trial, tribulation, affiiction, visitation
from halitosis
one-eyed J~ I
"". f,
: J:io.ll
; • f.
&. ~1)-t~!
to stay in, remain in, abide in ~~j :wlS::l~ ~i ~ ~\)-~!
;"" 0 ~ , '
_.. :;. ~; , , , , "",f 1".\ I -_, . 1·<1
to run wild; to be or become J-,:; :01 r.:ll .;,.I ~- ~) . '-r"!-
wild, untamed, feral
.;. ~\)-~!
... ..... ... :;. ...... , ......... "' i

outstanding (in), excellent (in), unique (in); to ..~.?' e.-';-~;. :ul~l 41

perfect, bring to perfection
... :;;.... , .
... ... ... ;;;"
... . .... ... ... .... . ..... to eternize, eternalize, perpetuate, .J..1.,;. , ""'"J"" : .I.! I
t~! e-- 1; - t~! :t..~.? 1 immortalize
to exchange (for), give in exchange (for), J~i wild, untamed, feral, ferine _,~W. : ..1.!1
... ... , i
commute (for); to replace (by or with), substitu te ,,

; to Pternity, perpetuity .)_,1;. 'r1J.) :.I.! I

(for), put in place (oO; to change, alter, convert
alternate .... , "' ... , , ....... forever, perpetually, eternally; ;.~1 ~i, ..;~1 JJ
to commute 4'J.) ~ ~~ J..~.?l for good, permanently
0'-:!-! ~I ~i JJ
... ,...f.,

everlasting, eternal, perpetual, sempiternal, ~:!-!I forever and ever

_.... , ... .. ~ "' ...
aeonian, endless , ageless, timeless, never-e nding .
.. :;; ,...f. never, not at all, absolutely not, \il.1:., J.i: I..~.? I
i..,!f! I by no means, by no chance, in no case, under no
eternity, perpetuity, eternal existence, eternal
duration, endlessness ............. f.
conditions, on no account #,'I #

t_..J:~I ~ b : I.~.? I
to sting, bite
. always, forever, ever
to backbite; to slander, defame,
malign, traduce, calumniate, asperse, vilify, speak
evil of _ _
c_..U 'yl.::&.!: ..1'! I
...... ... ... .....
to create, originate, make, bring into being
to bring out
...... ... . ...
I~!,-.:,~! •..!:!~ ~I :1..1.!1
.... .. . ....
,... , •
J.b- : I~ I
...... ...... 10 .... ~"

... ,;; ,... ;;... ... .... new, do first, introduce, open, begin,
..::..LJI ~: ..1'! I something
to pollinate start, commence
...... :;; ... f. _..,...• 'J ...-of.

to keep, fulfill, carry out, live up to, redeem, ,_j J :~I to show, demonstrate, manifest, display, :,+J:> I : (,5~ I
make good (one's oath, one's promise,...Jone's word)
:;; .....
evince, exhibit, present, bring into view; to reveal,

disclose, uncover, bring to light; to express, voice,
,... ... :;; ..

to accept, approve of ....L:.i :u~ ~..Ill .I'! I

.... _..::'i ... ::; ...... :;;'l declare, utter, indicate, state, bring out, make clear
..::..~1 ~ :~1
to pollinate
show(ing), demonstration, mani- · ;~]: ~~~J
to absolve from, acquit ~i , ~ ~ , J.;- :~ i;i festatio n, display(ing), exhibiti on, present ation,
from, discharge from, free from, release from, bringing into view; revelation, disclosure, un-
relieve from, clear of, disengage from, exonerate covering, bringing to light; expression, voicing,
from, exempt from declaration, uttering, making clear
to cure, heal, restore to health, make creation, invention, innovation, origination; tl~j
healthy creativeness, creativity, creative ability, inventive-
absolution, acquittal, discharge, release, ~~J: ~I;J ness, ingenuity; originality, unique achievement;
freeing, exoneration, exemption excellence; perfection
recovery, recuperation, cure, heating ~ \i;. : ~I; J creative, originative, inventive, original, I~ J :r
acquittance, discharge, quittance, (~l:f) t:? :t_;j innovative, imaginative, artistic, artful, seminal,
quitclaim fertile, fictive; ingenious; unique, excellent,
presentation, production, bringing out, J ~ J : j J 1; outstanding
show(ing), exhibition, exposition, manifestation, romantic [..,.,.>i] ~~~!
display(ing), bringing into view
romanticism [y.)i]~l~j
accentuation, emphasis, ..!:!~ '~~ : j\ _; J
stress(ing), underli ning, highlighting; featuring, exchange; substitution, replacement; change,
changing, alteration
giving special prominence or added force to
protrusion, projection, sticking out, ~ GJ : jl _; J commutation ~J;~~~JI~J
exsertio n; emboss ment
monster, wild beast (..~.?lji ();~I
publishing, putting out, bringing J 1...:.. J , )::. : j I_; J
out to excel (in), do well, do excellently, ~~i: t_~i
achieve excellent results (in); to be or become
--.;;. --: ... ;;."" _.. -- . . ,t
Jr.' ~IJ J:,,_o:; :jY-1 telegraphy ~:; JL~j: .JI;j
...- 0 j _.. ,J ..- G "J
Ja; J I , ~I : J.J-11 l:
....... _.. , • 0
spotted, speckled ratification, confirmation, ~.)L.a.. '); riJ-1)
_:;. _.. ,t endorsemen t, sanction(ing), approbation, approval,
parish, diocese, bishopric, see, eparchy ~J-11
consent, assent, adoption, legalization
........ 0 "' .... , .... • t
leprous; leper '-"" _r:J~ yl.a.. : '-'"'J-11 conclusion, concluding, ~ ;:.:a: ' ~ :~I;]
,_, ,.10 -··,"~- making, entering into
gecko LA! Y. Y. oi..J"' Y. ~ ~,. 0 ..... J ....... 0 --
Court of Cassation, Supreme II .... ~
to cable, wire, telegraph, telegram t,_,:; J,:.) ::,) Court
~ J'! 'J u<>"-'
.... 0 _. J ... -- 1- - - ·"~ 0 ,___ ....
to be struck by lightning J Y. "'-!\...I : J Y.l instrument of ratification II~
~ Y.' o.,J
it lightened, there was lightning
.... :;.
: U I ~ Y.l
_..- ·'
bream (ct....) ~J-1
I ·j
........ ·"£ "''· ..- ---·'
to flash up, light up, brighten, J,;.l : "+>:' _, JY.\ gall fly
radiate, irradiate
to brandish, flourish 0.- -.. - ·j needle
_, ,. 0
indicator, needle, pointer
to make (a camel) kneel down (li I :6J'!I
-- . . ;;. ... t ~ 0 t injection, shot
to ratify, confirm, endorse, '-~ J.ll..a ' j I : tJ-1\
sanction, approbate, approve, consent to, assent to, sting, stinger
subscribe to, adopt, pass, legalize, validate, uphold,
sustain, maintain geranium, cranesbill

to conclude, make, strike, enter into ~: ~;i stylus, needle

- -.... ... ...... ... .... ,l
to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink J~ ' J.;:.i : i Y.l magnetic needle
......... f. ........ ,t
to weary, bore, tire; to annoy, irk, ~I : ~ J'! I compass
bream (ct....)~)
eye, threading hole
needlelike, needle-shaped, acicular, (~1)~'1
- .. J"!' needlework
aciform; needle-
needier ;~I d~ :Ls;) acupuncture
!;.. J-- c .. :;. 0
dandruff, scurf U"" I) I ;; _r:.J : 4.:!J'!j to mail, post, send by mail
pure gold .... :;. ..........
to hail, be hailing tUI <:='.lY.I
golden, gold
to bring out, make apparent, produce, ~i :);,i
silk present, show, offer to view, exhibit, manifest,
display, bring into view, expose; to bring forward;
pitcher, jug, ewer, kettle; flagon; cruse, cruet J:!; J to bring to the fore
teapot; teakettle L)Lll ~ ;.J' . to accentuate, accent, J.s- _..;..-
.l..C , J.s-
.AS' I : j.t"! I
. . :;. t ........

emphasize, stress, focus on, underline, highlight; to

April 0 L:j : ..k-J-1'
00 feature, intensify, heighten, magnify, point up,
·-.... 0 .... 0 t
washbasin, washbowl0:!~1_, ~~I ~ vO.P: uj..t I
.... .... 0- .... 0
give special prominence or added force to; to head,
place at the head (oO
buckle, clasp, fibula, fastener, fastening ~
0 0

• - 0
to protrude, project, thrust out, exsert, ~;i tJ :
to rejoice at, be happy at, be delighted -! [.) :-! ):.;\ jut out, stick out, poke, bulge; to emboss, raise in
at, be cheerful about - - · relief
,f .... 0 ,. .- :;._.. ........ - ..... f _...... .... .,.. ......
to bring good news or glad tidings (.$ _,.:..J I ~ : ~I to publish, put out, bring out J..l...<>l , .;:.:. : j.t"! I
~ t"!"l;- .)~1
to, announce or give good news to
to cause indigestion to
. . ,..--- ~ ~

....... · . ' 0

vision, sight, eyesight; seeing

removal, taking away, J~ , .~J: JL.; J
putting aside, setting aside; separation, isolation; to see; to look at, set Ja;. ') '(JJ) ~ '-si~: ~i
elimination, exclusion, disqualification, dropping; eyes on, lay eyes on, catch sight of, descry; to
sending away, dismissal; driving away, expulsion, notice, observe, perceive, discern, realize, make
forcing out, putting out; keeping off, driving back, out
repelling, repulsion ham, popliteal space, hollow ofthe W']1 ~4 :~1
banishment, exile, expatriation, knee
relegation, deportation, expulsion popliteal
' .•1
exclusion, elimination, ruling uj;_ , .~I : ~la.:. I
.,. - ~
armpit; axilla ~~~4:,k;J
alienation, est[angement, repulsion ~
.·.:: ~l-.:1., to be slow; to slow, decelerate, slacken, ~i :;1;:
delay, move at decreasing speed, go slowly, be-
to remove, take away, put aside, J-;, ~i: ~i come slower; to lag, linger, loiter, tarry
set aside; to distance, place at a distance, keep
away; to separate, isolate, set apart (from others),
to slow down, slow up, decelerate, ;.i: l1.;i
slacken, retard, delay, detain, hold up
seclude; to eliminate, disqualify, drop, exclude; to
send away, dismiss; to drive away, expel, force to lose time ~t.JI ..:.~i
out, put out; to keep off, drive back, repel, repulse
to banish, exile, expatriate, relegate, dU:~I -- '--· slower
slowdown, slowing down, deceleration, .~I
deport, expel ........... ..... ..,
... ...... ...
delay(ing); slowness, retardation;
to exclude, eliminate, rule out u..i,.. , ~! : ~I slackening,
.,.:;; .......... tardiness, lag; tarrying, lingering
~ :~ I .WJ
to alienate, estrange, disaffect, repel annulment, nullification, invalida- ~, :Jl1,;)
.. ••
..... f ... .. • ..
tion, voidance, abolition, abolishment , cancella- ·
farther (away), further, ....,.. } I ~ , ~I : ..loa! I
distant, ulterior; beyond tion, negation, defeasence, revocation, repeal,
remoter, more
~~I :~~I
neutralization, .1~! dt'! ~;Ji) ~ :JU..:!
farthest, furthest, farthermost,
furthermost, endmost, utmost, uttermost, outmost,
counteraction; thwarting, frustration
outermost, extreme, ultimate, remotest, most
remote, most distant ba_sin-shaped valley; ~1_, ~ ,~_;. ;1_, :~i
' (' ' :- ' . ~··I wtde bed of a stream or torrent, wide riverbed,
to hate, detest, loathe, abhor, •.r ,..:;..a...:~
wide ravine
abominate, dislike
to escape, flee, run away
... ...
.... ... ... ~
:J:ol flat, level, even ~,~:&,i
;l. :Jot'
to spoil; to make ungrateful, I~ :;:..:Ai
fugitive, runaway; escapee y
careless, reckless, wanton
(..:.L.i) --;
abaca, Manila hemp .'-"! to a~nul, cancel, abolish, invalidate, ~ , ~i :~i
... "" _. .., f ... of.

to retain, keep (up), maintain; ~ .J.ul>, il~l: Ji1 I nulhfy, negate, extinguish, void, make null and
to preserve, conserve; to reserve; to hold void, revoke, rescind, repeal, abrogate, recall,
• .,. ... J ... J ... ... , ... -... ... ...
to leave unchanged, ~ 0 _, ~ _,... l.S' AS;
leave untouched, leave as
it is to neutralize, ~i, J,:J.I) ~: J1,;i
counteract, make ineffective, put out of action; to
to leave, leave over, leave ( t' J ~1'2) ~) :~ i thwart, frustrate, foil
behind .... t -- ... -~
to hide, conceal, harbor t.PI:~I
to make stay, ask to stay (at (tJJ *'1::-JI ~) ~i
lunch, etc.) ~ t"!"'J - ~ :01-;i
informing against, reporting to spare or save (someone's life), (~c;., ~) ~i
recovery, recuperation, convalescence, keep alive
~ ~ 0 j
retention, keeping, ~ 'iJaj~ '~~~!: ·lA1l
t.J.! ' J _;.I : ~ I
..- .... .,. ... .... • •

to shine; to dawn maintenance; preservation, conservation; reser-

0 .. ~ 0 1' vation; holding
bright, serene, clear ~I_,, ~L,.,, .;;:.-.: ~ 1
leaving, leaving over, (tJJ ~L.:< ~;).)~;:.LA.;)
to make swallow ~~ : &,i leaving behind

to inform of,
.,. • 1

0kl ,
... .... ... •

JJ J.;;.;,-!_ ~I , (JJ , ~) ~ 1
~ _.. :il

&, :
..- ... •
making stay, (tJJ ~:.I:.JI ~) J:.; ~: .LL;J
asking to stay (at lunch, etc.)
tell about, let know about, notify of, apprise of,
advise of; to report to, relate to; to convey to, sparing, saving (t'J .~ ~c;.. ~) .t.o.;l
communicate to, impart to, transmit to, deliver to; (someone's life)
to announce, state, declare maintenance ._:.t.;
L.. ~ ~JJI :LL;J
to notify, deliver, serve (a notice, [ 0 _,.; l.i] ~ :&,i (preservation, keeping) of the status quo
.... --.... ... ... 01
writ, summons, etc. to or on someone) ~~1)-~1
... ..- -......,
to inform against, report, -!_._;._,:,y&-1 ... "1 -;, ..... ..... • :i

denounce, betray
spotted, speckled; flecked, mottled, ..hi Jl , c!-:-' :&.I
dappled; piebald, pied, skewbald, pinto
give him my best regards! remember ~:it. ~i to make cry, make weep ~ ~ : ~j
me to him!
piebald, pied, pinto, skewbald,
:;. ......

c!-:-' , : Jl,; 1

.... • • -. j
~I) -J~)
spotted, speckled, dappled, flecked
;:.; '~ ~1)-~i
chat, wheatear ()U.} ~ ;i :~i to silence, shut up, reduce to ~~j, ~j: ~i
stupid, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, foolish, (~) ~i silence
doltish, dumb, silly, fatuous, empty-headed, dense, mute, dumb, speechless, voiceless,
dimwitted, simpleminded, unwise, thickheaded, tongueless
fat-witted, weak-minded, feebleminded, brainless,
to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal,
fool, simpleton, imbecile, idiot, dullard, (1""'1) ~j regain health, get well
dunce, dolt, dunderhead, moron, blockhead, camels
fathead, oaf, ninny, numskull *' .... , __ :..- . . ••
to wear out, fray, frazzle, tatter; to LJ\., • ~ :~I
the Devil, Satan, Lucifer
~l abrade, fret, chafe, scrape ofT, rub ofT; to corrode,
devilish, satanic, fiendish, diabolic(al), ~, . !!! erode, wear away
demoniac, demonic ".
1... 1 1 - 1...• 1: ($""?
to eulogize, praise (a dead person), deliver a ~I
.. '...;)'!,j ~,~J ~'
...... ... -" -.1
funeral oration (in praise of.. ) to prove oneself brave, show L.:.- ~~ J,i I
son; child; boy; descendant, offspring, scion _;! extreme courage, defy death boldly, light coura-
geously, distinguish oneself in battle, fare well in
nephew C.:. ~I _,i t ~I :; I battle, acquit oneself heroically, be heroic; to strive
earnestly (for)
man, human being (~\:;!
jackal (01~) -s,;l :;I notification, notifying, information, J~! ~! :t
informing, telling; communication, conveyance,
adopted son or child, adoptive son or ;:.J~;:; I transmission, delivery; announcement, statement,
child declaration
foster child, foster son, ~:,jl _,i .tc..~~ ;:;I service (of summons, writ, notice, [ 0 ,.,·\j] t· ')~.;I
fosterling papers, etc.), delivery, notification
0 .... .... .... ~ 0

godson, godchild denunciation, information, lS~ ,~l:;.._, :,y t_':ll;J


.... 0 ... , •

insignificant, trivial, unimportant, 0~ e.-')-~~ !.f.!

() U.) y I"):. : C! r. !.f.!
' ... , 0

,I, crow; raven

.- 0 0

obscurity, obscureness, vague- Lrl:-?! '.._;,_,...&. : ... __ , 0

ness, ambiguity, equivocalness, equivocation, native; national, citizen ..J.J I !.f.!

,, ... ' 0 -- -- ... , 0

darkness, abstruseness, reconditeness, inscru- countryman, compatriot ~ 1,_. : • )\ ~ !.f.!

tability, confusion
celebrity, celebrated person, famous man ~ :; !
thumb, pollex _.:.ji ~~J 0 .. , ~

warrior; soldier y ;l-1 !.f.!

great toe, big toe, large toe, hallux ~~~;~l
to fade, dim, dull, pale, blanch, ~4 ~:~I
.. , ... .-... .- ""0~
stepson, stepchild ~j)l Ji 6)1 :;!
tarnish, make dim, make dull, make pale spontaneous, automatic, • ·W;. :~l..
1./ .. :;,..
c.+; e.-')-~,::..:.; :~i unprompted, impulsive

pomp, splendor, ostentation, ;(,.1;, '~W :~'I extemporaneous, extemporary, J.~;! : ~ l.. !.f.!
... 0 -- ' 0

impromptu, offhand(ed), ad-lib

grandeur, magnificence, pomposity
" " • f. .- ""0 ~ passing, transient, transitory, j! lc. ' ~I j : ~ l.. :; !
to gladden, delight, cheer up, exhilarate, (_;I :~I
impermanent, short-lived ·
rejoice, make happy, fill with joy ' 0

~I !.f.!
"' 0 'f. , • .... .~ wayfarer, traveler; passer-by, walker;
aorta J>JJiw~;. :..,+.1

back .-
--· vagabond, tramp, vagrant, hobo, wanderer_

echo, reverberation
.. -

(j.J..~:> : .)j.1.l I !.f.!

0 ;,I ' •

~~~ (-:,1~) ...r~

. :;!
aortic, aortal weasel
"" .- "" ""0 ~ ., ,.
~ e--1;- .Ja4.; I polecat, fitch, fitchet, (-:,\~)~I •...r~ !.f.!
savin (.::.L.;) Jf;l fitchew
.. ~ ::il- " " '~~"' , •
...... f. ... .... "",t cousin ~\.;L\ Jl ~I Jl ~\.;LI Jl (.JI !.f.!
to obscure, obfuscate, befog, confuse, ~ J I .J.f> :~I ,I J 1 _.. } 1 ,.. J 0 ;,.> 0"' J 1"" .. I

make obscure or ambiguous

"' __..-I __..,. ...
J.! 'i 1 ? !.f.!'(~ Lr~! '~d !.f.!,~_;.. r.:i-1-f.!
to be or become obscure, ambiguous, ~! :(*II natural (illegitimate, unfathered) son or ~ .. ci
vague, equivocal, incomprehensible child, love child, bastard, whoreson
., ,It

yl e.-'; - -':'1 .t
egret ()U.) .Ji :;!
the parents, father and mother -:,I..J I_,11 : 01-':' 'S I ferret (-:,1~) .._;,~ :;!
_, ;. ;. "I
fatherhood, paternity ~~IJ : ii-'!I Samir Sadek, Jr. (~) ~'SI J:\.... _,;-
abutilon, ye I low rnaIIow
f , 'i
. u. ~-':'
(u L.;)
daughter(of someone), girl
. . ....
~ ~~ Jl _(~1 ~!
(. . ~!

, :;; .. '" ...... ;. " •:.. ! ....

ebonite •...r li j,lJa:. :.::.....;
.. -':' I stepdaughter ~ J}\ Jl _(J}I ~!
paternal, fatherly (S..JIJ <sY,i cousin ~\.;LI Ji ~~ Ji ~\.;LI Ji ~~ ~!
lSI e--1; - '-fll
H "" _.- 00

~ 0

goddaughter, godchild
~.)_,....:..J~ ~!
, . . ...
.. , __ - ... , 0 t
,, 'II,.. .... ,I "' f.
disdainful, haughty, lofty, u_,.;l 'r!r-- ='-fl' ebony (~J~)U"~I'U"~I
supercilious, proud
... ,
to whiten, become (grow, turn) white or whiter~! 1.1":!-
;."'. ... - .... .. ... .-f.
to take notice of, pay ~!, .:..:;;5! : ~ Jl ~~I
attention to, mind, heed, care for or about, take an
blank, empty, unmarked interset in
to bring (to); to furnish with, supply with
.- _.. ... _. o~j
bright, luminous, clear, tJr., ·rl,;,J.. :~1..
:;; ...

to do, make, perform, carry out, -!. ~ li , J...i :~I brilliant, shining, shinv
,, ... . ... .....,
execute, accomplish, fulfill innocent, blameless, y~llr Jl> '•l.SY. :~I
to commit, perpetrate cleanhanded, pure, clean, white, .. -
-- - - - -t whiting
to happen, occur, take place LS _p: , .::.....~> : cJ I
;;.--t .....
to finish, complete, conclude, wind ~I : ~ ~I white lie, lib
up, terminate bloodless coup d'etat
- - -t
to destroy, eradicate, wipe out, ~ ~ : ~ ~I
annihilate; to finish off; to do away with, put an bloodless revolution
end to, eliminate first light of dawn
to exhaust, use up, consume,
finish up
"" 0 :10 --t
to destroy completely, ~l.JIJ ~~I ~ cJI white flag
wipe out; to ruin, wreck, havoc, wreak havoc on, white slavery
lay waste, devastate, ravage; to devour
"' - --t white slaves
to mention, make mention of, li5' f? ~~I
refer to, make reference to with cold steel, with swords
the following, what follows -t ~
<.1-- good reputation, honorable name,
as follows; like this -t c.s-
line character; noble deed
leukocyte, white blood corpuscle .~~;
~ ~1)-<it. ~
moonlit night; sleepless night .~~
to suit, tit, befit, agree with; to ~ l; , ~ .~ , ~ IJ : J-1 sudden death,· natural death ~ · "i "...... ,..
be suitable for, lit for, agreeable for, convenient
for, favorable for beneficent hand(s), beneficence, • ~ ( )Ci) ~
1 ---
to give (to), grant (to), donate

~ )Jj, c} I J.-'.1:
... 0

benefaction, benevolence, generosity, ·-good

(to), bestow upon, confer upon; to supply with, deed(s); skill, skillfulness, dexterity
provide with, furnish with whitening, becoming white or whiter; IJ"
.l:A.:,.. -I
to fructify, fruit, bear fruit whiteness, white

to give alms, practice (regular) charity leukemia

prince, emir; master, lord, chief,
head, leader
Epicureanism 4::-.. ~~'
'.. I
to allow, permit, let J_ ~ : (~) ( G-i
coming, next, following; ~?li '~ : (Li ~I) ~~
to enable to, put in a ~ ~~ , ~ J:: :(J) (~i future, eventual, to come; forthcoming, upcoming;
position to, make possible for incoming
to pave the way (for), ·~, ~, t.J. :(J) (~i coming, arriving; comer,
facilitate, make easy newcomer, arriver, arrival
to make available, make as follows
t ... ... f to come, arrive, show up
J.-'.1 :
... 0

to give (to), grant (to), offer, afford, (~) ~\,;I ....... f. ....
present (to or with); to provide with, furnish w1th, to bring, fetch, get, bring forward, ,r<:-1 : ~ cJ I
supply with advance, present, introduce, produce '
, , :;. ... J • .. .. • ... ...,.
to predestine, togive(to),grant(to); ~ o)Jj ,.\Jai,l :~~~I

J,~f. _._..o J_.O_.

to imitate, o)l ~!, •Ji>- l..i.>-, ": LS...::i! :~!

copy, take after, pattern after, follow someone's
...... ... ... o __ ::;;

foreordain, predetermine
to give the opportunity or chance
example, tread in the steps of, follow in the steps
he was given the opportunity, he
of; to follow suit
to follow, pursue, chase, ;):~, ~ '), )~\.1:
go after, run after, hunt, trail, track, trace
J! had the chance
he was able to succeed ( 6.J I J ~1
... J

e:-1)- ..~~·! -..~~·!

0 ';!J
to act slowly, proceed deliberately, ~: 'jU! Jl_;,
take one's time, slow (down); to be slow, be
direction; bearing(s); heading; way; trend, ob.J I deliberate
tendency, drift, inclination, bent, current, course, to stare at, gaze at, look
stream, run; line; orientation; attitude, sense; sharply at
approach - - -f.
female donkey, she-ass, jennet, jenny ;;)_.~ :~1,;1
royalty; tax, tribute ~ '. :o'G·1
toward(s), to, in the direction of ···!"" J '

..I::'" I_, ~b.; I J~ '.6.;')1 ~ J

, 'JI , "' bribe -~~ :;;j~)
.-:;.- _. -1'
' ~ ~ t"'IJ- o\.i'l

directional ~·-
_. _. ....... f. _. .... ::;; following, going after, 1:£ ~ .. __ :
r.-\; t"'IJ- ~I ·~·) proceeding after, coming after

to tend to, be directed to( ward), be oriented (J I) ~·1 . '# _.... _.'JI

. - following, pursuing; adoption, adopting, ~ : t ~!

to(ward); to aim at, be aimed at; to turn to(ward); taking up
to face, turn one's face to( ward); to head for, make .,. 0 _.oj/

observance, observing, -!_ ~ ' i IrJ! :t L;!

for, go to, take to, proceed to, be headed for, be
compliance with, abidance by, adherence to,
bound for; to steer; to bear; to pursue, proceed
along, follow (a specified course, action, plan, etc.)
union, uniting, combination, .::.;..:;1)~:.)~!
. ~
sticking to, keeping (to), following, maintaining
imitation, copying, taking after, -!_ tl~! : t 8!
patterning after, following the example of
. ~

junction, consolidation, integration, merger, :t . . - .. _ .. , ............. . . ojl

amalgamation following, pursuing, ~ ' ~ ')l. ' ii ~ J U.... : t G!
:;; ' - ';!J f--. 0... 14
pursuit, chasing, chase, going after, taking after,
union; ~~~-~ '~\,..;;')~ ~ L. ,;;:.;.._; :~l:..:i!
association; consortium; 'combination; pool; running after, hunt(ing), trailing, tracking, tracing
alliance; federation following (up); attachment, annexation, Jl:JI' : t L..ll
- ~

unity, oneness, singleness ~I~ j , ii-:..;_ j : ~ \,..;;! appending, addition, subjunction, junction,
_. - ,I <d joining, supplementation
unanimity, consensus, unanimous ~ IJ 'll ~L.u!
classical, classic
agreement, unanimous resolution
~lS'j.:;; ~~WI~ ~_,i ~i~l) ~~! classicism; classicality
...... •'f ..-
_.o j

trust; cartel, syndicate (U!? ::.: _,i to follow (up) with, cause to be followedJ:o-ll :-!_
by, cause to follow or succeed; to send after; to
customs union
subordinate to; to attach to, annex to, append to,
labor union, trade union, union add to, join to, subjoin to, supplement with
federation, federal union
' ~
~~J~ ~L.u!
.. to follow, go after, proceed ~ ',.- - : · --~.,
r..r' 'C":' ·~-
after, come after
• ' "' '# ...
~~J~_,) ~L.u!
::; ::;
- ~
to follow, pursue; to adopt, ~·~~L.:~!
unanimously, as one man, with one ~IJ 'll :l..U~ take up
accord, with one voice to observe, comply with, abide -!__ ~ , ~;J! c;! :
jointly and severally by, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), follow, maintain
....... .., • )! J 'II

to close, shut <om; to lock, bolt Jl.i I :~'_;I the Soviet Union, the Union of ;;~;..JI _,b.;~\
.... ....~ ~
Soviet Socialist Republics, the U.S.S.R.
to seek protection (in, -1 ~! ' -1 ~! :-1 ~'_; l ~ "
union; federal; federative; federalist; unionist ~~\.;,;; l
with), take shelter (in, with); to pr~tect on~self,
shelter oneself, shield oneself federal government, federation ~;651 t~
to brim, fill to the brim, fill up, unionism; federalism ~.)~\
overfill, fill to overflowing ~
....... J .... ..... ,..:::;
to unite, combine, join, consolidate, integrate, ~I
to be or become brimful, (over)full, ~ _;;..,. JL,.. : eJ l
merge, be or become one, form a unity or a union;
replete, filled to capacity or overflowing
, • ....... ,'f. J ... 'II ,. ... ..... f. to be or become united, integrated, joined, com-
to spoil; to make ungrateful, ..;~I :(~I o~.:....) u .J I bined, consolidated, merged, amalgamated; to band
careless, reckless, wanton together, be or become banded; to be or become
citron standardized
..... •f.
to present with, gift with, make a valuable -1 UN" I
equanimity, composure, poise, balance,
equilibrium, sobriety, sedateness present or gift to, give (to), offer (to), bestow upon,
... ... ... ';/J
confer upon
sound judgment, judiciousness, ~ ~ : ul;!
levelheadedness, reasonableness, rationality to take; to assume, take on; to adopt; to take up, ~I
occupy, seize, hold; to use, make use of; to make, ..
~;J! ~1)-~lj~l ~ :~~l make something out of
to be sober, sedate, grave, composed ~)~ 0\S' :0) l
_.. ,_.. t: ;;i I .,._..

to take or adopt measures ~ \...(; J I ~I ~ 1. .i.;..;! ,•d

to be judicious, wise, of sound ~ 0IS' : 0)! or steps
judgment to take (take on, assume, acquire) a form~ "W!
.... J ...... :>1
ujJ :u;! or shape
to be weighed
to adopt a resolution, take or make a
~\) -0jl:;; :0)! decision, decide, determine
expansion, enlargement, dilation, _,I~! : t l...J!
. ~
to take the initiative, make the first
............. J ..... ::;;
;; J _,~ .i.;..;!
dilatation; extension; expanse, extent, space, scope, step or move; to begin, start, be the ·first (person) to
breadth, range, compass, stretch, spread (do); to set out to, embark upon, undertake,
... ... .. 'II

exte~siveness, widen~ss, roominess, ~~J : t l...:i! proceed to, move, act, take action, begin to act
spaciousness, capaciousness, vastness, commo- to take (adopt, assume) a position or W:;. "W!
diousness, ampleness, amplitude attitude; to make or take a stand or stance
consistency; harmony, congruity, symmetry, Jl..Jl
...... 'f.
to cause indigestion to; to satiate, sate, surfeit, I rAi
proportion; regularity, uniformity, evenness glut, gorge, cloy, overstuff, cram, stuff with food,
to be or become dirty, unclean, filthy, foul ~! overfeed, feed to excess
... ;;;; ... ...
to widen, broaden, expand, _,.;..; 'u'> _y ' ~ l :~ l
.... J... ... .. .... • .... .... ;;i
& ~\)-~l ·&1
.... J -- - - -··
enlarge, dilate; to extend, stretch; to be or become to cover with dust or earth yi_,;.JI ~ ~J: '-:i.JI
wide, roomy, spacious, vast, extensive, ample _ ,, J.. ......... • ..

tobeorbecomeveryrich, ..Jl. jS ·~! :yjl

to hold, contain, take, be able to ~ J ;:=:.! : tJ! extremely wealthy
,, ;;, .... .... .... .... ... .......
take in, have capacity for; to accommodate, seat,
to be or become poor, needy, ..Jl. Ji, P! :y ;1
sit, have room for, be large or wide enough fo~ destitute, indigent, poverty-stricken; to be reduced
to be or become rich, wealthy t.:f ~L,., : tJ l to poverty
to be or become consistent; to be or become
-..-:I citron

harmonious, congruous, symmetrical, propor-
tional; to be or become regular, uniform, even
to be branded l.S :;::5! ' ;}:J ~ ~; :r.:ll to grieve, sadden, distress, aggrieve
with, pertain to, belong to, appertain to to be marked by, characterized~ , ~! :-! rJ!
to call (up); to (dJ ~Ia) :-! ;l:;. J:.J! by, distinguished by; to bear, carry, have as a
communicate with, contact, get in touch with (by characteristic or mark, possess as a distinctive
telephone, etc.), reach (by telephone, etc.); to feature or property
phone, telephone, ring up
c:.~ ~~)-~!
::;.il J:.J!
~J ~I)- ::;.il ~ connection, connectedness,
, ... ...

..Ia; I; , .J.~J! :Jl...aJ!

• oJI

to be related to, JJ ;..-:.;!,JJ ~! :JJ J:.J! link(age), linkup, junction, conjunction, liaison,
derive one's origin from, descend from union, unitedness, attachment
(JJ) j:.,j ~~)-&. :JJ J:.J!
.... .... .... J ........ J ........ '!II
communication, ~~, J..l;U , j.DI_,; : JL..a.;!
, , * intercommunication, intercourse; contact; con-
c,...,J ~~)- cL.Q.:i! nection, relation
humility, humbleness, modesty; lowness; t\..Qj'*! calling, communicating(with), ;;;~ :(-1) J~!
abasement, debasement
to be or become clear, plain, distinct, manifest, ~!
- contacting, getting in touch (with); phoning,
telephoning; (telephone) call; communication,
patent, evident, obvious; to clarify, clear up; to contact
appear, come out, come to light, show; to follow , ....... 0 0 '11

clearly (from); to be clarified, be made clear

continuity, continuance, j.DI_,; , ) ~! :JL..a.;!
to humble oneself, lower oneself, abase oneself, ~!
~ - continuation
..... .... ... J J ........ ~ ,. .... oJd
contact; touch(ing), ........, )l. , J..:> )1.; , U""t..; : JL..a.; I
degrade oneself
contiguity, adjacency -
fee(s), honorarium, remuneration, ~ ....... "' 'IJ
mass communication l?~4 JL..a.;!
.. ., ~ • ,. ':II
learning a lesson from, taking (a) warning -1 ..!;W'! sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, ~ JL..a.;!
from, learning from, taking an example from coition, lovemaking, sex, carnal knowledge
!.S;..i ~IJ- (-1) ~l. ~l.11 !.S;..i
......... ., - ..... ., - ... " t
to tire (out), weary, make tired, ~I, _,.,.JI: ~I
fatigue, exhaust, fag, sap, wear out, wear away, --
to keep (or stay) in touch with or -! ~\..a.; I ~ <.f!
wear down; to overstrain, overtax, overtask,
overburden, overwork
to disturb, trouble, annoy, irk, J; I..Q , ~ ji :~ i
in contact with
liaison officer
Jl..a.;l ~L,Q
vex, bother, inconvenience
.... 'J .... ...• t
cryptology ~~~~-:xl1~1~
to make miserable, wretched, unhappy ~I : v-N I
~J ~I) -Jl1~1 ~C.j
to destroy, ruin ~i :~i
to learn a lesson from, take (a) warning from, -1 ~!
to be characterized by, marked by, -1 -u:,;;!
distinguished by; to have or possess as a
learn from, take an example from -
'II • characteristic (mark, attribute, property, quality);
.J .... '11
agreement; contract; ;;:a~ ~ W! , ~ :Jl,Q;! to carry, bear
treaty, pact, convention, accord, covenant, to be or become connected, linked, ~ ~! :~!
compact, concordat joined, united, attached; to connect, link, join,
package, package deal, deal, -·
* unite, attach; to communicate
transaction, agreement to be continuous, continual, j:.,l_:;;, ~I : I J:.J
agreement, understanding, accord, uninterrupted; to form a continuous chain or an
arrangement, settlement; entente uninterrupted sequence; to continue
~ l; , ~ ~ , ~ :-! ~! J:..
• ... <II ... 'II
agreement, accord, concord,u~ ..I..Q, ~\;J: ~Lt.; I to adjoin, abut on,
harmony, concert; (common)- c~nsent, - assent; border on, touch, be adjacent to, be contiguous
concurrence with, be or lie in contact with, be in touch with
, .... - ... ,
agreement, Jilj; .~u..:. .~~)l. 'r~! :~Lt.;!
... ..., • 'II
to relate to, be related to,
~ , -1 ~ : -1 ~!
harmony, accord(ance), concurrence, con- have to do with, concern, regard: be connected
be harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), be in cord(ance), conformity, correspondence, coin-
accord(ance) (with), comport (with), get on (with), cidence, congruence, congruity, compatibility,
go well (with), match, suit, fit, square (with), tally symphony, consistency, consistence, consonance
... -- ... J 'll
(with), coincide (with), conform (with), chance, accident, fortuity, :1,; JL..:... : J\.A; I
correspond (with or to), be or fall in line (with), be haphazard, coincidence -
,.._.,. .... J ., oJI
in keeping with, be in conformity (with), be by accident, J L..:... : \,;\A; I
by chance, accidentally, :1,;
consistent (with), be compatible (with); to be
suitable (for), fit (for), agreeable (for), convenient
fortuitously, haphazard(ly), haply, by coincidence-
by (mutual) agreement J\.;U ':X~ '\.II.&; l
to happen
......... -- ' ... .... .... - .. _,. ..... :;;
:1,; .)L..:... ..:....~.:o- 'U.)L..:. : J.<U l unanimity, consensus, unanimous • IJ ':XI J\.A; l
- , "
(accidentally), happen to be, chance, come to pass, agreement, unanimous resolution; concurrence
.... "' ~ 'f)
take place by chance, come about by cha_nce commercial agreement, trade 6.; -~.&; I
. 1- . ~~, 1::·<. _
e:J~ agreement, trade package
<?.J . - " -

to beware .of, be wary of, be cautious of, ~~ : _j.·! compromis d'arbitrage, arbitration
guard agamst, be on one's guard against agreement
to seek protection (in, with), take ~! :(-!) J_;! collective agreement ~~j~l 'II
.... .. .J '!J J
0 ...

shelter (in, with); to protect oneself, shelter gentlemen's agreement, u,;.. J\.A; q)~ J\.A; l
oneself, shield oneself gentleman's agreement; parol agreement
to avoid, avert, obviate, LS ~G.; 'z;.;.; :J_; l peace treaty
.... ,..
t)l.. J\
,: .,
_&o J\.A; l
J ~

prevent, ward off, fend off, parry, stave off

nonaggression pact .1~1 t~ J~!
to fear (ood; to be (ood-fearing, godly,
devout, pious unanimously, as one man, with one .I;-':XI J\.A;~
........ • ..... '!I

caution, cautiousness, ~ \; J , jl _r> I , J~ : ~ 1.4.;" I accord, with one voice

... ... ....
<i .. .... "'
... J oJI

wariness; precaution; protection, ~feguard(ing); - accidental, fortuitous, casual, J\....:.j , ~ y : l}l..i.J!

prophylaxis chance, contingent, incidental, passing, desultory,
~- -- ~
avoidance, averting, obviation, JI.A; , .........;..:.. : .IZ I
- haphazard, random, occasional
l :J \A; l
.., "'
.... • J "' •
prevention, warding off, fending off, parr1r(ing) conventional ' (,f-"' ~
~ ~ .... "' '!J
'\; · 'lii'l
I - l./:.~'1.,1'!.-
consensual ·w.

l./:. !•c.l -
. .;

1~1, I~\: .l\£·1 .... ... .... 'II

glow; burning, flame, blaze
glow, ardor, fervor, passion,
vehemence, zeal
t- - t - - ...
....... 'II
- consensual

agreement; contract; treaty, pact, convention, 4:;il..i.J!

<?.~ 1 ;! ':X : J\.A; l
- .
accord, covenant, compact, concordat; packaie,
mastery, command; skill, skillfulness, package deal, deal, transaction
proficiency, adeptness, dexterity, deftness; 'II • .... '~ 'II ~ ... ":;; 'II
-..;.I\ . II··- WI.&; I '~ 6.; WI.&; I
workmanship, craftsmanship, finesse; perfection; _,"\A;\- t:: IJ C• u~ .. _ - -! . - ... -
....... .. .. ..J ... ..:;;
excellence; accuracy, precision, toagree ~I ~,&IJ:~JI ~(uj; t")~·!
exactitude (with someone) (up)on or about or in something,
to glow, blaze, flame, burn concur with someone in something, be of the same
opinion on, be agreed on, be unanimous on ...... :;;
to flare up, rage, burn with .......... ,
anger, flame up with rage to agree, come to (reach, bring aOO...It) r-1.&; :J.<U!
........ ~
an agreement, come to terms
to master, know well, gain mastery in, have ~I - 'II .. ... ... .... ... :st

command of; to be or become skilled in, skillful in, to conclude (make, strike, enter \.I \.A; I .!.A&. : J.<U!
proficient in, well-versed in; to excel in, do into) an agreement (a contract, treaty, etc.); to

proficiently or excellently'· do right or well; to contract ~

perfect, bring to perfection to agree ~1,; ,~(6; 'r•~ :(t'-)~!

to lean on, recline on, rest on, abut upon (with), be in agreement (with), harmonize (with),
kiln, furnace, oven
(for); to impeach (a president, public official, etc.)
• '
leaning, reclining, resting
reliance. dependence, trust, confidence
r~i e--'J _~1 dependent, relying on another (for support) :1~1
. , "'
y~~l ~.r" ~L.. :~)
dependence, reliance on another( for t.J ~I
... J ' ,., '11./J ~ J ' support)
etymological L,..:-,J~~~J.Lw :~,I~! to rely on, depend on, count on; to lean on;~ ~I
~ ,, -":JL ~~~:~ i' -1 to trust (in), have confidence in
etymologist ... ,J~, : !": t.r-Y~,
c;_.i, to trust in God; to recommend .Jll ~ ~!
etymology ... .,-~! (entrust, commit) one's soul to God

-~ ~ •
to grow profusely, be luxuriant ,;5
... J...
:(tJJ c.l::-JI) ~I
damaging, spoilage, spoiling, impairment, u:i·l
luxuriant, abundant, profuse J:I~'}IJ:~I
- wearing out, ruin(ing), destruction, wreckage,
wrecking, waste, wasting, wearing out, devas-
)~-e.-')- J~! tation, ravage, ravaging
to reward, repay, recompense, LS).~ 'tIS' :~~j
requite to stretch (out) one's neck, crane the
banyan neck, perk up
J' ' .. .... f.
reward, repayment, recompense, long-necked ~I .1,.1 :~·1
_.. ..-GJ'
to damage, spoil, impair, wear out, destroy, U1'1
furniture, furnishings c.l!.J_,iA
.... :1!.~1... .. ruin, wreck, waste, lay waste, devastate, ravage
... ;;,... .... .... , to complete, conclude, finish, wind up, finalize, ~I

to excite, agitate, stir (up), arouse, rouse, ~ : J ~I

end, terminate, bring to an end; to consummate,
move, kindle, inflame, work up; to irritate; to
perfect, round off, round out, bring to completion
provoke, incite, instigate, foment
or perfection; to execute, carry out, effect(uate),
to stimulate, whet; to actuate, motivate, ~~ : ~~j implement, accomplish, achieve, realize; to do,
move, drive, impel perform, fulfill; to supplement, complement
_. ... 1 ... • ... • ... .....
to evoke, elicit, draw forth, u.~.> I , If'.;.;_! :;~I completion, conclusion, finishing, windup, ri;)
call forth, bnng forth, bring into being or action, finalization, ending, termination; consummation,
bring about, provoke, cause, occasion, produce, perfection,'rounding off, rounding out, bringing to
create, engender, originate, generate, prompt, completion or perfection; execution, carrying out,
trigger, induce, inspire, awaken effectuation, implementation, accomplishment,
,,_,:,;: ,~ ,~A ,~~-~ ,iit.:) rJ. :~~i achievement, realization; doing, performance,
to raise, bring up, put forth, put forward, (tJJ ~1;:
pose, introduce, advance to automate, automatize ~ L. ~ J1 ~ :~j
, __ ... ... f. ,... .... .... ....

to enrage, infuriate, incense, ~ Jl ...; )~ ;~I automation, automatization

madden, anger, irritate, exasperate, acerbate,
indictment, accusation, charge; impeachment rltJ• I
embitter, inflame, excite, provoke, vex
... ... ... ... ... ..- ... .... ~ , ........

to move, touch, impassion, rl.:.l.l Jl ~1_,...11 ;~I indictment; information ;I)

.<r ltJ!.
~ J.... J ' '/! ... '
commove; to thrill, electrify, galvanize bill of indictment ~~I (A.;~j '~~) •)) iA
to raise dust
accusatory, accusative, accusing, indictment-
.... '/! "' •
;;~1 (•~ Jl) o)L.
f. "''
.... ..._
... '/! "' ....
)I e--1; -;~I prosecuting authority, prosecution ; ; ~I

)~e.-')- ).E! ,)JJ to accuse (oO, charge (with), impute (to), indict ;i;!
;;;. :;:i '" ;;;. :;:; - "' J J 0

~l..i.ll J\ ~\ _,1 ~_,.41 c.Wj


identification; remnant, remainder

evidence of identity - -
vestige, vestigium
witness for the prosecution,
prosecution witness excitement, excitation, agitation, stirring ~ : ;()~J
burden of proof, onus of proof up, arousal, arousing, rousing, moving, kindling,
inflammation; irritation; provocation, incitement,
probative, evidential, substantiative, ~·~ l instigation, fomentation
demonstrative, corroborative, confirmatory, affir-
mative, proof stimulation, whetting; actuation,

to prove, establish, verify, ~i, :~i J.:; motivation

evoking, evocation, eliciting, drawing c. I~ tI :-~~I!
substantiate, demonstrate, show, evidence, beto-
ken; to attest to, bear witness to, testify, be forth, calling up, bringing forth, bringing into being
evidence of, be proof of or action, bringing about, provocation, provoking,
causing, occasioning, production, producing,
to confirm, affirm, corroborate, creation, creating, engendering, generating,
substantiate, sustain, uphold prompting, triggering, awakening
... ;;. "" ... ;;...- _. ,e'f.
~ :~\
to record, register, enter, list,
write down, put down (in writing)
raising, bringing up, putting forth, (:,1 :-~~ l
putting forward, posing, introducing, introduction,
to put into, insert into, ~~i :(~) ~i 4, advancing.
infuriation, enraging, incensement, yW) :;;~~!
introduce into, drive into, thrust into, infix into,
implant into; to fasten, fix
.-;;/ • ;;. - ...... ;:;:; - --- J •t angering, maddening, irritation, provocation,
to identify, ~\ _,1 ~l..i.ll _,1 ~_,.41 ~\ exasperation, vexation
determine or establish the indentity of -
;;;. ... ...;;:. -- _.... erotism, eroticism, sexual excitement
to probate(a will) ~,.II~ ~I
J.--. ..-;;.-- . . --... . . :;:ij vestigial
to furnish, provide with c.\!.._,~ 4 .l_, j , J-.} :,.::..; I
furniture ·
f:...... :;:; -- J ..... 7-J archeologic(al) )G~1 -~ ~~ :~:-~~1·
to fix up, prepare; to make, do ~·...~&l:cj\
arrange archeologist )~~~ ~~: (?1~1
.... ..- e'f. .... ""•"'
to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap, (.)AJI :~1
devitalize, enervate, unnerve evidence, proof u~.·' --·- : Cl w'1
uo _r. ' ~ -.l ' ~ . ,
J~J' u ~! G.:; :
-- 0 , ....... 01

to weaken by inflicting wounds; to (..r>:"'. 1- 1 L~I proving, establishment,

wound, injure verification, substantiation, demonstration, show-
~-- , ...... Of.
to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully, 4~ ~I ing, evidencing, betokening
beat severely, strike repeatedly confirmation, affirmation,
~ J--. . . . -- . t
to massacre, slaughter, butcher, slay, _,i..JI >} ~I corroboration, substantiation, sustainment, up-
kill; to annihilate, exterminate, eradicate, extirpate, holding
wipe out, destroy completely
recording, registration, ~ , 0'-J:,G :c.~ J
.... ... 0 "t ..- ... 0

to exaggerate, overdo t:J4 :r ~\ ~ ~I entering, entry, listing, writing down, putting

... ... ..... ...... __ ...... down (in writing)
to report, relate, transmit; to quote, ~~\ J.ii..i :}I
insertion, inserting, , - "_: :; , J ~~I!0 :c. W I
cite • t

to prefer (to), like (better than), favor, ~ :)T intromission, putting; fastening, fixing
,, -- ..- "' 0 .... ..- •

choose to. opt for, think proper, deem wise testimonial proof or (;-*' ~.l~) ~ u~J
... ;;:; .. evidence; testimony
to affect, influence, act upon, impact upon, (~)}I ~ "~

produce an effect on, have an influence or bearing


evidence in writing, literal c.?J>t~ _,I~~ c.~

"" •

upon, have an impact upon; to impress; to sway; proof
to count, matter, have importance probate
preference; choice effect, influence, impact, bearing,
archeologic(al); vestigial; antiquarian; antique,
old, ancient impression, impress, effect; impact,
archeologist ~)i~~
dentition, teething
. .. ' ,, .
uL. ~I)~ :;I~J
trace, track, vestige, mark, sign,
print, imprint
to shed or replace the milk teeth; to teethe,(~;JI) ~j ancient monument(s); ~)i ~~ :;GT .(r-~) )i
cut one's teeth, grow teeth antique(s); antiquities, relic(s), vestige(s), ruins,
J.:.'.fl ~ ~ :ti1 remnant(s), remains
andiron, dog, firedog

. ~ 0

~ ~1;-JWI
- • • .....

touch, trace, tinge, streak, bit, tang, taste, 6.:........ : ) I

suggestion, smack
..- I ,... ..-f

weighting, making heavy or

,. . '. .
~ ~~~~:JWJ
..... ;:;; ..... consequence, result, effect, aftermath,
heavier, adding weight to
tradition, Prophetic
··w.'lJ, :IU
(J ~
I ·lS' 0Lil• ,(I
-)• tradition
(over)burdening, (over)loading, weihing down on,
bearing down on, encumbering, oppression scar, cicatrix, mark

disturbance, ~G.: •r_~jJ :(~) J~J footstep, footprint, footmark, vestige,

molestation, harassment, vexation, annoyance, track, trace
"" I ..- .,, ... f
irritation retroactive effect or force ~;)I
....... , .. ... ;ji ....... ~

to light, kindle, ignite la..liJI :;UI ~I work (of art or literature); objet
CJ!.)\ _,1
... t jl: ~ 'JJ- .,. ""
r.? )I
"' ... ,......... ... ... •t d'art
to weight, make heavy or heavier, ~~:JA:I
add weight to
... ... • .. ,..... - .... •• ... ..... 'I
aftermath, aftereffect t'J ~;lS' _,i ~~~>. ~GT
to (over)burden, & ; I : ~ lS' J.U I , c)& J.U I museum (of antiquities) ;~')\ ~ \.)
(over)load, weigh down on, bear down on, en-
archeology J ~~I
-- ,.~
cumber, oppress, overtax, surcharge; to exhaust,
fatigue immediately afterwards )~I~ -·
-- )I-· j, \.iS -·
_.. _.. _.. _..I.. _._..It
to disturb, trouble, J,!\..D•C")\ :J..&J.UI immediately after, \.iS -- )I~
inconvenience, molest, pester, vex, harass, bother,
(directly) after, following, in the w~ke of ,
annoy, irritate
far-reaching .1';!,.,\
J ~
', -~
to bereave a mother of her child

to be deep-rooted, firmly selfish, sef-centered, egocentric,

egoistic, self-seeking
o I_,. _. _.. _.. ,... ..-j
egocentric, egoist, self-seeker
to be highborn, of noble origin ~I (-/ ulS' : Jj I
to gain, earn (money); to be or become (JUI) ~j
rich, wealthy
to be or become rich, wealthy
to enrich, richen, make rich
enrichment; becoming rich, getting wealthy .I)!
it snowed (:Cjl ~)~i ,} I ..- J ,.... I

unjust (unlawful, illicit) t-'_,.:... ~ ti))

to please, delight, gladden, J ~I J I ;i41 I ~I
... •:ii " .... :;; ........ .,
enrichment or gain
cheer (up), make happy; to gratify, satisfy selfishness, self-centeredness, ~ ~j : ;;)i
trimester ~,_1.: ''1 egocentricity, egocentrism, egoism, self-seeking

in, reside in, live in; to settle (down) at

;:. .,·§· ro
to sin, commit a sin, err, offend, do

to lodge, put up, quarter, uG,i (.S~i 'J;i :
to accuse of a sin; to charge with
accommodate; to host, have as a guest
-. ~. IJ, w
luxuriant, abundant, profuse ~r,
• •'I
"'. 'I :~ an offense
. -
ether; air .
.. ] ~·i
[ \.. )'::'
sin, wrongdoing; offense, fault, misdeed; iniquity; ~)

favorite, preferred, best liked, favored, guilt

chosen; beloved, darling ., fruitage, fruiting, fructification, bearing J I;J
.... J ~

honored, revered; honorable, venerable r~ :A I J •• •

antimony u •'I :~1

deep-rooted, firmly established · I :~
I •1• ~ -'
highborn, of noble origin ~I
• ...
r-f :~I
J ... ., antimonial; antimonic; antimonious

to bear fruit, fructify, fruit; to yield, produce,

. t

ethyl [ •W] ~) (oil), return, bring forth, bring in; to succeed, work
[ •W] ~l (out), turn out well
to intoxicate, inebriate, make drunk ~i :~j
sinner, evildoer, wrongdoer, offender, ~~
... ...
~ ...1.o , (.S).I :
, . ., Js.
... ...
miscreant; sinful, evil, wicked, erring, guilty; to praise, commend, laud,
extol, eulogize; to give credit to, pay tribute to; to
atrocious, outrageous, flagrant, wicked, vicious
ethane [.W]~! -.::I I - ~!1
.... ... • ;;;.i If"""_~) IJ'"'_
to blaze, burn, flame, deflagrate ~!,()a.;.!:~~ ... • f.

j ... j during, in the course of, at the ~~ J, •~I


-! -~ ~IJ- ~I :-! ~~ .
time that, at the time of, while, when,
... as ..
.. ;. ...... .. ...... ... . ... ... ...
to answer, reply, respond, retort,
'-:-'J~ ';)) :'-:-'i..:-1
~w~1 • ..u. __, ,
~w~1 ~ j ,.!Uj ~ul j

say or write in reply meanwhlle, meantime, in the .. meantime, in the

to plead
to grant,
.... ... ;."'
~ ,~ :~~ JJ ~6:-1, W.J:. '-:-'6:-1
• ... ~

-t:'J -~ j ,,...Jl ... ~

..... J

()&' '-:-'6:-1
... ........
• ... ...

... ..

.... . interim
twelve (no) i~ 8) .;::., G)

comply with, accede to, respond to, fulfill, consent

duodecimal (?;:., GJ
to, agree to, assent to, accept, hear, carry out, duodenum (?~W~I~I
answer, meet, satisfy
two (r)u81.uWI
answer, reply; response; answering, ...,.,IY,., ~~ :~~)
~ f;

replying - pair, couple, duad, brace u~ j), 6) :uw l

• -. i --·~ · ·l;G-1 ... , ,. , 'll, ... , ,JJ , ,.

Plea ~JJ~()&' . . , ethnologic(al) ~,I~~~ Jla.:.. :~ _,) ~)

compliance, granting, accession, ~. j; : ~G;.) ... , ,. ,. , ,.
ethnologist ~,!~~~ ~~ :~,J~)
accedence, response, fulfillment , consent, assent,
acceptance, hearing, carrying out, answering, ethnology ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ :~}.~)
meeting, satisfaction 1 "' .~I
.... , .... J :;:.
burning, blazing, flaming ~·r~=~~~ I.T:''
ethnicity ~~
bitter, salty (water) (.UI ~) c-'_L., ~ :~~1 ··- !-

... . ... .....

~~! ~IJ-~1..:-1
~~! ~1)-~~l
to do well, do excellently, do 0ii ~ t_~i: J~i
expertly, do proficiently, excel (in)? achieve to stay at, remain at, dwell
t!;;. ~I_; -~~l excellent results (in); to be or become excellent
(in), outstanding (in), proficient (in), skilled (in),
to circulate, pass around j&. ~ ~b 'j&. ~~~i :J~i well-versed (in); to master, know well, gain
' ... ,........... ... ... f .. f
to turn, revolve, wheel, JJ~ ~ •;l.ll :J~I mastery in, have command of
rotate excellence; perfection; proficiency, skill,
to meditate on, ponder on ~ ~ J i-\•q-
<.? .J' u1 . (;.i adeptness; mastery, command
or over, reflect on, contemplate, consider care- to protect, defend, guard, shelter, ~, ~j :~~j
fully, weigh thoroughly, think over, revolve in shield, harbor; to grant asylum (to), give sanctuary
(to), give refuge (to)
one's mind
to look around, let one's eyes J )a.;.! I J~ I
...... ;:;; ...... f
to help, aid, assist, support, stand
by; to succor, relieve
C.~ I , 0 ~I : J ~I
wander about; to look at, set eyes ··on; to look
closely at, scrutinize to rescue (from), save (from), (~) ~i :(~) ~ ~ i
compulsion, constraint, coercion, ol )') 'r~ ~l :.J~) deliver (from)
rent, lease; tenancy; letting, leasing, J ~) : o~ ~)
force, forcing; duress
letting out, renting out, hiring out
compulsory, ~l)j •(s;.J •~l)'j :($!~) - t - -• - -- - - t
coercive, forced, forcible, obligatory, mandatory, to permit, allow, let, give u?l '(~I'~ :j~l
imperative, required permission (to); to admit; to make permissible; to
authorize, sanction, warrant, legalize, legitimize,
' .. ~~ ~I; -(s~~l ..... ~~ make lawful; to license
to force to, compel to, ;J ,;ji , ~ ~i :j&. ~j to endorse, sanction, confirm, approve,
oblige to, coerce to, constrain to pass, validate, uphold
... :;, ... ..... ..
Y~ ~~) -uu. :y~1 to entitle, empower, authorize J_,;. : j~ I
y~ ~I;-;:;;. :y~! j~! ~1;-j~! ,di:. ·~ :j~i
to invade; to trespass, encroach ~! •I) : ~1
upon; to overrun, overspread, spread all over,
r permission, permitting, allowance,~~ o) ~ l '(c : l
allowing, letting; admission, admitting; authori-
permeate, pervade; to infest, swarm over; to zation, sanction(ing), legalization, legitimization;
plague; to sweep, sweep away, carry away; to licensing
flood, overflow, inundate, run over; to
endorsement, sanction(ing), ;I)) : ;;j~)
overwhelm, overcome
confirmation, approval, passage, passing, up-
to devastate, ravage; to ~~i '~i ';~ :r~! holding
destroy, ruin, annihilate, eradicate
permission, leave u~l :.-).G.. I
to cross, traverse, go across, pass ~ j ~1 t1i • : permit, license,
I _..

~rA' .~ .J :oj~J
-" I J

.- _.

through (across, over); to cover (a distance) authorization, warrant(y)

to pass, go through successfully t' l ~~I j ~! .... ..-. ... ...
leave (of absence), furlough y~~ u~) :oj~)
to go through, pass through, :.;-IS', J~: j~! ..... ...... ,
holiday(s), vacation ~=·j~)
undergo, experience, suffer, endure, be~ . ' . -
to surmount, get over, get past, ~.
,_ ; .r:; :~ t;:.;..l. - )
license (academic degree) ~~-~~:;;j~)
... ... ~ .... J ......
(be able to) cope with driver's license, driving permit, o.)~ _,1 ~,... oj~)
operator's license
~~ ~~.) -V..~1
sick leave -· -- .. _G. I oj . •
-~~ ~)
u. 1 -uu. :Jl;;-1
, .J , __ ...

pass; laissez-passer JJ.r oj~J

to choose, select, elect, pick (out), cull ~t.::,!: ~1
pear(s) i..S~
-:·~: ~ ~I
choice, choosing, selection, election, ~ I : , t::;.;..l .•
-- - ·- .-
t~ ~1;-t,~i
pick(ing), picking out
~\;-~! to pluck out, tear out, extract, J,:., t.! ' tG! :~I

to cross, traverse
--- ---·,
.r.S- =~-
pull out, pull up by the roots, uproot, root up,
deracinate, root out, eradicate, extirpate, exter-
to regard, look at, observe JJ~:~I minate
plucking out, tearing out, J~! 't~! =~~~
to contemplate, consider, meditate j:~:~!
extraction, pulling out, uprooting, rooting up,
(on), cogitate, reflect on
deracination, rooting out, eradication, extirpation,
bringing, fetching, getting
importation, import, importing ~1.?! :--,...*-! to burrow, make its (~' ' ~I_u~~-
:'·1"1 I--:.· I
""' _.. •

~I , ~ ~~ : ~!
j _..
burrow or hole or den
to bring, fetch, get
lS-,;_:-~ ! ~I J -lS~!
to import ~~;:.! <. F~!
attraction; gravitation; draw(ing), ~~ ~ :~1~!
:J~ ~\;-~! pull(ing)
meeting; get-together, gathering, assembly, t.~! attraction, drawing, ~ ,tiCI :--,...1~1
convention, congregation; session; turnout; rally; winning (over), enlistment, bringing over; appeal,
social life, community life magnetism, fascination; seduction, seducement,
reunion; union; unity temptation, enticement, allure(ment), lure
to attract; to gravitate; to draw, pull ~ ~ ~ : ~4!
junction, crossroads, crossing,
intersection to attract, draw, win ~ , (.);;::.! , J C! :Z.,~!
-- , G.\ (over), enlist, bring over; to magnetize, charm,
work(ing) session, work meeting ~t -·-
fascinate; to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure
sociologist ,• r:·,~
t G-1 to inhale or draw (~~~ ~) 0b.:,)l Z.,~!
sociology -· ~I~~~
t G. r smoke (from a cigarette)

social; societal; sociological, socio-; public, ~4! to ruminate

• ........
... J....
community, group .
... • • ~ , _.. J JJ ....
j_p.- ~\)-I~!
sociable, social, o~ ~ 'JJL;.;.: ~4! ~!)~:;\~!
gregarious, clubbable, companionable, congenial, ......... '1 .- .... •t: .............
convivial; mixer to achieve, accomplish, realize, ;_,..I, ~I =c.~!
socioeconomic carry out, execute, effect(uate), bring about; to do,
to commit, perpetrate ~~! :(~!
t;. ~\;-~!
social service
social studies
......... .,
i?.' ~~J-\".P-"' =r~!
;:.;;.. e.-') -u~!
... .... . . .... ........

social security; ~e--1;-~!

• .,. .... .. ... • ... .... .... :f ........
social insurance · ~
totakeapartorali ttleof ~ il..:..;-.l.~i\ :1··· I
.. J - r:::-' .,r':,
social scientist ... ---- ....... -- ..................... .
to deduct, discount, ()> , r-"' , ~ : I~!
social science subtract, take ofT, take away, take out, dock
....... .... •... --.
social work to curtail, cut short, shorten ~! : I~!
'J:;.- ...-:;1.... i ........

human society I~ ~I; - r-i :I~!

1...... .. _. .. ... • .. ......
• ' • ,, •& ,' '
Ministry ofSocial Affairs ~4 ~1 ~_,_;::.!1 o;lj_, ~ I~ e--1;- t:-i '~! :~ \~!

going through, passing through, .G~: )·t::..;:;..1

.. , . '
···~.q· sociability, sociality, gregariousness, ~ ~!
undergoing, experiencing, suffering, sufferance, companionability, conviviality, congeniality
endurance to perfume oneself with incense, (•"'
\.) --:: 1
surmounting, overcoming, j& :. j:; : j~ ~ incense oneself
getting over, getting past, coping with to meet, come together, ~;, J~, Ji:J! P.!
to light, kindle, inflame; to set ablaze, (tJJ ~WI) ~i join (each other); to get together, assemble, gather,
stoke, stir up congregate, collect, band together; to rally
injustice, unfairness, ~ ' );.:.. '~ : u~
inequity, wrong; oppression; prejudice; bias,
l to meet with, get e : Ji JJ Ji ~ ~!
together with, have or hold a meeting or an
partiality interview with, hold talks with
to wrong, oppress, aggrieve, do wrong ~ ~1 rl-1 :
.......... -- ... 0 f.
to convene, meet, assemble,
t--: - •
to, do injustice to, be unfair or unjust to, treat
gather, sit, be in session
to unite, combine, join (forces); ::.;.; ! , ~! :~!
~ ... ., ... - • f.
to prejudice, harm, damage, hurt, _,.,DI : ~ ~ 1
injure, do harm to, cause damage to -
to uproot, root up, root out, ~ 1 , ~! :~ ~ 1
... .... . ... ... ..,. ... .....
to be or become joined, united, combined
to accumulate, cumulate, pile up
....... t ......
~1 ~~;-~1 :j& ~~
~1) :~!
1 ............

eradicate, extirpate, exterminate; to annihilate,

destroy completely, wipe out
... :;;, ... .. ... J ... ;;;.... :;; .. .,
.)~ ~1;-1..1,!~ ·~ :~1
J;.: ~~) - ·~!
~ ~i) -I~~ 0LS' '-~! :~i
... .... ... .. .. "'....
'. \,: ~1;-~~1
to be useful, helpful, .llil, I...&.; LS~I ·LS~I cf': ... • 'J .... •
~ :
1 ' -.:.· 1
beneficial, advantageous, profitable, favorable,
instrumental; to be of use, of help, of benefit, of diligence, industry, industriousness, hard J~l
profit, of advantage, of service; to benefit, help, work, sedulity, assiduity, laboriousness, pains-
avail, advantage, profit taking, pains, exertion; effort, endeavor; per-
...... ... •• ... 'I severance, persistence
Js. 1~ ~1;-~1 :(.$~1
jurisprudence; interpretative [ uy li] .)~!
(LSj~) lSJ~il {.~ , LSJ~ ~ ~ 1J - (,?~ 'J judgment; discretion; independent opinion or
,. "' J .-I • ..-If ,.. f.
more useful, more helpful, i~li _,!S'I, tul :1$~1
more beneficial, more advantageous, more jurisprudential; interpretative; [u,.;li] ~.J~!
profitable, more favorable, more instrumental discretionary
J .. .. ... . . . . .
to be or become barren, sterile, infertile; uiS:J.I ~...~~I to strive, endeavor, try hard, make every ~ :- ?.!
to be or become arid, dry · · effort, attempt strenuously, take pains; to be or
,,.. .. .... J
to suffer from dearth or poverty, be or i ;.&JI y~ 1 become diligent, sedulous, assiduous,
become poor or impoverished hardworking, industrious; to strain, exert oneself,
put oneself out, work (too) hard
barren, sterile, infertile; arid,
dry invasion; trespass(ing), ~~!, J"j. :~~!
encroachment (upon); overrun(ning), over-
worthier, more deserving; more (~, ~) .J~j spread(ing), permeation, pervasion; infestation,
appropriate, more suitable, better suited,-seemlier,
swarming over; plaguing; sweep, sweeping (away);
more becoming, fitter, apter; more capable, abler,
flooding, overflowing, inundation; overwhelming
more qualified, more competent
mutilated, maimed
.... •• .. • t devastation, ;:,~1 ,I!J~l ·~~ :~~!
~1 :e..~' ravagement; destruction, annihilation, eradication
hawk, falcon ~:J~i crossing, traversing, traversal, going JJ ,- •.'
JJ-:S' : j~!
- ,''·J'''i
JJ~· ~ across, passing through; covering (of a distance)
-- • 1

way as
to call, telephone, phone, (.-!) ~ ~ ~~I <..$:;.. i
•• to gladden, delight, cheer (up), exhilarate, r} I : J~ I
~~ ~1;-~~i
...... 0 'I ..- ... 0 f

ring up, buzz; to dial rejoice, make happy

f fl. 0 , J • ... • f.
to experiment, make an experiment; mutilated, maimed el:..~l _,1 ~It~ :r~l
to test, examine; to try; to sample ... ,:a: - J • ., .... J ... 0 'I
• • - " 1 leprous; leper '-"" ~ I , ~ l..i.-1 ~ ._,..LA. : ~~ I
to investigate, conduct or institute an ~ <.S .r>; I
investigation, make an inquiry to reward, recompense, remunerate - t l5' :'-i
t l5' :'-1

"":;, ... "":;, "'... ... 0

to operate, perform a surgery ~ I _r>; ~ <.S _r>; I tu reward, recompense, remunerate

or a surgical operation - ... ;;. ... ... -
to draw lots ~~I <.S:;.. i
to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out _r>; I : .r>; I

_r>; t.1- :"

(\!.:.:..)-- _r>; T
~ t
... _.. ... , ...... ---J " -- ... --" fl. ......... , ......
to rent, hire, lease, take on
.::..W._,L.i.... _,1 ~I;JL... _,1 ~L:.:..l.. _,1 ~~)6... <.S.r>;l ..
lease, take a lease on or of
to hold talks; to discuss; to confer, parley; to
to employ, hire, engage the
t st:rvices of
t: ~ L.i.... <.S .r>; I
-- ,.,.,. ... --" ... 0

to interview, have an interview .... 'f ... ;;. t

to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out <.S~ I :~I
with, see (personally), speak personally to; to meet
with, get together with, have a meeting with to charter ~II ;-
C• _r
·u. J i ;~ ··-.- -,.r>;i
performance, doing, making, '~ ~lJ : ·'~J + ..... "'-- 0

to sublet, sublease, underlet ~Wit:r .r>;l

_. :;, 'f

carrying out, execution, effectuation,- bringing

measure, step, procedure,
tile(s), baked brick(s)
salary, wages, pay, emolument, stipend
~I; :~1
action; process •• • t
-- J ., 0 fee(s), honorarium, remuneration ._,..t..; I : .r>; I
legal procedures; legal ~ _,.; li u 1.-1 .r>; J .. - - • -- • J • •
proceedings, legal steps, legal action' _- fee, charge, rate 4.U..; '(""") '~ :_r>;l
to take or adopt measures or steps .:.I.-I~ J ~ ~ recompense, reward, .tLC, .1;., ._,..1;3: ~i
requital, remuneration
execution department, execution
bureau minimum wage(s) ;;. ~ J~~I ~I , J~~I ~~I
, • , J .... ;~... ... .... 0 .,

u,;li ~I; -.::..1.-l_r>;! u,;li to perform, do, make, carry out, ..i..i..i '~ ~li :<..)~1
execute, effect(uate), bring about
rules of procedure wl.-1 ~~I ~ i}i 0 ... , , ....... ... • .,

to make flow, cauliC to stream, ~ ~ ~ : <.S .r>; I

~, tll u,;li _,i ~ ~'·'~h ~~ ::;if.J flush; to run, make run, set running
"' , .....
to inflict or impose a
, __ ..... 'f
.w_,l :'-"'WI <.S.r>;l
... ... .....

procedural, adjective <..f' ,_;:.,.-

punishment or a penalty
executive ;s._i_~·-:, Ql ~~I ~1l1~ ~b.: ~I~ J
... 0 , __ '!.
to inflect (a word), decline (a ~;.. : WSJI <.S :;..i
the executive power, the executive~\ .r>; ~I .u..Lll noun) '
. .. , to grant (to), give (to),
J.- -...
~ : ~ J I .J <.S .r>; I
'...... fl. ,... .. • t

procedural law, adjective law ~l.r>; Juyli

donate (to), accord (to), award (to), bestow upon,
criminality; delinquency, wrongdoing; guilt; r'f.J confer upon
J ... J, ;;.-- ... .. ,... ... 0 t
crime to credit with .J ·~ : '-:-'L:l I .J <.S .r>; I
criminal; delinquent ' I . I
to debit with, charge ~ ;~ : yl.+l ~ <.S:;..i
criminality; delinquency

mangy; scabby, scabious

'II ... , • J ..... ~ ,,.... • ... • ,
t_.1. I
··- ~.

... ..
..... 0
.1 to someone's account
to treat in the same manner as, I:B' <.S;..: ; I:;.. i
put on an equal footing with; to subject to the
rent, rental, hire_r>;~ ~1..::....1.1 W..l,! :!~! J-'1 : ;;~ same rules or principles; to make follow the same
-. J
~I 1. •

think highly of, hold in high esteem

to deem far above, consider too .:_r • j : .:_r
... ;;, _. ;;;.
• •
. salary, wages, pay, emolument,
fee(s), honorarium, remuneration
stipend~ IJ : o-"" I

..,_.~j : o~ f
- • I

high for, regard as too exalted for

---- ·- ,, •• 1
to postpone, put ofT, delay, defer, adjourn t:,. ~j : ~j fee, charge, rate ...u.; , r- J , ~ : o-"" I
- ,- • I
to suspend postage; mailing charges -'-:! _..jl o-"" I
'!. J.-;:;.' ..... 1
to continue; to adjourn fare ~,5')1 ,1 ,;.:.JI o-"" I
• ... " •:;:. t:. • :;:. ' ..... I
never put ofT till freight, freightage, J.J.I _,1 J.-.jl ,1 ~I o-""1
tomorrow what can be done today; procrastination transport charges, transportation costs: porterage,
is the thief of time carriage
term, appointed time, tile(s), baked brick(s) ·~ ~ :(;,_T l:) i(~T
limited time, fixed term; period, duration, date; hairless, bald
.-I 'f ,_. _. D..- .-- 0 j

~I ,6,) ~ ~ :J?.I
• .... ' • ... .- f - • f , ... -- • - • i
moment of death, instant of death, ..::.. ;J.I .:;..; J :~I beardless .)_....I ,6,)~ ~:.)-""1
death - _; • - 0 ..

• • ' ... f,
barren, desolate, bleak, waste, ~ ..::,L.; ~: .)-""1
duedate,dateofmaturity -.;~~~ ~J\; :~1 bald, without vegetation
on credit; time ~~~:~~ shabby, worn, ragged, tattered,
,_, .-. r::_j ll threadbare
for an indefinite period (of ..,.._. ~ V"!'" (.;.,
time), indefinitely, sine die, until further notice
to commit a crime, commit an offense r,,
- ..... f

.... ... _, ' ........ J - - . f. t .... f

~ ·..1,1 ~1)-~~1 ~ .~~~ ..k~ l.S~I ~IJ - 1~1

yes! indeed! certainly! surely! truly'

~ :~I
.... . - .. ,. -
to replace, take the place w. ~I J "-" lA.. I" li : l.S.*I
.-. f ,_ .- ... - -. f

of, serve instead of; to suffice, be sufficient for, do

loftier, more exalted, more ~i ~i , ~i ~j , : for
sublime; more stately, more imposing, more to pay (offi, yield, be remu-
august, more solemn; more important, more nerative, be profitable
pharmacist, druggist
later, future; delayed,
postponed, deferred, put ofT pharmacy, drugstore
sooner or later ~k,i~T pharmacy, drugstore
cause, reason -,..:.:. :~i
. . . ..
for, for the sake of; toward; because ~I ~ , ~ ~
to give generously, liberally,
... ...:1 • ;;. , - , _. :f
of, on account of · hoarse, husky, harsh, C;'l, ..::.._,:....11 ~ :~1
• 'J • f • • .. • ..
so that, in order that, that, in 0 I ~I ~ , 0 I ~ ~ raucous, throaty, gruff, gravelly
,...::;; .- -- 0 t
order to, to, so as, with a view to, with the aim of,
~ ~IJ- ~I
for the purpose of, for
for that reason, because of that, that is ~ j ~I ~
- - ... 0....

~ ~1)-~1
-. f.

why, on account of this, therefore, consequently, ~ ~~)-~) ~ ,;; :~i

accordingly, hence, thus - ,:;; .... - ; ; . _. - ;;..... - - 0 f.

to evacuate, expel, evict, force out, ~I , (_,.>I :~I

-- ,f ... - . t ... , 'f ~ ~IJ-tJJ ·~ :~1
oust, dislodge, drive out, put out, drive away to tarry, linger; to be late ;. t :~ i
to dispel, disperse, dissipate, break up, .)~ :~I
.... '
to glorify, exalt, dignify, honor; to ~!, ~ :~j
drive away; to get rid of, remove, eliminate
esteem, value; to respect, regard, revere, rever-
(.:_r) 'k ~IJ -~i ,:r (;. :J;:.i ence, venerate, have great regard for, look up to,
t I

general, overall, total, ~ \:.. , ~ ~ ~ ~) J5 , : evacuation, expulsion, eviction, ~t...;! -~ 'cl;.! : l

whole, aggregate; generic; grand (total, etc.); forcing out, ousting, dislodgment, driving out,
synoptic; comprehensive, thorough, inclusive, putting out, driving away
global, large-scale, sweeping dispelling, dispersal, dispersion, ..I.>..:;: .~1!< M _. 0 0

gross, total, entire, overall ~L,.. ~ : ~!?.-) dissipation, driving away; getting rid of, removal,
turnover ~~I ~4) , u~l ~!?.-) esteem, respect, high regard; honor, deference, J~J
;)!?.-~I t~l reverence, veneration; glorification, exaltation -
grand total
- .J :~i
:-. . . ~)
gross weight I.?' .' <..J)y .... ..... .,
--"' :;; .... ....

~~I; -C"'> :~1

~ '45:.:i :~i
thicket, jungle, wood, brush,
brushwood - :;;,---
~ ~1;-~ :~1

... ;. .-

- .....

. ~ ~1;-~ :~:UI ~i
the hereafter, the afterworld, the Ci ~~I :~~I

;:; ::..~ ~1;-~ :~i afterlife, the world to come, the life to come
...... .. .... ...
J bald, bald-headed, hairless ~I :~1
to agree unanimously on, ~ ~ ~~ ~! :~ ~I.t
0 ........ :;; --.

_,, .... ... ----·"

---- :;.
~~I;- ·~_,_r.J_~ ~ :~1
be agreed on, concur in, be unanimous on, reach a ... ~- -...... - -
unanimous agreement on .... J -- 1.
to seat, make sit (down), ask to sit ~ , .......; I :~I
.... ,
J5:.l I , JS' : ~I

all, all of, the whole of; whole, (down)

entire; altogether, wholly, totally, entirely to enthrone ~~I~ ~i
all (of it, etc.); altogether, entirely, totally, ~L
-. f. .... , •

bald, bald-headed, hairless ~I :~1

in toto, in full -- : J, ' . . . . . . •
-.... • •
".r:- _,I
_. ..... 1.
:~I polled, hornless; pollard u_,_;..ll (-~:~I
to sum up, summarize, outline, abridge,
condense, epitomize, synopsize unanimity, consensus, unanimous agreement, t~ J
to sum, total, add (up); to combine, unanimous resolution
group consensu s(ofMos lem legal [~')l.J ~~] tl?.-~
to generalize; to mention ~!?.-) }~ ,~ :~i scholars on a legal question)
collectively, speak or write in general (about), treat unanimously, as one man, with one voice, t 1?.- ~4
generally or as a whole with one accord ~ ......
:£ .... - ......... 0 • 0 •

.... - 0

to do right, do well, do ~I :J.-11 j ~I unanimo us vote

excellently, do expertly, do proficiently ·· , . I
unanimous, general, universal ~~.
to be moderate, reasonable, JZ I : ~.11.11 j ~i
temperate - ·· summing up, summarization, outlining, j~J :J~!
.... ..... 'f
- _. ... ... -- ...
abridgment, condensation
J..~ ~1;-....J.~ ·J..~ :J...:.:-1
summation, summing, totaling,
malaria (. )~i
<..r'r '"'. addition, adding (up)
~- J
t.;. ~It.,_ :
0 ...... 0.... •

anopheles ~
··-. generalization; general :W.~! ~~ '~ J~ J
- ,_ ·- .. -i treatment, speaking generally (about), mentioning
~I;- ~ ·~ ·.:1':
~ ~.
. collectively

_.. ..--

~I ~' ~!?.- J
;;. _..

~I ~Y. ~~
..:r:- ~I;-;;- :~1 on the Jt?. , Jl?.- , Jl?.-
- whole, in general, generally, by and large,
brackish (water) .:1': I , .:1': I
generally speaking, altogether, in the main, all
foreign, alien; strange; extraneous, (4..W>)'~~·i things considered, typically, in most instances or
extrinsic cases; as a whole, overall, en bloc, en masse, in a
foreigner, alien; stranger mass
more generous, more liberal
... •"
J.<.i I , u--> I : ,).Po' I
. .. .
!")'I : _p,l
.... 'J
<; • . •


0 1-
• ~ ~I; - L.:.i
JJ ~ ~1;-JL. :JJ ~~
hollow; empty, vain, futile; false, deceitful
vena cava
.... .
u_p, ~I ·'=?,JI
. '
u .Po' I
...... :£
stress, strain, exertion, overexertion,

J\a ~l J~!
... ...
...,..L..... :~1

.... 0 't

deflagration, burning, blazing, flaming

having a long and graceful neck (~I
,, )
..... 'I~

" .
• overstrain; pressure; fatigue, exhaustion; toil, hard
long (graceful, beautiful, elegant) neck ~I .j4. abortion, miscarriage; induced abortion u'>~)
employee; wage earner, ·~4 ~~: ~~ criminal abortion
• . " . I
~I r: u<> ~, l
wageworker; worker, laborer, workman ... 0 ~ •

hireling, mercenary J;; r

.... J
' J.P. Lo :.!::';I
' ,.... • spontaneous abortion - -'-"'·~1
41''lit .,
to cough ~:(i self-induced abortion ~~)~~l
• - " • I
albumen, white of egg ··-I'· G · i
~ """ . . ·r
therapeutic abortion ~~u<>~,
the units [..::..~~;] ,)~~~ intentional abortion .~.:.. I
......... 1 ........ f

1~1_, 1~1_, ~I; - JG-1 to strain, overstrain, stress, exert, & ) :~I
overexert, overwork, overtax, overtask, put stress
uni-, mono-, mon-, single-, one- ~~G-1 on; to exhaust, fatigue, overtire, wear out, tire
' ~ , f
univalent, monovalent, monatomic ;; lS:..:J1 ~Jb-1 (out), weary
to overexert (oneseiO, exert ~ ~i
unilateral; one-sided . lL. I ~Jb-1
......; ......
oneself to the utmost, subject oneself to great
unisexual Al~;b-1 stress, burn oneself out; to overwork, exhaust
oneself by too much work, work too hard or too
monomial :.l-1 ~;b-1 much or too long, work day and night, burn the
unicellular t.,Ll1 ~;b-1 midnight oil, burn the candle at both ends, work
like a dog, do double duty
monophase, single-phase ;.;l.JI ~;b-1 ~ ~6:- ~1;-di :(~ _,i ;.~1) p,i
Monocotyledonae (c.Lll ~) ti4J1 ~~;!.> 1 day-blind; dazzled ~I .j lS .l'l ~ :~I
1 • :;1 _.. _. -.

, ... ... , ~

unicorn ~~~ ul;:;.. :u:,.JI ~;b.. I to finish off, dispatch, deliver the deathblow ~ ~I
.... - 0 f

unipolar ~I ~;b-1 to, give the coup de grace to, give the finishing
stroke to, kill, put to death; to destroy, ruin
monolingual ii.!J1 ~;b-1 .... • .... ... - • 1
..:..1~ ,j~ ~1;-o~l
monochromatic, one-colored u.;!JI ~;b-1 ...... • ......... 1 ... _, .... - • •
to be on the verge of ~ ul ct!._,l: .I.S:J~ ~I
uniaxial, monaxial
tears, be about to weep
to sob
.... ...
~: .I.S:J~
... -' ....
J.P. I
.... . .
uninucleate, uninuclear, mononuclear ol;j I ~;b-1 to break or burst into tears, ~:.Kj~~i
shed tears, cry, weep
drupe (c.Lll ~) ;;l;jl ~;b-1 to miscarry, abort, have a
monism; singleness, oneness, unity ~~G-1 miscarriage
...... .... .... ..... f.
to abort, cause to have an ..:.llol)l · 1
to answer, reply, respond, retort (;)~~: (t;l;,..) ~t;_j C:• ~
abortion, induce or effect an abortion to, terminate
to surround, encompass, the pregnancy of before term
~I,;.. I

renvoi (~1~1 _t)G ~) ~ ~~li JJ tb.l

\ "/. • H'

encircle, circle, environ, ring, enclose, embrace,
... " , ... " .,... ...
.... ~ band, envelop, wrap, confine, hem in, beset
pensioning otT, JoWl , I ~\.i;JI (~ ,I) JJ 4!~ J ~~ ~ ,i ~}I~ J.6.i
superannuation, retirement on pension -
4]6..:.:., I I - ~G...:.:., I :~b. I -- '
to circumscribe
to contain, comprise, include,
J...!. :-1 -J.~ I -·
--~) comprehend, embrace, encompass, embody,-c...over
Jl"...~6. ~~:. ....... :;; ... ,.., ~.

... ... 'I ... ..
with reference to ;
to know ~ F! ,
~ ~ ~ ~ J. ~I , ~ ..J.~ I
to destroy, wipe out, annihilate dL.i :06-i (thoroughly), have (comprehensive) knowledge of;
;;; . . . . . . . . . ;;;. ... f.
to be or become acquainted with, familiar with,
to love, be (or fall) in love with, adore, ~, , <.5--y. :....-I
. cognizant of, aware of, informed of or about; to
be passionately attached or attracted to, be fond of; learn (about), come to know (about), find out
to like, fancy, have a liking for, take a fancy to,
take to
• • • :;; .- f.
.... ... .
to understand, grasp, & : ~ ~ ..J.~ I , ~ ..J.L> I
. .... .... . ... ... .,

to like to; to love to; to wish to, want to uI '-:-'>I comprehend, apprehend
, • ;;. , ;;;.... , ... .- , • ;;; ;;. , f. , __ .... .. J... .... .. .. • ,... ... f.

t;)l ~ ~1;-<..,-o> I~)\.,., :t;)l '-:-'>1 toinform ofor ~ ;w,1,\ '-I ~I :-1 ~ 0.~1
frustration, thwarting, foiling, defeat, balking, ..J.~) about, let know about, tell abOut, apprise of, notify
discomfiture; blocking, forestallment of, bring to someone's notice, acquaint with, make
L..r.4j] J. L._;_ J aware of
...... , ... .... , ... " 1 ,_;.~~I;- r~~~ ,i ~4'1 ,i ~~~~ ~6-i
aphasic; aphasiac LJ.~ ..,..LA. :~1 ;;.--. .. J

........ f. "-!~!·--~~
to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat, balk, discomfit; ~I
encirclement, encompassment, J,!~ : 41G.J
to block, forestall; to abort; to undermine
surrounding, circling, ringing, enclosure, banding, -
~ ~I; -~i)l ~i
envelopment, wrapping, confinement, hemming in
~;;._1 ~I; - J~1
J J .... ....

comprehensiveness, inclusiveness, J,...:.. :U. ~I

snare, trap, net, gin, noose, .!!~ :41~1 thoroughness; universality; completeness ... 'II • .-1

entanglement knowledge, information, t)U.! '~ :U.~J

trick, artifice, ruse, stratagem, ~
cognizance, awareness , acquaintan ce, familiarity
subterfuge, ploy understanding, grasp(ing), .!! I;~ l ' ~ :~ G..J
to need, require, ;_1-~..: ';...:~! 'r:,L.!: J) (~! comprehension, apprehension ..... J f.

call for, demand, want, take fossils ..::.~t....:.:.... :AG-1

..- _.. J..- ,.... ..- ..- ...-,..._.I ..- I

to need, lack, l..i! ~, jl.., JJ ..,.a..:;! :JJ (\.;:.;..! paleontology ~6.~1 ~

want; to be in need of, in want of, lacking, ... ... 'J ... .... j

wanting, deficient in, short of or in -1 ~1.> ~1;--1 ..J.~I :-1 J~l

-;;::;~I;-~~).~~! ,ii;).l ~ ~J :~~~ to refer to, commit to, relegate to, ~ ,i JJ JG.i
.... ... .... 'f ... .... ... .... •

jl> ~1;-j?l ·~ J.- :j~~ remit to, submit to, hand over to, turn over to,
forward to, send to, direct to, transfer to, convey
to take precautions, make a to
provision; to take care, be careful; to be cautious J ..... :;; " ........

to pension(offi, JoWl ,1 ~\.i;JI (~,I) JJ J~l

....... "

(oO, be wary (oO, guard (against), be on one's superannuate, retire on pension

guard (against)
J.~.> ~I;-.;.~'~ :~ j,~!
J;;. ~I; -J~ :JG..i
-1 j,G..i ~I;-~~ , -1 ~~j :-1 j,~! referring, reference, referral, commitment,
, submission , submitting ,
relegation, remittance
to trick, dupe, gull, hoax, ~ 't~ ~ J~! : forwarding, sending, transfer(ence), conveyance;
humbug; to deceive, fool, delude, bluff, beguile, transmission, transmittance
mislead; to cheat, defraud, swindle, rook; to
circumvent, outwit
to hide, conceal oneself, veil oneself; to ;. ? !
disappear, vanish; to withdraw; to be or become to ~~~I -..-:Jl. ~I JJ 6J, J:.:l..l j:::·!: JL;;.!
hidden, concealed, veiled, covered, screened, wangle, finagle, resort to trickery, employ tricks or
sheltered, obscured, cloaked, mantled stratagems, make use of tricky methods
to cease JJ~I ~ (tJJ ~I) ~~)..1 ~- ~:,.:~!
'- ;..... ,
to manage, contrive, work or..),. r."""... - :.r.,.')1J JL;;,;..i
__ :;. - .
(discontinue, interrupt) publication (out); to wangle, finagle -

;..;.. ~\)- ).?! ~ ~\)-~ :U"~!

to apply or use cupping, treat t.G..:J.I j:::· ! :~! v-~! ~\) - v-~! :v-c._:;..!
oneself by cupping
occlusion [ • ~] v-c._:;..!
to be cupped, be treated by ~~l. - ' :-- :.· I
cupping ·- :~~ ~- retention of urine; anuria, anuresis J.;Ji ~c._:;.!

to rage, flare up; to be (become, ~I , ~ : ~! aphasia; dyslogia :Kn ' c.::;..,

i "'" ·- -
get) angry, furious, infuriated, incensed, exasper-
(r:> ~\)- ~..::;.. :~!
ated, agitated, excited, upset
to intensify, heighten, build up, ~I :~I :.,..:;.: ! ~ IJ - :.,..:;.: ! :~!
strengthen; to be or become strong(er), severe(r), to be withheld, be overdue, fail to set in )J I ~!
(more) intense, (more) serious
• to weave; to knit ~~, ~ )~!
flame, blaze, burning; glow; fervor, .)lA.;\:1~1
ardor, vehemence; violence, wildness ~ - - - to (en)snare, (en )trap, (en)tangle, c.!J). ~ ji : ~! 2
gin, enmesh, noose, catch in a trap or snare
to glow' flare, blaze, flame, burn, r)a:;.! ' ~! :r~!
deflagrate ~ ~~J-S!
to flare up, erupt, break out; to rage Jl:AJI (:.:.;.,! to protest (against), remonstrate ~~! :~ ~!
to flare up, rage, burn with anger, lJa:,i r:.:.;..! against, expostulate, object to, raise an objection
flame up with rage, be or become furious to, make objections to, demur at, except to, take
exception to, make representations against,
to imitate, copy, emulate, ~ tS:.::.i! :(~~) I.S~! challenge
follow the example or model of, pattern after, take
after, model after, be guided by, tread in the steps to advance (offer, use) as an ~~! 't~~ :-! ~!
of argument, as a plea, as an excuse, as a pretext, as a
,...... _.., - ........ pretense; to plead, invoke; to allege, claim,
to put on shoes, wear sandals; ...L...::.i! : •141 tS~!
to wear as footgear; to be shod
hiding, concealing oneself; disappearance, ":-'l~!
-! tl~!: ·'~'
imitation, copying, emulation, vanishing; withdrawal; concealment, hiddenness,
following the example or model of, patterning occultation
after, taking after occultation
~~ ~~)-~~!
protest, protestation, remonstrance, ._..;,1~! :(l~!
heat, hotness, warmth, warmness o~l? :.;!~!
remonstration, expostulation, exception, objection,
caution, cautiousness, wariness, jl~! representation(s), demur, demurrer, demural
circumspection, prudence; care(fulness), watch-
protest (of a bill, for ~Jr. : r~!
'· , -.
fulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; diligence;
non-acceptance, for non-payment..)
precaution; safeguard(ing), protection; reservation, .. '* :£-.... - •
reserve offering of a plea or excuse; .~.)! 'tJ..).j : r~!
pleading; claiming, maintaining, alleging;
precautionary, preventive, protective, safety ~.,)1~!
precautionary measure,
, ' ...
':?,/~I ..r.t."""
- .- allegation, claim; plea, excuse, pretext, pretense
protest note [. ~ I ~)'i:
,)~I i.O
profession (occupation, business, ·Career, trade, precaution(s), safety measure, safeguard
craft), become a professional caution, cautiousness, wariness, U"l~!
to burn, catch fire, take fire, ignite, (in)flame, (.;~! circumspection, prudence; care(fulness), watch-
blaze, be afire, be on fire, be aflame, be ablaze, be fulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; diligence;
in flame(s), burst into flame(s), be burned, be precaution; protection, safegaurd(ing)
consumed by fire professionalism, professional pursuit or ul~!
to flame with rage, blaze with anger, (.Qi ;:;;:;., ! practice, taking (following, practicing) of or as a
burn, inflame, flare up, rage, seethe, boil, be or
become inflamed or furious
:;;:. ,..
to respect, esteem, honor, regard, ~I ' ~! :r,;;>!
. ... ,...... . --.....
profession (business, career, trade, craft), becoming
(a) professional
revere, venerate, reverence, hold in esteem, have
great regard for, admire, value, prize, think highly
of, look up to burning, combustion, being on fire, being
to observe, honor, live ~I J • r)! •-! ~ : r;;..! afire, bursting into flame
- l~\.)
,.J\ ....- I
up to, respect, comply with, abide by, conform to, internal combustion ~ ~-
follow, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), maintain ·\Al;_,i~-,j'jl'-' I
spontaneous combustion ~-
to honor, keep, fulfill, :; '¥- J:; :r;;..!
(,!'.. - (,!'..

carry out, perform, meet, live up to, redeem, make flammable, inflammable, fiery J\:2- ~I~;.
good, stand by, keep faith with
J\r>~ ~li

~ e-'J- ~!
respect, regard, esteem, honor, J~l ')~!: r'~!
r~ e.-')- r~! reverence, veneration, deference
to drink, sip ~~ 'y;.. :~! dignity, gravity, solemnity, J~ '~\;
stateliness, grandeur, augustness
: i1:2-!
contentedness, content(ment), • ~! :~ ~! ....... , ... • ,. &....... ... •

satisfaction observance of, o~ l.r 'il ;:l! '-! ~ : il ~!

'""'~ e-'J - .c...;..l '~ :'""'~\ observing, honoring, living up to; respect(ing),
compliance with, abidance by, conforming to,
;:;..;.. e-'J - ~i '~ :~! adherence to, following, keeping (to), maintaining
~;:;..;.. 'J;:;..;.. e-'J- ~ :. <~! '~ ~! honoring, keeping, fulfillment, ~ t~:; I :i :2-!
carrying out, living up to, redemption, making
~ e-'J- ~! ·V.P! ·01 :~!
to be or become content with, -! ~!:-! :. <~!
good, standing by
self-respect, ~I
.- ;1:2-!,
satisfied with; to content oneself with, settle for self-regard, self-esteem, amour propre
to disapprove of, ~ ;~i: ;.~1 ~ <~! :. y~~ e-'J- ~~!
deprecate; to criticize, censure
to sacrifice something in .-. .ill ~-~I
to guard against, be on one's guard ~ J,r>,
r )-.-:. '
·- against, be cautious of, be wary of, beware of,
anticipation of God's reward protect oneself from; to take care, be careful, look
to lose a son, be bereaved of a son ;j I:J:; ~! out, watch out, be alert, be on the alert, be on the
to mow, cut, scythe, weed ~I t1i :~! lookout; to take precautions
to guard against, be on one's guard (~) ~~!
infarction, infarct [ ..,...1] •~! against, beware of, be wary of, be cautious of,
pulmonary infarction '-?f-! t~! protect oneself from; to take care, be careful, look
out, watch out, be alert, be on the alert, be on the
cardiac infarction ~ t~! lookout; to take precautions
gathering, rallying, assembling, -,-•. --~1- ) ~: J~l
- - to practice (pursue, engage in, take) as a
welcome, welcoming, hearty r-P •
~; ·~ l
(kindly, friendly, hospitable) reception, hospitality;
: assemblage, assembly, congregation, coming
together, crowding (together), thronging (together),
entertainment; honor(ing); salutation banding together, trooping, swarming; con-
barefootedness, going barefoot(ed) ~ : •~ ~ centration; mobilization
~ r::-1)- ((.)"'WI~)~.~:.)~!
keeping, retention, retaining, holding, (~) .J; ~!
maintenance, maintaining, upkeep, keeping up, modesty, pudency, decency, decorum, r~!
sustammg, susten(ta)tion; reservation; preser- propriety, chastity, chasteness, reserve, demure-
vation, conservation, saving, storage, storing; ness, coyness, shyness, bashfulness, shame
custody; protection, guarding, safeguarding,
safekeeping, defense, defending
to gather (in crowds), rally, assemble, t~; -,-.::..1
congregate, come together, crowd (together),
celebration, ceremony, festival, festivity, fete, J~! throng (together), flock together, band together,
gala, festive event; feast; commemoration; solem- troop, pack, swarm, muster, concentrate; "to be
nity; observance, keeping, solemnization; gathered, rallied, assembled, crowded; to be
welcome, (gracious) reception concentrated, massed, mustered; to be mobilized;
.'.: I _•. ~J~\ to accumulate, cumulate, pile up, be heaped up
r::- ) c.,r:!. - -
* ..... J .... ... ........
ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, ritual(istic), ~ ~! to be or become modest, decent, ~ ulS': ~!
liturgical, solemn; festive; celebratory decorous, chaste, reserved, demure; to be or
become coy, shy, bashful
r::- 1) - fol
to be ashamed of, be
~ r::-')- ~! ashamed to face someone
to keep, retain, hold, maintain, keep lu;.. : _. \"i_:. ~I ::.:a;_ r::- IJ - ~l
..- :. _.,.
up, sustain; to reserve; to preserve, conserve, save,
store, put away; to hold or have in custody, take
death, demise, last breath; death struggle, .J ~ l
agony of death
custody of; to guard, protect, safeguard, shelter,
shield, defend ~ r::-') - u~!
Wj J.u;.. I - _. Wj '~;,i::.. I ~ r::-') - y~ :.;.. '~ :~!
--' - r::-) :--- -
~: -1;,~::..!
, • .... J....... .... _.. '·
to be or become angry, furious, to be dying, moribund, c.;.t I • _r4:.- : ~ l
enraged, exasperated, vexed, irritated approaching death, near to death, at the point of
to celebrate; to (.;.I\ ·. -. , lS-(- ..i..)'l!:: I death, at death's door, in extremis, in the throes of
C• ~ r_. ~- death, near one's end, at the last gasp, with one
commemorate; to observe, • keep: memoralize,
solemnize; to honor, welcome, receive graciously foot in the grave; to die, expire, pass away, breathe
one's last, emit the last breath, draw the last
~ r::-') - (~\.... ~) ~ :~! breath, meet death, give up the ghost, relinquish
contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision .J~! life, part with life

contemptofco urt ~\ ~~! ~ r::-') - ~·:..!

congestion u~ l J.;.. r::-') - ~l
to gather firewood; to wood, gather wood; to ~I
to despise, scorn, disdain, ~ u~!, lS~~)! :~! log · -
contemn, misprize, disesteem: disrespect, hold in
contempt, regard with contempt, have a low (~;;.. Ji ~) ~ r::-') - ~ J.G.i :(~) ~!
opinion of, look down upon, turn up one's nose at ~ r::-')- ~.:!G..~):~!
to congest, be or become
:. - ,

J-;, .............
- : .;.I I ::J I · ···· I
c·r ~-
to welcome, receive r~ '~ ~~ ~ ~!
hospitably or cordially, entertain, honor; to salute
to sutTer from to go or walk barefoot(ed) ~ ~ ;::,. : ~!
~! tv
c===============·~· ••==============~
(have, hold) a position (in relation to others) strangury or retention of urine ..... ..- _.. ...
..--1 J. .- J ..-I..- I I

milking -,..1;.. :y~! totakean enemaor a W.l ~! :~)1 ~!

occupation, seizure, capture, ~~! :J~!
clyster; to be injected
to flush, glow, blush, )JY '.r>! :~,JI ~!
,.... ;;;. ......... ;,;. ... . '· ..... ... ..........

takeover, taking or laying hold (oO, (taking)

possession (oO, appropriation J..- :;i
f. I..- ;;; ..- -"I
_. ::;:; ..- ,...

• , ...... • J :;.' to rub -! ~ , j& J I -! .........o.i ~ : (-!) ~!

occupation forces J~ I ~ , J~ I ul,.; oneself against: chafe against; to jostle, come in
occupational, occupation ~~! close contact (with); to undergo or cause friction
to contact, JJ~,;. '-!~I :~4 _,i ~~I
• JJ 0

puberty, sexual maturity c!.ll).)l 't~: r~!

,:;:; •-t '* . . J J, ~ .... • be in contact with:get in' touch with; to aisociat~
wet dream i;.JI ~WI ;_,.JI o.r>- :(~) i~! with, mingle with, mix with J. :;; ......

~ ::. F;,.J to itch &1 JJ ~~ :~1 ~!

to milk
_. .......... ... ,:J .............
to affect deeply,
to attain puberty, reach sexual ~ , c!.l J.) I : ~!
penetrate, touch, impress
maturity, be or become sexually mature
<#. J ....... ___ ... ,...
monopoly; monopolization; corner(ing) J ~!
to dream \...k. lSI J : ~! - <JI J ..... •

I ::;i l j J~ _. ..- _, .- ,......-..-I monopsony ~1_,.:.!1 J~!

.I:·:.. -I
to have a wet dream · ·11 ~WI .. _ ( ?· : r-
~_,~1 _d. :~1_, ~I)S:~~I ~lL ~l_;i
to seek protection (in, ~ '-!) I J! :(:r , rfo antitrust laws
with, from), take refuge or shelter (in, with, from);
to protect oneself, defend oneself, shelter oneself,
shield oneself -~ ·-·
:......u ., •
~ _,1 • : 1 "bJ
c.LS' r~ -If.:-!") 11!.?J ~ .) -!
- _,
to diet trust; cartel, syndicate (GUI
possibility, pontentiality, .. _ ' :J~I
.. _ . ) Gi.GI - - t ...;.:i. friction; rubbing; chafe, chafing, attrition;
potential, contingenc y, prospect, probability, contact, touch; association, mingling, mixing
likelihood; chances, odds, prospects frictional -:J~!
[ c.L..<>~J] J~!
to monopolize, hold a monopoly over, get a ~!
~ c::-1)- .G~ .~,till.) :J~! monopoly of, obtain or assume exclusive pos-
session or complete control of; to corner, get a
unlikely, improbable, farfetched J~ ~I~ corner on
~ c::-1)- ~;. ·~ :~~! to appeal to (someone) ~ lZ , ~I~ : JJ ~!
for a (legal) decision, seek a decision from; to go to
to assume, suppose; to court, have (a judge, court, etc.) decide
imply, involve, carry
(~) ~ c::-1)- ~ :~ ~!
to be possible, potential, ~ ':L·~ 0LS' : J,3..!
probable, likely to occupy, seize, capture, take ~ J;:_! :J:;..!
to hold, take, be able to take in, over, take or lay hold of, take possession of,
have capacity for appropriate
,...... ... J :........ .. ..... ,. .. • _. :;. ....


l:i.:;) J~l- :J,3.. -I

to take, last (a certain time)(\.. to occupy, -.lA:. , • ~,; : t:JJ I)' .r' _,I ~
..... _. :>i_.. ... ..... ... 1 ... - ...... hold, fill, be in charge of
J....; c::- IJ - ~ l&. , ~ qj\.1 I : J.:._;:;.!
-- ;. - ..-
J.- ;;;. ..... .- ' ..... .. I_.. Ji _.I

o ..J.iU : t:J J I)' .r' _,I ~ J;>!

I..- ,.

to assume, take
j:;.. c::-1)- ~ ·e~ :J.3..! over, take charge of, take control of, take
command of
unbearable, intolerable, J\1; 'J :J::.;_; 'J .'.- J i ""'J.)
..:.II ~.r-< ~::_-- >1::... I
to rank, rate, stand, take ~-
unendurable, insupportable, insufferable C•

to contain, include, ~ ' ~ ~ ~ : (~) -.)~ l

reserves Q,c..::;.., ~~~~

-- -- , comprise, comprehend, embrace, encompass,
enclose, embody, hold, take in, cover, involve,
trickery, deception, fraud, cheat(ing), swindle, J~l ... ...J ... ... .. :;.' ... • ... ' ... .... .....
swindling, wile, roguery, wangling, finagling, to ~Jla..
.. ··... _,1 .o_,i
... ...
UJJ Jl> :-.s_,.;::.-1...
bluff(ing), beguilement, defraudation, humbugging, contain
delusion, dupery, craftiness, cunning, artfulness to possess, own, have ~;..i :(~) -.s~ ~
casuistry -:..r '). J ~ ~ containment, inclusion, . ~-. : ' J G I : - r ... I
0--"' - - ~-
fraudulent, deceptive, dishonest, roguish ~~l comprehension, embracement, encompassment
:i<, . . • , • ... .. •
. il ... ... J ... .... ..

fraudulent bankruptcy
"'- --

~') - .!-1

.. . containment ~:la.. ~~_,I~,.; ,;~It:--:.~~~

~l> ~')- ~~l

refrainment, refraining, t~~,~:(~)r~l (~~.>) ~IY,. , u~l> ~\J - .::..~~~
abstention, abstaining, desistance, desisting,
caution, cautiousness, wariness, jl ~ ~ : ..!.~ l
forbearance, forbearing
,, . circumspection, prudence, providence, provision;
recoiling, shrink(ing), shrinkage, v"~ : i~)
(advance) care; precaution, precautionary mea-
flinch(ing), fallback, retreat, withdrawal
, --· ...
~ w) ,.~ 'J_,ii :i~l
.' ,, . sure, safeguard
J_ - - •
reserve, reservation J;.i..; : j, ~ l
:;; ... ... ......
~~~~')-~G.) ,Jt~ :J.~~
...... ,:J
to refrain from, abstain ..:r .!.L I , I f US' : ~ ~I
from, desist from, forbear, keep from ... • ... • .... ... 1. ... - .:;;
j,t;_;..~ ~\J - ~U,~\ (~I) i.i.:i~
to recoil, shrink, flinch, fall back, ~ :~i
retreat, withdraw
... • 'I
precautionary, ~)~~~ '~~-?
preventive, protective, safety
'F :~~l
curved, crooked, hooked,
bent, aquiline, adunc, uncinate, falcate reserve, substitute, ~G) , Jt~ :~ ~ ~
riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum, .~~
~· .1 alternate, stand-in, standby; auxiliary; spare
:II- ... ... ... ... ;;:; ... 'I
reserve(s) ~~I Jl.. , (~ll.. ) ~ ~ ~
~ ~\)- Jl41 ~ :~1
:;; ... .... ... ... ... ... 'II 'II ::;; ....
reserve, (AI~)~~~~;;_,~~~
~ ~\J - \A.i..:.. :~1 ~I reservist
to stare at, gaze at, look sharply at JJ
..... ;:;i
)ajl ~I
::;; .....
depreciation reserve .:..!~~I ~ ~ ~
t'J _!.~~~~ _,i ~iJ1 ~~ ~
to make into one, unify, unite
. gold reserve(s), oil
reserve(s), etc.
unique, singular, single, individual, sui -'-:!.; =~'
- - . capital reserve; capita! stock JUI _(.,J~ ~~~
~.\:I c.::;.,
generis, matchless, peerless, unequaled, legal reserve (,?'Y J> · - -
alone, single, solitary, lone, lonely ~.,:~\
- - . precautionary ~I.e.::;..\ t\ . I,~ I.e..:.;..\" :.;
t.r ··- _,:>;-' t.r ··-
measure, precaution, safety measure, safeguard

somebody, someone; anybody, L. :;..i '.b. i provisional ~~I~_;; , ~~\ ~

anyone detention, detention pending investigation,
nobody, no one, no person, none .b.i ~ protective custody
the One (God) J!l: .b. ~I provisional seizure, attachment ~~I ~
• 1.1- .: I JL. , Jl,
Sunday .b. ~I ;~ ' .b. ~I reserve capital t.r ~ • IJ' J
to heat, warm, make hot or warm
hotter, warmer
U~ ,~ :
\,; ~1 , ~I : Lr . , I
-.• (' )'''
,i• Palm Sunday
.... ;:,
u..:.JI _,1 ~t;..:JI ~I

_..:oi J ... I

~ ~~) - ~~ Lr .?"1 ~ wit
•..... _.. ::;; ~ I ~
the units [ ..:..~~)] ~~')I

more appropriate, more proper, ~I , J _,I : IS., I

more suitable, more adequate, more becoming; he
..... .. ..... j ~ 0 ...

..:.~~I)- ~1~1
. .
had better .. .... ..... j ..... ,. •
...... • ..... f. production, creation, .:.~I J.;...a...: ~I~ I
with greater reason, with all J_,l '-:-'~ Lr :<.S_r>- ~~ origination, engendering, generation, bringing into '
the more reason, the more so, a -fortiori - being, giving birth to, giving rise to, bringing about,
..... j • .... "' .... f. • ..... .... • •
rather, more ~_,1 ~ ~ qj~l ~ ~ :<.S;>- ~~ making, causing, causation, effecting, occasioning,
accurately, more exactly, more precisely, to be triggering, prompting
exact, strictly speaking, more correctly speaking; coordinate [o~~J] (..:..¢.1~) () ~~~J
.Ji ,. ~ ~
more explicitly, more clearly
.;a1 _,1 ~ J_I~J
,;i 0

embarrassment, disconcertion, discomfiture; r_I;..J "' , .. ,. '!. 1.... .. ~ '!.


putting in an embarrassing or critical situation, ordinate l?:_,..s- _,1 (,f-"IJ _,1 l?:L,.. J_I~J
forcing into an awkward or difficult position;
(~) ~~ _,~ :(A1JI) '-:-'~1
difficulty, strait(s)
hunchbacked, humped, gibbous -
acquisition, -~~ ,~, ~ J~ :ji;..J hunchback, (t"'l) ~~ _,~ :(~1) ..,..~i
acquirement, obtainment, getting, winning,
gammg, earning; attainment, achievement, -- • .J ..... .,

accomplishment, procurement, realization, convex, arched, vaulted, .Li_li , ~ :..,...~I

cambered, crooked, curved, bent; ·protuberant,
scoring; possession, owning, having
prominent, protruding
burning, incineration, destruction by fire, Jl;.. J ......... 'f

combustion, setting on fire, setting afire, setting to produce, create, originate, engender, ~~I
fire to, ignition, kindling, lighting; scorching, generate, bring into being, give birth to, give rise
singeing, scalding, searing, charring to, birth, bring about, make, cause, effect,
occasion, inspire, prompt, induce, trigger,
cremation J_;ll? JI?J provoke, work out, result in
~~ (orul ~ La.;i_,) Jell JI?J ~.r:- eleven
arson, incendiarism .... .... .... f. ......... f
J J_., :t:
to surround, encircle, -! Jb- '-! j,b-1 :-! J~l
state of ritual i ;,JI jjb- '~;..I J:;..,;.. :~I;..) - - -
enclose, encompass, embrace, ring, environ, beset
consecration (of a Mecca pilgrim) " ;;. - . .... .. :;. ......... j
• J , • ... •

garment of a Mecca pilgrim i _?.1 I '-:-';. : i I;>- J J~ ~IJ - ~ )a.JI J~l

~ ~ 1:;;j~1
,'II .......... :1 .... ..... .. -- ......

to embarrass, disconcert, ~I ~ ti J I , ~ J I : (.'I song of camel drivers

discomfit, put in an embarrassing situation; to back story, tale; news; speech, talk; topic, subject ~J~1
into a corner, corner, put into a difficult or critical
situation, force into an awkward or difficult to be or become convex, hunched, humped, ~'Jj~l
arched, vaulted, cambered, crooked, curved, bent; -
to forbid, prohibit, interdict
to be (become, get) embarrassed, disconcerted,
.... ::;; ....

i .?" : Jc. (.?"I

.... .... 0

to bend, curve; to stoop
unity, oneness, singleness
_... ... .. ,... ......
. . - .
in an embarrassing situation; to be (become, get) monism ~...;..~I ~i: '~..;..i
cornered, forced into a critical or awkward
song of camel drivers .~:;..1 :~~1
to acquire, obtain, ~b. , ~ , JL; , ~ ~ : j;..i convexity, convexness, camber, curvature, "'="~~~!
get, win, gain, earn, receive; to achieve, attain, vaulting; gibbosity; stoop(ing)
...... 0 'i
~I O·
c===============~· ••==============='~·
well done! bravo! Si accomplish, procure, realize, score; to possess,
..,.. 1 :f _. j ' I i _.. j own, have
~I , .)_p,-1 , J...:.i I : .,:,.-1
1 1

better; finer; superior; -...... ... ... - ........ 'J

preferable; nicer, lovelier, more beautiful; more j_,> ~~)- ut... ·~ :j..J>I
splendid to (~) ~~~~ _,i I~ j;..i .~1 ;_ 'ai j;..i
the best; optimum, optimal; the finest; the .;,.;. ~I come through (or om with flying colors, gain the
nicest, the most beautiful; the most splendid day, score a great success, have the best of it, win
• ... .... • .. • .,. J .......
better off than 0-A- u--1 J., ~ j , 0-A " ....
~ ~ u--1 or gain a victory, be victorious; to triumph over,
• .. ..- • j prevail over, overcome, overpower, beat, defeat,
at best Jl_p ~II,)- I~ get the better of
• .. - • 'f . - ... 0 j
at one's best ~l_pll,)-1 ~ to burn, incinerate, destroy by fire, consume J y> I
with fire, set on fire, set fire to, set afire, set ablaze,
for the better .;..;.. ~I p_: ignite, kindle, light, inflame, enkindle; to scorch,
amicably, in a friendly manner
bowels, intestines, entrails, viscera, guts;
• ~1
.. singe, scald, sear, char
to cremate, reduce (a dead body) to c-..
ashes by burning • ..
......... ;.J .... - •
~ ..; .J> I

interior, inside
to be in a state of ritual consecration (of a Mecca rJ> I
....... • I

inside, in, into, within, in the interior of .t.;.;..i ~ pilgrim)

... ... • • ... ... 0 j

to shame, put to shame ~I : ~I to sadden, grieve, make sad, fill with sadness; to uj> I
- -. j

toallotsomeonehis ;~ ... a; _,i 2~ ;~j :~i depress, deject, dispirit

share, allot to, allocate to, apportion to; assign to, to feel, sense, experience; ~~~j , ~ ;!. :(~) ~j
single out for to perceive, notice, become conscious of, become
to count, enumerate, calculate,
- - ... :;;. ... ..... 0 f.
aware of, realize, recognize; to hear
compute, reckon feeling, sensation, sense, perception, ~I
I.)" '
•• J ~ consciousness, awareness; sensibility, sensitivity;
innumerable, countless, incalculable, ~
numberless, myriad, untold, infinite emotion, affection, sentiment; sympathy,
counting, count, enumeration, u~, ~:.~I
calculation, computation, reckoning
. ' ..,..C.,.. ~IJ - ..,..~~I ~~
statistics ul;~ I , • ~I unfeeling, insensate, ..,..~~I ~li, ..,..~~I(..~
~ f

census ;_,;~ t~~ •ulS::.:!I :~J insensitive, insensible, insentient, unimpres-

sionable, impassive, numb
statistics ;.4 .~~~ charity, beneficence, benefaction, benevolence, u~l
analytical statistics ~1 .. 1;::·11 ;.4 t~ ~I philanthropy, dole, almsgiving, performance of '
good deeds; favor, kindness, good turn, kind act
descriptive statistics ~~I t~~l ;.4
~I~ ~IJ -~I ~j

.L..o;.. ~L. .. ,_ .. _:
• ,...r- ""'-
~ '11 ... ..-J ...

' ...
to do well or right, act well or
- - - - ....
..... .. .
~I , .)~I : .,:,.-1
statistician .~~~~~:~~! right; to do excellently, do expertly, do profi-
statistics .:;,C,;~I.~~I ciently, excel in, know how to do; to be or become
..... ...... !: ~

proficient in, skilled in, well-versed in; to master,

~~~)-~:u~J know well, gain mastery in, have command of
~~ ~~)-~ :u~J to give charity (to), give alms (to), :;, : (JJ} ~j
be charitabe (to), philanthropize; to do good (to),
marriage, matrimony r_ljj :u~J do a favor (for), do a good turn (for); to be nice
to be or become ripe, ;~~ 0~ , ~ :~i (to), kind (to), friendly (to); to treat with kindness
.. ... J-- - ... .- • 'f
mature o.)li~ ~~J- ...;.)L;_, u--1
right, title, claim
.. ....
.. -:~1
.... ...
... ....

, •

. ..- f ... , ....
.... :;; ....
t:.r- ~~) -uKI.I t:.r- :~1
,.... .... • ...
.... , ....

... :;; ... --
.... . . . . .
to itch .!ll.l JJ ~.):~I ci.PI ~ ~~J -~ c.ilS' :ol)l ~I
., . .,1 I .- :;i ..- ..- _. :;i _.. _.. ,J'f I ,... ..-,... I • J J :;i .- "' I j

~':-r~ F to ~J;'(-';:oi)I~I,~::,JI~I
marry, get married
accuracy, precision, utZl, ~ ,ii: :r~l bringing, getting, fetching
exactness, exactitude, definitude, correctness,
perfection arraignment; summoning,
:;; .... .... ;;.__ ;;;.... .... .... 0 1
to compact, knit or draw ...:.. ' ~ ' (S,; : I citation, subpoenaing
together, consolidate, strengthen, fortify; to make subpoena, (~ JJ) J~ J ii~J 'J~ J ~)'i.:
compact, well-knit, firmly connected, firm, solid, summons; writ of habeas cor.-pus -
strong; to tighten, make tight, make hermetic; to .... .... _.... _... 0 j

tie, fasten, make fast to bring, get, fetch, bring ~ ~I , ~ •~ , ~ :~I

....... '1i _ ......
to master, have command of; to be or .}U I : I along, carry with oneself, bring forWard, introduce
become proficient in, skilled in; to excel in, do to arraign; to summon, ~I JJ ;:,:..;..i
proficiently or expertly; to perfect, make perfect, subpoena, demand, cite
:J .- ... f.
bring to perfection - :;i "' .... ;;...... :;; .... 0

~ ~1)- ..iP. .~1 :~1

to absolve from, acquit ~~ ~j :r ,:r i;i ::r to be or become lucky, fortunate t1 ,Ja;..: 0\S' :Ja;.i
from, discharge from, release from, disengage
from, clear of, relieve from, exempt from, to importune, besiege, press, urge
:;. .....
~ ~I :~I
... ' .
exonerate from, redeem from, disburden from,
unburden from, free from, disencumber from, to make go barefoot(ed) ~ l... ~ : ./> i
extricate from
- ... ... .... - • .. :;:. "' :1
to cut (offi one's mustache, overtrim ~ J \.:.. ./>i
to enjoin on, ~ ~,; ,~ ~_,1 :~~I one's mustache; to shave one's mustache
impose as a duty or obligation upon, make .... .... f • ..- ...... 1
to anger, enrage, infuriate, exasperate, ~I :~I
incumbent on, make something someone's duty
acerbate, incense; to annoy, vex, irritate, gall,
- :ii, - ..... .... - f ;;; - ..
J.l> ~~) -c41 ·j~l :~1 embitter, peeve, provoke
,:ii .. _ ...... --·· :, ... f fossil
to settle, settle down, make "-.J J , ~ J , J; I :~I
stay (in or at a place); to put, place, set (down), lay paleontology
(down), locate, station, position
-. TV"'""' ~ i ~,I:._ i. (.- .r.:&-
·-. ,c) ~L-. :ki
? J .. '..Y" V"'""' to tell or say the truth
to replace by or with, substitute for, put in the - ::;i.... :;i ....

place of another, displace by or with, subrogate to enforce, carry out, execute, effectuate .i.i..i : J,> I
replacement, substitution, .... ... : J~ "I
J 1...:..:::.1 worthier, more deserving; more entitled to
displacement, subrogation
enforcement, execution,
carrying out, effectuation
u,;!ll ~(:·s- ,c.:.J ,.;;_, ;1;:. ~ ~;J :~i denial of justice
bay, chestnut
..... 1 ..... f to embitter,
smooth, sleek, soft, tender ~ L; , ~I :~I envenom, venom, excite or arouse bitter feelings
to sweeten, become sweet; to I~ )_.,., : J~! in, fill with spite or hatred, kindle rancor in, make
become delicious; to become beautiful, pretty, rancorous
.... ........ • .... ..... 0 1
charming, nice, pleasant ~!~I)-pi
...... .... • "' • .. J...... .. .... ......
~!~I) -I~ ·~J :J,.l>! precedence, priority,
~ ~1)-cll~! preference
to ripen, mature, be or urethra J~l c.S;;. :~J
become ripe or mature _
... :;; ...... 'f
:B. e-1)- Ja..;,;.. : h i
clubfooted, taliped
.,. ..
i....Jiu.... :~l
!. .... J ..... , f.
~ e-1)-e~ .~ :~i
... • • .... ... 'f
... .. • • ... "":1 _. .... f. black J,..l :~1
to enrage, infuriate, anger, ~I' J;.li,l :~\
incense, madden, exasperate, acerbate, irritate, ;.;. e-1)- e~ .~ :~i
embitter, peeve, vex
;,L;_ e-1) - ;.~j (~:..: e-1) -~ : ·~l
-. f. - ;;:. ....

JL> e-1) - J\~1

• f to redden, become red; to purple, ~I )L,., :..,.-!
empurple, become purple
....... :f - .......
to impoverish, make poor, reduce to _,;JI :r~l to redden, blush, flush, glow
poverty " f
red; ruddy; pink; scarlet; purple ..,.-I
JJ (~! e-1) - JJ (~! :JJ (Y..i ... '}I J- • •
lipstick, rouge .l..i..:ll ~I
to compel (to), force (to), oblige J.. ~ ~i :JJ (Y,. i
(to), make necessary for (to) infrared ~~I 0_,~ '~~I c.;_;
in greater need (oO (JJ} ~~.> ~i :(JJ) rY.i violent death
.J I~!
• ... -. 'f
.1)_,.... e-1) - .)~' redness, red color(ation), red coloring;
reddening, blush(ing), flush(ing), glow(ing)
having narrow, contracted or (·'~"I) -·j
squinting eyes
~ '-"'~ erythrism ~I _,i ~;.J1 ~~~!
to squint, become cross-eyed J~ :~Y.! polycythemia
... ... • .. -- ..... f
cross-eyed, squint-eyed, cockeyed; (y:.~:.:n) Jj.:..i to anger, enrage, infuriate, exasperate, ~I : J.- I
walleyed acerbate, incense, irritate, gall, provoke, peeve
~ e-1)-~L> ~ :~i
- - •• - ...... ... • 'f ...... 'f
to give life to, lend life J.A.I, J o~l ~I :~I
to, endow with life, bring to life, animate, vitalize, - ... • ... • - • j J ... - ... - .... •
~! e-1) -J..>-1 ·~J :J.-1
vivify, enliven, liven up, quicken; to revive,
revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, revitalize, recreate, stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous, idiotic, (~) ~i
give new life to, breathe life into, infuse life into imbecilic, imbecile, weak-minded, feebleminded,
to restore, renew, rejuvenate; to ~~ : ~j fat-witted, thick-witted, dim-witted, unwise, daft,
regenerate, recreate brainless, dumb, doltish
to resurrect, raise from the~ , c..;II ~ ~ : ~i fool, idiot, imbecile, moron, simpleton, (\"'""I) ._;:;.. i
dead dullard, dolt, dunce, dunderhead, blockhead,
fathead, oaf, ninny, numskull
to give, throw (a party, concert, il:;. G.. i ..... 0... , __ . . . .

performance, etc.); to perform at a celebration or purslane, pussley (c.l.i) ~ J: .WI 4.1..A.JI

party, etc.
to commemorate, memorialize, observe, c.S~? ~I
.... . . .... . polycythemia
to hate, bear a grudge against, bear ~ ~ : ~ ~I
t. ,<>.r) r~l ~~~!
... _..- - .
keep; to celebrate
- ,:;; .... 'f malice against
to pass the night awake, stay awake at ~I ~I ... - ... ,.. ... ... .... 0 'f
night, stay up at night, burn the midnight oil, J.. ~ e-1)- JJ JL. 'J.. ....Ak :~~I
spend the night (in some activity), work or study ... 0 f ......
hunchbacked, humpbacked, humped; '-:-'...1>1 :~1
far into the night
hunchback, humpback
- ,
~,J~ :.~~~ ~
J... • .. ,.
•• ~1
• f.
, . ..
grudge, malice, rancor; ojl~, .~, ~ :~J
animation, vitalization, .r~l '~ ~t:,ll :~!: ·~l hatred; feud, enmity, hostility -
'* u•M& !M

tobeorbecome~! ,j.s::;.l ·~! :r~l ~ J~l

- • ..

, • ..
• .............. :f
. ""
vivification, enlivening, quickening; revival,
revivification, reVIVIscense,
reanimation, revitalization, recreation

dubious to, doubtful to, uncertain to, obscure to,

restoration, renewal, rejuvenation; .I,!~ : •~ j
vague to, intricate to
_.... .... ,, ;;;;. ....... .... .... . ,.. ..... regeneration, recreation
,, .- .
~ ~ e-'J - lw-y :;J-1 ~ ~l> ~ Jl>l resurrection J~'~:·~l
commemoration (ljS') .s)? :~j
to extinguish, put out, quench,
( 1j5') .s) ~ f~ j
smother, stifle

_,...> e-'J - J~l

.. in commemoration of, in
memory of, in remembrance of, in memoriam
biologic(al) ...t.r" ,J,_r.~__ .."'t..,r!"~'
, ..
notification, notifying, information, t~! :J~j
informing, telling; communication, conveyance, .~~~ -~ ~ ~ :~~i ~~ ·~~i
transmission; notice; announcement, statement, biologist
denunciation, information,
informing against, reporting

~ e-'J- I.J~I
~ ~i
.. .
~1L. , ~1
news, informauon ~J~l how sweet! how delicious! how
beautiful! how nice! how pleasant!
_, ~I~-·.:
newscast, news bulletin, news ~J. ,•r"' albumin
news, information ~~I brother; fellow man
- ...
-! . '
to be humble (before (iod) (~I Jj) 4i brother-german, full brother ~ t'
to inform of or about, (,L:.i , J) ~ , -: (-!) &.i : ;,;.i .... -• '.-· ) A,
half brother, stepbrother (~~i--'.·-r • • "•
~ I u ') · I
tell about, let know about, bring to someone's
knowledge or notice, notify of, apprise of, advise foster brother
. . . ;;:;
~_,j~ _,1 _tW.)~
• .. 'II
... '

. . . :;. ,. • ;;:; , J
of, acquaint with, make aware of, report to, relate
brother-in-law ~J)I _,1 .(J)I_pl
to; to communicate to, impart to, convey to,
transmit to, deliver to; to announce, state, declare
to inform against, report,
denounce, betray
-- --·
-! ~ J : ;y- _,...>I
. trustworthy, reliable, honest, faithful

brothers, brethren
"" ... " "' . _, .... - . .. .... -
to fraternize with, l4.! ~ J I l> I .U J L... : ~I , _;I
associate as brothers with, be on fraternal terms
sister with
half sister, stepsister
(~; ....
- , .-
r.&-) r~
,, ~~c.,;.
• • ... f
I brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity
foster sister ;;.~~ ,i tLo~~ ~1 fraternal, brotherly • ·~I
sister-in-law ~jjl1 ,i rjjl1 ~1 - ;;.... .... ,., '
~ e-'J- u~l
to choose, select, elect, ~:.~~I J..1.:o! , ~! , :) ~! ~,~,
'. '
e.-') - .I.:!?~' ... 1

pick (out), cull :;; - ::;. ..

captivating, fascinating, ul.i.:-, .J""L '~li :.)~I
to prefer (to), favor, choose to,
charming, enchanting, entrancing, transporting,
opt for
thrilling, breathtaking, taking, striking, winning,
~l> e-'J - (tJJ ~}JI _,i .-UI) ~~! engaging, sweet, gripping, attractive, magnetizing,
to strut, swagger, prance, mince; ~ , ;-:_~.:; : J~! catching, catchy, absorbing, engrossing
- .;;:;-- .........
to be or become conceited, vain, vainglorious; to u_p e-'J - u~l
ot. ul;.:;.l
~I; ~~! ;.A> -
be or become proud, haughty, arrogant
invention, innovation, J~! 't'~! :tl#! 0l:o- ~I; - 0\.:P.!
origination, creation,
devisal, devising
contrivance, contriving, to amble; to trot, pace t'J u~l ~! J ... :;:; ...

inven-t~ t'J. 't~ :(..:..~1.;.! d t'~! to hide, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of
sight; to disappear, vanish; to be hidden, concealed
tion, creation, innovation, novelty, contrivance
............ hiding, concealing oneself, concealment ·~!
patent (on an invention) t'.r.> I i ~I r,
... • ... - J experiment, test, trial; tryout; ~ , ~ ~ :,; ~!
patentee tl_;>l !~lr, ~b. essay; examination; check(up); probation·
penetration, transpiercing, ~ ')W :JI#! experimentation, experiment(ing); "-:--;! ~ : J c.;.,!
piercing, breakthrough, breaking through, passing trial, trying, test(ing), examination, · check(ing),
through; permeation, permeance, percolation, sampling
interpenetration, infiltration experience, (empirical or ~ •• -·.:c.::;..,
~ J ·- -
J,:;. '._;.? ~I J._;;;..! J - practical) knowledge
... . ' ,
J ... .... j ,-;..... - •:;I .......... trial balloon ;~I u,J~
to unsheathe, draw, pull ~_,>I , ..L:.:.! :u;.J I .1._r;.!
out on probation; on trial; being tested or ;c.;., ~I ~
tried; in an experimental state
to invent, create, originate, ~! ' t~! :~!
innovate, make, devise, contrive, excogitate experimental, empirical, • ·::~~I
<.P r"!-' .. '.) .. -
experiential; trial
to penetrate, transpierce, pierce ~ ;J _;;;..! Jh.; ·, : empiricism, experimentalism L.. ,-!"""
•:.~ ~I
through, break through, cut through, pass . ...) .. -
through, run through; to permeate, percolate, ~
. ~ IJ -J~I
.. -
interpenetrate, infiltrate
to break the sound barrier ..:..~1 ~~~ J;:.! to test, rli
;~I Jj ~&. ,~ .~:;.. :~!
examine, try, assay, esSay,- try out, check (out),
to run the blockade, break the ~4' J;:.! sample, put to the test; to experiment, make an
blockade experiment, carry out experiments
bulletproof to ~-·
~ .
· ~I, G.~t.. ~1::; ,;:_,>- :-<.'.,
- J ·- . \" . .?.' .r.->.
to destroy, annihilate, experience, have experienced, have tried, know or
exterminate, extirpate, uproot learn by experience; to gather (gain, have)
experience, be experienced
.. • ... - f, - _,..

to know well, know ~ ~ .1.~ I : .r:-=>!

biopsy thoroughly, have full knowledge of
to bake -.< .~-::.,
shorthand, stenography ~ ·..r.->.
. ~)
I -~1
canceling, cancellation,
-,•-:, I _·r:.'.,,
~~) ~-
reduction [ .~·...i
- " r>. conclusion, concluding, closure, i~J '•~l: t~!
stenographic, shorthand • ~~~.:.I closing, completion, finishing, termination, ending,
"'~- winding up, windup
u~ ~I;- ~l_i;;.! ~l:;. I - ·\ ,;,;t+,; ,~l:;.: ~I
- ~) ~ -- - i--
.., ... ., ... ... ....
to stenograph; to write (in) (u/).1 Jj ~~I) J;;,;..! to conclude, close, complete, finish, ?
I , ~I : ~!
shorthand terminate, end, wind up, bring to an end
to cancel, reduce to be circumcised -. ..'. : ("~ -A II) -...... I - --·
~ ~ .:r->.
00 0~::.1

c=============~· ...... J , - •
41-~ ~~)-r~! to reduce

to abbreviate, abridge, shorten, ~ , ?. J I : ~!

... ;;; ... ... ... ... --- ......
Uf"' ~~)-..,. -4:::..! .;.~! :u~!
curtail, cut short, reduce; to summarize, epitomize, ,, .... . .... ;;; ... .. ~ "' ......
synopsize, sum up, condense, digest, brief, outline,
to specialize r,.WI ~ -~~~ :~_,~..,.~~
in, major in
~~ ~~)-~!
to be j ~~,JI _,i ~~I ;:,_....L,., uts' :-!~I
compete~t in, have jurisdiction ~ver or in, -be duly
'~ot:. ~~)-~ (r:-~ _,i) ~J :~! or legally qualified in or for, have the power or
authority to
~ ~1)-jJ~ :~! to be distinguished by, -! ~~! , -! j L:::.! :-! ~!
marked by, characterized by; 'to have as a
~~~)-u~! characteristic, as a distinctive feature, as an
~Gill ~ ~I) -~Gill :.1:·:.1 advantage; to have the advantage of; to be peculiar
- ... - ......... J • ,. ... ... • ., "' ........
to, characteristic of
:;:; .... • j ;;; ... "' .....
~ I-~ JIL~
. ' i J:1\:~1
. ~). "". ' -! ~ ~I)--! ~)I J..,4; :-! ~! '-!

~~~)-~! ~ ~I)--!~ :-! ~!

to disappear, vanish; to hide ~!, (.)~1,;;: ~I ~ ~~)-~! :~!
(oneseiO, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of sight;
to abscond, depart secretly and hide oneself; to be
I.- o :;i $I .- ,1_ I_...
or become hidden, concealed, sheltered, obscured, ...._.;,j ·~I ~ '-! .......u
cloaked, mantled, covered
disappearance, vanishing; occultation, hid-
abbreviation, abridgment, ~! J:;__;:. :JL#!
shortening; summarization, epitomizing, syn-
denness, concealment; hiding, concealing oneself;
opsizing, summing up, condensation, briefing,
to be or become disordered, disturbed, y).:.,! :~! brevity, shortness, conciseness, jl~ ):..~! l:
deranged, upset, confused
terseness, succinctness, laconism, brachylogy
tobeor ~_,i~~1,( . ~-.)..,:~l
become defective, deficient, unsound, imperfect, in short, in I~ ~I ~J ~ 'J~ ~~ 'I~4
faulty, blemished brief, briefly, in a word, in a few words, in lint;,
concisely, shortly, in a nutshell, in a capsule, in
to be or become unbalanced; to lose summary, summing up, to sum up, to make a long
one's balance story short
to be or become mentally deranged,
specialization; specialism; specialty,~ : ..,..~.;..!
mentally disordered, abnormal, unbalanced, field of specialization; major
unsound, demented, insane, lunatic
to acetify ~ ~ L,., , Jt.; :~I ~! ~~~ .~:L. :(t-JJ ~w .;;~li) '-"'4!
jurisdiction, competence; power, authority
to acetify ~ ~;.:.,, ~ :~I ~! (special) domain, JG;. ..,:,~_.; ,~ :'-"'~1
to be alone (with), retire (with), _,i -!)~I (e bailiwick, field, province, sphere, line
- -
~ ,.ti....J,;-: ~I
withdraw (with), meet separately (with), hold a . .., J '-"' ' '
closed meeting (with) "' • J ..
(area oO jurisdiction '-"'~1 •)I)
to withdraw, retire; to isolate J;:! , ~~! :~!
oneself, seclude oneself, be alone (with oneselO; to lack of jurisdiction, incompetence, '-"'1-4~_:. ~I ;~
be or become isolated, secluded, solitary noncompetency
being alone (with), meeting ( i -!) .~I e_, specialist; expert;
separately (with), holding a closed meeting (with) technician
quaver, shiver, shudder
• ;:o;.,. , • ... ... ........
privacy, solitude, loneness, A3:; ,
~I,;,! : • ~!
c.i : ·.-II ...::..:oJ..::.I seclusion, isolation, retirement, reclusion
to twitch
--;;.:a: -.... ... • ,.........
• --
. , • 'I
. - - . -. ~-- .. - . .
~~!·~J·~ :~~!·(,~!
... , ....
to~ ;1 ,~ ~,....:....! ,.J.A:., :.J......, ~ .r~l ~!
jerk, twitch; tic; tremor, tremble, quiver, shiver,
worry, trouble, disturb, disquiet; to preoccupy,
engage, engross, take up, fill completely; to affect
deeply, penetrate, touch, move embezzlement, defalcation,
to embezzle, defalcate, peculate, ;:,;;. , ~ : ~! peculation, misappropriation; stealing, pilferage
misappropriate; to steal, pilfer, filch, purloin mixture, mixing, admixture, (l_r.:.!: .l.~!
to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) (JJ) ~I ~! intermixture, intermixing, intermingling, blending,
mingling, commingling, commixture
to peep (at), peek (at); to glance (JJ) )aj1 ~! association, social intercourse, ii j. ~ :J. ~!
furtively (at), steal a look (at)
social relations
to mix, mingle, blend, intermix, r;.:! :-.w:.:. ! confusion, muddle, jumble, aL
'__;.~ J.~! :
intermingle, commingle, commix; to be or become clutter, mess, disorder, disorganization, disarray
mixed, mingled, blended, combined, commingled,
lunacy, mental disorder, mental
to mix with, associate with,
mingle with, hobnob with
j.t&. : (e ,'3) -.Ja'F·;.! derangement, mental alienation, insanity, demen-
, ...... , ... ... 0.... • •

difference, dissimilarity, U:!~, ..::._,li:;, J.) :u~!

to jumble, clutter, ~:,.1.:,;.! ,J.L ,
,j~ :- 1-F:..! unlikeness, disparity, discrepancy, contrast, dis-
run in disorder or confusion, get all mixed up; to tinction, divergence, dissimilitude, disagreement,
be or become confused, muddled, jumbled, un- variance, variation, inconsistency, incongruity,
settled, disordered, disorganized, disarranged, contradiction, contrariness, contrariety
diversity, variety, variousness t~-.: :w~ I
J:.~ e-lrJ:U~ ~l.,ll '61:;.! ... .... ..... ' ,
r' - -
:;;; .... • .. . . . -- ... .,. ... 0 ....;~ e-IJ ....;')).>. ,..,.~ 'tl} :w~!
to be or become mentally ~.! : ~ ~!
~~; :wK.: JJ 0~!
disordered, mentally deranged, abnormal, insane,
lunatic, demented
ofall(ordifferent)kinds,sorts, ~1_,.;1 w~l ~
.. .
to differ (from), vary :::,.:, C;.; , (;. G :(.r) £! types, varieties
(from); to be or become different, unlike, disparate, fabrication, invention, making up, J.)~: J~!
dissimilar, inconsistent, incongruous, conflicting, manufacture, trumping up, creation, feigning,
contradictory, contrary, opposed faking, framing, concoction, contrivance, devisal,
to be diverse, various, varied t_;:,; :: •F:._! devising

to disagree, ~~ ~: (e,
J.P-, ~,~):oF:..! disorder, disturbance, confusion,
differ in opinion, disaccord, entertain contra-
dictory views, be at variance, join issue; to argue deficiency, J,b. .~ .~ .~ :J~!
(about), quarrel (about), dispute (about), enter into defectiveness, imperfection, faultiness; defect,
fault, blemish, flaw, failing
an argument (about)
disequilibrium, imbalance,
, ... ::.
0 ji,.JI J~!
... .
to frequent, go frequently
to, come constantly to, visit frequently, haunt unbalance
mental derangement, mental disorder,~ J~!
to fabricate, invent, make up, ~~ , ~: ~! mental alienation, lunacy, insanity, dementia
manufacture, trump up, create, feign, fake, frame,
concoct, contrive, devise, think up dysfunction ~.:, J~!
fermentation, ferment, zymosis ~~ t'="IJ- t~ •lS~! .~1~ ::,r:..!
fermentative; zymogenic to quiver, tremble, shake, quake,
ov --::.,

-;.- -- • f,
).;.> ~I) -)~I to ferment, undergo fermentation
·- ,_ "'--·· -··
onager, wild ass
two jugular veins
~,JI J~ :~J~I 'J~I
.. to rise (dough)
to be brewed (beer, etc.) ..;.11~1
C• .
J _..,...

.. J...
lo·ll..::. ... 1
.r.:::- , .:-->-

chuckhole,~ , ~ : .)J~1
o:;i ' o J: I _....-,...I

furrow, groove, rut, ridge; to sweat (tobacco leaves, ~11 ~>II Jl I..::. ... I
C• -~ JJ .:-->,
hole, gap, opening etc.)
~ :~~I ..::. ~I
-' ... 0 - ' ... j

wrinkles, furrows, lines ~\..:U :~,JI -~:~;~I to ripen, mature, be or

-' -' ... --- ...... 1i become ripe or fully developed - - -
to take; to pick up; to take in; Jl;, JJL.; : .i.;.l • --:;i -' ... - -- - .... '··.... ... ........
toveil ~ 'Jl.+l ~:ol)l .;..~!
to receive, get, obtain ... ;;;; __ ... .... ... . .... ... j oneself, put on a veil, cover or veil the head and
to seize, capture, take over, d.l.:; , J,::-! :.).;;. I t¥ face
take or lay hold of, take possession of, appropriate,
suffocation, asphyxia, throttle, strangulation I JG.
... ... • .... •

to overcome, J _,;..:;.-! ' "'" ~! ,

:;i __ ....

! : .).;;. I t¥ ),..:;.....
... -' 0 ... • -- .... j
to be or become strangled, strangulated, <:.'. I ...,..__
overwhelm, overpower; to engross, absorb, throttled, choked (to death), suffocated, stifled,
preoccupy, occupy wholly, take up, seize, take smothered, asphyxiated; to strangle, throttle,
hold of choke, suffocate, stifle, smother, asphyxiate
to punish choice, choosing, selection, election,
pick(ing), picking out, culling, option
t :
--.... ... .... ... ... j --- j

to blame, ;:,..~ , ~! , ~ 1.£ ~ .).;;. I , .).;;. I

reproach; to criticize; to censure, find fault with preference (to), preferring (to), ~ : J~!
choosing to, favoring, opting for
to follow someone's ~ (.$~! : ~~ Ji ;~ ~ l l i • J ... 'lt, • .J •

example, imitate, copy, emulate, take after, pattern )~~I)-)~~~~? 'J~~I:;.;.. 'J~!
J ... # , •
after, model after, be guided by free will; will, volition ;;'jl~], oJI~~I ~? :J~!
to get ready, prepare ~!:~~I ~i , ~i 81
oneself, make (one's) preparations, gird oneself(for :;, '~~ :.)~1 ~~'~)~I ~ '~~~!
action), gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneselO for voluntarily, willingly, of one's
action; to stand prepared, keep in readiness, stand own accord, of one's own free will, of one's own
by; to be ready, be prepared volition
j ...... j

~~, (s.;IJ) , (s.!~ , (s.~ : (?);:;·!

... __ ... .... - 0

to grab, take hold of, take, ~ 'c!L I : ~ .i;.l optional,

seize, catch, grip, grasp, hold facultative, elective, alternative, voluntary, free,
- .... .... .... j

to accept ~ : "'" .).;;. I freewill, volitive, volitional, freely chosen or

to adopt,~!,~,~ :liS' '"="'C4 ~i ·~ ~i
embrace, espouse; to follow, observe
,, .,.,, ,. ___ -·
~! :;~!; ~i 'J!j4 ~i

to revenge oneself, strut(ting), ;s:.:. ,

JJ~ , .Y" j, ~ : J~!
avenge oneself, take revenge, get or have one's swagger(ing), prancing, prance, mincing; conceit,
revenge, retaliate, make reprisals conceitedness, sef-conceit, sef-importance, vanity,
,.... ... --0 ' , __ -- j

to treat with kindness, treat ....J:. ~: .;J4 • .).;;. I vainglory, pomp; haughtiness, arrogance, pride,
well, be nice (kind, gentle, friendly, courteous) snobbet y, snobbishness, snobbism
to( ward); to be mild or lenient toward or with
/ ... -- ... j
exhibitionism, show-off; J.,jal1 ~ : J~ I
ostentation, pomposity
to comfort, console, condole, o I~ : o )> ~ .).;;. I ;.... ... .....
solace, offer one's condolences to, give comfort or ).>. ~\J -}>I
solace to, express one's sympathy to
-'- - ·-- ,_- f
.).;;.1 ~I) - ~~ • .i;.l
0 ... ,_ ... 'II , __ ... j

.):!.....,;..; ~\)- )~]

to treat harshly (roughly, o~ .U:.~ :o:..:.!4 • .i;.l
OA ~~
c===========~\4~\'~· ··~============~
clip, trim, pare cruelly, without mercy); to be or become harsh
to ~ )i ·~ \~! ,~ ~;2.1: 1~t ~ ~i (cruel, merciless) toward
seize, take hofd of, take up, pre~cupy, engross, to take into
• ..
ut;J.~ Jl )~'ll (r.A! ..i>l
" - • • ... ... ... f

absorb; to overcome, overwhelm; to affect consideration, take into account, reckon with,
profoundly, penetrate, touch, move allow for, make allowance for; to heed, consider,
to inhale, inspire, breathe in; to breathe, observe, keep in mind
respire ..... ... .... " -- ...... 'f

,................ ' to help, lend a helping .~L: ~~~ Jl ~~ ..i> I

to take one's time; to bide one's time, u J ..i> I hand to, aid, assist, support, back (up)
wait, be patient; to tarry, linger; to slow, delay
to give and take; to exchange,
. ....
~IJ ..i> I
. . .... .,.
to be on one's guard, be
, __ • " J.........
OJ~ Jl OJ~
cautious, be wary, be careful, look out, watch
. . . . f.
interchange; to reciprocate; to deal with be on the alert, be on the lookout
to blame, reproach; to criticize; ~ ~ , ~! , ~ 'l : ~~ to consult, ask someone's opinion,
to censure, find fault with counsel with, take counsel with
to punish ~~ :(~~ Ji ;~ ~ ~) ~~
pardon me! excuse me! forgive me! I am<./~ ljj 'l
. _, to wonder, marvel, be astonished,
be amazed, be surprised
sorry! to take note of, take notice of,
... _.. • • • 1.
acknowledge, mark
taking; receiving, getting, obtaining; ..i>l JJ...;.. :~I
taking in, intake to surprise, take by surprise, ~~ (~) ~ ~i
give-and-take, discussion; debate, take unawares, take aback, come unexpectedly
argument; dispute upon, overtake
"' _,. til
• ... - '£
give-and-take, exchange, interchange; • ~ J ..i> I
I ..
to take offense at, feel offended (r ~).I> ~ ..i> I
dealings, relations, intercourse; trade by, be annoyed or displeased by, be angry or cross
indisputable, incontestable, ~~IJ i:.
~I ~ 'l .... " ....... 'J
unquestionable, undeniable, indubitable, incontro- to undertake, take upon ~ Jl ~~ ~ ..i>l
vertible, irrefutable, conclusive, definite, absolute oneself, shoulder, assume; to bind oneSelf, commit
-- t - oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself, pledge,
taker; taking ..i> I ~ \j : ~I vow, promise
~ t~J :;;~1
. -- to put under an obligation, obligate, I~~
............. ---- 'f
..i> I
bind, impose a commitment on
spell, charm, incantation - - -. 1
·~,;..; :;;~ ... -. - ....... • " ....... f
to quote, cite, ~!, ~! :(r Jl ( r ..i> I
trap, snare, gin, net - -· -. f excerpt, extract, take out, select; to adopt (from),
ii..~....A.o: ii..i> I

... ~ " _:;:; 'f

take over (from), borrow (from), derive (from)
to delay, put off, postpone, defer, adjourn J,;:-1 :_;I ... ... ... _.;;:;...... • " ...... f
to learn from; to study I fJ.J, ~ : (r Jl (r ..i> I
... _..:ii 'f
to delay, retard, slow (down), hold up; to J~ :_,;.I under
hinder, impede, obstruct, block, detain
. to start, begin, t).: 1j5' ~ ~j, ~ ~i
to set back, put back
to lose time
, ...
~ [.J I
~ [.J I '? _,;.
:;:; ... ;,;:;
_,;. I
... ;;:; .I
set about, set to, set out to
to captivate, fascinate, charm,
enchant, thrill, grip
another; else; one more, second, further; ,;.1 may God help you; God bless you
different, separate, distinct, not the same, unlike
~~~~ ~!
f/i ... _.. __ , ...... •

others e-1) - oJ.Jl.. ..i>l

, .......... 'f
the other )-')I to take its course .1~ ..i>l
he also j.. ')I :;;. to derive (something) from J.:!.! :~ ..i> I
... .... • - ... 'I

·:: e-1) - (.);._ 1~:: to cut, cut off, snip; to

... :;;_. _..;;; ...

y..i.:. ' rU ' v<>i :(r ..i> I

;;; . . . . . . . . . . f.
. ..,a;. I

give ofT, give out, discharge, issue, release; to eject,

ciJ e:-')- ).1 JJ Ji ;.~ ~:; ~
t -
throw out, cast out, extrude; to expel, evict, kick last, final, terminal; latest; ultimate, utmost, ~I : .i' I
out, force out, drive out, oust, dismiss, put out, extreme
dislodge end, termination, close, conclu- ~b.,~~:~~
to excrete sion, windup, finish, last part, final stage, finale
-" ~.,. - ...... .. ::.;_ , ....;). : .r>-l
end, limit, extreme, extremity,
to eliminate, remove, take out, take ui> :c~'
ofT, leave out, drop
to exclude, except, rule out
.... ....

... ..... .. . terminus, termination, terminal point, tip, border,
edge .... .... .. -
to publish, put out, bring out,
produce, issue
.. -..
.... ..... :t: ......... 1
"" .
foot, bottom, tail, lower part ..,_.;.s- , J.o-1 : ~ I
... __

\~\ t"'IJ -~t.JI ~ :y~l ~I

., ... .- -
[0J:!p 'J:!)\;, (J"""", ~] ()..i
.- 0 J J -

to direct, dernier cri, last word, latest or newest ~.,.. ~I

produce, stage, bring out, make fashion (style, mode)
to silence, shut up, gag, muzzle, ~j , ~j : ~;;.i deadline (~ ~ j~~) ~;.: ~~
reduce to silence
mute, dumb, speechless, tongueless,
etc., and so on, and so forth t'J '~i"' J)
voiceless at the eleventh hour, at the last ~ ~
clumsy, awkward, .:1. ' t ) L, '.-.
·· I'~
<Y:' r.&- J-'- f"'
i possible time, at the last moment
gauche, ungainly ,
0 0

.. >- . 'i
maladroit, gawky, inept, for the last time ~r ~-
unhandy, bungling, lumpish , uncouth
... ' 1 .....
J....-1 : J _r>- I
j ).\ t"' IJ - i.S;-.1
stupid, foolish, silly
~J).1 o~'il -IS).~\ t"'\J
relating to the hereafter; otherworldly; future
... . . . f. ~ .... f. .... f.
taking out, ) :,1 'Ja.J 'JJlbj 'Jb. ~l ~ :ci)J
to disgrace, discredit, shame, 0la I , ZJ ~I :IS? I
degrade, debase, bringing out, getting out, letting out; emission,
dishonor; to humiliat
abase, lower
e, humble,

"'_.. - _. ,........ _.. -.....

_. ....

to make lose, cause •;L-~ ~ J-11, ~ ~ :~\

- ...
.- . . emanation, discharge, release, issuance, sending
out, giving ofT, giving out; ejection, throwing out,
extrusion; expulsion, eviction, driving out, forcing
to lose, cause a loss to out, kicking out, ouster, dismissal, putting out,
~I t"'l;- ~~, ~ :u:..;_j dislodgment
.... .... • j

~ e:-1;-~1 excretion
. .
to lead a rough life G- ~ -' ~ :-.;r~-I 0
-, '
elimination, removal, taking out, u~:c'.r>-l
.. If
taking ofT, leaving out, dropping
toharde n,becom e ;:,81 J~l ~~ :~~~ exclusion, exception, ruling out .I·::· ~: c' ;.l
inured (to hardship , etc.), roughen (oneseiO,
toughen (oneselO publishing, publication, putting ;::. ') ,...;.,. l :c' ;.l
,. . - ... , .... ....
, -- ....
out, bringing out, production, producing
~ e:-') -~ ;L.o ·~ :~~~
- - t directing, [0J:~p 'J:!)I;, (J"""", ~]~I).)
more special, more particular, more specific; ~I producin g, production, staging, m1se en
more private, more personal scene
(.1"';....1.1 (~:;)~'G.~ e:-1; -~~\ ~ (dl :_,;Jj;JJ ~~ Ji tiT Lr. ~L..,i::) c'.r>-l
specialist; expert; ~ .~'i:'-...... ~~:' '~I' output
- - 1.,1".

. the hereafter, the afterworld, the afterlife, the o~ ~I

fertilization, fructification,~ ~~~ ~ :~~)
enrichment, fattening, making fertile
. :;; , beyond, the world to come, the life to come
.... .... ... ... ... ... ....-·
to take out, bring )). , JuJ , J11 I , ~)I .l.}> :VI
"". .....
, .- .......

fertilization, impregnation, out, get out, let out; to emit, emanate, send out,
- - • J

to err, make a ~~~: 0lS' '~ ;:,J::;~!:

mistake, commit an error, be mistaken, be in error,
f.1:..j •
cross-fertilization, xenogamy '. ·=:.,~1

be at fault, be wrong, mistake, blunder; to do ~·'

wrong; to sin, commit a sin self-fertilization, autogamy ;,; I) ~ ~ J
to miss, fail to hit; to miss the mark tJJ ~:.A ~i artificial insemination

<.f'~l Jl ~
"" 0 ~~ ., ..,


notification, notice, note, ) i] , J : ).1,;.. J )..!. double fertilization

information, advice, reminder, declaration,
warning fertility drugs
octopus .b~1 to fertilize, fructify, fecundate, ~ ;;.:., :~i
~~1 impregnate, fatten, enrich, make fertile
.- ;:;i ... -" ......

to notify, inform, advise, give

..,. .... •• ... "'. 'J ....... 'i to fertilize, impregnate, fecundate ~:~1
notice to, forewarn
J.iil 'r!-1 :_:.Ju;.l
~·~~IJ-~ ulS'
... ...
.,. . ..
to talk nonsense
subjugation, subjection, subdual, (J) t ~]
lighter; milder; weaker; slighter; less, lesser ~j subordination, conquering, vanquishing, over-
.,...,. ... ..,. 'f • • coming; suppression, repression, quelling, quench-
to hide, conceal, secrete, ~ , 05'
I , ;:._;.1 , ~ :,PI
.... -· ..

ing; subjection (to), submission (to); imposition

cache, mask, blind; to cloak, mantle, disguise; to (upon)
shelter, harbor; to cover, veil, screen, curtain,
enshroud , occult; to obscure; to keep secret; to
cover up
hiding, concealment, concealing, secretion;
to be or become green, verdant
green, verdant
- . -. . v. ·.I

...... I
- ..
-\.A,;. I ... ... ... ....... ... • f.

sheltering, harboring; covering, veiling, screening, '

green finch P L..-11 ~ t,.; : ,ri»-1
..... ... • 'J ....
occulting; obscuring, obscuration; cover-up; ~I ~IJ-(.)"'!LJIJ ,ri»-l'l ~~I
disguising, disguise
.... -
failure, unsuccess, fiasco, ~ , J.:.j ' .bJ-:> : J\.A,;.)
... ... ,, . greenness, verdancy, viridity, verdure ;I~!
... • ,... ;:;i ... ... ...
fizzle, flop, dud, nonsuccess, defeat, frustration - to subjugate, (J) ~ ~ , (J) ~ : (J) ~I
grouper subject, subdue, subordinate, conquer, vanquish,
~ , ,, .... f
overcom e, overpower, overmaster; to quell,
day blind, hemeralopic Jt.JI ~ ~ ~ :~1 quench, suppress, repress; to subject (to), submit
... (to), expose (to), cause to undergo or experience;

... ..... f
to fail, be unsuccessful, fizzle out, ~ , L :~I
- to impose upon, enjoin upon
tJl r.-
flop, miss the mark, lose ground, miss, be unable
to assess, tax, levy,
- ... ... ......
to do or become, miscarry, go wrong, come to J J I ~ r4l_ ~ I

nothing, be abortive
.... ""... ... ... ... , ;;;; ......
JU- ~IJ-~~ y~ :)UJI JU-1
... .......
. impose a tax or fine on, subject to a tax or charge
or fee

, .. ;:;. ... J.. ... .... 'J

JA> ~\J- ~~ JAJ 45 .J> :~1-"! ~I
... ...... ...
JA> •Y~ :~1 JU-1
... ,, ;;;; .........
to break, breach, commit a z...iL> , ;J). :~ ~j
breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, verdant
transgress; to default, fail to meet or perform; to to be or become green, - · -. •-. ·.I.--.. -. '·1
prejudice; to disturb, upset, disrupt ~·~-·~~-

to disturb the peace, riot

greenness, verdancy I · ·1
to unbalance, disequilibrate, upset greenness, verdancy
-~~ ~

breach, breaking, violation,

infringement, infraction, contravention, trans-

(disturb, disrupt) the balance, put out of balance

to vacate, leave
....... f.
I , ,y- ~ , ~I : J.;. I
... -

-.... • ..... 1.

gression; default, failure to do or perform; preju- uninhabited or untenanted; to evacuate, pull out
dice; disturbance ."i .... 0
of, move out of, withdraw from, depart from,
breach of(the) peace, disturbance (of 0"' ~L J')b.] leave, quit, go away from, clear out of; to empty,
the peace), disorder, riot - void
without prejudice to, without ~ J')b. ~I ~~ e to release, discharge, let ._I r ~I : ~ J> \
,__ -- - ........ j ,.... -- .... .,.

detriment to go .... .... ... ,.... ... .....

~ e.- I J - ~ :_.:. , ~i ::J.:..i to bail out, release on bail i.l~ ~ J> \
~ _,i JJ :J;.. e.-')-~ (~i :~ _,i JJ :J:.i to open the J (J~i , 0t5dl , ~)ali) ~I J..i
way for, make way for, give way to, clear a
to lean to, incline to, tend to, be JJ JL. : JJ :J:.i
passage for; to make room for, make place for, give
diposed to; to take to, resort to
to be or become loyal to, J L.:.L... u\5' : J ~I
"' .' ~ , ...... place to, clear a space for; to give or open up an
opportunity or chance to or for; to enable, permit,
faithful to, devoted to, sincere to, honest to, true allow, let
to; to keep faith to, stick to, stick by
,... ' , ..... 'I vacating, leaving uninhabited or t_l)j, -~! .%-:
to worship C.od faithfully and ~~~~I untenanted; evacuation, pulling out of, moving out
sincerely 'f • .... 15. ,_ • ..- -- ....
of, withdrawal from, departure from, leaving,
to renege, break (go back on, fail ·~Y. _,1 .~_,~I going away from, clearing out of; emptying,
to keep) one's promise or word or commitment voiding
;;;. ;;;. f, - ;;;. -- .......

to disappoint (the hopes) 01-JI _,1 •~)\ Ul:;. I release, discharge

to compensate, recompense,~~ : ~ (~I) ~i bail, bailment ti~ ~ :i;.]
j, , ·.- ~
J.r-"- .. ,
:i;. '\
to wear out, fray,
frazzle, tatter
, ... - ... ' 0:;; -- .......
~e.-')- ~:..: :J~!
··1..:. I - l.r
l. :w--'1\ ··I..:.\ JJ ... •
~e-) ,.,.... ~
.--.f. .... 'l
.)# e.-') -! :.)Jb.!
: J.lP. I .~:;, J~:,
- ...,....... ~\'
more appropriate, more proper, more (.$ _r-- I
sincerity, honesty, integrity,
suitable, more adequate probity, candor; loyalty, faithfulness, faith, fidelity,
~e.-')-~ ,;J :~i fealty, allegiance, devotion, attachment, true-
;;;. ;;;........ ., ;;;.
heartedness, constancy
cestodiasis, tapeworm .:.. ~ .rJ I :I.) :; .Ja.!__.,!. ~~I
infectiousness, infectivity; infection(s} [ -.,...1] ~ ~!
extinction, extinguishing, extin- moral, ethical,
guishment, putting out, quenching ethic
suppression, repression, .:..I.C..] .)~! 't-i: '!. ..... ... • ... • I f

c.i:"-"~-'' J~~\ ~ ..; :,L::. :~')b.\ ::;i

I ...

j J
0 11

subdual, quelling, crushing, putting down, _..I I _...-I 0 .-

moralist (.)"UI ~ ~)b. ~I (,)_,.::..-. -~ J!

squelching, quenching, quashing, stamping out,
stifling, smothering, killing, deadening, dampening, morally, ethically 9i;.i
damping; deactivation; silencing, calming,
soothing, lulling, stilling, quieting immoral, unethical, wrong -<1.-i;.i~
f'',. - -·
to extinguish, put out, quench, smother lAb I : JM. morality; moralism; ethicality,
....... 'I ... ... ... ... .....
ethicalness; ethics, morals
to suppress, repress, subdue, ~I ' ~ :~I
quell, crush, put down, squelch, quench, quash, immorality
•. >"k;' "'' t' ,,,,;;'

last but not least stamp out, stifle, smother, kill, deaden, dampen,
damp; to deactivate; to silence, calm, soothe, lull,
deadline still, quiet
better(than), superior(to); ~i, ~i: (~) ;,..i .... :;; ....

.r> e.-')- .r> : p i

..... :;:..... - ..... 0 ,:

preferable (to) ... • • .... .... • • .... ..... 'I

-. f..r ,• \r to harbor, entertain, hide, c..F>-1 , ~I : _r> I

the best 0 - ~1: ~ ~1 conceal
... -... ,... , .... '
roller (;l1) ~j to harbor a grudge against, bear ~ ......,._ : .J _r> I
malice or spite against
blueweed, viper's bugloss ( 0,;.;..i
sole (of the foot), vola; hollow of the ( i~ I) ~j
to bend, curve, twist, turn, flex ~ , ~ : Jl sole (of the foot)
from V:.:.~l _,i i~l ~i JJ ))I(~)~
........ • .. • ..... ..... .... , ... .. • .. " , • J ... -
to(over)burden, ~I,~ J..iU :.r~l _,1 ~loJI
oppress, weigh down on, bear down on; to head to foot, from head to toe, from top to toe,
exhaust, fatigue, weary, wear out cap-a-pie, from (the crown oO the head to the sole
;. ..... ... .... j :;:.:1
to befall, affiict, strike, hit -! J> .yl..:.l :JI of the foot
"' .... 0 j
... :;:.'1 volar, plantar ~I
to do, perform, carry out, exe..:ute, -! rli : ..SJI
!. - 0 - "' .... '
discharge, fulfill, accomplish, make; to function; to snuffier; twanging, snuffling, nasalizing ~(.)"':~I
exercise J . :;; ..... . . . ...... t
f, ... • .. :;:. f. to hit hard, strike, affiict, aggrieve, ..,.-:JI ~ .r>l
to lead to; to contribute C..~> I , JJ ~I : JJ ..SJ I
..... - 0

oppress, wrong; to wear down, destroy, ruin,

to, conduce to; to cause, result in, bring about, give crush
rise to, produce, generate, engender, create, make,
prompt, provoke, induce, trigger G. e.-')- i~ll ~ i~ :~i
..... 0 j ...... t
.... ... • .. _. - • :f :;. j
to take to, convey to, .I!.), ~_,1: JJ (..)JI snub-nosed, pug-nosed ~I \.~1
lead to, guide to, show to, steer to, drive to • J •

to salute, greet
.. ..... :.
r')CJI _,I ~I
" .... :;:. ;:jj
:;;'I t' e--'r _,>1
... .....

(,.)_,:>- c-:-'J -t~ :..s_,>l

to render a service to, do someone a
favor brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity ii~1
, ... ........ ... . .....
... :;:. .. ....... • , f,
to pay, settle, discharge ol.<.i 'WJ: l,;J (.$.)\ stable, barn j.:...h:..J :.J_,>I
...... ....... :;:.'f .... • ... J -J}.... -. t
to testify; give evidence or testimony, oJ~ (..)JI having narrow or contracted ~I ~ : IJf' _,>I
witness eyes
... f
t'J .. '/1.... .. • .. • J .......

, ..... 0...

to render, interpret, ~ ~ _,1 ~(.)~I having sunken or hollow eyes ~I ; ~ : u"y.l

express (a meaning, a work of art, etc.); to bring
out the meaning of, read
brotherly, fraternal -'-'.. ~
.. ... :;:.'1
brotherhood, fraternity, order, confraternity
to take an oath, swear ~ (..)JI

A • .... J 1 ..
performance; execution, carrying out, ~1 Jl prisoner of war, internee Yf" k l :~1
accomplishment, fulfillment; doing, functioning,
spoils, booty, loot, prize, plunder, pillagey
' '
exercising; work; payment, discharge, settlement
(of a debt); rendering (oO a service, doing (oO a last, latest; final, terminal; ultimate, utmost, .f::!-1•
favor; taking of an oath, swearing; rendition,
interpretation, reading (of a work of art); diction,
delivery; elocution
the latter
... .... '11
. ..

..... ...- finally, at last, in the end, ~ t:...:JI j :I~ I
yJI e--IJ -1.:-'IJI eventually, ultimately, after all, at long laSt
til: (c.lj~i () oiJi
.. :;:. .... , , 'I
tool, instrument, device, recently, lately, of late, not long ago, I_,;.;.. : I~ I
implement, apparatus, appliance, gadget, article; newly
~ IJI 1r'

.,.:.; ~~ - ':': :o;-1~]
.r--: \.. ." ) ~ .
organ; utensils, materials, materiel, equipment,
.r.J:.; e:l;- ;J~ ~;):JI ~ :o;IJ~ means, medium, instrumentality,
administration, ~~ ,~ .~
department, service, section, division
:o~l~l instrument
-... .
cat's-paw, ~;L. ~?I._.~~ :oiJI
.... , .. _,, ................ -·
business administration; management J~ ~I o;I J]
' • .J- .... -"- ~ , -
tool, instrument, vehicle, agent, hireling, servant,
administration of estates

civil service
. :;. -- ... - -
~ ..... •;!.~]
definite article
crank [~~] -~~~~~ tl~? machinery of government; organ of
maladministration, mismanagement -~~~~~ ~;_ government
' - - - ,~.- :W~
- ...
-- 1

~ e:l;

} ; . e:l; -
-~~~~~ )';.
boring tools

holding tools Ja;)l ui_,JI

.::;:. , ... -·
... - ... >/J, .... , "" -
striking tools
administrative, managerial, o;I J ~L Jl...;:.. : ~) .l]
executive, departmental cutting tools
... ' .... ,...1
executive; manager, measuring tools LYL.JI ..:;,I_,JI
director, administrator
administrative law
(.);\ Jl 0,; li
-" , torsion tools
J;.JI_, Jll ..:;,I_,JI
~:;. , ........ f

··- . - ' ..,. - 1

to circulate, spread, put into ~)12~ :JI~l tableware, table utensils ;;~UI ..:;,I_,JI
..... -- , -, 1
circulation, give currency to, make current kitchenware, kitchen utensils p 1 ..:;,I_,JI
.-- -- ... J 0 .. .... J ... ... f;
to give ascendancy or the ~ J I 0 ')li ,:r \.; ')li J I JI
upper hand to; to let triumph over, make
to run, direct, ~ (li, J.~, ~~~~~~ :~l~i Ji;
administer, manage, handle, conduct, control, be
victorious over; to replace by or with, substitute
for, put in the place of in charge of
to operate, run, (dJ \S'~, ~\) ~~ '~ ~~~i :
to perpetuate, eternize, make work, start (up), move, actuate, cause to function
permanent or work, set in operation or motion; to turn on (an
- ·' - -- - - 'J
to maintain, keep (up), ~ ~I , ~ ,1; ~ :~I Jl electrical device)
retain; to hold; to preserve, conserve; to continue, ,_ J---- -_f.
to turn, revolve, rotate, wheel, ;J..l.:! ~ :;I Jl
carry on spin, whirl, twirl, reel, swirl, eddy, circle
shortening; seasoning; condiment ::;._..

-:;. - - - j

to turn, direct, point, aim

perpetuation, eternization ~ ~ : 4:. I~! to turn (away) from, keep If :If ;IJI
- -- - - J

keeping(up), ~ 'tb~ '~ t~\ :~1~] (away) from, dissuade from, divert from, deviate
mamtammg, maintenance, retaining, retention; from
holding; preservation, conservation; continuation
to condemn, convict, ~?. '~ ~ :01~1
- - . to pass around,
- ::;. - - l:;:. - - f
incriminate, cnmmate, inculpate, pronounce to daze, stun; to dizzy, giddy, [JJ: LYI)I ;IJI
guilty, find guilty make dizzy or giddy
- -- - - - f - - .... • _. ........... _ ... , J ... l----·
to condemn, denounce, censure, decry ~ : 0 I J I ;I,;.;..! E'l; -~! ,),;,.;..! :"-1; ;1.)1
to lend, loan, advance (money dL.) ~ )i :01~i administration, ~~ 'F './.:'!:.; :0~]
to) management, direction, running, handling, .
condemnation, conviction, incrimination,r.r :~I~! conduct(ing), control{ling)
dark, black, dusky, gloomy, murky, criminat ion, inculpation
tenebrous, dim
condem nation, denunci ation, censure,~ :~1)]
v-J e-'; -~1
.- "'" --~' ........ ,'f
jja;l :~.)1
.. ,af
censurin g
saving; keeping, preservation, storage, storing, ;~~~ lending, loan; advance , credit
laying away, laying by, putting by, putting up, -
reservation (for future use); hoarding, treasuring to give a banquet ~~t ~~i :y~i
(up); amassment, amassing, accumul ation to invite to a banquet , entertain ..:~t JJ ~) :;:,.,)i
savings bank ; 6;.) ~I ~
- J • at a banquet , banquet
.,.:,;; .. , - - 'j

entrance , admission, admittance, ~~! , ( -y,;] : J~j! to be well-ma nnered, well-bred, L-'+- 0lS' : ':·d
polite, refined, cultured , polished
letting in, leading in, showing in, bringing in;
- - f - --
insertion, introduc tion, putting in, driving in, c,,d e-1;- ':-o,)(
working in, sticking in, intromission, thrusting, to educate, cultivate, culture, refine, polish '-:-'.ia : '-;-'JI - :,;; - - ;. j

.. -" .. :;. f
inclusion, incorpor ation, (I;~] :Jl:>.~]
to discipline, punish, chastise, chasten w l£. : '-:-'J I
embodim ent, insertion, entering, entry, listing, - - - ..

enrollm ent, inscription

good manners , good :Ulj_,
~~ '-;-'JI "--l.S',
.... 1
breeding, politeness, civility, courtesy, refinement;
..:,\_.;,.]'.I;..] :(tJJ ~ '~ '~~) Jl:>.~] decorum , decency, propriety
introduc tion, introducing, making, bringing about literature, letters, belles-lett res (:j _, ;:4) '-:-') i
input (tJJ j_,~] ~l> _,i ~~ ~L.,.i:.:) Jl:>.~] J. morals, decencies, proprieties, accepted '-:-'1)\
standard s of behavior; ethics
to save; to keep, preserve, store (away), lay ;.~! '!. ' --
away, lay by, put by, put up, store up, reserve (for etiquette, decencies, proprieties, rules ..:J,LJI wbl
future use), keep in reserve; to hoard, treasure of decorum or conduct
• ....
(up); to amass, accumu late - f , •-
~ e-1; -'-:-'J~I ~
to spare no effort, make every effort, I~ ~~ ~
do one's best, go to any length, stop at nci"thing, ~ e-';- '-:-')~\ JJ.j
- Lt:!'
leave no stone unturne d school (faculty, college) of arts '-:-'1) ~I 85'
to enter, make or let enter, bring in, let in,J> ..l : j;.JI
. . . . . . . . 0.

host, entertai ner

admit, lead in, show in; to introduc e, insert, put in,
drive in, stick in, work in, intromit, thrust, squeeze turning the back (on); turning away (from); ; ~ jj
to include, incorporate, embody,
...... i .... -- 0 'l flight, escape, running away, turning tail
(JJI :j>JI
insert, enter, list, enroll, inscribe to turn the back (on); to turn away
(from); to flee, escape, run away, turn tail
C.r) J_,: ;::,i
to ~~j ,(.);.i :(tJ) (_~,I~,~~) ~~t -' "'!!- __ .. , _f ,..~ ~

introduc e, make, bring about literary wJ~I ~ .jh.::.. :._r.JI

, -;_ _.. " _..
(;WI~) ~J e--1; -{;WI~) ~JI
,I :,;; _. -" 1 -"' ,... 0 . . "' I j _, .... f_
moral, ethical ~~, J~l :li-JI
"''-- , .. _....
to flow, well, pour, gush, cause to flow ;-':! ~ :.;JI
:,;; - 'f morally G)i
to yield, produce, I J_,J;
.,. , •

_,I ili Jacl , Ji-1 :~)\

' .. :.;;... .... • • - .. j -- i
moral obligation, moral duty "'
.... 1 ,

bear, bring forth, bring in, return, pay

literary criticism ~)i::.:
to inform of or about, tell j.&.
...... ' ........ :1
..... :1
I , -! ~I :-! <S.;JI
about, let know about, notify of, apprise of, advise to cover oneself with, wrap oneself -! ~! :-! )~!
of, acquain t with, make aware of in
;;:; .... •
, rLb I : JJ.J I ~JI
( ~ _,i -,:."'all) i~~!
1 , ,:;.
to lie in wait (for game) to darken, blacken, be J_,-! .• f

(become, grow) dark or black

(~) e-';- (I.J:J ~) e-1;- ;~1 _,i ~I ~jj
to reach, arrive at, attain JJ ------
J...o_, '&. :.:JJ)\ ---· inclusion, incor- ~ '~ 'J~~l : (\.J~]
'" '" 1 f poration, embodiment, insertion, entering, entry,
to overtake, catch up with, come (~) ~: .:.!~)\
listing, putting down, inscription, enrollment,
up with, catch, get
registration, registry, recording; classification
to (tJJ Y', ~_;II)~ J;., ~c;.,i, ~~ ~~~i : diuresis
overtake, come suddenly upon, descend upon,
strike, befall, affiict
__. ... ... ... ....... j
perception, ~ 'o~ '4j;:
'~ '~ 1!.1\.J~j :
to get, obtain, acquire, attain, ~ J...:- , Jli :.:.! J)\ discernment, realization, noticing, seeing,
achieve, accomplish, realize recognition, apprehension, comprehension,
to ripen, mature, be or become grasp(ing), understanding, conception; awareness,
ripe or mature consciousness, cognizance, cognition; knowledge;
__ ,, ""'..- ........ , ..._ ........ reason, intelligence, intellect, mind, mentality
to attain puberty, reach ru-1 &. •&. :..J,JI .:JJ)\ J } ,, •

sexual maturity, be sexually mature reaching, arrival, attainment J J""' J ' t_.,.4 :.:.! IJ)]

~ J~, ~: .:.!IJ~)
. . . . . :;;; ...... 0

to be or become dirty, filthy ~!:u),)' getting, obtainment,

-·- ---·, acquisition, acquirement, attaimment, achieve~
to dirty, soil, sully, stain
.. ment, accomplishment, realization
overtaking, catching up with,
coming up with, catching
agnostic Z?)~i') J , • J •

maturity, ripeness 1:_,.4i '~ : .:.l\J)]

;; 0 j

C nosticism ~.),)\ I ~ 1. .- ..- _. J JJ

puberty,(sexual) ~)\ l.r' ,~1_,.. •t_.,.4 :.:.l\J))

agnosticism ~))\ ') maturity, adolescence, adulthood, (legal) majority,
full age, legal age
adrenaline, epinephrine uJL;..
-- _.) ,)\ "''It ,. •
perception ~ .:.!\).)!
~~e.-') -r=-~1 ~ :~~i extrasensory perception
"' -d
~I ~I JJ
- ..- ,.
.:.! IJ.)!

to allege, claim, maintain, profess, pretend, ~j : .j. ~l

,, tl • ... • • :;;; J •

apper- Z?J_,....!. .:.l\J.)! , J~ ')I ~I .ill .:.l\J.)]

purport, contend ception, introspective self-consciousness
to claim, demand, lay claim to ~ ~U. :if~! J ~ ,.

apperception ~~~~ .:.!IJ~!

to make undue ~! :::;;.. ~ ~-1 (~)if~!
claims to, arrogate to oneself, aSsume unduly
epistemic, cognitive 'J;: :~~.J~!
to pretend, simulate, feign, ~ ~ \1; : (~) if~! hydrocele :~~ t'a:J--1 JY,. ~ ~L.. ~ :o~Ji
affect, assume, fake, dissemble, make believe, put . . :;:; - - -;:.. . . . . . 0... . . . . 0'
to include, incorporate, J,:;.,- , u--'> , J>) I : (.J,)\
on, act as if embody, insert, enter, list, put down, inscribe,
(.$;~ ~~i 'fl:.- .;;..~·if') ,~\i :~if~! enroll, register, record; to classify
:;:; ... _... ... .... 0 f
to sue, litigate, prosecute, bring suit against, ~ to roll up, fold up I...A.I '<.$_,1 : [_).)\
take legal action against, institute legal proceedings • t ... ... ...

against toothless, edentate, edentulous, uL.I ~: ,)_),)\

::;; J • ... '!J without teeth
allegation, claim, contention; ~ , ~ j : ~~,)! .... 'II ... ... -- ... ;il --- ...

pretension, pretense, pretext, excuse, plea to armor oneself, put on armor tJ:.UI ~ : EJ,)l '&,)\
pretense, pretension, pretending, \1; : ~~~I
simulation, feigning, faking, make-believe, assump-
J. to perceive, discern, ~, ~ ~~:,i r.; , ,;;. :
realize, notice, see, recognize, apprehend, con-
tion, dissemblance, ·show ceive, comprehend, grasp, understand; to know; to
......... •... 'J!I
pretension, pretentiousness, pretense,4... )..i- : ~~)I be or become aware of, conscious of, cognizant of;
flatulence, assumption, arrogance, self-esteem, to learn (about), come to know (about), find out
self-importance, vanity (about)
- • f
ii ~,)1
c ylli> \¥ , ~·1: ,A ~t·'; ·Mt~"'iXW ¢JS®4Q;. ·~~*Srl~J~iii!i!·ilrl~J4'G:Z:~~:::::<:Z~======:::::~,::i$:!i"::i\:<::,:;:;·;r::~'=!:;::v;:,=,,;]?Ji!i!)%;'il;@"iiiillM!iJji
malign, calumniate
-- •• -- .... ' f.
to express, voice, (.$""!I , .y. y ~I , .y. r. :~ J.l I
... ~- .... f.
claim, demand
arrogation, undue assumption J ~!
~~ : .~~!
. :•~ .l! .
utter, declare, announce, state, indicate, bring out; -·:;; ,_.... .... ... , 'JI

to adduce, bring forward litigation, prosecution; (.SJo":JI ~li] ,iil.Ql.ii..: .~.l!

- " ....... " 0 ... ..... f. suing, bringing suit (against), taking legal action
to make, deliver(a ~~ Jl ~~ Jl ,CI~ J.ll
(against), institution of legal proceedings (against);
statement, declaration, announcement, commu- suit, lawsuit
nique, bulletin); to give, grant (an interview)
to adduce, present, advance, offer, (~-~ J~i t'! ~:J1 ~ if:J1 ~~ ~~ (.$;:n ~~ : .~~~
give, make, use (as an argument, plea, excuse,
declaration ...:h
pretext); to plead, invoke, allege, claim, maintain the
- -- ..... f.
to testify, give evidence or testimony, o.l~ J.ll prosecution
-- ... ..... ...... .- black-eyed (~1) ~jj
to vote, poll, cast a vote, cast a trJ! :~~ J.)'
~~e.-')- ~~I
~ . incorporation, embodiment, insertion,
introduction, putting in
- -

~.)e.-')- J~.ll
J\,>. ~l :rti.J)
0 f.

to walk or set out at nightfall

... ..... ....
~ ;L : d Jl
-- .... , f.

merger, merging, amalgamation, ~~:it&,~]

,.... ... _. ...... ,.. ... - .... , 1:
~u t.) e.-'; -~u ~,)' consolidation, uniting, union, joining, junction,
--·· .........
to unsheathe, draw, pull out r? I , .) .r: ', J.::...! :Jl Jl
.... ~ .... :;::;-
juncture, incorporation, integration, fusion
assimilation, contraction, diphthong, [w] i~&,~J
to be or become pitch-black,
pitch-dark, gloomy, tenebrous
ri1i ,~;.! :~j! dipththongization, syneresis, synizesis
to incorporate, embody, insert,
........ f.
J.:;-.)1 :{.j) ~,)1
-"' 0.
...... _ . introduce, put in
.. -
e.-')- r,)'
,.. -- to merge, amalgamate, consolidate,
- _.,-
~ .l : ~ .l I
...... f.

Adam r.JI Y. I : r.ll

... _ ,. unite, join, incorporate, integrate, fuse
man, human being r.)' V!! to contract, assimilate, diphthongize [ .W] ~~i
- ' ...
~, ......... f --:;;
Adam's apple ~.)' e.-')-~,)!
t~ e.-')-~,;.:_,~~ :Uji
-:;'i ,. ... - . .. - 'J
i:u 1 ~ r? 1 :..,..,),

to bleed, cause to bleed

f: - p - ·-·
l.t:...:.:..l 'lj~
~~e.-')- rL.J) to warm oneself
- : lbl
....... f :;::; ... - .... 0 'f
addiction ul.JI to pour, pour out, pour forth, t_,) I , '-:-"' : Ji Jl
,.. J • ' empty, shed
opiomania, opiumism u~ ~I ul..l)

, ,
0!.! IS',s::J I u L. .l! ti.) e.-')- ti.) :ti,) 1
.... ... .. .. ... ,.. 0 'f

,, .... • ~ ·' J .-
to pauperize, impoverish, reduce i])l , pI : c} .ll
:;:; .... • .. ..... f ....... 0.
alcoholism, J;..s::JI j&. ul..l), ..:..I _.PI ul..l)
dipsomania to poverty or misery, make poor or miserable; to
'II"' , J ..... lower, debase, abase, degrade, humiliate, humble
drug addiction, narcomania c.l;:u;JI ul..ll
morphinomania ~ ;,l I u
• J J •
L. .l J
dark, blackish, dusky, swarthy, deep
)'i; e.-')- J~l
~ li : .§ Jl
-. .
heroinomania, heroinism ~J~I 0L.~J
to make free with, take liberties
... :;. -.
addictive ~ L. J) with
dermis, derm, corium; epidermis, cutis
.......... .... ............ .
~ Jl J~ e.-')- J;;; ;~ 'J.~i 'Jt 'J~ :Jji ;;i... ....¢f.
~.)e.-')-~.)' :~.)1 to slander, defame, vilify, asperse, i) :j J.ll
leather, tanned skin
' · ... ... •
t>~.J.o ~ f.;ll : f
... ..
~J e--';-r;.:~t
.. . . .. . .. ....
. .J>..)' --
.... •'1 _._.. o'f
surface ~U;, ~: ~01 _,i }-,-.~~~ ;) to brim, fill ~p, overfill, fill to the brim, fill t; I : t' Jl
..- , '• - ,. -'o
to overflowmg
l.::.o:-.,JJ:!-l:d e.-') - ~,lJi,J] to be or become addicted to; to addict (~) :;~i
then; and then; as, when, while; (and) suddenly, jj (oneseiO to
(and) all of a sudden
~ .. . . human; human being, man :.r-;[
since, as, in view of the fact that, because,!,) I )I , )I
fur ' ' to approximate (to), approach (to), (JJ} y:,i :J~i
near (to), bring near(er) or close(r) (to); to advance
then, at that time, at the same time
(toward), move (toward)
if; whether; when, whenever
~~e.-')- z.,.,) 'Y~! :J~i
(and) suddenly, (and) all of a sudden, (and) _, I )I
; ~ ~~e.-')- y) 'Y;:i! :J~!
.. ~ j
in case (of or that), in the event (of or that), I.. 1~1 nearer, closer '-:-'.)1 :_;JI
if, provided that; when, whenever; whether ' "" ... ....
~~.)~I;-··~_,'":-':!.) :c}.)l
unless, if not, except when, except if I~ I ~I ~ ~
.. • .. ~ "" .. --. j
lower, inferior, subordinate, J,&.:.l , .k-1 : c} .)I
whether, if sub-, junior; nether; bottom, rock-bottom, foot;
therefore, hence, then, so, in that case, thus, 0~1 :I~ I
consequently, accordingly ' '
last; lesser; minimal, minimum; under; below
below, infra, hereunder, hereinafter,~
- I.. ,j :o~JI ..
to hurt, harm, injure, damage, wrong, prejudice, 1.5~1 hereinbelow
.. , j ~""
damnify, endamage, disadvantage, dissrrve, do minimum; lowest, least <}.)':II ::.J. I

harm to, cause damage to; to annoy, vex, offend, .. , "J , o 'f ' I• .. , 1 !. ,.,.
minimum wage(s) <}.)~I .~":"':II , J.P. )ll c}.) ':II ::.J_ I
trouble, irritate, molest, harass, pester
"'" ... 'f , • ;;;

harm, damage, injury, hurt, wrong, detriment, 1.5jl the Near East <}.)':II .;~I
lesion; grievance; evil; nuisance, annoyance, .... ., ., J ,I •••

trouble, harassment
~I ~I; -oWl
___ , ....
J .~.)1
to disssolve, melt, liquefy, thaw, fuse
- f
~_,.. e.-'; - .~.)' u,...;:;.tt
,, .... ... . . ·" ;;;
dissolution, dissolving, solution, melting, to be or become seriously ill ~.r .J..:.!.! :UiJI
liquefaction, thaw(ing), fusing, fusion
March IJ"; I.. :.;1 jj ............... "" "",'f

to spread, propagate, disseminate, - -----·

~ ( ~ ' _r:. : t' j I
to astonish, amaze, astound, ~, Ja)l :v.aJI
surprise, flabbergast, bewilder, startle, stagger,
diffuse, circulate; to announce, annunciate, stun, perplex, baffie, thunderstrike, dumbfound,
proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, release,
herald, make public; to reveal, disclose, divulge,
strike dumb
e.-') - t;l
. ....
make known

. .......
to broadcast, radiobroadcast, to be or become black, deep-black,
.. .
transmit, air pitch-black
to telecast, broadcast, televise, black, deep-black, pitch-black, coal-black .),...1 : raJI
transmit, air ... ... ..
UAb e--1; - .;,aJI
spreading, propagation, dissem- (~,)::, :~1~) f

ination, diffusion, circulation; announcement, man of letters, writer, author ~IS':~;)'

;;; .. J •
annunciation, proclamation, promulgation, polite, well-mannered, well-bred, '-;-'.);.. : "'rl:l
publishing, publication, release, making public; refined, cultured, cultivated, polished, urbane,
revealing, revelation, disclosure, divulgence civil, courteous
0~1; iA
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliill·illi!i!iJliMIIII*illi0';il.,illiMII-IIIIiillft¥111111!11111111111111111111.. +-tMMifhttiMuifW&itJ"Rti¥
-- "'.. .... • .. --:;..... :;. ..-f.
to degrade, lower, abase, u ~I , L) j> I ' p : :Jj\ broadcast(ing),
debase, humble, humiliate, dishonor radiobroadcasting, transmission
to subjugate, subject, subdue,
........ :l
telecast(ing), broadcast(ing),

uJ:! _:,.J.j
... .
4 . :. . .
:~ IJ I.. .... -:

subordinate, conquer televising

- ,J;;J J ~ ...

degradation, lowering, abasement, . ·~:J'S~I radio, radio ~~~~\~,~,..::.~I~], ~I~]

~' ·
debasement, humbling, humiliation station, station, broadcasting station
having a small and turned-up nose u.Jj\
-· t
television, TV w;. ~I~ I
... 0 "" ....

fJ I 'f, :;1 J .... 0 )I :;. _. ., ..- I "' :;. _.. . , ..- _..

to allow, permit, give permis-


cP J
;;;:. ... _. .--

'~: ~ u~l
..- f;
_,1 u""l.;.;.l !~ JJ J..; ~J~ •r.; :~)~ ~~~]
sion to; to license, authorize
..-...-_..II ~ ..- 'f
ci:Cular; publicity - - c. L.::;:
to listen to, lend one's ear to ~! :~ J I JJ u? I broadcast, radio
to know (oO, learn about, hear of e :-!. -u?tI
- -
to make taste; to make experience or JJ..i.! ~ :Jijl
, .... .......... .... ... f

................... ,, ·' ::;. .... - ..

e-1)- ul &._,1, 1..6' ~J..b- ~.} ~ J.) :"'! u?l suffer
;;; .- ..-f.

-! ~~~ call to prayer o~l JJ tl~ :uljl

to inform of or about, tell about, notify u:1 e-1 1 - (u:1 l..J~) uljl
, .... , __ _.... ... • 'f .- ,.. • f.
of, acquaint with to wither, shrivel, wilt, wizen,._k..i:! ~, lSJ~I: ..kjl
... .... J J • J :;; .... .. ... -
to foreshadow, 1..6' ~J..b- y.} Js- J.) :-; u~l sear, fade, dry up
foreshow, forerun, herald, portend, show signs of,
~ .
J~.)! e-lr .JI,;.j~
be a sign of something to come; to indicate, show,
imply, suggest, hint; to warn
• :f ... - • ., ....... _
).~~ e-lr).~~
to be on the verge of, on the brink ul &,_,1 :-! u~l
lemon grass (c.~)~~)
of, on the point of, about to, close to
to call to prayer -~I
.. ..
. . :;. t
uj\ L)~~ e-IJ - (ik:·;LI) L)~~i
• :;; J. J ,, ::;;-: ..- ~ , 'Ill ... •• .,
ear ~l~:uj\ I.SJJ t'!'"IJ - {yl.rJI C;!)l ~) lSJJI
.... ... .. • f
handle, ear ti::.:..: , ~ :u:1 to throw ofT, throw down uAJ I : L)J ~I
cynoglossum, hound's-tongue (c.~) ~}~1 ~,1~1 to shed tears (t'-~1 ~I ~) L)~~i
d- :)Uall JJjl

(':?...,-:. ul~) ~~0:1

..- .... .... , :;; -- ... 0

abalone to mute, drop excrement

(c.~) u;.~~~
plantain (c.L.;) - . 01~1
. L):J.I
calendula. marigold

verbascum, (great) mullein, velvet( c.~) y~l 01~1 cowslip, marsh marigold (c.\.~.;) .UI 0,;~~~
plant, candlewick, Aaron's rod submission, submissiveness, yielding, u~j)
water plantain, alisma (c.L.;) ~I 01~1 surrender, giving in, deference, obedience,
compliance, acquiescence
forget-me-not, myosotis (c.L.;) )ill 0~1 ... :;.-- ... _.. 0 f.

.. . . .,,1 J ........ _rJ e-1 1 - u~ :~jl

- ~t... ~~ OJ~\ ........ j

.Jf J I I to submit to, yield to, surrender to, give in to, J ~.)1
otitis 0~~1 Y~! succumb to, defer to, acquiesce in, obey, comply
therefore, hence, then, SO, in that case, thus, I~ I : 0~1 with, accede to (someone's wishes)
consequently, accordingly ' '
., . to kindle, inflame, light; to stoke, i i , ~i :j~i
permission, leave; license, permit, ~) ';jG-1 : uj\ stir up
authorization, warrant ·~ ~ to remind (oO (."!) )'~ :(-t) }~i
leave (of absence), furlough ;~ e-IJ- }~!
to want, wish, desire, will, be willing (to); to
seek, aim at; to intend, purpose, mean, have in
'JI.J I '. postal money order (..1,!~1 ~l;J~1 c:) ..1:!~1 0~)
- - , 'f
mind treasury bonds, treasury bills ~~I 0J)I

~) ';~ ~ '.~ .. _< :iiJI)J

will, volition; wish, desire God willing, Deo volente
..... 'J , • - ........ :;; J -· t
decree, edict, ordinance, act~~ .rl 'rJ-r :o.)I;J ~) ~I; - O"WI ':-'li~l
..- _.. J I, _... ,. J I _.. _.. I .. t11 1 "" _. _. ..-I _. ,...I ..

abulia o.)l; ~I ..W , o.)l; ~I ui..W..

~ ~
to sin, commit a sin, do r?-1 '~:, ~;! :~~~
.... _. '-:.' wrong; to commit a crime or an offense; to be
willpower o.)l;~lii_,i
• guilty
strong-willed ii~l)~l ~~ otic, aural, auricular

voluntary, volitional, volitive, free, freewill, :.SJI) I ~ ~I; -

"' .............
J:,! ~ ''-"~)
"' .
...... f.

willful, intentional ... f. , ..... .,

.... :;:;.... .... .... ·~ .... :;;.... .... _,."i
to take away, remove, eliminate Jl jl :~~I
tJJ ~~;- t)l ,u,_.;. :t,.l) .... :;:..... ... .... .... .... .... • .. - -. f
to astound, astonish, amaze, .r.:>, ~ '~.)1: jA~I
to shed, spill, pour out, effuse ~ '~ : ul)
stun, flabbergast, startle, stagger, shock,
shedding, spilling, effusion, pouring out or forth ~I)J dumbfound, thunderstrike, strike dumb, baffie,
.... '1J J, ....
perplex, bewilder, confound, puzzle, confuse,
bloodshed .l.. :.J I ~ I J! nonplus, distract
~ 1)
..... ., ......... j
Aramaean; Aramaic to make forget, cause to forget ~1:~)1
;:;:; .... .... .... ., ....... f. .... ...... .... • f.
to tighten ~~F-1:'"=") to wither, shrivel, wilt, wizen, sear, fade, J-!)1 :(5_,~1
to be skillful (in), skilled (in), l~l.. 0LS' :(_-!) y) dry up, decay
proficient (in) 1.5~~ ~I; - ~?i
.... • J , f.
..... -;.f.
purpose, aim, goal, end, objective ~:'-:-') (5)1 ~I; -~?I
wish, desire

' :y;l '. • auricle, atrium
auricular, atrial . yt'
~I · ·~t jj::: :' ··~1
,..,..,ul ~I; - '-:-')
., . auricula, bear's-ear; primrose, primula (~~) ~~1
limb, organ ~:':J.J! :;; , • J.... -

mind, intellect, brain, reason,
are t'r ~ ~ :)
to show, demonstrate, display, exhibit,
present, produce, bring out
-J> -'~ :1.5.J I '.
intelligence, sense (~I) Y~J ~I; -(~I) yl)i
~~! ~I; - .~~ :y~J . . ; :; . . . 0. . . . . .
to misgive, fill with doubt or ..1;.1 I ~ t' J I : y I;I
to tear to pieces, tear 4~J 4~J (~ Ji) ~j:
asunder, dilacerate, shred, rip apart, reduce to
arabesque ~II .' '.
tatters, cut into slivers
to increase, augment, grow
•.... . . J--........
~J .I:! j.! ~ : ,,,u I ..-of. lies; false rumors; disquieting news ~I) -·

to exceed, be more than-r .)lj, -r

.... .....
.... ....
u\;1: ~ (S'JI
... to rest, give rest to; to relax; to ease; to relieve ( I.J I
' ,t

(oO, disburden (from), release (from); to spare the

confusion, confusing, confounding, I!JL..J,
·I trouble (oO; to soothe; to comfort, give a sense of
disconcertion, discomfit(ure), discomposure, ease to
perturbation, upsetting, flustering, flurrying, relief, relieving, release; easement, easing; ~I))
perplexing, puzzling, baffie, baffling, bewildering; soothing; sparing the trouble toO; resting, giving
muddling, jumbling, complication, complicating, rest to, relaxation
M3dlj3t' :fZ.;~··.t,lk#bji!llljiMfMt@MNH*+·MNiM

to suspect, doubt, question, ~ :(~, ~, ~) ~lJ~!

distrust, mistrust, have or entertain doubts or
• 'I
knot, tie, bow

- • • --- li
misgivings (about), call into question, be suspicious
(oO, be skeptical (about) necktie, tie, cravat

to be satisfied with, ~ 0t1!, ~::: ;~ (_lJ~! cunning, craft(iness), artfulness,

pleased with, happy about, glad about; to like; to shrewdness, subtlety, resource(fulness)
... 'J ~ 0' . . ' . .
feel at ease about
... _. ....
rl_r..! ~~) -
-... .
... ... ...
~~) ~J ,~1) ..i>l: rtJ!
..... ... ; ., ...
'-:'JI ~IJ - ~I '~ :~J)
... ~-- ...... 0 t
C!J ~I) -~;I
to frequent, go frequently to, ~J ~~): C\5::: JlJ~! dingy, dust-colored; cloudy, dull, dim (0,;1.11) ~)
visit often or habitually ... • 'J .... t
~;~I)-~; :~lJ~! puff adder ~\j~l:..l.!)
....... j ... 0 t
~;; ~I) - ~;; :~\;~! ~;~~~)-e)

tobeorbecomefrightened,scared, t_) ,u\:o. :t_lJ~! Wednesday (iJ:!) ~~~~~ '~~~~~ '~~~~~

terrified, horrified, panic-stricken
J ,.. - ... ... ... 'II ' ... - 0 four (!.)~)
correlation;J> l,.jj '4i~ '~ 'J~! 'i j~ : .b~'J! .... :f ' ......
relation, connection, bearing, connectedness, quadrupeds t'J ~I ..:..IJj
.... f J,l
unitedness, union, junction, link(age), linkup, .... 'J

attachment, association, conjunction, liaison; tie;

centipede ~.:r.-~·u 1 J e) i 1
interpenetration fourteen (H)~~)
engagement, commitment, forty (t .) u~)
the fortieth 0~~ ~I
liaison officer
ceremony marking the ~~~I<.S) ~, 0~~~1
disengagement fortieth day of someone's death
correlation coefficiel]t Lent · -·~1 •·-
~J i~
...... •... ..... :;;... ... ... 0 j

confusion, disconcertion, discomfit( ure), 1!.14~! to confuse, confound, disconcert, -.k-4 , ~ :du I
disquiet(ude), perturbation, agitation, uneasiness, discomfit, disquiet, discompose, disturb, perturb,
fluster, befuddlement, embarrassment, perplexity, agitate, upset, fluster, flurry, befuddle, embarrass,
puzzle(ment), baffie(ment), nonplus, bewil- perplex, puzzle, baffie, nonplus, bewilder; to
derment; muddle, jumble; entanglement, snarl, muddle, jumble, unsettle, mix up, complicate,
tangle entangle
tocorrelate;toconnect, ~~_.; ·~!·~~)G :~~! inguinal
join, unite, associate, link, attach·, couple; to be or
shrimp, prawn; crayfish, lobster
become connected, joined, united, linked,
associated, attached, coupled; to interpenetrate groin
... ' ..........
to be bound, tied, fastened, made fast, ~J: ~ J!
attached, moored
to consider, judge, think, ~~, ~J, ~! :<.Si;~!
believe, hold, be of the opinion (that); to find; to
to bind oneself, commit ~)!, ~ :(~) ~~! deem appropriate, think proper
oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself; under-
take; to be or become bound, committed, tied,
to suggest, propose ( ;.i! :I..S~ ~!
engaged to consider, contemplate, reflect ~ ~ , ;,'~ : <.S ~ ~!
to be or become confused, confounded, d:,;'
. )_I on, meditate on, ponder on
,. ~ o'l ,_.. ~
disconcerted, discomfited, disquieted, disturbed, to see; to behold, view, descry, catch r'-! I : I..S \:; J ~
perturbed, uneasy, ill at ease, agitated, upset, sight of

to withdraw, retreat, fall back, ~1), ~~ :~·~! flustered, flurried, embarrassed, perplexed,
draw back, move backward, go back, retract, back puzzled, baffied, nonplused, bewildered, at a loss,
(away), give way; to recede, regress, retrocede, at one's wit's end
retrograde, retrogress ... .... .... .... ..... '£ .... -· • -- .... 0 f.

J I ~ ~ _. ;;:. _. D I _. ;:;i _.I r:}J ~IJ - J...UI , J.UI :~.JI

~L,., JJ (cll!l _,1 ~I) .iiJ! •J.!l.. .~-' JJ .iiJ! to be tongue-tied, ; ~I ~ JC~ ! :~ ~~1
to revert (to a former condition, to the proprietor)
speechless, unable to speak, struck dumb, dumb-
to rebound, bounce, (.;A~~~~~)~~! struck, dumbfounded; words failed him
bound, spring back, recoil, ricochet
to shake, quake, tremble, jolt, jar, vibrate, j:;.! : ~~!
to apostatize, (tJJ ~+ _,i .;: ~) ~~! be shaken, be convulsed
tergiversate, renegade, defect (from), fall away
(from), renounce, forsake, desert, recant
shock, concussion, convul~ion, jl?! :(~·~!
to retrace one's steps, turn /,~ •~ _, i ~ ~ ~ ~!
jar(ring); tremor, trembling, shaking; vibration
back, go back (the way one haS come-from)
and they retraced their steps ~J~j ~ ~~~~
(cerebral) concussion 21 (~~! '~ '(~~!
to wear, put on, be (tJJ ~~ '~~) ~ :1.5~·~! t~~! ~I) - -~~] '~~ :c.~~!
clothed in, be clad in; to dress, put on one's backward, reverse ~ : ~ ~~!
clothes, get dressed, clothe oneself .... • .... , . .... J "' •
retroactive, retrospective ~ J ~_,..4.. _,j : (,f'~J!
wear(ing); putting on; dressing, getting __,..J : .I~.J! ·' -- 0

dressed, putting on one's clothes, clothing oneself tremor, tremble, trembling, quiver(ing), u~~I
' J J .... .... 0 quake, quaking, shudder(ing), shiver(ing), shak~: -
withdrawal, retreat, fallback, t~ J '~I; : ,:,I ~.J!
shaking, quavering
moving backward, going back, retraction, backing
improvisation, extemporization .1.;..;:;1 :J~··I
(away), giving way; recession, regress(ion), -·- . _.)-
retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression; return extempore, extemporaneously, ~L,.:;.
~L,., JJ ~I _,i jJ-1 ~~~~!, ~l.. -~J JJ ~~~~! oflhand(edly), impromptu, without preparation,
reversion on the spur of the moment
rebound, recoil, bounce, bound,(i~~l ~) .)~~~! extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, ;_,J~·~!
ricochet oflhand(ed), improvisatory, improvised, extempo-

o.)! ~IJ - tJJ


~~ _,1
.... " 0

._;r.: ~ .)l.iiJI
"' •
rized, ad-lib

to be deterred (from), prevented (from), (~) t_',..;·~!

~~~! ~I) - 9~~!
----·· ....... :;:; ---· ....
restrained (from), inhibited (from) e.-) ~I) - .)~1 '.)) :~·.)!
to gain one's livelihood, make a ~ jJ ~ : ~)'~! to tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, ~~ : ~~!
living, live (on or by) shudder, shake, quaver
to come out, come to light, appear,~, J:;, :~~! to improvise, extemporize, ad-lib, ~~! :~·~!
show, emerge, manifest itself, reveal itself, present deliver oflhand(edly) or without preparation, do
itself, be revealed, be manifested, be expressed, on the spur of the moment
find expression, take expression; to be or become
visible, manifest, evident, clear
~~~I)- J~~!
to obey, submit to, abide by, -I :-'~I -- :• I
.r ("""'J_ ;E;-: J_;..~ ~I) - ~~!
comply with to loosen, slacken, sag; to relax; to languish, ~·~!
to be ordained, droop, flag, lose force or vigor; to be or become
consecrated loose, slack, lax, limp, flaccid, flabby, languid
to cross, make the sign of ~I ~~G. J ;.:. ~ : ~ ~! looseness, loosening, slackness, slackening, .~··I
the cross sag(ging); laxity; relaxation; limpness; languor,
- .... • ........ .. - ............ 1 ........ 0

to take bribes, accept a J.1 ~ , o_,:.. J ..i> I : ~.J! lassitude

to lean on, rest on bribe, be bribed
bribery; venality ~L:;· I
to ascend, climb, mount (up), scale, rise, ~ :~-~I . .J,
go up
rf'~ ~IJ -~~ ,~ ,~ :r~·~!
to advance, progress, make progress, ~~ : Jj ~!
develop, rise (in rank), be promoted ~~~I; - Z/;.; , ~ , ~~:_; :~-~!
to accede to, ascend (the throne) - • ·:II .._,.)_
(.)'"../"'"' . I .Z' ~~ '~~ ~IJ- ~~!
advance(ment), progress, development, i~ : ~~·~1 ~1) ~IJ - ~-~!
rise, rising, promotion
ascent, ascension, ascending, t~J!' )~: ~~J!
. ~, . ~~ ~IJ- ~~!
, ... ., 0 0

rising, rise, going up, climbing, mounting, scaling collision, clash, crash, bump, i)L:.; 'i 1 ~! :~~.J!
impact, hit
accession to the throne U'•" •_,.:II. , t lA;,J,
L- • to collide (with), clash ~J:, ,(_-!) ~:.L! :(-!) ~~!
~_; ~IJ - 1.;-'~.J! (with), bump (against), bang (against), strike
~) ~IJ- ~~! (against), knock (against), hit (against), run (into)
to graze, pasture, grass U.. ~:) : 2. UI <. •i
commission, commitment, committing, uts::J'
··- t.J

perpetration, perpetrating to graze, pasture ~~ : (i:,.;. Ul <::=--) ~-~!

support; abutment (on), leaning (on); (~) j ~-~! tremor, tremble, trembling, shake, shaking, ~~~!
resting (on); reliance (on), dependence (on)
,__ "' . . shiver(ing), quiver(ing), quavering, thrill
fulcrum; prop, support ·I.(; I iJ..A.;
J. ,J to be or become frightened, scared, u~ :~~I
terrified, horrified, panic-stricken
reaction, response; reflex, ~t:...:::.l : ts::;' I
. . - - ()" ,.J-
unconditioned reflex to tremble, shake, shudder, shiver,
, ... ... 0 0
quiver, quake
relapse; deterioration, ~I_; , U'"K.?! :U'"~J!
decline, degeneration; regression, retrogression, to tremble, shake, shiver, ~~!, Z .;~~~! :~-~!
retrogradation, recession, retrocession quiver, quaver, thrill; to flicker, flutter, waver
~ JJ •
_r.J J I Jo _;. U'"~J!
..,J • ,. • .... ... • • • 0 .. ,

conditioned reflex, ~I nse, nsmg, gomg up, )~:j!, t~, )~ :t~.J!

conditioned response lifting, ascending, ascension, ascent, towering,
soaring, uprise; increase, rise, hike
reactive; reflex ,,
hei~ht, altitude, elevation; highness, ~ : t~~!
loftmess, exaltedness; loudness (of sound, voice,
-;. ...
,, .
to commit, perpetrate ;:_;-::1:~'1
altitude of a triangle t l.i.;_)_I
~- . .J,

to lean on, abut on, rest on; to J) -,·.::.:.!: ~ ~~!

hypertension, high blood ~y:JI ~~ t~~!
base on, found on, ground on; to be based on,
founded on; to rely on, depend on, count on, draw easement, servitude; [uyli] J~~'ll J;.. ,.;~-~!
upon; to use, employ common

')) ~IJ- ~ ,:z! :j;~! symphysis [......1]

i - -- ,J-

to rise, go up, ascend, mount (up), tower, ')t, : ~~!

to relapse, suffer a setback; to E.-I) , fi! :~~! soar, climb, uprise, advance; to skyrocket; to be or
deteriorate, decline, degenerate; to regress,
become high, lofty, elevated; to be or become loud
retrogress, retrograde, recede, retrocede
to quicken (~I)~~! toprofitbyorfrom, ~ ~\.2.! '-! ~! :-! ~~!
benefit from, avail oneself of, take advantage of,
~1) ~IJ - rs:;~! make use of, utilize, use
to continue; to adjourn -s;.f ~ JJ -s;~ ~ ~i to be thrown, cast, flung, hurled, tossed ~~: ~·~1
to flop, throw oneself, fling ~ (). : ~ ~ ~
oneself; to fall (down); to prostrate oneself
postponement, deferment, putting ~t:.~~! to be immersed (in water) ( • UI .J) ~~!
off, delay(ing), adjournment

o)..l..DJ _,I

_i.! ·~
:~ .J]

to receive (take, hold) in C;.~ ~~i :(.-;)J1) :;·~!

' '
pledge or as security
continuance; -s~1 .~ JJ -s;~ :~~~' to be or become subject to; to
- .... - .......
~ ~J~ , ~ ~J I
be or become dependent on, conditional upon,
eclampsia ~-II 1' 'J I -Gi "~-. : · ~·1
.i ~.
'- :7' j c--''C .J. contingent upon; to plege to, bind oneself by, be
bound by
eclamptic ~~~I
return(ing), giving back, restoration, -~~ ~ , ~~ : t ~~I J' ....... 0.
restitution; sending back; bringing back, taking artesian (well) ~jly')
back, turning back; putting back, replacement,
replacing, placing back, laying back; reinstatement, ._,..,;~ ~ IJ - ':-'~·~I
~ 0 v / , ... ~ / 0 f. satisfaction, gratification, pleasure; relief, ease (~~!
to swing, rock, sway, fluctuate, ~ J~ ~ :~)
oscillate, vibrate, seesaw, teeter, wobble frequentation wK.: JJ ~~; :..)~~!
I - ---~.--·i tJ ,-.,;_;. =t~~l
~)~) ~~ . ·~) tj~ ~IJ -
-- .... • 1. _. :;;' - :;.1.

"' ' '- 0 1. • 10
more likely, more probable 'l~l ,;S'I :~,;1 to light, kindle, ignite, enkindle t.J,..:.I : J U I ,:;...J I
' ... - • j • , ............ :;; ~

preponderant, predominant, superior, ..,..JI.i. : ~) to sow dissension among, stir up .....,.j I : ~ ..:.. J I
outweighing, outbalancing discord among, set people against each other
;;, ... J ~ • 1.

preferable, preferred, (more) j..;.L. : ~ J I inheritance, heritage, legacy, bequest; patrimony; ,:;..~ J
acceptable, having more in its favor succession
' J.. ...

most likely, most probably, in all ~r<' ~IJ - ..:..)~1 ~rD

probability • ' '.I
(strong) likelihood, (strong) (~,j) J~ I:~) orthodox
probability; odds, chances, prospects
0 J .. :>- - 0 f
the (.reek Orthodox; the Greek ~~~~~~ ;_,)1
preponderance, predominance, 0 ~J : ~J I Orthodox Church
to return, give back, restore, restitute; ~~~ , ~~: ~)
to send back; to bring back, take back, turn back; orthodoxy; the Orthodox Church
--~-- .... ... ,. • - - f
to put back, replace, place back, lay back; to to be fragrant, exhale 9 ~I J ~ ..:;..,.. \.; : C~ I
reinstate, reinstall fragrance, exude a pleasant odor
to attribute to, ascribe to, refer to, J) I~ : J) ~ J I
. _..-
1 - ;;, - ;;, f
to light, kindle, ignite, enkindle t.J...:.I : JUI C.JI
trace (back) to, impute to - - • f • ,_.... :;. ..
:.. - ,f
to sow dissension among, stir up .....,.j I : ~ (J I
...s~l ~)~I)- ...s....:.a.ll ~)

to spread
spread lies or false rumors
discord among, set people against each other
i::!;~' ~~)-c) '.
disquieting news; ..,...:J:. =c)
to - ;;, ' '11"' f

',I fragrant, sweet-smelling, ~1)1

purple ul~) aromatic, odorous, redolent, perfumed
'.l - :;. f f, • j

to postpone, defer, put off, delay, adjourn J_;; I : ~)


purple ,.,;1~.JI
.~I ...:.OJ _,i J~ ,i ;.; t.)
swing; seesaw; cradle 4.:.-~) to suspend

Jordan argon ;s.j~ ~:u;.)

-" -'. l
Jordanian .; ~.;~ ~~l; ~\) -~)
r J 0 ~

slate ..)1., ~.;~

more merciful ~)
U~l .;.,) ~~ ~~) - U~l .;.,) ~) the Most Merciful ((,od) (.JJI) ~ (JI ~)
to reject, discard, cast off [~~ 'i:>J~) to date (a letter, etc.); to write the history of; to 2)
lower, viler, more despicable

the lowest, the vilest, the most despicable

J~ J ~I
to predate, backdate . l.. .
'-"' -~!
c.. -[J'i
worst part of life, decline of life; decrepit~\ J~) to postdate .
.._,.,.. ~ -~)
. c.. CJ'·'i
old age, feeble age to loosen, slacken, unloose, unstring, ease off; _;;.)
rice to relax; to lower, drop, let down
, .... _... _.. 0 1:

ricebird, bobolink to let one's beard grow, grow a beard ~ ~J I

cedar loosening, slackening, unloosing, unstringing; .I.>~ I

relaxation; lowering, dropping
sledgehammer ~~~\
larch (~
. .......::.)~·J·j
j .r.-· .. )

to anchor, moor, berth, place(~.(,li _,i ~-. / l\) ._,:..) .... • • _.. .... • 1
at anchor to find or consider cheap or ~_r:-1:~)
_.. ;;. ~ _.. -- l _.. • l
to establish, found, settle, stabilize, t"' J , ~\.;I : c.f"' J I • i . , _ _.. _.. • 1

anchor, secure firmly, fix firmly, firm up, to facilitate to, make easy for; to .r I J .J ~)
consolidate, make fast make possible for; to pave the way for.
* _.. _.. ~ •i
to knock down to, declare ~ tJ! I JI;. c.f"' J I cheaper, less expensive
,_.. cJ
:i..JS J I L:.;
to "' _.. , .-f;

Ji I :~~I
_.. ~

someone to be the successful bidder

to fell, throw down, bring to the ground, ~:.,.:., : 1.$~)
anchorage, anchoring, (.)')1 _,i (./II) ~L..~! knock down, strike down '-
moorage, mooring, berthing · ·
to destroy, ruin
establishment, foundation, settling, ~:) : ~ l.. ~ j
.. .... J • 1
stabilization, fixing, consolidation to kill, fell Jl.::i o IJ)
~; ~1)-~L...~! worse iJ)
·-- • f

sending, dispatch(ing), expedition, C::...:.: :Jl...~l the worst IJJ ~I

forwarding, consigning, consignment, shipping, ·
parataxis [:w] .-q., .j J.:~l u~_,~i J~J :ul~~.~
emission, sending out, ._;jj ' CI;.! ' JJI1! :Jl.. ~ J ardeb ~J~:~J~I
discharge, release, emanation canal, waterway, watercourse, conduit, oG :;::,~~I
sluiceway, aqueduct ·.
transmission (..JJ:!PJ J:!JIJ) Jl..~J
Jl.. ~I j~
tile(s), baked brick(s) ~ j :;::,~ ~]
transmitter, transmitting set
---, .. :.. _...
cesspool, drain, sink "-'-_,Jl; :~~J!
~ ~\) - Jl..~/1 ~ _.. _.. D:Ji _.. o' O1

to follow with, follow up with, cause to ~I :-! u~J I

consignment, shipment :J.:.; ~~ J~ :~L..~! be followed by, cause to follow or succeed
~. .· tJL.'
_.. - _.. - •1
mission; expedition .._ ) 'I to follow, come after; to succeed ~ : .._; ~ J I

~~ ~\)-~) to add, say further uL.,;,i: (±\.;) u~)

o Je 1.

YO ···· I
''-rr"t..l yA-J

surface-to-surface , ground-to-grounc.1
. . ..
.):>;I _.):>;I aristocratic; aristocrat ~~)~) -~1;,:.)
Jl" I j
~I :. ~-· i ,I.:J,I :/: i
surface-to-air, ground-to-air ¥':" _.):>;I aristocracy .. ;J,_; .. ~)
... ;. _.. -- .1

underground; subterranean .):>~~I ( c1=-) ~ ~;~I;- ~;I

_. "" ,. " _,.. - .... 1
~ : J,..; I
0 j

geophysics .):>;~I Y, ~ to send, send out, dispatch, expedite,

forward, consign, ship, send forward, send away,
WaJ I - . ..;,;'i ~ send off
~) '"" ... ... ... ... .... f "' .... f "' "' • '

to satisfy, gratify, please, content ~) toemit,sendout, 0..i,j '[?I ,_,u.l :J-;1

discharge, release, issue, emanate, give off or forth,
satisfaction, gratification, pleasing, contenting .l.Q~J diffuse
~ ~I; - .l.D~~I ~ to transmit, air
:;;__ - -- ' f

breast- feeding, nursing, suckling t \..Q ~ J to let hang (down), let fall, hang (down), J) :J-; I
,.,. - '" , " 0: let down
~I :i...,_ ::i..c_,l
• ""~--.... ... "f
to send for, call for, call (in), ill
. .,J·J-"'i
termite, white ant .~ 4l...i :;;..;, ;I summon, demand

to breast-feed, suckle, nurse ~) to light, kindle, ignite

'- _. ... •1 , ..... - ... :;; '

~~1 to sow dissension among, stir up .......; I : ~ J-; I

terrestrial; earthly; land-, soil-; ground

ground floor
' ..
~;I -Y.l1 _,I ;J)
(" ') ".
discord among, set people against each other
guidance, guiding, direction, directing, leading, JL::.~ I
"" 0 1 ....
showing the way (to), conducting, piloting, ~
underground, subterranean '-"";I~
:;; ·:. '" ' ushering; instruction; advice, counsel
~I; -~;~1 o}JI u I)\.:.,~ I
directions, directives, instructions
artichoke (ul.;) ·:.f~ ~) ' J

:\1inistry of National (,uidance ~~I k ~~I o~l~_,
• 1 -" 0"
floor; ground ..,., ;I :~_,I
to guide, direct, lead, show the way (to), LS.:U. : ~)
• ... '· - :;; • 1
storage ...Jjll r-J :~;I conduct, pilot, usher; to instruct, teach; to advise,
artemisia (ul.;)
. .. )
l L.U' archivist u...;..
· I

.. )
hortensia, tea-of-heaven (uL;). ;c_j;1
.. )
archimandrite ··
.2;•..... ;;.' i )
to graze, pasture, grass \...~; :~lil ~)
'-·- , .1 meteorology ..;~1 )La~~~~-~~ ".li...c)
to listen (closely) to, hearken to, give or ........_. o~ ;I ~;.c!l- • t ~ '11 _. ... J -" • 1

lend one's ear to, pay attention to meteorologic(al) o~,Jj.:ll )La; ':I~~ :-,?Jl..c;l
~;.-!:!... • 1 ... "" • i
frightening, scaring, terrifying, meteorologist o~,J_,J.. I )La;':/~ ~~ : -,?)l..o ;I
alarming, intimidation, terroriling, panicking,
to balance (the account) (~LJ.I) ~)
to frighten, scare, terrify, alarm, 0;:.. :~) ~;~I;- (tJ) ~\..) ~ ::.:O~i
intimidate, terrorize, panic, horrify. dismay, appall
to ground, earth [ • ~ _,.)] ~~i
to make (someone) tremble _._.:;:;. ~ : ..... )
earth; land; ground, soil; terrain; area;
_._.:;~1 ~I; - ..... ~1 region, territory; country
to make (someone) tremble ,.:·~·
. ·...,~)
...,....... .}:!
. .::...'1 the Earth

lightheaded, frivolous, flighty, ~\1 :.f) floor

"" ... :;; 0:;; , • -
hemostasis L) r :J I ~ .rJ I ....U _, : • \i.J] 0

harebrained, giddy, heedless, careless, inconsid-

_.;;:; , :t ... 0 .... .., -- ... -- _ ..... ~ erate, thoughtless, reckless, rash, foolhardy,
aphid, aphis, plant uUI ~l}.~.c. ~ o~ :.U.;I temerarious, imprudent, indiscreet
to put to sleep; to put to bed; to lay down :..i) to desist from, abstain from, 0" w;.;:, ~ :0" i.S.,&.~I
refrain from (sin, error, etc.)
.... _..:>i ... ..-of.
to layer, propagate by means oflayers u U I .U) to repent ;:,.,t:;, ~~ :i.S~~I
variegated, multicolored, parti-colored;
mottled, speckled, flecked
dappled,~.J I -·· erg
J...c. _,I
~ ...
~ U.
o-'>- _, t.;l

to dance, make dance ~) ;) '~~ e-1)- -~~ ;j )..., :~)

... ~• IS .- o 1
;;:; ... , .... j
to foam (or froth) at the mouth, flame ~ j I_, d' J I
speckled, spotted, dappled; piebald, pied, J..i r : .bi.J I
up with rage, fume with rage, flare up; to threaten
leopard, panther (,;,IJ-::-'"") ~: J..i)
.... .- 0 ~
compulsion, coercion, constraint, _;j , o I j j :~~~I
force, forcing
burdock (uL) u;.1i~i (J.) ~~ ~)
e-1) - (J.)
--. f, ... 1
~i '~ji: (c¥) 1:.i)

stupid, foolish, imbecilic, idiotic; fool, ._;--1 :t~.)l to compel (to), coerce (to),
imbecile, idiot, simpleton constrain (to), force (to), oblige (to)
J'~ ~~) - uls) organ
... , ,. . . ._
t:A.-::-:-,.. ;JI: _}.;I
, .l

reliance, confidence, trust ~ ' .> ~ ~ : uI.S'~] ergot [~] u;,)

"' ,. , 0, ... 1
to ride, mount, make (someone) ~:;. ~ : ~) argon L)j~ _ra.;...c. :u_,i-.)1
ride or mount
:.;~ e- I) - :J)
to trust, have confidence to adjourn, rise, be adjourned; to be J~ , e~ :~~I
concluded, closed; to break up, dissolve, scatter,
in, place one's confidence in; to rely on, depend
disperse, disband; to be dissolved, broken up,
- -- ... 0 'f
scattered, dispersed, disbanded
~ )~ ~I) - ~.)1 higher; loftier, more exaled, more
:;:;.... .... ... ::;,_. f,

~) e-1)- J: :~.)1 sublime, more eminent; superior, supreme,

• 1 -;;,I paramount; top; upper, uppermost, topmost
molar teeth i f I_,...;, I : ~ .;1 to enclose (with), attach (to); to accompany ("") ~)
to gnash one's teeth ~~~~ J:;,. (with) -

-~~ :~~i .._,;) e-1) -~!'£ :.L.~..c. :~~i

incineration; cremation
(f) e-1)
~ ') : .>L.~) to get no sleep, find no ~L,; 0i ~6~·· ~ ~ ,
sleep, be sleepless, suffer insomnia
:.i) +:
to incinerate, 1~, .>l.~ JJ ~;;..,: J-;,i :~) .... ::;, ~
<.J) ~I) - J,;l
cremate, burn to ashes :;:; :;:; :;:; .... j

to be or become ashen, ashy, .>l.) ..;>~ ).,., :~~! ~~ e-1) - ~~ '~~ :20
ash-colored, gray to soften someone's heart, move, touch, ~ J)
~~ e-1)- ~~ :~~~ arouse pity or sympathy in, fill with tenderness or
-- ... 0 1 mercy
sore-eyed ~ J : ..-. .J I
"' _.... ...."f
to make sleepless, deprive of sleep, keep
ashen, ashy, ash-colored, gray L);L.J: ..~..o) awake
... .... ,.1.
dirty, filthy, unclean, soiled, sullied t-:--': ..~..o) insomnia, sleeplessness

~~ e-1)- J~ ::_,..:.~i sleepless, insomniac, awake, unable to sleep J) , J)

~J! vv
1W1f¥f qa:,~!'Jjf@'s; t t·a "+$,··)tjk?\A ::,f,jS!fWbilqjj!jtj·,~·~"filki\jbi:AW$!L¥. .§0ti1'·' ·@J?:¥1'· ,,! ·.f?1@<{d;·Jt,
_. .... '1 ~ 0 f
long, work day and night, burn the midnight oil, sore-eyed ~) '..~..o) :~)
burn the candle at both ends, work like a dog, do
e-- ,J?I
... ..- ..- ....... 'I - .... 1


to burn; to scorch, singe, scald, :~_;\

double duty
.- -- ... ... -. sear, char
(JI'J ~\;-.)A)
- ;;1... ... ... -. 1
lSJJ ~I J - '-c' _;.. , .;.- : lSJ)
~~·~~~I) - .1.,~)
, .. widow

spiritual(istic); spiritistic; animistic; animist;

(JJ ~I; - (IJ)
-~1_,_;1 .. Armenian

Armenian c·~~ W!1 =~·~~

..... f

spiritist .. ) ••, )

spiritualism, spiritism; animism ··" I . i rabbbit (wlr.>) ....j)

'-::'!- J)
... ...... - .... j

to stink, smell bad, be malodorous ~I : (JJ I hare

.Jl , ... , • J' "" ........ '
hibernation .L:..::JI ..::..~ ,..:...L.J :jJ) guinea pig, cavy ':?~..,_;)I

(wlr.>) ~)
• 'I - •• f
root; origin; stock, descent, lineage, j.;.:.l :;... J) female rabbit; female hare
ancestry, strain ,__4;'~ I
•• J ......... 1
Li J I
__ ::;:; J ... J1 tip of the nose
stump, snag, stub -~~~J)
• " 'II terror, terrorism; terrorization, terrifying, ":-'\..~)
counterfoil, stub. tJJ JL...,!~I Jl ~I ~J) J ..- J f,

scaring, frightening, intimidation

mountain sheep I 'j I ' •. ('
~ ~
·1 terrorist(ic)

Aryan ~) terrorist

.... -

J,...&. : ~:?)
sign(s), indication(s), token(s), .::..l..clA~) .~\..~)
mark(s), symbol(s), symptom(s)
skilled, skillful, proficient, dexterous, ~\... :~_;\

exhaustion, fatigue, ~~J '..1:1~ ~ :JlA~)
weariness, tiredness; (over)exertion, (over)strain,
intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever, stress
smart, sharp
cunning, crafty, artful, subtle, shrewd,~ I~ :~;I
' . burdening, overburdening,
oppression, encumbering
resourceful to terrorize, terrify, horrify, scare, u_p :~_;\
"" ::;.-- - ..- • j

frighten, intimidate, dismay, appall, overawe

fragrance, scent, perfume, sweet CJ.w1
... ·-~)i ') _. :;:;,... ....... , j

smell, aroma, redolence to thin (out), make thin ._,; J : UAJ I

.ll;.,(..j:~) _.::;:; _. ..- - .'
generous, liberal, munificent, to sharpen, make sharp ~..~.> : .__.;,. J I
openhanded, freehanded 1
to listen (closely) to, lend or JJ J I J ~I ui.Go ;I
" _..;;. .... - 0

J .... ... ..:;:. ..... j

generosity, liberality, munificence, ~~ 'i~ :~_;\ give one's ear to, pay attention to
openhandedness .... - . j "' - ........ _. _..f. - - •"
..... - - 1 to exhaust, fatigue, .Ap, I , 1..~:~~ L..; ..,._..;I : JaJ I
couch, sofa, divan, settee ..u.A.. :~)1 weary, overtire, wear out, tire out; to(over)strain,
• - .- 1.
throne ,_;.~ :~;1 (over )exert, stress, overwork, overtax, overtask
_. .- tf - _. • f.
to burden, overburden, encumber, Jc- J,A; I : & ;I
[ .L,>i] ~)
blastula, blastosphere
to simmer; to buzz, hum; to whiz, hiss, wheeze,
oppress, weigh down on, bear down on
to overexert (oneselO, exert oneself to ...._,;_; & J I
,_ ............. j

whir; to fizz; to ping; to zoom the utmost, subject oneself to great stress, burn
opposite (to), facing, in front of, face to face with, ol~) oneself out; to overwork, exhaust oneself by too
before, vis-a-vis; in the fal:e of; toward(s); in view much work, work too hard or too much or too
))T VA

throng of, with regard to

to crowd, overcrowd, throng, congest; to (~) r.;."J)1
swarm (with), teem (with); to be or become
to remove, dislodge, displace, move aside, put -(I)
aside, lay aside, lay out of the way, drive away,

overcrowded (with), congested (with) push away, pull away, throw back
to despise, scorn, disdain, contemn, misprize, i,j~"Jjl removal, dislodgment, displacement, putting ~I))
disesteem, disrespect, look down upon, turn up aside, pushing away
one's nose at; to slight, belittle, disparage, make displacement (._,..A.i] ~lj!
little of, make light of
~;j ~I; - ~ljll
, • .. - ;:;;... ... ... f.

contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision .I.J.J)1 .~1 • ..:,_,.. :Jijl

contempt of court ~I ll ;.) j I azedarach, chinaberry (~)~~"JI)

~ : JI.J.J)1
... f.. --'· f
swallowing, gulping, gobbling, ingurgi- to roar )j :))
tation, deglutition
loincloth; wrapper; wrap; wraparound; veil; .;1))
transplant(ing), transplantation, graft(ing), t}.J.J)1 cover(ing)
implantation; explantation, culture
to deflect, deviate, swerve, cause to deviate -·
- -.
JJ • .... , •
heart transplant y,l&JI Jl ~I tl;;j1
to remove, eliminate; to do away with, get rid Jljl
to swallow, gobble, gulp, ingurgitate ~ : "J~"J)1 of; to put an end to, end, stop; to relieve; to clear,
take away, take off, take out; to wipe out; to
to transplant, graft, implant; to explant, culture t_:, "Jj1 dispel, disperse; to iron out, smooth away or out
~j ~I;- ~"J)1 to deodorize (~):.Jt) t.s(JI Jl)
(jJ) ~j ~I;-~~ :(jJ) ~"J)1 to depilate; to shave (offi

... ... f

\Aj ~I;- ~(i ';s:; :uA"J)1 to decolorize; to achromatize

... ,;;i
-:,_,.1.11 Jljl
... ....

boom, prosperity, flourishing, heyday ).a.J)1 removal, removing, elimination, eliminating; ~ ljJ
to flourish, thrive, prosper, boom ~' C.: :j. "Jj1 doing away with, getting rid of; putting an end to; ·
... "" - ... --. ' .......... relief, relieving; clearing, taking away, taking off,
~j ~1;-J.;.I =~.)j! taking out, takeout; wiping out; dispelling, disper-
dualism, duality, duplicity, doubleness, (IJ.J)1 sion; ironing out, smoothing away or out
... -- _. - - f,
pairedness; doubling, duplication, gemination to flow, run, stream Jl.. ''..S?. : !.:J)
diplopia, double vision ~I
...... .J

hairy, hirsute, shaggy
. 'I ,•
,;::; ...
... ...
: I..J. .)"I
• A
Y'-' ~

double or dual citizenship or

.. :.
Y,l (I J; j!
• .J •

to foam, froth, cream

nationality _. 1 f ..-..-of _.. 1 j
,.J .... "' • ..- :;; , •
tF) ~I;- ~jiJ tF)
double taxation ~~ (IJ;j! ·~~~ (IJ;j! ... -- 0 f
to drive, urge on Jl.. :IT.')
(IJ;j! ~I;- ~IJ.J)l
to pair, couple, join, form a pair; to double, ~J"J)l
to push, shove c!.) :cf." j I
.......... -- ,'J

duplicate, geminate; to be or become double, to extend or present t'J

}2.11 Jl ~I
--. J " --:;. :;;
cf." j1
.. 0 f

twofold, dual greetings (compliments, thanks, etc.)

increase, increment, growth, buildup, aug- .l~.J)l ~j ~1;-J:. .~i :J;..)
mentation, swell, rise, hike -- ,.... ... J... - "
~lj ~I;- ;:5 , )5 :
to surround, encompass, encircle,
environ, enclose, embrace ::;; ~I)- GIJjl
to strengthen, fortify, invigorate, brace ?.) ~I;-?.Jl :?,"Jjl
to support, back up, assist, aid, help; ;..~.;, 0:;~ :~) congestion, overcrowdedness; jam; crowd, r~J)!
, ' ~... ,... ... ... / / • f.
to cause to have or catch a cold 1:.,) r ~ ~j I : to champion, advocate
0 f. .-~ _.. .,.- t* I 'f ,_... "" _.._,.. ~_..f.

to stumble, trip, cause to stumble or slip :.,Jji :J) to button, furnish )Jj~~ .~_,:_;' I)Jji.J ~ :.Jjl
with buttons
~-'t - ... f.
;cJ j I ' i.U : J jl
... :;; .... ... ~ ~
eternity, sempiternity to wrap up, cover, clothe, veil ~~ ·~:)jl
... _.. -.f.
;:;;- .... :;:;
to bolt, latch, bar, lock e-1) -(.$_,.; : )jl
... :;. ... _.. .... t
to near, bring near w.):Uljl :;;' 0 f.
strength, might, power • _,.; : .)jl
)j e-1)-Jb.j ,J) ::,lji back

j :;; ...
eternal, sempiternal, everlasting, timeless, _..... $ ... ... ,_.. 0

:.:.. e-1) -~)jl ~:.:.. ··J).;;,.

ageless; uncreated

eternity, sempiternity to derogate from, put down; to disparage, -! i.S.Jj I

belittle, put down; to degrade, debase, abase,
to aggravate, worsen, complicate, lower, humble
strain, make critical
to blue, turn blue, become blue ~~jl
chronicity [ J] (tJJ .'--"";) ul.))
blue J~ji
crisis; emergency; deadlock, impasse, 4:.ji .... ... ... ... • f.

stalemate sky blue, azure lS-'l- JJ)

0.... ,_.., ....

to determine (to),~ , ~;: (~ _,i ~ _,i ;. ~I) t-) the blue, the sky, the .Lt/,11 .t.JI, .Lijjll
decide (to), resolve (to), make up one's mind (to), firmament
be determined (to or on), be resolved (to or on) blueness, blue, blue color
... f. ' / 0 j
polydactyl(ous) (':""\..:.~1 ~lj :t"jl cyanosis
to be chronic, inveterate; to last long, (.::,.: 0\5' ::;,. ji disturbance, troubling, bothering, annoyance, ( ~ ))
endure harassment, molestation, vexation, irritation;
/ .-f. ... ... • ... _.. 0 f.
to stay at, remain at i lt I : 0 K:.l ~ 0-' jl nuisance, inconvenience, trouble, discomfort

osmosis ~:.;.,.:) to disturb, trouble, bother, inconvenience, &)

annoy, harass, molest, pester, vex, irk, irritate,
chisel; drove ~]! upset, disquiet, discompose, discommode, incom-

~j e-1)-~8 ,;,s:; :uA) mode, faze

to bother to, trouble to, take pains to, <1.-.A..i ~ j I
,_ • _.. ....... f.

~j e-1) <,.Aji, G :~) take the trouble to, go to the trouble of

·~·-q ~: .;,_·.j
).j~ ,:_.Aji e-IJ-~LA)j thin-haired .JA-' .. , ~.)
• ... '!} .... ... .... j

florescence, effiorescense, bloom(ing), J LA j j scoundrel, rascal, rogue .;.S._,,..I>!;-'.;:.:..1")

blossom(ing), flowering, flowerage
t-hief, robber, burglar
=..,aJ : ..!" jl
_.. ...
to bloom, blossom (out), flower, effioresce, :,A j I , ;. ji
be in bloom ~j e-1) -~ji
... '.- _.. • f.
shining, luminous, bright, brilliant, radiant ;;.. : _,.Aji to come, approach, near, draw near, I.,J.) : u j I
impend, be imminent
)lA)) e-1)- ).J"jl
Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day.~ t:J.j I ; ~ : ~ j ~I
to destroy, crush, suppress, put an end to, kill :,A) doomsday
_..:; _ ---·1 --·"
.y ~:;j~ e-1)-.y ),.:;~ to make swallow &.·&.l:r~jl
J J-
azote, nitrogen U:f>:--' _;.;, : u J jl tS'j e-1)-~lj .G :j)
. ' ...••..... ,_"I ;:;; ... ;;:; ... ... 0 J
azotic, nitrogenous ~-'r.' .,.,.Jj <.Jj e-1)-~ :<.Jjl
to misunderstand, misapprehend, ~I .-Ci ~\) c'-')1
misinterpret, mistake
to mistreat, ill-treat, maltreat, abuse, a c;.: .ci c::Jij e-1;- 'J.:~ '0) :[jji
'"I ....
to deviate from, depart from, uL. 'u Y.:, l :,:r J;ijl
..- ¢ :;:, o
treat badly
offense, affront, insult, outrage; wrong, in jus- o;::L., I turn away from, turn aside from, swerve from
.,.. - 0) ' '
tice, inequity, oppression; injury, harm, damage, inclined, slanting, oblique; crooked, (J-'A '~L.: _,;~)
hurt curved, bent, twisted
• I ' r·· o -; .~ ". ~
?}-~I; squint-eyed, cross-eyed; walleyed up- I: JJJI
to make flow, cause to run hum(ming), buzz(ing); whiz(zing), wheeze; fizz;
ping; zip, zoom
strap, thong ; L!
myrtle (..::,L;)lY'l
~~J (~.;JI) A-'Ll ' ~ I
.; foundation, basis, ground(s); groundwork, I :i..r'l
basis, foundation, ground(s), groundwork, base; i..r'L... I base; infrastructure
footing; infrastructure, substructure; root, bottom;
exponent, index
origin, cause
base, radix [ ol,c~;] LYe\ to nurse, treat, cure, remedy

merits [ 0 ;.> l; ] (<.5; ':0 I) lY C.\ to make peace between, reconcile,

> • ; bring to terms
tax base; basis of assessment i lY L I
~1;- :),2Lc:i,T'1
•• " II li
fundamentals, basics, ..:& 1_,.9 ' •<.S~L... 'J.,..., I : u-1
to console, comfort, condole, solace, offer <.5~ : i..$'"'1
rudiments, elements, essentials; principles; rules
•• t one's condolences to, express one's sympathy to,
on the basis of, on the grounds of, I:$ _Lr C i J..r- give comfort to
on the strength of, based on, relying on, pursuant
to, by virtue of, in accordance with, according to
;r 1
(t:J) ~I ~) J :rc\ ') o _.

unfounded, ~IJ :~if

groundless, baseless
to help, aid, assist, support
-- l.. :if" ~1
cornerstone, foundation stone e-' '(_
grief, sorrow, sadness, distress, depression, 0 ~ : '..11"' 1
fundamental; radical; basic; essential; ~ L.,i dejection, unhappiness, dolefulness, gloom(iness)
elementary, elemental; principal, main, chief, ___ .... o; _...-;: ~~;:<!_., _,-1
to do badly ~\_, IJ 0-"" I ~: ;;l.
prime, primary, cardinal, major, key, master,
capital, leading, foremost; crucial, vital; substantial, to spoil, impair, damage, harm
substantive; organic
to wrong, oppress, do wrong to, do evil to; JJ
cornerstone, foundation stone ~c.i~ to offend, affront, insult; to harm, hurt, injure,
-' I
1;-- u,.;l9 damage, disadvantage, do harm to; to spoil, impair;
to disturb, trouble
~'•; ~LJ to mismanage, maladminister,
to wash down, swallow easily; to take, swallow, misgovern
stomach, stand, brook, tolerate, put up with to abuse, misuse, misemploy, misapplyJ:;_;I
~~·:.: ~
to grant, comply with, accede to, fulfill (4.J-' ~)
to misbehave, behave improperly or u~l
(someone's request or wish)
to make flow, (cause to) stream, flush
to misinterpret, misconstrue J:JOI Ji ;:C\
to shed, spill, pour out
to mistrust, distrust, doubt, suspect;
to liquefy, dissolve, melt to think ill of
to resent, take offense, take umbrage; to be(~) •S I liquefaction, dissolving,
offended, hurt, displeased, annoyed, upset, vexed, dissolution, melting
_,. ... c ~
indignant to weary, bore, tire ~I:
),..- Jl ) .., '""' "' n ""o
to ask to come, send o J~ ~ ' <..:F.:..::....,~ : iJ
to graze, pasture, grass GU1 ··~

static ~-S! .:r:st hibernation ~t::J1 _. :~l:.l

. "
monopolization; appropriation, exclusive ) . . :.~.· \ club (~I J~j J.) $ '~j
power or possession; preoccupation, engross- spinach (c::-L)~~J
ment, absorption
exclusive, monopolistic Spanish; Spaniard L:..J
to appropriate, possess alone, take exclusive ~ ,;;_:.1 Spanish ¢t.: ';Ji Wll :;¢~~~
r "" • 't 4 1i
possession of; to monopolize; to preoccupy, to hibernate


~\ :~1

occupy, engross, absorb, take up, seize, take hold

of to enter on the Sabbath ~I J ~b.~ ;;..:·J
) , .
rent, lease, tenancy; renting, leasing, hiring, .J alcohol, spirit _,:,·r.-" l
taking a lease on
aspirin ~.;.1
charter, chartering

to rent, hire, lease, take on lease, take a \S

to bestow lavishly upon, Jc ~~ , J.:. ~~ C:: :
grant (to), give (to); to impart to, lend to; to
lease on or of attribute to, ascribe to; to make
Jl ) _.., ... ~ 1i
to employ, hire, to perform the ritual ablution properly ~y.OJ-11 ~I
engage the services of
to charter ,:J I : j J.,
;._.- J:. ~
j \ 1~ a- -_;,. L:. I
··.-. ..., • -"
J.;L e-1)-

to sublease L~ U' ~ ~~ priority, precedence, antecedence, seniority ~~

to request postponement; to ~ Ul ;:,J1 :J,;.t.:.:. I to lower, drop, let down, let fall ~LJ\ .
seek to delay to shed tears t-~~ J:.~
. to ask for (call for, appeal for) the
help (assistance, support) of
-: 0 I: to ear (up), form ears t~)i J,:..:.:
, ) I
to take, receive, get ~ , i:.\ :I.S~L l sea bream (d._, ..17:-".,1
professor; teacher; lecturer, reader; master; Mr. ~I.::J week r'--.r.w
. I

assistant professor Passion Week ~ ;J';i I ' " i

ledger [:;).i] ~L:.:. ~~ ;-·~ weekly ~;:.1
weekly, every week, once a week, by the 1$-
~'.•.. ~,
asking permission ui2I j week, per week
leave-taking, leave 01_,;':1L 01 ::~· ~ .,:;; ~~ ~ 1;'!"' _. ); ~?- - .. :; i
weekly ~r.-1 ~ yl ~ :~.r.w·
'!' -~'
to ask permission 0~)'1 :u~l.:.! weekly wages :~.r.--1
" /.

to take leave (of), say goodbye ,. hite lead, ceruse r.l~l

.__ ... "
to ask permission to enter someone's
house, etc. anus
--~. ,__. II


c=============~· ~ ~~1
appeal [uyli] (l5~~~ Ji }il) ul·:~·! professorship, professorate, chair; mastership

court ofappeal(s), appellate court uL!::.:.I ~ geotropism ~I :.: I , ·1 ·,.: I

.. , .r-'- ~ .r-'-
appellate [uyli]~l·:::.l to dare, venture, take heart, take courage; to :..:., S1
become bold, daring, strong, tough, mighty; to
to be or become sociable, friendly, ~ ).~ ~
i : . J..::.:.! demonstrate one's strength or power; to display
amicable, amiable, genial, affable, Polite, kind, the courage of a lion
nice, gentle
to domineer, bully, browbeat; to
to be or become tame, dominate, control
extirpation, eradication, extermination, J~ I
to like some- j,.~, ~i, ~i: ..:,Jj Ji ~ ~t:.! uprooting, deracination, rooting up, rooting out,
one's company, like to be with, feel at ease with; pulling out, plucking out, extraction; removal,
to get along with, get on intimate terms with, excision, ablation (by surgery); -ectomy; abscission
become friendly with, become intimate with; to 0::;> , • 0

associate with, mix with

mastectomy, mamectomy l)...::.liJ~!

to get used to, be ~i , )~ :..:,Jj Ji ~ ~t:.! hysterectomy

accustomed to, be habituated to, take to; to be appendectomy, ..;~J:Ui ~~(~1 J~!
familiar with, acquainted with; to familiarize appendicectomy
oneself with, acquaint oneself with
to draw upon, ~ 0~!: tJJ t,:.~ ~t:.! thyroidectomy ~~~~~~IJ~!
resort to, make use of, rely upon nephrectomy 4S:JIJ~!
to consult, ask or seek the ;~C::.:::.:.! :~~~ ~t:.! tonsillectomy
• ,... ,. . 0:;;.
u;;j~l J~!
, • •

opinion or advice of, counsel with, take counsel

with ovariectomy ~IJ~!
to listen to, hearken to, give or ~ i :~ ~t:.! cholecystectomy ;;~I)IJ~!
lend an ear to, pay attention to - -- , ..
to resume, renew, recommence, ~ \,; : ~ Sl gastrectomy -~~J~!
continue, begin again (after interruption), go on to uproot, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, ~t:.!
with, carry on with, return to, take up again, root up, root out, deracinate, pull out, pull up by
reopen, reestablish the roots, pluck out, tear out, tear up, extract; to
to appeal [uyli] (l5~~1 Ji fJ.I) ~t:.! remove, ablate, excise (by surgery)
-",... ,. - . ~

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of, ~! :JA S!
be worth to seek someone's friendship :_Jt.:_ I
~c..;~~)-". :.·I
form, application form, application o~ ~I
~ ~~)-~! ,__ ,.. 0 •

trust, confidence, faith, reliance J.Y J ,~ : u~I

to deem lawful or permissible; to ~ ~ - ~I
. ;~ : ( . .
permit, allow, legalize, legitimize; to consider to seek protection, ask for
_ security or safety
public or common or ownerless
to violate, desecrate, 2;. ;j~! , :.,.S) :~C! ~!~I)-"' ~J :~t:.!
profane, defile I- - <.: I
I 1- - - t.:. -I
to proscribe, outlaw, declare killing =:,) ~C!
someone lawful to take one's time, act slowly, slow down; to ,j l:.1
to seize, appropriate, confiscate, ~L.-C1
(. -
wait, bide one's time
expropriate resumption, renewal, recom-
permission, legalization mencement, reopening
• -·~ d",c,;¢,;h•,0},

to find strange, odd, queer, ~-·.:·1 :t--.·:·1 violation, desecration,

. ..tA--- . -
unusual profanation
to replace (by or with), substitute (f~r), (~) ! ;:.r ? proscription, outlawing
put in the place (oO, displace (by or with); to
seizure, appropriation, confis-
exchange (for), commute (for), receive or give in
cation, expropriation
exchange (for), take as a substitute (for); to barter,
trade, swap; to trade in; to change; to alternate anticipation, forestallment ( ~;.; ~~) J~!
, ,- ~- , , J' - .-. I
tocornmute ~J.)~'IJA& ~- ;,c.; ~1;-;,c..; :~~!
to ask to be absolved • '- ,, • '- II • •,---. 1
~ I~ wI ._,....u:> : ~ _r:- _ to cause to urinate J;; ~ :J~!
from, acquitted from, exonerated from, discharged
from, freed from, released from, relieved from, (~~I)~ ~I;-~ , ~! :(~~1) u~!
exempted from
(;,~1) ~ ~I; -;_s-~~i , ~~ :(;.~1) 0~!
(~) ~ ~I;-(~)~!
to see a good omen in, regard as a
good omen to be or become (~)~'I~?, 0\S" :(-o~) "?!
death defiance; heroism JL+-! arbitrary, despotic, tyrannical, autocratic; to rule
tyrannically, manage dictatorially; to act auto-
to defy death boldly, risk one's life, show :.CI cratically; to tyrannize (over), oppress, domineer;
extreme courage, be heroic to have one's own way (in)
to regard as auspicious, see a good omen in, ""i ~-,. ·_:: ·!
to overcome, ;:;~! ' ~ ~;.;2.! :""i "(' !
regard as a good omen, regard as portending good; overwhelm, overpower; to carry, grip; to absorb,
to rejoice at, be happy at, be cheerful about, engross, preoccupy, occupy wholly, fill com-
welcome pletely, take up, seize, take hold of
to consider ugly, find repugnant
to possess alone, -1 )t:.! '-1 ~~ :-1 "::·!
~ --- 0 0

;;~ , _,-..:; ~I;- .Ji.41 appropriate, take exclusive posSession ·of; to

-- 'i I ---'i .-- ·::I monopolize
~ ~) ..~"""'-!
to be or become opinionated, head- .... '1- •~
_-, I
-: -"! . -
to look attentively at; to reflect on, ;t ~ :~ ~-a~:' ! strong, stubborn, obstinate, dogged
ponder (on or over), meditate (on), contemplate, despotism, autocracy, absolutism, ,)I •'. ~' ·!
consider carefully, cogitate, muse (on or over),
totalitarianism, dictatorship, tyranny, arbitrariness,
pore over, speculate on, think. deeply about
to be shrewd, perspi- o~ I~ 0lS': (j) ~-a~:: !
despotic, autocratic, absolute, totalitarian, ~:ll ~!
cacious, perceptive, discerning, endowed with
insight dictatorial, tyrannical, arbitrary, highhanded
.)1_.:;.! ~I; -~:ll··.~··!
~;;: ~I;- ia?·!
to find slow 1-; ..6! ;~ j :~I
substitution, commutation, replacement, Jl ~:-' !
displacement; exchange; barter, swap, trade-off,
penetration, delving; fathoming, bottoming, u~! trade; change, changing; alternation
getting to the bottom of
commutation ~ J~4 ~~ ~li_.;.!
introspection, self-examination [~] w~!
substitutive, commutative; alternate ~I t: :-' ·!
introspective; introspectional [ ~ ] :.,.; ~!
to penetrate into, delve into; to fathom, ~-!.: :.·•! to admire, marvel at, wonder at, ~~ ;~ : t?!
regard as wonderful, consider marvelous, deem
bottom, get to the bottom of, know thoroughly, amazing, be amazed by, be fascinated by, be
understand completely dazzled by; to consider novel or unprecedented; to
to introspect deem unique
;:.,121 At ,)La:.:.::.. I
. . - ~ @,'"maq~,J
M i AM ~ 4$& jiM&HfMMt!AH*MitiN',§Hilb#TfiifP\,;' ".

- - - -·

o;U) , ;UI
- - . - --.
~I;- o.;~! •.;lZ.:.:..! removal, taking away, setting aside, putting .l~!
aside; elimination, disqualification, dropping; ex-
to make sure of, seek to :J~ ,Jt.; :(~) -" :~:.· ! clusion, ruling out
ascertain, verify, check, examine; to seek proof or
to set aside, put aside, remove, take away; to -,-,·:.· .1
confirmation or reassurance; to be sure of, certain
disqualify, eliminate, drop; to exclude, rule out; t~ -
of, convinced of, confident of
regard as unlikely or improbable; to consider
to act slowly or carefully, take one's J~ ~::• ! :;_ distant or faraway or remote
time; to be careful, patient, deliberate
,~ ... ........ ...- ........ to anticipate, forestall, foresee
to find heavy, hard, burdensome, ~ ~! , ~! and deal with in advance
troublesome, oppressive, cumbersome, onerous, -.. -c.;
I>! ~)
I ----c.;
-.. <· I
unbearable; to find irksome, bothersome, irritating,
vexing, annoying to make stay, ask to stay; to detain, hold back; .}(: ·!
tJJ ~UI; •.. }>.;,; =A4:•! to retain, keep, maintain; to preserve, conserve; to
reserve; to spare, save
exploitation, utilization, use, J4! :.; ~! retention, keeping, maintenance; preservation, ,1;(:'.!
turning to account or to advantage, profiting by or conservation; sparing, saving; detention, holding
from, benefiting by or from, capitalizing on, back; making stay, asking to stay
trading on, tapping, taking advantage of
to make cry, move to tears ;.15::; ~~i: ~!
usufruct t~')l j;. •t~! :;~!
tJJ ~l.. ;..lj :;.2.! ~ ~~J-~a?·!
to invest
questionnaire; poll t ~! :ul .. ::.' '!
to exploit, utilize, turn to ~ ) G.;:.! , J,:.:::.:.! :~!
account, turn to advantage, profit by or from, referendum, plebiscite .1-::' ! :0 I.. ::' !
J . . . 1i ,. .... ....... -- .........
benefit by or from, make a profit from, capitalize ..
to ask someone to repent y .H uI ~ -.,...lJ. : ~.:JI.=:..!
on, trade on, tap, use, make use of, put to use, take
advantage of, avail oneself of
_r-:, ~I;-.)~!
to exclude, except, rule out, make an occultation (~!ill) Y~! :;\~~!
exception of
exception, exclusion ,,.~.:.I to stabilize; to be or become stable, ~! :•. :.:: !
stabilized, settled, constant, steady, regular,
except, excepting, with the exception of, ~' ·~ .::· normal, orderly, in good order, calm, quiet,
save, but, excluding, with the exclusion of, peaceful, smooth
stability, stabilization, constancy, ;lh!: ":J! .:·:' •!
without exception regularity, steadiness, normalcy, order(Jiness),
~I · ~:·',! calm(ness), peace
exceptional, extraordinary, unusual,
uncommon, rare; phenomenal; special; emergency to entail, necessitate, (tJJ ~~ . :~<) ~j2.! =t·::.!
involve, imply; to cause, occasion, bring about
asanexception, . _ -. '.lo-'
Cl·: .. _ -. ·I-
.J-'4 ,Q!·: J ...... • .. 0 • ... ..... .... ....... 0

exceptionally to ask to follow ~ wl ~J -.,...u. :~!

emergencies; exceptional cases ;:..; ~IJ- :2-!
emergency session, extraordinary to hide behind, shelter oneself behind, take-! -;2!
session cover or shelter in, seek protection in
J ..... ·-- • 1 .... .. ...... ... ....
exceptional circumstances ~ wl ~l ~ :~!
to ask to follow
J yl~!
to respond to, react to, act or feel in to seek or ask for a reward ~t ~ ~ :y~ I
response to; to show or adopt a favorable reaction
to, be favorable to; to grant, comply with, accede to recover, retrieve, regain, get
to, fulfill, consent to, agree to, accept, hear, carry back

for; to arraign, summon, subpoena (to court, out, answer, meet, satisfy
before a court); to ask for (something to be response, reaction; compliance, granting,
accedence, accession, fulfillment, consent, accep-
to get, obtain, acquire, procure, ~ ~ : ~ l ~:_:.! tance, hearing, carrying out, answering
gain, win
conditioned response [ ~ ) ~ I),.1 ~I~:=. !
to import )),....._. . . - Ill' 'IJ..- }:;, .... _.. .........
to consider good, think good I~ • .IS. : J~!
to attract, draw, win over, JCI.~i;.:~l
to seek protection or refuge (with); to seek (~) ) I;;:.!
... • • 0 • ....

enlist, magnetize, charm, bring over

(ask for, appeal for, call for) the help or ·aid or
to recreate, take recreation, relax, rest, (1;:.! :~~! assistance of
amuse oneself
to request or ask for permission,~)~ ~I~:)~!
authorization, approval, license ·
.. ... J:;:;- ,.. ........
to be covered with to consider permissible, I}~ o..~S. : j ~!
vegetation allowable, lawful; to deem possible
recreation, relaxation, rest, amusement, fun I :.. • • .\ - •· I - 1.;2..1
r~- ~e.-J-'.};.""-
to gather, collect, rally, band ~~ I , --- :--' :: I
~ ~-
together, re-collect, muster up, summon, call forth,
- ~ e.-') -I~~
~1..,.. <~!
call up (one's strength, energies, thoughts, etc.) ~ e.-')- G.~ ,i), :·~::.,
~ e.-'J -J,::. •LS?! :~! ~~ e.-')-~~ :·.~::.!
to be covered, veiled, concealed, ;..::: ! :~! to beg, ask for alms ~ • J..2.! :'-'~!
hidden; to cover oneself, hide (onese!O
~ . .
~ e.-')-~..,_...):~!
,,. "" .... _..., :;:; ... ,.,. to beg, •
~ ~! 'JJ t~ JJ ~;; :'-'-,~:· !
entreat, implore, beseech, supplicate, plead with,
to deem ignorant ~ ~ :~ : ~! solicit, request earnestly
J-- • • • •

interrogation, questioning, J~!: "="''~!

begging, beggary' J,..; 'J~!: -'~!
mendicancy, mendicity
hearing, examination, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, J-- ... :f, ........ • •

investigation; interpellation (in parliament) begging, entreaty, imploring,t~ • J:..Y: ~ol~!

~I ~ l:..
y I~!
.. beseeching, supplication
to seek to clarify; to try to discover ~! :~!
questionnaire ./.~~:! :yl~! or find out (about); to explore, investigate, search
into, inquire into; to clarify, clear up, throw light
to interrogate, examine, question, ::;'~a'::.· ! :~~! upon; to unearth, uncover, detect, spot, discover,
hear; to interpellate (in parliament)
find out
to cross-examine ~I ~ l:.. ~~-:.:.,!
clarification, clearing up, throwing light -~!
to be ashamed of, be ".::I.~:{'- ) -::I upon; discovery, finding out, uncovering;
r-->- .· ~ t.T'-"- exploration, investigation, search, inquiry
ashamed to face someone; to be (become, feel)
embarrassed (by); to blush, feel shame or
embarrassment; to be or become shy, bashful,
calling for, sending for; , ~:.;.! ":-'~! :
summoning, summons; arraignment
getting, obtainment, ~ ,~ J,:.;. :
•c.;. e.-') - ,G.;.! acquisition, procurement, gaining, winning
to be or become impossible, ~G.:, ~I..,.. : ;:,n;.:;.:.! importation, import(ing) )I~! :y~!
inconceivable, unimaginable, absurd, preposterous
attraction, drawing, .tiCI •Y~ :y~!
J~ e.-')-~!.~ ,J~ :JC! magnetization, charming
J .- J ......... ...... . . •
:~~! ~ .~:.2.! :~!
_. -- , 0 :;:;

impossibility, ~6.... ~~I u_;5', J...i...; :~~! to call for, send


compounding, combination, confection, formu-

.., ..
• impracticability; inconceivability; absurdity, pre-
conjuration, evocation, (IJ;~I ;~! J~ e-';-J~ :~~!
invocation; necromancy; spiritualism, spiritism
... 'II .. , ... • • to like; to find nice; to deem desirable, ~I
brief, pleading; memo- ;,~~ .~~ :;~! consider recommendable; to favor, regard with
randum favor, take a favorable view of; to appreciate
to send for, call for, call in, call, to prefer something to ~~ j&. ¢., ~. ;_:--:: !
-.. . .
summon, demand
.r"-1 e--1;-~1 :~!
... .... . .. .... ........ something else, have a preference for
to recall, remember, recollect, ~! Jj; : )~;.: e.-')-).~~.. !
bethink, revive, call to mind, recover knowledge
~~:..; e.-'.)- ~:.2..!
to conjure (up), call up, evoke, (IJ; ~I ~! invention, origination, creation, innovation, .:..1~ I
invoke introduction, starting, coinage
to prepare, make, ~), ~i :(tJJ tlj~) ~! to invent, originate, create, innovate, 62 I
compound, combine, confect, formulate, synthe- introduce, start, design, fashion, coin
fossilization ~I
to heat, become warm or hot; to be heated, be :,;2..!
) ' ' kindled, flare up
.. .... .... .J:;.... -- ......
to fossilize ~! to consider unlawful, illegal, illicit,\.. I? .~ : r~!
impermissible, prohibited, forbidden; to consider
to entrust to, ~~ :J ~t :(.-;j.JI ~) ~! sacred, sacrosanct, holy, inviolable
commit to, confide to
to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of; ~ t.! :J;2.! approval, approbation, sanction, favor;
liking, favorable regard; favorable judgment or
to be entitled to, have the right to
view, good opinion; admiration, appreciation;
to require, call for, demand, r:,t.! ':. ~ :.;;.:~ ! n. :
to mature,
. :;. " ... .... ... ::;; .........
t'::UI Jl ~~.)~\ ~IJ ;l..:o :~!
commendation, recommendation; acclaim, recep-
tion with favor; satisfaction, pleasure, delight
application of discretion [~')I... J ~;-!] 0 ~!
become (or fall) due, become payable in legal matters
.., • 'II ~ ........
worth mentioning, noteworthy ~.ill~ to approve, sanction; to favor, take a ::,:...;2.!
favorable view of, judge favorably, have a good
duty-free, tax-exempt ~~I~~::..; ~ opinion of, hold or express a favorable opinion of;
merit, desert, worthiness, ;,) I~ ' ~ i :J~! to admire, appreciate, think highly of; to com-
mend, recommend; to regard as right or proper,
worth; one's due; entitlement
maturity, payability, becoming
tJJ Y=-'::UI u~!
, .. consider suitable or appropriate; to acclaim, hail,
due, falling due welcome; to like, be pleased with, deem good or
nice, find handsome or beautiful
due date, date of maturity
j&. J~ e.-'.) -j&. J~!
deservedly, meritoriously, justly,
rightly, rightfully, duly to be or become ripe, mature (tJJ t~)\) ~!
ic., e.-';-..;~~' ;c., j&. ~ e.-'.)- j&. ~!
- ~.:· I I <· :: I
.JA->' e.- )- JA--' sending for, calling for, sum-
to itch ~I JJ G,~::Y.I ~! mooing, summons

J f::
j:..G ,J~!' .)1-s-! :r~!
• • ' • ,,.... •..' ;L~~l e-- 1 ;-~ 'Jt...;.;.l :).~!
increase, buildup, strengthening, consolidation, preparation, making, ~'}; •.)'-~) :;~!
py wholly, fill completely, take up, take one's aggravation; deep-rootedness, rootage, inveteracy
entire attention; to overcome, overpower, over- fortifi- .rl~ .~ :(c.L.~!d r~!
whelm, take hold of, grip, seize cation, stronghold, bulwark; barricade, rampart,
t.f'-'_ e.-)I_--.:·\,~:··
r->- .· ~
.. - mound

~~e.-')-.~! to intensify, ~~ , J:::; , J~::..! , ~! :($~!

increase, grow, build up, strengthen, consolidate,
to wait for the right time~ WI
to seek or request what is good
.... "'
J.4i ~I
cl JJI ~! :~!
. ... ....... - .........
~ : .J \.;.;.:.;.,!
gain ground; to be or become intense, forceful,
strong, severe, serious, critical, aggravated; to take
root; to be or become deep-rooted, firmly estab-
or best
lished, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained
to ask God for proper guidance (in); (j) Jll ):.;:I
to supplicate God to choose what ··is good for
to be or become compact, ~ ~ L,., : ;:5::;2.1
well-knit, firm, solid, strong; to be or become
perfect, precise, accurate, exact
inquiry; asking; investigation, examination; J~!
to regard as lawful, deem
intelligence c.! ) ~I
. - - .- ,.. I ,.. I fl' I J }_. _.. "" .... , _..I

I I }.- _. _.. I I } _.,

to find sweet; to find ~!, 1_,.1> ·~J :~!
intelligence c.\)~~1 jj\5"_, ,c.\)~~1 ii)l..l beautiful or nice or pleasant; to like, be pleased
agency, intelligence; secret service; investigation with, be delighted by
bureau milking
to ask (about), inquire (about); ~j:' '.! , ~! JL : emulsification
to seek or gather information (about); to inves-
tigate, examine adjuration, entreaty, beseeching,
employment, utilization, use, using, J~!: r'~! imploration, supplication, conjuration, pleading;
usage, application, making use of, putting to use; plea, appeal
exploitation; exercise ~e.-')-~ ~JI ~ :u~!
employment, hiring, hire, taking ~ 1.~! u+ :r
on, recruitment, engaging the services or labor of tomilk ~=~!
to employ. use, utilize, apply. make ! :r~! J: ::. to emulsify ~JIJ•-
. • J> :~1
. -
use of, put to use, put into service, avail oneself of; ~ L; :~I
to exploit; to exercise, put into action
to employ, hire, take on, recruit,
~:; =r~·--::.:.!
to adjure, entreat, beseech, implore,
supplicate, conjure, plead with, appeal to
~ ~~)-~ ~ <.;!:..:~!
engage the services or labor of
to submit (to), yield
..- ..- ;ji

~! , ~ : I~! , (.$~!
_.. _. _.. j..- I ,.. I _,I _..I
(to), surrender (to); to humble oneself (before), to bathe, take a bath; to shower, take a ~! :~!
lower oneself (before) shower; to wash up, wash (oneseiO
pulling out, taking out; i-..:.:-1 ,~ : ~..r-:-.
I .;...::.., bathing, bath, taking a bath; J~! : r~!
~ - - .
extraction, drawing out, getting out; digging out, showering, taking a shower; washing, wash,
mining washing oneself
..-I • }_.. _.. - _.. _..I _..I
_. •J _. -- , • •
nephrolithotomy WSJI
.. iib
- (~- I ·- I to find stupid, consider foolish, J.- I ·~ J : ~!
regard as a fool
lithotomy ~81 ;;L:..;.. 1~1
- J
( - - obsession, possession; engross- J I):;...!: ( Js.) j I~!
d.:rivation, inference, ucil, L:;:1: I •. .: I
- ( - ( ~­ -
conclusion, dedution, eduction, gathering, figuring
- ment, absorption, preoccupation, overcoming,
overpowering, overwhelming
out; discovery, discovering, finding out to obsess, possess; to ~ •,~:' ! , ;:;~! : ~y.;:.! Js.
reproduction ~~ :(I).;;...! engross, absorb, engage wholly, preoccupy, occu-
1 ~Mil·"""'il·lltlil..
.. /LJ:tt!:!:::l:lW~J!l!J!B!:::·!:iiO!:!:Z:·:£:x!i~#!1l!J$&'M!ltt!i...i)i:>::;.r5'<4i!iri!ih@!i·!:·:iilix1k!:::::::Jfr!iitiiiii "" . , , . WMf!QU~ ·¥ &, 1 ,.,, , 1 ~·< .,

roundness, circularity, to pull out, take out; to ~;.,:~ ! • ~ : (fo!

circularness, rotundity extract, draw out, get out; to dig out, mine
r'.) e-')-rb :r'z! to derive, infer, draw, ; ,-.:(! • 2'.:•!: (;2.!
conclude, deduce, educe, gather, figure out; to
.......... ' _.
... ....
_., _.
discover, find out, make out
to borrow, contract (raise, ~ .) ..i> I , .;. ~! : uI..J.:.:...! to reproduce :J.:; :(;2.!
take up) a loan, make or incur debts
borrowing, raising of a loan · I ..:i I :.:; I~ I to extract [ c.L,.D~J] ~J~I (;2.!
~.r;-- --
- :• I : i.Sfo -I
to be or become ashamed, abashed, If"-'_
to turn the back (to or on) to find light J:;::·! ~ :~!
,... ...... .... .......... . ...... :;; ... --.
to draw forth, evoke, ~! , ,r-~! , Jlj I : J..J.:.:...! to disparage, ~I ,J2_\ ,.j 0~1 :-!~I
elicit, call forth; to attract, draw, win (over), enlist belittle, depreciate, ~ilipend~ td
slight,- make light
~~i e.-')-)~ ~ :~:2.! of, make little of; to underestimate, undervalue,
underrate; to despise, scorn, ·disdain
bringing gradually, tit:.;.!, y~, ~) :(tJ:.;:.! , #"... 15 , ... ;;;; 15 "" ,::. .. ....

to transport, carry (.,..JI Jl y)all Jl :yt....u..:...!

bringing around, persuasion, inducement, leading
away, entrance, enrapture, ravish
on; drawing, attraction; allure(ment), enticement,
lure, inveiglement, winning over, baiting, tempta- ~·~!e.-')-~!
tion, seduction, seducement, invitation
.. ,, , ' --
'·~! e.-')-·~!
. ..
invitation of offers u"'J?- (IJ~! U:;.:i

l!.l~i:J,; e--')-1!.11):...;:.! slight(ing), making light )i::;..l , ~~I : (-!) u~ I

of, making little of, disp~a&ement, -belittlement, -
tobringgrad- ~~~::_!•Y~ •Y:.i :(Jj)(~:2.! depreciation, underestimation, underrating; dis-
ually, bring around, persuade, induce, lead on; to dain, scorn, misprision, despisement
draw, attract; to allure, lure, entice, inveigle, win
extraction, drawing out, getting r'~! :~~!
over, bait, decoy, tempt, seduce, invite_
out; abstraction, taking out; excerption
to promote (raise, advance, ~:!~ J~ (~Z! : inference, deduction, derivation,(\-··:'! :~4!
upgrade) by degrees or steps, make advance or
conclusion, eduction, gathering, figuring out;
progress or rise gradually or step by step
discovery, discovering, finding out
to invite offers , , -(J- Z -I
~ J?- - - -. :. I : - j :,_:: I
to extract, draw out, get out; to cr--_ ~-

~~,:.; e--')-~1 :c.·~ .~i :~~:2.! abstract, take out; to excerpt

to deduce, infer, derive, ~::2.!, r:·.:·! :~!
~~t:J,; e.-')-~!.~.\,: •(.$~~ :~~Z! conclude, educe, gather, figure out, draw a
~~ ,:.; e.-') _ ~ t)i . ~ ;:;;.J1 :~ ~~z! conclusion; to discover, find out, make out
to choose, select, pick out ~ ~! : ~:_:.: !
to send for, call for, call in, call, -- · • :· I :. ~:2.1,
summon, demand to regard as sincere, loyal,
-- ..... f .... .... • .... .... • -.
to arraign; to summon, ~I :~I JJ ,r-~! faithful
subpoena, demand, cite to appoint as successor
torecall,call (t:JJ t:J,:)o~;JI JJ ~~:~Z! to round, be or become round or ~~~~ 0lS' :~1:2.!
back circular
to call, call out to -! (L..., (.$~~ : ~Z! to turn, turn around, turn one's
to call for, require, ;_[]..;, ~!, rJl:.!: ~Z! head, look back
demand, need, want, take
to memorize, commit to memo- ~ i;;.:.! L,i :} to evoke, draw forth, elicit, ;~I , ;L:..::.:.! : ~~!
... ..... , ....... . .... .....
ry, learn by heart; to know by heart call forth, bring into being or action
to despise, scorn, disesteem
;:;.. ! : ~f::2..!
,. . . . f. ,... • t .. ;II, :Ji .......... 0
to move for, make a formal :t&-:.;.1 r~ ~z!
request (application, petition, motion)
J~l ~I J- .:,\A I , <.,S_:,.:;-1 <p : Ji:.:..!
sending for, calling for, y~! ';~!: .l&.~!
to convict, condemn, find guilty G~ ;~ :~:2.! calling in, call(ing), summoning, summons
J La,;.. I , ~ : ~I J I tl&.~ I
"' I J ,.1 I 0

ester <.S · -l.
. r=- c_-: o .. arraignment;
summoning, summons, ci.tation, subpoe~aing - -

~l:i~! ~I;- ~1;:.! ..

recall(ing), calling back o~YJI JJ -~~: .l&.:.;.!
strategic, strategical ,
"I •o' I
.. oi.)L:.. : .l&.~!
strategy ~-1"'1
..r-_ ,...... .. ... . , ... ,
.... ..
;;; ....... ........

...... ... ... ... ..... .... .... f

" , ' o._

.......... 0
motion,lli _,1 <..SjS:.:.. ~ y~ ,~: .l&.~!
to rest, get rest, relax; ~I; ~ J, ~I; ..i.> I :(I,.:;..! application, petition, request
to repose, sit back; to take a rest, have a break, ~z! ~~)- :t&-:.;.1 r~
break; to recess, take a recess; to find rest
• •• , 0

.r')l) c:l:i;! ~I;- .).. ')lJ c:l.r:-!

• •• ... ..........
to warm oneself t~1,
C~ :U:2.1-
rest, repose, relaxation, ~I J o_,.;:; , ~I J : '="' 1_;:...1
-- J ..-.... ... ..... 0
J~ ~I) -J~ ,J~ :~:2.!
recreation; break, recess, respite J:;o fl. ..- ;;i ;jj .,.. I J _.. :;i .-,...I
to taper (offi, ll"l)l _,10)all J~ ;L..o :J~!
(tJJ -~~:; ,i ~ ,i ~;:.. ~) ~l; :~lr:.! acuminate, come to a point; to be or become
intermission, entr'acte, break tapering, pointed, pointy, acuminate, peaked,
rest house, rest ~II C:..U ..:, \.C.
"' ... ....

:~I .. I
cuspidate(d), cuspate(d)
C:• ~.. ~ .r-'
to conclude, infer, deduce, ~! 'i.'.::! :~:2.!
~r ~I;-~;. :JI;;_! derive, educe, gather, reason out, figure out, draw
• ;;; J 0

eavesdropping ~I J Ir.--! a conclusion

::;i,... J ~ ;II
:; ;
.¥ J.l,! ..:, I ~ : .¥ J~!
...... ,. :t . . ;;; 0 ;II , •
_.. ,_.. _...-I

wiretap-~lll ~l..r!l:;JI.¥~~ -~1 Jlr.--! to ask to be shown,

ping, tapping inquire (about), seek guidance or information
.... ;II , • (about)
voyeurism, peeping, peeping Tomism,)a.JI Jl r.--!
peeking, snoop(ing) conclusion, inference,
'-"" ~I,
~I :J~~I --
deduction, derivation, eduction, gathering, figuring
recovery, regammg, o~t..;.! ' .)1.):;.! : t ~.:,;..!
out, reasoning; argumentation
getting back, retrieval, reacquirement, restitution,
redemption, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, deductive, inferential; evidential, ! : ~ ~~! ;_r.1 . '· ::
recapture, taking back; recall(ing), calling back evidentiary
withdrawal, taking back, '~: tl":':;.! .WJ tobleed C~uj :~:2.!
recall(ing), revocation, repeal, cancellation to ask to come near(er); to seek to bring ::2.1
to recover, regain, get back, ~t.2.! , ~;:.! : ~~! close(r) '-" '

retrieve, reacquire, redeem, recoup, recuperate, studio; atelier

retake, recapture, take back; to recall, call back
to withdraw, take back, recall, ~I , ...,...,..... : ~ _...;:....! -··- -- --·-· to seek the protection of, take
refuge with or in
revoke, repeal, cancel
to become a man, attain manhood, be '&. :~~! to seek the shadow of, hide in . :J't;:: ...I : . <.$~'.21...
....1 ....1

the shadow of
sexually mature, grow up
\5'~ ~I;-~!'~! :J:2..!
Jf.o _.. _..::;, ,... ,... }f.o _.. _.._ D..- I

•1)1 ~;; ~1;-ol)l ~.r:-!

plea for mercy; prayer, supplica- 0~!: r~;:.:..! ~~i ~I; -~i ,~i :J'Z!
tion, entreaty, solicitation; plea, appeal ;~ ~I;-;~ :):2..!
'. -- o:.o
.MifdMIWi@it§tti"#·@,g-:'·i:iilrJtfiF, ""*j~Jihd,MIIiLffi'ili'<!ltt!fl:It:itt¥,.t7t@fii!liiN2gma

show the right way, seek guidance or information; petition, application, u--~!, .~:._;..! :~\:.-~!
to consult, ask for advice; to be guided (by) request
to conciliate, propitiate, appease, placate,
-.• :.· I
to ask for someone's mercy or com- z...1Z! : _:2.! r;.
pacify; to seek to satisfy, try to please passion; to implore, beseech, entreat, supplicate,
• \..Q,;:.:.! beg, plead with, solicit, appeal to
conciliation, propitiation, appeasement,
placation, pacification; seeking to satisfy, trying to to relax; to loosen, slacken, sag; to languish, ~_:2.!
please droop, flag
conciliatory, propitiatory
, , \.,Q •.. • I relaxation; looseness, loosening, slackness, • \,;._;:.:.!
..,._ J":"'-
slackening, sag(ging); laxity; languor, lassitude
to swallow, gulp, bolt :E-:1 :1<: I
C'""" - '.)-' - to find or consider cheap or inexpensive ~_:2.!
to attract (draw, arouse) atten- ( J ; tJ t; t.i-
'll) _:2.!
to recover, regain, get back, ~~! , e.-:;:.! : ~j:.!
tion, engage and hold the attention, catch the eye,
retrieve, reacquire, redeem, recoup, recuperate,
strike the sight or eyes
retake, recapture, take back; to recall, call back; to
to appeal for (ask for, seek) the help ~ 0C! : _:2.! :J withdraw
or assistance of - • ... 0 J :. ..........
to extradite, obtain the extradition of l. .P!--' ) _,.;:...!
to beg; to solicit -L~:: I: Jj' :: I
r..r---- .r--
recovery, regaining, getting;;~~!' t~~!: ~1,)_;:.:.!
~; ~\)- 4.i_:2.! back, retrieval, reacquirement, restitution, redemp-
Jr- ~I)-;:;;.. :(Jj:.! tion, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, recap-
ture, taking back; recall(ing), calling back; with-
to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) (JJ) ~I ;Jj.:.! drawal
~L._,5:;- JJ ~~WI _,i ~;j1 ~ : )\)~!
;;i .... , :t . . :;;; ... ;;i .............

to tap, ~U.\ ~1;W1 J... ~~ ~~ J_,.;:..!

wiretap extradition
... ... " , .... J;;;;... ..... ..... 0 ....

to glance furtively (at), look (JJ} )aj1 ;Jj.:.! toregardasloworvile or ~~JJI 'l~J·~ :J.l_..,:;...!
stealthily (at), steal a look (at), peep (at), peek (at), despicable
snoop (at) to seek or gain one's livelihood (J'·. :: I
to enslave, enthrall, subjugate
, ;t:.5 , uk:J1 ~ :~ q)~l ~.Dl1J :Jl.._;:.:.!
j~ e- l r j~ 'j~ : jj.:.! letting oneself go; abandon(ment), uncon- J, I) J
enslavement, enthrallment, subjuga- ~~! : Jli,;:.:.! straint, ease; indulgence (in); excess, excessiveness,
tion immoderation, unrestraint
elaboration, expatiation, enlarge- . '
.: I
I : Jl..'..r:"'- wt..:.
ment, prolixity, long-windedness
to be long and flowing, be lank, hang (~I) j:._:2.!
pound sterling, English pound ':_!"'\~
~J'-, ... loose, hang (down)
to demand as a security or pledge G.~ ~ : ::,A_:2.! -. -~-: ,..:.1\ oi..Lbi,.J 0UI -.. I'd :(,j} J.·:: I
~ J~ C• -- - _,....... ..
pneumothorax[~] (?J~ '(I_,~! '.J~I (1,_;:.:.! to let oneself go, be - (.S~t:,;, 1)i, uk:J1
' .. • I uninhibited or unrestrained, slacken the reins, act
estrogen ~-'Y.....,
naturally or without affectation, be at ease; to
to smell, sniff, scent, nose f :(_j_:2.! abandon oneself (to), give oneself up (to); to
indulge (in), give way (to one's desires, etc.); to go
to ask for more, request more ~)1 ~ : Jlj:.!
too far (in), be excessive (in)
(.$~~j! ~I)- lS.)~! to talk at great length ~ ~ ')lS::J I ~ J.:;:.!
i :tJJ .
to find pleasant, find agreeable; to ~ l.. ;~ j t
: t::i:.! about, elaborate on, enlarge upon, expatiate on,
enjoy, relish dilate on, dwell on
to accept, approve of z_w :tC! to ask to be rightly guided, ask (someone) to ~'.)"""'- :. · I
grave, critical; to worsen, become worse
intensification, buildup, increase; aggravation •• !~! concubinage
exacerbation, seriousness, gravity
to ask for a drink
to pray for rain,
to look up to, raise
ask Cod for rain
one's glance to
dropsy, edema
to rise (high), tower up; to be ~ : :;_,;.11 u~!
or become high, lofty, elevated, exalted hydrocephalus,
to Orientalize z;-·.~ • I
..;--'_ hydrocephaly
• • J ...
_,, • 0

)~ ~\)-.)~! prayer for rain

, ,lL.::.I
• ...
u.) ~~.)- )~\ u.)
• • J ....
dropsical, edematous .,._ - -
u.:.J :t.' ;. :0. 0! surrender (~11'~) ~I
fluorescence C• J . ~ - -
--~-• I ,,•

(•'-') ",I' .. '
radiotherapy tl.:.~~ ~~ :t~!
• .. .......... J • •
capitulation, condi- 4,;,.,.,. J:>
.. • J.r~ J ..uJJ _,_;;._ I r __
... ...
~ ~lrl!..lJ.ll '<...~"'"'\
... ... ;;; ,..
:-! ~!
--· ...... tional surrender
• .. " ... J "' • •
unconditional surrender .b_r.. J\ ~ UJ...I.! r~!
to look through t.;). J~ :r )>: :~ 9• ~ ' ! 0

submission, resignation, .)L.,iU! r~!

• J
't,....,.. :
, • •

0 ... ... • ... . . . . :1 ... - ::;:; ........

to try to see ~~ J~ (r i.S~ ul JJt,. :~! surrender; submissiveness, yielding, giving up,
through giving in
to look attentively at, ~ , ~ ~ : :.2! 1·:·~ I -· ~I
examine carefully
r::-~J ~ --
to perceive, notice, recognize, I!J~ .l I , J:,;. ") : ~!
... .... ... ... ....... to surrender (tJl ;~) / ~0 • ! 0

realize, see, find out to capitulate, surrender;(~:: ~J~ (;~) / :·-!

to gather, infer, conclude, deduce 2.' 0

:· ! ::.2! conditionally · ·
to yield (to), submit (to), )~! , ~ :(~) ~j' :: !
~;.~0 • o!

to seek a cure; to seek or receive medical

surrender (to), succumb (to), give up (to), give way
treatment; to be hospitalized, treated, cured
(to), give in (to), resign oneself (to), abandon
seeking of a cure; seeking or receiving of .li::.::.l oneself (to)
medical treatment; hospitalization; (course oO
treatment, cure, therapy, medication
to deem easy, find facile ..:i·.-·---·
~ -,-::.·1
..... .J ..................... .
( ··~\) -,(":j I -- <h :(''~\) J.(•.~0 • 0 1
.r I.J-"- ~ ) (J"":""'- .r - to consult, ask or seek the advice o1:;,.:.ll ~ :J~!
or opinion of, counsel with, take counsel with
~ ~\)-~\~\;::.:, :F-! consultation; counsel; advice o~l!.;:.!
to smell, sniff out, nose ~! , ; ;.:(! : ~!
consultative, advisory
out, sense the presence or existence of, detect,
discover, find out, recognize, perceive, be or advisory opinion ~ 1 l:;.l ~'~
become aware of
to flame up with rage, flare up, fume, (' a'i 1G.:.:.!
martyrdom i:.:.l1 ~ .J ~_;:.: Jl;·~· o! steam, seethe, boil, rage, storm, burst with anger,
J ... " ... • •
• ... • ... fll,
lose one's temper, be or become inflamed or
.?~ '()"~! :(tJl ~l.. J\ }:~\.) J\ J~) .)~! enraged or furious
citation, quotation
to cite, quote, invoke j~ , ~! :~ -,,·. ~.. 0
! r•e:.; ~ IJ- rt!.:::..!
...... •..
+ I ~1 1 -+1 :~!
... ... • ............ . to intensify, grow, ~~,
;;;...:;.·!, :~J;2.! r1c.;
to martyrize, die as a martyr, be or\~ c.L..: ~!
.. ... ... .... ."· build up, increase; to spread dangerously; to be or
become aggravated, exacerbated, severe, serious,
become a martyr, be martyred
-~ I - uWI -~~~ -~~~ : -· :: I
IS e- J ... ~ V""' ~-

lighting, illumination (. ~!
_.. .. ,. I -'.-'If _. .....-G _..I

to light a lamp; to illumi- .-L.DI, 1>.~ ..UJI :~!

c:.. e--1) -~ :~!
to deem weak
to take along, escort, accompany, go (along) ~I
to find delicious, good, pleasant, 0.
;~ j : ~ \.1.:;.:. ~ with, attend; to take as a companion
agreeable; to like; to relish, savor, enjoy to sue out, apply for and receive from a court.)~!
;.u.; e--1)-~~ ·~! ,z_;~ :.)\.1.:;.:.] (a writ, etc.); to obtain, get, procure, bring about (a
_.. J _,. I Jl judgment, verdict, sentence, decision, ruling,
~K..-) ~IJ- ~~ :~] order, etc.)
can; to be able (to), be capable (oO, be in a ·1 t'V·' to cry for help, call for help, appeal 6~! :(.~!
position (to), have the power (to); to be O( become for help
possible for, feasible for; to afford (to), manage (to) to find difficult, consider hard ;~J :~! l:.:..
ability, capability, capacity, power, faculty; ~ \.1.;.!
... J... ... J... .... ..........
...,.._, e--1) -...,.._, :~!
possibility ,. ... J:;.... ...- ... 0
to deem small or little I~ ,;-::-!
t~! e--1) -(0i) 9~4 <(0i) 9~1.,;
o.).&. :

to belittle, make little of,~! , ~ ~! : ;:.2.!

Ju. e--1)-Ju. :~.JIV·'·l slight, make light of; to underestimate, undervalue,
J) l1.; t'!" IJ - Jj l1.; : ~ J \1:.:_! underrate; to despise, scorn, misprize
' - J:..... - ......
lengthening, extension, elongation, ~I~ I : 4J \.1.:.:.1 to deem sincere or honest ~ o.)S. : ~!
stretching :-L'-1 I --~1: ~·::I
~-e-)) ~-
to seek medical advice, consult a physician ~ V-' .I

toask(someone's) _,u-_ ,~1 ~

<'.:.·1 . :~1
..... . -
seeking of medical advice; ~. -6:·! J-.;.,.;. :y~! forgiveness, ask (someone's) pardon, apologize (to)
medical consultation
indication(s) [ ..,..1) (.::.4~! ~) '-:-'~! reclamation (of land) (,....,1-~1)
...,_ ) (. ~I
- -
digression Jl~! to reclaim (land) (W. ~i) C'' a:··!
~~~~! to deem good, suitable, proper, 6Jt.,., ~~ : cr·o:·!
digressive, discursive, excursive
fitting, useful
to digress, pass from one topic to another; to 'J~ 'h:: ·! approval, sanction(ing), consent, assent, y I~!
go on to say, proceed to say, continue (one's favorable judgment or view
speech) .... - .. ... ... J-... .... ..........
to regard as right or ~ ~ IJ, 41,.... oiJ :y~]
to consider (deem, regard as, ~). ~~ : )2.! u correct; to approve (oO, sanction, consent to,
find) original, rare, uncommon, novel, curious assent to
to create, invent, innovate, ;!.,-.;.,::~ ! : u~ ·6:· ! to seek (obtain, get, receive) light from, be ~ l ;,:: ·!
originate, introduce, start lit or illuminated by; to seek (obtain, get, gain)
to choose, select, pick (out), cull -~1 :u'·~_:• I enlightenment or insight by (in, through, with,
) - .,.-.....-
from), be enlightened or guided by
Z;l ~ :~;\:·.I-
to taste
to entertain, host, guest, have as a guest, ut' ;,:: ·!
exploration, scouting, reconnoi- u~! : t :iJ4.! receive as a guest, receive socially, serve as host to,
tering, reconnaissance, pathfinding; fact-finding, give hospitality to; to lodge, put up, accommo-
inquiry, investigation, research, study date, quarter, house, room, provide lodgings for; to
r J~!
IWB~B#B*#B'Bnma#BB*#MBBBM#!BBB&BBBBBBBBB'#Biiiii&BB#BBBB'##B,£tf> ~~~-ae~;aa;;;;;;=e;;;;;;aei#'AiMI@NMMB+##·e+Biw~a;;;,ge,,ree::,ez,M'}[#¢i#i#hBI;B4BBB
' e,. :;:_! : i
to recover, regain, retrieve, ~;.:.!
reacquire, get back, redeem, recoup, recuperate,
retake, take back, recapture; to recall, _call back
reportage, report

;;).:;..! :(~
._,1 .(~)
.. .....
tion; counsel; advice
to recall, recollect, remem- ~I ,
- Jj;
:~C. I
- poll, survey, .1-i~·!: (J~I _<,?t) t~ i
ber, revive, call to mind, bethink, summon up,
recover knowledge of canvass(ing), questioning, sounding(s), question-
to ask (someone) to ~1):j1 _,i ~~~~~~:~C.!
repeat public opinion surveys,
public opinion polls
to rejuvenate
to regain consciousness, come to,
curiosity, inquisitiveness
t ~~~~
- .
revive out of curiosity ~~I ·t::
t - t.} .
recovery, regammg, .) l.l:r.:.! •t ~ :r.:.! :~ J~! exploratory, explorational, explorative, ~ :ila;:.!
retrieval, reacquirement, getting back, restitution, pathfinding, reconnaissance, scout; fact-finding,
redemption, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, research, study
taking back, recapture; recall(ing), calling back
recollection, recall, remembrance ~--
_;{ --·
..i.:; : ii .)~!
to explore, scout, recon- ~! , ~! : 2V·' I!
noiter; to seek to discover, try to find out (about);
to inquire into or about, investigate, search into; to
~~I&~~)-~ ~l2.! spot, detect, discover, find out, unearth, uncover
~;i! :)l2.!
, ....... ..... ., .... ... .... J ..... J . . .......... . . .
to borrow to consult, seek or ~I J ..i> I , •J \.:.:.:..! :~I J ~!
borrowing ask the opinion or advice of
to poll, canvass or ~1-i:•!: J~l ~t 21::!
metaphor question in a poll; to survey
,, . .............. .
metaphorical, figurative [W] ~J~! to purge; to have a bowel movement ~ ~!

to replace (by or with), displace (by), (~ 8.) '-'"'l2.! ~l12.! ~IJ -<.·h:· ~!
substitute (by, for), exchange (with, for) .... J ,.. I J,
to panic, fear, dread; to be or become ~ ~ : ~!
replacement, displacement, substitution, ~~! terrified, frightened, horrified, scared, alarmed,
exchange panic-stricken
to ask for (call for, appeal for, seek) the help ~ 0l2.! to find or deem witty, ~); (;~ _,i) ;~J :u);~···!
(aid, assistance, support) of; to turn to for help; to humorous, amusing; to find or deem nice, cute,
get help from; to resort to, have r-ecourse to; to charming, elegant
use, make use of
to sit in (hide in, seek) the shadow of, be ~ :JV·' ·!
seeking of help from, asking for the assis- ~ ~I t shaded by, shade oneself with or under; to seek
tance of, turning to for help or aid; resorting to, shelter or refuge in or with, take refuge in or with;
recourse to; making use of, using, use, utilization to seek (or be under) the protection or patronage
enslavement, enthrallment, subjuga- Jli:r.:.!: ,)~! of
memorization, memorizing, learning ~ :J~!
~:~ ~IJ-J! ·~:~ :.)~! by heart, conning
to enslave, enthrall, subjugate ~;.:.! :-,~ :~-· ·! to memorize, learn by -,Ji ~ ~ :~.-!;~··I! ¥
heart, commit to memory, con;-to know by heart
-..t7'- e.- I) - ~
.r,l-'- to seek (ask for, call for, appeal 0C.! :~ ~· 'ta: ·.!
~.. 1-u~l
C:!"J. ·-- for) the help (assistance, aid, support) of; to turn to
for help; to get help from
·:,;;I~ I -J~I
. ~) . -- to overcome, overpower, get the ~ : ~ ~· 't,:·.!
;;\~ I -[.L.<.i]J~I better of, defeat
. C:!"J ·--

- .~. I ·.~ ,_·.~,

to defy, oppose, resist; to be recalcitrant, ~_ ~ .. ~) ~ .. -
refractory, insubordinate; to be difficult, hard, -•- I ~I
intricate; to be incurable, irremediable, remediless ~e.-;- . -
~)-- ·:· I
~! e--1;-~! (~
.. ) -- -:, I
~-e.-)-(.. ~-
to snuff, sniff \::.· ·! to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, •,::.· ·I
make (one's) preparations, gird oneself (for action),
to beg, ask for alms or charity; to solicit ~! gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneseiO for action;
begging, beggary, mendicity, mendicancy • ~! to stand by, stand prepared, keep in readiness; to
be ready, be prepared
entreaty, supplication, imploring; ~~ :r.:! : u~! to appeal for(ask for, seek) the -! 0~! : (.$-,::.· ·!
plea assistance or help or support of
conciliation, propitiation .w.···'i:u~l readiness, preparedness; willingness; tenden- Jl ~!
.r.:-"- - -
conciliatory, propitiatory ;; W. :r.,:.! : ~ ~! cy, inclination, disposition, propensity; predisposi-
tion, susceptibility, aptitude
to ask for someone's sympathy or r;,.:;:.:.! : U1.2.! preparations, arrangements, plans,
compassion; to implore, entreat, beseech, beg, sup- measures, steps
plicate, plead with, appeal to, solicit ....... J • •

<..&12.! ~ e--1;- .~1~1 ~

to conciliate, propitiate, appease,~:;:.:.!
win over preparatory ~~~~!
Jo- ~-1;,::.~ .\
to find sweet, pleasant, delightful 4~ ~~ j : y-·,::.' ·!
I' j.'
to regard as great, tremendous, ~o~:~-
grand, magnificent, etc.
r1~ ~1;-~ ).:.::.·! ~~! e--1;- ~-·.::.· ·!
~ e.-') - ~ .::... ! to glow, blaze, burn, flame, flare ~! '~! :fo!
to ask (someone's) pardon, ask ~! : J;2...! 1 1.1 Ji 1". •v- :,;,
:1 :~.::.:1 ' .. 'I ,,I~_ .. ' I
)'t . ' • ~ ~ •._ .JA':-"- .r:.-·-
(someone's) forgiveness, apologize (to)
exhibitionism o~;JI
to resign, demit, tender one's J\i::.! :~!
resignation review; survey, examination, ~ •u">~ :v'>l~!
request for pardon; apology ~~~1:.~! consideration; discussion, study(ing), treatment,
dealing with, taking up
resignation ~~!:·~! parade; review
., J
41 u"-1 ~I
0 • .iJ

, (.$ ~ u"-1 ~I
..... ,. ••

-- -- .. - ... --
~ e.-')- J2.! show; specta-
~ tl ... • ..
t:l J ~ _,.. , c,;:- .r-- , ~ u"> I~!
J ~ '/1 .. , ••

superiority; transcendence .~! cle; revue; musical; musicale

show-; spectacular; revue-; musical
superiority complex .~~I(~;. Ji) i~
to be or become an Arabist
inquiry; asking
.- -
information y~ ~I; -y~ :yfo!
to review; to survey, exam-;.:.;, (J) ~;.: ~fo!
to inquire (about), ask (about); to seek or t.r-) ~1:;-· •! ine, consider, explore; to discuss, study, treat, deal
gather information (about)
with, take up
~ .~ ,(,t. e--1;-J::.·,! :..11 ~.-·:·I
to review; to parade
, .I . '-"" .JA-'-
colonialism, imperialism; colonization, colo- )~- ... • ...... J .... __ ... _ ... ... .......

to browse ...;.\\ .:.ll ~.~'I .LII · - I

nizing C• .c:-:-: J_,.- c- '-"" .JA--
- .. . -· I I~ ~~:; :::,:.2.!
neocolonialism J.t~ )~- to find difficult, hard, tough
~ .. I
colonial, colonialist(ic), imperialist(ic) ~)~- -.;.;; e--1) - -.;.;; :;.;::. !
a,o ~!~!
• ,,;, ¥fiL·.~i@idtl tWl<L* "#\?:#, > " '-';s e>,:>. ',I

01.Jj1 ~ ·~! :::2! colonialism; imperialism ~_.)-.:-.

pardon, ask (someone's) forgiveness, apologize (to)
I ask God's forgiveness
"" .
~I ~I
. . use, using, usage, employment, utilization, J~!
application, making use of; exercise; handling,
J_; li. e.-')- :.n~~. ·! operation
in use, (being) used, (being) J~ ~I (:.:,i _,i):; ~
to exploit, utilize, use, ;2:.! ,~ ~02.! :~! applied
make (selfish) use of, tap, trade on, capitalize on, .;_, ,:L..i t':"IJ-J~~1 l;_ ,;j~l ,:L..i
take advantage of, turn to account, turn to ;,;2-!
to colonize, settle (in)
advantage, profit by or from, avail oneself of; to
impose on, take unwarranted advantage of, use to use, employ, utilize, apply, make use of, ·! :r,:::
unfairly for one's own benefit; to profiteer from put to use, put into service, avail oneself of; to
to invest tJJ ~\.. ;:,...lj :J:,:.! exercise, put into action; to handle, manipulate,
manage, operate, run
~.:;i... ..... ... f, ... - ;;; .......

to reap, earn, get, gain, win .u.JI ~I , ~ : ~! to exact a written pledge or commitment from,-,,:::·!
to find expensive, high-priced, L,.lli. :~:; : F! have someone sign a contract (agreement, etc.)
costly to call for (appeal for, ask for, seek) the help~ ;!.12!
exploitation, utilization, J~! '~ :~~! : Ji.;.! or aid of
(selfish) use, tapping, trading on, capitalizing on, call for help, appeal for aid
taking advantage of, turning to account or to
advantage, profiting by or from; imposing on,
to consider (or find) stu- ~ (;~:; _,i) ;~ :_;_";:: '!
pid, foolish, dumb, dull, idiotic
taking unwarranted advantage of; profiteering
to come unexpectedly upon, sur- o~ ~ ;~\ :~!
investment tJJ JUI ~_;i :J~! prise, take by surprise, take unawares, take aback
exploitative; exploiter, utilizer; profiteer J i.;.! :;;; .... ... , .:;; ........
~ ~!e.-') -u-~· :~ ~!
to find thick, coarse, rough, U, :~ j :);C.' .! wonder(ment), surprise, astonishment, ":-'I~!
harsh, crude, gross, etc. amazement
... ,... ... J... .. .........

jili e.-')- jili : . la.lA::.:.! engrossment, absorption, preoccupation Jl ·..:I


to be obscure, vague, ~i '~! :(..:~1) :,1~~.. ·! to find strange, odd, queer, unusual; to be or ~);:.:.!
equivocal, ambiguous, dubious; to be abstruse, re- become amazed, astonished, wonder-struck, sur-
condite, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impene- prised
:;'i ....... • 'f. .:;i ........... .
trable, hard, difficult, complex, complicated ~I~ y~l t':" J-~l ~ Y~!
;~1 ~ ;:,C-' !
to engross, absorb, engage who I- ~ ~_;;2.! : ~ fo!
to be tongue-tied, speechless,
unable to speak, struck dumb, dumbstruck, dumb-
ly, preoccupy, occupy wholly, fill completely, take

founded; words failed him
up, take one's entire attention; to overcome, over-
blindman's buff whelm, overpower, take hold of
to dispense with, do to sink into; to be or ;j~l .~1 :~ _,i j u~!
without, manage without, do away with, get along become immersed in, engrossed ·in; absorbed in,
without, spare, not to n.eed, be in no need of wholly engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with,
to be or become satis- ~ ;~ : ~ ;;;s! , ~ ;:::.:. !
taken up with
fied with, content with; to manage with, do with, to take, last (a certain time) ( \.. 8:;) u~!
get by with to sink into sleep, sleep deeply, be ~,;jl ~ u~!
~! e-lr;_,i ·~! :;:::.:.! sound asleep
(~) ~ ~ ~e.-')-~;-::·~~ ~~ j u).i e.-')-~'~ u~!
:;;! t':"IJ- ~I ~ :,1 :~!
... - • J .......... ... ..... J -- .... 0

/"" ····1
~ e.- ) - /""
I ~·:q ····1
I..S- ·.:.· I
~ ..

• .... • ., • 0 .........

to spread dangerously, reach alarming proportions; • 1~! •\S~I ~IJ- .1~! •\S_,a:;...!
to be or become massive, rampant, progressive; to
intensify, build up, grow, increase ~~I)-~.:.. ,!
.- ,,... .... ... ..........
to find excellent, superior, exqui- I~ \i ·~ J : ~!
. .....
.... . ..... ........ .
~ .)\;1 ~IJ -~ .)\il '-! ~! :~
.... ... _..


site, superb
to regard as gross, flagrant, glar- ~ ~\; ·~ J : c~!
t# ...... ... ... .. -- ......
~ ~~i ~IJ- ~ ~ , :. -:~! :~ ~\2!
ing; to consider grave, serious, heavy, oppressive, to conclude, deduce, infer, gather, 2.'::.· ! :~\2!
burdensome; to find exorbitant, excessive, enor- figure out, draw a conclusion; to make out, find
mous out, discover
&-- ••
vomiting, vomit, puking, puke, dis- • -- · . I ··· I
~-t~- (~)-~~!~I)-(~)-~~!' t~! :;;~~!
~~! ~~)-~! to be elaborate, detailed, j•o.:: (··: 0\5' :~1.2.1
lengthy, prolix, long-winded, verbose, exhaustive,
to vomit, puke, disgorge, spew, throw up~ : t)::.! thorough, extensive
... ... • ..

t__,il ~~)

, • ... fll.

Jl •...I.P.
J... • .... .... ........

tfo! to spread, circulate, get about tl:.. ' ~! :;j.\2!

... ,... , J... ... ........

to provoke; to excite, rouse, arouse, stir up, ~! to abound, superabound; to be Jji , ):S : v">lA..::.:.I
work up, whip (up); to incite, instigate; to irritate, or become (super)abundant, plentiful, copious -
inflame, pique, rile, put out, aggravate, incense G~! ~I)-~~! :~~!
provocation, excitement, excitation, rousing, j I~!
~ ~~)- ·~~j , .~,:;_, •)) , •)5- :G~!
arousal, stirring up, working up, whipping (up);
incitement, instigation; irritation, piquing 4i~! , ;:;~i ~IJ- ~~! .~1.2.!
provocative, provoking, rousing, stirring, ~ j I~! to ask for (seek, request) a I ~ : ~! (.);iJ
instigative, instigatory, inciting (formal) legal opinion; to ask for (seek, request) an
inquiry; question; asking r~! 'r~! :JlJ.;.! advisory opinion; to consult, ask or seek the
opinion of, counsel with, take counsel with
to ask for an explanation (oO, inquire Cr-) ~! J., . . 1.... ... .... ... • . . ......
(about), ask (about) to poll, canvass or J~I':?IJ ~! :~!
to find horrible, horrid, terrible, abominable, t1;i:.· ·! question in a poll; to hold a referendum or
plebiscite; to appeal to the people
atrocious, outrageous, flagrant
~j ~IJ -C'i:···! ' ·:
-r.- - - C• ~ J~ Ul'
tG.:::.I .(..:.11 -. . !•1 I ......
81) .1··~-.' I
• -
referendum, plebiscite; poll, canvass(ing); ques-
inquiry; question; asking r~! ')~!: r~! tionnaire
interrogation . [ w] r~! request for a (formal) legal (.);ill ~ : .1-:~·!
opinion; request for an advisory opinion; consul-
interrogative particle r~10'-
.-. , .t>... tation, consulting
question mark ~~r.~
r - beginning, start, commencement, open- .~ : C l··i:.' !
, interrogative, interrogatory
to inquire (of someone about some- (~ ~)
rei:... !
- •
ing, introduction
to begin, start, commence, open, intro-
duce, initiate, institute, launch, mount
:- :.'.:.' I
thing), ask (someone about something)
to seek the assistance of God, ..il4 ~! :~!
to ask for a drink ..;~ L. ~1 :~! implore God for victory
to draw from, derive ~ ~ , •,-;..' ! :~ ~! seriousness, gravity; aggravation, exacerba- J~ I
from, borrow from, take from, get from, obtain tion; intensification, buildup, increase
from to be or become serious, grave, :.=.:..! , ~ ~ :~!
to resign, demit, tender one's resigna- J~! J-2.! : critical, drastic, severe, intense, extreme, excessive,
tion aggravated, exacerbated; to worsen, become worse;
to be or become well-established, firmly~ : ~!
established, settled, firm, fixed, steady, stable, solid,
• resignation, demission
to straighten up, draw oneself up, sit up, sit rli:.:.!
·enduring, durable, lasting, unshakable; to be or
straight; to stand erect, stand up(right), rise; to be
become stationary, immobile
or become straight, erect, upright; to be or become
to stabilize; to be or become stable, 21 :~ :.:.· I
stabilized, settled, steady, constant, regular, nor-
~- - right, correct, proper; to be or become straight-
forward, upright, honest, righteous
mal, orderly, in good order, smooth, quiet, peace-
ful straightness, directness; uprightness, straight- ~ 0i;:.!
-- ....... , J;:;; :;; ........... forwardness, rectitude, honesty, integrity, probity,

).J"-'··• ~ I ) - (J'"'
'- '-?.
.)' ~- ···· I
sincerity, justness, righteousness, virtuousness;
-;;;.... JJJ.... :;; .......
;.) ~I;-~ A,! I; Ji.:..! orthodoxy; rightness, correctness, soundness
e:. .... • .... t: ........... 'f ... • .... reception; receiving; meeting, JY' ! ;-.;.,;. : Jl )~ • ·!
toasktoreadorrecite I_A! ul "-:,-ij ~:I~!
... ;;;...... ... :0. ........ • ... ....
going to meet; taking, taking in; turning one's face
to investigate, examine, study, ~ , ~ : I)i.:..! to; facing, confrontation
J ,...o .... J
scrutinize, survey, explore, search into, inquire I..-. I I

future ~·~:J~!
into; to follow up, follow, pursue
....... 0 , .. ..... ... • ~

togen-W::;... ~I.A.; ~ G~ 1..~.:-- r_,:;..;:...!: IJi.:..!

.... .... ... ... • ... • • .... . . . . .
opposition [ l!lli] Jl. i:' !
I I J _..
eralize, derive a general principle from particulars receiver, receiving set ·l.....;
_..... ......... .-
Jt...o.:::.l )
I ~-
···· I ~)-I ·'*'.JA'-.
< •••• I I I J..,o _.
reception J~l~
_,j :.,.OU.I ~ ~I _,j ~l...JI 'r Ir-:-.
• • J... .. ,_. J
'· -· I : .I :.... I reception room, drawing J~l (~Li _,I) ~_,i.
induction ~l.:·~~-n room, parlor

investigation, examination,

~ '~ : .I h !
~ .. to find ugly, repulsive, repugnant; to find - -:.:.- I
ignominious, infamous, shameful; to dislike, disap-
study(ing), scrutiny, exploration; follow-up, fol- prove of, denounce, condemn
' 'I :...- I to receive; to meet, go to meet, come to J~: J~i:: ·!
inductive .,..~_
..., • • J... :;; - - 'I :;;...... ... ..........
the inductive method WI .... ~I :i.i._J""'
... ~
Lq to receive, take, take in .i> I , ~ : J:.A.:,:.!
stability, stabilization, constancy, yl_:·:'! :.)1);:.! to receive (.;.I\ ~1;] ·t:.:·il
:J·;:· I
C• J:! . - -
regularity, steadiness, normalcy, order(liness),
calm(ness), peace
to turn one's face to; to ~I_,, ; Z ! ~ :JY'!
face, confront, meet
firmness, fixedness, stability, steadi- c.. C3
. : ) I,.,--_-·-
ness, solidity, durability
to be desperate (to), strive desperately (for), J·i:: ·!
make desperate efforts (to); to defy death, risk or
settling, settlement; residing, remain-~~ J :; I~! stake one's life, fight desperately
ing, staying; sedentariness, settledness
to find near, regard as near l,.)
.. . . . J:;;...
o~ :!.:-'~!
... ........ 0 to ask God for tJJ~~~\ _,i ~~\~I :~·,;:: ·! JL
strength, ability, etc.
to ask for a loan G.) ~ :~)2.! to send for, call for, call in,~!' ~Z! :~·,:;::,!
call, summon, demand, ask to come
to come to a head, ripen, mature, (j:~l) (:,)2_! ..-'f _. ..-.... .-,.. 0 • ..-.-I_.. I

suppurate to bring, bring along, -! ,j I , ~ , ~I : i..l.A.:.:...!

to examine, investigate, inspect, study, ~! bring forward, carry with oneself
scrutinize, survey, explore, inquire into, go to the to find dirty, deem unclean, regard ~~~ ;~ :)~-'·!
root of, delve into, search out; to inquire about, as filthy
make inquiries about to settle (down) at, establish oneself (ul.S::: j) ~;.:: I
.. .JA-.
examination, investigation, exploration, .~! at, be or become settled at; to reside at, remain at,
study, survey, search, research, inquiry, fact-find- stay at
submission, submissiveness, resignation, ing; questionnaire
yielding, surrender to find short, regard as short
to regard as great, consider great 1ft.$ ;~ :;52.! to claim, demand
- •(-: I - - •(-: : -- (<.' I
.r."-' e:- ) .r."-' .r.-"-- polarization
dictation • ;f. !:I : '-'• ~-
I ~ attraction, attracting, ~ , '-:-'~ : '-:-'~!
clerkship magnetization, magnetizing, drawing; gathering,
rally(ing), mustering, banding, bringing together
to dictate (to)
,, ... ,.......... .... ........ polarity ~ l.1i:.:.!
to make write; to ask to write ~ ~ : ~!
.. ,,. ... :;; .............. distillation, distilling l.1i:.:.1
.J - -
to take as a clerk, etc. L:; lS' • ..i:;..;! :~!
to ask someone to keep a secret; to (~I ;__) ~~! t~! e:- rc), ·~ ·~ =t\.6;.!

confide a secret to to polarize [ .~j,i] ;_ -6;:: ·!

to regard as (too) much or (too) I~ ;~! :)$2.! todraw,attract,magnetize; -~ .~~ :;_ t;::!
many, deem excessive or exorbitant to gather, rally, muster, band, bring together
to demand much, ask for a lot~~ ~l1 :~! to distill, extract ..r.._6:~-J~ (~! :)a~::·!
.... 'f - .... __. ....... j .............

e:- I; - ;; ).i ;; ).i J l. I : _).;;..;::.. !

.... . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . ., .-, ..... 0
"I , . ·<1 : •<'-- I
... :;; ...
- •<1
r' e:- )
I -
~ : IJ'
r' .r"-- ).i
LS;5! e:-1;- ;.t::_! :(.)~! to request as a fief (~II
to have an aversion to or for, feel disgust;} : ;~!
for, detest, loathe, hate -
~! e:-1.;-(~ ·~ ·~ :t'6:::!
reconnaissance, reconnoitering, scouting, u\.::.S:.::.:. I
basophil ism [ .~i] Jl.;~·-!
exploration, pathfinding; investigation, inquiry, to find (consider, regard as) little, ~ ;~ : ~!
fact-finding; discovery, finding out small, few, inconsiderable, insignificant, scanty,
reconnaissance, scout, exploratory, explo- •.t.T. ,.~-·
I sparse, slight, meager
rational, explorative, pathfinding to belittle, disparage, slight, make ~ ~I : ~!
to seek to discover, try to find out (about); ; e'•L! light of, make little of; to underestimate, -.~nder­
to explore, scout, reconnoiter; to investigate, value, underrate; to disesteem, despise, scorn
search into, inquire into; to spot, detect, discover, to be or become I J L; , ~ ;:-' : ~ L,.. : Ji:_:.!
find out, unearth independent, gain one's indeoendence
to beg Ja;2.! =~! to possess alone, appro-~ )l:::.! , ~ ~~ :~ ~!
priate - - -
to shade one's eyes with ·~ ~?:. JI1 =~!
the hand
...... f, :;; .......
to board, embark ~ ) L.. , ~~ ~! J2.! , :
to surround, encircle -! .l.~l : ~! (on), go on board, go aboard, get aboard, get in; to
ride, mount; to take, go by, travel by (in, on)
~ e:-1;-~! ....
:;; ... ... .. ... "'.... .... ... ... .. ....... :;; ....... e:-1; -~ '~) ·~ 'JAj :J.A.::.!
J~l e:-1;- J~! metabolism · 'i :~...~~1
[ .L-i] (.)<>,/.
- --
~i e:-1;-~! [ .~i] ~#.!
to satisfy, fulfill, meet (condi- t;IJ .l.J_,..:.JI ~!
... ,, ............ metabolic
independence; autonomy ~~I ,J#.!
tions, requirements, etc.); to be perfect
to submit (to), yield (to), (J) ;)\5:2.! :(J) :}2.! -s;z e:-1;- LS~!
surrender (to), succumb (to); to humble oneself (to, to submit (to), surrender (to), yield (to), (J) 01.52.1
before) give in (to), succumb (to); to humble oneself (to, -
tc;> be hidden, concealed; to hide before)
f.~mtf,,)f,:·ijfMJilli!#£V#*MMWij§f. " . , +i~%·JiiMMiiat£h¥if.'*· 1 ·• ·• ·ift4M·

listening, hearing, audience, audition t ~! (oneseiO, conceal oneself

to attract, draw, win (over), ~ r;;-·.! 'y~ :Ji2. ~ to nestle,(!;:.! ·0C, ~u:Jl L:.~~h ~~ :~!
enlist, bring over, conciliate cuddle, snuggle, snug, ensconce, curl up cozily,
settle snugly, lie comfortably; to calm down,
JC.i e.-') -u~ .;:;.. :JC! repose, rest
I ,....
J->< ·J'Ci- to unsheathe, draw, pull out (~i, ~:;,. <~!
attraction, drawing, winning '-:"~! , ...,..~ : ~ ~! ~~I; -ti;. .~ :":-'~!
(over), enlistment, bringing over, conciliation
.. - I-~~~
.. ,_' taking in advance; borrow- ~~~I, ~1_r,i1 :u~l
~~) '- -- ing, raising of a loan - - - · - -
-!~e.-')--~ p!
• ... .. • J •
advance, loan ~ _; '4A.L : u~!
to take from, get from, obtain from, ;-2-! : ~ >,-.:. ••! to deserve blame, be blameworthyr;!JI ~!: ~:£...!
derive from, draw from, borrow from
,~ .... J.- ... ""'"" ., J :;:; ....... receipt, reception, receiving; taking; collecting, r~!
to ask someone for help ....::.; _,.... ~ : li j; .......:... ! collection; taking over, assumption
to continue, last, go on, persist, subsist, endure;~! to acknowledge receipt r~ ~~ (~~i Ji) ;!.i
to continue to do, keep doing, keep on doing, go
on doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to ~ e.-') - ~! '~;. ' ~ :; . F' !
to savor, relish, enjoy, find wholesome and i::,2.! oWJ e-';-J~!
~i ~1;-~i :(-!) ~!
continuation, continuance, ~.J I~! '.;1~!
continuity, duration, endurance, persistence, i;j! e-';_,·.F.!
subsistence, permanence to require, need, callJJ (~!, ;.\.]..;, ~! :~~!
continually, continuously, persistently, ; I;.:;...~ for, demand, take, want, be in need of
constantly, incessantly, unceasingly, without inter- to entail, necessitate, (..;.11 ~)-<::I :--.j:.· I
ruption, uninterruptedly, nonstop, unremittingly c:•.··-- ~- r.r-_
involve, imply
consultation; counsel ~~~! ( _LSt)l) to like, find pleasant (nice,
I~ I I ,_' ' ' ,-, i:: I
to consult, seek or ask the opinion or (~t ~) ~! charming, sweet, pretty)
advice of to take in advance; to bor- 2;1 :2.! , ~j;i! :; eF' ·!

... -! :c , ~)--!
:.~c. ;.,-·.:.·,,-
·-! ........ row, contract (raise, take up) a loan, incur debts
...... .......... :;:; ... ....
~~ c.J ~1;-~1 :-iF',!
0&- d...:.l ~I; -0&- p! '0&- US' :0&- ~!
to pray for rain, ask God )J.t J~ ~t: ~~ )a.2.! to lie down, lie; to recline, lie back JF',!
for rain lying (down), recumbency
,.... , • ... ... ...... ,. • , J ...........
to ask someone .U J /-" ~ : ~ J I \.; j; ):.:..:::. !
a favor
to ask (or pray) for inspiration
to invoke upon, call down upon ~ l'i5' ~-6',:· !
to listen to, hearken to, give or (J J i JJ) J.:.,i : ~!
to defy death, stake or risk one's life, fight C.i2. I
desperately; to be desperate (to), strive desperately
lend one's ear to, pay attention to ·
(for), make desperate efforts (to)
to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) (JJ) tl:. ~! death defiance; desperate struggle; desperate ~~~
~ J::; e.-')-~ ~~·! effort
to request, ask (someone a favor)
J- e.-)I -t..t.i :W.
--- . . . . . .,_I
" -r:: "'. J ,... ... .. • • "' , ..........
to apologize (for); to I;~ ob-l..:.:..! • ~ I;~ rl..:.:..!
appropriation, taking possession; seizure I!!~ I beg someone's pardon, ask someone's forgiveness
eminent domain #WI .!.)~~I'··- form, application form, application o~ ~!
r - - ~
deductive, inferential ;;'l:.;.! :~1.··~· ·! to find beautiful, pretty, nice, pleasant
to culture, grow (bacteria, microorganisms, -- ~ ·.:.. ! to appropriate, take possession of; to take ;, 1\'. :: 1
etc. in a prepared medium) private property for public use (said of a govern-
to invent, create, devise, contrive, ex- )::::.; ! :v·.:.· ! ment); to take over, seize, capture; to expropriate
cogitate, design to masturbate .;:;;.., !
to derive, extract, draw (out), masturbation, onanism .~1
take; to educe
to deduce, educe,
to ask for a delay or respite; to ask to wait Ja ~:.- ·!
conclude, infer to clean one's teeth (::L.:.i) ::.;:.!
~ e--1;- )J1 _,i oUI 't.<:·! to follow, pursue, take (up), adopt; to ~ v:-:-!
~, ;;:; , .
observe, comply with, abide by
conclusion, inference, deduction, derivation, ~t:~ ·,! :;. ""
· I _..;.\I
.. , ;;:; ....
l.; ·l,i · .. 1
eduction, gathering, figuring out, reasoning v-e-J C:• _,.., v-.
deductive, inferential ~.1·.'·~· •! ~Gi e--1; -~~ ,J:; :~G:.!
to conclude, infer, deduce, derive, educe, 2.'.:: •! writ, order, request (for legal (~W) ~~!
gather, figure out, reason out, draw a conclusion assistance)
to sniff, snuff(water, etc.) (;4) :2-! ~G! e--1; -J2~ '<A/JA-1 :~L;.!
~e.-';-~ ·rc :(~) ~!
,__ ..
to kneel down
leaning on, reclining on, resting on; being J 1~~I
r G:.1-

seeking of help from, asking ~ ~ ~! :(~) J~! based or founded on; basing on, founding o;; us~ -
for the assistance of, turning to for help or aid; (as a basis or authority), invoking, resorting to;
resorting to, recourse to reliance on, dependence on, counting on, drawing
to choose, select, pick out -~1:~1
) - .. - upon; trust(ing), having confidence in
to appeal for (call for, ask for, 2,\2.1 :(_.)~I on the basis of, based on, on the J _,i J I I~L::.I
seek) the help or aid of; to turn to for help:or ~id; - ground(s) of, on the strength of, on the ;utho;ity
to get help or aid from; to resort to, have recourse of, by virtue of, in the light of, depending on,
to pursuant to, under, in conformity with
to ask for fulfillment ~~'ll ~ :~-·.:.-I
J.,. ~-
to be lighted, lit, illuminated ·~ ~ : 0t5:11 ~ G:.!
• J ... , ;:;; ........ • ... .........
~--·-.I to obtain (get, receive, ~ o ;_,;, ..-...::-! : ~ ;L:.:.!
to seek, look for, search for . :~-
seek) light from, be lit or illuminated by
to lean on, recline on, rest on; to be based JJ ·,::' ·! • ::. J " ::. ....... .... ........
to seek (obtam, get, ~ JJ _,1 ~W ~ ;L:.:.!
on, founded on; to base on, found on; to use (as a
receive) enlightenment or insight from (by, in,
basis or authority), invoke, resort to; to rely on,
through, with), be enlightened or guided by
depend on, count on, draw upon; to trust, have
confidence in illumination, enlightenment ;· G.:.. I .) --
exhaustion, exhausting, consumption, con- ul;.;.! JJ ~l.; e--1; -0t1! :JJ rG:.!
:;uming, using up, depletion, depleting, drain(age),
to ask for or seek news or ~J::· 1 , --·. :· 1 :f''.:: .1
draining, bleeding, attrition ~- .
information; to inquire (about), ask (about)
culture, cultivation (of living material) .:,\. :~· ·!
war of attrition u I .'. ·' I ~'.,J>-
invention, devisal, excogitation
-·-1: .J:.81
ts::..:.: .- -
~ 'r~ :Jl;.;.!
deduction, subtraction, discount
derivation, extraction, drawing (1;.;! : ,1,1.'· ~· !
to exhaust, consume, use up, deplete, drain, u~! out; eduction
draw (oil), bleed deduction, eduction, conclusion, J 'l~! : ,1, '· '. ~' !
to exsanguinate inference
,,_ --, , __
to call upon (someone) to _,..WI ll;\.&.J ol&.J: ~I
fight (against), call out (someone) to go to war
--·-. •
to call down, invoke (curses,(~
imprecations, etc. on)
~LJJ1} Jj2.!
(against) · ;J~_,_.'
to ask someone to relinquish or forgo (;&- '.:· I
; ~~)-; :F! something
;.: ~~) -~, ~). :F! to deduct, subtract, discount r=-;. ,():. :J;.::.!
~!~1)-~! discretion J~l, ~-_.:.; :u81
'0' 0 ' '

~ ""I I -·-. I
approval, sanction(ing) I • _. I
0 I •.•• I

(:r} ~i ~1)-(:r) -.,;·.:.··! discretionary, discretional .>.1f 81

' '
. ,_.. ... .. ........ .·: I -·81
to find decreased, deficient, im- t-i ~ ·~ _, : ~! c-"~J r --
perfect, incomplete to deem or find y;:.2.!, ~~ ;~:;: -. <:: !
to ask for a reduction of the price ~~ ;- I o;;·.:· suitable, fit, appropriate, proper, adequate, apt; to
approve (oO, sanction
to stagnate, become stagnant, become impure ~!
and foul by stagnation
toactat.J~I ;;._, ~~~ ~J ;:..;::...; :'. -·.:·!
one's disCretion - -
condemnation, denunciation, de- ~ :.J~I
nouncement, censure, disapproval, deprecation - - to trace back the ancestry of ·--' _r::.:..,..._..;.;:..!
-("' '·-.'

abstention (from), refrainment (:r -' i :; ) u~! ~ ~~)-~!

(from); refusal, rejection; disdain; pride
to search for, seek (news, (~II -~~1) l-.:::,1'
to condemn, denounce, censure, de- :. -~ : _F! information, etc.)
C:•) .
cry, disapprove of, deprecate
... ....... • -· ... :J • • • ... .. ........ to smell; to inhale ;::.::, , ~ : ~!
to disdain, scorn, ~! , c.S I , .....-;I : t:r _,I (;&- ~! J" ••
spurn; to decline, refuse, reject; to abstain from, ~ ~1)-J~!
refrain from
to be or become haughty, proud :~I ;,s::; ;::.::, ~I)-~!
to consult, seek or ask the advice of - - ::: 1
~~~ ~ ~ ~~)-;I_:-. ia::: ·!
... ... ... ... ;;; ... ... .... ... ....
to awaken, arouse, p, l!.l..,....., J~l, ..liu,!l :~!
... .........
to ask for (seek, call for) the help (aid, (~) ~!

assistance, support) of; to turn to for help'

stir up, raise, rouse, stimulate, motivate, actuate,
incite, instigate, induce, prompt, prod, goad, spur, todemandorseekjustice u~':ll J1 :! .-0·.:.. ,1
• 0 '

egg on
wet dream
"' .... ..-
- t:l j.;,;..l: I ··· I
. .. interrogation, examination, ques- ...,... I~! :J~!
~r- - r~- tioning, hearing, inquiry, inquest
j::_l :--'.::I YY.-:~ ! :~{h'.:: ·!
to have a wet dream ~- r,......._ to interrogate, examine, question,
to consider terrible, horrible, 'i.:t. ;-<·I
:J~I hear
' '
'i::l 0
1 - ,,,::1
_,........._ :);'.::.\'
to make little of, make ~!, ~ ~! :~ 0~! to request a delay or respite
--., ... ...... ........
U... ;,...u. :):...;.:.:. !

light of, slight; to underestimate, undervalue, un-

derrate; to despise, scorn, disdain exhaustion, (complete) consumption, using J~ 1
up, depletion
to consider easy Jl' :· ! :~ 0~!
, ....... , alert, alertness; alerting, putting on the alert; ) a::-'·!
not to be sneezed at; important, signifi- ~ u \f.::..t ':l mobilization
cant, weighty; great, big, large; considerable, enor- to exhaust, consume, use up, deplete, drain ',i'.:• ,I
to do one's best or utmost, make every~_, ..1.4.:.:..!
,,.. , ...........
slight(ing), making light of, 0~1 :( ..... ) 4:i~l
making little of; underestimation, underrati~g; d1s: - effort, spare no effort, leave no stone unturned
- ;;; f ..........
dain, scorn, despisement to alert, put on the alert; to mobilize ...,...1 :_;.:.:;..,.!
.I . -· I '.,. .)~1
*""- f·· ;:· · .ti@·j··l".j ··'*i!·d¥tMf!4it®!,. • 0 ·i'Mi§@ttpjMU'f9Sh?.gty ¢:jj,ifr$\lfie*'<W4W¥MM-
pull out recklessness, heedlessness, carelessness; wan- ; I·· 4~ · .!
,;.... ......... ;;::; .......
to raise one's voice .:;~ r!) :J..:::.! tonness, unrestraint, licentiousness; disdain, scorn
to be reckless, heedless, careless, oi;A ~!: ~~·;:· ·!
consumption, consuming; using up, 1!.1~! irresponsible; to be wanton, unrestrained, unin-
exhaustion; wasting, wearing (away)
hibited, pleasure-seeking, licentious
depre- (J~ ')IJ J.:J4) ~I~~! • I!!~! to slight, make light of; to "i ~! :"i ~!
ciation; wear and tear - -
, ..
.::; despise, disdain
amortization, paying off, writing off U:! :J I I!!~!
... ;;::; J ••
to dote on, be infatuated with "i ejf :"i ~ ~ ,~ ..!
redemption .:.l.>..::..ll I!!~! disapproval, disapprobation, censure, con- u~!
depreciation reserve 1!)~')1 ~~! demnation
sinking fund I!!~ ')I (J/2.. Ji) Jl.. to disapprove of, censure, reprehend, ~!
denounce, condemn; to find offensive, ill-favored,
consumer- ~~! objectionable
consumer goods ~~~& to seek guidance, ask to be rightly guided, ask ..,-,.~.·.I
to be shown the right way -
consumerism ~'~G.,..
- ...
··- ... - exposure to, being or becoming J r.}o yo:. : J ul~!
"" ~ ..... ., . ..
"·j .[•_fii!J~I ~~G· 0t J}A.>~: ~~ :ts'~l subject to, incurrence of · ·
.r .c- - - -d : --
. ··-"" ,- ...-
.... ... . .. . . -
r,}:>~ ~~~! ,;;~ :01~!
consumerism ~;~I~ Y~.r
cooperative, co-op t;~~
..... :ts'~
-.. - ...I allergy ~L..ll ~~ :01~!
beginning, starting, commence- <:~!, .~: J~! diathetic (?~ :~1~!
ment, inception, opening, introduction, initiation
' I.- .. .-'IJ,} I I
allergic ~t;. :~1~!
foreword, preface, mtroduc- ~ , ~~ : J~ I
tion, preamble, proem, exordl~m; prelude, pn!"lu: to aim at, make one's goal JJ ,;,:... , JJ ~ :i:..f, .~. ·.!
sion or object; to seek (to), strive for, aspire to, pursue
i?ceptive, ~gin?ing, initial, initiatory, initia- ~~! to be or become exposed to, J ;j,~ :J ;:....;· ~~ I
hve, opemng, mtroductory, prefatory, prelusive; subject(ed) to, open to, liable 'to, vulnerable tO,
incipient, inchoate susceptible to; to come under; to incur, contract
....... .. ........
alliteration ~~,:_,.~ e.-') -"i '..:+:--!
... ...... ....
JA.i I , ~I , .J.&..:..:..! : cl4:;.:.!
.., ... ....... ... .... -.
' ..
to consume, use up, •.JA e.-')-·'..;..;..!
exhaust; to waste, wear (away); to spend
to amortize, pay off, write off ;;.~1 ;Jlt._:.• !
to begin, start, commence,
open, introduce, initiate
2i! .i~ :(.~1)~!
to redeem .:.1.2..J1 ;J11._:.· ! to begin, start, set in i~! , i~ :(l~ I) ~!
(~) ;!.U~ e.-')-~ :(~) ;Jll~:·! )J1 ~I . I -~1_.Y"""
.e--) :'IJI ~I-
... ...... :;; ;;:;
to attract, draw, win (over), enlist JC! :..s,.:::.! to start raining, begin to rain, rain ll:..:.ll ~!
initial showers
to appeal to; to like, fancy-! ~f , ~j :..,_;::.!
~~ :~I ~- i;-· !
... ... 0 .. :;if ........ to water, tear, fill with tears,
to impress I} ) I : ..s_,.;...!
to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure
. .
..s_);I : ..s_,.;...!
... ..... shed tears
to rise, appear, come into
attraction, drawing, winning (over), .ti~!: .I~!
enlistment to see; to look at ~J )..: ,_;~j: tJJ J~l ~!
seducement, temptation, enticement • I). I : • I~
,, ... .. ~-... '· ... :;; ........
... ... ~
~,JI J4; e--1;- ~,JI J..:::.!
to unsheathe, draw, .U.:.:.! , •.l;>; : tJ J u;::.J I J..;::.!
J .... ;I'_. - I ;I' :;i ,.-I
suggestion [ · ·] • I '-' I
~ ~-
- ~.
Ui':.·, '·"' ~J
c:=J-W===-=============·~<=·~'f~Nm£~1J~>r~'r,=·:=·:-~.~-=·====~~ ~~~================================·=···~-:~ - J.

to strike fire :.; ) I <.S~?! to be infatuated, enchanted, captivated ~!

to consult, ask or seek the opinion of ~~) ; I;-;::_! to be or become even, equal; to be on <.SJ 8 :<.S?!
the same level
to import (goods) (~WI) ~?!
to be or become steady, uniform,
1~~ ~I) -1~?! equable, regular

to seek to become a (~jJ ~ 0~ ~ :~~?! to be or become even,

level, flat
minister, seek a portfolio
to appoint as minister I•. - ·~·-
fi)J ~ · ) ) J - .
.--.·:.•1 to straighten up; to be or become r~! :LS?!
straight, erect, upright
to find wide, roomy, large ~IJ ;~J :t-?! to ripen, mature, be or become ripe ~ : LS?!
~! ~~;-~~ '~~ ' ~! :~-;::_! or mature
,. 'JI..- .... J .....
to be (properly) cooked, be well I~ ~ : <.S,::....!
to consult (a doctor) ( ~l)w·:.·~
···; ~- done
to ask for an explanation or clarification (-r) ~?! to sit firmly on
(oO, inquire (about), ask (about); to investigate,
explore, inquire into, search into _
straightness; evenness, levelness; equality; .1_?!
regularity, uniformity, steadiness, equability; nor-
to settle (in), settle down (in), establish().~ : ::,1?! malcy, normality
a residence or colony (in), establish home (in), take • & -
equator .I_,._;.. ~I .,b.
up permanent residence (in), make one's home
to contain, hold, take, have capacity ~ ~! :~?!
for, be able to take in; to seat, sit, have room for,
equatorial, tropical, tropic
the tropics, the Torrid Zone
..., I "r-.
' 'I ··· I

WI - ~I 4.A.l...ll

be large or wide enough for

··- r-- -
to make sure of, seek to ascertain, verify, ~ ',j?!
to contain, comprise, comprehend, J,::. :~-;::_!
embrace, embody, encompass, enclose, take in
to assimilate, comprehend,
, .. . .
c!.l J.) I ' & :~,::....!
... . , ..........
check; to be sure of, certain of, confident of
to deserve, merit, be worthy of J;2.! :~?!
grasp, understand, apprehend, perceive, take in to require, call for,:)Ja; ,;,4:.;! 'r:J::.! :~-;::_!
...... ' :. .
~I ' ~! ~,::....!
-. : ...... demand, need
to assimilate, absorb
to take (receive, get, obtain) ~ l5' • ~I : ~ ,) ,::-!
,.. .. .. ,til.. . . 0 ...
to deem necessary 4-t J ;~ : ~-;::_!
one's due or one's share in full ;) ~~;-r~~ ~?!
to receive, collect, get, ~ i ' ~ ' ~ lZ :J-;::_! to derive from, draw from, borrow from; ~ ~?!
take to be guided by; to be inspired by; to seek inspi-
to satisfy, fulfill, meet (tJJ
-.l:.Jr.JI) ~,::....!
ration from
0\S::II ~?!
)~ ~1;-)?! ... , . . . . . ..... .. .......
to be or become desolate, deserted
.. .. • .. .. .... f .............
to kindle, ignite, light, start ..UJI ,J...!.I :.J.i,:;-! to feel lonely or ~~I Jl ~_,)4 ~ :c}-,::....!
desolate; to be or become alienated, estranged
~~ ~1;-~~ :~?! to miss; to long for, yearn for ~ JL:!.! :~ ~-;::_!
to dread, look forward with ap- ~ u;..; :~-;::_! to feel an aversion for, be ~ ~t ~: ~ ~-;::_!
prehension to, be uneasy about
... , , ,. .... .... ... ........ repelled by
to ask to stop or halt i...ii,:;-!
u_,i_,)l ~ ~:
~~ ~1;-~?!
~ji ~1;-J~i '~ '~ ,~ji :~-;::_! ...... ' ..........
t.lJI ~1;-tJ,::-!
to catch the eye; strike the sight or )aj I ~-;::_! ~~~J ~~;-~1 ~?-;::_i
eyes, attract (draw, arouse) attention, engage and J J,

hold the attention; to be eye-catching, striking studio; atelier j:!J,::-1

(.-!) ~ e.-')-(~) ::,-.:.:.· ·! to seize, capture, take over, ;11~ , ~ : ~ J'?!
to darken, be (become, grow) ri1 i :(~I) ~i take or lay hold of, occupy, take possession of,
possess oneself of, appropriate; . to expropriate,
dark or tenebrous
confiscate; to requisition; to usurp
to lower, drop, let j::.) :(;::.,1) ~i
J::.:..i , • ... ... ·~
to seize (taketJJ _J-_,.-.11, ~I, JS).I ~ J~!
• J ..........

down, let nang (down), hang down

over, usurp) power, a throne, etc.
to pour forth, shed ~, JC.i: ~i to over- ~.(,:;;:..! , ~ ~;;2.!, ~ •?
! :~ J_;;,:.!
rhyme, a passage of rhymed prose ~ ;;..,1 come, overwhelm, overpower; to engross, absorb,
preoccupy, occupy wholly, take up, seize, take
to rain (it rained) C.)a:i :(tG:ll ~:=-) ~i hold of, dominate, possess
black );.i ;~j to breed, propagate, produce :.J'~-
:.· I
, __ ... • .. , ... • J "" ... .... ,... • ..
to discontent, disgruntle, ~I , :....Ia:;... J ~I : .,b;.,:..l ;;.J'''-' '·~

.. ~41 c;J_,..L. :0_,:;....1

barrel, gun barrel
embitter, anger, exasperate, enrage, irritate, vex
..-. . ... resentment, umbrage, offense, dissatisfaction, .~!
black )_,...1 :~I
discontent, displeasure, indignation, annoyance,
... ~ ..... ... ,. • f

~ e--')-~1 vexation, anger, miff

to be apposite, be to the point; to hit l..~t ::'-- 0 \S' : ..1.. I
.. ... .. .:i'-- ..
the point, hit the right thing
. (transfer to) provi- t'
t 1_.;l e- 1J-t 1_.;! :e.l· .. ~··!
~~I ~ 4Jb-!
. ,,..
' t' ~!
cougar ~~i ::.i sional retirement; (puttmg on) half pay
sea lion ;.:;,JI ~j in provisional retirement; unattached; t'~ ~I ~
on half pay
Leo (ctu) ~~I(_:; importation, import, importing -':/)-;; : .:~1_?1
to render, perform, do, make; to
..... ~--

i.;; '.~ il.i : '-'..~.w I

... ... ...
;.:;, e.-')-~- :.:.·.!
give, offer, confer on
4..~ e.-') - ~ 4..~
':--· .....
., inquiry; question; asking
- - (.~I
;l...i:::.l: .._ -
... .. ... , ... ... ..... 'I settlement, settling (down) ~-=:u~l
(jby .._ -
.......... f , ,::ii ......... capacity ~ :~...~La...::.:.. I
todarken,be(become,g row)dark r!l>l :J.;UI u..~.wl
or tenebrous assimilation, comprehension, ..!JIJ~l, ~ :'-:-'~!
........ f
to lower, drop, let down, let hang J- J I , u> J I : J ..~.w I
... • .. ... ... 'J
grasp(ing), understanding, apprehension
down assimilation, absorption ~ i , '-""" t......::.:1
- - :'-'. L.._ -I
- -- --·
. .. , ):.J~I)
to capture, take prisoner, arrest, appre- ~ ~ :..,...1 fulfillment (tJJ .Ia .. :·'!
hend, jail; to intern
receiving, receipt, collecting, ~I
~ :•
. ~!
to bind, fetter, shackle, chain collection, getting, taking
to captivate, fascinate, enthrall, enchant, --- : --•I
~ r' to wake up, awaken, waken, . __.."~'.
b.:..·(-. y ) '!;;i':.·.\
~ .. -
charm, thrill awake; to get up, rise
;;. .- a:
~e.-')-)~·~! :'~a;:.:·!
.... f .......
e.-') -~;1
:;i ... .,

r' '(.)I :..,...1

to keep secret, hide, conceal r:=s- : :;.. i ;);i e.-')-("-! Ji ;.~1) ::,(·'·!
to cofide (a secret) to, (~4 Ji ~I) ...;.1! :;.i seizure, capture, takeover, taking over, (~) ·~!
taking or laying hold (oO, occupation, (taking)
entrust (a secret) to, tell secretly or confidentially
possession (oO, appropriation; expropriation, con-
captor, arrester Ji::: :~T fiscation; requisition(ing); usurpation
fascinating, charming, breeding, propagation, production, producing .:~~!
• 1

' •0 .J""I
1Milcll3!1l,;;::',ll\11l'#ll"·:llV·'::i''!l·ll,ffl·ll·tll''"'::•ll'·,llTilrrll"Ii:::I·::IAIIIIi:w4illi!llll1 BIIIIBIIIIBBIIIIilllliii.. • 4 ' · ,~rw IH " ., "'"· )
extravagant or immoderate; to exaggerate, overdo captivating, enchanting; catchy, catching
caterpillar; larva

tJr"' : (JJ""
, , 0 1 capture, captivity; arrest, apprehension J""l
• 1

; j
to establish, found, set up, lay the foundation v-1 all, altogether, all of it, wholly, entirely,
for; to institute, build, create, originate, build up,

completely, totally, in toto
constitue, organize, form, make, start
... ;:;;
all of them .~.r,
to base on, found on, ground on, rest on Js. ~I • f. ':;:;
strength, vigor, power, force, energy .r ~I •..;,.
()"L.i ~1)-~1
retention of urine J~
·.-II '
G. -I : )""' 1
stable, barn A l to travel by night
t# ,..- ..-

~ J L..

: i.SJ"" I

aster (..::.. L:-;) ..,1.:. i to make travel by night '1:.J ;:.. :(~) (.S~J
, - 1
tragacanth, milk vetch (c.L:-;) ~lSI~ I
.- . . ""' . . . , .._ t' a 1
nocturnal journey .I;.J
astrolabe ~;U ~ 4.11 :'-:-'~~~
Prophet Mohammad's midnight journey to ~I;_~ I
element ~ :~] ,~j the seven heavens '... , . ,
cylinder [ ;......u] ~ 1jl.:.1 the night of Prophet Moham- (~I ;~ll J) t.l ;_~I ll;J
mad's ascension to the seven heavens
cylinder, drum, roller, roll [~~] i1:;i:,1 acceleration, speedup, hurry(ing), hasten(ing), ti;.J
column, pillar ~~ :il:;1:.1 rush(ing)
•1 wasting, waste(fulness), squandering, .):!; :ui;.J
... , J 61 ;:;; , ...... J
record, disc (~l~y_,i Jl.t .. :.__,..)~I_,.J..:. dissipation, extravagance, prodigality, profligacy,
masters, authorities, experts; celebrities, v+ l..l- lavishness, excessive expenditure
, . u l.r!.
... ....
distinguished personalities, outstanding persons excess(iveness), immodera- ~J: jJ t;_; , J.l
cylindrical, cylindric - ·ljl.:.1 tion, immoderateness, extravagance, il1temper~
ance, exceeding the proper bounds, going too far
legend, myth, fable """o),l:1 lead u<>C..) : "'="~1
mythology A>l.~l ~ family' household, house o-;.1
legendary, mythical, fabulous, fabled ~.),1:1 dynasty wl> ~;.1
fleet, navy, squadron J,l:1 to saddle (a horse) (0 41) (;.i
relief, succor, aid, help; rescue, saving, salvage, u~ J
to light (a lamp) (r_l;',.ll) r_;.i
. . . ;;;:; .... , ... , :;; ... _.. _.. 1
first aid to hurry, hasten, rush, dash, ~, .~ ~: t,rl
run, speed, mend one's pace, make haste; to
ambulance quicken, be or become quick or fast or rapid
to make happy; to bless
... :;; ..... ... ;;. .... ... .....
t.r ~IJ -t.r :t.r- 1
happier; luckier ·-~-- ':(-1 _,'I
;;~..._~I: .l&... faster, quicker, more ~;. :,:Si , ~;. ~i :e,;.i
... . - . . ~; 0 1 rapid
to kindle, light, ignite, start .UJI :_.-1
supersonic, ultrasonic
to snuff, sniff Ja2..1 :~i
as soon as
to relieve, succor, help, aid, go to the aid of, ~j possible
give aid to; to rescue, save, salvage; to give first aid .... :>i.... ... ......
to waste, squander, dissipate, lavish, spend J~ : u J"" I
lavishly or wastefully
to regret; to feel or be sorry (for) U...i to exceed the proper
... ...
C:'4 , jJ~ , J. ~I : u .r I
..-... ... ... ..... ... • • ... ..... 'f

;;; • ... t
to descend, sink, decline; to stoop, lower .ki! :U.:..l bounds or limits, go too far, go to extremes, be
' ,,}: '-, ,J!f,v&f1§rir1&. +c::z:z:=:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:;, ,;:;":Z:Z:Z:Z:::::J
omission, leaving out, skip- uj;_ , JlAi.t : J:,LG..:,. I oneself, demean oneself
ping, elimination, cancellation, dropping, exclu~ • .. • - J :;i :;i - .,

to skim, pass lightly or L. -~ ~ \j~: )Ua.ll ......_\

sion rapidly along a surface, glide or skip along (above,
deduction, subtraction (:).: .1LG..:.J near) a surface

··- _.
• J

to look sharply at, stare at, gaze at JJ - .... :;i
)a.JI ......_I
... -

- J •
abortion, miscarriage ~I .1 lA.:.J regret; sorrow, grief
_.. 'Jf.- ...... _.. .- j _.. 'l '/! J ..- 'J _. _. .- 'JI

waiver, forgoing, disclaimer, dropping, ~\ .1lA.:.J

"' - J •
....._')lj ~J ,.IA:..II_, ,......_\ ~ ,......_~\ t" ,....._')lj
renunciation, giving up, relinquishment unfortunately; regrettably; alas, what a pity, (it's)
- J •
shooting down, downing ii '\.1 .1 \A:. I too bad, woe, wellaway
~ '
sorry; regretful; sad
projection [~_, ~..w.] .1LG..:.J
- 'll - ...... -

.. ~..w. sorry! I am sorry! excuse ! '-A:- I tj J ! '-A:- I \j I ! '-A:- I

projective ['-""""'-' l..r'
' me! pardon me!
projective geometry
··.- f; J:_ ~IJ -(yi}JI ~')1 .,::.-) J:.i
scaffold ~ ~lr(~ lA~_r0....) )Li
scurvy (~_,..) .!.,;):.) .r"- ~I)-().:.. lA~_rG....) ;LA.:.i
to drop, let fall, tumble
- ....
~ji :1i.i
j .... - ••
spinach (w L.;
r·~:\.4.:.. .I , (· \.; \.4.:.. 'I
... t
~ (
... .... 'J -
to overthrow, topple, bring down \.1 I : ..Ja.;;.:. I to result in, cause, produce, ~I , c:..~ I : ,:y ,)-I
0 • - ....

to down, shoot down

•)U. ..Ja.;;.:.l
- ...... create, give rise to, bring about; to yield, bring
forth; to show, reveal, disclose, uncover, unveil,
to deduct, subtract (~:~i manifest, evince
...... --·· --··
-u~ ..... 0 - . . . . . ..- -- .. f..- , .... ..
to omit, leave out, skip, , ~I , ~I : ..Ja.;;.:.\ _,
.r4- ~1;-\W;_, ,:r C....::S :(iii)\.,::.-) _,A.-I
eliminate, cancel, drop, exclude
--- ........ ' f .... f .........
_,A- ~1;-J_;..I, ol.DI :_,A.-1
to fail, flunk ~~ :ut:..;-1 ~ ~i . I -
tan(ned); sunburned, sunburnt, sunstruck,
.. -:;i • - -. f
to denaturalize, deprive of u·~~..Ja.;;.:.\
.. _ : scorched, singed, scalded, charred; melanous
"' 0 'J
citizenship ..... f J ....

'J-4- :J,.i.:. I

lower, inferior, sub-; bottom, ~~I

to waive, forgo, disclaim, drop, rock-bottom
-. f
renounce, give up, relinquish bottom, foot, tail, ~ , ..!.] J ~
- ,,
..1 ~ , ~ :J,o.:. I

to nonsuit; to quash; to drop, base, lower part

withdraw asphalt, blacktop ~i
to abort, cause to
have an abortion sponge
..- ·~-
·.~· I
to miscarry, abort spongy; sponge; porous ~.
to project maple (.::..L.i) ui~J
white lead, ceruse 1~1
~ .... '
bishop, prelate wedge, cotter; peg ~I~ --
archbishop, primate, metropolitan wei , .- ~) cuneiform •.. · I
episcopal; pontificial
" - -~-· 1 IS- ~lr<.SJ; ,~_;.. :Ji-..1
-... - ;;;;- -. 1

- J. i
episcopate, bishopric, diocese, see ~1 dropping, tumbling, tumble lA.: I : j,LQ.;.I'
to sicken, make sick or ill overthrowCing), topple, toppling
.. -t -, .
_, ;;.u,1 : .11.4..:..1
:. f; ~
~I; -~.)1
.. ,. I.. . ,. ""e j
mackerel 1 .-L '
' - :~c ·-·~~.
·~.· I
(~~~· . ·~I) ~i Je

; .... I_. _..I

to harrow, drag skink .~1 (r. ~~ :;~!

: ~)
...... ,,
as we have just (already, previously, \..;..&1. I 1:.5 bung ~~I ~ ..i~~ ~~~~ :~I.S:.J

formerly) said or mentioned, as we have said (or
silencing, gagging, muzzling u I.S:.I
mentioned) earlier or before
...... ::; . ;;
to insert in, introduce in, 41;. .)I : .~1 oJ ·~I I!.L.C.. I
. .
...... ., . shoemaker, cobbler ui.S:.I
put in, stick into '
housing, lodging, accommodation, quartering, ui.S:.I
to thread a needle, pass a .;,~1 (~) ~ 'Ja;,il ~i domiciling '
thread through (the eye oO a needle
to string, bead or thread
on a string
.¥ ~ (dJ j).l) ~i
to silence, hush, quiet, shut up, gag, muzzle "'
' ·lS:.,I
to embrace Islam, profess Islam, i")L.~~ J~: (Li silence! quiet! be quiet! hush! sh! mum! !~ 1
become a Moslem
sketch ~I
to resign oneself to (the .ill JJ (~ _,i) ;;i f:.i
will oO God, commit oneself to God, recommend to intoxicate, inebriate, make drunk)::..; ~ : ~i
one's soul to God, submit to God
.-'1 _..I ,.. I "",.. ,.. ....... j threshold, doorstep; sill; lintel (~:JI _,i '::-'UI) ~1
rl-=-! ~1;-.)\ii! ,~ :rl-1 seaport, port, harbor, haven .~ : 4lC.]
~ ~~;-J:;l; .(JJ) r~ ,(JJ} ~; :(JJ} f:.i to house, lodge, put up, accommodate,
(JJ} quarter, domicile
to betray, sell out; to desert, J~ , 01..;.. : f:.i bung
to give up the ghost, breathe one's ..::.L. : (J:)I
last, die, pass away
- - ~ --rL I ..
style; way, method, procedure, J.:: , ~). :":-'_,t1 to sharpen, point, tip
technique; manner, mode, fashion, pattern
style, diction, (t'J ~~I, ~~I, ~~I) ~_,t1
rush (..::.q J,:.i
:;I... -. f
wording, expression, phraseology, phrasing, J.... ~1;-~1
-'.F, _,..-I
.i· f ~ ~I;-(~ \a.)_,A..) ":-')l.:J
stylistics u~_,l:J .~_,t1 uL ~~;- (ul.:.. t..).rL-) u~i
.. ...... " .. ..... " .. • ..... J '1/..-,,., • . . • Islam ~)L.~I c/..JI :~~~~
.. J I l; I~J I ~ (r.:A:!
name; appella- t.:.!. · ..h.J ··~,I I I I J J I

tion, designation r~! ~ 1 r .)~! 't_,..Q.> : r)l.l

noun, substantive [~] , I , ~I
1"'"'- Islamic -.r,
name, reputation, repute, stand- ~,C:~! lslamics uG~I
ing, credit, prestige ··- ~

;;).:.. ~!! thorn, spike ~~ : 4.L.i

demonstrative pronoun
first name, Christian ..J,;ll ~!, ~ _,i J;i -;.:.! point, tip
u):> , V"l; :4.1- I
._ --.
L ...... f.
name, given name tip of the tongue
uUJI V"l;: 4.1- I

noun in apposition J~ ~! ....... J.... __ .... J-..... ..-.. .,

barb, hooked hair or bristle <l.i _,...... ~L..; ii y.:. :4.1- I
.. .... ;;:; ~J ....... ~- • -- • J "' .....

4........y ~ ~
,;;-*" :~;l~ r-! to subdue, subjugate, make tractable or (;)~) ~i
trade name,~ _,1
--. "
3--;... _,I~,;.. r-!, ~;~ r-!
-- ;;:; ... J " .... ... '· "' .....
-. ~

' •A
brown, tan, tawny, brunet, dark, swarthy
.. +u&tMN§i§*!

firm name, business name

"' .... .. J,.. • •
auburn, reddish brown .r:- _,_1 pet name
....... _. diminutive
brunette .1_,_ ;;l.r~
brownness, brown color; tan .;~.,;.! elative, comparative and superlative
to make hear, let hear ---~.--·j
t-"! . . t'""' God tii:LI ,, I
to insult, offend 0\Ai '~: e:-i collective noun
. ~-
~ ~!
. ,,

j:.:. e.-')-~:~~~ ~i generic noun ~ ~!
..... :;:. .... .... ..... ..... J ••
u- e"'J- .:,-I the 99 names (or attributes) of God ~I ~~~I
cement, concrete, portland cement .:.2..:.1 family name, sur- ~i -;.:.!,;;;_~I Ji ~WI;:!
;10_.. J "' ..... '
reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete d-- ..::...;.......! name, last name
proper noun, proper name
nominal, titular, existing in ~ -~ ~~ , ~ ;.~ :~I
name only concrete noun
nominal [wr
. "'--·,
'I active participle, nomen agentis, present
participle; deverbative
e-'J-~! ~
infinitive, verbal noun, nomen verbi ~ ;: !
. , ' L.
e.-)I -t..:.l nomen vicis ;;:,11 ;:!
.. - ... .- 1 ..- - 'J
to stagnate, stink, become l.:.:-1 )L,.. :.rl •.,:,.-1 ... .... J. ~ '11- .... ..- .... , • " .... , .,,
stagnant, become stinking; to become brackish, pseudonym, ~ Jl <.?
~!, J.=...;:.;... Jl Jt...::..:. ~!
corrupted anonym, alias, assumed name, nom de guerre; pen
,, • • • - ...... ;;. .- 1
name, nom de plume
to teethe, cut one's teeth, grow teeth~ l:.l ~ : .,:,.-1 ~-- ,, I
... 'I! .... ;;.---- ... ;;. ..... abstract noun ~~-
to age, grow old, be ad- ;:;..JI <J r....o; 'tt:. :u-1
vanced in years
~ J ... • 'f .... -- 1
passive participle, nomen patientis J~~!
older, elder; more aged, more advancedl:- ;51: ~I relative pronoun J , ·- . I
in years
common noun ii~ ~!
stagnant, stinking, brackish
.... .. J • ...
.... 0 :I in the name of, on behalf of, in behalf of 0)1.; -~~
, .
to flash (lightning) .-\..,;, I : J :,.J I _,:...1
~) y:.;-~1 ~I -~
to shine, gleam, glisten, radiate t:i :~i in the name of God, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful
predication [w] J~l anonymous; anonym ~~I J~
attribution, ascription, imputation,C> , J:;, :.lL:.. J ... ... .... ... ... ;;._.. .... 0 •

tracing back -
--! \..... e"\J- c!J 'J.. :..,....I

entrustment, commit- u">t,:; ,

ti.G J , ~ : .)L:.. J _,-e.-')-_,- :_,-1
;;.... :,... .... 'f

ment; vesting, investiture; commiSsion(ing) - higher, above; loftier, more exalted, J.&-1 , c!) : ..,....1
-. .. .... • • ..... 0

predicative, predicate; attributive ~J~


more eminent, more sublime; paramount, supe-
• f rior, supreme; topmost, uppermost, top, upper
J ,, •
dentition, teething 0 L:. ~I J,.J> : 0 L:.:.l
• making hear, letting hear t-"!
-. - ,,,
~ : t~l

to lean against or on, reclinej& ~~ ~ : JJ :2.i

against or on, rest on, support on, prop on tatters, rags, worn clothes (q4) J~.:J
to attribute to, ascribe JJ ~, JJ 1;: JJ Zi to brown, tan, be (become, turn)
to, impute to, trace back to brown or tan
... ...... .... ;01..... .... .... _., ..... t
(pattern, model) of; (just) as, (just) like, similar to to entrust to, -! J,\,; I , -! UlS' , -! ~J ¥ : JJ ...:..I
.;J e--'roJ,:.J commit to; to' vest in or with; 'to commission (to
to blacken, black, become (grow, .)}:.i )\.... :~,:..!
turn) black or blacker
to base on, rest on, j& ~j , j& ~ : JJ Zi
found on, ground on
black ua:..;i ~ :;,:..i to predicate [ JL _, W] Z i
~ • .... • :f
black, Negro ~;:.),...,
..... ............. ...... f.
expatiation, elaborateness, enlargement, long- u ~I
pupil of the eye ~I~-- :.),_1 windedness, prolixity, verbiage, verbosity, wordi- '
ness, redundancy, circumlocution, periphrasis
~K.. -) ~I;- .I.)_;:.
.J .... • in detail, at length, lengthily, elaborately, y~k
coal-black, pitch-black, deep-black, ("'"I,; .),_1
jet-black, coaly, pitchy
black market
.... ...
.1.),... J,...
, diarrhea J~ J

diarrheal, diarrheic, diarrhetic ~~J

blackening, becoming black or blacker; JIJ,:..!
blackness, black
SL e--'r E._,.. I
' .. to expatiate upon, elaborate on, enlarge (j) :.,.+.i
wC.: e.-')- r~!

to be or become sad, grieved, unhappy, 0 ~ : 1,1':" I

... ... f
upon, expand on, dilate on, dwell upon, disc'uss ·at
length, speak at great length about, talk or write in

gloomy, distressed, sorry; to grieve, sadden, gloom,
sorrow, feel sorrow, mourn detail about, develop or state in great detail
to keep awake; to make sleepless
exponential .. -) ]"'1
[..:..L...<:.L !.,?""
exponential function (..:..~~;)~~I iJ'I~I vas deferens, ductus deferens [ 'C}~] ,.+.i
to purge; to loosen or relax the bowels, (~I) jf:.i
Asia 4:....LC.....I relieve the constipated bowels
Asia Minor (.$~\ t;-1 to find easy, deem facile
.. • ..
~ •..~..:>:' _,
J....... ... .... .... t
Myrtaceae (..:..L.;) .::.~1 to have diarrhea, have a loose bowel movement,J.,:-1
have a looseness of the bowels; to purge
sad, grieved, unhappy, down(cast),
gloomy, melancholic to give a share in ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~j :.J
. ........ ... .... . ........ .,

acetate ~ r-L e--1;-el,.:!.! ,eJ;l:.. :~ t+"l

... .......

. • ....... ..... .....

acetal J~l r-L e--1; -t;li :t+"l

, I
acetone u~ ~ e.-')-(~ l..);~-.o) ~i
. .....
acetyl -.b-1• worse 1_,..1
• ij: ~I
acetylene ~~ .. ~ .. -·' the worst
• ., ~ .... 'J .
acid at worst Ji_p ~I 1,..1 ~
_...... ... . ... . . ....
prisoner, captive; captured, arrested ./:-:':' i tS,.:..! e--';-rl<...:::.! :..s_,..l
prisoner of war, internee
• .....

J f

. bracelet, armlet, bangle

tS,.. e.-';-(,$,... :(,5,_1
;;:; .... :;...

; I~ :;I J,:-1

sorry; regretful; sad, grieved

# ...... J
,U,..L:.. :~1
. .,

.-,f. f
smooth ~\,; ·u-1.. 1 :~1 example, pattern, model J~, iiJ~ :;;J,:.1
Asian, Asiatic ~,;..T along the lines of, following the example
... :;i' - ... j
rumor; hearsay e--'J- ":-'I.! I ~
..... ., ........... ..
spreading, circulation, putting \!.I ;..1.4.t : 4,&.\!.! r alloy )S'i _,i ~~ ~ :~G1 'J..#
into circulation, propagation, pu6lication, dissem-
ination; disclosure, revelation, revealing, divul-
to turn away (one's face (~ +.~ _,i ~j) (.Gi
from), avert (one's eyes from); to avoid, shun,
~l:. e--';-(tJJ ¥~) ~Gi to praise, commend,laud,j&. ~j :(~)" ~ _,i) ~ 'jGi
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... .,.. .... 1
Jl:. e.-')- J..- '~) :J\.!1 eulogize, extol, celebrate; to give credit to, pay
... ... ... , ...... ... .... . tribute to
to mix, mingle, blend, combine ~ , ..lal> :~I
- - -- - - f ~ e.-';- ~l:. '~ : ~G.i
to alloy 0;W.I ..lal> :~I
~ ... ' ... ' ... ;;; ... t praise, commendation, laudation, .G :( . .. ) oJGI
~ e--1;-~ ~l:. ;\...:. :~1 extolment, eulogy

to alloy
to sow dissension among, ,..; .;> , ~I ~ ~I
... ;;; .. ... . .
. : ,. ...... ;;; ., ~e.-;-~
to make a sign or signal; to beckon; to

(JJ) .:,Gi

V,i :
,.. :ii~l!.l
stir up discord among, set people against each signal, motion, gesticulate; to gesture, make a
other gesture
satisfaction, gratification; to indicate, show, point out, sug- j&. J~: J) )G.i
supply(ing); satiation, filling gest, imply, be indicative or suggestive of, be a sign
saturation, soaking, soakage, ~ • ~):. : t ~ J of, betoken, bespeak, signify, designate
... :;;... ... ....
impregnation; perfusion, suffusion
.. • .. , .. _... ... --· 1.
to hint at, allude to, insinuate, inti- JJ J) ,;l:.l e"J :
to satisfy, gratify; to supply; to satiate,~~ :~1 mate, refer indirectly to, suggest indirectly, imply
........ ... .....
sate, fill to mention, make mention of, refer ~ ~ : J) ,;l:.l
...... t ... :;:; ... .. ..... .. ... • •
to saturate, soak, steep, y _;,.I , y _;,. , ~ : tf-1 to, make reference to, point out to, state, cite
~ : j&. )G.i
drench, impregnate; to perfuse, suffuse, permeate to counsel, advise, give advice to,
(with a liquid, etc.) suggest to
... .. ... ... ... •
to charge with, load with ~ ~ : ~ tf-1 sign, mark, indication, ii •~! , ;..:, , J.:J~, ~~: o)GJ
r_,. .
... J • ... .. , • .. ... ... • ..
token, symbol, symptom; signal; insignia; motion, '
to treat exhaustively or ;.t I _,I ~I tf-1
elaborately, write or speak fully or at great length
about, set forth or develop in great detail
,.. .. J ... ... • .,
gesture, gesticulation
, . .,. ........... ., - ...
tJ! e,. JJ .» L:;:. 01 ~ ~~: c;.Jl:. J
... .
to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully,~~ ~I hint, allusion, intimation, insinuation ~ : ;;.JG, J
beat severely, strike repeatedly
...... .. . . . • 'f
mention(ing), reference (to), referring ~ ;;.J G. I j :
~l:. e.-'; -~1 (to), pointing out (to), stating, citing, citation
.... • ... ., ...
, J .. .- J ...
"'..... J.... • __.• f
more similar, more like, more resem- ~ _;5 I :~I traffic light, tramcW._,.... ;;.Jl:.J, ;J)I _,1 ~I c;.Jl:.J
bling signal · ·
(just) like, (just) as, similar to time signal
best man, groomsman demonstrative pronoun ;;'G,i''i
.) .~.

bridesmaid _;.:, e.-';- ~)G.j ~)

... :;;... ... ::;; ... ;;;. ... .,
J.:,:.. e.- I; - .11.! I
-.::..:.:!.e.-')--.::..:.:!. :..::....:.1
':ll ... ... ... .... f
.. :/I"' ... -

... ... ... ... .. ., ...... f

to enter upon winter • L:J I J. J>.) :~I to rumor; to spread, circulate, put ~ , ~I :E..I.! I t'
--~ 11 ... - .... f. ........ f. .... into circulation, publicize, propagate, dissemi-
to hibernate.:..t;.J~ ~L:JI J,.;...; ~I , ..::..:-I :~I
... '/1 J ... J • •
nate, publish, make public; to disclose, reveal,
hibernation .L:JI .:..L,
. .:..L..:.I:
. .l::.!.l ~ ~
divulge, make known
"' ~~~~c:==2-~~*~:r~'-='~3~&~%=,=·=·====================:J
,JI ... • f
heightening, increase, buildup; strengthening; c.!. t"IJ-.::..~1
to be (become, get) angry with, ~ ~ : ~ 1S I
to buy, purchase t' L::'-I :IS<.'.
I cross with, furious at, mad at
~I;. t"IJ- .~~~ to long for, yearn for, hanker after, pine {JJ) <JS ~
, !. J. - • for, hunger for, thirst for, die to, burn to; to crave,
stipulation, stipulating J,J ..r-'
'1\ ~J .
' ·1.1 .r:-'-
... 1
desire, desiderate; to miss
t-;::. t"IJ -~I,.JI ~ 'r::i;::. :e_l~~
• • J ......
clash, fight(ing), engagement,
combat, battle
•-/? , JG : i!J~!
Deuteronomy (J"-::
. )tl .r:-
... ~18
.- hand-to-hand fight(ing), grapple, J~ : i!J~!
~? t"IJ -~~~~ scuffle, brawl, melee, quarrel
J .... - , ..... .... •

participation, sharing, communion, taking i!JI_;:.:, I . t" I) -&\.:;


. ;t ...:i!JWI·- -
,. !. . .
part; contribution; subscription; partnership, asso- i!JW ~I (
ciation; copartnership; co-ownership, coparcenary,
disengagement ._ ·
u<"-'· J I) &
community; jointness; part, role suspicion, doubt(fulness), dubiosity,
complicity (~?, ~) i!JI~! dubiousness
dubiosity, uncertainty, ambiguity, U'" ~! :o ~!
together with, jointly with, in con- ~I~~~
junction with, in concert with, in association with,
e equivocalness, equivocation, confusion, obscurity
J ... ... J.... .... •

with the participation of, with "-!\.:; t"IJ -"-!\.:; :o~!

• J -- _..
subscription rate; participation fee i!JI~ ~I J..l.! to clash, fight, combat, battle, ~~,;:,_,);.;)~I
engage in battle, be or become involved or engaged -
complications ..::.~C..: :.:..lSI~! in war, make war
socialist, socialistic (4.A..,..) :JI~ I to come to blows, come to ;,.. C::.; , ;:,_,~ I e:.; )G
grips, grapple, engage in hand-to-hand fightini,
socialist (
('"'" 1)'<1 .. :1
~ .r:--
brawl, fight, quarrel, scuffle, strike one another
socialism ts'l .:.I
... .r:-'- ~8 t"IJ -~8 ::JG!
state socialism tij~l 8'1 .: I
. , .r:-- ;>:; - • 'I
to suspect, doubt, be .±. :(o.rl .j Jl ~ Jl .j) 4.::.:.:.!1
,. ,. -·

~ ""~
suspicious (oO, be in doubt (~bout); di;trust, -
.,. J J J ":;. I

utopian socialism ~_J \.,-~

L J I~ L
... ~j:! wl "'I
.. _ .r:--
to stipulate, provide, state (specify, impose) as 1~!
a condition, make a condition ::~1 ~ ~ t"IJ -~ ::~1 ~!
to legislate, make laws; to enact(t'J ~;li) (,:.. : tP I ~8 I -~C::i
. t"J . :~1
. -
or pass (a law)
;,..8 t"IJ- ;,..8 :~!
to participate (in), share (in), take part (e, ~)~~I
(in), partake (in or oO, engage (in); to contribute to interlace, intertwine, ~8 , ~ 1::.; : ;,.::.:.1
(to); to subscribe (to); to enter into partnership intertwist, interweave, mesh
(with), be or become a partner (oO or partners to intensify, ~_,j, ~lj, ~!, ~! :~!
(with), associate (with), affiliate (with); to join, heighten, increase, grow, build up, strengthen; to
enter become aggravated; to be or become strong(er),
severe(r), (more) intense, (more) serious
"" - JJ ;:;~--.
to become strong, powerful, ~_,; :o~l.. ....:::..!
ignition, burning, combustion, inflammation, Jla:;;,! vigorous, robust
being on fire, bursting into flame
.... to attack, assail, ;;.~, ~ J_:.;.. :G~I) ~ ~!
combustible J~~~li assault, charge, raid, bear down upon, fall upon,
to flame, inflame, blaze, burn, ignite, catch fire, ~! rush upon
J _..- I I I I I

take fire, start burning, be on fire, be afire, be intensification, r-1L.:;,J~!'r~!:,)l~!

MWGruif!t"JF '<{L,' ;.\if i'w;x;tt;4W·J!,$J2:r?dili!IW:QLihft>jiipfifW-t;,,,_.
_, .
J:!WI t~! ablaze, be aflame, be in flame(s), burst into flame(s)
' , . to flame with rage, blaze with anger, ('a:~!
,~WI t~!
. flare up, inflame, burn, rage, fly off the handle
-~ e.-')-.)~! his hair turned white or gray ~ ;.:I~ ~!
to be or become famous, well-known, - ::.I -<.'.I
............. - ' ............. - J~l I -J~I :J~I
renowned, celebrated; to be or become' known, --t"~"J
-- " IJ I

current, common, widespread Ja:. e.-') -Ja:. :J~l

J~ e-1;-J~l syntactical regimen, government (of a [ W] J~!
to grieve, sadden, make sad ---· -··,
u.J:>-1:~ word by another)

to worry, trouble, disquiet

_. ..-If
,_;..lil: ~I
..- I f
to work; to toil, labor; to function ~ :~I
., J ~ ..._ ...... I
to move, touch, impassion

..-'j _..

:;i ..-

_. I

to run, (tJJ ~~\ J\ ~~IS') ~L., ~b :Ja;.:.!

to grieve, sadden, make sad --··--··, u.J:>-1:~
operate, work, function, be in operation; to start
up, start running
~\- e.-)
;;. "' J ...
~ e-1;-~1 - -
to sadden, grieve --·· --··, u.J:>-1:~ to act upon, affect, produce an effect; I : ~ JA.:.!.!
__ -;,.. -- ..-..-1

... ...... ;ii . . . . . . . . . . . on

e-1;-~ '0- :.i.:o.!,l j5' ~·!"": :~ (•. .I
j..:_. .- ..- I 'f to drink up, drain, empty
e.-') --t 'i.e :-t ~\ _. ""f .. .- I ..
to examine or study thoroughly, ~! :T ;:: l
to return, send back J~l:~l scrutinize, delve into
'I.. -I .. ....... ~·.:·I I - ~·.:·I: ~:.·.,
stronger, more powerful; more ~I , <.5_,.; I :~I r.f--'- r.f--'- ~-e.- )
intense, more violent, severer, harder, greater, -- J ... J ... .,.I

more serious, more drastic, tougher; worse ,....

· •
(.!'!-' I - (.!'!-'
e.- )
· • : tJ'-
· -· -I
...... ,... ... ... ..-I

.• ·-•\
<.S'- e.- ) ..
J .. ~ I-~
extremely, exceedingly, excessively, u.,s::,; L. .I.!. I
>JI"' ..

.. . tJ'--
highly, greatly, very (much), too, most, to the to derive (a word, a chemical compound, · ~IY-.
lr ..:.'.I
greatest or highest degree etc.) from
... .... J-;, J.. ... ..... "'J f

&. e--'.)- •..1.!.\ &. ,~\ derivation; etymology; metaplasm J\4:;,:. I

;:.:_ e.-')-~ 'j.A~i :;~i . ,.
etymology J~~~~
... ... "'...... .. .....
to saw (wood, etc.) C• . r •·: Y""., derivational; derivative; etymological; meta- ~~I
.... :;;; .......... plasmic
to notch, indent, jag, incise j.J:>- :_;,.I
\5::!. t>:"'J -~1
... .. -- f
to be lively, joyful, cheerful, exuberant; to (J"' :.;;. I
exult, rejoice; to frolic, have fun, make merry
........ ..:;;;.. ....:r. .. (::~1) ~i t>:"'.J -~! :(::.~\) ~\
_;.I t"~"\.J- j.J:>- :~\ ~: I ~~~~~--~.~=-~:.·.,
r-e-;- ,.J" ~-r-.
to mark, check off, put a mark on; tor:-:; : (J. )J.. i .-.:·, 1;-~1,;;.--s-,:~:.:,
stamp; to sign; to endorse officially r-"- to:" - ,, - r-"- .
to visa, give or grant a visa to ():,JI jl~ J.) J..i J _,......e.-)
• I -Ji··•.\
(a passport) ·
~ ,J_:!. t>:"'.J-0:-~: ,<.S?! :J. JS!
liveliness, joy(fulness), cheerfulness, frolic,
fun, merrymaking -t ~ t>:"'J -~; ~: :-t ~!
lively, joyful, jovial, merry, cheerful, exu- to desire, wish, crave (for), lust, hunger for, ,..;-::.I
berant, frolicsome hanker after, long for, yearn for; to feel appetite for
to crane one's neck, stretch (out)
J.-J J
;ii _.. :;i ...... I

.;:,. e.-')- .~I

,, -·1' : 1 ,,,, • ==ur::;:,-: ·=·:i·,;==::::::,=========:::~
to shine, radiate, beam, gleam, )t , ;:G,i :~).i one's neck, perk up
flash conditioning
to radiate, irradiate, light up, brighten,
'· .... .... ..... .,
~_,)I J;!-1
flash up conditioned, conditional
. "' .-J _.. _.. f
to make a partner (in), take into part- CJ l; ~) .!.!,;:, I

conditioned response
nership (in), take as partner (in), give a share (in) ... • • • 'I
......... • f. ~r. ~~) -u1,;:,-s1 ,ul__..!.l
to be or become a polytheist ~~.!.);!.I
supervision, superinten- ·~I~J 'WI~:(~) ui)J
having a disfigured nose (~~~) r~i dence, oversight; control{ling); direction, man- ·
harelipped (~1) -:j agement, running
- ir'
command; scope of(tJJ_e;-i;)J~J :(~) ui).J
:0. ... ;;. -- 1
Ja:. ~I;- .b.! I
....... • ... .... .... j _.. .... ~
to radiate, eradiate, irradiate, ~ I ').:, , • ~I : ~I nearness, closeness
,..,, • J •

shine, beam, emit rays, send out beams _,.;.) .y_; :(~) ui;!.J

to diffuse, emit, spread, disperse,

.. :;."' .......... :;."''I
.J),~:c:-1 ,. ~ ~~; -ul).) ~
radiance, brilliance, brightness, shine, shining, Jl__..!.j
notification, notice, note, information, ).Ia~ J : .J la:.J luminosity; vividness ·
advice, warning, reminder, declaration illuminism
delivery note ~ : ~l illuminism
credit note
debit note ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . • f,

~I; -c.SJJ •<.)-- :":-'__..!.1

until further notice, sine die, indefi- ;~) ;..1 J:> .... ........ ... ... • .. ... .... t
nitely, for an indefinite period (of time) · to soak, saturate, impregnate, & ·ci-1 :y;!-1
radiation, radiance, eradiation, irradiation, t.La:. J • :.
to infuse, imbue; to ~I Jlvaill-} ....r~ :y;!-1
• • 'II .... ... ... ... .... t

inculcate, instill, (im)plant, (in)fix; to indoctrinate
nuclear radiation .... .... .... J... .. J........ ... .... 1
(;!.~I;-.~!.> Jl •;~ cr-1
radiationsickness t~~l :l.l
.... ;;;... ..... .... • f.
.l;!o ~I;- ..l__..!.l
radiotherapy t~~~ tJL:.: -
~..rr ~~J-(.JN~'
radiant, radiative, radiational, radio; radio-, ~La:.) ... ..... ... .... f
radi- ~ :e_r.l
:;. " .... :.
radioactive, radio-, radi- .[.h.WI I .1LJI
~ . to open
......... .....;;, ....... :;;....
t.r l...:.l'
... ... • 'f
··- J- t;!o ~1;-.l.J.... 'Y-""" :t;!-1
radioscopy - . 1./3'
' ,--...
.... .... . -.... .... ...
to supervise, oversee, ;l.ll, )>\.; ,~1; :~ u__..!.l
.... . "' -.
radiant energy, radiation, radio-, radi- ~l...:.! ~U. superintend, watch over; to control; to direct,
I : I ~ I
manage, run
radiology 1./3'
u.-, ~ :. .... J ... ... • ..
to overlook, command, dominate, J.l.l : ~ u ;!.I
radio astronomy ~~~~ ~'1WI ~ tower over, overtop, look down upon
.... • " "' J .... -- • ....... ... .... • 'I

. .,_ ~l...:.!~~
radiotherapy to be near to, close to, on y ;li '~ l.;.l: ~ u ;!.I
. " ...... the verge of, on the brink of, at the point of, about

radioactivity Gl...:.l ~.:.Ld;,. l...:.l
.._ ···.- ... ;;;.
1./3'' J.L.:;
.I • "
to; to approach, approximate
radioisotope, radioactive J.Ljl. l...:.l ..r.Ja.i nobler; more honorable; more honest; more u~ I
isotope 1./3' ' -- upright, more straightforward, more righteous
radiance, radiancy; radioactivity to rise; to shine (~I ~:=-) ~~i
'H Jl.,;,l
c=============·:Z~··~· ~••==;;============~'
upon, share the sorrow of, sympathize with lighting, kindling, ignition, inflaming, inflam- JWI
~ _.. ... .... .... ., mation; burning, setting on fire, setting fire to '
to fear for, be anxious V"? , ul> : js. ~I
about, worry about, be concerned about; to care rays ~i
.- :II J... 1 • J.... .,
for, look after, take care of
-- ... .... .......... . X-rays (~ .. 11~~~.~!~1
to be or become afraid of, J~ , ul> : ~ ~I
scared of, frightened by; to beware of, be cautious alpha rays ~~~ ~ ~~ , wi ~i
of, guard against beta rays ~u~~~~.~~i
to make unhappy, miserable, C.::... . ~. , - ~j
-: i :...:r- .... .- ...... f ..... ' J...- t
lJ""' delta rays wi:UI ~ ~~, UJ ~I
wretched; to distress ··... ... -- -
;.;.:. ,_;;. e-1)-~! gamma rays LJ.1
... ··.·
~- ~~, t.;.. J it~ ~i

blond, fair; fair-haired; fair-complexioned

infrared rays

•I ;_ll
... 0

~_,I ~I_;J.I 0JJ ~I

: t: 0- ... J ~;;;. f,

:;. ,.. • ... ... - .... "';;:; f,

paradox; problem; crux; ambiguity, equivocal- J~ I ultraviolet rays ~I-. ;...:..1

··.· . "-"
::;; .... ,._
. j
ity, dubiosity; difficulty, complexity, complication, ' cosmic rays ~ _;) ~I
~ e-1)-:;~! radiography, roentgenography, skia- ~ ~4 "x.~
.- .......... , • f, ...... 0 j graphy
to be or become dubious, doubt-~!: (_r ~I) JS:.;.I
o M::;; .. ., -' J M::;; ., , - J
X-ray photograph, radio- ~ ~~ ;; J-""" , .0....:..1 ;; J~
ful, uncertain, ambiguous, equivocal, obscure, graph, radiogram, roentgenogram, roentgeno-
vague, intricate, hard, difficult, problematic, graph, skiagram, skiagraph
unkempt, disheveled, tousled, rumpled, shaggy,·'· :··.i
~ e-1) -~:,;. :(tJJ i:.8' _,i ~:;.) ~i matted
;:o; ... :;. ... f

~ e-1) -~1 to notify, give notice to, apprise,

:; , ::;; I
inform, advise, forewarn
~ e-1)-~1

. hairy, hirsute, shaggy

... ... 1.

J~ e-1)- J!,l
. . to light, kindle, ignite, inflame, enkindle; to
~ e-1)- ~~I burn, set on fire, set fire to
p. e-1)-~ ~, :~i
u,.; I :~I
..., ... . to light a cigarette
to strike a match

yl.A.:JI :;,~ Ja:-1

.... J ....... f,

proud, disdainful, supercilious, haughty

. ~ - ..
... ... .... 'I ~

honorable; noble; highborn (-,? : ~I to turn on, switch on tJJ J,.JI Ja:-1
~~ : r:-1
- • J
J.o..:.. e"IJ - J\.a.z. I
• ~

high, lofty, towering

to be disgusted (by, oO, be nauseated (by), (:r) )W! ~ e-1)-J~!

• ,.. ,... ... .... __ .... f.

be sick (oO, feel disgust (at, for), revolt (at, against), to vacate, leave unoccupied l~l:. '-5 _;:_,A; I
detest, loathe
~ e-1)-~i
disgust, nausea, revulsion, aversion, .... 1
• - -..... ... .... f 0

repugnance, detestation, loathing 0 • • ~ ,

to be on the verge of, .:r y _;:;I , js. u _;.1 : ~ ._;.;,I
disgusting, nauseating, sickening, j I~ ')l) k on the brink of, at the point of, about to, close to,
repulsive, repugnant, loathsome, detestable, shock- near to
J ....... ,....... ... ,.. .... j
~ e-1) -~~,..:_,c.;.. :Jli::.j
to cause to rejoice at or gloat -! ~ ~ :-! ~I
fear, fright; worry, anxi- )i;.., t;., u_;:. :J~)
over the misfortune of ety, concern; care, caution
to be sunny (day) (;~l)~i ... ... .... .... ..... .,
to pity, feel pity for, commiserate, ~: ~ JA-!.1

gray-haired '. ~~i.~I~:G~:~i compassion, feel compassion for, have mercy

II ';, .. , '
to have, eat; to hag, crone, old woman • ...__ j~
.... ... ... :;; .. .. ....
to befall, affiict, hit, J J.- , ~ ~ , y\.;:;! : yt;., I
. ...
strike, attack, affect: come over, come upon, potash
happen to, occur to
... • .. • .. .. .. ... f glasswort, saltwort
to infect with; to commu- !.SJ...IA.! Jl ui> .J'"-1 yt;.,l
nicate to, transmit to, pass along to • - moss, lichen, alga
to be stricken by, hit by, attacked by, -! ~1
*"". •-. . , I
.... •Ij

smitten by, afflicted with, befallen by, affected by,
infected by; to suffer, sustain, undergo, experience; ~I.:. ~I) -(~1.:. l..l_,A..) ,)~i
to catch, contract, incur, be or become liable or attestation; certification J~ I
subject to •
goal, score; hit declaration, announcement, proclama- u~l :J~]
tion, promulgation, revealing, revelation ' ·
hitting (a target); scoring (a goal, a hit, (u::Y.) ~~I
etc.) . • . ' ~ ~~) -~!~ ~~l
accident; case ~.)~:~~~
- .
• J ....
. gray
... '
r~ :~C...J
injury, wound, trauma to call to witness, call (upon) as a witness ~I
.... •"'-:. ..........
infection; attack; illness, _ui>.J'"-1 Jl ~r ~C...J -~:·~·! e-1)- ~1
sickness; case .. .. .. 'I .. ... .. .. _... f.
J J ,, ,, .....
affliction, befalling, hit- J~ , JJ;, J_,l.:.. :~C...] .,...:.. ~IJ- tl~l , ~I :.J4o.!.l
., ... , J ... .. .... .. ..
ting, striking · more famous, more renowned, more o.,...:.. )S I :.J4o.!.l
casualties, losses } ~ : eo~~ J celebrated, more eminent, more illustrious
industrial accident, occupational acci-
dent, accident of labor
~ i;~
. I . having bluish-black eyes C,;:.~:.:u) ~i
, .
.. .. ~ t Assyrian ~J~I
eol,.. ~IJ -eol,.. :.:; :;; J 'I ~ ... 4.
.. ... •• ... .. .. • ... ,. , .. _. .... 1 Assyrian ~J_,!. ~I WJI
to listen to, hearken to, ~I ' e::-! : ~ J J I .J t l.c I • .. J .. ... ......
bold, courageous, brave, il~ 't~' •!,?~ :'-""~I

lend or give one's ear to
valiant, daring, adventurous, venturesome
originality; authenticity, genuineness; reality, 4J c:.,j -
truth; excellence, goodness, distinction; purity of hero ~: IJ"}:.I
origin, nobility of descent, pedigree
1- ,_ - •
judiciousness, sagacity, prudence !,? I:,J I jJ C... I
............ .. white, gray, grayish-white, hoary, griz-
personally, in one's own name, on~ iY ~C...~~
(or in) one's own behalf -
zled, grizzly
white-haired, white-headed, gray- (~) ~I
. .... . ..
j~j ~ )
I - 4) I.Q,I
haired, gray-headed, hoary
yW~I ~ j.. ~I_,
.. .. .... _. 0 f
to become, come to be, grow, turn ..::.. ~ , J L,.. :~I ace ~ ,
(into); to be; to get or come to a point where, reach
to hit (a target); to score (a goal, a hit, ( ~ ::Y.) y c:.,i
a stage where
to enter upon morning
- ... - - ......
r J.. J.>.)
.... :;.

...... , .. ,
: ~I
........ .,
... ;;;:.
to be right, be in the right, say y I,:.J ~ __,;I : y C... I
-· .... ... .
to wake up, awaken, waken, awake;~! :~I or do the right thing, be correct; to hit the mark,
to get up, rise hit the nail on the head
to come to light, show, emerge, 0~, A};: ~j to get, obtain, acquire, ;;.. , ~ , ~ : ;:,.~i
surface; to be or become clear, evident, manifest, gain, win, earn, reap, harvest; to attain, achieve,
plain accomplish, realize; to incur, bring upon oneself

pronouncement, rendition,
rendering, delivering, passing,
.,I ""' -

•• finger, digit
toe, digit
giving (of a judgment, verdict, sentence, decision,
ruling) digit
issue, issuance, giving (of an order) (ri) ;I~! finger

)...~..,o:>~\ ~
J I_..

hand, part, role _ l & '~ ' ;J ~ : ~

... ~ ....

;1~~1 ~!\,;
... 'Ill " ... -...

stick tJJ ~l:-1JI J\ ~l:i:JI J\ LS,.U..I ~ t:""'l

...... "
date of issue
... ... • .. ... ... :J ... <jl ...... J ....

• \A..:.! I r> I t:""' l

... ... • .. ... -· ..
to release, discharge, issue, c;:..r>-1, ~I, J-;1 :;...~..,o:>l lipstick
emit, emanate, send out, give off or forth, let off
key, digital d! ;w, Ji yi}11 ~l
to publish, release, bring out, put 4~ ):.W.i tJj , " I
out, issue, produce, make (a book, etc.) digital ~.
.. ... ..... ,. ... ...... " ...... " , ........ ... ,,
tJj ./'-' ~ljl_p. J' e';J.J' ~~....:... J' 1.)_,;;..; ;...~..,o:>l morning ~'(~:~~1
to issue, emit (paper money, bonds, stamps,
passports, etc.) ~l e--1;-~1
... ;;. ... ;;, ... 'f

to pronounce, pass, deliver, L:.G. ):.W.i Qlai c- e--1;-~1

hand down, give, render (a judgment, verdict, ... ...... ... 0 f.

sentence, decision, ruling); to decide, judge, rule, to wake (up), awaken, waken, awake, Ja;i,; I : '-""" I
find (for) rouse (from sleep)

• ::;; " , ::;; ......

... ... , • ... " J
..... ........ f.
to issue, give (an order); to order, com- I.r I ;...~..,o:> I ~ e--1;- r;.JI J\ ui}:.JI J\ 2UI ~I
mand, direct, dictate
. .
chapter (of the Holy Scriptures) (~\'(~!
to issue a statement (communique, tJJ ~~ ):.W.i to widen, broaden, expand; to be or
C::"'' -~
declaration, etc.)
,y- U...~..,o:> ~I;- ,y-
u .r'" -·--·
: ,y- UJ.,Q\
become wide, spacious, vast
sandy, of the color of desert sand
to fix a dower for\~ (ta~i Ji) \..\ w:
~i)1 (JJ.:ci raucous, hoarse, husky, throaty,
a woman; to dower, endow, give a dower to a
.............. -
::;; ... f. to close, shut J.l.&. I : .J.,Q I
... ::;; ...
to insist on; to press, urge, impor- J..l!., I :~~I
C' ... ;;....... ::;; .,.. 'f

tune, besiege; to persist in ~1;-~ :J..Q\

... ;;.... ......... ::;; ... ..
to determine (to), resolve (to), r-"' , ( :r :
~ .r'" I
to close, shut
....... t
J.l.&. I : J..Q I
.. ;;; f.

make up one's mind (to), decide (to); to intend (to),

purpose (to) to rust, make rusty, corrode i~ ~ :iJ.:ci
~ e--1;-(t~~) ~~1 ~i to echo, reverberate, resound, LS~I e.- ~i :LSJ.:ci
e--1;- ~1
resonate, reecho, rebound
;..l ,;..i
reverberation, echo, reecho, resonance .I~\
covenant, compact, agreement, pact, ~ ' ~ : ;..) '
release, releasing, JL.~J :;I~J
c:')!, ,_ril:.J,
discharge, issue, issuance, emission, emanation,
bond, tie ~,~\;:;..) sending out
load, burden .~,~:;..! publication, publishing, release, ~~);I~) (tJJ
releasing, issue, issuance, bringing out, putting out,
~~ '~ l :;..l
sin, offense; guilt
... ,, . production, producing, making (of a book, etc.)
punishment; penalty ~-""' : .r'" l (tJJ;:... ~ljl;.. Ji t--!1;1 Ji ~1..2.. Ji ;;) ;l~l
insistence, importunity, pressing,.J,!~, (L...ij :;1;..) issue, issuance (of paper money, bonds, stamps,
urging, urgency, urge; persistence passports, etc.)
queue (up), fall in, stand in formation, be lined up, determination, resolution, re- ~, r"). :;i~J
be aligned solve, decision, purpose, intention, intentness, will
to choose, select, pick out, cull .F ,
~ }~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~I;- ;1~~1
selection, choosing, choice, .~I,
- - ) ~I:
.. _ - .~I
- - bond, ti~; relation(ship), ti~, ~ 11 : (~lji rl ;;~\
picking out, pick, culling connection
natural selection; selection ~ tQ..:., ~ _.. :;. ..- _....-I 'f ..- _., I f. _.. ..-I 'J
(.r"' ~I;- ~I ,~_,1 :(r"l
selective, eclectic ' '~I
""-- - ~\.., ~I J - ~LJa.:c!
eclecticism ~~I
to fish in troubled waters ~I ~UI ~ ~Ua.:..!
to flap, flutter ~I to summer (at), (a)estivate (at), pass or (~) uUa.:c!
J • j ,;;; ......

to chatter (u L.:. ~I ~) clJa.:..:, I spend the summer (at)

to knock, shake, tremble (u~JI ~) ;Ju..:,.~ ~ ~1;-.;~!

to warm oneself ~ ~ :~I to have (take, eat) break- (CJI (\J. Jj8 :~1
convention, conventionality, tradition, w_r: (~I
. fast, to breakfast
..- ..-I ..-I ..- 'J .. t ..- ..- 1 f ..- _...- I

usage, practice, custom, consuetude, habit ~~ ~I;- ~L;.I , ~~ ..u_,l :~!

~~1;-~:(~~ ~~1;-~1
conventional, traditional, formal, 'J:; :~~I to be dyed, tinted, tinged, col- 0;E, ~ :~1
ored, painted, tinctured; to be pigmented
customary, habitual, common, usual
idiomatic; technical ~ :~ ~ ~ stable, barn ~I
I ~•. - ~-
.......... ... J '

:;•- 'II •
~~ 1 ~ 4.-La.. ~I; -y~!
d~ ~1;-~t:..; ~ :~1 ;:,_.;.t... ~I;-~!
to agree on, accept, adopt ~ ~~ ~~1;-y~!
to pluck out, tear out, pull out, ;J::.. ~ ~ :~I t. ' tw ~~1;-~!
pull up by the roots, uproot, deracinate, root up,
collision, clash, impact, bump, hit, r~~~: r'~!
root out, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate crash
synthesis, synthesizing ·~~··\!\ ..;)J4 (GJ :tWa.:cl encounter, clash, shock, battle, eJL.!.I:
J_ - J_ - J- - • combat, fight(ing), conflict
.- - r1.U.:..1
- -
~~I;-~ ,uJS::.:; :t~~
''!I -' •.. i '·-. ,· C..,,''! :'Wa.:cl to collide (with), clash (with), (~) ~~~: (..~) r~!
~~) ~.r.:&- <-r- ~ ~-- run (into), bump (against), strike (against), bang
artificiality ~ Wa.:c I (against), knock (against), hit (against)
to order (to be made), com- to clash, encounter (in -:_:jl, ;JL:.!.I :-~1
r--- . - r -
mission battle), come into conflict, fight, combat, battle,
;. • !. ;:;; - •• . . . ...... engage in battle
to synthesize - ~I ~_1)...!4 ~I:~~
t 1 ~ ~I;- t1 ~!
~ e--1;-£ ·~ :~~
(;..~I; -(L.. :(~1
(;.2.! ~I;_;::,~~ :()a:..~
..:.:.. ~I;- ,)~I
summering, summer vacationing, (a)estiva- u~l t~~ ~1;-~!
tion storax (c.L:-;) eJ).:.,i
to be or become difficult, hard to line up, align, ~~(~I _,i) ~:; :~!
~I "A ~j
C(==~==========<li:i4ii:' ::;:,z:.:cli!*il:i&.illi*:::Z·..r:::l:Ui!ll...
.. . . ,.. .. ....
::;;.. ;;;..
to root, found, give lS_,i ' ~ , ~ ~ )!.:., I .U ~ : j:.:, I

.,. ::;; . . , >$VkfH ~;:k,J$ -~ '?"

to find difficult, find hard
JaY, ;f,_ r~LYi!\h· :¢1< g,.,yzy,.;i¥H£~ '414t4k~¥ :I


.. t

,,. •
.,. ..- o j

..... j
a firm foundation (to); to consolidate, make
to establish the origin of
,... , ...
::;;.. ... ;;; . more difficult, harder; more ardu- ~,_. )5'1 :~I
ous, tougher; more complicated, more complex
to lift (up), uplift, raise, ele-
.. ..... ,... .. ..
~ ~
.. .. ..
, ~; : ~I
.... -. f

origin, source )-.;...;,. :~i vate, make ascend

J::;;.. ... :;;.. J;,.. . . ..... f.
I_. I ..
• ..>.:i- .rw> ~ I; - o ..>.:i- __,_, I
root ;~:~1 _ ... :;; • -;:;; , ... ' .... 0 f.
torticollar, wry- W)l J tiJ ,._, _,...:..aJ4 yL.... :__,_,1
basis, foundation ..,..c.i :~i necked ··
radical [ • L...S']
.... ~I
.• --- I --·j
_;....... ~ ) - .jA..:I
~... .. J, ••
genesis 0 ~ ' • _,..:.; : ~ I to listen to, hearken to, give or lend one's J) ~i
ear to, pay attention to
descent, lineage, stock, ancestry, pedi- ~ : ~i
gree, parentage, extraction listening; attention

.. ;;;..,. . . -. a:
cause, reason ~:~i ~ ~I;- _;...:,1

originally, at first, initially, primari- ~ ':J I ~ , )!.:., I

• J
(j_,;._;_,l._,..l;.f.l ~~I

..... . .. -.
) ••

smaller, littler; younger; junior; minimum,
.. -

. . .. . . the smallest, the littlest; the youngest ~~I

,. ... ... ... ...
not at all, by no means, (~) l:i ~ ' Wai :)!.:., I y~ e.- I;- ( .!1J.;)
absolutely not, not in the least, never -
the heart and the tongue 0 1_;...:, 'S I
principles, rules, fundamen- ~l_;j, •lS:l;. :J,.:..1
tals, elements, basics, essentials, rudiments
proprieties, decencies, eti- .!.!,LJ I y
'!. ' .. -
IJ I : J_,.....I
, '
c)i...D e--1; -J ~I:~ .;,.c1
... .... . ..

quette, rules of decorum or conduct

(blood) transfusion r~l J,:: :J~]
assets [ o;t.~q ul J;,.; :J,.:..1 :ii, _ ...... f.

assets and liabilities

ancestors, forefathers, fore- ..;)).:.I :~1 J_,.....l
[ o;l~••] r~
,, J "J''
,, . . ;;; , , '
to empty, void, vacate

... ,,
...... •

_ ..... f.

bears, grandfathers, primogenitors, progenitors, #~1;-')1..> :_,.;...,.1

ascendants '
to yellow, become (turn, grow) yel- _,.A...<> I )..,...:~1
.... • .. .... ;;:i'.

properly, J,.:..~ ~:; ~I ~ 'J,.:..

~I ~
according to rules, in conformity with regulations
or principles
'J,.:.. low; to pale, become (turn, grow) pale or pallid
yellow; xanthic, xanth-, xantho; pale, pallid, ~I
- ..
• , ........ , ~ , .... J wan
~ e--1;-~~1 ~ (j_,;._; _,1) .)_,..... yellow fever, yellow jack .~~~
' .-' .- ' ' f ' ,
0yli ~I; -..::..L.S'I...... J_,.....l 0yli yellow race _,.;...,.~IJ~I
.... 0 'i , •

.- .... f. .... :;1 ,....... • .. ... • • ,

..... "
to put into fire, consume J ~I , ; U I .o..l> J I : J:..c I cholera
1)._,5' :_,.;...,.~1 ~1~1
with fire, burn, make burn, set on fire
to warm, heat
..- ;:;;

~ : J...l
.. .... . -. J
;;_,.;....,. ~1;-)~1
- ..
saffron and gold 01~'SI
reform, reformation; repair(ing), reparation, c~J
fixing; mending, overhaul(ing), restoration, recon- barracuda, spet (ci...)' .·.·I
,, • j ... ... ... .... , ~
ditioning; correction, emendation, making right,
setting right, rectification, adjustment, reme-
to be firmly rooted, firmly established .U....I t:-'; :J-,1
• .. .... .... - .... , 'J
dy(ing), redress(ing), making good, making up for; to be of noble origin, ~~I~_,.:.. 0\.S' :J....I
improvement, amelioration, betterment highborn
"' ~ ~I
to deafen, make deaf

(""'I o ~ : ~I
:1 , __ ~... ;;, ... f
~ ~\)-(~~ ~) (~J
to be or become deaf
... ....
J-):. :(""'I
;; .....
la~d reform; agrarian reform, agrari-
~\Jj (')l.;,..]
- .... .
--. f ........ f. amsm
deaf J-):.1:~1
reformative, reformatory, reformational, ~.;!" ~I•
deaf-mute ~i ;::..i reform; remedial
., ..,_.. .. reformatory, house of correction, work- ~~)
solid, hard -,...l..o : (""'I
house, borstal; penitentiary
massive ;JuY,. ~~C t~ .~ :;::..i to draw, unsheathe, pull out ~ , /;.:. : ~i
irrational, surd [ -::.l,.D~J]
;::..i boa, python ;,P.,1 ~i :~i
endocrine [ ~L:> i] ji) ~I ~L : ;::..i to repair, fix (up), mend, overhaul, make whole,~\
........ j

endocrine gland, ductless gland .t.:., ~~ restore (to good condition), recondition, rebuild; to
.,. .... f .... ... • f reform; to reclaim; to make right, set right, put
to silence, hush, quiet, shut up CS::.:..I :~I right, right, correct, emend, amend, remedy,
- .... - - ..... 1
...:...0...0 ~\) -CS::.:.. :...:.......ol rectify, adjust, put in order; to redress, make good,
make up for; to improve, ameliorate, better, make
to exude gum (;~l~)~i better
t~:t~ 1 ci""
, .... .... -- .... f
meatus to reconcile, conciliate, make peace ~ I
reddish, russet; blond, fair (w.;lJI) ~i between, make friendly again, restore to fnend-
ship, bring together, reestablish normal relations
~L,., ~\)- ~L,., :~i
more correct; more apposite, more apropos, ~-""'I
' .. between, bring about an agreement between, bring
to terms
- ..
more relevant, more pertinent, apter, more to the better; more virtuous, more righteous, more ~I
point pious; fitter, more fitting, more suitable, more
appropriate, more adequate; more competent,
woolly, wooled; fleecy u:,:.:,i more qualified, more eligible, more efficient; more
, f , I
~I ~IJ-J_, useful, more serviceable, more practicable, more
proper, regular, in accordance J,:O~ ~u.: :J_,:,1
with the rules, conforming to regulations or
- ~ ' l
bald, bald-headed, hairless
:u.:., ~ \)- ~ ::J.:.,i
- ..
legist, jurisprudent, jurist, schol- ~L£. , ~ : ~.h"" I
ar, expert
bald head, baldpate (I""" I) ?i
- • J
original; genuine, authentic; pure, true, real, ~I
pristine, untouched, uncopied; initial, earliest,
flowerpot first, aboriginal, primeval, primordial; primary,
prime, main, chief, master, fundamental, principal,
bedpan; potty, pot, chamber pot, basic; radical
native, indigenous ~~I wQI :;_j :;;.:.,i
original; of pure origin, of noble origin, high- ~I'
born, wellborn, pedigreed, purebred, thorough- cardinal points Q:-~1 ~~I
bred, full-blooded, of full blood, of good breed; cardinal number
;;.;..1 ~~
. ..... - .....

genuine, authentic; pure, true, real, pristine, un-

touched, uncopied; inherent, intrinsic, fundamen- principal t:~'\ "I~
'r.,r- ~\t I·

• .... . • - - ......... - f
script ;;.:.,i ~, ~i "~:.·'
late afternoon, time w _,All_, ~I~ c.t_, :~1 :;; • ., " " • J

before sunset original ~I ~

principal; constituent [ 0 y ·\i] I

~ -i prototype, archetype
... •
., "' .... J ....
§Mt) , oJr Hct#@li'"'i·jfl'}!Wf", t4i¥frffit@t WQvfbjN!frjWg ki; , . ·~·l:i·:lll@jll!lt{lm!llltlft!!l:,1-tli:::c::till[;·;;:··r:::::;:;::::::::;;:fi~;:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J
alone, not to mention, not to speak of, to say incumbent (.tll>
.. -
Wj j} ~i
, ...... 1:;... • ..... .,
nothing of, more than (that); moreover, further-
judicious, prudent, well-advised, sag!!- ~,SI)I ~I
additional, extra, further, supplementary, ~CD J
to return (to), go back (to), come back (to) ~~ : ;;.\
supplemental, auxiliary, added, spare, fringe, ancil-
lary, accessory, secondary, subsidiary, collateral, to become )..., : ~i
reserve, side-, by-; more; plus J,... .... • :;. ... .,

' . 'J " :;. ..- to light, light up, lighten, illuminate,.),; I : o:; .,:JI o:l.D I
l.~l Jl ~~~~ J..JI.:..~L.
.,1.... ,

overtime illumine, furnish or supply with light(s), fill with

-Y. I - -.?'. · ~C,Qj light; to shed (throw, cast) light upon, spotlight,
~~) ~·
highlight; to enlighten (the mind, etc.), illuminate
'.' ~-.1<)
(~r ,•1: ', . I'll'• '1
-w ~- ~\,.,Q spiritually or intellectually
- ...... :J • :;. ... .,
... :ii ... ... ... :;. ... 1
to shine, beam, gleam, radiate, .. • I . , . :'.II ,I . I
to be or become foggy, misty, ~l.:-411 ~ JL... :~1 U.r . ·~ •"""
murky, cloudy flash, lighten
tile, dossier ~,~:o~~l lighting, illumination; enlightenment o~C l :oo:CD J
.... :;. ; - ... • .. ... ..... ... ... ... ... .... f.

to file j Ju;..: -·. i to lose, forfeit; to mislay; J..l.! , J..J. I , r> , ..l.A.t : t l.D I
...... ... , ... ,,
ambi- ~JL.::... ~-*"'! ~-':!
.... ... . ..
W? J~l .¥ J?\i :.¥1
). ·- '.r.J' , -· to miss, let go by, let slip, omit, neglect, throw

.. .
away, fail to make use of, fail to take advantage of;
dextrous; ambidexter · to waste, squander, spend uselessly
file, dossier to ruin, destroy
' -
l!.ll.i. I : t ~I
' '

... , ,.,. ..............

~I_,... ~\J -~I_,... t~l
to weary, bore, tire~ to annoy, irk, to waste time, fiddle away (one's((..):.:,) ci}JI t_G,i
irritate time), fritter away, frivol, loiter, idle, fool around,
to make lie down; to prostrate " ·. i dawdle, dally, trifle, twiddle one's thumbs, do
nothing, kill time
~! ~1)-~1 loss, losing, forfeiture; missing, throwing away; ~CD I
... .. ..... • ... • f
to become, grow, turn (into); to be;J L... , ~I : ~I waste(fulness), wasting, squandering ·
... ... :;.... ... .... .
to get or come to a point where, reacl1 a stage to add, subjoin, join, annex, append,~\ , r-'> :ul.Q I
where attach; to supplement
... .... J ... • ... ... • ..
to begin (start, set about) to do l..iS' J..i:1 ~I to add, say further u~) :(~\i) z...;G,i
... • • J. .. • :1
... .
... .... .
uL.<...::.:.! ~~) -uL.<...::.:.! :u~l
., ... ..- .... ... ..-

Greater Bairam ~~~~,~~ :;. 1 .... ... • f

moreover, furthermore, further, (..:,,1) I!.Lb Jl ~\
to make (someone) laugh ljl;:~~:~i what's more, more than that, besides, in addition
laughingstock, butt, joke ~~1 (to), over and above

sacrifice, immolation,
addition, subjunction, annexation, ap- ::i.f(Q! JWJ
pending, attachment; supplementation
offering, oblation
:;. .... :;. ... :;. ... f addition, increase, increment, ;;j~, ·~~,) :4i~J
~ ~IJ-~ :__,..QI growth; raise
:;. .. •

~! ~~)-Jl eJ ,.¥
.... ..... ...

... :;.
... ... •


:;.... ...
:it ....

;;; .....
addendum, addition, appendix, J! ~ , ~ :4i ~ J
annex, extension, supplement, appendage, adjunc(
.... ... • J ........

to marry a second wife, add a .¥ (J; : ~I o~

second wife to one's household, be or become genitive construction; construct state; [ ~] ~G. J
polygamous annexation
... ... .. ... ... ... .,
in addition to, plus, along with, (ctl~) Jl" ~G, ~I..:..

to be or become blind, lose ~ , I..J:! ~ J L... : ~I ~ .... ~

one's sight together with, as well as, over and above, on top
strike; walkout of, other than, aside from, apart from, besides, let
.; I__...Q I

;:II .. •
need, urgency hunger strike iWJI~yi_,..;,J
compul.sory, coercive, forced, forcible, ob- ~.;!~~
ligatory, mandatory, imperative, necessary; press-
ing, urgent, exigent; emergency
... ,, .
retraction; digression [ W]wl ·1
. ~.
.. ....
;_,..;, e--1;-_;I_,...QI
. .
emergency landing, forced landing ~) )...D I J:,.r.- harming, hurting, damaging, injuring, (~) .;I~J
doing harm (to), causing damage (to), wrongdo- -
burning; flare, blaze, flame rl~l
ing; harm, damage, injury, wrong
to be or become ~ ~! , ;j~ , J_l.:.; :~~! •:; • ,!~_.....

polygamy, polygyny ..::-1.>.J.J'

cq ~..u..i: I 'I J.rP,
confused, disturbed, disorganized, disordered, dis-
arranged, deranged, unsettled, muddled, jumbled; kindling, lighting, ignition; burning, setting on ri....-"J
to jumble, clutter, run in disorder or confusion; to fire, setting fire to
get all mixed up; to be or become agitated, upset, to strike, go on strike, stage a strike; (~I ~) ~~i
troubled, disquieted, uneasy, restless to walk out -
to tremble, shake, quiver, quake, ~! :~)a:..!
,...;;; ............
to go on a hunger strike iw.JI ~ ..,_._,..;,!
·~ ~;.. e--1;-~ ~
........ • 'f ........... • . ,
y_,..;,l y_,..;,l
to burn, flare, flame, blaze, catch fire, be on
• - I• : ' - '-
fire, be afire, be ablaze ()&- .....&.,.. ..,_._,....
..... ., .........
~G.; e--1; -~~ .~G.; :~! to stay in, remain in, abide in i\;l:~y_,..;,l
~ ~ e--1;-~ ;::/6....! to make (the teeth) dull; to set (the (Z:.,L:. ~I) ~~i
'*'--"" ... • teeth) on edge
assumption (oO, undertaking (oO, J,:; :~ t,.~l
taking on or over, takeover, taking upon oneself, to kindle, light, enkindle, ignite, inflame; to
shouldering, carrying burn, set on fire, set fire to
to assume, undertake, take over, take
on, take upon oneself, shoulder, carry
J-,; :~ ~! recumbency, lying (down), resting, repose
to lie down, lie on one's side, repose, rest; to ~!
persecution, oppression, tyranny, injustice, .)~! recline, lie back
wrong to compel to, force to, JJ ~ ~ , ~ ~i JJ ~! :
to persecute, oppress, tyrannize, aggrieve, ~! oblige to, coerce to, constrain to, impel to
wrong to be compelled to, forced to, obliged to,
JJ ~! .
weakening, enfeeblement, debilitation, sap- ula.Qj coerced to, constrained to; to have to
ping, undermining, devitalization, enervation, at-
tenuation; softening
disturbance, confu- !!JL.; ~I , _;.~ , yl~! 4:
sion, upset, disorder, disarray, disarrangement,
- .... • j
to weltken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap, undermine,~ I disorganization, jumble, muddle, clutter, mix-up,
undercut, waste away, devitalize, enervate, un- mess, hugger-mugger, turbulence, tumult; uneasi-
nerve, attenuate; to soften ness, unquiet, inquietude, disquiet(ude), agitation,
0~~ e--1; -..::-~_;jl ~i unrest, restlessness, restiveness, anxiety
• .. , • f. trouble, disturbance, unrest, com- ~ : y I~!
chimera(s); confused dreams r~ I 4!.\.A.Q I
motion, riot, upheaval, tumult, turmoil, disorder
-" - 6 j ..... 'J
to give (to), grant (to), accord, ~ t:-1 : ~ ~I disorder, ailment, illness, [ ~] J~! :y I~!
bestow upon; to ilJlpart to, lend to; to reflect on, sickness; -pathy
cast on; to project on; to attribute to, ascribe to; to
neuropathy • - - " I L··-1
make ~'-="~-
to finish, perfect, give ~ •.R-
- j

~I ..:-WI ~I
'I :;; ......
"" ..... "~ .... ...
.. I- 1~,._ wl)a.;,l
. .
~ J 1..,1;-' . - -
final touches to, give finishing touches to
compulsion, constraint, coercion ;~) :.;I~!
projection [~] •~J
;;:;... ...... ... .... ., emer- Q,: ~l> Ji :~/,:.,' iJ}ll ~~:;I~!
J.l.;, e.- I; - J.l.;, : J_Q I gency, exigency, (pressing) necessity, (urgent)
comply with, accede to (someone's wishes), yield
to, submit to, surrender to error; delusion, deception
~ LA,p.l :J ~ J
hiding, concealment, secretion, harbor-
to surround, encompass, ing, mental reservation
encircle, round
::;;-1 ........
ellipsis [wL~l
to know (thoroughly); to be or be- ~ ~I : "i ulk I
elliptic, elliptical [w] ~.;~1
.. -
come acquainted with, familiar with ~

ulk e:-1) -J~ , )I.)

.... ""
.... J
to vanish, disappear, evanesce, fade away, ~I
melt away, dwindle, wane, decline, decay, die
to bear, stand, tolerate, endure, put up ~ :~l1i away
with, stomach, sustain, support, suffer J~!
disappearance, vanishing, evanescence,
unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, insup-JU.: ') fading away, dwindling, decline, wane, decay,
portable, insufferable degeneration
endurance, toleration, bearing, standing, ~ : 4i\1 I
..... • .. ..... .... j

• to hide, conceal, secrete, keep secret, cJU- I :~I

putting up with, sufferance, sustainment, sup- keep to oneself; to harbor, entertain, cherish
:;. ... ... :;;... ... ..... to emaciate, waste away, atrophy, J:;.i: ;.:..i
to lengthen, elongate, extend, prolong,..l.A , JJ..J:. :Jlb I make lean or thin
prolongate, protract, stretch out, draw out, drag ......... f
J jA I , ~I
......... •:J
.... f
to exhaust, wear out, wear away,
to keep someone waiting a long time
toexpatiate(upon ),elaborate ~I Jl i~l Jlkl
............ f
~ J l1 I
... . _. . .. ...... _. "' ...
sap, fag; to emaciate, enervate
... ,......
~! t"IJ-~1
. .... .... .
(on), enlarge (upon), speak at great length (about), ... ... • • ... .... f. ........
to emaciate, waste away, ener- u....,.;.l , J )'I : -s_,..:, I
discuss at length, write in detail (about); to be
lengthy, long-winded, detailed, prolix
to stay (for) a long time, stay long •~I Jlk I
- - . vate, unnerve; to weaken, debilitate, sap
to waste away, pine away,
... ,... ... ... ... ...
u....,.;. , J .J" : r..S,_..I
languish, weaken, be or become weak; to be or
to prolong someone's life (of God) ~~~I JG.i become emaciated, lean, thin
.... . .
lengthening, elongation, extension, proton- ~
gation, protraction, stretching, drawing out
yt.:.J :41G.J
' narrower, tighter, closer; more confined, more
limited, more restricted
~,... t"IJ- ~1_,..:,1

-· .
long-windedness, lengthiness, pro-
w ~ :;
lixity, expatiation, elaborateness
delicacies, dainties, delights ~Lbl
' . ; !'!. t" 1)
to overthrow, topple, bring down
0 00

~i: (~) (l1i


[.,..k] (~L:. ~I) J~J li.J :("i) ~ LkJ

closing, closure, shut(ting); shutdown JW l :J~ 1
. overthrow(ing), topple, toppling ,1,

;.1 e:-1)- ~ ~ :~l1i

attack, offensive, assault, charge, on- i Y!'lli : J~!
slaught. onset, onrush, rush, raid
I I 0

framework, cadre; sphere, field, domain

... .. , , , , .JI... •
setting, sur- ~ ,~ UJ,1 '.Po 'tpJ :JlkJ
occlusal [.,..k] ~~l rounding circurnitances, environment, ambience,
~~i : :::.~tl
to cook
... ... •
... .. • ..
... .... 1
milieu, atmosphere
frame; rim
. ...
la~J ~J,.:.JIJlkl
... ~ , ...
to close, shut ~I,J.UI:~I ... ......, ...
to cover, cover up
to darken, be (become, grow) dark
rlli I :~I
:;. .... ... .. • f

... .... • .,
tire (of a wheel)
tube, inner tube
~ 1 \.:LI ~I Jlk!
~1:U1 ~~~~~ ~G.!

:;. :;. J ...
... ... ... :;I' ...... ... ... ... • •
frames, rims o~Uo..JI Jlk)
to fall upon, J.. J~\ ~ •J.. ~ ~I :J.. ' '
bear down upon, swoop down upon, rush upon, to obey, follow, be or become obedient to, t Lb I
'), ,;';;.ft1ij4f'31,·tt,.

thesis, dissertation, paper; treatise ~_,)1 attack, assail, assault, charge; to close in on, clamp
~~ e--1; -~_,)1 down on
... • J ...... ~ .... , •• ~ • to agree unanimously on, be ~ ~j: ~ J,;l.i
vermicelli ·
~ ·
~ JH.;:.;,
- ~_,r.:-
• :"_),I
- ; agreed on, concur in
... .... ...... _..;:;; • _ .... f
feeding, nourishment, nourishing, alimentation ~W:,j to bend, curve f..i> ,~ :_),1 ,_:,J:,I

.... .... .. ., .. ;:;; f ........
to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment to frame, rim ;U.~ J.~l :)..1 ,)..1

u).i '~ JJ.i :~ ~i

.... j ..... • .,
to command, dominate, c..S)..I e--1; -1_),1
tower over, overtop -. f
to praise, commend, extol, laud; to compliment;c..S):,I
to fill up, brim i) ,~ :~j to flatter
• f f~· ••
to extinguish, put out, quench, smother, ~I :~I praise, commendation, extolment, laudation, .1..,1J
stifle panegyric; compliment; flattery, flattering
to blow out ~~ (tJJ ~::"·!1) W.i commendatory, commending, praising, lau- ~ 1..,1J
datory, panegyrical, eulogistic; complimentary;
to turn ofT, switch ofT tJl .-~l_,i ~~I tJ,j flattering
to slake, hydrate #,1_,i~1tl,j throwing away, flinging away, casting ~: cl.:,.k~
.... ...YJ

to quench d!~l W.i away, discarding, rejection, disposal of, getting rid
of, pitching, removal, elimination, dismissal, aban-
extinction, extinguishment, extinguish- .)~I : .lJ,1 donment, renunciation, giving up
ing, putting out, quenching; fire fighting ' ' *
.JJ ... • steadiness, evenness, equability, uniformity, Jl_):,~
blackout ~.P. ~)i J~ ;1,; 'll ~w. J invariableness, regularity, constancy, continuity,
firemen, firefighters
. ,-
.W.~I J~ J
continuation, continuance; succession, sequence,

fire engine
. ,-
.w. 'll .- c
- • f
' ) " u). e--1; -ul_):,l
fire fighting operations .W.'ll ~~·~-.~
to delight, enrapture, exhilarate, entrance, ~.),i
fireman, firefighter ; ~· 'likl transport with joy
...,.,. '
fire department, fire brigade ~likj to throw away, fling away, cast away, ~: ~!
... ;:;;.... .... ..... :1 discard, reject, get rid of, dispose of, pitch, remove,
~ e--1;-~1 eliminate, dismiss, abandon, renounce, forsake,
to command, dominate, tower over, u).i :~ J1i give up
overtop, overlook, look down upon to be or become steady, even, uniform, regular, :;__1!
to come, approach, draw near y) :J1 i incessant, continuous, constant; to form an unin-
terrupted sequence, follow in succession
~ , j.J-! : J.b I
to appear, show, emerge, rise, sur-
face, come out, crop up; to look out, peep out,
deaf ;::.,i :~),i
peek out turtledove (.;U.) ili)1 .~)1
knowledge, information, cognizance, (~)t:ik~ to feature (say, tell, introduce) -I:!~~ Ji: u),i
awareness, acquaintance, familiarity, conversance; something new or novel or original; to- innovate,
study, examination, inspection; seeing, sight originate, initiate
"" ;:;; '
~ ~ e--1;-~ t)U.'ll 0->
'II , ....... ... ..... ........ .,
to present with, gift with, give ~ ....u.; I : -t u)..l
* . (to), bestow upon
at sight, on sight t)U.'ll ~
to be (become, keep) silent, say nothing, C.C. :;J),i
informing, information, briefing, noti- (~) tikl hush up, stop talking
fying, notification, telling
release, releasing, freeing, turning loose,.):!;.; : J:ik J
to bow (one's head) (~.:J~) ;:;~i
setting free, liberation, liberating - trillium, wake-robin
- I
~')(:.II c; '~II : ~
,_ " ;J_),I

.. _ .J" J' .. - '
• f
.)~\ J'j,bl;

see; to inspect, examine, look into undoing, untying, unfastening, J;.. , & :_;j}, I
to release, free, liberate, set free, turn ~~ : Jll,i unbinding, unraveling, loosening, disengagement:
loose, set at liberty, unchain, let go, discharge disentanglement, freeing
... ;;; ... ...
~ ..... launching; release, ._;j; , (I)..) , J\... ~J _;j},! :
to undo, untie, unfasten, unbind, J.... , & : Jil.l
unravel, loosen, unloose, disengage, disentangle, releasing, discharge, issuance, emission, ema-
nation, sending out, giving off or forth, letting off;
detach, free, release
to loosen, unloose, slacken, unstring;
to relax
,... • ..
I : Jil.l "'J
... .... 1
ejection, throwing out or off; shooting
generalization ~ : _;j},!
to launch; to
.......................... • .................. :1
u..ii, ~,(...... I, J....JI :Jil.l
release, discharge, issue, emit, emanate, send out,
shooting, firing, fire,
opening of fire
:li "
JUI J I .U"'\...)1 J':lU. I
... :;; J •

give off or forth, let off; to eject, throw out or off; ... - J 0

release, discharge L l.r- J':)U,!

to shoot
to divorce 1.~"' .' •··
:i'l. JI~Jj_;.....:_;.....
•>-- •- -.t-L '··i'L~I bail, bailment ti~ .r1;. Jj},!
, • ... ... ... J •

to generalize ~ ::;11i parole .1J _r.,. .r l.r- J':lU.!

,.... , ... ;;; .........
to purge; to loosen or relax ~ tJl :IJ::.UI Jil.l launching(ofrockets,etc.) dl -~~1~1 Jj},!
the bowels (of)
... ;;; " ....... ;:ii .......... absolutely, without .1·:~.· I~ :_;j},~l ~ '~j}.l
to fire }.:JI Jl U"'\...)1 Jil.l exception
11 ,... ... ...... 'f ........ J • .. •

to run away head over heels, beat 0! )J ~ L. Jll-1 absolutely not, never, WJa.. : J':)U, ~I ~ , \J':)U, J
it, hurry away, rush away, shoot, dash off not at all, not in the least, under. any circum:
,_ ... .. ... .... :f
stances, under no conditions, on no account, by
to release, discharge, let go, free, set <~> l.r- Jil.l
free, set at liberty no means, by no chance, in no case, at no time, in
no way
to bail out, release on bail ti~ ~1;. Jll,i
.- J ........... command; scope~ (tJ) -~;:) wi).J :(~) J:ikj
to launch (a rocket, missile, etc.) tJl ~ JJL,., Jil.l of view
to utter, emit, send, let ~ J I ~ Jll-1d)
,.... . . ....... .... ... ......
appearance, emergence, emer- J_,.l; , jJ..r. : J':llk!
,, J J •

sion, rise
burst forth, raise (a cry, laugh, etc.)
to name, call, designate, dub
...... .... ............ ..
1.:6 ("""I ~ Jil.l
. Jj},j e-1)- ~:ikJ
~1). ~~ ,~1.,:;. ~~ :v-11i
... ... ... .... f.
to give free or full rein to, give vent -! u~l Jil.l atlas
"' ... , ... ... j
to, unleash, release; to slacken the reins (of); to satin; lutestring ~~ ~ ~ : __,..ll.l
indulge in (pleasures, etc.), give way to (one's
desires, etc.) Atlantic ~i
,... .... ... ......
to let one's beard grow, grow a beard ~ Jil.l to acquaint with, inform of~ ;_:..i, ~ ~i: ~ ~i
... . .................. ..
...... or about, brief about, apprise of, advise of, notify
to shell, fire guns at, ~ ~ lill J I ~I :U I Jll-1
of, let know about, make aware of, bring to
open artillery fire at, attack with artillery fire or
someone's notice, tell about, report to; to reveal to,
bombs, cannonade, cannon, bombard, bomb
& ... ;;; ... ~ J ,.. ... .... .. J ...... ...... 'f disclose to, show to
to give a free handu:,.....:JI ~~ 1.1 Jll-1, •-':! ~I
to, give unlimited authority to, give a wide latitude
to put forth, (~~~ ~1; Ji \j1Jji)
shoot, sprout, produce, send out
~~I 21i
or scope of action (to), let someone do as he ...... , ......... J _:;; ....... 'f

..... J ...... ...... .
F e-1)- F :c.l:-JI tlkl
to be openhanded, freehanded, gen- ~ •.I:! Jil.l to know (of); to be or become aware of, cog-~~!
erous, liberal; to give generously (to), grimt liberal- nizant of, acquainted with, familiar with, informed
ly (to), bestow lavishly (upon), donate graciously about, conversant with; to familiarize oneself with,
(to) acquaint oneself with; to learn (about), come to
rags, tatters know (about), find out (about), discover, detect; to

w e M !if&*Uffifi]/X::";, ·'k. tv;%§¥§£1

light, revelation, disclosure, uncovering, exposure; to be (become, feel) (re)assured, tranquil, (JJ) ~U!
illustration, shedding light upon, making clear, peaceful, quiet, calm, at ease, serene, untroubled,
clearing up, clarification, elucidation, explanation; free from worry or fear; to be (become, feel)
expression, declaration, indication secure, safe; to trust (in), have confidence or faith
to show, demonstrate, mani- LS~j , ~ji , ~ :_A1i in, rely on; to find reassurance in, derive confi-
dence from; to make sure of, reassure oneself of
fest, evince, display, exhibit, present, produce,
bring out, bring into view; to bring to light, reveal, S.ti ~1;-u~!
disclose, uncover, expose; to illustrate, shed light to arouse someone's ambition :.;,. ~ ~ Gi :~j
upon, make clear, clear up, clarify, elucidate,
expound, explain; to express, voice, utter, declare, to look up to, raise one's glance to ~j ~~ ?i
indicate, state, set forth
;.1 ~I;- ;j,i
to acquaint with, inform of or j.&. F
... _..t

I : j.&. ..,...1 I
1 ...... 0 't

about, brief about, enlighten about, let know (~)~~I;-(~) ~j

about; to show to, reveal to, disclose to
expatiation, prolixity, verbosity, verbiage, ~.,.~lJ,1
.JJ .... ,... ... ...
to grant victory to over, make~ ~ : j.&.
... ....
..,...1 I

. '
long-windedness, wordiness, redundancy, circum-
triumph over locution, periphrasis; exaggeration
to return, give back, restore, restitute; to ~j : J~j E- to expatiate (upon), elaborate (on), enlarge (j) ~j
send back; to bring back, take back, turn back; to (upon), dwell (on), discuss at length; to exaggerate,
put back, lay back, replace, place back; to reinstate,
... ~... ... ... .
... ....
l,?_,b ~I; -t~ :LSJ:kl
... -. .
to repeat, reiterate, iterate, redo, say or ;~ :~~I
LS:;:i.: I ~I; - LS;kl
do again or anew
to restore, restitute; to reinstate, .y,l.. -~ J
• ...
... ... 1
~~.&.I J\1i ~I;- J:,1i
• f
reinstall; to reconvert, change back longer J~l
~LJI _,i ~~I _,i ~~~I J~j
to rehabilitate
dugong, sea cow ;;t.. :r:~ 01;,.;. :r,1i
(~lS' 0&- ~_,;:U1 ~_,;:.: ;l>tA:.h) fi1 ~~I J~j ... ... .... t ...... 0 •

to discharge
. . . . ;:; ... _..:I
to reorganize ~I ~~.&.I better; more pleasant, more agreeable; more
delicious, tastier, more savory
_,j LS~~I J~j , ~~J J~i ~
-~J JJ ~~I
.. delicacies, dainties, delights
'-:-':! l1 I
to remand; to remit
...... 1 ~~I;-(~ _,j ~) ;.1!
to bring back, revive, reawaken tJJ ~~)' ..JI ~~.&.I .... 'II

gannet, booby •. .-'t..i

l:?~ .r'_
(memories, etc.) ;:;.... .... ...
to remind, bring to mind, bring o):liJI JJ J~j ~ ~1;-pl
back, call up, call forth, evoke, summon up • • .. J.J ... 1
... ..,.:;; ...... 1 ~ ' _,.;.1;. ' _,.;.1;. ~ IJ - J ~
J) yl.:.ll ~~.&.I
to rejuvenate
... ;:;... J:oi ........ ... .... .... • ~

J.U; ~I;-~~ ~I :J-1;1

to reprint (a book, etc.) dl~~~~l.&.l
.... ... ..... ... ... J
,. .. . .... ... ....
to reestablish, restore, resume
--- - -• ~~.&.I
to darken, darkle; to be (become, t:..Ua:.
grow) dark, dusky, gloomy, tenebrous
;L... :~I

to refund, reimburse, repay,
pay back, return
(JJ ~~~) ~L. J~j
to make thirsty

... ...
0J; ~I;-~! :~ ::_..l;l
;:; ;;; .... .
to retry, ~ _,i LS;J ~~I J~j, t.S"WI J~j show(ing), demonstration •• \.~),;:~!,~ :JI.,1)
rehear manifestation, display(ing), exhibition, presenta-
to redeploy tion, bringing out, bringing into view; bringing to
.) .,

to, hearken to, pay attention to to review, revise, reexamine, recon- j ;h.J1 ~~i
lending, loan(ing) o}~l Sider, reappraise, go over (again), run over (again),
~ ,..., ........ • check (up again)
secondment, seconding, transfer(ence),._a.,.. o;I~ I
transferring ' to repatriate Jj (~ 'l Ji l_k.i) ~~i 4:J
to bring to, revive, reanimate, restore~Jll Jj ~~i
... ~-- ... .- f;

~ e--IJ- _;~I
to consciousness
ration(s), daily ration(s) 4:1'
- .r;. :~~~•
... ;ji..- .... ... j
return(ing), giving back, restoration,_~~, t~ ~!: oJ~ J
~~ e--1) -~~~ restitution; sending back; bringing back, taking
back, turning back; putting back, laying back,
to hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, block, ZJ~i
replacement, replacing, placing back; reinstate-
(en)cumber, handicap, stand in the way of, make
ment, reinstallment
difficult or slow the progress of; to delay, retard,
slow, put off, hold up; to prevent, restrain, detain, repetition, reiteration, saying or doing J I :-~~I ;i
hold (back), countercheck; to frustrate, thwart again or anew '
. ..
hindering, hindrance, hampering, impeding, ~;'--1
- li', restoration, restoration of the J.! l.. -~J JJ o~~ J
obstruction, blocking, blockage, encumbering, status quo ante, restitution, restitutio in integrum;
handicapping; delay(ing), retardation, putting off, reinstatement, reinstallment; reconversion
holding up; prevention, restraining, detaining, rehabilitation ~Lll
Ji tl;.
- .. . . .
~I Ji )~~~I
. . . . ...
holding (back); frustration, thwarting
reinsurance, reassurance ..;,t::..:.JI Ji wLll :)~)
toprovidefor,support, ~t;.:. c;i ·~::J4 ~li :J~i ~--.::; J .......

sustain, maintain, keep, subsist, supply with suste- rearmament r;l-=JI o)~ J
•:ii ..
nance, be responsible for someone's s.upport ~I -~~J
-- .... ....... _,... .... ..... .. ...... reorganization
J~ I - ·····1 ,.JG.- ·•<' :J~I
e-- ) ~- ··- .r' ... 0 :;;; J.... ... ..... ... .... ...0 .. _ ........ --

... 0

LS~:J1 o.l~)
;;;. J .......
LS~J.ll o.l~J , ~ J.l ~.l1 ~
sustenance, support, maintenance, provision, J ~I I "" J .J ~

remand(ing); remission, J.!l.. -~J JJ i_,....,j.l Jl

providing for, keeping
0:;~ e--1)- u~l
- -. remitting
rejuvenation, rejuvenescence
. . -~~ 1
. ~

help, aid, assistance, support, backing; o~~: ~~I .;::;; J .......

• reprinting, reprint ~I o)~J
relief, succor
;:t ....... ... ..... , ....... - ,
reestablishment, restoration, resump-..::... li')W 1 o)~I
.::; "' .......... , .. •
subsidy, QL. o.,l.&.L.., ~, t_r.i , : ~~ J
grant, subvention, allowance, contribution, tion (of relations) '
benefit(s), monetary aid refund(ing), reimbursement, re- (_t~~) ~L. ~~~)
to enslave, enthrall, subjugate -<::·! :~i payment, paying back, return(ing)
.::; .... .. ... • ... ... ;;; ..... ... _ .... J ........
retrial, ~ Jl L$~) ~ )aj1 o.l~J , W'GJ.1 o.l~ J
~~ ~I)- J~! rehearing, trial de novo
~~ e--1)-~~!
manumission, emancipation, liberation, ~ ~ : J~]
..-J ... •

review, revision, reexamination, recon- )a.:.J1 o.l~ I

• .... J
(..::... 1J.o.ll) J \.;.;.; 1 J 1 _r.:. o) ~ 1
- - ... ;:;i J_. ...
freeing, setting free, disenthrallment, enfranchise- · sideration, reappraisal, going over (again), running
ment, release (from bondage or servitude) over (again), check(ing)
release, discharge, freeing, exoneration, J;. : J~ 1
• repatriation J:.JJ1 JJ (~~~ Ji LS;... ~1) ~~~!
redemption, disburdenment, disengagement, relief, .... .::;... ... .....
absolution, acquittal
cataract :: :~1 ~~ r~! to lend, loan
.J ~ I
considering, deeming, regar- (.,1 , u ~ , ~ : .J ~!
to LS-'-1
iW:,j j • -- ••
t'~i1 ;_;~I: W:,-' - ~i
(;i<' ~
,.. 0 - ,.. )

ding as, looking at as, taking as, holding, judging, second, transfer
rating, thinking; opinion, view, idea, notion, sup- to lend or give one's ear to, listen 4 \. . . (~1;~ ~i
to learn a lesson from, take (a) ~ ~! :~ ~! position, assumption
warning from, learn from, take an example from consideration, regard, es- o~I; ' i I~! :)~~!
to knead (~II-. _tq) -.-:.·I teem, respect, honor, deference, reverence, ven-
C::·~ ~-
,...:;:;.... .... .... c 'f eration
~~I)- ..w:l ..... ' _.... .... .... _;;.'IJ.- 'i ....
account, worth, im- o_,..b.:.. , ol.i lG , 4.::..A I : J ~!
~ ~~)-~ ·~! :~1 portance, significance, moment(ousness), weight;
prestige, dignity, (high) standing, rank, stature,
to be (become, feel) self-important, self- ~ Z!
credit, authority; favored position, superiority
conceited, proud ;;;. 0..... .... .... , .... 0 J •

insignificant, trivial, trifling, negligible, .u ~ 'l

point of view, viewpoint, ~ , _,Jaj ~ J : J~!
standpoint, outlook; approach; consideration, re-
inconsiderable, unimportant, worthless, fractional
gard, respect; aspect
to trespass, transgress, encroach upon, j&. i.S~!
regard, respect, relation,
make inroads upon, invade, infringe (upon),
impinge upon, entrench upon, intrude upon; to
learning a lesson from, taking (a) J; l.c 'I : _,' ) l;:S. I
~ .. .
aggress against, commit an aggression or a hostile ., '

act against, engage in aggressive or hostile action warning from, learning from, taking an example
against; to assault, attack, assail from
from, as of, starting, beginning, effective ~ I~~ l
.... 0 ....... '

to rape, violate, assault, ravish ol .r I j&. i.S~!

" ..-..- - .... 0 from
to attempt the life of, make an 0 )l.j ~ ~ j&. i.S~!
attempt on the life of, try to kill in the capacity of (in his capacity as), I~ o
,J . '
G L.'
as, qua
i.S~ ~~) -~, ~J~ :i.SZ! :;;. "t • ;;. f •
in view of the fact that, 01 J~l j&., 01 J~4
aggression; assault, attack, offensive; (j&.) .141 with regard to the fact that, considering that,
trespass(ing), transgression, encroachment (upon), inasmuch as, insomuch as, since, as, because
inroad (upon), making inroads (upon), invasion,
infringement (upon), impingement (upon), en-
for political considerations .. .
L.. L... ul G
. 'l
, , ) ' '
....... f • • .. ... ....
trenchment (upon); outrage; wrong, wrongdoing ~I ~~J-J~'ll ~~I
assault and [0_,.;\.i] '-:-':1~1 Ji 7'~1 c;. tl...;:.! rehabilitation )~ 'll (~~~l Ji) ~)
nonaggression .I..,~
. I ,i.J..&. __ ....
nominal, titular ''I·~ Gl
r..r--"' . .. ! ·- '
...... ' ... _. .... ,
-" . - , .... .II _..'J .., a

<?~ '<~-.)' :<?-!~!

' moral
nonaggression pact .1..-~1 i.J..&.;...
.... • ~;;; oil • , ...

·~ ~~J-~-!~1 ~ '<?-!~1 ~
oil.... • ' • 0

~I) -0~ 'J~! :~l~l

.:;:; .. .
self-importance, self-conceit, self- ~~.)1~!
esteem, pride arbitrarily; at random, haphazard(ly),
• fll, " ...... ,... .... 0

moderation, moderate- .bl_..jJ Jl ~)..; i.J..&. :JI~l random(ly)

ness, golden mean, temperance, temperateness, arbitrary; random, haphazard, spot ~~ l
reasonableness, reasonability; mildness, clemency
'~..!', 'I J '1 ~~r
· ~I J' I --::-
· .. ~''I U.~! ~~).- Qo~!
equinox ~

autumnal equinox, fall equinox ' · .)1 Jl~ 'll

arbitrariness ~~l
1#. '
to consider, deem, regard as, ',i:·~! , ~ , ~ :~!
vernal equinox, spring equinox ~~I Jl...;:. 'll
equator Jl~'ll ~
. ~ - look at as, take as, find, think, hold, judge, rate,
reckon, suppose, take for
............ ;;; .. ., .............
equinoctial colure Jl...;:. 'll ;... :-. to esteem, respect, honor, i ,;:.>! ' J.:.:-1 : ~!
regard, revere, venerate, reverence, hold in es-
equinoctial Jl-4! teem, have great regard for, value, prize, look up
to be u~ ;,;&. ~;,::. 0\5', ~~.> :;; Ja:,_;; :J~! to, think highly of

~~~ e.-')-~~!
to pride oneself on, be proud of, glory oneself ~! -!

or become moderate, temperate, reasonable, mild
to be or become straight, rli:::..! '($;::.! :J:2:.!
on, boast of - erect; to straighten up, draw oneself up, sit up, sit
to trace (back) one's descent to; to JJ ,i J (.S~!
descend from, be related to, derive one's origin of apology, excuse ;14!
pride, glory, boast(ing) jl~! apologetic, excusatory ~J 14 I
retirement; isolation, seclusion; privacy Jl~! to apologize, make an apology, excuse oneself )~!
... .... "f ......... ~

retirement from service ~41 Jl~! to befall, affiict, hit, strike, seize, attack, ..,..t....l : (.S? I
to retire (from), withdraw (from); to isolate J~! come over, come upon, happen to
oneself (from), seclude oneself (from), detach objection, exception, protest(ation), (~! : u"-1~!
oneself (from), saparate oneself (from), dissociate expostulation, remonstrance, remonstration, repre-
oneself (from), part with sentation(s), demur(rer), demural, challenge
to retire from service or work, go tJJ J~! t41 demur(rer), demural, [uyli] ~~ '~~ :u">l~!
into retirement; to step down from an office, abdi- exception, objection, challenge;. re6uttal; plea;
cate a high office or position pleading
(~) r~ e.-')- r~! veto,rightofveto u">l~~\ j;.
~ .~< ,~
~ e.- I) -~..iGI
..,0 - - ,uGI
-- recognition (tJJ -~ ,i ~j~ ,i ~~) ul~!
~ e.-')-; i-:.;.! confession, acknowledgment, ~ ' ; I)! :u I~!
~ e--1;-~! avowal, owning, admission, admitting, allowing,
conceding, concession
~! e--1;-~!
sit-in, sit-down, stay-in
. .... ., ,..... .
..,..l_r<> ~~ ~ tY :rl..:L;.i.!
confession [ Lil
.. J"""·]ul .. 'l
- "
~ e--';-M~ ul~!
clinging (to), (~) ~ ~ ' (-!) ,,t:.; :(-!) i4! in recognition of _, ~I .. · I
. r-_
adherence (to), maintenance (oO · confessional
ul~')l ~.))
]J ·"

resorting (to), taking shelter (JJ) •~ :(-! il4!

J J ) •
.J _..:;:; .... .... "o

or refuge (in or with), seeking protection (in or to climb (up), creep ...::..UI J.?!
with) to object to, raise an objection to, ~! :~ ~~!
to form a league, a clique, a gang, a group, etc.~ I make objections to, protest (against), remonstrate,
expostulate, demur at, take exception to, except to
to strike, go on strike ~I , ; ~! make representations against, challenge; to veto
~e.-')-;~·:.! to demur (at), [uyli] (~I ~) ~~,~~:;_;,~I
except (to), take exception (to), object (to), chal-
to cling to, adhere to, hold fast to, keep r):-! ~- Q:.;.!
lenge; to rebut; to plead
to, hang on to; to maintain, keep (up)
to inter- ~ _,i ~J~ ~~!, ;1 ... - ~~! '~~!
to resort to, take refuge ~! 'JJ
-! W:
~ ~! cept, block someone's way, ge(in someone's way,
or shelter (in or with), seek protection (in_or with)
stand in the way of, interrupt the course or
to sit in, stage or carry out a C: 4 I i::i :~! progress of; to obstruct, hinder, impede, hamper,
sit-in or a sit-down prevent, keep
to have patience, take patience, be ~4 ~! to confess, acknowledge, -! ;l. ,
-! :,.i i :-! U ~!
patient, persevere
avow, own, admit, allow; to concede, grant
to keep silent, maintain silence, hold ~4 ~!
one's tongue
to recognize dl ~ ,i ~j~ ,i ~~ u~!
to ask for (call for, appeal for, seek) 0C! :-! -,-a:.~! to make a confession, confess [~I~] u~!

. -- J~l the help (aid, assistance, support) of _

~ -- to put on a coat, etc. ~ Ji ~_;j1 i •ks!
psycopathy • :~ il£1~-;._J~I
~J ~ -- ........ " .... :;:;........ ... ....... 0

tobeorbecomedusty,covered yl.rJ4 c.;t :_..A:;s;!

to fight, struggle, wrestle t~c...; ·~! :~! with dust or earth -
to clash, popple rJ. j; : CS:! torollinthedust
.... &
. -: :;:;...
t.r :~!
... .......

to be agitated, troubled, in commo- ~)a:..! : CS:! to manumit, emancipate, liberate, free, set Jj> :~I
.... :;::; .... ... .... j

tion free, disenthrall, enfranchise, release from bondage

~ .~ .~ t"'IJ- :fo! or servitude
• :;:; .. f. . . . . "• ..

~ e-1) -t.4J1 ~ :~! to release from, discharge from, ~ J> I : ~ ~I

... • 'II • free from, exonerate from, redeem from, disburden
reliance, dependence, trust, ~ , .l~! 'J~! : J~! from, unburden from, disengage from, relieve
confidence from, absolve from, acquit from
'II ~ ........ • • •
use, using, employment; t ~! • J ~! : .l ~! v.; • older, more ancient
.... f
r.U I : ~ I
,. • •

adoption, taking up; following, observance (oO,

compliance (with) belief, conviction, persuasion; faith, creed; J~ I
,... ... . . . . . . , • 0 tenet; doctrine; dogma; opinion, view, judgment,
sanction, approval, ap- Jr,i , 4A.i 1_,.. , ) ~ J : .l~! idea
probation, authorization, confirmation
accreditation (of diplomats)
'·• ) .)~!
(~L.,.L;:.UI . arrest, detention, apprehension, seizure, intern-J~!
ment, confinement, custody
credit, loan 4 q)~!: .l~! concentration camp
..M "" ...... •

fund(s) JL. .l!J-": .l~! to believe; to think, consider, deem, hold,

regard as, take as, suppose
approbations (~~~~ Ji ~~~ ~) ul.l~! '.l~!
, ....... , "' . to arrest, put under arrest, ~ , ~ ~ : ~!
documentary credit <.?,~ .l~! take or keep in(to) custody, detain, apprehend,
seize, hold, jail, intern, confine
self-dependence, self-reliance ~I ~ .l~!
o:;i .,. •

to constipate
... ... ... ...
l!L.I : ~!....:. 'lll Jl ~I~!
" ................ .
• , • 1.
credentials; letter(s) of credence .l ~ 'lll J IJJ I .... ,, ... ... ........
e-1) -ol,j~ ~!
letterofcredit (~L.) .l~l ~~ Ji ~~
to be tongue-tied, speechless, unable to ~ L1 ~I
irrevocable t;.~~\i ~;~I~~ Ji ~~ speak
letter of credit
I .J o_. ~! e-1)- ~!
opening or initiation of a (letter oO .l~ 'lll &
credit _ to seclude oneself (in, from), isolate (.r '~) ~!
to rely on, depend on, count -,~:.' ! , ~! : ~ -,~:.~! oneself (in, from), retire (into, from), withdraw
on, draw upon; to trust (in), have confidence in; to (into, from), live in seclusion (in, from); to remain
use (as a basis or authority), invoke, resort to, put (in), stay (in), abide (in), keep (to)
into use; to be based on, founded on; to base on, to be or become sick; to be or fall ill ~;. : ~!
found on
to lean on, recline on, rest Z ! , ts:;! :~ -,::. ~! -I t"' IJ - ~! ' t~~ :-I ~!
on ~ e-1) -~!
to use, employ; to ~! , ~ , J', ::: ! :-,::.;.! to ascend, accede to (the throne) J.:;JI ~!
adopt, take up; to follow, observe, comply with
;:;; .... j ............. ascension, accession
to sanction, approve, approbate, au tho- .} I : ~I
rize, confirm illness, sickness, ailment, disorder,~' u<>;.. :J~!
to accredit, provide disease, malady, invalidism; -pathy
with credentials paramnesia o}'liJI J~!
e:-JI - -.o-
.·:- 'j
~ ·~ e:-\J- ~ :-.-:·~ l
"""" ..- I :;i J.-"' I 'f

I f ~ e:-'J -t;_rll ·~' to visit, go to

....... ...... ...
t.t:...JI- I:-<· I
to speak or write in an inimitable 1"~1-j~l to put on or wear a turban '~ ~-
manner, be wonderfully eloquent
, • ... ... 0 f.
to rankle, irritate; to boil over, be or become ~!
lean, skinny, bony, scrawny, emaciatedJJ.:,..... :~\ agitated or upset
~ . If"I~~ :T
e:- IJ-A.t:-:11 ~j
V"!""' ~ ;;- e:-'J- "'i ~!
-r:. ~ e:- IJ- -,::. ~ :''::. :.j
(.Y- (.Y- ~ ~4 e:-'J- ~'-4!
~ e:-'J-(tJJ ~ Ji ~:,;.) ~i embracement, adoption, profession, espousal, J'-4!
., J .... -- • t taking up, following
. . .
one who speaks incorrectly; speak- ~~·~ I
to embrace, adopt, profess, espouse,
ing incorrectly
.. ~ .. .... • 1 take up, follow, believe in
dumb, mute, speechless v- _;>I : ~I
to embrace each other ~ ~ : ~!
"'~- . i e:-JI - •t..,?!.Y~·~
-- '.-. · - ' i
~J~ e:-'J-~~!
u"'l '% .-. Jl :_. ''.- :· - ·j
. J"" _r ~ • . ,_.... ~ to wail, lament, cry (li ,;, :,j ,J~i :J~!
'- '·-: · • - 'i
non-Arab, foreigner, barbarian; •(,?!_.Y~·~ .)~ e:-'J- J~!
Persian • li ·"' - 'i
~?~ e:-'J- ~~~!
r..r-~ ·~ "' ' · .... , .. _.... __ .... ,f.
p. e:-'J- ~ ~ :?1
miracle, marvel, prodigy, wonder ~~1
to acquaint with, inform about ~ tJ1 i :~ ~i
Mira [c.w ·~ d.,
Jl\•] ~~":1 J J
;..•(' • •
~ J .I,
to prepare, ready, make ready; to fit, fix (up),
. ~--"
· ~I
to lead to, guide to ~ ~~ : ~ ~j
adapt, arrange, dispose, set (in readiness), set up, admiration, good or high opinion, favorable '-;-' ~ J
dress; to make, produce; to develop; to work out, judgment or view, good impression; satisfaction,
draw up, draft; to design (for a specific function or pleasure, delight; fancy, liking, fondness
purpose or end), intend (for a specified use or
.i..~ e:-'J- ./~ :j~J
future) ... -· J J 0
........:....! e:-' 1 -~~ , ... ~, ;;; ... 'f
J.&-1 , c;::WI J.&-1
.... ;;;, ;;; .... ..
inimitability, miraculous or f.fJI ~I:,.JI j~J
wondrous nature (of the Holy Koran)
to infect (with a disease); to communi- ( v<>~) i.SJ.£;i to appeal to, ~\ 1 , ;~ :(~\ Ji t;f.JI ~) ~j
cate, pass along, transmit (a disease to) - please, delight
i.S~ e:- Ir)..:.~ , jj~ : i.S~i ~\ 1 -~- ~1
'-. -
:(~II Ji t;f.JI ~) ~jI
'?~ ~ , i.S~i: i.S~i ~~\
to run, make run, set
to help, aid, assist, support, back ~ , ,r4> : i.SJ.&. I
,...:;;.. ....... ... ... .. ~~ e:-' 1 -t:.A~i ,~, ~ ~ :~i
(up); to render victorious, make or let triumph to admire, have a good or high opinion of, -! ~1
(over) think highly of, judge favorably, be highly or
favorably impressed by, have or take a good
impression of or about; to like, be pleased with,
preparation, preparing, readying, J.&. I J..I.4A : Jl ~ J
;:;. ... . , -. .. 0
deem good or nice, find handsome or beautiful; to
making ready; fitting, fixing, adaptation, arrange- fancy, have a fancy for, have a liking for, take a
ment, setting (up); making, producing, production; fancy to, be fond of
•- - •I
development, developing; working out, drawing to be or become conceited, self- ~~'
up, drafting conceited, vain, vainglorious
',.., ~,)1~1
..... i.
, \,, > wr" <Lt?~ 1~,t}}ilikwiW>1,$1·;oib>':.lh''*'*fiiU1JL·tiHNi. .lt?MW{#Mi#MMIM@W§Ii@:c ,;:j:tJ~i$HYj%~r:ili:Miut, }iiit·riffi'Difi§tl

turning away from, avoidance, shun- C.r) u"l~!

.. ...

c::-') -u"l~l
0 j
in preparation, being prepared, Jl~ ~I(~
in the making
. - _,i) ;:;..;,.~

preparatory, preliminary ~,)1~1

ning, keeping away from; giving up, abandonment, ..... "
;:;i I .,.,... ""'""

relinquishment, renunciation preparatory school ~?I~J 4..-J..~..e

symptomatic [.....1]'
. 1../'f''I~·j execution

i~~~~ -~~
0 J J 1..-

;y; :ri~J

J~ c::-IJ -JI~i capital punishment, death

il~ ~I ~_,.u, 'il~)

, ... , J •

....... ., ... ... ... ~..... ... ... i

to express, utter, uk I , I..S-'!1 , cr r. :cr "-:'~I penalty
.,. ... , .
voice, give expression to, articulate, declare, state, hanging l4..:.:.. il~~l
announce, enunciate, indicate, bring out, make
electrocution ·4~~ ~~~~~
... ... * ....... } ......... • ,. J

to analyze, parse 4:J.SJI_,I ~I '-:-'rl death sentence, capital sentence i I~~~ p I

. r c::- IJ_-c.--
-L.:- . ,r ~. :~--
.r i
I J_.. JJ .,...,. .-
capital crime i~~~~ ~_,.u, ~?-"
-" ;:;; ... ... ,, , .... 'f ..... ..
to straighten, make or put straight 1..5,_ ,
;;;... ....:;;..
i.,; :J ~I
... .....
'-:-'r c::-:-IJ-0>-!:,JI c):.&.l :'-:-'yl
to lame, cripple rr - • f ,_ ·-
1 o ..r.:-P : tJ"
- -. i to execute

~ _rl~~~
F ..............

..iA.i :r~l
,.. ;jj,.. .-.-I 'J

-. f
lame, cripple tJ" I to hang, halter, gibbet, execute by l4..:.:..i~l
to marry; to consummate the marriage (~i~4) ~;i
(with) - to electrocute ·4~4 r~i
......... .. ......
to guillotine, behead with a guillotine ~~- oilL -~j
to turn away from, avoid, ~ , cr ~ : cr u"~I i
shun, keep away from; to give up, abandon, relin- .......-:
., .........
to deprive of, dispossess of ..J..UI :i~l
quish, renounce
to take root, strike root; to be or become ~~ : i:J;i to be or become poor, be reduced to
Pl:i~--·· 1

deep-rooted, firmly established, ingrained ... ... ... _.... .,

to excuse, forgive, pardon )..i.&. :.)~I
to cherish, hold dear, treasure, value
greatly; to love; to like
.. ,,,..,. .... .... .......
to be excused, have an excuse 1J-'.ia.. ulS' : J..i..l
he who warns is excused ).i;l iJA )..i.&.l
single, unmarried, celibate
y~ c::-:-1) -~~j~!
Bedouins, nomads, Arabs of the desert
-'""~ :':-'I~ I
. ...

unarmed, armless, weaponless,

defenseless syntax i~l ~') ~ :1.:-'I~J
... ... .. ..... , J • ... •

insolvency; financial straits analysis, parsing ~I _,1 ~I ~ : ..,.,l_y l

left-handedness inflection, declension .::..~1 ~lji ~ :...,.,1;.1
to be or become insolvent; to be in financial ,
expression, express- .1 ~! (cr) ~ : (cr) '-:-'I;.!
straits; to be in straitened circumstances ing, voicing, uttering, utterance, giving expression
• , .- .... 'f
left-handed, left-hand, sinistral; o I~ ~ ~ :~I
to, articulation, declaring, declaration, stating,
more difficult, harder
...- .,
.... statement, announcing, announcement, enuncia-
ting, enunciation, indicating, indication, bringing
,., ... , ,, .... ' an Arab of the desert, a
night-blind, nyctalopic ~~~:~1
. , _. .... Bedouin, a nomad
syntactic(al); analytic(al); ul ' ~L ji::~
.r,, :'
I 'I
Ql~ c::-:-1)- .1~ ¥ inflectional, declensional

' T'l"
iiWQ§iW ee

<.??·<.??~I) -~:?~l!£:1
"' • .. "' ... "' 0

maximal, highest; superior; major, supreme; the

most magnificent; paramount, the most important,
to be or become grassy, grass-covered ~ j.!'-!
the most significant
.,.... .... .... • ..
.:.1,_. ,~ ~~;-~~\ .:.I_,:..JI ,~~\ _;.ll
, -~ ..... f. J .....
~ ~I)-(~ (,.::,_;....) y~i
~ ~~)-[~] '-.-'~~ ~J; :y~!
........ ;;; ... 'f • ..,f.
to exempt from, exonerate from, I..t! I , J.:.- I : ~ ,pI
free from, release from, relieve from, discharge hurricane, cyclone, tornado, whirlwind J~j
from, disburden from, unburden from, excuse
from, dispense from, absolve from, acquit from cyclone ~JJ;. ~~!
to let one's beard grow, grow a beard
~Is.~\) -~Is.:~\
... • 'J

... ,f.

;_>..~ ~1;-[~] '-.-'~~ ~~j :~i

·! " ~I
"'~) .
• J ' ~ : •~J
.,.... ...... .. ... ,'J
exemption, exoneration, freeing, ~! ~~)-~\
release, discharge, excuse, absolution, acquittal -
white-footed, having a white foot ~I
remission, pardon ~ : • ~J ... 0 'f"' ... J .... 'f
_.'II .. "' • .... ... ... chough ~I'-.-'\~,~\
Arabian gazelle • L:JJ I ~ tY :_p I 0 ... , ...

to be or become problematic, complex, difficult,~ I

.~i] (c.~J rJ ~l
saprophyte(s) [
~ ~1)-y~l
.. intricate, enigmatic, puzzling, mysterious
the disease has defied all
• t:;!:> ~I :I ::J I J..<.J;. I
'I ;;; ........

to follow, succeed, come after; to )l,j,~:~l

ensue (from), result (from), spring (from), arise
.................... .nedical skill, has puzzled the physicians
to give (to), grant (to), donate (to), accord (to), ~I
award (to), bestow upon, confer upon; to present
- ..
"'~.J' ....... ., (to or with); to offer
to beget, sire, father, pro,create; to have ~ J~ ~I f/1 _..I j

as offspring, be the father of J4 ~\)-~ ~4 ~\

to end well, succeed to give lessons ,.JJ",
'- • ~-L :_'I
~~I)-_,;>·~ :..loU;\
... ;;... ... ;;;... .... -.'I
to administer, give, apply (a medi- d! ... ,
:IJ.:> ~I
, • 'f

cine, drug, etc.)

to stupefy, stun, astound
~ ~~)-~ ~i
-',... . ... .. ... f. ... • • ... -- 'I
u,;u... ~~)-~1 ..i;.\ ~1)-~IJ ..i;.\
:oi... ... ... , ... ,.,

J.s. ~\)- :..,J$1 r!J giving, granting, donating, donation, according, .~I
to promote, further, advance, ~C.: Ji ~S ~i accordance, awarding, bestowal, bestowing, con- '
boost, foster; to raise, elevate, exalt ferment, conferring; presentation, presenting; of-
.... f. .... • • ... 'I .... f. fering
higher, highest; r!)
'~I :..,J$ ~I •J$1
damaging, spoiling, spoilage, impairment, '-'~I
upper(most), top(most), head(most), more (or • £

most) advanced; supreme, superior, paramount; ruin(ing), destruction, wreck(ing), wreckage

... - • 'f
loftier, loftiest, more (or most) exalted, more (or to damage, spoil, impair, ruin, destroy, wreck ~I
most) eminent, more (or most) sublime .. ;;; .... - . . . f.

maximum, maximal, highest

.... .,
~I :~I
...... - ~~':-~1
_.;; .... ..... .. --- • 'I
above, supra, hereinabove, hereinbefore, in
the foregoing ~.-ta::·! ~I)-\: .. _&:= ;~ :~i
above-mentioned, above, aforesaid, oj£,1 J,! ..i...
• ., ,. J ....
greater, bigger; more grandiose, more imposing, ~I
aforementioned, previously mentioned, (the) said, more magnificent, more splendid; more important,
(the) same more significant
high seas, open sea the greatest, the biggest; utmost, maximum, ~~I
*" ......... f
to declare, state, announce, annunciate, pro- ~1 at the highest level; top-level,
claim, promulgate, enunciate, make public; to pub- high-level
licize, give publicity to; to advertise; to inform, tell;
to notify, give notice to; to deliver or serve (notice,
~li e.- I)- ~i ~li .......
.... 0 j ,

summons, etc. on or to); to herald, usher in ideal ~1J;...

dJ y:)-1 ~1 ~e.- I)- ·~l
.... 0... ... .... 0 •

to declare war etc. on ~

- - , ~
1:i5' ( ~li: Ji) ul:. :~J
r.~ e--1)- ;~ ·-.kl~ ··~\:.] :~~~ promotion, furtherance,
..... .... :iiJ .... o... .. .... '• I advaHcement, boosting, fostering; raising, eleva:
~ e--1) -o_,.., ·~ :o~.o,k1 tion, exaltation
more general, more common, more universal, ~I
-- 1
information; informing, notification, notifying, ~~ J
more sweeping, more massive, more prevailing telling; communication; notice
to blind, make blind ~j ~;.:.. : ~j •~()J e--lr ~~~~ ~~ljJ
~J e.- I)- ~~~1 ~c.:;
.... ... , ..... j

blind ~I ~L; :~1

populating, population, peopling; building, con- J ,;.J information(al), informative, informatory :.r- ~ J
struction; development -
.... ...

~ e--1rJ~1
• j
· - _,. . . . e.- 1) -~~1
cL.1~~ ··- •
t declaration, statement, ~j J~, J~1 :u~1
e.- I)-.;..;.....·~.) :~1
.... ........ ........ .... .... .... 0

announcement, annunciation, proclamation,' pro- •

......... t
mulgation, enunciation, making public; publiciz-
to populate, people, make inhabited; to build, ~I
construct; to develop ing, giving publicity to; advertising, advertisement

blear-eyed ~1
announcement, notice; declara- t_'9.! ' uc.;- :u~ l
.... 'SI..- ..........
tion, statement; proclamation
~ e--IJ-~1 advertisement, ad; publicity, advertis- ~~.) : u~ I
ing - - •
to operate, run, work, actuate, put into opera- ~j
tion, put in action, put to work; to employ, use; to commercial, advertise- (dJ ~~~J ';_,;,;~) u~l
apply ment, ad
(~~ ulS::. ~ Ji u1)~1 ~ J_'....i~) u~l
..... ,!II s .... • ..........
to reflect on, ponder on or ..J LJA.JI J1 )::.JI ~I j
over, think about or over, consider carefuiiy, busy poster, bill, ·placard -
the mind with declaration of independence
to put to the sword, massacre, ..}. ; .·~
.. 11 '!':.j
declaration of war
butcher, kill

to distress, afflict, torment, o:..=.l1 ..J "-a.iJ1 :~I

:; 0 ,,.. .... " ....... 0 ..
classified advertisements, classified
agonize, make suffer, harass, oppress, overburden, ads, classified advertising
..-- I J I J ... - ...

bring hardship upon, throw into difficulty J.:?j .~lS'j e--1J-u~~J ~J ,c,~~J ~lS'J
to oppose, resist uD J ~ , ...l..i ~ : ~ 1 - - -- --·· to feed, fodder ~ : ~j
, ....... ... ..... f. ... :ii.,. :ii.,. .... ......
... .......
~ e--1J-(iil:.JI ~) ~1 ~e.- I) -J.) :Jl"1
~ e--1)-~
:ii.... .... ...
w :~1 ... -. t
to apply leeches :;tJ1 ~J :~i
more violent, more vehement, fiercer, ~ 1: ~ 1
........ ., .... 0 1
to inform of or about, tell about, let know (.""!) ~j
more intense, rougher, harsher, harder, severer, about, bring to someone's knowledge or notice,
more drastic notify of, apprise of, advise of, acquaint with,
..... • j
, , , ....
make aware of, report to
long-necked ~I J,._,J. :~1
having more knowledge, more
anaphylaxis [~].;l~J knowing, more learned ..... ., J,

j~ e--1)- ji~J God knows best ~I .Ill

• •
Aga Khan t1~ ~IJ -JI_,;.J
to succor, relieve, aid, help to bend, twist, curve, crook, warp, distort; to be ~~ l
~~,-;_I or become crooked, bent, curved, twisted, warpeo,
succor, relief, aid, help ... "",
to raid, in vade, harry, attack, ~ la , j.&. ~ ~ I; : i r,.....
.Jl .-I J

~~) -r_,..l
_.. 0 1

assault, make a foray (a raid, an incursion) against

or on; to maraud crook(edness), twist(edness), curve(dness), r ~ ;.l
to make jealous
... ...
,....... ...
;; ~I j.&. .J...:.. : )i.l
..... - curvature, bend(ing); distortion; deviation
-::;;.. .. ...... 1i
~_,.c. ~1;-.l_,..l
raid(ing), invasion, invading, attack(ing), (j.&.) ii~ ~ J _.. :;;..- ..- 0 'f, J..- :;...- ..- ..- 0 1
harrying J_,.c. ~IJ- J_,.c.l ·~ :J_,..I
_. f, ...,. I j ""' ......

to enrage, infuriate, anger, mad- ~I , ~I : j;~ I ~~ ~1)-~~l

den, incense, irritate, exasperate, acerbate, embit-
ter, fret, peeve, vex one-eyed --·
enraging, infuriation, angering, mad- yWJ :41~) cecum,blindgut J~~l (~I _,i)01;..jl 'J~~I
dening, irritation, exasperation, vexation -·\1 ._,, "*-''- -·-1
cecal J _,.c. ~ I ~ l.r"" ~ Jl..;:.. : ~-? _,..
ut::~1 ~) r~ ~~)-(~t::~1 ~) r~i , ... .... ........ J J ;;. _.. .... j

:;. ... ;;. ..... j~ ~IJ- _rA..:t! :tk)l j_,..l

~~1)-~1 _..- ,, I J _. _. .J.- _..I 'J
to lack, want, need; to be in I .iS' •j~ , I.iS' • j_,.c.l
to raise dust ~~~ ~ui :~i need of, in want of, lacking, wanting, deficient in,
,:;; ... • ;;. ... • ..... • .. short of or in, destitute of, devoid of; to suffer
~~ ~IJ- ~~ :~1 from the absence or deficiency of
, _..J ' .... .. :;. .. •. 0, -If
to be or become dusty, dust-covered J ~I • ~ :~ l jr-" ~IJ- j_,..l
.. J • .... ... :;; ... •
to be or become dust-colored, J WI ~ ~ J L... :~l to wail, lament, cry (\J ':.:~ :J~i
dingy, roan
dust-colored, dingy; roan
to fatigue, exhaust, weary, tire (out), ~i:~i
to disable, incapa- ~~i, j.&. ~! '~i: ~i
J _..J J '·.. ....• •
dusty, dust-covered )~1.~:~1
citate, make powerless or helpless; to defeat, defy
~K.. ~ ~IJ- .1~ or thwart someone's efforts; to baffie, nonplus,
I J I 'J
dark ~:~1 perplex, puzzle, confuse
~ .. J .... • ...• .. to be or become tired, fatigued, exhaus- ~ : ~I
dim, dull, cloudy, misty, hazy, ~, -'!J\ :~1
ted, weary, faint, feeble, weak
foggy, fuzzy, blurred, blurry, filmy
:r ~~: yidl
'-· , .... 1
to find no solution or way out, fail; not ~I 41
to backbite, slander, calumniate, ~~~.:; to know what to do; to be at one's wit's end, at a
malign, traduce
loss, baffied, nonplused, perplexed, puzzled, con-
to be or become angry with, furious at, (:r) 1\:li fused
enraged by, irritated by, vexed by; to rage, flare up,
fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness, weariness, ~: .~ J
storm, seethe, steam, boil, flame up with rage, lose
lassitude, languor, inanition, weakness, feebleness, -
one's temper
faintness; prostration, collapse
to assassinate, murder, kill
inability, incapability, powerlessness, ~ : •~j
j0y, happiness, delight; exultation, jubilation,
... ,,
.... -·
helplessness, impotence

~ ~~)-u~1
. .
to be or become glad, happy, delighted; ~ l '~ l
to exult, rejoice, jubilate - to have a numerous family J~ ;s- :~i
(.$t,:. ~ IJ - (.$:d l aga,agha (~) ~~


j~ ~1)-j~ :~! nutrition ~1~1

to be or become grieved, sad, '0;. :~! yt5'! to be deceived by, beguiled by, misled :-! :,; ! t_;.
gloomy, depressed, dejected, dispirited, distressed, by, deluded by; to be lured by, allured by, enticed
upset, worried; to grieve, sadden, gloom, worry by, inveigled by; to be dazzled by
~ ~~)-r~l to be or become self-conceited, conceit- ~ ~!
ed, vain, overweening ·
to plunge, submerge, dive ~ , ~! :;; I emigration, expatriation, absence (or '-:-'~ : 1..:-'1;:1!
... _.... ........ ;;. .... ;:;... .... ........
.ri- ~I)- ')l. ·~ ·!J- :~! being far away) from one's homeland; separation
from one's native country; exile; life away from
~!~1)-~! home
to be or become rich, wealthy ti
-\....,: ~-
) alienation, estrange-
I ..- I

..-I J I

- .-. 1- - .-. ·--.::.I ment

~ ~) -~ ·(""""",
..-, I J _....-,...1
to emigrate, expatriate, go to a ?,I. , (} :y_;l!
to seize the opportunity, take the ~,;.JI ~!
foreign country, leave one's native country, be far
opportunity, avail oneself of the opportunity, take
away from one's homeland
advantage of the opportunity, embrace the oppor-
tunity; to take occassion (to) ~ j~! ~I)-~ j_;l!
backbiting, slander, calumniation, calumny, to ladle, scoop (up), dip out u<.'·1
malicious gossip
to spin J):J~!
washing(oneseiO, wash; bath(ing), r~! :JG!
assassination, murder(ing), killing
to nauseate, sicken, disgust, make sick ~I
- .. taking a bath; showering, taking a shower
(performance ofthe) ritual [~')l..J ~,.r!] J~!
_. _. • 1
~ J.;.i;.l
to shower with, load with, heap upon,
give generously (to), bestow liberally upon
J~ ~I)-
... ,
.... .... .....
. to wash up, wash(oneseiO; ~! ,~:.; ~ :~1
to bathe, take a bath; to shower, take a shower
to perform the major ritual [ ~ ')l.. J~r] ~I
to be long and luxuriant (~I) 0Jj~! ablution
1 ;;. ' ;;. ·. ....
J.i. :J.::s.!
" .... ;;I,..-

to mend one's pace, hurry, hasten, ~ _,1 ~I ~I to be deceived, cheated, beguiled, bluffed,
speed, run duped
to suppurate, fester, matter, form or to suspect of deception or
discharge pus cheating
honorable, venerable; re-
......... '
( _;.:..;.... , ~ , .} _,.. :
;:; ... J ;;. --, ......... 1
.r I ~ ~I)-~!' ~)j! :-! ~!
spectable, estimable; respected, esteemed, honored
• - f
extortion, exaction, forcible j I.:2,! ' t I..2! :1.:-' \...d!
distinguished, eminent, illustrious, out- j!~ :~I (violent, unlawful) seizure, usurpation, disseisin
standing rape, ravishment, violation . r 1) wWI
(;i'' . - -
noble; magnanimous, gen- (-} , ~, ~). : ;i to extort (from), wring ~! , (~) o:·i!
t_;::! : ;. -
... .... - .... .... (from), wrest (from), exact (from), take by force
handsome, beautiful ~ , ~ :~I (from), usurp (from), take over (from), disseise
1'~ ' )" 1" " ' ' ,-f (from), seize unlawfully (from), rob (oO, deforce
having a blaze ( ~~~ v-~~..,:~1
.... ., .... 1 (oO, deprive (oO, dispossess (oO, strip (oO
to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure, ..s,&-1 :..s_j.l
inveigle, invite
to rape, ravish, violate, force, (~i;1) ;_ -~:;,!
;;. .. ..•., assault
to incite, induce, instigate, urge, impel,~ :..s~l
prod, goad, spur on
... .... ...... ...... ...•.,
to excite (stir up, cause) enmity ~ ;_,l..uJI ..s~l
Greek, Grecian between or among
seduction, seducement, temptation, .1~ J : .1_;. J
. .
to be or become thorny, prickly
enticement, allurement, inveiglement; appeal, at-
August traction
to darken, be (become, grow) dark incitement, incitation, inducement,
or tenebrous instigation, urging, impelling
:;;... ;;; .... ... • :1
e.-')- ._.;.I_}. I
...... 0

~ e--1;-~ :~\ ~__,i.

... ' .... ,........ ~ ... .. .. • .. " ..... , • ... 0

to choke ~~:~1 sinking; foundering ~ .r Jl ~~ ~,}U :.JI_j.J

.... ....... ... • f. • .... J •
. • .. .- . -I . I
'-""I.A.; .... ...
e--1;- ~I
.... • j
drowning .v=-- '-'" jAJ . '-' .r'
(.5ii e--1;- (.5.iill ~ ~I flooding (over), inundation, overflow ~ : J\ )J
-~ I -~1 (~1;. ~I) Ji)J
.L.J'> e.- ) - I
~~' dumping; glutting, flooding
angering, enraging, infuriation, exas- ti;~l :'-'~I hyperbole ( W] ~ : J\ )J
peration, inflaming, irritation, vexation, p;ovilca- ' ....... J ,, •

tion exaggeration, excess(iveness), we;.. '~ :J\ __,i.J

....... 'J ......... ,.. . . . f.
to anger, enrage, infuriate, mad- ~I, .11.&1 :~I
den, exasperate, acerbate, inflame, incense, irritate, to do or say something strange
vex, annoy, embitter, peeve, provoke
... ;:;; - - ..... :;1 .. f. to overdo, exaggerate, carry to excess,~4 : ~ ~ji
to immerse, plunge, dip ;_,..b , ~ : ~I exceed the proper bounds in
:il ...
to guffaw, laugh heartily or noisily,~\ j ~).I
die laughing, split one's sides - ··
•# e-';-o>~l stranger, odder, queerer, weirder,
omission, leaving out, skipping, slight(ing), J~l more unusual
neglect, ignoring, disregard, overlooking, over- ' ...... - , ....... f. • • ::;; - - . f.

sight, nonobservance, inadvertence, inattention jyi. e--1;-~.)\ :.,J ·~' j_}.l

e.-')- U"'_j.l
.. --... - ....- 0 j
-· 1
to omit, leave out, drop, skip, miss out, slight, ~I (f__,i.
pass over, bypass, neglect, ignore, disregard, over- to attain the goal, hit ~C:..i :w:J.I Ji ;j,j.ll ~)i
look, forget, pay no attention or heed to, be inat- the mark, succeed, make it
tentive of, be heedless of, be unmindful of
,_ , • ... " .. :;;... ... • 1 ;;; ... f. :;; ... 1 to sink; to founderJ~ ~ :(~)1 Ji <;j.JI) (J)i
to yield, produce, bear, I~J~.r' Jl ~ J:..'-1 , 1 ~1 :~1 .. .. ,... ., 0 f. ,.. • ;;; •

bring forth, bring in, return, pay (offi to drown lij. .GGI ,Jfi ~ :(~1) ;:;j-1
:;.... ... -... ... .... t
to boil to flood, inundate, overflow, deluge[Jo, ~: J__,i.\
,......... .... ,'il .......
to raise, increase, hike, up, sky- .W; :~I J.i- I ....
to dump; to glut, flood, in- Jl_,... ')\ Jl J;..JI J__,i-1
• f. " - ~ ....... f.

rocket (the price) undate ...... • 'l

more expensive; costlier; more valuable, (~) ~ i to overdo, exaggerate, carry to excess, tJ4 : ~ ;:;j-1
more precious; dearer exceed the proper bounds in
iii • '£
closing, closure, shut(ting), shutoff; locking, .J~ J to guffaw, laugh heartily or noisily, ~I j ;:;j-1
lockup, bolting; sealing die laughing, split one's sides - ··
... ......
(~I~~~~ ~;J) Z?~~ j~J
lockout i..,i- e--';-r.}-1
.;::; , .
u-a)l J~! to love, be (or fall) in love with, adore, be very~ ~)1
. . 0, . . 1 fond of, be passionately attached to
most (oO, the majority (oO, the greater F :~I
song, singing, warble, warbling c;"J_,_)1
portion or part (oO , !

in most cases, mostly, to be bathed in tears (t;:u4 ~~ ~) (J.Jj)!


to shut one's eyes to, wink at,

blink at, overlook, disregard
.. ......
: lr' ~I
... .... . largely, by and large, generally, in general; most of
the time, more often than not
to put up with, tolerate, bear, ~:~~i most likely, most probably, in all
stand, stomach probability
to faint, swoon, pass out, lose conscious- ;...k-
.. ~
'·1 majority, greater part or portion
ness, become unconscious
simple majority ~~I
... ""' .... .,
... ... • ... .... j
twanging, snuffling, nasalizing; snuffier ..:_;;.I : .y.l ...... "';
... ;;; ... , " ,... "-;, .... .,
lush, luxuriant
.' .. 'I - ;;; ,
- ''I ~
··<' : lr'
· ·I
... ... - qualified majority ~ .. J t.C,~~I ...
i..:--A' J r-' .... ";;;- ... •.,
- ... - s landslide, overwhelming majority ~l.~l
populous, populated, inhabited ~I , r l&. :c);. I ......... ,.., .... .,
-·· ~ ... ........... -".'i absolute majority ~ ~I
to enrich, rich en, make rich 1.5; I , ~ ~ : ,_r.s.l
to suffice, satisfy; toi,S~j, i.S~j,
be sufficient, enough, adequate; to be useful, of
(lr'.) ~j

use, helpful, of help, beneficial, of benefit; to avail,

relative majority
... .
.&~.'..; ~~: Gi
J.Jk e--')-~1
... .... .
benefit, profit, help; to be a substitute for, make up to speak rudely (roughly, J~l j _,j J~l ~ J&j
harshly, impolitely) to, use rude '(rough, harsh)
for, serve instead of; to dispense of, spare, save
enrichment, enriching
. ... .
.1; J ' ~ ~ : • L.:& J
..... . language toward
.. ... , .... ., • f.

~-. j
thicker; coarser, rougher; ruder, ~ _r5' :~I
to give as booty (to); to make or let gain or win; ~I grosser, cruder; more antipathetic, more re
to grant (to), give (to), bestow upon nant; more boring, more tedious
song - '1 . 1
G,G ~e.-') -U11i
... • • -" j ... ... ..... ..... 'f
to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure, 1.5"" I : 1.5~ I uncircumcised u_,.;::;... ~ :~I
inveigle, debauch
to mislead, misguide, lead astray
to close, shut (off, down, up); to lock, bolt; to ~j
seduction, seducement, temptation, enticement, .1~]
-;,' ....... ,
J.k I
to slam, bang, shut forcibly and noisily ii ~
allurement, inveiglement; leading astray, mislead- · .... ;;. ....... f
ing, misguidance to foreclose (a mortgage) ~)I J.k I

iguana (ui~)~I~J ~! e-')-~i <_,..;:i! :(:.:~1) ~1

, .. ...
pitfall, trap tender twig or branch, sprig ~~ ,;.,.s. :~~I ~

... 'II"' - ~ f.
delicate, tender
~ , ~)(f.:"
.. • , · ., : .U.I
.. captious question; fallacy, sophism, 41,111
ut:.:J, ~) ;.k e.-') -ut:.:J, ~) ~i paralogism
~~j , 0~i ~j
to grieve, fill with grief, sadden, :
~~ e.-') -ui make sad, depress, deject, dispirit; to distress,
cerumen, earwax (u~~l) t~ :u1 upset, trouble, worry

dirt under the(finger)nails ;ill t:-:;: u1 to be overcast (sky)

faint(ing), swoon, syncope, unconsciousness,
ugh! faugh! pooh! pish! pshaw! ! ~...... •1 suspended animation, fainting spell
to return e.-): .~i catalepsy
.... ~... ... .
. .
.. - ... .. • 'i ......
to give as booty (to) ~ olh&l :~ t:l;l • . ... ... • • ... -. 'f

... .... . to sheathe, scabbard, invaginate .4JI ~ J>~l :~I

to give (to), grant (to), award (to), ~I:~ ,l;l
... ...... . ....... ,f. ....... •.,

bestow upon
to pi unge into, thrust into v-J. , ~ J> ~I : ~ .;....i;.l
to make (someone) miss (something), blear-eyed ~I
make (something) escape (someone) to close or shut one's eyes ·-·-- -'·i
''I" A
... ....... ..- ..-f
feet (of a verse meter) to benefit, help, profit, advantage, avail, ~ : Jl.i I
serve; to be useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable,
to get up, wake up, awake, awaken,
advantageous; to be of use, of help, of advantage,
................... of profit, of service
to be watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, ~ ~ Jli I to mean, denote, signify, ~ J~, ~ :(;.:.:) ~~j
alert, on the alert import, designate; to imply, suggest
• J • - ......
o~ ~ Jli I
....... .. ... .-• ., .... ...... .... .... f
to sober up to report (to); to inform (of rkl , ..r-;> I , &.1 : ~\j I
...... .....
to come to, recover consciousness, •I."' J ~ Jli I or about), tell (about), notify (oO, advise (oO,
apprise (oO
-- . - -·
to recover, recuperate, convalesce, ,__;, r ~ Jli I to state, declare, announce
get well, regain health to depose, testify or state (under
wanderer, tramp, vagabond, hobo, J~T ~1;.: Jiji oath)
vagrant • .... ......... __ ......... 0 .... ..-j

toprofitbyorfrom, ~~1..<..::.:..!·~~!:~~\.;1
~I ~~J -JiJT benefit by or from, derive benefit (profit, advan-
tage) from, turn to (good) account or advantage,
awakening, waking, wakefulness; watchfulness, 4iiJ]
take advantage of, make use of, avail oneself of,
vigilance, alertness; consciousness, awareness; re-
use, utilize, put to use, draw upon, capitalize on,
vival; recovery, recuperation, convalescence trade on, tap
liar ._,..1 £ :I!Jiji to obtain, get, acquire, gain,~ ~ , ~! : ~\j I
--.--- ... .......... .... ... f.

• .... 1
scandalmonger cti~l ~~l>IJ ',?jl:;JI
... ...
rl.; :1!.!\il
J ~·
win, earn

impostor, swindler

JL;.:;.,. : 1!.)\j I
J ;;.f
utility, usefulness, use, avail, benefit, ~ : ;;'Jij]
spices, condiments
utilization, use; utilizing, o~~! ' t t:.;! :(:r) •~~]
epidemic, plague, pestilence; disease, blight; lesion,4iT using, making use of, availing oneself of, taking
damage, harm, injury, hurt; evil, bane advantage of, profiting by or from, benefiting by or
blight, plant disease, plant epidemic; from, deriving benefit (advantage, profit) from
blast reporting; information, in for- i~ J J : -~~ J 'JL..
to give or deliver a (formal) legal opinion; to (.J) J:ii ming, notification, notifying, telling; report
give or deliver an advisory opinion statement; notice 0l:; :-~~]
.... j .... • .... •

giving or deliverance of(formal) <?I J...I...Q.o : .l:.:i] deposition; statement; affidavit; ~, o~l6!. -~~] :
legal opinions; giving or deliverance of advisory - testimony, witness
opinions ...... , .- ........ .- ........ f.
• J ' • ... • to boil ~, J~ ~ :Jlil
office of mufti ~1~:·\;jl
to dwell on, expatiate upon, ~, ~j: (j) :.,.OiJi
oppression, tyranny, highhandedness, ~L:.:.:il
elaborate on, enlarge upon, expand on, "write
despotism, arbitrariness, autocracy
exhaustively or extensively about, discuss at great
to fabricate, (invent, trump up, (~UI~)~U! length, speak in detail about
tell) lies about, accuse falsely of, charge falsely .- .- ., .... ;:;;.... .... .....
to fill to overflowing, overfill, fill t; I , ~ : ,_;,li I
to be or become opinionated, to pour, pour forth, pour out, ::,_.:.. , ;:,..5::.:. : ;j,~i
stubborn, obstinate; to act on one's own judgment; shed
to be or become arbitrary, autocratic, despotic,
to utter, pronounce, say --- - - -,_;,li--I
._;.1; : ~
tyrannical; to rule tyrannically, manage dictato-
rially; to oppress, tyrannize, domineer; to take prolixity, expatiation, long-windedness, ._,..~I : ~ iJ I
violent measures against verbosity, verbiage, elaborateness, exhaustiv~ness, -
to fabricate, invent, trump up thoroughness
t::=======::ri'+::ri~=====-:::--:l:JYfiii!AiE!ll:Jlti4El$''1iiliilii!RII.. . , : ,,;+ ;r¢np"' ""~ij~'#¢f;·, ,,5

tory, defamatory ~'~ ~:X:i! e.-')-~'~ ~G!

assumption, supposition, presumption, pre- U.:.l;;.i! opening, inauguration, dedication ~~ : r ~!
supposition, premise, hypothesis, postulate, postu-
lation; proposition opening, beginning,. commencement, .~: (.~!
hypothetical, suppositional, suppositive, ~ 1;J! introduction, initiation
. ,... -
assumed, supposed, presumptive, presumed; pro- opening ceremony (.~I ~
.. .. • , • J .. ,.. • , __ • ,
ll.J. .,w..,..
. 1 - l::.;:;i ill'
e--Jr_, . (._ l::.;:;i ..:...b.
defloration (of a girl) .-IS:.:.JI ~.::(;;G)
opening, introductory, initiatory, inaugural ~ b
) . • j7,
..;1~ e--';-ut;J!
opening session
::;; .. • ....
. ~

(~)jl) ~?!
...... ...
to raven, prey upon, (seize and) "' _.I tJ.-.- I tJ,

devour; to kill, tear ~bl e.- I ) -~l::.;:;l

._ - ~li. ,·c.r l::.;:;i
- Jli.
to ravish, rape, violate (~i:)t) ~P! editorial, leading article, leader ~bl
to spread, spread out ~.~ :J.;;i! editorialist, editor
to lie down, stretch (out) ~.~~ :;jP! enchantment, fascination, captivation, bewitch-0~!
. ... ..... .. . ..... ment, infatuation
to sleep with, lie with, go to ~~ :iii)IJ-.ri!
,, . ..
bed with to inaugurate, open, dedicate
to follow the tracks or traces of; to •) l .f_ri! to open, begin, start, commence, intro-
follow, pursue, chase; to imitate, copy
.. .......
to seize the opportunity, take I.__:...:;! : ~w> :,.J I ~~!
~-- ., .. --:
duce, initiate, institute, launch, mount
to conquer, capture, occupy ~'i;JI ~!
the opportunity, take advantage of the opportunity
to suppose, assume, presume, ~, ~~ :J.;:i! :;.; e.-')-:;.; :~1
J J•

hypothesize ~ ~ e--1;-""i ~!
to take for granted, presume, i~ ~
postulate, assume or acknowledge for the sake of
rL : P! mutation
, .... -~:.~!.
? ·Lo.; e::;;-; ~I
argument, suppose or assume to be true, admit as
true without proof
.,....... " . , ... .... ...... "'~
to pride oneself on, be proud of, glory in, ~ ;.:J!
to presuppose w.:.. ,, t:..~ ~.ri! boast of, brag of, pique oneself on, plume oneself
.- ... ... ... .... ·" .- ....... on, preen oneself on
~) e--1;-~JI :~_ri!
-s~ e.- I; - -s:J I
to deflower (a girl) ~)5:~ ~ :(~LJI) t;Jt redemption, ransoming (.$~ : .1 ~!
to separate, part, part company, go in different ;Jjj!
directions, break off, leave each other; to be or ;; e.-')- ~i :;Ji
. . . :;:...... • "i :;; ..... • :;i"':
become separated, disunited, divided to smile; to show or bare r.• : -..;L.I
. .y- · ~-
... I , _r-_
to separate, detach; to pull out, tear t.J ' ~ :~! the teeth when smiling
... k- - -·
out, extract, remove to gleam, glitter, glisten, sparkle 'l~ : ~!
~ e.- I;- -,-,dj I to fabricate (invent, trump up,(tJJ Z.,..~l) -s;J! ;,t.
to deflower (a girl) ~~~ ~ :(~LJI) ~I make up, manufacture) lies against, accuse falsely
of; to slander, libel, calumniate, defame, malign,
disclosure, being disclosed; exposure, being r,W I asperse, traduce, speak evil of
exposed; notoriety
(fabricated) lie, falsehood, falsity, fabrication, .l,ri!
exhibitionist ~WI false accusation; slander, libel, calumny, defama-
exhibi- o;~l ;t.1] J) ~ ~01~! :~WI tion, aspersion, traducement
tionism slanderous, libelous, calumnious, calumnia- -:; 1;J!
confutation; dumbfounding, nonplussing,
striking dumb .- ~ , ·--• _ :•
rb.i l •
defloration (of a girl)
to be disclosed, revealed, di-
c;~KJI ~:(~G) uO>l-4!
...... '

J. t ......

bowlegged, varus ~[.JI U'"_,.o.;:.. :~1

vulged, uncovered
... ... ~ :J JJ j IJ. J " ;;:i _,. _..
.- .- _..I I ,I

to use obscene language; to be or become ~~ e:-1; -•rl ,I ~)I~~

obscene, ribald, vulgar, indecent; to commit atroc-
invention, fabrication, making up, ere-.;~~ :J'4)
. .
ities or abominations
to confute, overwhelm in argument, silence with ~I
... "' " . ation, concoction, contrivance, devisat, devising,
arguments; to dumbfound, nonplus, flabbergast, planning
strike dumb forgery, falsification
.; , J , • , .... •J:
Eucharist, Communion ..)"'-'oq :C:.::.
\.)'"':..ill.;.,l.. .._ .) WI to invent, fabricate, make up, create,
"' .......... _, .... 1 ..... ,
statelier, more imposing, more 4..,.L;.,; )5'1 :~I
concoct, contrive, devise, plan
splendid, more magnificent, more majestic, more to do on purpose, do inten- I~ ~ , ~ : ~!
luxurious _.. _.. I..- I _.. _... ~ j
tionally, commit willfully or deliberately
r..IA.::- ~ e:- 1J - 1 to forge, falsify ~~) :~I
to put to flight ~~::Ji missing
I_.. ..

· • uLo...
• t.r• J I .u=o-

. .. .. \.)'"' l,;..l:
; .)tA;.;il
.- "' • 0

LS) e:-1; - J!, ' t1i :LS)i I

.:,1~ qji..W '...IA,j

I J I_..


..w : .)~!


I I I"" I "" "' I

release, .;.;:. :~! 'Ll;:. ,;'~.1! :u,;, rl)! need, want, lack; shortage, defi- ~~ :(JI) .) lA:J1
discharge, freeing
..... ,.,
........ ,. _. ..... . ciency, insufficiency
bail, bailment ~~ ~,;,..l.r r 1.,i! ,.u.,.u e:-lr j}&. ,tilt:)~!
I I_. I_.. I_.. ~ I

unblocking, decon- .;')U.! ' ~ ~ : ·~ lr rl.,i l to miss ~

• ... "'
.. f .......

- J -· .... ~ .
trol, release, freeing .- . :.ii ~I;- :.ii ::~ ~
~~ ~1;-tl)!
setting aside or apart, separation, isolation, J:;.: .li)J ~ e:-1; -lr ;.~ :~!
JJ ... ... - ,. ... - ... ... ... .......
seclusion, segregation •_ • to be or become poor, .J L. ~ ~ , Ifo .:,\5' ' jJ&- : ,;:i!
singling out, earmarking, designa- ~ : J l.,i J needy, destitute, indigent, poverty-stricken; to be
tion, destination, allocation, appropriation, assign~ reduced to poverty
ment, setting aside or apart, marking to need, lack, want, -.) ~, Jl•~..:..
;....~I. : J •I ·.S
individual; single, solitary; several, separate
., ..-...
. . . ~~1)] require; to be in need of, in want of, lacking,
wanting, deficient in, short of or in; to suffer from
secretion, excretion, (•))... .~1... Jl) rl.r>-! :.JI)!
the absence or deficiency of
exudation, discharge
j') e:-1;- j') :jl)j to assassinate J0! :~ 2-Gi
secretory, secretive, secreting, excretory ~j 1) J to redeem, pay off, dismortgage ~"}I cl:j)
excess(iveness), immoderation, immoderate- .11)] # e:-1;- .)~!
ness, extravagance, intemperance, intemperate- redemption .·~~~~~~
0" J' ••
ness, exceeding the proper bounds or limits, going
too far .- . (~) ~ e:-1;- (~)A!
... _... - .... f.
ti~ e:- 1)- t')! ~ e:-1;
,,... _.. ,I • J_.
to release,~ c_#l ,._I.,_ &J:.I :u,;;.tl,;r ~I
_. _.. ,... .-I j J I_.. _.. _.. _..I.
~..... ;;;...... . .
~,~~I;- 0~) ,::,:;;!
discharge, let go, free, set free, set at liberty
to bail out, release on bail
...... .,. .........
~~ ~_,;;.tl,;r (.,i I
, .- ... to stride; to hurry (~I ~) ~j
.... . .. ... ... .... ... ... ...... ... ... •1
, ....... 1 J ... ;;:;... • ;;:; ....... •1 ~ e:-1;- r.> ,~ •<}'; :~1
to unblock, decon- .w.l:.l , •J? : .~ll.r (.,i I ... ;:;; ... ... ... ... , ... : 1'
trol, release, free, let go ~ ·~ e:-1;-~1
, . .. ,... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ' ..
to separate oneself 0&- ~~, 0&- ~~ :0&- ~)! to leave, quit, clear .~I , uK.ll 0&- (_;I AS; :
from, detach oneself from, withdraw from, leave, out of, evacuate, pull out of, withdraw from
quit ... ;;; .... -
to gladden, delight, cheer (up), exhilarate, (_; :c) I
to run, race, rush I~, c.S-.;:. , ;_;£~: &:) ! rejoice, make happy, make glad, make merry, fill
with joy
cornice, frieze, curb, ledge, eaves, molding, .).!) J ... :ii-;' ...... :;:
corbel t-"' e- 1)- t... .... .. .1
... ... ...
continental shelf to set aside, set apart, separate, isolate, se- J ~ : .l) I
elude, segregate
African _.. ;ii .,.. _.._..If
to single out, earmark, designate, ~ : .) .) I
Africa destine, assign, allocate, allot, appropriate, set
to scare away, frighten, terrify, startle aside, set apart, mark, design, intend (for a specific
frighiening, scaring, alarming, terrify-
~~ e-1; -::.;..:; ~ : ;~~ ~:)i
ing, terrorization, panicking .-;;. _.._.. ;ii ,... _..I J .. "' .- ..-_..If
_......... ..- ...-: t
;) e-1;- .;_.)II .);U e-1;-~1 ~ 1..1:1_; ulS' :.)_;1
....... • 'f .........

to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, terrorize,

.... ~....
u,;;. :e) I
,... - . 'J
to secrete, excrete, exude, discharge ~:?I : j) I
... ,...... .... ............... ..
panic, dismay, daunt, horrify
to wake (up), awaken, waken,,! I : ij.jl ~
awake, rouse (from sleep)
.......... ,:ii ... ...........
t) I -;: .... ,
~ .riJ I '-"" _r.i ~
... -.....
j.) e-1;- j.) :j_)l

e.- IJ - ~ _,.J I '-"") I

... .... , ... .... ..
... ... 'f .......... ;jj ... .,.... _.. .... : •
to succor, relieve, aid, help <.! : t) I to exceed the proper bounds or JJ.I jJ ~ : .b..,..1
limits, go too far, go to excess, go to extremes,
spoiling, spoilage, impairment u')l.;) : .luJ overdo; to be excessive, extreme, immoderate
spoiling, spoilage; cor- tJJ yl.)~l _,i ..;i;..~l ~UJ
• ;ii , ... • •

hairy, hirsute, shaggy ~I _r.;j :e) I

ruption, corrupting; depravation, perversion, de- .... ;;; .... ... :ii.... .... _.. 'f

moralization, vitiation e- 1)- t__;

,_.._..I 'J
1 t) ti
thwarting, foiling, frustration,~ , .J:, L,;..] : .) U]
_.. fJ. ""

to cast, mold, found; to ~ _,1 y\,; j 4.i..) I

neutralization, counteraction, undermining · shape, form, work; to express, articulate,·· couch,
.... :;; ... ... ::;. .... - - • 'f
phrase, word
e-i e-Ire-' :~1 J..- 1 J II ,,...,.. ,. ,.,.. J I _.. f, J_.. I_. .,.. _.. I 'J

to make room for, make J (tJJ ~~,~IS:.)

place for, give place to, clear a space tor, step aside
cJi to do one's 4-o-J _,1 w\.1 _,I o.)~ _,1 ·~ t_.) I
best or utmost, do all in one's power, do all what
one can, make every effort, spare no effort, exert
for; to make way for, open the way for, give way
oneself to the utmost, take pains, go to great pains,
to, yield to, clear a passage for; to give or open up
go to all lengths, stop at nothing, leave no stone
an opportunity or a chance to or for, enable, let,
allov•, permit; to give free play (to), give free scope .- :;i..- ,... j ,... ,... I'J I

(to), give wide scope of action (to), give a free hand

to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, u,;;. 't)l :J)I
panic, horrify
(to), give a wide latitude (to), give an elbowroom ...... f ..........

(to) to lose; to mislay; to miss tl..;.l :..;_;I

. . ... ... , -- ....... . _.. J _.. _..I 'J

e-i e-lreJ :~1 to recover, recuperate, get well, regain ~ : J.) I

to spoil, impair, mar, damage ~i :~j having broken teeth
::. .. , _.. ..... 'f "" - " ... • :1 .........
tospoil;tJJ l;J> ~I 't'l yl.)~l _,1 ..;~~~~I Europeans; foreigners
to corrupt; to deprave, pervert, debauch, demora-
lize, vitiate, debase European; foreign; foreigner

. ..
... :oi ... ........
to rot, decompose, decay, putrefy ,y.s. :~I French

to thwart, foil, frustrate, neu- ~ , Ja:.;..1 ::..:..; I French

• 'f

to arrive at, reach, get to, come to

to inform of or
,.,.,. . ...
~ W.J.1 , -! ...:.1:.1 :-! ~ J ~ 1
J:.,j : JJ ~ i
,,.. .... . .. tralize, counteract, make ineffective, undermine
,... , ..........
to sow dissension among, stir up discord ~ .......; I
about, tell about, bring to someone's knowledge; to among, cause mischief among, set people against
reveal to, disclose to, divulge to
to unbosom (oneselO, disem- • ;~ u~ ~I
.... ,, ... ... .. each other
.... ... ...
.......; ~1;-..l...i
... .... ... ... .....
bosom, reveal or give vent to- one;s feelings or absinthe, wormwood (c.~) ~=··- ;i
... ... ... ... ... .,
::;; ...... ... .... f "" ..... ' to reveal, disclose, divulge, uncover,~,~: ~I
~ j.4i.:i ~I;- JJ .:,-1 : ~ J,.;ail unearth, make known, make public; to spread,
better; superior; preferable u:.;. i :~i propagate, disseminate, circulate
revealing, revelation, disclosing, ):. , ~ : .\.!.i J
the best; optimum, optimal u:.;. ~1 :~~~ disclosure, divulgence, uncovering; spreading, ·
better ofT than

,.. I

J..<.i I J~
j, (r. ~~ J..<.i I
. - ... .. ...
I f/1

J ,.. I j
propagation, dissemination, circulation

at best
at one's best
Jl,.;. ~I ~I ~
~1,.;.i ~j ~
frustration, thwarting, foiling, balking, defeat
to frustrate, thwart, foil, balk, defeat, abort
J.:j I
- ..
for the better
J..<.i ~I -"'"'
... ... .... litany [~1~] J~l ~:L, :~i
expression, expressing, giving expression Cr) (L..:J]
preference, precedence, priority ;;~1- ;
to, voicing, uttering, utterance, articulation, enun-
fast breaking ~~I ::,S, ~ :).lzij ciation, enunciating, announcement, announcing,
.-::;i J ,. _. J _. I
declaration, declaring, statement, stating, bringing
breakfast (t:;:.JI ~W:., ;,.hi :;lJd J
J:;; ' - ,. :• ... ;;;... ... ... • • .. .... 'I - .. :.
broad-headed U""l)l ~r :~1 to express, give ~ , ..,..1 I , I f y y I :If ~ 1
... , ... ... • f
broad-nosed u; ~I ~ r :~I
expression to, voice, utter, articulate, enunciate,
announce, declare, state, bring out, make known,
to have (take, eat) breakfast, (~I rW. Jj8 :~j make clear, make plain, speak frankly about,
to breakfast reveal, disclose
... ... ....... ., , ::;; .........
to break the fast, eat and Yf-J JS'I :~~~_,hi I to use or express oneself in ~~~:~i
drink after a fast pure language
;~i :~i
... ....... , ... . .......
... .... ... .
to give breakfast to (CJ1 to dawn t~ ·~! :_,-;.]1 ~I
L':' :.t;. :'•GJI -l_~j ..... . .....
to break someone's fast ~ . ~ ~ to be or become pure, clear; to clear, lA.,..:~I
snub-nosed, pug-nosed (~~I) ..,.JJi "' ... ::;; . .... ... -- ..... '
_.. I • ., lj to be or become clear, plain, ~! , C"'_, :~I
pug nose, snub nose ..,..hi I --.A; I distinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious
.,.... • , .... .. - •J
more discerning, more sagacious, ~ )51 : I vJai to celebrate (~I) ~I~~! :~i
more perspicacious, more intelligent, brighter, Easter
cleverer, smarter
to celebrate
adder, viper, asp, snake, serpent Passover
,. .... J .... • •1
tree snake more eloquent, more fluent; purer.~ G.; )51 :~1
more literary
sea snake .... J ~ .... ~. , J.... J
classical ~I WJI, ~I ~/JI, ~I
flying snake Arabic
..- .,... I j ..- ..- :;;:f ,... I j

water snake to lead to; to c.~ I,~ ~L.., JJ 1.5~1 :JJ ~I

conduce to, contribute to; to cause, result in, bring
garter snake
about, give rise to, produce, generate, engender,
coral snake create, make
~~~ 'tf '"
r====================:::::::::<<~<~ • •: : : : :<:::;:::::!~")<==<

to set, go down, sink; to decline, ..>...> , yli. : Ji I , Ji I

_. "'... "" "" f. -- ......
puff adder
===============::::::::::lJ,:j ....
~~ ~ I
... ..
setting, going down, sinking; declining, fading;
transitory, evanescent, passing
(-::.L.;) ~~I~~
... .... ,.... ...
(~t..ll) ~~I ~:.U
. .
escape, getaway, getting away, slipping away; ~~I snake charmer J~ : (~UI) c,f-~~1 ~'i,
J .... 'I -·f.
freedom, liberation, release, disengagement, disen- "'::;;


_;.5'1 : J.i I
more effective, more efficacious,
bankruptcy, insolvency, failure, ruin
more efficient
I ~:7
. ....
I - I ~:7j...;l
. , .....

~~) ~
fraudulent bankruptcy to brim, fill to the brim, fill up, overfill, fill to (.-!) ~ i
bankrupt, insolvent overflowing; to load with, charge with, cram with,
jam with
~i ~~J-ul~1
... ::;;.. ... ... ... ... - --: j
serpentine, snaky, snakelike, ophidian ;.,; 1:;_.; ''1
to escape, slip away, get away, ~ , y _y;. :.:..).; I
break away, break loose, run away, flee, get free; to be or become brimful, 1:::~ ~l...., ~)~ :(--!) ~~~
to free oneself, save oneself; to be or become (over)full, replete; to be or become loaded with,
free(d), released, liberated charged with, fraught with
~~ ~1;-uii
...... 'I .... ;;;.. ... .....
to let escape, let slip away, let ..;.l11 , ~ : c.l.i I
get away, let loose, free, set free, liberate, release ~~ ~1)-uii
to succeed, be successful, prosper, thrive clli to wander (about), rove, roam,
-- - - -t
J\i ~I ~ yl:.:- : Ji I
to go bankrupt, fail, become bankrupt or ~i tramp, travel
;;; .... ... .., ..... horizon; skyline; faraway lands, distant (-.;~i () Ji1
to escape, slip away; to slip, ~ , C.U I : (~) ~I regions, remote parts
::;;..- .... _ ' ::;;_..
slide, glide; to evade, elude, shirk, dodge
, _. ' ,. j yip.- ~I) -J\il ylp.-
Pluto ct.L; y~ :.;,.b,
[ ] ,l ... _ J ::;; J

~l:. ~1;-J\i~l ~l.i!.

to be or become moronic, ~ 0\5' , ~ : J 1,J i
feebleminded, stupid, idiotic,< imbecilic; to be or impoverishment, pauperization WI
become a moron, an idiot ... "" ..... ,....... ... .... ....
to deprive of, dispossess of, rob ~ ~ , ~? : ..141 I
..-" • , • f. --j

moronity, feeblemindedness, .~ •J..> :_)1 ,_)1 of; to cause to lose or forfeit or-miss
stupidity, idiocy, imbecility "' .... ,.... ... ... .... ..-

........ j ... .... --0 f. to impoverish, pauperize, make poor, lfo ~:_;Ail
to annihilate, exterminate, extirpate, ~I , )41 :~I reduce to poverty -
destroy utterly, ruin completely, wipe out, extin-
to exhaust, consume,
. ..
... .... ....
use up,~~ , ..l.L:.:.:... ~ :~I
.... .... .... .... .. bucktoothed; prognathous

deplete, drain; to waste, wear (away); to spend horizontal

annihilation, extermination, extir- ..:J~ I , o~GI :.WI
pation, extinction, wiping out, utter de'structlon ' horizontally

exhaustion, (complete) con-..:J~ ~, )1;.3·· ~: .U j to lie, tell a lie

sumption, using up, depletion; wasting, wearing
lie, falsehood, untruth; lying, telling y~ : 45:J J 'cli J
of a lie or lies
~ ~1;-:Ji (~) ~ ~I)-(~) )ji
gentleman; Mr.; sir; chief ..:.:. :~;Ji joke, jest, drollery, witticism, wisecrack, gag; u_,5j1
tangerine(s), mandarin(s) (-::.L.;) ~,: :~~i anecdote
deposition, dismissal, discharge, re- (~ :r.) ~li!- branch, twig
• ' ''i
~ :u~l

kind, sort, type, variety; way; ~). 't~ :0~

moval, ousting, ouster, sacking, firing
to raise, erect, set up, ~i '8i '~ '~: rlii manner, mode, fashion, style; form
build, construct, put up, establish, institute, found; to make understand, make comprehend, make ~i
to create, bring about; to install realize, make see; to instruct, teach
......... f ' ..... ~....... ... .......
to stand, make stand, set up- 1-Ai J I , ~ r .u....:- :rli I spices, condiments
~ly, ~:'lil :oljil
.... •'f

right, raise; to make rise ,. J I_.. I 'f I j I 'f

~ ~ •rlri', i1_,;1 :.1_,;1

~~ e--')-1: ..(·: ~ .~ :~~i mouths
... J , .... ~·
... :o;.... .... ;;:; ... .... ..... .. ... ;;:; .... .... .....
lawyer, attorney; attorney-at-law, it;.:. :_,.IS_,I
i~ e--'J-J..~&. ·~' ·~ :rlil
--- .-- ---
to resurrect, raise from the _;. , c. j.l I ~ ~ : i li I --· advocate, barrister, solicitor
avocado (c.~)J~IS_,tl
, ... }'f

to appoint, install, assign, nomi- ; .. ~; , ~ : ~~i
setting, sinking; decline, fading J~1
-~' ~1_, :ojii
to rouse, arouse, excite, agitate, stir up, J~ I : ili I - -· - -. broad-mouthed, bigmouthed
vast, extensive, wide, broad ~IJ: ~I

raise. incite :;; ......... .... _.... ... .... .... ... .... ... . . .... ...... ......... , ............ , .................... :J
moreuseful,o~lil )S'I ,ii~li )51 ·-s~l ,~\ :~\
to stay in, ~~ '~ .;:,s:. '~ :.J Jl ~ rlil
more helpful, more beneficial, more advantageous,
remain in, reside in, dwell in, live in, inhabit; to
more profitable
settle (down) at
to keep to, stick to, abide by, ~ ~ : I.iS' ~ i li I ----- --· liar yl.iS' :~\
;;:.... f

stand by; to persist in

......... "' ..... ..... lie, untruth, falsehood; lying '-:-'~·~4:41
~ ~~I rli I ' 0,;'t. e.-')-~'
to hold (a ceremony, meet-
ing, etc.), celebrate (a festival, etc.), give or throw
(a party, reception, etc.) opium

. .,
................ ,. t. ' •
to institute legal proceedings against, ~ -s~ ~ i li I opiomania, opiumism 0~1101..~!
take legal action against, bring suit against, sue, ,. 'f , ............

prosecute, litigate laudanum 0~~1 ~

.... • J .. ... :;; ........
to prove, demonstrate, ~ 0la ;,.II J I J.:.l:UI ili I opiate, opium-
establish, substantiate, show -
.... .. ......... :;; .... f to jinx, hex, bring bad luckr~4 ;~j '~: (~) (Ji
to perform ritual prayer(s), <?i..,.c.JI Jl o')l4]1 ~lil
establish regular prayer(s)
to make vomit, cause to vomit ~:
LJ: dil -·
to administer justice; to establish justice J~l ili I
to say Mass, celebrate
... :.
U'"l:...a.ll rlil
, ......... to feed, nourish, nurture, aliment; to support, -
.;:,\il -·
sustain, maintain, keep, provide for, subsist
....... .... ...... ~........ ;:;!"'.... .... .... ... ......
to attach importance to; to set store by J L; jJ ili I ~ '~ e.-') -~\i] '(\il
erection, erecting, ~t, .~J, .~, ··~ :~liJ
•f .....
-..... y)l e.-') -1..:'!\i\
raising, setting up, building, construction, putting - -·
-U'"li e.-') -(.)"\i\
up, establishment, institution, founding, founda-
tion; installation
J JI .- _.. I _..
acacia (c.~) t;,;lii
stay, sojourn, resi- J I~! , ~ , ~,S:. : 4..\i! to depose, dismiss, discharge, re- (~ '. )Jlii
dence; staying, remaining, residing, dwelling, liv- move, oust, sack, fire
-·- ~
, ........... .J, .........
ing, inhabiting; settling, settlement
house arrest ~-~ " ~I .
(~) -s;~l L~!
to forgive, pardon, regard someone's ...; ~ .:Ill Jli I
offense or lapse as undone; to steady someone
who has stumbled, raise someone from a fall
institution of legal proceedings ,....... ..... ,........
(against), taking legal action (against), bringing suit to put words in someone's mouth; to~ ~ \.. ..Jli I
(against), suing, prosecution attribute false reports to; to fabricate lies against
.. ;~c@J}~>i£ '·!ffit!AI#fJ#dlwwttlf'fiij@:3§ ' ; . .<f,,;,nJ·, ''lite ki '"'v:#\5$£~-k;, "'}f'V•·t',!:t ';t';)l@fflk
~;i e.- I)- }j! administration of justice, judicature;
establishment of justice
~li e--1)-~li :~t;j!
~ e.- I)- ~~l J;:.
to pattern after, follow, imitate -! lS~! :-! ~W!
attendance; turnout

J,.A> : J~J
, .
to trace, track, follow the traces or tracks ~)i i.Jl;j!
of; to follow, pursue, chase, take after; to imitate, coming, arrival, advent, appearance ·~ : J~ J
copy, follow in the steps of
approach, oncoming, drawing
._,...1 _r.i!, _,;~: J~ J
~'' .
adaptation (of a literary work); quotation, cita-0"~!
tion, excerption, extraction, selection; adoption,
.. ......

embarking upon, -! il:...?o!, JJ ul~! :~ J~j

, . . .
taking over, borrowing
undertaking, entering upon, proceeding to, en-
quotation marks G'SI c~ gagement in; devotion to, dedication to, turning to;
U'" ·-
to quote, cite, excerpt, extract, take out, select; ~!
to adopt (from), take over (from), borrow (from),
interest in, enthusiasm for, zeal for
(great, good) demand (lj~:J~j
derive (from); to adapt (a literary work) ., .
to learn, acquire knowledge ~i.ll- -::1 good fortune, prosperity, welfare ~:J~!
!-" u-:-1-
... ~ ,. ... ....... back and forth, to and fro, up and 1~4~!J ~~!
to take (get, obtain) fire from .JUI~~! down
..... - .... ........
.... .... .... ...
to take a pinch (oO to commit atrocities, commit~ 'S~ I ~ J! :~I
....... . shameful or dirty acts
V' e-)I - JL;:;j--I
1: lZ
"'.... ...... • "' · ' J .... .. .....•:a:
uglier; more offensive; more ~ W J I ~ :;s-1 :~I
~\Z e.- I)- :.S! infamous; fouler, more indecent
"" ....... J ............. .
breaking in(to), bursting into, plunging into, r~! to give fire to l.::J •~I : ~I
plunge into, rush(ing) into, storming into or
through, penetration; breakthrough, breaking to teach, instruct, educate ~ :( t::4, ;_) ~ i.....
... ... ...... ...
through, passing through, running through; to approach, draw near, come ._,....) , ~~: J;il
storming, taking by storm
z...a;.,i e.- I)- u;.:j! to come to, go to; to W!, Ji: (~, JJ) J;ii
advance to, proceed to
.. ... .. ... ... • f
to break in(to), burst into, plunge into, dive into,~! to attend, be present, be there; to come, _ri- : J.:.i I
rush into, storm into or through, penetrate; to show up; to go to, come to
break through, cut through, pass through, run
to embark ~ ~! 'JJ u~! 'JJ ~~4: ~ J;ii
through; to storm, take by storm; to embark boldly
upon, undertake, enter upon, proceed to, engage
upon, engage courageously in; to defy (danger,
in; to devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to, apply
hardships, etc.)
oneself to, turn to, attend to, give one's attention
~~ e--1) -~! to, occupy oneself with; to take an interest in, be
interested in
to imitate, copy, emulate, follow someone's ~ lS:J! ... ... ....... ... ......
example or model, pattern after, take after, model to pounce upon or at, rush upon c.i t:.; : ~ J.:.i I
after, be guided by, tread in the steps of to yield abundant crops c.~4 ~}~1 ~-l~ii
imitation, copying, emulation, following (~) .I~! .. •~J, .... ..- • ... .... 'I
to be lucky, fortunate; to be pros- ~::UI ~~I
the example or model of, patterning after, faking
perous; to prosper, succeed
oke, oka; ounce
·~J.a: ,.~:.; e--1) -·~~ ,.~:.; :,;1~!
• J ... ... • to feed on, live on; to eat; to be fed, nour- (_.) i:::,t;jl
solvency, ability; wealth ~ , ii •')C. : )~! ished, nurtured; to be supported, sustained ' -
to strike fire (with a flint) ~UI (:J! ~li e.- I) - ~li : Jt;j!
~~ e--I.J-t\1::.! :(0i ,~)~:J! ~~! e.-')-~~! :~w!
, , ,. ··~====~==~==~"'''
(-'~)!, ~~!, (~) ~jj!
... ........ ,, :;:; .... _.. ..-lj

to be or become J.:.J!: to be or become poor, needy, _,L:j! , .J L. Ji :_;:j I

coupled (with), joined (with), connected (with), poverty-stricken; to be reduced to poverty
... ;:;;;... ... J ... ... .....
united (with), linked (with), associated (with); to ~ ,;;J ~I;-~ :~ ,;;JI
unite (with), associate (with); to pair, couple, join, I J '/J,. J ..- ..-O'f

form a pair
' ,rAA
... ~)
I - ~
I -' . . ""I
to get (be, become) married (with, (~) ": (~) 0~!
... ... f..... "-- ....
to read, peruse ~l1 , I_; : l_;:j)
to), marry, wed, take a(s) spouse; to join hands,
approach, oncoming, imminence; approxi-
become husband and wife
to conjugate '] . -I
.. I 0'.rJ-
[ .L.,.. -· mation
suggestion, proposal, proposition, offer;
division, dividing, distribution (among them- rl.;j! motion; recommendation
,.J "'~ ... , ... •
selves); sharing, partaking counterproposal ~\:.... ,1 .:.1.4. cl;:.i)
~ ;..i ~I;-~ ;.:;i! borrowing, raising of a loan; loan, advance u"I.J:.:i)
to divide or distribute among themselves; to ;:.=i! voting, vote, ballot, poll(ing), casting or~;..; : t,l_ri)
share, partake of (with others)
ballots or votes
to avenge oneself on, revenge ~ ~! ~ ~! : universal suffrage '~ "tl _r.i I
oneself on, take revenge or vengeance on; to J J I J I :t _.. .
- - I .J _.
i f. J ,.. ,.
retaliate upon, make reprisals on J,...:..,., , tl;:.i~l ~ , tl~l (4.;~j ,I) ;,;~
:.,.,li ~I;-~~:~~! ~L.i .J ~I; -tlri~l
J ... - · .... :. ... .... ,_ ...... :,;; .....
o)l ~ ~1;-o)l ~! commission, commitment, commit- '-:-'~~! :ul,ri)
~~I;-~;_.~ •LSJ~ :~! ting, perpetration, perpetrating
, .... .... • 0

coupling; (close) connection, ~I; , .1~;!: ui.J:.:i!

economy, e~;onomization, .!.:!~ :(J~~I j) J~! (close) union, (close) association, link(age), linkup,
frugality, thrift(iness), providence, husbandry, (con)junction
economics, political economy)~~~
. ,.r4-, )~!. marriage, wedding, matrimony rljj: 01~!
conjugation [ • ~ i] 0 Iri!
free enterprise ;.. ~~!
conjunction [ ctl; ] 0 Iri!
handicraft economy 'J. ~ ~ ~! mapping, function [...::.. l,.Q ~ J] 0 Iri!
political economy ~ ~ ~ ~!
to approach, approximate, come (~J ,i ~) yjj)
econometrics ~~ ~~! near or close (to), get near or close (to), be near or
. :. ... J :. "' J
'JS'*' "')~!.
:;; ..... ... •
close (to); to border on, verge on; to draw near,
come, approach, near, impend, be imminent
directed (guided, (dl ~ • JJa,;..:.) ~,.. )~!
planned, managed, controlled) economy
.) ~
;:_; ~) I - C,) ~ :0L::.':..:..11 ~-::I

economic )~~~ -~ ,i ?~~~ ~\.,;.:~~~! to suggest, propose, offer; to recom- ;).,~: ()i!
mend; to move (formally, as in a meeting)
...2 ~I;- ,_0:;: :~:~!
to borrow, raise (take up, contract) a loan; to ~jj!
economist ~?~I ~~ , ~?~! take in advance
economically ~:WI to vote, cast a ballot, cast a vote, poll c.:;:., :e;.i!
,. ... 0 J ... •• ... .......

economy, economies, economics to cast lots :t.rJ! ~_;~I

t)WI WI·.· to draw lots ~:; (LS?,i ,i) ~ :tjj!
economic geography -- - .. , yu;
. ... J

~ _,.&]~ ~! :t.rJ!
... ... .... .- ........

u<>~ ~I; -V"L..a;j! to choose by lot

to economize, tighten one's belt; to be econom- -,- ~:·i) to commit, perpetrate ~·~
. )_ :u-.:il
r~j Hv ~- a:·i!
c:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::==::=:==:=:=:=:1ilz'~:"~'~~ ~~~==·~'z,,;Z"fSZ""~!,:·l"&,:·=·=:z·~?;n=,,MZ·=·===··z"+:§=··========~·=~,f~,j~~'m
plucking out, tearing out, extraction, pulling e_~! ical, thrifty, frugal, provident; to husband, manage
out, uprooting, deracination, rooting up, eradica- economically; to save
tion, extirpation, extermination to be limited to, restricted to, confined to; ~ ;d:i!
to pluck out, tear out, extract, pull out, pull up ;J;j! to limit oneself to, restrict oneself to, confine
by the roots, uproot, deracinate, root up, root oUi, oneself to
eradicate, extirpate, exterminate to call for, JJ (G..!, ~:2.!, ~)::.:.!, ;_ ;,:·i! iJ.;:.;
~ e--1;-riJ.i :~! require, demand, need, want, take
_... ,, .
e.- I;- ~I
need, necessity, exigency, re-
quirement, requisite
4.:1:-l> 'r J) : -L.ra:ii!
to acquire, get, obtain; to possess, own, have ~!
--· if need be, in case of need, if neces-
sary, when necessary
acquisition, acquirement, getting, obtainment; ,GI
possession, possessing, owning, having abridgment, shortening, condensa- ; t-:.:..1 : ._.~I
tion; conciseness, brevity, shortness, 'terseness,- -
~ e--1;-ua~! succinctness, laconism, brachylogy
conviction, persuasion, strong belief, certainty; e_~! to abridge, shorten, condense, digest, ~I :; -,Q:.j I
satisfaction, contentment, content(edness) cut short - · -
~ e--'r ~a~:.j! ;;;;

... ;li

e.- I; - ,h:j!

~~e.-')-~ ~! deduction, discounting, r:). '~ 'r;. :e_\.h;i!

~_,i e--1;-~; ~t.... :-s;:i! subtraction, dockage, cut; discount, rebate
• • ... - • J • ., •
takingapartoralittleof ~ t<J-JI.~ ..i>l :t~!
~;; e--1;-~;:i!
appropriation, taking posses- (~) ; j ;.. ! :t~!
insertion, inserting, introduction, intro- (~) r~l sion (oO, seizure
ducing, interpolation, intercalation, interjection,
ul..i 1 - ·.- :u!Ja:j1
intrusion, setting in, putting in, thrusting, driving
in, sticking in, working in, intromission; pushing
into, dragging into, involvement in, involving in,
selection, choice, choosing,
L:>l -
.. _ :ulJ...;:il --
implication in, implicating in; forcing, plunging, excerption, extraction, quotation, r..r.G
cramming, wedging, squeezing, squeeze, pressing __I : uu..;j
to be rainless (year) (~WI) 1.;_ij to take a part or a little of ~
• .. .... 15 ......... 'I ...........
l!;,:. J I ~ ..i>l : ~!
to insert, introduce, interpolate, intercalate, (~) ;.;.ii to appropriate, take possession ~ J'?! :~!
interject, intrude, set in, put in, enter, thrust, infix,
of, seize
drive in, stick in, work in, intromit; to push into,
hurl into, drag into, involve in, implicate in; to to tear out, tear off, take out,
force, plunge, push, cram, wedge, squeeze, press detach, pull out, cut out
daisy; oxeye, oxeye daisy; (c.~) 4.:il;,i1 ,.;l;,i1 to deduct, discount, re- (). , ~ , ~! r:;. :
chrysanthemum; feverfew; dog fennel; chamomile, bate, subtract, take off, take away, take out, dock
camomile ; ;ti ,; .-L..i e--1;-~
,; •ii :! •V·i!
intrepedity, boldness, courage, pluck, nerve, rI.J.i) to select, choose, pick out, pick, cull }.;;;.. ! :; x:.;!
fearlessness, undauntedness, daring, enterprise,
audacity to excerpt, extract, quote, cite ~! :; 4-6:;!
~~ e.-')-():: '(~) ~~?\; ~ :(~) ~ji to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks of, (;)i) .;:i!
...... :f .,. .... ' J .... j -- . , follow the traces of, follow the trail of; to follow,
abler, more capable, more -s_,il, o;..U )5'1 :; pursue, chase, take after; to imitate, copy, emulate,
competent, more qualified; mightier, more pow- follow someone's example or model, pattern after,
erful tread in the steps of, follow in the steps of, follow
to venture, risk, dare; to undertake, set (~) rji suit
about, set out to, embark boldly upon, engage

as soon as possible, in the

shortest possible time ..-. f ••

courageously in, venture upon, dare or be bold
enough to undertake or engage in; to brave, have

pharmacopeia; materia medica; pharmacol-

ogy, pharmaceutics
~_;I ~IJ-,~}1
V..~~.)l ----··
the audacity or courage to; to be daring, bold,
venturesome, audacious
older, more ancient
:;i .... f
~I : r..lil
.... . . ..... f
_. .,

pharmacopeia!; pharmaceutic(al), pharma- ~~4)i senior ~...UI J~ :i.UI

, ""'. f
cologic(al) ,•'I
· , __ •• the ancients 0 _,.. .U ~I
~_;1 ~IJ- u-"!.)1 seniority .:., ~i
to loan, lend, advance (money to)
... ;;;;,

UL : u'>.)I
.... .... l j
... .... ;;;-- - .....
t...U ~lr-! .*- ·~ :t.UI
;J.;:.i! ~IJ -(~) ;;.)i .... "' ......
t~ ~IJ -(,?~ ,~\,; :tjjl
t;i! ~~) -V~ill :;;) e)i to confess, acknowledge, ""! ~ u ~! : ~ )I
. . . :ii...
rL ,
.... ... .... • .. .....

bald, bald-headed, hairless; baldhead, ~i :e)i avow, own, admit, allow; to concede, grant; to
baldpate recognize
0) ~IJ-J:..J ,~ ,~) •(jlj :IJ)i to ratify, confirm, j&. ~ IJ, j&. ;J~L,.,, r) ::,ii
, , " . , ..... .... endorse,. sanction, approbate, approve, consent to,
horned, horny 0J;i Jl ~_; J~: u.)l assent to, subscribe to, adopt, pass, validate,
..... ~-;. ...
cerastes, horned viper
;;;; ...
~ ~IJ-~ :..,...;1
.\j _; ~
... ...... - .. uphold, sustain, maintain
to establish, settle, fix; to stabilize

:;;;.... :;;; ..-j

... -·· :;i ..-f

to be just, act justly, establish justice ~;Is. 0\S' :1Ji to confirm, affirm, establish
......... ;;:;; ......
to swear by ""! ;Ji to gladden, delight, make happy
to take an oath, swear L --:i to make read, have read; to ask to read; to teach 1.) I
··-· r-'
LIS' L how to read
,.,_ ..,
. _. --:i
to perjure, commit perjury
....... ;;;. ..... .... ,... .... ::;;
·- r-' i)LJI ~ I_; ~IJ- i')CJI .1_;1
~ ~IJ -~ :~;.i1 ;;;; ... J .... ,
confession, acknowledgment, ~ , u I~! : J 1) J
~~1)-_,.!.il avowal, owning, admission, admitting, allowing,
conceding, concession; recognition ·
... .... . 2-i ~IJ-
... "'.........
2-i .......:&i .... ratification, confir- w
.,.. _. ..- J
I,.. , ~.)La.. , i lr,) :) _; J
_.. ..- _.. J I I

.... 1 I - •··I : ··I

~-~) ~- ~ mation, endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation-,
to shudder, shiver, tremble, shake, quiver, have~! approval, consent, assent, subscription, adoption,
passage, passing, upholding
establishment, settlement, fixing, ,. "; ·; :)_;J
·- .
bloodcurdling, horrible, terrible,
ghastly, grisly, shocking fixation: stabilization
.... J
..::.. WJ : J I) J
.. confirmation, affirmation, establish-
0 •

·~~ ~IJ-)~!
... ... ... ... , .... .... ment
to remove, take away, put aside, set J"y , ~I : ~I declaration, statement; testimo- ·~l6!. 'ut:;;:)) l
aside; to distance, place at a distance, keep away; ny; testimonial; deposition; attestation -
to eliminate, drop, disqualify, exclude; to send
lending, loan; advance, credit u'>I.)J
away, dismiss; to expel, drive away, force out, put
out :;i _.. I j .- .-_. I I j
nearer, closer y .)I -··
to reach the utmost limit of ol....ail i;_rll ~I &. : relatives, relations, family, .~_;I , 0.>-~ _;I , ~ J\i I
If J,... I j "'f

more distant, remoter, farther (away), ~i : ..,:Ji people, kinsfolk, kindred, kinsmen, kin, kith lmd
further, ulterior kin, folks, next of kin
most distant, remotest, most remote,~~ I : ~~I charity begins at home
t)I;J H' ~~)
lmlmBEfEIB·~iiiEidml·fiNEiii+Mii5101~m~~·~·fffBIIBBIIBIBIBBI!a~.. ~~--DIBIBIE&H¥Bia&•i~51BM.&BibB¥tm*I¥Bi·B·IIM!Bm~i~~·~,z'~·31=·=·~·{=1>=~L~·t+~·4
:,1i e-1)- ~~ ';)ai ;)ai JL. : )aii farthest, furthest, farthermost, furthermost, end-
;,:; .,i j~ ~ : thii
most, utmost, uttermost, outmost, outermost, ex-
to make or let cross treme, ultimate
to grant land (as a fieO to ~~~I ~ i
...... , ,., ......
utmost, extreme, limit, most, i.SJW, ~~:~I
,., "' ~ ... - - ..... 1
to grant (to), bestow upon; to J ~ , ~ :~I utmost degree, highest degree; maximum, maxi-
assign to, allot to, allocate to - - - - ..,
t1li e-1)- t: li1J:.l1 ,i il:J1 tJa.i :If tJaii
amputee; one-armed .WI
, ·, . :.l.iil
. t,........
- .'
extreme, extremity, limit, end
distant lands, remote regions, u"> J ')I '-If'\.; I
~t.;.~l :~1
.. .... ..
faraway countries, most remote parts of the world
to squat
.... • ....

, .,
... • f

. maximum; ceiling; utmost, greatest, ~I.~.>

' ' . "'
squat(ting) • L.:..i.} : .WJ .... 'J J • .:;i
the Far East ~')IJ.,...:.JI
mayhem, crippling, disablement, ~ , ~ : JW) :f
to the greatest or highest degree, ex- ..~.> ~I JJ
,;i- ....

_. ..... t ""-· :i tremely, exceedingly, highly, greatly, very (much),
to seat, make sit (down), ask to sit (down)~ I :.WI
most; to the extreme limit, to the utmost
to cripple, maim, disable ~, ~i: :.:.ii in case of dire (or extreme) 1..5~1 oJJ.rAJI .;.;.s.
..... , - J .:;i -.


. ..
to hold back from, keep from, prevent If o ..W I necessity or need, in case of an emergency, when
from worst comes to worst
.., , .. , ....
to be or become crippled, lame, I~~ I~ ),a : ~1 from one oWl Jj oWl~ ,.WI Jj o\.;JI ~
disabled - - end to the other, throughout, in or to every part,
:."' --'"
e-1)- __.ail
• :. J:;. ... J --· f
removal, taking away, putting aside, set- Jl...:l :.\..ail
pigeon-breasted; lordotic )i:.:..ll._,.:...:~l ting aside; elimination, exclusion, disqu;lifica- '
desolation, desolateness, emptiness tion, dropping; dismissal, sending away; expulsion,

closing, closure, shut(ting); shutdown;

driving away, forcing out, putting out
to poetize, versify, compose
... ...
~~I ~ :.-..ail
... ...-- ... -- ..
locking, lockup, bolting
to be or become desolate, deserted, empty, __,Ail ---·· poetry, write poems
... :;. .... . ... ,...... ... --
~ e-1)-1~ ~ :~1
lifeless, uninhabited, devastated; to be or· become .... :;:; ... , ....... . :;. ... .. .....
destitute (oO, devoid (oO If ~ e-IJ- p! 'c.L :If ~I
(~} ~j
-- ..... .. - ..... j

to close, shut; to lock, latch, bolt, bar; to J.lil : J,.iil shorter (than)
padlock; to switch otT, turn otT; to hang up (a
telephone receiver)
short story, short novel, novella, novelette ~~1
to carry, transport, convey ji; :Jii to deprive of sleep ~I ~ ~i, ~ ~j
_. .-.... _........ ... ....
.... .... :;.
to be rough, hard, coarse
~I ~I
:;. ......
to pick up, raise, lift J-. , ~J , J.:.i :Ji I
.... ..... ::;. ..... •, •• 'J ..-'J

to do (make, give) little (of, in) J.,JAJ~ ~I : Ji I cheese ~ :~1 ,~1 ,~1
- ~ ~ ... ;;;... .
e-1) :Jil
:;. ,..,
feudalism; feudality
less, smaller, fewer, lesser; lower, inferior; ('--r ) 't~i
fief, fee, feud, feudal estate, feudatory, ~L1il
under; below vassalage '
the least, the minimum Ji~l feudal, feudatory ~Lhi~~ ji:.< :-:r l1iJ
at least, at the very least x. ;_; Ji i ~ ,Ji ~I ~ feudal lord, liege lord; feuda- ~ L1i l ::,:. ' ~ L1i!
'II... ... "" ... ~ • tory
desistance, abstention, re- ~; 'J.,;.j 'c.L :If t :lliJ

frainment; stop(ping), quitting, ceasing, cessation,

feudalism; feudality ~ l1i1••.- ~

..... ;;:I ,... _.. I _.. -'_..I ; _.. _.. .. .,. ........

discontinuance, discontinuation; giving up, aban- )a; e-IJ -•)ai •)a; JU :)ail
'0 . • ; .) 'd!j <ttL, H\Wt C•Mre;·;;;tt ;P'• :; :?t~ fu%1''

satisfaction, satisfying, contenting ~~~I :~WI donment, relinquishment, renunciation

• • ... ;jl , •
_.I J I

o;.U e--1;-tL.i~l •,.; 'tL.i~l ~ ii;.U

J:,J I .-I J
takeoff, departure ':lli!
ii; U.J I t
(_(II t'i)
... ...... _. .,... • f
c..J e.- I; -c..J :..::..JI sailing, departure

acanthus (c.~) U"'.,Si '8i worrying, troubling, disquieting, disturbing, dis- J:llil
turbance, upsetting, discomposure, perturbation; '
..lW e.-';- .k.;.il
... ;jl,... ... -··

to persuade, (."t) ;1)~1 _,j ~~I~ d:;_ :(""!)
convince, induce, prevail upon, argue (into or out
ei I I;: I _ I I;: : J:llil
.... ... ... ... ... ..... t

of an opinion), reason (into or out oO to desist from, abstain from, <!.!; ',y- z..AS' : ,y-
............... refrain from, stop, cease, quit, discontinue, halt; to
to satisfy, content '-""";I :~I give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce
..... J .... ~ ..... ;:;; .........
hypostasis, (divine) person [~I~) (~Li11:;:) r_,.;il to take off, depart oJ.U.ll ~I
....... , .... ... .. l j
J... ;:;; ... -· ..
to be or become depopulated, deser- )~..;. :uK.ll l.)_,il to sail, set sail, make sail, put to sea, L.PI ~I
ted, forsaken, desolate, empty
to be reduced to poverty; to be or be-
~~ : IS_,i I
.. ... weigh anchor, depart
, •

.. ,



come poor, needy, destitute ....... j

"" .. ,-;j~J J , I 'J _.. l"j to worry, trouble, disquiet, disturb, upset, dis- Jlil
stronger, more powerful, more :.:.1 'ii_,i )5'1 :l.)_,il concert, discomfort, discompose, distress, faze,
forceful, mightier; more intense, more violent perturb
imperfect rhyme, irregular rhyme, [u">Jr] ~l,iJ ........
to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt, adjust, season, ~I
change of the vowel following the rhyme letter
depopulation (utS:ll) ~1.,i1
e.-'), -_. .)_,II
. ,. . 0 :a:
acclimatization, acclimation, adaptation, adjust- ~i
,.,.... .... ,.... .... ,.,.... .... . . •:a: minority
~ ~ 1.. .Jlil e.-';-(~ ~ 1.. ._) J_,il
straighter; more correct, sounder; more approp- r-"' key
( - ··-'
riate region, territory, area; country; province, district, ~J
to sadden, grieve, depress, 0;.i, ~ ~ :~\S'i county, canton; zone; section
deject, dispirit regional; territorial; provincial; sectional; local ~~)iJ
~B-! e.-') -yB-! :~ts'i area manager, regional manager ~ J ~;.
(ul~) ~1$1 ,~1$1 to li I ~J.;~:
academic, academical; academician
-. regional -organization
territorial waters
··- .....

o 1i1 ~C..
;;".......... !<

academy ·~~~\S'i regionalism; territoriality; sectionalism ·~.~)i)

plowman, plower, tiller, culti- to be moonlit, moony (night) (J:,fll) ;ii
vat or • J .... t
moonlit, moony ~ : ..,..JI
saddle, packsaddle ~."):.; : uIS) ' u1$1 • J ... •• ... • f
~ ..
,., ... J.. ,,
white; bright, brilliant
J_,.)l e.- I;- jS''-)1 fr:5 , J_,.$'1 : JISI , .... •f

corrosive, erosive C,l,. :JISI

_;w e.-';- 4'
......... __. ... •f.

prurigo, itch (u"> r) <!)lS;:;. :Ji.S'1 e::J e--';-~1 , • ... ... l j

gangrene ~~ :J\5'1 hooked, crooked, bent, curved, aqui- ......;,.._._.:~I

eucalyptus U"'~ 1$1 (;,;.)

line, falcate
persuasion, persuading, con- J r,AJ I ~ J.>
,.... ~....

:t l:.i!
~~~e.-';-~ ~i vincing, conviction, inducement, inducing
to be or get dressed, clothed, garbed, clad; to
wear, put on; to dress, clothe oneself, attire one-
,;::s! to fail, miss
..., .
.... ... ..
J.Q> I :~I
....• 'f

self; to be covered; to cover oneself .¥ Y~! t'!"IJ- .¥ !.:-'\.$)
acquisition, acquirement, acquiring, attain- ....,LSI admiration, regard, respect, esteem, J~j :.J\.$)
ment, gaining, winning, earning, getting, obtain: reverence
ment c:-- c::- I) -:.~(j
acquisitive, grasping, greedy, covetous -l,1'! LSI
- - to admire, regard, respect, esteem, exalt, ~ i : ;,S'i
sweeping (away), sweep; overrun(ning), c~! value, revere, have great regard for, think highly of
invasion, overspread(ing); flooding, overflowing, to consider great, regard as great l.kS" ;~ : ;S'i
inundation; overwhelming, crushing
greater, bigger, larger; major; senior; - ~i :;,S'i
to acquire, attain, take on, receive, assume, ; - :;S- I superior
adopt; to gain, win, profit, earn, get, obtain, reap
the greatest, the biggest, the largest ;5'~1
to sweep (away), carry away, wash away; to ~~
overrun, invade, overspread, spread all over; to older, elder (~) ;5-i
flood, overflow, inundate; to overwhelm, over-
come, crush
the oldest, the eldest (~) ;5'~1
discovery; find(ing); discovering, finding God is great, God is the greatest ;S'i ~I
(out), detection, detecting, spotting to be or become sad, grieved, depressed, ~ : u\:SI
to discover, find out, detect, spot, unearth Z {.:.(1 dejected, dispirited, gloomy, down(cast): -mehin- -
cholic, melancholy; to grieve, sadden, gloom
to be or become (over)crowded, packed,~ ~j! :':~$·!
jammed, crammed, congested, chock-full, chocka- ~li c::-1) -!.:-'~!
block; to be or become overpopulated, populous, .... • ..- .... 'f

densely populated
to dictate (to) .¥.).. 1:~1
to be or become surfeited, over- subscription, contribution (~4)1.:-'~!
stuffed, cloyed
~..)··1 :.bLJi:SI
underwriting (ul~ '~~) Y~!
congestion, overcrowdedness i ,J, - - to subscribe, contribute (~ ~~ 'Ji.-~) ;_ :.:i!
having crippled fingers (e.c..~I) r:::-
to underwrite (u\.2...' ;, :::.~1 t);
: !*"': . -
to be or become satisfied with, content with; ~ ~I
to content oneself with, settle for
to copy, transcribe _ _ ~ : ; . :.:(!
... ...... _. :>iii ..-.., .... ...;;; ... ... ...... ... .......
satisfaction, content(ment), contentedness .\A:SI - ""
~ c::- I) - ._.,''I ' .~
L '.)_j> ' -~.. / .. --- I
·. -~-
......... ... _.. 'I - · :J ........
self-sufficiency, autarky ' ·1 j
- -
I ~ c::-1)- ..-"1 ,~1 :~!
to find no sleep (,:,.J I ~) ~! ~ c::-1)-~!
completion, consummation, conclusion, termi- J~! to rent, hire, lease, take on lease --_ t:.l : (.5<.(-1
.?.' - .)""'-
nation, windup; perfection; completeness, whole-
ness, fullness
renting, hiring, leasing; rent, lease, J~!: .1~!
attention, care, heed, notice, concern, interest 61~!
I J~ I J
indifference, unconcern, ol.t?l Ui ,c.l.t?l i~
disinterest(edness), apathy, nonchalance, insouci-
ance, carelessness
to anguish, agonize; to be or become y;$!
anguished, agonized, distressed, grieved
to care for or about, pay attention to, ~ Jj ~ Z:.;$!
mind, heed, take an interest in
lilliliil-iiliilMiiiliil%'miilfliiliiil'$iild4iili5iili':ll!@¥:iillll>1\liililiMiiliillilll-iiliilMiiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiiBBIIIIIII··· ~·--llll*illillllillilillliiill®f4i1illill·lililiMM:Il!illiiiiiiiii··PII·MIIIIod!MIJi14¥1illillllll·ll!i11~1"i11·~liiTI"lil"iilM:J:l.Jiil:tiil?cl[ITr::!il"l
e:-') - ~ :c.S:6i
c.S'.£ pact, close, tight, compressed
;.;s .;'1: .;-.£ e:-') -~:6! ;:s e:-')- ~ .~:5' . ;.~! :;.::5!

to make lie, cause to lie

)'.:5 •).;s e:-') - .;:6'i
... ,...
'-:JfSJI ~..C.
to surround, encompass, encircle,
enclose, environ, beset, hem in
to fathom, bottom, get ~ eJ J..ll , ~ ~ : 4.:.:S!
,...... ... ....... 'f
~ 1~ i :; ;.~:.(!
J,... •J ... ...... _,..,...

to give the lie to, prove a liar ~.iS' -. ~- :~~i to the bottom of, understand thoroughly, grasp
·- ~ .
fib, (white) lie ~_,~1 fully

to plow, till, cultivate ;::..;.. :}i to be middle-aged ;.J1 ~i ~ )1..,.,: Ja::;::: Ji:S'!
to be ironed, pressed, laundered (~~~ ~:=-) c.S:;$!
acre ~w"
._IJ' G..:)'i
;.i :c.S)i to burn, be burned ;:;~! :c.S;5!
to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out
renting out, letting (out), leasing, hiring ..r.::-:-t : ,I)'J
to be cauterized 'JJ ~ c.S) I~ : c.S;5!
,.J ... ... , .......

out, rental, hire to be branded • <'tL

I..F-: ~J _,....-
(..ji e:-')- ri)J October J~~l (.;I.? :.)'!.¢'1
... ,. • J .... ... • ... ... .. ... ,. •
cll ~L. )'. cll cf)' e:-')- e)~~ Jl d) L.l _,!J ~ e:-IJ- .;ci'J
honorarium, fee(s), retainer '-:J~i ::; I)J to do (make, give) much or ~,!S
•CtL :j :·~(-j
bonus, premium .t~ ••)~ :~I)J frequently (oO

tip, gratuity, baksheesh u.;-1 J • u· .._· ~ : ~I)' J

more; more numerous; most; majority
coercion, compulsion, constraint, ;.i •il& ~J: oi)J
force, forcing more than, over, above, exceeding :r )S'i
duress (l$..~:~~)
..... "' ol)l ~
more and more, increasingly )5-t ~i
,... ,.. I j I J _..I j

coercively, compulsorily, forcibly, by ~I e:-IJ -~ l.. pi

-· .
force; under duress
the most, the maximum ;:5'~1
coercive, compulsory, forced, forcible ~I)'J
at most ;:5'~1~
to hurry, hasten, rush, dash t;.i :y)'i
hole, pit, hollow, excavation .;;,. :o)1 ~ e:-'J -0~ ~I fti ~
.; :•)1 majority ~fti
ball; globe, sphere ... ... .. ;:;; .... j

• ,. - .... j
simple majority
potbellied, paunchy ~I ~:J.'_fl "';:;; ... J .... ;:;; ... ..;:;;-- .... '

J I~~ j_,-r-'

L... •<'i
/J e:-')- rJ'i

qualified majority ..
... .,;:;;- .... .
landslide, overwhelming majority ~L. ~;51
more generous, more liberal; more honorable, ....... , .. .., .... 'f
more respectable; nobler; more precious, more absolute majority W1.. ~pi
... ....,- .... f,
to force (to), compel (to), ;..i, ~i, ~~i: ~ ;ji
relative majority s~ ~;s'
coerce (to), constrain (to), oblige (to) black-eyed (y:.~:_:n) ~i
achromatic [·~A] ~L._,j'i black eye • )b$"."
[·~A] ~L._,j'i :6i
achromatism to confirm, affirm, assert, maintain; to corrob-
orate, establish, prove; to assure
achromatin [ .~i] ~L._,j'i ~

to stress, emphasize, focus on, underline, ~ JS I

generous act; kind act, good turn, (..) ~ : t,_,j-1 highlight, accentuate, accent, lay stress on, give
favor, grace; noble deed emphasis to
0 J
destroy, devour aery!
_r;.:. : --·
to gnaw, eat (away), erode, corrode, wear --- JS'I acrylic
away, abrade, fret
to itch ~I JJ ~J :41 ;)S'i
eczematous; eczematoid
lo take usury, practice usury 4~1 ;JS'i
.... .... , • ;;; .............. 'I
to be timeworn, worn-out, y _;.. J _,.. ::JI ~ JS' I
antiquated, antique, age-old, ancient oxalate
to eat with to pay, yield, profit, return; to allowr;~, c;~i :~i
to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment a profit, make or let gain (win, earn)
.... ., ..........
to fructify, fruit, bear fruit
to impart to, lend to; to give; to ~ ~I : I -..;..,s
reflect on, cast on, bring on; to make
to tire out, weary, fatigue, exhaust to oxygenate
to dim, enfeeble, weaken oxygenation ~i
to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment 01
food • - 01
oxygenic, oxygenous
~f 0

cannibalism, anthropophagy
to oxidize, cause to rust [.W]~i
dining room
~ ~1_;-:.:.5 :~i
oxidation, oxidization [.W]o~i
corrosive, erosive 1:::..~ : ~~
to eclipse ~ .~ :U.:.Si
herbivorous, phytophagous; c.~l Ji y~~l ~~ to make lazy Jj'i
herbivore -
granivorous y;il ~~ oxide ~1
insectivorous, entomophagous; ui;,ll ~~ elixir · ~I
insectivore auxin ~
rate! (ui~)~I~T ~ -~
• f. • - . :ts'i
carnivorous, zoophagous; carnivore i,.._ul ~I
to make an unbeliever or an infidel I~ \5' :;.:.. :).S'i
1;]: i ,;.iJ1 ~'%T • J ........ ... ... .... 'I

-, ,, - to accuse of unbelief, charge ~I JJ ~ :~I
cannibal, man-eater, anthropo- ~I i_,_.J ~I with infidelity, call an unbeliever or an infidel
phagus to appoint as (or ask to be) security ~ ~ : ~j
anteater (ui~)~I~T or bail; to make (someone) guarantee or ensure
food iw. :j-1 (something)
... ...... .... ... ... .............. .,
J4S' ~I_;-~ •J45' :J45'1
fruit - '1
to darken, darkle; to be( come) or grow dark, ~!
to fructify, fruit, bear fruit ill-1 JT gloomy, cloudy, overcast, surly
dark( ness), gloom(iness), cloudiness, surliness_; I#!
JS-1 ~1_;-JS-1 .. ...... ... .- ...... .... .... f.
to eat; to take, take in, have (a meal, l:.t:.J. JJLi : JS'I
canker, noma, gangrenous stomatitis C_;. .r) ~~ etc.)
cancroid (u<> .J"') ~ l1;. ~ 'i4'T t: to consume, exhaust, use up, eat (up),
~I : JS' I
. . . ..... 'I
• "*', '{,L'>-'J)vh;,, ,,
blind, born blind
. .. '
to harbor, cherish; to keep secret; to _,:;- , c,j.> I : ".:}I
... "" ... :;; .....
meal, repast
~J :ili'i
~ e--I.J- ~I
.... ..
hide, conceal, secrete; to ensconce, shelter, cover
;:;... :;;:; ...... ;:;... ... .., freckled
(."!)~e.-')-~.~.,...&] :~1
russet, brownish red
to help, aid, assist, support, back up 0j~ :U::Si
8~ e.-')- 8-i key
clerical, ecclesiastic(al)
aquarium (tJJ ~~~I) ~~.;1§i
.. :ii "!- . , • , f. clergy
accordion ". LJ-" ~~ :u~J,;§I
gluttonous, greedy, voracious, j'~l~ :Jji clericalism
rapacious, insatiable, hoggish; glutton, gourmand, crown; diadem
heavy eater
wreath, garland, chaplet,
certain, sure, positive; definite w~.Si coronal, coronet
(~t) ~t:J~ e.-') -l~i laurel(s), bay
loquat (~.:>~) G~~l ·G~~i
, .
J,s'l e--'.J- JJI
. corona
to return to, go back to; to
revert to
JJ ~~ , JJ JJ Ji e.-; : bridal wreath
to be attributed to, as- JJ ~ 'JJ ls;.: JJ Ji
cribed to, traced back to -- melilot, sweet clover, king's
. . .... :r.• .. - clover
to lead to, contribute to, JJ ~I, JJ (.5.)\: JJ Jl
conduce to, result in, cause Corona Australis
to end (up) in, JJ ~J JJ )\...., JJ ~ ~ :JJ Ji
, Corona Borealis
wind up with, result in, lead eventually to; to coronal, coronary; wreathy, wreathlike
arrive at, reach, get to, come to
to get or come to a point where,0i JJ :,:.~1 (~) Ji bridal wreath
reach a stage where - to provide with sleeves

u\1:. e.-') -JJ .~1111
., "' • , . ........
~ Ji
.. -
completion, perfection, consummation; conclu- J~J
to devolve J ~ Jl ~ JL,.,, JJ Ji::;~: JJ Jl sion, finishing, termination, windup, finalization;
upon, vest in, bi;come vested in, pass to, accrue to,
go to, revert to, fall to, descend to, be transferred
~~ ~
hill, hillock, mound, knoll, hummock .i.t , ~ :~I
to, be handed over to
to sadden, grieve, depress, deject ~ : ~i
to escheat (~~h ~_,;..; _r~) tij~l JJ Ji
~ e--I.J-~ ~)l4-JI ~J ::4S'i
to govern, rule; to lead: to t.:.L.. :tJJ ~}1 Ji
guide opaque, dull, dusky, swarthy; mat, flat, (u;iJI) ~i
family, relatives, people, kin, kinsfolk, jAi :Ji 1usterless -
kindred; house to complete, finish, conclude, wind up, finalize; ~i
mirage, fata morgana
yl;. :Ji
(... JI") ~r'
Jl ,JI
. .. to consummate, perfect, round off, round out; to
complement, supplement; to continue, proceed, go
to fail to do; to neglect -;.,:; : ~i more perfect, completer, more complete ~i
to spare no effort, make every I~ Ji I~ .Jt ~ (J.ts') ~~ e.-')-~~
'\ ,;~,fa ":, ffiL~1¢ AVf!!}N+MJS1Bt;k ~$·-, +
~ ~1;-~1 ~ effort, do one's best, do one's utmost, go to any
length, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned
oleander, rosebay (c.~) •'Si
J1 ,jj ~I;-~: ,'Si to swear, take an oath i ,~ : r:J Ji
to undertake, take upon oneself, ~ : ~ ~ Jl
~i ~I;- u~iC ~~ ~~~ ~Y commit oneself, bind oneself, engage oneself,
instrumentalist, player; musi- "'~,.." , u !~ :,;
"' (,- pledge, vow, promise
blessing, boon, benefaction,
(~~I; -I~ :('Si
... ... ... .,. .. ... ... .... .... favor, grace
(~ ~1;-e:J 'uAo-'1 :(~1
(;I ~1;-(tJJ ~~ ·~~:_-;) (~i until, till
~ ~~ ~~J -Jl w~ :~ ~-s,
covenant, compact, pact, agreement J~ ' ~ : u'S!
"'". ~I; -J~l..
etc., and so on, and so forth
to act meanly, behave sordidly i;L u:,:..;: r~i in addition (to), besides,
r~ ~I;-~ ,~j :i~j moreover, furthermore
~I J-1 ,~ J'l
;.~ ~~J -r-si till tomorrow!
• • •
,r'SI and the like, etc., and so on, 41 C.j '~} ~ Jl
how far? up to where?
... ~... ...
and so forth
u:;J ~1;-u~l how far? up to where? L. J! 'r ~1
;;l ,4Jl ,Jl ~I;-~'SJ ,4A'S! ,o'SJ how long? till when? :- J-1
....... .... cr-' •
corps, legion J-9 :~.:?~1 following is (are) .. , in the following, c); 4 :~1
;;i _.. I.,. ~ ... I ..-'f
division, military unit 4.!~ ~A :(.)~1 in what follows, hereinafter, below
'II ... ......

to gather, rally, flock together, ban~ ~~~: Wi go away! get away from me! leave me
alone! away with you!
t.?- ~l
to incite against, instigate~ ~:,;.. :~WI ~ ~
not to; lest, in order not to, so as not to,
that... not
against, stir up against, arouse against, provoke
except, save, but, excepting, excluding, with the ~I

to rally people against, ~ :-¥_,I ~ ijAJII.,.JI
band people together against, round up people
.J ...... .., • ... ....... ;;:;, exception of, other than; unless; only, but
;:;; . ,.
unless, if not, except if, exept when uI ~I , I~I ~I

.. • • •
against yet, however, but, nevertheless, still, on the ul
;;; • ;:;i

... · - ... ;;; ... ... .... .... ... • • ... .... ... ... ... ....... ;;if
to set people~ J.) ·~ ti-'1 ·~ (.f"J :~~I other hand
against each other, sow dissension or discord
among or between
dressing, clothing, garbing; facing, ~i J~ : '-""~!
otherwise, or else
he is nothing but, he is but, he is no more ~I :;;.

- .
~ '


draping, lining, casing; coating, overlaying, plating than, he is merely (simply, just, only)
:a... • • ;:;; ... .. ..
~I _,1 ~I jl.)l :u~!
.,.. If _.;:i I I
no sooner had he .. than .. , .. ~ .. ul ~l ~ [._,
it was not long until.., immediately, presently, at
~ ~1;-~i which point, the moment (that), as soon as, before
long, without delay, in a minute, directly, at once,
to dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe; to face, drape, ~j thereupon, then, once
to burn or pine away (with love or grieO, (~) ' \:i I
feel burning anxiety (for)
. e. - • &WWWi

line, case; to coat, overlay, plate; to encrust


to convene, meet, assemble, alpaca (ul~) ~i

gather, sit, be in session
to heal, heal up, scar over, to lactate ~I Ji ~I j)i: :).i
cicatrize Ji ~\- ,!1 ~u,Ja:. ~~ Ji -~1:;ll1 Ji d~) r~i
JA:j~, ~~: (t:i~ (t'J.~I~I
to be joined, connected, welded
to be repaired, mended, corrected & 1:rt;jl
albumin ~~I
, .
r•~ ~~)-r•~ =rt:i~ -•
machine; instrument, tool, device, ol.)l , ~L. :4.1 I
- --
to be blamed
,, r-""" .WI~·
.'·-~II -.. . J :'\:il
r .- apparatus, implement, appliance; utensil • J ..._

,..;= :~1
confusion, obscurity, J>,..S. 'J\S:.!.! '.1~ ~ : I..J"~
ambiguity, equivocalness, equivocation, uncer-
1 organ
4.11:. -::...-1
-,, ........ ....
. ... ' ...·1"--...,;..:.....
~ ..._
_.) ~.)> - -~
tainty, dubiosity tool, instrument: pupJiet, -hireling, agent, servant
. . ~...... ',:ii .. J ::1 ..........
i;.t ~IJ -dJ ~I Jl u,:.JI ~~ machinery
to be or become ambiguous, equivocal, ~~I ~ ~ hardware
obscure, unclear, uncertain, dubious, doubtful
tape recorder, recorder
to jumble, clutter, run in -.L.F~ ~, y~~ :;•L~7i1
disorder or confusion, get all mixed up; to be or cash register
become confused, muddled, jumbled, disordered, camera
horn (of a car, etc.)
to rage, surge
to be uproarious, tumultuous,
noisy calculator, calculating machine
, Wi1. sense organ, receptor; sense

·~ ~1)- -~1 sewing machine

... ...._
to grow a beard, let one's beard ;:~ ~ Jll,.i :~ 1 ~I) ~1)-~1) ~I
grow ;;:).: ~1)-J. ~~ .~~ ~l
~,G.) ~1)-\a;:,i :i~l ~l washer, washing machine J,:.i ~l
joining, entering, entry, en- Yl-?l' r~~ :J~1 sphygmomanometer .r-~1 -.W1 _(.)" l.i__ ~l
trance, accession, affiliation, association; member-
ship typewriter 8\S' 'ill
cohesion, coherence, adhe- rl..; l 'J~l: r~1 musical instrument
sion, adherence, fusion, coalescence, close union,
conjunction, merger, merging, inosculation; copier, photocopier, photostat, duplica-
weld(ing) ting machine, duplicator; mimeograph , .... ,,.._

• l!l~l :r~l
w..... ... m
clash, engagement, en- rl~l wind instrument ----,... -~
counter, flght(ing), battle, combat stringed instrument ~)j 'ill
synostosis [~] ~ .'~;.:, "bJ1,
. ~r -...... ..'bJ1
-- r.UuJI r --. convening, convention, meeting, t ~ ~ ' .)~ ~ : r~ ~
nuclear fusion, fusion i.?J~ r~1 gathering, assembly, session
~1 ~~)-~~ V&' ~~~ .~ .(,!-{Z:,\5' :~! (~)~}~I)- ~i :(~) ~d!
:- I-·il u;.;;j,

to bind oneself, ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~! :(.-!) r)! to wrap oneself (in), cover(-!) )~! , J:..; :(-!) u;..;j!
commit oneseif, engage oneself, obligate oneself, oneself (with) · ··
put oneself under obligation, undertake, take upon to join, enter, accede to,JJ :. • :;! , JJ ~! :~ ~!
oneself, assume; to be or become bound, com- become a member of, affiliate with, associate with
mitted, engaged, obligated ... ... ... ...... ... .......
~ e--IJ -I!JJJI :~ ~!
to farm (C'J t_/,:11 ,~1~1 ,~~~1) r)!
to cohere, ~! ,C::..i! ,~! ,ct:_c; ,~! :~!
;. '/all r)
r)! e--1) _;.·,~ali adhere, fuse, coalesce, join, unite, merge,
adhesion, adherence, cohesion, coherence JW! inosculate; to solder; to weld
to clash, encounter (in~\Z 'r:.1:..! ';.~::_!: ~!
symphysis ( ~] J~~!: i~li JW!
battle), engage in battle, come into conflict, fight,
to stick (to), adhere (to), cohere (to), cling (-!) ~! combat, battle
(to), cleave (to); to agglutinate, conglutinate· to heal, heal up, scar ~:..;!, rt:i! :((:)..1) ~!
rJ.:t e--1;- ~! over, cicatrize
- t:.l .t.:.:.; I to enjoy, savor, relish, get pleasure from; to (-!) ~!
I.F" e.- I )- ..,--. take pleasure or delight in, delight in, be pleased or
to curse oneself ~ ~ ::;.;i! delighted at; to find delicious, delightful, pleasant
to curse one another ~ ''· •• •. -:.1. •. -:,:.jl to compact, press together, press close, ~1) :jJ!
. ~ (f"' ·v--.
crowd together, crowd closely, pack; to be or
to amalgamate ~:~! become compact(ed), tight, close, pressed tightly
to wrap oneself in, cover -! )~! '-! ~! :~ f.iJ! together, compressed, closely packed, crowded,
oneself with serried
to gather around, assemble ~ : ~ _,i JY,. W! to adhere to, stick to, be firmly
around, rally around united or joined with

-! j, \;..I : ~ J I J_,.,.. u.J!

... .. • .... • .... :;1 .....
compactness, closeness, tightness ;:,...1) :jl)!
to surround, encircle,
encompass, enclose, embrace, environ, envelop, .
commitment, engagement, obli- j,~)! '......,; : rl~!
~...... .
wrap gation, duty
to detour(around), turn ~IJ,; :~a:i1 :(JY,.) W1 observance of, il_2.!, o~&.l;., ~ :(-!) il)!
(around), make a turn (around) • · observing, compliance with, abidance by, con-
_, J •.... • :::.-•... ... :;.... ... :;1 ....
to wind, coil, I,; ,.J.. _,I l:..;i. )..., 'LS,...; : u.J! forming to, adherence to, sticking to, keeping (to),
twist, turn, convolute, curl, furl maintaining, honoring, respect(ing)
_tJ~I, ~1~1, ~~~I) il)!
... .... ... ... ' _..;;;;; :;1 ....

to intertwine, intertwist, ~L:.; : C'J c.~l u.J! farming (C'J

t-'~ '.J~! :(~!~) i 1r.i!
interweave; to be or become intertwined, inter-
concession; fran-
twisted, interwoven, entwined
turning around, turn; looking around ..::..iJj : CJ lA;;J I
. chise; enterprise
attention, notice, heed; consideration, (JJ) c.~! moral obligation,
regard; care
GJ e-)I -~Li.JI
moral duty
liabilities, debts UJ:!J ,
,, .... ...
c.4,U.:. : c.L.. I~!
winding, coiling, convolution; involution; ulA.J I engagements, financial obligations, ~l.. ~l..l)!
turn(ing), detour; surrounding, encirclement, en-
compassment, envelopment; gathering, assem-
blage, assembly, rallying (~) J) e--1)-(~) ~)!
to turn, turn around, turn one's face or ; •.:~; : ;. i:.j I
to observe, comply ~I)' r~! '~ ~ :(~) ~)!
head; to look around with, abide by, conform to, adhere to, stick to,
to pay attention to, heed, observe, con- JJ ;. ::j! keep (to), maintain, follow, honor, respect, live up
sider; to take into consideration or account, reckon to; to hang on to, hold by, persist in, persevere in
UMkiJ1J!Bm" ".. d 'li"~ ,+M¥iimJJW•MiJcmwmmmllttt•;wweww I
to request, ask for, solicit; to beg, implore, ~! with; to take care of, care for
beseech, entreat, appeal to, plead with; to look for, ~ ~ ~\)-~ ~!
search for
to meet, come together, join J~·~!:Jd!
(each other); to get together, assemble, gather,
to amuse oneself with, distract oneself with, -1 ~! band together
pass the time with, occupy oneself with; to play to meet(with), get JJ ~! '~\; :(e '~) JJ!
with, toy with, trifle with, dally with together with, have or hold a meeting or an inter-
distraction, amusement ~~! view with, hold talks with
..... J .......

J ~! :':-' ~! to come upon, come across,u~l,..: ;.;~Ca:. ~ ~!

inflammation, bursting into flame(s)
run into, bump into, light upon, hit upon, chance
inflammation; -itis; infection [ ..,..1] y~! upon, fall in with, happen on, encounter, meet by
chance or unexpectedly
~~I ~~!
otitis 0~11 Y~!
'{. , . meeting, coming together; conjunction, t~!: .LA;i!
o~o. J I J ,....- I

cecitis, typhlitis J~ ~I Y~! concurrence, agreement (in opinion & I_,; : • ~!

or design), accord
.t..:.~l ~~!
rhinitis Ui~\ Y~!
.. , . laJ ~ J laJ :
I - .J, LA.J I

reception [ ..;.I\ Jl ) Jli.:::.l: .1.\L::il

... J " • , ' • C::• Y- J . - - - -
prostatitis ~,.ll _,\ ~l.;:,:._,_r.JI Y~! pickup (J...; jt:P. j c.~\) J,\L::il
.... J J • .... ,. -- .. ..... ... ...
ventriculitis ~~Y~! photography, taking photographs or ..#~ : .1.~!
-~i'q ~t.;:il
pharyngitis r>-':"
·- J

pictures, shooting, snapshooting, snapping, filming
receiver, receiving set
j, lA.:J I j \p,-
pancreatitis I..AP.Iy~!

pericarditis ~~~\ ~~! JaJ ~J

I - :laJ :~\-
mastitis ~~~~~! to receive (tJJ ~~~!, ~;, ~ ~ iJC.!) 't:o:j!
,. ... J ..........

to photograph, take a photograph, tJJ iiJ_,....,. Jaa..;:l!

.... J •

blepharitis ~~Y~!
. , . take a picture; to snapshoot, snap; to shoot, film
dermatitis ~~Y~! ; ;~J: I - I ai(·il
,, " .:: J • ~J -
sinusitis y~\_,1~\y~!
to swallow; to swallow up, devour, gobble, (.iJ!
ureteritis ~lJ-1 ~~! ingurgitate
;;; ... & - ;I ~ , •
~G,; :cl;j!
myelitis •(.J:<'r"'•1\ _t6.::.11 J I •(.J:<'r"'·11 ~
t"J I y~l
- -
to compact, crowd together; to be or
become compact(ed), tightly pressed together,
sore throat fll~~! crowded
laryngitis -~~~~! to intertwine, mesh, tangle; to be or ~C:.; :cl:il
$i, J • become intertwined, twined, entwined, meshed.
mastoiditis • l.:.;ll Y~! tangled
... ;:;:; ... •
t~~\ ~~!
.. ;~4

encephalitis ~ _,, ~ ~\ ~\J- )j :~!

pneumonitis ~}\ ~~! • • ~ --
request, solicitation; entreaty, u~! , j:._,; : (.)"..;;- _
I ••

appeal, plea
metritis, uteritis ~}~~~!
petition, application, r~:;.!' .~~! :u--~!
tracheitis ~l;l\ t' ail\ _,i ~~)\ ~~! request
6 ...
uU ~~J-e.'~!
;:; ;I , •

appendicitis ~~_,:JI !~1::,11 Y~!

meningitis ~b.:ll ~~! flash (of wit, hope, etc.) ~ ~!
'oa. "'-F:. ~I
~ -
'• ' • •
nephritis Qs:ll Y~! omphalitis -~~~~!
pyorrhea; gingivitis cilt ~~! 'il , •
phalangitis -~,~l-it
if . '+::",

uLl.JI Y~!
... ~ .
ol+lJI Y~!
periostitis, periosteitis
retinitis ~~~\JI..... • 0 - ...

,_.._..I ;:ii J I _.. ;ij J I I '/J J I

tonsillitis ~jjlll Y~! arteritis; polyarte- ~I_,..:JI Y~! •0~:,..:JI Y~!

ovaritis, oophoritis ~~~~! ... ... J , • .....1 , •
cystitis ~8~~~!
endocarditis u\A..:JI Y~!
... ;;; , .
cholecystitis ·~1)1 ~~! ... 'II , •

peritonitis JLi.:.J\ Y~!

esophagitis .(..$)\ ~t..;:il
-- ...
~}..JI ~~!
mesenteritis ~)Cl\ ~~! ... ... ,
valvulitis ~\ ('~Y~!
placentitis ~: . _·lt ~~!
tympanitis 0~~~- ~Q. ~~!
gastritis -~\ ~~!
...... J • lienitis, splenitis Jl;lll ~~!
arthritis, rheumatism, gout ~Wiy~!
... ...., J • neuritis; polyneu- y~~~~~!·~,~~l
conjunctivitis ~~Y~! ritis
_.. .,.. J I _. ... , t

vaginitis, colpitis ~~~t..;:il myositis; polymy- c.~\ Y~! 'J..4..ll Y~!

., , .
canthitis J;.ll Y~!
~r~ ~~!
, .,.1l1
. .
,J _,.,..

(,?f:L-1 -~\ Y~!

:;i J I

... ... , .
osteitis i~\ Y~! '-~\ Y~!
aortitis .*-~1 Ji ~:;JI ~~!
. duodenitis ~~~~!
phlebitis . 1,/,J-_,JI 'Y~!
' - . uveitis ~~ r~~ ~~! .~~.~=''
. , ~~!
, .
flammable, inflammable, fiery y~':JI tjr' ..- ;;; .....

anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic . "- '

y~~ ~~....:.
cervicitis ~.)" ~.
·q .. · wt..:JI
ophthalmia, ophthalmitis . ·:q ' 1-i
~ Y't?!
inflammatory, phlogistic •I.T,--
l,:J I
thyroiditis t_;-~1
.. ) ;;~\
- ~\JI
. --
ingurgitation, devouring, gobbling, swallowing ~~}
up, gorging, gormandizing hidradenitis 4;Jt ~~\ ~~!
J , •
;;; -. :;i ;:;:;

~I :; ys::JI ~:J..JI Y~!

to flame, blaze, burn, ignite, inflame,
burst into flame(s), be in flame(s), be aflame, be -
I parotitis
.... , .
vulvitis c:,.JI Y~!
ablaze, be afire, be on fire, catch fire, take fire
to inflame, be( come) y~4 ~1 :[ ~] :. ;:il spondylitis
. ' .
inflamed, be(come) affected with inflammation - stomatitis
- ' .
4 ·4 ~,)_;. ,:.jl keratitis, corneitis ~~~~~!
to devour, gobble, swallow up, gorge, ingur- r;Ji iritis ~jiJI ~~! .... J •
gitate, gormandize carditis ~~Y~!
to twist, bend, curve, warp, wrench, get con- tS;:i} salpingitis ~·-....',"11 oliJI
... ~\JI
. -• ...
torted; to be twisted, bent, curved, crooked; to be , , J

circuitous, roundabout, indirect colitis u_,l_,.&ll Y~!

twist, twistedness, torsion, tortuosity, flexure, hepatitis
- '
.w:.l I wt..:J I ; 0
do harm to, damage, harm, hurt, injure, prejudice, flection, bend(ing), crookedness, curvedness, cur-
disadvantage vature
to weld, solder; to fuse, join, unite, merge, ;Ji twist, bend, curve, crook
~ r:: I;-(~~ ~) ::,;ji (,?;1 r::-1;- ~I
etc., and so on, and so forth !i"T J! :dl burning anxiety, anguish, pain, agony, suffer- t~!
ing, torture, torment, grief
stinking, fetid e,2 , 0? :~I

,... .....
•J ....


lisper; lisping ~I
JJ..J r::-1;- ::JI to compel to, force to, ~i .JJ ~! :JJ
J.. Wi
aldehyde [ ~W.J ~~i oblige to, coerce to
~ I
more delicious, tastier, more tasteful, more savory,.i.J -· to shelter, protect, guard, defend; ~~i, ~ :~~
to grant asylum (to), give sancturary (to), give
more palatable, more delectable; more delightful,
refuge (to)
more pleasant, nicer; sweeter
to entrust (commit, rec- .Jil JJ ~~;1 Ji ~;i ~~
who, whom; which, that, what; he who, he ':?~I ommend) one's cause or affairs to God
whom; that which
~... ~ ...... ...... ... "' ... •t
) r::-1;- }JI ~ r::-1;-~1
compulsion, coercion, forcing, r~ ~l ')~ l :rl) l to insist on; to press, urge, importune, (J.. '~) CJi
force besiege
binding, obligation, imposing, '-:-'~) '..,.;.~ : r1)) long-bearded
imposition, enjoining
insistence, importunity. pressing, urging, urgen- ~! r
compulsory, coercive, obligatory, mandatory,
imperative, required
:.r 1)) cy, urge
... :il... ..-........ atheism, infidelity, unbelief, disbelief, godless- J~ I
J) r::-1;-(J)I ness; apostasy '
to bind, obligate, put or ~ ji 'J.. :;.,) :(..) r)i
J.. atheistic(al) ~,)~I
.. ... ~
keep under obligation, impose (as an obligation or
duty) upon, enjom on, make incumbent upon, importunity, insistence l: 6.i J : U ~ J
make something someone's duty
annexation, appending, ~CD ~ t l) _;~) l' ' l:
to force (to), compel J.. ~ ~i , J.. ~i :(-!) ~)i attachment, joining, junction, subjunction, addi-
(to), coerce (to), oblige (to) - tion, supplementation; following (up)
... ... ,_ .....
to confine to bed, keep in bed, compel u!-1 A I ;... ) I weld(ing), soldering; fusing, joining, ~i )-.;..;;. :r~ l
or force to stay in bed junction, uniting
~. t: : .. -ij
eloquent, fluent (?' ' ~ . ,:r- to be or become ~? ~ ~~!, ).5' J,~: 0\.S': ~j
..... 4. ,. ; :; , •t
linguistics ~I ~ :~I an atheist, infidel, unbeliever; to disbelieve (in
......... God); to apostatize
to attach, affix, fix, stick, paste, glue, agglutinate,~ I ... ... ... .,. .- ... ... ... ... ...... .. ......
conglutinate, cement, plaster; to join, connect
...,.) r:: I; - l_r.i .)>.> , _r.i : ...,JI

(C'J ~~~ '~~l 'l;.,;I) ~j

;;i ..-f .,. ..,. If.
to post, placard, to insist (on); to importune, press, urge CJI : u;.J I
stick, affix :01 ... ... ~ ... .... ......
,-_.. .- II ,. ..- 1 J ,... ,... ... to cover, wrap ~, l...A.J: l...A.JI
to fasten (an accusation, a C'J ~~ J I 4 ~ J-11
charge, a crime, etc.) on, cause to be attributed to to attach to, annex to, append to, add to, ~j : ~ :;:J1
or connected with, impute to, attribute to, ascribe join to, subjoin to, supplement with; to follow (up)
to, charge with, accuse of with, cause to follow, cause to be followed by
I .- _.. l'f ....... ., -... ... ......
~ ,~ ,~ r::-1;-":JWI to inflict on, cause to ~ J; I : I..iS ~ &J I
,. ... ... ... ... •t
to make play, cause to play •. : i~ ~ :~i to cause damage to, inflict damage on,-! I;_..,;.. &JI
t §M5@iiii"fitJlt$¥mt"f)l¥11fAi¥fP¢¢jji£,Mikj";¥+Y" ,',"?::@> ,· ,tl@lj/@D

nect, link, put together, merge, integrate to play, toy, trifle, dally ~: ~1
to synthesize ~ ~ : ~j '-"-'
. ~)
1 - . ;.;w- -,L. : ~1
u .
:;:;.... ... :;:;,... , , ...... .. ;;If
to reconcile, conciliate, make <.S,... , & J : ~ uJ I
peace between, make friendly again, bring together
very playful '. ~ill~:u~1
to tame, domesticate ~} ;;,:., : G1_;.;. ~j
to make lick ~,.!.L~~:~ii
Q. I -~-~i1
thousand u.ii ( \ ••• ) ~) .Y"

close friend, intimate friend, bosom - "- ~ : u.i I

~ 1>.1_ '
to cancel, call off; to make null and void, make ~I
invalid, invalidate, nullify, annul, void, abolish,
friend, intimate, companion, comrade, pal, confi- abrogate, negate, repeal, revoke, rescind; to over-
dant rule; to quash, vacate
uil ~1;-~i cancellation, calling off; invalidation, nullifica- I ,\J
tion, annulment, voidance, abolition, abolishment, •
to find ~:;:~ii abrogation, negation, defeasance, repeal, revoca-
• f

-~\ tion, rescission; overruling; quashing

alphabetical, alphabetic, abecedarian ·W!i

4T- . -
to riddle; to mystify, obscure, make enigmatic )J
.... I -··
(cryptic, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure, ambig-
alphabetically 6L.Ji uous, etc.)
.... ........ ... ..... .... :;:;.... .... ........ ... .......
~~1;-~1 ..laJ , ..laJ ~I;- ..IMll

~1 to amalgamate ~ : ~i
familiarity, intimacy, closeness, friendliness,
friendship, affinity, affection; rapport; harmony, --- --- -- .
~ ~I; -rAl :~\
agreement, accord, concord; union, unity
to amalgamate ~;. i-.,; :~1
[ ,.~_r.tJ "W] w1
millenary; millennia! ~I
.. •'
,;.J ~I; -oj~l
... ::;; ........
:;:; .._ • "' ......
.... to get used to, be accustomed to, be habit- .)_,....;:~..ill
millennium, I OOOth anniver- ~I <.S:J ~,~I ~ uated to, take to; to be familiar with, acquainted -
longpoem(ofonethousand~ ~I~;;~:~\
. .. .... . ,., . :;:; ... .... with
:;:; ... t ... .. ... t
to get on intimate terms with, -.,-I , ~ ~I : Ull
get along with, like someone's company: like (to be
milfoil, yarrow (c.~) ~i with)
•w.L tJa:. ,eJ: J)i
"' 'I , ..
\.WI 't_.. :u(":t I ~I
to shine, radiate, flash, beam,
glitter, glisten, gleam
to be or become tame,
--) ~ -
........ J, ........... ~
radiance, brightness, bril- "I+; ' t_,.J:.:. , 0 U : Jll to associate with, mix with, be on intimate ).. ~ : ~i
Hance, shine, effulgence, refulgence, luminosity, terms with, be intimate with, keep company with
glitter, glisten
to throw, cast, fling, hurl; to drop,
... ....
u..ii , l.f; :~I
... ........ .... .. to harmonize, tune, attune, match, bring ~l; : ~i
into harmony
throw down
... _..,.. ... .... :. ...... to habituate (to), accustom (to), season ~~: ~i
to throw away, discard, cast away,~' c).!: uAll (to), inure (to), familiarize (with)

.... f ... :;:;........ ,... .. ... ...._
fling away ~I ~I;-.)_,....; , ~I :u.JI
............ ... .... .... ....
to shed (off), cast (off), slough (off)~ 'r):. : uAll to form, set up, establish, insti- 0;5' , JS;::. , Gi :ul'i
(.;~\':--';.~~I j ~:)ill~)
- .. -
J.ii tute; to make, create, build, originate; to constitute,
make up, compose
..- •• .. ... .... ...

to(t.,ii;,.J.. oWl ~WI~)\ Jl ~)1.1ll ~) uAll

0... " :ii .....
to compose, write, ( ..:.11
8J J i G8') --.- :~i
. - C:;"J
jettis6n compile
.............. :;:; .... :;:; ...... ;:;if
to recite, say to unite, join, combine, con- J..... J , . -J , ~ : Ull
c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::.: ;: ·::::·:.'::;::,:tr::;::,::;::::;::.:::;::,,::;::,::;::,::;::.,,x::;::,.u,::;::::;:::aw~~·· + ,;,~,h, u,;-":'"~J;,,,c;m~,,, ;;:,> :*,> ~
_,. .
throw(ing), cast(ing), fling(ing), uii '~): -~J J4 t'!'"IJ- ~ ~4 ~I
hurl(ing); drop(ping), throwing down
... 'II • to throw oneself into, plunge into ~ ~-;·;~I
... ... ...
throwing away, discarding, ~, 1::1.).~: .wl to make or deliver a statement (decla- G~ ~i
casting away, flinging away
jettison (·~~ 1:_±:..: ~~ ~ ~:)1 ~~) .wl ration, announcement, communique, bulletin)
to lay eggs
. ....
~I ~I
recitation, recital, reciting t;.! ·: , •j~ : .Wl
to greet, salute (~) Ci:. Ji ~ ~i
making (delivering, delivery oO 415' Ji ylJu. :WI
an address or speech - • - • ~ t'!'"IJ - y1WI ~~I(~)~~
delivery of(delivering, giving) a .;.,~ :WI
• Ji JUI;.,;.. t'!'"IJ-(.~1 Ji ~UI) ~ ;.J-1 ~~
lecture, lecturing
"' ,..... ... ... ......
delivery, diction; elocution
to make or deliver an address or ~ J I ~ ~ ~I
speech -
~~i t'!'"IJ-(tJJ ~ .~) ~ ~)1 ~~
"' . , ... ...
to put (lay, bring up) a question to ~1_;.. ~~I
or before, submit a question to, pose a question to,
ask someone a question
.. "''II ......
to lay down (one's) arms, surrender, (~1~1
to lend or give an ear to, listen to, ~I~J~i
elk hearken to, pay attention to
electrode to highlight, shed or ~ Ji •~I ~i ,1_,:.,f:l1
throw light upon, spotlight, limelight, illuminate
to impose something on, lay I ..iS'~~~ ~I
-- _,.
electrolytic something on, burden with, saddle with, charge
with; to hold responsible for; to impute to, fasten
electron on
. • ....- I - 1- ...- ._-"if ....=II., ... .
electronics · 1-
(J"' ~ J (J"' ~ t.r e.- -",...} .......
electronic ~.)~1
to cast lots
.. ...... ... .,
to drop bombs on; to bomb, born- ~ ..,Hlill ~I
bard, shell, cannon, cannonade, attack with bombs
,...... ., ... . . ... . ......
to inform "!~I :J_;..14 Jl J_;..JI ~ Jl ~j ~I
of or about: tell about, let know about, bring to
someone's knowledge or notice, notify of, advise
of, apprise of, report to
inarticulate, faltering (in one's speech), stam-
to dictate (to)
mering, stuttering
God (the One and Only); Allah, the Lord, Diety Jll to ramble, talk at random

by God! ~~, ~{.;, ~lj to blame, lay (cast, put, place) the
blame on
God is great, God is the greatest ;!i ~I to lecture, give or deliver a lecture
o_r'>~ ~I
.. J ....,

there is no god but God ..:Ill ~l ~l ~ ... :;; J,.. ... ..,
to place (put, lay, cast) the respon- ~ 4:;1J_;:J I ~I
inthenameofGod,Most ~}1 y:;.}l ~I _M sibility on; to hold responsible; to saddle with the
Gracious, Most Merciful responsibility
indirect reference, indirect suggestion, indication ,;l!. ~I;- J!l ,;l!. 0l
~n~wtedge, cognizance, acquaintance, famil- (~) rV l ~ ~1;-~~1
tanty, conversance .II' ,,.,. I

;:J ~1;-•;:J ~
German •
'.T ·Ji 0 God! 0 Lord! ~I
German ~~'11 WJI :~V~I
if only, at least if l~l ~I
~ ~1;-~i · not th at
unIess, except that, were tt J ~~T11
~l rw-
~~ ~1;-JJ ~1
~i; ~I;- ~j
to intimate, insinuate, hint at, ~G.i, ~: JJ ~j
to hurt, pain, ache, give a feeling of pain ~ J I : ~I
................ -
allude to, glance at, refer indirectly to, make an
indirect reference to, suggest indirectly, imply (to), cause pain to; to torment, excruciate, anguish,
.... $ , .... "" ... "" ... ... ... •• agonize, distress, grieve
brilliant, bright, intel- • IS' ..iJ I -':! ~ , """~ : ~I , ~ I ......~ ... ..... :;;~

ligent, smart, clever, shrewd, sagacious; intellect to know; to be or become ~ C:U-l , u ;- :~ ~I

,. _.. "" ... acquainted with, familiar with; to familiarize one-
brilliance, brightness, intelligence, smart- .IS'~ ::(~II
ness, cleverness, shrewdness, sagacity
self with, acquaint oneself with
.. .... ....
:;;........... :;;
to touch on <.} ~ ~ : ~ ~I
to deify, apotheosize, idolize, make a god of, raise jj :;; ... .. :;;""'-
to the status of a god to befall, affiict, hit, strike, ~ ~ , yl:,..l : ~ ~I
god, deity y~ :Jj attack, affect, come over, come upon
... ....... ... ... .... :;; .....
to commit, perpetrate u _;;; l ' ~; l :~ ~I
to divert with, distract with ~~i
... ,. :;;4
to visit, pay a short visit to, call on ; Ij : ~ J I -1 ~I
to divert from, distract from lr~l (someone), call at or stop at (someone's house or
distraction, diversion ,lJI• place)
~il I --- ·j :'~
J l-!.1 : '-' lJ I ~·
inflammation, inflaming, kindling,
lighting, ignition, setting on fire, setting fire to
j. • !
["' ~)
pain, ache; alg-, algo-, -algia; y ".;5 , y I~ , ~ J : ~I
-- ~J-- ~

inflammation, inflaming, excitation, ;;~G I : ......

exciting, stirring up, arousal, (a)rousing
. . suffering; agony, anguish, excruciation, torment,
inspiration; revelation; affiatus rlJl toothache
to inflame, ignite, kindle, enkindle, light, ~i ~i : headache
set on fire, set aflame, set fire to
to inflame, excite, stir (up), (a)rouse ~Gi ~i :
goddess, deity ~~ : ~J
.... .... ...... •f
~ ~ ~1;-~ ~I Passion Week
to inspire (with or to) ~j
passionflower, maypop
w [~]~i,~
plaything, toy; amusement, distraction, 41 :o;fi1
divine, of God, from God diamond
theological diamond
theology diamond
allusion, hint, intimation, insinuation,

become a widow to waive one's hand, etc. )G.i :t'J !~ ~~i

to go to, betake oneself to, repair ~_;; , ~ : (~i) ri to hoist a flag ~): .,j!J, <.S~i
to, take to, travel to
(c.~) ;;~i
to CCl ~ ~J r~' r~ (CClJ ~jJ ~Cl)
lead (in prayer)
: ~j aloe
alyssum (c.~) ~,JI
to become a mother ~1 C.)\....: (~;.1) ~i:)1 .::..:.i • e.-'; -u_,.l
...... ~I
. . ,.... ., .....
. ... .. ...... ,., J' :rl
I e--1;-il ... 1 .1_,... 'il ... I
. ~ore blameworthy, more

i }1J l.i ~I )S I : rJ!I

blamable, more culpable, more reprehensible

,.. -'1...
aluminum, aluminium r~-"
mother; mater •JJ.'J :r1
source, origin, mother ~, 'J~ :r1 ~,11 e.-')- 4A,J1
~ u~:.JI.i:~1 divinity, godhood, godhead, deity, divine ~,!1
matrix c.r- ·- • . . i nature, divine power
foster mother ~~I Ji _tw,~~~ ~1 mechanical, mechanistic; au!omatic, power, ~1
,,_ • f ~*
jerboa ( ul~ ) t-"1.):! :'-""1;.)1 i'
power-driven, self-driven, self-acting, self-pro-
pelled, automotive; mechanized, automated; mo-
centipede (•_,.:.:..) ~~iJ ~~i ~1 torized, motor
dura mater [~~]~~~~~~ motorized troops
,. .....
.... .
firefly, glowworm (•_,.:.:..) ~~ ~1 Jl 'Jl e.-')-~ :J!
;~ e--1;- ~I ~1 fibers ul:Ji
pia mater [~~] .:,_,j.1 ~~I fat tail (of a sheep) ( ~:~JI i u '1 1) tjj
J - Jj'P'
- o

...... , ... ... ... M

river mussel (~;.1 '01~) J;ll ~1 buttocks, rump J.;$ , ~ : 41

wagtail ()U..) ~ ~1 mecha- lW,L!. L. Ji ~~!.} ~I;.. ~I ~') ~:_)· :~1
hyena (.:,1~) ~ :~~ ~1
machinery(ofgovern- :;_,!!1 ~ ~~...:4). :4}
pangolin (ul~) ~:.,; ~1 ment, etc.)
~ e.-')-; fi ~1
,_ .~ , , ... :ii-
automatism Q_l ~;_..:.~' ujS' :~1
_.,, 'i-"1,, :J,!,.t
()U.. )4..-"1 --'•*il automation, automatization 4:~1 !~~I ~ : 4}
the Milky Way, the galaxy [ ~] ii~l : i~l ~1 vehicle ~--
..r ' W'.
. .r- :~i
.. _
the main (major, basic, fundamental, ~ell ~t;1 tame(d), domestic(ated) ~I.):U:!I
principal, most important, most significant) - f f
friendly, amicable, amiable, ~ ,~1 :~1
problems or issues genial, affable, companionable, sociable - -
with one's own eyes ~ : ~I
- f

maternal, uterine .
intimate, close, familiar

..All e.- I;-~

... ... ...
J,!~ 'Ull
. :~I.
•, f
Mother's Day
r'_j.. e.- I; -f.:! I
mother tongue
gluteal '~"'" it.J~I.."
~ J -- ~ '-"" ~:;IFij
e.- I; -I:. I -· .. ......
to lose one's wife, become t,...w : ~ Jj V! J..:-~1 rl
.. • .. • , J ;;ji .. -

as to, as for, as far as he (she, it, etc.) is concerned; Ct~·I

but, however, yet, on the other hand
a widower
~..W :~Jj!J! iil)l ~I
.. . ,.,., .. ...-
,., 1·% ~, Mlik11#9 •
forward, onward, ahead it:~\ Ji either ... or; whether ... or
imam (~' ~) rl.! if
leader, chief ~j '~Li :it: l to make die; to kill, put to death; to cause the I:JL.i
,<1 ..... , • ... • .... ....
death of, be the death of
guide, guideline, ~ (.5~ t4f 'J~ '~.): il:.l
index, reference, source; criterion, standard, yard-
to mortify the flesh, crucify the tJJ
..... :ii ........
<..::•.1,...:.11 c.\:. I
flesh, deaden the body, subdue the bodily appetites
stick, test; model, example, pattern
imamate; leadership killing, putting to death ~ :.; L. I
front, fore-, frontal, forward, first, foremost, .~ 1:. I
advanced, ahead, anterior, pre-, pro-, ante-; in the
-· mortification (ofthe
flesh, etc.)
...... :;;
t'J c.\,...:.11 Jl ~~~C.!
,. ... ... ,... ... •

front, at the front, in the fore part, at a forward to provide for one's family
position, to the fore, in the foreground, in the front
constantly urging, always inciting, incessantly
safety, security, peace .. - -.
0-" I , 4 ·-~
W. : ul:.l
Surely the soul of man
incites him to evil
--- - -.
protection ~~ : uC:i sign, indication, denotation, token, mark, 4..~ : i.J\:.1
.... .....
safeguard, guarantee; indemnity, imrnu- ~ : uI:. I
symbol, symptom
... .. ,, ... ...... .... ... ...
nity or exemption from punishment; pact, com- emirate, principality ~' ~ ~J.l :o.JI:.!
pact, agreement position or rank of an ;)':; Jj ~~I ~ : o~l: l
safety match ul:~l y~ emir or prince
- • J

ul:~l ;1~ admiralty ~I 1: :._-1\o'l:l

safety belt ··-~ .r-:- J •

safety valve, safety ul:~l ;~ United Arab Emirates ,-~~ ~-:., ::.,, c. "jl
- "!.)1" .) •

good-bye! farewell! so long! God with Jll ~t:i ~ ... :;;.. ... .....
r,.. ~~J-j\:.1
faithfulness, fidelity, fealty, loyalty; reli- • ~ j : 4:i L. i to withdraw from, move away ~ l , ~ :,;r- 1L. i
ability, trustworthiness, dependability; honesty, in- ........ , ~..........

-_, - -.
tegrity, probity, uprightness; confidence, trust, to remove, pull away ~I : .k\:.1
deposit; trust, charge; consignment ~ ~J : 4.i I:. I
-- --. to unveil, unmask, disclose, reveal, ,;r- il:.UI .k\:.1
trusteeship, guardianship, ul_;.l, ~1, :4-il:.l
. ..... ...
... ..... uncover, unearth, expose, lay bare
to liquefy, melt, dissolve . JC.i , yl~i :tL. 1
custody, care, protection; superintendence, super-
.. I 4.i,_ l: I
. melting, liquefaction

to incline, tip, tilt, slant, slope, cant, u? , t..i- : J\:.1

t-= ·.; : ~ L.!
"":;;... ... ...... ..,.,
municipality; governorate ~t;.l\
~... ,.,
skew, swerve, bend, turn
, .... , ,...... ... • , ... :;;.... J"" .....

secretariat-general, secretariat 4.. ~ 4.i I:. I to alienate ,;r- •W , ,;r- ~ ..rP , (r. o_;A.i : ,;r- ~C. I

from, disincline from, indispose to, make disin-
tl:~l t~:> ,tl:~l ~~C. I
breach of trust
·- clined to, make averse" to, turn (someone's mind)
deposited in trust; on consignment; on tl:~l _r-~
away from, keep away from
sale or return inclination, inclining, tip(ping), tilt(ing), ~ : ~ L.j
consignment, goods on consignment tl:~4 t~ slanting, sloping, bending, turn(ing)
... :;;... ... ;:ii... ... :ii_. ................ .. in front of, opposite (to), facing, face to face with, (-L. 1
•,.. ~\J-u.t> •JiJ ,~ :o\:.1 vis-a-vis; in the presence of; before
.... , ... ,... ... .....
ol.. ~\J -oj\.. )5 :o\:.1 before the court ~I (.C:i
~! ~1;-~! to hydrate; to hydrolyze

examination, test; quiz; trial u~! hydration; hydrolysis

entrance examination J;~0~! impala

final examination, final(s) ~.~~~, emperor
1.1- _u --
~!~1;-~! empress

to examine, test; to try, put to the test; to :;2.! imperial, imperialistic

afflict, distress, subject to a trial or trials empire
... G:i ... ... , ""' .......
to blow one's nose ~ ,~ : Ja;.:.;.:.! imperialist, imperialistic
to extend, expand, spread (out), )~ , 't: -;I ::2.1
stretch; to be extended, expanded, spread ·(out), -
stretched (out); to lengthen, elongate, be pro- ampere
tracted, be prolonged
to extend, reach, stretch, spread, range ~I) :Z!
alembic, retort
extension, extensity, stretching; expansion, Jl~ I
distension, dilation, dilatation; elongation, length-
ening, prolongation; expanse; length; extent,
stretch, spread, span, reach, outreach, compass,
range, scope; dimension
continental shelf ~~li ~~~!
(~ ~1;-(.2.!
to request, ask (someone a
to doubt, suspect &. :~ _,_;;:.! favor)
to provide for one's family .-JG.l ~ \.i.l
to adsorb ~:·
I ... - .... - -
mixture, mixing, admixture, inter- .1~1: [~­ I'"' I to be distinguished(~~) "i ~~! '"i:,..;.! :"i )Li.!
mixture, intermingling, blending, mingling, com-
-- by, characterized by, marked by; to have as a char-
mingling, commixture acteristic, as a distinctive feature, as an advan-
tage; to have the advantage of; to be peculiar to,
adsorption 'I·". I
)~- characteristic of
to mix, mingle, blend, intermix, inter- -w::._l :~ l to excel, surpass, outdo, out- ;}l; : ~ Ji r:.r- jli.!
mingle, commingle, commix; to be or become match, outclass, overtop, top, beat (out), outshine,
mixed, mingled, blended, combined, intermixed, eclipse, be superior to, have an advantage over
intermingled, commingled, commixed :;:; ~I;-:;:; :jli.!
to comb one's hair ~:,:.!.. (:,.:.. :'),".:·.!
obedience, yielding, submission,~~ '~U. : J~!
to draw, unsheathe, pull out ) :;,.. ' ~!
:J!2.! surrender; conformity to, confoiming to, compli-
ance with, abidance by, observance of
to snatch, whip away ~ : ~l
conformism; conformity; obedience ~I
to absorb, soak up, take up, imbibe; to suck, ~I ... :il"'"' ... ... • - .......

suck up; to sip to obey, follow, submit to, yield ~ ~ , t U.l : J!:;.!
to; to conform to, comply with, abide by, observe,
absorption, soaking up, taking up, uptake, ~I
~ -- keep to
imbibition; sucking, suck, suction
absorption band ~~ 'lll ..~:at;-
. , - to follow, take as a 'model or - ~ , -s:8.1 :-,-;.:•1
t;' - 1..1-'"'-
example, imitate, copy, pattern after, model after,
1 -·"II ,, ~I'"
absorption coefficient ~~ l l.l'!'u..o take after
c===============• 'iV
to refuse to, decline, turn down
-~~:~tzl absorbability
to be or become impossible ~~ ::~1 C:Zl to mount, ride; to board, go on board, get
aboard, get in
to seek protection in or with <·I· <:·1
~-·-I_ c=---- mounting, riding; boarding, going on board,
to abstain from voting Co,/~1 ~ C:Zl getting aboard, getting in
~.-, :~ i
contempt, scorn
-- -- to make enjoy
... ~......
e..::: .... .....

humiliation, humbling, degradation, ~ :ut.;.l -1_ ~ e.-')---~_ t=--'

abasement, debasement
resentment, displeasure, indignation, annoy- ~t.;,!
hackneying; abuse, J ~I ; ~{.I , J 1.~ I : u~I
.... f; ........ ... .... ance, vexation, anger
misuse f
-- M' 0

professionalism, professional pur- u I_,;;..1 : u~I

suit, practice (practicing, following) of profes: a to resent; to be resentful, displeased, r~~-
sion, becoming a professional indignant, annoyed, vexed
to despise, scorn, contemn ~ l :~! pallor, paleness, pallidness, wanness t~l
to humble, humiliate, degrade, abase, );. : ~ l to be( come) or turn pale, pallid, wan; to pale, tr•!
debase, demean, lower wan
to hackney, wear out in common JW e.-')-(~)~!
service, wear out in everyday use
............. ,........... ... ....... to be full (oO, filled (with), replete (~ ,i --~_) '92.!
toemployformenial ii~l ~~ ~l :~! (with); to fill
services - - fullness, repletion ,::t.:.l
to practice professionally, practice or ~ ~l plumpness, fleshiness, chubbiness, full- ~I :~!
follow as a profession or trade, become a profes-
ness, rotundness; corpulence, fatness, stoutness,
~-- . obesity

honor(s), (,....,~
• ·- .·-
distinction, excellence, superiority J _,..;.; : j ~!
· · )· L....::.l
~lhl- c-'
.. _ 4>. ) .) , )· L....::.l
. ,___ .
proprietary; possessory; possessive
,;11:; e.-') - el~!
distinction (conferred on a superior student)
--- I -·:·1
J> : j~ l
oil •

privilege U"'l,o.
,. .. .- _. _.

,1 ~~ ,, -~ ,, ~
6o I ..,.. I> 1_. .,I

J.. ),_o... J>

J I_.. j _.
~ e.-')- ;•tF.:O!
<- 1:.. ~ ~- I <- 1:.. ~ ~.:·I
prerogative C::""' ~- .re--J-C::""' ~ .. V'-',
;jj ...

e.-') -~1
;jj ... ...... • •

concession; (t:'J ~!~ f-G ~jl~) ~~ :j~l -1_ ~ 0-' :--~_ ~ v-:.-l
franchise; permit, license abstention, abstaining, re- ~I , ~ : ~t--
r.. '. - " ~I
(oil) concession # t.:: , i ~r..?_-'ri
c.r-- J ': ~ l.:: I
) .. _ - frainment, refraining, forbearance, forbearing, de-
sistance, desisting, stop(ping), stoppage, cessation,
patent (tl.#l ~-~~) j~l ceasing, quitting, discontinuation, halting, giving
lien (~~ ~L. J.. ~~~) j~l up, leaving off
. :- . " "L:::-1
pre- (t:'l
~~~~I j;.. ~)~~(~i ·~~ji :j~l refusal, denial
,_... t --
(.)41) ·~

J.,;..; : t ~!
Capitulations k(~l ~)~~;~~~I ~~j~ ~I gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, obliged- u~!
diplomatic privileges
- , "
~L.~;c.lj~l ness, indebtedness
privileges and immunities
... ... ... to abstain from, refrain ~ ;;r.,:.j , ~ :~ ~!
from, keep from, forbear, desist from, stop, cease,
with distinction, cum laude j~4 quit, discontinue, halt; give up, give over, leave off
•j \ iA J~i
... ..... ...
~I..., e.-')- j~."'~\ ,~I...,
"" ..-
(.).)\.. e--1 J - J+.l : (.)..L.I
.).,l.o e--IJ -,)\.J..I
... j:: e.-') - (j:: ~.)_,A..) Jl::. i
supply(ing), providing, provision, ~~') : (-t) Ji~ J Proverbs (~) JL:.:.~I
furnishing, equipping, equipment
... J... • optimum, optimal; ideal; perfect; model, j!:.~I ,j!:.i
help, aid, assistance, support ~.,..... : .li.~.o 1 exemplary
supplies; reinforcements; auxiliaries uiJI ~ J example, lesson, warning ii~ : 4Jj..1
(:.:e.-') -~J::.1 lesson; assignment ..,...:.; '.r~J :~~1
to order, command, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, ~I
give or issue orders or directions or instructions
--· example j:: :~~1
(to); to charge (with), require; to dictate; to ordain, ~ e--')-~i
decree, prescribe
,. ., ... . . .. ...J., more glorious, more illustrious I~ ~j: ~j
to become a prince, become an I~ I J I..., :~I , ~I
to be or become erased, effaced, obliterated, ~l
blotted out, expunged, wiped out, extinguished
to consult, ask someone's advice )jl!.: ;1 -~ l
"', .. ,......... ., extinction
to pass; to let pass, allow to pass; to ~ ~ :~I
cause or allow to go (move, proceed); to cause or
::; ...

to reappear, come out again

~ ~ ~ Al> :u<»w I
permit to go past (go through, get by); to guide ~ e.-') -(d) ~~\ :_) ~i
(lead, take, send) through or into; to cause to go
through, cause to penetrate, get through, insert in; to wane oWl~ ~J :~' ~i
... ...... , ....... .
to throw or hit (a ball to a teammate); to secure the to perish, be destroyed cia : d) J UI _;-. I
approval of, cause or allow to win approval or
official or legal sanction --- - : I I - --- ~ I
to be or become bitter
', J ... ;:;;... ;:;; ... ..,
;..G.-. e.-')- ~i
to embitter, bitter, make bitter I_,.. •r.-P :..r J..,: e.-') -y~i :~i
, ............ ..
bitterer, more bitter ;)(.: ~i:;i to be withheld, be overdue, fail to set in )J I J....:.l
...... ... • .~~
stronger, firmer (.)_,i I : .r I sincere advice ~~ L . ~ :~_,;.:.1
to go through the worst, ~:,:~\ ((jb Ji) ~li to supply with, provide with,
... ;:;;_, ..... ;;;....

~ R. ·~ .lJj :~.~..I
::; ......

suffer extremely furnish with, equip with - - -

to appoint (or choose) as l~i (~)~I _,i) ~: ;.i to help, aid, assist, support ~L.. '0~i: :.:i
prince or as emir
to reinforce (an army) -. 'Ji i :.:11)
(~J :.:i
:;ii,.. .. Oii- ... ;;;'f.
to invest with authority or power JJ , vC>,i : .r I
order, command, in-
.- .- (
c.~ •v'>.): .r.IJI (~I
-· ) to respite, grant (someone) a re-
--:;:. •
J,;:-.1 , J+.l : .... I
spite or delay, give (someone) time; to delay, post-
.. - ... -:. .. t

struction, directive, direction, dictate, imperative, pone, put off

mandate, behest, bidding, injunction
power, authority 4.1L : .r I
"" ., .., to prolong someone's life
.... ..
warrant, writ, authorization, authority, c.A!~ : .r I
. to suppurate, fester, matter
limit, extent, scope; end

. :;...;_, ·•P
, . - . J' ... i ... -.... __ .,
decree, edict, ordinance, act i~r·.~..r duration; period, time; span (of :.~.ol
-f· - I- ( ,f ) •• time)
:iJ L..... , u I!. : J,..1 ( .r I
matter, affair, concern,
business; question, issue, problem, case ..~:!~e.-')-~~\ ~~
condition, state, situation, position, case Jb. : .r I ~e.-')-~~\~
man; person; one thing; something •<f :.r I
. ... ..
woman; wife imperative (w] ;~1 t.~ ,;i
passing, passage; letting pass, allowing to fl.~ 1;. J which, that, something which, ... (.).iJI ::~I , ...

pass; insertion - - the thing which, the fact which -
.... ,
pass [~.!.! ~~J] o):JI ~1;1
~.r ~IJ -(~; l.J_;...) ~1;.i
delivery order
search warrant ~.r
... ,r
• -·-
.. I
~ ~IJ -tJJ -~~_;~1 ~
.... J • •
writ of execution .i....i...J I
-- .r
command, authority, power, influence, control, o;.! subpoena, summons

).~l jl ~ .rl
fl, I, J I.

lead, leadership
• •• - J. i
beardless ~~ 'l :~i writ of attachment .r f'!>
~ W"·i
J .-
hairless, bald

.. ... • ..

J_p,-1, ~I(.~: J_rl

....... 'I ,.
,;;;:i " ,.., ...

... ,........
... ...

... .....
judicial writ; mandamus
fait accompli, accomplished fact
c!IJ .rl
to sicken, make sick, make r4--1 , l.<..t .r ~ : ~J"' I
ill summary proceedings, [u,;li 1~~~::· ~ ~~f
hairless, bald ~j , J~ i , ~ ;.!. 'l :1.;. i summary matters
to the order of; payable to
featherless, unfeathered ~ J..t-1 'l: J.;.i
}"" I ,.. ;;i _.. }"" I -" _..I f for some reason or another
~~ t.r ~IJ -~~ b- 1 those charged with authority, those
fertile land ( __ a;.~) :~_,~1 responsible, authorities, chiefs, heads, rulers, pre-
imperative ~;.i sidents, leaders, superiors, masters
'J .,...
<. . i
"" If _. ,... _.. I I _.

American ~ at your disposal! at your 1!.1 r I t;J. ' I!! r I c-'

l.rr'f.!" service! at your command! at your orders!
- • f
1L:J I : _t.J,..I ·<.5~4 .;~1 ~~4 J .;~1 J~i .;~1 ~~i ~
yesterday, recent time, ~UI i~~l ~ ~_;t :~j at first, in the beginning ; ~I
recent day, immediate past -
it is all over, the die is cast , ·~I - · ~
recently, lately, of late, not 1~;:: _.;.. ~~, _.;..i .r c.r-»
long ago, newly ~~)-;~~~~
the day before yesterday, two days ago
yesterday evening, last night
. .
... ...
..r-1 oL.. absolute master, dictator
~ ~1)-;i ~ J:; ~
~IJ ;~1 ~l.D
to be in dire need of, be inJJ ~LL.I :,_.:i -~ Z:,\5' .~i to have two alternatives (choices,
............. ... J
0:/.r I Cr.! JA
urgent need of, require urgently possibilities)
...... . ... ... ... ... ....
to enter into evening ~ U I <.} J.>
J : ,...1 commander, com- ~li, fl>,
.r 'll ~l.D :~1
... J -

... ... ...... f

mandant; head, chief, superior, senior officer;
to become, come to be, grow, c. 4 ' J I..D : i.r"' I
turn; to be; to get or come to a point where, reach master; ruler; leader; commanding
a stage where ""'
_rl.:.o ~1)- _rl.:.o ""' :_r.l -
hold(ing), grasping, grip(ping), ~ , cl:.: : (~) I!!L.:. J warden, prison chief . :.._"" .r.
, T
taking hold of, seizing, seizure, catch(ing): grab- - .. ...... .. ..... J -
bing, grappling, taking commanding officer, com- ~~I Jl _c!,;.LI ~I
abstention, abstaining, t ~ l •~ :C.:~) I!! L...: l absolute master, dictator, autocrat
;;; J -
refrainment, refraining, forbearance, forbearing, "'- L:.ll ~ 'll
desistance, desisting, stop(ping), stoppage, cessa- "' ... ;;;

tion, ceasing
stupid, foolish, weak-minded, <.rf :.;-t I '.;-t !
w. ~L.:.I
...... f.

J:< Pf!lJ 4,. } qf:i*~Wji<. '::::::k;::>:;'::,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J


. ,, ... ...

to shower with, storm with, pelt ~~\'to~\

abstinence J?UI -~:; t~~ '' /.;;: ~L.:.)
with, pepper with, hail on
; u
~\ t:l~\
- .r .. - r..;!Y---~li..... _ :~L.:.I'
.. ~~11>
Cj ~1;-t.J time of the day which marks the beginning of the
• • 1
~ ~1;-.~1 fast during Ramadan

going too far, going to extremes, .b I) I , .) ~ : ul.:.]

constipation Ji ~I)~: ~L.:.j
• J •
going to excess, excess(iveness); carryi~g ·too far , avarice, stinginess, niggardliness J.:i..! :~ ~ j
assiduity, diligence, devotion ~ : ul..: j calendar of fasting (during Ramadan) ~L.:. I
...... ~

.. ~ J •
scrutiny, close examination, careful )a.;.! I u~ I
• to hold, grasp, grip, take hold of, ~ : Coo~) 2.L::.:. i
study seize, catch, grab, grapple, take, clasp, clutch
yes-man, flunky; sycophant, toady; timeserver ~I .... ::;;......... ... :;;;........ . .......
"i ~ ~I; --t ~ :-t I!LI
to go too far in, go to
...... . ....
~4 ' .b.) I ,
(.$.)\:.; : ~ VM I
. ~ ~ ~: ~j
.. . ... . ........ . to refrain from, 0&- ~ l , 0&- US' : 0&- I!L I

abstain from, forbear, desist from, keep from, stop,

cease, discontinue
;:;;; .. .... - 0 ..

extremes in, go to excess in, carry too far, overdo,

be excessive in to withhold, hold back, keep ~ , ~ : I!L I
_.. _,. :;i_.. ;;i .- , ; _.. i 1

to apply oneself assidu- I.,..J; IJ , JS , ~ : IJ 0- I

ously (with perseverance, steadily) to ··
back; to restrain, detain, prevent
.... ;:;:; .........
to keep for oneself, retain for ~ J.. ·~I cl:..:. I
...... ;;;i ...........

to scrutinize, examine closely, study .} )a.;.~ I 0- I oneself; to appropriate, possess alone, take exclu-
carefully, ponder over sive possession of
russet, reddish brown
oM •

l.?r:'- :__,A. I
.... .. • ..

to constipate Ji J.,;il :jc.:.i .t-:~1

to cause colic or gripes, gripe G.::: ..~-- :~i evening; soiree, evening party or gathering, ~1
_.I J .. .- I I evening performance or show
ability, capability, capacity, ;; ;..U , ~ Ua.::.:. I : ui.S::. JI :;1 _.. I_.. , .... _.._.. _. 0 'f

... ....
power, faculty

potential (mood)
... -· 1 , .GlG1
-J ~- ... '
[ W] ulG ~I t~~
:ulGI . to purge, relax or loosen the bowels
to whip, lash, flog ~). : ( ,b ~~ ~)

~I ~I
I - _.I

? i

when possible ulG ~\ ~ to pain, hurt; to torment, agonize,

I _.:li _...,.. ""_. o'f I.,
' I
- excruciate
~ ~ ·~' ~1;-ul ~ts:::.j.} to spend, pass
;:.i ~I; -ulG~I ( 1 ~ , 1:.i J..) ~:.j -.... . ........ ....
to carry out, execute, perform, _p,..; I , iQ.j I : c,sAe I
... ...
. <:', • ,.,.... I
u:-- ~1;-~~. accomplish, finalize, conclude, wind up, complete,
bring to an end
possibility, potentiality, potential, J ~ ~ : ~ ~) _..:ii_
~J :
. . . f,
c,s.a.. I
to sign
contingency, prospect, probability; chances, odds, "';:;; ....... '..... .. .. • j

prospects sharper, keener, acuter, more·~ J tl.4. :r,s'l :~I

"i)::. ~1;-"i)::. :}:.:.i incisive
signature ~_;i : .~)
to be or become possible ( u I ~ , ('··r ~I ')·-··
.._ ;;,s;::. I
conclusion, windup, compte- j~J 'r~l: .L.A:j
for, feasible for; can; may; to be able to, be capable tion; execution, carrying out, accomplishment
of, be in a position to, have the power or ability to;
to afford to, manage to Ja=.:l ~1;-~i
~ J:: ~1;-~ ~i to rain (it rained) (~t::ll ~) )a:.i
it is possible (that); possibly, perhaps, ( ..... . c.·_~J
..., ,) ~ to shower with rain (it rained (:C-:ll ~))a:.i
maybe upon them)
International it is impossible ~~
... ... .... _. ... ... .....
~! ~'r-t ~J :i.J-'1 as much as possible, as far as possible,~ L. )!l
f/1 .. ... ... , • as much (or as far) as it is feasible
to be or become faithful, loyal, reliable,~ I uIS' : i.J-1 I
trustworthy, honest to hope; to hope for; to look forward~; , ~ J : --•-"-- --
to, expect, anticipate
to be (become, feel) safe, secure, peaceful 0tl.! :~ i
--~- -::·, :-t i.J-1 ---, to weary, bore, tire ~i ::_r.i
to believe in, have faith in LJ..I.,<> '~-

to weaken, enfeeble, sap

...... • . .... ::;:;
to dictate (to) J:i :(~) J:i
Ua.DI :i.J-'1
to raise hopes (in), give hope (to), J:t ~~ :~j
to insure (life, against fire, against (~ Ji ~) :;.i inspire hope (in), let hope, make hope, give
loss, etc.); to underwrite, cover
to reassure, assure, give confidence (to)
,Gi,.. ... ...
zJ:J. :~i
.. Gi... ... ~ ..
(someone) reason to hope

- e.-')-~;
J,:.l - "-- '~)
-- :~1
- ...
to ensure, secure, guarantee, ) J , ~ , J-4> : v.o I hope, expectation • ~ ~ : ~i
assure; to procure, bring about, achieve, accom-
plish, attain, realize, fulfill, work (out); to produce, -J:~I (t1i Ji) ~, J:i ~, ~Ci Ji ~j ~
~t..i-} ~\)
yield; to obtain, get, acquire; to furnish (with),
provide (with)
.,.. . .... ... ... .... ... ;;:; hopeful, hoping, full of hope;
~ ~! ~I;-~~!:~ v-el looking forward to, expecting
- ... ... ;;:;f
to say "amen" « ~' » JL; :v--1 to dictate (to) (~) J.:.i
- 1
safe, secure, peaceful -r.l : V:' I to prolong someone's life (~~ Gi ~I) J:i
security, safety, peace, law and ri. , 4 ti :_;. i dictation .:i.l•
collective security ~~ 0:i & e.-') -c.:i.i
internal security ~~~~~~~ ~ e.-')-~ :~:i.l
public security, public safety ~WI~~~ J:; e.-') -~i :~~!
national security
~_;.;JI v.o ~I
oil ,_.. }
destitution, abject poverty, penury, ~ ~ p :J:i.j
I j }It I It I -"}
.I ::;i}
pauperism, beggary
security forces; v.o ~I J~ J, v.o 11 c.\_,i , v.o 11 <.S,i
the police, peace officers
~ e--1;-~l.. ~~... :~i
f ..-,

"' "' 'II I } J, f
tender twig ~~:..l.l:,t,..U:.I
Security Council ~~~~
. . .. . ):; e--1;-~i :~l
J~i e-- 1; -v--~~ J~l
safe, secure, peaceful
to ejaculate
... .... ... ...
u..ii :.;.,.I
... .. smooth, sleek, slick, even, plain
- -~-:
e.-; ...
I --~-
hairless :..J ~ ~ :~1
to shed blood ~C~I J,:i ... ....... ... .....
to be reduced to poverty; to be or become~! : ~I
ejaculation ~\ ;:_;j;: .L;.:.J destitute, (very) poor, penniless
security, safety, peace ~ ~~ ~\:;. <;.i .... ;;:;,....
~ e--1;-l!..l.l:.l
wish, aspiration, desire, desideratum ~1 a e--'r~,t1
r1 e.-,) - ,.::.~.; 1 tender twig .J:i: ,),t1
respiting, grant of a respite or delay; grace Jliol to nationalize
to dower, endow, give a dower to international

fiscal, revenue stamp, tax albino; albinotic

stamp to give (someone) time; to respite, grant a respiteJ+,i
amyl, pentyl or delay to
amylase .)·~1
._ .
God's mill grinds slow but sure~ ~J J;.: ~I 01
amylose ·
-I -
} 1
I emu ()U.} ;.i
... J ~ J,.,. ... .. .. ~1111-· fl
faithful, loyal, reliable, ~ , ~ 'J_J :~I uy,.. to mew, meow, miaow ~ ,..

trustworthy, dependable, trusty, honest, true,

JL. ~IJ-J1_,:.i
. I
, . motherhood, maternity t, ;.1
safe, secure ~ r.r- :~
, ., , r::i : _... .. • }f
trustee, guardian, custodi- ~-!-" , u _;... ~I motherly, maternal, mother a... I
an, caretaker, keeper, curator; superintendent; su- ammonia W 'j
.!!w""'' i
pervisor; manager; chief, head, master
• 1
y;._~.. I ammoniac
·-- - ·~ ""'
} } 1

amine [~4]~i ammonium r,;. ,..I

. ,
illiterate, uneducated, unlettered J::'. ~ :-;1
secretary _,-" '. i
.. ~
motherly, maternal, mother ~~~ ~ :~1
• 1
l,';..i I;. I
, •• , f
treasurer; cashier; teller UJ~\~1 amianthus, amiantus, asbestos

mayor; governor ~WI'·

- ~i amoeba, ameba
• .. f
amoeboid, ameboid

warehouseman, ware-
... .
........ , , .,
0j.:;JI Jl _t.);.:.:.l\ amoebic, amebic
houser, warehouse superintendent, storekeeper, illiteracy; ignorance
store clerk
motherhood, maternity
board of trustees
~~ prince, emir; chief, commander,leader, master, ~i
amino [ ~4] ~i admiral
:_-q }
.r-:' .M
· i"· ~
,, J .,
amino acid •~~ ~;LI .M I
Commander ofthe Faithful, Caliph
to come, approach, draw near; to mature, 0~ :;::,1 admiral
• ...

, f, •

ripen, become ripe

the time has come, it is time, it is high brigadier, brigadier (~~ ~~) ~ : ~'jl~i
time, now is the time
it is time for you to .. , the time has
.. 01 ctl 01
- admiralty
come for you to .. princess
_,._. 1.- I . " ' "'"'- _..f
haven't you understood yet?! ! "~ 0 I ctl 0 I I:. I
to moan, groan, whimper, whine, wail ;;~ : "i
time; period oftime; moment, instant ~ 'ci:; :ui
now; at present, at the ~U.I ~,;II j, ~~ :0~I fiscal
(present) moment, at this time, at the ·present time, princely

to be late; to tarry, linger; to be

- -- -·

now that..
presently, currently, today, nowadays, these days
.. :.ij 0~I
to approach, come, draw near; to 0\.,..,l;.):<}l
mature, ripen, become ripe gradually, by degrees, step by step, little by lf"\J ~~
to delay, put off, postpone; to slow fla;, ;_i :JT little, bit by bit, a little at a time
... - ... ... ... -· ... - ... - :a,
down, retard until now, so 0~1 ~W, 0~, 0~1 JJ, 0~1 f.i-
..._ fi ... ... ~ .. ~-
far, hitherto, to date, yet, as yet, up to the present
<}I ~IJ- ~ , _,:>-I :<}I
moment, up to now; still, yet
-· fo·• ~t: ~-
<}I ~IJ- ~I , _r>-G :<}I
..... ... -... Gij:
at the same time,
. j.. ' t:: 01
01 . j- - IJ uT
. j..
<}I ~IJ -0\.,.. , l;.) :<}I
'11.- .....
} ... ... ..
before, previously, formerly, earlier 0~I ~
0i ~ Gi, ).iJ 0i::;, 1.., ).i JJ uT ~
ego [~] c.liJI : G~l from
time to time, now and then, once in a while,
superego [ ~"] cWI .. G~1 sometimes, at times, occasionally
period (of time), span (of time) ( ~ GT ~) ,j J ',ji
... - -
, ., ... ... .... .. ......... ...
from now on, 0~1 ..i..;... •0~1 ~, l~l:..:ai 0~1 ~
,;;:; ... _ . ,;;; ..._ henceforth, in the future; starting ... , beginning ... ,
by night, all nightlong, J.;UI ~l; I J , J.;UI ~l; I effective from ... , from ... , as of...
throughout the night, all through the- night
;:;i "" I 'J ,Gi ,.._
by day and by night, day Jt..:.ll ul..,.kiJ J.;UI J:l; I that; to
and night, around the clock, twenty-four hours a
- J" - •• ~,
where; wherever, wheresoever, no ~ , 0:1 I : <}
matter where, anywhere
... ... • ;:;if
where from? from where? wherefrom? 0:1 I ~ :<}I
whence? from what place?
... , ;;;.,:
when? at what time? c.s:--:<}1 if
... .... :;;if
how? in what way? 1..A;S" : <}I although, (even) though, even if, despite, in
to remove, move away, take away; to ~ , ~j : i.Sf.;j spite of the fact that
distance, place or hold at a distance unless, if not, except
... , , "". • , ... ... f'.,
farther (away), more distant, I~ :;!I , ~ I : i.S I.J I indeed if
remoter, more remote
~I~ ~l; ~IJ -(~1 ~) ~j
vessel, container, receptacle; (~ljiJ ~~ 1:;) .GJ
utensil(s), plate(s), dish(es), cup(s), pot(s), jar(s),
vase(s), etc.
pottery, earthenware, crockery; porce- ~::;.. ~~
lain, china, chinaware; ceramics; faience
glassware, glasswork ~ ~ j ~~
tableware, table utensils -
ii~UI "IJI -.
kitchenware, kitchen utensils ~I ~I
... • ........ -
verily, truly, indeed ~I
metalware .. _.. LT
~~ ..
.. ""' ... _ verily, truly, indeed; but, however, yet; rather, ~I
<}l , <}I ~IJ- ,l;l on the contrary •
... ;;;...... ....
chanterelle . wGI
...... ~
to act slowly, take one's time, slow (down) J+..; : 4} I
Wf. uGi
·~ #!+M4if¥~:".4%ijdij,Qi!ktt~~:~ !!fiS!MM3111Ni!ff(s~i £<nr4\¥J.®¥?6$iMNW~W

elegance, fashion, fashionableness, style, stylish- 4;\; I --· to deputize, depute, delegate, c.J:o_,j , JS'J : y\; I
.. ;li' ... ~ _. ........

ness, grace, handsomeness appoint as one's deputy (substitute, agent, repre-

anaconda sentative, etc.), commission (empower, authorize)
to act for or in behalf of
to make or let obtain (get, acquire,
win, attain, achieve, etc.)
.,. ..........
to return (or come) from ii~ ~ i~ e.-~ JJ yGi
time to time to, visit periodically or often, fre-
to give (to), grant (to), accord (to), ~~ :Jl>l q~ent, haunt
award (to), donate (to), bestow upon, confer upon
. ;;:;:- .., ..... to turn to God in repentance .&1 JJ yGi
r-" ~~;- rul
delegation, deputation, deputi- ~~ '~;i 4:; G 1 :
mankind, human race, human beings, rG'SI •rG~I zation, appointment as deputy (substitute, -repre-
people; creatures _ -• sentative, agent)
(c.~) u-UUI
(:i~f.ii 'i;~) ~Gi
(~W) ~C::.:.1
-- . ~ ) ---- ~GI
1 - (~W) .
. -·
... ... ... y~l ~I; -~\;1
selfish, self-centered, egocentric, egoistic, (4.&..,..) ,; \;I • • - f:: -·
deliberateness; patience, endur- ~ ·~ •uG :oul
ance, tolerance, forbearance
(I"'" I) ~ Gi
~~ ,J~ ~1;-•G~I ~~ ,.G~I J~
egocentric, egoist, self-seeker
sefishness, sef-centeredness, egocentricity, ~ Gi
egocentrism, egoism, self-seeking to make (a camel) kneel down (~1) (Gi
to reprimand, reprehend, reproach, censure,~J :~I
... ;;:;...... ;O'ij
to stay at, remain at u
-- ,(.-. l.;l
. \SJI.. -·
rebuke, reprove, castigate, upbraid, scold, chide
to feel remorse, feel conscience-stricken, o~ ~I
have compunctiQns, have qualms
,, ... J,iii'l then, at that time, that day
to light, light up, illuminate, illumine, ~I.,;. .
- I :.J-\;I-·

eggplant, aubergine u~ ~4 :~I

. -· furnish with lights, fill with light; to shed (throw,
cast) light upon, highlight, spotlight
to inform of or about, 0t-i , JZ ' ;.:, i : 4i i
JJ ~ (~) lighting, illumination; enlightenment () G l
tell about, let know about, notify of, advise 'of, ............. :;i . . . . . . . . .

to move; to swing, oscillate, y~ ~ , eJ .r"' : u-U I

apprise of, report to, relate to; to communicate to,
impart to, convey to; to announce, state, declare vibrate
f< •• people, men, human beings, man- (.)"L; , ~ : u-G1
kind, human race, humankind, world, humanity
notification, notifying, information, ;~ ~ l :- l to entrust (with), ~ ~J ~, J~ , ~~ :(~) 1Gi
informing, telling; communication, conveyance; charge (with), commission (to do); to entrust (to),
announcement commit (to); to invest (with), vest (with), authorize
germination ~L..;I (to), empower (to)
.' ... :ii,... ...... .,
·<':.,t'1 -. ~·t_: .)WI to suspend, hang; to attach Jk: .J:,L; I
. .r ~.r' . ,
~ ~I;-
u:.,:;.... :.J~I
to make dependent ~ ji , .k:;.) Jk. :( ~ 1 Gi
on, conditional on, contingent on
"t:t .-WI
to be sold ·t.. - ......... entrustment, commit- ~ , ~;i ~G J Ji,.;..; , :
to produce plants, bring forth vegetation; to 41 ment; commission(ing), charging;- investiture, in- -
germinate, cause to sprout; to make (something) vesting, authorization, empowerment
grow; to grow, raise, plant, cultivate .., .... .....
J ... .... ;:>i ... • to exceed, be more than, be greater .)I j : ~ u\; I
to be cut ofT, severed ~ ' F! :4! than, be above; to surpass, go beyond
""'~~' .. J ;:ii ... • ;Oi.... • .. - • ., ... ....

to be decided, determined, re- ;.) ' ~ : ~! to command, dominate, JJ.I "·.,;_;.1 :~
solved, settled, fixed, finished, done overlook
- ~ - ~ ---·1
to be cut ofT, amputated; to be cut ~ t!a' ' :_;;..,;. _ to be high, lofty, elevated

I_ _
-:-:1 wo
~c=·-============~• ··~,,~~~~'~!~~~·~'
curled, kinked short, curtailed; to be docked, bobbed
extension, extensity, expansion, .)~ , .)1:.::,: I : .l.~ I ... ... .... ...

stretching, spreading; dilation, dilatation; 'expanse/ - to be spread, disseminated, propa- ~ l ' 4! r; : J ;;:; .... •

spread, stretch gated, diffused, circulated; to spread, circulate; to

delight, joy, happiness, cheer- (_; 'JJ~ : l 1.t:.; . ; ;. . . . . *" ; :; . . •
to be spread, scattered, dispersed, -.; ~ ' -.;.) : ~ l
fulness; pleasure; enjoyment, having fun
diffused; to spread, scatter, disperse, diffuse
extroversion, extraversion [ "].l.c....;l
U.L...;I :~1 j,L...;I
. ..,.......
.... .- . ;
to be broadcast(ed),
[u~pJ ~.)IJ] ~l

~I tkc; l
:. ... 0 :. ...

diastole emanation, emergence, issuing, issue, issuance, !.i~ I

springing, arising, going out; outflow, outpour,' -
extrovert(ed), extravert(ed) [ ~] ~c;! outburst, effusion, gush, flow, flowage, spurt, flux,
to spread (out), stretch, extend, expand; Z I : V -i I efflux, effluence
to be spread (out), stretched (out), extended, ex-· - to emanate (from), spring (from), emerge (~) ~!
panded (from), issue (from), arise (from), originate (from),
to be happy, glad, delighted,
pleased; to enjoy oneself, have fun-
:-6- ~; l r_; '::.. stem (from), proceed (from), go out (from); to
break forth, burst forth, gush o~t, pour out, flow
... ;;i- ... • ,. "" --·
out, well out, issue forth, rush out, shoot out,
..Ia:;; e--IJ- .AJI Jl ~UI ~I
come out, effuse, spout, spurt, squirt, jet
prostration, lying (down) .l•i :' l '~ : (~ l to dawn
J. - ..........
to lie prostrate, lie face down; toJ_i:..:.l , ~ : ~!
lie down, lie
mango (c.~)~ :~~jj
t.J" ~I
"" o"" ~J J_.. ,..
f. "";;;i
revival, re- ~ , !}ill J I }>L.:..JI o.)~ l :C.~!
I _.. I
flow, flowage, flux, efflux, effluence, gush,
.; -
viviscence, resurgence, renascence, rebirth, renais- spurt, outflow, outpour, outburst, effusion
sance, reawakening, regeneration to flow, gush out, pour forth, break forth, ~!
burst forth, spout forth, spurt, shoot out, squirt,
resurrection ~~ :~t:.;l well out, jet, effuse, issue forth, rush out, come out
emission, emanation, emergence, -.;~l :~t:.;l to centrifuge
.J)I ~ .)):. :~I
issuing, issuance, issue, discharge
dent, indentation ~~ l to oppose, defy, challenge, con- J c.S~ : J c.S~!
front, face, front, face up to, stand up to, stand up
to be emitted, sent out, '(~ '~ l : (~) ;. :~;! & against, withstand, counteract; to deal with, cope
discharged, given off, diffused; to emanate from, with, grapple with, come to grips wit_h ,
arise from, rise from, proceed from, spring from,
emerge from, issue from, originate from, come
to undertake, take upon -! ) . 4 • J'J. :
J c.S;.l
oneself, assume; to set out to, embark uJ)on; to
from, stem from, develop from, grow out of, be
take up, turn to, apply oneself to, occupy oneself
caused by with, concern oneself with, deal with
to be sent, sent out, dispatched, for- ~ ~1<•:~; l ... J ........ •
to abrade, fret, scrape off, chafe, taper c.S .J-1 : c.S r;:.l
warded off, wear away; to be abraded, scraped off, fretted,
dJ .:;_,;
f, }"" - ..... ... ... ... • ... 0 - ... ,..,. ..........

to Jl .u,~ .)t;.;::.l 'J,i~ ~ J.;..i :~l worn away; to be sharpened, trimmed

revive, resurge; to be revived, revivified, resus-
citated, reanimated, revitalized to be or become ratified, (.~ ~L... '~1 :
confirmed, endorsed, sanctioned, approbated,
to be resurrected, be raised from
approved, adopted, passed, legalized, validated,
the dead
upheld, sustained, maintained, affirmed; to be or
to be dented, indented, notched - --:I become irrevocable, decisive, conclusive, final,
to be or become necessary, requisite, ob- ~J :~! irreversible
ligatory, mandatory, imperative, indispensable to be concluded, made, entered into ~ : ~~ l
"" ~, .......... J ,. J.... ... . . ...
to be or ~L. '~ '~ 4-"'.r ulS': ~l to be twisted, twined, entwined, ~ l : ~~ l
-..... I Wi
•BB2!1a#W#B91aMiMii.iM¥Mi•#H•++•+•+•-•w•~MiMiMiMilaMiMi~·~ ~11--laMiMiMi.Aiaii.41ala¥.MiMiABhiEiSMi•E4B~E,I.HS.)i&~~~~-%·zM@~,J
alembic, still
you, thou ~1.~1
. ...

become desirable, advisable, recommendable, ex-
pedient, appropriate, proper, seemly, fit(ting)
he ought to, he should, ~ Ji ~ (~) ~!
moan, groan, wail, whine, whimper he must, he has to, it is his duty to
to protrude, project, thrust out, exsert, jut I,;i :Ei as it should be, as it must be, as required, ~ 1.:5
out, stick out, poke, bulge; to emboss, raise in comme il faut, duly, as due, properly, appro-
relief priately, fittingly, adequately, sufficiently, enough,
satisfactorily, well
Cr) ($~8 .(~) (.St ~I;-(~) (.SE! to be taken aback, be taken by surprise; to be ;. ;,~;!
protrusion, projection, exsertion, sticking j I;) : •t;:; J surprised, flabbergasted, shocked, stunned, thun-
out; embossment derstruck, dumbfounded, speechless
to befall, beset, affiict, hit, strike, attack, y~i :yt;:;! daybreak
come over, come upon, happen to, occur to
to haunt ..:.II "~i
C:• )
8G1, ..:.II ~IS:. Z....tZI
. - C:• . -
to dawn; to shine
... ;;;...
. I
... ...
-,.;l :'"'I
... .....
production, producing, ~ ' ~i )~ :r t;:; l ~)
.... , ......... •
making, make, manufacture, manufacturing, fabri- ~ ~1;-~!
cation, output, generation, creation
to be dazzled, dazed, overwhelmed, (tJJ ~~) ~!
r~ ~ 1 ; -r~ =rtZl
gross national product ~ 11:._~1
& ·-;11 ~ tZ~I
~Y"' ( •
to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be .o....A.i
...... .... ... ... ... ...... •
~! tJw! :
productive; producing ~t;:;l breathless
~t;:;l pipe, tube, duct ;; ;,...
- J
L. : '-:J ~ ''1
joint(ofaknot- ~I~ ~~I~ L.
"~· ~

ted stem), internode, part between two nodes
infection test tube ;~I• J
y_r.j ''1
centrifugation drainpipe
. , J'1
---11 u. r.'·
L:i! . . "'* } ...1
attention, attentiveness; regard, heed, notice; o windpipe, trachea ~)I y_r.j
watchfulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; care,
capillary, capillary tube

'?~ y_r.j
.... ,.

carefulness, caution, cautiousness $ .......

to withdraw, retire, retreat; to step aside ~ : ~!

,... _ .....
flash tube .. ''1

to make wine
... :II
......... barrel 'J I _r; 'Yr.'•:1
··; . ... r.':"

to swell, become swollen

r;y . .J"':""-
water pipe ''1
.UI Jy_r.j
vacuum tube, vacuum valve
;Oi ... ,
- .< I - .. -::I
(.)""':"' ~;-~-
blowpipe, blowtube G.~ 11 1 <"·.:,) .:.:,~I ~.r.'
( (·-"~c..- •:1
to be on one's guard, be wary, be cautious,~~ : ~!
- - -· .. -
be careful, look out, watch out, be on the alert, be
on the lookout test-tube baby ;~~I y_r.j
. ''1 J4 J •

to pay attention to, heed; to ~ : (JJ Ji J) ~! pipage, transportation by pipes ~li~4~

notice, take notice of, observe, see, perceive"; to be
or become aware of, conscious of y;1 ~~;~~_;1
to wake up, awaken, waken tubular, pipelike, pipy, fistulous
excavation, something unearthed ''1
~~ l..:Jo~
ampul - ~ •:1 ~
to arrogate (to oneseiO, assume to (~) ~I to produce, yield, bring forth, bear, generate,
oneself, ascribe to oneself, claim for oneself - engender, make, manufacture, fabricate, create,
to embrace, adopt, (t;JJ l;~ Jj Q.j:) ~! originate, bring into being, give birth to, give rise
to, birth, bring about, cause, occasion, result in
profess, take up
election (..;.II• L~:~, • ·~· ') ~.o~~l to bear, give birth to, bring forth, ~:_,~11 ~- ~:;j
C• ~ (./_ .J'! . -- throw (a young one)
voting, vote, ballot, ~~ 'tl)! :y~!

selection, selecting, choice,

. . .
poll(ing), casting of ballots or votes
; ~ l ' •l.o.?! : ~! y
choice, choosing, selection,
.M ... .., •
transhumance (~UI)t~l
natural selection; selection ~Y~!
• •:" ~I to choose, select, pick out :::1 .-~1- :~1
IJ'-'_ )
by-election . . -
t..r-~ y --
to re-elect ui y~l (~~i Ji) ~~ to resort to, have recourse to, turn to, JJ W: ~ l
take refuge with
·- ·,, &-
J> e--1;- y~ ~I J> to seek, look for, search for
electoral; elective; election ~ ~! to lean on, support oneself on
election campaign, elec- ~~I (t'~ Ji) il:.;.. tropism; taxis
toral campaign
constituency, electoral district
electoral college; electorate
to select, pick (out), cpoose
to vote, cast a ballot, cast a
vote, poll
....... ,
to elect, vote in . ... . ...

... , .........
to choose by lot ~~~~! suicidal
- ·: I <::I impersonation, per-
to sift, bolt, sieve out ~l sonation
plagiarism, literary
to meet, get together, assemble ~! :'-'JS l theft
delegation, delegating, delegacy, z.....:.=.:1 ;~ : ~.o~l~ I
0 ,.,. • ... ...
arrogation, undue as-
deputation, deputization, legation, sending forth or sumption
appointment of a representative (delegate, deputy, embracement, adoption, profession, uGI :Jb.Z I
etc.); accreditation; commission(ing), charging; taking up - - --
detail(ing), assignment; secondment, seconding,
:. :_;e.-';_;, :..S!
transfertence), transferring
,,.. .... ... ...... ... ......
mandate (~~ Jj .~J Jj ~ J. ~j~) yl~! to commit suicide, kill oneself ;,.&; J;.i :,;AZ l

to pass oneself off as, (?__..:..!, Jj ~I ~) ~!

• J ..., ...
mandatory power, mandatory yl~~l jJJ.)
personate, impersonate, pretend oi claim to be
mandatory • 1~1
4.Tt - - (with intent to defraud), assume the character or
to delegate, deputize, depute, send or (J) I z.....JS identity of (usually for purposes of fraud)
appoint as one's representative (delegate, deputy, - to plagiarize, take (~4~ Ji :-J~ ~1)) ~l
etc.); to accredit; to commission (to do or with), (ideas, writings, etc.) from another and pass them
charge (to or with), entrust (to or with); to detail off as one's own


IOji , I

diffusion of light •_}.;J I J L.:.?! (for), assign (to a particular task); to second,
transfer (to a special nonregular service, for
cultural diffusion J_ IZ J L.:.?!
.JI """""' I

temporary duty); to give (a country, power) a

~, I> I, , I

deployment c.\~1 J\ 41 ;l.:.?! mandate over (a territory, region, etc.)

If, , I ... If,

~I,;.:. ':J I ~ , ~I;.:. I

I ,_. ""

'redeployment ).:..:.; ':J I ii ~~I anthracite

to spread, circulate, get about, be in circu- t_l ~ : ~!

anthracene [ .w] ~1,;:;i
lation, be current; to be or become widespread,
pulling out, extraction, plucking out,
widely known
to spread through, prevail, pervade, ~ : ).::i!
tearing out, uprooting, removal
. .
(pre)dominate; to be or become prevailing, prev- snatch(ing), grab(bing), seizing, u~! :tl.i?!
alent, common seizure, wrenching, .wringing
. .
to spread, diffuse, scatter, ~~ , ).::i! ;.u..; : extortion, wringing, wresting,
Y~! :tl.i?!
disperse; to be spread (out), diffused, scattered,
dispersed r.J ~') -J,;..~ •;.~.. •Y~! =c?!
to spread (out), unfold, open '6' ~;! , 2! :).::i!
out, expand, extend; to be spread (out), unfolded,
tl::i! :
to pull out, extract, pluck out, tear out, ~!
uproot, remove
expanded, extended
to snatch, grab, seize, wrench away,; ,-6:;.! :t~!
to deploy, be deployed, fan out d\""""a::\
. .r-'- wrest away
;j::.j ~\) -~! to extort, wring, wrest, exact, take :. -o:;.! :t~!
_.,-.,., ......
. . .,..I, .. ~... ..,I
by force, force, extract
to pick up, raise, lift; to save, ..iA,; I , ..,.J.> , r} J : J!z! .. ...-I .. ....... ........ I

rescue; to extricate to elicit, draw out, draw forth, !.!>..~>I , J ~I : t,;.:.;!

to snatch away, take away ; ,-6:;.! •t~! :~! extract

erection; standing erect, standing up, getting y~!

affiliation, association; membership; joining, '-' I G
entering, entry; relation, belonging(ness) · - -
up, rising, rise
victory, triumph )};.~.~:;~! to be related to, derive one's JJ ~! :JJ -. -:.:!
.- .- _.., ~ I
origin from, descend from; to belong to, relate to,
ii.r"'L. ~\) -~ J~! be associated with, be affiliated with
to stand erect, stand up, get up, rise rli :; . 'Q:.;! to associate (oneselO -i ~! , JJ ~! :JJ ;. -:; !
with, attach oneself to, affiliate with, join, enter, be
to be put in the accusative [w]''':JI~I
~ . ' admitted to, become a member of
.. , . . . . .-I

to be put in the subjunctive [ W] ~I :. -o:;! to be woven ~=~!

.... lj ..... ..,I

~ c...o,j\ to::')-~~! ~ ~1;-~!

to take (accept, follow) an advic: ;:.. .. _o~~l\ ~ : ~!
~ .J:.G ~~;-~!
to triumph, prevail, ~~~\ ~ .~~ jli :~! .. ~ .... , :ii .........

obtain victory, win or gain a victory, be victorious, j:...;; ~I; -(tJJ ~I)~!
come off with flying colors .... ,It ... ...... .. ...-If.
to germinate; to grow ~I ,~ :~I
to triumph over, prevail over, win ~ : ~ ~!
or gain a victory over, defeat, beat, get the better ~ ~1;-}:. :~!
of, conquer, vanquish, overcome, overpower to smell; to inhale ;j::.j , ~ :~!
to take revenge or vengeance on, ~! :~ ~! spread(ing), diffusion, propagation, dissemi- J ~I
avenge oneself on, revenge oneself on
.. ... .. ... .. ~· ... .. .. .. ... .;I nation; circulation, currency; popularity; preva-- -
-"""li ~~J -()&' e'~, ...1:1' q)~' =~ ,rn-:.i! lence; outbreak (of disease)
.1::'·] ) ~\

&. :t~l ~!
,,.. I .;;..,. • ;I

to reach its midst, be in the ~ diffusion [ .1..· - -

to refresh, freshen up, be or become refreshed; ~ 1 middle, be midway, be half over
to revive, recover; to be or become revived, reani- ""' I ... .,. ,...,. I _. .,. ,I

to appeal to for u\...a;~l ~ ~ :~ ~!

mated; to be or become invigorated, braced, ani-
justice, seek or demand justice from
mated, stimulated, exhilarated, enlivened, inspir-
ited to take vengeance or revenge on, ~! :~ ; ;'a:;!
revenge oneself on, avenge oneself on
to be or become erect I I J.- ,... I f "" t;ii ,... ,I

to unsheathe, draw ·~~~_p-I :u;:.JI ~!

to wear or put on shoes or sandals; to be shod ~ 1
to be banished, exiled, expatriated, ex-
pelled, relegated, deported
to be denied, disowned, dis-
-..I.A.>·f : --·
-· ~-
;:,..:5' , ~f :J:!:,!

to butt one another

_p-~1 ~
- ,.
J.S' ~ :~!
...................... .

avowed, disclaimed, gainsaid, contradicted, disaf-

to gird oneself, put on a belt r~ .;j1.··:; =J1S!
firmed: to be disproved, refuted, controverted to be or become a logician ;j J. '·I I J. ~ :J1Z!
to fall off
to be absent, nonexistent
absence, lack, nonexistence u I~
1i c.; :J:!:,!

' i 1..;! : '~ 1

... ...

Jj.; e.-'}-~ '..luJ :~!

waiting (for), wait, awaiting
.,.;ii...... ...

~~ •}
, ...............

•- • . IJi:;,; I
. --
expectation, expecting, anticipation c!,:; :; ~!
swelling, intumescence, tumefaction, disten- t~!
waiting room J ~I
. ,4.i , ,
sion, inflation, puff, bulge, protuberance; turgidity, :ii ... . 1tl •
turgescence; turgor regularity, uniformity, steadi- ~ ~ , J I):.! : r~!
flatulence, tympanites, tym- ness, evenness, constancy; order(liness); methodi-
pany calness, systematicness
"tJ , •
public order, ordre public ..i ~ "Ua.:it
tremor, tremble, trembling,.;.~~!' u~~!: u"~!
~)I · l.i..::; I
regularly, uniformly, steadily, constantly;
i --
shake, shaking, shiver(ing), quiver(ing), shud- methodically, systematically
der(ing) to wait (for), bide one's time; to await, ~) : ~!
tremor, tremble, shake, shiv- ~~I '~J :~~~ look (out) for
ver, quiver, shudder, chill; convulsion, jerk - - to expect, anticipate, look forward to ~~ : )aS 1
uprising, revolt, rising, upheav- (tJJ •~,::) ~~! to be patient with ~ ~1 :~!
... -·
utilization, use; utilizing, putting to (~ Jj "i) t ~! to be organized, arranged, arrayed, put z._.;:,;... :IJiz
use, making use of, using, availing oneself of, in order; to be well-arranged, well-ordered, well-
taking advantage of, deriving benefit (advantage, organized, in good order, orderly, systematic
profit) from, profiting by or from, benefiting by or to be strung, threaded (tJJ ;J'fot) ~!
from; benefit, advantage, profit ...............
to be adjusted, regulated, ftxed ~:!JW!
usufruct [ uy t.;] t~ ~I J;. to be or become regular, steady, even, ~~! :~!
usufructuary [u ·t.;] t~~l
,., - "-'
~L,.. uniform

~e.-'}-~! to include, contain, comprise, J:!, , c.S?! :~!

embody, embrace, encompass, involve
to swell, distend, intumesce, in-
flate, puff up, become swollen
r~~·~=~! to join, enter, become JJ ~! , .} 1;.;! :.} ~!
a member of, affiliate with, associate with
to be inflated, blown up, filled
with air refreshment; revival, reanimation, resurgence; U:.~!
recovery, pickup; invigoration, animation, stimu-
..:;~~e.-'}-~:~! lation, exhilaration; boost; boom
to bristle the hair ~I J,£! erection
vindicatory, punitive, retributory
to put on a veil, veil one's face (~i J I ~) ; . i;.i!

to be teased, carded, combed
to shake, tremble, ~! <;.;;~!,; .;~;~! :~-;;!
dJ 0J.All ;:;.w!
• J ......

shiver, quiver, shudder; to flicker, flutter

to criticize, find fault with, censure ~I
to utilize, put to use, make use of, use,(~ Ji ~) ~!
to receive payment in cash ~I Ji JUI ~! avail oneself of, take advantage of, turn to (good)
to disparage, belittle,4 J i ~IS:. J i !J:.i ~ ~oi:i! account or advantage, derive benefit (advantage,
derogate from, detract from; to degrade, abase, de- profit) from, profit by or from, benefit by or from
base, demean, humiliate, lower, dishonor, discredit
"" ...... . .... ............... Jt; e--'J -~!
~\ e--';-~1 :~!
,~... J ... ,.,... ,:a... J ..........
to select, pick out, choose, cull ;:,.. :. :_;! , )~! :.jZ!
~ ~ e--'J -~ ~! selection, selecting, picking out, G.-1:
J ··- -
- -
~ e--'J -~! ,Ji :~! pick(ing), choice, choosing

to be revoked, repealed, abrogated, ~1

canceled, abolished; to be reversed, overruled
~j! , c; : natural selection; selection
selective, eclectic
to cease to be valid or effective; to be ~ : ~! eclecticism
or become null and void, invalid; to be or become
criticism; objection; faultfinding; censure JlA;;,; I
unsound ~ J I, ,iJ I

to be broken, violated, in- critical, critic ~li? ~I JJ y,_:.. : '-?~~!

critical, carping.~~ ~I ~ , ~~ ~~ ~_;: : ~:~!
to fall down, break down, collapse; to r~ ~! : captious, quibbling, censorious, faultfinding, hy-
be torn down, demolished, destroyed percritical, cynical; (captious) criticizer, (chronic)
;;;; ............. .
to be undone; to be unwoven ., :.._'I : · - •• I
I.>-- U"*-'-

to rebel against, revolt against, rise ) ~ : j&. ~!

critic, carper, faultfinder, censurer
catabolism [ ~ l::> ·]~ ·-"
I ~ .»o ~I
.. : ~~!
against .,.;:; .............. . catabolic [ ~ l::> i ] ~ ~!
to move, shift, change position or place; J.;..;; : JA:;; I &...... •

to change one's residence or location or station, - movement, moving, motion, locomotion,J.i.;j : JlA;;,; I
remove; to be transferred, moved, transported, change of place or position; move, remove, remov: -
carried, removed al, change of residence or location or station;
travel(ing); transfer(ence); transport(ation); transit;
to shift, switch, change, convert, ~! J;;.; : passage; transmission, transmittance
transform; to turn (into), grow (into), pass (into),
become transition, passage, turn(ing), switch, J~ : J~ I
shift, change, conversion, transformation - -
to move (on) to, proceed to, ~~,;:,..A~: JJ ~!
devolution, accrual, reversion, de-
... '·•
4.1,1,! I : Jl4.?!
go to, travel to, head for
scent, passage
to pass to, descend to, fall to, go to, Ji : JJ ~! • ... • J
~1 .WI JI.A.;JI
revert to, accrue to, be transferred or handed to, Assumption J - . , .....
devolve upon, vest in, become vested in e--'J -Jli?l 0~
J!l ~) JJ ~!
transition(al), interim, ad interim, temporary, ~ ~!
to die, pass away
... ... ... ... ,. , ............... .
to be communicated, ~J:......JI ~I, c.)>) I J.i.:JI transitory, provisional -
Si • tJ ... ..., • tJ , , ..., • , ..
transmitted, passed along; to ipread - 1 -wL&.:.;I .,- -· ,4J~.A.;JI ~_,s:;. ,4:!\.A.;JI ~~
~ J -- - ..r4 ··- - ··- - r
diG e.-';- dJ ~Lsl!.~l Ji ~~ ~~ ~- Ti;.i! ... ....

;;_r; .to~
... , , • J

revenge, ve~eance; retaliation, reprisal, retor- r~!
':?~~~ GiG e.-';-~ JJ ~ ~ (t;_,!JI) ~! tion, requital
to revenge oneself on, avenge oneself on, ' -:::I retaliatory; revengeful, vengeful; vindictive, ~ ~!
opportunism, timeserving take revenge or vengeance on; to retaliate upon,
make reprisals on
profanation, desecration, sacrilege,
defilement, violation
. ·-- .- . 4.i '~ e.-')-~!
violation, infringement, ~I~~ , .,l,aj qj _,..;.. : el~ ~
relapse; deterioration; retrogression, 4:. ~! ,IJ" ~!
breach, infraction, transgression; trespass(ing), en-
croachment, inroad(s), intrusion, invasion; outrage
to relapse, suffer a relapse, suffer a setback; to ~!
~ e.-')_;.,...:!
~ e.-')-~ :~!
deteriorate; to retrograde, retrogress, regress
... . ..
~~~ ~ ~ e.-') -~1 . ,- ~~

I · ....J:;j I
l:.z I ' rZ
.. . .. ·· ... -

~ e--1;-~! to belong to, relate to, be associ- JJ :..-:; ~ :JJ ,;;:i;!

to seize the opportunity, take the oppor- ~ :rJ I J+:;!
....... , -· ated with, be affiliated with; to be related to, derive
one's origin from, descend from
tunity, avail oneself of the opportunity, take ad-
vantage of the opportunity, embrace the opportu- to associate (oneselO with, at- JJ ~! :JJ ~!
nity; to take occasion (to) tach oneself to, affiliate with, join, enter, be admit-
to bite, snap (at) ~:~! ted to, become a member of
to rise, get up rli =~:.:! belonging(ness), relation(ship); association, affil-
iation; membership
to profane, desecrate, defile, ~~ :(2;.} ;s4,S! to stink, emit a strong offensive smell; to be or ~ i
violate become bad-smelling, malodorous, stinking, fetid;
to violate, infringe, ~ <.5~ , ~\;. , J). :;;~!
break, infract, contravene, transgress; to trespass,
to rot

encroach upon, make inroads upon, intrude on,
invade to end, come to an end, finish, terminate, ~ : ,;iZ!
... ........ ............... . come to a close; to be finished, terminated, con-
~I e--1; -~\ :~! cluded, wound up, completed, done, over,
<.5_;; e.-') - ~ r; ,~ = <..SJZ! through
,; oJI
<.5~ .
., , .,
:u~... 1
J ••
to expire, run out, come to an end , ~I ··~-
..,--- -:: I

antenna, aerial
.. _-~
,; ......
• ,_,.:. "'I
.. . to end (up) JJ J:..j , JJ ~ , JJ )L,., : JJ ~!
c.l- ~ in, wind up with, result in, lead eventually to; to
... ~ .. ;» ............
l.!..iG e--1; -~ :i! arrive at, reach, get to, come to
J ...... ... ...... , ...... ... .....
to effeminate, feminize, womanize ~ : ~i . ·-1 I wl .~\.;;
~ -oo.r
I - ·-1 I wl ~-
e--)~ ... ··1

to put in the feminine form, make [ W] WS:J1 ~i to lead to, bring to ~:JJ~~!
feminine -
to get or come to a point 0i JJ :,:~, ~ ~!
female; woman where, reach a stage where
to be heaped up, be poured (in a heap), u~ e.-'; -JJ ~l111 ~ ~!
fall (in a heap); to pour forth
-... --
to come (over); to crowd, throng, t:' t.:; , c} I : (.)1.:; ~
..... ... . to desist from, refrain from, abstain ~ : r;r- ~!
swarm; to follow without interruption
from, stop, give up, leave off
..... ~..... . ....
·t. ... . . . .. ~I e--1; -r'l :~ ~!
anthracite ~lji1\ ~ ,~1_;.;1
end, termination, conclusion, close, windup, -~I
anthracene [ ~W] ~1,.cii completion; expiry, expiration, corning to an end- -
anthropological I' _: ' •.:t'l :;r::~
_f ' '•:fl
.• scolding, rebuke, reprimand, reproof ?, j :J ~ I
I' _: , •.:t.l .. II . • -~, •.:•,
anthropologist ~ Y-"!J.JU 1~ r:~. '-/! Y-"!J.JU opportunist, timeserver; timeserving ~ ·~ I
":.J - -
split, rent, rived, cleft anthropology
"" ; If; , I "" I

procreation; reproduction; giving~ I ;J.4A : y ~ J siphoning; siphonage

birth to -
,, ... _.,.,.. I
to siphon ~~
carrying out, execution, effectua- ~I ;J.4A : j ~ J
tion, implementation, accomplishment, achieve- - to be pierced, punctured, punched, bored, ; . :;;.; !
ment, realization, finalization, completion, con- perforated
summation, finishing, conclusion, windup; fulfill-
ment, performance, discharge
to be destroyed, ruined; to be subverted; ;:~! ~! :
to be overthrown, toppled
achievement, accomplishment, (c. Ij ~ ~) j t.; l l disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, .::'II
Jj ~~ r~!
feat, exploit, great (or remarkable) deed, meritori- ill repute, discredit, infamy, ignominy, opprobri-
ous work um, odium, shame
to beget, sire, procreate; to give birth~ I , .JJ
... .... .. ... ...... ...
, .., to blunt, be or become blunt; to be or ~ : (.E!
become notched, indented, dented, jagged, mcised,
(to), bear · · toothed; to be or become furrowed, grooved,
... J ... ... , ... .... ......
corrugated, ridged, rutty
~e.-';-~ :~1 , , I~~ • } '1!1 ,..-_..1

to be defiled, sullied, soiled, 4....:.:..ll Jl ~~ ~!

to set, mend, grow together ' '<'It ''t:.:11
r- ~- --- :1 tarnished, smirched, besmirched

to be mended, repaired, restored ~ l~1 :"' :, to fold, double up; to be or ; ;t: i! , (.5_;1;! : ..;£!
c_-:- ~-
.,. ;;:i _.. _.. _.. If
become folded, doubled, pleated; to bend, curve,
to make or let succeed, render or make :~I & flex, deflect, incline, bow, turn, twist; to be or
successful, give success (to), make a success become bent, curved, flexed, inflected, turned,
,,, I , , , , , 'i
& e.-;-&=& twisted
to turn away from, give up, 0&' ;j~! :0&' ~!
;.;:. e.-')-~! abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake, leave,
to relieve, succor, help, aid, sup- 0~i, ~i: ~i quit; to abstain from, refrain from, desist from,
port, go to the aid of, give aid or relief to; to res- forgo; to stop, discontinue
cue, save, salvage bend(ing), flection, inflection, '--H~~!' .1~!: •4!
to be twisted, twined, entwined; to be J~ :J~! flexure, curve, curvature, turn, twist
::;i ... • ... .... .... .... , , , •

braided, plaited, cued I - .. l.J , .. J r : .bl

· - --e.- ;
.Wbl --
gravitation; attraction, affinity; y~l ;~ :yl~!
., _.. I ""I

turning away from, giving 0&' u I~! : 0&' tl.;;!

inclination, tendency; fascination, captivation - up, abandonment, relinquishment, renunciation,
ecstasy ~;~;~~I~! forsaking; abstention from, refrainment from, de-
(c.~) ul~i sistance from; stopping, discontinuance
' .. , ....
ferula, giant fennel
~ :ul~~~ t-
bend, inflection, curve, twist, turn o•4!
flexible, pliable, pliant, ductile, u~Lu; :~4!
to gravitate toward, be JJ ~ ~! , JJ ~! : JJ ~~! bending, folding, foldable
drawn to; to be attracted to
flexibility, pliability, pliancy,
to incline to, tend to, lean to- JJ JL. : JJ y~! ductility, foldability
ward, be inclined toward
feminine, female, womanly, womanlike, wom- ~~1
to be fascinated by, captivated ~ ~ : JJ y~! an, women's; effeminate, womanish, unmanly
by, magnetized by, charmed by - ;;;; .... ............ ;;:i... .... ...

.... ''• ............ ~ e--';-...l.iil '~ :~1

to be uprooted, eradicated, extirpated,~;.:...! : .J~!
exterminated, rooted up, rooted out, deracinated, to scatter, disperse, break up, clear away,~~ : ~~!
pulled out, pulled up by the roots, plucked out dissolve, disappear, lift, be dispersed, be dispelled
to be cut off, chopped off, lopped off ~! : ~~! to split, rend, rive, tear, get torn; to be j::.i!: y~!
\Af :;;~ :1
c===============~· ••================~~·-
_. ~!
be earned, gained
.. .... to pulled, drawn, dragged, tugged, hauled,
.... ....
to be imported ~~_,.::..! :~! towed, trailed; to be driven; to drift, float, be swept
to be attracted, drawn z.,.,~! ::.1~;! drift, driftage; washout; erosion ul'
Anglo-Saxon ~;l.,Wi nettle (c.L:.i)
~ J, } ••
..,..1_; :;;~I
English; Englishman (:?f~l )~ ~I; -<.S~ :(~~ ~) ~!
English ~~~~ WJI :~~~~~

~ ~1.;-,)~!
.... ... . to drift, be carried along; to be swept away'
carried away; to be washed out or away; to be

:~ ~1;--~! :;I.... . . . . . .,. . .,
to carry out, execute, effect(uate), ~I , ~ :~I
theNewTestament ...~.J~I
.. ... ~I :~'SI
.. -· ~ implement, accomplish, achieve, realize, finalize,
...I.J.J-1 ~I -. J-·~1 ~·~1 lA.:. ~I ~i :~1 complete, consummate, terminate, finish, con-
. - . - ..:r J - . ) ~ .. -· '
clude, wind up, bring to an end; to do, perform,
Gospel, evangel .-e:.,.,·~.
I _:1
fulfill, discharge
to finish off, kill, dispatch, ~ ~i: ~ ;.;i
,.... ... • J........
~l.... .... ••
deliver the deathblow to, give the coup de grace to,
give the finishing stroke to
to turn away one's eyes ()&- .J I:. I : ()&- • ~ _,.;.I
from, avert one's glance from )-;:. ~1;-~UI _,i ~I);.;!
to assail, attack, fall upon~ J If;! , ("":" l. : ~ _,.;.I
.... • ........ ... ... :ii ... .... .....
.... :ii .. ,:ii ... • .,

. - ..
... :;ii .... .... .... .... ... . . . . .
to blame, reproach; to ~)I.] I _,1 rJ.U4 ~~I ~ ·~ ~1;-~1
heap blame or reproach upon - -
_,.,.; ~I; - .~I
.... . . more beneficial, more useful; more effec- C~) ~I
tive, more efficacious; more wholesome, more
Jj _,i ~-;;::; ~1;-~Ji JJ j~! healthful, more salubrious, more salutary
large-eyed · ·~·:q , I : r:_ :j
tY- ~~ ~I; -tY- ~~!
occlusion, obstruction, blockage; interruption;U"4oi!
stop(page), cessation; restraint, constraint, suppres-
large, big, wide, beautiful (eye)
gaping, wide (wound)

..:i ... ,

sion; restriction, restrictedness; confinement; se-

to be or become clear, distinct, ~! , ~ : ~!
clusion; imprisonment manifest, visible, plain, patent, evident; to appear,
to stop, cease, end; to be with- ~! '~:;; : ~! come out, come to light, come into view, show,
held, held back, held up, kept back emerge, surface, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be
..- J ,... J _.. J _.. J ..- _..,...
"c...f ' :

to be restrained, t-:-' , ~ , ~ ~! revealed, disclosed

confined, retained, suppressed; to be obstructed, to clear, clarify; to be or ~! , ;:_;I J , C.:.. :J::,;;!
blocked, barred, checked, interrupted become clear, cloudless, untroubled, undisturbed,
to be imprisoned, jailed, detained, -•---:1 pure
confined, interned to be dispelled, driven away, ~) ')~ : J::,;;!
........... • ... J .... ... .....
to be secluded, separated, de- J jiU! , J :y : ~! dispersed; to vanish, disappear, go- away, pass; to
tached; to seclude oneself, isolate oneself, detach be removed, ousted, dislodged
oneself, separate oneself to end up in (or with), wind JJ ~! : ()&- J::,;;!
up with, result in, lead eventually to, come to
~~ ~1;-~!
-~- : I -:.- :I to be polished, burnished, refurbish- ~! : J::,;;!
r--~;-~- ed, scoured, smoothed, glazed; to be or become
to be or become veiled, covered, screened, ~:._;! glossy, shiny
sheltered, hidden, concealed, obscured, cloaked, to be brought, fetched; to ~ ~ , ~1:; .J;!
I~ I
.) --
mal, anomalous; to be or become (a) deviate; to de- mantled; to hide, conceal oneself & _.. _.. ,, ..,. I

viate (from) descending, coming down, going J~ , JJ; :Jl ~!

to incline, slant, cant, slope, ~\.. 0\5' 'JL. :J;.,i! down, gliding down, falling, flowing down; slant,
skew, tilt, tip; to be or become oblique, inclined, (downward) slope, declension, declivity, declina-
slanting, skew, askew, awry, bent tion, inclination, dip, tilt, descent, downhill, fall
, ....... ... . ... .
to turn to, turn toward JJ W! :JJ J;.,i! decline, waning, decay, fall,_# , J. ~! :;I~!
decadence, degenaration, deterioration, retrogres-
to dissuade from, 0&- ~;.. , 0&- 0&- ~ J;.,i!
;Q : sion
divert from, distract from, deviate from, turn from,
to descend, come down, go down, JL., J} :~~!
alienate from, keep (away) from, make disinclined
glide down; to flow down, fall (tears); to slope
to, turn (someone's mind) away from
(down), slant (down), sink, dip, decline, cant,
to be or become perverted, be or ( '. '7' J;.,i! incline, be inclined
to decay, wane, decline, dete- ~ , J.;.,; I :~~I
become a pervert
to be or become delinquent, &. : ~:J-1 J;.,i! riorate, degrade, retrogress
deviation, deviance, depar- ~ , 0 ~ , & :u 1:,;!
to be or become ··~
' :--
~.:.o~ .r'"':I_ , "~ I':r, u .r'"': _I
- ·--
ture, turning aside ·or away, swerving, swerve,
indisposed, unwell, out of sorts, out of humor, out skewness, deflection, divergence, diversion,
of health, ill, sickly, slightly sick, not feeling well digression; turning ofT, branching ofT; changing
abatement, subsidence, waning, wane, dec- J ~! direction, sheer(ing), veer(ing), warping, curving;
rease, diminution, lessening, drop(ping), decline, obliqueness, obliquity, inclination, slant(ing), bend,
deterioration, degeneration; recession, withdrawal, turn, tilt, tip, askewness, awriness
retreat, retraction, retrogression; disappearance, going astray, straying from the.lW, J'£,: Jl~!
dispersal right path, deviation from what is right, going
ebb, reflux, refluence, waning~ l;ll ,;. f. UI ~ wrong; corruption, perversion, perversity, pervert-
to abate, subside, die down, calm down, let up, ;.;.i!
edness, depravity, depravation, turpitude ,, .
fade away, wane, decrease, diminish, lessen, drop, aberration, aberrance, anomaly, j J..i:. : J I~ I

decline, deteriorate, degenerate, shrink, become abnormality, deviation, irregularity, perversity- -

" f..t , ,, - •
smaller or weaker; to recede, go back, withdraw, juvenile delinquency C. I..~.> l I r,_,..;..:. : J l..r:-'!
retreat, retrograde, retrogress; to disappear, dis-
declination; refraction; variation [ I!U.;] ul'~-:1
perse, be dispersed, be dispelled; to be removed,
taken ofT, pulled away, lifted, raised perversion, sexual deviation
. "' ....
J I..r:-'!
to ebb, reflow, flow back, ~QI ,Y. :UI :,:..;..; !
•'::....11 Ji _(lj!l 01~!
indisposition, illness, sick-
wane, sink, drop ofT, recede, subside liness, malaise, malady
to be cut ofT, severed : L;; I :-- - :I
c-- ~- deviation ism ur :1
.._ J!"'-
... '~~' .. , ~ , ..........
to be decided, determined, '-?~ 'r j: '~ : r-'! to deviate from, (0&-) ~~ , (0&-) JL. : (0&-) u;.i!
resolved, settled, fixed depart from, turn away from, turn aside from,
to be finished, completed, con- ~! , ;;1 :~!
swerve from, skew from, deflect from, diverge
eluded, terminated from, digress from, divert from, decline from,
to be discounted, deducted, rebated, ~! :~! wander from, stray from; to turn ofT, branch ofT,
taken ofT, subtracted take a turn(ing); to change direction, alter one's
limitation, restriction, restrictedness, confine- J~ I course, veer, sheer, tack, warp, curve
ment; restraint, constraint, check, curb; condensa- to go astray, stray, go :.:j 'J:, :C.J") J;.,i!
tion, concentration, centralization; exclusivity, ex- wrong, deviate from what is right, drift; to be or
clusiveness; monopoly, monopolization become errant; to be or become corrupt(ed), de-
to be liinited, restricted, confined; to be re- ~! praved, perverted, distorted
strained, constrained, kept, checked, curbed, con- to be or become aberrant, abnor- :G. :(()"') u;.,i!
ness, slackening, sag(ging), relaxation; weakness, trolled; to be enclosed, shut in, hemmed in, held in
feebleness, frailty, debility check, surrounded, encircled; to be straitened,
dissolution, solution, melting, deli- u4J~ :J~! tightened; to be qualified, tied; to be narrowed,
quescence, liquefaction condensed, concentrated, centralized; to be nar-
row, close; to be squeezed, pressed; to consist in,
JW ~lrcJJ ~J~I J~! be reducible to; to be exclusive
, .......
to be protected, defended, guarded, shel- ~ : ~!
to sink, descend, fall, drop, slump, ~ ~! # , :
tered, shielded subside, ebb, wane; to deteriotate, degenerate, de-
__ _ _ e::
to (~I~ j) ~ '11.; -<jl :(LA~
- ... _ r r.r-_ --:I
· )-1) ~- cline, decay, degrade, retrograde
J} I f. I ;jj _. I

diet - - to stoop, lower oneself (t:'J 4i')l..;..l ~) ..Ia:..;!

,... .. , J... .-I ~ _. .- _. _. I
(morally), demean oneself; to be or become mean,
~ ,_,._. ~~)-~1 uiS' :.;.-;! low, base, ignoble
to bend, curve, flex, ~;z (~! , ; oL i! : ~! , '· ....
deterioration, degeneration, de-~ , .1J-:10 : .!.~!
,, .
deflect, bow, incline, arch, twist, turn; to be or cadence, degradation, declension, decline, decay,
become bent, curved, flexed, inflected, inclined, retrogadation; fall, descent, drop, slump
... ..
arched, bowed, twisted, turned .... :;i .... .. ...
depres-~J, ....A....D, ~,;.LI (.S,.o.JI j .1J-:I': .1~!
,, •

to stoop ~i JJJ _rl}~l JJ ~ ~ :;.;.,; ! sion, weakness, feebleness - -

~~: ~~)-(~!
f/i J J • "" _. I ... _.. I

to bow ~_,....,.. Jll..lel ~!

bend(ing), curvature, curve(dnt'ss), flexion, ,G.; I to thin, make thin, ~i, ~i, l: .. _..; ~: ~j
flexure, inflection, deflection, turn, twist(edness). - make slender, attenuate, emaciate, enervate
. . .. .. .. .. .. . ....
crook(edness), inclination, tilt; bow(ing); stoop(ing)
bow · ' ' Jll..l~l
( ~_,....,.. ' ) ii;~! .. -·
to emaciate, enervate, attenuate, U:o..i I , J jlo I : JAi I
thin, make thin
to unravel, untie, unwind, unscrew, Ioos- ~I : J;.i I
bend, curve, crook, twist
en; to be untied, unfastened, undone, unbOund, -
.~-: I ·~1 unraveled, loosened, unftxed, unwound, unscrew-
..r.:- ~)-.),._-
ed, disengaged, freed; to disengage (oneseiO, dis-
nonalignment jt; ~I ~~ entangle (oneseiO, release oneself, free oneself,
detach oneself
nonaligned nations jt; ~I _r~ Jj~
to be ~I Ji ~:..~I Ji ~1:.11 Ji ~I ~-J:..;!
delusion, deception, illusion t,l~! solved, resolved, settled, worked (out), unriddled;
to be scratched, scarified, scored, cut; to be - • ~I to unravel, be unraveled
yl ~ : J;.i!
1..1" -
chafed, abraded to dissolve, melt, liquefy, deliquesce
to be deceived, cheated, beguiled, fooled, p~I to be dissolved, disbanded, broken up; ~I : J;.i I
deluded, bluffed, tricked, duped, gulled, double- - to dissolve, disband, break up - -
crossed, swindled, taken in
to loosen, slacken, sag, become~,~~! : J;.i!
to be let down, betrayed, deserted (in time of J~! loose; to relax, become relaxed; to be or become
need), forsaken, abandoned, left in the lurch; to be slack, limp, weak, feeble, frail, languid; to Jose
disappointed force or vigor
joining, entering, entry, en- J~! , rt::;! :.!.I~! to disintegrate, decompose, de- ~ , ~ : J;.i I
trance, accession, affiliation, association cay, molder (away), putrefy, crumble, aegenerate:
_. _.I I .- >JI} _. J ,- _...- I
deteriorate, decline
to be turned, lathed U.~~ <.?J- , .1?- :.!.,;Ai!
dissolution, lysis, breakup, disin- .)W , ~ :J~!
~! ·~!.~~:liS'~~ 1~! ·~ 1~! tegration, decomposition, degeneration, degen-
to join, enter, accede to, become a member of, eracy, degradation, decadence, deterioration, de-
affiliate with, associate with cline, decay, putrefaction
... ... .. J- ... ,.. .. .. • .. .....

t?- ·t...> ~I)-....A....D •<.fo.J! :~! looseness, loosening, slack- U:.::.. , •~~! : J~!
'" i
c===============~· ·~==============~
to be or become effaced, blotted out, ~ l :)~ l ;:;~ e.-')-~;.;!
to be pierced, punched, perforated, rid- ; ..~-;,;! :r;.;!
obliterated, wiped out, exterminated, extinguished;
to be or become extinct, obsolete, forgotten; to fall
into oblivion
to be or get torn, rent; to tear, rend,
defeat, rout, debacle )~! ,~; :.)~;! rive
to be defeated, vanquished, ;.s:;! '(~! :;..~! sinking, sinkage, subsidence, collapse,
routed cave-in; depression; graben
to sink, sink down, go down, sub- )~ , 1.;;. :~!
side, collapse, cave in, give way
inclusion, embodiment, incorporation
... • tl

to be discounted, deducted, re- (.r- 'r-'"'! :
,... ,J "'"""I ,...-',I

~ l
extinction J~~ l ' ~t...::.! : (.)"I.J~ l bated, taken off, subtracted

~~:.,; r.J~! yl~!, ~:; :(~~) u~l

to come or fall under or .,; r,;~1 '.,;
within, be within or among, belong to, pertain to;
. ,, ,
... ...
drop(ping), sinking, J~! '.l:.Jo:-A 'Jj~ : u'o~ l
to be or become included in, embodied in, incor- dip(ping), going down, fall(ing), fall-off, decline,
porated in, inserted in, entered in, listed in, put decrease, diminution, lessening, lowering, reduc-
down in, inscribed in, enrolled in, registered in, tion, shrinking, shrinkage, abatement, subsidence,
recorded in, classified in waning, wane, dwindling, slump, depression; de-
tobeorbecomeoblitera ted, )~! ,~! :~)~! preciation
effaced, wiped out, blotted out, expunged, extin- to drop, sink, dip, go ~!'~,J.~:~!
guished down, fall, decline, decrease, diminish, lessen,
shrink, abate, subside, wane, dwindle, slump; to
to slip into or among, JL;, z.,.:,:..; :~ Ji j :,..~! depreciate; to be lowered, reduced, decreased,
sneak into or among, steal into or among, creep
into or among, insinuate oneself into or among; to
infiltrate; to penetrate dislocation, luxation, disarticulation; discon- t~!
j :,_~ : j :,.:.: I nection, disjunction; disassembly
to be buried in, hidden in, con-
cealed in; to be foisted into, slipped- into, put intO: to be or become dislocated, luxated, ~ : ~!
inserted into, introduced into, insinuated into disjointed, disarticulated; to disjoint, disarticulate,
rush(ing), dart(ing), ~~ ' u~ '..;~! :t ~;; l come apart; to be or become disconnected, dis-
joined; to be or become disassembled, dismounted,
dash(ing), fling(ing), spring(ing); outburst, out-
taken apart
break, eruption, surge, surging; onrush, inrush,
inflow, flowage, flux, effiuence, influx, outflow, to be deposed, dismissed, J; :
(~ ~) ~!
discharged, displaced, ousted, removed from an
outpour, gush(ing), stream(ing)
plunginginto,plungein to, u<>;.
:(JJ ,.,;) tli;! office
.;~I I -J~I
diving into, dive into, rush(ing) into, bursting into, --e--)--
breaking into, penetration; embarkation upon, em- --~:·., I -.:-.:,
barking upon, engagement in, engaging in ... :=i,.. ......

zeal, zealousness, enthu- ~ ' ~ ' t. c;. : t li;! to moisten, wet, bedew J.l! :.,SJ.i I
, ... ... ... ... ... .., .... .,
siasm, ardor, fervor, ebullience, zealotry, glow, to give generously, ~__$ ulS', ~L:;.:...,. ~I
fire, eagerness, keenness, intense interrest; elan,
dash, vim, verve, mettle
impetuosity, precipitancy, ~ , J~ : t li;!
hastiness, impulsiveness, temerity, rashness, reck-
give liberally, give in abundance; to -be generous,
more generous, more liberal
... ....
i"_;$ I : .,SJ.i I
... ,.
. ...
...} ......
lessness, foolhardiness y~ e.-')- (.A-1 ':-'
impulse, impulsion ~~ :tli;! to tan, be( come) or get tanned (41) ~~!
•-- ..
Jij,j e--')-(J\i~!

extinction; oblivion u<-1 ~!, U"'IJ~!, ~t...::.! :)0:~!

• 'II •
to rush, dart, dash, shoot, drive, spring, ~!: ~~!
incorporated, inserted, introduced
to heal, heal up, scar over,
y~, ~: (~1
. , , ,
............. . J,..l.i! fling, run, hurl, hurtle, burst forth or out, move
cicatrize suddenly and rapidly, advance violently and
quickly, move in a headlong manner
~~ ~1;-;! .. ::a ............ .
to flow, stream, run, pour forth or Ji ,..j : ..l.i! c!
~~ ~1; -JA~! out, gush forth or out, well out, spout forth, shoot
warning, admonition, caveat, forewarning; ; 1.i.i J out
...... , ............. ., ..........
notice to start, begin, set out t_;. ' 1-"1 , .:.:0.1 : c! ...l.i!
alarm, alert toplungeinto,dive ~~ ·~! :(JJ ,~)~~!
ultimatum into, rush into, burst into, break into, storm into,
penetrate; to embark upon, engage in
to let oneselfbe ~ ;J'
:·!, ~ ~~!: 1jS' ~1;J ~~!
without prior notice carried away by, let oneself be overcome by, give
oneself over to, abandon oneself to, follow, yield
then, at that time, that day
... ;;;;...
to, submit to, be led by, be guided by
... ;;;i... .... ... .,
to warn, caution, forewarn, alarm,
~ , ;~ :;.i.i 1
~~ ~1;-Ji~!
to notify, give notice to,
&.1 , ~ 1 , ).;-1 : ;.i.i 1
"'-· 'J ,... ..- I 'J _.. ......
to be pounded, ground, crushed, ~! 't;~! :
serve with a formal notice bruised, brayed, powdered, beaten, stamped, pul-
verized, comminuted, pestled, triturated
to portend (evil), forebode, 0~T: (~~ Jj ~) ~~i
presage, foreshadow, foretoken, harbinger,-be an to be hammered, percussed, t} ' J J...l.i!
struck, hit, beaten, banged, rapped; to be knocked,
... , ....
r:J ;:;; ....

omen or warning of, be a sign of something

unfavorable to come, indicate or suggest (some- tapped; to be rung, sounded, tolled
thing bad or harmful) beforehand; to augur ill, to be or get broken or fractured; to ~I : j~ 1
bode ill, be a bad omen (oO, be ill-boding, be break (up), fracture
..... , , ....
... ... ,
... ........
outbreak, breaking out, flare-up, c.:.d;y , y_,..:.; :t.~f'!
~~ ~1; -u~ :J"j,;! eruption
J_,aj ~1; -Jlaf'!

candytuft c,)'~~1 ~).~ : ~~i
to stick out, hang out, loll (~ : 0dJ 1 ~~!
~~ ~1;- JA~! • ;li"' • ... ... , ;:;; • , • .. ... .......
to breakout, ~ ,~ :;UI Jl y;,L-1 ~..l.i!
to bruise, be bruised, be contused -i ~ 1_·...,-.)'_
· ~ ,;,': 1 flare up, erupt
to be displaced, dislodged, re- Ji) '6) :(1)! to make repent, make regret -·-~~--
moved, pulled away, thrown back
merger, merging, consolidation, union, .)6.;! : [L.f'!
" .
to go away, depart, leave ~~\&. , ~ ~ : (1)! fusion, coalescence, coalition, incorporation, inte-
to drift, be carried away Z;~! :( 1)! gration, affiliation, combination, blending

lowering, dropping, bringing down, ~ ~ ~ : J1)!

inclusion, embodiment, incorpora- (1;;!: (L.;!
taking down
~~Y (L.~!
........ .
revelation, revealing, inspiration <ij : JI) J
,... JJ J I
nuclear fusion, fusion
... ,..;:;; ........ •
to merge, consolidate, unite, join, fuse, J.:N! :~ ..l.i!
unloading, discharge, unlading; steve- ;J;..:,L 1 J 1; 1 coalesce, incorporate, integrate, affiliate, combime,
doring; taking off, taking down
landing, putting dJ ...... .
~ .r J1! ·_! ~ JI;J

. . ... .
... ... blend; to be or become merged, amalgamated,
consolidated, united, joined, fused, incorporated,
ashore, disembarkation, debarkation integrated, affiliated, combined, blended
~... J I tJ.- <tJ f, ,.., .II

(~~! :~~!

airdrop ( c.~L. ~ 1 .• ')d J1·'1 to be or become included, embodied,

-~·. J ~~~Po "'·
..RB~&WBm~¥¥B4B&mB.-. .BEREa.E&gam.BE. .BB~..~ ~11taa.ama.ammgm.tmWMm&8E1.WB1SR2BE·$i~;~.t~,t·;~&~,;~:-~.,$~@~#WE~~@

ering, siip(ping); skiing; skating ejaculation (*l...f:"·tl) u~ :JI)•

to slide, glide, skid, slither, slip; to ski; ~) : ~)! putting up, lodging, accommodation ~'_,;! :JIJ)
to skate
reduction, lowering, mark- '-""~I,~ :JI)
to retire, withdraw (into a cor- ~:,:;! ' J;.;! :i.SJ)! M...
down, decrease, decreasing, diminution, lessening
~ ~

ner), seclude oneself, isolate oneself, be secluded,

subtraction, deduction ():. : J Ij)
be isolated, be alone, keep to oneself
.... . :;; .. , .
to retire (with), (e
Ji "i) fo!: Ji "i) (e <.SJJ! ~? ~1;-~;JJI
Jl ~)I Jl;)

withdraw (with), be alone (with), meet separately ' .........

(with), hold a closed meeting (with) to be restrained, checked, prevented{:?J , ~

... J ...
: _,.;,:.!
• • ... J • deterred
retirement, seclusion, ~~! , .:.I.;..;!, iJ _:.,. ;. : -'J.f!
to be driven away, ousted (;- ~f f, :;.) !
isolation; solitude, loneness, privacy
... 'IJ} ... J ........
displacement, dislodgment, removal ~··I
(-.t- to be rebuked, reprimanded, re- bJ , ~ :.P-";!
enzyme ~)i.Ji ... ...... ... ... ... ... ......
c.J' ~') -t_.; .u..,.... :c;;l
:{."" :;;

enzymology -=-4/~1 ~
:i disturbance, annoyance, discomfort, inconve- ~l&. j!

... .,
u--il .~
- '• ,._...;I
- .,

-· nience, trouble, disquiet(ude), uneasiness

to be or become disturbed, annoyed, upset, un- ~j.;!
comfortable, uneasy
to be sociable, friendly, amiable, ~~I ulS' :._...;1 _.. J t .,. lj I tf

affable, genial, kind, nice, gentle - - uj ~I;- .rYI ~)I, ~I uj.;l

"' .. .... , .......... . ..
to be or become tame(d),
li::JI ;l..o: ui,;;.;L-1 u--i I
- -
to bring down, ~ i , ~:;;.. , J..;.. , ~ J;.; :J) i
J....... ,... ... • ;:;; ... .. ,... • .... ,. .. •
take down, cause to come down, cause' to descend;
to like ·o_r.l&. .~~~I,~\:~) Jl ~~I to lower, drop
... • .... ,. J... ...... J, ........
someone's company, like to be with, feel at ease to reveal to, send down ~ t.r _,.!I J I ~ ~ <Ill\ J; I
with, get along with, get on intimate terms with, to
be friendly with, be intimate with, associate with, to unload, discharge, un- (.r- Ji ~) iJ~I J)i
mix with lade; to stevedore; to take ofT, take down
,... .. J .. -;,....... .... ... •
to get used to, be accustomed ~I , o.:o_,..j :~!~I to land, put ashore, dl 9':;. Ji ~~ _( ~ J)i
to, be habituated to, take to; to be familiar with, disembark, debark
acquainted with
to air-drop, drop, -=-~~(I~~ Ji ~I~) J)i
~~ ~1;-"i :,..;..i .1;.~ :(~ Ji ~) ~i
to entertain, amuse, divert, keep ~~ ' ~~ j:.. :
to put up, lodge, quarter, accommodate, i.SJI :J;I
-- --..
amused, cheer up, put in good humor or mood, room, house, provide lodgings for, receive (as a
put at ease, make feel at ease, create a friendly guest)
atmosphere to; to be friendly to, nice to
$ - • - - - --
to settle, settle down
... ......
0lJ :J}i
... :;;.. -.......
to perceive, notice, observe, -! ~I , ..1;.;.. 'S : u--i I to lower, reduce, mark down, u-WI ·~ :J;I
remark, realize, recognize, discern, make out, feel, decrease, diminish, lessen, cut (down)
sense, find, see --- --- :--··
r-- , (). J; I
~~ ~1;-~~ .j:.. :~1
to deduct, subtract, discount
to demote, degrade, disrate,t'J ~ J Jl ~ ;.:. J; I
,_. ... •' .,. ""' .,. .......... .,
to tame, domesticate ~I -- -c.r'1 ~ declass, lower or reduce in rank (status, class, etc.)
•t • _, ._;.~1 ~(~I) J)i
u--i ~I; -~1 :._...;1
u--i ~I; -u--il :u--il ·f -·
to dethrone, depose
to inflict on, impose upon
.. -- --··
-:_II: l.l! .._, J··l
.J' '0

sociability, amiability, affability, cordiality, genia- ~1 sliding, slide, gliding, skid( ding), slith- ;;_j :.i~)!
humanity, mankind, (S~I ~I.~~ :~WJ lity, friendliness, intimacy, familiarity, friendly
humankind, human race'- - - - - atmosphere; amusement, entertainment, delight,
humanity, humanness, pleasure, fun, joy, cheerfulness, joviality
human nature mankind, man, human race, people, men ~ : ~!
humanities, human attri- (and women), human beings, humankind, world,
butes or qualities humanity
~J' • ""' ........... ..:. •
humanity, humaneness ~ ' ~ ' .uA.!. : ~ L..;)
• "' .... ~ ' ;>; •
humanitarianism, u~!, iWI ~I..,.- :~L..;! to make forget
humanism, philanthropy . ... "' .,
l..; e;IJ- ~~I .;~
. ,. ''-""'1
.. ...
to be cast, founded, smelted, molded; to be ;.~!
shaped, formed, formulated to stream, flow, run; to leak, flow out; to <.5;... :~ W!
young lady, young woman, girl, miss, mademoi- wi move smoothly; to glide, slip
selle, demoiselle to widen, broaden, expand; to extend,
Miss .. stretch

harmony, agreement, accord, concord, unison,r~!

to spread --.:~1 :'
.r-', (
concurrence, conformity, compatibility, sympho- to drift, be carried away, be swept away; to be JW!
ny, consistency, consistence, consonance, congru- driven
ence, congruity, coincidence; rapport, intimacy,
procreation, reproduction w~I:JWI
closeness, affinity, affection ..
• • J
... J .. •

to harmonize (with), ; ;F;! '~! '~8 :(e)~~! to be ordained, consecrated ~11

- ~)
: .. WI
I -
be harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree uWI•
(with), be in agreement (with), accord (with), be in
accord (with), be concordant (with), get along
(with), get on (with), comport (with), correspond orangutan
(with), go well (with), match, square (with), blend
(with), tally (with), fit, suit, adjust (to), tune (with), ape-man
be or fall in tune (with), be or fall in line (with), be
in keeping (with), be in conformity ,Cwith), be
consistent (with), be compatible (with) human rights
" -
~ e: I) - ~I , u' L.. :"r"!"-'-

withdrawal, retreat, pullout, pullback, evacu- y~! anthropologist

ation, fallback, recession, retraction; retirement; woman, human being, person
walk- I~~~ Ji ~~I (dJ _t~l ~) ~~! ""' ... . ... ... ;;:; ., ;;:;, .
out ~;l.4:LIJ ~\Aj~ ~ Jl
contrition, penitence, repentance (L.:.:) ~I j~ --I ~· -"
humane, humanistic
to withdraw, retreat, pull out, e.-1) :~!
e.-), •
Ut.f"'- -~I -.- tl
0 ~-
pull away, pull back, fall back, draw back, recede,
retract; to retire; to evacuate; to secede humane

to ~~~~ Ji ~~I (dJ .t~l ~) :. :,.:.;! uL,.;,.~IJ ;.11 ~~~ jj::: ,(S~ ,~ :~t-:1
walk out, leave humanitarian, philanthropic
to be pulled, drawn, dragged, hauled, ~! ::. :...:..; !
• J 'II... .., ..... - J oil •

humanitar- ~ 'r,:>- 'iWI ~ ~: ~L..;l

tugged, towed, trailed ian, philanthropist
to apply to, be applicable to, J.. ~! : J.. ;..:..:..; ! humanities
separated from, disengaged from; to separate from, hold good for, be true of
break ofT or away from; to secede from, with- to be crushed, pounded, ground, j~! :~!
draw from, pull out or away from; to be alienated bruised, stamped, brayed, powdered, beaten, pul-
from, estranged from verized, comminuted, pestled, triturated
intoxication to be blocked (up), barred, obstructed, choked; ~I
to humanize to be plugged up, closed up, stopped up; to be
stoppered, plugged, corked; to be sealed, shut (offi,
humanization closed
insulin block(age), obstruction, stoppage, occlusion
human being, human, man embolism .. .... ~~J)
((S_,:~ .)\~\
- ..
human coronary occlusion or thrombosis
~ . .
c..f! l; .) I~!

streaming, flow(ing), running; leak(age), to hang down, be lowered, be dropped, be J~ I

outflow; smooth movement or motion; gliding, down
slipping y~ e.-')-~) :~~!
streamlined, streamline; flow-
to hide, crawl into its lair 0t;J.t Y~!
drift, driftage
~ e.-1.)-ih'i!
inch •·1
IJ"'' e.-') -(yl~\ ~) ~) u:..;i
to establish, ~::.;..i , ~ ji , ~ , 0;s- ,~i: Gi to be shed; to flow, pour out, pour forth ;,~I
found, set up, institute; to create, originate, make,
build (up), form, start, bring into being, produce, to pour forth, be poured, be shed, be spilled ~I
generate, engender, give birth to, give rise to, bring
about to beget, sire, father, procreate, ; . ~i , :J:; :~i
to build, construct, set up, rlii ' ~ ' ~ :~i ,,..,. .... .. ,... " ,.... , ... ... ......
.... ....

erect, put up, raise; to install

to write, compose, draw up, pen
-uJ I , -~ .
-- : ....~I
to molt, shed, cast.~ J I ~ 1 J I .U ,..a ():. : J-; I
.... :ii...... :ii .... •

e:_::.. : JL; e.-')- :.W!
to make, manufacture, fabricate
to begin, start, commence, initiate ·-- .... .
IJ..i : l!.i I
to be dispelled, driven away
'-'~I , J~ I : ·
(~I) ~!
L:.; r::-')- J) :~i
separation, detachment,
. --(--
disengagement, breakaway, withdrawal, pullout,

establish- ~~~l •.)~l ·~ •Ut.~ ·~~: ~~l secession

ment, establishing, foundation, founding, setting alienation, estrangement i:;..:; :t~!
up, institution, instituting; creation, creating,
origination, originating, making, building (up),
- (·~\
[ ,L,..i] --
formation, forming, starting, bringing into being, ecdysis (I..:~~ ~I;:J-1) t~!
production, producing, generation, generating,
engendering, bringing about JL; e.-') -y~ :J~!
building, construction, setting up, ~~I. , , G;. : , ..I to slough, be cast ofT, be shed, be dis- 4t~!
erection, erecting, putting up, raising; installation
composition, writing; art of ~8'...
, u..J~
.. ..
carded; to come ofT, peel
to slough (off), cast ofT, slip 1..~ ~ ~I ~!
.. ":;;... . ........

writing (the slough or the skin) -
...... ...:;; ..........
style, phraseology, ~~I Ji ~tj\ ~):J: ,Gl to elapse, pass, go by, slip by,~: _,+:.II tJJ tL'!
diction expire, be past, be over, end
composition, essay to be detached from, - --:, J'..iit.
-·If c_-,

'~' ~1~\.!.jl
occupy oneself, busy oneself; to be or become
installations; constructions; fixtures; facilities ~~--~I
..,, ..
preoccupied, engrossed, absorbed, taken up
to make smell or inhale, give to smell
... ,......... ... --
~ ~ : J..:..l
structural, constructional, constructive ;;~ : ~ ~ J
-- • I". 11 • 0

compositional ~. t.:s::JI .. _ ~ uD L> : 1./-'\.!.;I•

- J I
to split (apart), crack, cleave, t '
~ ~! : ~!
stylistic ·<.i,tL·1./-·L:.i1'
fissure, rift, break, rip, rend, rive; to be or become
split, cracked, cleft, fissured, rifted, broken, rent recitation, recital; singing, .l& ,~o: :J~I
to break (dawn)
I "" :; ,...


- ---"' '
...... .,
to secede from, ~ (:;. , I)& ~! :I)& ~! to thrust, infix, insert; to stick; to attach, fix, ~I
separate from, dissociate oneself from, break away affix
~... ... ......
from, withdraw from, draw away from to sing, chant, vocalize ~:~1
split(ting), fission, cleavage, ~~I
__ , ) --I : u~--I
U...:.: to recite or read poetry (to) -:"'·t
(')-- 0.
cleaving, cracking ........... .... .... ... ... ....... ... ......
~ ~\)-!)&- ~ ·~ :~1

secession, separation, dissociation, J~! : ~~!

0 0
amazement, astonishment, J-l.a;! , G ~ :o I~!
wonder(ment); baffiement, perplexity
breakaway, breakup, disunion, detachment, with-
drawal, schism, split, rent, fissure to be or become amazed, ;;.A~!,~~:;~!
astonished, astounded, stunned, wonder-struck,
secessionist, separatist, separationist, ;;~! : ~~!
flabbergasted, baffied, puzzled, confused
disunionist, schismatic; dissident, dissenter, non-
conformist, maverick; separatistic, schismatic(al), )j ~I)- ~ ~ :;:.;1
breakaway, seceding, dissenting ease, relief, comfort, relaxation; joy, c,~~l) c.'~!
separatism, secessionism, disunion- tJ~ I : D~ I happiness, delight, pleasure; cheer(fulness); high
ism, nonconformity, nonconformis~- - - .. _ - - spirits, euphoria
.... ..........
(~~\.> _,i ;~~) ~!

to be or become grilled, broiled, roasted, <,5_,!. : <.5_,!.i I to be pleased, delighted,

.. - -
barbecued; to broil, roast happy, glad, cheerful; to cheer up; to feel at ease
song, chant; hymn, anthem to split, cleave, crack, rend, rip; to be or ~! : r;:.;!
become split, cleft, cracked, rent
knot, noose, loop ... ;:;;... ... .......
J..:.; ~IJ- ~I
fission, split(ting), breaking up, division \..Ia.~;!
, .
listening; attention ~ l..a; I .
"' ;;;

., • schizophrenia
......... ........ ....
to yield to, submit to, surrender 0&'~1 't'»- :~ t l..a;!
... -- ... .... ....
nuclear fission, fission <.5 . l.l...:..i I
to, succumb to, give in to, defer to, acquiesce in, .. !YJ --
obey, comply with, abide by, accede to (someone's fissionable, fissile, fission- ~.. -? l1.!.il
- -
to split, fission, break up, divide ~-h-·;!
justice, fairness, impartiality; equity &-- 0

equity u~ ')I_, J~i ~".)c. ,u~ 1_, J~ ~ ~IJ-y\4i!

;. :·.; ~I)_;.:,·.;!

to tire, fatigue, exhaust

- .. .
.o. :~
- - Ofl

• , 'I• . : ,
.,. ... ,.... ... ...... ... ....... UA!. ~~J -~ :u..a.;.,;_
to fix a share for ~ ~ J,;....:. :~I
busyness, occupancy, engagement, being busy J~!
tobepoured(outorforth),be ~~ ·~!::.-..:a;!
or occupied or engaged; preoccupation, engross-
shed; to pour forth, flow, outflow, stream, gush
ment, absorption
forth, effuse , ......
to be intent on, bent~~!·~ :~ ~. r;
on, out for; to apply oneself to, devote oneself to
-;! 4 -t ; ·~·- ~\)- -t ~!
to be or become occupied, busy, engaged; to ~!
~ r:: IJ- 0;1J1 ~i to be directed to, orien- ;,;.; _,i JJ ~! :~ ~ ..:.,;!
ted to, aimed at; to aim at, tend to, turn to(ward)
~I ..........
fusion, melting
I J f>
J_, I
J to listen to, hearken to, give or lend one's ear J ~I
melting point )~~\(~~~_,I) Uw to, pay attention to -
.l ' t~ ounce, oz.
to fuse, melt
, . t~ r::') -:;::.;! :[~!
yielding, submission, submis- 0 ~) :e.~!
siveness, surrender, giving in, deference, acqutes- to break, dawn (morning) ·~,-~,
cence, obedience, compliance, abidance r. t -
... .... • .. ... it: departure, leaving, leave, going~~'.,..~~: ul~!
to emaciate, waste away, make lean
to wear out, fray, tatter
J jlo I : ,_,A. I
~I :~I
.... .. away
turning away from, giving tY' tL:.;;! : -r u I~!
. , .
"" ....- l'f ""I "" I
up, abandonment, relinquishment, renunciation;
maturation, ripening ~I J~ :~l.Ail
abstention from, abstaining from, refraining from
to be added to, subjoined to, an-Jl ~1 :JJ u~! devotion to, devoting ~ ~~!: JJ jl~!
nexed to, appended to, attached to, spplemented to oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to;
discipline .J,~! engagment in, occupancy with, pursuit of

disciplined; disciplinary ~~! ~~J -ul~~~ '01; ~:··! ,ul~~~ ;:;,~L!

01 ;~:·! .;::,~1:::.!
discipline ~~!
to leave, depart, go away, move J,;. ~ , ~ ~ :u-,;.;;!
to be or become disciplined (b ;-;,'·: 0\5' : v- ai! away, turn away, take off
to ripen, mature, make ripe, bring 41.; ~ :~i to turn away from,t:r J~ ' -r ~! :-r ;:. (,~!
to ripeness or maturity give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake,
to cook well, do well 'Wall--.
i ~
:i quit, leave; to refrain from, abstain from, desist
from; to stop, discontinue
compression .J,~I
to devote oneself to, -t ~ , ~ ~! :JJ ~~!
compressible ~~! apply oneself to, dedicate oneself to, turn to; to
compressibility ~~! attend to, look after, take care of
to be inflected (word) [ W] ~I ~ ~!
to be compressed, pressed, squeezed 'J:.i,',Qi!
to be braided, plaited, cued; to be interwoven, ~!
to pass, go by' elapse, slip by' expire, ~! : r-,;.;;!
run out; to be past, bygone, over
interlaced, (inter)twined, (inter)twisted
to be cut off, severed
to join, JJ :. - ;;! , ~ 1;..i! ''"t ~!: JJ ~!
enter, accede to, become a member of, affiliate to recognize, acknowl-
with, associate with :;; .
to unite, join, merge, consoli- ~~! , :.;.; ! :~!
. edge
_.. J

, _.., I

I..- ..- _.. ,.. _. I 'J

date, coalesce, affiliate, integrate, combine; to be or to right, do justice to, treat fairly, J:.W~ J..~ : u...a.l
become united, joined, merged, consolidated, af- treat with justice, be just with; to establish some-
filiated, combined one's right
. ... ......
~(i e.-')<_,..,; :~! to be just, give a just judgment ~ ;~ 0 \5' : ....a....; I

~ r::')-~ ·~:?! :~ ~!
..... ,.... • ... .... _.. ... ..... • :;;; ... .... ''J

~!e.-')-~~·~! ::~1 ....a....;\

... , ............
joining, entering, entry, en- y~! 'J~!: r~! to be polished, burnished, refurbished, J.A..a : ~!
trance, accession, affiliation, association scoured, smoothed, glazed, glossed, lustered,
. * •
union, uniting, joining, join- ;:: L.. ;'>! ' J L:..;! : i ~! buffed, finished; to be or become glossy, shiny,
der, junction, merger, merging, consolidation, co- lustrous
~4: ,,I >ft.:,t+jfAJ*¥f@!tRN@1lj¢ Xf1i8Yi''~ •
''T' .,}',ijiiiMM§.;WIMtti'H" ~H'~:. ' ! '}Ji~'k' :

straint, uninhibitedness, liberty, freedom alescence, affiliation, integration, combination

I ,.,.... I, ,'II .. ~...
.... ,'II ....
J~ ~I ~ ......:...Wl. · ·- I - ......:...Wl. -.- ··I
starting point, point of departure,
takeoff, jumping-otT place, springboard, base
." '~ e:- J . "
... ,...'~-
... .......
to dry up, wither, wilt, shrivel, wizen ~ j : ~!
to dash, dart, rush, shoot, spring, fling, ~ ~! : ~!
run, race, hurl, hurry, move suddenly and rapidly, to join, attach oneself~! :(~I~ Ji c.;.; ~l) (.)~!
advance violently and quickly, go at top speed; to to, follow, adhere to; to rally around
burst forth or out, break forth or out, erupt; to go •I I ~ Jl., ~ ~! : ~l..h.i!
otT, explode, blast; to be launched, discharged,
to rise in the air
tU.I e' 1J - ~ t~!
... .
released; to take otT, start otT, depart; to go ahead,
JJ J ·- •
get going, set out, start, begin, advance, proceed, rationalization [ ..:..~~) ] JJ.i.:!-1 u~ :J~l
move; to get underway, start moving or ad-
vancing, be in progress, be on foot impression, impress, effect ~ ~! 't~!
to be or become free, released, ~! , /.;;. : ~! impressionist(ic) ~ ~!
liberated, unchained, unrestrained, relieved; to run
impressionism ~ ~!
,, ... ... .........
~Cia; e:-1; -~Cia; :J~!
to be or become fluent, eloquent ~ L! ~!
''• 6k :~!
_. } _. "" I
.............. to be or get cooked, to cook
his face brightened, flashed up, lit up; ~ J ~!
to cheer up; to be cheerful, delighted, happy ~o be printed; to be stamped, imprinted, eJo :~!
.... J ...........

to be or become effaced, obliterated, wiped ~! 1m pressed

... J .............
out, blotted out, expunged, extinguished; to be or
become extinct, forgotten; to fall into oblivion; to
~ e-1 e:-1; -~ 6Ja'!
be suppressed, hushed up, blacked out to apply to, be appli- ~ ~~! , ~ (.);... :~ ~!
cable to, hold good for, be true of
to fold, double up; to be or become ~! : (.)~!
folded, doubled, pleated, rolled up, tucked; to (e) ;;,Ga; e:- -;;.u. de) ;;,Ga; :(e)~!

bend, flex, turn; to be or become bent, flexed, to be or get closed, shut
to disappear, vanish; to be or become~! : (.);1i! to flop, throw oneself, fling oneself, ~~!:~!
hidden, concealed, covered prostrate oneself, fall (down)
to pass, go by, elapse; to be past, :,: , ~! : (.);1i! to be thrown, cast, flung, tossed, ~1 ' ~ ~ :r~!
bygone, over hurled
to involve, imply, carry, J.:.!, , ~ :~ (.);1i! to go out, die, be extinguished I..UaJ I
include, contain, comprise, comprehend, embrace,
extinction, being put out -~I
embody, encompass, cover • .. ,........... ...
~ ~ : ;_;h.i I
- ..,
to introvert, be or become introver- ~ ~ (.);1i! to make (someone) speak or talk or
ted, practice introversion, withdraw within oneself pronounce
introversion; withdrawal; unso- (~I~)-~~! to rationalize [..:..~~;] JJ~I u~ :~i
ciability, unsociableness he was deceived, fooled, (~I ~ ~) ~!
.._.::; I.~ I _~ •(.L:I tricked, duped, bluffed; the trick worked with him
' ~- e'J IF-~- J """" I
' , • ., '/I, ... , "' , , ...
.lp.-,JI -~
,, .
.lp.-,JI -~ ~~ :~,J,.h;l
Jl...:... :~,J~I
., "' ,, . to be painted, daubed; to be coated,
dash(ing), rush(ing), dart(ing), break, 4i~ I , J~ I
, , ,. .. ,, ... spring(ing), fling(ing), run(ning); outbll'rsi, out- ,
ontology .lp.-,JI ~ :~,J~I
break, eruption, surge. surging; explosion, blast-otT;
to respite, grant (someone) a respite or (0,;:UI ~) ~i discharge, release; takeoff, starting otT, departure;
delay going ahead, procession, advance(ment), moving
to reproach (for), rebuke (for), blame (for) (~) ~i forward; getting underway, progress(ion); unre-
curvature, inflection, flection, flexure, deflection, refreshment, refreshing, freshening; revival, J.W J
inclination revivification, reviviscence, resuscitation, reanima-
to bend, curve, flex, deflect, incline, bow, ; ;\:\I tion, recreation; invigoration, bracing, animation,
twist, turn; to be or become bent, curved, flexed, stimulation, exhilaration, enlivening, inspiriting
JJ • ., •
inclined, bowed, twisted, turned; to turn (oil), social welfare <r~l _;.l,..jJ
make a turn; to bear; to detour, proceed by a
,j ... "' ;:5....... • "',.. .,
congealment, congelation, con- _;.:;.:, • ~ : J~ 1 livestock, cattle __;I_,.. : rl.; I
gealing, coagulation, clotting, thickening, solidifica-
tion girt, present; donation, grant; largess; c;. ,~ :rw l
favor, benefit, boon
convention, convening, meeting, ... ;ii , •

session, assembly scrutiny, careful or close examination ):i...J I r\...j J

;~ : J~ I
I J I.-

session, term ,)~~~ JJ,) freedom, liberty, unrestraint; release,

disengagement, disentanglement; liberation - -
to congeal, coagulate, clot, thicken, ~ '~ : ~ 1
solidify, set, jell to be or become free, freed, liberated, set /;;.;. : ~ 1
free, released, unchained, unrestrained, relieved;
to convene, meet, assemble, to free oneself, liberate oneself; to disengage
gather, sit, be in session (oneseiO, disentangle (oneseiO, release oneself
to be concluded, made, entered
r;.~ 'r~1:~1 to be or become obscure (to), ambiguous (~) ~~ 1
(to), incomprehensible (to)
to be knotted, tied, knitted ~L~~:~1 r~ e.-'; -ul~
,- .......... •
~ e--1; -~~ ......W1 J
uj,J I rI~ 1
I, I

weightlessness, zero gravity

,. ,. ..
.... ......... ... ... _.
to crook, hook, bend, lt _,&.... ; \.,., , LS,:.l I : ua..l iY' J~ e--'J -IY' J~1
curve; to be or become crooked, hooked,- bent, - ... J "' ... , .......... •

curved, falcate, uncinate, aquiline, adunc rf&' e-- 1) - J1j ' ~ : r-LN 1
reversal '-'~I : ~I
. - - I.J" - -
to bend, curve, incline, lean; to be or · · _ : ---·1
become bent, curved, crooked
reflection (cJJ !~~~'~~I) U"~1 to wind, meander ~ ' LS,::i! ' W! :(;; 1
reflection, effect, J~ ,~t ')i :(~) U"~1 .... J • •

influence, impact, bearing, action isolation, seclusion, retirement, ~ j&- , ,)I~! : Jl~ 1
reclusion, detachment, segregation; solitude, priva-
repercussions c.~ ea; :c.l.. ~I
.':?.:l'J!~ . .
cy, loneness
isolationist ~~;~~ ~\; :~1,;;1
~ ~1
.JI ..-'iJ • J... .... :;; •
reflectional, reflective; reflexive, reflex iscilationism l:..ll Jl· ·~1 L.l:.- :ul· ·1
.... "- ....~ --.... -- ~-.
to be reversed, inverted ;_.1';;! :~ 1 to be or ~I j ~ ~ 1•~ J; '~~! :J;; 1
,:a ........ •
to be reflected, mirrored, thrown dl :;..411 ~1
become isolated, secluded, solitary, separate(d); to
isolate oneself, seclude oneself
to reflect on, redound on, affect, ~ ) I : ~ ~ 1
.,.;;:;., ... .., .... •
to make sleepy U"~l ~ ~ :~ i
influence, act upon, produce an effect upon, have
to refresh, freshen; to revive, revivify, resusci- ~I
a bearing or impact or influence upon tate, reanimate, recreate, pick up; to invigorate,
~ e--1;-~i brace, animate, stimulate, exhilarate, enliven,
to be pressed (out), squeezed (out), ex- ~ : ~ 1
........ :li.... .... ......
to bestow upon, confer upon, '-:-"' J , v- : ~ ~ ~I
grant, give, accord, award, present to or with, gift pressed, compressed, wrung
with, bless with, endow with, favor with turn(ing), detour; bend(ing), curving, curve, u~ I
"0 .!,>fit!'Ai'i
;t , , ..........

to indulge in pleasure(s), give way c.l.illl ~ ~! to apply oneself to, devote oneself to
to one's desires, dissipate
to scrutinize, look closely at, regard
to be seduced, tempted, enticed, lured, allured, 1.5-,;;! attentively, examine carefully
inveigled; to be misled, misguided
to disdain, scorn, ,:_r ~") :(~ Ji ~~I) U.i
'-~ ~, '-~ ;.;L ~~ ~~ ~i
despise, look down upon, turn up one's nose at, -
reject haughtily
.... .. to stick into, penetrate deeply into, pierce, j j~ I
WI e--1;-WI :Uil
.... ..... .. sink into; to be or become stuck into, inserted into, -
(in)flxed in, (im)planted in
spur, mountain peak i'Ji}'-"'.:•I
,:,r·-J : ~ to be planted t::'j :~~!
(c.l~)~l ~i to be (im)planted, (in)flxed, em- 4 ,j.) :- ; I
... .... .... ,_ ., .......... . bedded, set, inserted, put, placed - U"' -
_r- e--1;- ~ 4A,;I _.r-
lj -· "
to be (im)planted, (in)flxed, in- .;il1 j- ~I
... • _.. lj I .,. .. I _..

r&-; stilled, inculcated, infused, (en)graved U"'

r&-; e--1;-~1 ,:,r W; ,~1
•t. } to be washed, rinsed, cleaned; to be laundered ~ ~
~\!. e.-')- Ui )I ~\!.
to die a natural death ~i~C.\.. ~ e--1;-~i
_...... , - to be immersed, plunged, dipped ~ 1 :~I
preceding, previous, ante- r...~i.:.o , UJL. , J.! L. : U; I
cedent, anterior, foregoing, prior, former, earlier, - ~ Jt; e.-')-~ ~~
past, last, pre-, pro-, ante-
~~ ~l t ~ 't:.T ~l :G.: ,~~ ~t~ ,jilt ~~ to be or get closed, shut, locked, bolted; to be
above-mentioned, above, aforesaid, aforemen-
to isolate oneself, seclude oneself; ~I~ ~ ~!
tioned, previously mentioned, (the) said, (the)
to be or become isolated, secluded, solitary, sepa-
.., .. - rate(d)
~! e--'J- ~~
above, supra, in the foregoing, herein- .~I: LA.; I
above, hereinbefore
previously, formerly, earlier, before
plunging, plunge, diving, dive, '-""~ , ~ : '-""~ ~
...i....A..;;e--1;-.)lAil plunging into, throwing el~! , Jl):;...! : ~ :,.~!
spending, expenditure, outlay, disburse-
ment, paying out
- J~ I
(JUI) . oneself into, giving oneself up to; engrossment in,
absorption in, preoccupation with

:;i....... , •

(ci;JI) indulgence in pleasure(s), c.l.illl j U"'~l

passing, spending - Jt..:l
disdain, haughtiness,
..... '~

pride, superciliousness; sense of honor, self-es-

. ..........
._,..&.i ii ~ , • ~ ;.f ' r!; :~ I
;.~~; e--1;-~~
. . -
self-indulgence, dissipation, epicurism

dipped, submerged, immersed; to be flooded,

inundated, deluged, drowned, sunken, over-
.. - -
to plunge, dive, submerge, sink; to be plunged, ~ ~

teem, self-respect whelmed

........ " ............ .
openness l;;.i,;l to be dipped, plunged, immersed,~ , Ja;..;! :~ ~
- (-
•* ) • submerged, steeped; to dive, dip, plunge, sink,
open-mindedness, openness, broad- (~ ..iJ I (I:+! submerge
mindedness, large-mindedness, receptiveness (to
new ideas or arguments), liberality
to plunge into, throw ;1~! , ~;=:.! ~ ~! :
... ;;;, ............... . oneself into, give oneself up to; to be or become
to open, open up, unfold, unroll, spread ~ : ~! immersed in, engrossed in, absorbed in, wholly
out; to be or become open(ed) engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with, taken up
to be or become open-minded, open, (.u. ~) ~!
'"· ..........
, 'cS " •
autocracy; monocracy; dictatorship ~~ J I~! broad-minded, large-minded, receptive (to new
ideas or arguments), unprejudiced, liberal
alone, aside, apart, separately, isolatedly, Jl;l ~ .. -~-::: \ ....:-::I
~ ~;-~-
in solitude, in seclusion; privately, in private, con- , .......
fidentially; singly, by oneself; solely
. . to be twisted, twined, entwined, curled J? :J:;.&;!
JI~~~J ~6..;~~
jointly and severally
to calm down, cool down; to abate, ~ , J:::. :~!
solitary, alone, single; isolated, separate(d); (s~IA! subside, remit, let up
individual; isolationist explosion, blowup, detonation, blast, ;~!
solitary confinement ~~1;1 (:;,..:. Ji):;,;.. burst(ing); rupture; outburst, outbreak, eruption,
... ::ii", ....... :» - ...... • ... ....... flare-up, gust
to open, open up, unfold, ~ , ~! , ~! :~!
spread out, open wide, part widely, gape, yawn; to
be wide open, opened (widely), separated, split,
population explosion
explosive, volcanic, volatile
"~·IS::. "~I
.. ... . ......I
cleft; to diverge, divaricate, draw apart, spread
to gush out, gush forth, burst out, burst ~ ~ : ~!
forth, erupt, break out, break forth, spout forth,
to be dispelled, driven spurt, shoot out, pour forth, pour out, jet, well
away out, stream, flow, flow out
to relax, become relaxed; to ~ , (1;:.! :~;!
,.... ,., ....
ease, remit, lessen in tension, decrease in intensity
to explode, go off, blow up, (t:'J ~I ~) ~!
detonate, burst
to withdraw, retire; to iso- J~! ~ JJ ~ : , J_;;!
late oneself, seclude oneself, be alone (with one-
to (tJJ ~r~~ :~~~, ~~J~~ ~:.;1)1 ~) ~!
rupture, burst
selO; to be or become isolated, secluded, solitary
to break out, flare up, erupt :.,. ~I ~~!
to be alone with, retire with, ~ fi;.! :~ J;! .... , ..........
withdraw with, meet separately with - to burst into tears, break into tears .~~ ~!
to ~~ ty;·.~ I~} 0\S' ,(""!) )L:.:! :(""!) J;! to explode with anger, burst (out) in ~4 ~!
stand alone in, be distinguished by, be marked by, anger, flare up with rage, flame up with riige, fly
be characterized by; to be unique, singular, single, off the handle
individual, matchless, unmatched, peerless, unpar- rennet; abomasum
alleled, unequaled, incomparable
to be(come) or get perforated, punctured,
to do alone or by oneself, ~~) ~ : ;.~4 J;! pierced, holed
perform singlehandedly - ....... ... .... .,
1.;,;! J;..i! : ~1;-~1
to be loosened, unfixed, unbound, disen- , ,, .......
gaged, detached; to break up, be broken up, dis- to be redeemed, ransomed ~.a.~~~=~~~
..... ..... ... ...
solve, be dissolved
,, , ............. . to be or get broken, smashed, fractured; to
to break up, dissolve, disband, ("' ~ J,. ~! break, smash, fracture
disperse, scatter; to be dissolved, broken up, dis-
banded, dispersed, scattered
;:(,::i! ~I;- J.;,;! openness; split(ting); diver-
... , .......... gence, divarication
to be rubbed, scrubbed cJ .;i : cJ__.i.i!
relaxation, .I> :r.:.!, (),(~~!,~I; :(1;!
to burst (open), break open, split (open); ~! :~~! relaxedness; ease, relief; remission
to be burst (open), split (open), torn, rent detente (tl-~1
- , !J·)"I .:1
more precious, more valuable, cost- l::.w ~i :~i isolation, seclusion, solitude,
( ~-
•..# .~~ :.)lA!
,, .
lier, more invaluable
loneness, loneliness, privacy
being alone with, meeting
to widen, broaden, expand; to be or become separately with
~I 'W
EltMii i!Wil!!iC·:llJI:tWI:II!:··:'l iWE,:::l,z::!:;:w::::;:·l:lti2:z.i:•.:IM!iiliiiiiCJ!*IIilliaBIIII--111119.. .'**MSM i@fi\4i@h( !§!ik :: i R

to be exposed, unmasked, shown up, compro- ~! wide, roomy, spacious, vast, ample
mised, disgraced; to become notorious to be revoked, repealed, rescinded, ~1 ~ ~! , :
to split, cleave, break; to be or become ~! : ~! annulled, nullified, abrogated, invalidated, negated,
split, cleft, broken defeated, voided, canceled, abolished; to be re-
~~e.-')-~~! versed, overruled; to be quashed
, ......... to be or become dislocated, disjointed,~! : ~!
to be weaned ~ : {Ju;! luxated, disarticulated; to disjoint, disarticulate,
f ,..,. j ,

;~l; )S"I , <.S~ I : & I

II_.. } ,I I If

more useful, more helpful, come apart

;:ii, I _.. ,...,.1

more beneficial, more advantageous, more profit- to be or get torn, split; to split (apart) • • ·I · · · · I
'-""""- ·c-'-
able, more serviceable; more wholesome, more
separation, secession, disunion, dissociation, J~!
If:: , breakaway, breakup; detachment, disengagement;
passivity, (state oO being affected or acted ) G : J~! disconnection, disjunction; schism
upon or influenced
separatist, separationist, disunionist, seces- ~ ~!
emotion, passion;yl~!, (~I&.)(~! :Jt.;! sionist, schismatic; dissident, dissenter; separatlstic,
agitation, excitement schisrnatic(al), breakaway, seceding, dissenting
strain [~~) Jt.;! separatism, disunionism, secessionism ~I
emotional; passional; passionate; excitable, ir- ~~! J~l ~I
ritable; intense, hot, ardent, fervent
split(ting); schism
-- ".;l&
emotionality, emotionalism; excitability, irri- 4J w; I schizophrenia r~ :(•"_. _~·11) r~\ -_
:il • ;li " • ... ' •
tability dissociation
·- . rl..:wl
-' I JA.JI --
to be affected, influenced, yl~:· ·! '~~ , )t :~! ~~ I
: ~IT-~_
.# ... ' ' -
schizophrenic, schizoid
acted upon, be passive; to react, respond, act in
response, act in return to separate (oneselO from, dissociate one- (.r) ~!
to be or get emotional, agitated,~lS 'y~!: ~! self from, detach oneself from, disengage oneself
excited, upset, deeply stirred, wrought-up, ner- from, secede from, withdraw from, break off from,
vous, edgy break away from, part with, leave, quit, break (up)
. , .......... with, abandon, walk out on; to disunite, split (up),
to be done J..i :J..&.il - - divide; to be separated, aissociated, disunited,
to open wide, be agape disjoined, disengaged, detached, divided
to split, cleave, crack, break; to be split, cleft,
to spend, expend, outlay, lay
out, pay out, disburse, defray cracked, broken ....... ... .... .,
~! :~I
tospend,consume, ~L-,:·.:·.!:(tJJ ~L.)~i to use up, exhaust, consume
exhaust, use up, waste, squander, dissipate to be reduced to poverty ~! : ~i
to spend, pass ~i, ~, u~ :(G:;) ~i
.. ,, .... .,
to shake (oil) someone from ;.;.s. I,; j; Z;M; I
to open; to be opened, ripped open, (tJJ J:~l) ~!
slit open
to be opened, unlocked, undone; ;..s::;! ' ~! : ~!
to be broken
to be gouged out, scooped out, torn ~I ~~! ... $"" ...
~,;; : uM'!
:il ....
to scatter, disperse, break up, disband;
out, knocked out
;il, ;il I ,..1 to be scattered, dispersed
to unravel, untie, unwind, loosen; to be J..;! : ~!
to adjourn, rise, be adjourned; to be ~ ~! : ~!
untied, unfastened, undone, unbound, unraveled,
concluded, closed; to dissolve, break up, disband;
loosened, unwound, untangled, disentangled, dis-
to be dissolved, broken up, disbanded
engaged, freed . . *' if ....
,, • 'I • ':il"""' :il .... to be settled, solved ~,... :uM'!
to disassemble, break up, oj I'- I l::..i,;; :~!
come apart, fall apart; to be disassembled, dis- dissolution, breakup, dispers- ~~ , J~! :(./11 ~!
mounted, dismantled, taken apart, taken to pieces al; adjournment; conclusion, end, close, closure
r --
W>&Ff¥ 1@!1{' tiih··5#±
to, abandon oneself to, let oneself be carried away
• to be separated, disconnected, ~I : I
disjoined, disengaged, detached, disentangled, dis:
deliverance, rescue, rescuing, saving, ~ : .)~ J united, dissociated; to separate (oneselO, disengage
salvation, salvage, salvaging oneself, detach oneself, dissociate oneself
J " J
to be measured, gauged, quantified; to be ~ : ~~!
I ;;I ,.. I I
to unscrew, be or become · II J I ;~1 • 'I clt.; 1
if'.r.' -
tried on (a garment); to be compared (withi. con- unscrewed
...... J ... • ... vi .... • .... ;;;; .....

trasted (with) not to cease or stop I j5 ~ ( ~ ~) clt.; I L.

decrease, decreasing, diminution, uo_~·.; :U"~) doing, keep doing, keep on doing, go on doing,
continue to do, persist in, persevere in
lessening, reduction, lowering, cut, cutback,
scale-down, minimization, abatement
' ......
~ ~1;-1!1~1
• .... J •
weight reduction ··-II U" Lui•
u;y to be or get sprained ~!
..., I f "' J • .,
debris, rubble, ~~~ ,J~I 'ilk. :~\.i;l to blunt, be or become blunt; to be or be- ~ : ~!
wreck(age), ruins come notched, (in)dented, jagged
contraction, constriction, shrink(ing), ~ : ~~ l to be defeated, vanquished, routed
shrinkage '
depression, dejection, low ~li :(;~1) u<:o~!
c.i) ~I;-~#!
spirits, melancholy, gloom(iness), blues - split(ting), cleavage, cleaving, cracking, fission; t.#!
I If ,. I ""' I
bursting, breaking open, breaking apart
constipation ~LJ: ~t.:. ':ll Jl ~I u<:o~!
fission, split(ting), cleavage, ;~I , J~ I : J~ I
myosis ti:J.I' ·~I
... • ..... """
J ·- • - cleaving, cracking; bursting, dehis'cence, breaking- -
open, breaking apart
systole ~Lul:~l ·Lui
.... J... •
~ ~I; - 6~ ' J;. ' ;:;:_ :~~!
·-- 0 """·--

systole ~I ~l...a.l
0 • ........ ... .... f ... :;;... .... .... ... ... ... .......

to contract, constrict, draw together, be~ : ~;.)i! l.:.l;l ~1;-._,.J.:;.; •Y~ :i.:...l,ij!
or become contracted; to shrink to split (apart), crack, cleave, ~! , ~! :~!
to be constipated :t-:~1 ~--o~i;!, ~I~;;! fissure, rift, rip, rend; to burst, break open, brec1'k
apart; to be or become split, cracked, cleft, fis-
to be or become depressed, dejected, (~~~) ~;;! sured, rifted, rent
dispirited, down(cast), downhearted, melancholic,
gloomy, heavyhearted
to split (apart), crack, cleave, ~! , ~! :~!
fissure, rift; to burst, dehisce, break open, break
to be received, collected, cashed (t'J JUI) ~! apart; to be or become split, cracked, cleft, fis-
.... ;ii... ..........
sured, rifted, broken, rimose
& ~1;-~1 to break (dawn)
_.. ;jj_.. I ,.. ,..If
to save (from), rescue (from), deliver ~ : (~) .lii I
influenza, flu
(from), salvage (from), salve (from)
extinction, dying out, cessation of being nasaJ, rhinal, nas-, naso-, nasi-

to become extinct, cease to exist, go out of to be elegant, stylish, fashionable,

existence, die out, perish dressy, chic, smart
- - • • - --1
division, partition, split(ting), J~! ';~!: r~! to please, delight ~I :J.i
breakup, fission; schism, rent --·
41\;1 ~I;- -·
fission; division [,.t-i) ~I • •
- i - - ~ .... J • ~I ~1;-~1
cell division t.U.I ;f... ... ••
-- i - - ~ ~1;-.,&;1
mitosis ·~'·-: i't.'~ i'L~~"~I
.1':' r.:&- J r.,r-::- J c.,r-;- i - -

~ ... • • ., 'II .... , .. •

to be led (by), guided (by); to follow, obey, (J) ·~~!
meiosis ~11···1 I~ yield to, submit to, comply with, give oneself over
!.?.. ~ J i - -
• fW&& &4t&?MiW!4~k>i/iNMtMftl
termination, suspension, shutoff, shutdown to be divided, parted, split, separated, partition- ~!
ed, sectioned, subdivided, broken up; to divide,
withdrawal, separation, Jl~ ,J~! :(y) t~!
part, separate, break up, scatter, disperse; to be dis-
dissociation, detachment, breakaway, breakup
tributed, parceled out, apportioned, allotted •
desistance, abstention, ~ ' i ~ J : (.y) t ~!
refrainment, stop(ping), stoppage, cessation, quit-
dispelling, scattering, dispersal, dispersion, t ~!
disappearance, dissolution, breakup
ting, discontinuation, giving up -· ~ ' .
devotion to, devoting t~ 'ul ~! :JJ ~! t visibility ~j) I t ~!
- ~.:.: /.:.:I
oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to, .;-A> e.- I )- _JiJoJ-
exclusive occupancy with
..... ::;; .. . to be dispelled, driven away, scattered, dis- ~!
pant, gasp, breathlessness; apnea; dys- ~I t ~! persed; to clear away, disappear, break up, scatter,
pnea, difficult breathing, labored respiration disperse; to clear (up); to be or become visible
incessantly, unceasingly, t~l (~ ~ '~) UJ~
::;:;... ...
..,.W :~I
..... .....
to decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce,
continually, continuously, constantly, without in- lower, cut, cut back, cut down, scale down,
terruption, uninterruptedly, nonstop, unremit- minimize, abate
tingly .. "' ""' ""' • I: I , ..- l j

::;; ....... , ........ ,,..I

~! e--1; -·:-...~ Jl ~ts:::. Jl !-!~ ~ ._,.wl

to be cut, cut off, severed, separat- F ' :tJaAi!
~ e--1;-~ ,~! :/ a' 0ii!
ed, torn apart; to be chopped off, lopped off; to
break,' break apart, be broken; to be interrupted,
to be cut, cut off; to be mowed, ~ '~ : ~!
disconnected, shut off cut down
to stop, cease, halt, discontin- ~! '~,; :~! to snap, break, be broken, be ~ ' ~! :~ 1
ue, end, terminate, come to an end, come to a stop shattered
or halt, come to a standstill; to be stopped, discon-
tinued, ceased, halted, suspended, interrupted, to swoop down, pounce down, dive (~) ~!
broken, cut, ended; to lapse, elapse, expire, run out down; to descend upon, pounce upon, fall upon,
rush upon, leap upon, spring upon, make a sudden
to withdraw .y ~! 'J~\; '~4 :I.Y ~! attack or raid upon, attack, assail, assault, charge,
from, separate (oneselO from, detach oneself from, raid
dissociate oneself from, break off or away from,
break (up) with, part with to pass, go by, elapse, ~ 'r;..;! ':,:
'~ :,)ii;!
slip by, expire, run out; to be past, over, bygone; to
todesistfrom,~ji 'i.Y ~i 'i.Y ~ :.y_~! lapse, terminate, come to an end; to be completed,
abstain from, refrain from, stop, cease, quit, dis- finished, terminated, concluded, done, wound up,
continue, halt, give up finalized
to devote oneself to, ~ t~ JJ ;:.;;.,; ! :JJ ~! passing, passage, elapsing,Jijj, ·~! 'c.l~: -~!
dedicate oneself to, apply oneself solely to, occupy lapse, expiry, expiration, termination, coming to
oneself exclusively with, give all one's time to, give an end
one's entire attention to
~ ~!
lapse, abatement, extinc- t'J jl1J..,i:: ·~!
to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be
.... ....... .... ......
tion, extinguishment
swooping (down), swoop, pouncing (down), ~\..,;a&;!
~ e--1;-~1 pounce, leap, spring, dive, downrush; onslaught,-

to be or get closed, shut, locked, latched, ~! :~!

onrush sudden attack or assault, violent raid
.. ...
._,.;.~1 i}U..
bolted; to be or get padlocked
i :: * " •
to return, come back, come home severance, sunder- Ui _,;
'F'JL..a; I .J.}:> : t ~!
ance, separation; disconnection, disconnectedness;
to be fried; to fry
break, breaking, breakoff, rupture; interruption,
coup d'etat, coup, overthrow; revolu- discontinuity, discontinuance, discontinuation;
tion; upheaval stop, stoppage, cessation, halt, standstill, pause,
~! y ••
E't@\4!ft4JN·,,#;r+,;:!!J ,;,f,,,!:f!.," ,-;gs,:··!'- &Jit#jn f" ,'??hTXS:j"'.·'S,.

more harmful ~~~ ~i :(~) ~i bloodless coup d'etat

worse i;_i :(~) ~j &·- &-· &--
change, turn, alteration, ~ , J~ , J_,.,.; : y 'j&.;!

denial, disavowal, disownment, disclaimer, .; ~ J conversion, transformation; turnabout, turn-

negation·; repudiation; disproof around
...r ~I
__ : v. ~I
~ e.-1.;-~1 ~~l reversal; inversion __
self-denial, self-abnegation, self-renun- c.! .ill .; \.5.:; I
:;; , solstice [ctU](_~I}y~!

ciation winter solstice [ ctU ) * • G.!. :_. ~ I
to apply oneself -1 ~! 'JJ u~! : ~ ~-!
summer solstice [ ctU ) * · " :_.~I
eagerly to, devote oneself energetically to, dedicate ~. --
oneself wholeheartedly to, attend to, turn to; to get solsticial colure [ ~) y~ ~~ :. :·.
to work, buckle down to, knuckle down to, turn
one's hand to; to be or become engaged in, occu- solsticial [~ ) * ~I
l.,f! - -
... :;;...... ... .I ... --·
pied with, busy with to be turned; to be turned about, ~ , -., :~I
devotion to, devoting oneself JJ '01 ~! :~ ~!
to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to; engagement
y turned around; to be turned over, overturned,
tipped over, upset, capsized; to overturn, turn
in, occupancy with, pursuit of over, upset, capsize; to be turned up(ward),
to be pressed, compressed, squeezed ·1.:· oi! :~! upturned; to be turned upside down; to be turned
inside out or outside in, be turned out
to give in marriage (to), marry (oft) (~} : ~ i
to be reversed, inverted ~! ::. Ei!
to bruise, be bruised, be contused :.,..; ! :r~!
... "' "' .
....... ., ..... .,
•:;;; ..,., to change, alter, convert, trans- J;;.; :
(Jl) ;_.I';;!
to deny, disown, disavow, ~ , cr, 1.;-;. , ~I e,;:. : form, undergo change or conversion; to turn
disclaim, gainsay, contradict, impugn, disaffirm, (into), grow (into), become, assume the state or
repudiate, refuse to have anything to do with; to form or shape .of; to be changed, altered, con-
controvert, disprove; to renounce, recant, retract, verted, transformed
to be ungrateful to (someone) ;1_~ )::ji
tostageacoup ~ )t .~ ~~~ rli
d'etat against; to carry out a revolution against,
,:;; - J ....... ...
revolt against; to turn against, rise against
to deny someone his right -.A> .~I
,.... ... ....... ~) .~ e.-1.;-.:_~~-;. ~ ;_ Ei!
~ ll ~I
-- ..
to deny oneself
to disapprove of; to criticize, cen- I;;5 ~ ~ I
-- to be extracted, plucked out, torn out, pulled I :JZ
sure, blame; to reproach, reprove, rebuke out, pulled up by the roots, uprooted, deracinateCI, -
eradicated, extirpated, exterminated
Y~! e.-1.;-y~! eel
break(ing); brokenness; fracture; ~ ,
.J ~! ;,s:. : eelgrass
..... ... ..........
defeat, rout, debacle .;~;!, ~; :.;~! to restore to health, heal, cure, make c,j>!. , t} ~ :"'I
healthy, make well
refraction [ • ~A ) •~II ~~! ..................
to make understand, make comprehend ~ I : ;.jj,j I
refractive [ • ~A ) ~.J ~ l
.. I ...

. -

columbine, aquilegia (c.~) ~~j

u;..s ~~.;- ul..f.i!
.... :ii ... ... .. :;;; , ... .. obedience, compliance, yielding, submission,
to be or get broken, ~ , ".r:$ :~! ;.s.:. ' , ..........

fractured, shattered; to break (up), shatter, smash,
to be defeated, vanquished, ?~! 'r~!: ~! more irritating,
routed more annoying
~~~ r. '
' , -;4'!.4fix'*' ,> . - uzt • ·~~=:::::z:,.:::'lft·":S:·=:li'4iifliil!A::<:::;·.:;:;.:;:;.;=========: :J
to contract; to shrink; to -,:~: , ~ , ~ : ~! to abate, subside, drop (oft); to ease, ~ : ~I
deflate; to wrinkle, become wrinkled remit, lessen
to cower, cringe, shrink (away), t'J ~ ~ ~! to go bankrupt, fail ~i:~!
recoil within oneself
to be refracted )~I Ji .~1 (t~) ~!
to introvert, withdraw within
oneself; to be reserved, shy to be eclipsed .
(~ ~.,1 ~) ~!
---- ...
;.. ~1)-~1 Janissary, Janizary
verily, truly, indeed; but, however, yet; rather, on ~J Janissaries, Janizaries
the contrary
disclosure, being disclosed; exposure, being
w ~1)- ·~J exposed; corning to light, corning out, show,
,,_,.., appearance
development-, developmental
to disperse, scatter, break up; to be dis- J~ : ~~!
t_L. ~I) -t.~! persed, scattered
~! ~~)-~! to be scraped off, scratched off, rubbed off, ~!
shaYed off, abraded, grazed, excoriated, galled; to
to perish, be destroyed, be~! ' J;.::..,! ' ~ : ~! be removed
annihilated, be exterminated; to be effaced, obliter- to be or become uncovered, unearthed, ; ;'•(',; I
ated exposed, bared, laid bare, disclosed, revealed,
to wane ..;6.11 ~ ~~ :~1 ~! unveiled, known, brought to light or into view; to
fl.,., . . •'f come to light, come out, show, appear, open, de-
spotted, speckled, flecked, mottled Jai .r :~I
velop, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be removed,
to fall out (hair) :(~1) 1~! lifted, raised (a veil, covering, etc.); to be dispelled,
driven away (worries, grief, etc.)
J~ ~1)-J;;!
-.. J .,. • j iJ&' ~ ~\) -iJ&' ~!
freckled ~ J) : ._;..:.1

fingertip ~~I ~~J~ ,~(; :4W1 to retreat, withdraw, fall back, # ,~I) :ts:_;!
• ,, •f , • draw back, retract, revert, back (away), recede,
~ ~IJ-U,..;1 ~ regress, retrocede, retrogress
J,...... J .... •

~ ~I)- clji :~! retreat, withdrawal, fallback, _,4Z , ~I j : •~!

retraction, reversion, backing (away), recession,
(~)~ ~~)-(~)~! regress(ion), retrocession, retrogression
~~~ 'i)~ ~I)- ~~_;1 ,ij_;1 to repel (from), drive ~~ '~i 'u;... :(iJ&' ;_) ~i
to end, finish, terminate, bring to an end, r" I :..,... I ~...... --·· back (from), deter (from)

conclude, wind up, complete, finalize; to be or

Anglo-Saxon '·;.L,k;i
become finished with, done with, through with
... ...... ~... ........ .... .. .. English; Englishman ~~!
to put an end to, termi-. .....UJI, ~ 1...._ t;"'J: ~I
nate, stop, halt, cease, discontinue, suspend ....
,... ..... .. ;;:; ,... .... ,, .. __ ... .. English
i:LI :~~~~-
.... .... ~ ~

.... ..
toinformofor ~ ~\ ,.~! ~\ :~J ~\ ~\
about, tell about, 'bring to someone's knowledge, retraction; shrink(ing), shrink-u">~! , ~ : ..,:.~!
notify of, apprise of, advise of; to report to, relate age, contraction, deflation -
to; to convey to, communicate to, impart to, trans- deflation; downswing, (Z?:~I Ji ~L.) U:.~!
mit to downturn; recession
ending, finishing, termination, bringing to ~ ~ r l :• l introversion; withdrawal
an end, conclusion, windup, winding up, comple-
tion, finalization retractive; contractive
digestible •

I :..·1

I :.. :I
~ ._.., _
. . .iWtttfiH¥1'¥l>fLf;.~ ?<"!e<'41t! , -~E>'f#{>X:J!"Y1-;.,A'h;.t,~t£j

putting an end to, ending, u li,; J , ~ ..~.> ~ J : • t..; J

termination, stopping, stop(page), halt(ing), cessa-
. ~... .... -- .
tion, discontinuation, discontinuance, suspension
digestibility t.~l
.._ _ _
_, ___ .1 to collapse, fall down, tumble (down), 'J.i:. :~ t...;!
to be digested ~ :~_ crash (down), fall in, cave in, sink down, founder,
give way, break down, crumple
to exhaust, fatigue, weary, ~j '~j 'Jl.): ~j
exhaustion, exhausting, fatiguing, ~i J~ : .!.lt...; J
tire out, overtire, fag, sap, wear out, wear away,
wearying, tiring out, overtiring, fagging, sapping,
wear down; to strain, stress, overstrain, overexert,
wearing out, wearing away, wearing down;
overtax, overtask; to emaciate, enervate, waste
straining, stressing, overstraining, overexertion,
away , _ _ , _.
overtaxing, overtasking; weakening, attrition; ema-
to fall heavily, pour down, flow in torrents :)J I ~! ciation, enervation
;>IF~! ~lr;•t't+i! to be heaped up, be poured (in a heap), ~. -o;! :Jt...;!
fall (in a heap); to pour forth, flow
downpour, pour, heavy rain, rainfall, ().II),;~!
to follow without interruption orJI~ 't!C :J~!
engrossment, absorption, preoccupation; .!.lie+'! to shower with, (tJJ ._,~4' ~4) ~ J~!
engagement, occupation, occupancy; dedication,
assail with, heap upon
to be poured out, be shed; to pour down, fall ~! ;j~ ~I)-~! 'J~ )l:~!
• ,... .... .... j

heavily, flow in torrents; to rain heavily to put out of breath, cause to pant ~ ...k._. :~I
to be or become engrossed in, absorbed in, J ;,~! ..- ....... -- ..... ,1 ....... ''II
& ~IJ-~JI :&1
wholly engaged in, lost in, preoccupied ··with, _.. _.. ..- .- .,. _.If
taken up with; to engage wholly in, occupy oneself c+' ~I,; -~J :&1
exclusively with, dedicate oneself to, devote one-
to fall down, collapse; to be de- ~~! :;_ :.~II ~~!
self to
molished, pulled down
to shed abundant tears, be bathed in (,;J I ~) ~! to flow down JL.. :e~l ~!
to be demolished, pulled down, torn ~~! :~!
to rain steadily {:01~)~! down, razed, wrecked, destroyed, ruined; to col-
lS,. ~IJ --~ :lS:;4J! lapse, fall down, break down, be broken down

collapse, breakdown, crash, fall, falling down, ,; ~! ~~ ~~) -r~!

downfall, cave-in defeat, rout, debacle ~;. : rljfj!
prostration, collapse '~ :- J i ~~~-- "J~
1 :I_ - •~ 1·_Jf':I_
nervous breakdown ~ :y! defeatism ~1~1 CJ: :~1~!
landslide L-~.: ~ ~)~1 Jj ,;~\) J~! .... ... ... •
to be defeated, vanquished, :;.s.:.! ' ~ ' ..,_J.i. : r..:+!
... , ... J ............

femininity, muliebrity, wo~~n~iness, ~oman- ~~1 routed, conquered, beaten, overcome, overmas-
hood tered, overpowered

anode [ •4_,.5'] ,)_,.;I to lose

to come to light, appear, show, emerge, ~:~;i

manifest itself, reveal itself to break, be or get broken; to crack; to strain,
~ ·~
~I ~IJ- U"'_,.;l be strained; to wrench, be wrenched
... ..... _. - lj
~- -, ~- -, . J~l
disdainful, proud, supercilious, .:.f..i. ' ~ _r.. : u _,.; to raise, lift (up); to make rise it; I :~I
.... ... · - . _....... ... :it... ... ... ... ... ... _. .....
~! ~IJ- )>.> ,.!)? '.J~I, JaA./1 :~1
,. .,.. ,.
·J·k~ t ~:;ea;;;· f'i'Pi@'@e§!M+MikfM. ·~tEi*fil'•}J:si'ti&FiI*IIIIIIIIIIEI~IiiiEWEz*llfBIB¥!1:4-;o:;¥'·:o!i'Mll'-""llMB-ll!'lliiiiiiB
preparation, preparedness, readiness, .) I~! : ~1 Egyptian vulture ()U.) ~~ :.:;;i
alertness .. :;;t...... ...
to act slowly, take one's time, slow down J+.; :~I
equipment, outfit, gear •~ : ~1 f'; •• -" f:: - •
to be late; to tarry, linger; to be ~I, _,>II :c.jl
ready, prepared; on the alert, on the (1:£) ~1 ~ slow
mark, on call, in a go condition • I~:· ·i
present, present-day, current, actual,
~i t'!"'J- 41 ~i existing
'-?.. ""-

(,?!~ :~i
... .... •• ... """. f.
to lower, drop, bring down, take down, J; I : ~I instantaneous, instant, immediate,
cause to come down, cause to descend, cause to
- -,-~·, -·.
prompt, direct
y\; t'!"'J -"="'~'
. .
to lower, reduce, cut (down)
idiotic, weak-minded, stupid; idiot, imbe-
cite, simpleton

···.·, ·. ~
......, ,-. ;.· t'
sociable, companionable, friendly,~, ~I :~1
.l;J t'!"l;-~i
- . .
amiable, affable, genial, debonair, kind, nice, gentle -
sigh, moan, groan 4Ai tame( d), domestic(ated) ~I
, 0') \.) :~I

yl.. t'!"'J -~t::A! (close, intimate, bosom) ~~, (~) J,!~ :~i
friend, companion, comrade, pal
(1.. t'!"'J- )~ :(t::A! J - J ..
anise, aniseed 0HI";HI
to be rightly guided, be on the right way, (JJ) 1.5~ 1 •
follow the right way; to find the (right) way (to); to - elegant, fashionable, stylish, dressy, chic, spruce,~ I

find, discover, come upon; to hit upon; to arrive smart, trim, jaunty -
:;. J... . - .
anemia r::.UI _,.d :~I
to dot, become a dotard u;. :~1 ,];Ai moan(ing), groan(ing), whimper(ing), wail(ing), ,;.,;. •I
to rave, become delirious tSiA :~ L ;.i whine, whining
:;. ., ... :;.f.: :;... ---
to moan, sigh, groan 01 '•Jli :ol ,ol
to shake, tremble, quake, quiver; to jog, joggle, j:;A 1
jolt; to sway, swing, rock, vibrate, oscillate, jiggle;
to move; to be shaken, moved, agitated, jolted,
oh! ah!
. ,oi- ,~j ,oi-
\Ai .~i ,oi
to appeal to, call upon, request, ~~ '~l; :-! ~\Ai
jerked, joggled, jiggled
shaking, trembling, tremor, quiver(ing); · 1..:;_;.I
rocking, swinging, vibration, oscillation; shock,
to call out to, shout to
i.5.ll; , ~ ( \.... : ~
- -yl..-I .
convulsion, concussion, jar(ring) skin, hide; cuticle; integument u lA I
t:'J ~I ~- g:.;.l . '
to wrench, bend down and break ': - ,._ I -- lA - tai
,:;. ... ,_,.. .... ... -"' ___
~'~~;-~ l•(
.o..i> ~ ~I;- ~I
~i t'!"I;-(JIA~I) ~\Ai
Jj~ ~~~I; -Jail ~! to insult, offend, affront; to humiliate,J~i ';;. : ulAi
,, ... ... ~ ... -- J, "" :;; .....

~_,.!\ J4j t'!"'J -~_,.!\ J.;:a~ humble, abase, debase, degrade, demean
... .....
to despise, scorn, disdain, treat _;A::.>! , 1.5;.)} : 0 1.. I
. ... ... . ... ...
to rush into danger, imperitctlQI J. ~ Jji :;•lF~! with contempt
oneself, act desperately -
insult, affront, offense, outrage, indignity, con- ~ lA I
to worry about; to be or become worried ~ : ~ ~I
tumely '
about, concerned about, anxious about
to be or become distressed by, grieved ~! :-! ~ ! to wake up, awaken, rouse ~i - ~- ~) :...Ai
:(-...,;: .
(from sleep)
... , :;. .... . to alert, put on the alert
.... ..
.. ..
.- :;. "
to take an interest in, be interested ~ ~ : ~ ~! :;. .. .. ... ..
in; to concern oneself with; to care for, feel inter- to prepare, ready, make ready ~' :...,....,
pyramids (r~ ~...).....,.) r'_;.i est or concern about or in; to take care of, look
""' :;; ... ~ . ... ... ...... after, look to, attend to, see to, tend, mind, watch
y_,a ~~J- ~~;AI over, keep, devote one's attention to
t; 't~ ~~)-t;1 .t;ai to_pay attention to, heed, J4 :"'i ~! "'i ~ , "'i
to shed, spill, pour out ~ .~;. :~;.i mmd, take notice of
JJ ~~ fi , J. ~j Jk ~!
to make decrepit, make senescent
to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate
c;. ;;,:.. :r:.Ai
U.....l :
..... .
. r.....
_,., ....
to attach

having no front teeth

importance to; to take or consider seriously
.... .. :;,
.U ~C. I u L:.l ~ : ~I
.... f. • .. '• f,

to emaciate, waste away, ~J~ ;;,:.. , ~i :Jjai toothless, edentulous,

lJ.)I,.UuL:.l ~:~1
-" If ""1 f

enervate, attenuate, thin, make lean or thin edentate

song ~1 :~J).1 interest; concern; care, solicitude; attention, ' -:..1
~ ~')-r.tA1 heed, notice

to marry, get married, wed, take a spouse

... :;; .......... ,...'I
1:-'; : JA I 1:~ ~IJ- c:~!
to appease one's hunger ·--~- : ·-
~ ' f- ' •
'-& ~ ~I
~1 ~~)- 0~1 JAi --- --- --··...
~ ~IJ -1!.1_,; :_&1
to be or become in- ~ '~;t 0\S' :0~1 ~1 .... :;:; ... ..._.
habited, populated ~ ~1)-~1
J;. ~')- ~ ::;Ai lampoon, satire, satiric poem ~1,o~1
:;:; ... .... ... :ii ... .,

~ ~')- ~~ :J-1 f:;,..

i...IA ~~J-I...IA :l...~Al
'1:;,... f .... f

... ., ........ :;, ....

to invoke the name ofGod~..Ul J. ~4 Jal ,... I '/1 'f..-..-
J;..l:Jl i...IA ~IJ- j.;JJ\ I...~AI
_.. I '/J f, 1 f

upon an animal when slaughtering it ·

... ...... .... ....... :;; ............ ::;;...
r.;j :
.... ...
and that on which hath been ~ ~~ ~ ~ L. J 1 to give as a present or ~ , ..,.... _, , ~~ -s...~a I
invoked the name of other than God· - gift to, make someone a present or gift of, present
with, gift with, donate (to), give (to), offer (to),
to qualify, fit, make fit, (~) 6.!~ ~ : ~) ~i c;. bestow upon, confer upon
adapt; to enable; to prepare; to habilitate, rehabili-
tate todedicate(abook, JJ t'J ~~I Ji y~l-s~i
... ;:;; .... -:;;., song, etc.) to
to welcome, greet, hail, receive ~1....:-J:~JAI ,.. I j _.I _.. I

- - presentation, presenting, donation,-s...IA I J.J...AA : .I ...~a I

relatives, relations, kin, kinsfolk, kindred, -4.} I : JA I
. ... donating, giving, offering '

kinsmen, kith and kin, folks, people; family; dedication, inscription(~! )~1 _,i ~~I) .l,a!
• J ••
household y...IA ~IJ -~I...IAI
;jj J J, j j I 'f
inhabitants, residents; u ts::.:.. , u .,.U.I , J I. I : J" I • • J ... ... • 'J

natives, nationals, citizens; population • having long lashes yi...IA ~I .1~ :~...~al
'f .,.. .,.. J f. J..- _.. ... , 1 f
.L..:a£>1 :liS' JA I
...... ""'""' I I

people, men, members (of ~~ , to outlaw, proscribe, declare killing someone~.) J...IA I
a group, class, occupation, etc.) lawful; to shed or spill with impunity or in vain
followers, adherents t~i :l~~i J ~~ ~~)-y~li :J u~i
possessors, owners, holders yt...:.,i: I~ ~j J~ ~1)-J~i
masters .)t;_i: I~ ~j .... -...

~.a ~,J_- J..ial

-- • j

household, (,:J. ~~C. :)1~11 ~i .. -.~~11 ~i .,_....

I _,.a ~~J- y_,jl Jl ~I I_JAI

... • .... • .... ... • ... 0 •

~::;.i J-,;..;.. :Jlj. J
the family of the
shedding, spilling, pouring out
bl~hed .L.:.JI Jl_,aJ
. ' .
more important, more significant, experts, people of experience, specialists,;;~ I JA I
... . .. ..
superior; most important authorities
negligence, neglect, omission, dereliction, J, I
~. free non-Moslems enjoying Moslem
remissness, slackness, carelessness, heedlessness, - protection
inattention, inadvertence, disregard, nonobser- ~·~: 1~$11 •,:j
vance, ignoring, overlooking, oversight; disuse wife . JJ f,.p." .I' I.)'"
$> , •
, "J , I
gross negligence ~ ~, the Sunnites, the Sunnis
.. :;,.... ......
..w. e.- IJ- .w. I intelligentsia

to flow, stream JL. :~i the people of the Book, Christians and y ~I ~ i
to neglect, omit, leave out, disregard, ignore, ~I• ,... } If

overlook, fail to, slight, bypass, pass over, forget, Seven Sleepers of Ephesus u+s:J I JA I
pay no attention to, be inattentive of, be heedless (~) ~~ e.-')-(~) j;.i
of; to disuse, stop using .... .. "'•... ... ...
welcome! ~I, ')lf.:..J ~I
to leave unpointed or un-
dotted inhabited, populated u;c:.. 'J;t: ~~
importance, significance, moment(ousness), ~j welcome! ~j , ~-' ~j
weight(iness), gravity, seriousness, consequence;
destruction, ruin(ing), wiping out, annihilation, I!J:lli.l
magnitude; account, worth; interest •
to attach importance to ~ ~j ~
...... bristly, setaceous, hairy, hirsute, shaggy ~j
... ...
I..Aila e--1)-~1
,, ... ... .....
........ :;I ...
to giggle, titter, snicker J~
..J ~ :~I
e.- IJ - u"W! ,...Jai..
... ..... .... . . .

t.SJ" : t.S,a I
., ..... . ~ e--1)-~)1 ~i
to drop, throw down ~I : t.SJ" I ..........
to destroy, ruin, wipe out, annihilate, extinguish ~.!.~..~A I
to stretch out or extend one's ~ Ji JJ !~ t.S~ i national; domestic, home, family; native, in- '~t:.!l
hand to, reach out for
to strike, hit; to fall upon :;, ..........
... f ......
civil war ~I Y?
reckless, rash, thoughtless, fool- 0& J I , ~ U. : r.,a I <II • f ... .........

hardy, imprudent, giddy, harebrained, light-heaa-

domestic(ated) animal, tame( d) animal ~I uIJ-:>
• • - ... .. ..:;, ... _ .. :;; • f
ed, frivolous, flighty capacity, compe- J u;.;::.1 , iiJ I~ , .._. ')1;,., : 4:..IA I

.. tence; aptitude, fitness, eli8ibility, qu~ification;

0 .......

, capability, ability, efficiency; merit, desert, worthi-
easier u,al ness, worth
;ji J #:;, I j
the easiest legal capacity (competence, etc.) ~,.;li ~I
the lesser evil 0:1~1 uJ" I rehabilitation J I~ ~ J '$' ~ t.l
·. ~ l ,,),J

~; \.i.J I ~~I ~IS"

• .:;; ;j", , .. I 'J I .,.I

of the two evils choose the least 0:1~1 uJ"I .r>l sui juris, legally competent
(the less, the lesser)
.;;. e.- I)- ~;.1
~ .~~~ :.;t; .8~~1 (.~ .~~~ ;:u
.. t..;S'L.i .J. ~I
. ) -~~I
svelte, slender, slim
•• :;,


.rl :_,1.
• f


[L..u] ~l
(c.~) d-!iJ

unless, if not, except if, except ui~!·~L.:JI

when elliptical, elliptic ~;'..!iJ
:;,.. :;; .....
until, till
("' e--')-r-'
, f"kM"f:N!:@Mfe¥Wi~ *\iWvtDiWJW'i*MP¥ 1

side, direction ~:yjl

.§ £HQMH j@R;$#tM§f1·JMM2¢i''"4I#&Nf··',!\, _,.g;;;

to lodge at, take up lodgings at,-t rlii ' ~ J) :JJ i.SJi


(;-~:;) ;-jl J! :r.

put up at, stay at, take up quarters at
from all sides, from all direc-
tions, from everywhere to take refuge in, seek or take JJ t;J :JJ c.s:;i
shelter in, harbor in
~~; ,:;;:; , ~~:; ~I;- ~jj
... ... .., to go to, betake oneself to, repair JJ ~~: JJ 1.5:;i
rabble, riffraff, ragtag, mob, scum t~J :~4JI to; to retire to
:JV1 to go to bed, retire ~.r-r Ji ~ 1~ JJ 1.5:;i
opal (-.r<- "--
~ .J
return(ing), coming back, going back
, J
tJo":"; : ~J I
...... 'I
1.5:;T ~1;-dJ J:_:.i ,J)i :1.5:;i
.. ... .... .... 'I
.JiJ ~I;- ~JI to lodge, put up, quarter, accom- J:_:.i , J) : 1.5jl
- -· f
modate, room, house, provide lodgings for, receive
.JiJ ~I;- ~JI (as a guest), provide with living quarters
opera -~ ·~~ ,., ~~~· I'
·-~--,.. ~ ~ '·~: .JiJ
1 to shelter, harbor • -~~~ ~ ) :; : 1.5:;1
opera, opera house I~J~I ~b, I~J1 1.5:;T ~1;-tJJ J:_:.i ,J)i :1.5ji
... .. .. • ... ..... :;;'I
operetta - i.SJI ~I; --t rlil , ~ J; :JJ i.SJI
to destroy, ruin ~i :J;ji repentant, penitent, contrite ~ l; : I.:J IJ~·I

to degrade, humiliate
J.ll :~JI
.......... -
ii~l- ~I; -~IJI -·
~J ~I; -(-t Ji ~) ~ji heat, ardor, torridity :,;. :;I j 1

(ul~) rJ...;J1 thirst ~: ;~:;1

..... ... .
, ii .r,"l ~I;- J':!"'IJI
_;! ~I;- );JI
... --... .. iit.,.

,JjJ, ,JjJ ~I; -,.~jJI

...... f.
protozoan ~ j:i:'< Ji :t1}~1 ~i: ~lji
to string (a bow) (;:,_.:;iJI) )ji Protozoa ~I i~:; ~1.;1;.;,. :;_jl:;~l
bus, autobus; trolley bus y•J1, IJ"J!••y J1
burning thirst ..1,1~ ~ : rlj1
ce 'c.i:;: (ii~l r) ulji
highway, expressway, freeway, autost~ada :~l;:...j:;J1
autocratic ~1)j:;J1
time, season
ul ~I; -uiJ~I ul .-· --
- .•1
from time to ii J~IJ ~ J~I ~ , 1.5;.. ~IJ ~ J~I ~
autocracy ··- .;1J'J time, now and then, orice in a while, sometimes, at
automatic; power, power-driven, ~L.j:;J1 times, occasionally
self-driven, self-acting, self-propelled, automotive; it is too late 01:;~1 C.ti
mechanical - f .

- •1 timely, opportune, seasonable, well-timed, ~IJI J

automatism; automation, automatiza- ~L."
··- ··- J'J at the right time, in season -- ··
tion .. 'I .....

car, automobile
• •1
untimely, inopportune, unseasonable,
ill-timed, (done) at the wrong time
~IJI ~
- -
hotel, inn, hostel, hostelry; motel - 1.. L~"J1 premature, too early, precocious; prema- ~I J I J.:.i
~~y -- .
~J ~I; - (tJJ :~) lJjj
... ~... ... ..... before it is too late ul:;~l ~l;i ~
~J ~1;-~JI
oh! ah! ~~, ~~: ~lj1
-.;\5 _,J~ ~ , ~ : ~ji
to tie (up), bind, fetter, shackle,
(en)chain - - to return, come back, go back e.-~ yji
.. ,
: ..
to tie, fasten, bind return(ing), coming back, going back tJo":"; : ~.:JJI
T ,y ~JI
c==========c~r,=n. +c=~'-·~·id~--===·~'"====~'·''
~J ~1;-~ji
peak, climax, apogee, acme, apex, culmi- ~ : ~J I

to be desolate, deserted
,.;K.ll ~JI
..,. ... nation, top, tiptop, crest, crown, zenith, summit,
pinnacle, highest point; height, heyday, prime
to mire, cause to stick fast in ._b.Jjl ~ 2ji: ~ji , t:J1 . Y'"'
J ..
'<'q lt,..i
-~~ -II iti~ll :( I!Ui] (J'i
Y"'t '-?'
mire, throw in the mud I ;:ii _. ,J I J _.. lj

aphelion ~I I f ~ L. ~I
~;t ~I; -LS;:i! , (;,_! :JJj _.. _.. If _. _,. I J J _.. ... [ " ] I 'J J,.. I J
.... ,... ............... :o;'f
1 1.... ~ _u">;'SI r:,r- ~ ~I : I!Ui ~J'SI iJa.A.;
to bend, curve, flex, twist, turn c.i-> '~: JJI
crook(edness), bend(ing), twist(edness), (~~! :JJI
..... . .... .. apogee ;.iJ I
curve(dness), curvature t4 e-1;- ~/~1 t4
...;~; :J~j1
....... :;;... ...f.
toil, labor, drudgery; hard work; fa- ~ '-:..5 : .lJI stove
tigue, tiredness
sustenance, support, maintenance, pro- --
~~I: .lJI
-. to impose (as a duty or obli- r)l ';:....) :(~) ~ji
gation upon), enjoin (on), make incumbent (on),
vision, keeping ' make something someone's duty, obligate, bind
..................... :ii ..............
to necessitate, make ~ , u">.) , ~ : ~ J I
_.. I J .Jl _.I J 'J necessary, make obligatory; to require; to decree,
bent, curved, crooked, twisted, ~ '(,_..: JJI prescribe, ordain
turned, tortuous, sinuous; bowed
to necessitate, (tJJ !~ . :~<)c.::::~·!, rF!: ~ ji
to perish, die
to destroy, kill
....... ........
~~ Jl ~ lS.lJI
. involve, imply, entail
to create, make, produce, origi- C..~> I , 0 J5 : ~J I
... ... • • ... :;.-- ...... t

burden, load ~ :oJJI

. ... ... nate, engender, generate, bring into being, give
birth to, give rise to, birth, bring about, cause,
to deposit, bank (u;..;.. ~) t,'Jji occasion J ... J• ... J ...... ...
:;i , ..... ... .,

to make or let find (obtain, • ~ j ~\;I : "-!_,11:. ·~ J I

to deposit, reposit, (tJJ ~Gi Ji ~:>S') t_~ji c;.,J: get, acquire, attain, etc.) -
lodge; to bail (goods); to consign (to), entrust (to),
trust (to), commit (to), leave (with); to give (to) to compel to, force to, oblige to JJ Ji ~ ;~ ji
_. _.. _.. _.,...I j ... ...... ... ...... .,
to deposit, put down, lay down, place ~J :t .lJ I to abridge, summarize, epitomize, synop- i')KJI ~JI
.... ;:;;. size, sum up, condense, digest, abstract, brief,
to include, embody, incorporate u-" : t .lJ I outline
-.:._··II J4.&-.lJ
, - . 'I
to commit to prison, throw in prison .:r.- ;,_J ~I;- ;~1 ;.ji
to confide or entrust a secret to ~I ~~ji to misgive, feel fear, be fearful or (tJJ 4) ~ji
... ';:;; ...... apprehensive; to apprehend, fear, dread; to have
to strike fire .,~.j)l I.S;JI
J ';:;;. .....
apprehensions or presentiments
to kindle, fire, take fire .,~.j)l LS;J I to feel, sense, perceive, :~ J I
:ii ... t
.r-1 , v-1
... ... ... .. .... .,

uranium ~~I;J1 to hide, conceal, harbor, entert~in, ;_:.,i: ~ ji

... ;;:;... ... :;;. ............ cherish
C.;J ~I;- C.;J :~;JI __ ..._ ........
.... f. ...... • ...... ;;:, ............ to hurt, pain, ache, cause pain to; to excru- ~I : ~JI
to reflt;ct on, cast ~ ~I , -...;..5 I , "-:-:--" :...:...JJ I ciate, torment, agonize, anguish
on, bring on, cause ... ................... . :;~

to agitate, excite, stir up ~~, 1 ~1 :~JI

~~~~1 e-1; -~~;~J1
to lead to, take to, bring to JJ J,:..ji: ~ji
to frighten, scare, alarm u;;. :~ji
.... .,
to mention, state, report, ~ J.ll, i..U '.;5 j : .l;JI
cite, quote; to adduce, bring forward, set forth
... :;:; . ... ..... ..... ... ...... to distinguish, honor
to inspire with (or to); to reveal to
~I :-!
u:,!. :~ji
~J _,JI
.... ..
... ... ...... . ... .... ... ~... .... .... 1 .... ;;;; .... .... • 'I
to import .l;_,.;:..!: .l;JI to suggest ~ i:.b, JJ ;l!.l,-! )'j: ~ Jl
!4. 7:: I
... :;;.. ... ......
beat severely, strike repeatedly
.. 'il .. .... .. ... ••
J,.JJ ~I; - j, I .JJ
wider, roomier, more spacious,
more extensive, broader, larger
I& L.; I :;5'1 : t"J I aorta ~~;i :,~~ ·~~;i
~ -··1 ~ t.',.l
~J ~I;- J:.ji aortic, aortal <.?!*I : <r- JJ
......... ·' u~.J ,u).J ~~)~~~ u;:,i
to be on the point of, on the verge of, on theul ~JI
brink of, about to, close to; to verge on, border on to leaf, foliate, put forth leaves, send out ~I l:;)ji
to bequeath (perso- ~;.: ~ ~ , ~~ ~~J ~ji : leaves
nal property), devise -(real property), will, give by orchestra ~-~·('·1
will, make over by will, transfer by will orchestral ~H".J:,1 ,~1_4.;j1
to make one's will ~J (~) Ji) ~: ~ji
to will, determine I~ 4.J ~ )~ :(0i) ~ji
Europe ~J~J1
(order, direct) by a will (that) European ~J~J1
to appoint or institute as ~J 4: JJ ~ji goose (pl. geese) C.J! ~) ;;jjJ
to entrust (commit, commend) ~ ~ J .It& : ~ ~J I
... ... . ... barnacle goose, barnacle ~ 't.~
~ J
i 11
• - 11-1
to someone's charge or care '
to recommend, commend
- -
~ j : -t ~J I
... .. swan
ozone ~J~I ~~i ;r, ~ :uJjJ1

J_l~ jJ)
... • ...

, . ., ... ... ... ... ...

to recommend, -t ~ ;l:.l '-t ~ =-t ~J\ black-backed jackal (ul~) '-"'ji
... ...
advise ... ;r,... ... .....
. ........
t-'J ~ 1.; - ~JI
toorder ~ •.rl =~ ~J\
~~ .~; ~~~-J~ji middle, central, median, medial, inter- Ja:.ji ..J.:.;:,: :
mediate, intermediary, midmost, mean
to sicken, make sick, make ill ~;.i :~ji middle; center ' ;'a:·.:,
to close, shut ~i :~ji middle finger ~t:.ll -·· II -. """ I : i' ,
.. Jr-:
.... , ... ~~. ~J
. , .... .
to take to, get to, bring ~), (.S~i, ~)ji: (JJ) J,:.,ji
to, lead to, show to, conduct to, convey to, drive
to, steer to
Central Africa
Central America
~y - -!'.
.... , ...

Ja:.,JI lS'~I , lS'~I
.... .
L" -Ill.&.. ·1, l.a.. ·1 J....l I
-!'. , - J....

to transport, carry, convey, rL

'~ :(JJ) J,:.,ji Central Europe Ja:-.~1 4J~J1, 4J~J1 ~lji
transfer; to deliver, transmit, communicate; to pass the middle of the month '.~.II J-1'
..J+-' - J
(on), hand over
til .....

to give someone a lift or a ride, li)\; ~I ::,.II J...JI

,) :;;; ........
middle term (~] Ja:.j~l ~I
drive, convey, take
to accompany, escort, go (along) with,
. .,
Ji I; : J...J I
.. midbrain
the Middle East, the Mideast
J.:.j~l tl::JI
J.:.j~l J~l
take along; to see ofT , • , , ... ... :IJ

to conduct ~~I, i:::-~1 , i)(,ll , ~4~1 J,:.,ji the middle class, the bourgeoisie Ja:._,JI ~I
to clarify, clear (up), make clear, explain, ~JI the Middle Ages Ja:-.~1 C~l) 0J~I
expound, explicate, elucidate, illustrate, shed light
upon; to show, manifest, reveal, bring to light; to
~J ~1;-~J :~ji
.. ;r,.... ... ......
indicate, state, set forth ~ e:"J ~I;-~ t"JI
to make someone tread or step on v-J~ ~ :11ji to be or become rich, wealthy ~ ) \... : ej i
~ UoiJ ~I;- ~IJ :~ Uoji to heap abuse(s) or insults upon G ~ ji
'• f f'o 'f .... ... J ........
lower c}.ll : I.QJI to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully, 4~ 4A.. J I
c============·'="==~· ··~~,·~\®~<!·.=·=·========~
luckier, more fortunate; more successful; th;.. )ji
likelier, more likely, more probable, more prospec-
.... ,
J~ :Jl.kji
.·~:U ... ... ..
bushy-browed · J,I
tive; stronger, more powerful ~ l.L.I r- . --...
.... .... .... ....
offset to put into a vessel or container ~ ~ ~ I} t?> J : "'-'I

to burden, oppress, weigh down on

.... ....... --•.:;.f.
... ...
"J ~I;-~ '!.SJ> :t..rJI
... .... ..._. .....
~ ~I :'-'-'I
- _.. ,..-I .- .- ,..-I ,... ..- I 'f
uij ~~)- ul(,i ~,.:..! ~I;-~,.:..! :~_,1
. ... .... ... ~...... .- ......
to kindle, ignite, light, start CUI) jjj ~J ~I;-~ :~_,1

to burn, set on fire, set fire to

... ;;I

;WI~ ..l.iJI
.. ... ... -:;.... ...
.J.&.J ~I;- ,),a : .J.&.JI
JJ ~l!.i , JJ ~: JJ; ji
... .... • .. ..... ... . . . _ ... 0 f.
to overburden, overload; to op- _;a ;I , ~ ~I : j-' I to insinuate to: intimate to,
press, weigh down on, overtax
to be overladen with fruit ~l_,.ijl
.... ..-,.,.."'
, ., :;;

suggest to, pomt out to
toadvise ,counsel ,recom- ~ ,~ ;l:.l
mend to
. ... .... .. ... .:JJ ....

to drop, let fall, cause to fall, make fall, ..l:aL:.I : ~_,1 "",..f ,_.. .,. I. _.,...I.
tumble, throw down, bring down, topple to instruct, direct; to .r I , c.~ ~I : JJ _:,&.J I
.... .... ... .... ... ...... ... ... ... . ...... order, command, enjoin -
""i c!J ~1;-J;li ,~la ·~ ~ :""i c!JI
"' _. . ,
to embitter, envenom, venom, excite or o;;....o ~_,1
... ,...... .....
..- .,. lj ..- _.. _..,..I •
to inflict on, cause to ..;.-!1 'J;l: l..iS" ~ c!JI arouse anger or bitter feelings in, fill with spite or
hatred, kindle rancor in
to inflict or cause tJJ
~4l...l, ;~.:...:>-, 1;1~1 c!JI
.,. "",. ,. I f _.._..If

August - J • J ~
damage, losses, casualties, etc.
to inflict or impose a ""i Jl ~ l:...~ Jl ~~ c!JI
. - ..... ,, ......... ...
yl :~_,1
to penetrate deeply into, delve ~ , ~ ~ : j ~ ji
punishment or a penalty on, punish into, go deeply into; to study thoroughly ..
to levy a distress upon, distress, ~I~ 2ji to go quickly, mend one's pace, ~I~ ~ji
hurry, hasten, speed
distrain, attach, sequester, impound, garnishee,
seize, confiscate ..... . .... .,
to exaggerate, overstate, overdraw r')IS::JI I} JiJI
to sow dissension
... .... ... ... ... ..... ;;~-:
(r.:! I.S" J , (r.:! u _,J : (r.:! t! J I
........ :•. - to insert into, push into, plunge
, ...... • ., , ..... • f
int~.) I : ~ ~ J I
between or among, stir up discord between or
among, sow the seeds of discord between or
among, drive a wedge between
""i Jj ~I;- ""i Jji
;ii- J;i'i.. , ••
t)J ~I;-~ oliJI
to throw into, plunge into, hurl ....
"" ...
to (en)trap, (en )snare, (en)tang le,t' J I 'f),;.. I} c!
... .... . .........
to come to
to approach, be or come near to
... ....
y J li : ~ t} J I
~I : t} J I
enmesh, gin, catch in a trap or snare
,. . ,. . . . . . . ,, . . . . 0. to overlook, tower over,
;i'j ,..

J..l:.l , u ,;..1 :~ t} J I
j - _.I j ..-If

to stand, make stand, set

upright, raise; to make rise
riA!~, rlil :u;_,l

.. ... ,......... ... ......

overtop, command, dominate
to exceed, be more than, be greater .l Ij : ~ t} J I
.. ... ..
to stop '-...Ai_H Jl ~ ~ :'-...AiJI
.... . -
to stop, halt, cease, ~ I~ t?>J , ~I ,
~... .... ... .... ... .... .. tJai :. . ;,.....;
than, be above, be over; to go beyond, transcend,
discontinue, suspend, interrupt, break, cut, put an to delegate, depute, deputize, send as one's :Jji
end to, end, terminate
to stop, halt, arrest, stay,
... ... ~... .
.... ...
J~ I , ;..... , t:-" :....;,; J I
check, suppress, prevent, hold up, hold (back),
... ... - .. delegate; to mission; to send, dispatch
to increase, augment, multiply
more abundant, more plentiful,
obstruct, hinder, hamper, impede
ampler; more numerous
to [u,;li]
~ Ji ~~ !~l Ji ~t :r ~ :z....iji more economical,
J .... f
"' ,.,....,.. ... ::S ....

l.l~l :rs-1 ,4.U.; Jil :.)JI

.., If

to interpret, construe; to explain

;.; : Jji
to suspend, stop or cancel J.b , ~ :Ui_,I
.... ;;; ..... ..... ;:;;_.. .... .... ..
~· temporarily, ban temporarily, make temporarily
~I~ :J_,I
first inactive .... ... ... .......
"'..... :;;:f
foremost, chief, principal, main, cardinal, r" I : J_, I to call off, cancel ~I : Ui _,I

to stop, quit, cease, lr' ~ ' lr' ~! :(lr') :.....i ji

key, most important
...... .. ::;.f.
earlier; former, previous; earliest, J! L. , ~I : J_, I discontinue, halt, give up, desist from, abstain
first from, refrain from
.. .....-... ...... ;;;;•
beginning, start, onset, outset, ~I"'! , •"'! : J_, I to detain, hold (take, ;..;. , ~ , ~! ::.....i j i
prime, first, incipience keep) in(to) custody, arrest, put under arrest,
first, firstly, in the first place, first of all, to ~_,I apprehend, seize, hold, jail, intern, confine
.............. ... .... .J .. ... ,f.
begin with; at first, in the beginning; originally, to acquaint with, inform ~ .wJ:. I : ~ \.; ')l; Ui _,I
primarily, initially
,...... of or about, apprise of, advise of, notify of, let
forefathers, ancestors, forebears, ~I_, ~I 'u,J::; ~I know about, make aware of, tell about; to reveal
grandfathers, primogenitors, progenitors, ascen-
to, disclose to
.... ,.... "' ,... ... ......

. _,1 .JL.. .....u_,l
... -- .J.- ::;. - .J ... :;; .... • :;:; ... ,. • 1
carbon monoxide .....u_, e--1;-J ~ ·~ •.••:_j :~ ·~' .....u_,l
... "' • J - ..... ... ... ...
at first, in the beginning to stay the execu- tJJ
;1_;.]1 J\ J~\ ~ .....UJI
the day before yesterday, tion of a sentence; to arrest or stay a judgment
two days ago to stop or slow down, brake J.) :~~t,:JI :.....iji
for the first time, first J_,~I ~ :.:lJ ,~ ".;. J~~ to park
. ..... - - .......
tJJ ~,.. _, ;;)::.::.JI .....u_,l
_. ;,;:;;

at first blush, at first sight, Jj~l ~JlJ-, ~J J~~

J J • i
ocean ~ : U" yl::JJ I
prima facie; at first glance, on first consideration ·t.r' y~w~.. J1
first class J) ~~~ oceanic
oke, oka; ounce 0jj ~~J :~j1
first lady J--'~\ ~~\
- :;;f • to support one's weight on, lean ~ ~! :~ \S'ji
from beginning to end, from A ·i-' J! ~_,1 ~ on, recline on
to Z
sale, clearance, clearance sale u;.j\S)
~~~ ~\)- j~ :J_,~\ ~~~\ ~
-~.. 1\5'_,1
-~·· 1\5'_,1' U"~
(~• ) U"~
at first sight; at first ~~ J~i ~ , J_,~I ~ )aj I ~
glance octane uLS_,1
the former J~~\ 1:U. October
JJ~\ 01-~ :..H~JI
• J• i

to entrust with, commission -! ~J ~, ~~: Jji octane

. ~_,1
with, charge with; to entrust (commit, commend)
to someone's charge or care to lose, suffer or incur a loss ~:~j1
ra! e.-')- c.~' •~.,,
"" • .J ...
oxalate c."SL.S.,1
,....... .J ...
to place one's confidence in, have confi- ~ o ~_,1 oxygen
dence in, trust ' ' .1
"" J .... J ...
oxygenic, oxygenous ~J
to do someone a favor, render a serviceli_,_,.u o ~_,1
oxide ~J
worthier, more deserving;
- • •
(.$ _,... I ' J.> I : -!
J - • ( ) J''J ., auxin ~-_,1
..- ... 1
more entitled (to); more appropriate, more proper, J_s'j e--1;- JS'JI
more suitable, more adequate, more suited, more ' ..... :;; ............
becoming .:Ill ~~!~I;- .:II~ J.s'JI
n' .-~.,1
;a"': ,\£ill WM%H1*Ff¥M4. • ,z~&Mi-MHM!NMMIPih'lh·, iMNiNII:?UD"'@WliiM
~ ... ,, .. ,. ..... ~ :;:;:J
Protozoa ~I ·~J c.l;l~ :CoQJl with greater reason, with Jji :i~~ , Jji y~ ~
.. ~;.'I,..
~JI ~IJ- c.~~ :c.9,1
~ .. :. :;:;.-
all the more reason, the more ~. fortiori a

axiom, truism, fundamental or

~~ji ~I)- ~~ji :~ji
4~ :4;i
these, those
to enter, make or let enter; to introduce, J->.)1 :dJI
~J1 , ,_'jJ1
... . . . ..... ....

insert, intromit, thrust, put in, drive in, stick in,

self-evident truth work in
oligarchic, oligarchical ~~~J1 ·~~~J1 to enamor of, inflame (someone's) love "'t (l; '::ll;) ~ J I
"' ... , ........
oligarchy ~·~ .._ .) .. J1
.. , .) .. J 1.~·~ or desire for, make very fond of; to interest in,
arouse (someone's) interest in
~,1 ~I)- ~,~ ..'J1 to be (very) fond of, (passionately) attached to,-"t t-Jj1
ohm ~~~~ ~jWI i~j :rJ1 (deeply) attracted to; to love, adore, be (madly) in
to make a sign or signal; to beckon; to )G.i :(JJ) t_;i love with, be enamored of, be infatuated with; to
like; to fancy, have a fancy for, have a liking for,
signal, motion, gesticulate; to gesture, make a
gesture take a fancy to, take to; to be interested in
... ... .... ... ..- ....
to flash, gleam, glint, glimmer, shimmer, :~JI t.1 to give a banquet
"'... ... .... .... .... ..... :f
~, rlil :~JI
sparkle, twinkle, scintillate, flicker, wink, blink
...... , .... ...
~ : uA- J I
.. Olympic, Olympian • ~I
-· J ~I ~W~I
to wink (at)
Olympic Games, Olympics, t.:J .
to glance furtively, look )aj1 ;:;;:.! :~ji Olympiad
stealthily Olympiad ,)w1
... J
omnibus, bus (.)" ~J 1 - .... ~ ••

. , . &. 0J...I
... iii...

} ~J ~IJ -IJJI
gentleness, mildness, leniency, ~...Ala~ ~, J :
kindness possessors of, owners of, holders of; masters of; ,iJ1
people of, men of
calm(ness), peace, tranquility,
quiet(ness), quietude men of understanding, those gifted withyW~I ),1
-· ~~.) -~ .ci,. :u,l...

understanding hearts
those charged with authority, those
uiJI ~IJ-~JI responsible, authorities, rulers, chiefs, heads, presi-
ounce, oz. ~J1 ·~J1 •..,..;ji
dents, leaders, superiors, masters
... .....

to moan, sigh, groan ;;t :;;i priority, precedence, preference; seniority; pri- 4.;,J JI
macy, supremacy
oh! ah! ~~ ,~T :~j1 .~ji first, initial, primary, prime,J;~~
:;:; • " '/I, ... J
JL..:.., ~I : ~JI J' • ., "' :;:; 'I

... ..... • .. -- 0 f primordial, original, earliest

to weaken, enfeeble U.......l :..,aJI .... ... • "' :;:; f.
fundamental, elemental, primary, ba- <.r- L I : J_J I
......... j - - ••
to light, kindle, ignite J..:..l :~JI sic, principal, main, chief, prime
.- . ...
r-.,JI.J ti-'1 :("'JI
... .... _.. _..
preparatory, pre- L?~
"' .....

, L?? 1-"'! , L?~ : "J_J I

"' 0 "' ......... ;;:.f.

(that), give the (false) impression (that); to delude, liminary, introductory

deceive, mislead elementary, rudimentary, incipient,
-- .... • 'f -- ... ,'J
to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap, U.......l :~JI inchoate
undermine, undercut, waste (away), devitalize, primitive, primeval, rudimentary ~~~ :~;i
enervate, unnerve, attenuate
to discourage, dishearten, frustrate, ~ _:.,.1 I ~ J I
.... ... ... -- .. raw, crude, unprocessed, unrefined
"" ,. 1 ~·· J" ~~\A.o.o,I
it,;. :
i •• .
J-' I
"' :;;'I

unnerve, enervate, depress, demoralize, dispirit first aid "-::-'J ~~t\A.o.o,

.•· I • I ' -,_,._,

black-eyedjackal (ul~) ~:;1 prime number

:;;f " .......

bilberry, whortleberry (c. L;) ~J1 raw material tJ~i ~~~

force, power, might, strength
o,; : .>~ J
that is, that is to say, i.e., namely, c'!-:::11)- ~.·: : ~i-
, :).:!1~·
viz., in other words, to wit
(.l...:.u) ~ :~i
to drive to despair, .r~ ~ •.rtJI ~ ~ :~4i
deprive of hope, dishearten, discourage
.rt e-- 1J - (j"~l
who? which? what? what kind of? what sort of? \'~I
any; every; either; no matter what; who- 1r.1 I , 1.51
.... .; .•
ever, whosoever; whatever, whatsoever, whic.h-
province, district ~! 'W.~ :41~! ever, whichsoever
rY- c::- 1) -r~~·1
I""' I ... ,; j

anything; no matter what; whatever, ~r.; ':?I

....... -- ~· whichever, whatsoever; which thing? which one?
when? at what time? ~ : 0 ~I
""'I I ""' :;,:f whoever, whosoever, whomever, whomso- ulS' ~I ~·
if, when L.~... q)l! :u\;1
ever; no matter who he is, whoever he is, anyone,
- •- I - _, i any person at all; whatever, whatsoever, which-
.; .. -~· ever, whichsoever; no matter what, anything; re-
':?' e--lr '!I gardless of, irrespective of, notwithstanding; at any
sign, mark, token, indication ~ ~ : ~~ cost
*• ~·
in any case, at J~ ~I~, J~ ':?I~, ulS' L. ~I

miracle, wonder, marvel, prodi-~~~, o~: ~~ any rate, in any event, anyhow, whatever the case
may be, be it as it may
example, lesson, warning •~:~T
- ""' ,... ...- O,oh
exemplar, example, pattern, para- J~ '(j_,...; :~1
then which of the favors of
gon, paradigm
your Lord will you deny?
masterpiece J ... ;J t , , ...... ,
he is a true (real, great, etc.) man; t..k- J 1..5 I t..k- J _,.
verse (.r~~~ ~)~i what a man (he is)! • -
-1, .,_
y~ J ~ i ~ : :_ :~ 1

Koranic verse ~l_,i ~~ I admired him greatly! how

'/1 J - much I admired him!
f .ill ':?I

verses of the Holy Koran PI

verses of the Holy Koran
giving, granting, bestowal ~ .. ~J:-~J yes! certainly! sure(ly)! indeed! truly!
,;s;.,. ........ 1 ..
~ e--IJ-~1 verily!

preference, preferring l :..~:: 1.!:1 yes, by God!

~ J .,

altruism, unselfishness,
1 j ""' :;i So
selflessness take care not to, be careful not to; don't, uI I!.! I; I , t;; I
altruistic, unselfish, selfless; altruist (>;),:~
_J .,
don't ever -, .,

ethanol [.W] J~~! beware of, be wary of, guard j ~~! '~ ~~J
against, be cautious of, be careful of - -
ethane [.W]~J ... I , ,. :;i , , I ... , :;i

Thee do we worship and ~ l!.l~)J ~ l!.l~J

obligation; obligating, binding; u">:; ' rI)l :'-:-' ~) Thine Aid do we seek
imposition, imposing, enjoining; decreeing, pre- , :/. ,. I j

he gave it to me ·~!~~I
scription, ordainment ,, -
affirmation; affirmative J::. ~ 'c.W J : Y~ J return(ing), going back, coming back t~ J : '-:-'~!

offer [u,;ti] ..,..:;. :y~) y~~ e--IJ- ~~!J ~~-j

to answer in the affirmative, say yes y~~~ yG:-i o}'~ e--IJ- Y~)J ~~~ ~}'~
I :;i J :ij..-,

positive; affirmative; constructive; active; plus~~! support t~l ~ ...1,1_; L. : J~j

J~) ~~~ ··~
... !!:
ij¥wfi1kiM·,1fMM!ij·,,&ziJlkti#:&iJ!LtJ!#if\,.p)WifNE*Mi§i##Mfii. IM'f
harming, hurting, damaging, _, (.$~~~ :-~~I JWI positive neutrality ,., ~~
"t.,! 6.:1 --
• f ""

injuring, doing harm to, wrongdoing; annoying, -
positivism, positivity, positiveness ~ 6..: I
lSj I
•• e.-') -(.Sjl :
.l..i:!j creation, making, production, c,I_.;..J, Ut.~ : .:~~)
••!- ... f

producing, origination, originating, engendering,

announcement, declaration r~J qj~J :ul~! generation, generating, bringing into being, giving
sign, indication .t.~ :ul~l birth to, giving rise to, bringing about, causing, oc-
indicating that, announcing that; indication~ Gl.i:! J
of, announcement of - -
rent; lease; letting (out), leasing, renting out, ) 6..:1
hiring out
mention(ing), stating, citing, citation, quot- ) ~ :.:~I;) sublease, subleasing, subletting,
ing, quotation; adducing, bringing forward -
importation, import, importing .)I; J
.)1__,;.! :
rent, rental, hire ) ,.,'S I J:.;
t,_; '

income, revenue, incomings, ~~ '~ ~ : .)I; J

returns, proceeds, takings, receipts, earnings; yield,
lease ,., ~
) 6.:'SI

profit for rent, to let, for hire, on ) 6.:

,.,'S I J .... .. ,j)-
• --'i ' ) 6.:
funds, finances; revenues ..::...1.)1; J hire
-~~J ~IJ -;.~~)
foliation, leafing (~~~ ~) J~Jll 0~ :JI;J ..... ... . ... .
m despair CoO, lose hope (oO, J.j '~: C.r) :r.i abridgment, summarization, epit- ?. Jl J......._. :j~J
omizing, synopsizing, summing up, condensation, -
give up hope (oO; to despond, become discouraged - abstraction, briefing
or disheartened
brevity, shortness, conciseness, J ~! : j ~ J
~tie.-') -~i .~T terseness, succinctness, laconism, brachylogy -
to be or become rich, wealthy , .:;_, ·-- •i
'-""--- • .)""!. in brief, briefly, in short, in fine, concisely, inj~h
a word, in a few words, shortly, in a nutshell, in a
left-hand, left (~) ~j ~ :_;:.;i
capsule, to sum up, in summary, summing up, to
left-handed, left-hand, make a long story short
sinistral; left-hander apprehension, fear, dread, anx-
... 0 f .. • ... ... ,J
easier uyo I , J..,:.l : .1-t I iety

bequest, c._;II ~ ;J~ ~Y. ~J;; -~!

bequeathal, bequeathing; devise (by will), -devisal, -
, : suggestion; inspiration
autosuggestion, self-suggestion " "I j tl...:-'I
.~I ..
~J ~I
_. '/J_. } I.,.. I

I!!;: .L...,;~I Jl>, .L...,;j

} I
to support, back (up), stand by, stand up for, ~j
• ·~I
..,.__ -·
appointment of a guardian ~J ~ :•L..:.; J advocate, champion, uphold, be in favor of, go for;
to confirm, affirm, sustain, corroborate, second; to
recommendation, commendation 4 ') :•L..:.; J
recommendation, advice, counsel
. .
~ : • L..,! J
endorse, sanction, approve, approbate, counte-
nance, consent to, assent to, agree to, concur in,
.... .., . accede to, subscribe to
order ~ 'rl: .L...,;j ~,

;;_,; : . 1:! I
force, power, might, strength
testamentary "..,.__•L..z:.,I
depositing, deposition, lodging;
........ .... ...
t.)J I J......._. : t,l..l:!)
closing, closure, shut(ting), JW I '..;')Ill : .:~L..a: I
t. t. "~
bailment; consignment; entrustment, commitment
~ ~.
~ JJ~ e.-')-., ~J.i..l:!)
, ,,.
conveyance, transport(ation), car- ~ , ~ : J~j
riage, carrying, transfer(ence); delivery, transmis-
ideological, ideologic ~,1.~..1:!)
sion; communication; passing (on), handing over ideology -~ 3 ~. 1 ~ 3 ~. 1
~.-"-"'!...~:!,' ... .-"-"'!..\:!,
EE:I.,:ltd!.ii·W!:iJ,~;;w:,.:;:<·III"!.ii<Hi[k'~:ll:itr:::i'.jl!lilll!lii!DffifEl:"·i:.Ji#lll'i!lilt@ffl!!,!i*¥l!JiB!liWplllilliiMDPIII·*II·IiiiliWII*ID. . .

arousal, (a)rousing, ·~ , ~.. ~ : ~La.:.. ,I

i;- t •I , ..r- ~-
conductiont~l ·~~~ •!~().1, j.~~l JL..;j
stirring up, excitation, exciting, working up, awak-
~J e:-1;-0 ) ·~ • ..J.;~ :JL..;j
ening, wakening, provocation
(r~ 'S~) ~j :JL..;)
alerting, putting on the alert, ..):!~ • ~ ·.~ : ~lA,/j
receipt; voucher
putting on one's guard, warning, alarming, cau- conductiv e ~~l
tioning 4J~I
t. conductivity, conductio n .. .. "
dropp~ng, letting fall, causing to fall, : LA;J ~

tumbling, tumble, throwing down, bringing down, - metabolism [ ~L.:--i] ~i

toppling, topple
anabolism [ ~t-i]
- ·1./-·G,~ "· 'i
(t\l ~,:) tlA.!!
rhythm; harmony; cadence
,.,. ........ , . . .... . ... ,, , . catabolism [ ~t-i]'
.. ~
~\;.,. e:-1;- U"'~l Jl ~~I Jl ~,.WI tl.i,i)
also, too, as well Cas), equally, likewise; along (Q;i
rhythmic(al); harmonic; eur(h)ythmic; ~LA;)
with, together with, in addition (to), besides, fur- -
cadent(ial), cadenced ther, furthermore, moreover
• La.:l .. :-
clarification, clearing up, making ~ji J~ : c~l
eurythmics, eurhythmi cs ~ -, vMJ

raising,settingu~ _ -~~.r.~):uLA;J clear, elucidation, explanation, exposition, exphca- ·

,.,...... • ;; ,. • ill , • ... •
tion, illustration, shedding light upon; showing,
stopping, .....U.H j.;_;JI Jl -~~ ~ :ul.i,i)
manifestation, bringing to light
stop( page)
., .. ,. ... .l . ... .l illustrative, clarifying, elucidative, demon- ~~)
stopping, stop(page), ~ .).> ~ J ' ~~ 'e:Jai :ul.i,i strative, expository, expositive, explanatory, ex- ·
halt(ing), cessation, ceasing, discontinuation, dis- planative, explicatory, explicative
continuance, suspension, interruption, shutoff,
break, putting an end to, ending, termination repitition ofthe same rhyme ~WI~~~: .~J
stopping, stop(page), 4i~J '~'~:utA,/) flank, waist, middle ~ , ;~\.,;.. : ~i
halt(ing), arrest(ing), stay(ing), check(ing), suppres- ~J e:-1;- ..l:/~ : ,)~l
sion, prevention, holding up, holding (back), ob-
struction, hindrance, hampering, impeding intimation, insinuation, suggestion, hint ~ : jl.;J
[u~t;] ~ Ji ~_;i !~l Ji :1::~t:; ~:utA,/) advice, counsel, recommendation ~ : jt..,; j
suspension, suspending, tem- ~ lA,/ j J# , :u instruction, direction; order, command , ;.i :jLa,; I
injunction '
porary stoppage or cancellation, tempc)rary ban,
temporary inactivity, abeyance ~~J e:-1;-~~ •..l:l~ :(tJl y;~l) ~~l
calling off, cancellation ~WI :ut._;1
.. ~ ~
~~j e:-1;-(t\ J ¥4 ·~~~) ~L<;J
stopping, stop(page), :;. ~ ~ uli,; u- ':;. t : l ~~j e:-1;- i_;-~ :~ ttA;j
quitting, cessation, ceasing, discontinuation, giving
up, desistance, desisting, abstention, abstaining,
solvent ~L<;~I ~ ::\;
refrainment, refraining solvency
.lA,;~I ~ i;..U
detention, arrest, appre- ~ , ~ , J~ ~ : uli,; J delegation, delegating, delegacy, :.; J~ :.)~I
hension, seizure, confinement, custody -
.;:;; , • deputation, deputization, legation, sending forth of-,
stay of execution, arrest p1 ul.ii,;J .~~ ul.i,!J-
• J , •

a delegate; missioning; sending, dispatch(ing) __ ... ,f.

of judgment - .........

~ e:-1;-~1
parking t'l ~:;. .J ~~~~ JlA,/ l kindling, ignition, lighting; burning, set- J l.!.1 : .)u; I
~ e:-1;- uLA;J ting on fire, setting fire to ' ·'
-' ( ·: '. )1i;i-
i ··p·~ awakening, waking up, wakening, ( ·:·. )j;u;l
to wake (up), awaken, waken, ~ _iJ' ~ -·
awake, rouse (from sleep) awaking, rousing (from sleep)
"" "'
(,?1 e-1)-lc.!l
.... .... ....
to arouse, rouse, stir J ~I , p , c- , el? : Ju,i I
.... ... ... ::;. ... ... ;;;. .... ... .....
up, excite, work up, awaken, waken, whet, pro-
gesture, gesticulation, motion; sign, signal o<:~! '·~J voke
. - ~
to alert, put on the alert, put on
... ;;:; .....
J~ , ~ : Ju,i I
...;:;;.... ... ... ...
pantomime ·~~~ _;
one's guard, warn, alarm, caution
gestic; pantomimic; mimic ~~J to ascertain, find out or learn with ("-! J i ~~I) ~ j
. ..:;;~1 :I'!:;; .......... ~~ ~1"'1 .·~
pantomtme ~'<"'=!, ~ .J-', (.,?'.'<"'=!, ~ certainty about, know for certain; to be or become
certain of, sure of, convinced of, confident of
pantomime ~~J .........
icon [~1~] ~~~
belief, faith u~J ..... J .....

• 'I
iconology, iconography c.\.; _,A: ~I UJ?
'""I.e.!, ~o·j
.. ..
• 0

• .... ... ,. -... • J • ..::;. •

fideism J..ujllr ~.I.! u~~l ~.)~~~:~I.e.!! ... ... --- . ......
thicket, jungle, wood, brush, ~ , 41 :~I '~I
widowhood, viduity -t) :~i brushwood
dl ~ ~~: ~j (ul~) ~J .~1 .~i .~i
to go to the right
right-hand, right; dextral, (~) ;.,;i :.,;. :~j
stag, deer
musk deer
. '
(ul~) dJI J,;'l
• J '#'" ... , -
• , ... .... • 1 ... . . . ••
leading to, resulting in, JJ ~ ' JJ .ly :J) Jot I
right-handed, right- o~ ~~,~I-¥ :~1 producing, bringing about, causing, giving rise to;
hand, dextral; right-hander· conducive to, contributing to
- • ~ '*' ... .... .... , ...... "' -
accruing (~ _,1 ~) W,) J.a..:.;.. :u)l.; JJ ._11
Jl ...... .... .... .... • J , .....
u~ ~IJ -;sr,11_, ~I_,~ :~1
to, devolving upon, devolved upon, vesting in,
by God! I swear by God! ~~~i vested in, transferred to
,.,. "' :;..... -- :;.1
oath, swearing
to ionize c.~y.l JJ J~: Uo:!l
where? in what place? at which place?
-Uo:! I entrustment, commitment; commis-
ion(ing), charging
where to? where? to where? whither? JJ ::,.;i intromission, thrusting, insertion, intro- Jl;.~J :~~!
whereto? to what? toward what place (direction·, duction, putting in, driving in; penetration
end)? how far? up to where?
convenant, compact, pact, agree- -.;LS, .. ... ~ :u~l ~
where from? from where? wherefrom? ment
whence? from what place?
wherever, wheresoever, no matter where, ~I
- .. hind 1'~1
::1 :4,Lj-
anywhere, where holly (..::..~)A!
how far we still are from.. . o
.... , ...........
I£ Lr V""' u: I ailanthus, tree of heaven (c.~)~!
, ......

WI~ e-1) -""'~! September ~

. ~
: J-1~
, J ....... J,f
t~ J :~~I
ripeness, mellowness ~: t ~J return(ing), coming back, going back
'# -- " - • • ........
to ripen, mellow, grow or become ripe or ~ : ~j devolution, accru- (tJJ ~ _,1 ~) Jl<i.;;~ :jj_,.l,!l
mellow al, reversion
_.. ,"t ... of
to widow, cause to become a widow
u:l e-1)-~1
O,oh ~i ~ .~i
delusion, deception, deceit, misleading, imposi- r~!
tion; make-believe, pretense, pretension widowhood, viduity
lodging, putting up, quartering, uK.:.J , Jl JJ : .I~J by God! I swear by God!
""''" "•' "··it" ··: '. ' • .{·~~================::::3
widowhood, viduity
accommodating, accommodation, rooming, hous-
' ,. sheltering, harboring ~~ ~ ~_;; : .I_,;J


,. , I
large sitting room, hall
palace, mansion
... ... tJ,..)
•fi,f i.i.,i :uly,J

pitiful, woeful; deplorable, lamentable
· ,_ I · 'L in, at, on; with; by, by means of,
'-""~ t::" ) - ~ . through; for
seller, vendor :! l!. ~ : ~ t without; excluding, with the exclusion of;0J~ , ~
dealer, merchant, tradesman, trader -"':" Li : t ~ lacking, wanting, missing; deprived of, free from
salesman, til ~ii'·! _,i;;;:.. ~~~I :;_j :~~ with what? wherewith? ~ ,~
:;; .. .. :.""'-' .... :;:; .. since, in view of the fact that, as, because, 0i ~
retailer, retail <or l.h.i.JI J I ,_r' 'I I -
r-' c:.'L.
' .JM-' J ;J·-··q
inasmuch as, considering, whereas
.... , . , including, inclusive
wholesaler, wholesale dealer ~I~~
by God ..ill.
hawker, peddler, huck- )~) _,i Jl~ _,i J~:~ d~ - '
ster, crier; traveling salesman, drummer to come back, return e.-~ :• ~
auctioneer (~I) :1)~ d~ to bring back, return; to ""'! e.-~ ,e.-) :
(-!) ·~
bring in, come back with; to bring on oneself,
calamity, misfortune, disaster t . _.:. :~~ draw on oneself
· •- I
(r.-:1 t::" ) - (r.-:1 · 'L•
· •- •· ~ to acknowledge, admit, confess :,ii :(-!) ·~
final, irrevocable (divorce) ~~ jjj. ·~~ to fail, be unsuccessful, miss the:(_:.JI _,i J:,J~ -~
mark, lose ground - -
dowry, dower, dot 41j~ :~~
he draws on himself the wrath..ill ~ ~ ·~ ~
baobab L~) y~_;1~ of God • -
,... .... , ..... , f.J,.J
door, gate J.>i.!l ~ ~ _,1 ..~.....;! l. :y~ stale, old
opening, entrance, passage, way in, ~:..:; : '-:-'~ vapid, insipid, tasteless, dull, flat, uninteresting, ~ ~
entryway, doorway, gateway, inlet boring, stale, wearisome, jejune, colorless, trite,
section, chapter (..,..G.?~)'-:-'~ banal, silly
extinct, dead; past, bygone; passing, transitory, ~~
category, class, grade, group, range;
temporal, transient
type, sort, kind, variety
matter, affair, concern,
~ 't,..,~ '0\:. :....,...~
, r fallow, uncultivated, unsown, un-
planted, wild
(~ ~i) J;: :) ~
business; subject, topic; question, issue; field,
sphere, domain, realm unsalable, unmarketable; un-
sold; dead stock
Sublime Porte, Porte (~~I) JWI ~UI
,, ... , stagnant, dull, slack, inactive (..;;..) ~lS': )~
open door (policy) c_,::..JI ...,..u1 ((.~) miserable, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate,
... ,f. ... ,., • ~~
J_,l t::"lrJ_,I :-A ,:r distressed, affiicted, forlorn, suffering, sad, poor,
~~4 T\A ,.,
l: !lil]l."A:2:'ai~- : : •r:t>l ·dl li:·: : : ;:;: ;"1Jli¥! ! + H!:i_~f: : •
-:;;:. !:i·&f~ ~; ;:!,b"k:i: :·:@!ili.iE!·W1il li mDMI I Iil l l l!i:i !Ci !Nil l·!l·
.:J:·.::::!diii«Nilll· +*1i1llll!i!!W';:!!M&ii##&llx$!4··Bi'ii£•l!W'l!!Ji19Y· >,\\!!!!fi!I!!!F 11!~
earth, make known out of, by way of, as, as a matter of, as I~ ~~ ~
to unboso~ (oneselO, disembosom, ~ ~~~ (~ a form of
imminent, impending, forthcoming, yl-'"!~1~
reveal or gJVe vent to one's feelings or secrets
approaching, about to happen
open space; courtyard; square, plaza; hall 4,;..~
pupil of the eye
to_ discuss with, ~old talks with, talk(::~~ :~~
w1th; to a.rgue w1th, reason with; to negotiate with pope; the Pope, the Vicar of Christ,
scholar, researcher, research worker; investi- ~~
the Supreme Pontiff
gator, examiner daddy,dad,papa,pa,father

yl :~~
.._; ._, L-_._,
, ..- ...
: • L.
to fade, dim, bleach, wash out, decol- Y-r. (. Santa Claus
orize, discolor, become colorless
to be vapid, insipid, dull, uninter- ~~ 0LS' :(~
esting, colorless slipper, pantofle, scuff, mule
to subside, abate, let up _;;j , ·--
--- -
l..lJI : t ~

steamer, (steam)ship, steamboat (..~.~

"' ... ~ - J ... • ... :.'II ... ,. "'-;, ... .-
liner (
~\.1j ..!..> ~ J.._;U} ~ _,1 ~~ -~~ chamomile, camomile
I .: ~ I - ,_. L.
~ c::- ) !.>'!" • papal
to perish, pass away, become ex- ~~l·~ :J~
tinct, cease to exist
apparent, visible, obvious, evident, ~\.1 : (-,?~~~) :~ papacy
manifest, distinct, plain, clear
Bedouin, nomad; nomadic (?-?~: ;~
... .... ... ... •.. ... Babism
lS...~.!I c::-1;-~1 :lSJ~

to take the initiative, make the first step I...I.! , ;.)~ : •-

IJ~ ·-- -- to spend or pass the night; to stay
or move; to start, begin, initiate ... ..... ... ...
- ...... ,.... to become, come to be, grow ~I , ; 1..,.. :eo~

to accost, speak first to, ~-~-11 _,1 _i)lSJ~ ol.)~ dJ ;:;; -;,

Onto), turn (into); to be; to reach a stage where, get

address first, greet first; to open the conversation
to a point where
or talk with; to approach, overture .__
to continue to do, keep doing, ):..1 J , ~ :C.~
initiator, originator, starter, beginner, 1...1.! ~\; : ·lS~~ keep on (doing), go on doing, stick to
commencer, launcher, mounter, the first (person)
to do something; creator, maker, author; begin- categorical, absolute, unqualified; (":" ~ , ~ li : 2, ~
definite, definitive, decisive, conclusive, peremp-
ning, starting, commencing
.~ ~ t-.s~~l
, . tory, positive, final
first-mentioned, above-mentioned,
aforementioned, previously mentioned, aforesaid, cutting, incisive, sharp, keen ~~ , ~ li : ;·~
above, (the) said, (the) same batiste - -- " : : G.:...;L,.
first, firstly, in the first place, first of ~:.; -.s~ ol$.)l..
~)~ .._.
"' ... ... ... J J " - ...... J J J
all, to begin with, to start with, above· ail; befor~ pathologic(al) ~ r , ~ ,J y ~ ~ J.L..::.. :~ _,! _,:~
• .. • ~ • J J
anything else
pathologist ._,DI.r~l -~ ~ J~l :~,Jy~
at first, in the beginning; ~I olS~~ '_,:~1 ~~~ ~ • .. ,. .... J J
pathology ._,DI.r ~I ~: ~,Jy~
prefix (L. ~
,. J~i
- j}- ~JL.
beige, ecru, light tan (u;J) ~~
to take the initiative, make the first step or (Jj} .)J~
move; to begin, start, be the first (person) to; to set to be or become kno:wn, revealed, disclosed, ~·
;.JI (4
out to, embark upon, enter upon, set about, under- divulged, uncovered
take; to proceed to, move, act, take action, begin to to reveal, disclose, divulge, uncover, un- ~~ (~
-.- L.
.).) T\'t
tt=··~«=t~4=·===·=·t=s~~-1~*?«ifiiDM~W#D*~RM-~mllm&W9"1Dmlallm5iD··DI~~ ~~~jfr~W~JIEIBIB..IBBIImADRa~••~m1 t¥Wg.
to stagnate; to be or become stagnant, J,:ll ~}~ act, resort to; to hurry to, hasten to, rush to, run
dull, inactive to; to come early to; to get ahead of, forestall,
bar, barroom, pub, tavern, taproom, saloon ~~ :.;~ anticipate, act in advance of; to surprise, take by
surprise, come unexpectedly or suddenly upon,
pious, dutiful, devoted, faithful, loyal,~L..., "J_j :~~ overtake
reverent, obedient, true, kind; upright, righteous ...... .... ..:;; :;it ' ........ J .......
\.)~ e-'J-d! ~I _,1 _i~~ OJ.)~
the Creator (God)
. sign, indication, symptom; herald, ~~ , t. ~ : ~~ ;)~
A harbinger, forerunner, precursor; prospect, out-
"' ... ,.
A. look
:;; ....
artesian well ~jly) • .... • .... J jJ , ,,.. ....

gesture ~ _,1 ~I& ..:r ~ u :•~:~

to compete with, vie with; J.L.;. ,
~L. , ~ li : 1.5~ ~ ......... J .... ... ...... ....
to rival, emulate, strive to equal or surpass; to race OJ.)l.:-- e-IJ -•J.)l.:-- :•J:~
with; to match, compete with successfully, be
equal to
bezoar .::.lil;.ll -~ ~ .J :L:...;. :.,.A);)~
the Creator (God) to exchange, interchange; to exchange (for),J~ : J'j~
commute (for), give in exchange (for); to replace
paratyphoid (by or with), substitute (for), put in place (o0; to
parachute alternate
to barter, exchange, trade, swap, truck, ~l; : J~~
paraffin bargain, give in exchange (for)
para to reciprocate, return in kind ~~ L J;'l; :J~~
or degree, repay, requite, pay back
focus, focal point; center; pit; seat o.;Y,
'. J

battleship, warship, man-of-war; ~? t..( :~.;~ ~~ e-'J- ~;)~

gunboat - - ~~ e--1)- ;'j~
to leave, depart from, go away from ~~~ : (~ ~ desert; semidesert; steppe ~;)~
~ JWI e-IJ- _ _;.i :(!~1 ~ e--1)- ~~
yesterday __,..:. i :~.; ~ I
.... .... ~ ..
luxurious, self-indulgent, lavish, prodigal, t~~ u) :
the day before yesterday, two days ago 4.> J~l J_,l extravagant, spending lavishly
last night; yesterday evening ~ ) WlillJI
. "
haughty, proud, arrogant ;c:t~~
cold, cool, chilly, frigid ~~ ~ : ,!~
high, lofty, elevated, exalted tJ:; :t~~
cold, cool, frigid, chilly, tepid, ~~ ~, ;li : .)!~
eggplant, aubergine (ul~) ~~~~
unfriendly, indifferent, nonchalant, disinterested, • ·~jl,.
,.,._ ".
silly, dull, stupid ~:.)-~~
to dig a well L.j;. :1~~4
frigid G~l.
-- . ) . to focalize, focus )'; :~~
.... I .,~~,
weak argument o.)J~~ to perish; to die; to be destroyed, ruined ~ :~ ~
cold war -~!~ :,.;.. to be futile, unsuccessful, unprofitable, ~I~~
unfruitful, unavailing, useless; to fail
easy (smooth, comfortable) life .)!"!~
I .J "

.... .,., .. to lie fallow, remain uncultivated or ~}~1 ~~~

easy prey, unearned booty o.)!~ ~ unsown
J,.. ... ...
to duel (with), fence with, fight (with), combat, )~~ to be unsalable, be unmarketable, be a~~~ ~ J~
fight a duel with, encounter in a duel or combat; to dead stock, find no market, remain unsold
,.,. . ..).;~
bazaar compete in a contest with

falconer ~~~ _,i ~1).1 J;. 'j~\ ~~ :)'J,i4 prominent, conspicuous, ~ lA ,


*, ... ...
_,.la.;.lJ ~ ~ : j.;
salient, noticeable, striking, remarkable,. marked:
::;; ....
pea(s), green pea(s), sweet pea(s) (-.::..~) J,i4 '~,i4 distinct, outstanding, noted, notable, distinguished,
basalt J,:.-~1 ~~:; ~~~ ~ :..J}4 eminent, illustrious, commanding; important, ma-
jor, main, chief, principal, leading
bezoar c.lil;,ll -~ ~ .J ~~ :.,.A}4 protruding, projecting, prominent, pro- ·~ li : j.; 4
bazooka ~I 1-
"i. · ~ ~\.,
'1- :.'" · .-.
I..Y u-":! ~ ( - . JJ .
tuberant, protrusive, salient, sticking out, standing
out, bulging out, jutting out
to kiss -~~: :- \.,
~ U". embossed, in relief, raised
... J... ... .. ... ~--
;li :j.;4
to be or become strong, brave, bold, ~ , ~.?,i : U"y, ~ I . . I..- I..-

galbanum ~~;t-:.)j.;4
to be or become miserable, wretched, L.;4 0~ :~ meristem ~G ~ :~.;4 ·~.;4
poor, distressed
skilled, skillful, proficient, dexterous, adroit, deft, t.J 4
(..,..t;) _..,..4 J~ '_..,..til~~ ~l.;-u4 expert, adept; cunning, clever, ingenious, brilliant;
courage, bravery, valor, boldness, prow- ~G.!.:
. t
efficient, able, capable; superior, masterly, mas-
ess, intrepidity terful, artful, subtle, workmanlike, workmanly
...... J ..

strength, power, might very beautiful, very pretty J ~I ~; 4

suffering, pain, agony, anguish, tor- J\~ ~1;-JI~ :.i.;4
ment, torture
~~4 ~\) -~;4 :J;4
fear, dread, terror, panic
glimpse of hope, gleam of hope, ray of ~j ~~~
harm, hurt, damage, injury hope, trace of hope
never mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right! thundercloud
it's OK!
the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit
there is no objection to it, there is ~ _,i ~ ~4 ~
no harm in it; not bad, fair, unobjectionable, so-so, to bless, invoke a blessing on; to sanction, ap- ~~4
moderately satisfactory, passable, tolerable, just prove, endorse, subscribe to; to congratulate, felici-
good enough, pretty good, acceptable, average, un- tate
distinguished, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, common, God bless you! .... ~I ~~L..
mediocre, medium, middling
gunpowder ,)j~4
considerable or large quantity or
amount rifle, carbine, gun
don't worry! don't be afraid! it won't ;J(l~ ~4 ~ barometer
do you any harm!
brave, bold, courageous, t ,
.U" . J~ '_..,..~1 ~~
1-. , - barometric

gutsy, valiant, intrepid; strong, mighty, tough, barometric pressure

misery, wretchedness, unhappiness, distress, u--Y.
., baron

suffering, ill-being baroness

what a bad .. ! how bad .. ! what an evil .. ! .. \.iS'~ ~\.;1..1 :'-?~~\
how evil..!
the Creator(God)
focal ~~Y.
what a bad man! J;-~1 ~
'. jl- ~- ·~-- .,
and his abode is Hell, - an .J::'::""" U"""'_J (""'+'!" • J J
t; barium (;..:;) r;..;4
evil refuge indeed! falcon, hawk, accipiter, goshawk () U.) ~ 4 ' j 4'j 4
~~ rn u4
i#Wi&id§t,:; i®A£**•
... ... .
to sleep with, lie with, make love to, have c;. ~ :tD ~ calamities, misfortunes, catastrophes, ~ c.l;.i •~
sexual intercourse with
u;=., J}.L. :U,~
disasters • -
.... -- .•,-
to procrastinate, stall, temporize, •
(.)"'Y. e:- )- ""Y.
put off, delay war, warfare, fight(ing), battle, combat y';> : .L.\;
J-~ e:-1; -~~ <...rY. e:- I;- <...rY... : .L.. t.
null, void, null and void, invalid, ;~ ' _t 'l : ~~
of no legal force, not binding, not operative, in-
;.i e:-1;-!;.~
operative, nugatory, ineffective; abolished, cancel- to be nice to, kind to, friendly to ~ 'l :1:. ~
ed; obsolete, outdated, out of use, in disuse
to speak (out) frankly, talk freely; to be() I....: J.:-4
futile, vain, useless, una vail- ~ \; • c.SJ~ ~ : 4 J!:. explicit, clear, sincere, candid
ing, of no avail, unfruitful, fruitless, ineffectual,
ineffective, abortive, of no effect; worthless; ab- ~ e:-1; -(~ '~~: J.:-4
... ..,......... ....
surd, groundless, baseless extensor ~4 ~ :~~
false, untrue ~I j • y ~ lS' : J!:. 4 high, tall, towering, lofty ~:,: '~l&. : ~ ~
falsehood, falsity, falseness, untruth, lie y~ : J!:. 4 -,
. ... ., brave, bold, courageous, valiant, valor- t ~ :~ ~

,...JY':" ' rU" :J!:. 4 ous, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, undaunted, stout-
wrong, injustice, oppression
vanity, triviality, trifle
. ...
~ \; J I b li t t.J- :J!:. 4
hearted, lionhearted
...... ... ,
unemployed, jobless, workless, idle, J.-11 us- ~ 4
out of work - smiling; smiler
false accusation or charge hemorrhoid(s), pile(s)
interior, inside, inward; bottom; within; ~ l.l : ~~ hemorrhoidal
sub-, under-
• •· .. Ll,. basilic vein
essence, substance, core, pith, gist, fAY':"·~.
intrinsic nature senior, chief, head, president ~) :u:.~
~4 e:-lr~ :~4 chief clerk ~lS'
. - ·L..

sole of the foot i~l~4 J-~ e:-1;- do~

palm of the hand ~~~4.~1~4 pasha (~) ~~
?. e:-1;-~~1 -~ -~·
?.1 to undertake, assume, set out to, take i~ , j~ :). ~
up, apply oneself to, attend to, pursue, practice,
inner self, inward thoughts, ti.o.l.) 'o~;.. 4~ : exercise, perform, carry out; to begin, start, com-
innermost feelings, heart, soul, mind -
mence, set about, set to, embark upon, enter upon,
internal (disease, medicine, etc.); inner,~ l.l : ~~ go into; to launch, initiate, mount
interior; inside; intrinsic
to have sexual intercourse with, make ~ ~4 c;. :
hidden, concealed, covert, latent, eso- ~ : ~ 4 love to, go to bed with, sleep with, copulate with
teric, occult, mysterious, secret, unknown, with- ". ~ ' ~.
(,..•u.) '-"!'. "-. ~
sparrow hawk
held, veiled ,, f
subterranean, underground, subsur- bus, autobus <...r.t~YJ :~~
face; plutonic, hypogene eye ~:i~~
concrete, beton, cement
to lay eggs ~~ J.l1 :(}Uall Ji 01;.11) ~~
reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete
to stay in, remain in; to settle - -·
~ ilil :-! -u<-4
tankard, beaker; pitcher, jug (down) at
MijNfJit 1
@}ifi41M!'¥i* ;; '

• ..
, ~ .... :; ~

bean(s), broad bean(s) J,; : -~~ , -~~ , ~~ , ~~ to sell

.r- I ~
<.S-:: - : ~I...l..
mug, drinking cup y
. ,"' ,
~ y~ : J,t~ to retail ~tl.iJI ,i ~~I ,i ~ ~~ t 4
~4 ~I;-~~ to wholesale -~~~ t4
:5 ... :il • ... ... J ...
weeping, cryi~, tearful, in tears; weeper,(J'l:JI) ~~ to hawk, peddle J~~ ,1 ~l.ll.J~ t4
mourner, wailer
to auction (oft), auctioneer, sell (~I) :r;.i~ t 4
to be or get ahead of, arrive before, come J;. :j~ at (or by) auction, sell under the hammer
earlier than
span of the outstretched arms t~ (_,..~)
early, premature, precocious
~ ·~~ ~1;-tl:JI ~ 't~l ~~
early in the morning r.<'WI . ~J. , (r.<"\,.
. .rt::J1
incentive, motive, impulse, impe- ~ , ~ l.l : ~ ~
early; prematurely; soon I~ :1)"4 tus, spur, drive, inducement, stimulus, stimulant;
·~,h ~I; - oA'~ cause, reason
to separate, isolate, set apart or aside; to keep ~~
early, premature, precocious ~-·
..l""'-":-" •• ;~-~1"! (far) away, keep or place a~ a distance; to space
firstfruits; firstling, first (early, earliest) produceo;,!~ - out; to alienate, estrange, disaffect; to sow dissen-
or product or result; first sign, first indication, sion between
herald, harbinger, forerunner, precursor; begin- Easter; prayers said on Easter
ning, start, rise, dawn; first, initial, early Monday
to urinate, micturate, make water J~-
,)'! :Jl..• oppressive, unjust, tyran- ~ , ~U:. : (cjl:JI) ~ .t
nical, despotic; oppressor, tyrant, despot; wrong-
mind, heart; thought ~ , )> 6. : J~ doer; transgressor; aggressor
.... ,
condition, state, status, situation ~J 'J~ : J4 seeking, aspiring, desiring, .J "'
~I; , .f':-- : }:_ 4

attention, heed, regard, notice; i~! •~4 J4 : desirous (oO, coveting, wishing, wishful, wanting
concern; care; interest ~ ~1;-Z:;l~
patience, forbearance, endurance t'' •I
whale ·'
c.~:J4 ~ ~1;-;} :~~
to pay attention to, heed, J ~4 (Jji ,i) ~i remaining, staying; lasting, ~l.l, ~:'- ~ :(Jl:JI) ~~
mind, take notice of; to take into account or continuing, enduring, permanent; everlasting, eter-
consideration; to care for; to take an interest in nal
to occur to, strike, ~4 ~ ,i ~4 j ,i ~~ # surviving, staying alive, existing (;;L,.ll ~ ~) ~4
come to someone's mind, cross 8omeone;s nund ,._
' remaining, left, left over, resid- ~ l.i ' 1!.1J _r... : J 4
important, significant, grave, serious; ~ 4 J:,
ual -
... , , .... ' , remainder, remnant, residue, rest, ~ , ;;I'~ :~4
J.i~ ,J_,k ~1;-JWI ~~ ,Jl:JI J,1 leftover, remains, surplus, overplus, remaining
to forget, slip from someone's memory,~4 0&. y\i. part
neglect, omit, overlook - remainder; balance; outstanding account ..J.::-f>~ : ~4
' \... -
what's the matter with you? what's Yctl4 the Everlasting, the Eternal (God) .&1 : J~l ~I
wrong? what's the trouble? what's up? what have
you got to do with this? why? why are you ... ? the hereafter, the afterlife, the ii~ ~I :4l:JI ~L,.ll
what do you want? afterworld, the life to come ·
J:>' , Jl:JI J_b. , Jl:JI ~; , Jl:JI r_G r ~~
J.... j... ' ... J .,
~ , Jl:JI bouquet, nosegay, posy; bunch, bundle
tranquil, peaceful, at ease, com- Jl:JI l<.S:la , Jl:JI sly man, shrewd fellow, crafty person
builder; mason
:,A,< ;,~fit;¥!§, ff4ij:'!XffirMVUU;,£*5f

. ul..
(c.l·u1) • .
C. nr
fortable, untroubled, relaxed, relieved, free from
worry, carefree, happy-go-lucky, easygoing
panorama C. I~_,.;~ , J• ...
~ worried, concerned, anxious, appre- JUI Jy.;...
panoramic ~~~.,..~ hensive, unquiet, uneasy, ill at ease, troubled, up-
:;; ' ,~
set, restless
cinemascope screen ~~~,.;4 C.\.:.
old, worn, worn-out, shabby, dowdy, (JUI) ~~
osteoblast ~~I _,i ~I i;,.~ shoddy, battered, ragged, tattered, threadbare,
J' frayed, frazzled; decrepit, dilapidated, run-down;
bathtub, tub ~.
decayed, decomposed, rotten, moldy; corroded,
to vie (in glory, beauty, elegance) with ).l; :..,A~ eroded; obsolete, timeworn, ancient, age-old, anti-
quated, old-fashioned, outdated
(.-!) J.Li ~IJ -(--!) J.4 to care for or about, feel interest ~;5'! , ~! :~ ,)~
~ ~~)-~~ or concern about or in; to pay attention to, mind,
pale, pallid, wan, faded, dull, washed- ~\.:.. :~~ heed, take notice of, take into consideration or
out, faint, dim, lusterless, lackluster, drab, sober, account
sordid, ashen, blanched, muddy, rusty, lifeless, JC.:~
tarnished -. ~)
I - - .- ~
__ ,,~~I

..:..~~Ire.~ :~4 bundle, bale; parcel, package, pack .... ? :~,~~

dazzling, brilliant, splendid, wonderful, marvel- ~~

ous, spectacular, magnificent, gorgeous, superb, coat, overcoat, topcoat
fine, excellent, sensational, exquisite, superior
to exaggerate, overdo, overstate, overdraw,
exorbitant, excessive, immoderate, extortionate, ~ ~
magnify; to draw the longbow
unreasonable, extravagant, enormous, fancy;
expensive, high-priced, costly; heavy, burdensome, of age, of full age, oflegal age, ~ J::, , ..;,.1 J : ~ ~
ponderous, cumbersome, oppressive, onerous, (legally) major; pubescent, sexually mature, mar-'
trying riageable; adult, grown-up
~' ,, . l; : ~ II..
.rY. ~ IJ- U"'J~ mature, ripe ~ C:·
pound J.ij~ ~ ~lr.l,!~ ·~ :t:J4
bey (~)~~ .)\5' ~ IJ- ,)lSd4
~4 ~~)-~~ sink, drain, cesspool, sump; gutter ~ _,j~

I - '1.. : ,- balloon u,l~
... • , J

(.r4l .rtll ~~ ~IJ -)~JI ~~ :~ trial balloon )~I u.,J4

baseball; softball (o);JI ~Wi ~) J;,.;~ ballet (ti~, ~;.., ~~) ~~
to pay homage to, pledge allegiance to, acknowl- ~ ~ ballerina, danseuse ~4 ~~J-
edge as sovereign or leader; to induct, inaugurate,
okra, gumbo (..:..~) ~~, ~~
install, appoint, assign
he was recognized as caliph, he ~ ~~ ~ ~; to appear, come out, come to light, ~! , Z:.,~ A1 :
become a caliph come into view, come into sight, show, emerge,
to leave, quit, part with, separate (oneselO ~~l; : ::;.~ surface, crop up, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be
from, dissociate oneself from, break (up) with, or become visible, manifest, distinct, clear, patent,
desert, abandon, forsake, walk out on plain, evident, obvious
to differ from, be different from, be ~ \;. : 0,;" 4 0,;4 ~IJ -~~l; :.r 04
unlike ben tree, ben-oil tree, horse-radish (~) ~~ •u~
to contradict, conflict with, disagree tree
with; to be contradictory to, contrary to, opposed
to, at variance with, inconsistent with, incompati-
ble with
virgin, maiden tiger (u In>) ;;
the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Parrot ( .;>'lb) .~
birch, betula . 1-'-
bibliographic(al) lj ~~ ' ' I J•I "'..,_.,........
'·.- ·. •.
.,! (·
~~ ' '
virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood bibliographer 91;_,\,t~ ~~ :~1;~
.. • , "" , J
virginal, virgin, chaste, vestal, pure
... , ,
'-?!.i&. : 'J_~
::;; , J
bibliography 91; ~
~ J-
I 4:)··
.. _Y-!
., *-
to cut off, sever tJ.i :~
c.:..4 ~I;- t.i-! to decide, determine, settle, resolve, )") , ~ : ~
judge, adjudge; to make a decision, arrive at a reso-
shoot ~~ -~ : :i~
lution, have the final word, cast the die
bitumen \i -~ ~·
J 'j6> =~~ cutting off, cutoff, severance ~ :~
"' ... -, "' ,.
bituminous '-?!\i ''-?r> =~~ settlement, decision, determination, ~ , ~: ~
; ::;;- ........... ::;; ...
to spread, disseminate, propagate; to iJ _; , ~ : ~ resolution
diffuse; to scatter definitely, decidedly, positively, absolutely,t:l.; : G~
to broadcast, radiobroadcast, transmit,(,;.)\~~)~ unquestionably, categorically, peremptorily; abso-
air lutely not, definitely not, never, not at all, not in
to telecast, broadcast, televise, (u~~, * ) •c..-
· ~.·:l·ll, the least, by no means, under no circumstances, at
. no time, in no way
transmit, air

t-.!=' \i :.; ~
to mine, lay mines in or under ~ rW~I ~ cutting, sharp, incisive, keen
... ;:;; ... :;i f.
absolutely not, definitely not, never, not at ~ .gl
~ ;:.o ~~;-~ ~~~ ~ all, not in the least, by no means, under no cir-
";I'll ::;; ...
to disclose, reveal, divulge, make known; ;..JI ~ cumstances, at no time, in no way; whatever,
to let out a secret; to let someone in on a secret, whatsoever
tell someone a secret
spreading, dissemination, propagation; dif- ..)""'"'·~ 4• •
.- A
to cut off, sever, lop off tJ.i :~
fusion to amputate, cut off, remove (dJ ~ _,j I~)~
(by surgery, etc.); to mutilate, maim; to dismem-
broadcast(ing), radiobroadcasting, (_,;.),~~) ~ ber, disconnect; to cut short, bobtail, curtail; to
bob, dock
telecast(ing), broadcast(ing), . '•. :l~!l.) ~
(u~~, . amputation, cutting off, cutoff, removal; ~ :).
grief, sorrow, distress, anguish
., "" ... severance; mutilation; dismemberment, disconnec-
tion; cutting short, curtailment; bobbing, docking
to break out with pimples or pustules, k ,~
... ... ...J... ...",
'~ petrochemical •1.,1":.'L.....S ~:
...._ ~.rt
form pimples or pustules, blister, vesiculate petrochemicals - 8L.....S ~:.
'-' .._ .. .._ J.rt
pustulate, pimpled, pimply, blistered, bullate, ~·
vesicular, vesiculate petroleum, oil J•J.r1_
o~ ~I;- A petroleum, oil
... - " ... .
pimple, pustule, blister, vesicle, boil, papule, bleb (..:; hydromel; mead J..-.11 .i.....i : ..
··; ~
J::;; • ... • ... • .,_ • ...
blackhead, comedo U"'l)l :1.),_ ~,JI .J o~ to cut off, sever tJ.i:~
pustular, vesicular to cut off, sever ~:~
_. ..-I j ,.•,... }"".-.- _.. .- ....

ease and comfort to spout, spurt, squirt, jet, (.;>I , J ~. ·2 ~ :.?,

middle, center J.:. j : ~ ~ shoot out, cause to flow or gush out; to extrude,
force out, push out, expel, eject, emit, discharge,
pure, sheer, mere, u-Jl:>- '~ 'u~ :~ throw out
absolute, downright, outrigh( true, real; unmixed,
unadulterated, plain, straight; exclusive
•:ii • '! . . } , ..... , :ii .... ;;;. . . .
hoarseness, huskiness, raucous- c..j:411 J ~~ :~ to cut open, slash open, slit open _;.!. :~
,, J , ,
ness, harshness, throatiness, gruffness; dysphonia ·
squab, fledgling pigeon J.,#j :~
to search for, look for, seek, ~ .~ :C,y) ~
quest, hunt for, fish for, try to find; to grub for,
rummage, search about; to prospect for, drill for,
~ ~
" <'
-. ..
. IJ-(. G.:;
. ,-
to discuss; to consider, look into; to <.r J:. : ~ to rejoice at, be delighted at ():'"i~
study, explore, inquire into, delve into, scrutinize, root, source; essence, heart
-. J
examine, investigate, inspect, check out; to deal
with, treat; to research, do research the right man (for); expert, specialist, t.;~ '.'I
- .. VI,
connoisseur; well-informed (about), acquainted
search for, quest of, search-• . .,.·.~ '</ . :i~: (~) ~
(with), familiar (with), aware (oO, cognizant (oO,
ing for, looking for, seeking,-hunt(ing); prospec-
versed (in), conversant (with)
tion, drilling, excavation :ii, ..... ,
navel o_,... :o~
discussion; consideration, ..,..;.; , <.r J:. : ~ ..... , ..... , ... ..... ,
looking into; study, exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, umbo [ 'CJ_;::, ] •~, ..J'l~ t~J! :o~
examination, investigation, inspection, checking;
to spout, spurt, squirt, shoot ;~ : ( oU I) ~ , ~
treatment, treating, dealing with
out, jet, cause to flow or gush out
research, research work; study; sur- Li~;>: ~
vey; report; treatise, paper pelican ~ jL. }U. :~ ,~
in quest of, in search for ~ ~ to be venerable, honorable; to be ~ 0lS' : ~
revered, venerated, greatly respected
under consideration, under~ I :.:,i, ~I~
discussion, on the tapis, on the carpet to revere, reverence, venerate, dignify, ~ :~
glorify, exalt, honor, esteem, respect, have great
to scatter, disperse; to waste, squande~. dissipate ~ regard for
;;;. ...... -- ;;;. _.

~I ~IJ-~ to be or become speechless,

;;;. J "' _. dumbfounded
to clinch, rivet
to be or become appalled, dismayed; t 4 , t_) :~ cyprinodont
be or become astounded, bewildered
_., ... - :;;; .... .. ..,.
to be very thirsty, to thirst ......:.k ~I:
sea :,J10~ :~ to be or become hoarse, husky,
"' 0 .,.. • ..... • - harsh
meter, measure ~~ ujJ :~
.. " ,.. . ... .,.. .. -- ..... .....
researcher, research worker; scholar
a noble man, a great ~~ _,1 ~ Jl (-~ ~ J: ~
man, a scholar ~ ~\) -c.t;.;
J • ,, "' ,
high seas,
- - .. 0 ..-

Jt-JI J~l, ~I ~.r, rWI ~I

0 -

sailor, seaman, mariner )

open sea
crew (of a ship, etc.) (tJJ (/II)-~~
submarine, underwater, ;.Ji(~)~ ---< I _ _,_
undersea ~ C::' r~
• .... ....... '· J
seabed ;.Jitli affiuence, opulence, prosperity, (life oO .J..i:.J :~~
• J
ni 01~
~~::;,z, rJ", cf>;<@ljjiiL'~,JM)£¥hl3!n/i@)MWMWI'i. .!iff"[},jMk8i{#J1MA@J,,4>.!J"·i' e'<)@lj ,~£,,.1Jt@Yr%5r "J¢: , 1 :r@&ZJK~·,,.wft£.4iii1
• .... , ... • .. 'IJ..-
unlucky, unfortunate, ~I, ~I l~..r. in the course of, within,
luckless, hapless, ill-starred, star-crossed, ill-fated during, in (a period oO
• .. J - • ... J ·-
fortune-telling, divination,~ I ii r:l ~ , ~I & crisis; delirium; coma
soothsaying, augury
pond; pool
marine; maritime; naval; nautical; ~~ <..I"' b. : ~r,
.- " - .. -
to steam; to evaporate; to boil sea
to have bad breath, be bad-smelling, be sailor, seaman, mariner ) G.:·' "
.. r.? ,r"!
malodorous submarine, underwater, undersea (?~~
to vaporize, evaporate, volatilize
maritime law, marine law (?~0~Li
to steam, fume
naval forces, sea forces
.. ;;; .... .. ,~~
~,r"! u ,
to fumigate _:;; ....
to incense, cense, perfume with
pebbles, little stones; gravel, ballast, crushed
rock; road metal, macadam
halitosis, bad breath,
~~I -~1\WI:
- _r _J ~·
- ... J,.. .......
-- .... ,
lake 0~
bad-smelling breath
to decrease, diminish, reduce; to depreciate, less-~ lacustrine I '' J I 1l I • :~~
' '' J

en the value of, disparage, belittle; to undervalue, to snore :;_,~~~~:~

underestimate, underrate
to wrong; to withhold someone's due
to spray, sprinkle, shower, splash, spatter, :.,:.~ : t;
spout, squirt; to atomize
- .... J ... ,. -.... • ... ... • .. ;; $i ....
low; very low; too little; cheap~ J , ~ : ~ I)I)J u~l: :~1 ~
... . ... to drizzle, sprinkle
tip, gratuity, baksheesh J.-IJ, ul_,.l> : ~ spraying, sprinkling, showering, splashing, "'J- J : "'~...
to gouge out, scoop out, tear out \,. ~ : (~I) ~ spattering, spouting, squirting;· atomization, atom-
to be or become stingy, niggard- ~ 0\S" :~ '~ bravo! well done! excellent! great!
ly, miserly, parsimonious, avaricious
spray, sprayer, spray can; atomizer;
to stint, scant, scrimp, 8, Ji ~ (~ Ji) ~ sprinkler; squirt
skimp, penny-pinch, (be)grudge, withhold (from), - J
treat stingily, refrain from granting (to), give with vapor; steam; fume .) I.A..
reluctance (to), give too little (to) water vapor
• J
stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness, parsimony, ~
closefistedness, tightfistedness, penny-pinching, steam, steam-driven; steamy; vaporous,
penuriousness, avarice, greed vaporish, vaporific, vapory
h - J• J
steam bath
veil, kercheif, shawl, head cover- U"'_
: .. · ·
I)J t~-~
ing steamship, steamer, steamboat
incense; frankincense .)~ steamroller
cyclamen - L.;) ("!rJ~
(l,;;J. -·- J ' . -
steam engine
lucky, fortunate
steam iron
.... f ... •• ..
one-eyed J~l ,~1 :~
to snore
stingy, niggardly, miserly, parsimonious, (~) ~
luck, fortune
closefisted, close, tightfisted, tight, cheeseparing,
penny-pinching, penurious, churlish, hardfisted, bad luck, misfortune
·($~4 e: I;- l~ ~~ t($~4 grudging, avaricious, greedy
.~ r::-1;-iiol~ miser, niggard, skinflint, penny-pincher,(l"""'l) ~
churl, muckworm
primitive, primeval, rudimentary, pri- ~~~ ,~1~
~~ e:-1;-~
mordial; elementary, elemental, primary, prelimi- "" "'""' ..-I..-
._,..L:., y *: ..l..!
nary; initial, first, original; archi-, arch-; incipient, escape, way out; avoidance; ;~,
inchoate, embryonic alternative, choice, option
,., .... • ,., - J • ;;,;J

of first instance [u_,;li] ~~~ definitely, certainly, ..l..! _r.:i ~ , ..l..! JS' ~ , ..l..! ~
assuredly, sure(ly); without fail, by all means; inev-
court of first instance ~~~~ itably, unavoidably, inescapably, necessarily
primitiveness, primitivism ~~~,~I~ it is inevitable, unavoidable, in- ~ ~ ') , ~ :r ')
.... ;:;; 'J .......
escapable; it is necessary, essential, indispensable,
• ~ e:-1;-~ ,JJI :iii~
mandatory, imperative
whim, caprice, fancy .:;:; :iii~ I must, ought to, should, have to, have no ••
..l..! ') J
..,1 .......
alternative, have no choice
hurry! hurry up! quick! tr :!I~
match, peer, fellow, equivalent, equal, coun- ~ : ~
grocer, greengrocer J~:JI~ ~~~~~ -
money-changer ui::.O :JI~ to begin, start, commence, initiate, ~
... ........
Jl •;_;.ll 1-l.!

(telephone) exchange, central; switch- (u~l) 431~ institute, introduce, open, set about, set to, go into,
enter upon, launch, mount; to originate, create,
make, produce, engender, generate, bring into
obesity, corpulence, fatness, plumpness, ~ : ..:i I~ being, give birth to, bring about
stoutness, fleshiness; overweight
to begin, start, set in, commence, origi- t;_;JI I..I..!
. ;:;; .......
intuition; spontaneity, impulse; naturalness ul~ nate, get under way, come into being, come into
intuitively, a priori; spontaneously 4AI~~ 'ia1~ existence, arise, rise, spring up, crop up, dawn
to appear, come out, come to light, come ~ : I~
nomadism, Bedouinism, desert life,
Bedouin life
•..l..! r::-1;
.... ...
;:;; . .. ........
into sight, come into view, show, emerge, loom,
crop up, surface, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be
or become visible, apparent, manifest, distinct, ob-
;.~I ~I~ vious, evident, plain, clear; to seem, look, sound,
at first, in the beginning .J appear, give the impression of being
court of first instance ~I~ LS::;.,: it seems, it looks, it appears, J~ L. ~ , (0i) J~
,., ... : ,., it sounds; apparently, seemingly, to all appear-
(.~) .~1 .i;.. e:l; -~1~1 .i;..
............. ;:;; ....... ;:;; ...... ;;; ... ances, most likely
to scatter, disperse, diffuse, Jljl , C.:::. qj_) : ,~ to give precedence to ~ ~ , ~ ~~ : (~) i~
strew about; to disband, separate, break up, dispel, (over), give priority to (over), give preference to
drive away; to remove, eliminate, get rid of, do (over), prefer (to)
away with beginning, start, commencement, out-
.... .... ;:;;f
JJI : •..l..!
to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter;:;~,~~:~~ set, onset, inception, incipience, rise, dawn, first,
away, throw away, lavish alpha, prime, early stage, first appearance; starting
to come unexpectedly upon, come ~~ '~ :;~ point
I .-"' .-J I I I..-
suddenly upon, surprise, take by surprise; to beginning, start(ing), ( ~! , o_;.. ~ , J~! : •..l..!
descend swiftly upon, overtake commencement, commencing, initiation, initia-
to hurry to, hasten to, rush to, run to t_;.i :JJ ~~ ting, institution, instituting, introduction, introduc-
ing, opening, launching
full moon ~IS'~ :.;~ from the (very) beginning, from the out- .i:JI .i;..
• ... J .,

broom (..::.~) Jljj : uts:.:.~ set, ab initio

to be or become fat, corpulent, obese,
stout, plump
.- "' J...
: u~
- "'--
'u~ •
to be wonderful, marvelous,
t~! e-- 1) -i~
~~ _,i ~~ 0~: t~
body; trunk; torso; hull, body (of a ship, ~ : u~ amazing, splendid, unique, original, novel, unprec-
airplane, etc.)
ibex (ul~)~j:u~ to accuse of heresy ~~I Jl :.::.: :t~
mountain goat (ul~) jJ1 ~\.. :u~
...... ""' J J
tl~! e--1) -t~
4JI""! e--1) -u~ new, novel, unprecedented,
, • J - •

C...l.:ou '..l:!~ : t~
bodily, physical, corporal, somatic, fleshly, ~~ original
carnal innovator, originator, inventor, creator~ =t~
t.;:.; L.:
physical education -- . -,~ no wonder! t~ ~
G~) ~~) -~~ t.~~ novelty, innovation, new creation; ..l:!~ t;;..: ~~
to surprise, take by surprise; to come ~ , :;~ fad, craze, rage
suddenly upon, come unexpectedly upon heresy, heterodoxy, W :,J. :(dJ ~:) ~ ~
~~! e--1) <~~! ;;~ unorthodoxy

~~ e--1)-~~ J~ e--1) -J~

nomads, Bedouins
- , .-
~:~1 u~ :J~
,~· to change, alter, vary, modify, convert, ~: J~
turn, transfer, transform, trasfigure, transmute,
wandering nomads commute, reduce, reverse, make different; to
mutate, permute; to shift, switch
desert ~:4 :_,~
-! ~~)-~ :uJ~
to exchange (for), give J' ~:' ! , J:.;i : (:r ,
-!) J~
or receive in exchange (for), commute (for); to
~~~ e--1) -~J~ replace (by or with), substitute (for), put in place
(oO; to alternate
Bedouin, nomad; nomadic
.""' ... ....
;;;;' ........... to commute
•""! ~\J-~ ,J_,I :~~ - J ... --
.... ..... , -- consideration, equivalent, return; ~ li. , u<o~ : J ~
wonderful, marvelous, amazing, t~ '~\J :~~ exchange; substitute, offset, setoff,- recompense,
splendid, magnificent, superb, gorgeous, admira- compensation; reimbursement; payment; allow-
ble, excellent, fine; unique, unprecedented, origi- ance; price, rate; fee, charge
nal, novel .1~ e--1) -~~ :J~
creator, maker, author : -
t~ ~~ t!~ • [ W] J~
- ,. apposition, appositive
rhetoric, good style, the art or science of t!~l r4-
figures of speech
instead of, in place of, in lieu of, as a :r
~~, J~
substitute for or alternative to, in replacement of,
"*'• ·
~ • · G ·• -
.'I.J'_-.·~~ in exchange for, in return for
substitute, alternate, alternative, replace- J~ : ~~ subscription rate; participation fee
ment, standby, stand-in, reserve; spare; relief,
rent, rental, hire
understudy, double
fat, obese, stout, corpulent, fleshy, plump,~:(.)!.~
intuition; spontaneity, impulse; improvisation ~~
,, ... ,.,.,,, .... J
suit; costume; uniform
J~ ,~l.> e--IJ-4.!~\ J~ ·4.!~1 ~l> substitutive, substitutional; substitute,
intuitively, a priori, spontaneously; -- .WI e,y-
"-'t_. t. alternate, alternative
... J J ....

seed(s); seedling(s) LI.~J JJ~ 1:;) J~ extempore, extemporaneously, offhand(edly), im-

• ... .J • .... • .... J ..- .. promptu, without preparation, on the spur of the
seedtime JiJI ~,.., J~l 01JI moment
seed; pip, pit, stone, kernel; germ iii;, o~~ :o~~ self-evident, axiomatic, taken for granted,

to give generously, grant

... .... .,
~I , ~ ~~ , ~I : J~
.... ... ... "" ....... a priori, obvious; intuitive

liberally; to offer, extend; to spend freely it goes without saying (0i) ~~I~' ~~ 0i
(that); it is self-evident, axiomatic, obvious, un-
to sacrifice ~ : J~ questionable, undeniable, indisputable
J~ 40~ JS' J~ ,~)~ Ji ~~ Ji ~~ J~ axiom, truism, self-evident truth, fundamental~~
-- ·' :;~' ,.,,..,, .......... ,, ........ ' truth -
to spare <~.A..J j l.. J5' Jl <~.A..J J~ , o~ .SJ~
no effort, 'make.. every effort, do ont!'s best, do to defeat, beat, overcome, get the better of ~ ::;
one's utmost, do all in one's power, do all what to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, outclass,;J\i : ~
one can, do anything, stop at nothing, leave no overtop, beat (out), outshine, eclipse, be or prove
stone unturned, take pains, go to great pains, go to superior to
any length, go to all lengths, go to great lengths ......... /1 ........
., JJ ... " J. ... " *":;i' ........... slovenly, slipshod, shabby, frowsy, un- d . I..:.,):~
to exert (strength, rJJ I j ,_&.; J I I~~ J I o,; J-'-1 tidy, ill-dressed, wretched
effort, influence, etc.J
, ....... ;;; ............ to use obscene language; to be or be-
to obey, follow, submit to, yield to,0~ ~UJI J~ come obscene, ribald, vulgar
surrender to, defer to, succumb to
lj ~IJ-1~
to lose face ~_;11 ol.. J~
,, " ... .... .. "" ... ool~ ~IJ- -~~
to make efforts ~~I Jl <.t'UI J~ ... . • J ......

J .. J ... J J ... ............ ""

obscenity, ribaldry, dirtiness, (r')ls;:.J I ~) ,_;.:..i : o•I ~
to sacrifice oneself 0~ (.]&- Jl 0~ 0J~ ~ J~ foulness, vulgarity, indecency, scurrility, bawdi-
for someone ness, nastiness, shamelessness; abusiveness
....... ..... ... .... ...
giving, granting; offering, extending ~~I:J~ slovenliness, shabbiness, untidiness d.l ~~~ :;;jl~
' . .
spending, expenditure -.;~1 :Ji:. . seeder, sowing machine
... ,..._ ... :;; ...
J~l jJI : ;;_)~

generosity, liberality, openhandedness r):J~ to spend lavishly; to be lav- (~I Ji -.;~~~ ~) (~

ish, prodigal; to live in great luxury, live in opulent
sacrifice ~:;;;. :J~ comfort; to be self-indulgent
, . - J·.-
effort ~J+-":U : "'-! to be or become haughty, proud ~ : (~
generous, liberal, OPenhanded r-} :J~ to be or become high, lofty, elevated ~~!: (~
ti~ '-~ :~~ .~~
.... ... ... ... ... ... J ...
suit; costume; uniform
t~ ~IJ -t~ 't~
lj ~IJ -cll~
t~ ~lrt~
obscene, ribald, dirty, foul, filthy, vulgar,~li : -~~ lavish expenditure, lavish- (~I Ji ~~~~ ~) t~
indecent, bawdy, nasty, scurrilous, shameless, ness, prodigality, extravagance; luxury, high living;
lewd; abusive pomp, splendor
... ... • .. ... ... 'J ~ .... ;:;:; ....
to be pious, dutiful, JJ ..:.r-1 , t U.l , IJ ~ 0\S" : j~ haughtiness, pride
J- -
;s::, :t~

devoted, reverent, faithful, kind, true; to honor,

revere, venerate, treat with reverence or kindness; to sow, seed; to disseminate, spread, ~.~;:~~
to obey, be obedient to; to do good to, be charitable strew
to to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter ;:;~, )~ :).;
to keep, fulfill, carry out,~ Ji ~_;j Ji !~J ~:;, away, throw away, lavish
live up to, redeem, make good '<one's promise, sowing, seeding; dissemination, ~~ )-:;_.;,. :J~
one's word, one's oath) spreading, strewing

,.,. .
recovery, recuperation, convalescence,
healing, cure

- : •.)'!.,
~ ta.;. • to accept, approve
to be true, truthful, valid
,_. ... ...J ::; ...
~ : u')).; ~ 4111 ./'!

ci~ :~1

:,;; ....

dust, earth; soil

~ ~ :;.
free from, clear of, exempt from; innocent of
I ;;I ,., ..
:r. t\; .... --
land, mainland, terra firma, earth, ground
by land, sea and air I~ J I~J I~
innocence, guiltlessness, inculpa- ._,..;.ill r.J.s. :0•'.)'!
bility, blamelessness ~4 t;.l;-~4 ::;
.~< I .~<
J_r.J t;. ) -Jr. : o;l;, wheat
~;. t::'J -~;. :0 .,;,
charity, beneficence, benefaction, benevo- ut,_;..l :~
innocence, naivete, artlessness,ingen- ~I :C.: o•I:H lence, philanthropy, performance of good deeds
uousness, guilelessness piety, dutifulness, devo- t:L, •~U. • ~i.,l :~
freedom from, being free from
.~ :;.L> :~. "o•l.)'!
~}} .......
tion, fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty, attachment; obe-
..- ...
patent, letters patent; license, oj~J ·~; :o•I.J'!
... ., ....... dience; reverence, veneration; kindness; upright-
ness, probity
permit, authorization
filial piety, filial devotion, filial duti-
certificate, diploma, degree fulness, filial obedience, etc.
patent (on an invention)

- "'
~~4 o•I:H
J "'""
to create (said of God)
. ... ....
'-S.)'! t::'J- ~ : '.)'!
} .........

.... , ...... • .. I .... ~ ........

exequatur +o•l.)'! '-S.)'! t;. ;- <,1-- ·J.J'!
.... J .......
- J f. ...
credentials ~ o•l.)'! ,to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, ~ : (.S.1'!
regain health, get well, be cured, be restored to
acquittance, discharge, quittance, quit-

patentee tl~l ~
. •'./'!... ~l>
, .... to be or become :r.
~:.; ~ ':r. ::r. ts;
free(d) from, clear(ed) from, exempt(ed) from,
pocketknife, penknife ~ ~ :o;l:,; released from; to get rid of, rid oneself of, free
oneself from
pencil sharpener ( rii) 0 .,:; to be innocent of, guiltless
... , • .. ... :iiJ .......
vast expanse, empty stretch of~-! li u<>; I , ~ : t 1.1'! of
land, empty space
.......... J ........
IS.I'! t;-1;- •:fJI 1_;,
departure, leaving, going away o;.lla:. : t'.J'!
to create (said of God) ~ : I;,
i;..1;.. , I~ : t;.1;,
openly, overtly, publicly;
frankly, explicitly, straightforward(ly)
to sharpen, point; to scrape off, abrade, •:f.JI IS;
chafe, fret, excoriate, scratch off, rub off, shave off,
refrigerator, icebox wear away, wear off; to whittle down, taper off,
..... J........ :; .. pare; to trim, shape
cold storage plant ..1,1 _,;, J,..;... : .) 1.1'!
to emaciate, enervate, attenuate, thin ~·IIIS:H
(iron) filings ~~:; ~ ~ \i• )-L.: (:1:1~1) oJI; out, waste away; to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate,
excrement, feces, stool ~ l.i.
- :).,-)'/_ sap, devitalize
, ..... J
oj;l;. t;-1; -oj;l;. : jl~
......... J ,
to acquit (from), absolve (from), excuplate (:r.) i:,;
(from), exonerate (from), clear (from), find
tij:; t::'J- J;l; (pronounce, declare) innocent or guiltless or not
guilty (oO; to free (from), release (from), relieve
fecal "'t.~l.i.:~·r (from), discharge (from)
c.,r--; "--! )'/_
leek (c.~)~,:;- :~1; creation fo: ;;,
e• .<f.
orange, orange-colored skill, skillfulness, proficiency, dexterity, ·~~ : ~ 1;,
adroitness, adeptness, deftness, knack, expertise,
claw, talon expertness, know-how; cunning, craft(iness), inge-
tower; castle nuity, ingeniousness; mastery, artfulness, artistry;
• ..... .. J efficiency, capacity, ability; facility; finesse; crafts-
~~\ _;:Jr.JI ~)I~ manship, workmanship
J~ J ,.. J ~:;I J "':;;
_r;:-1.} ~ ~~ •~L.. :~1~
I, • I"" I I o _.. _..

paraffin t_,...:.ll
constellation, shining, sparkling, flashing, gleaming, glit- C:: 'J : .;1:,;
asterism tering, glistening, glimmering, shimmering, radi-
dovecot, pigeon house
t:.ll ,., ant, dazzling, bright, brilliant, refulgent, resplen-
ivory tower

~ ...r.r., dent, beaming; shiny, lustrous
miller 0 G.1 :~!!I:.;
watchtower, lookout (:; -
, J J.... .... {-.;! ~~)-
horoscope ~~~.
[J.r.' -~
,, ...... ~;. ~1;-~1:.;
zodiac ;:Jr.Jiii)l~

target u:a:(J"~;
outer, outside, outward, outermost, :!~ : ~ 1:,; ;.,r-
out-, ect-, ecto-, exterior, external; extraneous, ex-
compass(es), dividers lS'' K:... . ,-:_.- trinsic; foreign
) .Ji ') ··: -~~
pencil sharpener (_iii)~~:.;
knuckle, finger joint ~~~~:~; ...... J .. - ... J
shavings, parings, chips, splinters, slivers ~ 6..i :~I~
bourgeois ~~~~; .... J J. .... .... • ... .... ......

-• I
., drain, culvert; sewer •)_,.... L.. ')J~ 'u .r'"-" : ~J'!
(pipe); water pipe
pachisi (~)~~ epididymis [ ~_r;] ti.:;
to leave, depart from, go away from ~~\& : ( ; epididymal [~_r;] ~;.
still, yet; to continue to be; to con- J Ij L.. : (;. L.. to babble, jabber, gabble, gibber (~iS'~);,;.
tinue to do, keep doing, go on doing
the Berbers ""'I -·-
./'!..)':' '~J'!
he is still strong
..... .... , ~ ........
to torment, agonize, excruciate; to trouble, Berber .r. :r.JI ~ IJ : ~~./'!
harass; to fatigue, exhaust
.:00 J ... ... , ,
barbaric, barbarous, barbar- ~:;, ~;:; :,i.J. :
agony, pain, anguish; distress ii~, yl..i&. : .~~ ian, savage, uncivilized, wild, inhuman(e)
paroxysm; fit ~_;:,_;,)I ~~~!: .b-; barbarism, barbarity, barbari- ~:; , ~~ =:-".J. : ~;;.
anism, savagery, savageness, wildness, inhumanity
to be or become cold; to cool, cool ofT, I~;~)... : J;,
cool down, chill - barberry (c.q ~;.;.
to feel cold ~).~ ~: ~;, lute (l~~--; ~T) ~~: ~;.
to file, rasp ~ -·.··( -· )"""
'..r-!. ~~ ~.)'! silurid, catfish, sheatfish (~; :1C) ;;,;
to mail, post, send by mail
.... •
...1:1 r,J~
........ f
J... ;I : ~ .r.
red mullet (ct...)~;,;. .u;,;
to cool ofT, lose ardor or enthusiasm or ~ c.~.r.
... ,,~ ..........
barbel r'-?~·:~) ~J'!·-
interest, start to feel indifferent or unwilling; to be
discouraged, disheartened, dispirited, chilled caryopsis
..........."' .... .....} ....
~.r. ~I; -I~:!~ ;L... : ~~ orange
"' ,........... ...:;. ...
to cool, chill, make cold; to refrigerate; 1~ 1 ~ ~ : ~~ navel orange
j';;; ~ IJ- j.~ 'j';;; :j>; to freeze
ol:;ll ~: ~>;,
isthmus [r:!~J ~~P- J tY;, to air-condition
partition, screen, divider, bar j;; l> : 6'.; to soothe, alleviate, mitigate,
.... :;;....
4A.A.>: tJJ ......~~I JJ-~ .... :;; ....

• .... ... ....... ,., ...... relieve, allay, assuage, ease, lighten
interval, time ci J 'c.i:" j ~\; : t)Jo~ hail, hailstones
sesame rusk, sesame zweiback (uJ~:; ~) ~j_:; cold(ness), coolness, chilliness
"'II, ... , .. ~ .... • .... , .... ., ... .... ' ....
protozoan ~ J1a.:.. Jl <:=-'~~j_,.JI ~I :~_JJ.J'! filing, rasping
,.;::;; .... '...
~~-~J c.Lil~ :c.~Jj_,.JI
... " ........... ;:;; ......... ..... ...
, ., ', ., garment, gown YY :J..)'!
cotton uJ.i:U"..,H'U".J'! ague, feverish chill; malaria, (v-.r-) ~;:;: .G;,
pleurisy (v-_,.-) ~~ ~~~ :rL.~ paludism
pitcher, jug
cud weed (c.L.i)
. ~·-
.._ ..)'!
curtain, drape(s), drapery, hanging(s)
.... -
ii J ~ : 4.:! IJ.J'!
_.... .,
clover, trefoil, berseem (c.L.i)


mat "
• A .' blind(s), venetian ~;:. (_t:i<.i ~~~) ~~~;
rivet il:.~ )~ :r~~ hailstone
~l:.~ ~~)-~~~ garment, gown YY
.... • J

~l:.~ ~IJ- ~~; saddle, packsaddle, bard (~I:JI} ~ :,.:.1

cachet, capsule (.lj~ ~I~) 4 ~~~ papyrus (c.L.i) ~~.:.1
:;i ' ... ,.
Host, wafer, particle [ ~I
•. ~·)~l:.'.J'I_ papyrology c.~;_,.JI ~
soft-boiled (eggs) (
• ")
.. 4
.1~; ~IJ -(v-_,.-) .1~; :~~.:.1
.... :;;. ................
to rivet, clinch ~:r-!'...1'! saddle, packsaddle, bard (~I:JI} ~~.:.1
to be or become a leper; to be or become leprous~;. workhorse, jade, nag; hackney (ul~) uj~~
leprosy to justify, warrant, vindicate; to account for
- :.;,-

gecko to rationalize
doorstep, threshold, doorsill to appear, come out, come into sight, come ~ : };,
to bribe, buy otT, corrupt into view, come to light, show, emerge, surface,
crop up, rise, arise, spring up, manifest itself,
bribery reveal itself; to stand out; to come to the fore; to be
to pout or become conspicuous, prominent, outstanding
to occur, happen, take place ~~ : )Jo~
to be or become angry, cross, irritated ~ : ;1:;
bribe; hush money; bribery .,;..~ : ~~
to protrude, bulge, jut out, stick out, stand t :j;,
out, project, poke
to be skilled, skillful, proficient; to ~ !~ 0l5' :(~)e.; to excel (in), be outstanding (in), be pre- (j) j~ f.;, :
excel (in), distinguish oneself (in), do excellent eminent (in), be excellent (in), distinguiSh oneself
work (in); to master, be an expert (in) (in), do excellent work (in)
to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, out- J\; :t_;, to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, ;jl; : (~) j>;,
shine, eclipse, be or prove superior to overtop, outshine, eclipse, be or prove superior to
t_; ~1)-J\; :e_; '~ .. ... ... ... ....
)J-~1 ~IJ- ~I , )Jo~\ :JJ-1
1i -- •• ":;:;;, . . .
roach; rudd (cl....) u~;.
to bless, invoke a
....... ,,.
...... . . .. .. ......
~_r.i ~I; -~1.;~ (_,.,;.1 :~..1'!
... ... ...

blessing on '·'
bud, burgeon, sprout, shoot ~.I'!
compass(es), dividers '. < I "'- ·-
~.r. ~;-~.)!
volcano ,,, ....... '•-' JoJ ..... J,J

~.;~~I; -4..y...i'! 'tY-..1'! '~.I'!

volcanic; igneous
blessing, benediction; good fortune; prosperity; ~;
mosquito(es), gnat(s), midge(s) ( G; la ~ _,;-.) ,;l;,
continual good, abundant good; felicity to granulate, grain ~ ~ ~ , ~ : J1;,
- ,_
G. J • .... .. • ... J • J
r=:- I ) -4!--11 r.' bulgur, crushed wheat; grits u~~=~..i'!
~'11-- .. iii.... ..... ·"
mallard, wild duck ~ .J-1 .i.h/ :4S'.J-1 granulation ~:4li"
.• ; .)!
~·.J-1 ,;.·-' ~~·'
pond; pool ~ .r.' r=:- I) - •~.)!
swimming pool, pool ~c...~·
.- .J"i
- flea (•~)~;:;
(cl....) oJj_;
.. • • ... J • ... J , • ,
barracuda shrimp, prawn u~;l, <.r~_; : ~~ c.,&..;~
parliament ~c.;"
'-1-.. ··- ~
,:...--:uL.J'-.J-1 chigoe, chigoe flea, chigger, (ii~ ) ~I C..,&..;~
,;;i J J. J

jigger, sand flea

parliamentary ~ 9 :~ w;. fleawort
parliamen- ~W:;,JI ~1•1;.~1 ~ td4 :~w;
tar ian screw
- ~v:;,J1 ;t1J1 . ~v; t,s:;. .~v; tt:..;. purple
t.-5L.i ~~I; to flash, sparkle, shine, glitter, glisten, gleam, tJ: z;;
to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink J~ ' ~ :r; twinkle, glimmer, shimmer, radiate, beam
......... :;. ...... ....... it lightened, there was lightning lt::ll ~;,
r.;~l ~~r _;1 =r.;~
spangles (t'J -'·~'.lll ~~) ;:; :J;
to be or become weary (oO, (sick ~ ' (.-!) r;:. : r_; lightning y~l ~J: c;_:,;
and) tired (oO, bored (with), fed up (with); to tire
(oO, weary (oO; to find wearisome or boring or telegraph ul~ :J;
annoying; to be or become impatient (with), dissa- -:•-: I -:-.--
tisfied (with), annoyed (by) r! .r. ~ ) - r!.)!
~; ~I) - J~ , ~ r:.; = to variegate; to color 0;1, ~) :Jj_;.
boredom, weariness, tiredness, ennui, ~ 'rt: r; finch ()l1) J.i~
tedium; impatience, restlessness, uneasiness, an-
to veil ~·~--
. . • ~,;;..I'!
noyance; discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, ... ,, J ,, ,
disgust veil, yashmak (worn by women) y~ : e_,i.I'! , ~.I'!
weary' tired, bored, fed up; impatient, ~ ' ~ : r; plum, bullace (..::..~ ) t.P :J,t.)! '·' .-
restless, uneasy, unquiet, annoyed, vexed, irritat-
ed; dissatisfied, discontent, displeased, disgusted blackthorn, sloe ' '.'
(..::..~ ) (t;:..\1 J_,i .J-1 -·
amphibious; amphibian ''1"-'L. .J-1
·- telegraphic, telegraph-, cable ~~~<;;.
Amphibia ..::..qL.:,:;JI telegram, cable, cablegram, wire, telegraph ~;,
twist, twine, kink
... ~,
£ :~ _:,;
to kneel down; to lie down, rest ~) ' rG.:.! :~;
4-o; ~I;-~.;~
to make (a camel) kneel down t \.;I : I!J.I'!
.......... :;i.-
protest (of a bill, for non-acceptance, for to program ~.)!
programming ~.)!
spoke . J ~\ Ji_
w'i :tl:.,Ji
. '_,..)!
..- ·-
baluster .. ·,-~, ' .. " -
' ' 1..1-JI ) ...,... ..r!
proton uyJ.J!
permanganate .:,L;~'
protein U'iJ.J!
' -.Jf

protein, proteinaceous ..r;!.J.J! ' barrel; cask, keg; tun, butt ~~

trumpeter, bugler, cornetist J\Y. :~J.)!
:;;.... ~ JJ program; plan; schedule; curriculum; list io Li;.
• J , __ agenda, schedule J ~i J):.;_.. :~ l.i:;
kohl ~:.lJ.)!
.... J )I )11)11 platform (~; Ji ~~)~~I Ji ~~ C:l.i:;
·~J.r. e.-') -.lJ.J! software ~Jj(J~1 ~I Ji i;.;._,5;:.!1 ~~~~
.... .... .... "' ... JJ
cold(ness), coolness, chilliness, fri- ;; ;I~ J.j:>: o.lJ.J! J' J)l 1... ... '·-'
gidity burnoose, hooded cloak ~ <~...I J t I~ J : ~ .1!
• )I,... J)l ... J J
coldness, coolness, frig- ...:..1?1 i.;s. 'J_,.::j : •~J.r. bathrobe iQ..I ;;:;
idity, tepidity, unfriendliness; indifference, non-
to varnish, lacquer, japan
- ...... ... ... ..... -
chalance, apathy, disinterest(edness), lack of con- . ~JJ :..:;;..)!
cern or interest
..... • .tJ" )I )I
clay vessel, clay pot u~ :r t~] :~;. ..... ~. J
(sexual) frigidity; anaphrodisia ~ ·~J.r. :.'
hat W:~.l!
frozen (food, etc.)
to frame
·~/;J4 J.~
).1h .16.1 :jJ.)!
.... -
. .... ..........

varnish, lacquer, japan
• -- ,. ,::;;

hippopotamus, river horse _roo.JI J I ~I ~ _; : ~.1!

.;.;, ~J ~;.
)I ... ---

emergence, emersion, appearance, rise, J,.J:; :jJJ'i proof, evidence, demonstration G.'~~: ula;
manifestation; prominence, conspicuousness
occurence, happening c.J .....
)I J
: jJ.r,
J )I
evidential, probative, demonstrative, proof •
_ .... 0 J
,, , )I

protrusion, prominence, projection, while, period, time; instant, moment, minute, 4.11.1!
·~ : jJ.r,
protuberance, bulge, jut little while, short while, short time
.. ..... _. .... 0-
':;; J •
prostate gland, prostate
• .J
c.L:.:.:.J~I ,.:,I.:.:.J.J!
to prove, demonstrate, establish, substan- ~I : .:1".1!
tiate, verify, show, evidence; to testify, attest to, be
"' .tJ ~....
brooch, pin, breastpin 4i=j (.)"Y.~ :rJ.J.J! )I
evidence of, bear witness to
test, experiment, trial; tryout; rehearsal
~ ~ : ~ J.J!
• ... ... J
proving, proof, establishment, verifi- c.~ j :G.;.
.... - J ... )I cation, substantiation, demonstration, showing,
fitting, trying on of new clothes ~ t;J-1 ~ J .r. evidencing
Proof, proof sheet .<"··-• -1,-.
. J
i~ L1
··- . -
t J '.r. 0


e.-')- •J.)!

professor .J~J.)!
'. ' frame Jt1j :jiJ~
asphodel (c.L.i)
. (jj''
.)! asphodel (c.L.i)
. (j\a"
proletarian •~.) G.J '
".. _J.)! propane [.w1 u~J.~ ·~J~
proletariat c·_.) G.J.. _J.)!, protamine ~ I.J J.)!

bromine ~J.)!
' '
, rJ.)! Protestant(s)
bromide ~
.c. J.)!' '~J.)!
' Protestant
bronze '
}J.J! Protestantism

British, Britannic
shine, luster, gloss, sheen; glitter, glisten,
ul..J: ~;
• +~••;
bronze, bronzy
terrestrial, land


'-?r. -¥: ~J'!

.... ., ~ '/J;

brightness, brilliance, radiance, sparkle, twinkle, -

wild, undomesticated, untamed (ul;.l-1 ~) ~*;,
effulgence, refulgence, resplendence
beryl f-f~ :~?! wild, uncultivated (d~~l ~) ~*;,
... ~JJ, ... • , , , ... ...

rope; string, cord, twine; lace; gimp ¥ 1 ~ :f..;. innocent, guiltless, not ~ _d. 1 ~ .i.. _d. : ·~?!
guilty, inculpable, blameless, clear
drill, borer, gimlet, auger, wimble, bracey~ : ~;
innocent, naive, ingenuous, ~ 1 (:,L.: •'-?;.
and bit, broach, awl, perforator, driling machine;-
guileless, artless, simple, unsophisticated
corkscrew I ,., I I ""

..,..! ~ , (r. J ~ : (r. tf.S .J'!

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, overtop, J\,; :;, free from, clear of,
exempt from
. --
outshine, eclipse, be or prove superior to
abrasion, fret(ting), wear, wearing f.S .J'! ;...w... : ~J'!
to defeat, beat, overcome, get the better of ~ : ~
away, scraping otT; whittling down, tapering otT,
(~) ~! e:-1;-(~) ~ taper; sharpening, trimming

linen c.W.G... 1.88'

.. :..w
. .., :~-
beriberi (u"> r) ~;. ~;.
,, ... .... ..:;; ...
• .,
t I_p, I
... • .. ~
~ I 1 !,} W : j.!
.... J ~ ...
creation, creature(s), created c. li_,1.:;... 1 J1> :I.:!Y!
cloth1 dry goods, textiles; 1
being(s); mankind, people, human beings -
wild, wilderness, wild land, desert, waste,
clothes, clothing
seedsman mail, post
, '11-- "' ...
seeder, sowing machine airmail '-?.Po ~.;-!
.II I..- f, tr. .... ..-
draper, cloth merchant, mercer, dry surface mail ~ Jl '-?:~ ~.;-!
goods merchant, dealer in textiles ,. ... " .... ... , ... ... ~

registered mail 0_,.....4.. Jl ~ ~.)'!

spit, spittle, saliva J~:JI;
snail; slug (JI~ r) ~~;.
postage; mailing charges ~~I ~;1
to mail, post, send by mail ...u -jL -,- ·j
- .r.' .
Jl~ e-1;-•. ;:.~ :JI;,
1.)"" )

(~~I) Jl;,
postpaid ~~I d;.r~~
bunghole, bung (of a cask)
drill, gimlet, broach, perforator; cork-
screw mailman, postman, mail carrier
trocar, trochar post-office box, P.O.Box, P.O.B.;
mailbox, postbox
nozzle; spout, waterspout - ,_
stamp, postage stamp ~r.l t!u.
uniform; suit; costume; dress; clothes, y Q 1 y ~ : o~
clothing, attire, apparel - post office ~~~~
.......... ~ J,~ " _.} ' , .... ..-..-o ...
falconry ~,.),&.~~I Jl ~l.r.JI ~J~ :o.J.l.}:l bridge (game) (LJ) 6~.!r.

to sow, seed )~ : .J.}:I postal, mail
:;; ... ....
sowing, seeding ;j.! J...WO.. : .J.}:I postcard ~~.)'!~~
• ... J ... 'I • ... J ..... :;; ... ".........
seedtime ;r.JI uiJI 1 ;r.JI ~_,... (postal) money order, postal order ~~.r-~1~
, ... .... .,
seed(s) .
" r ) .J~
()Jj.! postal address; mailing address '-?~.r. ul~
linseed, flaxseed
ul5:.!1 ;j.!_
plug; outlet; socket v .-) ~?!
1 ~·~~IBBIBBBBIBBBB44BINB~BIBBBBB•BI*~"~~'~s:?~;~\B'~t~,.¢94~BB&M92~W
spades seed; pip-, pit, stone, kernel; germ o1; ,o~j; :o~~
to frown, scowl, glower, lower ~:..1""'1 to rise (sun, etc.); to dawn (day, era, etc.); to t11 :t;.
break (forth); to appear, emerge, come out
~!~I; -ul)~l -~·=
:"' ;jj .... ..........

... • ........ ~ ....... • J

to cut, slash open, slit open, rip open ~: t.J!
unripe dates ~~&.:..1""'1 to spit
to spread (out); outspread, stretch out, )i , ~ :~ lute, mandolin
outstretch, extend, expand; to unfold, unroll, un-
wind, open, roll out
to tap, broach, puncture, pierce, perforate, ~ : J;
make a hole in
to level (om, even, flatten, flat,
paracentesis, puncture, tap(ping),
to set forth, present, lay open; to (). ' ~;. : ~
explain, expound, elucidate
to please, delight, gladden, cheer (up), :,:. : ~ rise (of the sun, etc.); sunrise; dawn; emergence, u.);
make happy emersion, appearance, coming out
to lay (set, spread) the table to crumble ~::...;
,... ,, .........
to dominate, control, command, ~ oj_,L; ~ and the mountains shall be crum- GJWI~-
. ._. ' .J
sway, hold sway ov~r. impose one's authority bled to atoms
oiJ ... ... ...
upon, have a domirtant influence over cat
, ' ~:U"'!'U"'!
to lend a (helping) hand to, J o~UI J; ~ ··c.
extend aid to, come to the aid of,-help, aid, assist, t.i·~.
• ~) ··~ ••
1 - ·~..?':'- ·~ • .
support carpet, rug, drugget; mat o~, -~~ : .1~
to be simple, plain; to be light, slight, 1"6 .. _! 015' :~ funeral cloth, pall ~) J.~
trivial; to be naive, ingenuous, artless
on the carpet, on the tapis, under ~I~~~
to simplify, make simple; to facilitate, ~ , J.::. :~ discussion, under consideration
make easy
simplicity, plainness; naturalness, unaffect- 41,~
edness; modesty, humbleness, unpretentiousness;
naivete, artlessness, ingenuousness
courage, bravery, boldness, valor, valiance, 4]~
extension, expansion, spreading, stretching, ~ : ~ prowess, intrepidity, fearlessness, dauntlessness
unfolding, unrolling, opening
smiling; srniler
leveling (om, flattening, grading ~ :~
cat, female cat, she-cat
setting forth, presentation, laying open,~';.:~
exposition, explanation, expounding, elucidation garden; orchard, grove, fruit garden
J J .....
delight, pleasure, joy, happiness JJ.r" : ~ gardener; orchardist; horticulturist ~ ~ :~ ~
numerator [c.~~;] ;..5:!1 ;~,:.. : ~ garden; horti- 0:::-wt. - - ,.
. : ~r:-~ ~~- :.t.i_ t.:.:.,;
abundance, plenty, profusion o) J , ~ :41.: !
,,... .
..... .....
.... .... to pasteurize
affluence, opulence, wealth ~I .iJ..:..! , .u..:...;
'II • ... ........... pasteurization
expanse, extent, scope, t l...;! ' .) I~! ' (.S..l.A : .iJ..:..!
stretch to garden
to be high, tall, towering, lofty ~~!:~ gardening, horticulture
bicycle ~ garden; horticultural
------------------- ~~~-----

to rejoice at, be happy at, be delight- -1 ( } :-! ~ biscuit ~~ ·~~

ed at, be cheerful about ,. . ... , ....

--.-I : -.- to be brave, bold, courageous, fearless, ~ 4 uIS" : J...t

~ .r-! ~ J ---~ C:?' :~ .1':*1
, intrepid
to bring good news or glad tidings to, announce-! ~ pea(s), green pea(s), sweet pea(s) (c.~)~.~
or give good news to; to augur well, bode well,
portend good, be a good omen of, give promise of;
to smile ~!·~:;:.;
to presage, foreshadow, portend, herald, harbinger, smile ~L:.?! :~
indicate or suggest in advance, show signs of, be a
sign of something to come, signal the approach of to say "In the name of God, Most Gracious, ~
Most Merciful"
to preach, propagate i~ Ji ~~ ~ ~4 ~1;-J~
human being, human, man
simple, plain, uncomplicated Z?.:~ , ~ ~ :~
people, human beings, mankind, ~ ~ , U"~ : ~
humankind, human race, humanity-
slight, small, little, light, trivial, insig- u_;i, : ~
nificant, minor, petty
joy, happiness; cheerfulness, gaiety ~ ~ , c:.J :~ unaffected, natural, simple, plain,
good news, glad tidings; good omen
.... ....
o;L.~ : i.S~

• • IL .........:.. : •I
, .... "' ........
unpretentious, unassuming, simple, cj>l~: ~
~: ··: '-"- .r-! modest, humble
epidermis, cuticle, outer skin; skin, complexion o).; naive, simple, ingenuous, artless, inno- r~L.. : ~
.. :>i J "! . . _. . , ..... ""
w...... cent, guileless, unsophisticated
... ., ··. ··- _,..
;.....>..ii...o:U A
,... ....
, ... - the earth, the world
- ...
~WI , u'>J ~I :~I
flamingo JL. )l1 :~J~ 'IJ"J~
.... ....
• IL
... -, ........
" :i.S A
(.,?' ' .. .r-!
"' ....... to have a cheerful face; to smile, wear a smile,
look happy
;:; .--

human being, human, man uGJ :Z?~ to smile on, receive cheerfully or kindly •-! Jj J ~
"' • .... ... - ., 'II ... ,...' "' ...... receive happily with a smile · ·
epidermal, epidermic; ':?~ 'o r.J4 Jlw :l,?~ , ',..... I "' .....
skin, cutaneous (.)"'~ ~ J- U"'!
dermatologist good omens, propitious signs, favorable indica- ) G.;
humanity, mankind, humankind, ~, tions; first signs, first indications, portents, augu-
¢GJ :~~ ries
human race, human beings, people · ·
to be or become ugly, unsightly, repulsive, &,.... :-~-
repugnant _ _ shavings, peeling(s), paring(s), scale(s),
to uglify, make ugly, disfigure, distort ~, ~ :8 flake(s), chip(s)
good news, glad tidings; good omen
ugly, unsightly, hideous, repugnant,~,~:~ Gospel, evangel
repulsive, repellent, unpleasant, disagreeable, of- Annunciation - . 'J...&.··-
o-J L.JI
fensive, disgusting, loathsome, horrid, grisly J ... ~ ;;. ....

poker, fire iron ;UII!ll~

;;i J •
J • -
J-~ ~1;-~~
• J... ...... ... ....
happy mien, cheerfulness, gaiety ~ }J I ~.nU. :i.:. ~
towel •> ·. · :_A
to be or become fed up with, u) , ~ :~ ~
ugliness, unsightliness, hideousness J :~G.;
disgusted by or with, sick of, nauseated by liar y IjS- :l!l~
to be satiated; to suffer from indi- (ilJJI ~) ~ to grate; to rasp; to scrape off, shave off; to
gestion peel, skin, pare

Tripoli onion


,. _:.

to rivet, clinch

satiety, surfeit; indigestion; disgust,


... ~ ..

...•, .....
,....:li ...

.............. nausea, loathing

green onion, scallion, spring onion ~I J..a.!
*' ..~
-<.5..1'! •,-_:
,. -~ '--~~ ·,-_:' WI
loquat (c.~) 9~ cJi =·'~··:
squill, sea onion .r.' ~ ; ~
millet, sorghum (c.~)$
-~ e--1;-~1 ~~'J :o'~ smiling, cheerful, bright-faced, good-humored
bulb (t'J ~~I) •I'..:a! ~
bringer of good news, bearer of glad tidings;
bulbous; bulbar ~ herald, forerunner, harbinger, precursor; presage,
to (im)print, impress, stamp; to ~ t::~ ~;;.J ' , : foretoken, portent, omen, augury, prognostic
.- I .-
make or leave a fingerprint (imprint, impression) ~e.-;-~
to glow, glitter, glisten, sparkle, flash, gleam, ~ t:1:
imprint, print, impression, impress, ~ ' i:.:.~ :;-. '~! beam, shine, radiate
stamp fortune-teller, diviner, soothsayer, augur ul~ :;~
-· ~,t.:..;
, .... .
. ...
'"J~ ·•~ :o~
.. . ....... ... . ·~ ~1;-o~~
ember(s), firebrand t-:.i ... J ... ... eye ~:~~
endowed with eyesight ft..? r.:i :~ spit, spittle, saliva
discerning, shrewd, sagacious, astute, ~ : ~ to wag the tail
perspicacious, endowed with insight, perceptive,
percipient, penetrating, clairvoyant, acute, keen, ember(s), firebrand
sharp, clear-sighted, clear-eyed, clear-headed, pre- ..... ... ... - J ....
to see; to look at, set eyes on, lay <.SI;: ~ ~ , ~ ~
scient - -
eyes on, catch sight of, descry
knowing, well-informed (about), ~ ' ~ : ~ ... ... ... - ... ... ... J ...
to understand; to know, ~ , ~ : ~ r"'-! , ~ rA!
well-acquainted (with), familiar (with), aware (oO, realize, perceive, discern
cognizant (oO, versed (in), conversant (with)
. -·
insight, discernment, sagac- ~ '~ , ~ : o~
~ -- - - to enlighten (on); to inform (of or ~i ~;- (~) ~ , :
abo1Jt), let know (about), make aware (oO; to make
ity, acumen, perspicacity, shrewdness, astuteness, see, make understand, make realize
mental perception, clairvoyance, penetration, per-
cipience, acuity, acuteness, keenness, sharpness, to tell fortunes z.:.~~~~&.:~
clear-sightedness, vision; foresight, prevision, pre- vision, sight, eyesight, seeing )a::~
science - - !. --
deliberately, designedly, I~ , I~ : ii~ : ; ·~ e--1;- ~ ··~ :.r-A!
intentionally, on purpose, purposely
- I - . L~ : {- --1\ j_; \.;
~e.-')-~'-~·~'-~~ jii,;
: I ---'I , :
~e--)~~- ~e.-;-~~

glow, glitter, glisten, shine .J,t-:-o

- e.- I; -~I
... ... '

glimpse of hope, gleam of hope, optic(al), visual, ocular ~~

ray of hope, trace of hope
optics c-~~1 ~ ,.:;.~~
bulb, root (of the hair)
to spit
bulbi!, bulblet
tender-skinned, thin- ;;; J ...

skinned hemoptysis i:.UI~

goods, merchandise, commodities, (d~ c)~~ spit ~

Yf' ~
· 3ffi~'<:·; ,, , 1"'"?!fJt' ?A~, ,J:%WMjNf:,![t~¥ • . f Y Jy,s§ltjMjM#M&1f. i¢~'- ij#J>'¢St:(«?H" ·,·<£;.,\\'~"' <:i@ +*IM<$ *'#ilft!IJ
... .. J .I o........l:! \,;...., ....4.i ~
__ ""
greeting card
"' • ;:;;
• ,.,.. ....
. :ii , - ...
wares, articles
~t:i ~1:~4 ~L4
ID card, identity ~I <:='~)4.i~, ~,.. 4.i~ e--1) -
card, identification card to cut, cut off, amputate, re- :;!. ' ~ ~ t1i : ,
rationing ~ : c.lil1.JI ;~ move; to cut up, carve (up), dissect, anatomize; to
... - ... tl ;:;; -- lance; to incise; to cut open, slash open, slit open
unemployed, jobless, workless, J.-ll ..:r ~ ~ :J~
out of work, idle, inactive - amputation, cutting off, cutoff, remov-;:;:!. ' ~ : ~
al; carving (up), dissection, anatomizing, anato-
unemployment, joblessness, workless- ~ ~ '~ ~ my; incision, -tomy; lancing; cutting open, slashing
ness; idleness, inactivity; free time open, slitting open
_..;;; ... J ,.,., ...

disguised unemployment 4....;L. ~~ some, a few, several

lining (of a garment) ;~t~~ L. : (-.,...;jl) ~ ~ piece (of meat) -- ..
inside, inner side -~~ ~ : (-.,..~1) ~ ~ duck(s) '•t..."•u.:~
t..l- .;>. •
retinue,suite,cortege,en- ~1>.
:( ~~)~~- ~ to be slow; to decelerate, slow, '1': .. !-a! 2,\5' :~
slacken, delay, move at decreasing speed, go slow-
endothelium ly, become slower; to lag, linger, loiter, tarry
... ~ f-; .~ 1"...
endometrium to slow down, slow up, decelerate, ? I ' ~I : ~
slacken, retard, delay, detain, hold up
slowness; slowdown, slackening, retardation,
endocranium tardiness, Jag; sluggishness , .
endocardium slowly, slow, leisurely, unhurriedly, slug- .~
endothelial ['C}..r-'··]'i.T·\1.. delirium, raving, rave, irrational talk u~"iA : r\1;
blanket, cover; quilt, comforter ...;W,il~:~~ roe(offish); ,•J.::il (;... ,,•QI ~ :tJ~ •t.J~
knotweed, polygonum, smartweed, (..::..~}.!.~ spawn
knotgrass battery, pile
to quack (duck) (~1)\'h! battery
duck '•t..."•u.:~
t..l- .;>. • flashlight,
calf (of the leg) ll;~: (JLJI) ~ searchlight
strong, powerful; vigorous; violent; brave, cou- U:.l.h;

to prostrate; to throw down, fell; to stretch (out), ~
outstretch; to flatten, level (offi rageous, intrepid; destructive, ruinous, devastating;
deadly, lethal
basin-shaped valley; wide riverbed, wide bed of.~ potato, potatoes (c.L) u--1~, l1~
a stream or torrent; levelland, plain, level, flat(s)
flask, vial, flacon, small bottle ;;~ ~ : ~
,.,.... 'II •
sweet potato, yam o;k, t1 ~
card; ticket; label; tag 4i~
cyprinodont (cl....) ~
- .........
;,; ~; 4.i ~
to be ungrateful, unthankful, thankless; to be ~
... • " 0 ... ,,.. ...

careless, reckless, wanton; to be discontented ballot, ticket, vote, voting tl~l Jl ~~ 4.i~
(with), dissatisfied (with); to despise or disregard a slip or paper
grace; to be arrogant, proud, vain ticket, admission card, card of admis-
ingratitude, ungratefulness, unthankfulness, A sion
,_ .
thanklessness; carelessness, recklessness, wanton-
invitation card .;~ 4.;~
ness; discontent, dissatisfaction; arrogance, pride, ,_ ..
vanity calling card, visiting card -~~j 4.;~
J,l.; H•
ljlfiC$\fu,"f!l:'i ·~Mi>!,~ lfbi·£~,-fit-NID {."~i))',})d);@,;;f!MM'§IIl!M'*•M , . .ti+V%'@111Ht'i><?tt4! §f.:::thtE \?BiiiJLj"
ungrateful, unthankful, thankless; careless, reck- ~
fruitlessly, futilely
., less, wanton; grace-despising; arrogant, proud,
nullity, voidness, invalidity, ineffectiveness; u~
vanity, futility, uselessness, fruitlessness; falsity, vain
falseness, falsehood, untruth
... J :ii ... J .......
roe (offish); spawn ,•CJI t';- , ,•t.:.:JI ~: t~
heroine; (woman) champion; J,la; l.!..i j.. : ~ stole [~1~] ~~
(female) star, (female) lead; (female) protagonist
clam; limpet
"' tS
J_l. <.?~) uiJ-:>
• "' ......
' .... patriarch e1:;~: 1!.1~
cyprinodont (cl....) ~~
terebinth c~) ~
I!)'' ·L~
to be hidden, concealed ;j> :~ patriarch ~r.
, , ....... J ... .. ...... ' ( ' ' ·L~
to be or become paunchy, potbellied~ ~ : patriarchal rr~~

~ c:-:-1)-~ ~ :~ .~ patriarchate .:s-·- ·L~

, •l_. "•I..J., . •. •L.
to line (a garment, etc.); to fill, pad, (t}J ~~) ::,l; penguin 1.1'- r. ·~r
cover the inside of e)" ·~_~ :d., ·L~
to have bellyache or colic -
'~ i - "--
' ,~ 4J I : -.~L'
patriarch ~r. -r.
to assault, attack with violence; to knock ~~
bellyache, colic ~ , ~I ~i :u1!
paunchy, potbellied, big-bellied
frf: ~
,... ...
(out), strike sharply; to destroy, ruin, devastate,
ravage, crush, stamp out
violence; force; strength, power, bravery, cour-
gluttonous, greedy, voracious, rav- •;.. , ~ : Ja.! age, valor, intrepidity; oppression, tyranny; as-
enous, edacious; glutton, gourmand sault, attack; striking; destruction
l;ij J _.. I "'

abdomen, belly, venter ..,+hll u~ :~ to be or become null, void, null and (_i ~ 'l..,: '(L~
··-) ~
interior, inside void, invalid, inoperative, nugatory, ineffective; to
cease to be valid or operative or effective; to be or
phratry, sept, subdivision of a become abolished, cancelled; to be or become ob-
.... .. ... .... .... ......... , ... ... '.. .. . ... .- solete, outdated, out of use; to fall into disuse; to
litter ·~I_, w.) uiJ-:> ~4 ~~~ ~~ :~ cease, stop, be discontinued

upside down; topsy-turvy; ~ I~ , ~~ to be futile, vain, useless l.SJ~ I (.~ 015 : ~

bottom side up; inside out, outside in to be false, untrue ~? 15 015 : ~
inside, within, in, into, in the u~ -} , ~ -} to be or become unemployed, ~I ~ ~ J1:; :
interior of, in the middle of
, , ' • ... • ... J .... jobless; to be or become idle, inactive; to remain
belly dance u~l ~) .~1 ~) without work or employment
gluttony, gourmandism, ravenousness,.).'~ :4 to be or become heroic, brave; to be ~ ~l... : ~
voracity, polyphagia or become a hero
indigestion, dyspepsia; surfeit, satiety ~ :~ :~J]a;i c:-:-1) -Jh;i
abdominal, ventral to leave without work,~~(~ _,i) :5") :~
leave idle, make jobless -
hero; champion; star, lead; protagonist (I""" I)~
heroism; bravery, valor, intrepidity; champi-
onship; leading role, starring role heroic, brave, valiant, intrepid (~) ~
world championship ~WI iJ~ world champion ~WI~
... J , J .... • J • ,
leading role, starring role ~~IJJ:l u~ c:-:-1)-~
heroic, heroical ~,1; in vain, vainly, to no avail, uselessly,
revival, revivification, reviviscence, re- • t.;..1 : ~ slow; slow-moving, slow-motion, slow-paced, ·~
suscitation, reanimation, revitalization ·· ' · slowgoing, snail-paced, tardy; sluggish, inert, dull,
} J. ~ ... • ....
resurrection J_,.:;, , ~ ~ :~ torpid; lazy, indolent, slothful; slack, leisurely
~ ~

·-- J'- -·· ,_ low-frequency .).)~\ l~

C.~e-')- r'J'..u,...:~
Day of Resurrection ~I
. •·-
.~. e.-)
mission, delegation watermelon (c.~) ~i ~ ,~
;:;:;... ... ...... 'II

expedition muskmelon, cantaloupe, (sweet) ~ : · I ~ I..

i ~ c::::
diplomatic mission
;;; ... 5 "':;:; ....... ., .......

group of exchange students ~IJ: _,1 ~J....,. ~

.. -;_..... I --;.· ventricle (of the heart)
to disarrange, -.,...,.; •-,!ua;.. J •I •-~;
I; , ~ .---
.......;·•I : ~
disarray, disorder, disorganize,· disturb, confuse, clitoris
jumble (up), muddle, mess up, make a mess of, clitoral, clitoric
throw into disorder, upset; to upturn, overturn,
overthrow, overset, turn over; to turn topsy-turvy, chimpanzee
turn upside down to babble, prattle
to scatter (about), disperse, litter, strew ;)~ : ~
about, fling about bugaboo, bugbear, bogey(man), hobgoblin

to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter away ~~ : ~ babble, babbling, prattle, prattling ~

to dent,_ indent, notch, groove; to slit open, slash ~ to send, send out, dispatch, forward, ex- J,:.~i:~
open, np open pedite
dent, indentation, notch ~ to delegate; to mission; to send ..U _,I : ~
... --· .................... . .
~! e-'r~ .~ to emit, emanate, send out, give r_~ I , J.l..b I : ~
... -
.I.A.!' e-'J-..i.A.!
-;. ....
.... ..
off, give forth, discharge, issue, release
.... ... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......
to arouse, rouse, stir up, ~..>.:.-! , J~ I , ...l:..;i,i I : ~
~e.-')-~ excite, awaken, provoke; to evoke, draw forth,
elicit, call forth
after, following, subsequent to, in the wake of ~
to prompt, incite, spur JJ ~ ~ , J&. J,:.;.. : J&. ~
after L. ~ ~, L. ~, ~! ~ .~J ~ on, urge on, induce, move, actuate, impel, moti-
vate, stimulate, inspire, urge, cause, trigger
afterwards, subsequently, thereafter, after :!.LJ~ :.:_:
that; after some time, later, later on, at a later-time·, to resurrect, raise from the ;:.; :c._;II ~ ~
then, thereupon dead
in the afternoon, after noon, P.M., post ~I :.:_: G.i ·.
to breathe life into, infuse .. "'i'i ~-ell.. -(JJ' -.--
meridiem · life into, revive, revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, re-
vitalize, give new life to
A.D., after Christ
sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding, expe- JL.. ~J :~
(~) ;!.u~ ~ e.-') -J.;.i ~ :~ ~ .~ dition ·

yet, still; until now, so far, hitherto, 0'.II ~ : ~ emission, emanation, dis- r_ I~) qjil,) : ~
to date, up to now charge, release, issuance, sending out
he has not come yet arousal, (a)rousing, stirring up, o~~ J , .loLA;) : ~
excitation, exciting, awakening, provocation; evo-
he is still young cation, elicitation

TH ~
ll!llliif#h:mi}11!i~:t:z~:z~x::,"';;1:~~~;;E::i:;:[iJt;:;J,~DIB"-Z:':J@W!iil!tll"::\®!llli!-!iil!)i!!i<il[l<:Q:il!J'fiil!1@!lil~?jlllli!l''*&li'iiilii~il!liMili!l!l&llil!l*·~ .JL}WjfaP£$"r11i$@8WBrffiS "*'t"Kt;h;{hc\ffiiY, ''k#irt:ilHlilliJMtii@ilfijtlW4\)fAAin\@
I" . . o J

remoteness, farness y _; J-f' :

certain extent, in some degree or measure.
. ,, .- ~ ~c.::~
one another, each other distance
husband, spouse
(Jj: ~..>"'!
dimension (.)""~, )~~~ :()t-.;i cl ~
lord, master "' I:~ fourth dimension 1~'1~1 .
~:~ t-!Y
~'JI ' · '
god, deity Jl:
c wide gap 6.A.:ll ~
'I) , • J
c.,r-: ~
1 -~
,...... '
11. •• " :
~ ~
C repute, reputation, fame, renown, celeb- c..;...J I ~
wife, spouse .... ... ~ ...... ... ;;; J. J

insight, discernment, acu- ;; ~ , ~ : )a.JI ~

unirrigated, unwatered (land men, perspicacity, clairvoyance, shrewdness; fore-
or plant) sight, prevision, prescience
mosquito(es), culex(es), gnat(s), (c;~) ~~ ,~~ farsightedness, longsight- [ ..,...1] _;:...JI Ji ~I ~
bug(s) edness
fungus gnat, mushroom fly aspiration, ambition
•• J
anopheles away with .. ! Jl~
~: ~ 0, 0 J 0 • J 0 ..-

far, distant, remote, faraway, far-off, from a (far) distance, from~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ cr
outlying, out-of-the-way, far-flung, secluded afar
.. ':# ...... , .. ~ 0.. .. ....... 0J
far-reaching, extensive, mas- J\.hjl Jl ;~1 ~ at a distance of three meters JL::.I ~~ ~ ~
sive, sweeping
unlikely, improbable, farfetched J~~~~ remote control ~
:r ('Ja.;:. Ji) ~
,. ... J ... .. ...... J

)~~~ ~~,)~I ~~ Jj
ambitious, aspiring, aspirant J
,f. ....... J
- • I J , equidistant )~~~ ',?JL::.
famous, well-known, renowned, cele- ~I~
brated, noted, famed, eminent, illustrious (~) ~~ ~ ~IJ -~~
unfathomable, fathomless, soundless,
' "" .
a~ G~
bottomless, abyssal; profound, deep, abysmal
long-range, long-distimce; wide-ranging, <.S:JI ~ following, succeeding, subsequent, e \j '~ ~ : ~~
wide-range; far-reaching, extensive, massive, posterior, consequent; a posteriori
0 J "' 'Ill_.. .... , "' 0 J
)~~~ ~- ..~- ~ :(j..~.a~
... ....

sweeping dimensional ..... .. .

unattainable, inaccessible, unobtainable, JUI ~ to drop dung ~I J;.ii :_;. ,~
unacheivable, impracticable, unavailable, out of
reach dung, droppings e-~ ,c.j~ :~ ,~
farsighted, longsighted to waste, squander, dissipate ~~ :

discerning, shrewd, perspica- to scatter, disperse, strew about ;J~ : ;j~
cious, sagacious, clairvoyant
wasting, squandering, dissipation _;: ~ : ;i~
from a (far) distance, from afar ~ (Y-
scattering, dispersal, dispersion J,Jyi.j : ~~
~ ~IJ-~ 'i;.. Jl f;~"' .... ;;:; .... -" ::;; ....

to divide, part, split, break up, parti- 1?. 'r-i ;~

shortly after, soon after tion, section, subdivide
camel (ul~)~ :~ ~
some (of\ a few (oO; a little (o0; certain; one;
~~ ~~)-~~ :~ part, portion _

~ ri1 : .;j.JI ~
to wrong, oppress, tyrannize, mal-\5~ ~ '
somewhat, a little, slightly, fairly,
treat, treat unjustly or badly, be unjust or oppres- rather, to some extent, to a (certain) degree, to a
~ n_,-
e>[': ~ffi·m ,q .Jffi,~,,;rf : v,FELfui¥lkV5,' §Sj<Ntf@UW$Mi :ii+F- }i,rk®%. ·~tJl,4!!1·l!llllli!lllli!lllll/lllll/lllli!lllll/lllll/lllll/ll!lllllliiiiii!M!IIi!II!I§IIMW!III/IIIl~III/IIBJ
with a view to, in an effort to, so that, in order sive (to); to offend, outrage; to infringe upon, en-
that, so (as), in order to, to croach upon, transgress; to attack, assault
,... ... ,...
hateful, odious, detestable,loath- r..}:>~, <4:1 ~: ~
some, abominable, abhorrent, obnoxious; offen-
to fornicate, whore, commit adultery Jj :~
sive, repugnant, repulsive, disagreeable, unpleas-
... • J
·~~... ...
e:-1;- ·~~ : -~
ant; hated, detested, abhorred ~ e.-1;-J.a
.. .. ·.. ...,
<o4,/li '~J :.~
steak, beefsteak
prostitution, whoredom, harlotry ii)~~: ·~
to spout, spurt, squirt, jet, shoot out; .... ... J ....

to eject, discharge, throw out ~ e:-1; ~

~ e:-1;-(o~) ~
... .. • ... J :;;:;_..
muleteer, mule driver JlYI _,I ~I ~L.. :J~
, .. - I ~-- to come unexpectedly upon, over- ~, ~\j :~
....... :;;:;..,.. take; to surprise, take by surprise, take unawares,
~I e.-1;-~ take aback; to flabbergast, shock, stun, thunder-
strike, dumbfound, strike dumb
remaining, staying; stay, sojourn
continuance, continuity, continuation, iiJ~: .~
surprise; sudden or unexpected event or
occurence, bolt of the blue
•W :~
duration, endurance, persistence, subsistence; sur-
viva!, existence unexpectedly, suddenly, all of a sud- ~ ~ , ~
..... , __ .... ,, ...... den, unawares, by surprise, surprisingly, without
immortality, perpetuity, .LJI i..l$.' J,l> : .~ warning, without advance notice, out of the blue
eternity, eternal life, eternal existence
survival ofthe fittest ~~I _,i -~~~ :~ ~~ e.-lr~
conservation of energy tiUJI :~ to drizzle, sprinkle :- :_! :(: t::il ~) ~
.... , " ... ...
.. ... ... . " .......
conservation of matter or mass U:S:JI _,1 ~~UI :~
drizzle, dribble, sprinkle, light rain ~ )..:. : ~
the hereafter, the afterworld, the afterlife .lDI J
to hate, detest, loathe, abhor, abominate ; f :~
... ... _.. ,... ... ... ,
tobeorbecomehll ;teful,odi- ~ ;L... :~ ~~
cowboy, cowhand, cowherd, cow- ).jl yt'IJ :)~
ous, detestable, loathsome, abominable, offensive
man, cattlehand, cattleman, cattle-herder
to make someone hate something or~ ~ : ~
.... ,........... ... :;; _.. ,
talkative, garrulous, loquacious; chatter- J~) :Jl!i; someone, make hateful to
box, prattler, blabber J ... •

grocer, greengrocer ut.:. 'Jl~ :Jl!i; hatred, hate, aversion, dis- .~ :~,

• J
like, detestation, odium, abhorrence, repugnance,
grocery, grocery business 41~ disgust, antipathy
··t::I ~. ~ •. 4i\j;
IJ.e:-J-J.J" .. 'JW:..:.-. mule
.....•.... ....
green (unripe, immature) fruit(s) ;;~,~
to gurgle, bubble, splutter (..;.II :UI) -..-:.-
to chatter, prattle, blab, prate
... ...
. .... ... ..... - begonia (~q~~

... • J "' ...

prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet; ~I j ' ~ y : ~
gurgling, gurgle, bubbling, bubble, (~UI) 4, adulteress -
splutter(ing) '# ........ ., • ...

chatter, prattle, blab, prate; logorrhea, •)) : ~

wrong, injustice, oppression; tyranny; .....:; ' rU> :~
talkativeness; gossip, chitchat
outrage; offense; transgression; aggression
L., I -4...A.
;;;:; ...
bug ... e:-J .. _.
... ... ... ... • ... .. ..... • J
wish, desire, aspiration; aim, ...;,.._ , ~ li , ~ J : ~
bedbug, bug, chinch, cimex
purpose, object(ive), end, goal
elm for, for the purpose of, with the aim of,
..... :.,
L; ... (-~ ~

.. ~ Ht

doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to, adhere to bundle, pack(age), bag (of
to keep (or stay) in touch with or ~ ~\....;I ~ '-*
, , clothes)
in contact with
to survive, stay alive, ~ ~ , o\:,ll ~ ~ ~
:;; "' ....... _.
to cut open, split open, rip open, slit open J.!.:~
remain alive, exist. live
(.I ) .. <- :.-
. ~-. e; Ir ~
G.. ... cow(s); cattle, bovines u~ o~·~
:_-q ~- :-
remainder, rest; remnant, residue, leftover, ;t;G sea cow r'"":" r!
,__ J... "-- ......
remains, surplus, overplus, remaining part
,";1 ... y~ e;l; -y~ •JL!
the remaining members, the rest of the • ~~I ~
• 1.

antelope, addax, oryx

.,::;; .... "'...........
~J •JL! ·~~loJL!
.- ' -- ...
members, the other members -
J.- _.
_tl; e;l;- ~I ~I;
_..- _. I..-

continued on page.. ..liS' ~I~ ~.JI

coreopsis, tickseed (o ~) ~ bovine, cow, cattle .. ~
~ :.-

bilharzia(sis), schistosomiasis (v._,...) .. J~ :~~ c. : . - , beef

.. ~\
:.- ":..1
bey (~)~ :~ Bovidae
. c:.-

to cry, weep, shed tears, break or burst into tears ~ box, boxwood
( ·-.-.
~-" ~) :.-

~~~ &S::J1 i.Y

-. "·:
t,...· l,C i~.
to lament, mourn (for), bewail, wail
(over), weep (for or over), moan
rusk, zwieback
tip, gratuity, baksheesh
, .
u-;..1;, ul~ :u· .. ~•:
to make cry, make weep ~~:~
crying, weeping •~ :~
.... J .,. '
e-:-' e:- I)- ,~..-
to spot, stain, blot, blotch, splotch, smudge ~ :~
lachrymose, tearful, weepy, given to .K::JI);:? : .~
tears or weeping, inclined to shed many tears fre-
... J ' "' ;;:; ...

spot, stain, blot, blotch, splotch, smudge;

4:;JJ : ~
.... ..--·,

quently macule, macula, patch

crying, weeping J:;: .IS:; spot, place, site, locality; plot, lot, area,
uK: :~
• J

;;:; ,.., ... ... '--·" ......... region, tract

baccarat ~I ~J-"t 1~ 4J :ol.;~
blind spot
virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood -~~ : o~ ~
to grow; to sprout, germinate c,::j:~
hymen o~lSql :~, -~~
.. .. .. . . . . '... '0 . . . . ; :; . . legume(s); herb(s), greens, herbaceous ~.~
tackle; pulley block; ·~ ,ol~ ~~ :o.;~ plant(s); vegetable(s)
pulley .... J "' • • ...... ....
purslane, (d.:-i) ~~C.~,.~~,~
snipe ()U.) ~~ pussley; endive, chicory
baccalaureate G ·3 ~.
.)~ hyacinth bean, lablab
bachelor's degree U"';..) ~~ fumitory
bachelor t.r,;J~\Sql (~~~)~b. leguminous
major (~~~~)~I;:~~ Iogwood, campeachy wood
to censure, reproach, rebuke, reprove, ~J :~
bacterium, bacillus ~
to remain, stay; to be left over, be left behind; to ~
bacterial (?~ last, continue, endure, persist, subsist, go on; to
bacteria ~~ keep on (doing), keep doing, continue to do, go on

~ ~IJ-lS~ ,~ :~
:. ......
~I ~IJ-~ :~
... ,
i. •
:;; ...

bacteriology c-~
-<---'1 r
~i~.. ~ 3 c-~
· ... ~-"!~ J ...

moistening, wetting ~ ::,C. bacteriologic(a!) ,

• I-- . , (-~ 3 , ..
p.- ·~~-"!~
JJ4j ~IJ- .~ :~ bacteriologist c_r~Y-~ ~
- J J . -<--~ .. k
rather; even; but, yet, however J:; pectin
JJ4j ~lr •4 :~ to get up or rise early (in the morning); to };:; ,}::;
oG! ~IJ- 5I; come early (to), be early (at); to do something early
or too early or permaturely
-·j I - WL ;- •- · •-
~ ~) ... ~ ·~ young camel ~ ~ :~
yes! indeed! certainly! surely! truly! verily! ~ :~ firstborn; eldest ;;;I ... '·...
JJI .)~,... :~

-! ~IJ-~J~ :~ primipara
, ... ..-:;. •
!J"J.;> '~;; '•r ~J ~ ~~: ~
:;~... :;;;f. ... •

wear; impairment, damage, loss; decay, decom-

position, rottenness, deterioration, disintegration,
-1 virgin, maiden .IJ~:~
degeneration; erosion, corrosion; shabbiness, rag- new, novel, unprecedented; first, J~i..l,i~ :);
gedness virgin
wear and tear pulley; tackle; reel, spool,
bobbin, coil; roller
affliction, trial, tribulation, ordeal, distress, l$~ : .51;
trouble, woe; misfortune, calamity, disaster, catas- trochlea [ 'C}~] o~ , ;;~
trophe, adversity; plague; scourge, evil, curse all of them, all with- ~j ~~ ~, ~i ~~ ~
bravery, courage, boldness, valor, ti~ :(v=.;..) .~ out exception
prowess, heroism, gallantry
..... "J , ... .... ... ... ... ••
early morning .:;:.: : o);:;
~I ~IJ- ~ ~'))..! ~I early in the morning
platinum (~~.
. ) . ··51,;
in the morning and in the evening
pellagra C..,Dr) 1?,~ firstborn, first, eldest
~ ~IJ-.l~ primogeniture
dullness, stupidity, silliness, obtuseness; slug- o'JSI; primipara
gishness, laziness, indolence, slothfulness, slow-
ness; inactivity; sleepiness to buckle, clasp, fasten; to button up
belladonna (ul>) ~J~~
J ;;;; . . .
buckle, clasp, fibula, fastener, clip
palladium Cr···~) rj:!.l~ to be or become silent, keep silent, hold ~:~
anacardium, marsh nut (ul;) .;~51; one's tongue
to be or become dumb, mute ~;-:~
cashew (ul;) ~; Jj ~~j ~~~
dumbness, muteness, mutism !J";..:~
plasma ~··sc
.) . '# ... J ,I ...
early, premature, precocious ~, _j~ :.;~
blood plasma i ~~ G"·j;
) . .... ,,
earliness, prematureness, precocity ~ :.;~
~~ J
.:;;; ...... .. ..._.. albacore (~) o~~
flagstones, flags, floor tiles, slabs, ~I o)~ : ..l.~
pavement, paving - primogeniture ;•_) -<'. .<'.
.... _.Y'-! '~.)-
• .Y'-!
!II ... ,1
tiled floor, pavement, paving, ...
early, premature, precocious ~ '}'4 :~

moisture, humidity; wetness, moist- ~ , ij I~ : ~ paved surface

ness, dampness (royal) palace
-~ '/J
~ e--1;-~ ~I ~lj (royal) court

to dawn; to shine ;:;-.r": i ::.1:

~ paver, pavior
to be or become happy at, glad at, ~~:):~~ flagstone, flag, floor tile, paving stone, slab
$ , .........
delighted at, pleased with 0! ~I U. ~
tombstone, gravestone, headstone
(unripe) dates (c.~)~ ... ' -- ;;:; ...
~,J4 e--'r~~
mussel c4
(u~ ·-~·-­
--- -~ communique, bulletin; state- ;1) 'u~l 'ut;: ~ t
to stay in, remain in, dwell in, reside in, -! ili I :-! ~ ment, declaration; release; announcement, procla-
live in, inhabit; to settle (down) at - -
mation; notice, notification; communication, mes-
to be or become dull, stupid; to be or \~ uiS': ~ sage; edict, ordinance
become lazy, sluggish ... :.-- _.... ' ... :;_.. eloquence, good style ul;, .~~ :41~
to acclimatize, acclimate, adjust, adapt, ,)~ , I : ~ rU ~~~~
habituate, accustom, season, inure
country, land; homeland, fatherland; town; city .J:; pellagra (u<>....-) ,;~
• - • ·G.· . 5l;
country of origin 81 ~ rhetorical ~~ ''.?'. ... -~ .
.:. ' ... "' ...... ;;:; ...

town; city; village; borough; township

•. -. j-
0~ thistle l!.l_,.;.!l fr! d.~ :u~

native, indigenous, home, local, domestic; stupidity, silliness, fatuousness, idiocy, imbecili- u5G
municipal; provincial ty, foolishness, simplemindedness, feebleminded-
ness, weak-mindedness, doltishness, brainlessness,
municipality anxiety, concern, uneasiness, ._,I~~·~:J~
mayor, head of a municipality disquiet(ude), discomposure, perturbation, per-
plexity, befuddlement
to crystallize to confuse, disconcert, dis- ._,1~ ~I~ 2ji: ~
lentil(s) quiet, discompose, .disturb, perturb, agitate, upset,
fluster, flurry, confound, befuddle, perplex, puzzle,
elder, elderberry bewilder; to muddle, jumble up, unsettle, mix up,
to dress, bandage; to cure, -sjl,), ~ J::.,:.:;..: disarrange, disorder, derange, disarray, disorga-
heal, remedy, restore to health, make healthy; to nize, throw into disorder or confusion; to compli-
treat cate
()lk) ~
balm, balsam ~ nightingale, bulbul
:;; ' ,. J

balm of Gilead, balsam of Mecca (c.~)~~ ortolan ()lk) ~I ~

• 1.• "'--·' ,. J ,.,

spinning top, peg top, (J\,;,.1~ L.l) u_,;...i.> :~

balmy, balsamic :A top
lentil(s) (-=..\...;)
. ()"'
.' i~
:u, : U""'"! ._,1~~ :4,
confusion, chaos, jumble, muddle,
heron (;1.1) ~).-' ~L. :uA clutter, upset, mess, mix-up, tangle, disorder, dis-
·"i"·-'·1: organization, disarray, disturbance, hubbub, hug-
egret (.r'•1,1) ~ u~
ger-mugger, tumult, turbulence; anxiety, uneasi-
to extort (from), exact (from); to (~l..~;_)~ ness, disquiet(ude), discomposure, perturbation,
racketeer; to rob (oO, strip of perplexity, befuddlement
~ e--') -(~l.. ~ ;_) :.;; pintail -. "•: :J.'i~
JaJI. ~tY ~
rtv ~
· +r;;,, Hj~ 1 ·"·•·0 ,,.,;,., :,; ·rwJ;<'c:1t;F£eiQ:E:f ::Lsj. ./.;~W&J?'t1Qj>IMi@IMI!ff1"l·t&%!t'Pilin!i1R, ··p>+jN->J#§ji#PL\:c;' "·4'+014<fJt@lrfllfX#iJ:.Ij1WJ

climax, reach its highest point, come to a climax, extortion, forcible exaction; racket, ~ J~: ua1;
come to a head, peak (up), top (off or out) racketeering; theft, robbery
to come to a head, reach a crisis or (.S)I J;..ll
.-!, , .;:;:;
....... __
to· pave (with flagstones or floor .1~4 J.): 11;
climax; to be or become too aggravated, too crit- tiles), flag, Jay with flags, slab, tile, floor·
ical; to be or become unbearable, intolerable, unen-
durable, extreme
ax, hatchet U"t :~
to affect or influence &(~~ J$' ~ :,:. ~I)&. tilapia, cichlid, chromide (cl....)~
deeply, penetrate, touch, move
to attain a high ~ ()~1-} Ji) }~1 ~ &.
to swallow, gulp (down), gobble, ingurgitate; '~
to swallow up, engulf, gulf, absorb, take in, devour
degree of knowledge to make swallow J.
to be eloquent ~ ~ 0lS' : ~
... ...... ..... ;;i_..
swallowing, gulping, deglutition, gobbling, ingur- ~
&.' e--')-t4 gitation; swallowing up, engulfing, absorption,
taking in
subsistence uW': ~
gulp, swallow; bolus
phlegm; expectoration, sputum
phlegmy, phlegmatic
to be piebald, pied, pinto, skew-
bald, spotted, dappled
_,I;i 0lS' :~ '~
mica (u.a..) j4 phagocytic
merganser, goosander JaJI. u:'
-. "•:
tY.·~~. pharynx
wasteland; wild, wilderness, wild land; ;.i:~ pharyngeal
balcony; veranda u_,5d; to reach, arrive at, get to, come to, go as JJ J..) :ti;
far as, attain, hit
to moisten, wet, bedew; to dabble, (..)~ , ~ : ~ ... -JJ ......... __ .......... Jl;:;:; ~.. ... ...... _..,, ... ........ J ..-J ...... ,..

drench, sparge, sprinkle, spatter, splash _

to J~)l & &. ,
o-1.!.1 'rLJ-1 (f.' (i)WI) ~ &.
attain puberty, reach sexual matunty, be or be-
wetness, moistness, dampness; mois- o)IJ: , ~: ~ come sexually mature (marriageable, pubescent);
ture, humidity · to attain manhood, become a man, grow up, be-
J~l e-- 1
)- ·4 :~ come an adult

anchovy (~ ~1 C) ti ;:.;i :~ to ripen, mature, be or become ripe~ :~I

... ... , ,...;;i

or mature
..... f .... .... -
to be or become stupid, idiotic, imbecilic,~ I ulS': ~ to amount to, come to, 1j5 (t_~l Jj :1~1)
imbecile, foolish, empty-headed, simpleminded · make, reach, add up to, sum to, total, number
.U.~ e--'r~
!. ;;:; ...........
to come of age, attain or o.I.!.J .!.!.)\ 0-:'
J .... ,
&. ,
.... ... ... •
let alone, not to mention, ~ t~ '~ &~ 't~ ~ : reach legal majority or legal age, become an adult
not to speak of, to say nothing of to come to one's ears, ~ <LJJ ~:~I~ rk,
.- ... ... ... J .... ..- , ...........

bilharzia(sis), schistosomiasis (~ _,..) t;.~ ~ come to one's knowledge, reach, hear of, get wind
of, learn about, come to know about, find out
.~ e.-')-(..)~ about, be told about, be informed about, be re-
ported to
Pluto [ ctlj] ;·~
plutocratic; pultocrat • l.i.i
., , to take to, lead to, convey to,
, .... ___
• 'I
~ ~

'r.rY~ drive to, steer to

... .;Jy~ to become serious, grave, critical ~I

& .r ~I &.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

plutonium (~)i~;·~ to culminate, :16:.'< t4 ,:.:;~~~ Jj i:.JI Jj (j~I t4

~~ HA
INH;p;liik1*J:lHrkt1vJp"'"!'1fi>41£@!Niiij!6D1@Jfuj@¢M$\tWi·· • @ijiiA'it+J§l:<tic"'' fl $·1h{ ·~'t -·"¥ ,

eloquent; fluent, well-spoken to crystallize ~~

serious, grave; intense, deep, profound, ..!.,!~ : ~ crystal o~~ •o~~ '.J~ '.J~
strong; keen, acute, sharp; violent, extreme, exces- rock crystal, transparent quartz - ~ ~ ~_t.
sive, drastic, severe; considerable, significant, enor- ,;;; ....... "' 0:;:;
mous, substantial, great, large, big; far-reaching crystalloid ;,;.y~ ~ ~ 1,;~ :
cool and moist wind or breeze; fresh (air, etc.) J.f. crystallization
billion; milliard u~ crystalline, crystal
lowest string of a musical instrument [ ~ _,..] (.1 crystallography

-~~1;-~ ~'- - ~,·~-

.ti '4· blouse

~~ ~1;-~~ oak
• -·, I -. :.:! acorn, oak nut
• ' • J
~.,.. ~1;-~~
reaching, arrival; attainment, achieve-
coffee; coffee beans ment
• :f, ~ • ,, ~ ,,
puberty, (sexual)....:.:-,11 0-:, ~~;~) : t,.l:JI 0-: • t,.4
to build, construct, erect, set up, put ~ ~Gi , :
up, raise, rear; to build up, develop, create, maturity, adulthood, adolescence; (legal) majority,
full age, legal age
establish, make, form ... ::;o'l ......
to base on, found on, ground on, ~ l..r'"" I : ~ ~ maturity, ripeness
rest on to be or become old, worn, shabby, ragged, tat- ~
to consummate the marriage ~ ,i ~ jj ~ ~ tered, threadbare; to wear (out), fray, frazzle, tat--
with ter; to deteriorate, disintegrate, decay, rot, molder
to give a word an indeclinable ending, ~I ~ away, decompose, degenerate, spoil; to corrode,
make indeclinable or uninflected erode
• (J:;!) ~! ~1;--i ~
mason; builder ~4 : ,~ "i

constructive, positive ~lf-l: '~ ~4 ~I;-~

'JI..-J J a I
.; ' ., J ;:ii,...

Freemason, Mason <i,... \. . :~ t~ clown, buffoon, harlequin, merry- C*" ..,_..

building, construction, erection, ,~ l • '... ··~ : ,~ andrew
setting up, putting up, raising, rearing; building up, - billiards; pool (~) J~~~ ',)~~ '.J~
creation, establishment, making, forming, forma- cue ;WI~
J~ ~1;-.S~ 'J~ :~
~ ~l;-~4 ·~ :,4 ;i~J


~ ~1;-~ :,4 marble, taw

.. _
G"~ ~)
I -. -·:
tG~ weld, dyer's weed

syntax, construction, sentence structure ~I t~

... ' .... mignonette, reseda (c.~.:-')~~ t6.:I;
dull, stupid, doltish, slow-witted, dense, thick- ~
Freemasonry, Masonry ~;..\... :~1 tl;JI headed, thick-witted, obtuse, daft, silly; sluggish, -
on the basis of, on the ground(s) of, on the ~ t~ slothful, lazy, indolent, inert, inactive, torpid,
strength of, based on, relying on, by virtue of, by lumpish, spiritless, exanimate, listless, languid,
authority of, pursuant to, in accordance with, ac- sleepy, lethargic; slow, slow-moving, slow-motion,
slow-paced, slowgoing, snail-paced
cording to
~ rt\
t. "l0f;J11\:l@L ·>Hi·k<''f,.Jl£Tkil'e"'~&ng .,ikriiil+!t,m,:stMiliiWM!$1tAiiHt@itv!!'Ut)'·· .<IA#i¥%M••*:&Wf:e*'fiit{w,.,h~;l1jijv · e4:i?)''

sugar beet (e;L..;).;:.. ,_·.-'pi,_·.- accordingly, thus, hence, therefore, con- ~ ~~

.'-?,_ ~ ~
o,} 0 I
Abraham's balm, chaste-tree (e;L..;).-
. '·~
. .
reconstruction, rebuilding
clause, article, item, paragraph, sec- -~ ,.~L. :~
tion; term, provision, stipulation constructional, constructive, building; struc- • • C.
banner, flag, standard .1~,~:~ tural; formative

penal clause • 'I~- :::

<1- .?.' . ~~~)-e.G
optional clause 0.1 ··.-
) .._..l....! tomato(es) (u~) o~J~G
panda (ul~) o~ fingertips (~L; ~.a~_,;...) uG
seaport, port, harbor, haven, an- ~:; '~:; :.)~ at your disposal, at your service, at your ~ l; t;1
chorage command, at your beck and call
.. ; :; "!... ... , .....
coastal city 4:.1.-
.. --
L.. . --
4.,;.., ...l.o :
.....:... building, structure, edifice; premises
commercial center ~~~ }':; :)~
..... .
girl; daughter (of someone) ~!:~
hazelnut(s), filbert(s); hazel (c.L..; ) (J~ queen (~I J~jj)~
~~~~i _t~l~
~·J J,.. ";J•J
hazelnut, filbert J~\ ii~IJ :.u~ niece
bullet ~c.~ :ti::;,._, -"
pebble, small stone --
rifle, gun, shotgun ~~ calamities, misfortunes, di- ,r~~:UI d.~, p~ u~
• $i J ........ • J .......

tomato(es) (u~) o~J~ sasters, catastrophes

....... ;:;; ,. • $i J •

pendulum ~CJI ~~~ :JJ~ stepdaughter 4:1:- J)l Jl _rJ)I ~

.. .... ...:;; J •
415' :~I ~
flag, banner; pennon ~:(~~ ,.
.:;;:; J ....... • :;;:; , ... _

benzol, benzene J··. worries, anxieties J.;.UI u~ , ):..:411 u~

J~ ... ,. ;;;;... ,. .. '11-- J •
~~I Jl ~I Jl ~~I Jl (.JI ~
gasoline, gas, petrol, benzine; benzene cousin
U!.,H ,, ,. ..... ,. ,.,
premium gasoline wine iJ)::.ll Jl _i)::.JI Jl ~_,.o..;.JI ~
... 0... .... J •
tear ~~:~\~
gas station, service station
penicillin thought, idea, concept, conception, no- ~I ~
. ,.
pension(e), motel, hotel, inn, hostel, hostelry; 0~
, .- tion, mental image -
J ., J •

boardinghouse poinsettia, spurge, euphorbia (u~) J.....:..JI ~

ring finger goddaughter, godchild ~~,::J4 ~
point .~
...., ~)
I -[cll.i] ~
.·~ ~G.
trousers, pants, slacks prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet c.S) I ~
J • , ...... J •
table tennis, ping-pong cockroach JJ-P.r> :ui~)J ~
bingo coffee
... ;;;, ... ,iii_..
violet to anesthetize ).;.:;.:~
pansy anesthetic 'iJ ... J
...l.:i...o • •

) ·~
violet henbane, hyoscyamus 'L.., G ·-
i u. :~
ultraviolet red beet, beet (e;L..;. ) .) ~: ~. -·-- -·-
A • .-
~ TO· ~
N1§1#1Lrrw)4fJ,nf:!,,t4tifhW-fii!¥WM • ~·~lll~I!III!IIMI!II,!I•IIIIll!ltlll!!!lld!l·ll*llWII,I!!!ZWII4\"!I~iij!lrliWiil!lll!ll?m:IJNII!II!!!I!II::!lt!l4#2!1-,1t!l,#¥!1''*11'11@!1¥1!!!it!
diant, dazzling amethyst (-}~:~.~
beauty; splendor, magnificence, gorgeousness, -~ bank u;..::~
glory; brilliance, eclat, radiance
bench; seat ~:~
• J • .....
bank of issue )..~.op~l~
Bahai . ~ , ....
credit bank ~~~
'JI ~ , I :;1 J I_..

savings bank ;6-.)~1 Jl ~j..:JI ~

i :Uici::.
.J :;._..
blood bank
slanderer, calumniator, traducer _;:.;... : c.~ JJ J I ...

eye bank u~l~

pepper; spice .)~ "'d .... , " .....
central bank . t( ct.::..
to astonish, amaze, astound, flabber- ~ , ~ : ~ '?.?' .r
gast, bewilder, shock, startle, stun, thunderstrike,
dumbfound, strike dumb
pancreas [~.r; l '"'"~A
, .
banknote .::.~
to fabricate lies against, ac- y~l ~ <.S;:i!: c; # • - # (':~
cuse falsely of; to slander, libel, calumniate, de- banking, bank Jru=~
fame, malign, vilify, asperse, traduce, speak evil of :,-'.J
.... .. ... , __ sonship, filiation 0~
~~I.)-.:..+, ,... I ~ I "' J I_.. _.., ..- _..

filial ~~I Jl 1,)-!~1 JJ y,_:.. =~.?~

to fade, dim, pale, wan, dull, ~ :(tJJ0.;1JI) ~
wash out, blanch, tarnish, faint, lose bnghtness or my little son _:•_q- ·'I L.:"~'L, :~'
# .,
luster, grow dim or pale; to bleach, lose color
... J ... J .... ....
brown (u,J ~ )

~~~;-~:~ "" .... 'Ill .... .... ... *-'

.... J ... :;..... ... .... ... .... ,
barbel <.5~
.. _ i.!.L..:..: ~·.
to be or become astonished, ~ , ~ ' ~.) : .:..+,
amazed, astounded, flabbergasted, startled, bewil- - .~ ~~;-.G) , . ~·.: :u~
, .... .. ... , ..... • J
dered, perplexed, stunned, shocked, aghast, thun- .
r..r:-" ~
I) -~l..'
- : . ::.L..:...
r..r:-" ..., .. .
derstruck, dumbfounded, speechless
G.. : 1 -G :u~
c; ~1;-~ .~ :Z::..Z, ~) .. :

u~ ~1;-.:..+,
., ... structure, setup, makeup, constitution, construe- ~
tion, composition, physique, build, make, frame, -
... • • J
formation, morphology, form; fabric, texture
slander,calummy,defama-yfS' ·~~, -~~! :u~ :i'i ..... "'-'
tion, aspersion, vilification, traducement; fabrica- infrastructure, substructure ~
..... L.. :.
tion, false accusation; lie, untruth, falsehood, fal-
superstructure t;·-;t:_,
.. _Y .. :
sity .... • , ....

~i ~1;-()i :~ weak, feeble, frail, delicate ~~~

to be or become beautiful, splendid

.... J....
u-- :~
... .....
able-bodied, strong, sturdy, husky, burly,WI ~,i
stout - ·-
(."!) ~! ~I;-[} :("'i) ~ penicillin
- I
, •- . - .,
~ ~)- JJ.r-" ·~ caffeine
... ... J J ..... , ....
joy, delight, happiness, delectation, [.) , JJ.r' :~ structural, constitutional, constructional
glee, gaiety, mirth, hilarity, cheer(fulness)
....... • J .......
beauty, grace; splendor, resplen- -If.! , u-- :~
dence to be or become beautiful, pretty, charming; to be ~
to dazzle, daze, blind; to overwhelm, ( t:' J ~I) :+. or become splendid, gorgeous, glorious, magnifi-
overpower cent; to be or become brilliant, bright, shining, ra-
;!}; Yo' -* - J

It ij@,;st" , ~~ jb !i!@N!tW,$tffM!fu:J2iiMfil\},.ifi!WifMiM¥iiiib\MI·~iW. ~~ta.-IIIBIBIBIBIBIBIW!iiiMIIIIIIMI\IIi'"lllllllllillM\illllfillil!lllllllliii!BIIIIl"llll

calf, lamb, kid
..-.' ...
to dazzle, shine, glitter, sparkle ~t ~G.i: ~ ,
1+1 ~I)-.*- to be or become dazzled, dazed; to be (t}J ;~):,.;
or become overwhelmed, overpowered -
lobby; foyer; hall; parlor .*-
to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be -.........; F! :.J+!
, , ...... ...... ... • ... J

~ ~~)-~ breathless -

beautiful, pretty, charming; splendid, gorgeous, ~

to pepper, spice, season . . . "i:
) t+JL.; .. +
... .:;i ~ ... • ,,
glorious, magnificent; brilliant, bright, radiant, pant, gasp, breathlessness; apnea; ~I t ~! :J+!
shining, dazzling dyspnea, difficult breathing, labored respiration
'·-- ... ~ , .... J ...
)~ ~
I) - u--
~·11 .l.;:·. ·
r::;-- . ~ middle, center, heart J.:.j : o.*-
happy, glad, delighted, cheerful, joyful, JJ.r-'
J . ..
to adorn, embeilish, ornament, garnish, (;.j :~
joyous, gay, merry, gleeful decorate, deck out, bedeck, dress; to overdecorate,
delightful, pleasant, gladdening, cheerful, ~ l.. : ~ bedizen, prank; to tinsel, spangle
~ ............. ,
cheering, happy, bright to falsify, fake, counterfeit _) . (.1+!
charming, graceful, beautiful, false, sham, fake, phony, ,'-?:~, ~~, ~lj :~
splendid, magnificent spurious, untrue, counterfeit, mimic, mock, bogus,
black, pitch-black, jet-black, ebony dummy, fictitious, make-believe; vain, worthless;
bad, inferior, poor, low-grade
beast, animal, quadruped, brute
counterfeit money ~ljJL.:6~
beasts, animals, quadrupeds, brutes; livestock, ~~ . . :ii...... ,, ...........
tinsel, spangle; frippery, cheap ~~.t~ .k~ =u~J+!
bestial, beastly, brutish, brute, feral; animal
sham splendor, empty show, hollow pomp; ~;+!
bestiality, brutishness, ferity; animality, animal-•:~ .. ~! showy adornment, cheap ornamentation, gaudy
ism embellishment; showiness, gaudiness, tawdriness,
... ,., ... .... ... :ii J ....... "'.-
young camel ~ ~ .~UI ..JJ :-'I
flashiness, garishness

to install (in an office), induct (into an~,~ :I -'I

.... ;;. ....... ;;. .... 'I;;. ... saffiower ~ ·~~ :ul.:*. ·r:+.
oil 'II "' ....
office), invest (with an office), inaugurate; to ap-
point (to an office), nominate
suberous, suberose
~ =.r+.
... ... •• ...- f.:;. ... holly, ilex (~~P:~a!
to put up, lodge, quarter, accommo- J; I , c..SJI : IJ-!
date, house, room, provide lodgings for to weigh heavily on, oppress, :;A) , ~ ~ i :~
... ... ... ... .... f:;. ... overburden, overload, surcharge
to settle (down) at; to stay in, reside J; , ili I : IJ-!
in, dwell in, live in, inhabit vitiligo
... ... ... • .. ,. J
boa •fr$ ~I : ,I-'~ lichen
J - ;;; ...
doorkeeper, gatekeeper, ~L> 'J_,l.l; 'U"'JL> :1..:-'1-'1 to curse, damn, execrate, imprecate
concierge, janitor; porter; doorman -
pylorus ·- ] y I"-
acrobat, tumbler, equilibrist, ropewalker, tight- uljl+.
[ C:!J-' J-! rope walker, ropedancer, funambulist
gate, portal .("
..!'!:';' :.~..
. . =~~·-
• .)I acrobatic
pyloric [ C:!~ ] •I.T, I"-
.)I acrobatics
stagnation, stagnancy, dullness, depression,.)L..S' :.;f,; aerobatics
recession, slump; unsalability, unmarketability
fallow land, wasteland, waste
·'... . ..- ...
JJ-1 .;.;I : J IJ-!
. jester, fool, clown, buffoon, harlequin,
ruin, destruction c!.)j;. :J IY. ryegrass

boron [.~ 1u.lJY.


hell, perdition
~ :)_,.JI
....... ,
trumpet, bugle JY. : ~.)Y, ~IJ ~IJ -~IJt
mullet, striped mullet, gray mullet (ct-.)~.);, hemorrhoids, piles r-
mat hemorrhoidal • 1--
~./::':" Y.
pyrites trumpeter, bugler, cornetist ..;'-'11 j '. · u1 : _,~~-
.)-:-' .. ~ Y.
boric polyuria J~l ~~1) :~1,; ,JI:;;
boric acid to divide into chapters or sections; to clas- ~ : yj;
to pout; to sulk sify, class, categorize, tabulate, arrange, sort (out),
assort, group, grade
ice cream
caustic potash, potassium hydroxide ~ lS' ~~ _,;
bus, autobus
potassium , 0Y.,
L....S'] r~
[ •....
mail, post
butane (j~) u0;
......... ,
crucible, melting pot ~Yo
bushel • !..... • . . . ,
(spark) plug Jl..:. ~I 4.a..!. : ~Y.
ditch reed
. .. ..... , divulgence, disclosure, revealing, reve- .G l :(~) c.Y.
inch _;.;! :4...0Y. lation, revealment, uncovering
•,\, ~,,_.,
JJJ~: O.J.lY,
..... • J

compass ~:OJ..QY,
........ , ......... J

(~~) ~;, crucible, melting pot ~Jo! :4iJY,

.. ,
bulrush (~~) .J:,;, Buddhist ~~Y.
()"~_,; ~I;- U"'\1;, Buddhism ~~~~ '~~;,
crucible, melting pot 4Z;.; :41;, to let lie fallow, leave uncultivated or (~~~I)::,;;
potentilla, cinquefoil, five-finger (~~) ;;j_b:l.;, unsown
fallow, uncultivated, unsown, unplanted, wild .JY.
ice cream ~~.,2. .~j-;,~ c..S:;i;. :~;, • , ... • f
wasteland, waste, fallow land JY. u">J I
metatarsal bone [01~]~ J • ... J • ,

borate 4,;.,.JI _uia- & :c.I.JY.,
bourgeois • 'I . ,
~,) J-":.)J!
zoospore -~'I .,
bourgeoisie ~,) Y':.)Y,
conidium .... ..... .JI • ,

porcelain, china u~,~:~.)J~

endospore ... • ... .. ..... J
stock exchange, stock market, ex- ~ :4...0.)J!
ascospore change, bourse
zygospore borax [ • L....S']
.. ..
.. -•'

pycnidium bornite (u~)~~;,


uric, urinary, urinous

urinary system

straits, narrows
uric acid bugloss, anchusa
,..J I J
buffet, sideboard, credenza u I,.,.. : ~1'!
(urinary) bladder, vesica to trumpet, bugle, toot, blow ~ ~: (..;~1 ~) ~j;
the horn or trumpet, sound the bugle
I J ,.. ... J
horn, trumpet, bugle, cornet, eupho- J,..:> , ...f.t.i : i.JJ-!
policeman, (police)
vice squad
. . "
J)l.;. ~1_,1 ~~.)~1 ~Y.
... - ' ,
nium, tuba
.... J , ,
~ ol.)l 'J_,...j :JY.
~... • J

military police ~ (-' :. i ~ ', "

'-?.r---' t.~_? ~Y.
I , megaphone ~I~_,::.:~~~:..;~
'iJ ..- ,.. J J
mouthpiece, spokesman, ;,all r~ -:.,.......:.:.. :JY.
,iJ oil ,.. , ,..- I "' I

secret agent, detective, sleuth; secret '-?. r:' ~Y.

police, secret service, detective squad speaker; trumpeter; agent
•:oi ,. '-' , ' whelk · (' lJ ' - "· ~~:_ • -·,
;::.J I _,I d-') I ~Y. ~ '.?,~UJ~·I.JY.
traffic police
police commissioner, commissioner of ~Y. J_,...l..
,' ,, ...
(fallopian) tube, salpinx, oviduct [ r1Y::.) J~
police - mug, drinking cup ~.,, ~_..~~ ·. J\i:.~.
'_....r- .r.
police station; police post ~; )':_.:
~ .1 ,
tubal [ 'C}Y::. ] ~:,;
police; detective ~1'!
t....J , ;_r-- sarracenia, pitcher plant (~L..;)
. ~··
police state ··- .. _Y. -'.)
horn bill ·u.)
(.1" D_J-!....
detective story t....J •'!-~­
··- .. _Y. ~ -'d
J,.. .... elm (~_,~)~;,
..... ,

police dog ~Y.~ :;; "... ... ...~ ,

poker ~~ ..;JY. )w ~ :~1'!
policy, insurance policy (·~ ~)W,
.. _1'!
,. ~1 } 1 } ,. I
"'I J .-:;I ~ I ,
..... -'... J
bauxite . -)")1....:...
r~-"' - .- .
r~ ~· 1'! .
bill of lading u--• 4-J. Y. to urinate, micturate, make water JL.. :J""
policyholder ~~~;~-~,.. urine J''
boletus (~~)~;, albuminuria ~ ~~~
'?_ )
..UY.,. -
polymer [~W]~;, retention of urine; anuria, anuresis J~l ~~!
bowling &.!;,
(~) diabetes ~ 15:::11 ~~I t I.)
owl (,;u.) t.; ·r;
pummello ( ~L..;) . (' "u· ''I:~ j-:' .~~- ,, .rL ~IJ-J~I ~
. ~ ~ ~1'! """1'!
J ......
U:! ~ , J) : u1'!
• ... • ...
urethra, urinary tract or canal J~l (.5;;.
difference, disparity, discrepancy,
"'.... ,. . ....
dissimilarity, contrast urate J;.ll -~\.,L.I & :.::,~1'!
distance; interval; remoteness, .... J ... J

farness steel ~ ~_,; : J~J-!

UY. ~IJ -uJ-!
., urea, carbamide J~l ~ 0.,5::; ~J:: ~~L. : 4Jj;
,. , boulevard, thoroughfare, highway W;,
drops, candy, bonbon u~J-!
(~) ~;,

bohemian bowling
bohemianism polo (~) },;
mm•-•••••~e•,u•n-,m•,*•**•*•*assassa*aeasaas•saass•u••ae.ssa--umassassa.~t~ ~~--umumumummemt•1 umass;•,MMMs.s•....._Atassass•*•FtassAtass•
~ :u~
t'!"IJ-(l4;j 'JIJ.>) paint; shoe polish
man- ~,:;.. Ji OUJI Ji ~~/II ~15-~ t.~~ :,~ bootblack, shoeblack ~~~\ C-:-t.. :~;,
ifest _ .... .... , \ ..... 0 .... J

~ t'!" J-~Y.
memorial, statement of facts [uyli] ~~JJI S~ I
explicative or explanatory appo- [ W] u~ ~
C:! . t'!" r -C::H-!
- ~ ..... • .... J

sition microspore; sporidium ~ tY. : t:z.Y.

rhetoric uQI ~ environment, surroundings, milieu,.Ja:.j , ~ : ~
it goes without saying (that); it ~QI ~ (0i) r; setting; medium; ambience
··- .. ,
- ,.
is self-evident, obvious, unquestionable, undeni-
able, indisputable mullet, striped mullet, gray mullet (d-)(~
piano, pianoforte (t•.. _ ··-,..''iii) ,..\ ··:.. :uL., infantry, infantry soldiers
... ,
J _,,
.)~1 :o.)~
.... ;;; ...

data, information, facts ~

-·~ , c.C. :r-
-~~-- : ~G G
... '· J J 0 J ... :,;:; ...
orange grove J\..iU.J-1 u~ :;;J~
piano, pianoforte (W-

.. ··- .}-A
m jJ·L
J .,. ..._) , -

"! whiteness, white .)1}:.~:~~

pianist ;w1 (~~ Ji) 0jl~ blank, (empty) space, blank space t_l) :u">~
~ . 4T..."'=!
rhetorical u· U" .l. ~
_. I r:: j_i::: • ~<.f"."<~ -- albumen, white (of egg) ~
u-t> ...
illustrative, clarifying, demonstra- ;.e.~ J : ~ ~
tive, explanatory, \!Xpository
white (of the eye) v;,.J u-t> C...
" I'·

:;; ......... .. J
~~I ~_,.l..:;JI Jl _r_,...)~
,. J J
Jl-.::.. :<i~
., >JJ_ ... , ~ ......
whitewash uiJ~I ~~~~
graph, diagram, chart ~~ ('Jj~, ~)';:.~ daylight i'~q,.
)'+-' u-t> ...
• .... J ., ...

environmental fine character; good reputation ~,JI u">~

;;; . ,. ;;:; . .... ...
white goods, linen(s), linen (.)"!')C. J ~I :d...,~
.,. .. • 'I - ......

ecology d .. ~.}~·~~ goods ·

pipe u~:~ ··- day and night, by day and ~I ~I}:.J r~l ~~
by night, (a)round-the-clock
to contrive, scheme, (t;IJ l~i Ji ~~ Ji ~) ~
plot, intrigue; to hatch, brood; to premeditate; to blank, unmarked; in blank u"> G I~
... (.1'"'
harbor, hide, conceal
carte blanche
G I~,._
u"> ... (.1'"'~
... - .......... ;:ji..-
to lodge, put up for the night LSJI ,c,.~l :~ --
blank check u">~ j&~
to castle ·
u-t>H'- t'!" I J- ~. t...
house, home, apartment, flat, resi- ~ , J~ : ~ I
•l, t'!")- ~t
dence, domicile, dwelling, place, abode, habitation e:;. .........
family, household, house -- •1
• .r' :c-.
" statement, declaration, announ~.;c::ment; r!~ : u~
case, casing, cover(ing), housing, yl~, ~~:eo;; communique, bulletin; announcement, · j; :uC
t. ...
sheath, box - proclamation; notice; manifesto
--,, ' "
compass report, memorandum, account, state- ~); : u ~
,J'. I > ,, -t_,l > ,,
ment; representation; release
toilet, water closet, W.C., ~__,.,.,.,1 ~ 'y.) ~ ~
bathroom, men's room, ladies' room index; catalog, list, register, roll; U"' ~ '~~ : u~
parliament, people's assembly or council ~~I ~ inventory
prefabricated house, prefab ~~ ~
.. "
style, diction

the Kaaba ~\ :J--.. ::11 ;. ~~~~, rl)-1 ;. ~~II eloquence, good style
roo ~
~·£>: ,~,;ir 1 '"//v?1N.d'~:5~ ~/&;:f)\1@41~ ·~ Y.~;bftiiiif~IF1]J:z1).2EJM$@m$ltB:4!i~LY'@IMtJijMfrljr9f.~;.,;J,, .·y.J]::.\M!bMiWH
.,. . , ''I • Jo
baseball; softball o)::.JI ~WI~ :J~ brothel, bordello, bawdy .~1 ~, -~~~\ ~
house, whorehouse, house o( prostitution
bison (ul~) u~
"' .. .,....... 0
marital house, conjugal home ~ j)l ~
aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane il.. c.~ :~
....... , .... .,... .,... .,... :;1...- dermoid cyst [ -,..J:. ] ~ ~
to whiten, make white or whiter ~I ~ : ~ ...... ... • .. J ...
tent ~:_;a:,.~
to tin, tinplate ~~\ ~'SI ~ ~··q - .. ._ . • ' .-
verse, line (ofpo~try) ~ ~ ' .J'-': ~
to whitewash {;,•-~ o;~L.., .;.I\ 'l:kll- .•- r-'
···• :C•J .· ~
cobweb, web, spiderweb c.~\::..;;
to bleach, blanch, discharge '" ~ I- f• t:i.11 ~
•Y"'J - · •-
essence, quintessence, core, pith, gist, ~I ::..;;
to make a fair copy of ;)WI J i i.:8:J1 - ·•-

may God make him happy!

. -
- ~\ ~
-. ·- substance
treasury, exchequer JUI ::..;;
• , , .... • .. J ....
eggs Jerusalem lfii.JI :lf::..J.I ~\''-"'fAll~
soft-boiled eggs business establishments, commercial ~J~ ~6;.,;
hard-boiled eggs houses, firms, institutions ·
~~~~ I .. ·-, ',:.•
fried eggs U"' ~ J- ~I (.)""I

scrambled eggs domestic, house, home, family, house- ;_;j:,. :~

hold; homemade; private
domestic(ated), tame(d)
. "'
beige, ecru, light tan (u~J) ~
testicle, testis, spermary
....... . ........ pajamas, pajama r.~,[.~
.. J ...... desert; wilderness, wild .1;.:..: .I~
{;.·-~ I _{;."~
o~.P : ~
pedagogic{a!) .~~~
,- ~

..... ~) ..... ...

an impossible thing; something that 4:U1 L~.;.!
pedagogy ... ~~~~..,
happens once in a lifetime; extremely rare but, yet, however, still, nevertheless, on the ti ~
in broad daylight ~~\ ~ ,j other hand
threshing floor
oval, ovate, ovoid, egg-shaped, elliptical (:?J- a:.!
(j ... ... ' "' ...... beaver
.. ~~)-~
pawn (in chess)
farrier J.;1. I J;.; ~ l&. : )~ beer
veterinarian !.. ·~"~
•'-? ~ I..J U.::
to horseshoe, shoe a horse, fit with ~ : 0C:.:l- I ~
flag, banner, standard
a horseshoe
farriery standard-bearer, color-bearer
veterinary medicine bureaucratic
veterinary bureaucracy
veterinary medicine beret
veterinarian peso
sodium bicarbonate
rY-~~~ CI~Y.~
4.- J
u "\,; ··c- .

sale, selling, vendition
fraudulent sale ;j~ I ~

;;; ... - ::;; ... J .. ... • ;;:; .......

<r \.h.JI J I ,_r ' 'I I ~ <-- -IL,

..... ""'. • ... :;iJ' 'JJ:. .... .. , .... :. (" .•
bikini ~ ~ UJ,.. '?1..:;,:..u ~~ yy :~ retail . _,....., J - r-' : C:;.!
hematuria . . (_;. r) ~_;. J~ clearance, clearance sale, sale (! ·..~·11 ~
elder, balm (~ ) ucL... installment sale, sale in (or by) install- b. _;:,~ ~
lunatic asylum, 4"1~11 _;.1;.~1 ~ :u~.;~ execution sale
insane asylum, mental hospital . .
...... 'f .. .... • .. - ~ ....
forced sale
to show, demonstrate, manifest, J I , ~I : ~ c.D
display, exhibit, present, bring out, bring into view; wholesale
to bring to light, reveal, disclose, uncover, expose;
to clarify, make clear; to explain, expound, eluci- optional sale
date, illustrate, shed light upon; to indicate, state, sale on credit
set forth
sale on approval
clear, plain, distinct, mani- ~IJ, ~, ~U.:,;;.
fest, evident, obvious, patent, conspicuous, visible, sale, public sale
apparent, marked, unmistakable, intelligible, lucid,
explicit, express judicial sale
-. J
separation, division, disunion, disunity i..i.} : ~ auction, sale by auction, public
.... ... .... .... ... J ..... sale, public auction, vendue
enmity, hostility, u ~ , iiJ I~ : _;,:J I d ~ , 07.!
animosity, antagonism; dissension, discord, dis- conditional sale _ _ J, J~ ~
:l; ... iii .. • ... , .... ..., ,- ......
agreement hawking, ped- JJ...:..;:ll .,1 JI_P...;:JI C:;.!, oi~U~ C:;.!
between; among; admist; through dling, peddlery
medium, middling, mediocre, just fair, not 07.! 07.! cash sale l#~ C:;.!
bad, so-so, neither very good nor very bad; betwixt for sale, on sale
and between, in an intermediate position
while, as, during (the time
.... ... ....... .......
J~ , oW I : ~ ' ~
,.. resale, reselling

J ......

that), at the time that, at the time of, in the course vending machine -- in
while, whereas, when on ~ j (0i) :G. ' G. salable ~~l;
the other hand, while on the contrary homage, pledge of allegiance
lS;._~1., ~.,~1 ~ ,)-T., ~ ~ ,)-T., ~:; ~ ... ... ':. .... ....
sale; commercial transaction,~ , ,C:;.! ~ : ~
... .....
..... . .
from time to time, now and then, once in a while, business deal
occasionally, at times, sometimes
..... .... • J...... • ...............
(good) bargain, favorable transaction or ~ IJ ~
with him, in his posses- ~j4- i.J , ...._. : ~.l.:! 07.! deal
sion, in his hands, under his control into the bargain 4~1~
~lJ: ~~ ~
........ ::;; J,... ... ....
before him, in his presence church lSJWiy:~
between ourselves, between you G, (~) L. .J synagogue ~~~~:~
and me, as a secret
vetch ( l...i) -• .. • -:.•
bey (~)~:~.~
evidence, proof
testimonial proof or
compass(es), dividers J.:.:.-.-
.)'! ' )
lS''.J'! .·.) ~..,
evidence; testimony pika ·I
( u~ )~
"" .·-• rov .: '.'.
~ ~Y.~
ijfR!?1Qf3jAiifM1Mit 1Qfii4tS?$ftiMM-!4AljJMMfi@lf • .'1iilfui>,ffiLfifi#s;fl$liY,4tit4~@@r,lftP¥1J#fT@@i¥11#j!2¥:f'!k,t$;d:J·:j.C,thlltJNM,$

( j~ ) l.dr.! ,u\.i'r.!
- •.
circumstantial evidence
-· .• 'i~
~....,..:. ~
J .. :;:; ... "! .. ~ . .
biotin (0-::-" l;:,.j) · .. r.!-
.. V,:!. evidence in writing, literal proof "-' . ~
.. ., lS ...
pyorrhea ciJ1 ~~! :~J~ to be fully aware of, well-informed ~ ~ c.¥- 0\S'
•- about, acquainted with, abreast with, on top of
oviparous, egg-laying, producing eggs '-"'r.! - • • • · , ·
.. • , .. , ,_ table tennis, ping-pong jJJ Ua.l I o',? : Y. t &
biologic(al) ,.;~I ·,-.t......, •·
v- ·· · v.· " bingo (U) ·
.. • ·- .. !.& . ~
biologist t..r',J~ ~
. ~ •.
.~ I~: .. . ,-r.!
~J ·-
..... J .. '·--
~ e--1)-~.) :4;.,8
, ~ ,,... o.--.J

small house ~~:~

ovum, egg; ovule bey (~)~ :,;

ovular stale, old ..:..;~ :~r.!
notice of; to study, examine; scrutinize, inquire into by ~~ 0:;.. :_;
to look for, search for (r :!. :_; : ~\; by God
,...... f/1 .,..,

to agree with someone on ~ .W 1_,: ~ L;')l.j ~\;

or in, concur with someone in
repentant, repenting, penitent, contrite r:li :~\.J
J...- J, .... I ··•~,j·
Jl;; e:-;-.,._
to continue one's studies, study, attend ~J;:> tl\;
classes straying, wandering, roaming, roving, OLD :~lJ
~ J " ~ ..........
to prosecute, sue, bring suit ~_,.;li _,I ~W tl\; errant,, erratic, lost, stray, astray
against, take legal action against proud, haughty, arrogant, supercilious, $ :~ l;
following, succeeding, subsequent, ~ ~ , ~\; : t't lJ conceited
, .. .,. '
absentminded, distracted, distrait, 0"".iJ I ':. J l:. : ~ l;
attached, added, appended, r,_;:... 'u\....:.:. : Cjl; abstracted
annexed, joined, subjoined to repent, be or become penitent
... , .,I ..

appurtenant, appendant, acces- ~ , ~ l.D 1: Cj l;

to repent, turn from sin; to re-
sory, auxiliary, ancillary, supplementary, subsidi-
nounce, forswear, forsake
ary; accompanying, attendant, collateral, concomi-
tant to turn to God in repentance
..... ... ... ., - ~ ft :~ ~I ~ \;
appendage, adjunct, ap- J! ' ~ :U l.D1' J:-1... :.Cj l; to forgive, pardon
purtenance; addition, addendum, annex,
ment, appendix, supplement
to refuse, decline, reject, turn down ~~ : J.t
secondary, minor, subsidiary, tributary,~~~ : Cj\; to )'>e or become permanent, ~ ~i ).., : :~I ~t
accessory, ancillary, sub-, side , __ lasting, eternal, everlasting
subordinate, subaltern, infe- .t..r_,j_r , ci'l> :t-il; ~i e:-1;- SI;J-1 =-~t
rior; subject, vassal; under someone, under some- to carry under one's arm; to put one's arm 1;t·
one's control (authority, command); dependent; around
to continue, go on, carry ~t:_! , J,:..l _, , :;2.! :~ lJ
subsidiary; heteronomous
servant, retainer, follower, factotum r:~> : Cjl; on, proceed; to continue to do, keep doing, keep
follower, adherent, partisan, disciple : . l; on (doing), keep (up), go on doing, persist in, per-
~·e severe in, stick to, adhere to; to resume, recom-
subject, national, citizen ~,_;. :Cj\; mence, renew, begin again
function [~_,c.~~;] Cj\; to follow; to pursue, follow;_~:;,~~,~:~\;
up; to chase, trail, track, trace, run after, go after
appositive; appositien [~]t-il;
to watch, observe, see, ~~~,).;.~,~I;:~\;
•· ,..
J'- ' :: .. ~ J'(-'
y J-' - ) .
-:: : e l;
. ,.. ~ look closely at; to mark, pay attention to, take

to pursue, follow, chase, ~ 'S, ;. i:;, ~: )~ satellite, moon (~]

t~~... ... ~,....
track, trace, trail
satellite (state or country), de- ~l:i ~ , ~l:i iJJ.l
to imitate, copy, emulate, follow the ~ I.S~!: )~ pendent state or territory, vassal state (or country),
example of - dependency
(state oO being influenced or affected or Jt.;! : }t· subsidiary ~l:i t=.;:
impressed; passivity; emotion, affection, affectiv-
ity; agitation, excitement, stimulation nationality, citizenship G...... .
...... ~
~t.;.. : )~
J J :;:;
sensitivity, sensibility, excitability
• &f::
e-1; -u...:»- :~l:i
feeling, sensation, perception U"'L.;..1: )G
spice, condiment; seasoning; dressing (~ 1,; () Jt \;
impressionistic; impressionist -(.,f' Wail:~~~
. - - .. :f' '· \;
painting, picture; tableau, tableau vivant o_,1.;
Gui1 :~ ~~
··- -- - . .)"
to be far above; to remain ,:r ~), ,:r ~~ :,:r ~t·
~i e-1;-~1; 0l5' ,;):.~ ::;:\; aloof from, turn away from
coffin, casket (~-.:.:11) ~,;\;
(JUI) Ji e-1; -(JUI) J~
~- - -~t:.
to shun (avoid, turn from, abstain

·'SI -~: A\J J. J ,
r'' . . I"' box, case, chest, colTer JJ~ :c.Y.l:i
from) sin
J... ~ ..... ..
..::..\:.._,).11 _,1 ~~'S~ .1:/_J; :~\J
. .. •. . ark (of the covenant) ~~~,:l:i
• - k
effect, influence; impact, bearing; )i 'J;::. :~ t eternization, perpetuation, immortal- ~:~\J
action , ~~ , • , ·- I~

impression, impress, effect; impact,

pollination r. I J.).,Q.,o ' -.;1:
c..-::-:- :A! \J
bearing eulogy, funeral oration; commemoration ~
effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency ~~ :At eulogistic; commemorative ~t
..... J

influence, sway, authority, power,iJ.L '),.U :AG

JJ f:::

- ... ,._.
leverage, clout e- IJ .....

induction to stammer, stutter

side effect, side reaction to arise from, result from, ~ , G :~ _,i ~ Jl;
stem from, originate from, spring from, derive
from, issue from
corona to result in, end ~ _,i JJ ~! , JJ I.S~i :~ J~
miter in, end with
to be or become easy, facile, feasi- ~ ::,.:.~I J~
ble, attainable; to go well
capital, chapiter stammer(ing), stutter(ing) ott :o't-t
to be furnished ..:..\:._,::II _,i ~G~~ )~j, ~1 ::Jt
to succeed, prosper - ~ : ~~
burning, blaze, flame, deflagration
to be or become wealthy, rich ~! :~~
to trade (in), carry on trade (in), traffic Cin), (~) '-\;
deal (in), do business (in); to sell, merchandise, to be affected, influenced, acted (~· _, i J _, i ~) }~
handle; to commercialize upon, be passive; to be impressed, . moved,
merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman; business- ~ l,j· touched, stimulated, excited
man to feel, sense, perceive
~- - • ~-- ~ • f::
backwardness, underdevel- J;J..; J I i.;.;u ~ : .;> 1.1 wholesaler, wholesale dealer ~I~\;
opment, retardation
•~ - ... f:: retailer, retail ~UalJI _,i ~~I _,i ~:WI~\;
default, failure to pay on time, being ~:JI ~ .;>G dealer
in arrears --•,, ~
Jl .. ")I J ,_

to border on or upon, abut on or ~:;~ ';:;:.. ~ : ~l;

white slaver 0.
~ ~ .r;. l:i
upon, adjoin, neighbor, touch, be adjacent to, be salable, marketable; selling well, in ;;~\; ~~
. -
contiguous with, be next to, lie in contact with demand, popular, hot (merchandise, goods, items,
delay(ing), postponement, deferment, ~ t :Ji-- t etc.)
putting ofT to be postponed, deferred, put ofT, •<.r. ~ 1,~1:~l;
retardation, hindrance, imped- ~ ~ J , J,!~ : ~ t delayed, adjourned -
ing, obstruction, holding up, blocking __ ~ , . f:: coronary; coronal; mitral -
.,;;. l;
setting back, putting back ~CJI ~\.I coronary occlusion or thrombosis <r- .
- \; .,) I~!
. ,
to be performed, carried out; to be ~ ' ..i4.; : I.SJV'
discharged, settled
... .;.I :;;f-:
coronary artery, coronary :.r \; 0~ ~ 0

to get ready; to be ready, be prepared ~.::.• ! :I.S~~

lighting, kindling, inflaming, in- ~i J-.;..;,. :~t
flammation; setting ablaze, stoking, stirring up
to be conveyed to JJ ~ :JJ I.S~~ letting, letting out, renti~g out, leasing, hiring ~t
to arrive at, reach, get to JJ ~J : JJ I.S~~ out, rental, hire; lease -

JJ <.S~i ~I J - JJ lS~i : JJ lS~~ charter, chartering dl ~}U. _,i ~~..(

subleasing, subletting, underletting;~~~~ ~t
to be well-mannered, well- ~:;,; ' ~:.:. 0\S' :y~l; sublease -
bred, refined, polished, cultured, educated, polite,
mannerly, civil, courteous, urbane, fair-spoken; to rental (value .. ) ~?-t
be well-disciplined postponement, deferment, putting ofT, .~ ~J: ~t
to educate oneself, study ~~~ , ~ ~ : ~~~ delay(ing), adjournment
to imitate, copy, emulate, ~ <.S~! : ~~4 ~~~ to be easy, facile, possible, ~ , J:,.:..; , -;.:;. :(l;
follow someone's example or model, pattern after, feasible, attainable, obtainable
model after, take after
. '#, .
to be foreordained, predestined, predeter- ).;.; : r\j
~)i ~IJ -~~ .~~ ·~~ :!.:-'~~ mined
deliberateness, slowness 0~ :;;;_;; fraternization, brotherly association, ( c..i" 1_j I) .{G
deliberately, slowly,
,_ -....-_, -_,
J.... ~, 0~ :o.)~, o.);:; ~
fraternal or friendly terms; fraternity, brotherliness
to fraternize, associate or mingle as brothers or ~L
unhurriedly, without haste - -
on fraternal terms, be on fraternal or friendly
education, refinement, polishing, culti- ~ ~ : ~~t terms
vation, culture, discipline, disciplining to be late; to tarry, linger, delay; to lag, ; J:..:
discipline, disciplining, chastisement, ~ ~ : ~ ;t fall behind, stay behind
(disciplinary) punishment
to retard, slow, delay; to be delayed, J~ : ;.~
disciplinary; punitive ~~t retarded, hindered, impeded, obstructed, help up,
.- - t .. . -
to be delayed, deferred, postponed, put ~~ : ;.~
.l~i ~1)-~~t ofT
to suffer (or incur) damage or inju- <.5~~1 ~C:.i :I.S~~ to default, be in arrears, be behind- ~:UI ~ ;.t
ry, be harmed, be hurt, be wronged hand, be bebind, fall behind, fail to pay on time
to be someone's contemporary or ~:;. 0\S' :y~l; .4-~ ~--
delay, retardation, lag, falling be- UL;.j , J,.U :;v-

comrade or peer hind, staying behind; tardiness, slowness, lateness,

once belatedness, tarrying

aggravation, worsening, complication; critical r~~ sometimes, at times

development; impasse, deadlock
sometimes ... and 1~_;}. J ... ;~t; , ;~t;J ... ;~t;
aggravation, worsening, complication,~ji J~ : pli sometimes, at times... and at other times
from time to time, now and then, -..s~ J ;;~l; ~ 1
mutual consolation; ~'(.; J~ :((,f.:"'GI) _.., once in a while, occasionally, sometimes, at times
mutual assistance
~ ·''.·- ~-. 'li
to blaze, flame, glow~~~, :-1:::!: (~WI~) ~~l;
to console or comfort one . ~ '..S_r •IJ"'
another () ~IJ- ~~l;
~~----- .. ,,...,,J, ............ - . .
to assist or support 0Jt;.; '~ ~ 0J~: ,_,..L; to rock, swing, sway, fluctuate, oscillate, ~~l;
one another vibrate, vacillate, seesaw, teeter, totter, wobble
to be consoled; to find solace or consola- :.;.l; rocking, swing(ing), sway(ing), fluctuation, ~~l;
tion; to console oneself oscillation, vibration, vacillation, seesaw, teeter,
~~ ~IJ ---~ '..S~~ :"'! ;..~ wobble

~~ ~IJ -~~ : ,L..t

to leave alone, let go, release,;~:,;_ , ~t:_ J ~~ l; ;s; :
free, unhand
:.::.t::.~ ~IJ -~t- to suspend hostilities with, 0~la , ~L. , ;JL,.. :~~l;
to be founded, established, set up; to be ~1:~l;
make peace with, conclude a truce with
instituted, built, created, originated, formed, orga- historiography; chronicling; chronology; dating ~J{;
nized, constituted, made, started history; chronicle; annals; date; time; period ~-:>\;
to be based on, founded on, grounded on,~:.,..:~
rested on due date, date of maturity J~ ~I ~,Jl;

t-:" ~I' t- l;
(the) ninth case history tii..LI ~,Jl;
• .... J ..... J
ninth, ninthly t:_t; biography, memoir; life ~ ~,Jl; , ot;;.l-1 ~,Jl;
history; curriculum vitae
to regret; to feel or be sorry (for) z...a..i: u.:~ ,.
. l.;:JI _l .,_

regret; sorrow, grief
- f ~
U...l : U.. '-'
f: "C!! ;:;1 ........
prehistory . l:JI T: L.
atavism, throw- u~ ~I '?~ Jj ~~~ , ~~ : __t l; "Ci! ~
;:;1 ....... ,.. "' '11,.. ... ,
prehistoric(al) · l:JI I : l.., ·I_-.
back, reversion Cl!! ~ ,~
l~.. f:
--r-l.:i ~ ... "'., ...
atavistic undated, dateless, with- ~,Jl:JI ~ ~ , ~,Jl; ~
out a date
~i ,;;_i ~1;-:;l; ~_;.:. l;
historical, historic ...,-:.--:>
consolation, comfort, condolence, ~-!""'
· '~ : 4.....
.. , {;
solace(ment) historicity ~\;. ,. )
founding, foundation, setting up, establishing, ~ {; grounding, earthing ~~i J~ :~~{;
establishment, laying the foundation or substruc-
to help (support, assist) one another; to ;)j~ ::)}li
ture (oO; instituting, institution, building, creating,
cooperate, collaborate, work together; to rally,
creation, originating, origination, organizing, orga- unite, come together, join forces
nization, constituting, constitution, forming, for-
mation, making, starting ~)~ ~IJ- ~~j~l ~ :~jl;
based on, relying on, on the basis of, on ~ ~t cooperation, collaboration, mutual 0;~ :;jG
the grounds of, by virtue of, on the strength of, assistance, working together; rally(ing), joining of
pursuant to forces, uniting of efforts; synergism, synergy,
founding; foundational, fundamental; insti- ~ {; cooperative action, combined action
tutional; organizational; formative; constitutional,
structural, constructive
to become critical, aggravated, ~w '~!: r5t-
worse, complicated, strained; to reach a crisis or
constituent assembly deadlock, come to a head

seek to ascertain, check, verify; to reassure oneself marking,checkingofT; ~J .~
;_r.;.fj, .~j :~t
of signing; stamping; official endorsement
making sure, verification, check(ing); reassui'- j-1,; visa .-k .t :k . t
ance; ascertainment; certainty, certitude, assur-
ance, conviction, sureness, positivism visa I~ :o~t
to plow, till, cultivate ~;.. , j i : Jl; to take root, strike root; to be ~i ~ ~ , ):;. :J,:.,l;
J:$1.; or become deep-rooted, firmly established, deep-
to oxidize, become oxidized or rusty seated, inveterate, ingrained, innate, inherent
oxidation ~1.; to derive one's origin from ~ ~~ : ~ ~~
taxi, taxicab, cab ~\; deep-rootedness, rootage, inveteracy, innateness~t·
to corrode, erode, wear out, wear away, j't.$G allotropy [~W]~G
abrade, fret; to be eaten away, corroded, eroded,
worn, fretted, abraded
allotropic [.W]~G
corrosion, erosion, wear, wearing away, Jl; ,j""G rooting, founding, foundation; ~i J-;.,;,. :~t
fret, abrasion consolidation; establishing the origin of
confirmation, affirmation, assertion; assurance ~t· bending, curving J3 :Mt
stress, emphasis (j&.) ~t framing, rimming )u.~ ~G-) :~t
certainly, of course, positively, definitely, ~lj4
sure(ly), for sure, to be sure, assuredly, absolutelY, to grumble, mutter, grouch, complain, whine,
by all means, unquestionably, undoubtedly repine, fuss
confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, affir- ~J.St grumble, grumbling, complaint, mutter, whine, ~1,;
mative, affirming; corroborative; emphatic - - .._
whining, grouch, displeasure, disgust, discontent,
following, next, coming, succeeding, ~\j·
(JWI) indignation
subsequent, sequent, consequent; later, future, ul- insignificant, trivial, trifling, paltry, ~, ~j: ~t;
terior, eventual negligible, inconsiderable, worthless, petty, unim-
consequently, hence, thus, therefore, ~-l;·JW~ portant, fiddling, fractional, frivolous
accordingly,so,as a result, then, subsequently • _ tasteless, insipid, vapid, flat; J~ , ~ ~ :~ \;
as follows Jl:llS' bland, dull; banal, trite, commonplace, stale
to follow :Jt;
~\.j stupid, silly, absurd, ridiculous ~ :.U\;

to agree with ~ 1_, : J\.j trifle, triviality, vanity ~t;

to participate in, share in, ~;!.!, ~)!. : ~ Jt; to long for, yearn for, hanker (JJ) ;:;l:!.!
:(JJ) (Jt;
take part in; to associate (with someone) in after, pine for, hunger for, thirst for, die to; to
crave, desire, desiderate; to miss; to aspire to
JT t'"!'IJ- jl; to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt (oneselO, ~ : lJil;
adjust (oneselO, habituate oneself
to conspire against, plot against ~G: J.. ~1,;
J.. ~,, ''f:
acclimatization, acclimation, adaptation, u:;s::; :r!'~J
to gather (against), rally ~ : (~ _,i J..) ~1; adjustment
(against), band together (against)
to be or become confirmed, affirmed; to be :,:~1 :Jt
conspiring, conspiration, conspiracy, _,;t;:~l; or become established, proven; to be or become
plotting certain, sure, definite, positive; to prove to be true
gathering, rallying, banding together ~ : J~ or correct, turn out to be true or correct
to be sure of, certain of, convinced ;. ~I ~ :J~
old, time-honored, long-possessed, inherited{-~ : ~U'
of, confident of; to ascertain, find out or learn with
; .;r:;! t"!' I) - UJG certainty about, know for certain; to make sure of,
~================================1~~,d~id~6·~~ ~-=================~,,~i',~'~F@~h~···=·=====,=·=y:='=·~;[~k'~H~iw
joining, combination, combining, connection, con- to be formed, set up, es- .~1 , 0~ , ~ :~t·
necting, integration, integrating tablished, created, built (up), constituted; to come
synthesis ~') : ~t into existence or being, see the light
~ ~~ ,~ 0~ :~ ~~
reconciliation, peacemaking; GC:, ~,;;: ~t to consist of, be
composed of, be made up of; to include, contain,
harmonization ·
comprise, embrace, embody, encompass, involve
domestication, taming ~J') ,~~ :~t to unite, combine, merge, co- ~ ~ , ~ ~ : ~~
ur;: ~~)- y~ , ~t ur;: : alesce, join forces; to be united, combined

by, written by ~:(~~)~t

to gather, rally, band together
. ~:~~
,.,_;')l.j I
,_ ..
I - U) \..;
synthetic ~'):~t -- ~)

~f·l -. - I- damaged, impaired, spoiled, bad, ; Gt·11 ~C:..i : U.l\.i'

deification, apotheosis, idolization ) .......... :~IJ
decayed; broken; ruined, destroyed, ~reeked;.
~ ~~)-rli· worn, worn-out; useless, worthless
-c.!---~) 1 --l.,r-'~~c
perfect, consummate; complete, full, whole, total, '(-li'
entire, integral, thorough; plenary; absolute, un- to shine, radiate, flash, beam, glitter, glisten, ~t tJ :
qualified, outright, downright, out-and-out, sheer, gleam, luminesce
utter, . stark; completed, finished, concluded,
wound up, finalized; accomplished, achieved;
radiance, brightness, brilliance, shine, effulgence, .,ft·
refulgence, luminosity, glitter, glisten; splendor,
perfected, consummated, rounded off, rounded
out; performed, done
full moon ~\j ~~
resplendence; glory
to feel pain, suffer (pain), be in pain; to
agonize, anguish, be excruciated, be tormented
e:) : ~t

perfect '\j
r J:;- ~i ~1)-~t
""'lj . . ,
~:;; J ............. iiit .... ::iif::
perfect square r Cjr to deify oneself 6....4j 4.!1 :4! IJ
to plot, conspire, col- i11~, ~~, ~;1;: ~i :; C to be deified, apotheosized, idolized J1 :J~
tude, intrigue, scheme, connive
to confer, deliberate, consult, hoJd talk~_;(:; : ;t_; deification Jt
perplexed, puzzled, at a loss, bewil- ~~~, ;~ :41\.i'
to be imperious, domineering, authoritative, ;. t dered, startled
tyrannical; to have one's own way; to be fond of
absentminded, distracted, distrait, .;jj1 ~JI;. :4.]\j
giving orders; to domineer, bully, browbeat; to
abstracted - -
dominate, control, be in command
........... , ' .
.... .... -.... .... .... ,_ ...
plotting, cons pi ring, ~ r Ij.. .) I~! , .r' L.; )......._. : ~ \..;
incitation (against), incitement~i J~ : (~) ~t
(against), stirring up (against), instigation (against);
conspiration, conspiracy, colluding, collusion, in-
provocation (against); rallying people against,
triguing, scheming, conniving, connivance... .... ,_ . , banding people together against; setting people
conferring, conference, deliberation, JJ l.;.; : .r' L.; against each other, sowing dissension or discord
consultation, talk
........ .... , ........... , ,_ ... among or between
orlj.. ~~J -•rlj.. :rL.; formation, forming, ~ ~t
u.,5:; , .t.:.:J , :
imperiousness, domineeringness, authoritative- ),. t establishment, establishini, setting · up, making,-
ness creation, creating, building, origination, originating
:t. '
to Americanize, become Americanized :.:;;. t· composition, dl
~W~I Jl ~I
~G t"'-':
,. "'

~;. C writing, compilation; art of writing, art of comp(,.

conspiratorial, collusive
sition, etc.
to look attentively (carefully, ~ , ~ : (j) J:. t authorship; writing ,8::11 ~(.,.,: UJ~
~:~.;; ,~:~~
closely) at, scrutinize, regard (watch, obServe)
attentively union, uniting, junction,
insurance company
premium, insurance premium

• ~ #MW¥¥W¥#MMM'1 i&~&Wfi%J#{#;¥1,:v@Y;JMMJW
to contemplate, meditate (on),):j,):::.; :(j) ~~
consider carefully, ponder (on or over), reflect on,
cogitate (on), muse (on or over), pore (over), spec-
slowness, deliberateness, deliber- ulate (on), think deeply about, think over
ation; patience; carefulness, care J:i ~1;-j:.i :~~
slowly, deliber~tely, unhurriedly, without
haste; carefully scrutiny, careful or close examination ~ : _t t·
make haste slow-~ 1~1 ~~~JI ,JJ ~~I <.i"tJ1 ,j ~--
meditation, contemplation, re- ~ , #
·- H:
ly; more haste, less speed flection, consideration, thinking, cogitation, pon-
to act slowly, take one's time, slow down; ~ : Jl; dering, muse, musing, speculation
to be patient, deliberate, careful reflective, meditative, contemplative, cogitative,~ l;
betel speculative, thoughtful ·
to go to, betake oneself to, repair JJ ~~, ~ :~ l;
to be or become effeminate, womanish, ;. ~:,; : ~l;
to, take to
womanly, unmanly, feminine; to feminize; to dis-
play effeminate manners to follow someone's example, be '"'i <.S:.::i! :'"'i ;,~
guided by, copy, imitate
to become feminine, be (put) in [ ~) i:.KJ1 ~~
the feminine form - to be nationalized
effeminacy, womanishness, womanliness, pericardium
femininity, unmanliness
to become incarnate
- . -
~I ~I; -~1 :'-""G
'I) - ':l;
~ pericardia!, pericardiac
(~;) ,._.Li.
insurance, assurance
security, collateral, surety,
to dress up, spruce up, smarten up, doll up; to be ~l; guaranty, guarantee, warranty
elegant, fashionable, stylish, dressy, chic, neat, pledge, mortgage
smart; to be fastidious, squeamish, overnice, dainty
JJ ~ deposit, trust ~ C.i , ~ :J :~ ~
elegance, fashionableness, stylishness; fastidi-
ousness, daintiness, nicety
. .... " ,, .... .
securing, '"'i ~~; 'j& J.,- 'A.Y '~ : ~G
"' ~

·.~ .... ·- .. ~f::

euphuism, w- 1- ~I
- ··-:
J.. ~ - " ' -- •ll
'-1_·c..; l:.~l "G
... J I-r.r--'-'"'
ensuring, guaranteeing, assuring; procurement,
floridness, flowerin~ grandiloquence, ornateness procuring, bringing about, achievement, attain-
of style, pomposity of speech, affected elegance of ment, accomplishment, realization, fulfillment,
language working out; furnishing with, providing with
•- J:
reprimand, reprehension, reproach, ~,;:~~ reassurance, assurance
censure, rebuke, reproof, castigation, upbraiding,
scolding, chiding
social insurance; social security • -· I".
<.!'~ ~
• . - .. r.
qualm(s), compunction(s), pricking of _,~1 ~~ maritime insurance !.?~ ~G
the conscience, twinge of conscience, pangs 'of fire insurance .. )..1 J...D
<>.!_ - ~
". t
remorse, remorse • {., - • .. !-:
making feminine, putting (a word) in the [ ~] 4 t all risk insurance )~~~-~ -¥~G
feminine form; feminine form life insurance o\:J_I ~ ~t
taming, domestication
reinsurance, reassurance ~ tJ I ~ ~~ J
Gl:;; ~I; -GI:;; :~~ policy, insurance policy ~
· t ~- , · ~ W _;
.. _J ~ .. J-!
to lose one's way, get lost, go astray, go J:.. :; Li' policyholder ~~ ~_,; ~~
l!l !l l i*III-IIIIII®!$11111MIII.!fii i UIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIII!ili di!l l l i iMIII!!iR!!11111113§JII'zili!i!!IMMiMil l l l l l l l l. ..-~MnYi!Jild#f@I@MZGJt;;w -"
confirmed, affirmed, sustained, seconded; to be amiss; to stray, wander
endorsed, sanctioned, approved, approbated, coun- to swagger, flaunt, boast, brag ~ : ; \;
tenanced ;Oi _.D..-_.. ,_.. _..0
to be or become proud, haughty, arrogant~ : ; \;
taiga 4.!r.~ ~li :~\,;
to be or become perplexed, puzzled, be- ;..;.; : ;~;
to lose one's husband, become c.£) :(~i:,ll ~) ~t; wildered, baffled
a widow
to perish, be destroyed ~ : ; \;
widowhood, viduity ~): ~t·
to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, ~ t
to ionize, be ionized,:i JJ J~ :~t; make (one's) preparations, gird oneself(for actimi),
, .. &- - &l~
ionization ...::..\.i-"11 JJ J~ :~IJ gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneselO for action;
to be ready, be prepared; to be alert(ed), be on the
support(ing), backing (up), advocacy, advoca- ~ t alert
tion, championship, upholding; corroboration,-
preparedness, readiness; alert(ness) - l,.l:
'. &
confirmation, affirmation, sustenance, susten-
tation, sustainment; endorsement, approval, sanc- to marry, get married, wed, take a spouse(~): ~t;
tion, assent, consent, countenancing
, .. • -
..::.\.;-"1\ Jl ~~ :~IJ
l- to be qualified, fit, suited, adapted, pre-
pared; to be habilitated, rehabilitated
~) ~ ~

to perish, be destroyed rehabilitation, habilitation, orientation; .) I.U:.It : ~

Q qualifying, fitting, adaptation, preparation, en-
woe to him! may evil befall him! fie on him! ~
to feign misery, pretend to be IJ'r.-,Y"
- -G
~'tt. -- aa; .·!.)"~ 0
welcoming, welcome, greeting, ~ ') : (~) ~ ~
unhappy gracious reception -
(utter) destruction, ruin; doom; perdition, ~j;. : 1.:-'q to culminate, climax, reach its highest (j ~I (jt '&.:
eternal damnation point, come to a climax, come to a head, peak (up),
to confide their secrets to one I;.~ I ~~I) ~ C q top (off or out)
another, tell their secrets to each other
to twist, bend, turn, curve, wind; -.s;:il 'r;l: Jjt
to discuss, confer, hold talks, talk (about, ~G to be twisted, bent, crooked, winding, tortuous,
over), dialogue, have a dialogue, hold a conver- · sinuous; to bow
sation or discussion, exchange views; to delib- ;) ~~~
to ~ ~i. ~IS' ~i :(;.~I Ji :~1
erate; to debate, argue; to negotiate
(over)burden, weigh down on, oppress
~4 e--'J-t: ~~ -lJi e--'J - ~::6:-~ l :,)~t
G.~ e--'J -~q ;J ,J;1 :Jjl;
to be interpreted, construed; to be
-~~~ I -,-:, G explained
to imitate Bedouins J :Jt. 0 0
~ :(.5JG
0 0
to interpret, construe; to explain ;.,i , J~i :J~~
to show open hostility (or to see promising signs in, expect (a lot~\ ~ J~~
enmity) to one another oO good of, set (great) hopes on
to occur to, strike, come to (~111 # : JJ) JJq to moan, groan, sigh, wail 0i: ;jl;
someone's mind, cross someone's mind moan(ing), groan(ing), sigh(ing), wail(ing) o~t
to hurry (to), hasten (to), rush (to), run t_;.i :~~~ interpretation, construction, explanation I
to exchange, interchange, ').~I ~ I,JI J~4: ~r~q interpretative, interpretive, constructive,
reciprocate explanatory
to barter, exchange, trade, swap, ~G.; : J~~ tea!;
truck, make an exchange (oO to be supported, backed (up); to be advo- ~1:~t
to alternate, rotate J)l~ .~~ .;:,...:,G :J~~ cated, championed, upheld; to be corroborated,
c===========~'§,=!~· ••====='''==========~·!
delay, move at decreasing speed, go slowly; to lag, exchange, interchange, commutation ti~~ :J~~
loiter, linger, tarry; to procrastinate, stall, gain time .......... , J ---

' - barter, exchange, swap, truck, trade, 4\i.. : J~~

slowdown, slowing down, slowness; decelera- _;,kL;; trade-ofT
tion; delay, retardation, slackening, tardiness, lag; J , .......
• 0 ............

tarrying, lingering; procrastination, stalling reciprocration; reciprocity ~~ 4,4\i.. :J~L;

successively, in succession, consecutively, one ~~ alternation, rotation J;I:G ,._,.,;8 :J~q

.. .. ) ] J~G
after the other, one by one, in turn, by turns; re- commutativity ··L· .
[ ~J ..::..L.oL .
spectively ... ;;;:; J " - J J .......

to be~~:-.:, ~C ~ ~lS', ~~ :(0~1) ~~

exchange of views )a.;.! I ..::..~ J _,1 "I; ~I J~L;
•• J ' ......
separate(d), lie apart; to diverge, draw apart, spread exchange of toasts ._,.,l:;..;~l J~~
apart, branch ofT
to separate, part, part company, go in ;:;j.i ~ :~Q
reciprocal, mutual; commutative, exchange; ~~~
alternating, alternate
different directions, break ofT, leave each other; to
reciprocity; commutativity
be or become alienated, estranged
to be or become far, faraway, ~Li I~ 0lS': ~Q permutations
far-ofT, distant, remote
to focalize, be or become focalized; to
to move away (from), go I~;:,..;.~ :C.:.r&) ~Q focus, come to a focus
away (from)
destruction, ruin
to keep away or i f ~\i 'If I~ :If ~8 J1 focalization, focusing
far from, stay away or far from, distance oneself
from, withdraw from; to absent oneself from to separate, part, part company,
to quit, leave; to avoid, ;:,..:.:.:'~):If ~Q break ofT, leave each other
shun, keep away from, keep clear of
1. . . ~ • -' . . "
to compete, vie, ~ 8 , oI;t.:~ j J.' G; , ~ 8 :i..S~ ~
separation; divergence, ..,_....:.; , J~~: ~~ contest, contend; to be rivals or competitors, strive
branching to outdo one another; to meet in a contest; to race
farness, remoteness; distance to duel, meet in duel or fencing, fight (0 ~ tcll) )):i
difference, dissimilarity, dis-
. ,
, .......
lf-L; , .__;~ ~: .J.&.~
........ a duel; to combat, fight • ·

crepancy, disparity, divergence to vie, contend, compete ~8, i..S~G: ~~q

.... , , ....
discord, disharmony, dis- Jli, ~, .__;~: .J.&.~ duel(ing), fencing; combat, fight; contest, -- '
union, disunity, dissension · competition
alienation, (mutual) estrangement
,, '
;,.._. : .J.&.~
.... - to be blessed

moving away (from), ~~~ ''-:-'~~: C.r-) ~Q to ask the blessing of

going away (from) be He blessed, blessed be ~~ :~I ~~8 Jt.:j ,
keeping away If ~4 '-r' I~ :~1 :-r ~Q God, blessed is God, be He raised far above
or far from, staying away or far from, withdrawal to see a good omen in, regardJ .~ , ~ :-! ~~Q
from; absenting oneself from
~-- .... . "', as a good omen ·
<Y;. ~I; -0!~~
.... __ ....
leaving, quitting; avoidance,~ , -:.!,; :-r .J.&.~

to wrong or oppress one ~ ~

.,. .
shunning, keeping away from, keeping clear of
..... ,,
i ,.aJ I ~ ~
. r1.1 :,.
..... ............. .... .... ... - foretokens, portents, J ')t; , ~ ~~ : ~ ~
J 1::,L..
presages, prognostics, omens, auguries, first signs,
another, be unjust or unfair to one another, do first indications
wrong or injustice to one another
beginning, dawn, rise, first ap-
to hate each other ~;~'a.:; ~i: ;~1 ~W· pearance
... "' • 1 • , ...
mutual hatred; hate good news, glad tidings ii~L. ;l>l, i..S~
.... , ;:;;... ... ... -
to be slow; to slow (down), decelerate, slacken, U,~
to feign crying, pretend to be ots::.:JI ~: r.J~
. o:. YW

to devote one's life to Jll Jl• L.;:JI

- ~
· :01.;;:1 :-,_:
r.::-- v-:-'
................ ;:ii ... ...

weeping, shed crocodile tears
spice dealer, spice seller, seller of I. (~'I , ·t. : JG-
vp .... C::. .
celibacy, chastity, sexual abstinence, abstention ~ spices and condiments
from sexual intercourse
... ... ... '.. .. ...... _..:;;_.. ....
to feign stupidity, pretend to be -~~~ ~~ ::JQ·
~ ·~ ·~ ~1;-;.;; stupid (dull, sluggish, etc.)

to boast, brag, vaunt, crow, swagger, swash,

to feign stupidity, pretend to be ~ ~~ ~ ~ : 4J Q"
stupid (foolish. imbecile, etc.)
gasconade .'II , :;;--

boast(ing), boastfulness, brag(ging), vaunt(ing), ~· straw vendor, straw seller, straw dea- _;..::ll ~~ : ul;;
crowing, swagger(ing), swash(ing), gasconade, bra- ler
-- ..-;J , .... ;:;;,

vado, fanfaronade, rodomontade swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing ~ I:::..J I y ~ : uQ

~~;! ~1;-~ suit
to be revered, reverenced, venerated; to ~ : ~·
..... 'II , .... :;; ----
Milky Way; galaxy ·~' :~01 ~~~ .4:i~
, ........ _.:ii .......
be honored, dignified, esteemed, greatly respected, pride, boast(ing), boastfulness, ?\A;: (<,1-'~1) ~~
highly regarded; to be glorified, exalted brag(ging), vainglory; flaunting, show-off, ostenta-
veneration, reverence, esteem, honor, defer- ~ tion, pomposity
ence, great respect, high regard; glorification, exal- to boast of, brag of, crow ; . ; ! ').. G; : (~) _;,. Q"
tat ion about, be proud of, pride oneself on, pique oneself
reverential, reverent; honorific, honorable on, plume oneself on, preen oneself on, glory one-
self in; to flaunt, parade, show off
to be or become prosperous, affluent, opulent; ~
to vie in boasting with u--!·" ~ I. ~' ' · '--.-~ . ~ Ci
r - ··~or.
to live in comfort, live in easy circumstances,
enjoy a comfortable life, lead a life of comfort and one another
to study thoroughly; to penetrate deeply (~) -;::;,·
(into), delve (into), go deeply (into); to be well-
versed (in), conversant (with); to be an authority to curse each other
or expert (in)
to adapt, adjust
thorough study; deep penetration (into), (~) ;:;.,·
delving (into), going deeply (into); conversance, adaptation, adjustment ..1S:. '·'~ :J:!·'G.
.. .)!

versedness, knowledge focalization, focusing o}'_;. :y;;;;;

to strut, swagger, prance, mince
tosell(to)oneanother,agree )..':11 ~I,JI t~ :~~·
strut(ting), swagger(ing), prancing, on the terms of a sale, conclude a deal or tran-
prance, mincing saction, strike a bargain
to evaporate, vaporize, ;~ JJ J;;.;, ~ :);,;; to differ, vary; to be different, C,jW , ; oF~!: :;.Q-
volatilize; to steam, fume disparate, varying, dissimilar, inconsistent, incon-
..... , . .... '!J J .... :;; .......
to be steamed, fumed ;l:;..JJ ~y: ~ gruous, conflicting, opposed, contrary, contradic-

to be fumigated
·-'- ·1\., - ~ L :
... ':II' ... :;; ......
· •
tory, incompatible , ........
, ........ .
, ... .
~ . ..)+"'
: ;:;..... ....
... :;; ...... difference, dissimilarity, dis- \A; , u ~! :~ ~
to perfume oneself with in- ;_,.,;.J~ ~ : ~ parity, discrepancy, unlikeness; variation, vari-
cense, incense oneself; to be perfumed with in- ance; contrast; contradiction, inconsistency, dis-
cense, be incensed, be censed agreement, disharmony, incompatibility, incon-
.. , ,.. ct.-- . . . ct. ........
evaporation, vaporization, vola- ;~ JJ J_pU :~ gruity, nonconformity, conflict, clash, opposition
tilization differential, different, differing; varying; con- ~Q"
vaporization, evaporation, vol- J~ JJ ~_,..;..; :./~ trastive; conflicting, inconsistent, incongruous,
steaming, fuming
... ,. ,..
l:;..JJ .
". . "
. . contradictory
to live in celibacy, live in chastity (1/,JI ~) :~
) . -~jAJ ·~

. ---. ·-
JI~! ,J~i ~IJ-J~ ,J~
fumigation )
,. ., .
6...JL ..
. ., .

.. -

wasting, squandering, frittering away, throwing~:;;; incensing, censing J_,.,;.j4 ~ :~
away; dissipation, waste(fulness), extravagance,
lavishness, prodigality, profligacy I~ ~IJ -I~ :c_S~
gold nuggets, gold-ore, raw gold; gold fti_ to live in the desert ~ ;, U I ):.:. : c.S:::_;
.......... 0 :o; ......... 'f.;;. ... --
to disavow, disown, deny, .)""-'
-(",I , -...r
· ~ ,-- ·~ : -...r
· I_r.J.. to be dispersed, scattered, strewn J Ij , J~ : "J~
disclaim, repudiate, renounce, wash one's hands ot about, dispelled, driven away; to scatter. disperse,
to be acquitted, absolved, ~~I; ~ i~ 1: separate, break up, disband, melt away. dissolve,
cleared, exculpated, exonerated, declared or found disappear, clear away; to be removed, eliminated
- . , .... :;; ........
innocent (guiltless, not guilty)
disavowal, disownment, denial, JK.;J, ~ :j~
. ~ -- ~--
to be wasted, squandered, dissi· F-L.<. , J~ : ;,~
pated, frittered away, thrown away;to go to waste,
disclaimer, repudiation, renunciation · be lost
acquittal, absolution, exculpation, exon- ~-s;;. ~ : _;;; dispersal, dispersion, scattering, separation, dis- J~·
solution, disunion, disappearance; waste, dissipa-

eration, clearance, clearing; discharge, .. release;
freeing, relieving
...... ....
to adorn hererself, groom (herselO, (ol)l <:=-) ~
.... ....
to originate a heresy
~~ ~I
.... :
.- ::;;..-
bedeck herself, preen herself, primp, toilet, dress to change, alter, vary, convert, mutate, ;_::; :J~
up, smarten up, spruce up, doll up; to make up, transform, transmute, shift, become different, un-
paint and powder, use or apply cosmetics, put on dergo change or conversion; to be changed, alter-
makeup; to display her charms ed, varied, converted, transformed
toilet, toilette, grooming (oneselO, adorning (,r." to turn (into), grow (into), ~i , ~L,., , J~ :J~
oneself, bedecking oneself, primping, dressing up, become, assume the form or shape or state of
smartening up, sprucing up, dolling up; making
up, application or use of cosmetics, putting on to be exchanged, substituted, replacedJ~!
: J~
... :;; .... ""'

J... • .... .... .. ... J ......... ;;. ,... ... ::;; .........
change, turn, shift, transition, mu- ~- ~--
J_,...;- , r.:iY :J~
to cool oneself off, refresh .o.....i.j ~I , .o.....i.j ~ .1"! : J_;;; tation, conversion, transformation, transmutation,
oneself alteration, modification, variation
to be cooled, chilled, refrigerated
.... 11 J .... :;I .....
~.}"!: ;,_;-;; permutation [..::..~~J] (-1:q d 41~
,, ......... .'*:,. . . ;11..-'
to be air-conditioned ojl_,.. ~ : ;,_;-;; dispersal, dispersion, scattering, , - .. : •: , J,! _;A:; : ~ ~
.... .,, .... '/1 J .... tJI , . . . ;;. ........ dispelling, separation, breaking up; removal, elim:
to be soothed, alleviated, ~ ' C,.S::... , UJ..I : ;, _;-;;
eased, mitigated
.... '/1, _. :;:. ........ wasting, squandering, frittering away, ;.~~ : -1:1~
to be justified, warranted, vindicated, ac- J.J"! :.J~ throwing away; dissipation, waste(fulness), extrav-
counted for agance, lavishness, prodigality, profligacy
to be or become pious, dutiful, WL,., 1~4 ~L,.,: ~~
devoted, faithful, true
to obey, follow, submit to
.... ....
tU.I :J_;-;;
. ... ;;; ......
change, changing, alteration, -1~ , ~ :-.4~
modification, variation, conversion, trarisforma:
tion, transmutation, shift(ing), switch(ing); permu-
to excrete, defecate, egest, evacuate the :j";;; 1;:; tation; mutation
~-- ~-­
excretion, defecation, egestion, evacuation .1_,..; : j_r.:J replacement, replacing, sub- Jl~l, Jl....;l :-1~
of the bowels, stool stitution, commutation, exchang~ - .' ·.
to take bribes, accept a bribe, be bribed ~ ~! : J1_;.; commutation
. -. t . . . , , . . .
~ ~;,, ~~ -1~
to flame up with rage, flare up, ( ~ 1l:2.! : (.1;.,; to be wasted, squandered, dissipated, ;,~ , J~ : .J~
.... ;;. ........ ...'II J . . . ::;; .......

lose one's temper, be or become inflamed or furi- frittered away, thrown away; to go to waste, be
ous lost
allevia- • •.. ~;_; ,4.~ :(t'J }~I)~; to contribute, donate, grant, give ~i :(~)~
tion, easing, soothing, mitigation, assuagement
to volunteer t~ :(~)t~
frozen(food,etc.) (t'J ~lJ,) ~).J~ ".1~
-: •,- ,_ contribution, contributing, dona- ~q~l:~
cold storage plant ~.r.J u--" tion, donating, granting, giving
justification, vindication
•:: ·-:. donation, grant; gift, present ~ ;;"~· &-:
~r' :J'!..r' -' ··- ·t.r.J
rationalization [~] fl;. volunteering, voluntariness tJ1; :t~
&- - & --

justificatory, vindicatory ~;_] :~~;. to bud, burgeon, sprout, shoot ~I; i~ i :~;;;
~ ·;.
J .........

blessing, benediction 45'".

.J-1 • _r,J budding, burgeoning, sprouting, shooting ~ _r.:i
. . _. . " '* . . "" ,:
good wishes, best wishes 9. c.~ :4~ to granulate, C.~~ _,i ~~ ~L,.. .~~~ :J1;;;
grain, become granulated or granular
to be simplified, be made simple; to ;:..: , ~ : V ~;­
be facilitated, be made easy
;:;; ..... :,;; J .. ;;; ........
to be extended, expanded, stretch- ..::...I , ..~..o : ~ to be or become stained, spotted,
ed (out), spread (out), unfolded, unrolled; to e~­ smudged, blotched
tend, expand, stretch, spread (out) to be or become variegated, colored
totalkfreely, ~1;:.._,~~ ~~ :(j)'t:~~ to veil oneself, put on a veil ~~~ : ~;;;
speak frankly; to be sincere, be- explicit ··
to set forth, lay open, pre- (). , ~-;: (~) '6" ~~
to be blessed by, get the blessing of 8; Jli :~ ~~
sent; to explain, expound
..... .. . ::;:; ............. ::;:; .......
to ask the blessing of 8; ~1 :-3 ~~
to elaborate on, enlarge ~I' 13 t"'Y: 13 ~ to see a good omen in, regard J .~ , ~ :-! ~~
upon, expand on, expatiate upon, ..difate ori", speak as a good omen -
at great length about, state or develop in detail,
treat .exhaustively to be or become fed up -.r;.:.. ' r.. :
(~ _,i ~) r~
(with), bored (with), (sick and) tired (oO, weary
to scowl, frown, glower, lower
-- -,•<
(o0; to tire (o0, weary (o0; to find annoying,
---·1 -·-- wearisome, tiresome; to be or become annoyed
to smile ~-:~
(by), dissatisfied (with), impatient (with)
smiling; smile L:::l. ~<.
-·- -~ ~ to complain, repine, growl, grouch, ;j;: (~
•: I •: ~­
simplification; facilitation ~·~: .. _. grumble
·- ~ <.
to be or become ugly, unsightly - •: ~ - L,.. ·t"-!"
~· _.) boredom, weariness, tiredness, ~t ' JL ' ~ :r~
ennui, tedium
announcement (bringing, giving) -.s.r.JI
... ' J
6.-9 :~
...... • ....

dissatisfaction, discontent, displeasure, Ja.;..:.. : ~ ~

• , J.-

of good news or glad tidings to

annoyance, vexation
preaching; evangelism, evange- (tJJ ~~) ~
impatience, restlessness, uneasiness
lization; missionary work or activtty l>....... l> _....
~~ ... •:. complaint, complaining, grumble, .rjj :~~
missionary, predicatory '?.~
grumbling, repining, grouch
to reflect (on), contemplate, ~ '~~ : (j) ;...;.;,· dandruff, scurf
ponder (over), meditate (on), muse (over), consider
carefully, cogitate (on), pore (over), speculate (on), torment, agony, anguish, pain, excruci- '-:-'I~ : 'Cf.;;;
think deeply (about), think over ation, suffering ·
to look attentively (carefully, close- j ~ :-;,;:;; torment(ing), agonizing, excruciation,~~: ~r
ly) at, scrutinize ·· affiiction
*' J • .... • ....
cooling, chilling; refrigeration; f J-! 4 ~;;-'I ~ : ~~
OJ :;;

·~ ~~)-~ .~ ··~ :~ freezing; cold storage

~ -- ~:f:: ~ --
reflection, contemplation, medi- ~ , ~ G : ~ air conditioning
dinate to, inferior to, under someone, under some- tation, muse, musing, pondering, cogitation, con-
one's control (authority, command); to be a subsid- sideration, speculation
iary to; to be dependent on
....... J....... . . .. . . .... . . . scrutiny, careful or close examination ~ : ~
J... ....
to imitate, o) I ~!, oJ..i> 1-i> • ~ <..S~! :t-;' enlightenment; instruction; (:,!., ~, flf:.: o~
copy, take after, pattern after, follow someone's explanation
example, tread in the steps of, follow in the steps • ... J ... • ....
fortune-telling, divination, sooth- ~I ••I~ :~·
of; to follow suit
to belong to, pertain ~ ~! , ~ , ~ ~ : c; saying, augury
ii~ ~1;-(:,!. ·~ 'fl,.:; :~
.... •::
to, relate to, be related to, be connected with - - -
to follow from, result from, lr' ~ , ~ G :
ensue from, derive from, spring from, originate
c; to shop, buy, purchase, make
<..S;!.! 'J;:..; :~
from, issue from, come out of, be the result or shopping, buying, purchasing, .lr- •J_,_J :~:;
- J-- J --

consequence of, be caused by purchase

- : I - : . - •:.
t;' ~ ) - t;' . t:" U,c;. I -~·
......... ... ... ... ...:;::; ...

~~I ~I; -J.:-11 :~ e:j

_..'/1 ,'II __ ... to lie prostrate, lie face down; toJ_i:' ! , ~! :~
t~! ~I;- t~! =ei lie down, lie
to stretch, extend, spread (out) 2! , -h- ~;! :~
:>i ...... } , ......
L....; 1- ... -
··-. ~ ) t,.._. .e.' I I I ,l. ,..-

e \:i ~I) - l)'" Jj _,... , ci' ~.;. :t?

} I_.. .-""
prostration, lying down •lil.._:::.!, (~! :~
~ :~
el:i ~~;-~ :~ to idle; to be or become idle, inactive,
faineant, indolent; to be or become unemployed,
pursuant to, in conformity with, according J ~ jobless, workless, without work or employment
to, in accordance with, corresponding to, com- idleness, inaction, inactivity, indo- ~\1; , ~ :~­
mensurate with, depending on; with, as, in pro- lence; unemployment, joblessness
portion to, in the same degree that; due to, owing
to, because of, by reason of, as a result of, in
to be lined; to be filled, padded (.,l;' :~
consequense of, in view of, on account of -. -L·:.• I
I - 01·:.• I : ·. t<
. - ~
-·- -·-

J -
el:i ~I; -U'"J}r• •ci'l.;. :efi lining; filling, padding ...L..::I.A ••
) ··- .
el:i ~~;-~ :~ to follow; to succeed, come after ;~ •\..:- ' i :~
... 'II ,., ...... J • ,,. .... ... ... ... ....
lover, adorer; Casanova, .LJI p •~~: cf to follow, walk behind, go after, A.A.l.;. c..r- :ti
Don Juan, Romeo, philanderer, ladies' man proceed after, come after
~ ~ ~1;-~ ~ to pursue, follow up; to : .. ~:~ , ;:,;.. ~, ~\:; : ~
:;:; J, ... ... ... chase, go after, take after, run after, hunt, trail,
responsibility, liability 9J;...... :~ track, trace
consequence, result •~ .. :; , ~~ : ~ to follow, pursue; to adopt, take~ , .¥ ) ... :~
to be disarranged, ~ .~\1.; Ji ~; ~1 :~
J' - J .... - ;;:;_....... .,. ... ... ...

disarrayed, jumbled up, upset;' to be overturned, to adhere to, stick to, .U ;:~LA:! ~ • ~ ~ • i j ~ : ~
turned over; to be turned upside down cling to, keep to; to keep close to, stay constantly
... -tJ J .............
to be scattered (about), dispersed, lit- J.) : ~ with; to haunt, continually seek the company of
tered, strewn about to observe, comply with, abide -! ~ , ~)!: ~
to be wasted, squandered, dissipated, by, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), follow, maintain
frittered awa}' to obey, follow, submit to, yield~~
-- - 't-U.l- : -t-;'- ~
__. ....... f.;;:; ......... :;; ... --
to be divided, parted, split, parti- ~! , I~ : ~ to
"' . . , .... "' ... ... ...
tioned, sectioned, broken up; to divide, break up to be subor- ~ ~\.;. • -r L.Jj.r' • ~ ~\:; ulS': t-;'
(oneselO, adjust (oneselO; to get used to, be accus- ancillary, subsidiary, accessory, auxiliary, t"t \; : ~
tomed to, take to appurtenant, appendant, supplementary; inciden-
.. ..... .... ..... .. ,. ~ .... tal; collateral, concomitant, attendant, accompa-
to be or become dull, stupid; to be l-'-::-4 ~I:~
or become lazy, sluggish, indolent, slow nying; consequential, consequent; sequent, resul-
,_ - ,. f: ~<
acclimatization, acclimation; adap- u:;s::; 'rUG :~- ", ... ..
tation, adjustment subordination, subordinateness, depen- t,...:.> :~~I
-~~ e--1)-·~~ :~ dence, dependency, subjection, vassalage, heteron-
to crystallize, be or become crystallized ~;t; :X· nationality, citizenship C...... _. :t..:.;
crystallization 'i<. k.
)~-~ consequently, accordingly, hence, as a •~:~'::14
&. e.- I)-&· .... ;~_, .... :;; ..........
result (oO, resultantly; incidentally; concomitant:
ly, collaterally
to be informed, told, notified; to be served; ~ &. :
to be reported; to be conveyed, communicated: · - . ... ~ ....
transmitted, delivered division, dividing, partition, ~·~~:~
to content oneself with, settle for; to ~ t-:i :-: ~ parting, splitting
0 _..... • ...

be or become content with, satisfied with tobacco ti ·&··~

to become wet; to be moistened, wetted, ~- nicotine ' . . .•'..
. -_,s:.;,
drenched, dabbled, sparged, splashed
~ .... ·~
:;; __ ....

~ e--IJ-ojl::.; ,~ :JW· to remain, stay; to be left over, be left J':! :~

...... ,
[ •L....S]
:;; :;; .....
''<. ~ , &. I~ 0lS' : ~
polimerization .... ~ to be or become spotted,
stained, blotted, blotched, splotched, ~mudged
a;,· e.- I ) -IL·. spotting, staining, blotting, blotching,~ J-;,.;:. : ~-j
to crystallize, be or become crystallized ~~- splotching, smudging
• .... ... ..... f.
,. ----
reproach, reprimand, rebuke,
reproof, censure
~~, ~_;; :~
acclimatization, acclimation, adap- ..l:/,..U , w; I : .w.:.; ;:;:; , .....
tation, adjustment, habituation, accustoming, in:. compunction(s), qualm(s), twinge of ~I~
urement conscience, pangs of remorse, remorse
, J .....

paving, flagging, slabbing, tiling, earliness; precocity; prematureness )~:b

... ..-. j .........
tile-laying, flooring
t~l e-- 1)- ~-
to sicken, make sick
.... .,
to exhaust, wear out, wear away, ~I , ~I : J:.;
, ... .
r4-1 :J:;
..- ..-'

moistening, wetting ~ J-;,.;:. , J-1 :~- wear down, waste away, enervate, unnerve
,.. .. :;; _.. .... 1 _. ;:;;--

....... , 'II
~-' ~6..;~ :(~1) .;;.·
'11.,:, ~~ ... to spice, season J! ~1_,.::.11 u~l :J,:;j•
:;i ;;:; - 'Ill ,...
to be or become con- y~~, -.1F~~, :.;.~ :~·
_.. 0 •

adoption, /,.ii.ll, LS,;s::..:JI, ~ ....a<ll, ~~I~ fused, disconcerted, discomposed, disquieted,

espousal, takmg up, embracement
'/l_.:;i disturbed, perturbed, agitated, upset, uneasy,
adoptive (father, son, etc.) ~4 anxious, flustered, perplexed, bewildered; to get all
straw, hay, haulm; chaff ~
mixed up; to be or become muddled, jumbled,
unsettled, disarranged, disorganized, disordered,
to adopt (a child) I:Jj J;;.· deranged; to jumble, clutter, run in disorder or
to adopt, em- 1~1) 'i.S~ '~
tJ! '~h ~ confusion
brace, take up, espouse
straw, strawy, flaxen, straw-colored to dawn; to shine
anesthetization; anesthesia to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt
rvr ~-

to be tinned, tinplated
e~; e.-IJ -~

anesthetic; narcotic
to adorn oneself, groom (oneseiO, (:;._; , ~­ 'J} :
to be or become clear, -.~1 :('~!)'."<
:,J; ,-~- bedeck oneself, preen oneself, primp, dress up,
.r ~ spruce up, smarten up, doll up
patent, evident, obvious, plain, distinct; to appear,
come out, emerge, surface, manifest itself, reveal
itself; to turn out (to be), prove (to be); to follow
V"' . e.-)1 _'t":< ~

clearly (from); to be realized, perceived, noticed, to be or become obscure, ~! ,:_;C·'! :(:_:~1) ~·

observed, seen, understood vague, ambiguous, equivocal, recondite, incom-
prehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable
to seek to ascertain, try ~~~j , ~:;; :(;.~I)~
to know for certain, check, verify, examine care- to hold, occupy, fill, be in
fully; to ascertain, find out or learn with certainty charge of
about, get to know; to know; to perceive, notice, to assume, hold, take over, (t'J 1~_,,'·:) ~ :i~
recognize, observe, discern, distinguish, realize, take charge of, take control of, take command of
identify, see; to discover, detect, find out (about), ...... ·~ .. • J ........
to come (in)to power, assume ~I Jl p1 I~
power, take (the reins oO power
castling ....... '1:;. ......
to accede to, ascend (the throne) ._;.:,.JI I~
whitening ...u ·::~:. •:. '1::;;... .... ............. 1:;. ......
... .., ,
... ly e.-IJ -J) 'il.;l :I~
bleach(ing), blanching, discharging 4':11 ~ :J:;o..... .... • ... 'll ...... ..~ ........
holding, occupation, filling (of I~ J..I...4.A , ZJ,; :J,;i
tinplating, tinning ~ .-~.
L.~l - '"' , · -.-•
4....; ~1 an office, position, etc.); tenure; assumption, take-
-- -··- ~
over, taking over, taking charge of; accession, as-
whitewashing ul )~~
'· ·~
~ cension
.... J• .... ... • cl , ....
making a fair copy (oO, ~_,;.Gll~l~ to sporulate, undergo sporulation
,::;; J J .... sporulation
bleaching powder ~I ..;,...._.
to urinate, micturate, make water
show(ing), demonstration, mani- (41, JlJ.j: ~
festation, display(ing), exhibition, presentation; urination, micturition
bringing to light, revelation, disclosure, uncover-
enuresis, involuntary bed-wetting or
(.)~1) ~ J~
- , ~----

ing; illustration, shedding light upon, making clear, ...... !S •

clearing up, clarification, elucidation, explanation
to follow in succession, follow or succeed one
another, be successive or consecutive, com~
G t uremia
classification, categorization, tabu- y~ JJ:;,. : ~;,;.;
successively, happen consecutively; to form an lation, arrangement, sorting, assorting, assortment,
uninterrupted sequence; to continue, recur, occur grouping, grading; division into chapters or sec-
repeatedly, be constant, be continuous , __ tions
succession, sequence, consecution, progression; t! L:.;
continuity, continuation, continuance
J ... :;; J ... ::;; ecology
successively, in succession, con- t!\..::.jl ~, t!l..::.j~
secutively, running, in a row, one after the other,
on by one, in turn, by turns, in order; respectively;
to be whitened
continuously, continually, constantly, regularly,
uninterruptedly, without interruption, unbroken- to be whitewashed ~. . .-~~ ..;.II J'(l..:ll
• . C:• . ~
- · "<
ly, incessantly, unceasingly , , : .... J ... ::J ... ::;; .....
to be bleached, blanched, dis- •Y.:,J ._;.l..A.II ~
~I e.-IJ- J~l charged
Z?? e.-IJ - (?!G to be copied fair

succession, sequence, consecution, pro- (JG:jl) ~G;;

Tatarian, Tartarian; Tatar, Tartar gression; continuity, continuance, continuation;
to be or become a pupil or a student; to be or
become an apprentice; to study (under), learn
successively, in succession, JG:jl ~ 'JG:j4
consecutively, running, in a row, one after the
other, one by one, in turn, by turns; respectively;
pupilage, studentship; apprenticeship; studying ·,: h· continually, continuously, constantly, regularly,
(under) incessantly, unceasingly, unbrokenly, without
continuation, sequel, epilogue, postlude, con- ~- interruption, uninterruptedly
eluding section (of a story, literary work, etc.);-
supplement, complement; end, conclusion, termi-
to follow in succession or without interruption,
follow or succeed one another, be successive or
nation, close, finish, windup, completion
consecutive, come successively, happen consecu-
continued on page.. . . 1jS- ~:,;:.a) I ,j tfo1 tively; to continue, recur, occur repeatedly, be

I - :.:. constant or continuous; to alternate
tobacco 8,- :,.,_:;::;"
to be or become complementary, integral, inte-
grated; to be or become complete, whole, total,
tetanus (u">_r) (.)".F. full, perfect, consummate; to be or become com-
to be crowned; to be enthroned
, .
~ ;;. --- pleted, finished, concluded, perfected, consummat-
to be crowned, topped, capped ( :;)J I) ~~ tetanus '-
(u">_r) (.)"~~
coronation, crowning; enthrone ment (_~I) r!i-P to follow; to pursue, follow ~ 'i , ~ :;:;
;_l:.; ,
up; to trace, trail, track, chase, run after, go after
crowning, topping, capping ( t-;_jJI) ~~
to watch, observe, see, ;:_,..~~ , Ja;. 'J , ~I J : ; ; ;
to yawn look closely at; to mark, pay attention to, take no-
yawning, yawn -- '
tice of; to study, examine, scrutinize, inquire into

to slacken, slack; to lag, tarry; to be J 1:;; : (<.r) JiG-

to look for, search for <.r ;. ~:;;;
~li :;;;
slow, sluggish, dull, slothful
.... .... ... ... .
to disturb, trouble, incon- J,~l.D, ~ jl : ~ Jj~
. ... .........
to prosecute, sue, bring suit against,
take legal action against
venience, molest, pest, vex, harass, bother, annoy, to affiliate, trace the origin of
, .,
... , ... ;;:; ......
~I ~
.. ... .. . ... ......... following; pursuit; _,
~ , ~ ~ , ~ L::. : ~
-- _, ~-- --
to oppress, encumber, (over)bur- JA J I : ~ Ji ~ follow-up; chase, chasing, tracking, tracing, traif-
den, bear down on, weigh down on, lie heavily on ing, running after
to be hard to ..;11; 'i Ji J~ 'il ~ 0\5' :Ji6 watch(ing), observation, seeing; ~ • - ... - ... J ~ ... -
, ~ l.r : ~
bear, unbearable, cumberSome, burdensome study, scrutiny, examination, inquiry
sluggishness, dullness, laziness,
0 ly :(<.r) Jil:;
J .,.. ...
prosecution, suing; suit, legal action ;;W,li.. -' : ~ ~-- -
Jl sJ.ii_,.;:JI ~l.D! :~·-
slothfulness, slowness, tardiness, slackening, tarry-
ing, lag(ging) spicing, seasoning
... :. ,... -
disturbance, molesta- ~L..:a:.,
" -
[ ~ J, ·1 :( ~
. " ......
1-) I?1:~ the Tatars, the Tartars j:j I
tion, harassment, vexation, annoyance, irritation
oppression, encumbering, J\..J]: (~) Jj~
. , ... -
- - ...... J
one after the other, one _;:> 'il ~ ~I_,JI : I_..:J •t.S_..:J
.. •-- _ ....

by one, successively, in succession, in a row

(over)burdening, bearing down on, weighing down . . tJ . . ;;i ...... ... ;;. ......
on, lying heavily on to be or become dusty, covered y I _,j4 F :':-'
with dust or earth
to make sure of, seek to ascer- :.St ,
~ ~ ~;.: : -- pneumoconiosis
... ., , J----
tain, verify, check, examine; to ascertain, find out ~:;J I ':-'_..:;
or learn with certainty about, know for certain; to
() ~~)-~
CIIC:~~~~~~~~!'!-~~!!~~;!5~·.!:;=:~-~~~ ~~C·!!~\!"'!·!!~··!··=,~~~!!~~~~~~·!;!·:=~!J·I
_ ...
.............. I-~· be sure of, certain of, convinced of, confident of
~) ···-
to act slowly or carefully, take one'sJ~ : (j) :-:-.;~
education, (mind) cultivation, culture, cultur- ' •.y··;
time; to be careful, deliberate, patient ,; .. . . ;~~ . . . . .
ing, refinement, polishing; enlightenment, edifica: . . 11, ,.
tion, teaching, instruction to be or become established, ~ , ~ ~ J l.,.:. : ~
proven, confirmed, affirmed; to bC or become
educative, educational, cultural; instructive,
fixed, firm, stable, solid, strong
informative, enlightening L- ~ f:: L- ~--
~ , ..JS G , ~ :.::....;::;
J~l'~) ··-
verification, check(ing),
making sure (oO; ascertainment; certainty, certi-
to freeze, frost, ice (up), turn into ice; to be or ~ tude, conviction
become frozen, frosted, iced, icy, ice-cold; to be to slow (down), act slowly, take ~ , :.:..;; : -~
refrigerated one's time, be slow or patient
;.G! ~I; -;lli .... ~-- .... ::;:; ........
to be frustrated, discouraged, disheart- J:.::.:; : ~
tripling a~:,
.. _ . :. ened, dispirited, demoralized; to be deterred, pre-
vented, inhibited; to be hindered, impeded; to be
doctrine of the Trinity; Trinity [~1~] ,. --~:5 thwarted, foiled
freezing, freeze, icing, glaciation, frosting; ~ fixing, fixation, fastening; establish- C5 J~ : ..... :,:.
refrigeration ing, establishment, settling, settlement, stabilizing,
I:... · I
J...-:-, ~)- ~
I ~:. stabilization; consolidation, strengthening; confir-
.- mation, corroboration, substantiation; proving,
estimation, appraisal, assessment, evaluation, ~ demonstration
estimate, valuation, rating; pricing; appreciation
•;ii ..

Sacrament of Confirmation ~~~

~! ~lr; eLi! , LSJ1_;! :J:j·
;:···: :\~·
to be doubled; to double, geminate, ~c.; : J::5 fixture

become double frustration, frustrating, disappointment, disap-
pointing, discouragement, discouraging, disheart:
to be repeated, reiterated, redone
enment, demoralization; prevention, inhibition
to sway, swing, roll, walk with a t."< I - • J. . :.:. . ~) ~
swinging gait ,. ..- 0 :;i J R ..- I..-

thickening, inspissation, ~~·'.II 1~-: :·~.,, ..

doubling, duplication, reduplication, ., c.,r ~
gemination making thick or thicker
repetition, reiteration, redupli- ;I }:5 , -~~ J : ~:_; blame, censure, condemnation; reproof, i";J: ~?·
cation reproach, rebuke
• J ..... ... .....

..;.\lw'·l\ ··:~ siphoning; siphonage

pleating, plaiting, goffering C• -· ,_., ~ .. _
dual [w]0 to sediment, settle, deposit, pre- ~~ , ~) : jili·
(( ,-.r:' '-).C-'·5 cipitate
second(ing) (Y .. _ , ' :!. ... .... ~. .......

• • J ...... sedimentation, settlement, pre- y_,.... J , ...,..... ; : Ji.:;j'

Deuteronomy (..~""-:' .r:- . _:;
·) t 1'-·~IL- cipitation
to face one another, confront each other,~ 1,; : ;,;~· sedimentation, settlement, deposition, ~ ') : ~·
meet face to face precipitation
to argue, debate, dispute, contend, quarrel, al- J'J~ ~~~I;_;_::.:,.
tercate, wrangle, bicker, squabble, join issue, enter
into an argument, have a disagreement, lock horns to be or become educated, cultured, cultivated, ; •%;.:,.
refined, polished; to be enlightened; to learn,
Jl~ ,J~ ~I; -J~~
- ,. ... ... .... ... -- ...
~~I ~
;]5 y~ : ":-'~~
.,.. study; to know
to attract one another education, culture, cultivation, refinement; en- , 4jj'·','
to pull back and forth, pull in ;:,..;.:.. , ~ : ;:,.,~~ lightenment; learning, studying
... TVO
,, ~)"'' >j@:,. =·:; :;~:,: -'i i l*Z: >N'
·~~•:::::::::::::::~::J>¥ilJ!:J~l!!lid!$lfll:J:;:!i~<)<'l!!l':::::l•,JJi•::::i:l:::::l:::::lhdl!!l'1fii:l,(1::· ::::::::+,!!!,,:f!l!<:re:!l:l··t¥1

another; to meet, assemble; to hold a meeting or a

to sue one another, bring one~\i; , ;$~ : ;)~
different directions
to converse, talk, engage in ~f.L-1 ul)=.l IJo! ~~
... ... . ., ... ... -
(a) conversation
another before a court or judge; to litigate, carry
attraction; interattraction; gravitation; affinity y.)~
, --
on a lawsuit
to compliment each other, payc.~lJI J~c_; :~ ~· commerce, ~~I _u">~ ti~J 't; ,;;;,_~ :o~~
compliments to one another, flatter each other, be trade, business, traffic
courteous to one another ~~ : -~~
~.... .... .... ;;;_.. ""' , _.. ... _.. ... _.. - merchandise, goods
~ ·~ t':"IJ-~~· ~~~·
;;; ... .. . ._ ... J .. ... • ;;;"' ........
retail ..• ''I J I 4.:<--·11
<.r l.l:u.ll J I ':'_,..... - r--' o) 1:...;
to be or become homogeneous, ~8 , ~ G,; : ~ ~· ..... , J_. ..

identical, similar, alike, akin, cognate, homolo-

wholesale ~~-)~
.. -~II ~-G.:;
gous, analogous, comparable, corresponding, con- slave trade ~.)" ) ·-
formable, uniform, consistent; to resemble
white slavery, white slave .--~1 -:~II ~-G.:;
each other ~ ~.)") ·-
,...... J ... J ... traffic
homogeneity, homogeneousness, "--t;.; , ~ \:; : ~ ~
identity, similarity, (a)likeness, resemblance, ho- commercial, mercantile, trading, trade, busi- (?.; ~
mology, analogy, comparability, correspondence, ness; merchant
conformity, consistency, uniformity commercial house, business establish- (?J~ ~
to deviate from, turn away from, u~! :cr u:i ~· ment, firm, institution ·
skew from, swerve from trade, traffic "td ·- t'"
-· G.:; .J>
to incline to, tend to, lean toward JL.. :JJ z.ii~ trade wind
~d . - ~d
G.:; ,
deviation, skew(ness), slant(ing),
. " ... -
ul~!:u.~· ~. ) G.:;~~
merchantman . - .. _(
swerve, swerving .,_
facing, opposite (to), in front of, face to
trading company, corporation, firm
~d~ 45' r...
face with, before, vis-a-vis; in the face of; to- trademark, brand ~JG:-J t' JL.. , ~JG:-J 't~
ward(s), to; in view of, with regard to -,- ~--- .. ·1-
to ignore, disregard, bypass, slight, ~j: JA~ u,.>Li t>:"IJ -'-:?d~ u,.>l.i
neglect, overlook, pass over, skip, pay no attention store, shop ~ G.:; J.;..:
'-:?d . - ... , .........
or heed to, be inattentive or heedless of; to blink :;.

at, wink at, pretend not to see, refrain from no- 4i~j t':"IJ- ~d~ jjJJ
ticing, abstain from recognizing, shut one's eyes to, isomerism [ •W] ~j~· ,_;j~·
turn one's back on
to dare, venture, risk; to i~! 'J~ (Jc);. ~· :
to feign ignorance, pretend to ~4 ;.~ :JA~ have the courage or audacity to, have the cheek to;
be ignorant; to pretend not to know (of), pretend
to be or become bold, daring, audacious; to be or
to know nothing (about)
become insolent, impudent, forward, impertinent
ignoring, disregard(ing), slight(ing), J ~ J : ~ ~·
neglect(ing), overlooking, passing over; inattention -~~ e-1)- ;.~
to respond (to), act or feel in ~ ~! :(e) yj~ wrinkles, furrows, lines ~~
response (to); to react (to); to have a positive .~ e- 1) -( <.1-·~1)
. •u~·
reaction (to), adopt or show a favorable reaction
(to), be favorable (to); to comply (with), consent ~ e-1)-J~
(to); to be interested (in), show interest (in)
to harmonize (with), be harmo- ~c; :(e)~:;~ cr ~ t':"IJ- ~~ , ~) :cr- V~·
nious (with), accord (with), be in accord (with) >J
to engage in a swordfight, meetu,;..J4 -
- - -
J~ : JJ~·
-- - -

response, reaction; favorable or posi- ~~! :yj~· in duel -

tive reaction; compliance, consent to sit with one

gard(ing) condonation, connivance, winking at, harmony, agreement, accord, con-
shutting one's eyes to; excuse, pardon, remission; cord
indulgence allergy
omission, leaving out, skipping, JlA.i-!: (~) j;~ to be neighbors, live near
neglect -
each other
giving up, relinquishment, re- ~ ~ :(~) j;~ to be adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, c.S~~ : ~J~
nunciation, forgoing, waiver neighboring, proximal, close, near
, ,
abstention from, abstaining ~ tl?~ :(~) j;~
......... .......
o;J~ e-1;- .JJ~
from, refrainment from, refraining from
.... :;; " .... ·~ ("'... , , ........ to pass, go past, leave behind, c.S~ , ~ : )J~
~~I Jl ~I .-) jJ~
misuseofpo wer; get ahead of; to go
overtake, outstrip, outdistance,
overstepping the proper bounds of authority; ex-
beyond, overstep; to exceed, surpass, transcend,
cess of powers
outreach; to overreach, extend beyond; to be past
to be or become haughty, arrogant:~:·~, ;.s::; :
(a certain age)
proud; to be or become tyrannical; to behave :;1..... .... ... .... ... 0. .. - ....
arrogantly or tyrannically, show one's strength or to go too far, overstep all ::..:L I jJ 6:- , .1) I : jJ ~
bounds, exceed the proper bounds or limits
power, show oneself strong or powerful, act
strong, throw one's weight around, play the ty- to trespass, transgress, encroach c.SZ ~ : jj ~
rant; to tyrannize upon, make inroads upon
to be set to surmount, overcome, master, jj~Js- ;_ r:; :
get over, get past, cope with; to triumph over,
outdo, defeat, beat
to caseate [-....1]--·-:
'~ to overlook, disre- ~ ~, ~ ~~ :(~) jj~

curdling (y:b I) .:);;:; gard, condone, connive at, wink at, blink at, by-
pass, pass over, shut one's eyes to, let pass, let go
caseation ~ [ -.,...1] unpunished; to pardon, forgive, excuse

orthopedics, bonesetting, (~~~~ Ji i~l) j~ to omit, leave out, skip, bypass, J,:i i :(~) jj ~
setting or splinting of broken bones - - pass over, neglect
~ ·:. to give up, relinquish, re-
orthopedic -~ nounce, forgo, waive
curdling, making into cheese (~I)~ to abstain from, refrain from, ~ t"2 :
~ ~ jJ ~
~ e-1;-~ desist from, forbear
passing, passage, going past, leaving ~ , ..k;.j : jJW
· - - tl - - J -

to be renewed, to renew; to be renovated, re- J~·

behind, overtaking, outstripping , outdistancin g, ·
stored, reconditioned, refitted, refurbished, refash-
getting ahead of; going beyond, overstepping; ex-
ioned, remodeled, overhauled, revamped, redone;
ceeding, surpassing, transcendence, transcending,
to be reestalished, rebuilt, reconstructed; to be
outreaching; overeaching, extending beyond; being
modernized, updated; to revive, regenerate, rejuve-
past (a certain age)
nate, refresh; to be revived, regenerated, rejuvenat-
ed, refreshed !...- ...
going too far, overstepping all .1 I)! : ~ j;
bounds, exceeding the limits; excess -
renewal; renovation, restoration; revival, regen- J~
eration, rejuvenation; modernization, modernity, trespass(ing), transgression, en- tl~~: j;~Js-
modernness croachment upon, inroad(s) upon, making inroads
to be braided, plaited, cued upon
surmounting, overcoming, master-Js- ~):; : j;~
renewal; renovation, restoration, refitting, re- ~~
ing, getting over, getting past, coping with; tri-
conditioning, refurbishing, refashioning; reestab-
umphing over, defeating
lishment, rebuilding, reconstruction; moderniza-
tion, updating, bringing up to date; reform, reorga- overlooking, disre- .~J, ~ -'-"'~ :(~) j;~
, ... ... ; j i ' '
to devote oneself to, dedicate -.1 t__,A;: r~ J~
oneself to, apply oneself to, occupy oneself with
&... . . .
• ., ...... ;;; ........

oil &........

nization; innovation; origination
;;;-' - ... ;;;
rejuvenation, reju- oj.AJI Jl J.l:..:.JI Jl yl::-!JI ...1:!~
- ,..;;; , ....
impartiality, unbiasedness, objectivity,~ .J..f> : J~ venescence, reinviioration,- regeneration, revival,
objectiveness, detachment refreshment, refreshing, recreation, reawakening,
stripping, undressing, taking off one's
clothes; striptease, stripteasing
r:; : J ~ ~--
reanimation, revitalization, resuscitation
y~~l ...1:!~
, ..... .
. J1>
..:r, tS'' : J ~~
freedom (from); emptiness, voidness renewable ..I:!_.~~~~ li
devotion (to), dedication (to) (~) t~ (~) J~ : blasphemy, profanity (..ill j&.) ~~
to drink, swallow, gulp &. 'y ~ :~ rowing, row, oaring (ul~~) Y!~
-- -
trial, trying, test(ing), examination, J ~ l :'-:-!.;;; braiding, plaiting, cuing ..l.!~
sampling; experimentation, experiment(ing) -
experimental, empirical, experien- ~!~! :~r
to take root, strike root, root; to be or be- ~ ~~ J:.. :
come deep-rooted, firmly established, firmly set-
tial; trial tled
~~l:t.... •::
empiricism, experimentalism -! o, - .. _o•r. taking root, striking root, rooting, root- J!.~ :};;;
defamation, slander, libel, calumniation, <::.i : 'Cj._;;; age; deep-rootedness
vilification, vituperation
"' • ..- I""
evolution, root extraction [c.~~)])':!_¥
challenge, contestation ~~:~~ rowing, row, oaring (ul.~~) ~.¥
invalidation, refutation ~~:~~
divestiture, divestment, dispos- tJ 'ul..~ : ~;;. e.-')-;,.;
... , ... :f;;~ ......
session, stripping, deprivation; denial j~ e.-') -I~
freeing (from); ridding ~ , ~;,;. : (~) ..I:!;,.; experiment; test, trial; tryout; rehearsal, J ~! :~;;;
(oO - - -
practice; audition; probation -
emptying, voiding, vacating, evacua- C:!JU: ...1:!~ experience; practice
tion .:
denudation, stripping off, dismantling;~;; :..I:!;,.; ~r
disrobement, undressing, unclothing - - attempt, try, endeavor
peeling, paring, stripping, barking, skin- _r.i : ..I:!~ trial, tribulation, affliction, ordeal ~ : ~;,.;
ning, scaling
abstraction (tJJ Ji ~~I) ...1:!~
f.;jJ1 proof, proof sheet ~~.. _.-·~:. J i ~u.'i;-.
0 .. _ r 0- 0
sending or dispatching of(j&.) c.~;i Ji ti.:.;. ~;,.; trial and error t1i1J ~;..j1
troops (against); attacking, laun~hing an·attack (on) trial balloon ~2-0)~
denaturalization ( • f,-1 ~ ~ ~
~ e.-')-~~~ c.;.;

reduction (of an officer) to the

. . . •;:e
. ... , . ...;;; ......
to be divested of, dispossessed of, ..:r, i ;> : ..:r, J~
ranks; demotion, degradation
Jl/ ..... " ....
stripped of, deprived of, denied
disarmament <:)[JI..:r, ...1:!~ to be or get free(d) ~ ~:_; '~ )~ :~ ~~
(~;ro:) ...1:!~
.- from; to get rid of, free oneself from, disentangle
oneself from
<: ~I
to strip, undress, disrobe, take off one'stS~ : J~
expropriation, confiscation, dis- «41 ~ ~;,.; clothes; to striptease
possession, deprivation of property -
.- to be impartial, un- ~
yJ ... ... , ... ....
'fli'/1..- ... ,
IJ~ uu1.... :...:;;J~
... ......
(military) detachment, (body oO troops o~r, biased, objective

![j\==============:-iJlik4ji· Sj:;:if;::i:J,t!!iio!!th:;Eri::il:ccJI··· • "if), kf, ,-,;z ,f ,. }~Y;g, ,,

~.l.l •:.
abstract, abstractive, nonrepresentational, .. --/'!"
gage in espionage; to try to get information about
~,i;\.l.l,l.ct: ~~- ~-: nonobjective
to tap, wiretap - , _ _ (.Y~
abstractionism, nonrepresentationalism,

spying, espionage nonobjectivism

wiretapping, tapping making (someone) swallow t~ )~ :t};;;
to materialize, take form, take shape, '~ : ~~ curettage [~]~:~;;;
incrimination, crimination, inculpation, ..: I)) : f.j;;
assume concre te form or body; to be embod ied,
I _ ,..,. ... . ,..~,
. ... . ... ;ji .....- conviction, condemnation ... . ...,, , . .
~ ~) r=-"J ·~ unloading; steved oring jj,.._,L. I f:! ,.a; :f.ri'
......... '1:;.,. ...

embodiment, embodying, incorporation, incar- ~ to be divided, parted, separated, parti- ~ ~ : \~

nation, substantiation, materialization; personifica- · tioned, split, section ed; to break up, break down,
tion, prosopopoeia, typification, symbolization
enlargement, magnification ~:~--~
.- cut up, divide, split; to be divisible
: .:
we:.:·~ .:;.. ~\)- i~ ~ -e:;..
embodiment, embodying, incorpo- ..._;.; .. ,. ··~ ' : division, partition, split(ting), breakup ~I · ·~- :.
i -- ·J~
tiation , materia lization ;
ration, incarnation, substan
division, dividing, partition, parting, ~ : ~;;,·
humanization , anthro pomor phism
splitting, separation, section(ing), breakdown, frac-
protrusion, causing to stand out; relief; j I;) :r.~ tionation
to belch, burp, eruct, eructate
belch(ing), burp(ing), eructation
,. ~ .. ~ --
divisible, partible
to suffer, undergo, bear, endure, sustain; to ~~
assume, undertake, take upon oneself; to incur,
bring upon oneself, expose oneself to , to break apart
;:·~7 ... ....... ,.. ::;:. .....
to bother to, trouble to, take pains I:iS' .G ~

to be veined, grained, marbled
to, take the trouble of, go to the trouble of .. ~ --:: ~--:
grain(ing), veining !J.;AJ :t/"'
plastering, whitewashing;
pargeting ~\J- .~;;.
to curl, frizz, frizzle, form curls (hair); to become~ ~;;,·
divisional, separative, fractional
curled, curly, frizzed, frizzly, kinky, wavy,
crisp(ate), rippled (hair); to wrinkle, furrow, shriv- veining, graining, marbling t};.;.·
el, become wrinkled (skin or face); to crease, crin- -.:..::;;,.
to materialize, assume bodily (material, con-
kle, crumple, pucker, rumple, corrugate, cockle, form, take shape, take form, be-
crete, definite)
crimple, ripple, become creased (cloth, etc.)
come corporeal; to be embodied, incorporated; to
curling, frizzing, frizzling, crispation, crispiness, ..!;.; be shaped
curliness, crimpiness (of the hair); wrinkle, wrin- ·
to become incarnate
kling, furrowing, shriveling (of the skin or face); ;!. - ...

creasing, crease, pucker(ing), crinkling, crinkle, materialization, embodiment, incorporation, ..J....Ai

crumpling, crumple, rumpling, rumple, corruga- incarnation , ~- - -
tion, cockling, cockle, crimpling, rippling, ripple Incarnation ~\ ~
(of cloth, etc.)
to spy (on), snoop (on); to be a spy, en- (~) ~
~ rvo. ~
. '

c=============~• ·~============~
"' ~IJ- rL.<.;! ')tJ.! :~·
• J.:J;

superiority; excellence, distinction,

~-- , •-
curling, frizzing, frizzling, crimp(ing), crispa-
tion, waving (of the hair); wrinkling, furrowing,
" Y'-'.- : w.;.,;
··- · shriveling (of the skin or face); creasing, pleating,
puckering, crinkling, corrugation, crimpling,
crumpling, rumpling, rippling, cockling (of cloth,
freezing, freeze, icing, gelation, o.)J.r.l4 ~: ~·
,J J '\1 I _. D _.
glaciation, frosting, congealment, 'congelation, coat of mail, armor, cuirass;
congealing shield
bookbinding, binding to be dried; to dry, be or become dry
bibliopegy drying, desiccation, exsiccation; dehydration ~·
. '

bookbindery, bindery (food) dehydration (~~·~I) • •.. ~~:;

drainage, (~IIC~·I\ i ~·.:.·fl ilS'~TI)~
C• _.r J J ~ ··- .
... J J ... ;;;,... .... -;;:; ... - draining, emptying, drying out, drawing water
to freeze, frost, ice (up), congeal; o.)J.r.l4 ~ :~· from
to be or become frozen, frosted -
.... ,___ .... :;; ......... startling, starting, scaring away, driving away, ~
to solidify, harden, stiffen, set, indu- ..,_.J......: ~ frightening, shocking
rate; to be or become hard, solid, rigid, stiff ,.. >JJ ... ;:;; ~ .......

revelation, manifestation, appear- J,.J; :(~I)~

to coagulate, clot; to congeal; to curdle ~ : 't~ ~ ance, emergence, coming to light
• f .... :;:; ........
to be frozen, blocked (assets, tJJ Jl_,.. ~I ~~ J
Transfiguration of Christ ~I~
... ':II .......

funds, currency) '11,... :;; J

Transfiguration (Day) ~I ~
freezing, freeze, icing, congela- o)J~4 "j~ : ~·
tion, congealment, congealing; frost , to be or become clear, plain, dis- -;1:; , ~ :.):;;
solidification; hardening, indu-~'St.. 'J:..;: W tinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit,
unequivocal; to manifest itself, reveal itself, come
ration; solidity, hardness, rigidity
&-- - ~ ........ out, come to light, show, appear, emerge, surface;
coagulation, clotting; congelation, con- ~ :~ to be revealed; to be manifested; to be expressed,
gealment; curdling
find expression, take expression
to wear, put on, dress, clothe t:JJ
yll+l ~ ::. ~i:,~·
freezing point oneself in (a garment, gown, etc.) ,
to gather, assemble, congregate, get together, F J~ ,J~! ~IJ-~
meet, collect, come together, band together, flock to endure, suffer; to be (or show ~ ' ~ :~
together, throng together, pack, troop, crowd, oneselO patient, tolerant, forbearing, long-suffer-
muster, swarm, teem; to rally; to concentrate, be ing, firm, fortitudinous, tough; to have patience
concentrated, be massed (troops, etc.) to aggregate; "IL, ~
:u;.. ~)I - ;;)Jr.: ::.i":..;
to accumulate, cumulate, collect, pile up, be heap- . .
J - .... :;;_.. ...
ed up; to cluster, agglomerate, conglomerate to be bound y~l ~

gathering, assemblage, assembly, t~ JJ:..;..: ~;· ~~~)-~'~:~·

congregation, meeting, coming together, banding .-- J J "'~... ... ~ .... ~
together; rallying; concentration (of troops, etc.); freezing, freeze, icing, o.)J.r.l4 ~ : ~
aggregation; accumulation, cumulation, collection; frost(ing), congelation, congealing, congealment
clustering, agglomeration, conglomeration thrombosis ~ :~
crowd, throng, gathering, I ~) ...::.;,. : ~
C. rW to be exalted, glorified, dignified, es- ~ :~
assemblage, assembly, congregation, concourse, teemed, honored, revered, venerated_ ,
multitude; rally; mass meeting
to cover oneself with, wrap one- ~ J.:; :~ ~
group, band, troop, 4.LS , ~~ , ~~ :~ self in
IMii*fiH iWM!fW QGiM
parlor, beauty salon, beauty institute company, party, collective, team, body; clique,
• ""' J ... ""' • ""'. J coterie, faction; squad; bloc, front; pool
cosmetics, makeup, maquillage ~c.\~ ~· :Jj ,(:;_; :
to adorn oneself, groom (oneselO,
cosmetic, beautifying ~l .._o~ make oneself pretty; to make up, apply or use
;Oi • ""'"'..- ""'
cosmetics, put on makeup; to be beautified, embel-
cosmetic surgery; face lifting; plastic~~ I~
lished, adorned, made beautiful
~~ ~
'II ;Oi ~ ""'
( ::.. ~II) .:r.w
·- ·· to be (or show oneselO patient, for-
false accusation, false charge ~
' bearing; to have patience; to endure, sutTer
to accuse falsely of, charge falsely with, im- ~ ~· •~ Gi, ~ :(~cJI) ~~
pute guilt unjustly to, lay the blame unjustly on
to avoid, shun, eschew; to avert, ward otT, fend~
. '
to grow luxuriantly
(profuse ly, vigorously), thrive, flourish
to gather, assemble, congregate, -,:.::..! , ~ : ~·
otT, stave otT, parry; to keep away from, keep clear crowd (together), collect in numbers, band togeth-
of, steer clear of, keep out of the way of; to keep er, flock together, throng together, pack, swarm,
otT, obviate, prevent; to flee from, run away from, teem; to rally
- • ~... . . '0 ......
try to escape from; to evade, elude, get around, gathering, assemblage, assembly,.)~! , ~ : ~
circumvent, bypass, sidestep, dodge; to give some- assembling, crowding, congregation, banding to-
one the slip, turn a cold shoulder to gether, flocking together; rallying
~ ......
avoidance, shunning, eschewal; averting, ward-~· ;~e.-'; -C.rWI ~) ~ :~
;Oi - ..... ""' '·""' ...
'· '

ing otT, fending otT, parry(ing); keeping away from, .. J J "' • ... 0 ""'

keeping clear of, steering clear of, keeping out of freezing, freeze, glaciation, ic- o.)J_r.J4 ~: ~
the way of; keeping otT, obviation, prevention; ing, frosting, congelation, congealment, -congeal-
fleeing from, running away from, trying to escape ing, gelation
from; evasion, elusion, getting around, circum- solidification, hardening, stiffening, ~: ·.~;
vention, bypassing, sidestepping, dodge, dodging; induration
giving someone the slip, turning a could shoulder coagulation, clotting; congelation, ~: •..~
to congealment, congealing; curdling
to be drafted, enlisted, recruited, conscripted, -~
• ., J • -

freezing, freeze, blocking (of as- dJ

~1,.. ~I ~
mustered in, enrolled in the armed forces; to be sets, funds, currency)
mobilized •:
accumulation, arnassment, piling up, heaping ~
to be or become naturalized; to acquire citizen- ~ up, stacking; gathering, collecting, collection; as-
ship or nationality semblage, assembly, assembling, putting together,
naturalization, acquisition of citizenship or fitting together, joining, uniting, grouping, bringing
nationality ;Oi J .... ;;;..., ....
together; aggregation; congregation, crowding,
i.T." e.- I;-~ rallying, rounding up; concentration, massing (of
troops, etc.)
keeping away from, warding otT ~ ;~ : ~ associativity
from, guarding against, protection from, shielding
from, sheltering from; saving, sparing summation
JJ J • .... • ...
.)··J\ '-~·~ assembly line
draft, recruitment, enlistment, ~ C!r"" . ··- .
levy beautification, prettying up, making beautiful, ~·
embellishment, adornment; making up, putting
mobilization, calling up
., .l
conscription, compulsory ~I) J I '-?! ~ ~
. ~ . l "" . ""'
cosmetics, application of cosmetics ""'..... J • ""'
... ., ,:ot

recruitment, compulsory military service, com- cosmetology, dJj,U>~IJ ~\J ~~\ ~

pulsory service in the armed forces beauty culture ""' ,__ ...
~ (•~) ~
.. . ,
levy en masse rl& ~~ ..~~~ beautician, cosmetologist

naturalization ( ·.~I C::: :~ beauty shop, beauty ~ (~, ~~~) L::;:

... ;;;; ......
intonation, reciting, recital, modu- (o ,:\~\ ~) ~r. paronomasia -
[ w ] r..r ~:
-· ~
. -- .
improvement, betterment, amelio- ~:~~
. ... . ,.. to be equipped with, furnished with, ~ ~~} : ~ ~
supplied with, provided with, fitted wfth, outfitted
.. :;;... ... • - 0 ...
with; to equip oneself with, furnish oneself with,
starving, starvation, famishment, t~ ),J,a.o :Cj~ provide oneself with, supply oneself with
hollow, cavity, pit, hole, excava- ;; )i.i, ~ : ~Y'ii
.... , ... • , 0 .... to get ready, prepare oneself, ~ , •,:.:: ~: ~
ready oneself; to be ready, be prepared
tion; sinus; bore, aperture, opening; socket; pocket !.- -
.... ,:;i... equipment, getting or being equipped; prepara- ~
hollowing out, caverning out,
0 • ::

u~ J,J,a.o : I...A=!~
tion; preparedness, readiness
excavation; boring
.; 'II} ., .... to frown, scowl, glower, lower; to become or ~~
acetabulum !}>~-At~ look sullen, glum, morose, sulky, surly, gloomy,
(~ c-) J.L:o:- ~\)- (~ :.:,__) ~
ub:- ~~)-~·
frown(ing), scowl(ing), glower{ing), lower{ing);
sullenness, glumness, moroseness, sulkiness, t e
endorsement (tJJ ~\ Ji ~~~)~ :_,~ sulks, surliness, gloom(iness), grimness

levy(ing), raising, mobili- ~ J~, •_ ·~; :~ preparation, preparing, readying, ~ '.ll~! :.:,~
zation (of troops, of an army, etc.) - - making ready
~J') :~
f/1 :;i .....
• ... :;;; ... -
to love one another, share ~. r+-"1· ~....<>I
,, .....
equipment, equipping, fitting (out),
. : 1..1. ~· outfit(ting), furnishing, supply(ing), -provision,
mutual love
mutual love; concord, ac- J~!, J~~ ~ :y~ ..... ., ...... :;; ... J .....
cord, harmony equipment(s), sup- ·~\ 'rjiJJ. c.l..~.a..o :c.\~
plies, furnishings, fittingS, outfit, gear, apparatus,
to be or become twined, entwined, twisted, ~~
interwoven, interlaced, intertwined, intertwisted, rig(ging), tackle, materiel, material(s), parapher-
interlocked, knitted, meshed, snarled, tangled; to nalia,' appliances, implements, tools, utensils,
intertwine, interlace, interweave, interlock, inter- articles of equipment; fixtures, installations
twist, snarl, tangle, knit, mesh !.- - -- • - • -
J~ ~~) -ur,.J:. .ui_,Ja:i :JIY'ii
to abrade, fret, scrape off, chafe, wear away, C,t;;,.;·
corrode, erode; to be abraded, scraped off, fretted, to put on or wear one's socks w'. '1 I '-"'7
- I·. w''-::
. '.)Y'!J
worn away, corroded, eroded to tolerate, bear, put up with, suffer ~ ~ : ~ j~
detrition; corrosion, erosion, wear; abrasion, C.~
fret, scraping off 0& jj~ ~IJ -0& ~ '0& ~t:; :0& j~
to argue, debate, dispute, quarrel, join to hollow, become hollow; to be hollowed out, u~
issue caverned out
to converse, hold (have, engage in) a conver- 6'J~ to wander about, walk about or around, U. : J~ u
sation, talk (to one another), speak; to discuss, go about or around, ride about, roam, rove, range,
carry on a discussion stroll, perambulate, itinerate, cruise, tour, travel,
conversation, speech, speaking, talk(ing), C.~~ patrol, go from one place to another
interlocution - • - J, -
travel(ing), cruising, roving, ul~ 'ui_,Ja:i :J~
to be opposite (to) each other, ~ 1;; , J.~ (.$~~ : rove, roaming, wandering (about), going about,
face each other perambulation, itineration, itinerancy; trip, tour;
to be parallel (to each other) round, patrol

C:t! 't· ~.r ~ C:t!' l'

" - l.. I J!.- ~ I '·- ~ l.. - l..
to be adjacent, contiguous, neigh- ~jG:.J-: (.$~G.,; ~~ t·
boring, proximal, close, nelilr curfew J~~JI );.. , J~l ~
to fight (one another), combat, battle, make w.)~ weathering
.: tY..-!~·
~~ +>,m,·~jm:z,:;m ,.~

to pretend to be stupid or fool- ~Cl4 j. ~ : J:. t;,.; war, be engaged in war

ish, feign stupidity or foolishness - lowest water level (of a river); low water J!JW
to discriminate ri1 ' '
~ ~ ~ ~ ;;.,:i :~ J'. t;,.; to settle a mutual account ;:,.:.t;..;
against, be prejudiced (biased, partial) against, take
sides against; to wrong, oppress, do wrong to, do to envy each other ~ 1 ~';.: ! :.:..;_ :~ W
injustice to, be unfair or unjust to, treat unjustly; ' t<.' .. ' ' , t' :
mutual envy J ~~ ..>....> : .J..VIii
to maltreat, ill-treat, treat badly
to force oneself(to do something ~ ~ J,:~
avoidance, shunning, ._,.~~ :(<i-~1) _,.;w
with difficulty), constrain oneself (to); to gather eschewal; averting, warding off, fending off,
(collect, rally) one's strength, muster up (summon, parry(ing); keeping away from; obviation, pre-
call forth) one's energy; to struggle to one's feet, vention; fleeing from, running away from, trying
rise with great effort, brace up, pull oneself togeth- to escape from
er; to overexert oneself, strain, exhaust oneself abstention, refrainment, desis- cr "tl..::: I : •~
' ' ,If'
discrimination; prejudice, ~, J;.. ,;;..;. :.t,
W tance
....... ...-'# ......

bias, partiality; wrong, injustice, inequity, unfair- wariness, caution, cautiousness J~ , ~ I.A.; I : _;~ ' .
ness, oppression to avoid, shun, eschew; to avert, ward ~ \.; : ~ W
to dialogue, have a J.i
W, ~ ¢ , ~~~ : W JJ off, fend off, stave off, parry; to keep away from;
dialogue; to converse, hold (have, engage in) a to keep off; to obviate, prevent; to flee from, run
conversation, talk (to one another), speak, hold away from, try to escape from; to give someone
talks; to discuss, carry on a discussion; to debate, the slip, turn a cold shoulder to
to abstain from, refrain cr e::... '
-''• -,,1
~ cr cl....:.l : ~ ~
)I~ ~~)-);w from, desist from
to neutralize ~w to guard against, beware of, be ~~ , ~ J3 :J
wary of, be cautious of
neutralization, neutrality ~w -,-.:;..~ ~~)- ~w
"tC;:;..I,JC;:;..I,JL;:;..I I -"t~w.~w ,J;w
l.?- -- ' -- ' ' ~ ) r..r: - - to harbor a grudge against~ ~ ~' .:.:; ~ : ~W
to show love or affection to, Jj\i;, ~~:;; : JJ ~· one another, bear mutual rancor, hate one another
endear oneself to, ingratiate oneself with, curry to lower oneself, cringe, truckle, )~ : )w
favor with, flatter one's way into; to seek some- behave in an excessively humble or servile manner
one's love or friendship; to court, woo, pay court
to, seek the affections of, speak words of love to to rub or scrape against each other; to ~ ~ : ~ ~
jostle, come in close contact
to granulate, grain, become granu- Ji:,:; :
~ ~::,;
~~~ ~~)-~~
lated or granular
endearment, showing love or41)~ , ~~:;; : (Jj) ~ to sue one another, bring one ~~~ , ~\Z : (Sw
affection (to), currying favor (with), flattery, sweet another before before a judge or a court; to litigate,
talk; courtship, court, wooing carry on a lawsuit
~ . ::
J. ...... .... ..
~. --::
granulation, grain J&.r. :~ osmosis ~\..:,; :wW
; J ......... ' .... ~ ... ,
to join in alliance; to ally (with), ally (e) uJ~
pet name ~r----·~·
oneself (to or with), be allied (to or with), make or
approval, sanction(ing); endorse- ~ JJ....AA : ~ form an alliance (with), confederate (with)
ment; advocacy, espousal, support, upholdini,
alliance, confederacy, confederation
championing; seconding; acclaim, applause, praise;
recommendation, commendation; preference to avoid, shun, eschew, keep away
adornment, embellishment, de- ~ , ~ ") : ~· from
..$ .........
coration; refinement; improvement - - to guard against, protect oneself t.J;. , ~! :IS'~
writing, composition from
TAY' ~·
on order; on demand; demand ~~~
..,$ _. I,
,. . . .... ..
filling (something) with ink Ir.'!"
6;_,.:.1 I :J. :~
subungual )..JI~ impregnation, fecundation
~ . I :_:.
..... .; " .............
subpubic ~WI~ under; below, beneath, under- J,.i ~ :~· .~
.., "" I ,I _.. I ..
neath; down; downstairs; sub-, infra-, hypo-
entitled, under the title of I.iS' ~ l.,_;s. ~
under, on, in, at, being, subject to, J.), ~ :;.;.,~
subscapular, infrascapular ~.-~~,~I~ the object of, in the stage or process of, undergoing
sublingual, hypoglossal,
,, ....
~~ ~ , uUJI ~
• .. ..'II ......
infrared .1;11 ~;,_,.:.;..~I~
ranine underground; ~~~~ (_da=-) z.:..;.;, ~~i ·-~;
subcentral subterranean
under his authority or control, in his o.J,! ~
...... ' ... submarine, under- ~I (_da=-) ;. :_; , (?r, ,..;_;
power; in his possession, with him, in his hands water, undersea
lower, low, subjacent, under-, sub-, at the :_,.. ~ subepidermic o~l ~~;
bottom, down, inferior, underlying on probation; on trial; in an experi- ~~I ~.;.;
underwear mental state; being tested or tried; in tiai~ing
to be or become necessary, requisite, ~J ~· : in preparation, being prepared ~I~.;.;
obligatory, mandatory, imperative, indispensable; subsoil ~~I ~
to be inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable _ ..... " • f. .. ~ ...........
at his disposal, at his ~ Jl ~rl Jl ~_,....; ~
to be incumbent upon, be ~ ~J ~ : ;:;.; service, at his command~ at his orders, at his beck
someone's duty, be imposed on
he has to, he should, he must, he uI ~ ~
... .- ... ,:;;,... ....... and call
in training, undergoing preparatory v..;_jl ;. ~;
ought to, it is his duty to, he is duty bound to
"'·~ I •.::.
c.,l_ ~)-~ subcutaneous, subdermal, i:sk ~ ' ..4-1 ;·.;.;
to veil oneself, put on a veil; to hide, conceal ~ hypodermic ··- - -
oneself; to be or become veiled, covered, screened, under consideration, un- ~I ~ 'V"~~l ;• .;.~
sheltered, hidden, concealed der discussion, on the tapis, on the carpet
~ ~! ~I)-~~!' t~j; :~ i;:-; at the mercy of 1j5 ~) :-~~
1j5 ~I)..) ;. .;.; , 1j5 ~~! ;. ~~
.... • .. 'II ~...... ~ - -
(~!~I)-.~&..)! 't)..i,j :~ under the aus-
pices of, under the patronage of, under the aegis
to petrify, be or become petrified, turn into -_;.;:-; of, sponsored by, under the sponsorship of, under
stone; to concrete, solidify; to fossilize, be or be- the wing of, under the protection of
.. . ..
come fossilized ,; I :;I ,. I ;:;i f, .. ;:;i , I ,..

.. ~ ... ... ~ - .. outstanding, due, ~,:..:JI Jl f:/~1 Jl :l:..c..JI ~

petrifaction, petrification; concre- ~ J~ : ~ unpaid, unsettled -
tion, solidification; fossilization :;;6 .......
subumbilical (,:..11~
~ ~-- ~--
ossification, fogyism, fossili- 4 J ' ~ : ~
zation, narrow-mindedness, rustiness, fanaticism, under arms (~~~
JJ ,. , J ""'
bigotry, intolerance I I _.

petrification, petrifaction; concretion, solidifi- ~

.- under his thumb, under his o),A.i Jl ~ ~
influence (sway, control, power, authority)
cation, hardening; fossilization -~~.,, - • : L. -~~.,, .• :
subconscious Jr- ~ , Jr- ~
curtailment, diminution; stunting, dwarfing; ~:,;;
incapacitation, disablement; weakening, enfeeble- subcostal ~if> c.;.;, ~I~;
ment, undermining, undercutting, devitalization; subject to punishment.., under 1j5 tim.~
subduing, taming penalty of, at the risk of
challenge, defiance ((,_S~I) ~ in press

sharpening, honing, stropping .i.:o.:. :~1 ~~

forging, hammering, beating
• ...

J,l~ :u~l ~~
'II 'II ' ....

to challenge, defy, resist, oppose, withstand,
stand up to, face (up to); to
let; to compete with, vie with
throw down the

price control, price fixing

Jl..:. ~I ~~
' .... I ..-

yl~-f>! •Y.)J~! ~IJ-y~ 'Y~

..-I_.. I ~ ..- _... _.. :;i ...-.,.

arms limitation, limitation ofarma- p1 ~~ to speak (to someone of or about something), I.!.~
talk (to someone about or of something), converse
... :;; .......

ment(s), disarmament }
I :;i I ,..

birth control j.:...JI ~~ (with someone about something)

speaking, talking; speech; conversation, talk,
specifically; to be exact, strictly ~~I (~j) j&. discourse
speaking, precisely, accurately, exactly; namely ... 'II , ... '11-' ... "~~' ... :;; ......
to be defined, specified, ~ ' u r ' (r::&- : J~
staring, stare, gazing, looking (sharply) ~~
determined, pinpointed, fixed, individualized,
J'f> ~I)-)~ particularized, itemized, designated, identified,
marked out, indicated, pointed out, set, assigned,
to feign skillfulness or ~)\JIJ J\J-1 £ :',J~ appointed
• ... 'II, "":;; ......
' , '
proficiency, pretend to be clever to be delimited, demarcated, o.)J~ ~: .)~
.... ....... .... ,,... • :;; ... ,..I .. ... ;;. .... I. .... .... • .. .... .... ~ ........

to •;1:611 cr ·~ ~ )5'1 ~.)! 'J.i.:l-1 Alol :~~ delineated, defined, circumscribed, marked off
be pedantic, parade one's learning, display or feign . ' , .~
..J"f"> . :; . . ""
. *' : ..)~
to be limited, restricted, confined
knowledge, make a show of skill, pretend to be ""' .;J } ,..- II J ,.. ..-:;;,.... ,.

smart or skillful to be forged, ham- ..;). : u~l Jl ~fl-1 .)~

mered, beaten
pedantry; preciosity; affectation
to be sharpened, honed,
warning, caution(ing), forewarning, monition, J'!~ stropped
caveat, admonition, admonishment, exhortation
*'"' )''' .J~! ~1)-Jl. ,Jj :)~
investigation, exploration, exami- (..;y )( l,?~l J1ii ;;i..-} I 'f, I ... ;[}- ..-

nation, inspection, scrutiny, study, survey(ing), to descend from, be descended ~ ~I cr J~

search(ing), inquiry, fact-finding; seeking; detec- from, be born from, derive (one's orlgin) from, be
tion derived from, originate from, proceed from, stem
'iJ ... ;[}
detective, secret agent, sleuth, l,?~l ~ J '~
, ' .... ~ .... ,
from, come down from a stock or source
... .
;I~! ~I)- )I~!' JJ; :.)~
... . ,, ~ .....
intelligencer; investigator; inspector
'iJ _.. ~ }_.. .... .- *"" ;ii ,_. I J ;ii.-} 'f. tJI~ ..- "'
secret police, secret <..S~I W4. , <..S~I U. _;..

descent, derivation, origination ~ ~I cr J~

service, detective squad - (from an ancestral stock), birth, lineage, breed
to investigate, explore, examine, inspect, (..;y) <..S';i; narrating, narration, relating, ~ ljJ , J~! :l!.t~
scrutinize, study, survey, look into, inquire into, relation, telling; speaking, talking, conversation
go to the root of, delve into, search out; to inquire I,.. I,..

modernization, updating, bringing ~~ : ~~

about, make inquiries about; to search for, look
up to date
for, hunt for, seek, try to find out (about), seek I"" 1..- I,..

information (about), try to know or ascertain, try definition; specifi- . ~ , ~ , 4-i.! ~ : ~~

to detect or determine cation, determination, pinpointing; fixing, fixation;
to refrain from, abstain ~ ' ..;y C:_Z! :(~) ~ individualization, particularization, itemization;
designation, identification, marking out; setting,
from; to avoid, shun, eschew
laying down, assignment, appointment
~;-1 ~I) -~;-1 :(~ delimitation, demarcation, de- .)J....L.I ~ : ~~
, J } 1.,. I _..

... ;;i ........ ;;;.-""

to be afforested, forested, wooded ~:(~ lineation, circumscription -

to have the audacity or courage to; to ~(~~ limitation, restriction, confine- ~ , ¥ :..1:/~
ment -
feel free to
"" ... ;;; ...... ', ,.. :;i

pointing, tapering,u)all ..;:-::- ~~I ~ : ..1:!~

;[} .-, J I ;[} } I""' I .,.

to be or become free, freed, liberated, 1.;> J \.... : J j1lii

set free, released, delivered, unchained, relieved; to sharpening
. ::. TAO

to feel burning desire for, burn (JJ) dJ ~_;!, ~~ free oneself, liberate oneself; to disengage (oneselO,
or pine away with desire for, burn to, yearn ar- disentangle (oneselO, release oneself, extricate one-
dently for, long desperately or keenly for, hanker self, disencumber oneself; to be liberalized
after, hunger for, crave, die to; to eat one's heart to be manumitted, emancipated, ~1: ~I)~
out, be consumed by an emotion
. e.-')- Jl~!. :(,J~ ' "~- '
liberated, freed, set free, enfranchised, disenthrall-
ed (from slavery), released from bondage or servi-
burning desire, yearning, longing, han- -.;_;!. :J~
kering, pining, craving, hunger to be emancipated (4,/"C,,_, Ji ~ ~) ~Jll )~
- J .... :;;; ... _,
anxiety, anguish, agony, pain, suffering.~_;}: J~ to be edited, redacted; to be written, ~ : J~
torture, torment, grief, sorrow composed, compiled, drawn up, drafted, indited,
to move, budge, stir, be in motion, change place~:,;.; put down in writing, reduced to writing
or position; to start moving, get moving; to start, freedom, liberty, unrestraint; disengage- J ~! :
... . .J;,.;
" ...

get underway; to begin, set out to, embark upon; ment, disentanglement, release; emancipation; lib-
to make a move, take a step, take action, take an eration
initiative; to react, respond liberality, broad-mindedness, open- L J~ 4! :
motion,movement,moving,locomotion;move, 1!.1~ mindedness, openness, large-mindedness; progres-
step; action, activity; initiative; reaction, response siveness
•""* J ~ .....
to be or become prohibited, forbid- ~ ' r~ : ~
... 'IJ ,J

jl~! 'j~! e.-')- j~ .j_:.;.;

den, interdicted, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unautho-
rized, banned
'. ' ''. -
~.rl~! •~.r~! e.-')-'-"'~''-"'~
~' ' ' ~-

to be or become sacred, sacro- to molest, make improper (( ··~ 4,/"W)-! ~_:.;.;

sanct, holy advances to; to make passes on; to proix>sition; to
afforestation, forestation, wooding, ~:r!J.r
' solicit
tree-planting to pick a quarrel with, start C~l _' ·~) -! J.~
narrowing, tightening, straitening J . , O,i
' a brawl with
.... .... :;;;.......
- '
.... ...
prohibition, forbiddance, interdiction f-r :r!! r to provoke; to excite, rouse, J \j I , ji.:.....! :-! ;_;-.;,.:.
insistence, importunity, urging,
pressing; persistence
J I~! : r!! r arouse, stir up
to intrude upon, obtrude upon, ~ ~ :-! J.~
force oneself upon (others), poke one's nose into,

. 'J ,,, . .
liberation, liberating, freeing, J::il.l ' I~ ~ : j!.r. . . nose into, meddle in, interfere in
setting free, turning loose, release, deliverance, re- molestation, making passes ( ( ··~ 4,/"W) (-!)c.}~
lief; liberalization on; proposition(ing); solicitation , • - -
()~I;'~) ("'t) J-~
I ""' I .,.

manumission, emancipation, Jl.;,;.l :~I ~~ picking a quarrel with,

liberation, freeing, enfranchisement, disenthrall- starting a brawl with
provocation; excitement, ii) ~ j I);.! :("'t)l' J-~
emancipation (4,/"C,,_, Ji ~ ~) ~J ~r
ridding of, freeing from,
. ... ...........
~ ~ : ~ ~~
excitation, rousing, arousal, stirring up
intrusion, obtrusion, forcing(~) J.llU :(-!) J- ~ ·- - .- -
- .
liberating from, saving from
- . .'
. .
r l_;:ll J I ~~ J I ~ ~ ~ ~
. '
. ... oneself upon (others), poking one's nose into,
nosing into, meddling, interference
, ...... :;;;..... .. 'II J ... 'il J .... ;;;; ....
discharge, release, freeing, relief, clearance, disen- to be distorted, dJ o~ ~ ,u- .u~ :u~
gagement, exemption, exoneration, absolution, perverted, corrupted, misrepresented, misstated,
acquittal, redemption, extrication falsified, twisted, wenched, misinterpreted, mis-
~isenchantment, disillu-
.., " .......... ..
~I Jl _~.a.,JI ~ ~~
construed, altered, changed
s1onment cr u~! e.-')- cr JL. :cr- u~
editing, redaction; writing, -..-:· I
i.Jr>, e.-)-
I -..-:• I ·
i.Jr>_ -"~-::.

H / ~


starting, beginning, initiation, com- composition, compilation, putting down in writ-

men cement ing, drawing up, drafting, inditing, formulation,
... .. , J J • ... • ...

vowelization, vo-c.:.~l Jl ~J;.L-1 ~ :l!.l.!~ recording; editorship

calization - - consecration to the service .&1 ~~ :..ij: ~.r'""_':
revival of action, setting action in (.5~~1 4;.; of God
motion; prosecution, institution of a lawsuit -
moving, touching, impas-~l:.l.l
Jl ...Ul.IYJII!.l.!~ "
.... , (piece 0~ writing; ~J ' tiC.~ :(.):!~ ~ r) ,):! ;.;.
letter, dtspatch, message; note; paper, document,
sioning, commoving, stirring, affection, arousal,
excitement, excitation; thrilling, electrification,
instrument, deed, record
editor-in-chief, editor
.J:!_;.;:JI ~J
:;, , ....

• :;; J.... .... - • :ii J ... ...
board of editors, edito- .J:! _;.;:J I 4 , .J:! _;.;:J I o; 1.) J
prohibition, forbiddance, interdiction, )a;. : - - -
proscription, ban(ning), barring; taboo; embargo
prohibitive, prohibitory, proscrip- ~)a;. ~r :
rial staff
women's liberation movement
~ ... :;, •
oi :,1 I ._r-
• 'lf,
r is-:,;. "' 0 ...

tive, interdictive, interdictory liberational; ;:;...;:JIJ J~ ~IJ ,_;')l.J. !:.~4" '-""\> : c.S•• J'}..;:N
- --
..-'if,'l :;;... ... ... ::;;..-"" -- j "

to side with, take sides with, be -':!I , J ~ : J y j;N emancipational; liberal

.... ... J• .... "' ....
partial to, favor; to support, back (up), stand by, written, in writing, record-~~, y_,;.C. :~.,r-~
champion, patronize, sponsor, advocate, go. for, be ed (in writing)
• ... 0 .....

in favor of provocation, instigation, incitement ~~ :r].!,_r

to form a party; to rally, ~; • 4~ JSs :y:,;.; sowing dissension (among), (r,;ill ~) ,_fi;.;
unite, join forces, come together for common
stirring up evil (among), setting people against each
action, gather, band together
partiality, favoritism, favor(ing), ..1..::-:!t, ~ :y~
instigation, incitement, provocation, abet- ~_;:-;
one-sidedness, taking sides (with), siding (with),
bias, prejudice; support, backing, patronage, advo- ment, inducement, rousing, stirring up, fomenti-
tion, motivation, stimulation, prodding, urging,
cation, advocacy
formation of a party;
~ , y ~ ~ :y ~
- . , .- ~-- prompting

rallying, uniting, coming together induction

instigative, instigatory, inciting, provocative, ~r
:;; • ;£ .......
partisanship, factionalism ~~ :y ~
" .......... ;;;; ......
.... :;, provoking, stirring, rousing, stimulative, motiva-
to be or become notched, incised, nicked, ~ : jj;N tive
snicked, crenated(d), serrate(d), indented, jagged,
grooved, fluted, furrowed
- .;.II :: .~
~:11'fr.:AJ •A-~_,.....
·.: :U.. ·:
crenation, serration, indentation distortion, c:. c.s-- .. _ -~

perversion, corruption, -misrepresentation, miS-

to gird oneself, put on a belt rl)-1 ~ : r~
statement, falsification, twist(ing), wrench(ing),
r:;.. e-- 1;- J.;) 'rj) 'r:;.. :~ warping, misinterpretation, misconstruction, alter-
ation, change
to drink, sip ~) , y).. :~
slant(ing), canting, tip(ping), tilt(ing), tiL.l: ~_;.;
to seek information about, try to know, c.S~ :; . • -:..; inclination, swerving, swerve, deviation, deflection
inquire about; to inquire into, investigate ;:;; ........ ,,,... 0 ...

moving, movement; mobiliza- cJ ~ ~ : ~r

-t :. -::..!e.-') --t ~! :-t ;, ~ tion; driving; stirring, stir, shaking
.... ... . .... ... .... . :;, ......
~~~..:--~>e.-')-~~~..:-~>:~ stimulation, whetting; );. , :!,.;.. , •)~ l!.l.!r l:
to bemoan, deplore, lament, regret, sigh (~) ~ actuation, moving, motivation; arousal, (a)rousing,
for, grieve at, pine for, yearn for, long for, pant for stirring up, working up, awakening, awaking,
or after; to be or become regretful, sorrowful, inspiration, excitement, excitation; provocation,
sorry, grieved, sad, distressed instigation, incitement, fomentation
... 'f/\V
~[=================::::::l~.~ '"'"~f ........ ~"'"===='"]!:~:t]!:'W]!:l?"'!!C;S:~::::i>I,: ;j,:l}:t:,= : : i'Jt!: \~:;: :'= ,: : i"I' ,::llJ,Lf!iJ:T!:]!:'t£:]!:$JI!Jltll!BI'IIIJI

hepatolithiasis • ~
# ~\
u=""' ;
• - : - I ~- "
·~ ~)- r-
nephrolithiasis ~~ ~ , QSJI ~ to grope for, probe for, finger, handle, ~ : ~
- -- • - touch, run the hand over; to fumble, grabble; to
4.;\.JI ~ grope about, feel around, feel about or search
cholecystolithiasis ;;~1)1 ~ (with the hands), feel one's way, find by touching
to result, be a result, ensue, come out, ~ : ~· to seek information about, try~ , c.S~ : ~
follow, proceed, issue, arise, originate >;... to know, try to find out (about), inquire about,
make inquiries about, search for, look for, hunt for
to be collected, raised, levied ;.,;. , ~ : J;;;~ :>i ... .,. ...... ~ ;;; ... ., ... ;;; .. ;;
~I ~\J-~ ~ ,~1 :(..)"""""-'
to be obtained, acquired, gained, ~ ~ : J."~
received, attained, achieved, procured, realized ~~ ~1)-~J~ ·~~ :~
to be or become fortified, ~ l ' ~ •c.S~ : ~·
0 • ~ ......

(.)"'L,;..j ~I) -(.)"'L,;..j :~

strengthened, entrenched; to be or become well-
fortified, inaccessible; to be or become secure, safe, ~t;.. I -~t;..: ~<
··- ~) ··- (..)"""""-'
.... :;; ......
protected; to fortify oneself; to strengthen one's to improve, ameliorate, become (get, grow) .j-Ai
position, protect oneself better; to become nicer, more handsome, more
to be immunized, be c.SJ~I _,j _u<>)l ~ ;;~ beautiful
made immune improvement, amelioration
J .,_ • .... '•·... .... .........
~ ~\J -4• .. ~;, .::...its' :ol)l ~ improvement, amelioration, betterment -1:1;..; :~
..... .... 0 ....

allotment, apportionment, al- ~ ' t! !Y :~· beautification, prettying up; ~} '~ : ~

location, portioning, lotting, prorating, distribu- embellishment, adornment, decoration
tion, division, meting out, dealing out
quota system ~ - -=- ··'I
. :;; , ....
i Ua.;_
eugenics ~I y._ :..~ ;4
ameliorative, improving; beautifying, embel- ~ ~ ... ;,.;.
collection, collecting, raising, levy(ing) ~~ : ~ lishing
t¥ J~ ~1)- j~J .ji;.J .~ :~ meliorism r~.
.- ·~ ~~)
- _..··-··; :. ;.
'!J . .-
learning, study(ing), tJJ
(.J':'J.J.A _,1 ~ ~
0 _.. ,. ~ I ... I_.

J,t;.; ~I) -l. \~ :~

education, scholarship, knowledge, lore, erudition, _..A I ... ..-... .-. ~,. ... :-. _..;:;iA_.:

information, letters, academic attainments, schol- .)~l ·~l ~\)-~ ·~

arly accomplishments, scholastic acquirements, --·.- I--·.-:.
educational achievements; pursuit or acquisition of
knowledge to wear shabby clothes, be ~4 ~Q ~:I {•:.;.;
indisputable,~ Jl~ 'l '~ b::: :~~ ~ shabbily dressed, dress slovenly -
" ........... .
"--"' _.;:;; ........
incontestable, unquestionable, indubitable, un- i~l·~l~IJ-~·~
doubted, undeniable, undisputed, beyond ques-
insertion, foisting; interpolation; stuffing, ~ : ~
tion, beyond doubt, beyond dispute, certain, sure,
filling; wadding, padding; cramming, ramming,
clear, definite
fortification, entrenchment, strengthen- ~_,i; :~
ing, reinforcement, manning, bracing, cementation
annota- tJJ
~~ _u~l~ ~ v?-IJll j_~:~ ::(;~
immunization tJJ ........ ,. ........ ;;; ...
_u<>.r _,1 c.SJ~-.¥ ~
.... . tion, glossing, commenting on; commentary,
• ... • • :a .~.... • ...
fortifications, entrenchments; reinforce- .::.~· hemming, bordering, fringing ._,....; _,1 y;.:JI l.~
... ;;; ...... ,....;:;; .......
lithiasis [~]~,~~:(~\)~
to be or become civilized; to be or be- I.).J.A,j : ~
~- 'I * - : ' • I'- ., , :
come urbanized or citified, be or become a city
urolithiasis J>-':' ~ <.?-1-1 ~
dweller or a town dweller, live in a civilized or appendicolithiasis
to have reservations,j;;,.!, 1L;:;..! :(~ Ji ~) ~ urban region, be or become an urbanite or a
make reservations; to be reserved, aloof, reticent, townsman
discreet; to be cautious of, be wary of, beware of, to be or become ready, prepared;~ , ~ : ~
guard against, be on one's guard against; to take to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself
care, take precautions, be careful, watch out
. .... .. , ... :;;,.. ... civilization; urbanization, urbanism ~--
~ --
to take care of, look ~ Jail> , -i ~ : ~ ~
preparation, preparing, readying,_;,~ , .)1~1 : ~
after, attend to, keep; to protect; to preserve,
maintain, keep up
to memorize, learn by heart, com- ~;~;,:·!: -k~
. ..
making ready; making, producing; production -
., ,
r'JJ~' J~! ~~J-r'JJ~~~
, ..... .
mit to memory, con in preparation, being ~I~,~\ c.;._;
reserve, reservation; (self-)restraint, .k~!: ~ prepared
~ .-
aloofness, reticence, closeness, discretion preparatory, preparative, preliminary '-?.~

caution, cautiousness, wariness, j l.r;>! : ~

-. ~--
to break, smash, crash, shatter, come or ~ : ~~·
circumspection; care(fulness), watchfulness; pre- go to pieces, break into pieces, break up, wreck,
caution, precautionary measure fragmentize, crumble; to be or get broken, smash-
"' .... ...... .... cl ......
reservation, proviso, limit- ~ _;.. ~ , j, _;., : ~ ed, shattered, destroyed, ruined, wrecked, frag-
ing condition, conditional stipulation
with (full) reserva- ~ "' ~,~I ,_ -
'- ~ t: , ~ -- ·-- to be wrecked
tion, with (all) reserve, reservedly to crash
without reservation, without reserve,
breaking, breakdown, smash, shatter,
crash, wreck(age), destruction, ruin
precautionary, ;;~~ ·~/~! '~~! :~~~ crash ;1;.;
preventive, protective, safety
precautionary mea- ~ ~.;.; '~ tl ?.)
"' ,,... .. .. • ... "' &... ... •
break(ing), breakage, smashing, ;,5 ,~ :~
sure, precaution, safety measure, safeguard crashing, shatter(ing), crush(ing), destruction,
"' & . . . .... ,. ..... ruin(ing), wreckage, wreck(ing), demolition, de-
attachment, provisional seizure ~ ~ molishment, fragmentation, crumbling
• .... 0 .....
-.JJ, . . 'II , _.;:;i ......
fossilization ~:~· to be or become banned, prohibi-, i ~ , ~ : ~
catalysis [ •L-5'] .'.- ... •:
.... ~·~
ted, interdicted, proscribed, enjoined, barred, out-
lawed, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unauthorized
[.W]~~:~~ ~~'~
-- e--)I-~.~~:,.~~:
-~ ~
~! ~~)-~ ~
memorization drill, drill, inculcation
~ ~ '~ ~ e--1)-~ ~ ..
masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'oeuvre; ~\J :~
.. ..... ,
to materialize, actualize, 1t, C:..,
~: :_:~1 ~ gem, rarity, curio, curiosity, objet d'art, work of
art; showpiece, piece de resistance
become a fact, become real, come true; to be
realized, achieved, fulfilled, effected; to turn out to gift, present
be true, prove (to be) true; to turn out to be right,
to get ready, prepare oneself, ~~, •,::··! :~
prove to be correct; to be confirmed, affirmed,
ready oneself, make (one's) preparations, gird
established oneself (for action), girder one's loins, prepare
I - ;;i 'f.: -" ..-I"" I .,.. ~-"" _. ;:;i _...- Jl f; -" It' "' $ _.. ,;
to~ JS'G ·~!·~ ,~ :~ Jl,r11 ~ (oneselO for action; to be ready, be prepared; to be
make sure of, seek to ascertain, check, verify, reas- alert(ed), be on the alert
surre oneself of, try to know or convince oneself
to get ready to jump
of; to ascertain, find out or learn with certainty
about, know for certain; to be sure of, certain of, readiness, preparedness;
convinced of, confident of; to identify alert( ness)
IINMBilifR!Ii!<WMII·ii!l· ==••
ll'.l!1Xl1E:!:6~,1ft::;:,.:z;:z.:z,*:lli'lftii!iitJ&illi'®:JI!dRlli!li\!,!2!'.!·tfiMiDII!fllf'!I·III\IIIII\IIW¥111\1111!1.-!l*ll\lll!!·i:; ."1'*fl\ih!iMIM¢{h:·:J!G¥,"·~ :itzi+$m.;,:::,,·&!%¥ii>•l
• f !.~ _..
dictatorially; to tyrannize (over), domineer; to be materialization, actualization, becoming (.,.. ~I)~
arbitrary, tyrannical, despotic, imperious, domi- a fact, becoming real, coming true; realization,
neering achievement; turning out to be true (right, correct)
to control, be in control of, ~)a;. :(~) ~ making sure (oO, verification, ( .,.. ~I~ ~
••-) L-

command, be in command of; to dominate, direct, check(ing), checkup; reassurance; ascertainment;

govern, rule, reign, sway, hold sway over, gain certainty, certitude, conviction, sureness, positiv-
power over, be master over; to prevail over, in- ism; identification
fluence, have a dominant influence over
degradation, abasement, debasement, J~~ ~ l:
arbitrariness, despotism, auto- .rH:G , .) I~!
: -~:_:: r lowering, demeaning, humbling, humiliation; dis-
cracy, absolutism, dictatorship, tyranny, highhand- paragement, depreciation
edness, domineeringness, imperiousness, authori-
insult, offense, affront .( li l :~
control, command; domination, ~--
ii)a;.. : ~ --·- contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision ~IJ:j! :~
dominion, sway, power, authority; prevalence, contempt of court ~I~
remote control
., ."~:_~
realization, carrying out, achieve- i .. ±'.; , j~ J : ~

arbitrary, despotic, autocratic, (,?:1~! :~·

. .. . -~:_::
ment, accomplishment, attainment, consumma-
tion, fulfillment, execution, effectuation, perfor-
absolute, dictatorial, tyrannical, highhanded, impe- mance, working out, actualization, bringing about,
rious, domineering, authoritative making real, making come true, putting into effect,
giving effect to, bringing into effect
~ ~\J- .rG ,.)\...:.:::..\
securing, ensuring, procuring, ~,;; , ~ ~ : J.. ;; ;_;
procurement; yielding, production -
arbitration ~
.... , .,.'IJ satisfaction, fulfillment, meeting, -! t~ j : J... ~:..;
compromis d'arbitrage, arbitration ~ JliU!
answering, serving; adequacy, sufficiency
granting, compliance with, accedence ~ : J...~~
award, arbitral (or arbitration) award, ~ :1) to ' -
verification, establishment, -l:!~, c.W] : ..;._~;
arbitral tribunal; court of arbitration ~~ substantiation; confirmation, affirmation; -determi-
arbitral, arbitrational • • (":..7 nation, fixing, pinpointing; identification
inquiry, inquest, examination.~~,~:..;._~
(~) ~ :1) ~\)-~ ~\) investigation, inspection, exploration, probe,
to adorn oneself, bedeck oneself, -::;; , ~ : J::.;.; study(ing), scrutiny, survey(ing)
spruce up, make oneself pretty; to be adorned, interrogation, examina- J~!, yl~! :J:,._;.~
embellished, beautified, bedecked, decked out tion, questioning, investigation, inquiry, inquest,
to be endowed with, distin- ~! , ~ :-! ~
- - inquisition, hearing
:;;; , "' :;i • :;;; ,. ;;;. :;i , ....
guished by, marked by, characterized by - identification ~fi_,l ~1_,1 ~\ill~
to be sweetened, sugared )::.:.. , I~ J;:. :~ reportage, report
"' , , ... .. .
to ooze, seep, exude, tran- JL , 2-~ ~ ~:,; , : probate of wills ~C.~I ~~
sude, leak, trickle, drip, dribble; to run, flow
,, ___ ,..,. ,, ...... :;;..,.. ... _~...... li ~\)- J:~·t\ ~\;
to water (his mouth watered); "-!W JL : w ~
to drool, drivel, dribble, slobber, slaver to pick a quarrel with, start a -! J.~ :~ ~
brawl with; to provoke, stir up
oozing, ooze, seep(age), exudation, ~~ , ~ : ~·
transudation, leak(age), trickling, dripping, drib- ~ ;,&! ~\)- ~ ;,&! :~ ~
bling; running, flowing to have one's own way (in);~~,-!·,~:··!:(~)~~
dispensation; absolution to rule tyrannically, handle arbitrarily, manage
compounding, breaking up, breaking down, -lysis, to move, budge; to be dislodged, dis- (;..) : ~~
disintegration placed, removed
legalization, legitimization; authoriza- ;;j~ J : ~ to gather in a circle (around); to sit in a (JP,) J!;.;
tion, sanction(ing); permission, permitting, allow- circle (around), form a circle (around); to sur-
ance, allowing round, encircle, ring
urinalysis to disengage (oneselO from, disen- )~
tangle oneself from, detach oneself from, extri-
Ji;.; :r. ::r.
cate oneself from, release oneself from, free oneself
electrolysis; electroanalysis from, relieve oneself from, rid oneself of
chemical analysis ~! e-1)- ~ ·~! :;;W
:;:; ... ,... ... -' ;;:.,... ,...
;]...;! e-1) _..........., ·~J! :JL.;

psychoanalysis ~! e-1) -yl~ :;;W

analytic(al) disengagement, disentanglement, detach- J~ : Jt.;
ment, release
analytic geometry J~l IJ- .J~: ,J~I
- - e- c-""' - -
to be or become enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, ~
eager; to enthuse (over), show enthusiasm, thrill, J~! e-1)-~ q~~! :Jl;
get all worked up, get excited J~! t"!"IJ- 0~J~ :j;.;
-- -- J- :.
4...~ e-1)-~
Proteolysis • · • ' "tf:: '·~- :
. · '.q J.l:oo.>
~Jr. (.)"'"'"' ' ~J .1':'
to roast, be or become roasted (.;;,.:;J ~I) ~ thermolysis ~ 1 1;.. Jt.;
to toast, be or become toasted ( o;;,.:; J :;.1 I) ~ lipolysis,~ Jj ~~ Jt.; , 1.;."•JI Jj ~~I JW
to sour, become sour; to acidify, ~\:.. )\.... :~ adjpolysis
become acid
, , ~ .... ... photolysis
to be developed dJ HI ~ histolysis
.... _..;;!,... .................. ::;:; ........
to bear, stand, endure, toler-<.}~ , ~ , J\.1 I : ~
sweetening, surgaring
ate, put up with, abide, brook, stomach, sustain,
support; to undergo, suffer, experience, pass desalination, desalini-
through, go through
....... .. ::;:;,....... .......... . .... ::;:; .......
zation, desalting
to assume, ~~ j& ..i.;-1, J;.
·~ ~! :~ adornment, decoration, em- J.~:;, r:r./): (1:..:;
bear, undertake, take upon oneself, take on, take Qellishment, ornamentation, beautification; candy-
over, shoulder, carry ing, sweetening, sugaring
to depart, decamp, leave, set out ~ ~! :~ making someone swear; u.t;.; ~>)1 ~ : ~
- ' - - - J--
endurance, toleration, tol- o\.; ~ , ~ , jJ \.1 J : ~ swearing in, putting to (or upOn) oath, adminis:
erance, bearing, standing, putting up with, sustain- tration of an oath on (or to)
ment, supporting; stamina, fortitude; undergoing, 0~1
-- e- 1) -•:.!.l.: :~
sufferance, suffering, experiencing
J·ury [u· ·t;]~~.~t;J
assumption(oO, undertakingz.l;. ·~ "t~!

:~j,- .Y ·- .. ·- .
(oO, bearing, taking upon oneself, taking on or flying, flight, soar(ing), winging, hov- 0 1;,1 : ~
over, takeover, shouldering, carrying
durability, strength, hardiness, solidity, ~ t::. :~
--- j,-
rise, rising, towering,
:>~ 't~J! :~
. .-
firmness, toughness soar(ing), ascending, ascent '
~;.!: ~
I :;f ;1... I,...

analysis, analyzation; as- •,r.<>~ JJ ~>;_,.:.11 :>J: ~


to blacken, black, become (grow, turn)

black say; dissolution, resolution; decomposition, de-
~r· ,.,, ··c=============~-K~H
... • :;;..... ... ... .... ... ;;i ......

~~! ~I;- c}jj '.J.r>!: ~~

~~! ~1;-~~ heating, warming (up), calefaction

~! ';,:; 'J~ : J;,;.; enthusing, making enthusiastic; ~ ;~ : ~

to change, alter, shift,
switch, convert, transform, transmute, mutate, thrilling, electrification, galvanization; (a)rousing,
arousal, stirring (up), working up, excitement, ex-
undergo change or conversion; to turn (into), grow
(into), pass (into), become, assume the form or citation, stimulation, whetting; kindling; embold-
shape or state of; to be changed, altered, shifted, ening, encouragement, animation
switched, converted, transformed; to move, trans- roasting; toasting - •- ...~..a.o ·-~
fer, be moved, be transferred souring; acidification, G...b. f.. •.. 1\ ·,~:.._ : . • :
0&- u ~! ' 0&- u~! :0&- J~
to turn away acidulation ....
from, turn one's back on; to relinquish, renounce, • f, J

development, developing 'j,; ~I . -

~ ~
give up, abandon, forsake, leave, quit; to move •- " I :.._:
away from, go away from, withdraw from; to loading, lading, freighting, ~·J..J:~
deviate from, depart from, deflect from, turn aside freight(age); stevedoring
from, divert from, diverge from, digress from, burdening, charging,(~) (~) :~ JWJ, .WJ
swerve from encumbering; overburdening,- bearing down on,
: ·~1 ':?Y"'
I - 'JG-1_.r
JG-1-~) .i 'J"': weighing down on
change, alteration, conver- J~! , _r.iU , J~ : J ~
~-- ~-- ~- - bearing
sion, transformation, transmutation, mutation; suppository
shift, turn(ing), switch, transition; metamorphosis;
transfer(ence) to devote oneself to the ser- ~~I ~) , ~ : ~
from sin
vice of God, practice piety; to refrainJ;;iJ ... :>i .......
to be embalmed, mummified (41 I?-)~
.. ~--
to be stuffed C.JJ1 Ji ::,l;l;,ll ~?--) J:;_;
deviation from, departure from, deflection~Y' J~
mummification ~-
~- -
from, diversion from, digression from, swerving
from, turning away or aside from; relinquishment, ~ c,;._ ~I;-~~:~~-
renunciation, abandonment, leaving, quitting ;:B ..... J . . . J ...... ......... • &... ...
J~ u..&.i u~ ~1.; -~ .~ :.:,;..:..;
turning point ... , ...
modification, changing, change, ~~, ~_.:; : fiy::; embalmment, mummification (~I)~
alteration, conversion - - -
. ... . ... stuffing, taxidermy (1-.JJI Ji ,c,l;l;,ll)
- ~
distortion, perversion, cor- ~,.:.; ' ~.A:!~ : ft~
to coil, twist, turn, wind, writhe, wriggle <.S~ : <.S;,;.;
ruption, misrepresentation, misstatement, falsifi- ... ;;;.... :;; ... ...
cation, twist(ing), wrench(ing), warping to contract ~:($~
change, alteration, conversion, ~, ~~ : .,ky::; ,..... ... ,..... .... ;;; .....
to seek, try to obtain, ask for ~b. ;_,_..u. : ~
transformation, transmutation, mutation; -shifting, .. :il.·< .... :,a .. :
switching; transfer(ence) to shop, purchase, buy ~ •(Y"'
... 1:;; ..... ... ;:;:; .....
transmutation [ .~] ~r to be modified, changed, altered, con- u...uU :.;~
;;i • , ....
transfer, alienation, conveyance, dis- ~I~~ ... :;"1..- ... .. :;; .....

to be distorted, perverted, corrupted, u ~ :;~

posal of, cession, delivery, assignment
.... ,, ,
remittance, sending, for- C•-
warding, transfer
i.JI,.- ~I;
J _,_.., V-1~'"'
.. ~... ·~f'"'.
.. .-
misrepresented, misstated, falsified, twisted,
to writhe, wriggle, coil, twist
<.S:;.t:i :j~
... :;:; ......

diversion from, alienation from, cr~r 1b. ~I.)-~) '~ : 1;,;.;

letters; to inform one another, keep one another

deviation from, deflection from, detraction from,
turning (aside or away) from, keeping (away) from

to fail, weaken, lose strength or power, ~ : J1~ switch, shunt (~::~:~1 ~I)~;.;
languish, droop, flag, slacken ... .:o;... • ...
.... } ..... hovering, circling, revolving, rota- ~» ).,).,.,Q.A :f..,-;
weakness, feebleness, languor, droop, u.....<o:J.)~ tion
effeteness, failure
.; . ... ,
... ... ,
greeting, salutation, salute; cheer, welcome ~'i:,. : ~
military salute ~~ ~
~I· ·1 :4:.1.)~
- • :. J ........
- -
.. , ~- , .. (ljS') (.S;~ ~~l e.-') -(ljS') (.S;~ ~
to part company, separate, break off; to disso- · (.J ~ ':11...... :. ...
ciate, disassociate, disengage compliments, greetings, regards, c.~ :c.~
respects, good wishes, best wishes
separation, dissociation, disassociation, disen- ~~ ~
gagement to be or become ~~), ~~!, ;;;.J-1 ~ ~J :--.;;:-;
... ........... ... J... .... ........... confused, puzzled, perplexed, bewildered, non-
0-> e.-')-~ :.;,:.~ plussed, confounded, distracted, mazed, baffled,
...... } J ... ;;t... .... ... ......
to feign roughness or rude- ;.; ~I UlS:; : (,!. 6.; embarrassed, discomfited, disconcerted, perturbed,
ness dismayed, at a loss, at one's wit's end; to hesitate,
to put one's hand on the .;.,;;. j& ~~ c;..:; :~~ waver, falter, be unable to choose (between), be
waist unable to decide, show indecision or uncertainty
to hold hands -.
·~ •o_r:> ~1;-~
-" ~- -
to quarrel, dispute, argue, wrangle,
ftght, contend
to side with, take y;;,.; , ~l> , jb..i! :JJ Ji J ~
sides with, take someone's part, favor, be partial
to litigate, carry on a lawsuit; to sue ~\Z :~6;.; to, align oneself with, be biased for, have a bias for,
one another be prejudiced for
~-- - ... J ... • !, .... ...
... J )I

4...~ ~I;-('""~
J .......
partiality, favoritism, y ~ ' o4b.:. ' j~! :~
favor(ing), one-sidedness, alignment, siding (with),
to converse, talk or speak to one ~~~ : ~~ taking sides (with), bias, prejudice
another, hold (have, engage in) a talk or con~er­
to menstruate (~~I ~) ~
....... J .. .:o; ... -
J ... .... J ...... to wait (watch, look) for an opportunity; 4..,..)..11 ~
conversation, talk(ing), speaking (to C,,)t:;,.; : ~~ to bide one's time
one another), speech, discourse, interlocution , .. J • :;i )I .... • ...

neutralization 1.1:! b.:. ~;_,:.!I ~ : ~

to bet, wager, make a bet (; 1) :.:,1~ ,. • ;:; J. ... • ...
... )I J ... ... , , ..... J ...... putting aside, keeping aside~~ ~<J-11 ~J: ~
telepathy ~I_,.;L-1 J.)Q, ~I_,.;L-1 .)),; :,..J:,~
confusion, confusing, puzzling, per- 1!.14~j: ~
to snatch (or seize) from one another U1~
plexing, bewildering, nonplussing, distraction, baf-
to whisper together; to exchange ~(i , ~G : ;;J~ fling, baffle, discomftture, disconcertion, pertur-
secrets bation, disrnay(ing)
to be or become friends, associate (with J~c.a; : ~~ to become sour; to ferment (,...;'JI) ~
one another) ... -s ...... ......... : ; . .
to rot, decay, putrefy ~ , ..l....i : t}
to be or become quits, even; to settle ;:,...:.. ~ : ~ ~
to behave maliciously or wicked- ;• :1.1 ~ i :~ ~
a mutual account
---- __ ,. - ---
to agree, come to (reach, bring r" \&; , J.U! :vo:Jl.;.;
ly, show malice; to be or become vicious, wicked,
evil, evil-minded; to be or become sly, wily, foxy
about) an agreement, come to terms
to communicate with each other, contact each .:;.~
to be sincere toward one another, beJc.a; :~6;.; other, get in touch with each other, call one anoth-
honest with one another er; to correspond, write (to) each other, exchange

J- -
coagulation, clotting; curdling; congealment, j:.Ai to intermix, intermingle, interblend, (jc; :JJ~
congelation, thickening, solidification; thrombosis blend, mix, mingle, commingle, commix
, .. ... .. ......
coagulation, clotting; curdling; congealment, ./~ intermixture, intermixing, intermin- c;:}.; : .hl \.;.;
congelation, thickening, solidification gling, interblending, blending, mixture, mixing,
to groove, furrow, wrinkle; to be or become ~~ mingling
furrowed, grooved, rutty, wrinkled
~ ,. . . . . ...'IJ.. ...:;; .......
,~ . .J): x.:..! e--';-~1:.... ,: ;F:.., :Ul~
to be anesthetized, narcotized, ~I ...W , ;..J> :.J.JAi (C: 'J;.
doped, drugged, stupefied, dazed, (be)numbed
J~l :'~'~
to stay at, remain at ~): u~ ~~ ,.. •
- e.- I.) - d(-<
j... ... , ..
, -:'. <
.r."-' ~
..,, , , , ......
.. ......
---· - ~-- J~! e.-')-~ 'JJ~ ·~j '~ :~\.;.;
e.-') -.).JAi
J,:.:..i! e.-') - -:.;.~ . . e--)I _t,;
hiding, concealment, concealing
furrowing, grooving, rutting, wrinkling ~~

anesthetization, narcotization, doping, drug- ~~

;:.·::.! e--1;-~J::·! ,Jt :-;;;;
ging, stupefaction; anesthesia ~ e--1;-~ ,z.,..~ .~ :~
anesthetic; narcotic (?.~~ to flounder, stumble, blunder,
, ... -.....
I~ i~ : ~
.... ....... - ~....... ~

scarification; scratching move unsteadily or confusedly, proceed clumsily

........ ~ ....... ., ... ... or blindly, act aimlessly; to grope (about, for),
..i.O.j! ,.i.:;.l e--1;-~ fumble (about, for); to bump, proceed in a series of
,.. :ii' ....
to be or become ruined, destroyed, wrecked, y ~ bumps
havocked, ravaged, devastated, demolished, deso- to welter, wallow, roll (about), toss :. t;;; :-~~
late, damaged; to go to ruin; to be subverted, sabo- (about)
taged, vandalized to stray, wander; to get lost, go ;t;, J:..: -~~
to graduate (from); to be educated (.j Ji ~) ~ astray
(in), trained (in)
~- - to fall victim to liS'~; Ji ~~;.., (.j) -~:..: eJ :
,_- ,_._~ or of, be or become a victim or prey of
commencement, graduation (exercises) c;:_rioj UA> to be lost in, .J ;:;;. ,.J ,
-~- .j t_L.D: (.j) -~
to sink in, be immersed in
to fabricate lies against, accuse ~ LS~! : ~ ~~ to jumble, clutter, run in
... ...

y)w.! , ~ : ~
.... • ... ............... ~ .... #

falsely of; to slander, defame, calumniate, malign,

disorder or confusion, get into a state of unrest or
vilify, asperse, traduce, speak evil of turmoil, be in a mess or chaos; to be or become
... ... ,..,... .... .... .... ..... ,.. :ii' ...

tr- 't-"'"" e-- 1;-Ua.,;. ·~;! :~ disturbed, unsettled, disordered, muddled,

to be or get torn, rent; to tear, ~! , d~ :~~ jumbled; to get all mixed up
~ I-~:-~
rend, rive, tatter
-<:I I ~.-.:, - :-;.:1 .-~-.::
. e.-; . _. ·-
i~- e.-)-_,....._·~- ·r~ bed; bedstead
r;..! e.-') -J:..t:.! .~i :r~ sofa, couch; bench; seat ~ :~
destruction, ruin(ing), ~ , ~~ , (-~ : ~;:-; throne ,_;.';. :(~1) ~
ruination, wreck(ing), wreckage, havocking, dev- capital ~~ :(~j~l Ji ~I)~;;,;
astation, ravage, demolition, demolishment, dilapi-
dation, desolation, laying waste; sabotage; subver- wardrobe, closet; cabinet, cupboard, .:;l":i- :~:._;
sion; vandalism chest; locker
subversive,destruc- il~ ·~~~ ·~~ :~;:-; orchestra, band ~~~... ...... ~

tive, vandalistic, devastative to coagulate, clot; to curdle, curd; to congeal, ~

(act oO sabotage thicken, solidify
, ... ;:i ... ,. ... , •.. • ....
cation, assignment
, , • ;;I
graduation r::,..;..:.ll !.)If!. ~ :r!f.r:;
(~j) J. .~,...,.,;- ~1;-~1 (~j) J. interpretation, exegesis, expla- ~ , ~! ~ : ~ ~
U"_,:J,, - nation, exposition
0 ' 0 '. J _• ~
(ti.UI.i) ·.:
J I _
c.l..W....:. ~I; -c.~:~~ facing, lining

r... ,........ _
-- ':? ~r
to be dyed, tinged, tinted, colored, 0;E :~ commencement, graduation (exercises)~ ~.
painted; to be pigmented
to be or become bloodstained, stained r~~ :....:..~
piercing, punching, perforation, puncturing, f..r
puncture, riddling, drilling, boring; (needlepoint)
with blood, ensanguined, bloody, go!Y
.. .. .
"' , .....
making(something)green ~~ ~;_,:.11 ~ :~
•_ lace, openwork, lacemaking, lacework, filigree
(needlepoint) lace, lacework, openwork, filigree~r
*- , - --· )*1-.:
overstepping, going be- ~ • jJ~ :(~I .Jt»,j
yond; exceeding, surpassing, transcendence, tran- uj:i- ~I;-
U-r :;; ........
scending, outreaching; overreaching, extending be- ~~1;-~
yond; passing, passage, going past, leaving behind, .... ;ji.... ... ~ ... ..... " _......... .... .... :;; ........

overtaking, outstripping, outdistancing, getting to lignify, become ~ , ~ J I ~ ;L,., : ~

ahead of wood or woody; to stiffen, harden, solidify, freeze;
trespass(ing), transgression, en- J. . * --
to be or become stiff, hard, rigid
croachment upon, inroad(s) upon, making inroads lignification, becoming wood or woody; stiff- ~
ness, rigidity, hardness
skipping, disregard, omission
. - rigor [~] .~~~
__ :. '.:._;__ , . ,

crossing, traversing, traversal, JJ-:S' 'j4! :Ja..u
... :: . - catalepsy ~ t'; I '~ ... ~
A • -

passing through
;:ii,... ....

to show reverence; to humble t~ '~ ~

oneself, show humility, be or become humble; to
implore, beg, supplicate
c,!.~! ~1;-~
to overstep, go beyond; to
lignification, conversion into~
.... ....
JJ ~,..; :~
~ . .... . ...
exceed, surpass, transcend, outreach; to overreach,
wood -
extend beyond; to pass, go past, leave behind,
overtake, outstrip, outdistance, get ahead of wooden shed; hut, cottage, shanty, (,..
. ~ .-
.. "".:;,;
to trespass, transgress, encroach
upon, make inroads upon
J. (.$~! :~; shack
,, .
to specialize r,.WI ~ .~ ~ ~! :~ Jl "'i ~
;;; ..... , .... :;; .......

. . . .. ;:jj ..... in, major in

to skip, disregard, omit, bypass ~~:~
to cross, traverse, pass (proceed, r , , j~!: ~
.... . ;;; ..... "'i ~!~I; -"'i :,;_;! '"'i }l:.:! :"'i ~
• !. .......
go, move) through specialization; specialism; specialty, U"~! : ~
field of specialization; major
to strut, prance, swagger, mince Jt:::..! , ;~ :~
..... .. .. ,., ....... :J .,.,. ,..:J ...... Y~l~l;-~
)». ~I;- y-4.,i; 'r:::',; :)a.;.;
. ,. , ...... .... specification, particulariza- ~, ..1:1~ :~
.... ....
strut(ting), prancing, prance, J~! '_r.:;:..;; :~
swagger(ing), mincing
- - , .-- & -- ~ -. :
tion, individualization, itemization; specialization
earmarking, singling out, designa- .) 1.) ~
.l : .-
ul_,..l:..;. ~l;-y-4.,i; 'r:;-:,; :~ tion, destination, assignment, appropriation, set-
;a......... ;:;; .....
to be or become striped, streaked, stripy, ~ : JJu.; ting aside, setting apart, marking
streaky, barred, ruled; to be or become striate(d),
lined, banded
devotion, dedication, consecra-
U"l! p :~
allotment, apportionment, allo- ~
.: : ~
EIM#4'i§1¥ffi·!S%'iiiifiBI'¥&H '

softening, lightening, miti- ~, ~ : • •.. ~~ to strut, prance, swagger, mince J~!, ;.:..~:: ~
gation, palliation, mollification, alleviation, easing, drawing, ruling, lineation, ~ , ....~ , ~~ : ~
easement, soothing, relieving, relief, allaying,
lining, tracing; striping, streaking; striation; stripes,
appeasement, assuagement, attenuation, extenua-
pattern of stripes
tion, relaxing, relaxation, qualification, modera- J J J I"' I -'

tion, tempering, toning down delimitation, demarcation, J ..>..:L I · - : ..l:a...h:;.;

-' ~ ··-
dilution, diluting, thinning, ~; , ~:-· :: : ~
attenuation, weakening '
~ .... ;;ii J .....
~Ianning •. de~igning, pr~jec- ... ~J ~ :
tlon, projectmg, schemmg, schematlzmg, charting,

relaxation (reduction, easing) of ;~1 ;;~ ~

tension - - ··- laying out, layout, mapping out .....
J (II .. ;;i

deceleration, slowing down, slow- plan, design, project, scheme;;.:. , 41.:;.. : ..l:a...h:;.;
pattern, sketch, outline, diagram, layout ··-
down, slowness, going slowly • ;;ij J I ,...

audiography ~\ ~
commutation (of a punishment or
.... :>1 J ....
penalty) • .... J ..... echography, ultrasonography (.S..wJI~
weight reduction uj,JI ~ ..... J .....
..... J J J
cardiography; electrocardiography ~I~
extenuating circumstances ~ u _, .Jj; l,;;i J I ""'

;;ii • .... .. J J .....

sphygmography ~~~
extenuating circumstances 4:~ .. ~ .-..; u _,):> , ~!..!;,;
• .... .. J ........ tJ,... :o; - ........ graphic (.,?'_ •.• ·~
abandonment, ~; , cr- Jjl.;j : (cr-) (~I) ~ "" .- ........
giving up, relinquishment, surrender, yielding, sketch, design, outline, schema, ~ ("")
renunciation, forgoing, waiver, disclaimer, cession, graph, chart, diagram
leaving, quitting, dropping, laying down, putting '/1..- :. - ........
disguise, masqu;!rade; hiding, conceal- (~I) U:;.;
away; abdication (of a throne or high office)
ing oneself; concealment, hiddenness
to abandon, give up, relin- ~) , cr- J}G : cr- ~ (.$~ 1.;; , ;:.,:. , ~ }8 :
to disguise oneself, be
quish, surrender, yield, renounce, forgo, waive,
disguised, be in disguise; to mask, masquerade; to
disclaim, cede, leave, quit, drop, lay down, put
hide (oneselO, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of
away; to abdicate (a throne or high office)
to desert (in time of need), ~) , J~ :cr- ~
forsake, walk out on, abandop, let down, fail # e--'J- ~! :.:,W
someone when most needed ~-e--)-~
cs-! e--'J -~! :~· to hasten, hurry, rush t_;.i :ut.;
to be or become disjointed, dis- & ~ , ~ ~ :~ .... } ... "" (II ... .... ;:ii .... ....

located, disarticulated; to be or become disengaged,



e-- IJ -
J.Aj .J.f> ' u.;. : ......u...;.;
J .... .... ..... ;:;; ......
.... .......... ;;i

disconnected, detached; to loosen to wear or put on slippers J....::; ~ , ~I ~ : ......u...;.;

or sandals or shoes; to be shod -
to be shaken, convulsed, ~~ : (~ ~ ~) Jj:..; lil .. .'.:
reduction, lowering, decrease,
rocked; to be displaced, dislodged, removed; to '·~
'-"" cutback,
move, budge decreasing, lessening, diminution, cut,
cutting down, scale-down, minimization, abate-
to be or become worn, shabby, ragged, ;f. :~~
tattered; to wear out, fray, tatter - ment, pulling down, markdown; turning down, '
I . . .-
disarmament, arms limitation
to rarefy ~ 8' J;i ~L,..: J..i~ ~
............ J(il J .........
devaluation; debasement A~\ (~) ~ .... ~:._;
rarefaction, rarity 4i \!5" ll.; : ~· • ... J .....
.... .. • .... "":. .. ..... : ;;ii... .... weight reduction uj,JI~
to get rid of, rid oneself Jljl , ().!, ..i.:-i :~ ~
lightening ~
-.. :..,;,. :~
of, do away with, dispense with, dispose of, make "" ......
away with; to discard, throw ofT or away; to re-
move, eliminate
decrease decreasing · .'.:
~''-"" .·~
li1 · · .'.:
lessening, diminution, reduction, cutback, cutting
to escape ~ ts;. ,~ ~~ ,~ G,.: :~ ~:._; down, abatement; turning down
,.. .. ,
llllllllllii'IW#\##IIilllllil!llliiiii•IIIIDII. . ~·~lllll!tilll:IBilll:iilll*IIMIIIItWIIIIiii:CJ§II:IlmMIIIIiiii&JIIQillwlll!iMII!i¥!ll!vill!li!H!ll!ik::il;jt!li!,K:;:.::::::tMII0t@lliill!i,llr!il
mindedness, moronity, idiocy, imbecility from, get away from, save oneself from; to be or
to be molded, shaped, SiS:::. ~ l ' ~ :~· become free(d) from, liberated from, released from,
formed, fashioned; to take (take on, assume, relieved from, cleared of, exempt(ed) from, saved
acquire) a form or shape from, rescued from, delivered from; to free oneself
from, liberate oneself from, disengage oneself
to acquire (attain, adopt,~~: 1j5- ~i-,~ ~
from, disentangle oneself from, release oneself
take on, assume, receive) the manners or character from, extricate oneself from
of }J .....

to affect (feign, simulate) the~ : 4.A.l> .r.:A~ ~

.... ;; ........ ..-;;i.... .... getting rid of, ridding oneself of, doing
away with, dispensing with, disposal of, making
~ :r
manners or character of - - -
away with; discarding, throwing otT or away;
JG.l e:IJ-~\,.. '~ :~ removal, elimination; escape from, getting away
formation; genesis u~ '~ : ~ from, saving oneself from; freedom from,
liberation from, release from, disengagement from,
morphogenesis; genesis; differenti- [ ~ ~ i ] ~ disentanglement from, extrication from
ation to be or become disjointed, dislocated, ~ : ~
morphogenetic; morphological ~ disarticulated, luxated; to be or become discon-
to intervene, interpose, intermediate, lie 1:..-;; :Jt.; nected, disjoined, disunited; to be or become disas-
sembled, dismounted, taken apart, dismantled, dis-
(fall, occur, be, come, go) between or in between
membered; to disjoint, disarticulate, disassemble,
to permeate, pervade, percolate, ;:;;:,;..1 , ~ : Jt.; come apart, fall apart, break up
(inter)penetrate, infiltrate, spread through(out)
to pick the teeth
~ L:.:.l
.. c_;:.. :J.L;.;......
;; ......... :;; to drink heavily; to be addicted to
yl~l ~ ~

to acetify t,. ~ L..:. :Jt.; to lag, fall behind, stay behind, ; (IY') ~ t:
remain behind, drop behind; to tarry, linger; to fail
intervention, interposition, intermediacy,..t.:_-;; : Jt.; to
intermediateness J J .... .... ;;i ......
J_,..4J.IIY' UL;.;
permeation, permeance, perva-ol~l, ~~
to absent oneself, be or remain
:Jt.; absent, be or stay away, fail to appear or show up,
sion, percolation, (inter)penetration,- infiltration,
fail to attend or be present
spreading through(out)
to default, be in arrears, be behind- ~':JI ~; ,;t,:
hand, be behind, fall behind, fail to pay' on time
leaving, leaving alone, letting alone, un- eJ'..r'= : ~
• ... ... ... ..... }J ...... ,:ii .....

.. _ to default, fail to appear ~WI il:.l J~IIY' UL;.;

handing, release, freeing in court ' '
abandonment, giving up -~-::=
IY'~. ••,
.n:..: to be or become mentally retarded I~ I:~ J~ ;
desistance, abstention,
. "' . ....
ul.A,; l 'IY' t ~ l :~
lag, retardation, falling behind, staying ) ~· t:
refrainment, forgoing; discontinuance, stopping behind, remaining behind, dropping behind; tarry-
~i--l e: 1J -tl)l '~~ :~:..: ing, lingering; failure to
J J ... "' " ......
• J .... nonattendance, nanappearance, J_,..4:1.1 ~ UL;.;
·~I I 8.:;.;
~ ~
'e: J-~
I '
.. absence, nonpresence, being away, staying away,
perpetuation, eternization, ~ ~ '~ J~ : # remaining away, failure to attend or show up;
immortalization truancy; absenteeism
commemoration default, failure to pay on time,
in commemoration of, in mem-(ljS') c.S) :iJ (~ being in arrears
... ... ~ JJ "' -~ ..... -::
ory of, in remembrance of, in memoriam' - default, failure to ap- ~WI ~C. I ~~I~ UJ..;.;
pear in court
salvation, deliverance, rescue, ~ _;,;. , ~~ j : ~
rescuing, saving, salvage, salvaging; liberation, underdevel- JJ-1; Jl i_,_;u ~ :(tJJ
J- '
1L..;.;.) UL;.;
' J"
l? ' J- '

freeing, setting free, extrication, release, relief; opment, backwardness, retardation

riddance amentia, mental retardation; feeble-
:Aflf&~}efh¢;$F01¥}:· -ua5f}1 • ·~~t::::::::::;:;c_.;::::.:;:<,::::·:::-,,:i;:r:=:::::::::!,:E:·.<::·.::::::::::=::====::::11

ness, femininity, unmanliness _ redemption, deliver- [~I~] •~.._1.1..1 ~ ~Q •• ~:..;

u;. ,;:.;~;. c::-1)-u~ :u;;-. ance, salvation
clearing, clearance, clarifica- t_i.; ';( :Q~ :~
(t'J y;.;JI Ji ~UI) .;.;_ t"'IJ-~~ tion, purification, refinement, ..refini~g, purgi~g
frightening, scaring, alarming, t}~') 'yl. ~! ~~ : clearance, clearing (8''·'.) 'WI~
··-~ e::. . --
intimidation, terrifying, terrorization, panicking
6.. ~:..; ~
entitlement; authorization, empower- ~;i. :Jt,;;.; c::-1)-

ment, accreditation, delegation (of authority); i11- dislocation, disjunction, disarticulation,~ : ~

vestiture, investment; comrnission(ing), charging; disconnection; disassembly, dismount(ing), dis-
entrustment, commitment mantlement, taking to pieces
granting, giving, accordance, bestowal, ~ : .1~ synthesis
... .... , ....
photosynthesis i,.i>~
y\;. t"'IJ -~:; ~,-:,_ J•I "t
acetification i.P' v.!.,....• :: ~
I ,:.,_:.

Jc;..! .~t.::.! ·~
c::-1)- _;:;
[.L.>i] ~
acetification -t. ~~I i~/,~, Jti :J~;.,~
mitosis ~.. ,... ... ...... ... ;jii... ... .......

J .... ~.. .... • ~ . . . ~"" ..... to delimit, demarcate, define, I,.,_ .U J....:- ' .)..'- : ~
to imagine, fancy, conceive, •J~ : •;_rll J;;.;..> fix or mark the limits or boundaries of; to limit,
ideate, envisage, visualize, picture (in the mind), confine, bound
envision, vision; to think, suppose, ass~me
, .... ... ;:;~... ... • 0,11 , ... ... ;:;:; ......
to suffer from indigestion; to be or ~~ ~ ~ 1:&
to seem to, appear to, look .U J~ : :;_,.:JI .U J.:._:;.; feel satiated, glutted, gorged, overstuffed
to; to present itself to, reveal itself to, show itself to .... , ,. ...
4...:;.:i c::-1)-~
J .... :;; ...... ... .... ... :;; ......

to see promising signs in, 4.-y ::_;;.;LI

expect (a lot oO good of, set (great) hopes on
~ ~
.. ... , .....
.~~... .
boundary, frontier, border,
I Jt.::. -t"J~~~
I - - •c-: : :'.-: :-,•-:,: borderline, limit, confines; edge, end, extremity,
...... ~ ...... :J... ... ~ ....... fringe, margin, verge, brink
imagination, imagining, J~ 'r" _,:; 'J~ : ~ • J

indigestion, dyspepsia; surfeit, satiety ~

fancy(ing), conception, ideation, envisaging, visu-
alization, vision(ing), fantasy, phantasm
I ......... . . ~ ....... ~ !. .... ...
~! c::-1)-~
~ ~
J ... t")- ~J ''?!~ :#J G.,.~ . . :.
fermentation, ferment, zymosis ) - -·~
c~ -~i :<-·: :..-.:. ...
r.> t" 1J -~~~
~ .... ....
.... 1.5 ...
C• - ~ ~ ~ fermentative; zymogenic .. ~
frustration, thwarting, foiling, defeat, .kG.. I : ~ fermentation, fermenting
discomfiture, balking, blocking, forestall~e~t · .. ,.
disappointment, frustration; JL.':11 Ji J.~l :. --~
leavening, raising (of dough)
... - .... J ....
dashing the hopes of - -
• :jl J .. • 0 .....
brewing, brewage, brew (of t'J HI Jl ~~I~
letting or making someone~!~ ~I ~.r'" ~: .i~ beer, etc.) ,:;; , .... ...
choose, granting or giving someone the option or sweating (of tobacco leaves, t'J -~I ~IJJI ~
choice or alternative etc.) ..... .... .
guess(ing), conjecture, surmise, gues- J?: ~
assessment, appraisal, appraisement, ~~ :~
estimation, estimate, evaluation, valuation, rating
to be or become effeminate, womanish, ~ ~ 1:
womanly, unmanly, feminine; to feminize; to dis-
play effeminate manners
camping, encamping, encampment; effeminacy, womanishness, womanli- :~ .Jt
A ;w;w;w;g '
'1> , • .... ,....... :;:; .......
tot- .1-~-~~ I ~':11''·: L., ~~~~~ :( 1::...::.11) s:.IJ.J pitching (setting up, erection) of a tent
:t"-' J :! .. - ~ ~ <.!' •'""
tering, falter(ing), unstableness, unsteadiness, shak- to stand back to back, face J.\Z Ji ~1_,; ~ :;IJ5'
iness, precariousness, insecurity, imminent col- in opposite directions
lapse, dilapidation
~-- . -- to disagree, disaccord, be at (.$~ ~ , ; 1J,; oF-:,.! =-:;
collapse, fall, falling V>.,Z '.J~l: .tl...; variance; to dispute, quarrel; to be enemies, be
down, downfall, cave-in; crumbling, breakdown; hostile to one another, harbor mutual enmity
,....,, ......... , ... , _.... fi!~ t"' I_; -A! I~
litigation, :(.._,..a;. , W' C..:. , :1 I..;
prosecution; judicial or legal proceeding(s); law- to overlap,~ j ~ ~~ , ~(:.; , ~ 1) : ~~~
imbricate, be suj)erimposed; to interpenetrate; to
suit, suit, action
_... , ........ , ...
association (of ~WI J\ ):>I _,.;I. I Jl !ts::.; ':II <.f-'1...;
... - interlock, intertwine, interlace, mesh; to inter-
grade, merge, blend
ideas, memories, etc.)
free association of ideas
;L I ! K; 'lll <.!'I..;
... - ....
- ~~~ e:-1_; ::-- ;\:>. :~1:.;
... • .... , ... J 0 ...

to totter, falter,_;~ J I ~ u I ~ Jl , J..9.lij : '-"' IJ.J

• .. .... .... • • ... - ......... ... .......
~ ~:.; e:-1_;-~ ~:.; :~ ~~:.;
J...... J ... ... J -""
threaten to fall or collapse; to be or become tum- overlap(ping), imbrication; 4L:.;, ~1;: j.;.I...I.J"
bledown, dilapidated, ramshackle, ready or likely interpenetration; interlock, intertwinement, inter-
to fall or collapse lacement, meshing; intergradation, merger, blend-
to collapse, fall in, cave in, fall ~;z ~~ l :~ 1J,; , ing
~-- ~-- --
down, sink down, tumble, founder; to crumble, J:o-...; t"' I_; - J:o-...; :J=-.~ I..;
disintegrate, degenerate, decline
"' • ... ,, 0... .. ... ... ......
to study, consider carefully, examine, scruti- ~.)I~
to call each other, call upon ~ ~ \&.~ :'-"'I..;
each other, summon one another nize, investigate, look into, inquire into, delve into;
to discuss, deliberate, exchange views (on)
to sue one another, ~G.; , t;.; , ~ (i; : ~I J,; rs- study(ing), consideration, examination, scruti- U"_;I J.J
, --
bring one another before a judge; to litigate, carry
iy, investigation, inquiry; discussion, deliberation
on a lawsuit _.. I ;Oj :;i _.. _.. :;i _.. _.. ,.., .. _.. _.. _.. _..

to make right, set ~I ...~..... , ~ , ~I : 1.!) _;I J.J

to joke together, jest together, have fun (jc; :~ 1J,; right, put right, put in order, correct, rectify,
together, make fun, play
emend, amend, remedy; to repair, redress, make
to push one another, shove one another; ; _;iJ I ~ IJ,; good, make up for; to supplement, supply
to ~cramble, struggle or rush pell-mell, move with
to prevent, obviate, ~ l , ~: ~: , (.$~ ~ :~~I J,;
,...;;:;.... .... J •;ii .............. forestall, anticipate; to avert, ward off, parry, fend
t!...; e:-1_; -J;.JI t!l...; off, stave off, avoid; to take precautions against,
to come near each other, ~ ~ ~ li ~ :.; IJ.J
I..- I ,, I..- ""..- _.. ""_.
guard against, beware of
....... •'J ... ... ... ... ....... -
approach one another, get close to each other, be to follow (up) with, "i ~I , "i J.:-.11 : -t <.!.1_;1...;
or become close together cause to follow, cause to be followed by; to sup-
receiving or seeking of medical treat- (lSJI~I) _,IJ5' plement with, subjoin to, add to
ment; (course oO treatment, cure, therapy~ medica-
....... ,,... ... ......
to follow one another, follow I_,A:.- ')1.; : i ~I <.!.!_;I..;
~... -
tion in succession, come successively
to be treated; to receive or undergo medical I..SJ IJ5'

making right, setting right, ~I ...1... ' ( ':ll:o i.!.l _;I J.J
/..... 0

1: J ......

treatment, submit to or be under medical treat- correction, rectification, emendation, amendment,

ment; to treat oneself remedying; reparation, redress(ing), making good,
to confer, deliberate, consult, ~jl:.;, ~c; :JJIJ5' making up for
discuss, hold talks, hold a discussion, exchange "
prevention, obviation, .IZ! , ~ , ; \.A; : <.!.!_;I..;
~- - -- , --
views; to study, consider; to negotiate, parley forestallment; averting, warding off, parry(ing),
to circulate, put into circulation; to Jj G :Jj IJ,; fending off, staving off, avoidance; taking precau-
pass around, pass alternately, hand each other; to tions against, guarding against
organization use, make frequent use of
ii~I~J :_r..~~ to alternate, rotate yjG; , ~~ : Jji::C
management, handling, direction,
disposal, disposition, administration, conduct(ing), to circulate, pass from mouth to ;;.i~l 8jl~
running mouth, be on everybody's lips, be the talk of the
economy, economization, frugality, ~ _r..~ ~ l4! : town, run through the town
thrift(iness), husbandry, providence, saving - to circulate, pass from hand to hand,':?~~~ 8jl~
" ,
procurement, procuration, pro- ~ J,.- :_r..~ J.J
, ... change hands
• ... ... J .....

curing, securing, getting, obtainment, acquisition, circulation, currency ;l~!, ~IJ; :JJI...;
acquirement, attainment, achievement, accom- , ...... ,... ,..... ,
alternation, rotation YJ\..;; ,~\.,.; :J.,IJ.J
plishment; wangling, finagling
measure, step, procedure, action, ~1;-o)j~ 'J;e:.; .~~ ,~¢ :J;I~
move tijl~
housekeeping, household J;.LI ~J.J, ~J.J
.... J • .. ..
• ........
, --~ , ... ~

alternately, in rotation, succes- y_,l.:l4 :J_,I.;;:J4

management, menage; domestic science, home
sively, in succession, one after the other, one by
-~ • -~ ,,... ... -~ ....... one, by turns
pre- ~~I _,1 ':?/r>l _,1 ~ _,1 J_IJJ ~J.J
.JI •

Jjl2 ~I; -~;I~ ,~1; :J;I~I ~

cautionary measure, precaution(s), safety measure,
safeguard, provision to contract a mutual loan, borrow mon- (;~1) :;.1;:,-
to take or adopt measures or steps ey from each other; to be indebted to each other
to reflect on, ponder on or over, contem- ~~ : ;;;,-
to cover oneself with, wrap oneself in ~ )~! :~ );:,· plate, meditate on, weigh, consider carefully, pore
, .~ ... • .. , ,:ii $i --.,.

J.;.l.ll l..f!'" ~I ~ I; - J.;.l.l I ..r; .;;; over, cogitate, speculate on

to manage, contrive, work (out), succeed ;~ : J.:C
to be or become heavily armed, armed ~ ~ ~ ~;;,­ in handling or accomplishing; to wangle, finagle;
to the teeth to get, obtain, procure, secure; to take care of
. . * ' ..... ~ . . : : . . -;, - :.
to be tamed, domesticated ~ ~ , ~J J> : 0":,;.,
to manage with, do with, get by -! ~! :-! ;~
, ,
~~ ~1;-y~ 'tl~ .~~ :~:.; with
~" H:: ~-,
reflection, pondering, meditation, ~ , ~ G : ~...;
taming, domestication
contemplation, weighing, consideration, cogita-

.. v.;;.·
....- ... 0 "'_..

to roll tion, speculation

.... ... ...
to be birdlimed, caught with ~:U4 ~: }d.J1 ;:;.;;,·
... ;;;... ... ... _..;;;; __ ...
to intervene in, interpose J.<.1; , ........o..; J>. ~I : j ~.;;,·
birdlime -
in, step in; to interfere in or with, meddle in,
intermeddle in, nose into, poke one's nose into, to be or become sticky, gluey, G;.) ~ ~ )L,., : ~~
intrude upon, obtrude upon, force oneself upon glutinous, viscid, viscous, limy, gummy ... , , J, .......
(others) viscosity, viscidity, stickiness, glueyness, ~ J) : J.l...;
to intervene [uyiJ] <->~~ ~ (~~ ~)5") ~:C glutinousness, gumminess
J,....... ,:5...... J, __ ...
embellishment, adornment, ornamenta- lr.::! ') : ~:.;
intervention, interposition, Ja:.,_,; , J4.1; : ~J.J tion, decoration · ·
stepping in; interference, meddling, intermeddling,
nosing into, poking one's nose into, forcing oneself composition, writing ~~ , ~t :~~
upon (others), intrusion, intrusiveness, obtrusion, arrangement, J~! '~ '~~' ~~~J :.f.'::':.;
obtrusiveness planni.1g, designing, plotting, scheming, projection;
intervention [ uy IJ] ~I; <->~~ j ~I ~::C concerting, charting, laying out, mapping out;
nonintervention, noninterference .. J-~1 ;~ devising, devisal, contriving, contrivance, framing,
making, working out, thinking up; concoction,
interventionist :,t.;:.- hatching, trumping up
,.. ..
culate(d), tubercled

intervent ionism
to be smoked; to be fumigated, fumed .. "'
.- ...
-'II ,. !,..... - ~, ......
pulmona ry tuberculosis ~)I 0J..G '(?f! u~..G smoking (Cfl ~~~) ~:;;,·
tubercular, tuberculous; tuberous ~ ~--
""-,;.;;; ,,... .,J •... " ,.J • ... ..- ~ .J

...... ,... ...
fu- ..! ~,_; Jl ~ ~ Jl ~l>:U~ ~l.... :~..G

training, drill(ing), schooling, J:!,...; , 01.~ : '-:'-!.J..iJ. migation, fuming; smoking
coaching, exercise, practice, rehearsal; tniineesh ii;
apprenticeship; habituation, accustoming, inure- to lie in wait for game ~~~ .. _-..I .,.,..-
.·~ <.:·r-_I : i".) ~
ment to practice, drill (oneseiO, exer- 0~ :(~ '~) y~:i;
military training, drill cise, take exercise, do exercises, train, rehearse; to
vocational training
... ., ....
~ ~~...;
. be or become trained, drilled, exercised, coached,
tutored, practiced, skilled, experienced
graduating, graduation, grad- c.~~~ dl ~ :~u~· to be apprenticed ~ :(~, ~) y~~
ing, gradation, gradating, scaling -
calibration o;. t;.; :<::::'1:..; to get used to, be or become ~~ : (~ , ~) y~~
accustomed to
circulation, spreading, promotion, <::::'~') : <::::'!:..; training; practice, exercise, drill; rehears- 0~ : '-:'~~
al; traineeship
~~:._; ~IJ- <:;'J~I (e Ji) ~, <::::'!~~ 'lf-1:._; apprenticeship ~

4. .......

gradual, step-by-step, piecemeal, progressive ~~:i;

habituation, getting used to ~~ : y~~
gradually, step by step, by steps, by degrees, ~,;:..;
toadvanc e(procee d, ~ ·~~i 'r~ :{dJ) (~~
little by little, bit by bit, piecemeal, progressively
approach, go) step by step (to), graduate (to); to
teaching, instruction, tuition, schooling, ~ : (.)"'!.J~· progress by steps, make gradual progress; to rise
.. ... , ...
., (ascend, go up) gradually
~ ~IJ- U'II_J..G 4
instructional, educational, teaching; didactic ~J:i;
to gradate, c.~~~ (Jl Ji) ~ ~t (~~
grade, be or become graduated or graded or
r:J :
... :;; .... .,,.,, ... gradated
~ ~IJ-~_J..G 4 to train, be trained; to be ~ 'y~~ '0~ : c~~
manicure (i\1. ~I) f.:J:i; apprenticed; to be or become a trainee or an
... - } .... apprentice
i..l.i.ll (.._J..G
gradual advance(ment) or progress, progression '(!,.~~
~ ~~ ~IJ-~1~i Jl ~ ~~ (by steps); successive steps; gradation, graduation,
. ,. . -.I . ; ;
.- graduating, grading; training, traineeship, appren-
to be inaugurated, dedicated,
&! ·V:.~ :~.;;; ticeship
J ' ... - ......... ..-:~ .... - ... ~ J;l ... -
inauguration, opening, dedication hierarchy J.-L..; :~~ (J..G ,~)1 (J..G
~ • - j ... :;;
inaugural, opening l;f !...; ~I J - (J....:J~_
,,, ,,_
pheasant (;u. ) '(!_J.;;; , '(!_J.;;;
to warm oneself tragopan ()U.) <?FT (~:..;
heating, warming (up), calefaction ~ : ~:i; gradual, step-by-step, piecemeal, ~~:..; : ~~~
;;; ............. . . progressive
, central heating _ ~ f .r ~ ...;_
hierarchical; successive
... ...
to flow, stream, pour forth or_;;...; , u<>li :J;..ll --":---
~...... } ,;;;

out, gush forth, well out; to dash, rush, dart to armor oneself, put on armor
to flow, flow out, outflow, ; '~ Ji~ 'cS;:. : to be or become tuberculous, tubercular, tuber- 0~~

to go crazy or out of one's mind (with love or J~ stream, well out, spout forth, spurt, gush forth,
grieO, be passionately stirred by love or grief; to gush out, effuse, issue forth, jet, pour out, pour
love, fall in love with
;:;:;... ........
dangling, dangle, suspending, J~ ~~I~ :~J.i
. ;:;:; , . .......
.... _...
forth, shoot out, break forth, break out, burst
forth, burst out, erupt
suspension, hanging (down), lolling, drooping, flow, flowage, flux, effiuence, flowing out or j.~
lowering, slinging forth, pouring out or forth, effusion, effiux, influx,
outflow, outpour(ing), gush(ing), stream(ing),
fraud, deceit, deception, J~ ~ 'tl~ '~ :~~
spurt(ing), jet(ting), issue, inflow, inpour, inrush,
cheat(ing), defraudation, swindle, swindling
onrush, outbreak, outburst
fraudulent, deceitful, deceptive ~~~ :~~
scrutiny,closeorcarefulexamina- ~, ~: J=i~
pampering, spoiling, coddling, ~~ ~~ &, : tion, investigation, inspection, scan(ning), inquiry;
mollycoddling, indulgence, babying, cockering; probe, exploration, study(ing); checking (out),
caressing, fondling, petting, dandling check(up), verification
massage; rubdown, rubbing; embrocation, ~~ ~~)-~ '(~l :~~
anointment . .. ,, . ., . .
..... ;:;:; ....
~I)- .L.D)~I ~ ~,_ :~i:ll <J .11)) '~...:;
proving, proof, establish- G.:;' c.W] : (~) ~~
ment, verification, substantiation, demonstration: ;.;~ "
showing, evidencing _... , .....
• ..... , ...... audit, auditing c.~~~~...:;
auction(ing), sale by auction, public ~ ~ J.:.l...C
sale - (~:) ~::'-! ~I)- ~:d~ '~-~
pampering, spoiling, coddling, &, :
~-~ J.:.l_~ dangling, dangle, hanging (down), (j~l) ~~
mollycoddling, indulgence, babying, cockering; pendency, suspension, lopping, lolling, droop(ing),
caressing, fondling, petting, dandling sag(ging)
to be or become destroyed, ruined,y:;;-; , ~~ : ;.~
.... .
~~I ~_,.: IY- (~:)lS') ~ .1r,J~ :J..W
.... .' ' '' ., .... ....

wrecked, havocked, demolished, razed, devastated,

ravaged, wiped out, crushed, smashed, broken prolapse; ptosis [~]
, . -
down; to be subverted, sabotaged, vandalized orchidoptosis ~I JJ:.
~~ ~~)-~~ , , -.......
colo ptosis u,J,.&JI J...c
destruction, ruin(ing), '-:-'t ;:-. , ~ , (-~ : ~ ~ hepatoptosis ..fJI- j'J.
. _-
ruination, wreck(ing), wreckage, devastation, '

havocking, laying waste, demolition, demo-

gastroptosis o~l J...C_
lishment, ravage, wiping out, crushing, smashing, to hang (down), dangle, suspend, ~ , ~ : J~
breaking down; sabotage; subversion; vandalism lop, loll, be suspended; to droop, sink (down), sag,
destructive, devastative, subversive, ~;;::. : Zfo.~ ~· descend; to be lowered, be let down
. ,, "' ;:;:; ~ .....
~<--~11 ...._.,.,·- ( ~'lS') ··,_~q ~.-
'!"r-' ' " ,.. IY- -~ .)' ~
drop(ping), sinking, u<>~~, J,r.J' :(J~I) uJ:i to prolapse [~]
fall(ing), fall-off, decline, decrease, diminution,
shrinking, shrinkage, dwindling, slump, depres- to dangle, hang down, suspend, J~ ,J-;. :J:J~
sion; depreciation loll, lop, droop, sag, sink down
..- ...- ...... " ........ , ., ....... to be rubbed; to be massaged
low level; inferiority, o<I~J'~i.S_,.;:.-..:-:,...c
,.... .... .... .... ....... ... ...........
poorness, badness to rub oneself; to massage oneself ·~ ~..l.h : .!U...C
to sink, drop, fall, decline, go ~~, ~ :J~ to perfume oneself; to be per- ~ : ~~ .!U...C
.... ;;i"'.... 'IJ .... ::a......

down, decrease, diminish, shrink, dwindle, slump;

fumed -
to be or become low, low-grade, low-level, infe-
rior, poor, bad to coquet, flirt, play the coquette ~ : Ji~
to approach gradually, J~~ ~1)-J~
recording, recordation, taking •__ ;; , ~: v.J:Ii move gradually (toward), become close(r) or
record of, putting on record, writing -(down), near(er) (to)
setting down (in writing), putting down (in to be or become impure, unclean, dirty, foul, ~~
writing), taking down, noting (down), taking notes filthy, soiled, sullied, besmirched, tarnished,
of, registration, registry, register(ing), marking stained, befouled, defiled, polluted, contaminated
(down), entering, entry, listing, inscription
...... , .... soiling, sullying, dirtying, be- I!.:!~ , CJ ._?'i :~ :Ii
codification ~I,;JI 01-!~ smirching, staining, defilement, pollution, conta-
entry, register, record, note, item, article~ : U.!'j; mination
... ... ... ,-, ......... ., . ... ..... ........ ... ~
:II • ,
profanation, dese- ~iill _,1 ~~II!!~!:~~
,. -., , • • ...

ul....::..! e--1;- l.;,!.) ..i>l •u'>_r.i! =~""'·

cration, sacrilege, defilement, violation
0b e--1;- J3.! :dJ ~~f! _,i ~f! (;.J; ~~ e--1;-;-.;,·
religiousness, piety, godliness, devoutness t~J ~~ :
to kill (slaughter, massacre, slay) one another ~ 1~·
to fall, tumble; to crash ;~; 'tiJ :~jA~
to confer, deliberate, consult, ~~ , JjiJ;: )1-:0
to deteriorate, decline, degen- ! :~:;;,J; # ,).;.;
erate, sink, descend, fall, tumble, slump, drop, ebb,
discuss, hold talks, hold a discussion, exchange retrograde, retrogress, regress
views; to study, consider; to negotiate, parley
.. .... ... J J ..... fall(ing), downfall, tumble; crash ~ • t,i; :;.;A~
ii}'l..i.. e--1;- _jl~
;:;i ......... deterioration, decline, de-
,. . '· .......
~, .!.~! :;_,-~
t# • .. ,, . . . ;;:;-:

to dispraise one another; to sian- ~ ~ i.): generation, decadence, declension, fall, tumble,
der one another, defame one another slump, drop, retrogradation, retrogression, regres-
to oscillate, vibrate, swing, sway, vacil- ~'i;~· # : sion
late, waver, wave, wobble
to round, be or become round(ed) or 1~;~ 0\S' ::Jj~
to hesitate, waver, falter, vacillate, circular
vibrate, fluctuate :. ... • ... ... 0 !.----
.. ... J ...... roundness, rotundity, circu- ~ J 1....::...1 , ii ;1...::..1 :JJ ,lj
oscillation, vibration, swing(ing), ul)a> :wJ..~ larity, circularness -- - - - -
sway(ing), vacillation, waver(ing), wobble, wob-
to be recorded, put on record, written UJ.) : UJ"""
.... .; , -- ;:;:; -- ....
hesitancy, hesitation, irresolution,
.).); :y-4...ij
, .-- (down), put down (in writing), registered, listed,
inscribed _
indecision, waver(ing), falter(ing), vacillation, vi- J.... • ... , ..... • ... • ....
turning, rotating, rota- JJ~ ~~I ~ , {-!_i; : .x.-?"""
bration, fluctuation
tion, revolving, wheeling, spin(ning), whirling,
to climb (up), twirl(ing), reeling, swirl(ing), circling
ascend, scale
operating, operation, running, work- J . ~·.; : ~_,'};
to take shelter or refuge in, seek -! ~! :-t <.S~j; ing, starting (up), moving, actuation, setting' or
protection in putting in operation; turning on
... >Jt-' ~ ..... :~<""' ....
to be winnowed, fanned <.S;~ :~I <.S;...ij .. .... , ,. tl'-:;. .. J • ;;:; .J • ... • ....

........ , ... ... .. , ~ ... rounding, ~~~ _,1 l;_,...~..o ~~I~: ~~_i;
:;.\1; :tJJ
to scatter, disperse, ;J:,..U , yl~l <.S;...ij making round or circular
spread, diffuse, rise; to be scattered, dispersed, winding, winding up ~tJI ~~'};
spread (out), diffused • :;; ,. .... .... J ....
rounding off ri)l _,I :..WI ~~~
(~~ '(~:;; e--1; -()l1} (~::. '(~';;;
crank [~~] ~_,~1 tl~~
to use as a means or as an -! ~! , -! :-! J,:..,; t/-:0 internationalization J;~ ;~ :...kJ:Ii
expedient; to advance (offer, use) as an excuse, as a
pretext, as a pretense, as an argument, as a plea; to spin(ning), whirl(ing), gyration, revolu- uIJJ~ :p:Ii
plead, invoke, allege, claim, maintain
use of a means; offering of an excuse or plea; ej-:0
tion, rotation, turn(ing)
..... ....
turning, revolving, rotating, rotation, ~~~ : (..J_i;
pleading; claiming, alleging, maintaining; allega- spin(ning), whirling, twirl(ing), swirl(ing)
become shy, bashful, diffident tion, claim; plea, excuse, pretext, pretense
to avoid blame, avoid censure, winnowing, fanning (of grain) (~·;1-1} ~Jj,;·
avoid dispraise ablation c· 1 ~
". _,.!~ 1((-)
[~ • · ) ~ ·.: _j.l.J
gilding ~j:;
atomization -.::..\:~ JJ ~ :~~j;
to taste; to savor, relish, enjoy, appreciate, ~:;:0
delight in souvenir, keepsake, token, memento, remem- J\5':0
.. !.-.: brance, reminder, memorial; memory
tasting; savoring, relish(ing), enjoyment, appre- (JJ.JJ
ciation memorial, commemorative ~)\5':0
..., .... "" J J
monument, memorial l,?~lS' ..i,; ~
- '-:"-!.J..i.J•
~~~l ~ \)
to remember, recall, recollect, bethink, }~: ):0
appending, subjunction, annex- ~G,l qjWl :~j,;· revive, call or bring to mind, think of again; to
ation, addition, supplementation; attachment, af- remember, keep in mind, bear in mind, think of; to
fixation remember, retain in the memory
annotation, glossing, commenting on ~~ : ~j; remembrance, remembering, recollection, mem- .} j:;
ory, reminiscence, anamnesis, recall; retention
footnote; ·marginal annotation or note~ b. : ~j; 'II .... , • .... • ....

or gloss, scholium, comment, commentary / reminder, memento _;S ~ t<f- :o'..§ .ii
_. J • --
lS _; jA ~ ' lS _; ~ 'lS_;;
"', _.J
ticket, card, slip ti~: ;;)'j;
I wonder; do you think? , , J... • ...
would you say? what's your opinion? .. ; in the ticket, admission card or ticket J _,.,;. ~ ;; }' ..i,;
world, on earth, ever, at all
,... _..-' ,_ __ ....
return ticket, round-trip ticket
y~ 1_, yU. ~ ;;)' ..i,;
....... J.... • -

to appear to, seem to; to show itself ..! I-'! :..! lSol_; "' ,_
J J '...
- • ...

to, manifest itself to, present itself to, reveal itself permit, pass, laissez-passer; passport JJr ;;}' ..i,;
:;;... ... -
-- :;;- .... ,..... ... .... identity card, identifica- U"~ ~)'j; , ~; ~)'j;
to imagine, fancy, conceive, J~ , ~ :..! lS .-1 _; tion card, ID card
envisage, visualize, envision, vision, picture (in the :;i.... ........ • .... J ..... • ....

mind); to think, suppose, assume reminding _;S i::.: *')\ ~ : ~ j:;

making masculine, putting (a word) in [ W] ~j;

, • .... JJ 0.... ..... .... ....

to see one another ~ ~ lSI J : lS .-1 _;

_, the masculine form
earth, dust, dirt; soil, ground ylj'
~ '
gender [ w] 1.!.-i~ ".<'j;
··- J.;;:;
to bury, inter, inhume

to humble oneself(before), ~, ~! :(J)
cement ;_;I}- lower oneself (before), cringe (before), grovel
(before), act in a servile manner (before)
to correlate, interrelate, be or become correlat- 1; 1)'
ed or interrelated; to connect, link, associate, servility, subservience, obsequiousness, cringe, §i
attach, unite, join, couple; to be or become groveling, submissiveness, bootlicking
connected, linked, associated, attached, united, surmounting, over- (dJ ~4~1) ~. j:~ :.,k.J:0 J...
coupled, joined, joint; to be or become inseparable, coming, defeating, triumphing over, getting past,
inherent; to be or become coherent, cohesive, getting over, coping with; ironing out, smoothing
well-knit, consistent out or away, elimination
correlation; interrelation(ship); connection, ~ 1) J~~! ~\)- ~ :~j;
connectedness, link(age), linkup, association, ... :;:.---
to complain, nag, repine, grumble, growl, ~j:;
relation, attachment, union, unitedness, junction;
interpenetration; inseparableness, inherence; grouch; to express one's displeasure
coherence, consistency complaint, complaining, nagging, grumble, ~.,i.j·
__ ... " ...... " • :1 J J ...-

association(of jWI _,1 ).l:,.;ll _,1 JKi~\ ~\j grumbling, repining, grouch
ideas, memories, etc.) - - to be ashamed (o0; to blush; to be or ~! :;. ~
,.. 0 1
. , , ,~Jt!tjtJ§Mt§ 4t,k -A '"'t ,~;tH\4-$> -;&k,ft

succession, sequence
, """"
tll.:;j :U.l I;
, .....

corpulence, obesity; plump- ~I :~! , ~ :0.}

ness, fleshiness, fullness earthy, earthen; dusty; powdery; gray - !'~
- ·- ' t_- to follow in succession or in sequence, J' j-: : ~·1.}
(,r'l) ~I; -U"'I_;
come successively or in proper order; to be hier-
terrace u:.,.:.
. U"' .!". archical; to form a series, be arranged in a series
"' "" • , ':II
(~j.)J'j-; :~1.}
trust ',?;~I .)6.;! :.:.:.......1_; hierarchy,(hierarchical)suc-
to correspond, exchange letters, write ~ lS:; : J:-1.} cession, sequence, order
(to) each other hierarchical; successive
correspondence, exchange of letters, communi-~ 1) _,
heritage, tradition, legacy, patrimony I!. I_;
to pelt one another (with), throw (hurl, (-I) j!.l) to retreat, with- 'J.:;.;! , ~ , ;_;.;! , ~ ~! : 1.} &
fling) at one another; to throw to each other, draw, fall back, draw back, move backward, go
throw back and forth back, retract, revert, back (away), give way,

. ...
~I;- J,!.l_;
, ... - recede, regress, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress; to
deteriorate, decline, degenerate, degrade, wane,
to compact, press together, press close, :;:i1 :~I) subside, ebb, abate, fade away, shrink, slump
crowd together, crowd closely, pack; to be or be- to retract, recant, .J J i cr E:- ~ , ;:,..;.::. : (!JS-) E:-1)
come compact(ed), tight, close, pressed tightly withdraw, take back, back down (off, out) on; to
together, compressed, closely packed, crowded, unsay; to go back on one's word
serried, crammed, rammed . ,.
retreat, with- 1~!, ~, ;~!, .li~;! :~1_;
........ . . , ......
compactness, closeness, tightness
drawat, fallback, moving backward, going back,
agglutination retraction, reversion, backing (away), giving way,
recession, regress(ion), retrocession, retrograda-
to align, line up, queue up, fall in, ~! : 1) w tion, retrogression; deterioration, decline, degene-
stand in formation, be aligned, be lined up ration, degradation, waning, wane, subsidence,
• ""(;! ........ , • .. .......... """"
to be well set, compact, c.~ :uL:..:. ~I ~1; abatement, slump
well strung, regularly set ' ' , -.,...-.
retraction, recan- (cr ) t-P-; ·- : (iJS- )"'!--
............ :ll ................ .....
~ ;
to stratify, be( come) .J ..,_..;; : u..,..l; tation, withdrawal, taking back, backing down (off,
arranged in strata, be(come) tiered out) on; unsaying; going back on one's word
mutual consent or agreement (~1~1) ,u'>i) tragic, tragi cal ~..~...>I' ..
.. '".' .)'
consensually, by mutual consent or agree-~l.r:J~ tragedy ~~lj
to be merciful toward one an- ~ ~ ~ J :~I_;
"' .... ,, .- ... .... -: -...
to come to terms, agree, come to (reach, bring ~I.}
other, show human understanding for one another
about) an agreement
- •- - ,t_-
slackness, slackening, droop, (¢I~ I) 1.} .t
~ ul; ~1;-j ul_; sag(ging), languor, lassitude, flagging, indolence,
to help (aid, assist, support) one another; 0~~: :JI.} inaction; relaxation
to cooperate, collaborate to slacken, droop, sag, flag, languish, relax ~I.}
cooperation, collaboration, mutual assis- UJ~ : .Ji lj
, "" , - '
trachoma (u<>.r) L._,.,;..l_;
tance; synergism, cooperative or combined action
to be synonymous, be synonyms (~~~ ~) UJI)
to plead, argue or present (a case in a court) ~ 1.}
to follow or come in succession,
to plead for, defend iJS- ~ 1) follow or succeed one another
pleading; defense; argument(ation); presentation e;! 1;· ·-- synonymity, synonymy
~) T'•O
Ew" .t ,. ;·k!24N·r2ffJ<,)·:hfr <t·. • ·~~:C:C·::::.J··::!':Ct··::::.J:..:::ii:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:C:::::::J
to range (from ... to, between ... and); to vary r-'') to associate (with one another); J,: 1} , ~~c...; :;i 1) :
(between); to alternate (between); to fluctuate to be (become, join as) friends, companions, asso-
(between); to sway, swing, wobble ciates, comrades
, --
ranging (from ... to, between ... and); variation; ot;· to accompany one another; to J.:;; ~! j ~ ::_;i I) ,r
alternation; fluctuation, sway(ing), swing(ing), go together; to be or become joined, associated,
wobbling, wobble coupled
to bargain, haggle, chaffer r:;c.; :~_,,_; ........
J ....
-J..Ij q;.)t:..; :Jilj'
, .... , ...

• J ......... J ...
nightly prayer(s) during the (~~~ !,..)~) 0!~1) accompanying, accompani- J.~J! 'i j')l; : Ji (,;
month of Ramadan ment; going together; association, junction
........ - ,. ~ J ..... ... .. .... _ .....
to be or become dusty, covered or towatchoneanother, _,>~I~ JS' -,..JIJ :'"=""I_;
abounding with dust or earth keep an eye on one another
to be or become poor, needy, destitute ~! :y) to pretend to be asleep .)li:)~ '" ; Ua.; --
-- 'rjL:.; : ~lj --
... tl ~ ......__ ;:;! ...

to cover with dust or earth yl.r:J~ ~ :'-:',; ;:;) ~I) -~1)

dusty, full of earth wl -"·'I ,· · ·~- : !"-
. ..r-'. fr:"
1..1 -
• to overlap, imbricate; to be or become super- ~I)
imposed, superposed, overlaid
poor, needy, destitute .r.:U :y,;
.... -' ... .I .... ·~ - ·:-. overlap(ping), imbrication; superposition,
yl; ~IJ -yl_; :'-:'Y' ''-:'Y' superimposition, overlaying
contemporary, coeval, person of the (y I) c:) '-:''.;, i tractor, bulldozer
same age; coetaneous, contemporaneous; compan-
ion, comrade, friend, colleague, associate, mate;
equal, peer, match, fellow, counterpart to race, compete in a race ~I)
to be brought up, raised, reared, bred, fostered, J.) to kick one another ~ I~~o.:; JS'~ :JS'I)
nursed, nurtured; to be educated, taught, cultivat-
ed, refined, polished to accumulate, cumulate, accrue, pile up; to be ($1)
bolt, bar; latch; lock (.)"4 ~: :(.)"'~'.;, or become accumulated, amassed, cumulated,
.... , • 'I ....... -'
piled up, heaped up
soil; ground: land; earth, dust, dirt yl; , ..,.. ) : ~,;
accumulation, cumulation, accrual, piling up ~I)
cemetery, graveyard, burial ground
accretion [-.,..k]fl)
grave, tomb, sepulcher • _(y:
accumulative, cumulative
subsoil .
~1,...1; ~~)-

pedology; agrology
............ _.. ..........
to pelt one another, throw at one :;:.1) :~1)
to bolt, latch, lock ~).) :..r.,; another
........ ,.... ..... ... ... .... ......... .... ........

to lurk, lie in wait for, ambush, ambuscade, -! ~) ~J! ~IJ -.w..i ~:_.1 , ~J! :I.S"I_;
waylay; to await, wait for, look for - to extend, reach, stret~h, spread, Z! :~ 1)
to sit cross-legged (~,1;. ~) t) range; to be vast, wide, extensive
,........_ , ........ .... ......
tocometoone'sknowledge ~ :.r."LI ~J 1.$"1_,;
to sit on or mount the throne _;:,;JI ~ ~)
....... .--.,
educational, educative, pedagogic(al)
·· ..... "'
.. :·:,; ·~.}
or ears; to learn about, hear of, get wind of
tramway; streetcar, tram ~.SI;.Ij'
'· .f....I,;
transistor J,:.:..
educationist, educationalist ~~~ ~~ transit ~;lj'
education, pedagogy, pedagogics ~:,j1 ~ ,~") to bet, wager 0AI)
Y"·i ,·· .. ;.;-~
~ "1~ £illilt". ld.@§ijp- i(;t.!,flf" ·tNM. . , .\@#§!{>~~ .r'+l1fiiiHMAkJriM1 't ¥10!··'.'; ~". · '®-"\'iftMWlk?{»ii

to result from, be .J ~~ .. :; 0l5' '....:s ~: ~ ~) education, teaching, cultivation,

the result or consequence of, follow from, issue culture, refinement, polishing
from, originate from, stem from, grow out of, be upbringing, bringing up, .~; ·.~ : (; ':lj~I) ~)
caused by, be occasion:d by _ raising, rearing, breeding, fostering, nurture -
. ... . ....... ,..,. .....
to be incumbent ~ ~ , ~ ~J :~ ~)
.... :;;
breeding, t'J
~I_,::JI _,1 ~UI _,1 ~lil_,;ll ~,;
upon, imposed on, be someone's duty; he has to, raising, growing; zootechnics, animal husbandry
he should, he must, he ought to, he is duty bound
pisciculture, fish culture ~I~;
to, it is his duty to
- - ,~ 'I ~--·:
to be or become necessary, req- ~, ~J: ~) aviculture )~ ~y

uisite, obligatory, mandatory _ physical education

.... :;:;, ....... ~--
~-'! ~y

.. _ J J i -c·:.:
l..{. ;)l5' : -1..1 ~< u- .. _ L·:
to owe, be indebted -- - -; . y
, ... ;;; _..J •
civics, national education .. ,Y'
spangles ( dl (.)"':' ')lll ~ r.f-,;) _i _i vocational education
_;;; • '!-- .....
arrangement, arranging, array- J .. _·.; , ~ : ··~·.;() .... ::;:; ' ... "'
Ministry of Education, Education ~_rjl iiJij!
ing, disposal, disposition, marshaling, ordering, Ministry
organization, fixing up, systematization, putting
in order, setting in order, regulation, regulating, Minister of Education, Education
making up, tidying up; classification, categori- Minister
zation, ranging, assorting, assortment, grouping, patting, dabbing, caress(ing), gentle or light
putting together stroking
order, arrangement, array, regularity, i\1.; :~) pat, dab, gentle or light stroke ~;;
tidiness, neatness -
·~), ~IJ -(,~};
preparation, preparing, ready-~,~~~!:~)
ing, making ready, laying out, layout, dressing, squaring, multiplying (a ~ ~ Cl:.Ji) t:ij y:;:..:
making, doing up number) by itself, raising to the second power
::;; ........................... J • ::
~L.<...: ~Y
makeup, setup, structure, con-~) , ~ : ~; quadruplication, quadru- c.l.r t')
stitution, construction, composition - piing
... • ' ............... ... .... • J ......
squaring, making square
~J ~IJ -~.r '~J :~,;
alphabetical order
"' .... ~ ~ . .... ....
J_~ _,1 J_~l ~,;
. . square
arrangements, prep-c. I~~~! , c.l.-1?, J :c.~)
arations, plans. measures, steps - quadrature
ordinal number, ordinal
~,; ~.Is.
. ., ......
..... square, checker
universal joint or coupling
slow recitation or modulation (~)~1) ~~ :Jij
quadratic, square
(of the Koran)
psalmody, hymning, sing- (t'J ~UI) f") :~) quadratic equation, quadratic
ing, chanting, intonation, modulation
hymn, psalm, anthem, chant, song ~; :~)· ... ~J ... ::;; ....
to be or become arranged, arrayed, ...,..... J : ._;;'_;;
~~ ~IJ -_;.}; disposed, marshaled, organized, fixed up, ordered,
to preponderate, predomi-~~ _,i ~IJ ;)l5' :~}; systematized, put in order, set in order, regulated,
nate, carry greater weight, exceed in weight or made up, tidied up; to be or become classified, cat-
value or influence; to be or become preponderant, egorized, ranged, assorted, grouped, put together;
predominant; to be or become (more) probable, to be or become prepared, readied, laid out, dress-
likely, likelier ed, made, done up
~~;; "'·v e..,tJ
c::================================='3'~~ ~~~======·~{============~f~.)==========··=c=;~,·\•~"!1
to be or become sad, grieved, distressed, 0
:r :() &~~e.-')-&~~ :~;
G.;,.'j ~ <
to sadden, grieve, make sad, fill with sad- 0;.i: (.} -- . )
e- I) -G.;,.'j
-- . ) ,.· ~
'•f::: __
~JG c::-IJ-~JG :~_;
grief, sadness, sorrow, distress, heartache
0~ : r_.}
to flicker, tremble, quiver, shake; to be ~! :V )"
shaken, moved, agitated, jolted, jerked
sad, grieved, distressed, brokenhearted ~.;~.:/> :r_)
to be agitated, upset, troubled y)a:.,!: (;,.)
~:~! e-') -~)"
~)e.-') -JL..)
nomadic life
. , .... J~ :.,.;:JI o~
~ to dismount, disembark, debark, alight, get J} :~)"
down, get ofT, get out (oO
J,;.), J~ , ~)" Jt; : J ~ ... • ... ,.,, ... --~ .. ,..
to lead a nomadic life; to toassume(adopt, ~)lS" u)oD :iil)l ~;;
migrate, wander, roam, rove, range, go from one possess, display) masculine manners or qualities,
place to another; to travel behave or act like a man, be or become mannish or
nomadism; migration,
J~ , ~ , iiJI..I..! : j:;..;;
,__ --- ~--
,, !. .--"
wandering, roaming, roving, rove; travel(ing) disembarkation, debarkation, dismount- JJ; : ~;;
to ask God to have mercy upon ~ ;.;- ing, alighting, getting down, getting ofT, getting out

welcome, welcoming; greeting; hospitality, ~.J"

:. . (oO

hospitable (hearty, friendly, kindly) reception

to translate; to interpret <.S-;.1 JJ ~ ~ Ji :~')
evacuation, expulsion, eviction, forcing out, ~')
to interpret, explain ;_j :r;_..}
• ,.. ... ..,. ... ;;;'I ..........
ousting, dislodgment, driving out, driving away, to write someone's biography 0 l....i! ii ~ tJ I : ~ _;
sending away; banishment, exile, expatriation,
relegation; deportation to translate (ideas) into action ( ~)--
, . '
~ _;;....
..... J
: u~.i
... J •J
carrying (forward or over), carry-. c.~ LJ,..I ~;; translator; interpreter
over, posting, bringing forward
, • J • .-..,. ... - ...... , • .- guide, tourist guide, cicerone, <r ~ ~~ .> : 0 ~;;
oJ# ... .. .... ' • '

~) e-') -0jl ·••'./'~ ·•j6:-! ,..,_;.) :~;; dragoman

authorization,licens- r..C, ~~!, o)~!: ~} translation
ing, permission, permitting, allowance, allowing, interpretation, explanation ~ : ~}
legalization, legitimization
price reduction, price cut
• 'il

J • ..,. • ..,.
biography; memoir .o,j
" .. ~-
G. •P.:::' ·.I.)· ~I' ·G.
~ ..
G'• _,..:
apocopation, apocope, elision, contraction,[ W] r.i'')· autobiography, memoirs ¢I j 'L;_.}
,,- ... J,... . . . -
shortening. aphaeresis introduction, preface, fore- ~l; :-,..~I~;;
• J J --- ~ ., ,-"
fall, tumble; descent, .1~!, .1_,.;;..... :(<,?.>rJI) ~;; word
decline, deterioration, lapse, backsliding, retrogres- making something out- ~:;.~~I~:~)
sion, retrogradation, regression weigh (another); giving prepondc;rance (to)
.'l ,: !. '*"-"
cacogenesis, cacogenics Jl y ~I JI .;_. ~')[.JI <,?.>;; considering ~:;.;._: Ji ~:,:~~I:~!:~}
to fall, tumble, precipitate; to ':b.:!, ',h-i- : i..S~) something (more) probable, likely, likelier
descend, sink, decline, deteriorate, lapse, backslide, preference (to), preferring (to), J __ <>.:: : ~}
retrogress, retrograde, regress favoring
(,j~~! e.-')-~ :<S~) G.;,.'j
. , .) e- I) -G.;,.'j
. , . ) .· ~-"
repetition, reiteration ) ~ : ~I~) t~~! e-') -·~~! '~) :~')
to hesitate, waver, falter, vacillate, vibrate,~ : "J~)" echo, reverberation, reecho, reso- ~..SJ:.ll ~}
act hesitantly, show uncertainty or indecision, be nance
~~ e.-')- J,:i JJ -~- :~)" unable to decide
y,-; e--1;- JA:.I
""I f, ~ .J, ...-:.
JJ J.,.o... :'-:-"J"
,. J
to reverberate, re- ~! ,-s~~ :(~~\) ~~)
sound, re(echo), rebound; to ring out, boom; to be
c:-~ e.-') -4 ,~t :~)" reflected, be thrown back
u~ JJ ~~)
, , .J, ....... ... - ;§
t_,..J e--1; -eo~ ,j:;.,G :~_; to frequent, go i'requently to, come
constantly to, visit often, haunt
to proceed slowly (in), act at leisurely~ : (j) J,::.)" to be circulated, rumor- ~~I j& ~~) '(0i) ~~)
pace (in), take one's time (in), be slow (in) -
ed, frequently stated; to circulate, pass from mouth
to write, compose, draw up, pen, llC..; Gi :J,::.) to mouth, be on everybody's lips, be the talk of the
indite (a letter) - town, run through the town
art of letter writing hesitation, hesitancy, indecision, irreso- o~ : .)~')
J .... .;f. ....... .... :;; ........
to follow (someone's example or • ) I <P! :I""';; lution, waver(ing), falter(ing), vacillation, vibration
_.... ,., I :§..-""
model), follow in the steps of, imitate, copy, emu- frequentation u\5:.:. JJ u~!: .).);
frequency (·~P-i] .)~;
to look (attentively, carefully, ~t, JJ ~: ;.; ..... J .. ... ,., /. ......

closely) at, scrutinize, regard, observe low frequency ~_,, t~.).)_;

to remember, recall, recollect ;-:0 :;.; high frequency ~~ ~~;

precipitation, settlement, '-:-..ri t.~l ~ :~;;
:;; ....... _ ;:;; J • .... • ....

superhigh frequency; ultrahigh JWI u_,i .).)_;

.... .- ,.,~,. ....

sedimentation, deposition frequency

establishment, establishing, settlement, '· _; •: : ~'}; low-frequency .).) r '
~-~,, . t.:
settling, stabilization, stabilizing; fiXing, fixation; ;~ .... :i'i
higk-frequency .).) _rJI J~
consolidation, strengthening _ _
2-~ ~I;-;:,.::.; '~ '~j:.: :~)" repetition, reiteration ;I~ : .J.t~'J
J ........... ;;; .... J ... ........ ;;'i .... .. :;; ....... ,. J.... .... .... .... .... .... .... • .. - ;;; ........
oi....Lj ~)e.-') -oi....Lj ~) :~; toshowsedateorgrave l;,iJ ul.S' ,)i,JI ~\ :uj.}
• .... "' ;;, ... , • .... , .... G5 ........ manners; to be or become grave, sedate, staid, sol-
candidacy, candidature~ l....!..,..... t.)l u;5' :r:f.} emn, sober
•- ~- - • - 4- : & --
~) ~1;-y~ '~ '~ :~; tailor

~~ '~~ e.-')--..::.; to shield, provide

with a shield
nomination; candidacy, (dJ :."~~ '~) ~'}; ;jl "" ;;ii_. .,.. J ..-, J I ............ ,J

candidature shield c.~_r411 ~~~~Y,JGJI ~~ :'-"';;

:;i"" :;i f. .. ;;i ~ J

'(!.a: : ~;
.,.. I I"" I ,... _. _.. I I

filtration, filtering, infiltration,# ~ ~l.S') ~_; _,, ~ ~ 'tJ: :.;.;

percolation, exudation, leach(ing) scute, scutum (o~l
.)l:.~1 ~I;- .)l:.~l :~'}; • ;;; , • , • J
disk ~\ v<>__.i :~r;
rationalization ;(!~;, :,.I..!..":
-- .)" turbot U"'~l ;,C:
to lie in wait for, lurk, am- ~) , ~ ~) : J ~)" iii ... , , ... , •

bush, ambuscade, waylay; to await, wait for, look

gear, cogwheel, sprocket wheel; v-:-- y ~ _,.) : 1...1";;_
driving wheel; steering wheel
to observe, watch; to surveil ~I;'~~ :J:..)
........... , !. __ ... differential gear, differential
observation, watch(ing); surveillance ~ l.r : ~;;
gearbox, transmission
:,..,; e.-')-~;.­
to be inlaid (with), set (with), enchased (~) ~;
(with), studded (with) shipyard, dockyard
.f¥Pfi&¥\@;;iM!fiiV\1&8HI¥, !.MW$?;~4W11Hk ,,,$,, Y

to proceed or go slowly or J~ ~ (~)

gently (in), do slowly or gently, go about some-
, : Ji) ~~; ~1;-~)
thing gently or carefully balancing (of accounts) (~4L::L-1) ~')
I J .... - I}~---
Ji; ~1;-J,.t:...:i ·~ ,UlJ :JJ;; inlaying, inlaid work, setting, enchasing, stud- t:'!'')
ding; marquetry
to strut, swagger, mince ~::._~; : ~)
strut(ting), swagger(ing), mincing }'<; :;;- ~~! ~1;-~)
to live in comfort and luxury, lead a life of ;:; : Jj compensation, solatium; satisfaction, gratifica- ~')
tion, pleasing
ease and comfort
:;; . w·=
.._.r ;~.l>
;:;; ""
~~ ~I;-~~~~ :4:i) consolation prize

promotion, advancement, upgrading, to dampen, wet through; to be or become ~)

uplifting moistened, dampened, damped, wetted, dabbled,
humidified; to be or become moist, damp, wet,
amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun ~')
amusing, entertaining ~') moistening, wetting, damping, dampening,
.~~l ~I;- r~ :(J;n) ~) dabbling; humidification
t* _..I .J _. .,..,,... I _, ,...
to be or become (over)full, ~ _,.::.. ;L... '')L;::.l : t j
~~l ~~;-r~ :JJ... - brimful, replete, filled to capacity or overflowing
.... :;,..,.... :;;
to expect, anticipate, look forward to ~;.

: <-:-.i;; canal, waterway, watercourse, conduit, ...... ·' •li :4;;

to wait for, await, look (out) for )aS l :J) sluiceway, aqueduct
to lie in wait for, lurk, ambush, am- J ~) : ~) ~~! ~1;-~)
buscade, waylay -
~-- ~-- . to grow up; to develop; to flourish, ~ , G :~)
expectation, expecting, expectan- J LJa.;.i l , ~;. :<-:-.i;; thrive
cy, anticipation; waiting (for), wait, awaiting; sus- turtledove
expectative, anticipatory, anticipative ~j·
~ - arousal of an interest, awakening ~~ J~ : ~')
of a desire
to water, tear, fill with tears; (t;.~4 ~I ~) iJ)) to live in great luxury, live in opulent comfort, u)
to overflow with tears, be bathed in tears lead a luxurious life; to luxuriate, be self-indulgent -
to flow, run, stream JL.. , r.; ~ : ~)) ....
... ... ~I;- u;;
. ... .... :;;

to ripple; to undulate, fluctuate, wave r_:;:; :~)) luxury, opulence, affluence; high living; self- u)
to glitter, glisten, sparkle, glimmer, ~~ : ~)) indulgence; lavishness, extravagance, sumptuous-
gleam ness
.... J ...
to be or become variegated, mottled, dappled, u_,;:.. ~1;-u;
speckled truffie (c.L...;)
to dance; to move; to oscillate, swing; to trem- :,;;- .... -,J
ble, shake uj ~1;-~;;
- .. ...:,.......
to be or become speckled, flecked, spotted, dap- 1i) to be far above, be too great c...Ai I , ~ o ~ : ~ ...r;!;;
"f ......

pled for, be too proud for; to disdain, look down upon

,. , .... ;:ii .... , ... .... :;; ....... -:;; .......
~b.J Jl .J J; ~1;-.J :;;;; to be promoted, raised, advanced, r.JZ ' ~; c.i) :
... ;I J ... :oi,... ...

clavicle, collarbone -··-

[ "C}_r; ] oJ;;
upgraded; to rise (in rank), advance, progress,
make progress
... J, ...
clavicular ~,; _;; disdain, haughtiness, pride ---·
~I , o ~-- 4--
~ : r;!;;
promotion, advancement, uplifting, ~~ , ~) : ~') .. ,.... " ... -""'...
(~ Jl .J Jl ~)~;~I;-&!! ...t..l&. :~
. -Ji_;
...... -
be synthesized; to be composed, made, formed, upgrading; raising, elevation
fabricated, constructed, built; to be mounted (on), layerage, layering (of plants)
fastened (on), fixed (on); to be fitted (in), set (in),
inserted (in)
estate, patrimony; inheritance, heritage, patching
bequest, legacy
administration of estates
c.IS' _,.::JI o;l,)l
... - , ,
~ ;JI ~-!-"

' ......

. skin grafting
... ... ... o; '... ..
~rD e--'J- ~;JI ~rD ... -- ... .
dilution, diluting, thinning, ~ , ~ : ~.}
to concentrate; to condense ~:}j
attenuation, weakening
to center, centralize; to focus,
focalize; to localize
to center on, focus on; to be or ~ ~I,) : ~
~~ , j:;:i :'J)
foliation, beating, lamination~:;..~'
numbering, numeration ~.i\,;JI
: ~:,;
. ... .....

become centered on, focused on, concentrated on paging tJJ ~~ ~~ d:,;

~ '~l: 'J)
..... ..c§ , • • • ...
to settle (down); to stabilize; to punctuation,~~
,; .. •
tJJ ~IJA.IIJ ~I J~l: ~;
be or become settled, stabilized; to be or become pointing
... ... •II .... J .. ......
fixed, fastened; to be or become (im)planted, ram- punctuation mark (~WIJ ~IS')~; ~~
med; to be or become positioned, stationed,
(em)placed hatching; hachuring (~~~ ~) J . ~ :~)
,_ - & - ......
.................... . .
concentration; condensation ~::?j to leave; to quit; to give LJ& tu
I • LJ& ~ • ~ : l!l.}

centering, centralization; focusing, ;:;.::. : ;; up, abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake, turn
one's back on; to desist from, abstain from, refrain
focalization; localization
... • • & ..... from, forgo; to discontinue, stop
settlement, settling (down); c.Q ' ;I~ l : ~; ....... ' ..... j .......

stabilization to leave out, omit, drop, neglect, J.;. I , ~I : I!);

skip, overlook, disregard _
as- J\;.~1, ,r,~l, .L:.ils. ,1..-A.Jt ,::::., ,_;.; :........S':i
• ..... r . ..... £
to leave behind, ~J Ji iS') Ji b~l ~: ~)
sembling, assemblage, assembly, putting together,
fitting together, piecing together; setup, setting up;
leave, bequeath, make over an inheritance or (as
by will)
installation, installing; combination, formulation,
preparation; synthesis, synthesizing; composition, to allow, let, permit ;j ~ : :5')
composing, making, forming, fabrication, con- to leave alone, let alone, let go, unhand, ~SJ :5')
struction, building; mounting, fastening, fixing, release, free; to let someone do what he likes; to
placing, setting, fitting, insertion pay no attention to
~ i;. I ~:,;
. . . 'Ill . . . 'IJ- ... .... • ... 0 ..

anabolism leaving; quitting; aban-LJ& t~ J • LJ& J.:i." ' ~ :l!l.}

photosynthesis -J .- :....s-·-
... _; ~ donment, giving up, relinquishment, renunciation,
forsaking; desistance, abstention, refrainment,
structure, setup, makeup, constitution,~ : ~:,; forgoing; discontinuance, stopping
composition, construction, build, make, physique, omission, leaving out, skipping, J~ I , J~ I : l!l)
formation, texture neglect, overlooking, nonobservance', disregard
installations, fixtures, fittings to be composed of, be ~ 0~ '~ ~'t :~ ~)
made up of, consist of
... -, .. $ .....
to be assembled, put together, fitted ~ J : ~;
synthetic; structural, constitutional; con- together, pieced together; to be set up; to be in-
structional, constructive stalled; to be combined, formulated, prepared; to
:;1 • ;;:; J ........ ·-
to become a monk, take the Spencerianism, synthetic philos- ~.rJI ~I
vow(s) ophy -
to become a nun, take the veil
"•·- .......
;;1)1 ":?-:~"_;
.... :;;
fixing, fastening, settlement, ~J j'). , , •- . ;:: ::;1')
stabilization; planting, implantation
to threaten, menace ~:J. , ~_;; :~~
centering, centralization; focusing, ;;'}'_;.. : ~')
~~ t"'IJ -~j focalization; localization
.... :;1 .,.. .... ,., 0 _., ........ --... J , :;; ................
.._,..,._; t"'IJ -ol)l ~_;·~)I V':Aii concentration; condensation • •.. :~ :~')
...... -;;.-'
trifle, triviality, vanity; lie, falsity, falsehood, u_;; concentration(on), jl;,l.(~) ..~:~..::i :(~)A')
falseness; farce, sham; nonsense, drivel, humbug, focusing (on); emphasis, stress(ing), underlining,
rigmarole, balderdash, rubbish, flimflam, twaddle highlighting
to be or become ~I ~ ~ ~;:,: ~l... : ~) ptarmigan (_;u.) u~')
flabby, flaccid, loppy, soft and limp
flabbiness, flaccidity, limpness lupine (c.~)..,..:;
yU.~) t"'IJ -~')
thermos 4..15'· '·-
··- •I.J""" J"'.

~J~jj t"' IJ- (~;~1)

to lose one's wife, become a widower :k~l J,:j
.. ;Oj ........
to lose one's husband, become a ;;1)1
to deliberate, premeditate,~~ , ):::; :c.: ~I j) !.SJ)
think over, revolve in one's mind, reflect .. (on),
meditate (on), contemplate, consider carefully, widowhood, viduity t;
to be or become repaired, over- ~~ , ~ 1:(:. j
to take one's time (in), act J~: (;.~1 j) 1.5~~ hauled, fixed, restored, reconditioned, rebuilt
slowly or at leisurely pace (in), be delitJerate or
leisurely or careful (in) thermos 4..15' · ' ·-
··- ·(.J"~J"'.
.... ......... J, .... -
~JJ t"' I; - ~Jji thermostat c.L::.:.~~
.... .... .... J • -'.
trout (ct...) 4iJ~; thermometer •;I;LI .;I~:~~;;_
to fan oneself (~j)~) (J) incineration; cremation .)L.~J :~')
. -....._,,... :
to diffuse a strong odor, ~IJ c. .r-:;!, c:li :(J.r'
.... ... .... :;; ....
repair, reparation, overhaul(ing), ..1:1~, c:~J :~')
exude a specific fragrance, be fragrant restoration, mending, reconditioning, rebuilding
~ ,;..- ... , 'il 0 J .,,
trust I.SJ~ I ~b.; I : .::-Jji citron ...
( c.~)
...... ... -- ....
.,, ~
to be tamed, domesticated; to be housebroken; :;,jj lemon balm, bee balm ( u~)
. . ....-
to be subjugated, subdued; to be trained, drilled,
coached, schooled; to practice, drill (oneselO, canary; serin (.J"'·u.)-~.....-
exercise, take exercise, train; to get used (to), be or to stagger, reel, totter, sway, falter, wobble
- ;;,... ....
become accustomed (to) J_-
... :;; ......... stagger(ing), reel(ing), totter(ing), sway(ing), ~;;
tl:;~! t"' 1J- t) ,;:_;\>. :tJ;· falter(ing), wobble, wobbling
trolley; trolley bus ~/;; bluebottle (c.~) ol!..iji
~~~ t"'IJ -~J) •• :: . . . :;;....
f:'_.r> '("'J t"'IJ-
....:ii ........
circulation, putting into circulation,[~~ J~ : ~J)
spreading; promotion, merchandising, sales pro- intonation, modulation, recital; chanting, sing-
ing; hum(ming)
motion, furtherance; propagation, propagandizing,
publicity; popularization hymn, anthem, psalm, chant, song ~')
... ...... . .....
':;1' .... -.. . : . .
fanning; ventilation, airing ~~ :r:f.J;· to concern oneself with trifles c.\,.~ I ~ c! J : oj
to synchronize, concur, coincide, happen :; 1) refreshment, revival,~ l~l 'u!-ta: r!~')
'' ;. ±:..: l:
together, occur at the same time, be synchronous, animation; soothing, easement, easing, relief,
be simultaneous relieving; resting, giving rest to, relaxation
~~ "" " I-

synchronism, synchronization, synchronous- ,:,..J I_;

-- recreation, amusement, entertain- ~I ~ 'C!~_;
ness, simultaneity, simultaneousness, concurrence, ment, distraction, diversion, fun
coincidence, conjunction, contemporaneity, contem- 'C!~I) e--1; -4:1:.~')
poraneousness :;;; l... •J ---
~ ... ' , ~I; e--1; -01~ :"--!.~.}
0 ...

synchronous, synchronal, synchronic(al) ~I_;

taming, domestication; breaking in; subjuga- uA!..;)
to intermarry; to mate (dJ ;~1) (_j\) tion, subduing; training, drill(ing), coachini,
r:;~j~ e.-';- r:;~j~ :r:;'; schooling; habituation, accustoming, inurement
intermarriage, endogamy; mating (l.?~l) ~j1) frightening, scaring, alarming, intimida- ~;:-. : t}~")
. . , ...... tion, horrifying, terrifying, panicking, terroriza-
~~J:?jl e--1; -~IJ:?il :~JI; tion, shocking
to exchange visits, visit one another (;~1) .J_ji) clarification, clearing, purifica- ~ , (! '"; : ~J)
... ,... ... J... .... ....... _ ... tion, elutriation, fining, refinement, refinini.
~\j e.-';- ;.5 ':;s '.)\j :.I.! I.} leaching
~; e--1;- ~4 :~1) breakfast rt:::.ll ;w.: ~~")
to outbid one another (.:i:11 ~ ~ ;~1) ~1) antidote, theriaca; antitoxin; panacea, cure-all Jl..'"
J _....-


e.-'.)- .)~:il :.~.!I.}

"I.. •..
antidotal, theriacal; antitoxic '-I _.)".

to separate, part, divide, scatter, disperse, J~ :~I) yl.:i~l e--1;- ~;

break up; to be separated, disunited, divided, scat-
chest, breast(s); thorax; rib
tered, dispersed ... ;:;;_. .....

to be or beco~ satisfied with, con- ~ l :~ .;.; J::!s to linger, tarry; to slow, delay; to take one's
time; to bide one's time, wait, be patient

tent with; to content oneself with, Settle for -

to vitrify, be or become vitrified; to be or be- ~) ~I; e--1;- ~l :~)
come glazed, glassed to practice, exercise, do physical exercises, take ~)
b.' I.. . - ·:
vitrification ~ ,jJ.~~:~_;,.. exercise, drill (oneself), train; to promenade, walk,
take .a walk, go for a walk
glazing, glassing ~G:-)~ ~~; :~; u·
-. J

.r-" e--1;-~j
('\' ·.:
penciling of the eyebrows ~ :,l. ~ .1'
to budge, move; to be dislodged, displaced, vJ spinster, old maid

J -

to slide, glide, slip, skid, slither; to ski; to skate ~) to compete, vie, rival, contend, jostle ~8:~1)
'· ......
-,-.:;..l :~1)
sliding, slide, gliding, slip(ping), skid( ding), ~.} to crowd together, throng together,
slithering; skiing; skating
... .... ..... ,. ....
.....~ .......
swarm, pack, press together, jostle
~j e--1; -dJ ~~ ;_; competition, rivalry
to be embellished, adorned, ornamented, u').) competitive; emulative, emulous
decorated; to adorn oneself, dress up
(S~j e.-'.) -I.S~)
to associate, be( come) or join as colleagues
~~~jl e--1;- f.;) (associates, comrades, fellows)
to shake, totter, wobble; to be shaken, ~ : VJ
to get (be, become) married (with, (~) 0;i! :(J) convulsed, unsettled; to be or become shaky, un-
to), marry, wed, take a(s) spouse; to join hands, steady, insecure, precarious
become husband and wife to lead, head, run, be at the head of; to be or
(IJ~ ~I;-(~)" become the leader (chief, boss) of

to take along provisions

... :;:. .....

,)I )I ..~.>I : JJY,'

j ... :;. ... """ asphalting; pitching c..i~ ;-.;.,;,. :~j"
to be supplied with, provided with,""~ :""' ~;)
gavagey~1 ~~~ !~1 JJ tJJ _rlJJI Jl>~l :~')
furnished with, equipped with: fitted 'with, to give alms or charity Jj-
;:,~ :
~j ).., : Jj
outfitted with; to provide oneself with, supply
to be or become pure, righteous,
oneself with, furnish oneself with, equip oneself
with, outfit oneself with
-- f/. -:;, _ ... to grow, increase, flourish, thrive
to be forged, counterfeited, falsified, rigged; ;Jj : .;JY,'
to be pirated recommendation
to lie, tell a lie; to commit perjury ~J~I JL; : ~;) purification, chastening
~;~~I;-~;~:~;) unopposed, uncontested
angulation ~~:;~ lj *'~I J:;;. :~!j" to ski; to skate; to bobsled; to sled, sledge, sleigh; 'i})"
.-::;;. . "*' o...- o_..
to slide, glide, slip
marrying(ofl),givingin (IJ)I _:1.~~ ..Ia;; :\!:1-!Y.'
marriage; marrying, marriage, wedding to water-ski, ski
~:;(;:~I; -~)1; :~/) skiing; skating; bobsledding; sledding, sledging,
supply(ing), providing, pro vi- <J.._;;; , ~ :('"'!) ~!j" sleighing; sliding, gliding, slip(ping)
sion, furnishing, equipping, equipment, fitting out, waterskiing .lll t¥ ~; '~L. Cf;
outfit(ting); provisioning, purveyance, victualing
to quake (earth) (~~~I ~) J))
forgery, falsification, counterfeiting, rigging; fi/)
piracy to fawn on, curry favor with, ingratiate JJ ~)
oneself with, toady, bootlick; to adulate, flatter
embellishment, adornment, orna- ;:,;~ ;-.;.,;,. : J!/) (survilely), coax, cajole, wheedle, blandish,
mentation, decoration sweet-talk
to dress (in), clothe oneself (in), be ~: (""') 4)" adulation, (servile) flattery, cajolery, blandish- ....J)
clothed (in), be clad (in), wear, put on - -
ment, sweet talk, sycophancy, toadyism, fawning
to make (unnecessary) additions; to :ll.
c. :( .J') ~~:.
...)" (on), bootlicking, currying favor (with)
exaggerate, magnify, amplify
JJ}! ~\)- Jk-) :))
to increase, rise, go up, soar ~~!:~I~)
lubrication, oiling, greasing '.:: · -: t ·.:
exaggeration, magnification; redundancy; (J.) ~)" ... :;:.-- .....

surplusage to be or become strict, rigorous, stringent, se- ..::.... j:i

- f/J - :;...- ... vere, stern, prim, puritan(ical)
to be counterfeited, forged, falsified, '""'"=j:~;·
strictness, rigor(ism), stringency, rigidity, se- .:.:,_;-
verity, sternness, austerity; primness; puritanism;
to be adorned, ormamented, embel- precisian ism
lished, graced, decorated, dressed
to be or become an atheist or unbeliever
-.. --:-::
'-' ...1.1 .1"
to adorn oneself, groom (oneseiO, be- (~ : ~)
deck oneself, preen oneself, primp, dress up, toilet, toputonabelt ~~~}~))
smarten up, spruce up; to make up, put on make-
up, use or apply cosmetics, paint and powder ~~I J. ~~ ~I;-~)
toilet, toilette, adorning oneself, grooming(~ : .)..)" asceticism ,>(2 .~j:~)
(oneselO, bedecking oneself, primping, dressing
lapse, breakdown up, smartening up, sprucing up; making up, put-
snowfall ting on makeup, application or use of cosmetics
lubrication, oiling, greasing
loss of hair, alopecia
counterfeiting, forgery, falsification, rigging
rainfall, rain; shower; pour,
downpour adornment, ornamentation, embellishment,
~! e-')-W'8 garnishment, decoration, decor
to ask oneself(whether); to ask, query, ques-
to live together, share a t:: (I~ Ji) C(:. ::)'8 tion, inquire (about); to wonder
(~ CJI) } 8 question, query, inquiry
__,~q :;.G· to curse (abuse, rail at, ~ ~ ~ , ~ G :~t..:j
to compete, vie, strive to excel one
insult) one another
to race, run; to compete, vie, contend, jostle; to J:; t..:i
to vie in glory with one another ;.. ~ : ~ 8
strive to outdo one another
r:r c 'c e.-') -r:,r c 'c :~8 race, racing, run(ning); competition; emulation .,; t..:i
to overlook, excuse; to tolerate; to J'. l.i :(~) ~ 8 to compete, vie, contend; to L)~ G , ;:,;.;- c.i :~ G·
be indulgent, tolerant, forbearing, lenient, merciful strive to excel or outdo one another; to meet in a
indulgence, tolerance, toleration, J.a W , ~ : ~ W
' ,.,. " I ' ..--"

forbearance, leniency, lenity, clemency, mercy, to show oneself generous, lib- .~I ~ :..;.. G·
kindness eral, openhanded
to chat with one another in the ~ 2-,~t;.; :;. 8 to whisper together ~~ :~G·
evening or at night, spend the evening or night in
pleasant conversation to exchange secrets or sentiments, talk ~ G :~ 8
, ;;;; ... _.. .... "" confidentially, commune
to pass from mouth to mouth, be on u-- U I ~ t' W
everybody's lips, be the talk of the town to hurry, hasten, rush, dash, run; to accelerate, t)t..:i
move faster, gain speed; to quicken, become more
to support (assist, aid, help) one 2.,j~ , ~jL,; : ~ G·
rapid; to flow in succession, follow or succeed
another; to cooperate, collaborate, work together; one another
to unite, join forces, rally
-,~:.·.\ :JI ~(j hurry(ing), hastening, rush(ing); acceleration, &w
" -,~:·.\. e:- I
Jl J
f. ... ,;.
pickup; quickening; succession
to be or become lenient (toward or with), (e) ja8 acceleration of gravity ~~~\ t~Li
indulgent (toward or with), tolerant (toward or
with), forbearing (toward or with), mild (toward or nine at a time; by nines, nine and nine t C..;;
- - J

with) to help (aid, assist, support) one another;2.,j~ : ~W

leniency, lenity, indulgence, tolerance, tolera- ~8 to cooperate, collaborate, work together
tion, forbearance, mildness to fornicate, whore, commit adultery J
j : ~ Cj·
equality, equivalence, parity, evenness, (LSJ WI) J t..:i ~'}I~~~~:.;_;!: :Jw
to copulate, engage in
sameness, identity; equal rights, equality ·before the sexual intercourse

·'r.. __,,w
law :.iiC...
copulation, coitus, coition, sexual inter- tl:..:-:
- J -
. ... ...
isomerism ~~ .. _ course, sex
equidistance ~\ __,,c.i to fall, fall down, come down; to collapse,
_r..u ~ e.- IJ ~ ':?~-(.j~
(;;I,C:.) ;;l_,dl
break down
to fall out ~\ 1i8
to be or become equal, even, 0jl:;; 'J~~ :-.s:;t..:i J --

alike, similar, balanced fall, falling (down, out, away), drop(ping); col- .J:dL.,;·
dt\tM> · ,. ·~~==-::-<=:::::::ii!¥G1:Zi,:::;:=,;::-0::i!t:Z::-1 =:::::::::::::::::::P!!!#ii!I-!II!Eli!-¥il!t@ll!·$ili'limlltl~J

to be registered, recorded, put on record, 0~~ :~· to be or become coherent, consistent; to be or ~jli
entered, listed, inscribed, written down, put down become harmonious, proportional, symmetrical; to
to enroll, register, be enrolled, be- (~) ~ be or become successive, continuous
come a member; to join, enter coherence, interrelation(ship); consistency; Jj 8
to be recorded, tape-recorded, ( -1t;. ~) ~ harmony, symmetry, proportion, regularity, con-
gruity; unison
. ,
~ r:::-
I -:.
to bargain, haggle, higgle, chaffer r-'8
;egistration, registry, register(ing), ' .... ;~, (J..J~: ~ to engage in a sword fight, u~L ~~G.; : ~ 8
meet in duel
recording, recordation, taking record of, putting O'n
record, entering, entry, listing, inscription, writing :..~-. r:::-1) --! ,i .j -. ~<.
down, putting down, taking down, setting down,
noting (down), taking notes of, marking down; to result from, follow .y- ~ , .y- ~ : .y- :. ~-;
enrollment from, ensue from, arise from, spring from, stem
from, grow out of, come out of, be caused by
recording, tape recording, taping(lat) ~) ~
to trade, do business; to sell -;,..t:;: : .•~-*;
tape recorder, recorder (u ~I) ~ ~~ ~
-- .: I -- • :
• :;. 0 ... , ...._

cash register ..lL:..l I ~ .6J I

f ..... , __ ~

<i-1/:11 ~ o)IJ '':?!Lo... ~ o)IJ

. . . . . . . . . . . J_
to abate, subside, remit, let up; to ~, J::.. :p
calm down, cool down
registry office, land registration department ... :;.... 0 :.

causing, causation, occasioning, ~ J........_. : ~

registrar, register, recorder ~ ~_,.: L bringing about, giving rise to, giving birth to·,
to have a light meal (.;L.;..:~ .j) ~~I j'i :;.:..:-.· resulting in, making, triggering, effectuation, pro-
(shortly before daybreak during .. Ramadan) , duction, creation, engendering, generation
to bear ill will or malice against, ~ ~ : ~ ~· glorification, praise, eulogy, extolment (of (~I)~·
harbor rancor or hatred against, hate God)
exploitation; utilization, employment, subjec- doxology, hymn, anthem ~·
tion, subjugation
' coma .: . ~~ ~;. ~;.:i :t. :;·
heating, warming (up), calefaction ~·
to be paid, settled, discharged, liquidated,
cleared, squared, balanced to cover oneself, screen oneself, take cover; to }::..:;
... '~~" ... .,..,. hide (oneseiO, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of
to be aimed, pointed, directed, leveled '-:>~: J......;
sight; to disguise oneself, be disguised, be in dis-
to be guided, led, directed :.;., ~ 1:~~ guise; to be or become covered, veiled, concealed,
to be or become right, correct, proper rl2.! :~~ to harbor, shelter, hide, conceal, mask, .¥ ;:..:,
J~! r:::-1)- J~ blind, obscure, cloak, cover (up), veil, hide from
sight or knowledge
payment, settlement, discharge, liquida-
covering oneself, screening oneself, taking cover;}::.:.·
tion, clearing, paying up, defrayal
aim(ing), pointing, leveling, direct- '-:-':!~:.J,i~
. ... . ... hiding, concealing oneself; concealment, hidden-
ness; disguise
harboring, sheltering, concealing, con- .¥ ~
outstanding, due, unpaid, unsettled c.;.; .J.t~l cealment; covering, veiling; cover-up; disguising,
concubinage u ( ~ I ~ ~! :(<:?:.:.,j I) _:.:.; disguise
.. 0 J.
testosterone uJ;:-~
to take a concubine, keep a ~~~· ~! :...s"'_;j· ... ;;;.,. , ...
mistress stowage, stowing, steeving u.:....j........_.:~
acceleration, speedup, pickup, JJ..Ao t_::, : tf,;:,· to leak, seep, ooze, infiltrate, flow out,
outflow, run out, escape
r::?-) :y ..;-:;
:;, ... ..-

expedition, hastening, hurrying, quickening

to be spread (out), out- ~~ ) ..,.. , -6- ~;!: ~ 7 to infiltrate, JL; :((;; ,
:.,.:.: I , j , JJ) ~~
spread, unfolded, unrolled; to be levelled, evened, enter, penetrate; to sneak (into or ..among), slip
flattened; to flatten, become flat (into or among), steal (into or among), creep (into
or among), insinuate oneself (into or among)
to lie down (on one's back), ~~ , J_t-:. ! :~
be supine; to stretch (out) l~ak(age), seep(age), oozing, ooze, i~filtra- d--~: y~
tion, outflow, outward flow, flowmg out, running
writing (down), jotting down; composi- ~8' :~· out, escape
tion, drawing up, drafting
, J .. IJ ... • ...
infiltration; sneak(ing),
ruling, lining, drawing of lines; J.,_6.;1.-1 ~ J : ~ slip(ping), steal(ing)
streaking, crossing, striping, barring
to wear, put on, dress ~:~;.;
one-ninth, ninth (~)~
nine ('\)~ !.S ~ e.-') -/;..::;
nineteen (\'\)~~ to swallow, gulp, bolt ~: 1_:,:.;
G\.1" -L,.. :'.'L'<
fo! e.-')<.~! '~! :;;...:;
to cancerate ··- r') .._,.PJ-'

to be priced (WI~) ;:i canceration ~u,;. ~~I ~~J~: J,;.;

('\.)0~ ~ l:. :,1:,:..;
the ninetieth
to be or become hasty (in), rash (in), ( J I , j) t,.:..:;
.:. precipitate (in); to do in a hurry; to hur~ (with),
pricing; quotation hasten (to do); to rush (to), dash (to), run (to)
tariff; quotation; price, rate o
- .-
~ to jump to conclusions (I:.:· ~I ~ t~
to stoop, lower oneself, abase oneself, demean Jt,i· hastiness, rashness, precipitancy, precipitance, ~·
oneself, debase oneself, degrade oneself, sink low, precipitation, impetuosity; hurry, haste
act in a despicable manner
.... • f. ... ::;._ .... ;:,;. e.-') -;:,;. :~ _:,:i·
to gather, pick up, hunt for, search (t'J Jl:> ~I)~
for, nose about for, seek (news, information, etc.) ;:,;:_~ e.-IJ- )aj1 _,j ~I ;j~
tempering, quenching (0~1)
, ...
·· ....
to wear or put on (one's) trou- JIJ~I ~: JJ_:.:j·
sers or pants
roofing, ceiling ~ J~ : ~
leak(age); infiltration
to loiter, loaf, bum, idle, hang around, wander ~
(about), lounge (about), gad, meander, ramble, basting, tacking
dawdle, putter (around), poke along, tramp discharge, dismissal, firing,
loitering, loafing, bumming, idling, hanging
& --
p layoff
around, wandering, lounging, gadding, meander- release, discharge (~I _,j ~_,i:,ll) "C!;:,
ing, rambling, dawdling, puttering
sugaring, sweetening 9:..: :~ demobilization, disband- (41 _,i _AI) "C!;:,
;;I :It ... • ... ment, deactivation
candying; conserving, p~ (~WI)~:~
preserving with sugar -
divorce, divorcement, divorcing "C!r'. :
( ~·~II)
-. J.J'
t.,.,:jl:( .,-,,) •:
transhumance t ·-- !.;::' _,. "C!r
calming, quieting, pacification, • i_~:.,; , ~~: ~
combing, doing, dressing, styling, (~I) "C!;:,
coitling, coiffuring
tranquilization; soothing, relieving, relief, easing,
easement, alleviation, allaying, assuagement, coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle
# ,- ::

:X·' I e--1; -01::2.! ,~;i! :: ot<; appeasement, mitigation, mollification, palliation,

u~! e.-'; -I..AJ.-,j
-~-: sedation

to climb, scale, ascend, mount, go up JL;

uK.:.}e.-'; -uK.:.j :~
to mountaineer, climb mountains J~l JL; :(~ e.-')- (J:.jl) J:i
to climb (up), creep J.~!: ~UI
J,Li to amuse oneself, have fun, have a good time; to J:.i
delight (in), take pleasure (in); to console onesel~
climb(ing), scaling, ascending, ascent, mounting J:j· to arm oneself; to be armed ~
mountaineering J~l~ armament, rearmament ~
to sneak away, steal away, slink away, ('- )JL
~ arms limitation, limitation of arms, ~I~~
slip away, escape disarmament
to sneak into, steal into, slip into, creep JJ JL; arms race, armament race ~I J~
into, insinuate oneself into; to infiltrate, penetrate, , . ... ..... . ... . ... ;;._. ....
ill I ~L ;I
infiltration; sneak(ing), slinking,
: c..-- e.- I ) - illl
-· :.:.1c..- 7

slip(ping), steal(ing) to flow (down), run; to trick- ~ , y~ ,c.S'_;,; : ~f i-7

le; to drip, drop, dribble, fall in drops
offside (t'J _1"~1 ~)' ~) jt.;
to follow in succession or in sequence,~G : ~f j-;
to receive; to get, obtain; to take; to JjG , JE :{lj· come successively or in proper order, be succes-
collect; to take over, assume sive or consecutive or continuous; to form an un-
to extradite, obtain the extradition of F ,..
l:. ~
.... _.:ii_.. ...
interrupted sequence; to form a series, be arranged
in a series, be seriate(d), be serial; to be concate-
~~! e--1;-rL nate(d), linked, connected, interlinked, interlocked
, ..... , .......

amusement, entertainment, diversion, dis- ~: ·~-~· 7 sequence, succession, consecu- <:_J....; , t!\.;:;: J...L;
traction, pastime, fun - tion, progression; order; hierarchy; gradation,
amusement centers, ((·11 c_,~, ~C.i) }'1~: graduation
places of amusement train of thought
arming, armament, rearmament hierarchy, hierarchical succession
credit, advance; lending, loan (sequence, order, etc.)
in order, in proper sequence, in succes- J' j- ~~~
credit bank
handing over, turning over, .i.l_, l... ' (- ~ '
, .. r:!;.... :F.... sion, successively, consecutively, serially, seriatim,
in series, one after the other; continuously, contin-
handing in, turning in, submission, submitting, ually, without interruption
presentation, presenting, referring, giving (in), de- hierarchical; serial, seriate; successive, con- ~( i'7
livery, delivering secutive, sequent, sequential
, , ... 'II

JJ Ut-;WI _,1 ~; F

(I; .... • , ,; ....

extradition ~L.~ to overcome, overpower, overwhelm, ~ '~;J 7

service(ofsummons, [uyli] 6.~:; 't~J :~ prevail over, have a dominant influence over; to
writ, notice, papers, etc.), delivery, notification overrule, dominate, predominate, command,
control, govern, rule, reign, sway, hold sway over,
salutation, greeting; salute :i~::'"jl :Wj :~
.. . ,, .... gain power over, be absolute master over
~~! e-- 1 ;-.)~! 't~ :F mastery, sway, reign, power, authority, com- ..lJ:i
mand, control, domination, (pre)dominance, as-
saving, rescuing, rescue, deliv- ~\i! , ~ :~
cendancy, supremacy, upper hand, hegemony
erance; protection, preservation, guarding, safe-
to become sultan ~ UaL ~ \. .:. :::.,1.i- ;.
guarding, keeping
.. ,.... ..... . . ...... ,. ,...;;;;,... ..

acceptance, approval; consent, ~.} ' J~ : to chap, crack open ~ : ..Jf.l ~

thickening, making thick(er) assent, agreement

poisoning; envenoming, venoming ;,:. ;-.;..;,. : ~· admission, admitting, conces- u I~! , J I) J : ~

0 :. sion, conceding, allowing, acknowledgment, ac-
v- J..W...O : ~
,... ::;- ,... • ..

fattening, plumping
to be or become easy; to J:_:i , ;.:;:, , ~ : ::~I J:j·
,. -... ' ::;
taking for granted, granting, conceding,~...~.:~; ~I
be facilitated, be made easy; to be (become, be concession, postulation, postulating, presumption,
made) possible, feasible assumption, presupposition
, • .. ,.. :il_.. ....

to be or become possible for, feasible .r ~I .U c_i-J delivery order ~ ::i

for, easy for; to be able to to be named, called, designated, nomi-
to ascend, mount, scale, top ~ :(lj· nated
0 .... '!1, . . :;; .....
to accede to, ascend (the i~ :(;j:,;.JI) ~ to be nailed, fastened with a nail J~ ~ : ~·

• J, ...... J. ........ to stand as if pinned to the ~ LG ~ z..:..:3 : ;:.:;
accession, ascension • ~ ~ , _;r.:; : ~· ground
to be or become indented, dented, ;:,. ~ , ~ : J:j·
jagged, notched, toothed, serrate(d), crenate(d)
J • '' ~-- ~- '
indentation, dentation, serration, _;.. _;:::, , ~ : ~
crenation to auscultate
0.... 0 ....

support(ing), propping (up), crutching, ~J : ~

staying, resting, shoring up, holding up; staking,
staking out (a plant, etc.); consolidation, strength-
ening, reinforcement auscultatory
~ e-1)-J4:i to be poisoned, envenomed
to be or become easy; to be facilitated, be ;.:;:, : Jf,:j poisoning, toxication, toxicosis
made easy; to be (become, be made) possible, feasi-
toxemia; septicemia, blood poisoning
facilitation,. facilitating, making easy ;, :~ lead poisoning

facilities .:.. y· industrial poisoning

to scale, climb ):.i :)J=j· food poisonin~

, _..;:;; -- :;:; .......
to be or become worm-eaten dl rWall IJ',..:; phosphorism
, • oJJ ,. -/. oJI ... ::;,... ..

to be or become carious, to lf:,..;.JI Jl 0=-JIIf,_; naming, calling, denomination,

decay nomination, designation
to decay, rot ~I ~:;:,.; name, appellation, designation, nomen- ~! :(~' ;
clature, title
(dental) caries, tooth decay, cariosity uL:.:. ~I ~~
fertilization, fertilizing, manuring ~ ;..w... : •.. .0 • ;.
caries r~l
' J

nailing, fastening with a ~ail

J ~ '- ··; ·; : ~
.... ... ....
,...::;_ --:: ........ :;;:;-:
to shop, purchase, buy ~ ·IJj-' •"' ... .. • .. • ... , .... 0 ...

tanning, browning, u;J.JI r-1 ~~~ ~ :~

to trade in the market, buy and lS;:!.IJ 4 :;:;;:_.; t embrowning
sell (nappy) rash
.. ~-:
shopping, purchasing, purchase, buying; trad- iJ J-'
making hear, letting hear
ing, trade
to beg, ask for alms lS-.~::_ ~, ~ :J;:i recitation, reciting
ling, driving forward begging, beggary, mendican- .u..:._;.!, .1~! :J~
driving, setting in motion;
steering, directing, direction
.. _.Y,= & -r
' = ·fr._:-'
· '= cy, mendicity
• = . 4,'; • ;,
leveling, planing, flattening, flatting,
management, running, direction, han- o~I~) : ~ grading, smoothing
dling · · leveling (to the ground), ~'}. , d~ :(._,o ~ ~~) ~;.,;
starting, operating, operation, flJ'}. '~ : ~ razing, flattening, tearing down, pulling down·
running, working, actuation - · dressing, making, J:i~ , ~ , ~~ : ~;.,;
sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding J l.. ~ 1:~ preparation, preparing, doing up; arrangement,
0 :: ~ : arranging, arraying, organization, fixing (up);
circulation, putting into circulation, 'C! ~ .J" : fr.;-' adjustment, regulation, regulating, settlement,
spreading, promotion, popularization
settling, putting in order, setting right
0 :.

~ equalization, equalizing, oIJC.: , 4.)~~ : ~;.,;
4.JCI>~)I - ~
I • ;, equation, equating, putting on the same level,
putting on an equal footing, treating equally or as
to be or become pessimistic; to see an evil omenr•G.;· equal(s)
(in), regard as an evil portent
~ -- settlement, payment, squaring, ..l:!~ , r}~: ~~
pessimism rj \.!j' balancing, clearing
"' ) .......
pessimistic ~jl!J settlement, reconciliation, ac- ~_;; , J,;.. : ~~
commodation, adjustment, arrangement, compo-
to be or become interlaced, interlocked, inter- ~G.;
twisted, intertwined, twined, twisted, entwined,
interwoven, knitted, meshed, snarled, tangled; to compromise £j J;.. :~~
interlace, interlock, intertwist, intertwine, inter- outstanding, due, unsettled, unpaid ~_,.:.j1 c.;.;
weave, knit, mesh, snarl, tangle; to interpenetrate;
to overlap; to be or become complicated, complex, blackening
intricate, confused
permission, permitting, allow-
to synapse; to reticulate, become [ .~i] d;'l;.;
ance, allowing
reticulate( d) .... •::
justification, vindication fly1 :t:E~
interlacement, interlock(ing), intertwist(ing), ~G.;·
intertwinement, snarl, tangle; engagement; inter- rationalization [~] t:E~
penetration; overlap(ping); complicatedness, com-
plexity, intricacy, confusion justificatory, vindicatory ~~;. : ~;.i
...... ... J .....
synapse, synapsis; syndesis; reticu- [ .~i] ct;C;.; procrastination, stalling, temporiza- ill 1.:.:. : ~,_;;
lation tion, putting off, postponement, delay(ing) -
to resemble each other; to be or become similar, 1.; G.;· dilatory, delaying, procrastinating, stalling
alike, akin, analogous, parallel, uniform, corres-
ponding, correspondent; to be or become identical marketing
... >~tJ ... :;i.- ...
resemblance, similarity, likeness, alikeness, ~G.;· to be or become politicized (f'::"" : ~
analogy, similitude, affinity, parallelism, corres-
pondence, parity; identity
~ )a;,: ~I) - ~ ~-6:.- \·
cha-cha leaving, abandonment, forsaking, J~) , d~ : .....' :.
relinquishment, renunciation; neglect, ·leaving out·
to curse (abuse, revile) one
release, liberation, freeing, setting
~ ~l) -{G.;· fencing, hemming, hedging, railing, enclosing, (!.. ~· 7
to quarrel, fight, hassle, ~~ t_jG :_;,.G.;·
;,C:!.! , , enclosure
wrangle, squabble, spat, brawl, jangle, scrimmage, propulsion, drive, impulsion, impel- ;..~, ~~ :~

IIIB1BBBBW¥MBBB*BBBB4BWMBBiBIIB•BiiB'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiB1B~~· ~~~~iliiliiliili*iiifiiiiliiliiliBB~B$B'ilili~mAAB*JB*iB~mm:m:m="~·rl1=,1mHB~BM
bornness, obstinacy, pertinacity, opinionatedness scuffle; to come to blows, come to grips, grapple,
to be or become saturated (with), sated (."i) ~ engage in hand-to-hand fighting
(with), soaked (with); to be or become filled (with), )~~I)-(,~~ 'J~ :;.G;
full (o0; to be or become charged (with), loaded
to spat, squabble, wrangle, r:..~ ;..8 : ~8·
hassle, jangle, quarrel, fight, altercate, dispute,
saturation, satiation, satiety, fullness; satisfaction t;::.· argue
. , d:8
. ~)
I - ,,t.:.:.;
. ,;,l"~
. to hate each other
to imitate, copy, ape; to assimilate oneself to; _. ~ s..~ ~\)- ;..G;
to match, equal; to compare oneself with ~ . todispute,argue,alter- ?,8 .~8 •r:..~ :~G;
imitation, imitating, copying, aping; match- (_.) ~ cate, jangle, squabble, quarrel
ing, equaling; comparing oneself with ' ·
1)!. ~I) -1~G;
celebrating in love poems, rhapso-; .. ~:. J-;..;:. :~
dizing about - ~~.r!.~ 'd;!,~ ~I)- ~~G; .d~8·
love poetry, erotic poetry to pretend to be a poet j. G;
. I .., -.. J;;.::.. ~\ ~ !hl :J1G;
t-W.l,~J-~ to pretend to be busy

likening, comparison, assimilation ~ .. ,

. ) -.;..;:. :......:::; ~~~I)-~~ :~8
simile •. :·.~
[ W] to complain to one ~
. ,J .~
I . - ls::.:.. : <"L.:;.j·
0""" ,_.

0 ... - ... - ...

;:. 'G. ~I)- J:=:; to quarrel, brawl, wrangle , ; oF:..~ :~G; ;.. 8
to scatter, disperse, break up, dis- )~ , :.;~ : ~­
to resemble each other, conform, j c.; , ~8 : J5'8
band, separate; to be scattered, dispersed, dispelled,
correspond; to be or become similar, alike, akin,
strewn about
J. .......
!........ analogous, homogenous, homologous, uniform,
dispersal, dispersion, scatter(ing), dis- J~:-""•'""
corresponding, conformable; to be or become
union, separation, division identical
• J ~-- , .... -- , .... .... , -,
distraction, absentmindedness ~\c.::.::.:; similarity, likeness, resemblance, ~ l.; , ~ l..:.; : jS'L.:;.j·
analogy, homology, homogeneity, uniformity,
dispersion, dispersal, dispersing, .I:!~, Jt~ : · .. ~··· ..
conformity, correspondence, isomorphism; iden-
scatter(ing), dispelling, separation, breaking up
-" >#, ... >tl tity
to be afforested, forested, wooded r.r-- ' ~ :~
' ... -;; .......
,, .... ... ..... , ... ... .... .... -...
t_,..:. '~ ~\)- ~l.:":.J ,~l.:":.J
to arborize J')S ~ ~ J ~~ t~ :~ to deliberate, confer, consult, }1~, Jjl~ :~J8·
arborization ;;::.· discuss, hold talks, exchange views
to pluck up courage, take heart, brave, make ~ consultation, deliberation, counsel, conferring, .JJ8·
bold; to be encouraged, emboldened conference, discussion, talk
afforestation, forestation, tree-planting, to agree (up)on or about, reach ~ ~ ~: ~ t,8·
wooding an agreement on or about
Arbor Day : ..~~- ~\J -(;;i~~ ~1::.J1) -. ~~,;.
encouragement, encouraging, emboldening, ~
heartening; furtherance, promotion, support --... -;;~. :.
to stick to, adhere to, cling to, cleave to; to ~ ~
pruning, lopping, trimming, clipping <.,-:!~ : ~ hang on to, persist in, hold by; to be or become
tenacious, opinionated, stubborn, obstinate
greasing, lubrication, lubricating ~-
tenacity; adherence (to), sticking (to), clin- (~) '· ~-,_;.
to be diagnosed ging (to), hanging on (to), persistence (in); -stub-
,... ... ... ,... ... ;;i .......

trimming, clipping, pruning, par- y~ J;..;:,. :~:}::::; to appear to, be revealed to, .J LS ol; :.J ~
ing, lopping; refinement, polishing, improvement reveal itself to, show itself to, manifest itself to
to absorb, soak up, imbibe ~'.;::i personification, j&. ~~~.;,~I tta:.) :~
~-- prosopopoeia
absorption, soaking up, imbibition, imbibing; ~y!:i
absorbability radiodiagnosis

to tramp (about), vagabond, wander (about), ~~· electrodiagnosis

roam (about), rove, straggle, hobo, bum; to be
made homeless; to be displaced, driven away, dis-
diagnostic(al) ~
diagnostician " ' . ·... ::~
lodged ~···;
vagrancy, vagabondage, wandering about; home- 1;::.· to be or get broken, fractured, ~ , ~! :( ~
lessness, displacement, dislodgment smashed; to break (up), fracture, smash
~ ... ___ ... 0 .........

to be or become serrate( d), indented, ~ :~y:.;; to be (become, be made) strong, intense, LS~ : ~~
toothed, notched, jagged violent, vehement; to intensify
..... ... ..........
serration, indentation ~ : ~ y!:i to be or become strict, (. JL,.. C...~ 0\S' :(j} ~~
.-.. , J, . . . . . . . . . . :;~~--
severe, stern, stringent, austere, "!lard, hardhanded,
to impose severe conditions ~ l; U. _, _;. _;. _,; : .l.y!:i
to be meticulous, scru- JL, ;t :(~ ~) 1~ to be or become inflexible, un-
pulous, accurate (in one's work) - yielding, adamant, intransigent
- .v-
to have the honor (to, oO, be honored (-: ) u y!:i strictness, severity, sternness, a us- r.1 ~ ' •;J : J~
(with) terity, stringency, rigor(ism), hardness, harshness,
to split (apart), cleave, crack, rend, ~! ' ~ :r~ hardhandedness, toughness
rip, slash; to be or become split, cleft, cracked, ~- ~ ~--
inflexibility, intransigence ~: .)~
rent, slashed, slit
: . to drawl; to mouth, declaim, (~ _,i i'RJ4) ~~
basting, tacking r:ir:~_;;:; harangue, rant; to vaunt, brag ' -
.. .. .. , , . ... • ;;i J ......
slicing, cutting into ~~~ ~ ~ :t~J -~~ ~? drawl(ing); mouthing, declamation, ranting J~
emphasis, stress; '~') '~~ (j&.);
;! :
(~ _.;.~) C;!?
anatomy, anatomization,
focusing (on), concentration (on); accentuation
pressure, oppres- •__ ;:, ~ '..;_._';.: :(j&.) ~.f:i
vivisection (~ _.;,~) .t;.. ~~ ~? sion, bearing down heavily upon; restraint, con-
.. • .... :.J , ....
autopsy, necropsy, (;;l;:;JI ~.·~-. ~~) ~~ C;!? straint, curb(ing), check(ing), control(ling); restric-
postmortem examination, postmortem
:;; ,. . tion, limitation, limiting
anatomy • ·II J ~­ .)~ e--1)-r.l~ ••;.; :(j&.) ~.f:i
C;!.r-' r
.- insistence; persis- J I;...) •L J : ( W J&. J i ~) ~ .f:i
tence; importunity, urging, pressing
displacement, displacing, making homeless, ~y!:i ... ... ;;;:. J.. .. ... .... • ...

driving away, dislodgment, expulsion, eviction - intensification, I..iS'·~

o.)~j '~_,.;;.;:
- ..... ~

strengthening, aggravation, heightening

legislation, lawmaking, ~ljijl ~ •tl_r.:..!: t!:):j· 0 ..... J ...

making of laws; enactment, passage, passing (of intensification, doubling, gemination u:.,.J-1 ~~
J .....

.. • .. j; .- .. " • ;;:;
laws) Fl_,l ~~_,I ~_,:411 ~~
, accentuation,
legislation, law, statute, act, enact- ..;,_,.;l; :ei? accent, stress, emphasis
ment; code to scatter, disperse, separate; to be scat-
jurisprudence tered, dispersed, separate(d)
~ I <"~7 nr
I :~t·4L/MIH. I" /' f,)t'·i#?h' :;;,(· ;\,. :!j:fif@f'±¥•*fi*W&*

~! e--1)-t.~ ·~! :~


legislative; statutory, legal
• ... "' , • ... .... • ~ J ... '.:A :,;;
.... .. :,;; ....
to chap, crack open I~ -;~~? ~,..r ·~~~ •4? ~
. I __.
-J')\.&.;1, ) 11..;.;1
__ : ~
t..;SL.i ~~I)
., ... ...... .... ;§ ......
~~I) -t...I.,D ·& :~ honoring, bestowal of honors upon, doing
honor to
to somersault, somerset, tumble; to be upset, ; li'.:;
upturned, capsized, overturned, turned upside ceremony, protocol, etiquette .:..lA.!):.; .~~-
down; to be disarranged master of ceremonies, ..:.l.i..-r
• ;;;
• ··II (~JJ
• I)
' ... - ,.. ' ;
':1 ... ~ 'I ... " ~-
complaint, complaining; nagging, re- (~I) cl.:.; chief of protocol
pining, grumble, grumbling; suffering (from) honorific
lSS ~I)-~
., .... ... ..... ~ .... ..... ;;; ....... October
.,>.;. ' ~ _;>..;.:; 'j:.::.· ~ IJ -
(~) ~ ~I) -yl;~! :(~) k to splinter, be splintered, sliver, chip, frag-
<II .... ..... ~ .......

d!. ~I)-'-<··:!):~ ment(ate), fragmentize, break up, shatter

to be formed, shaped, :;W ,
0~ , ~_;.}'{; :~ fragmentation, fragmentizing, J-;....;:.: J!. •Ja·,.:;
fashioned, molded, formalized, framed, wor~ed; to splintering, slivering, chipping, shattering
take (take on, assume, acquire) (a) form or shape; to ramify, branch (out), bifurcate, fork, radiate; ~
to be created, made, originated, built; to be estab- to divide, subdivide, split; to diverge, divaricate,
lished, set up, instituted, constituted; to come into branch off, spread apart; to be or become ramified,
existence, come into being, see the light, form, branched, branching, bifurcate(d), forked, furcate,
arise, develop divided, subdivided; to be or become divergent,
to consist of, be made~ 0~ •~ ~"'{; :~ ~ divaricated
up of, be composed of; to comprise, contain, ramification, branching, bifurcation, fork(ing); , ;-,.~
include, embody, encompass, embrace, involve division, subdivision, split(ting); divergence, divari-
formation ~ cation, branching off
..... ;;; ,. to be or become unkempt, dishev- (t:'J ~~)~
morphology ~I r4- eled, tousled, rumpled
morphological ~ to radiate, eradiate; to irradiate
,.. :;;; -
~ ~)
I -ci.SS·
·-- radiation, eradiation; irradiation ~-'
forming, ~~ , Ut-P ,
~~ 4i~ , ~ , t_;:.. : ~!~IJ-~
formation, shaping, fashioning, molding, forging,
formalization, framing, working; creation, creating, employment, hiring, hire, taking on, i I~! :J..! ',. ~
making, origination, originating, building; estab- recruitment; providing employment or work for;
lishment, establishing, setting up, institution, insti- giving work to; making work, keeping busy
tuting, constitution, constituting working, running, operating, ~, ~J~ :J . ~·,.~
diversification, variation, variegation t!f:. :~ operation, actuation, starting, setting in-operation,
... ,.. , , , .... .... putting or keeping in action
vowelization, ..:.~1 Jl ~J~I 4?""' :~
,... ... ...... :J£.·
vocalization ?! e--IJ
-?! ..... ;;:;
~ ,, , • I <"'•: .• I -~ .•..•.
formation ~·~
,. ....
'-1'- ~ J .. ' '-1'- . (.S"-J
assortment, collection, variety, selec- ~~ : ~
tion, choice; formation
.... .... ....
to intercede (for), plead (for), me- (~ 2!. : Ji ~) ~
diate (for), use one's good offices (for)
plastic (arts) intercession, mediation (j:i.·
'6::. ;. T'n'
~!,,,x;;:vp , . ••====:::::e,:;:::;:,=::::::=::::::=::::::=::::::~,!
ger-mugger, chaotic; to jumble, clutter, run in undressing, unclothing, disrobement,
disorder or chaos or confusion, get all mixed up denudation, stripping off
confusion, chaos, jumble, muddle, clutter, t.}~· robbery, robbing, rip-off
mix-up, tangle, disorder, disarray, disorganization,
mess, hugger-mugger, disturbance
interference, noise; static; ..;.II ~~1~1" .~-.:
- ... - :;,

C:• "i'- • '-'",..... to sun (oneseiO, bask ~

jam(ming) - - '~~" ;:;; ........
to be or become waxed e:..:~
to look forward to, look JJ ~ 'JJ ~ : JJ u~·
to, look for, expect, anticipate, hope (for); to aspire to be or become cirrhotic [~]~
to or after, long for, yearn for
looking foward (to), looking to, looking (JJ) u~
for, expectation, expecting, anticipation; aspiration, cirrhotic [ ._j,] •~
~ -,.:.

longing (for), yearning (for) to wrap oneself in, cover oneself ~; .:~; :"i ~
'-'_;::.. , (JJ) ;:;G~ ~~)- '-'~ ,(JJ) ;:,~· with
-'•- 6Jie 6.1 1 ;:;; .... ;;:,..-- •: I Wl"ll -.. •.~: .-v,,:
tO be or become (tJJ ~,JI _,1 ~I _,I j.S::.;JI) o,.:;.;.· r"'~)- _,)' _,........ ·~
... • f ... ;;;; ......
deformed, disfigured, defaced, misshapen, mal- to nose about for, search for, seek, tJJ Jl.:> ~I ~
formed, unshaped, unshapen, marred, mutilated, hunt for, gather, pick up (news, information, etc.)
mangled, ugly , ;;i' ..... -

- 'I! J ~... ... " ... • ... ...;:;; .......

sunning, insolation, solarization ..,....:.. J.),a.o : ~·
to be or become u.r'" :(tJJ ~I _,1 ~I)._,.:.; -;:; J.:a.: . .....
distorted, perverted, misrepresented, misstated,
waxing r:::-) ·~

falsified, corrupted, twisted, wrenched, warped to suffer from a spasm or convulsion or cramp, ~
deformity, defor- (tJJ ~}11 _,i ~I _,i ~I) o~· to cramp; to contract, constrict
!. ........
mation, disfigurement, defacement, misshapen- spasm, convulsion, cramp; fit, paroxysm; con- ~
ness, uhshapenness, malformation, ugliness traction, constriction
• .... " o.... • ... ,,A ........
confusion, mixing up, jumbling up, muddling, ~_,::,;; eclampsia t"',JI _,1 p1 •WI ~
derangement, disturbance, disorganization , ... ~-- ....
... .. , ..... spasmodic, spastic, convulsive, convulsionary,~
jam(ming); interference, noise; tJJ c.ri~J J..t_,..:.; fitful
static }f. .... ;;;; .... ,

to wear earrings (ol:;l ~;=-) ~

jamming station
vituperation, revilement, (.-1) ~ 'r~ :(J..) t.:·,.:;
suspense, thrill; excitement, thrilling, motiva- ~,.:;.;.·
vilification, calumniation, calumny, slander, defa-
tion, stimulation; fascination
mation, libel; pillory
deformation, (tJJ ~}11 _,i ~I _,i ~I)~~· uglification, disfigurement, distortion t--· :: :~
disfigurement, defacement, distortion, mutilation;
mayhem; deformity, misshapenness, malforma- ~~~~)-~
to utter "there is no god but God and (~I) '~·:;
distortion, per-~_,;.; :(tJJ ;:11 _,i ~~-~1.1) 4:;::. Mohamad is God's Apostle"
version, misrepresentation, misstatement, falsifica-
tion, corruption, twist(ing), wrench(ing), warping
libel, slander, defamation, vilifica- r~ uji : (~) ~,
'II " .... :r, Jl .... tion, vituperation, invective, calumniation, calunl-
defamation, slander, libel, c.;..JI _,1 ~I 4:~ ny
calumniation, calumny, denigration; defilement,
soiling, sullying, tarnishing, dirtying, staining,
libelous, slanderous, defarnato- ;,;._ ji , ~ ~ : (? ~
ry, calumnious, vituperative
smirching; disgrace, discredit, dishonor
1t:. ~)1 - v~.::
to be or become confused, mixed up, jumbled J.J:i
(up), muddled, disordered, disarranged, disarrayed,
. 181- ~)I -~~ 't.•-.;
.. disorganized, unsettled, deranged, disturbed, hug-
to be or become difficult; to be or become
strict, severe, stringent, hard, harsh, tough

to behave like a devil
to side with, take sides with; to ;:,.,:,;..; : (J) ~·
to rise, go up, ascend, lift, mount ~I j , ~ ~! : ~ ~ support, champion, patronize, sponsor, advocate,
(up), climb, tower, soar; to increase, grow, swell; be in favor of; to follow, adhere to
to build up, intensify, heighten; to escalate
to rise from, ascend from, ;. :~i! :(~) ~~
to become a Shiite Ca.._:.
.. _ .. - k. :~ - ,-.: :)
emanate from, proceed from; to be emitted, sent sectarianism; partisanship, factionalism; ad- (~) ~­
out, discharged, given off, diffused herence (to), following, support, advocation, advo-
rise, rising, going up, ascending,.l~:j! 't~~!: ~~ cacy, patronage; partiality, bias, prejudice, favo-
ascension, ascent, lifting, towering, soaring, uprise; ritism, one-sidedness, taking sides (with), siding
increase, growth, swell, hike; buildup, intensifica-
tion, heightening; escalation building, construction, erection, setting ~C. :~
:. ··~
up, raising, putting up
rise, rising, ascending, ascension, c,l.,.j; I : ~~ -
ascent, emanation, emission, discharge constructional, constructive, building; ;) ~ : ~-' ...
structural - - -
progressive; cumulative, increasing, growing, (S~ ~ ......... J
0.... 0 ....

rising, mounting; swelling; heightening, intensify- seeing ~IT, bidding fare~ell to; Ir , Ci :Y :t;.,. A·,·
ing escort(mg), accompanymg, accompaniment
escorting _the deceased to his ~~Q.i Ji ~I (...:·:
:iJ , ....... .,._ ...
progressive tax(ation) ~ 'f&' L..:.; ~ ~
final restmg place, paying the deceased the last
to cringe, truckle, lower oneself, act in a) t;_; :) ~ honors; funeral, burial
servile manner
J - to behave like a child, act in uyl ~ j;J :~~
servility, subservience, slavishness, cringe, );~ a childish manner
groveling, truckling, humility, humbleness
to incline to youthful pleasures .,;1J I JJ JL. : t.i~
...... .... "" .......
to woo, court; to seduce, tempt, entice,~ I)I IS L..:.;
to be sincere toward one another, be honest J~ allure; to deceive
with one another
to associate (with one ;; 1) , J~~ : ;:_;.~·
to shake hands ~~ another); to be or become friends, companions,
handshake, shaking hands ~~ comrades, associates
.... , , ... ...
~~ ~IJ -ti~~ :_;.c:.z;
toconclude(make,strike)a (<.S ~&i~
-·'1 •WI) <r
. .r-Jt;. _....... .... , ... .... _.. , - .... ..... J , - ....
sale, a deal, a bargain, a transaction, etc. ~La.. ~~J -wlr .~j)l. :..,._c...;
to cross, intersect, decussate, cut, cut ~ ~~ t1 : ... ... ~IJ ~! :UJ~
, ......... J ....... ... .... ""' ...

cross(ing), intersection, decussation; chiasma ~~
~~~ e.-') -u~c:.z;
.; 'II
accidental, fortuitous, casual, ,j W! , ~ .r

:.)_ J~
... ... "' , ........

to make up, make peace, become ~6,;~;~~

reconciled incidental, haphazard, chance -
., J ......
to associate (with one anoth- ;; 1) , ;:,..;. ~ : ~:,c:.z;
er), be or become friends
to give a deaf ear to (~fll~)r~ ti~~ ~~.r~l; ~~~ :J~c:.z;
;;:;... , ...
compilations, books, works c.W_;.:~~
r 1 ~! ·r:J.:..! ~~) -r~~ ·r:,c:.z;
to become related by marriage :.a~ to wrestle (with one another); to struggle, fight;t.J~
o;~ ~~J-;~ to conflict, clash

to guard against, be on one's guard

... ;:;; ...
~! : ~ l;jt:4;·

t'~ ~1)-e;~
J .......

against, beware of, be wary or cautious of _;~ ~IJ- _;~1 ~~~

~~ rro
W4BtJ£:f$iht4t?4@0#i1fJWWI@{@MMMMfM&!N&\illPI$~ . .ii.!f£EttH$i®·b'it01t·,~<$4>£,,!·;jlli*:t '* ~ +t~~~;'t
to, embarking upon; taking up; turning to, apply- -~~ r:::-1) -(·~~ l..)_,i.o) j!.~~
ing oneself to, concerning oneself with
to shout at one another --~
to confront, face, front, defy, ~I_,,~~ : J i.S~ ~
challenge, oppose, resist, counter, face up to, stand Jea.; r:::-1) - IJ~:.a,;
up to, withstand, intercept, counteract; to deal
topourforth,flow,stream, ~~I.. .~1
. ..... :~
with, cope with, grapple with; to fight, combat
gush forth, effuse; to fall down, come down
to set out to, embarkJJ u~! ' j ~~ : j i.S~
to ooze sweat, sweat, perspire, be wet ~;, :. ~-.:~~
upon; to take up; to turn to, apply oneSelf to,
with perspiration, break into sweat
occupy oneself with, concern oneself with
to meet (encounter, come across) in the
to head, lead; to be on top of; o~l~l j 0\S' :~~
to have the front (seat), take the first piace
to crack, split, cleave, break, rift; to be or~! : ~ t (~) ~ r:::-1)- ~
.... :il_.. ...
':.W ,:;~,
..... :;; .......
become cracked, split, cleft, broken, rifted to be embalmed, mummified ~ :41 ~ ~
cracking, split(ting), cleaving, cleavage J~! :t ~ to be stuffed ;.. -Ia~:.; :~~I _,i ::_.L; l_,.:.ll ~~

t""""' r:::- 1) -
I_.. ...

t""""' 'J!. : t~
,.,. ~"" ""
r.-P r:::-1)-~ :~
-- ~- -
..... ..... .... ... ...... ., -- .:;; - ....
(!&- ._;......, t::"IJ -(!&- ._,Qyl :(!&- U.J.../ii to saponify, undergo saponifi- u,;\..:. JJ J~ ::;;.,;;
to give alms (to), give~i , ~~ ~j : (~) ~~ cation
charity (to), be charitable (to), philanthropize saponification
uY. \..:. JJ J,_,..; : ~
. ,_ - ~- -
almsgiving, charity, beneficence, benefaction, .J~
benevolence, philanthropy, dole
taxidermy, stuffing J,lJ1 _,i ~L;I_,.:.ll
.... _, , ~~· : .
embalmment, mummification ~I ~
exportation, export(ing) (~~~~ JJ tJJ -~1) J'!.~
..... '~~""' ....
preface, foreword, introduction, ex- 4....1.ii... : .fi~
snack, collation, light meal~ ··-
G- ·:.- ' ::
.. J·O~
ordium saponification u;t..:. Jl ~~ : u. ;.;;
sanita- tWI ~::.JI ~;;,~~~!'~~I~ =r~
belief, believing, credence, tion -
faith to misread, mispronounce, ;;~1~1 ~ tb.i :~
certification, attesta- rI; J ' J I) J ' ~_;; : J,! ~ misspell
... 11 , .... ;;:; .....
tion, authentication, legalization, verification; rati- to be misread, mispronounced, mis- U.....:. : ~
fication, confirmation, endorsement, sanction(ing), spelled; to be distorted, perverted, misrepresented,
approval, consent, assent, subscription, adoption misstated
• $ , .....
credulous J,!~l r:!?"' correction, correcting, emendation, rectifica- ~
to behave, act, conduct oneself, comport~ : u;d; tion, adjustment, fixing, repair(ing), mending
:;; .. • ... • ,:;; ... 'II ..... :li , ....
oneself, deport oneself proofreading, ~I _,1 4~1 ':-:"'~~~ ~
to 1../;~jl (ti.L .,i) J;.. ~~L. : (oo~ _,i j) u~ proofing, reading
dispose of, deal conclusively with; 'to ~Ct freely, corrective; correctional
proceed independently misreading, mispronunciation, misspelling; ~
to be inflected (a word), declined (a [ :w] u~ distortion, perversion, misrepresentation, misstate-
noun), conjugated (a verb) ment, corruption, twist(ing)
:ft , ~ - • ~.....

~I~ , ~~ : (~)(~·,- ...~II) ~

:;;i ,,... • , • -
disposal, disposition, ur..,.:J I (u.L _,I) J> : u ~ confrontation,
power or authority to dispose (oO facing, defiance, challenge, opposition, facing up
behavior, conduct, manners, de- I!!_,L : u _r4j ,, '- - to, standing up to, withstanding, interception; deal-
meanor, deportment, comportment, action, (way ing with, coping with, grappling with; fighting
.. • • - .. &-- ( ) ~- -
oO acting settingout JJ ul~!·~ ,J._,o..,..;: ~ ~
escalatory adaptation [uiJY.)i] u~
diminution, decrease, decreasing, reduction,
freely, free, liberally
•&' '

lessening, minimization
free, liberal, not literal
., ..... '·-: ·w~ . . :
!./. j> .r.:&- • ~
diminutive [ 4Al] .J~:. o:ll (t ..!" J i) ;:. ~ ... .
~ c::-1) -~_roj ~
.......... .... .~

to skim (through or over), browse y~l) ~ (dJ .. :.#, .J. ... :;I ~;:;i!ft,

(through), leaf(through), page (through), run over ~.J> c::-IJ- u:;.....:JI ~.J>

r~! c::- 1)- r~·

~- '
skimming (through), browsing (through), ~
leafing (through), paging (through), running over
• .... • ... .. • .... - 0 ""
statement, declaration, announcement, ul; :r;.~·
~; ·~~;, ~ :• .. ? a·;
clarification, clearing,
clearance, purification, refinement, refining, defe-
proclamation; release
permit, license, authorization~ J , oj ~! ~ ~
.... , ... ...
. ...
cJ 'i::!; :Ut~
cation, screening, fining; straining, filtering, filtra-
tion, infiltration, leach(ing) drainage, draining, drawing off,
dissolution; liquidation (dJ ~~I) (~·0; discharge
: .
abreaction, catharsis; release, dis- ~ : U:! ~
settlement, liquidation, discharge, yUI i~.~·o: charge, letting off, giving vent to
payment, clearing
~~~ c::-1) -~;:.., .~1~ :U:!.;.:-.
clear- (~~~ J~¢J ~~I:;;) ~4L:i-l i/o;
ing, clearance selling, sale, marketing, dispos- r;j~') , ~: U:!.;.:-.
elimination ~II - · \: • < ~- • ' : al, promotion, merchandising
C:• ~.,?!" -~ ~~ ~ Jf. .. Jl& .. 0.. , ....
..... :;I , .... ... ..... management, J,..~l JI0J_;:.:.ll Jl J~~l U:!_roj
clearance, clearance sale, sale ~I e7-, ~ managing, conducting, handling, running, admin-
J,:t c::-1) -(!'.,; ~,:t istration, administering, disposition, disposal,
settlement, windup; caretaking
... ... .... 0 ..

plating, overlaying, foliation ~l4.4 (_6;.; :~ conjugation (of verbs), inflection (of [ 4Al] U:! ~
foliation, lamination, leafing,~:,;,~~:~ words), declension (of nouns)
.... • :;;; J
beating ~.) c::-IJ- ~::JI U:!~l..:U
~ _.IJ -U:..J' :~·
\.... 0 ··-
discharge valve Y!~l ;~
,$ , ..... .. ,_ .. J.... _. :;:; ......
combing, doing, dressing, styling, ;..:.JI ~ ~ c::-1)-~ :~
coiffuring, coiffing
coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle ~;; : (.;!,);;;/a;
;_.:-n c::-1)- ;_.::a :;_ :-o;
to escalate ;~~lj:~
applause, acclaim, acclamation; hand (~.S~~4) J..? 'a7 ... :;i _.., ... :ii- ...
clapping · ' to evaporate, vaporize, volatilize; to ~:.........;

decantation (~1~1) ... •: sublime, sublimate

-- ~
:;i ,
... •
j! : ..J.A.Ai
!, ... -

to warm oneself t~ :~- escalation

• -- &- '
evaporation, vaporization, volatiliza- ~ : ........,;
~, ~ c::-) _ Q.:. 015" ::. L7 tion; subliming, sublimation
to be or become inflexible, ;.::; , ~~ : (j);
.. . j-..,; escalation, aggravation
adamant, intransigent
evaporation, vaporization, volatiliza- ~ : •.. ='a;
inflexibility, adamancy, intransi- ~ '.)4 :~
•-' ' ~- : tion
.... •:: ....
... , • ,.. J... ... ...,, • ::;;
gence, willfulness, obstinacy, stubbornness, obdu- ~~~ ~;_:c o.)l:£.1 ~ ~~ ~ :~
racy, toughness
subliming, sublimation ~I
hardening, solidification, stiffening, ~; : ~
induration sublimation _rei:~
.: nv
;fp,, MG:ti,,. ·~--=::;::::l,fll!:,~~!l:J,,::l-l!!<t.::,::::;,.w:;:;:,,;!'-:.:;;;.,,;:;:·;.;:,,=:J:¥t·::,:;:.::;:·>1l!!/f¥!l'l;~$:::Ef·:::E'o::J:'":;:t:::,:::,[z;:iCS,~l!!l!!l:i;FBM

industrialization hardness, solidity, rigidity, stiffness, ~::L, : ~

classification, categorization, classing, ~ '-:-':!;.; : callousness, callosity

arrangement, tabulation, sorting, assorting, assort- sclerosis

ment, grouping, grading, labeling, ranking, rating, .scleroderma
ranging; systematization
classification [ ·l.>l'1 ~.- arteriosclerosis;
f-: •- • -
compilation, composition, u..Jt>' :~ myosclerosis
··- ~ ··-
~ ... ' ..... :;; .. J ..... osteosclerosis
~ e--1)-y\.:f ,-...AJ_;... :~
taxonomy, systematics ~I ~
. :;; ,. arthrosclerosis
to imagine, fancy, conceive, ideate, 0];., ~ :~~
envisage, visualize, picture (in the mind), vision,
angiosclerosis ~·~~~ .... ~ :b
envision; to think, suppose, assume, take it, take ··- J . "- ! .
for, take as
,... ..... :;; ""'... ,... ..... ..... ,........ :;:;..- ... J:aL. ~ \)- JAi·,;;
to seem to, appear to, .U ~ , .U I~ : .U J~
ui.:.., ~ c::-1)- ~ ,; ;L;
look tq; to present itself to, reveal itself to, show
itself to hardening, solidification, stilT-
to be shaped, formed, fashioned, ~ : ~;:..; ening, induration, concretion
molded, created, made; to take (take on, assume, L~l e-- 1)- ~x;;
acquire) a shape or form hardening, solidification, indu- (_ :;; , ~ : ~
imagination, imagining, fancy(ing); ~ :J~
conception, ideation, visualization, envisaging,
ration, concretion - -
..... :,... .... . . ...
vision(ing); fantasy, phantasm
pasting, gluing; gumming t-J..wa.. ;~ 1..- I_..
J...... ~ ... : determination, resolution, resolve, deci- rj&=~
conception, concept, notion, idea r,..a.. : ).}-4' sion, purpose, intention, intentness, will
preconception " L.. "~- : .... .;; J. ... • .....
~ ).}-4' design(ing), styling; planning, ~WI ~J :~
..... 1.-- :;; J ......
J.:- ~I)- )~I J.:- laying out, layout
i/J ""' J I ..- ;;i 1 ..,..

design, plan, project, ...IJa,;..:. , ~ , ~ : ~

on purpose, purposely, in- e'~J :~ (~L..) 0&-
layout, pattern, sketch, outline, model
tentionally, deliberately, willfully, premeditatedly
couture ~WI _<..~':lll Ji ~~j~l ;_;....;
imaginary, unreal, fictitious, fanciful, fancied, Z?-!~ ... . "' , .....
imagined; ideal, ideational, conceptual, notional J.:- e--1) -~1 ~
idealism, conceptualism Z?~~l ~:.J.1 )~ c::-1)-(_;~J :~ (~L..) ()&-
... ;II............ :i'i__. ....
to be or become a Sufi or a mystic u~ to affect, feign, simulate, assume, fake, ~ :~
sham, pretend, dissemble, put on
Sufism, mysticism u~
J_. I"" ,... "" ..... Ji . . . ..... to industrialize, be or ~~ ~L,., :(cJJ ~I)~
to protect oneself, guard oneself ;....&.; ~ : 0 ~-
become industrialized
,.,.... "':;; ........
to uphold one's honor, live chastely ol)l ~~ affectation, affectedness, mannerism,
or virtuously; to be chaste, vestal, decent, virtuous, artificiality, airs, theatricality
..... '~~' ... 'iiJ ,.. :ii ..........
continent to be classified, categorized, y~ , U..:.... : ~
.... .... 0 ....

aim(ing), pointing, directing, ~ }' ' ..>.t..;-:; : ~~- classed, arranged, tabulated, sorted (out), assorted,
leveling labeled, grouped, graded, ranked, rated
to~ compiled, composed, J1 :~8;:]1 ~
I,.. I..-

correction, correcting, rectifica- ~ : '-:-':!~

tion, emendation written
.WM%fMN%·l%i z,&}P,$ :a>--_;,. ·< p , j't ,·;J

painting, oil painting ·~ 'L ~

t.::...:!.)" ~ J l.PJ ft~
i . . . . "' . : yl~! ~I; -yl~! :~~
; , ....
filming, shooting J~ ft~ voting, vote, ballot, poll(ing), casting tl _ri! :~;_j;
"' ,_.. f, ~ I_.. iJ ~ I J J" I _. of ballots or votes
photography; J_~ Jl ~ _,1 Jl~y~ ft~
pho- Ja:l.~ ,~j5::)1 ~~,:..~1 (I~J =t.::...:!~
, , .
taking pictures or photographs, shooting, filming
... ....... , .... nation; vocalization
IY' ~~_,.... c:lh! ·~ :(tJJ ~1~1) ft~
copying, photocopying, duplication, reproduction, unanimous vote or voting tl?.-~~ ~~
xeroxing, photostating; mimeographing
. "',,.._ ft~ jjl
vote or voting by show of
....... , . ,,.._ ~ .... ,, ., ......
copier, photocopier, photo- tJJ ~1....:..::..11 ~~ jjl vote or voting by roll call ;_,..;:a.,l I ~I~ <.::..:!~
_..'IJ ',... .-:11 ...
stat, duplicating machine, duplicator; mimeograph fl. I_..

vote of confidence ~I-~ _,1 ~I J.c. <.::..:~~

statue; sculpture J~ : o~~
,.. I J I ,... _.I J I ""'
vote of no confidence :Cj1 (_r~ _,i) ~· ~~ ~~
o;_,.... ~I J - ("""; , o;_,.... :oft~

pictorial, picturesque, graphic; scenic; photo- Z?.!!-~·

to abstain from voting <.::..:!~' ..:II ~ p!
... ... .... J... " J ... -
j,j~ ~I; -t.:..,!~ (j,j~j _,1) j,j~
.... . ....... oil _.. I :; ~ ...

program music ;,;~~ ~,~ J> ~1;-<.::..:~~1

panning, washing, elutriation, J;:., ;J-: : ~~ to vote down t.::...:!J·,.:14 (6-l_ril)~~
leaching, lixiviation
to put the question to the ~~·,:.,\ J.c. ~tll [~
~ .~l,.. ~1;- ~~-"7 ,-( 0 7 vote
(.~) uU..:..! ~1;-(~) I (o\· drawing, painting, portrayal, representa- ~~: J'!.J.Ai
tion, figuration, depiction, picturing, illustration·
(a)estivation ~I ~t;. :• to\· description, depiction, picturing,
:: .
to dwindle, wane, diminish, decrease, lessen, JoW portrayal, representation
abate, decline, shrink, drop off, fall, grow less, forming, formation, shaping, fash-
become (steadily) less; to be or become small, little, ioning, molding, creation, making
slight, meager, scanty, sparse, thin ... _, , • , :;; t "' ......
'~ - radiography, roent- if(;.:. ft~ • ~ ~~ .J:!~
dwindling, waning, wane, diminution, de- Jjl..Q; genography, skiagraphy
crease, lessening, abatement, decline, shrinkage,
shrinking, drop( ping), fall(ing), fall-off; sparsity,
scarcity, scantiness, meagerness, exiguity, paucity, encephalography
insufficiecy, slightness, smallness, littleness, insig-
to laugh ~:ci.;.W angiocardiography
to force a laugh WI~:~G.; renography

to contradict one another, be contradictory, be ~W cystography

opposed to each other
contradiction, opposition, antagonism, contra- 'JW
riety, inconsistency, discrepancy, antinomy, anti- cholecystography
thesis, contrast; counteraction arthrography
antibiosis [ L..i](..;.ll .·-... -:,'.'')~Go;
• .. C·~~ vaginography
to fight, quarrel, brawl, come 8 ,;,(::!! :~~W :?. prostatography
to blows, come to grips, engage in hand-to-hand
fighting, strike one another phlebography, venography
(~ _,i ~) ~ e--1) -(~ _,i ~) ~ toconflict,clash, ; X-:..1 ,~8 .~~~ :y~G.;
disagree; to be contradictory, conflicting, disagree-
to flicker, vibrate (~1~1) ~
ing, incompatible, inconsistent, inharmonious
, ....... , ........ , .......
sacrifice; sacrificing J~:~ conflict, clash, disagreement, ~L:; •u">);.; :l.:J)...:a;
sacrificing, sacrifice,
., .. ... , . ... ....
0~.} _,1 ~~ (-~ :~
.... ....
discrepancy, inconsistency, incompatibility, incon-
immolation, offering up gruity, contradiction, opposition, contrariness,
hand-to-hand fighting, G.!. , I.!.!G
) ·- ·--I : L_: Go;
to swell, distend, inflate, expand; to be or be- ~
grapple, brawl, quarrel
come inflated, distended, expanded, enlarged, mag- relief, topographic relief, elevations, undula- ~ ~ C,g;
nified; to grow or increase in size or volume; to be tions
or become huge, sizable, big, large; to be exagger-
ated, overstated
to be doubled, duplicated; to double, gemi- U'- C,g;
~ ,... ... nate, become double; to multiply
swell(ing), distension, inflation, expansion, ~
doubling, duplication, gemination, multipli- U:. L:,g;
enlargement, magnification
inflation [.,WI) (~l.) ~ contents; folds ~ L:,g;
[ w]( ·.• J) ~.-.:
hypertrophy . _,...,... .. ~
"" ~ ..- ...
within it, contained therein ~Go; .J
inflationary to harbor a grudge against one another, ~t;,.; : J.~
inflationism ~
- --
~ bear mutual rancor, hate one another
to help (aid, assist, support) one another; to ) \...Q;
inflation, distension, blowing up, r.~ '~ : ~
cooperate, collaborate, work together, combine; to
expansion, swelling, enlargement, magnification
....... .... , ..... unite, rally, join forces, coalesce, come together
exaggeration .Wt;. : ~ cooperation, collaboration, working together, )\...Q;
amplification [ • ~ __..5' Jt'i" ·~ mutual assistance, combination; uniting of efforts,
joining of forces, rally(ing), coalescence; unity,
to be or become bloodstained, stained with~:U~ ~ solidarity
blood, ensanguined, bloody, gory
to be damaged, harmed, hurt, injured, preju- ~~·
to compact, crowd together. pack; to be ~ 1) : ~ r
or become compact(ed), tight, close, firm, closely
diced; to suffer (sustain, incur) damage or loss packed, tightly pressed
to supplicate, pray humbly (to God), (J)) ~ ~! e--')- C:~! '~! :~Go;
invoke (God), implore earnestly, obtest, beg,
beseech, entreat; to humble or humiliate oneself compactness, closeness, tightness, firm- :_,..,-_; : r~
(before) ness
supplication, invocation, prayer; entreaty; im- ~ to unite, be united in solidarity, stick Ji
\5:i :::; ~
ploring, begging, beseeching, obtestation together, join forces, combine; to be jointly liable,
have joint liability or responsibility
~)a:..! e--1)- r~·
* .- solidarity; joint liability
quilting (uWJI) ~~
jointly and severally
quilting, sewing, stitching; whipping, j~~ : '-:-':! ~
mixing, mixture, mix, mingling,
to be or become annoyed, vexed, irri- ~j! :~ L:,g;
l.1''!U G,; e--1 J - ~_;.;d; tated, disturbed, upset, uncomfortable
to decline, wane, decay, be or become dilapi- ~­
dated; to weaken, fail, languish, droop
annoyance, vexation, irritation, dis-
comfort, inconvenience, trouble
r ~;! :~ ~­
a pleasant odor, be fragrant ~~~~)-~~:~
to emanate, diffuse, spread c- \,; :~I) I ~ _,....;
. , '.... ~ ;:;; ......

!."' ...
ut.:.J ~~) -ut.:..J :~
:;;~ .....
emanation, diffusion, spread(ing) ...

vAJ I , ~ : ( .r-4- ~) ~
... ... • • ... ;;;; ... • 0

~o be or become versed
t;:..; 't;:..; ~') -~ '~ m, conversant with, skilled in, proficient in; to
master, know well, gain mastery in, have com-
ul.D ~)
I - t::, .r : u:,;;;
. _ J< .. mand of
;jl,;. ~I)-~! ~::,:-a~
.. '~~~'
mastery, command, con-wli J , ~ : ( -~ :r) ~·

to be narrowed, straitened, contracted, ~ : ~
... :;i ... ...
versance, versedness, proficiency
I j _. .,... :;i J I... o _.
constricted, constringed ribbing t~~l 4

j&. ~~I~:~

stenosis, stricture, coarctation, con- [ J] .}-.:.

. ~
striction, narrowing bending, curving, curvature, ;;,~:~
crooking, twist(ing)
misleading, misguidance, misdirection, perver- ~
enterostenosis sion; delusion, deception ··-
'/1 ... , .. -
II :. I -- II;.-;
vasoconstriction ~~) ~
... :;; ... - .. ...... ... 'II :;; ......

phlebostenosis to perfume oneself; to be ~ , ~ : ~4 ~

perfumed -
... ~, - "'
to be bandaged, dressed, swathed .;......D : ~
narrowing, constriction, constringing, tight- J .. ,. a·; . ,_ ... ... ... _.. ... ... ... :;; ......
ening, straitening
confinement, hemming in, straitening, ~ J.. .. .- to contain, include, comprise, ~ , (.$,:;..1 : ~·
hampering, constraint, restraint, restriction, limita- comprehend, embrace, embody, encompass,
tion; pressure, oppression, bearing down heavily cover, carry, imply, involve
,, • J ... ...

upon, harassment implication, inclusion, contain- J_,..!., .1~1: ~

to be or become ~! '~~:;; :(~) ~O:a; ';jc; ment, comprehension, embracement, encompass-
identical; to correspond (with), conform (with),
coincide (with), agree (with), harmonize (with), dressing, bandaging, binding up, swathing ~·
accord (with), match, fit, suit, tally (with), be or (IJ~J: u.. ··o;.
inclusion, implication, embodiment,
fall in line (with); to be or become congruent, incorporation, insertion
corresponding, conformable, consistent, compati-
ble, coincident, concordant, agreeing, harmonious fining, amercement r-r : ~


(.,.:>-1 ~
- •

~~I ~l)~lh;
become superposed; to coincide

e ,1. .... ... • ;:;; ......

..:ii ... ......
t'J ~4~1 ~~ _;11 ~); ~ : ~
...... ~-- .. , • ... • ...

~--:;; J 0 ...

to stratify, be or ~ .(...::.~ j) ~1) :~~ frequency modulation, FM )).rJI ~

become stratified, be or become arranged in strata amplitude modulation, AM
-. , . -
aJJiJI ~
'II , ... ' ... , .... -
identity, identification, ..;t.o;! , ._;; lj.i , ~ ~ : ~ 1.1; ... ... .. • , • 'I 0 -

sameness; correspondence, conformity, consis- damages,indemnity,com- J......,JJ.b, )......,I:.:.:..~·

tence, consistency, compatibility, coincidence, pensation, reparation, satisfaction, redress, amends
congruity, congruence, agreement, concordance, to feign illness or sickness, pretend to ~~c; :Jj;;
accord(ance), harmony, fitness, matching be ill or sick; to malinger
... - • ... 'II .... • :;;. , ........ ~1/ I ..- -;:;.-I J I } "' _. I... } I :. _.. _.

superposition,· (.J>· I ~1<'• --

'!:: (,?:' ~I Y""-'
I<' ·11) - l1;
~>'! transillu- 9 ~ ~ ,..;= J~ ~.,.D ).r]: .,_;:ii
coincidence mination • ·
stratification (...::.LA:1.J) U:.1) : _,.;~ to writhe (with hunger or pain) ( wi J i ~;..) .):;:a;
JJ _. I _."',.I ... "' ;;I_. ..-

to exchange, interchange J~t;;: (.J~· to exhale fragrance, exude ~IJ...::. ~!, <:\,;: ~·
-. 1.. ·: ,.,. ' J.)1i
c~~==============~•• ••==============~ ... ::ii ... ... .. ... ... ...
application, applying, putting into i_~·.; J ... '67 : to feign deafness, pretend to ~:.,.W~ _,. Ua; : ;,;~ 1..1;
effect, giving (practical) effect (to), implementation, be deaf
effecting, effectuation; enforcement, carrying out,
to be or become low; to drop, sink,
execution, fulfillment; honoring, observance (oO,
fall, decline; to be lowered
compliance (with), abidance (by), adherence (to),
following, keeping; practice, practicing, putting to lower oneself, cringe, truckle
into practice to thrust or stab one another; to attack one
applied; practical ~· another, fight, combat

drumming, beating a drum ~ ;-;.,;.. : ~· to dare, have the cheek to,i~!, ;.~ :(~) JJ~·
have the audacity to; to be or become insolent,
y). e.-'; -y). :~~
-. .,
audacious, impudent, impertinent, forward
... .... ., ... ......
,.. :;;
(.SZ!: (~)
y).l e.-'; -y).l :y~ to attack, assail; to encroach JjUo;
. 'il, _.- . . - upon, make inroads upon, trespass
to be embroidered, brocaded; to be hem- j):. :)~·
stitched, stitched JU. e.-'; -JU. :JjUo;
to wear fine clothes; to dress up (~t:;Jj)j~ to scatter, disperse, ~~, ~~, ;j~: ;.~·
spread, diffuse; to be or become scattered, dis-
to go to extremes, exceed the proper limits or u~· persed, spread (out), diffused; to emanate, rise; to
bounds, be on the extreme side, take or hold an fly, fly apart, fly in all directions; to vanish,
extreme position or view; to be or become extrav- disappear
agant, excessive, immoderate; to be or become an
extremist, a radical
to volatilize, vaporize, evapo- ~ , ~ : ;.u.;
extremism, radicalism; extravagance, u~· J ... ... ... • J, ,... J _.. --
dispersal, dispersion, dis- ~t-; , ;l.:.?~, J)U : ...':! 1..1;
excess(iveness), immoderation, intemperateness,
persing, scattering, spread(ing), diffusion; ema-
going to extremes
nation, rise, rising
u~ e--';-~~- volatilization, vaporization,
u~ e.-';-~~- evaporation
to be treated medically, receive or undergo :. ~V;
to touch on, treat, deal with, take up, go Jj ;J~·
medical treatment, submit to or be under medical
into, broach, bring up, raise; to get to, reach, arrive
treatment; to treat oneself
at; to penetrate , ..,_. ...
admitting no doubt, not open to ct.:.! I ~! J~ ~
~ .... J .., .........
to acquire (attain, adopt, assume, u'Y.i .tL+ ~
take on) someone's character or manners
doubt, beyond doubt, indisputable, indubitable, J ,., , .. --

unquestionable, undoubted, undisputed acquirement (adoption, assumption, u'Y.i t~ tJa;

taking on) of someone's character or manners
embroidery, embroidering, fancywork, needle- ~):; ;!.- ;:; ';;. /.'" ....
work · adaptability, adjustability ~I ~ li : ~

~, J.:J),
111;;. • ... ;!. .... -
J).: J,t,):;
..... -· , ,., • f "
hammering, forging, acquired character~ (J~ I .,1) ~ : ~
beating, foliation, lamination, leafing · or manners
to taste ;jl ~: ;;1,;· to be or get closed, shut
J ... ~ " J
to stratify, be or become (..::..LA.:.1 ~) ~I j :~
0 , ... ;;. .......

to be grafted, engrafted tJJ ..::..UI .,1 ~I~

::. ... I. ... J ;;. .... :;; ...... arranged in strata
to be grafted, transplanted t:;:.- IJ"':' ~I ~I ~
... J ... 'II J .-;;; ...... stratification (..::.. LA.:.1 ~ ) j,;J;,·
to be inoculated, vaccinated; to be J;j, ~: ~
injected, shot flatulence, tympanites, tympany (~I) A·
to be (tJj ~\
inlaid (with)
.,i ~~\ .,i ~~~) t:-: :~ medical treatment, treating, medication,
doctoring, curing, remedying, remediation

grafting, graftage normalization (of relations, etc.) (tJj ~li':WI) ~

to wander about, travel through J~:(~ transplantation,
to go about, wander about, travel J~:J~
through, tour inoculation, vaccination, injection ~ .~
to develop, evolve, grow, advance, progress; to ~~ inlaying, inlaid work; marquetry t:'f' ') : ~
be or become developed, advanced, sophisticated
to intrude upon, obtrude upon, force (~) ~
development, evolution, growth, advancement J~· oneself upon (others), poke one's nose into, nose
evolution, evolutionism J~\ (~i: _,i) ~~ into, meddle in, interfere in; to sponge (on), leech
(on to), parasitize ·
evolutionary, evolutional, developmental ~J~ intrusion, intrusiveness, obtrusion, obtru- (~) J!1;
evolutionism, evolution ~~~· siveness, forcing oneself upon (others), poking
one's nose into, nosing into, meddling, interfer-
to peacock, flaunt, parade, ;-:..~; 'J. t:;; :~~ ence; parasitism, sponging
show off; to strut, swagger 'II ...... , !.-- ...

to primp, spruce up, dress ~~ :~tll ~~ . ~e.-')-~·

up, adorn herself to require, call for, JJ (L;:;.! 'rjt::.! '~! ::.1-!z;•
demand, claim, take, need, want
to volunteer t~ :(~) ~·
to enlist, volunteer (t'J _AI~) t~ z,11 e.-')-~::. iJ:.;
volunteering, voluntariness; enlistment, volun- e.~·
to look forward to, J,:-4 ~,; 'JJ u~: JJ ~·
look to, look for, expect, anticipate, hope (for)
tary service
volunteer, voluntary ~~·
to aspire to or after, long JJ ~ , JJ J\:; :JJ ~
for, yearn for
;:.;u, e-')-J~ ,~,.) :u~· to look at, regard, eye JJ )a: :JJ ~
.. - :t... ... .. ... ... .!, ... ...
ul_,l:. e-'J- J~ q)IJ_,.) :uj.h; looking forward (to), looking to, expecta- (JJ) ~
beatification; canonization (~;) ~}.1:; tion, expecting, anticipation; aspiration, aim, hope;
longing (for), yearning (for)
registration, registry (~,;~) '-:-':!~ ;>;o......

.. ,
,, • ... ... ....... • ,, 0 - ...

... ~J J1.1;! e.-' J - oi.P. J JUaJ•

•}b e-'J-~,J~ 7':1~ •)1.)
development, developing, promo- ~;1 J-.;..;:. :.1'!.~
divorce, divorcement, divorcing rir ,J':il. :J .. t1;·
to clean oneself, cleanse oneself, clean up, wash ;1i
tion, promoting, advancement, advancing, further-
up; wash (oneseiO, perform an ablution; to be or
ance, furthering; evolving, evolvement; sophisti-
become clean, pure; to purge, scour; to be or be-
. .-
t ~! :~_,1;
come cleaned, cleansed, purged, scoured, purified,
subdual, subjugation, subjection deterged; to be or become disinfected, sterilized,
recruitment, enlistment, draft, levy ·-~~;: ~~ antisepticized, decontaminated; to be or become
expurgated _ •
ul_;}. e.-') -J~ qJ\~j~ :~~ disinfection, antisepsis, ster- I~ U. ~~I ~ : ~
encirclement, encompassment, sur- 4.1 b.! :J.!~· ilization; decontamination; purge, purging, purga-
rounding, circling, ringing, enclosure, binding, tion, scouring, purification, deterging, cleaning,
wrapping, envelopment, confinement, hemming in cleansing, chastening; clearing up; refinement,
control(ling), containment, check(ing), if :J,/~ refining; expurgation
curb(ing) circumcision w~·~:~
~t1! e.-')- J.t~· to coil, twist, turn -s;;.; : ~· (.5

to perfume oneself; to be perfumed ).;.; :; ·.1..~ ul_;}. e.-') -J~ •w'~-'~ :ul~
to see an evil omen (in), regard rt8 :(~ _,i ~) ~ to fall, drop, tumble ~:(~
lllEIIIIBi"fiE¥1!ifMEM¥1E.!l?tiili;;jhfi]lkl!i''li<Til!if<t!loru'!JA!fl!io''k;;Ji44il!lt·f;i:J"··DiiiiiiiBBBBBiiiiiiB.t·~# . ., ·i"'J,.;;ffi!f;:n;2: i" ,,,JLd$, ·g.-.,rc: £:P'¥Lr3fit¥ .,
one another, be or become enemies, harbor mutual as an evil portent; to be or become pessimistic
enmity pessimism
, --
i j l.;.; : _,;;..kJ
~- -
to be or become equal, even, on a par . (.5j8 : J'J~
flying, winging, giving wing(s) ~ ~~I J:;.. :..~~
- .
to be or become balanced, be in equi- 2-,ji:;; : J~~ to
librium, be counterpoised; to equilibrate, balance
volatilization, vaporization,
. •:: :
~ , ~ :~
:: . .
to neutralize ~~ : J~~ evaporation
to tie (iii)~..:~) J~~ luting, mortaring, plastering, ~ ;-.;_.;_. : u.. ).7
whitewashing; puddling; mudding (oft), claying,
equality, equivalence, parity, evenness
_,c.; :J~~· covering or treating with clay
J ...... J .....
balance, equilibrium, equipoise,
ujly :J.)t;u
, ... , ; .... ...
u~ e.-') -u~\1;
, ... ...
..- ........
) 1..4; ' ) 1..4; e.-' ) - ) \.Ji.j ' ) \.Ji.j
neutralization, neutrality _.;~ : J~~
to pretend (to be), simulate, affect, ~ ~ ~ : ~ j. \1;
tie, draw (iii;~~) J~~ feign, assume, sham, fake, dissemble, put on, act as
tie vote, equal number of votes, c.~;., ~I J~~ if, make believe
equality of votes to demonstrate, make a ae-
to blame one another, censure one another, J~~· monstration
.... 'IJ J .......
reprove one another pretense, pretension, pretending, simula- • ~.)! :.;A \.Ji;
to conflict, clash, disagree; to be conflicting, ~~ ~ tion, feigning, faking, assumption, dissemblance,
contradictory, disagreeing, inconsistent, incom- make-believe, show
patible, inharmonious demonstrating, demonstration ;; ;. ~ ~~ : ;.u.;
conflict, clash, disagreement, discrepancy, u">~~· demonstration, manifestation o;U..: :(,;.\1;
incompatibility, inconsistency, contradiction, con-
trariety, opposition to affect humor or wittiness, ti 1)J1 ~ : u~·
to become acquainted (with one another), get u~~ show oneself humorous or amusing; to affect
to know each other, know one another charm or elegance
to sit in (hide in, seek) the shadow of, be
acquaintance, becoming acquainted u~~·
shaded by, shade oneself with or under
~~: ~~~
to fight (one another), battle, combat
to complain (of, about)
fight(ing), battle, combat .!.!~~· complaint; grievance; claim; protest; (.5~:~
zigzags; windings, meanders, sinudsities, ('Z::!-!~ complaining
curves, bends, turns, twists, waves shading, overshadowing,
misery, wretchedness; unhappiness, misfortune;:i.:.~· casting a shadow over
distress, suffering shading; hachuring; hatching~} :(_~~1) J . ~}a;
;.:::, e.-')-~~·
endorsement, endorsing ~:..1~
to associate (with another), be on ;:,..;..~ :);.~·
development, developing (ii~l)~
intimate terms - -
to live together (}8: -;.~ to admonish one another, reprove one another ;:.i~
mildly, blame one another (in a friendly manner)
~~e.-')-~~· to accelerate, move faster, gain speed t_~8 : J;:.~
to be contemporaneous, contemporary, coeval ~~
acceleration, pickup t~t:.,; : ~~·
to support (help, aid, assist) one another;2.,j~ : ~~·
to cooperate, collaborate .1~, .I::U, e.-1; -(~~~1) :~·
Jl ... J _.
cooperation, collaboration; mutual aid, UJl.:.; : ..I...Q~· to be or become hostile to ~ ~ (.5~~ : (.5J~
~1 ~~
c:======================A~'JM~''"}•====c~~~,I,~,1.1===J~£"~~.. ~~~c=c~;\k=c==========================·1r:=~t!=c~·~~~
come! come here! come on! ~:J~· mutual assistance

;j~.~! :(J._(;~JI) ~~- taking; practice, practicing, pursuit, (<}~I) ;1~·

transcendence; superiority
..... .,, ..,,, ..,,, ...... pursuing, handling, dealing (in); dealings, relations,
•~ •Js- •Jh. e--1;-;h- :~W intercourse
to take; to practice, pursue, engage in, deal in,
~ e--1;-~~! :J~·
be He exalted, be He raised far above (~1) J~ U1~ C:
to sympathize with, empathize with, feel
to be far above, rise above, cr ~) :cr J~ for, be favorably disposed to, be attaChed to
tower above, be too great or proud for; to disdain, to sway, swing, roll, walk with a <·.: ~ z.i1. ~
look down upon swinging gait
Far is He above having the sympathy, empathy, feeling (for) (io) u1~
partners they ascribe to Him!
., ... ...... ,... ., '· to intensify, heighten, increase, J,;.i:..:.!, ~!: r1~
u~ e--1; -JWJ ,;~ 4111 grow, build up
to be treated; to receive or undergo medical ~ ~- to be or become proud, arrogant,
treatment, submit to or be under medical treat- haughty
ment; to treat oneself
, - intensification, heightening, increase,
receiving of medical treatment; (course oO treat- ~- d buildup
ment, cure, therapy, medication pride, arrogance, haughtiness
to feign knowledge, pretend to know~~~~!:~~-
recovery, recuperation, conva-
~e.-';-~)~ lescence, healing
.1::: r:::-. I;- ~':'_.I~ to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, ~:
r.:- ragain health, get well •
to pretend not to see, feign blindness; to (cr) ~ ~­
to succeed or follow one another, follow e8: ~~
shut one's eyes on or to; to be blind to
in succession, be successive or consecutive, come
to treat one another; to deal (with one another),~~­ successively, happen consecutively
do business (with one another), trade (with one
another) to alternate, rotate Jjl:.;, ~:;G :~~
, ...... J _.

to deal in, do business in, carry on ~ Jj ~ J:.~ succession, sequence, consecution, pro- t!L:; :~~-
business in, transact business in, trade In, carry on gression
, ... ... , ....... , .......
trade in, traffic in, merchandise, sell, handle alternation, rotation; vicissi- JJ 1..-G , '-:-' Jl.i : -.,..iW
(Gt;..;) J...'-~ 1 - - -J...-~
·! ·- e.-;.. . ,t". ., , tude, regular alternation, alternating change
)I ~ , ;;;

successively, in succession, -.,! I ~, ..,_.;l:.:l4


dealings, intercourse, trade, busi- • ~ J i> 1 : J.. W'

riess, transactions consecutively, one after the other, one by oni,
respectively, in turn, by 'turns, in order; alternate-
dealing, transaction, trans- ;; ;.. G.: , .1 ~ : ~ ~
ly, in rotation
acting, carrying on business, doing business,
trading, carrying on trade
:S ... "" ..... _, ....... J , .......
treatment, treating, u _r>.; , ~ ~ , U. L.... : J... W tJJ
lilA; I ~: .J.i\N
,. 'll .-...... --- ......
to make (enter into, conclude,
dealing with, handling; behavior, conduct
strike) a contract or an agreement; to contract; to
usage, practice, custom ~~ u; : agree, reach or come to an agreement
to embrace each other ~ ~-
, --
making (entering into, conclusion of, conclud-
.. J __ ...
ing) a contract, contracting, contraction
J4 r:::-1;-Jj\N
:.i ~ ::U. ~
contractual; contracted, contracted upon ~~~­
to covenant, contract, enter into a cove-
nant or compact or contract; to agree ~! e--1;-~~-
T'T'O ~J~
c::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3.. • ,,.s,t,:,;. i, :-, ·Yf"t · -, <zt",Ji~ , ~HWIJ.>t< ,;;~:." 'li(,.t :¥&4·&1

to worship, engage in ;. ~~; '-~~ t~ ~- : ~ ~IJ -~~ ::U.t:_;

worship or religious devotion, devote oneself to
to alternate (in), do by turns; to befall or afflict ~j~·
worship or to the service of (,od, practice piety
-- '~~' ... :;;. ... _. ... ;:;; ... --
alternately or successively
to be paved ~ , ....... :~ -.- 1<.
to help (aid, assist, support) one another; to UJW
worship(ing), adoration, devotion, piety, ~- cooperate, collaborate, work together; to rally,
devoutness unite, join forces, come together
cooperation, collaboration, mutual assistance, UJ~·
working together; joining of forces, uniting of
paving efforts, rally(ing); synergism, synergy, cooperative
~~! ~I)- J\i:;-1 : '.,:; action, combined action
in cooperation or collaboration with
expression, C.:,&-)~ J~ d-r-) L->1;) :(-r-) ~­
expressing, voicing, uttering, utterance, articula- cooperative; collaborative
tion, giving expression (to), declaring, declaration,
cooperative society, cooperative,
stating, statement, indicating, indication, bringing
out, putting, phrasing, wording, couching, formu- J ...... ., ......
J J l.; 0 j:i..A

lating, formulation cooperative store, cooperative, co-op

expression, term, word, phrase ...6J ' •") G.. - ·. ./::7"-'·: collective farm
:;;; J ..... ., .....
~_,La; ~)j..o
0 ..

idiom ~~~~ cooperative, co-op _,·'~·

• :;;. J..- - ~ , '. I
wording, diction, style, ex-~ I ( ~.). _,I) L-> _,L I to coexist, live in peace with each other, live ~~
pression, manner or mode of expression, phrase- peacefully together
ology, phrasing, writing coexistence, living (peacefully) together ~,.
so to speak, in a manner of ~I(~_,\))~ I~) symbiosis; commensualism •-• "') ~'I<
(~ u.:i
speaking, as it were
- j_ " .'t:_;
(•~4) (.$~1 ~~~ ~IJ- ).1 ~ peaceful or pacific coexistence ~<.rl
0 ... 0;:;; , 0 J
to be or become tired, fatigued, exhausted, ~·
u- ~1)-~1 u-
expressive, expressional, emotive - . ~~·
weary; to tire, fatigue, weary, jade, fag; to exhaust
oneself; to work hard, toil, labor, sweat, overwork;
to drudge, slave
expressionism ;:,~1 ~:J.1
fatigue, tiredness, weariness, exhaustion; toil, .........,
expressionism '-!.~ labor, drudgery, sweat, hard work; trouble, incon-
venience, difficulty, hardship
~t:_; ~I)-:_~.:;· " • l ••
~K.. J. ~~J-o?.l :LJ\,.;1
to stammer, stutter, falter (~jS' J.) ~ tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted, 0 ~ ' ~ : ~·
to shake, stir, move Jili:~ worn out, overworked, run-down
mobilization, calling up; t:i~, ·.~:(AI);:_,:::
- ;;._ -. - 0/

aging,maturing,ripening,mellowing ~ J..W:..O: ~·
.. • , 0 ;:;; J • ... c- recruitment
darkening, dimming, obscur- ~~~I~:~~;
ing, overcasting, clouding, blinding general mobilization

blackout, suppression,
hushing up
JL:.i ~I 0:- t:: :(~) ~ filling, stowage, packing, pack- ~ , .J,: :~
aging; boxing; casing, encasement; canning, tinning
blackout bottling (ul:.:-~j J.) y
"' oJI " ...
dimout, incomplete blackout charging, loading, filling (up)
to stumble, trip, tumble J.::. ' Jj :~-
..k~ ,..,..,
El$lif*3W¥r:c:J:JIUW iS'·&Ifffll!k,.,;W'iliiil*tliif':lk*MitiM¥1bfB*'MMlfn.
.'""0Mtkfftlkfii::;jJ#@r£tW<t~:n£4rj;f$t$§><iP£J], ,')/
outreach; to overreach, extend beyond; to over- to stumble, halt in one's speech, stutter, ~;-:1: :~
step, go beyond; to cross, traverse; to pass, go past stammer, falter, hesitate
to transgress, infringe, infract, ;:_.]~ , ;:,). : LS~ to be or become hindered, blocked, ~ Jj:;; :
contravene, violate, break, breach obstructed, hampered, impeded, delayed, retarded;
~ LSZI ~~)-~ LS~ to meet with obstacles or difficulties
to wonder at, marvel at; to be ~ , ~) : ~ ~
to be or become ··L·
[ ~-' u~L
.. • )J W) LS~
or become astonished at, amazed at, surprised at
astonishment, amazement, wonder(ment),
enumeration, listing, count(ing),
calculation, computation
statistics; poll ~L,;..j '.L,;..I: ,)1~
J~ ,. ;;;; ~% J ....
exclamation mark
census \)'",.o..:.11 _,1 wi.C.ll JI.J..oU
- :il _ ....
exclamatory, interjectional
to be or become numerous, manifold, multiple; :J..IJU'
to multiply to be or become haughty, arrogant, supercil- w;.;;i
multiplicity, plurality, pluralism, multitude, ious, insolent, overbearing, presumptuous
numerousness, variety, diversity, multifariousness; ~~ ~IJ-u~
poly-, multi-
~~I) -t;.i :~
,!. ,.. .... I - ~: I - I 'I . 1::_ -:_:.
0 f.
~ ~) tr-,-~
polyandry, polygamy cl_,j~l .l.i..oU
disablement, incapacitation, weakening, crjp- ~ •:.
polygenesis, polyphyleticism J~~l ~~ piing, hamstringing, paralyzation, paralyzing,
multipolarity {11aking powerless or ineffective, making it impos-
, ... :;:; J/. ___ .... sible or too difficult for someone to do some-
polyvalence, polyvalency _;.; l(;J I .l.i..oU thing; frustration, thwarting, foiling, balking, de-
.... ... " .... ;;;; J!, ......
multiculturalism ul}..i:>ll _,1 ~l,;l.ii.jl .l.i..oU feating
... JJ, _ ... impossible, hopeless, insuperably difficult, too Zs ~­
multicellularity ~')l;L.I .l.i..oU
0;;. JJ, ....... hard, unfeasible, impracticable, unacheivable, ~-nat­
polygyny, polygamy ..;:,~_,:)1 J.i..oU tainable, insuperable, insurmountable, impassable
multilingualism, polyglotism ulJJI ~~ acceleration, speedup, pickup, expedi- C:i ;_j : ~
tion, expediting, hastening, quickening, precipita-
polysemy JWI ~~ ·tion
,)~~I) -~_J~ hurry(ing), rush(ing),
.:B....... ..:il !. - .... urging, impelling, pressing
.l.i..oU ~I J - 4!,_J.J.Ai
hurry(ing), haste(ning), rush(ing),
to change, alter, modify, shift, ;,:; , J~ :J~ speedup, acceleration
undergo modification or change or alteration; to be
modified, changed, altered, commuted, qualified, .1.~~ ~~)- .141 :(L5::_jl) ~-
........... J 0- ~ _.. ....

amended, improved, adapted, revised; to be transgression, infringement, :WI.:;... , J _,:;. : ......;

shuffled, shifted infraction, contravention, violation, breach
to be amended # -- , -- #-'
exceeding, transcendence, tran- ...6.:;.; , jJ~ :......;
modification, change, changing, ~ , J:i;; : ..k~­ scending, surpassing, outreaching; overreaching,
alteration, commutation, qualification, amend- going beyond; crossing, traversing; passing, going
ment; adaptation; revision; shuffling past
amendment [ 0 _,.; li ] J:i ~ transitivity, transitiveness [_;L_, ul.-.o~J] ~
modulation [ .~~] J:i~ to exceed, transcend, surpass,
~r rrv
sure to, incurrence of, being or becoming subject
adjustment, regulation, ~ '~~ -.~:!~
r-fi. ' :
to; encounter(ing), being confronted with, being regulating, settlement, settling, straightening out,
faced with fixing, putting in order, setting right, putting right
resistance, opposition, ~~ , ~ : ~ :_,.,~ constitutional amendment ~;;:.:.~ ~~
confrontation, facing, challenge, standing up to,
withstanding (cabinet) reshuffle iSJI~_,
.... ... ~_.:;
!. ... ... ~ ... .... .. !. ... -
interference with, ...; ~ , J.:-....; :J V:> _ro:; mining
meddling in, intrusion upon; molestation;-having
words with to sutTer, feel pain; to agonize, anguish; to be ~~·
tJ ..- .- • ... " lo ....... tortured, tormented, agonized, anguished, excru-
touching on, dealing with, ~ , ~ : J V:> _ro:; ciated, afflicted; to be punished
treatment, treating, going into; consideration,
to be or become impossible, impracticable, un- ~:;:,.
examination, exploration, survey(ing), study(ing),
feasible, hopeless; to be or become difficult, hard
discussion; undertaking, embarking upon, setting &_-
out to, turning to, applying oneself to impossibility, impracticability, unfeasibility; .JiA..
to identify, recognize, know, ~~~i , ~ , ;._: : u"').-
realize; to ascertain, get to know; to try to know, torture, torturing, torment(ing), agonizing,
seek to ascertain excruciation, affliction; punishment
~ , ... ... ;;; J ....

to get or become acquainted dl ~l J I ~~ u;_; masochism ui..JI ~~

with, meet, make the acquaintance of, be undressing, stripping; striptease, strip- (':?:,;.jl) ~
introduced to teasing; nakedness, nudity, nudeness
to be or become definite (W) ~~I u~ to undress, take ofT one's clothes, disrobe, strip; ,;:;;-;
to striptease
identification, recognition, I!! I;~J '~ :u~·
realization, knowledge, cognition, perception to Arabize, assimilate oneself to the Arabs, ~:;;-;
acquire (adopt, conform to) Arab customs or char-
acquaintance (with), (dJ ~J Jj ~~) (. ./,~ acteristics
getting or becoming acquainted (with), meeting,
being introduced (to) to zigzag; to wind, meander, sinuate

tariff ~
.r :4ir
...... ... .....
zigzag (course); sinuosity, tortuosity, meander !.-:
to be veined, grained, marbled t~ ~"').· : <:;!!~ e.- I)-.::..~~·
, ...
u;i e.- I) -~t :u~
;;.-"' _..;:;;
to climb (up), creep J._,..:; ..::..UI
• ... .. .. , !. .... . . !. ........ ...... ~-- • J " , "' ... ..- "" ;; _ ...
perspiration,sweat(ing), ~I~ ~~I -c:--.; :J_;Ai to be or become ~ I_, , J ~ r J I li..a uiS' : J ~ya,·
hidrosis; transpiration; diaphoresis exposed to, subject(ed) to, open to, liable to,-vul-
grain(ing), veining
t.?.--> :'-.}..-::
'_,...., nerable to, susceptible to; to come under; to incur,
" • " • - " .... ... . ... , 'II !. ..-"'
contract; to meet, face, encounter, find oneself up
_,1~ _,1 .jw> _,I~~ dl ~LJ~I ·~~ :J~ against, be confronted with, be faced with
grain to resist, oppose, face, con-~~ , J ,;~ : J :.,0~
front, challenge, defy, stand up to, withstand
·~ _c~ _,i ~G ~J-' .j ~_,~1 ~~ :J~
venation, nervation to interfere with, med-~ ',_/;.;. , .j ~~ : J :.,0~
die in, intrude upon; to molest; to have words
to be or become blocked, obstructed, hindered, J(~·
hampered, impeded, encumbered, delayed, retard-
ed; to meet with obstacles or difficulties to touch on, dealJ ,;~ ';. :..! 'J u~ J :.,.,~ :
translation into Arabic ~:,.JI JJ4 ') :~; with, treat, go into; to consider, examine, explore,

Arabicizing, Arabiciza-
.... ~ , ,..
~ r ~~I ~ : ~ _ro:;
:: ... . . survey, study, discuss; to undertake, embark upon,
set out to, turn to, apply oneself to
......... _, ~-- ., ""' ....... ;:;; ,...... "" !.-----
tion; Arabizing, Arabizatim1 - - expo- ~ 1_,... , ~ ~ .r _,1 l; ..a ~<f-11 uj.S' : ~ ~_,..:;
T'T' A ~.rj
czz===zq,,:iM!i:;'i?"'i:ll''@::;:,::-::':!llJ~I;J!';;,ZZ4Ji!!iiwliilv!"E!@l:\.,;:;... ._;:~,MI@IIIiillll!··;~li:ii·t:!l·1Ytl!)~·· ·~~-J::,·r;£Ql11l!ln,:;:,:::-:;:-'J!!i,u,iiJl:MZi··::,::~i:;:-=::::::::====zr:=s;,,:;.,y;:-=::--::·
....... - .. --
become promoted, furthered, advanced, boosted, disrobement, unclothing, undressing; J.t~:'-!.,;-N
fostered, supported, enhanced denudation, stripping off, baring, dismantling;
condolence, consolation, solace, comfort ~;; laying bare, uncovering
denudation, erosion, corrosion, ~ ~~ J,S't , :
LS~ ~I;- J,i "':!j~ ~~ wear
censure, rebuke, reproof, reprimand, reprehen- ,J<!.jAi divestiture, divestment, deprivation, ..J L.. ~ : ~ ~
sion, scolding, chiding, tongue-lashing depri\;ing, stripping
... 1! ....... , • :;:; ,

'J :(!j.r
0- .... - ......

consolidation, strengthening, reinforcement, j.!.jAJ' zigzagging ~~~~I~'

bracing, cementation, fortification, bolstering; cor:
stopping at, making a stop~ _, \ 0\G ~ ~ _;,:;
roboration, confirmation; promotion, furtherance,
at; stay(ing) at; visiting, paying a visit to, calling on
advancement, forwarding, boosting, fostering,
(someone), calling at (someone's place or house)
support(ing); enhancement
.- -!, - 1!'* ·" '·.... ..- trellis, trelliswork, treillage, lattice, latticework,~)·
exorcism; ~~ •Li)~ ~.J:I:,...;JI J:IJ;~I J). :{..~ espalier; arbor, bower -
broadening, widening, expanding, ex- ~;; : ~;;;
exorcistic(al); incantational, incantatory pansion, extending, extension
"':;; ... J ~!.-·' ,:;; J ...... ,.. .....

~ ~IJ- (.:: 0lS' :~· exposure J \.,;._,-... _,1-....y ~~I~:~~~

to, exposing to, making subject to; subjecting to,
~ ~IJ -dt. :~ subjection to, (pre)disposing to, (pre)disposition to,
... -- 'f .. ... ....
to make miserable, wretched, unhappy ~I :~ making liable to, making vulnerable to, making
susceptible to
to destroy, ruin ~ i :~ ,;;;; :;; 'f ,.. ......
sunning, insolation, insolating, ~I~~ ~_,ro:;
to be or become miserable, wretched, I' .. :: 0lS' :~· solarization, solarizing, exposure to the sun's rays
unhappy endangering, endangerment, imperil- ~~ ,;bJJ
to perish, be destroyed dt. :~ ing, imperilment, jeopardizing, exposure to'danger

L~ ~1;-~· intimation, insinu- ~'tV! :(~Ji -:) ~_;;;

' , ation, allusion, hint, indirect reference, indirect
.. I ..
~~)-~ suggestion, indication
:-: ~~
-- • ..., • - ., 0 ....

~~ ~\)-~·
• -

innuendo, insinuation~ ~w ~ ~
_, .... ,. ....
woe to him! may evil befall him! ~ L,;,:; definition; determination, specification, Jot~ : ~)·
pinpointing, fixing, identification -
to be or become difficult, hard, adverse
acquainting, informing, infor- r~! ' )k.. j : w\1 ~
difficulty mation, notification · · ·
introduction, introducing, pre- ;.~ ~ ~,;c
J>,.-· sentation, presenting, acquainting - • -
arbitrariness; tyranny, despotism; abusiveness, u....N ... J '-- ..... J ... 'I
definite article w\1 ~ w? , w\1 ~ oIJ I
abuse .. 0,... ...... 0-

arbitrary; tyrannical, despotic; abusive tariff ~~:~r

to dine, sup, have dinner or supper ~ veining, graining, marbling r:!r. .. :J.!.,r'
:-. ~

~--- ~ . ..
to dine out J )1 ( ).~ ;:::. J~ ~I) -J~ :J,!~
-... - I -... - . -.. ~.-:. to be consoled, comforted; to find solace or LSj;;
~ ~) -~ ·..J--A'
, ~ .... :;; _... consolation; to console oneself
to gear, engage, mesh, interlock, I.J"J.rJI ~ to be or become consolidated, strengthened, )j;;
come into gear or mesh, be or become in gear reinforced, braced, cemented, fortified, bolstered;
.. . . I - .. ·... : ..~.. :. to be or become corroborated, confirmed; to be or
~ ~) ~ ..J--A'
rupted; to be paralyzed, neutralized, counteracted; gearing, engagement, engaging,
to be deactivated, inactivated; to be defused mesh(ing), being in gear
unemployment; idleness, inactivity; (J,:;..ll ~) ~ dovetailing; coupling
disability -
gearing, engagement; engaging,
~~1;-~:~ mesh(ing)
suspension; interruption, stoppage; ~,;.; : ~ gear, mesh, engagement
paralysis; deactivation, inactivation
, ~... ,;;; __. ~!~1;-~·
to ret; to macerate (tJ).;,l;:S:JI) ~·
to be or become fanatic, bigoted, ( .. a::_: 015': :. ~:;
perfuming, scenting; arornatization ~ ;~ : # intolerant
... ~... ... ... ~ ... ,;;; .....
breakdown, breaking down; disablement, ~· to side with, take sides with,J ~ : t' J I J ~
incapacitation, mayhem, crippling; suspension, be partial to ~
temporary ban or stoppage; abeyance, temporary fanaticism, bigotry, intolerance, narrow- !. . -;_
inactivity; disruption, interruption; paralyzation, mindedness, zealotry; partiality
neutralization, frustration, putting out of action;
deactivation, inactivation; defusing ~!~I;-~!:-;..;;;
retting; maceration (tJJ ~~I) ..;,..f;. innervation, supplying [ ~] -.,..~4 ~J} : ~
with nerves ~ ~
to be glorified, exalted, extolled, ~.JW:~· ~~ ~1;-Co:!~ :~
dignified, honored, esteemed
>JI ... :~~ ~ -----

~~ ~1;-;.c :~
organization (~1)~
,;;; ......
to organize
to ossify ~JJ J;;.; :~ ~·
• ... "' :!,... ... ... -!. ..-""
ossification; -ostosis~ JJ J_,.,..; , ~~I -:,:;s;::;: ~·
J ~-- ... ~i ~1;-•4~1 :1~1 ~
osteoblast i.-'7., '•-
glorification, exaltation, aggrandizement; es- - t:.:::· JaZ! ~I; -J;i,·
teem, honor, veneration to perfume oneself; to be perfumed ; !]a; ·~
... ~ ... ~...... _;:;:; __ ...
to roll in (wallow in, welter in) -.,..l.rJI .J t_.;-o:; :)W to thirst for, long for, yearn for, pine for, JJ ~4 l;7
the dust hanker after, die to, crave, desire, miss, aspire to
... & .. :,;; ...... _.,;;; ......
to be covered or soiled with -.,... l.rJ~ c.Jlj : .rW thirst, longing, yearning, pining, hanker- (JJ) ,,.t\:7
dust ing, desire, eagerness, aspiration
to behave like a devil ~).:.-·:: c,~· to deign, condescend, ~ , Jj8 , ; al.:i::; oL\·
vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough
~ .~ ~1;-ut; .~· (to give or grant)
~~~I;-~~,(,.;.:~; •"!..::
... J J ... ... ~ ...... ... ;;._ ....
4.;~ '~~I;-~·,~·
J ~ ..........
~~~I;-~!:; J.:;
sepsis, septicemia, blood poisoning ~:J I ~

to pursue, follow, chase, go after, run to put on a coat ~ Ji ~_;:j1 ; o'l;.:

after, trail, trace, track
to be or become unemployed, (J,:;..ll ~) ~
pursuit, following, chase, chasing, trailing, {i :, .%:7 jobless, without work or employment; to be or
tracing, tracking become idle, inactive; to be or become disabled,
to complicate, snarl; to be or become (:,:~I)~· incapacitated, maimed, crippled
,..._ ... :; ...
complicated, complex, intricate, knotty, tangled, to break (down), go out of order, fail, :U~I ~
difficult become inoperative, stop operating or working
... '/J J ... :;i .....
to be suspended; to be disrupted, inter- ~ : J1_;..;
l®&iQiBEii•i~JABIBIFFw~s=m~BIBI&E3iii4BI3431®13iiBI*BtBBBIBBI~~ ~4t~~BIBIBII'I*ii!IB3-IID13~3&~RI3~43t23113%3SF3~3'3·#3Ji3•13!JF~:ri3~3~343®3!~H

dependent on, be depending on, be contingent on, ~~ ~\)-;;.; .~ :~

.. ... , ... ... :o. ......
be conditional on ~e.-\) -o\..i~ ..LG....j
to relate to, be related to, ~ ~ ~ '~ :-! ~ ~-­
have to do with, concern, regard, be connected complicatedn.:ss, complication, complexity, intri- ...IAA."
cacy, knottiness, entanglement, tangle(dness), snarl
with, pertain to, belong to, appertain to _
, ill_..;_.. ....

concerning, with regard to, regarding, ~ ~ ~

as regard, with respect to, in respect or,' respecting, to listen to reason; to sober up; to be or become Jt;
with reference to, in relation to, in connection prudent, wise, judicious, discerning, sapient, sage,
with, in terms of, as to, as for, re, about, for that sensible, rational, reasonable, discrete, cautious,
matter careful
# - ••k . &. . -
hanging (down), dangling, dangle, J=.;;~ prudence, wisdom, judiciousness, discernment, J,;W·
suspension sapience, sageness, rationalness, rationality, discre-
clinging to, cleaving to,
, -
,~ : ~ "J<
..;.u.; tion, cautiousness, carefulness
adherence to, sticking to; grasping at, holding, commentary, comment, remark; .. ,~:::~
~ ...
holding on to, hanging on to, clutching, gripping review, critique
~ , ~--
( ) JLU
attachment, affection, love, fondness..,...... : -i
connection, relation(ship), ~~ , ti~ :~ gonorrhea
bearing, relevance, pertinence; business, concern _
~ ~ , t_~ii -i J1; : complication, entanglement; complexity, com- .__;;:;-
to offer (advance, use) as an
plicatedness, intricacy, tangle(dness); sophistica:
excuse or justification; to use as an expedient or
tion, sophisticatedness
to occupy oneself with, busy oneself~(;;:~~ sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis; pasteuriza- ~­
with, distract oneself with - tion

offering of an excuse or justi- (~ ~ , t~ii (-!) : Jt; j::&. '}:l ~\)- }.::.· .~·
fication; use of an expedient or makeshift to lean on (a staff, etc.) j&. ~-
to learn, study; to be educated (1; ,~) ~~ ~\)-(tr ,~) ~
learning, study(ing); education _ ~
muddying, muddling, roiling, making turbid; #
canning, tinning; packing, packag- ~ J~ : ~ disturbance, disturbing, troubling, derangement _
~ ~~)-~~~ ~~
ing; boxing; casing, encasement -
raising, lifting (up), hoist(ing), ~ J~ : :W :;·
uplift(ing), elevation, exaltation, sublimation; tr J~ ~\) -tr ~; :tr ~
boosting, hiking ~~ ~\) -4:.~
hanging (down), suspending, suspension, ~:;f~ : ~ ..- ... :. , 'It __ , •• :;I ...

dangling, dangle, slinging - - justification, excuse; pretext, ~J~, ~ , Jr.-" : ~-

pretense; expedient, makeshift -
attachment, attaching, fasten- , - ... :; , Ja;~ :J-..1 ::
ing, tying, affixation, fixing, fixation
.... ...... ~-:.,., . ,.
-;. . ....
to hang (down), dangle, suspend, be J;:, :};;:;
suspension, ~ J _,.aA.. _r.J;. l..ii..l..:. ~~I <.!.!; :~
suspending, stay, leaving undecided or unsettled, to cling to, cleave to, adhere ;,(.'.5 , ; ~~ <-.; :
keeping or holding in abeyance, keeping pending, to, stick to, keep to; to grasp at, hold, hold on to,
holding back, deferring of action hold fast to, hang on to, clutch, grip
J:;;.... .. " , .-J ... :li,.... ....

suspension, suspend- utA,;!, ui:;, ~ :__;._~:: to be (passionately) attached ~I : ~ _,I l.; )l; JLU
ing, temporary cancellation or stoppage, tempora- to, be (deeply) attracted to, be (very)-fond of, dote
ry inactivity, abeyance on; to love, be in love with
adjournment (tJJ ~{.I)__;._~:; to depend on, hinge on, be ~:;; : j&. ~
!SHG!i,tiili"\i!\ili<ili,,£z:::,'!;:;!;Ai!ikii:iJ'':\i:'z::,<'Z::'i'~ili&$i\!!f,::!i,,,giJ'DJ!Miliwili+$ilit'·ili'"'W1E51111111111111111111111!111!11!11!1,!1.. .;#'t l, 1 i!t®!:}UQI§@:;ttJNf,,,,,;,

to penetrate deeply into, delve into, go making lkJ~ ~~I~ :(f.:;.) J_~:; J&.
deeply into; to study thoroughly conditional on, making contingent on, making
deep penetration into, delving into, going (~) j;:; dependent on
deeply into; thorough study
.. tJJ .... ;;;; ........
annotation,(.~; :(y~ -~1_;.1. ~) i-1>11 j._~:;
to be generalized; to be popularized, univer- ~ : ~ glossing, commenting on; commentary, com-
salized, made accessible to all; to be circularized, ment(s)
publicized, circulated, spread
~) ~
.o: --1:; ~
I ---. •: , t!.l> : - 1 ~::
to put on or wear a turban ty1 ~: ~ commentary, comment, remark; ' ... ~:; : J_~:;
blinding; mystification, obscuration; ;:._ ;-.:..;,. : ~ review, critique
, , • ~ ... .- • ,.. J _..
r.r. :~
I .- ... I,.. I,...
obscurity, ambiguity; camouflage, disguise
caption ~ Jl ~ ""~),.... ...:..o.J
baptism; baptizing, christening, immer- (~;JI) •.. _.:7
sion (marginal) annotation, (mar- ..-•• ~; , t!.l> :•i I:7
ginal) note, (marginal) gloss, schollum, c~mment~:
confirmation, settlement .L.. ~1' •- _; :; : ·-~:; ry, comment(s)
I J j , ,...- 'II .......
longevity, long life ~I J,J:. :~ (coat) hanger (._.[jl)
. .. ~
•4 :~ - -
building, construction, erection justification, explanation ~ .J"t;.:~· .
deepening, making deep or deeper ~ ;-.:..;,.: J .. _.:7 justificatory; explanatory,
~~ ·~~;. :~! . !:7
(~) j;:, ~I;-(~) J . ~:;
teaching, instruction, tuition, schooling, (..)""l ~"j; :~
generalization education
popularization, universalization; r:!~') , ~ r;.. : marking, designation, labeling ~J: ~
making accessible to all, opening to the public at teachings, tenets, ..,...Ai: , ts;t;. ' ~c.,_; :~~
large; circularization, publicizing, circulation, precepts, doctrine, dogma -
;, .... J ..- c ,.... .. . instructions, directions,
~IJI ,...:;,~,; :...:;,~
.- ....
circular, circulated note r--0 ... •;,.:.;..... :~ directives
to toil, labor, sweat, work hard ~:~ elementary education
to be or become obstinate, stubborn, :. t.; ::- ~:7 secondary education, high school
opinionated, inflexible education, college education
to vex, annoy, molest, harass, J,;'L<o, (..)~T: :-.~:; higher or university education
distress, trouble, oppress
to confuse, puzzle, embarrass -;,;. : ;. ~:;
instructional, educational, teaching; didactic
obstinacy, stubbornness, obdura- ~ ' ~:;· .)4: ,.
cy, opinionatedness, inflexibility, adamancy, rigor- didactic poetry or verse
ism, rigidity
to be or become arrogant, w~ ~ ';:_,..).:; :
haughty, supercilious, insolent, overbearing, pre-
sumptuous to intend, purpose, design, mean, do (..); , ~ : ~
to boast, brag, vaunt, swagger, show c~ ~
: on purpose, do intentionally
to be baptized, christened, immersed (:lj.JI) ~
... • J ........ 0 ... --

to be entitled, titled; to be addressed; to 0 _,..;.&. : 0 _,.:....:.·

be labeled - ~~1;-~
scolding, upbraiding, chiding, ~,;; (.~ J-t; , :, :;· ·-
.,_ ~-- -~--
lr ,I~ ~1;-~ ,I..._;
tongue-lashing, reproof, rebuke, reprimand, re-
~~ ~1;-~~·
I" ,)),,,;'itt ¢'1>+ ~·~==:::,·~:::e ==::::r::::··=·====·::a ======:::~ =··

proach, reprehens1on, censure

making good, making up for
~r· to take care of, care for,loo k after, look to,~~:~·
compensatory, compensational, reparative
attend to, see to, tend, nurse, watch over, keep,
ti~l ~~) -J:!;· devote one's attention to; to maintain, keep up,
service; to cultivate, develop, improve, promote,
... 'II • • ....

reliance, dependence, trust, Jl.(;l' ~~l: ~~·

further, foster, nurture ; to sponsor, patronize
to undertake, take upon oneself, ~;:il (~) ~ :
flotation, float(ing), launching, buoy- ~~ J-.;.,.;:. :f..;.·
oneself , engage one-
- assume, bind oneself, commi t
ing up, setting afloat, keeping afloat ,.,., ...
... .. ...... .... / ...
self, obligate oneself , pledge, vow, promise ; to be
y~ ~I)- ..I.A;jl .~1 JJ ~ ::. ~:·; or become bound (by), commi tted (by)
miserable, wretched, unhappy; distressed, ~
care, charge, protection, custody, keeping, ~ ~ J : ~·
suffering, sad, poor, pitiful; unfortu nate, unlucky ; guardianship; maintenance, upkeep, servicin g
deplorable, woeful, lamentable
..... .
.. ..... ..... .... ......... .... ;;; .... -- commitment, engagement, obligation, rl)l: ~
to make one's ~I yL;-1 oiJJ o- qjj,.:... .l :~; pledge, undertaking, vow, promise
living, earn one's bread, eke out a living .... _. :;:; ........ contracting, contracting work(s)
to see, view, eye, witness LSI J : ~
... . ....
1.?-:-s- J : ~~·
"' ~ ........

to be appointed, assigned, (}; Ji ~ j);;.:,;

nominated, designated, named •

(~l ~~)-~
to get used to, be accustomed to, take to, habitu- ~~·
.-tJ, ... ... ... :,il ...... ~...

to be specified, determi ned, fixed,. )~ , .)~ : ~

pinpointed, individualized, particularized, item- ate oneself to, make a habit of; to develop (acquire,
ized, designated, identified, marked (out), indicat- contract) a habit ;!, .... ..-

ed, pointed out, set, assigned, appointed ~ .... ::

habituation, contraction of a habit; getting used .l~·
... • j .... oJI ' ...

to be earmarked, singled out, ~) I , ~ : 0-::"-' to, being accustomed to, taking to

designa ted, destined , assigned, set aside or apart
... '!II , ... ... -- ~
"1 ~~~I) --t ~~·
to be allotted, apportioned, allocate ~ : ~
to take or receive as compensation or substi- :_,.,~
assigned tute; to be compensated, indemnified, recompensed
-:.-:' ~-:1 ';:_.;.- :~ 0-::"-' -. •<
to be incumb ent ~ ~- J 0 0 00

to retard, slow, delay; to be delayed, retarded, (J~

upon, be someon e's duty
.. ........ ~ ... --
0I~ ~
. held up, hindered, hampered, impeded, obstruct-
he has to, he should, he must, he ed, blocked encumbered, detained
ought to, he is duty bound to, it is his duty to retardation, delay
faultfinding,.criticism, censure, blame .... :;;....
~J&- J~: ~~·
... .... .--
habitua tion,acc ustomin g,inure ment
gibe, scoffing, taunting; reproach, re- ~ J-.;.,.;:. : _,.;;.· ]J _.. '!/ '/IJ D J' , 0 _. o""

0 _. _.

buke, upbraiding; humiliating, degrading; shaming - exorcism; (.~ •ti)~ ~.r-!~1 J:IJJ~\ .):.,.1
specification, determination, fixing, fixa- ..1:!~ : ~·
.... ....
.... .... .... .- .....
tion, pinpointing, individualization, particular: •i:!~ ~1)-4~ ·•i:!r' :i:!~
ization, itemization, designation, identification, charm, spell, incantation, amulet, talis- r~.) :ii~~
marking (out), indication, pointing out, setting, man, periapt, fetish, hex, voodoo -
laying down, assignment, appoint ment 1.?-f!-,-.
J' • •:.

exorcistic(al); incantational, incantatory

appointment, assign ment,( }; Ji ~ j) ~
nomination, designation • .. ' compensation, indemnity, dam- (u~~ c)~;·
earmarking, singling out, .ll)l ·~ :~ ages, reparation, redress, satisfaction, recompense,
assignm ent, setting aside amends, solatium, setoff
designation, destination,
compensating, compensation, ~~ J-.;.,.;:. :~,:.;
or apart
allotment, apportionment, alloca- ~ : ~
.- indemnifying, indemnification, recompensfng,
tion, assignment repairing, reparation, redress(ing), remedying,
alimented; to feed on, live on; to eat; to be fed identification
(with), charged (with), provided (with), supplied
(with) to ignore, disregard, overlook, be unmindful i f _;.ti
nutritional ~~;;;,. to wrong one another; to cheat one another ~ w·
nutrition, feeding, nourishment, (_~)~~ to court or woo one another; to flirt with one J)W·
nourishing, alimentation another
feed(ing), charging; providing (tJJ ~), ~T) ~;; overlooking, disregard(ing), (()&-) (~t::.JI) _..,
with, supplying with
condonation, connivance, winking at, blinking at,
feedback shutting one's eyes to; excuse, forgiveness,
dietetics, sitology
to overlook, disregard, condone, connive If ~ti
to be glued, fixed with glue, conglutinated, !.$;:,· at, wink at, blink at, bypass, pass over, let pass,
agglutinated; to conglutinate, agglutinate shut one's eyes to; to excuse, forgive, pardon
~~~ ~1;- ;.ta •(J :~~ to close one's eyes ~
. ...
. " ..... . ·~.aj.. ..
.. .. J IA..:-.s.
.. t.f"
yl~~ ~IJ -1-:'j:; ~i ~~)-If Jlw·
.. :;; ... . "':;, ~
to feign inattention or inadver- .ili:J4 ~ thl :J,i c.;
to sing, warble .:J ~ : .:J.;;;
tence, feign negligence or carelessness, pretend to
to take sides with, side with, be partial ;,:.:; : J ~;;.· be inattentive or inadvertent, pretend to be negli-
to, be biased for, have a bias for - gent or careless
bias, prejudice, partiality, one-sided ness
!.- ::
~ : ~JA'
0 ~-: :.

J.i~ ~1)-J.i~ :j.ic.;

.... .. , ....
to gargle ). '). :).'):; ~ ~IJ-JilA.i'

to be bathed in tears
• :;i

t':.J~ .;...JI
, ...

<? ~ ~
.. ........
~ J~ ~~)-1.)i ·24 :~ Jw·
..... -

o~ ~ :~ _;:.·
, 0 .. -
to wrestle (with one another); to strug- t_j~ ~W· :
.... - .. •I .. '~~' .. :;;.----- gle, fight
to be fined, mulcted, amerced ~I~ r) I ' i ~ : ~.;:; to wink at one another ; w·
banishment, exile, expatriation, to sway, swing, walk with a swinging gaitj;C,; : ~ti
estrangement, alienation to differ, vary; to be different, dissimilar,; oF:O. ~
disparate, heterogeneous
gluing, conglutination, agglutination(j:;i. JJ:.,;.. : ~; difference, dissimilarity' disparity' dis- u ~ ~ :; w·
singing, song, warbling, warble

_,~' •4: ~J.· ., o ..
crepancy, heterogeneity, contrast, unlikeness, vari-
ance, variation, inconsistency, incongruity, contra-
deceiving(with vain hopes), .1~! ,~ :-'._.)'!.~ diction
deception, deceit, delusion, beguilement, mislead- -' ... :;; , ...
calculus of variations
ing, misguidance, leading astray; luring, allure- ~
la.j I '-' L,..
. -
ment, enticement, inveiglement, temptation, se- ~~ ~~)-,;;.·
duction, seducement; dazzling, blinding
...... 4 ... ~ .... ~~ ~~)-~·
endangering, endanger- )a.:i.lJ ~~ :-! .1-l~ -. J!,----
pneumoconiosis ~)1 _&:;
ment, imperiling, imperilment, jeopardizing: expo-
sure to danger ~ ~IJ -(~ ~) Jj:-.·
.. 1 'I I ·· ...
i.J ..,s-, ~) -'-'!.~ tolunch,havelunch .1~1 ~IJ. J:;8 :(j~'
fining, amercement ~~~ ;1)! :f..;· nutrition
'* .. :;;
((._S..i,;.jl) jAj
'#. ....

J)~ ~IJ -Jj~ :_, J~· to be nourished, fed, nurtured.

J~ nt

immersion, dipping, plunging, ~ ;-.;..;;_ : ~ to celebrate in love poems,

submersion rhapsodize about
.... 1 ... -;, ......

j~ -~1; to sing the praises of, extol, laud, (.$ )> I : -!. J _;.:;
praise, eulogize
to surmount, overcome, master, A.i,
j~: ~ ~;;. :.
J) ~1;-J~
get over, get past, (be able to) cope with; to tri-
umph over, vanquish, get the better of, over- ~ ~ .1;-~
power, overmaster, overwhelm, outdo, defeat, . . . • 'f .... ;;:; ---

beat to be or become hazy, misty, cloudy ,J-:i I .J L,., : ~·

foggy, dim(med), obscure(d), blurry, blurred,
surmounting, overcoming, mastering, (~),. t7 fuzzy, filmy
getting over, getting past, coping with, triumphing
over, defeating; mastery, superiority, ascendancy, to be or become covered, enveloped, ~ : ~
wrapped; to cover oneself(with), wrap oneself (in)
upper hand , :; .........
J.1 :~

to permeate, pervade, interpene- ~~, ~: j ~ to be or become overlaid, coated, plated

..... • 'f • :;I J • ... _ ..........
trate, infiltrate, penetrate (into), enter (into), spread hazing, misting, fogging, J-:i I f.~ I ~ : • .. :·; ·;
through( out) clouding, obscuring, obscuration, blurring, fuzzing,
permeation, permeance, perva-Jh.;, jGj :(j) ~· filming
sion, (inter)penetration, infiltration, spreading covering, coverage ..... ~ .. ...
~ ;( Ia: :;( •:
through( out)
to be enveloped, covered, wrapped (up), ~ :; ~t 7
overlaying, coating, plating J1 :(_•:;
enfolded, enwrapped, lapped, swathed; to be (~ ,i ~):.;.~I;-(~) ;:C~i.7
coated; to be cased, encased; to be packaged
, .... .... :;~ ....... to wrinkle, pucker, crease, corrugate, -.:~~ : :;;;;;,·
to be bound (a book) ._,..~I UlA.; crinkle, crumple, rumple, cockle; to be or become
wrinkled, wrinkly, puckered, creased, corrugated,
to penetrate (into), enter (into); to
crinkled, crumpled, rumpled, cockled
permeate, interpenetrate J,..... . . . J, ""'"

thickening, coarsening Jot. ;-.;..;;_ :li:F; wrinkle, wrinkling, pucker(ing), crease, ~ : ~

creasing, corrugation, crinkle, crinkling, crumple,
enveloping, covering, wrapping, 'Z...J , ;( ..l:.:~ :~· crumpling, rumple, rumpling, cockle, cockling
enfolding, enwrapping, lapping, swathini casing; wrinkling, puckering, creasing, corru- •.. :~;: ~·
encasing, encasement; packaging gation, crinkling, crumpling, rumpling, cockling
binding o+. :._,..L:S:.II ~
J • "' ..... , ....

to· be or become covered, wrapped, enve- (~) ~·

to cover, shelter, protect; to cover up ~ , ~ : ~ loped, mantled, concealed, veiled; to cover oneself
or conceal someone's offenses (faults, sins, etc.) (with), wrap oneself (in)
.... • ....
to encompass or cover someone ~ ~ -Ull o.;....a.>
J, J ... .... - ~
to be or become haughty, arrogant, ~ : ;:_,..~
with His Grace (said of God); to have mercy upon, supercilious, insolent, overbearing, presumptuous
be merciful toward to strut, swagger, prance, ;:_~~ : ~~~·, ~ ~ ~)a:;
to mumble, mutter, murmur ~:~ mince
.-. I - ... L~ ~~;-'-"'~
covering, coverage, wrapping, .~I,):...:;- h~;.
to sing, chant, vocalize l~.~i:~ enveloping, envelopment, capping, casing, man-
J .......

to sing the praises of, praise, laud, ( ..... :-!. ~ tling, concealment
J 1,... .:;;; ,JI,... I,.... J
,,il 'I
I,.. J I I,..

extol, eulogize L1..o.; , ~ ...a.; L1..o.; , ..::. lALJ I L1..o.; , ..;, I..~> 'lll L1..o.;
to coquet, flirt, play the coquette Jf~ :~ ;~verag~: cov~;ing .dJ ~UI ~)>.WI
.,.• I ~----
.... • ~ ... , , J... ... :;; ~ ........

ww, ul. uw
~~;-~ back- uUI ul;l.....,'lll _,1 u.JI ..... ......
-... ..... ! - ......

to play the dandy, act like a fop .JJ.:..Ai ing; coverage, covering
~li no
HA~j>j '.:G'. -\c, ,,+: 1'1£'· Lth¥,\'~,..1£§ Hi@···
~~ , .. ~~ J ........
cider, apple juice (l..i.:JI ~ '(l..i.:;:JI ._,..I_;. pampering, spoiling, coddling, mollycod-~~ :~
dling, babying, cockering, indulgence; caressing,
~i ~1;-~~ fondling, petting
# ... J "' :.J
binnet )~ }U. :~\.Aj· (~)~~~I;-~~'~~:(~) J~­
~;.;~~I; -"i ;.;~ :"i ).~· ~~ ~1;-~~ .~ :~;;
to vie in boasting with ~
..... . ,,
... ... ... ... ... .........
~ ~ :? \.A:; J.. to excrete, defecate, egest, evacuate the /.;:; : 1~
one another, vie in glory with one another bowels, relieve nature
~ ..... !. ......
pride, boast(ing), boastfulness, brag(ging), vain- excretion, defecation, egestion, evacua- j~ : J,_,-;.·
glory; ostentation, show-ofT, pomposity tion of the bowels, stool
avoidance, averting, obviation, preven- (!.,?;~~1) :~·
tion, warding ofT, fending ofT, parry(ing), keeping
... J J ... .. :;:.... ...
._,..~ ~I; - ;,...:J-1 tY- UL;.; , ;:_,..~ : ;_
_.,,... ....

, J J...... !,----

away from; getting away from, running away ...,..~ ~1;-;~1 r.)S;. :~
from, fleeing (from), (trying to) escape from; eva-
sion, sidestepping, getting around; guarding against,
to change, alter, vary, convert, J;;.; , J~ : ;;.i
transform, transmute, shift, become different,
taking precautions against undergo change; to be changed, altered, modified,
to avoid, avert, obviate, prevent, ward ofT, fend (.SJ~­ varied, converted, transformed
ofT, parry, stave ofT, keep away from; to get away
change, alteration, variation, modi- J~ , J~ :);:;
from, run away from, flee (from), (try to) escape
fication, conversion, turn, shift, transformation,
from; to evade, dodge, sidestep, get around; to
guard against, beware of, take precautions against
to decrease, diminish, recede '-~-.:I -·~:. •,: .-
Jl)~ .~p~ ~1;-J~l,Aj· '"'J~ ~-'V"·~
1~1- ~)
1 -v;:-
~~~I;-~!~ ..
,jt; ~I;- J:!!~· uo1 ~) r~ ~~;-{:01 ~) ~-

to agree to revoke (repeal, ( tJ J I~ \J WI) ~ ~ change. changing, alteration, J.?y.; , J.?~ :~

modification, variation, conversion, transforma:
annul, cancel, abrogate, etc.)
tion, transmutation; shift(ing), switch(ing)
to affect eloquence; to orate ~WI ;:.k; :~~­ to spit
to contend for precedence or superiority; to ~~- dirt under the (finger)nails
claim to be superior to
... ... ,
... ... 0

rivalry for precedence or superi- J.,..t.A:; ;J..;:. : J,.Q\.Q.I fie on you! phew!
to be or become optimistic; to see a good omen J ,;\i
differential; differentiation (in), regard as a good omen
, __
differential calculus optimism Jj\.Q.I
"" J .......
calculus optimistic, optimistical ~j\.Q.I
differential to assume the air of a young man; to ~~:J·~-
behave like a young man
differential gear, differential -::.-_• I I -::.-.• I · : 1 ~:
(.S""- - ~ ) - (.S""-' . <.s' I.A.>
differential equation
to whisper together; to ( ~ ')15::.11 r ~WI) ~ \i
to react; to interact, interplay ~~ exchange secrets, talk confidentially
-;;.J :JIJ
reaction; interaction, interplay ~~ apple(s) (uli) 4,;..\.Q.;' '(\.Q.j
• "'
chain reaction mayapple, Indian apple (uli) (S~ \.A:;

·. . - - l:
, --
reactive, reactional; interactive, interactional ~ \.Q.I Adam's apple [ C:! _.r.!j ] r~~ i;.. ~
rf.i ~~·
"""*"'" :;ft}!i!" .z,lwii!\!MU· l·itlt1ei 1f!l!!!!!Wii¥1!\iif§¥. ··!!!!11Aiitll!liiii!llMM4'!m.ll!!f.l!ijN i\W!i#lll!j!!l!l!l!tPjMii!ll&~

ment(ate), fall (in)to small pieces or fragments feet (of a verse meter) ._4 ~·
~-- ..... - J. i , ... ,:;I.. ... ... ... ..
crumbling, crumble, disintegration; detrition ..::..::.A:i to kiss each other ~~I ~ ;)5' J;.i : r&- i.AJ·
:a ... ~ , ....
crumbly, friable, fragile, easily crum- c.:.:.A..:JI J..... to be or become aggravated, exa- ~:.:.,l, ~l: ~~·
bled cerbated, grave, serious, critical, drastic, severe,
to open, open up, unfold; to be or become~ l :~· :ntense, extreme, excessive; to worsen, become
open(ed) worse; to reach alarming proportions, spread
............ ;:;; ......
to bloom, blossom (out), flower, effio- .I" jl : ~ dangerously; to build up, intensify, grow, increase
• 0 • J ,_ ...
resce, be in (full) bloom, be fullblown aggravation, exacerbation, J~l' ~~~l: r'W'
florescence, effiorescence, bloom(ing), worsening, (increase in) gravity or seriousness or
blossom(ing), flowering, flowerage severity; buildup, intensification, increase
,, ... ...... J..-...- ,.,-:;. ......
J ,_:; ' _r;i ~ I J - _;;.Ai ' _;;.Ai to joke together, jest together, have fun ~)~ : 45'~
together, make fun
to be or become unsewn, unstitched, ~ l :;#· ... J ... J
spit, spittle, saliva ~~ :JW'
ripped (open), torn, rent, slit
to produce, bring about; to contrive, (wholehearted) devotion, (total, entire, (<i~l) ~~·
devise, originate, create, innovate complete, full) dedication, self-denial

~l ~~)-~·
to dedicate oneself heart and soul (entirely, (j) ~ J
completely) to, devote oneself wholeheartediy to,
mitosis (.~i]
L:~ "~1
•c.,r-::- i - -
:~· lose oneself in, sacrifice oneself for
.]. ~-­ insipidity, tastelessness, vapidity, flatness; trite- ~ ~
mitotic [ .~1 ~· ness, banality; silliness, stupidity, absurdity; trivi-
crumbling, frittering, fragmentation, fragmen- ,- .. ~•·; ality, insignificance, paltriness, worthlessness,
tizing pettiness
to understand one another
.- ...
~~I ~
- ,, .... &.. .. :rA... i.AJ·.. ..-

lithotripsy, lithotrity
crumbly, friable, fragile, easily to reach (come to, bring about) an~ l :(~) 0.; r"
crumbled understanding or agreement, conclude or strike an
' ... ;; ·.; ' ~ : (~) u· .. ~i¥
agreement, come to terms, agree; to arrange, settle
search(ing), inspection,
examination; investigation; looking for, search(ing) (mutual) understanding, agreement, accord, ~~
for, seeking, hunt; drilling, prospection arrangement, settlement; entente
J ... ;:;;
,. ... ... • ... , • ... .. tl .. • ::;;
. j.. . l:,;.,. <~.~W . I ) • -·-
• -
misunderstanding r"lo.;:JI :,....
(.r.-- .(- ~ . -~-- ~ -~ ~

... ~I)-,/ . ~·;.... ,_,...I.., to differ, vary; to be different, c,;q '; •F;_l :2:..J~
_,...1 disparate, dissimilar, varying
J ...... • J .- ..
difference, disparity, dissimilar-U:!G, u~l :c._,I.Q;
•;;i , ___ • ... .. ,

Inquisition ~I(~ _,1) 1.;\J:!;'

ity, unlikeness, discrepancy, contrast, divergence,
J~l '~l ~I)-~ .;.i variance, variation, unevenness, disproportion;

to be painfully affiicted, distressed, agonized, F inequality

differential, different, differing
.,_,__,_, ~

anguished, tormented; to agonize, anguish; to suf-

fer, feel pain; to lament, wail, cry to negotiate, parley, confer J.J~
affiiction, distress, suffering, pain, agony, an- ~ negotiation, parley ~J~
guish, torment; lamentation, lament(ing), wail(ing),
;; ~1)-4\:. 0\S' :J:i;
crying out in grief
... . . _.,., ....
~~)-~~ :~
exploding, explosion, ( l ~ \5J. I , t.;_,;J I ' ~I) ~· Jw
~ ·~
t tJ"~·
detonation; blowup, blowing up, blast(ing), burst-
ing; dynamiting
;.. ~.~:..
to examine, scrutinize, inspect, sur- ~ ~ '~ to crumble, disintegrate, fragmentize, frag-
'(?f.~ rtv
c::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~,~~ ~~leBiiBBBmBMB~'B:k;BNDBIBtiB?...>~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~
to ramify, branch (out), bifurcate, radiate,;. ~-.; : e_~· vey, explore; to search into, inquire into; to search
fork, divaricate; to divide, subdivide; to be or be- for, inquire about
come branched, branching, ramified, bifurcate(d), scrutiny, close examination, inspection, & -::.
divaricated, forked, furcate, divided, subdivided survey(ing), exploration; search(ing), inquiry
ramification, branching, bifurcation, •. t~ !-.; : to carbonize, char ~ J! J~ , c;,~ :~·
fork(ing), divarication; division, subdivision
'·... .... & .......
to be or become arrogant, haughty, (J;-}1):;;;
carbonization, charring cr.)::::; : ~·
supercilious blackening ~;..; : ~
to thrive, flourish, grow luxuriantly (.:..UI) ~ _riU
J ;;; .......
. ... , . ... ......... ....
carbonization, charring~ JJ J.?~, ~:,s- :~
to devote oneself~~ '~ ~~ 'J) u;a.:l: ~e.~· to be or become proud, haughty ;;;; : ;::f;
to, dedicate oneself to, apply oneself to, turn to,
attend to, give one's entire attention to, engage glorification, exaltation, aggran- J.:.::-~,; ~ , :f..;i.·
wholly in, occupy oneself exclusively with, give all dizement, magnification; honor, esteem
• ;:;; , J J ....
one's time to, work full time on emphatic pronunciation; ...liu..UI ~ ~J;LI ~
to be unoccupied, unen- ~I ~ ~I> emphasis, accent(uation), stress; intensification
0\S' :t~
gaged, free from work, at leisure, idle
J--;;;... , ... ;:;:; • ... ........ .. :;:; .......
gran- J.!·.;, wUJI ~,t ~I Ji _i'1S:ll t~l
diloquence, pomposity, euphuism, floweriness
to transfer( the "-',..... '~ J.ii :.r t.riU
ownership of something to someone), convey, ~~ e--IJ-(1~
alienate, make over, pass (on), dispose of, cede,
deliver, assign, deed (over) (~~ e--1)- ~~·
,_,. ... .... • ,
interstice; opening, aperture, gap, breach, hole ~ jJ_

devotion to, devoting ~ J~ ' J) 01 ~ l : ~ t~·

·oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to; to do alone, do by oneself, ;~J ~ :;.~ ~ J"j;
occupancy with, engagement in, pursuit of perform singlehandedly
... • J • .... .. • J 0... , ,. ........

transfer (of ~I J.?~ '~I J.ii :.r t~ to possess alone, appropriate, take-! )t.:.l:-! ~~
ownership), conveyance, alienation, making over, exclusive possession of - -
disposal of, cession, delivery, assignment ;;;; .. .... J ., ... ... ...;;; ......
...... :;:;-::-. to be unique, single, ~I~~~~ 0\S": J,riU
to separate, part, divide, scatter, disperse, break (.J _IIJ
singular, individual, matchless, peerless, unrivaled,
up, go in different directions; to be separated,
disunited, divided, scattered, dispersed
!. .... _.. to isolate oneself, seclude oneself; to be J~ I : ~:,:;
separation, disunion, disunity, division; disper- J jij cr become isolated, secluded, solitary
sal, dispersion, scattering :;:; .. .. • , .. ... • ;;;; " • ;;; J • ... :!. ... -
unique- ~I~ 1--\1,) ~I Jl ~~lujS: :J_)j
• J ........ ,.,
ness, singularity
racial discrimination, racial segrega- ~~ ~,;.:; isolation, seclusion, solitude,
tion, apartheid - - loneness
~ ~.0 -~ i.i~l
• • ..J--
e--1) appropriation, exclusive possession ) ..~· l :-! J,;.:;
to crack, snap, pop, explode ~;; to gaze at, stare at, look ~t, J) ~~ :-~ ~~·
fixedly at, eye, scrutinize
to be rubbed, scrubbed 2.!~· ...... , ... ... .... ... .... J .... ;;;:; .......

to adopt or acquire European manners or cus- ~;; ~ .)J I (..)"' _rj l e--1 J - ~ .)J I IJ'_):;
toms, become Europeanized, imitate the Europe- to be or become notched, (in)dented, ~ : :.;,";;
ans, assimilate oneself to the Europeans incised, crenate(d), jagged, toothed; to be or be-
dispelling, driving away (of (dJ ~I Ji ~I) '(!1.); come grooved, furrowed
worries, grief, etc.) indentation, crenation ~_):;
relief, relieving, giving a sense of.b-1~! : (.r) ~.);
ease to; easement, easing; soothing -
to flatten, become flat, become oblate; to
broaden, become broad
nA ~)
~ 11 @EA~·~J,EWW§EfiEMMQIB
~....IBBIBIBIIBB5 f&fBIHi~®B*2~~awE+·Iii¥BIBI*~@~~~:@~·,\~
degeneracy, decadence, decay, rot, putrefaction, ~~ r::-1;-~;
deterioration incubation, hatching ( ~II :."1\) . ·.:
C•~ i:J.r'
.y- ;..:;:. ~ e- IJ - .y- ;_:i;
germination, sprouting (~Cll) tu:;
~ e-IJ-o~ .... , .... ,..._
incubator tf~ j~ 'tf~ ~I
to phosphoresce ~·
,I> . . . negligence, remiss- t;.,.·:..; 'J~) '.;~ :(~) ~;
phosphorescence )..Jj"
ness, neglect; losing, loss, forfeiture; missing,
explanation, exposition, expound- cl.Q,;!, (:;_ :~ throwing away; wasting, waste, squandering;
ing, explication, elucidation, illustration, making waiver, abandonment, renunciation
0 0 , "' .....

clear, clarification
1- •' abuse, misuse J~l ••L..! :~ ..1:!~
interpretation, construction -1~u:~
(:;_ •J... ~:; :~
.11)) r::-1;-.l:.l)l :..1:!;
~~I, ::
branching, ramification, bifurcation, e:!_):; t:; ;--.:. .,;. :
oneiromancy i ~ dividing (up), subdividing, sectioning
explanatory, explanative, explicatory,,j;i emptying, voiding, vacating, evacuation, • i--l :6;
explicative, expository, expositive, illustrative; discharge
interpretative, interpretive, constructive
oJI ... ~
,...., ~
drainage, draining, ' •.. ~~ '0>:~ Ci~ 'cJ :
(~I) J.Ai drawing ofT, emptying, drying
outbreak, raging, spread(ing)
~ ........
tJJ -
,, " .... ..., ,
~,.J-1 _,I~· ..( II C!~
unloading, discharge,
to rage, break out, spread, spread about, spread ~ unlading; stevedoring; taking ofT, taking down;
unchecked, spread uncontrollably, prevail danger- landing, putting ashore, disembarkation, debarka-
ously; to be or become pandemic, epidemic; to be tion
or become prevalent, prevailing, rife, rampant,
widespread, massive
JGI I - I A~:
,r::-J ~ deflation

~LU r::-IJ -t..WI ~ :~ discharge rod

to drip, dribble, exude, ooze, ~~ 'Jl.. : ~·

'I.S;:. vacuum gauge
transude separation, parting, division
detailing, particularization, J ~ ~ l ~ ._aa:;
' . ,. . l :J. •'
dispersion, disperal, scattering -1:!~:~~
elaboration; dividing into sections, itemization;
elaborateness; detail, attention to particular items, distribution, dealing (out), allotment, t!d'j:. :~~
extended treatment, detailed statement, detailed apportionment, portioning out, giving out
description, minute exposition differentiation, distinction, discrimina- ~ : ~ .}U
cutting out tion ' -
separate parts, single portions ~1~
detail(s), particular(s), nicety,
niceties, minutia(e) in parts, in portions; by retail J:!-1~~, J,?~~
in detail, minutely, elaborately,
~~! r::-1;- ~~
ti)J r::-1;-0>:~ :~);
:ii .... ,.,. .... ... ....

cut, style, form
-., -:.., /.:.:
J4i... e-lj-~ ,....,.......... ' . :~
~ \. ...~
~~ r::-1;-~
to devote oneself to, dedicate oneself t_;; :~.;;I; to disintegrate, decompose, decay, rot, putrefy, ~
to; to have (free) time to molder away, crumble, fall to pieces, degenerate,
to be silvered, silver-plated, plated
(coated, covered) with silver disintegration, decomposition, degeneration,
;-,:; rt\
til¥i\Mii!MMtNifW+*' 1¥

(~) A;

r::-')- (~) ~
I - <:7

:;:; .......


to deign, condescend, Jj8 , ; ;L: , ; ~
~~ r::-')-;J~ :~
li: :
to be or become disassembled, dismounted, ~· vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough
(to give or grant)
dismantled, taken apart, taken to pieces, dismem-
bered; to be or become disjoined, disconnected, to oblige, favor, do a favor for, JJ ~j : J. ~
disunited, dissociated; to be or become dislocated, do good to, confer a benefit upon
disjointed, unjointed; to come apart, fall apart, here you are! here! please! take! help
break up, disassemble, disarticulate, disjoint yourselfl
disassembly; disjunction, disconnection; dis- ~ come in, please! ~~1 :~
union, dissociation, breakup; rupture, split; disinte- ..... oil' • ; ; . . . .
gration, decomposition; incoherence after you! please! J:-:i r : J.<W
..• w-]~ . ....... ' .., :;:;
dissociation [ ..,....._, .... please! if you please! :J.<W ~~ J\

to amuse oneself with, be amused by, have -! ~· condescension, condescendence, Jj8 , uiJ; :~
fun with; to enjoy deigning; courteousness, civility
J-- ... :;:; ...............
amusement, enjoyment, delight iS..JJj· silvering, silver-plating ~ J..l....<>.o : ~

thinking; cerebration; consideration, contem- ?.· preference (to), preferring (to), favoring,
plation, reflection, meditation, cogitation, ponder- choosing to, opting for
ing, muse, musing, speculation; thought; intellec-
elative, comparative and
tion, reasoning
superlative adjective
disassembly, dismount(ing), dismantlement, ~ • :; J ...
comparative (degree) ~~~
taking apart, taking to pieces; disjunction, discon-
.... • ' • ;;:; J .....
nection, dissociation, disentanglement; dislocation
dissociation ..
[ ..,....._, . W']~
.. .. . .. ,
superlative (degree)
preferential, special, privileged, favored
- ... -... .. ....
to spit ~ :;:.w· ~~ r::-')-#
malodorous, foul-smelling, stinking,~ I~\ ~}: ~ ..... .... , .... .... ... .. .. .... :;:; .......
fetid, rank - Ja; ·vlai ·0-ht r::-') -~~.)1 ·& :~ ~
spit, spittle, saliva activation 1. __.·.: :~
dregs, lees, sediment, settlings; •I . .:.;
_ r::- I J - [ '-""-'r
. ] ;;,I .. ..:;
_ :~ I ·,:
foot (of a verse meter), measure [ '-""-'r
. ]~
JI; --
to delouse one's head, remove or pick lice from ... ... ::J ... . . :;i ..
one's head to express one's disgust by saying (~) lA.> Jli : UA;'
,., ..... ... :;;... ... ... ... ... ... ;:;; ......
"fie!" or "phew!"
eli\ ~ ·~~ :~ - '

to split (apart), cleave; to be or become split, cleft~·

to visit, call on; to inspect, ;).;2. ~ , ;:,:.; , ~I j: ~
split(ting), cleavage ~· to seek, look for, search for 0" ;. ;_;: ~
to philosophize visit, visitation, inspection, '-/-~;; ··J~~
·- -- :.,W;

to flatten, broaden, become flat or broad ~j~ ,. ... .. .....• _.:li ...... ,...i/1 .......
to study jurisprudence; to ~ J~, ~I ~ : ~
t~~ '~~ r::-')- ~ ·~ become a jurist, jurisprudent, legist, (legal) scholar
.;~~ ·~~ r::-')- ~ ,JW· ....... .,.;;; .......
w r::-')-& :I..W
rail ( •U.) Jl4 hatching, incubation ( :."q) -~:

delousing, lousing, picking or remov- (~I~)~

f -'
. - .... , ::
><j, ' ~· ;,~~~~~~;:::]
• •:::=:,::::>::::E:t>
J ... ~ , :J.,., • ,..,.,
J;,&.:ll (~ _,... Jl) ;;_w al of lice from, ridding of lice
superiority complex
scrutiny, examination, inspection
to utter, pronounce, say ~~:~;~·
declaration of bankruptcy
utterance, pronunciation, saying (~)o~
.r':lli! e-- 1; -.r':llil =u .. ~i;
authorization, empowerment, accreditation, ~y;;
':l i1 e.-)I -:i' . _
delegation (of authority), delegacy, deputation: (..1"' •
..... • ... , , f...
deputization, investiture or investment (with receiver (in bankruptcy) ~
.. _ )JA \...
authority); entrustment, commitment, consign-
ment; commission(ing), charging; mandate, war- split(ting), cleavage, cleaving, crack- ;J:...,;... : ~ &
rant, writ, authorization, authority, power, proxy, ing, fissuring, fission, rifting, rending, rent, ripping,
power of attorney, procuration bursting, breaking ~.... ... _.. 1 _. ,... o..-

J.:. :J:.:l4:.'
I, .,. 1

Jlj ;.,.~...A.o ' ~


general power of attorney, unlimited Jl1... ~~

... J "'
JU e.- IJ - '
authority, full power, carte blanche to anastomose; to inosculate
to shade oneself with or under, seek _, J-6:.· .\ :ti anastomosis, inosculation ~·

shade under, sit in the shadow of, be ~haded-by .. :;;, ....

~~e.-' )-.;:;,., to be or become varied, variegated, t;:; :~·

..... diverse, multifarious
lS,.U e.-';-.;;.· to diversify, give variety to; to master, be a j ~
to face each other, be opposite (to) each ~I,;; : J1 \Z specialist (expert, master) in ..
other diversity, variety, multifariousness; versatility,
to face each other, meet face to face; many-sidedness; mastery
~ ~ : ~·
to meet, get together disproof, refutation, confutation
opposition, oppositeness
I J ,....,.. to be insignificant, trivial, little, paltry, I~ j 0\S' :~
meeting, get-together; meeting face to t ~ ~ : J.i liU negligible
face, facing one another to be tasteless, insipid; to~~ Ji -~ ~ 0\S' : ~
opposition be vapid, uninteresting, flat, jejune, banal, trite; to
be silly, stupid, absurd
to fight (one another), combat, battle, 4.Ai
insignificance, triviality, paltriness
make war
fight(ing), combat, battle
to understand, sympathize with; to be under- ~
~~ e.- I; - rJW· standing , sympath etic, consider ate, open-mi nded,
prescription [ ..:,,.;\.i] U:)i ~J';. :~~\Z broad-minded
[ ..:,,.;\.i] ~ ~\Z· understanding, sympathy, considerateness, con- ~
sideration, open-mindedness, broad-mindedness
(~) u~\Z
to pelt one another (with), throw (hurl, to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, outclass, ~ iJ ~·
fling) at one another; to throw to each other, overtop, top, beat (out), outshine, eclipse, exceed,
throw back and forth'f J 'J
... ,.. I Jl.,...,. .,...,.. transcend, be or prove superior to; to prepon-
J I I .,.,..

to be tossed (1,...'-ll ~ ~o:...b\.iu '(1,...'-ll o~Ltu derate, predominate

about by the waves to do excellent work (in), distinguish (j) ~~
to approach or approximate one another, come y~ lZ oneself (in), excel (in), be outstanding (inf
(get, be) near or close to each other, converge superiority; excellence, transcendence, distinc- J~
(mutual) approach, (mutual) approximation, 1..:"~\Z tion, preeminence, mastery, ascendancy, suprem-
convergence, convergency; rapprochment; affinity acy, primacy, preponderance, predominance

to exchange, interchange ;:r:,¢ :~~IZ with distinction, cum laude


c~) ...!Z e.-\)-(~) ~G.; to fight, quarrel, come to blows, come ~~~ t~li
to grips, strike one another
Jb.i e--1) -~~\ (~ Ji) JJ Jb.i ...... J ...... ... ...
.,.,~ , .... ~ J ...... to cast lots ~ _;.J I u&JI : t~ l.iu
_;.la:. e-IJ- ~\4.;:JI _;.la:.
to couple, pair, join, form a pair;~l), (j)j~: (:,)~·
pensionary, retired ~~ ~· to unite, associate; to be or become joined, united,
to tarry, linger; to lag behind, fall (~) ~ ~ connected, linked, associated
behind; to slacken; to neglect; to fail to coupling; (close) connection, .1~~!, ~1): u~li
lag(ging), falling behind; tarrying, linger- (~) ~~ (close) union, (close) association, link(age), linkup,
ing; tardiness, dilatoriness, slackening; negligence; (con)junction
failure (to) !'~! '~~ e--1)- ~~· ·(
solo [ - ] ~
- ~Y'~
to gamble (with one another)
toshorten,dwindle,di- ~ ,J.-~ ,~ :~ti·
firmness, solidity, strength, toughness; ~ l.: :4:i ~· minish, decrease, shrink, contract
durability ~-;..;; e.-\)-~!'~:~ ;..,G.;
perfection; accuracy, precision, exact- r\G..! :~G.; litigation, prosecution; legal or tl~ :(if'~\) u">li
ness, exactitude
judicial proceedings - •
technology to litigate, carryon a ~~ 'f~ ,~\~ :~\i
to barter, exchange, trade, swap, truck, J)G :~ ~· lawsuit; to sue one another, bring one another
make an exchange (oO before a judge or a court
to get, receive, draw, collect, z;..5' , ~ : ~~
4~ e--1)-~~· cash; to earn, win. gain
to dome; to be or become domed, ~
. . -) L,., : ~·
.. to charge, fix or ask as W (:. I1 Ji) ~) :~G.;
domical, cupolaed fee or payment
to contract, constrict, draw together, be ~ : ~· polarity ~~
or become contracted; to shrink , .... ... • ..... --~
.. ... J J....
•• ... ;;;;;..... J • ... .... ;;; ......
to flock, come IJ~!, ~~~ IJjl..:- : (r;.&JI) ):.iz
to be constipated ~~~I ~ , 0Ja:JI ~
... ... ;;; ......
to frown, scowl, glower, lower; to be- ~ J ~
,, . in successive groups; to crowd, throng
to flow, stream Jl.. :(~LJI) ).G.;
come or look sullen, glum, morose, sulky, surly,
gloomy, grim )ai e-IJ -~) ,ii)ai :}aj Jl.. :(~CJI) ).G_;
·~1 I - .~:.:.
~._-e.-) ~ to intersect, cut, cut across, cross tbli· ~~ :
to accept, take; to admit; to receive JE ,Jt :~· to break off relations, part ~! ' JP! :t1 G.;
to hear, answer, grant, accept, --~~ 411 tJJ • J .... J J, ... ;;;- ....
J;z company, separate
yt:..:i :tblz
J ... J .....

fulfill (someone's prayer, etc.; said of God) intersection, cross, crossing; decussa-

acceptance; taking; admittance, ad- ~ , J~ : J;,AJ·

'* . . . ,... !.--- tion; chiasma
,, , ....... , J ......

mission; reception, receipt, receiving; receptivity crossroads, crossways, intersec- J). J _;:.A.. : e:I.I.iu
tion, crossing, junction
hearing, answering, granting, . . . ...I :.t.z
U.. , ~b...:.:..
acceptance, fulfillment
; . ...... -

~ e-IJ -..:..\;)WI

tw 11)1~ :e:I.I.iu
, . ... • J .....

receptive ~· . 1.;~ e.-)I -.~1..\i·

uglification, disfigurement, distortion c: ~~ :~ to retire, be
pensioned off
~~\ JJ ~1 ,;:pi J~! :~~
rebuke, reproach, J~~, !'_;}, ~;; : ~
reproof; censure, criticism; denunciation, condem- ~ ~ e--1) -~ ~G.;
J --
nation retirement ~~A;·
l!il!!iriWB!Iruwllifltl~,, R!!Jiil4aJIM¥1DF&Sillllilllllllll5lilll!mmiiiiiiiiiii/IIEII>!lii!l!!#S..
?!:ll'Ji!tl- .fiMMW#BIJiM· ,f .,,tf&\W ''ri12"'W:W ,,~t

have) previously said or stated, as we have said kissing

earlier or before penny-pinching, stinginess, niggardliness, ~ : y;::.;;.·
.... ~... ... • "' .J !> ,.., ...
progress, progression, .r." ';:;,1; '~~)~ 't/_;: r.i.i:i miserliness, parsimony, tightfisted ness, closefisted-
advance(ment), headway, breakthrough; develop- ness
ment; rise; procession
J....... :!. ......... killing, massacring, slaughter(ing), butch- ~~ : ~
improvement ~ :~...IZ ering
antecedence; priority, precedence; lead, J.:- : ~...IZ
massacre, carnage, butchery, slaugh- ~j: : ~
advantage ter, blood bath
,., .. ... :;. --- /

present, gift, donation, grant to be or become a whore, a harlot, a (ol) I ...:-) ~

prostitute; to whore, fornicate, commit ad~ltery
offertory, oblation, offering [~I~]~~
~~ e-1;-~'
r-~ e.-')- r~ ).;. . :. . ·r-~ :~...IZ'-- to be slit, cut lengthwise, cut into J,il~~ :'j~
progressive, progressist, liberal ~~ long narrow strips
'· :;:; ........ .... :;.

progressivism ~~ to be jerked; to be cured ~I ).;.A;

estimation, estimate, ~·{-~·~:.)!.~ to be determined, destined, (;~_, ~~)~~

assessment, appraisal, appraisement, evaluation, ordained, decreed, appointed
.. '~~' . . oJ!' "' 11, "":;; . . .
valuation, rating to be estimated, assessed, ~ , ~ , ~ : ;..>Z

appreciation (.!:.i ~ tJ! ~~I);:!~ appraised, evaluated, valuated, valued, rated

, :;. .... J "" J .... tJ, "" ;;, .......
• f ~~.I ,, to be hallowed, sanctified; L...~.i.. ~ , lf'..U : I..Y' J.A.j'
appreciation; under- (tJ) _tt.;.J ~\ '~_,~1) ;:!~
to be consecrated, dedicated; to be glorified
standing, sympathy; taking into consideration or ............ ,, . . . . . . . ..... ' . . *' . . :;. . . .
account to be canon- ~I.;_,~ ~I..U .:.::....:.1&.1 •<..,o:;k :lf'...IZ
ized -
supposition, assumption, 0~ , u">l) ~: ;:!~
presumption, hypothesis; thinking, believing;
to precede, antecede, forego, be ~) ~ ~ J:..:. :(
(come, go) before or ahead of; to antedate, predate,
judgment, opinion; reckoning
prospect(s); expectation; projec-JI¢> ~,
. c!~--y : ;:!~·- be earlier than, happen before
.. ... ... l.... - . . :;. .......
to be at the head)\;, 1.£ If' I;~ .:,\5': (~) ~...IZ
of, head, lead -
discretion )~~, <..,o~~: ;:!~ ~G~I J) } .. : ~~
to advance, proceed, go for-
esteem, regard, respect, honor ~I~~,;~~:;:!~ ward, move forward, go ahead, go on, march
~L.., ~, ~~~, ~~: ~~
.... .... ... ~'IIJ ... 'J ....
account, worth, importance; ... K::. , ~I : ;:! ~ to progress, make
standing, rank, credit, prestige progress, advance, make head, make headway,
u~·j I' ~
gain ground, make way; to proceed, go on; to be
dosage [....1]
. .)"':" ;:! - going on, underway, in progress, in process, on
in appreciation of, in recognition of J ~~~ foot
- - to improve, become better
... :;. ..... ....
~ :~...IZ
-:oi ........

at least ;:!~ Jii J& ,. " ...... -;:;. ......

......... 'J to approach, accost ~_,I ~) ~...IZ
at most ;:!~ _rs'l J& J; 'liJ 0 --:;."" .... "''t! .... :;. ......
to age, grow old, get 0=-JI ~ <.:..A...IZ , 0=-JI .J ~...IZ
the matter was left to ~I !-1~ ~tl1 .;s) old(er). be advanced in years, be aged ··
the discretion of the court to submit (oneseiO to an examina-0~ ~I J) ~~
discretionary, discretional - - :~.• .f.-~
-'-?! L.:.:.l
tion, take or sit for an examination
..... .... ~

estimative, evaluative ~! .. / '~fi :i;?!-1~ ~ ·lS~ ·P~ ·lS~~, ~~:..::.:..~ ~~

~I)~: i;?!-1~
. - - - - - ~~ ~I;- tl!
suppositional, suppositive,
assumed, supposed, hypothetical, presumptive as (we have) already mentioned, as (we ~~ W'
~ ···· ror
m,~;,~ f~ ;(~<wm:w;:l!iJ.<4wl =s: zn;,~ JRiji!';!'4]i!';!W}i!';!&>I ,E, ~ ~ra:l!lAjw~ ~; ~ ·~A~ fj@~'w*~ h<l!t~-~~~,,
, IIIMI!¥¥1+1·1!&Ell¥Mil,Jaa+• •,si•t•w•~>t44N;~ ':ey:w:<:\}, ,c,xzs~:.t'<"': 1~.,.~,~
!.:::. "' :;, ,. J • .:li " ' ;;:; J •,... o..-

ulcerous, ulcerative; cankerous !.,~!" yAJ SanCtifiCatiOn, l.....IA... ~~~ _,1 -~~ ~ :(.)"':!~
~-.#, •. . . . ' J;;:; ;:;. . . . / -;.----- hallowing; consecration, dedication
to be decided, determined, J_; , ~ (.$1 )I _; :.J.;;;
can- ~~:; ~ ~ u~ 0~1 ,--..._,1; :.r-~
resolved onization ·' - ' · ·- --
... -~ ... :;:; ~.::
to be established, settled, fixed c..:-o : J.,.... celebration
to pirate, be(or..:.:..)JI J~4 ~li '(t,..:,j 0\S' :~_:i·
presentation, presenting, offering; offer, _;,:;, : r.:.-:z·
act as) a pirate; to privateer, freeboot, buccaneer
J'f,.... ... :;. ... -
proffer, tender; production, exhibition, display,
to wear (put on, adorn oneself with) (ol)l ~) .1~- show(ing), demonstration; staging
............. .:;,--- presentation, presenting, offer- • ~! ~ (-~ , :
_r:.;u :u.;:;

to be peeled, pared, barked, skinned ing, giving, granting, according, accordance,

(:r) ;:.;; ~~)- ~~, jt:.~ :(:rl ;:,;~
u'.rj ~)
I - ·1 · ~ : I · ,,,/:.:.
) ~- • yAJ
submission, submitting, filing,
referring, referral,
~G.! ~ (-~
reference, presenting,
' e:
to keratinize z:,~ presentation, rendering, bringing (before), laying
(before), putting (before), handing over (to),
cornification, keratinization u~ handing in (to), turning in (to)
keratosis [-.,..1] 0~ advancement, advancing, bringing ~ ~ (-~ t :
forward, moving forward; making or letting
approximation ~;:;
precede or go before or lead the way; doing
adduction [~_,.l~](J~I~)~; (something) before (something else)
'-:-':1~1 ~~ ''-:-':1~1 ~:; ~ ''-:-':!~~ ,~; introduction, introducing, presenta- U: r' :(-~
tion, presenting, acquainting
approximately, almost, just about, nearly, roughly, 0 ... ... 'II"',
about, around, circa, more or less, some introduction, preface, fore- fl~ ,~ ........ :(-~
word, exordium
approximate, approximative, rough, gross l..,f'f.}J
presented by .. ( C•
, L;' '<') ·
r. u
i (-,, ~
report, memorandum, account, statement; 0 t;; :~Jf;
representation ~-i;:· ~ ~IJ- ~-i~:·.~ :.)Jz
determination, decision, resolu- i:;. ' {~·_;; :.J'l.jU to turn away with disgust from something ~jz :r
tion, resolve
determination, decision, i:,:.: ' Co! ' ~ : .J'l.jU
...... "'... ..... . ....
dirty; to be disgusted by, be nauseated by, loathe,
f .........
resolution, settlement, fixing, fixation, setting, I.;A-_
-- I
decision making
establishment, confirmation, keratosis
affirmation , " ,. . .... __,,... .....
to approach, approxi- y~li , y _; :(~ Jl ~J) ~~
establishment, settlement, fixation, •- _; ·~ : .J'l.jU mate, be (come, get) near or close to -
fixing , -- ......
... 0 :S ' 0 ....
to curry favor with, seek to gain ...:,')).; J) y~
police report 6J. _,..::.!I .J'l.jU someone's favor, cozy up to; to endear oneself to,
... ' .... seek someone's love or friendship; to try to
self-determination ~I .J'l.jU establish good relations with; to approach, make
to report; to submit (present, 1~) (~~ _,i) ~~ advances to
render, file, hand over, turn in, deliver, hand in) a J--
approach; approximation; rapprochment '-:J.;:;
affirmative, confirmatory, corroborative;deter- ~.,r-jf;
to ulcerate, ulcer, fester; to canker (~
minative, decisive, definitive, conclusive; regula- ulceration; cankering c~·
flaking ofT tory: decision-
exfoliative ~}::i; praise, commendation, laudation, .1), l ,(:.::, :~~
I I -:.. :.:. extolment, eulogy, panegyric, encomium


e: )-~ ;:;; ,__. commendatory, commend- "J_ I), J , ~:.::, : ~;

to lead an ascetic life, renounce worldly ~· ing, praising, laudatory, eulogistic, panegyrical
pleasures, practice asceticism; to live in austerity,
scolding, tongue-lashing, up- ~'j; , ~: t}.)ii
tighten one's belt
braiding, chiding, reproof, rebuke - -
asceticism; abstinence; austerity
dispersion (~~I)(.);
ascetic(al); austere "' ......... ~ ........
iridescence ~_,.] r:jW
peeling, paring, skinning, scaling, shelling, husk-~·
to be disgusted (oO, be nause- w) , jG ~ : (~) )ji
ing, shucking; exfoliation; scraping ofT, shaving ofT
ated (by), be sick (oO, feel disgust (at, for), revolt
caning, cane work (tJ) ~lj::JI) u· .. ~·~7 (at, against), loathe, detest
·~~ e:-1)- c;. /·!1) ~ disgust, nausea, revulsion, loath- ~....;:,; , j I)..;..~ j~·
fact-finding ···~I • :.:
~ ~ dwarfing, stunting (. ::-:..~ :f..JJ
(j e:-1) -~ :_;,:i;
J.:..i t::" I J - J.:..i :~·
J ....... -- ;:;; ....... ~~ e--1; -~~ :~·
to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks of, o; I ~
follow the traces of, follow the trail of ~~ e:-1;- ~~ :~
to snap, break, be broken, be ~~ , ;,.s:; :~· hardening, induration, solidification,
shattered stiffening, concretion
payment in (or by) installments h.. ,~;·
in (or by) installments ~L
..... ~

o;J:i ,./1

brocading, embroidering (with gold installment sale, sale in installments ~~ ~

and silver threads)
installment plan h... i~·l~ -~~~ ~Uao
shortening, curtailment, abridg- J:~ ¥ :. i~· division, dividing, partition, parting, split-~;;, : ~
ment, reduction
ting, separation, section(ing) -
nonfeasance, default, failure to ..b.!}.; 'J~ j :..i~
do what ought to be done; neglect, negligence, distribution, apportionment, ~ , ~j'j; :~
omission, dereliction, delinquency, remissness, allotment, portioning, dealing out, sharing out
slackness solo ..
[ ~,.. ] (::':' ~
,, .. I . . .... .... _.. ' 0 ....

J~t::"J-~·~ division of labor J.-ll ~

failure, flunk(ing)
, ,
.... ~

J._,.;;.. =t.rJJ _,1 ~~I~)~


divisional, separative, fractional; ;;:~:~

. ' '
•: divisive
bleach(ing) ~:~
distributive ~ji>:~
' '
lopping, pruning, trimming, clipping '-:-':!~ : ~·
to cream ~·
).i t::"IJ- ~) ';;)_i :).i JL :~
to be or become peeled, pared, skinned, scaled, )I.·
drip(ping), dropping, dribble, drib- uJ) , )..i :fo shelled, husked, shucked; to peel ofT, come ofT,
bling, trickle, trickling, percolation, ooze, oozing, scale ofT, flake ofT; to exfoliate; to be or become
seep(ing), seepage scraped ofT, shaved ofT
strangury exfoliation; peeling ofT, coming ofT, scaling ofT, )::;.·
, .....
to be cut, cut off, severed, sundered, discon- tli·
__ :;,,._.- nected, torn (apart); to be chopped off, lopped off;
o)l ~~ ~IJ- .pi to be divided, partitioned, sectioned, separated; to
.. 0 'II ~ , ... "" ;li ....

to be rhymed, put into (~I _,1 ~)l.S:JI) <JW segment, be segmented; to be dismembered, cut
ryhme up; to break, break apart, be or get broken; to be or
get interrupted; to be discontinuous; to be inter-
mittent, sporadic, spasmodic, irregular, occasional
assonance; ryhme; ryhming ~· , 0 i 0 ,...:ii ........
to be at one's wit's end, be at a wL. ~I ..._. ~
to (..:.11 ~~- · ~) .......;(:.. Jl ......,;(:.. ·. ~~-: :: H.;· loss; to be unable to do or become,'~ incipable of
C:· -- ~ . - . ' •· - . ~ ..,- .
toss (about), twist and turn repeatedly, move rest- intermittence, intermission, fitfulness, irregula- ~·
lessly, roll (about), roll over and over, turn over rity, casualness, unevenness; discontinuity, discon-
and over, tumble, welter, writhe tinuance, discontinuation, interruption, interrupt-
... ... J ....... 0 ... ;:;; ......

edness, brokenness; break(ing), breakoff, rupture;

. -~) 1-......lJ,
·- . . - disconnectedness, disconnection; severance, sun-
to change, turn, alter, be Jl ~, J~,;.:.; :;..t; derance, separation; segmentation
changed, be altered; to rotate, alternate
frown(ing), scowl(ing), glower(ing), , ·~
to fluctuate, swing, (..:.11 '~"'I)--·~
c:' .)"-" ~ ) .
:Ji lower(ing); sullenness, sulkiness
\.)"'~· ···-
seam(ing), sewing, stitching
to be or (tJ! ~~~ _,i ~ly J.) (j;:.: ;jl) :;.t~
become changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, distillation, distilling; filtration, filtering, infiltra- #
capricious, whimsical, moody tion, percolation
...-:;, .. .. :;. ~ .. 0 'Jil • ... ;;:. .......
destructive distillation; cracking I~ "L~,:
to roll or wallow ._; .rJI _,1 ~I_;JI _,I ~I..;~ i ~
in luxury or money, live in luxury (affluence, opu- cutting up, cutting into pieces (into parts, ~ : t;._b;;.
lence), lead a life of ease and comfort into slices), carving; division, dividing, partition,
he held numerous ii~~ ;:_z\1:; _,i ;:__..C. J; .l~ section(ing), separation; segmentation; dismember-
offices, various posts (positions, jo~.- etc.)·· · ment; tearing, rending, laceration
turning; turning over;..,_.;~ JJ ~~ J~ j;i.;. :r :, . scansion, scanning, scan (;;,;;.,)cJ•;;
tossing (about), twisting and turning, rolling colic, gripes ~ : (:.. _6;;
(about), rolling over and over, tumbling, tumble,
weltering stature, figure, frame; form, ~ , :Gli , ~ : (:.._6;;
change, turn, alteration, transfor-J~ , ).;:; :, . t; shape
mation; variation; fluctuation, flux, swing(ing); features, lineaments (~Jll) ~~
u1j ~)
change- (tJJ J:l)l _,i ~1_;].1 J.)).;:; 01;_,~ :•. li; _.._.._..I _.. _.. I j ...- ;:jj_.._.

ableness, fickleness, inconstancy, unsteadines, in- to desist from, abstain .y- ~~ '<Y' .!LI :.y- .....z
stability, unstableness, variableness, capricious- from, refrain from
....... 1 ... :;; .... -
ness, whimsicalness, freakishness, moodiness to neglect, omit, fail to ~I : .y- ~

_;.~ ~IJ- _;.~1 ~lt; desistance, desisting,~~!' t~~ l!.lL..:.! :(.y-) • _.!i·
""' ~-~. - 4-~. '
' .•<",~1 - abstention, abstaining, refrainment, refraining
~ I -~1
. ~ ) . J!C' . Ci.r* • J--
... • , c ...... 1 J c .. • ....... ;ii...... f,;:;; ... - .... :;; ....... neglect, omission, slackness, dere- J~!: (.y-) ~
to assume, p1 _,1 w::..ll _,1 ~I ~ , I~ : ..Jz liction
hold, take over, take charge of, take control of,
basophil ism
take command of, take or hold (the reins oO power
or government, come to power to be convave, dished, hollowed out; to be deeply ;i·
to put on (wear, adorn oneself ~~~I~::!.; excavated, deep
with) a necklace to speak gutturally ~~ J. ~
~} : •.. ~:_;
counterfeiting, forgery, imitation to gird oneself with a sword ; :"'11 ~
~ .~,~_;;:((_a.·.-. ~i) ·. ~:;
... ..- J 0 ,.... ... ... ... ......... , ;:;; ........

investi- to wear a cap c; ,_;.l.J I ~ : ~- , ~

ture, investment, installation, installment, indue-
tion, inauguration; appointment
to contract, constrict, constringe, be or ~ : :.,.Jz
become contracted; to shrink
traditional, customary, conventional, ~; :~-'·-~~7
classic(al) to shrink, dwindle, recede, J oli , ~I : ~
"' . diminish, decrease, decline -
contraction, constriction; shrink- ~ ;-.;,.;:.. : ~
ing, shrinkage; deflation; reduction, decrease, dimi: contraction, constriction, .
. L..;u I '
1..!"" ·-- ~
. ~--
... : ~-

nution shrink(ing), shrinkage

fad, craze, rage; innovation, novelty ;(;,~ : :i:__ l ~7 shrink(ing), shrinkage, JJLi , .;.~! :~
,~ J ....... -' -0 ...
dwindling, diminution, decrease, decline
calking ~~-~~ :u...LAJ
lessening, decrease, decreasing, dimi- Jli ;-.;,.;.. :
to be shaken, commoved, convulsed, unsettled, ~­
nution, diminishing, reduction, reducing, minify:
ing, mmimization, mmimizmg, making less, upset, agitated, stirred, disturbed, troubled, dis-
making small(er) or few(er) quieted; to move, stir; to be or become shaky,
unsteady, unstable, insecure, precarious; to totter,
clipping, trimming, paring, pruning, '-'~: -~~~·
. .. . . r:::- falter, wobble
to be or become [ .L..:.-i'
.. .)'::' '.L.....S"]
.l.·. .... •(j~:
striping, streaking; striation; stripes,
labile, unstable
pattern of stripes ,.........
shakin.ess, unsteadiness, unstableness, instabi- J;i1i.i'
to transmigrate, pass into another
lity, insecurity, precariousness; tottering, fal-
body ter(ing), wobble; commotion, disturbance, trouble,
reincarnation, transmigration (of souls), metem- ~­ unrest; agitation, stir, convulsion
J • oJJ ... ;:;:; ....... lability, unstableness,[ •l::>i, .~j.,i, •W.] ~
to be swaddled (a baby) (J;.1.11) ~ instability
"' ... ,...,
:. ........ ,:;; .......
lousiness, pediculosis, phthiriasis ~ ~! ~1;-~ 0~ :J.U;
toasting ~:~
.- to be or become striped, streaked, stripy, 'ta"'b.-;.,; : ~
collection, collecting, gathering, picking ~ :,,/ .. ~9·; strea~y, barred; to be or become striate( d), lined,

up banded
research, research work to be clipped, trimmed, cut, cut back,
pared, pruned, lopped
swaddling (a baby)
to wear a cap ~:;'\in~:~ :j;;
. ~) 1-~:~
. . .. _
skilled, skillful, proficient, adroit, ~ L. , J~6- : ~
adept, dexterous turning (over), flipping, leafing; (~~I)'. -~i;
paging through, running over
to mask, masquerade, disguise oneself, be ~ •• " .. • ,. 1:;:; J • ""

masked, be disguised; to veil one's face, put on a thinking over, reflec- _,. .'~I Jl c;~l Jl LSI)I ~
veil, be veiled ting on, meditating on, turni~g o~er in ~ne's ~lnd,
careful consideration or examination, study(ing),
technical; technological
technician alkalinization, alkalification ~~ ~~I~:~
technique; technicality; mechanism, mechanics ~ tradition(s); convention(s),
• f • ,
u I _;&-I , u .;&- : .W \Z , ..L..IZ'
........ • ....

( L:.A..) .:.~. custom(s), usage(s) .. _ .. _

masking, disguising, hiding, conceal-
ment, veiling imitation, copying; mimicry
• •> . .@@iff
tion, heightening; hardening
....... J I_..

hollowing out, scooping out, goug- codification ~1_,4JI 01-J.;:;: ~

ing; excavation, caverning out .... .... . "' .... ,
...... ...
( w'-~11} { :.;. rationing~ '~Y ,JI~I Jl ~~ C:!dY
neckline (of a garment) _. .,..., ~~
to retreat, withdraw, fall back, draw e,-1) :~
bending, curving, curvature, bow- ~;i J-.;.,;;. :(.)"'!.;£.· back, move backward, go back, retract, revert,
ing, crooking, arching, vaulting -
back (away), recede, regress, retrocede, retrogress,
demolition, demolishment, put- ;j.;i J-.;.,;;. :u4!,jf; retrograde, decline, deteriorate, degenerate,
ling down, tearing down, wreck(ing), wreckage; degrade
J • .......
ruin(ing), ruination, destruction, crushing, smash- ~I; :~
J ... ...
retreat, withdrawal, fallback, moving
ing; subversion; undermining, sapping backward, going back, retraction, reversiOn, back-
catabolism [ .~1']#~JA ·-"~I:~~ .• ·- ing (away), recession, regress(ion), retrocession,
catabolic [ .L>i]
.. ~~
# • :.;. retrogression, retrogradation, decline, deteriora-
tion, degeneration, degradation
evaluation, appraisal, assess- .J:!~ '~ '~ : {..ji:i to be (become, be made) ~Z , ~I , L>,i :~JZ
ment, estimation, rating, valuation, estimate strong, powerful, forceful; to intensify - .. -
rectification, correc- J:J~ 'r~! '~ :r-fi to take heart, pluck up courage ~ : ~~
tion, reform(ation), amendment, adjustment, fixing, .,
e,;:. :~iii
making right, setting right, reconditioning God-fearingness, fear of God, godliness,
..- J I_...
devoutness, piety, religiousness
calendar, almanac .t.l.i jJ J : (..~

,,I);; J I t.i':- j
J:. ~ __."" ,t

I_.. ~Gi e--1) -2:..JZ
_. jl. I 'f J I,... to bend, curve, bow, arch, 1..)"'~\5' ~L,.. '~ ~JZ i:
orthopedics i~l Jl ~~~~ (..~ camber; to be or become bent, curved, bowed,
orthodontics ~;11 ~L:.:}~I r-fi (~) arched, cambered
, --
I... I... I.-
curvature, curve(dness), bend(ing), bow(ing), (.)"jz
evaluative, estimative ;s..r--fZ , ~! ..=oi : ~,Z arcuation, crook(edness)
corrective, reformative
..- 5 I 'J
~~!, ~ :~fi
o,... , 'JI,.,._..J .J' I _. -,11 I,...
to collapse, fall down, crash down, r~ ~~ ~JZ '
fall in, cave in, sink down; to be demolished, torn
Of· i~l Jl ~~~~ _{~ J1...:.. ''-?~ ;~~ down, pulled down, razed, wrecked, ruined, de-
stroyed; to be undermined
orthodontic ~;11 ~L:.:.. ~I _(..~ ji:'< :~fi ......~
~~ ~I~
:;:; ·- "'-- ....
collapse, fall, falling down, downfall, cave-in,
plastic surgery
God-fearing, godly, devout, pious, religious :Ji
to confine oneself, be or become con- J~ ~
fined; to seclude oneself, isolate oneself; to be or
i: e
to vomit, disgorge, spew, puke, throw upt~ i :~ become secluded, isolated, solitary
vomiting, vomit, puking, puke, disgorg· I~ t i :~ confinement; seclusion, isolation, reclusion, ~iii
J, ......

ing detachment; solitude, loneness

to suppurate, fester, matter, gather ~
, __ to fabricate lies against ~J JZ
suppuration, maturation, purulence, pyogenesis ~ to cast, be formed (or take form) in a mold; to ~~
J ........ be cast, molded, blocked, formed, shaped, fash-
pyoderma, pyodermatitis, pyodermatosis 4 •

pyemia i~l ~ strengthening, fortification, consoli- ~;i J-.;.,;;. :~~
~I '~~.: dation, reinforcement, invigoration, bracing, cemen~
Py orrhea ~ tation, bolstering; enrichment, enriching; boost-
to observe, comply with, abide ~I J ' ~~ ~ ~ i: ing, promotion, furtherance, support(ing), under-
by, conform to, adhere to, stick to, keep, maintain, pinning; corroboration, confirmation; intensifica-
exchange letters follow, honor, respect, live up to
........... J J ..- ..-

~~e.-')-~·~ to bind oneself, commit one-~~!,~)!:(~)~

self, engage oneself, obligate oneself, undertake; to
to support (help, assist) one ~!, 0j~ : ;.i~·
another; to unite, join forces, come together, stand be bound, tied, committed, engaged, obligated
• ... ':/IJ .... ~J ... ;;; .......
together to be bound, tJed, shackled, ...IA...D , J$ :~
... • ... J... __ .... --
(en)chained, (hand)cuffed, manacled
to increase, grow, augment, multi- ~I~ j! , )S :;~
ply, proliferate to be limited, restricted, confined; to be ~ : ~
qualified, tied; to be restrained, held (back),
to multiply, propagate, prolife- j:.G, :J1,; : )\C
checked, curbed, bridled
rate, reproduce, breed • .... 'II J ... ~ , ... ;;. ........
J - - to be reg1stered, recorded, written 0J~, ~: ~
increase, growth, augmentation; multiplication,;~
(down), noted (down), set down, put down (in
propagation, proliferation, reproduction
writing), entered, listed; to be enrolled
,... ... ..

t.2S2; .~e.-')-~~.~~
:,;i... ... J ... ... ... ....
., ....... :;~----

to lie to one another

. .... ,, . ...
~~~._,..iS' :1..:-'j\S:j'
.... ... ... .. ..- ........
to enroll, register, be enrolled _,..a.,.5 ~

observance of, observing, i I~! , ol&.l; : ~ ~

J.S ,J:1 e.-')-~~ ,J:_~· compliance with, abidance by, conforming 'to,
adherence to, keeping, maintaining, honoring,
to match; to be equal, similar, ;:,...:.8, <..SJLi :U~ respect(ing)
equivalent, corresponding, commensurate; to
(counter)balance, offset obligation, engagement, com- J,~~!, il)!: ~
J ....... .... ... , ..... mitment
equivalence, equality, parity, '-:-l..::i , _,l.:i : ji~
to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks
,,. ....
•_;1, (ii·;
.,. - ...........
evenness; commensurability, proportion(ateness)
(traces, trail) of
valence, valency [ .L-s'] .~ tC ~ ....

covalence, covalency ~ l.i -=~ tC

[ .L-s'] ~-"'

00 -"'
Jl; e.-') -4J_,J..;.t J, ... ....... f
..i>l :J;;A;
"' ......

0 - o ....
binding, tying, fettering, shackling, ~ :~

... J JJ ........
equality of opportunities; equal op- ~_;.]1 _;.;K:; (en)chaining, (hand)cuffing, manacling
limitation, restriction, confinement; ~ : ...L.....ii.J
lt-SL.i ~ ~\J- tJJ ~~I ~:2 ,~\S:jl ~:G-1 restraint, check(ing), curb(ing)
to fight (one another), combat, bat- (u~l4..:11) ~\S:j·
J ...... , .. ,.. ...
registration, registry, regis- 0-..J~ , ~ : ~ ... :Z
tie, clash ter(ing), recording, entering, entry, listing; enroll-
J ... .... ...........
to clash, collide, popple (I_,.. ~I ~K:i ':1! .... ' .... 0 ...

to vouch for each other, guarantee ~ ~ : j lS:,;·

00 e.- I) -<..S~·
. -""
each other; to be jointly liable or responsible, have standardization (AJ I :...,.. ' : · :.;,
U""oo_ .._Y ·~
joint liability or responsibility; to unite, be united .... ... J . .. • ....

in solidarity, join forces, combine

U""~ e.-') -U""~\ ..i>l :u _;;

(- ~ ~')-.):!~ .~ '(.~ :~
J ... ... J ........
joint liability or responsibility; solida- 0-" l..<:U : Ji \S:j· ... L' ... ...... ... r-~

rity ~ :: I - (S ~ ' ~ :: : ~ :.:

~~e.-) 00-r-- ~~ ~
to tick (t, L..J I ~) cl;
jointly and severally
teak (~ J~• ) cl;-

to rush madly upon; to contend for; to be ~ ~ ~ J.... . . . . ;:;... ...

~! e--'J- ~
' . . . . ..-- ........
greedy (for) ;s:; ' ;s:.:. e.-') - ~ \S:j' '~ ~
greed(iness), avidity, cupidity ~ e.-')-~ :(;~
to talk or speak to one another, con- ~~~ : ~~ to correspond, write (to) each other, J.l) :;:_.;~
verse, have a talk or conversation
to be or become integral, integrated, comple- ~ ~
to agglomerate, conglomerate, mass,
mentary; to be or become complete, full, whole,
gather into a mass
perfect, consummate; to be or become completed,
to unite in a bloc or front; to (tJJ ~~) J,s:i finished, concluded, perfected, consummated
form a coalition; to coalesce, unite, join forces, integration; complementarity; completeness, .;,: ~
confederate, band together fullness, wholeness, perfectness; completion, per-
agglomeration, conglomeration ~ : ~- fection; integral
, ... ;;; J ....
~ ~-- ...
J..\s::.;:ll '-:J~

bloc, front; coalition ((,f-" ~) ~ integral calculus

... 0;;;. ... ... ~ ;;;. ....... , ... ::;:; J ... ;;:; J ...
, J... ...
to keep silent, hold one's \..,::5 ulS", ~I ~): ~- calculus J..\s::.;:liJ ~l.Q.jl '-:J~
tongue; to be secretive, reticent, reserved, taciturn, integral; integrative ~~
~ :~
~ '~ e-1;-.¥ ~ - to ball, conglomerate, agglomerate
.j..... ... J .......

secrecy, secretiveness, reticence, ~
conglomeration, agglomeration ~ : ._;;s::;
discretion, taciturnity, silence to suffer, bear, endure, sustain, ~~~:, ~: ~-
tactics undergo, experience, go through, pass through
tactical' to culminate [ ..1li ] ~

agglomeration, conglomeration, sufferance, suffering, bearing, endurance, ~ J!.;.; :

conglobation, lumping enduring, sustainment, sustaining, undergoing,
experiencing, incurrence, incurring
)~ e.-')-)~ :}.Sj
.... j ... ...j ;:; ...... culmination
- •<'i I - •<' 11.. "I :(_,), '·<'·:
re-J~:c.S '~
to be or become proud,
to condense, concentrate, thicken, be( come) or ~­ haughty, arrogant, supercilious, insolent, overbear-
grow thick(er), dense(r), (more) concentrated; to ing
intensify, be or become (more) intensive or intense
J ........ pride, haughtiness, arrogance, superciliousness, ~·
condensation, concentration; intensification; ~
insolence, conceit(edness)
intensity, intension
"' J , ........ - to be shackled, fettered, (en)chained, 1Z :~
to become (a) Catholic ts::..J
··- "y
) (hand)cuffed, manacled, bound, tied
increase, increasing, augmentation, ):s ;:;..;,_ :.t.fsj· conglobation, conglomeration, agglo- ~-~
-... . . ··.:
multiplication, proliferation meration
condensation, concentration, -...J::s ;:;..;,_ :' 9..~-C~· enlargement, magnification, ~ , (.. ..~+ .;.i. :
thickening, inspissation; intensification aggrandizement, blowing up, expansion, swelling
to darken (the edges oO the eyelids with kohl; ~­ exaggeration w~:~
to use an eyeliner
amplification [.4~]~
to beg, ask for alms J..2. ~ ,J~ :.,s~· -<'I 4lll J - : <'-
... • ., '· J • .... • ...
exclaiming (,,od is great r. ~ ~
to be or become turbid, roily, muddy, cloudy; to)~·
be or become disturbed, troubled; to be or become shackling, fettering, (en)chaining, •_ Y :~-
annoyed, vexed, offended, displeased, sore, (hand)cuffing, manacling, binding, tying • -
· peeved; to take offense ticktack, tictac, tick(ing) ~UI ~;:..: ~
;:5 e.-')-.)~· waistband JIJ~I j.~1 :~
~: , ~I) :~~-
to accumulate, cumulate, pile
to fold or cross one's arms ! ;~ JJ ~=.; ~ ::J:si
up, accrue; to be or become accumulated, cumu- J .. ... .......

lated, heaped up, piled up to tick (~1:'..11 ~:=-) ~

~;··.;s; fi. (.)"'~
'¥#M*Mf#Y{QiM@M ijt•W®j£M@ifJ£j£ijh i'iiM\itf$M@IMW. ••f§M}ffR'{ ,.,,~¥$i'~i,·tv-JM@~fE{'&}"+fi,l}f\@tl$iZ@!h¥>:· · S''',>WDI\:;Jd

refining, refinement, purification,•~.~ •o; , ~ :~_jj accumulation, cumulation, accrual,

clarification, filtering, filtration • · piling up
)~ e-'J- )~ :-'".}::. roiling, muddying, muddling, ~~ J-.;,.;.. :~.;£.·
making turbid; disturbance, disturbing, troubling,
refinery .Jtp~ ruffiing, embitterment: annoyance, annoying,
dedication, consecration, vexation, offending, offense
devotion accumulation, amassment, cu- :_,..~ J-.;,.;.. :~ ~
sanctification, hallowing (..)"';!~ :(.)'"';!~ mulation, heaping up, piling up, stacking
.- .-
layingthe jt"f' 't:::-:'; ,~ ,~- :(..)"';!~
·- t -. - denial, disavowal, dis- ~~ ' J:. ' J~ l :":'-:!~
foundation of; establishing, establishment, setting claimer; refutation, disproof
"' • .... oJI .....

up, founding, foundation; settling, settlement, accusing(someone) y~~ (_~)it.;!:~~

stabilization, fixing, fixation, making firm or stable; of lying, giving the lie to (someone), calling
consolidation, strengthening; confirmation, corrob- (someone) a liar
oration to sleep, slumber, be asleep
honoring, bestowal of honors upon, doing (...):.·
honor to; honor, tribute, respect, deference; repitition, reiteration, doing or saying again or .J 1):;
anew; recurrence, reoccurrence; frequency
hospitality, welcome, welcoming, hospitable or
kindly reception repeatedly, frequently, quite I~ I~_, I~ I~ , I~ I~
often, time and again, time after time, again and
tetany [~L~ again, over and over again
tetanization [~]~p to carbonize, char -.;, ~
e-'J- ;.:£; ~! carbonization, charring ;,~
~ ,~ e-'J- .. .:.c ,;_ ~c~· - 'I,.)~
to recur, reoccur, repeat, be repeated,~ - :.J~·
- ... ;;.--

to break, shatter, smash, crash, ~I , ~.W :;..s:,· be reiterated

.... 'II, .. '/JJ ... ;;. ......
come or go to pieces, break into pieces, break up; to be refined, purified ~, ~ : J~
to be or get broken, shattered, smashed
frequency; reoccurence, recurrence; repitition .J~
breaking, breakdown, shatter, smash, crash ;,:s::; to be dedicated, consecrated, devoted ~ : I.J"~·
... # J - ;;.-- ....

;.:s e-') -r.~: ,;.:s :~· to be hallowed, sanctified

... -Jt'
lf'..U : lf'~
- ;:;. ......

cracking; destructive distillation i I~ # :~ ..... J • .-

to be established, set up, found- t"' J , eo:; :lf'~
.... '11 J ... "'' ;:;. .......

broken plural ~ ~ ed; to be settled, fixed, stabilized, consolidated,

strengthened; to be confirmed, corroborated
to grin; to grimace -;s:-.·
~! e-'J- I t'f; J.} e-') - J.X:;
• .... J-- ... .... 1.-- ..-
to show, display, manifest, exhibit, ~~
paunchiness uJa::J I ~ 1.:;...;. : ~-;:,;
evince; to expose, uncover, reveal, disclose to wash one's feet or legs _ _ t_X:;
grin o:~c ,_,~<-;· tobesokind(nice , J)G ,; tw:
,~ :(~) r~·
indexing ~~ :' •.. :'<-; generous) to do; to deign, condescend, vouchsafe
to oblige, favor, do a ~~ , ~ ~ :--! ~ ~~
cubing z;.5' J-.;,.;.. : ~ favor for, confer a benefit upon; to present with,
$>"' , "' 0 ....

cubic ~:~· gift with; to donate graciously (to)

.. :r.
~ ~­
0 ;;;; J
JJ y,_;... :~
.... 0-" "' .....

cubist(ic) ~I (-_}::. t"!" IJ -

cube root "'~~J.J.::-:

- _(-: ... •. ;)2_1 ~\)-~X:;
~~ : 4· ~~.. ; ......(.; t~~
charging, commission(ing), entrust- cubic equation
ment, assignment
commandment; order, ~ 1_, , u<:>.) , r I : ~
.... . . .... cubism , • .;.~11
d II . :_.;.j:: ;' ~·
-~.)" <J . ··:--
command, instruction, charge; duty, obligation; to beg J-2.~ :ulc
task, assignment to vouch for, be responsible or liable for, (~) ~
charge, burden, onus guarantee, warrant; to undertake, take upon-one-
self, assume, bind oneself, commit oneself, engage
(ovee)burdening, encum- J~ I , Jla ~I : ~ oneself, obligate oneself, pledge, vow
brance, oppression; overtasking ' ' -
expiation, atonement, penance
ceremony, ceremonial, formality ..::..L...:.~ :~
..... ·· ...
- 4w : u....l.(;
.. expiatory, atoning, propitiatory ~~·
e:- I J ··-
tax, imposition, levy G-·:~ shrouding, enshrouding ~
taxation, taxing, imposition,
... . . ...

~ .r4f1 V:>.) : ~
,·-r'... ··- dependent, one who ~'·~~~:~
,J .. } .... ... ::;;, ........... "

relies on another (for support), hanger-on,

levy(ing), encumbrance with a 'tax -
sponge(r), parasite
servitude ( .... -'l .......
~ ,_ ~
J ;;:;_.. ....... • ...
.. ) u.JS:j
? - J (j" . rt ··-
;;• .11 ~K;
~ e:-IJ-~
cost of living ..... .. ... to calcify, calcine ~·
coronation, crowning rJfi:~· calcification, calcination ~
~~ e:-IJ-~ '~ :~· to burden oneself, be burdened; to un- ~ · ulS;:;
supplement, complement; continuation, ~ : ~ dertake, take upon oneself, assume, take over, bear
sequel, epilogue, postlude, concluding section (o(a to affect, feign, simulate, assume, fake,~ :£
story, literary work, etc.); end, conclusion
~~ e:-IJ-~~·
... . ' ....
sham, pretend, dissemble; to show oneself..
. :;;...
(l..iS' ,:~) W; ~ e:-IJ -l..iS' .~ ~
... ... ... ;:;; ........

fomentation, packing, poul- ui.)4JI ~J: ~ affectation, affectedness, mannerism,

"- - A:..:.
~ :UJ.)..;
tieing, application of (hot) compresses airs, artificiality, theatricality
J~·J -~·
... •J ......... ;:;i... ... .....

e:-IJ ~ e:-IJ- 4w ,.i..ii..:.: :~

complementary, supplementary, supple- M" tobecrowned;toweara -,
~ •
1(-'ll- I -o::
'-'"7' , r,.... ..-,1(-<.
mental, additional crown
muzzling ~I ~ : ~ to be married
to be known by the surname of; to be ~ .;s::; to be crowned by success; to succeed,(~~~
surnamed, nicknamed, called; to call oneself by the turn out well, work (out)
surname of
........ ,. .... J ...... J ;:;:; ... -- to speak, talk (to, with, about, oO; to say,~~ : {JSj
~~ e:-IJ -lj:L I~ ;jts" :jS.:.· utter; to treat, deal with
~~ e:-IJ -~ .16.1 :U,;s::;
- . ,.
.. f

. ,.
;-;; ......
to ventriloquize ~ :r ~
technocracy ~~;~· ,.11)~· speaking, talking; talk, conversation, discourse; ~
technocratic; technocrat ~ 1)~·
'(-~p11 :;t< ·.-~-"
ventriloquism ~~
technological I'
\.::":",...I_,....,...... .l.~c-
~. .

, , . . . . . . . ..,

... ,J

. : 1./!",..
somniloquy ~,;j1 ~ ~
technologist .. • ,.._,....,...... . .)'::':> r":
Jb :~
• , .... 0 ...
... ; ... ... , J•
plastering with lime, whitewash-~~
technology ~,J_,.;S:; ing
I ,J I..- I.,..

calcification, calcination ..,Jf JJ Jiy.; :~

W~H!f#HUWM¢101'*1! JllrJiiliM1iMS!itl!S. · · : ftll·ij.1Mwiij?#rJtjiji4t
3 z!f$', .,tff}t~r®ht-, ·"f;;c, ;!,,! T:~,:Q<"J}Ak "', ,:,3

constitution, constituting technique; technicality; mechanism, mechan- ,•1 .. ~(~

structure, constitu- '~ il:;i '~ : 1.;1.~
4 • ics
tion, composition, construction, formation, setup, technical
makeup, physique, build, make, frame; form,
shape, figure, configuration, morphology
• i:ii , •

the Genesis . <" -q . to be electrified

i...JI.Y-' ~

structural, constitutional; genetic; formative electrification y~·

hospice; asylum (for the needy), almshouse; to predict, foretell, forecast, prognosticate, (~) ~
poorhouse prophesy, presage, foreshow, vaticinate, foresee,
soothsay, divine, augur
sacculation [ c:!Y:::. ] ~·
prediction, foretelling, forecast(ing), prog- (~)~·
to adapt (oneself to), adjust (oneself to), (e) '4· nostication, prophecy, vaticination; soothsaying,
accommodate (to), conform (to); to be formed, augury, divination
shaped, fashioned; to form, take (take on, assume,
to roll, ball, conglomerate, agglomerate; to curl :,~·
acquire) a form or shape
adaptation, adjustment, accommodation, con- 4· conglomeration, agglomeration J~
accommodation (of the eye) ~I
J ;/." ,
to stack, pile up, accumulate; to be or ~~ : rJSj
become heaped (up), piled up, stacked (up),
adaptational, adjustmental; adaptive, adjustive; ~· amassed, accumulated
adaptable, adjustable
stacking, piling up, accumulation
adaptability, adjustability; adaptiveness, adap- ;>is;
tivity to be formed, shaped, fashioned; to be created, 0:;s:;
adaptation, adjustment, accommodation, made, built, originated; to be established, set up,
instituted, constituted; to come into existence,
conformation, conformity, conditioning, fitting,
come into being, form, arise, see the light, develop
suiting, making fit, framing, gearing; regulation;
forming, shaping, fashioning to consist of, be made up of, be composed ~ 6~
air conditioning of; to comprise, contain, include, embody, encom-
.... • ... ... ..... , "' - pass, embrace, involve
hill, mound, elevation, knoll, high- ~ , ~ .r : J; genesis, coming into being or existence, birth, u~·
land nascency, origin, rise, development; formation;
tulle ·· .... ~ "' . . ,~. -poiesis
~) ~.;> :V'

to follow, succeed, come after ~ : ::i" calculogenesis, lithogenesis

to ensue from, result from, I f _,i ~ "G ::)\.; cytogenesis

spring from, arise from, originate from, stem from hematopoiesis, hematogenesis i~l 0~
to read, recite
•-- --
I_; : Jl;
osteogenesis i~l _,i ~I 0~
to follow, succeed, come after
conglobation, conglomeration, ~~ J-..:...;,. :J!.;>:.·
to suit, fit, match (with), harmonize (with), (e) r·'.t· agglomeration
agree (with), go well (with); to be suitable (for), fit heaping (up), piling up, stacking (up), (.)"'!!~ :f..;>:.·
(for), convenient (for); to be appropriate (to), amassment, accumulation ·
adequate (to), suited (to), adapted (to)
... ..., , ... _.. forming, forma- Gl~! '.)~) '~ 'J:- :v..;s:i
~.:ll. ~~)- r_;':ll> tion, shaping, fashioning; creation, creating, making,
.. - ,.
"' -- ;;;... .. ... ...
~, ,...
building, origination, production, bringing into
to kiss each other .r'"· ~I '·
·. JS' \.)":-"
,-= :I"'•')l;
being, giving rise to, giving birth to; establishment,
to follow in close succession, ~! , ~ G :~ :i· establishing, setting up, institution, instituting,
'··lftH">'LilidC h£B . • ·~~===='!:::·==iil:l"===::t!Z:h$);·};>S::·=];,.;::.==::!·J;·L3iij·!iZ!J'1
to play on words, play, .::..~1 Ji }oW~~ ~j; follow or succeed one another, be successive or
pun, make puns consecutive, come successively, happen consecu-
play; cheat(ing), fraud ~ SG· tively; to form an uninterrupted sequence; to
occur repeatedly, continue, be continuous or
manipulation, tJJ ~4L:I-1 Ji _il;~~~ ~j; constant
rigging, doctoring, playing with, tampering with,
succession, sequence, consecu- J I;;.~ , ~G :~ SG·
falsification, juggling, juggle, wangling (of figures,
tion; continuity, continuation
accounts, etc.)
.. " .., "' ' ..... ~~~ ·~~ ~1)-~:t- .~:t·
pun, play on words, .::..~1 Jl }:>W~4 ~')(;
paronomasia, play, wordplay - to correlate, be correlative or correlated; to :t· r)
to curse one another ~ 1 ,~' a:; ~: ~ :i' accompany one another, be present with one
~ ... ..... ---
....~ another, be inseparable; to be or become attached,
avoidance, avoiding, ~, ~\£; :(J-~1) ~~· connected, joined, linked, associated, coupled; to
averting, obviation, prevention, forestallment, concur, coincide, happen or come together
warding off, fending otT, parry(ing), staving otT,
correlation; accompaniment, accompanying, rj :t·
keeping away from; guarding against, taking
concomitance; inseparability, inseparableness; as-
precautions against
sociation, attachment, junction; concurrence, coin-
making right, correction, rJI.:..J
.~~~~ :~j; cidence, conjunction
remedying, reparation, redress(ing), making good, ·L· .;:..l.,Q\.. ] ~)~j;
equivalence [ ~J
making up for 0 00 .. )

to avoid, avert, ~~ .J.~ .~:.-; •LS~Gi :JSG· agglutination; clumping [ ...,...1] uj:t·
obviate, prevent, forestall, anticipate, ward otT, to argue, dispute, quarrel, have words together;-,;.,. :i'
fend otT, parry, stave otT, keep away from; to guard to insult one another, exchange insults or affronts;
against, beware of, take precautions against to tongue-lash (abuse, curse) one another
to make ~I~,~, ~i, ~~~~ :J::t disappearance, vanishing, evanes- (<i' _J.:i' £JI)
right, put right, correct, remedy; to make good, cence, fading away, dwindling, decline, wane; dis-
make up for, repair, redress persal, dispersion, scattering; annihilation, ruin
convolutions, gyri to vanish, evanesce, disappear, go (away), clear ~ :i'
omasum, psalterium away, melt away, fade (away), drain away,
dwindle, wane, decline, die away, peter out; to
in the depth of, inside (oO,
scatter, disperse, be scattered, be dispersed; to be
in, within
annihilated, destroyed
~~~ ~IJ- (J~ll) ~:i' to cohere, adhere, stick together, cling ;:;· o:j!: ~:i'
Jj~ ~IJ -J'i; together, cleave together
to box, fight (with the fists), engage in boxing rs-:t· cohesion, adhesion, adherence JW!: ~:i'
boxing rS"SG· ~'i ~IJ -~'i :;...j;
to shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle, gleam, ~~ tJ: to show oneself kind and friendly; to be nice,
kind, gentle, friendly, courteous, civil, polite
beam, glimmer, shimmer, twinkle, luminesce,
to clash, collide, popple (waves) r1 SG·
((I;..~ I ~)
shining, shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle, sparkling, j.!~· to exchange blows, come to blows, slap ; ,;:J I r1 j;
twinkle, twinkling, luminescence, coruscation or strike one another, fight, quarrel, brawl
to touch each other, be in mutual con- :rc..; :~ :i' to play, act playfully; to act fraudulently; to W. SG·
tact, be contiguous, be adjacent cheat
contact, touch(ing), contiguity, G.~ , ~c.; ~ :i' : to rig, manipulate, tJJ
~4L:I-1 Ji ~l;~~4 ~j;
adjacency, tangency, contingence doctor, play with, tamper with, falsify, juggle,
contact wangle, alter, change (figures, accounts, etc.)
e ;uw;; -~·e~s •
(musical) composition; melodizing (~,;) ~- ~! '~ e--'J- _;a 'I;
to be summarized, summed up, (-! _,i j) ~- reading; recital, recitation oJ~
abstracted, briefed, digested, abridged, condensed, ~ ''.·--~.--'I;
epitomized; to boil down (to), amount (to)
to blame each other -~r
J .... ...
·r-' ...
6.:; : ..,_•W,j·
J~ ~ : ~· telepathy L
summarization, summing up, 0/

abstraction, briefing, abridgment, condensation, to get ready for, prepare oneself for, J •,::.· ! :J ; . T;
epitomizing, boiling down, synopsizing ..- , .....
gird oneself for
::;i .... , ,... ..... , , .,..,

~ e--'J- ~ ,~j,o. '?.~ :~ to linger, tarry, hesitate; to abide, stay, remain ;,. ~17
to be old, time-honored, long-possessed, to perfume oneself; to be prefumed (~4) ~
- -· ---
inherited ,. . ~---

to stay in, remain in, reside in, dwell in ( li I :-! ..J;

to mat, felt, become matted t')
_;.:J I _,I u ~I ~
, 0;;; " , !.

(together), become felted; to stick together; to

-- e--'J- ~lil~- :-!. ~-
-!. ::J.:; compact; to be or become compact(ed), compress-
., ..... .. .... ed, pressed; to flocculate
old (time-honored, long-possessed, ..Jj• ' ..Jj• ' ..Jj• ,, ..-;:;1 ... ;;;'

to overcloud, cloud (over), r~4 :WI <?i:.t

inherited) possessions or property
overcast; to be(come) or grow overcast,
to turn right and left l~t:..;_, ~ ;. :1: :~~· (over)clouded, clouded (over), cloudy, dark
to be bewildered, perplexed, confused ;;,.:; : ~:J; to get involved in, be drawn into • ·~L.- "F·
: u-:--
(-!) li~ e--'J- (-!) ~:ili ~ e.-' J - LS::G ~! ' ~ :;;_E
!. --- ,... f
........,... ;;; ........ , 0
enjoyment, relish, zest, gusto, pleasure .r ~I ~! e--1 1 - .r ~I ..,.;t
, 0..

~) 0\S'
:(.:,E- -J L. v ~f:!l ~\:.. . ' ~F
to be sticky, gluey, viscid
e.- IJ - ~-r: - . , .J u-:--
jl)~ ';:i! e--'J- j)1· ,;jE·
. ' e.- IJ - ;.[_j;-
~jl J~ :f..);

:;I ......
granting or giving a concession , , ..- .... 0


to suffer from indigestion or dyspepsia.. ~

(franchise, enterprise, etc.); farming out, farming
telstar, communication satellite, artificial or J ' u collar, neckband J _;}, : ~
manmade satellite ~ ~ ~I
- -- f
J • to collar, seize by the collar or neck
telescope up·
(!ompliance, .W ,-..J..b Ji 'tb-1 ,~t-::.:.,1 :4:Jj-
~ ~ L..> ::_.d,QE·
• ... 0 • ~ • • ,... ,... •••

to become a thief accedence, accession, granting, response, fulfill-·

to spy(JJ) ~I~;.:.!,(~)~:(~) ~a:E ment, consent, assent, acceptance, hearing, an-
(on), snoop (on); to peep (at), peek (at) swering, carrying out, meeting, satisfaction
spying (on); snoop(ing); voyeurism, (~) ud,QE· upon (or at) his invitation, in response ~~::J q;
peeping, peeping Tomism, peeking to his invitation, in compliance with his invitation
to be or become stained, blotted, spotted, ~- dressing, clothing, garbing; covering, ~
blotched, splotched, splashed, sullied, soiled, enveloping; facing, draping, lining, casing; coating,
(be)smeared, (be)smirched, tarnished, bedaubed, overlaying, plating; inlaying; inlay (work), inlaid
blurred, smudged, smutched _ work, marquetry, incrustation, overlay
to be or become bloodstained, stained (~~ ~ J5 e--'J-ili
with blood, ensanguined, bloody, gory
,... '/1, ..- 'II , ,... ;:;1 ,...,... to veil one's face, put on a veil, be veiled ~ ;:._; : ~-
to be softened, lightened, mitiga- uW>- , U1J : U1Jj
ted, palliated, mollified, alleviated, eased, soothed, ~ e--'J- ~~-~
relieved, allayed, assuaged, appeased, attenuated, ; .;.::.j! e--'J- ~
extenuated, qualified, moderated, tempered, toned
down (~ e--'J- ~-

telpherage 4.A' to deign, condescend, Jj8 , ~ , ; .1:: :; JJ:

vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough
to televise, telecast, broadcast )1; (to give or grant)
television; televising, telecast(ing), broadcast(ing) ;;_)1· to be lenient (toward or ~ ~~ ~
0=-t:.. , : ; JJ:
television, TV; television set 0 ;.~ with), mild (toward or with), indulgent (toward or
with); to treat with kindness, show kindness to, be
televisional, televisual, televisionary, ~;.A· nice (gentle, tender, kind) to
to proceed or go slow-~ , ~) : (~ Ji J); J..J:
to pronounce, utter, enunciate ""! ~ :""! 1lli ly or gently (in); to go about something gently or
pronunciation, utterance, enunciation Jilij• carefully; to do slowly, act gently
, __ , __ ~--

condescension, condescendence, J jl.; , J..w :u.lJJ

to wrap oneself in, cover oneself ""!~~:""!~· deigning
civility, courteousness, politeness
.J ~~ ~\J -""! )~~ '""! ~~ :.J ~ aiF; kindness, gentleness, ~8 ,~J , uti; uhJ :
j& Ji JP. ~! ~~)- ~ :j& Ji JP. ; .:1: leniency, lenity, mildness, indulgence, clemency,
to wrap oneself in, cover oneself _, ~I : _, ; si~F; mercy
with ' - ' softening, lightening, mitigation, ; Ja.T J~ : ~·
~:;; ... ... ............
to be covered up, concealed dl ~I ~ palliation, mollification, alleviation, easing, ease-
ment, soothing, relieving, relief, allaying, appease-
to telephone, call, phone, ring up, buzz; to dial(~)~ ment, assuagement, attenuation, extenuation,
qualification, moderation, tempering, toning down
telephone, phone
telephonic, telephone- , ~\). -Jili......
JJ ....
very playful ~I frJ :yW; 'YW;
convolution, gyrus
to play, act playfully ~~ ::. ~17
hill, elevation, mound ~ ,:;; :~
fabrication, invention, making up, man- J~ ~ : ~·
ufacture, trumping up, creation, feigning, faking,
to stutter, stammer, falter, stumble, (~jS' .J) ~
hesitate, halt in one's speech
framing, concoction, contrivance, devisal, devising J .----
*. . ; ; '$ ....... stutter{ing), stammer(ing), falter{ing), hesitation ~
receipt, reception, receiving; taking, (~I) ~
acceptance; taking in; getting, obtainment, obtain- telegraph ..;:;, :ul~
ing, acquisition
learning, studying, taking
- 1\
I J .I\ •l~
fl, •
telegram, wire, telegraph, cable, ~:; :u I A
1.)" J..U J _r t..r'"" cablegram
lessons telegraphic, telegraph- - ., :.17
_, _, ., _.. _..• _.. D ;;...,._..
to receive; to take, accept; to take ~I , ~ ~ : Ji.lj" ... ... ... .... .... ....
.. .... J
, ... ;:;; , __ ....
to be damaged, spoiled, ..U , c.1U. , -...A.L::J I ~C... I : Ul_j·
in; to get, obtain
impaired, worn out, destroyed, ruined, wrecked,
to learn, study, take lessons; to ~~~~ _,i ~I JE wasted; to perish; to wear out, deteriorate, decay,
be taught, instructed spoil
;;t;'i '·~ ~\)- ;;t;'i '·~: ·LA4 damage, harm, loss; destruction, ruin, spoilage, ul,;-
........... J ....... , • wreckage, wreck, impairment; waste, wear, deteri-
opposite (to), in front of, facing, ~W , .~ : ·~ oration, decay; wear and tear
face to face with; before
television, TV; television set j~·
spon-uljjiJi ~I ~~~,~~~Ji~ ~~ ~
taneously, automatically; of one's own accord, of ~\:; ~\)- 0lili
one's own free will, voluntarily, willingly ul.JI , ;_ ::jl ~IJ- ," 1F; ,;" ~17
ing; failure to spontaneous, automatic, unprompted, impul- ~ \Al;
telex sive

(.lA4) ~ ~lA4 ~ e--';-Q~
spontaneity; automatism ~ lA4
to have for a pupil or student or ... '!IJJ - :;~ ..........

apprentice to be surnamed, nicknamed, called, ~ ~ :~ ~

... ... 'II ' • ... ..... ...........
school days, college years; period 4....1 ;::JI ci _,: o.i.JJ styled, denominated, designated
.. • 4 - ;;;; . . . . .
of study, pupilage to be pollinated; to be fertilized, impreg- ~I : ~·
,....... ... ....... nated, fecundated
studentship, pupilage .i...l::i : ... , .... .;' ... ~ ......
to be inoculated, vaccinated; to be J~j, ~: ~
apprenticeship injected, shot, given an injection
to grope for, probe for, finger, handle, ~ :~ ~e.-') --.b~E
touch, run the hand over; to fumble, grabble; to
grope about, feel around, feel about or search to snatch, snap at, grasp, grab, ~~ Jj8 :Z o~E
(with the hands), feel one's way, (try to) find by seize (quickly), catch
touching to be or become shaky, unsteady, un- ~: ~·
to seek, look for, search for; to ask for ;:,.11 :~ stable, insecure, precarious; to be shaken, com-
moved, unsettled
to smack one's lips ~ : -lz~F; to understand, grasp ~;:=:. ~ ,& :Jl;
to taste to learn from, receive from, get from ~ 0iE
smack surnaming, nicknaming, calling, ~ ;-.;.,;:.:' ... •i:;
Talmud styling, denominating, denomination, designating;
intimation, insinuation, allusion, hint, indirect
reference, indirect suggestion, indication pollination; fertilization, impregnation, y~J :~
student, pupil, schoolboy
vaccination, inoculation, injection (j ~), ~ : ~
apprentice .II ..... , .....

cross-pollination, xenogamy ~ ~
s~lf-pollination.' au~ogamy; autoinocula- 'J_ Ij ~
.. ·-
day student t1on, autovaccmat10n
boarder vaccinal, vaccine ~
cadet feeding (bit by bit); spoon-feeding (tJJ -~) ~
0' --- ...
polish(ing), burnishing, scour(ing), t./i tJ ;-.;.,;:. : feed(ing), charging; providing
with, supplying with
(tJJ ~) ,~\) ~
shining, glossing, glazing, furbishing, refurbishing,
lustering, buffing, brightening (up) loading, charging (..;.\\ ~ \.; i. 't;~) -~i::
C• .. ~ .( - .... . r.;:-
'!-- ..... "'
to be perplexed, startled, bewildered, ;;.::, , ~~: ~·
.. :;; 0 • 0 0 , ......

feedback ~l>. - I
"• . r- .. _ if l>.. r-
"-'..i,a;: .. I -~~~
puzzled, at a loss
instruction, teaching; dictation -. ~~ -.;.,;:. : ~
. ~i~·
to amuse oneself with, pass the time with; to ~ ..,61· <..r""J
take pleasure in, delight in - ( _.,, G I. ~~-'). :i~
prompting, cuing ~~
'- -· ~ -
~ ~ .
to seek distraction or diversion from; to be cr ~ that, that one (o)!.! ;.:.~) ~
distracted or diverted from
to lag, loiter, tarry, linger, be tardy, be dila- (cr) ~
;..6;il. e--)
.I - ~I : ; a17
- . tory; to fail to
to sigh for, regret, deplore, bemoan, grieve ~; 4E lag(ging), delay, tarrying, tardiness, linger- (cr) _;Sj;
riv , ~7
,,, ··3\F>fi.ij:tje@&i'iihliM~···:2@S:;tl3:fkljlfiAA' r·YAit¢fJ!€MH.«:Ti*i. .,,,,tjiLiJ(IF ·"VJLt4ijljU.ji4JEJ!+Stm@'<4ijT·Ji;i¥4ftijHVrr~·prH;:p;t.@Jjti£Lfjfisp
brandishing, flourishing, wav- at, pine for, yearn for, pant for or after, long for, be
ing, wave eager for
(marginal) annotations, do_l:;, J-I:P- :c.~,ij· Q c::-1)-' 4~17
(marginal) notes, (marginal) glosses ' -
reprimand, rebuke, reproof i~ : f..j; ~~ c::-1)-~
coloring, coloration, tinting, tinging, 0;1 J-.;,.;,. :u..,l; distraction, diversion y,i:i
'II""~ ; ........
painting; staining - writhing, writhe, wriggling, wriggle, (<.S;L:ll) :;lJ
angiography [ ~] Lt-_f squirm(ing); twist(ing), turning, winding, meander-
ing, sinuosity, tortuosity
dependent, subsidiary, subordinate, r::j> 1.> ' e \j : J1.J
subject; follower

to form fibers, become

following, succession, sequence, JW, ')\.; J-.;,.;,. :~
(. young, young one ul;ll ~J: ,4
fibrosis vo.r )u.J;
cirrhosis (vo.r
. )'<.#-;
d ~ /1; ~\; e.-1)-~\j :~
. .,.. .- .... f I 0

after, upon; following, immedi-l..iS )I j, )I :Jl;

u,;A c::-1)- u;.~ - ..
ately after, directly after, in the wake of
f. -

~ , -
0~ c::-1)-u~· to writhe, wriggle, squirm, wring, wry; to twist, <.S}E'
turn, wind, meander, coil; to be twisting, winding,
fibrous; cirrhotic ~· tortuous; to be twisted, crooked
0~ c::-1) -0~ ::;,1· to be or become polluted, contaminated, ~J,I;
impure, dirty, unclean; to be or become defiled,
malacia, softening, ramollissement [ ~] ~ befouled, besmirched, soiled, sullied, stained,
-- ~ J -!.-- . . .
arteriomalacia ~I _r:.J I _;;.lJ tarnished

- ,
l1.a.J I · -,:
~-- pollution, contamination, impurity; dirtiness, c,~·
i- ~ .filthiness, uncleanness, dirt, filth
softening, mellowing, making soft or~ J-.;,.;,. : ~ water pollution ~u~~~
tender; suppling, plasticization, making flexible or-
pliant; moderation, tempering, mitigation, allaying air pollution .l:;ll ~~
LS:E ,~ :(~) rJ:E·
• -- J ·-
relaxation of the bowels, relieving the ~I~ to tarry, linger
constipated bowels, purge, purging -
to be complete, full, whole, entire, total, perfect, r:-·
/ to be colored, tinted, tinged, painted; to color, ZJJ,I;
take on color; to stain; to be variegated, dappled
consummate; to be completed, concluded, fin- _. ;;i.-..- ..-..- I f. I 1 ,_.._..

ished, done, over, through, wound up, finalized, ter- to be or ..,_.1A; :(dJ ~ly, ~I_,; I, ~)b. I~) 0}t
minated; to end, finish, terminate, come to an end, become changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady,
come to a close; to be accomplished, achieved, capricious
carried out, executed, performed, fulfilled; to be coloration, taking on of color(s) u~
rounded off, perfected, consummated; to happen, ~........ ........ ... 0 f; . :e--...-
take place, occur, come to pass, come about change- ..,_.1A;: (dJ ~1:,11, ~1_,;~1, ~)b. ~1~:?)0;_l;
swan ~~~ ]j) :~· ableness, fickleness, inconstancy, unsteadiness,
(.::II t _,;
J 0 ....

pollution, contamination; defile- ;::,;J )-.;,.;,. :~_,jj·

to resemble each other; J!
t1; , ~ t;.; , J.: 8 ::,0 t.:;.; ment, befouling, besmirching, soiling, sullying;
to be or become similar, alike, corresponding; to be dirtying, staining
or become identical: to identify waving, beckoning; wave, sign, signal(t'J ~~) 0!_,1;
,..," .illi~Mi'J$155&fl$,,@!j¥'d!ij;,)51j,g.>!iPQJhrij.yiif#N'"MhJ!J#.. ~::J
.... '/1 - ... _.. ....
tenacity, cohesiveness, holding together, co he- ct: ~­ to convalesce, regain health, recover, ( • l.;..:JJ) ~ \:.;
sion, coherence, adherence; firmness, solidity, con- recuperate, get well -
,.... .... , .... , ..... .... J "'
sistency; solidarity similarity, similitude, J,o \.1j , ._,..; G:-; , ~ \.;.; : ~ t.:,.;·
cohesion resemblance, likeness, alikeness, correspondence,
tangent parallelism; homology; uniformity; identity, identi-
fication, sameness, oneness; symmetry
to walk together, go ... 'IJ ., , ........
convalescence, recovery, recuperation • L;..:JJ ~ \:.;
i: ;:.:.; e-1) - i: J. t::; to wrangle, altercate, biker,
quarrel, stickle
;;:.,C;.; , ~ 8 :2.1.;.~·
to hate each other ~~:ci~·
to bargain, haggle (:;8 :~t:;.;
to help one another in 0:;~ :~ ts~ ~c.: e-1; -~~·
to control
• -- ""
0&' .!.ll \:.; ,
... ""-
tJ1 ,__ • 'f
~ L.,.£,1 J I 4....&,; l.!.LI W·
- ,_ • ""' ...- ,., ......

persistence, continuance; excess, exces- (<.$.)WI).)~·

oneself, restrain oneself, contain oneself, withhold
siveness, immoderation, exceeding the- propir
oneself, hold in; to keep from, refrain from, avoid
• • - • :;; J , ...... bounds or limits, going too far, going to extremes,
self-control, self-command, •.,..L.,.&. ~I Jl ._,..A..:Jil.!.LIW' going to excess
self-restraint, self-mastery, discipline, temperance
... '/IJ ... ---- in the long run
completeness, wholeness, fullness, ~ 'JW': rw·
totality, integrity; perfection to persist in, persevere in, continue (to do); J (.)J~
to go too far in, go to extremes in, go to excess in,
completion, conclusion, consumma- ·~!: ~t::; carry too far, exceed the proper bounds or limits
tion, termination, windup in, overdo, be excessive in
full, complete, whole, total, entire, ~I; , ~lS' : ~t::; to continue, last (long), be long l;}:JI <.S~t::;
perfect, consummate _
completely, entirely, wholly, fully, in iU4 'L.t::; to praise one another ~ 1 ~,<>:! (::{.: (J~
full, totally, in toto, altogether, absolutely, utterly, dates seller, seller of dates
;:;; , :;; ....

thoroughly, quite, perfectly; downright, outright,

sheer, stark; exactly, precisely, just to fight, come to blows y)::...;:~~~
"' _... ... • ... .... ... J ....

full moon ~\:.; J..l..! ' it:.; J..l..! to feign illness or sickness, ~)~ ;.lhl :~~~-
pretend to be ill or sick
cosine [ c.l,.P~;] ~WI ~
] WI ~,,, to malinger ~ Ji ~IJ ~ ~~ ~~t:;.;
cotangent [ uwl.
.. . ) ~ ~
to intermix, intermingle, interblend, JJC;.; :~:)'~
cosecant .. .) ] i WI~!..\;
[ uwl. r::;- mix, mingle, blend, commingle, commix
".. .... J ......
at 5 o'clock sharp, at exactly ~t.JI ~c.; ~ intermixture, intermixing, intermin- Ja.IL:;.; : ~jW
(or precisely) 5 o'clock gling, interblending, blending, mixture, mixing,
........ :;;'IIJ ... .... ...:;. ... -
~\.:.j e-1; -~ ,JL.S :~W mingling
to joke together, jest together, have fun~~~:()~
identification [~.. ]( ~ WI) 0~ 0
together, make fun
to identify [~]uA~ to touch each other, be in mutual con- ~ ')\; : ~~
'(t::; :' -~ tact, be contiguous, be adjacent
to reel, totter, stagger 0! contact; touch(ing), contiguity, adjacen- ~ ')\; ::,.. ~·

to sway (back and forth), yl;j,; , I~ J;t::;: ~~­ cy; tangency, contingence
J J J ..... !. ...
swing (from side to side), oscillate Jl

demarcation line(s); con- (.)""\:.; ..b_,.b. , ;:,.~:.;


differentiation, distinction, contrast ;. ~ frontation line(s)
to reel, totter, stagger, teeter, waver; to sway, ~~ to hold together, hold fast, stick together, clingcl:..~
swing, roll together, adhere, cohere

,JJ -.,..

~~~~,~~~~,,~~~~::~~'~h~,,~,~~~,ci~h~,,~ti~~~~,,~~:~·r~~~bh:~'~'3'k~,t~;~~~,~~ :--~e~e~;~::~,:~;~,~~o~tt~e~ri~:~g.~s~ta~gg~e~n~in~g~)~,~w~a=v=en~in~g~)~;~=~~~~:J-:
representation, representing, por- ~;d. :~
trayal, depiction, description ~ sway(ing), swing(ing)
exemplification, exemplifying, J~ ~I ._.,.. ~ : ~
• j J • ... 0-

(Persian) tobacco -:.1 ~-

showing by example, illustration (by example);
to enjoy; to savor, relish, get pleasure from; to ~ ~
giving (as) an example, quotation as an example,
citation (by way of example); saying or giving a take plea&ure or satisfaction or delight in, delight
proverb; setting an example (for others) in; to have for one's use or benefit, have the use or
benefit of
likening, comparison ( ) ·.: . ( ) I ,,•:
J,... ........ ;:;;_... J .......... ;;;,... ... ;;:;,.. ::

.... ,. ..... .._a.; &" ~I J - .._a.; &" :~

exemplary punishment; torture ~ :~ ~ ~--
0 .... :;,J ~ ... ,. 0 ....
enjoyment; fruition; relish, zest, gusto, pleasure ~
mayhem, mutilatton, .....__,.....
·- :dl.
. . _, I ~
I -·:ll_.. I,,~~
maiming, mangling to mumble, mutter, murmur; to recite under
.... .... ... _.;:;;; , .... one's breath
<.1- - .. _ i WJI~
··- .., J '· J
sumac JC:~
acting, playing, play, (t'J ~~'if-;.::)~
representation; starring; performance
mumble, mutter, murmur -~~-~ ~
(commercial) agency, (commercial) (~)~) ~ strengthening, consolidation, fortifi- ~ J::.:.._: : ~
representation cation, solidification
statue; sculpture J~
diplomatic representation
proportional representation
dummy (t'J <:=--~I_,JI ~ (J"!~I ~~) J~
to imitate, copy, pattern .J lS~ I , .J ~ : .J J!;;3·
theatrical, dramatic, scenic(al) after, take after, model aft~r. follow' s~moe~e's
representative; representational example or model _

play, drama; performance J_: ~1)-£ ~i _,i ~:,:.. ~~ ~

, ... ;;; .... - J ... ;:;;... .... • ;; "" ,-.,,... ....
to imagine, fancy, con- .u;;..;..;, •J~: ~~I J:..:;
morality play
ceive, ideate, envisage, visualize, picture (in the
- ,.,.... 0 ...

mime and pantomime w~l~ mind), represent, form an image or representation

··- .... ........ of in the mind _ _
to be glorified, exalted, extolled, lauded, , ... ... ;;;... .... • ill , ... ... ill, ....

praised to appear to, present itself .U J~ : t~l .U J:..:;

to, reveal itself to, show itself to
toappear,show,emerge, ~ '~~! :~
glorification, exaltation, extolment, ~ J::.:.._: : ~­ manifest itself, present itself, be represented, be
praise, laudation manifested, be visible, find visual expression, take
~! ~IJ -J.;:.· pictorial expression

~!~1)-~­ to assimilate ~ : (~ ~)~Wall ~

J ...... ... :ii .......

;.6..: ~I)-~- to assimilate, be or become assimilated

WJI J:..:;
·-- - '') -~~--
(~..1:! I ~:.: -. ·- -~~<
to seek to attain by cunning :.! _,i ~:jJI ~­ Cr.:-1 ..,..... ~ ) - - - Cr.:-1 '-"""""'
:;, ~ ...
assimilation ( WJI) ~
to seek (make, use) pretexts or ~~~~~~ 1
excuses ~--
imitation, copying, following .I~! , ~ :~ "~--
J:..:; .
testing, thorough examination ~~- ·;. the example or model of, patterning after, taking
clarification, purification ~ :~
(~l:L.I ~) ~ ~IJ -(~l:L.I ~) ~
J ~ ...

tomed to, be inured to; to be or become experi- to produce, bring forth, bring
_. ""'
c:r .)J-1 : c:r ~
.., - ;;;; .......

enced, long-practiced, worldly-wis:, sophisticated about, give rise to, result in

to rub oneself with or against ~·G..! :~ :r~ to be churned

pratice, practicing; experience, sophistica- (-!) 0"~· the mountain was in labor
tion - and produced a mouse
tf o ""' _.. J _.. _.I f _.. ;jj -"

to roll (in), wallow (in), welter (in) ;_ [:; : (~) t~ to blow one's nose ~I·~
- .bl:J.I r~

to waver, hesitate, falter ~~) :(;.~I ~) t~ to glory in, boast of, brag of ;..:.;! :(. )
--'II, " ' _. _.. - '$J---

to center, centralize; to focus, concentrate, };i to extend, stretch, spread (out); to ~..u , ~! : :~.4i
focalize, localize expand, distend, dilate, lengthen; to be extended,
expanded, spread (out), stretched (out); to be
centering, centralization; focusing, concentra- fi;:;
J • -

lengthened, elongated, protracted, prolonged

tion, focalization, localization
to stretch (oneselO, stretch out, extend ~ : ~~
to practice, drill (oneselO, exercise, ~~~ : (j&.) 0~
or stretch one's body or limbs
take exercise, do exercises, train, rehearse; to be or
become trained, drilled, exercised, coached, tutor- to lie down, lie, ~!·&i ,_;.j:· !:~~
ed, practiced, skilled, experienced
to be apprenticed ~ : (j&.) 0~
stretch (out)
extension, stretching, spreading; .bt.-i!: :~~
expansion, distension, dilation, dilatation
to get used to, be or become accus- ~~ : j&. 0~ lying (down), recumbency, prostra- • ~! : ~.....;
• • J--

tomed to !,.... ... t..-,; tion

training, practice, exercise, drill, rehears- ._,... J~ : u~
to be or become civilized; to be or be-
al; traineeship come urbanized, citified
~--:: & .... ::
~:..:_,_,.... !. -... !. ......
apprenticeship civilization; urbanization, urbanism ~ :u.4.·
~ _... !. ......
habituation, getting used to ),..u:u_,..j
extension, stretching (out), spreading (out); ex- ..... ~·
.- pansion, distension; dilation, dilatation; lengthe~:
anointment, anointing, t
.ya ~ ' l::""" ' .r : t:;..,.:;
ing, elongation, prolongation, protraction; laying
inunction, unction
installations, fixtures, fittings ~~..1.:!~
!. .... - ... :;:; ... ... '· ...
..:_,.....; '..:_,.....; ~IJ- ..:;!.~ .:;.~
0 ....

inurement, accustoming, seasoning _ ..>.t;; :r.r...,.:; to embrace, follow, adopt, profess J ~, ~!: ""t ~~ 0 :.
• ... ,. 0 ....
dates, dried dates
nursing ~~I ~ '·~-~;;
henna blossoms, henna
exercise, practice, training, drill(ing), coaching, u..;.::; .... 0• ..-.::

rehearsal; traineeship; apprenticeship _ - tamarind '-?.~ _,....

~~IJ-(.,)1.~1~ dovecot, pigeon house
... ...

~l:.J.I (.Y. : :~ ~~·

, • , 0

to be or get torn, rent, lacerate( d), shredded; to ~ ~

• ~ ,__ ... 0 ....

date, dried date ~~·~l_,:o~

tear, rend, rive, tatter
to rupture (tJJ ~~~~ :k~l ,;.:..JI) ;:,~ to rub oneself, oil oneself, anoint oneself
to rebel (against), revolt (against), mutiny (j&.) J~
tear, laceration, rupture
(against), renounce allegiance (to); to disobey
tearing, rending, ripping apart, divulsion, mutiny, insurrection, insurgence, rebellion; dis- :~~·
laceration, shredding; rupture, disruption obedience, insubordination, recalcitrance, refrac-
crocodile (ul~) r~ toriness
to get used to, be accus- K~~ ).,.. , ~~ :(-!) 'u-~
.... f ~ 0 1 J •
alligator; caiman ~~~ r~, \5'~1 r~
~ fV\ ~
C:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=·='=:=:=:·=·=>=·~·k~·iiiii®BIBI~~~ ~~~···=<=••=•'=·===··=···E··=··=·il~·?·=·=·=!=:•=··=!=·='·=·=:=:=:·=,.===··=···=··r~%1
to become populated, inhabited; to be- (0\Sdl) ~
, .'
y~l5' uj> : ~t:..::ll
.. ~ , ,,
crocodile tears t-"".)
come a city -- :;;--::
to sip, sup

~ ... - to wipe oneself, wash oneself; to be wiped, ~
to rinse (out) the mouth ~ to cling to, stick to, adhere to, cleave to, keep -1 ;, ~
spending, passing u:;.,, ~W :(~jJI) (_;,~;. to; to grasp at, hold on to, hold fast to; to hang on
to, persist in; to be devoted to, attached to
carrying out, execution, !"~) .jl~J 'jlA.ij :(_4·,; clinging to, sticking to, adherence to, (-!) ,•U
performance, accomplishment; conclusion, com- adhering to, cleaving to, keeping to; grasping at,
pletion, windup holding on to, holding fast to; hanging on to,
to stretch (one's body, one's limbs, ):.:,; : ut~ 7 persistence in; tenacity; devotion, attachment
oneselO to become poor, be reduced to ~ ~\....:.: ~·
to stretch, extend, expand ):.:,; : ·6"6: ;· poverty
to smack one's lips -1;~1:: :,t~;· to pretend to be poor, feign 8:::..11 ~~! :~
-- .... ~ , ... poverty; to feign humility, show oneself humble or
to taste Jlj :~ submissive
.:S....... ~ ... __..
smack .la:.t : J.b..,:.' massage; rubbing; stroke, stroking, caressing •.. _ ~7
to meander, wind; to writhe, wriggle, LS:;E : ~ walking, walk; taking a walk, go- ~ : ('=?~·11) ~·
squirm, worm ing for a walk, promenading; strolling, sauntering
meander(s), winding(s); sinousity, tortuosity, keeping pace with, keeping up ol}~: (~):;.:;
tlexuosity; vermiculation; writhing, writhe, wrig- with, keeping step with, keeping abreast with,
gling, wriggle, squirm(ing) going along with; following, proceeding in
peristalsis [ L>
... ,J~ ] ~~-­ accordance with; conformity, agreement
... .,.'IJ_.. ...

peristaltic [ l..> .I . ] '

... !J"~~
~<. in conformity with, in accordance with, inC:: ~
keeping with, in line with, in agreement with
to scrutinize, look closely at, regard attentive- j :;.:.:,· ...... :;;_.. ....
to walk, go on foot; to pace; to take a ~ : ~·
ly, examine carefully or in detail, pore over ..
walk, go for a walk, promenade, take a prome-
scrutiny, careful or close examination ~· nade; to saunter, stroll, walk in a leisurely or idle
manner, walk slowly
postagestamp,stamp ~~;~u. :~ ~u.,~·
f. , .; .... 0 ..... , .. .... 0 ....
to keep pace with, keep up ~L, LS~~ : ~;.::.
fiscal, revenue stamp, ~~I tl\.1 :W tl\.1 ,W with, keep step with, keep abreast with, go along
tax stamp with; to be in agreement with, in conformity with,
stamp mark; imprint, impression, im- consistent with, compatible with, in accordance
press, print; hallmark with, in keeping with, in line with; to proceed in
stamped paper accordance with, (be able to) follow; to adapt or
adjust (oneselO to
~'~~~)-~· gametogenesis
to stretch, extend, expand; to be stretched, '6t:· to comb one's hair
extended, expanded
~ - to be or get torn or shredded " -
elasticity; stretchability ~-

to be magnetized \:;·1;. combing, doing, dressing, styling, (~I) 6.. :·~;·

,, - coifling, coiffuring
magnetization ~ carding, teasing, combing (~I Ji ~~I) t. . :'·,:
to articulate, be or become jointed :ra~:;· combing
articulation, being or becoming jointed ~- coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle
ment, sweet talk, lip service, sycophancy, toady- ~e.-') --t ~·
can; to be able to, be capa- t u2.! , ~ ~~ :~ ~·
ism; fawning (on), bootlicking
ctt ~~)- ;.t'W· ble of, be in a position to, have the power or abili-
ty to; to be or become possible for, feasible for; to
to become king over~.~~)..,: ~~I~ ;,J't.; afford to, manage to
possession; acquisition; taking possession, dt;
taking over, seizure; domination, control, mastery
.) c:.~ .~i .-J-~ :(tJ) 1~-;..
to master, command, gain mastery of, have com-
'_r-4) ~ J::;
possessive, possessory; proprietary ~ mand of; to be or become versed in, conversant
J,: ~\) -~ :JW ~;, ~ , C:.~: J::;
to be or become firmly
to fidget, be fidgety, be restless J-, i-. ~ :JL established, deep-seated, deep-rooted; to be or be-
to embrace, adopt, profess ~!: (~) JL come firm, fixed, strong, solid

to fidget, move or act restlessly or nervously; J~ i~7

;~ J:. ~I)_;~ J::;
to be or become fidgety, restless, uneasy, nervous ability, capability, capacity,
fidgets, fidgetiness, restlessness, uneasiness, j-.;. J: power, faculty; possibility
nervousness mastery, command, conver- wli!, l~ :~
salting; curing, corning &)=:...:::~ sance, versedness, proficiency
to be mechanized ~·
smoothing, rolling, sleeking, ~)=:...:::~· ,. -
slicking mechanization ~·
mortaring, plastering _ ~ · ~· strengthening, consolidation, cementa- •- ... :~ : ~·
investment with ownership, put- Z1t J-.;_.;:. :~ tion; establishing, establishment, settlini, settle-
ting in possession; transfer (of ownership), convey: ment; fixing, fixation, fastening
ance (of property), alienation, making over, assign- enabling,enablement ~ 1~:\; ~ :~
ment, delivery, cession -........ ......... -e;;. __ . . .
:;.~1. ..... ;:;; ..... ~I
- I -~1:~
~) -
~I e--IJ-~ '•·- ~-- .....
'11,...:, 'iJ __ ,... to wrap oneself, put on a wrap ;; I) I ~ ~
wishing (for), desiring; wish, desire; (~I)~·
request ~ e--1)-~ ::rW·
wishes, compliments to be smoothed, smoothened, evened ~ :~
optative mood, optative [w]J:j1 ~ to slip away, get away, escape
-- ...... f
-- :;._. ....

j) :.:,..:; to dodge, shirk, evade, elude, y:; :(:r) ~~-.;.
to wish (for something); to wish someone J;:-.· escape
something; to wish (that); to wish to; to desire; to to glide, slide, slip; to slip ~ i , J.l~ :(~) ~
desiderate; to hope; to hope for; to look forward to away, escape
to gird oneself, put on r~ '~:i'·!! J..:.:; ~ :~-6··-.7 dodge(ry), shirking, evasion, elusion, escape, ~·
a belt - slipping away
to be or become a logician to amalgamate ~j. W
to be or become inaccessible, '1- -,;~~ : ~ amalgamation j W·
fortified; to be strengthened; to fortify oneself; to J) Jj , J. I) : ~
to flatter (slavishly), adulate,
strengthen (one's position, etc.)
cajole, coax, wheedle, blandish, sweet-talk; to
to seek protection in or with ~! :-t ~ fawn on, curry favor with, toady, bootlick
(.)&- C:Z! ~\)-(.)&- ~ adulation, (servile) flattery, cajolery, blandish- ~
--::.----- , • ...!J ......
to move to and fro, move from side to side; to .;~
undulate, wave, swing, sway; to surge, heave,
Lr t~~ e.- 1) -Lr ~
billow to remind someone of a favor (~) J:;:;
...... • j ... :ii_.. ....
undulation, swaying, swinging; surge, surging, to weaken, enfeeble, sap ~\:~
heaving, upheaval
,. , :t .- wishes, compliments
July r.IY. :j,_,;; fortification, entrenchment,
to localize, focalize )-;.:, :tc~· strengthening
.- (
d..I J>.r-¥
-- ) .-
& ~
, 0 ...... , 0-- ...

localization, focalization :j ~ : t'-' ,_,:; immunization ~:

to be financed, capitalized JU~ ~~j :J~ ~e.-')-~ :t.. ~:.::
... 'll, _.. :;, ... ...
to be paved, clear(ed); to be leveled, even- ~ : ~·
to be or become rich, wealthy ~~:J~ ed; to be smoothed, smothened; to be arranged,
.- .... .... ...
....... ,.,.. settled, (put) in order; to be prepared, made; to be
to store (up or away) provisions, ~_,;11 ~~~ : ;:,~·
lay in provisions, provision oneself, hoard facilitated

rippling; waving, undulation; __.:;,_.. ~·

(Y J
to act slowly, take one's time, slow ~ t :~
(down); to be slow, deliberate, patient, cereful
crimp(ing), crispation, curling, frizzing, frizzling
financing, finance J;: J~ : ~~·
slowness, deliberateness 0t :~
to be apprenticed
provisioning, purveyance, purveying, supplyingu..;:.·
with provisions; victualing; catering; (food) supply: apprenticeship
(food) supplies, rations, provisions
.... '--- .-
leveling, planing, flatten-
ration card lJ.._,...:; :U ~ ing, grading; smoothing
camouflage, camouflaging (dJ ~j1 ~~~I) ·'-!,j:; paving

camouflage, camouflaging, dis- ~ , • b J : ~;.;; arrangement, arranging, settle-~;.i, ~;: ~

guise, disguising, concealment, hiding, blinding ment, settling, putting in order~ preparation, pre-
paring, making
whitewash, glossing over, (~1)..1 _,i ~~~~\) ~.;.
coverup facilitation, facilitating, making easy ~ : '.~
misrepresentation, falsification, dis-
~_r>U : ~_,...:;
..... ....
preface, foreword, introduc- ~Li, ~..I.A...: ~
... '!/"", 0 .....

tortion tion, preamble, proem; prelude, prelusion -

coating, plating, overlaying in order to pave the way for, in prepara- J \' ..._.::;
dilution, thinning, attenua- tion of, as a preliminary step toward; in order to
tion, weakening facilitate

to reel, totter, stagger preliminary, preparatory, introductory, prefa- jj~·

..................... :;, .......
tory, prelusive, initiative; draft; interlocutary; ·p~o:
to strut, swagger, prance ~:~ visional
sunbird --~
(.r'1.1) ~ J~l e.-')-~·
~ ~L::! e.-')-~;;;.;
to ripple; to undulate, ~ ;.s
0\S' ' (;ItS'~~ :(~
fluctuate, wave; to sway, roll
~ _,i Lr ~L::~ e.-')-~ _,i Lr ;:; (L. e.-')- (L. :(~
to be preferred; to be privi-1 jl.;o I c-:-- ,J..:..t : ~
.. _.. • .- , .- 'II _, .- :;, ... ...
~ ... --
undulation, fluctuation, oscillation, vibration; (,....
leged; to be distinguished, honored, favored wave, waviness, ripple, rippling, curliness, crimpj-
to be separated, set apart, singled :; ) 1,~ :;,:; ness
melting, liquefaction ~C.I:
•:. to be distinguished, ditTerentiated, dis- J"..r~ :~ •-: ~
~C.l ~1;-~ .tiC.J :~·
to be brought for cassation, be [u,_;li] ~I;:;
catheterization; probing, probe [~]~ brought before a court of cassation
hydration; hydrolysis [~~]~· to burst (flame, flare up) with ( Qi: Ji ~ ;:;
rage or anger, fly off the handle, seethe, boil, burn,
tuna, tunny be or become inflamed or furious
to move away, go away; to keep ~! :(~) (.5 • G ~L. ~I;-~
away from, stay away or aloof from, distance
oneself from, separate oneself from t_L. ~I;-~
to quarrel, dispute, argue, fight ;,:..t:.; ,; aF;._!: ~ G liquefaction, deliquescence ~
;t ......

--~ I -v
to separate, part company, break off J~!: ~8 -1-~;-J;..;•
..,;::; J 0... ·--- J
to be scattered, dispersed, strewn about, sprin- ) G cignet ~I t.;-i: ~·
kled; to scatter, disperse; to fall, fall out ... , ................
amulet, charm, incantation, talisman, •..i.!~:~·
dispersion, dispersal, scattenng; fall fetish, periapt
to commune, converse or communicate inti- ~G to hydrate
mately, talk confidentially, exchange sentiments or :t----
hydration ~·
secrets • ... J 0 ~ '!} • ..... 0 ....-

to fight (one another), combat, battle distinction, distinguish- '-'..t"-'

- 'II 1!!1 J.l.I J I IY-?""'
·· ·- ··~
· ··
ing, differentiation, discrimination; perception,
fight(ing), combat, strife, struggle ;.c discernment, judgment, realization, identification,
to fight, combat, battle; to quar- ;,:..t:.; ,
~~: ;..G noticing, recognition, knowledge
rei, wrangle discrimination (in·~~ Ji J:~ :(it. J) ~ WI
fight(ing), combat(ing); contention; quarrel, _;.. G treatment); partiality, bias, prejudice; fav~ritism,
wrangle favor(ing)
to call each other, summon one another _;.1 ~ : (.5 ~ G preference, preferring; favoring, fa- J.__ Qi~ :~
voritism; privileging
to meet, get together, assemble ~!: L).lG
separation, setting apart, .ll)! • .):; '~ : ~
to tell (each other) jokes ~~G segregation, singling out
to drink together, have a drink (yl~l ~) r~G specification [ W) ~
together cassation; bringing appeal for cassa- [ u_,.; li ] ~
syndrome [ ~] ;~ G tion (against a judgment), bringing before a court
~) ~~;-~ ,J_;.) ,;.~, .~;:i! :()G· of cassation
"" J • , , ......

to dispute, contend, quarrel, fight ~b.; : t) G

racial discrimination, racial segrega- t.?.~~
tion, apartheid
• ;;; ... .,. 0 0 ... 0

to litigate good sense, common ~I~ ii;.U ,~ u--

sense, sound judgment, Judiciousness, discretion,
to pull back and forth, pull in ~~~:f,li discernment, discrimination, perception, penetra-
different directions
tion, acumen, insight
to snatch (or seize) from one another~~ : f,li age of discretion
to obsess, possess; to engross, ~ ~Y.::,:.! :f):i
absorb, engage, preoccupy, take up; to overcome,
overpower, overwhelm, take hold of, seize, grip
.... J J J .......
discriminatory, discriminative, discriminating; Zs~
tl~ ~~;-U~ .~~ :oL:.:.· preferential, special, privileged, favored ··- -

reincarnation, metempsychosis
~: J::IJJ~I
) ' .
. c--w--
• , .'7':jl\O';:;;tl'v\ffi"fr:-rjtt4[>t??'\f

struggle for existence


... .....
.~1 ol.;:;
, J ........

, J .......
, .... - .. ........ J ........ conflict of laws · · I ·:II
~ Y'-' tJ·L;
succession, sequence ~L;u 'til;:; : t-"l.;:;
to give up, abandon, renounce, If ~ :If J~8
to coordinate; to be coordinated; to be harmo- J:. G relinquish, surrender, yield, resign, waive, forgo,
nious, congruous, symmetrical, regular, consistent cede, disclaim; to abdicate (a throne or high office)
coordination; harmony, congruity; symmetry, ~G
regularity, consistency; ordonnance
to cede, transfer, assign, alien- tJJ ~:;, Jj8
ate, make over, dispose of
to propagate, breed, procreate, ) l5:i , :J I~ : J,:. G to condescend, deign, ~ , ; jJ; , ; .;'L; :Jj8
reproduce, multiply
, .... ... , - .......... stoop, lower oneself; to vouchsafe, be so kind (to
(sexual) reproduction, propaga- ;ts:;, ..Jij:; : ~L;; do), be gracious enough (to give or grant)
tion, procreation, gamogenesis, syngenesis
J .... ~ 0 .. relinquishment, giving up, abandon-~ :(If) J j8
sex(ual) organs, genitals, genitalia J... Lj I ~~I ment, surrender, yielding, resignation, renuncia-
genital, sexual; reproductive; procreative ~G tion, waiver, forgoing, disclaimer, cession; abdica-
"' " .... :;:; J _..
tion (of a throne or high office)
reproductive system J.-Ljl jl+:ll :;:; 0 0 .... ,.. J .......
cession, transfer, assignment, alien-~ If Jjl.;:;
gonad ation

venereal disease ;;:.c.; :.,0; condescension, condescen- ~ , ~ : Jj8

dence, stoop, deigning
to help (aid, support) one another ;::,_:, ~ : __:,.:.:, G concession(s) (eo ~j8 () J)C,;
to osmose ~ G·
to pretend to have forgotten ~ ::\ j. !1; : ~ 8
osmosis ~G
"' "",· l.;:;
to try to forget ;L_; ::,i Jjl> : ~8
exosmosis ~
-r.d ~
,.. , ........ to suit, fit, match t!S:i ,~I~ , (•'i :(C:) ~8
endosmosis ~ 1.) ~l.;:; (with), harmonize (with), agree (with), go well
,jJ , ---- (with), tally (with), be in harmony (with), be in
osmotic · L;;
~ agreement (with), be in conformity (with); to be
to vie or compete with one another lS~¢: ~G suitable (for), fit (for), convenient (for); to be
appropriate (to), adequate (to), suited {to); to be
to butt one another '). 'll ~~ IJ ~ : ~G proportionate (to), proportional (to), commensu-
to debate, argue, discuss J~~ , ~ 8 :);G· rate (with)

to face each other, be opposite ~~~,JIG;; : ~8 to be or become related to one

(to) each other another, be or become relatives
J .... .... .... .... , , __ .... , .... - Jl .......

to be corresponding, analogous.~. ;'C~; ~ ~ ~ 8 , : proportionality, JJL.; , ;;,. <:':ll. , ~ l_,j , _;.; lS:; : '-:-' L;j·
homologous, similar, alike proportionateness, commensurability; proportion,
to be symmetrical; to [ tJJ .L,>i, c.~~J) ~8 symmetry, harmony, conformity, congruence,
be corresponding
.t.-i, ul.DL 't:.G relation(ship), connection .1. ~ ~ ~ , ti~ :~ 8
symmetry [ .:.II
C:• .. .. • ) ) ~
, ..-.... , .... .... J .......
proportion [ u ~ ~ J) ~ 8
similarity, resemblance, like- ~ \..,; , ~ L.; : .)> l.;:;
ness, alikeness, analogy, correspondence, parallel-
ism, homology
direct proportion [c.~~J) ;.~ Jj ~:l:,1 :;.,G
proportional ~8
to succeed or follow each other, ~ ~ , ~ 8 :~ 8
follow or come successively
to pretend to be sleepy to transmigrate
to decrease (gradually), diminish 4,J~ ~ :~C to harmonize (with), be : ,r.; ~ , ~~ ~ :(e) C (.1
(progressively), dwindle, grow less- (by degrees), harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree
lessen (bit by bit), taper (oft), decline (oft), shrink, (with), be in agreement (with), accord (with), be in
drop (oft), fall, wane, abate , __ accord (with), blend (with), fit, suit, tune (with), be
decrease, diminution, dwindling, decrement, uail;j· consistent (with), be compatible (with)
• J ----
lessening, decline, skrinkage, shrinking, drop(ping), harmony, agreement, accord, conso- i ~I : r.i.l;j·
fall(ing), fall-off, waning, wane nance, concord, symphony, compatibility, consis-
;;;.. J ....... J J
tency, congruity
law of diminishing returns UJI -~L:.; u_,.ili
contradiction, incompatibility, incon- CjUI) ~C
to contradict each other, conflict, ~).:;: ~C sistency
clash, disagree; to be contradictory, conflicting,
disagreeing, inconsistent, incompatible , __ to conflict, disagree; to be con- ~ G , ~~ ~ : C J
tradictory, incompatible, inconsistent
contradiction, opposition, contrariety, incon- ~\.;,;
sistency, incompatibility, discrepancy, antinomy,
to osmose ~G :]C
J ..... J ... _,
antithesis, contrast osmosis ~L:.; : j,il;j·
.... J J ......

..::..~L.::... e--1) -..::..\..4;\..;;

, J ,.., ..
exosmosis ~-! ~ 1..:.;
to carry, transport; to transmit, convey, ~ : j C ... , ......
communicate; to report, relate, pass on; to spread
endosmosis "'Jf-1 .l 1..:.;
, J •• , ...... - -
osmotic ; '. G :\S.J C
to pass from mouth to mouth, be on v-J~I .;.;.1;\.;,; ~ ··-
everybody's lips, be the talk of the town, run to be or become discor- ~ C ;;):. I~ C 015' :) C
through the town, spread, circulate, make the dant, disagreeing, inharmonious, not in accord,
rounds ·' ,....... ...,, inconsonant, conflicting, disharmonious, incon-
to pass from hand to hand, change ~::l:/~1.;.;.1;\..;; gruous, incompatible, inconsistent, incoherent,
hands, circulate bizarre, grotesque
to abut on each other ~c to quarrel, dispute, contend
abutment, abutting to vie in glory with one another ').. ~ : ) G
....... - J • J ... ,. ... J JJ ! __. ...
but joint (mutual) alienation, (J.lL:-:"--) •"_?, (J.lL:-:"--) J_,A.j: _y~\..;;
to intermarry (jl} :~C (mutual) estrangement, (mutual) aversion, antipa-
thy, repugnance, repulsion
to pretend not to know, feign ignorance;j;. ~ : }G· ... J ......
dissension, discord, disagreement, con-i~ :.) L:.;
to ignore, disregard, turn one's back on
flict, strife, dispute, quarrel
to grow, develop, increase, build up G : _;.. C discord, discordance, disagree- ~L:.; ~:.) L:.;
J ...... J .....

finity, finitude, finiteness C./-' UI) ! C ment, inharmony, disharmony, inconsonance,

incongruity, incompatibility, inconsistence, inco-
~~ e--1)-~~ ,~ :~C herence
~~ J.G ~
•f. " 0 't J ......
lr- e--1)- :lr- dissonance, discord, dis- (il.o_j~l _,1 .;_.1_,.,..~1) _)l:.;
cordance, cacophony, disharmony, inconsonance
to come toone's ~ JJ J.G ,~1 ~) J.G
knowledge, reach, come to one's ears, hear of, get repulsion [ • ~ j,i ] )G
wind of, learn about, be told about, be informed
to compete, vie, rival, contend, jostle ~I} :~ C
about, be reported to
to race, run ~c.; :~C competition, rivalry ~c
to go at full speed ;Y.)JI _,i ~~~~ ~G competitive; emulative, emulous
;~ ~c

to share the expenses ..:..WI~~;-_!.~ :JAC to debate, argue, dispute; to discuss JJC
........ J , ---

to alternate, rotate Jjl~ .~~ :yJC ~L.. e--1) -~\.;,;

, --
·,~ 1Xf·,fl@$:,f2@'b §Jx&:;;q,,;M, ,, ·Hl"·t .).\ , a ,-,,. Jt

to wake up, awaken, waken z:.; - 6; :.~-' ! :

.... ....
to befall or afflict alternately or..,...L.:.I , ;Jt;.; : ..,_.. Jl;
f, .... - ... .... .... ...........

~!e.-')->;. :z:.; J ....... , --
alternation, rotation; succession -.,;.; : ":-'-' \.;;
·~! e-1;-~ , .... ~ J .... ;;i

(..::..L.;)J ''.:.
alternately, in rotation; by ..,_.. _,l.::JI Jl.::J4 J.. '. ,_.
betel . .r.-' turns, successively, in succession, one after the
.... ,. _,
short ~
.. .·J.r.-'... other, one by one
stimulation, excitation, arousal,
stirring up
;;') GI , d.-~
' : : ,_,_;,;
.. , e.-')- ~;G
to take; to pick up, reach (for); to receive, --
..i.> 'I : J~L;j·
warning, caution(ing), fore- ;I~ J , .J:/~ : ~ get, obtain
warning, monition, caveat, admonition, exhor- to take, eat, have
tation; alarm(ing), alert(ing)
awakening, waking up, rousing J>LA.:.. I : ~
to deal with, treat, handle, (t'J k_,:.,;:.) JjG
··:. .; tackle, approach, take up, discuss, study, consider,
note, NB, PS, remark ~ ~ , 41;. ~ : ~
··~ .. ;.
examine; to include, comprise, encompass, cover,
!. . . ,.. ..... ~ ....- ..... , ... .. involve
horn ;yj ,~ :~ jjl ,~ ;;IJI
to communicate, receive Commu- (04~1) JjG
)8 e.-')-)::.· nion, partake of the Communion
• 'f , ......
~- ·.:·, 1 -.- ~:. taking; receiving, reception, getting; in- ..i.> I : J-' \.;;
take, taking in; eating, having
to be or become impure, unclean, l..; ~L.:. :~·
dirty, soiled, sullied, tarnished, defiled, befouled,
dealing with, treating, treatment, w~ J;G :
handling, tackling, approach(ing), taking up, dis-
polluted, contaminated
cussion, study(ing), consideration, examination
tungsten, wolfram
Communion .. J-4'·] J'G
[ Lil J
to pretend to be asleep r,;J4 :,Au..; :r~C
to observe the stars
JJ (L; e.-') -::t1! :JJ r:;c
to practice astrology
to predict, foretell, forecast, prognosti- ~ : (~) ~­
rescue, rescuing, saving, deliverance, ~til.; :W.::·
·· · ....
cate, prophesy, presage, foreshow, foresee, vatici-
salvation, salvage, salvaging nate, soothsay, divine, augur
upholstery, upholstering ~-
to claim to be a prophet ;~I~~!:~
soiling, sullying, dirtying, defile- ~ ;~ : ~
ment, pollution, contamination
prediction, foretelling, forecast(ing), prog- ~ :
nostication, prophecy, vaticination; soothsaying,
o;:;. J'
astrology --···11 I,' ... augury, divination
c:- r ~
divination, fortune-telling, soothsay- (Persian) tobacco
ing, augury
prophetic, predictive, fatidic, vatic(inal) ~~ '~~~~;
astrologic(al) --·~·11 i .. 6.i~ ~ :' ·.:.
c:- -~- J ~ (Persian) tobacco ,•~·:;
to withdraw, retire, ~;,~I' J~! :(if) J2; lazy, idle, shiftless, sluggish, dull, 0 ':lLS ' ~ :~
retreat; to step aside, make room, make place,
make way; to abandon, give up, yield, surrender,
relinquish short

~!e-1;-~ to perceive, realize, notice, see; to be or (JJ Ji J) ~

to clear one's throat, hem, hawk ~ become aware of, conscious of; to take notice- of,.
, 0 .......
pay attention to, heed, mind, be heedful of, be
hem,hawk ~- mindful of
'' .xMWW4t#l>iM¥ii Jd,Ji "tmm~UWii!I¢11W&W:4MA~i4W1H
demotion, degradation, dis- ~~~\ _,i ~~\ .1) putting aside, setting aside, laying ;,:. J-.;..;,. :~·
rating, declassing, reduction or lowering in rank- or aside; displacement, removal; dismissal, brushing
status aside or away, shelving
• ... , _. J ... ::il ,... ... ;;i ,.. ...

tennis ~rJI•~:~ to expectorate, cough up and spit out, ~:~

hawk and spit
to get torn, lacerated; to be frayed, (tJJ ~~1);2
raveled, unraveled, unwoven
to sift, bolt, sieve out ~
_. -tl, _.- :;:. . . ,
to be coordinated; to be harmonized; to be_;...; : ~· to expectorate, cough up and spit out, hawk and ~
arranged, put in order; to be classified, assorted, spit
to lead an ascetic life, become an ascetic, :.:.; :;•L:;·
practice asceticism
to joke, jest, make fun
to be pious, practice piety, devote !. ......
oneself to the worship of God joking, jesting, fun(making), amusement J.;:.:,·
asceticism, reclusion tundra [ Lj IP.] Ci~~·
piety, devotion, devoutness
~ iJ.j e- 1 r(~) r~
ascetic(al), reclusive
, :;;
... ...... -;;,
i:.: e.-')-~~·
to be raveled (out), unraveled, (tJJ ~I) j:_;.; moistening, wetting, bedewing
untwisted, unwoven, frayed; to ravel, unravel,
criticism, censure, condemnation, denun- (_,) .J.J;;;;
:;;........ ... :;, ....... ciation; revilement, disparagement; defamation
to breathe, respire ~ : ~·
to blow gently
C;!)\ ~
~ ... :;. ...... to stoop, lower oneself, abase oneself, ~: JP'
demean oneself, debase oneself, sink low
to be redolent (with a scent), be ~I}~ 0lS::.ll ~ .:r J)C e.-') - .:r Jj:i
fragrant, exhale fragrance
to go for a walk, take a walk, walk, ~ ~ (). : ~p·
to nose about for, hunt for, (tJJ A:O. ~I) ~ promenade; to go for a drive or ride; to picnic, go
gather, pick up (news, information, etc.) on a picnic
coordination; harmonization; concert, harmo- ~ to be far above, too great.y. ~ , .;r ~) : .;r ;j:i
ny of action; arrangement, arraying, ordering, put-
for, too proud for; to disdain, look down upon
ting in order; classification, ranging, assorting, .... ~ "' J J ;!---

assortment, grouping, putting together promenading, walk(ing), going for ~ .:,.JJ C-' y::.. : oy;;.·
upbringing, bringing up, raising, rearing, ~:,; : :;: ~· ·.:: a walk; going for a drive or ride; picnicking
J........ !. ........
breeding, fostering, nurture; education disdain, haughtiness ~; : o _r;

~l e-- 1)- Zl •-~.- <l :'):;:; honesty, integrity, probity ~~l '~I}:.~
j.;.: e.-')- -1~·~; infallibility, inerrancy; im- ~ :(tu.l ~) .~
J.- ... ,... ,.. '~A-:- o .... ~.. --.:, peccability
to wipe oneself dry, towel, rub or ·~ ua.... . u.;;....
dry one's body (with a towel) Ji}) -JI)J :~_;0
.... ;;:; ........... :;; ......
to be dried; to dry, become dry ~ :~ revelation, revealing, inspiration ~ j :.1;
to absorb, suck up y~ , :.,2 ~ :~ the Holy Koran
.... J -· J
{-):11 ..;I)JI :.1;-::JI

to inhale, inspire, breathe in; to sniff, snuff, .:;:;.;:; inlaying, inlaid work, marquetry ~) : .1;
smell ~ ...... reduction; discount; rebate ~ • u;./..; :.1)
inhalation, inhaling, inspiration, breathing in; .:;:;.;:;
sniffiing), snuffiing), smell(ing) subtraction, deduction r :;1 :.1;
. ~::;
~ ~V\ b.. ~:7
c:===========================·=·?·=·=====·~~.. ~~--t£=·=======·=·=''==·=:========?~~~-=======:~-·=···=?=··~\1
to affect eloquence; to be extravagant; to be
overstrict, overstringent
~ activation, stimulation, energizing, ~ J-,;..;. :
vitalization, animation, invigoration, enlivening:
to gird oneself, put on a belt :,-~,.·.-.: :;]J;j inspiriting, vivification, quickening
... ...... ,
promotion, sales promotion ..:.WI~
to scrutinize, look attentively j~,Jt:~·
(carefully, closely) at, regard (~atch, observe) wiping, toweling; drying, ~·~:~
) ...
attentively desiccation, exsiccation, dehydration
to be patient with to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) ~I ~;:. ~ : ;.. ",;:;
,, .. "' ......
to be cleaned to wiretap, tap ~lAI}>_,k.~~
to clean oneself eavesdropping ~I Jl~~ ; ... ~,;:;
,, .... , ......
wiretapping, tapping ~\AI }>_,k. ~ ~

theorization, theorizing, specu-

to become a Christian, adopt 8.. _I.~
r - ..J L... · . " ~:. ·~
viewing, observation, -scopy ;.,t; e-1)- ~ ~
lr ~~ t'!"IJ -(r; s"a~;.
to disavow, disown, disclaim, deny, re- (r ~
nounce, repudiate, wash one's hands of, clear one-
rhinoscopy self of; to free oneself from, rid oneself of

angioscopy disavowal, disownment, disclaimer, de- ((r) ~·

nial, repudiation, renunciation
abdominoscopy installation, installment, indue- ~ , ~~ : ~
laryngoscopy tion, investiture, investment, inauguration;-appoint-
ment, nomination
baptism, baptizing, christening
halving, bisection, bisecting, :.: )a:. . . ·.:.
~· ·~
ophthalmoscopy dividing, division
cystoscopy decolorization, bleach(ing); fading,
to be tiered; to be piled ~: , ...::.~ ~ Jj :-,",;;;;·
vaginoscopy, colposcopy up, stacked up
- .; , ... '!1/J .... :;; .....

cleaning, cleansing; deterging; scouring, scrub- u..L- to be arranged, arrayed, put in J-j·~J:.;....Q.;.;
bing; purgation, purge, purging ... order
~ • .. ... -- J • ., .... ::;; ......
to be well set, compact, c.w.l; :. :_, L.. "11
:;; 5 "" ....

dry cleaning ~WI '- I ul:... u.Ja.;:; ..::..;....Q.;.;

. ~J
., .. ..
.... .... well strung, regularly set ..
brushing •L:.;-J~ ~ to be composed, set, typeset
• :;; J
c.w. :u _,.).I
, , , ... ::;; ........
vacuuming, ~~~~ ~~ ~ •. _6··: ty~setting, composition, com- ~: (if4) •... "·.;.
. " .... ,
~k t'!"IJ-u~ _,1 ~ ~k
... posmg
to examine thoroughly, ~~:(if, j) ~ \~:i
organization, organizing, arrangement, ~~ :~ investigate carefully, scrutinize, survey ..
arranging, arraying, disposal, disposition, marshal- to be choosy (in), dainty (y~l _,i j'U1 j) ~ ~~,.~:
ing, ordering, systematization (in), overnice (in) .. ..

to breathe, respire control, regulation, adjustment ~:~

to dawn; to shine preparation, preparing, laying out, .)\...;,.] :r.:-0
planning ~·.l:.·:;
... . r.::---
respiration, breathing
drawing up, drafting, .l.i ~ ' 4.! 4 ' x _;;; : r.:-0
artificial respiration writing, formulation, making ·
order(liness), arrangement, array, Cb: _[;.·,:;
respiratory system i - r.:::---
0 ..... :II ... J ......
scuba organization; formation I<:',...
o-\ .. ·~·"
"- .....
dyspnea -. L , ·-
family planning ;;.r" ;a\~
~ :;! .........

respiratory ~ traffic control ~~~

"' :;! .... ~
respiratory system ~\
' '\.hi\
.J .....

;:;:; .........
- •....
to ruffie the feathers r ~ organizational; regulative, regulatory; syste- ~·.Ji·.;.
to bristle the hair ~~~ matic; planning

to blister, vesicate, break out with pim- ( ..11!- I) .laA.;_;·

J 0 .... :;:; .........
~~ ~\)-~·
pies or pustules; to erupt, break out in a rash to live in comfort and luxury, lead a life of j) :;;:-
to perform more than is required (as prayers, Jt; ease and comfort
etc.) to enjoy; to bask in
supererogation JL· luxury; ease, comfort
carrying out, execution, e!Tec- ~ , • I;..] : ·,_i·i·
tuation, implementation, enforcement, putting
(bringing, carrying) into effect, giving (practical) softening, smoothing; pulveri-
effect to, application; accomplishment, realization; zation, powdering, fining
performance, fulfillment, discharge; honoring, .•::
affording (someone) a luxurious life, ~ ..r : ~
observing, observance, living up to, compliance letting (someone) live in comfort and luxury
with, keeping
tungsten, wolfram
( . )
.'.:. ...
sending, dispatch(ing), for- JL....;l 'JL..:): i .. ~··: ........ 1 ...... ~~:.
warding; transmission, conveyance, delivery ~e-)-~

_F ~~ : ~
O 0 I,...

execution ~~~~\ iX·; to be or become embittered, disturbed,

j J f.
1 D .... I
ruffied, spoiled
r' ~\J-+ r\ -~: I -~::
o;;i J • ....
stay of execution; arrest of judgment ~I wii J
hum(ming), croon(ing); singing, chanting, into- ~
executive nation
J.... ... 0.... ... ..... .... .... ..... ;:;:; ........

the executive, executive power to brag, boast, vaunt, swagger .~ ~ ~ _rid : ~

alienation, estrangement, disaffection,~ J~ : _;;:;i ~~~\)-~
disinclination, repulsion, repellence; startling, '!}, ... J ..... 0 ' .... tJJ ...... ;ji,... .....

frightening, scaring away, driving away to be carried out, ..;:.1 ,~ , ~ ,r:- I , ..i.ii : ~
abreaction; catharsis; giving vent~;.;:. : (IY) u _i·:;
executed, effected, effectuated, implemented, en-
forced, put (brought, carried) into effect, applied;
to, release, discharge, letting otT -
to be accomplished, realized; to be performed,
~ -\Y :. t;:; e.-') done, fulfilled, discharged; to be honored, ob-
... ........... Jt,... _..:;:; .......
~~ ~~J-;;1)1 ~ served, complied with, kept
to disguise oneself, mask, masquer- J,:;:; , ~ :~ to dispraise, disparage, censure
ade, be disguised, be in disguise
to snub, treat with contempt or neglect; to J ;::;
u<>"-'' e:- I-.~~:.
J - ~

shun, avoid; to turn away from; to give up, to move, shift, change J~ , ~) , ~ t5:: ;;_ :~
abandon, renounce position or place; to change one's residence or
~-- location or station, remove; to migrate; to wander
disguise, masquerade ~·
about, go about, move about, roam, rove, range,
masked (s~ stroll, walk around, travel, go from one place to
;;i lA _, J ... _.. ~ -- "' ;§ ...... ,·· : ..... another
fancy dress, mas-~~ (U'".''::ll.) ..,_.~, i..S~ ..,_.Y .. J ... :li...-..-

querade costume ' - ·· - to be transferred, moved, transported, J.4.i :J,A..:;

" ' ~ -- "" carried, removed
~ -~c···~
e:- I J -~
moving, motion, locomotion; movement, changejA.;;

degeneration uL· of position or place; move, remove, removal,

joking, jesting, funmaking; joke, jest, banter, ~· change of residence or location or station;
raillery migration; transport(ation); travel(ing), roving,
roaming, wandering
embitterment; disturbance, trou- ~ 1~ : J..SS·
bling, ruffling, spoiling, spoilage; vexation, annoy- drilling, prospection, prospecting; (j, (j&-) ._ii
ance excavation, excavating; search, quest, li'unt; expi;:
-... J 0 ..... ration, examination, investigation; research
hanging or putting at half-mast, lower- r-WI ~
ing to half-staff ' purification, refinement, ~ , ~~.~ '..,; , .J:! ~ : ~
exemplary punishment; torture
I .- c .
,- I ......
<' · ·.- refining, clarification, clearing (up), elutriation;
~--!~ leaching; cleaning, cleansing
J:j JJ:;.. :~ ' .
flavoring water purification .U.I ..:;w '

to lose one's temper, flame up with rage, turn

into a tiger
revision, revisal, review; emenda- J~ : ~ &
tion, rectification, correction, redaction, adapta-
~ e:-IJ- J--;;._ :~ tion; editing; retouch(ing)
development-, developmental "J_ ~ J :(?;;,;;
development; promotion, furtherance, ad- ~~J ;;~~·:;
vancement; cultivation, improvement, strengthen-
ing; buildup, increase, augmentation, enhancement
embellishment, ornamentation, ~') , ~:.G : ~ .... J , .... • ...

adornment spotting, dotting, speckling, ~:.:.~_!--1::¥

flecking, specking, stippling
' c.-:::-- -
composition, writing ~~, ~t :J . , ·.:
~ ..... ~ ~ .... , &f:: ,. f... , ..... tin, tinplate cl:j·
euphuism,t'J ~~ Jl ~ J.iG :..,_.,L ')I.}~
floridness, floweriness, ornateness, grandilo-
to deviate from, swerve from JL. , ~I.... : (j&- ~
quence, pomposity, (affected) elegance of style or to avoid, shun, eschew, turn a ;_ \,: : ((j&-) ~
language cold shoulder to, keep away from, keep clear of
.... ;;;.... ... ... ... ., ... :;; ......
to shoulder, take upon~ , ~I& ~ ~I : ~
to sigh oneself, assume, undertake, take on
sigh(ing) to lean on, recline on, rest on, ~ lS:;! : ~ ~
abut on
can, tin, tincan
to oscillate, swing, sway
to be embittered, be made unhappy,
to sway, swing become miserable
to desert one another, part (Jp! , t1tZ :?, t;· to be lighted, lit, illuminated ·~1 :0lS::il ~Jj
company, separate, break ofT relations
tobeenlightened,illu- (~_,~,i QW)0~ ~;:,;
to attack one another ; . ~I ~ ~ i ~ l. : ~ t;· minated
to exchange presents ~1~1 J~~ :i,S~t;· enlightenment, illumination (~ ,~ ,i ~w) .)~
J ~ ....
j;G,; :iS~~

to walk with a swinging gait; to sway, oven, furnace, kiln 0.) :,;~;
swing; to stagger, totter, reel
to become reconciled, make
skirt, lady's skirt (~C.) 0~;:-,.
'(I< >'• - v·
peace, make up
, ...... J .............
to swing, sway 1,):!~ •?! :(.)"~
to conclude a truce or an armstice 0Y.;G...:ll 0.)~ weaverbird ()Lb) j,~·
to follow in succession ~ G :Z:J ~ to be or become diverse, various, ~l;i 0\S' :t_Jj
to crowd, throng, flock ~~)! :(J..) Cj~ varying, varied
diversity, variety, variousness t.~
to pounce upon, fall upon,~ ' ~! :(J..) Cj ~
rush upon, spring upon to be fastidious (in), finicky ~ 0\S', ~~ : (j) (J~·
to collapse, fall down, break ~~ , Jai l::i :Cj ~ (in), choosy (in), dainty (in), overnice (in) ..
down enlightenment, illumination, (~ J~ ,i ~ W) ~p
to disintegrate, decompose, decay, edification
crumble, deteriorate lighting, illumination -~~~ : ~;i
~ G :Cj ~
' -
to contradict each other, conflict, flowering, flowerage, bios- ;I. )j , ;I~)! : ~:.
clash; to be contradictory, conflicting, inconsistent soming, blooming, efflorescence - -
J ....... J ....
succession, sequence C:l\.:j :.::..i\4,; diversification, variation, variegation; change ~p
0 J .......
congestion, overcrowdedness; i~~j! :c.i~ putting to sleep; putting to bed .)I,;~) : f..P
crowding, flocking
rush, pounce narcotization, anesthetization x~:(-~
.JI . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

collapse, breakdown hypnotism, hypnosis ~(-~

disintegration, decomposition, nunnation
... ...
' · ...--
J ...... J ......
indeclinable, diptote v.,~l~t,.:.....
contradiction, inconsistency V>-iG :c.i~ tribute, encomium, praise, commendation, r ~ :'-!.~
to strive, endeavor, exert oneself ~ :(~) clJt;· laudation
to pounce upon, rush ~,c.;~ :(J..)~~ mention(ing), refrence
upon hint, allusion
to covet greedily ~~ : (j..) ~~ ... , ,
to drop, fall, throw oneself, fling~~! : (j..) ~~
oneself, flop
tennis ....., __...;J I ;, "_;5 : , -.:.:;
. .... ........ ·· ~

to whisper together ~l::i :~~ •

~~. e--1;- u;~ dragon; sea monster ~
to fall (down), drop, tumble, sink; to collapse, i.SJ~ Draco, Dragon [clU] ~I ~jS'
break down; to throw oneself down, plunge down
... ....... .... ...........
to fling false accusations or charges at 0~1 )~
to neglect; to be negligent in, remiss in,~ I : ~ 0J\4:.' each other
, ;:;:; .............
slack in, lax in, careless in - to be contradictory, conflicting, ..:.I.) t...:J I ~; ~
~ 0~! e.-')-~ 0~! :~ 0j~ inconsistent
• J I'.:
'fAr' UJ'i"'
<>y r- '>"· ~~!filWWffi·Q1®1!$Miflii,ji@•Wili&'W. • . . ·1,@. ·; ·h!lft lilAMIMit#@?<i'i%,§ %\rii#'fu):fW§j, ·
'1:;.... .... • .... ......
neglect, negligence, remissness, slack-J~ J : (~) uj~
0 ....

calming, quieting, pacification, tran- I.J.I6 J.J..a.o : ~ ~·

quilization; appeasement, allaying, assuagement, ness, carelessness - -
soothing, relieving, relief, easing, easement, allevi- ~~~ ~~) -u~~ :(~) .:,;~
ation, mitigation, mollification
to tremble, quaver, waver
Ji,; ~I) -Jt,t;o
to adapt (oneselO, adjust (oneseiO, ac- ~: ~~
..~,~;;.~~~I)-,)~· •J~· commodate, conform
to dangle, hang (down) J~ :J~ to agree, come to an agreement ~ ~ : t~
~- -
to flow, hang loose J::..:;:.:. ~ :J~ adaptation, adjustment, accommodation,~ : ~ l,J
J --

conformity _
to be or become torn down, pulled ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ : r~·
to throw off one's inhibitions; I~ 1.) ~ 015' :;, l:;·
down, razed, wrecked, demolished, destroyed; to
to be or become dissolute, profligate, dissipated,
be subverted; to fall down, collapse, break down
uninhibited, immoral
collapse, breakdown, downfall, fall, falling down r~
.t;LI ~ 015': ;.~1~
threat, menace; threatening, menacing; intimi- .I:!~·
.- to be shameless, impudent,
. ::;; ~ ...... to be exposed, shown up, disclosed; ~ ~ : ;.~1~
blackmail ~~..~,!~ to be disgraced, dishonored
threatening, menacing, minatory ~~~0 to be or get torn, rent, lacerate( d); to ;:;~ : ;.~1~
"'..... ""
~~~ jl~~
. tear, rend, rive

..... , .
profligacy, immorality, dissoluteness,
duress (.$..~,!...,; .1,)1
...... - .;
pulling down, tearing down, razing, wreck(ing), {..~
0 shamelessness, impudence
wreckage, demolition, destruction, devastation; to stammer, stutter
subversive, destructive, devastative
- .-~-!+

to be well-mannered, well-bred, refined, ~~~ : y~o

to spell
~ _...
polished, cultured, educated, polite, mannerly, spelling Y.o+'
civil, courteous, urbane, fair-spoken .... :. ..... ,.:oi ... ,'1 ......... ;;::; .......... ;;; __ ...
___ , ... 'll , ... :;. _.. ...
to watch, stay ii~l J J;UI ~I,~~:~·
to be rectified, corrected r,; '~: y~ awake at night in devotion, keep religious vigil,
. . *' . . 'll, . . :;. . . . .
to be purified, refined <.f' , .,+1 : y~ spend the night in prayer
,;;; ' .... ... :!. .......

good manners, politeness,

---- -•
~ ~ ' ;_ t;f 'yJ I : "":-':! ~
.- 0 night prayer J.;.Uiii~:~

civility, courtesy, refinement; decorum, decency, ~la ~I)-~~~

refinement, polishing, culture,~~ , '-:-':!:?t : '-:-':!~ ~;._;. 'r;.;. ~ 1 J -~ '1~
cultivation, education, discipline, disciplining, edi- spelling
rectification, correction
.- ..... displacement, displacing, making home- ..~:~ _r:; :~
f-F'~:'-:--:1~ less, driving away, dislodgment, expulsion, evic-

'. ....
purification, refinement
+·~:'-:-':/~ hybridization, interbreeding, ..::.. ~')CJ I <:.J.o : ~
... .~ ....

educational, educative; instructive; edificato- ~~ crossbreeding, cross(ing), intercrossing

ry; disciplinary
cross-fertilization, xeno- "'~0:_,~I.0~

(~~)~I i~o
': o ':

to be overdone, cooked to shreds gamy

to fray, frazzle, wear out, tatter; to dJ yj.jl I.* , ,:;. '1:;. ......
~ ......

J~ rAt
W-I@IJMt !tMWif ti'DQWj}@!SWMMri~ ~·t.BI!lll!lllll1 1 *?i FI I IMI l l l i i :E41l!lwt.i ! ?'l l:t~,"!l i·R!l i il !il2¥·41 1 ·¥i!];;it:Jil!MB,s£1l!i":l··D!l i·WI I ~!bi i ..,'=====·E3<J
peril, jeopardy, danger, perilous situation, be or become worn (out), shabby, ragged, tattered;
dangerous situation; destruction, ruin to be or become torn, lacerated
to shine, radiate, beam, gleam ~~:J4· wear; shabbiness, raggedness
to beam with joy; to radiate, irradiate, ~;JI J4; to elude, escape, get away from, run away (~) 'y'_;i;
light up, brighten, flash up from; to evade, get around, dodge, shirk; to avoid
to exult, jubilate, rejoice, cheer; J~, ~~: J4; to evade payment of a tax
...... - ..
.... .... :;;; ........
~ ~ -~ J ~ ._,.. ~
to be or become jubilant, exultant, exuberant, gay,
elusion, escape, escaping; evasion, evading,(~) •.... /;i;
evasiveness, getting around, dodge(ry), shirking;
exultation, jubilation, exhilaration, J~ , ( ~ ~ :Ji4; avoidance
glee, gaiety, joy
radiance, brilliance, brightness, shine J I).. I : J4; tax evasion ~1~1 (_~J) ~ ~~
• evasive, elusive; escape
"" !, ........

acclamation, acclaim, applause, cheer, u~ :~ 1.1"1-*

hail to be or become a heretic or a G t'- 'J'-P
.. _>-.JA
1 -.,-L' <
accusation, charge ~ heresiarch
smuggling, running, contraband (-~•C.:.JI ) ....... .:.
. . -.?"'
to cry, weep ~: ~
buffoonery, clowning; jesting, joking
to feign crying, pretend to be weeping ~(; : ~
chopping (up), mincing (' :,i :{..);
to flow, fall, pour down JL.. : dJ lUI _,i e~l ~
(marginal)annotation,(margin-2..~ ,:i; 1:; ::i' 4
~ ,i ~ i;. ~IJ -~ i~
al) note, (marginal) gloss, scholi~m. co~mentarr- to sing, chant; to intone [:,A :(~
lullabying, lulling a baby to sleep by (~I) ~- ~! ~\)-)~
singing .... -... - - 0 'f, .... :;;; ........

lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse -~~ : :i'• .. ! ;;· t.JA ~IJ- tr" 1 :e..-*'
[ ..,...b ) ~
~ ·c.i:"' ~~J- -(."t) ~ ataxia

congratulation(s), felicitation, well-wishing •~4

ataxic [..,_..b) ~ ~-
to dress up, spruce up, smarten up, doll ~~ : r4 ~~ ~\)- ;.:;;-;
up :.;. ~IJ- ~;.
- *' :; ; . . . .
to be ventilated, aired; to be fanned; to be c.SJA : c.S_,.;
aerated, aerified ..
to smash, crash, shatter, break ~1;...: :~ ;.:s:.:; ,
(into pieces); to be or get smashed, shattered,
to become a Jew, to Judaize ~J~ )L..:>: J~ broken, destroyed
.... ,:J .. .... .... :;;; ........
tobeorbecomerash,impet- us) ~u. u\S" :.)_,.; smash, crash, shatter, breakdown
uous, precipitate, too hasty, reckless, heedless,
careless, harum-scarum, foolhardy, daredevil,
smashing, crashing, shatter(ing), breaking into
pieces, crush(ing), destruction
temerarious, imprudent, frivolous, lightheaded
to crash down, fall down, )~~, 'Jai :)~ J1;. ~IJ-~~ :~
collapse to mock (at), ridicule, ~~:(~,ij&.)~
,,, •' ~--
deride, gibe, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at,
rashness, impetuousness, precipi- ~~J, ~ :.J_,.;
tancy, precipitateness, recklessness, heedlessness, scoff at, jeer at, sneer at
..... , ;:S --
carelessness, foolhardiness, temerity, frivolity, sarcasm, irony, mockery, ridicule, deri- ~~ : ~
lightheadedness sion, scorn, sneer, scoff, gibe
extravagance, unreasonable sarcastic, ironic(al), sardonic, satiric(a!), ~ L.. : ~­
excess mocking, derisive, sneering, caustic
t,)l_,; rAo
M$r.'t\¥@fihi\fFiJi·iji!ibj'i&H¢1iiJNbi·'>@H)L?Mltlff!jh!@W@1!!<1)4·{ffirffh4MifiMj. .Tfii\H!@iijijfti@iifiwMiijtR,Jlfh@t+c£v·,;ffiPdw'$ 1 IT*<~'' ~
"' ...... .... ... .... -- ;;:; ........
arousal, arousing, rousing, moving, kindling, to be or become a maniac; ...rY" ~ JL,.., ...rJI" : U"'J+i
inflammation; stimulation; provocation; irritation to be or become infatuated, crazy -

at once, immediately, right away, promptly, ~,I~ ...r~ e--1) - (.)"'~·

directly, forthwith, straight away, straightway, t_t. e--1) -t.~
instantly, on the spot, without delay
he has just.. . .o~
r~ e-- 1)- r~
- - ventilation, airing; fanning; aerifica- ~S';A )-.;.,;.. :~~
to agree, harmonize, be in agree- ~8 , ~ 1_-;; :r-.-1~ tion, aeration -
ment or harmony, suit, fit ~ J... • ;ji ,; • ;ji J ..... • ....

Judaization ~?~ -~1 Jl ~~I ~ : ~~

harmony, agreement, accord, concord
,.,. :;;-- lullabying, lulling a baby to ~ :(~Jail) .1:!~
forgiving, merciful J#:":Jiy sleep by singing
the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving .&1 : yl~l lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse
exciting, excitement, agitation, ~;A )-.;.,;.. :tfi_~
~\; e--1)- ~\; :yl;; stirring up, rousing, inflaming, incitation; sowing
~\; e--1)- Jtl;· dissension among
frightening, alarming, intimidation, daunting, ._k~·
to recur, occur again after an (~lpi ~) ~G :.}I~
bullying, browbeating, hectoring; alarmism
interval, happen or appear at intervals; to follow in - ....... J ., ... ... ...

variegations; (florid) ~ j , ~ uI_,! I : Jo ~

recurrence; frequency; succession '
_;1_,; -- embellishments, (ornamental) flourishes -
to be or become ready, prepared; to get •,::.·.1 : t.;-
frequency [ .~JJ c.L,..-.~J] )!_-;; ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, make (one'sf
preparations, gird oneself (for action), gird (up)
~J e--1)- ~~~
one's loins, prepare (oneselO for a.ction; to stand
to agree; to covenant (~_;lll) JSI~ by, stand prepared, keep in readiness
to affect passion ~;J~~~ :~1~ to be or be- :J~ ,:J ,~i :~~~ Jt :J~
.... ' .... , ... .... .... . come possible for, feasible for, easy for
~J e--1)- ~J :~1_,;
,,~ JJ , ___ .... readiness, preparedness; predisposition,~~~~:~
~y>;J e--1)- ~y>;J :~ly susceptibility
to face each other, be opposite (to) (u l~ll) ~I~ preparation, preparing, readying, making ~1~1 :4~ ~ ~ ~

each other ready; fitting, fixing, setting up, arrangement; adap-

to face each other, meet face to (u W I ) ~I.-;; tation; working out, drawing up, drafting
face ~~.. e--1) -~1.. ::. :&7
, ........ , ........
opposition, oppositeness J.! Lo:; : ~ ly to awe, inspire with awe, fright- tJ I ' u \.>I : ~
........ " .......... f. .... ;:;i...-'

0 J ......
meeting; meeting face to face, facing t ~ ~ :~ I_,J en, scare, terrify
one another (!.. e--1)- ~I; :~
~u~ e.- I)- Jt ,~ J~ ~<.
e.-)I - ~ C.,
<: ··-
~G.,; :~I~
to like each other; to be friends, be on
good or friendly terms; to love each other
;] 1
. . :1,_ e.-)I -~1
. - :-,•-.:. ~

"' .... ... ..,, "" ....... (.;.II~~;__)->-:.

friendly relations, good terms, harmo-y\.:..; , ~J : Jly to infatuate, enchant, captivate C:•. ~....
__ ;;.,
ny, concord; mutual love
~ e--1)-~
to become reconciled, make 1;.J"~ :(~~1) tJI~
peace, make up 4 e--1) ~ ts.:.Ji
to say good-bye to excitation, excitement, agitation, stirring up, ~

to interconnect, be or become inter- ~1) :J,:..I,; one another, bid farewell to one another
connected hiding, concealing one- l)~l_;; ;-.;..;,.: (lS)~I) _;~_,;
to communicate ~!: J,:..1,; self; absconding; disappearance, vanishi~g '
, ...... . . -...
~\;::;, )~!: J..:,ly'
to hide (oneselO, conceal one- ~! , ;:;.:. ! :l>'.J r;·
continuity, continuance, con-
tinuation, persistence; succession, sequence self, keep oneself out of sight; to abscond; to dis-
appear, vanish
interconnection; connection ~I) :~I_;;
, ...... 'II , ...... to inherit; to be transmitted (to someone) by i::.'.JI;-
communication, intercom- J..l...; , J~! : J...:.l_,j inheritance
munication, intercourse; contact; connection, rela-
succession; inheritance '
.:0.;1_,.; --
to behave humbly and modestly; to be humble,~!;­ to arrive successively, come one after the other; JJ 1;-
modest, unassuming to succeed or follow one another, follow in succes-
toagree(up)onorabout ~! :~ ~1,; sion, be successive or consecutive
, ....... " , • j .............

to coincide, happen to be~ I,;L I J I J l.(; '1 I <:=':. J I,;

humbleness, humility, modesty, unassuming- tc';- identical
ness, unpretentiousness
successive arrival; succession :.~I;-
to collude, act in collusion, connive ..... " I 'f J J _.. ...
telepathy; accidental iden- ~l,;ll _,1 ;l.(; '11 :.)_,j
collusion, connivance tity of ideas or thoughts -
collusive parallelism; equivalence, correspon- (~ jl~l) j 1;-
to promise one another,
make mutual promises to be parallel (to each other), extend or run l$)1,;-
parallel to one another; to be equivalent, corres-
to make an appointment (a
date, a rendezvous)
to balance, equilibrate; to be or become J~c.,; : 0)1,;-
to arrive successively, come one after the other; :J1~·
balanced, be in equilibrium, be counterpoised, be
to flock, throng, come in crowds or groups, come in equipoise; to be or become even, equal
~! :0j I_;;
to abound, exist in large numbers or I;- ;s :) to stabilize, be or become stable
amounts; to be or become abundant, plentiful, balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counter-J~c.,; :ujl_,;
ample; to be or become numerous, many, much; poise, poise; evenness, equality
to increase, grow, multiply
, stability ) .);.! :0jl_;;
to be found; to exist; to be or become
... ..............
~ J :.) l_,j
balance of terror ~)10jly
. ,, ~ .......

available, obtainable
... .
... ... ..... , -...
..... .... .....
political balance •<.r c..
. . ~,<
•.;_, e.-'; -•;1~ ,c.:;s :)1_,.; ....
U) _,.
,, __ ...
j ...... , , , ....... balance of power l)~l 0jly
availability ~ ':J.P-J :.)l_,j I_. .... ~ J ...... Jl

hydrostatics ~J ~I,:.JI ~jl_,j r4'

to agree (with), be in agreement (with), (ie) jl1_,; j ...-I J J .... ~ ~"' 'f J -~ J I ,, ,"" ;ii ..-I

~ •0ji,.::J~ J.;-1 •0),.::!1 J~! ,<~,jjl_,j J.:>.!

harmonize (with), be harmonious (with), be in har- . , ... ;;;
mony (with), accord (with), be in accord(ance) lt-Sl..l ~ ~I;- 0),.::11
(with), comport (with), get on (with), go well
(with), match, suit, fit, square (with), tally (with), to be entwined, inter- ~1) ,~1~ ,~G.;:~\;­
coincide (with), conform (with), correspond (with twisted, interlocked, interlaced, meshed, snarled,
or to), be or fall in line (with), be in keeping (with), tangled; to be interrelated, connected
be in conformity (with), be consistent (with), be to continue, be continu- Jl_;; ,
~8, :;2.!: ~1;­
compatible (with); to be suitable (for), fit (for), ous; to form an uninterrupted sequence; to follow
agreeable (for), convenient (for) in succession
• ••

, -
~i_;j, ~i :ri:; agreement, harmony, accord(ance), concur- Ji ,,..
twin correspon -
.. ..... ....... renee, concord( ance), conformi ty,
twins , ul...l,:; ~1,:; dence, coinciden ce, congruen ce, congruity , consis-
tency, consistence, consonance
Gemini [ l!lli] u1...i;j1
[ ..,..... ] ~1,:;
, --
slackening; lag(ging), delay, tarrying, (</I~ I) ~I.;
.... , J ....

tardiness, lingering; slowness; slackness, remiss- ~1,;:.. e.-')-~,,..

ness, negligence, neglect, omission, dereliction; ~\,; : Jl~
_ __ longing, yearning, craving, hankering,
flagging, languor, lassitude, weakness
er; (j) ~ ly pining, eager, anxious, athirst, desiring, desirous,
to slacken, slack; to lag, loiter, tarry,ling
wishful, aspiring, aspirant
to be slow, slack, remiss, negligent; to flag, lan-
to synchronize, concur, coincide, hap- ~1) :ci1_;
guish t,; ,
-- pen together, occur at the same time, be synchro-
topaz f-f- ..~ :j ,,:;
nous, be simultaneous J ... .... J ..- ....

repentance, penitence, contrition '1 ,:.· synchronism, synchronousness, syn- .r I; : ci Iy

to spice, season ~:J.;· chronization, simultaneity, simultaneousness, con-
...-, '.-':.-"• o.-'~ currence, coincidence, conjunction, contempora-
_.,. •JJ"",k, JI~Y._,k
I;- \;ii~Y.,.. ,~I~Y.Y neity, contemporaneousness
--... ..., ~ - ...

scolding, upbraiding, chiding, tongue-lashing, ~ ;· synchronous, synchronal, synchronic,~ I; :~I

... J
reproof, rebuke, reprimand, reprehension, re- synchronical
proach, censure to behave in an insolent manner, display
mulberry impudence, show oneself impertinent
to rely on each other, depend on each (~~I) $1.;
.... .... ... • .. J • J

strawberry ~.) ,A.JJI.) :'-"";')1 ..::..,:;

~ ~ other; to trust each other , -
black mulberry
- ... • ..
.:~,_1 J' ~l!. ..::..,:; "" •J

(mutual) reliance or dependence; (mutual) trustJS"I ,.

raspberry ~ ..::.._, • <'' ..e>y·~
.. •ttl, ·~ '<.,?:,:.. or confidence
J ...... J ........ ,...;:;; -- ....
.& ,__ _. . .
J.,..l,:; , t! \.::i : (JI,.::II) Jl,:.·
0 ...

c.y e-'J -..::..,;..:JI o~IJ :4.'y succession, sequence,

;:;. .... • ... "';:;. J ..... J consecution, progression; continuity, continuance,
thymus ~ ; . - 0J.i. : ;.; ,:; continuation
_:;:. ......... , .......
J ...... .... ...

to be or become strained, tense, taut; to strain, ;·,. alternation, rotation y JL; , -, : ~1,:;
tighten, tauten, tense •
Metazoa, ;;~I ~')111 ~~J~ ~L;I;,ll : Jlj.;:JI
tension; strain metazoans
nervous tension; ner- y~ ~I };; '~ ;;; successively, in succession, consecu- Jl~l ~
vousness, nervosity tively, running, in a row, one after the other, one
~ by one, by turns, in order; respectively; contin-
uously, continually, constantly, without inter-
mulberry ruption, unbrokenly, incessantly, unceasingly
thymic to follow in succession or J.,1;; , Cj8 : 1.; J
without interruption, come successively or inces-
santly; to continue, be continuo us
zinc to alternate, rotate ;:,._it;.;, ~j8 :JI;;
sea urchin, echinoid, to reproduce, multiply, proliferate, propagate, :J1_;
echinus procreate, breed , _
morula reproduction, multiplic ation, proliferat ion, pro- ..J ,,..
~;· pagation, procreati on
strain(ing), tightening, tautening, tensioning,
tensing ~1;; e.- I; -o~l ~j;i1 ~~J~ ~L;I;;J.I :~1~1


steering, steerage; directing, .)\!.~I , ;;~L;.; : ~ ~

" - ~
~J e-IJ -~;;
direction; channeling; guiding, guidance, leading, to be or become firm, solid, strong, consolidated,~;;
piloting; instruction; advice, counsel firmly established
orientation, orienting (L.. ~~I).!.)~~ to act with confidence (in)
control, controlling
.- .-
~ ' ~ :~y
consolidation, strengthening,
·' . ~ ......
remote control """!~~y ...... 'Ill .... j;., . . . •. .
directions, instructions, directives; guide- ..::..~~
documentation tJJ ~~,J~ ~.)_,I~~; :~y
lines authentication, attestation, certi- ~ ~~ :~~
instructive, educational, informative; direc- #._;; fication, legalization
tive; guiding notarization (.;.II J~l .....:iKII ,-= ·. ) . •·:
~ ~ ~,_.
to be alone, by oneself; to
. . . ""....
J_:,...;! ' o..~.> J ~ : ..~.>,:;
J... • ... ... ... . . . ,:;; ......
C• - -· -
registration, registry, register(ing)
: ...... ::
~ : ~,..
isolate oneself, seclude oneself, live in solitude or
seclusion notarial; documentational, documental ~_;;
to do alone or by oneself, ~~J ~: ;.~~ ~; to crown; to enthrone ( ~) ~j;
perform singlehandedly
to crown, top, cap ( ~) ~;;
~! e-IJ- ~! :~;
• .... , !. ........ ~_, e--1)-~;;
solitude, loneliness, loneness, soli- .) I~! , iJ j&- : ..~.>,:;
tariness, reclusion; isolation, seclusion, privacy ~-' e-IJ -~ :~ ~j;
:;:; • ..- .- • ... :S ..-""
oneness, singleness, unity ~I.~.>_, , o..~.> _, : ..~.> y ~J e-IJ -',;;~ :J ~;
to be or become wild, savage ._,:.;..}liS' ).,.. :;fo'J; ... ..... • •

lJ""':'-'1 e-IJ -lJ""':'_,I :~,:;

... ... • • - :;1 ..........

~ji e-IJ -StS::.l1 ~; to listen apprehensively to 0~1 ~;

.. ;;; • ... :S .- ...
~-' e-IJ -,_;-,:; to nibble, taste ~c.l.J1 ~;
to be or become muddy, miry ~;· V"~J e-IJ- ~;·
~J e-'r(J:ll ~) ;;; to feel pain, suffer (pain), be in pain; to ~~ : i?:'J;
anguish, agonize, be excruciated, be tormented
unification, union, uniting; integra-~_:, J~ : ~_;; -- I ~<.
tion, junction, joining, combination, consolidation, e--'e-J-~J'
conjunction, merger, merging, amalgamation, fu- to go to, repair to, betake oneself~~ , :JJ ~J;
sion; standardization to, head for, make for, take to, proceed to, be
Jj , ....
funding or consolidation of debts 0-':I::JI ~ y bound for, be headed for
' .. $1 • ...
.Ill ~I.~.> X ul.,! ~I : ~ j.j I
' • • ;;;
to pursue, proceed along, follow (a ~! :JJ ~;
:;:; ,. specified course, action, plan, etc.); to turn
theology ~ .;.,:J I r4 to(ward);. to aim at, be aimed at; to be oriented
monotheistic(al) ~~.;; to(ward), directed to(ward)
t:;i J I J .,l:;i I _.. .,_.. _.. _. :;i I_..
to address, address oneself to JJ ~ ~ ~;
unitarianism ;. -~·-11 ~ ~~~ 45 ~ :~~,:;
* * ~ --
muddying, soiling or staining withJ.,j J~ : ~_;; ·~! e-IJ -·~! :V:,:;
mud; mudding, muddling, puddling, making tropism [ .~i] ·~! :-!-:;;
to intend, purpose, design, JJ : J:... • J.j; sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding
.... . ... ....
mean, have in mind, aim at; to seek (to); to aspire aim(ing), leveling, pointing, .I:!~ • '-rl~ : ~ y
to; to strive for directing
whitewashing u'-.. ~~; 'u . ~L :J:i!;; to show love or affection to, endear oneself JJ J~j."
to, ingratiate oneself with, curry favor with, flatter
to become a minister ~~~:; ) .... :~j,; one's way into, seek someone's friendship or love;
to be distributed; to be divided to court, woo, pay court to, seek the affections of
endearment, showing love or affection (to), (JJ) J~j."
currying favor (with); courtship, court, wooing
distribution; allotment, ~, ~, J:!;;: t;j'J;
apportionment, dealing (out), portioning out,
t~'; t'!" 1J- G.:.; ~ t~J (;;n) : u;.-
giving out; division farewell, leave-taking, adieu, valediction; bid-
(tJJ ~C.~I) t!j;;
delivery ding farewell to, seeing ofT
distributive ~j'j; farewell, valedictory

~~ t'!"IJ- ~,; Torah, Pentateuch; Old Testament ;;I.Jjjl ,jj\.J'j;

_... --· ' ...... ' .
to pillow, lay or rest one's head on or as if on a i:...j.· turpentine ~.Jii ·,~·uii
pillow torpedo ~.JJi
to mediate, intermediate (~n uio. ~_,.:..j) 1:<
C•. - -- - ~ turbine
...... .'
~!.J ii ' ~!.J ii
to intercede for _ ~ : ~ J.:; ' .. .: • J
pie, tart; cake 4-i.Jii
to be or sit in the~, .Ja:..}J4 ~ Ji 0\S": J.:; to redden, become red ~~ :J~;.-
middle or center (oO; to intermediate, interpose, ,._. .... --:ii ...... ~.... .-~:;; ......

intervene, lie (fall, be, occur, come, go) between or to glow, blush, flush, dl ~ ~;_,; '~~ ~;_,;
in between redden
to hold (stand in, keep to) c:_;~ ~, JZ~: J.:; glow(ing), blush(ing), flush(ing), reddening; rosi- J~j."
the middle, take a middle course; to follow a ness; redness
course of action midway between extremes, be to be or get involved, implicated, entangled,
middle-of-the-road; to adopt the golden mean, be embroiled
moderate or temperate
,A ... :ii " .- • :ii ~ - involvement, implication, entanglement, em- l.~j."
mediation, intermediation; (~I Jl ~~) ~y broilment
intercession to refrain from, abstain from, avoid; to~ Ji ~ e}j."
intermediacy, inter- .Ja:..}JI j ~,;..; , ~ : ~; be cautious of
"' ... .... :;, ......
mediateness, interposition, centrality, position in to swell, become swollen, bulge
the middle
moderation, moderateness, golden Jl~ I : ~; swelling, (in)tumescence, tumefaction, turgor,
mean, temperance; middle-of-the-roadism- turgidity, turgescence; edema
mediative, mediatory ;;.c.:;: ~j.· double entendre; equivocation; innuendo, hint, ~.J'j;
allusion, insinuation; paronomasia, pun ·
~; t'!"IJ- £}11 .J ~,;..; .~ =•)\,; bequest, bequeathing, bequeathal; ~~J ;~ :~ .J'j;
to expand, widen, enlarge, dilate; to ex- Z ~ : c;..,; devisal, devise, devising
.... .
tend, stretch, spread (out); to be expanded, wid- supply(ing), provision, providing, fur- .J.:!; : ~.JY
ened, enlarged, dilated, extended, stretched (out), nishing
spread (out) importation, import, importing ~~~~ :J.:!;;
to sit comfortably, have enough involvement, implication, entan- 1~:; )~ ~~-;; :
room glement, embroilment
.......... ... :;, .......
to elaborate on, expatiate upon, en- ...,......., : ~ t" _,; ol ;.l :Ju'J;
large upon, expand on, dilate on, discuss at length, • J ...... ~ • ... .:

speak or write in detail about, develop or state in papering, wallpapering ul;~l ~J'i .J.&!; :Jt!-'"
!. --
,..\. C;"ii
,. :,.<,, 5, TiHJ•,, + J,diJ% "· , . : , :;, ======,z,,,z,===,,,=,===:J
·~~~=~=;::,;,z, ¥!:,

embroidery, embroidering; embellishment, or- ~'j; detail, treat exhaustively

namentation, adornment; variegation, dappling
... ... - ;:;:; __ ...
to give or grant generously,liberally, .UaJI ~ (:.iJ
to be (chronically) ill JDr :~ii openhandedly
to reach, attain, arrive at, come to, get to; to JJ ~;· to spend lavishly, make great ex-
obtain or gain access to penses, increase one's expenditure
attainment, achievement; arrival, reaching expansion; enlargement; dilation, dilatation; ex- t" ,-
tension, extending, stretching; elaboration
recommendation, commendation ...
varix (pl. varices), varicosity, varicose o)!J ~\ C::"Y
... ,~ .....
.L...;J ~I;- .L...;j :~_;; veins; varicosis
letter ofrecommenda- ~_,; (4.1L , y~) y~
• ... J...... , ... , ....
vasodilation, hemangiectasis (~,i-:JI) 4j''lll c;.-;.
tion, recommendation
... • .. J.. ...
mydriasis ti :.11 c;.iJ
limited partnership (~) ~_,; ~;..
bronchiectasis ~I
~ ·~ --
~1;-0) ·~ .Ja;~ :~'j;

.;:..:; expansionism, policy of expansion, ~.:;j1 L ~

JL...;j ~I;-~ '~ :~_;; expansionist policy
conduc- ~~I , .;_,~1 , 0~1 '~4~1 ~,;;
tion expansionist(ic); expansionary; expansionist "" !. -:-.
~ ,-
connection; contact
(~,;) ~.:;jl L~ ~I;-~-;. t~
(~jJ) ~_:;j, L~ ~I;-~;·
to perform the ritual ablution
to entreat, ~ ~!, (.5-.~-::.! , JJ t~ JJ J.~ :
implore, beseech, beg, supplicate, obtest, plead
.t __ . .
(performance of the ritual) ablution ;.;, ji with, appeal to, adjure; to invoke; to solicit

~! ~1;-~y'
;:;:; ... to use as a means or as an expe- ~ t~j; ~ : j:,;
dient, make use of
arrangement; preparation; dressing; packing, ~'j; I I I

entreaty,supplication,U"!Cl!' ·'~! ·t~ :J,:..y

~"' "' :!, __."'

packaging; boxing; casing, encasement imploring, beseeching, obtestation, adjuration;

• La,; I La,;\ I ~ .. :. . .: invocation; solicitation, (earnest) request
<.~!" •• ' ( -, ~)- ~,. ·~JJ

leveling, flattening; ~ ~;i 4~· 4 • • : petition, application • ~~! • il> ~! : _tjJ

smoothing; preparation, preparing, -making use of a means t~j; : (~) _t;;
preliminary step ~ ~ ~,;; Jj1 : to scrutinize; to stare at, gaze .} ;:,:;. , .} ;:,..~ : (:w;·
... • .. "''II ... , _... • ..
introduction, foreword,~ \j , .....,...; , 4....J.A.. : 4!.1. _,; at
preface; prelude, prelusion -- - to see promising signs in, expect (a ;i1 ~ ;.-;.
to be firmly established, (.5~ , ;. ~:; , ~}. : ~~ lot oO good of, set (great) hopes on
settled, stabilized; to be strengthened, consolidated, widening, broadening, enlargement, extension, ~ ;,·
braced, cemented, reinforced, firmed up expansion, dilation, dilatation; amplification; de-
firmness, stability, steadiness, solidity, strength _j,~ velopment, elaboration; spacing (out) _
u~! .J.,;:=:.! ~I;-~~ .J,~ 2-1;; ~I;-~~
· '= ,~_,.
· ' =·~. := ·..-J, · :. to don, put on, wear (a sash, scarf, etc.); to (~) r!_:,~
establishment, settle-
ment, stabilization; strengthening, consolidation,
·--,. throw on loosely (an article of wear) -
bracing, cementation, firming up, reinforcement to gird oneself with a sword ~l..- ~ <
- ~ C"'-"'
settlement, settling u~J 'JI)J: ~'j; to whisper together

to be employed, hired, recruit- ~ ' i~! :u.l7_,;;

'~~' .. . '· ..... ;;, .........

saving; economizing, economiza- P-1:..; '.)~!:A~·

tion, economy, frugality, thrift(ine5s), providence ed; to be appointed; to get a job; to hold an office,
have a job, work ..... ,, .... :;; __ ...
saving; putting by, laying by,laying Jl>~!: ~;;
away, putting up, reservation (for future use) to be invested ~! :~ y
furnishing, providing, provision, sup- ~ : ~;; employment, engaging the ~ • il..;;.,;.!: 4~·
ply(ing) . services of, hiring, hire, taking on, recruitment;
ensuring, securing, procuring, ~ ' ~ ~ : ~;; appointment
procurement investment
increase, augmentation, multiplication ~ : ~;; to threaten, menace
... ,:;; ........ :;; ........
.)_a : ~ _,:;
;jj J J I J ,;. J I

savings bank ~~I (J.,~ .,I)~ ~~:; ·~J e--1)-~~~ .1~

~;; ~~
... ... .. J... ... -- ... ....;:;; ........
savings account r J ' r J ' r J e-- 1)- .?-ii
J -" ,.,. "" J • '",.... , ....... ,.... .,
d"" .... ..... ;;;; .........

conciliation, reconciliation, '~l.a... : ~y to be or become indisposed, un- ~ J ~ L,..l : ~ _,:;

peacemaking, restoration to friendship, reestablish- well, out of sorts, ill, slightly sick
ment of normal relations
.... .... , ,..... ..... indisposition, illness, sickliness, malaise ~J :&~
harmonization, reconcilia- .t. .~ '~L:. : ~.,:;
tion, bringing into agreement or harmony, attune- enlightenment, education, edification
ment, tuning, matching, making compatible or warning, cautioning, alarming, ~ • .J:!~ : 4;;
consistent alerting ·
adaptation, adjustment, accommo- ~ : ~;; to boil or burn with rage, seethe, steam, be or ).~
dation, conformation, conformity, suiting, fitting become furious, fly off the handle
success (granted by God), success- (..ill ~) ~;; to penetrate deeply into, delve ~ , ~~: j JlJ.·
fulness, succeeding, prosperity, good fortune, good into, go deeply into; to study thoroughly ··
luck deep penetration; thorough study
,..... ... .. ,:;;... ;;; ........
to take (receive, get, obtain) ~lS' o..i.> I : ~ J _,:;
(re)conciliatory, conciliative, peacemaking ~J; one's due or one's share in full
... ~,~ '· ,:;; .......
syncretism [~ . .)]~·:. <./,.. e--1) - -Ull .lj y
J V- ··-·--"
.lZI e-IJ -(J~I) ~~ )1.,; e--1)- ~;
, JeD
';s- :)~ . . :;;,... ...

longing, yearning, craving, hankering, pining, :;'j; to be fulfilled, satisfied, met dJ .kJ _,.;.II <;->) y
J J& ..... :;;,.. ...
hunger, thirst, desire, wish(ing), urge, eagerness, tofulfill,satisfy,meet t'J J:..,_,.;JI ~ u)y
aspiration; nostalgia
to devote oneself to, dedicate ~ ~! :~ ) ;
............ -' .....
J.! e--1)- J;.·
..- ...... .....:. .........
oneself to, apply oneself to, attend to, turn to
• ...... - . . ...... ;f. .......
~J ·~J ·~J e-IJ-r}_,;; ;;;., e-IJ- >;I~ ,;;"_;S :_;~y·
~-- ,, &.-
to glow, blaze, flame, burn ~! ::JJ,· availability ~ ' .)_p, J:) y

to kindle, ignite, light, start

.............. ::ii .......
..a.,l: ..a.,:; fulfillment, satisfaction, meeting t'J )..,~1 ~;
.)LA.;! e--1) - .;j_,:;
to get ready, prepare oneself, ~~ '~! )~
I 'JI J~.-'
prepare (oneselO for action; to be alert(ed), be on
intelligence, smartness, brightness, u--..i..ll ..a.,:; the alert
. . *' .. ~ ....
brilliance JiJ e--1)- Jtii
to expect, anticipate, look forward to ~; : e~ to die, expire, pass away, give up the
'· , :;;.......
oil!I .lj y : 1.1 _,:;
.... 'JfJJ

to foresee, forecast ~ ~ ' ~ ~ : ~; ghost, breathe one's last, part with life
,.. .. T ~ji
li:A)i:ma&iliiil!!l*~iiii#ii:i·'*ilill;'*'!lli!il&~¥!1Viliii~'9N::IIli!Wi!i!lillll'll::lllilkJ§Jf!ti%$!1·11i·ll!ltil'il"ll'iiiii!III!!I!§DiDBIII!IIIIII!.. ~~~ll'iill'iillliiiE*i:·Mil!AJ!lil·i:iJ.fEllti!!i!iiiltl\ii!ll·

timing; scheduling expectation, expectancy, anticipation,

time - .- prospect, foretaste
ciJ :~.,;
, .... , .- prospects, ..::.. ~~!, J~! : ..::..w:;; , J:;;
daylight-saving time

Greenwich (mean) time ~;.~.,;

. .- chances, odds; projection(s)
forecast(ing), foreseeing
J .......

"" ~-:
local time
, 'II, -
l-- ..::.-i
.. -
expectative, anticipatory, anticipative ~,.

reverence, veneration, honor, great respect, high .)l:i~' to stop, halt, cease to move on, come to a ~J :ui_,;
regard · stop or standstill
... :o. ... , ~ -
reverential, reverent, honorable, honorific to pause, suspend, stop (temporarily) (W _;...) ~);

signature, subscription, hand; signing .L.<:a.:! : ~~· to stop, quit, cease, if ~! •I f ~ :If ~:;;
discontinue, halt, give up, desist from, abstain
initialing Jj~l ':-'~ ~~ ~~ from, refrain from
I:~ I
.;; - .,. .,
-·. -q I:~ to stop, cease, halt, discontinue, come ~! : ~_;;
V"-"' ~ ) - ~ _,..... ~ V"-"'
to an end, end, terminate, come to a close, come to
utA;! ~I;-~~­ a stop or halt or standstill; to be stopped, discon-
t¥ rs:;! ~~) _t¥ rs;· tinued, ceased, halted, suspended, interrupted,
broken, ended
'II ~ ........

•\5:;! ~I;-~_,; to hesitate, waver ~~) : (~) ~_;;

to be confirmed, affirmed, asserted, corrobora- J:;'j; ... ~-- , ." ,. ;;~.,.. ...
to depend on, hinge on, be JLU : t¥ r ')I <.-Ai.,;
ted; to be emphasized, stressed, underlined _
dependent on, be depending on, be contingent on,
to be sure of, certain of, convinced of; to ~ :.;-,; be conditional on
make sure of, seek to ascertain, check, verify
.... ;::; ...... ,.,.._ .... ... ;;~

to break (down), go out of c..Lh.; :til ~')I ~);

to be appointed as represen- ~J )~ JS-; , :JS'i; order, fail, stop operating or working, become in-
tative (agent, deputy, proxy, etc.); to be authorized, operative
to cease ··<~~! :(;J::,;I ~)til ~~).-1 ~_;;
empowered, deputed, deputized; to be invested
with (full) power, be given power of attorney; to
(discontinue, interrupt) publication
be retained, briefed; to be commissioned (to do or
·with), charged (with), entrusted (with) _ to suspend (stop, withhold, cease) ~~I ~ z...Ai _;;
to guarantee, warrant, ensure, ~ , ~ : ~ JS":;; stop(page), stopping, halt(ing); u,.; J
, ,


._.u J : Ui_,;
&.. ..

secure, vouch for, be responsible or liable for

t¥ _JC! ~I;- t¥ ~:;; ;;~ .. , ~ .......
pause, pausing, (temporary) stop (ci;...) <.-Ai y
~I t¥ ~!~I;- ~I t¥ JS":;; stop(page), stopping, ces- ~ • t~!: (if) ._.uj:;
- . ~ -
~ ~ ~ .... ..-
J\5:;! ~I; -J\5:;! -:JS'_,; sation, halt(ing), standstill, termination, suspen-
.;ion, shutoff, shutdown; interruption, discontinu-
confirmation, affirmation, assertion; assurance; 4'i;
ity, discontinuance, discontinuation; desistance,
corroboration; emphasis, stress
:» , abstention. refrainment
0 ..-

self-assertion ..::..I ill J..5 - breakdown, failure ~: . J ;

confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, affir- (?.~'j;
, !. .......
dependence on t¥ <.-Ai y
c! :J I I f... ,<.-Ai.,;
mative, affirming; assuring; corroborative; emphatic -;;;; ~---
suspension or cessation of payment
authorization, em- ~ ~! ~;. ;~ JJ'j; , , J:; :
powerment, delegation (of authority), delegacy, nonstop, uninterruptedly,.J; (_;j. ~, ~) 0J~
deputation, depulization, appointment as agent without interruption, incessantly' unceasingly,
(representative, deputy, proxy, etc.), procuration; continually, continuously, constantly, unremit-
retainer (of a lawyer, attorney, counsel, etc.); tingly
nascent; newborn, neonate commission(ing), charging, entrustment
powerofattorney, ~9 •u'>:!;
,ti~j :~~
proxy, procuration; mandate, authorization, war-
rant ., • 'II::;; "' ...
assumption (oO, undertaking -! t ':llh.D! :(J;,:ll) :Jj;
(oO, taking upon oneself, takeover, taking over or
on, shouldering, carrying
tulip taking care of; care --
~4 '-1 t~!: ~Y . ---
inauguration, investiture, invest-~ , ~ : ;q -;·
occupation, holding, filling t'J :} .r _,I~
" • ....

ment, induction, installation, installment; appoint- (of an office, position, etc.); tenure; assumption,
ment, nomination takeover, taking over, taking charge of
- " - J'iiJ
entrustment, commis- ti. ~! , ~,:.; , u'>:!; :~ :,; tulle ~J ~.J>:
sion(ing), charging
... ... • ' ......... , 0 ....
to assume, undertake, take -! '-! ~!: rli J;;
midwifery, assistance~,~ J ~ ~ LL.I """"C...:. : ~ _,J upon oneself, take over, take on, shoulder, ca~ry
at childbirth
... ,.., • :;1 ;:t ... *' ,. • .. to take care of, see to, attend -1 ~! , -1 ~! : J-_,;
obstetrics, tocology.~~: ~,;JI (.)_,I)~, ~Y to, tend, look after, watch over
.... ... t: :;;_ ....
midwifery to be in charge of, manage, handle, tend, J I.> I : J y
generation, generating, pro- ( GJ , ..:.I_;. J : ~ ~ run, operate, keep
duction, producing, engendering, creation, origina- to hold, occupy, fill, be in (t'J ~~-Q··-.) ~ : J-_,;
tion, bringing into being or existence, giving birth charge of
to, giving rise to, breeding, begetting, bringing to assume, hold, take over, (t'J \>'·-.) :J:; : J-_,;
about, causing, occasioning take charge of, take control of, take command of
• ... !::ii . . . .
~Y (~,;~,)~
J ........ 0 J
... ·~
to come (in)to power, w:.JI _,I
" , .
p1 :;; ....
(rC j) JJ';
.... ... " ,::ii "" 'IJ_.,, "" .... .... <> .....

obstetric, ~LAJI _,1 ~.;J4 J.La.;:.. 'J~: ~:?~ i; assume power, take (over) or hold (the reins oO
obstetrical government
blending, mixing, mixture, min- ~J J-.;.,;;. : ~:,; ~J'?!~IJ-;:;~!·~~:;;2.!'-! ~.<:! :J-_,;
gling; synthesis, synthesizing; tuning ... ...... ::;;,... ....

C;!;. :~:,; to turn away from, avoid, shun~ u<> yl : ~ Jy

blend, mixture; synthesis
to refrain from, desist from, quit, ~ ~ :~ J-_,;
r-~ ~ 1 J -(..:..~) r;, :iY give up, leave off
••L.;J , .L.;J ~~) -s-;· ~)la J_; ~')- ~)la J-_,;
-., • J

tuna, tunny (ct- ) :1.;_,.;· •Uy to enter (into), penetrate (into) ~~ :(~)~;;
, J
........... :;;_.. ...
J ,
to assume, undertake, take upon oneself, .r ~I dY
take on; to be in charge of, run, manage
to destroy, wipe out ~ i :~;·
to be born; to be generated (from), produced(~) :J;;
(from), bred (by), caused (by), occasioned (by),
~~I)-;;. ,J:;,i :~~ brought about (by); to originate (from), arise
(from), spring (from), stem (from), emanate (from),
to glow, blaze, flame; to incandesce, be or be- r;,.;,· issue (from), proceed (from), derive (from), follow
come incandescent; to flash (from), result (from), grow out (oO, come out (oO
I ~ <
~-' ~ J -\!:!'Y generation, production; origination, genesis; .J;;
to imagine, fancy, conceive, think, suppose, as- ~j,· birth; reproduction, propagation, procreation
sume; to take for, take as; to suspect; to miscon-
I./- -
abiogenesis, autogenesis, spon- • •\J; _,j ·1 j
ceive, misunderstand, misconstrue, misinterpret taneous generation
~ ........
T'\f. ("'~
J\ijzpiUft i£','#k§#A¥ @j;Q!OiWI A ' ·~tm-~~·,i!!l£'::::::::::=======·='4!J'=c."J::'"if:::!·;;lf!:llll@II'!1~§11'!1M~1"::rt~e<f;:J!"''QIJJ
, ...
.... ' ' :!, .......
ibex (ul~) ~1..,..;; imagination, imagining, fancy(ing), fantasy, r"ii
phantasm; illusion, delusion
to be or become easy; to be facilitated, be made ;..:;.·
easy; to be (become, be made) feasible, possible; to morula [ .~i]~·:.
.. _y
be or become available, obtainable, accessible; to be
coronet ~ r \j : ~;.


, , !- ~ ....
4i~IJ ~;_.~~~I ~~~~0~1 :((;.jll) if'j;
facilitation, facilitating, making easy; simplifi- ~ iG. ::w.;·:.
cation, simplifying; making available, making petal ..... Y
obtainable, making accessible twist ( 4...:.i) ~;-
cattail; bulrush theater ' • ·. ./_,..:. C
l:•.r-A ·--
current, flow, stream ·' •
<.S~ :_; G
.... ..... !II :;;; ....
typhoid trend, tendency, drift, movement,~;, .b.:;~: Jl::J
course, run, current, stream, orientation, bent,
typhoon electric current
water current
draft, current of air, air stream
low-frequency current
high-frequency current
........ , " ~'II-- .... , ~ :;f ....

alternating current '-:-'JL:.. Jl ))_;:... Jl::J

.... , "' ~ • .. "' ~ :;t , " ~ ... ' ~ :;i"

teak direct ~~~ Jll?.~):> Jl ))a.. Jl ~ Jl::J

this, this one; that, that one to be or become lenient, indulgent ·,:. G :r· · G-
'-""' ..
hibiscus, ambari, hemp
to go to the left ;t:.,:..JI _;;..: ~~ :;_c.;
kob . • I .. ~ ~~: ·.. G-
to go to the right ~ Y" . .;,.. ..
staple, fiber
~\; t'!"IJ-o¢
to enthrall, enslave, infatuate, (~I Jj ~I ~ U
captivate, capture, enchant, fascinate, spellbind, ~t'!"IJ-~
hold spellbound, mesmerize, hypnotize, over- stiffening, hardening, solidification; stiffness, ~
power, overwhelm, bewitch, drive crazy, drive out rigidity, hardness, solidity; dryness, aridity, desic-
of one's mind cation, exsiccation
to wash with clean sand or earth where (;;~) ~ rigor
water is unavailable
drying, desiccation, exsiccation; stiffening,
to intend, purpose, design, :.::..i '~ '~'j;: ~ hardening, solidification
mean, aim at
to see a good omen (in), regard as J .~ :(-!) -,;;;· ~ '

good omen; to be or become optimistic to be or become an orphan, be bereaved of one or~

, ....... !- ---- both parents
(seeing a) good omen or good augury; Jjl&:i : ~ ~~--

optimism orphanhood, orphanage ~

fig (.;.,L.;) ....
. oJ::' billy goat, he-goat (ul~)~
~I :. '-
.._ J'~
c=~~======··~"=z···· =t:4
··~~==~~~·3·MEr~+&oil_ ... .,. • ..
arrogance, vainglory, conceit(edness), swaggering,
brag(ging), boast(ing)
capriflg, wild fig

. , . •.. , .
41 ~ 'J~l ~
~.?.r. ~

straying, going astray, deviation; error

prickly pear, Indian fig, opuntia, nopal ;}~ ~
wild(s), wilderness, desert, wasteland ;&i:.:.; ,'II , , • J

beccafico ~' JY-s-_ ....

labyrinth, maze ~2.:~ • 'II J.,. o

~ e;l;- ~~ o~IJ :4.

labyrinth [ r::!_;:;] (u:~,) ~ ~~ •• I 4 .,.. ,.. ......

sycosis ;..:.JI u">l.rl ~ J>.r :~

~l:i e;'; -u~· - :oi ... .,
J..,;:. I : ..;;
--~ .....
to mislead, lead astray, misguide, misdirect
to confuse, confound, bewilder, perplex, ~ : ~
theocratic(al); theocrat puzzle, maze
J ., ,J J '<-~ o

pride, haughtiness, ~l;i , ~ 'Jl' j ';J.;&- '~ :~

,..... I I

, . .... ,. 'lJ ........ , , .... J,. . . . ,. -- J
stationary, immovable, J,.0..:... _, 1 ~ ~ _r.:i : ~ ~ bleating, bleat u_,_)..l u~ :rly
immobile, motionless, static, fixed, still, standing;
rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, (1"""1) 'Z?-!'J. :)~
:. .... J ;;. ... J insurgent, revolter, insurrectionary, insurrec-
established, proven, proved, con- ..IS';.. , ;
..,La : ~ ~ tionist, mutineer
firmed, affirmed; certain, sure, definite, positive,
revolutionary, revolutionist, re- (~) 1:5;'].: )~
bellious, insurgent, revolting, insurrectionary,
constant, invariable, unvarying, un- ;.:;.:; 'J : ~~ mutinous
changing, unchangeable, immutable, steady, stable,
excited, agitated, aroused, roused, ~~ : )~
firm, fixed
stirred (up), astir, wrought-up, overwrought, mov-
permanent, lasting, enduring, du- ~~ , ~I) : ~ ~ ed, kindled, inflamed, impassioned; stimulated;
rable, continuing, continual, standing, abiding irritated; hot, wild, rampant, frantic; enraged,
maintaining, keeping; adhering ~ 1,: : ~ ~~ angry, furious, seething, horn-mad
to, sticking to, clinging to, abiding by, standing by, rage, fury, wrath, anger, ire ~:)~
keeping to; following, observing, complying with;
persevering, persistent, diligent, sedulous, assid-
avenger, revenger Jn~I,F:;~
_,. ,, ...
uous ;~ ~I; - •)~ ;~
remaining at, staying at, residing at, tumult, turmoil, uproar, upheaval, commotion, o)l:
settled down at unrest, trouble, disturbance; agitation, excitement;
constant [c.l,.D~;] ~~ outburst; rage, fury, wrath, anger, ire
steadfast, staunch,unflinching, undis- _;.41 ~~ to yawn
mayed, fearless, bold, brave, courageous, tough;
to return, come back, go back
unruffled, self-possessed, composed, calm, col-
lected, undisturbed
resolute, resolved, determined, decided,
·- ~~
. to recover, recuperate, convalesce, get
well, regain health
unwavering, unshaken, unfaltering, purposeful, to turn to God in repentance; to repent, olll cJJ ~~
real estate, real property,
.... ... ·' ,. ... ,f.
~ ~ ( d~ I _,I) J I,_.I
turn from sin
to recover
.- ,. ,' ., .
.... ....
.U..U. _, 1 .~; ~ J...,..~ , !~;
. ' cJJ ...,..~

realty, immovables, immovable property one's senses, come to one's senses

constant [ c.l.,a~
- . ) ] ~~
. to regain consciousness, come to
to persevere in, persist in, devote oneself ~ -.; ~
assiduously or steadily to, apply oneself eagerly to;
yawning, yawn • ~y-·
to work hard, be diligent firm, fixed, stable, steady, ~ , ~ ' t-:-1; : ~ l:
to bleat w:0_,).1 (t firmly established, well-established, ingrained,
solid, strong, tough, enduring, durable, lasting,
bleating, bleat 0_,).1 :.:..:,:.. :rli permanent, unchangeable, unshakable
pansy, heartsease, wild pansy to revenge (oneseiO, avenge oneself or one's .JU
hor.or, avenge the blood of, take revenge, take
wart, verruca vengeance, get or have one's revenge, retaliate,
cowpea(s) make reprisals, requite
:J .J to be (become, get) excited, agitated, moved; (\a :.J \:
~ ~~;-~ :~~ to be or become stirred up, aroused, roused, astir;
(the) eighth ~lJI •.;.._.\: to be stimulated; to rise; to spring up, awaken, be
awakened; to erupt, break out
eighth, eighthly, in the eighth place L..~
to revolt against, ~ ~~~ ~li , ~ ~li : ~ ~~
(the) second; (the) next (I./_·lJI) ul:
. rebel against, rise against, mutiny against, stage or
carry out a revolution against
another; else; different; one more, second, )..T :0 ~ , -
further • to flare up, rage, storm, steam, seethe, boil,o ;~ J~
fume, flame up with rage, burst with anger, fly ofT
second(ly), in the second place ~;i ~: L,.;~ the handl~. be or become inflamed or furious, lose
again, anew, afresh, newly, de ~~: ~~ 1..5;.1 one's temper
,,.. • , ~ J --J _.,
novo, once again, once more, over again, a second to arise, spring up, come dl
~I _,I JI_;::..JI ;~
time, another time up, come forth, present itself, enter the picture
~1 <i ~
J _.,J ....
dioxide to rise, swirl up dJ ;~I ;~
carbon dioxide 0 J-!'·..r"-'
<-II j1 I./_·~
- ··- revenge, vengeance; retaliation, reprisal, retortion, )3
bisulfate ..::..~~ <i~
, . ~~ ~I; - ):.14 ~j , ~~t ~i
bisulfide ;_,;.:;f J~
return match )j1 ~I ;L.
bisulfite , - .. :·1 ~ <i ~
... '· ...
revengeful, vengeful, vindictive; retaliatory ~)3
bicarbonate ..:;..t; y )' <i ~
bleating; bleater W~li :( "'-''lJI) t.1:
bichromate ..::..C./,5' <i~ .

, ~I~
... ) J L~JL.
bichloride ..1:! ;,15' <i ~
he has absolutely nothing
, ... .
J..U ~I;- ~I:
secondary; minor, petty, unimportant, insig- ::,;~;
nificant, fringe, marginal, side, sub-, subordinate, penetrating, piercing, sharp wl:
_., ~ J • J -
inferior shrewd, sagacious, perspi- )i..JI ._,..;~ , ~I ._,..;~
~ ~1;-~;~ ~ cacious, clear-sighted, clear-eyed, clear-headed,
secondary school, high school,
:.:. ,.. ., -

~_,.; ~ j_, ;J.A , ~_,.; 1:

... 0... - -
.sharp-witted, sharp, astute, acute, keen, discern-
ing, perceptice, clairvoyant
(;;~) ~1:
second ~:U1 :r 1
'. :~1:
to fence with ~11 ~L
C• . . . . ···L :Uil:
L,.i~ ~I;-~~

J J - ~""' bereaved of a child 4Js~: 'J?l:

t,..; :
/ .... ... • 0

firmness, stability, steadi- j_j L:.. ' J I~! ' u~

ness, fixedness, solidity, solidness, strength, tough- (the) third; tertiary, ternary ..:..JlJI ,.:.J\:
ness, durability, permanence .. . -
third party ..:..]~~.~~
constancy, invariability, unchang- .:;::, ~~ : ..::..8
ingness, unchangeability, immutability, steadi- third, thirdly, in the third place G~
ness, stability Third World ..:..JlJI ~WI
permanence, durability; duration, .t:.;, (IJ~: ..::..8
endurance, continuance, continuation, continuity Trinity [~1_r4i] 6~1:
immobility, immovability, ~ _,i ~~ ~~ :..::..G trinity, triad, triple, triplet
cement, firm up, reinforce, pillar motionlessness, stillness, fixedness
..... .. ... . , .....

... .... ,. :.;• .. ~. ... :i ..
~I ~1;-..1.,!1 ,:,UI :~ perseverance, persistence, dili- y I.) , ; .r. ~ : -=-~
"" ....
~I ~1;-~1
... "'.
.. ... ;:.; ...
•U".r. :~
.. . gence, assiduity, sedulity
~ ...... J " ......

maintenance of, keeping; ad- ~ iJai 6... : ~ u~

to fix, stabilize, peg, maintain at a fixed ~l...:. ~I~ herence to, compliance with, abidance by, follow-
level; to valorize ing, observance of
to fixe one's eyes on, gaze at, stare at ~
,, .........
•~ ~
;,; ...
resolution, resolve, determina-
'' ...
.)~ , r :r :u~
.. ..
tion, firm will; steadfastness, boldness, courage;
to gain or secure a foothold; to take root.~~ ~
self-possession, composure; resistance
become firmly established (settled, con~lidated);
to gain influence or power or weight; to certainty, certitude, sureness, .J t ,~ :.::.W
strengthen, become strong(er) positivism
... :;; ,. ;.:."" , .::.W
.i.: j:. ' .;~ ' ·~ :

to appoint permanently, install, instate ....Jo:;,ll ~ truth, trueness, verity,

-=-W ~~J --=-W :4

veracity; correctness, rightness; soundness,
... , validity
, ...
staying, remaining; stay .i.: li l ' ...:.~ :u~
proof, evidence wla-; :4 -·'
-· ' ... .. ~ ~1;-u~
document, writ, deed, instrument~ , ~:; : ~ :W
..... "' ,.... ... ... to be or become firm, fixed, stable, ~ ~ , C:.~
trustworthy, reliable, depend- ~ , ~ dy,.. : ~ steady, solid, strong, enduring, durable, lasting,
able; authoritative; authority, expert - permanent, unshakable, unchangeable, established;
index; list, roster; catalog ~ li , U'" ~ :4 to stand firm; to set, become fast or hard
....... : • , J ......
to be or become.constant, invariable, :;::.:; ~ : ~
table of contents, contents, index u~;.:;.J.I ~
unchangeable, steady
bibliography J:lWI _,i _e- 1)1 ~ to be or become stationary, immov- ~~ ~: ~

. :~
able, immobile, standing, motionless, static, fixed,
r~l ~~ •LfQ.I ~~ ·~~ ~~;-~~ .... still
~ ~I; -~li , U'",...! :~ to be or become established, JS-t ,
~ ~ :
to perish, be destroyed ~ : "}.; proven, proved, certain, sure, definite, positive; to
prove (or turn out) to be true, correct, right, valid,
to destroy, ruin
to destroy, ruin
~ i :;3
... ....
. :;,;;
to maintain, rjb_, ~IJ 't )_,
Joil>.: ~ ~
keep (up); to adhere to, stick to, cling to, abide by,
to frustrate, disappoint, discourage, dis- ~ ,~
stand by, keep to; to follow, observe, comply with;
hearten, dispirit, demoralize, depress, daunt; to to persist in, persevere in, continue to do, keep
prevent (from), keep (from), hold back (from), doing, keep on (doing)
deter (from), inhibit (from); to hinder, impede,
to remain at, stay at, reside at, ~lii :(.:,\S::.: j) ~
block, obstruct, countercheck; to thwart, foil, ' ··
settle (down) at; to stay put at
defeat, balk
lap, fold; pocket; bag
to resist, withstand, hold ~ J li : ~ j .j ~
out against, hold one's own against, remain firm
.::.W ~l;-c.;,3 against, stand up against
~ . ..., ,, ., ., ,. , -
to be brave, courageous, bold, t:. jl>. ~~ uts' : ~
,.-- /

if~J ~I;-~·,_;
- ,, fearless, resolute, steady, tough, steadfast, firm,
destruction, ruin I!J')IA : .J ,_; unflinching, unfaltering, unyielding
... ,,
affiiction, distresS, woe, grief J.iJ : ;~ to fix, fasten, make fast; to :J.:; ,J:: ,
~~ ~ :
rivet, secure; to implant; to establish, settle,
rj.JI ~~ •LfQ_I ~~ ·~~ ~1;-··· .. ,~ stabilize, steady, make firm, make stable; to make
to flow, stream; to squirt, spout, shoot out ~ permanent; to strengthen, consolidate, brace,
bigmouthed; chatterbox, babbler, blabber; prattler flowing, streaming, running; pouring, falling, (~
to chatter, prate, babble, blab, blabber, tattle, torrential
gossip _ ..... , ....
torrent, torrential stream; flood J:..:. :~
chatter, chat, prattle, prate, blab, blabble, blab- 0;; marc
•; ,
·--~~~-~wl ,,.:
- ;+:'
• ...

\.)"-' ~•
J • J -

ber, twaddle, tattle; gossip, chitchat; talkativeness,

garrulity, loquacity; logorrhea thickness; density; consistency ~W
,. ... ... - J -
J -
to crumble and sop (bread) in broth r·:ll):;·
to thicken, inspissate, be or become ~ ;I.,..,:~
to knock someone's tooth out, break someone's ~; ,. .... J- .... - - ::;. --
to thicken, inspissate, make thick or ~ ~ : ~
to have a broken or fallen tooth ~; - J , -
thickness; density; consistency ;.;~,~
• J •
thermostat ~ 1.:.:.:.,..; thick; dense; consistent ~
J •
thermometer ;;... ,..; breast(s), bosom(s), bust; mamma ;'.;;.:, , ~ : !.?.~
wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, affluence, oJ)
-.- • - -..- J • ..-

abundance; treasure
udder, dug t.rD :ul~ll?.~
- "':::. .- ... -.-
0 ..... ,:;; "':;; .... J
:.- .... ..I~-·· • bras, brassiere ~:.d.] ~.):! .;.p
national wealth ~
··. J J
··-~ OJ_;J
J ,,... .... -
buxom, bosomy, full-bosomed, ;i:a.ll ;;~l&.: .~~
.:;; ..... .-
to be or become riche, wealthy •.ll.. .~·~ :l,j...1"•
having large breasts; sweater girl
rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, affluent, ~ : ~) mammary
• :;.

<,S:.d~ ~~ ,~ :..r-~
........ - ' "' 0 ....

opulent, prosperous
:;; .
u~:.dl ~ ul~ : ~~
:;. ... ... ---... ~ ...
nouveau riche, upstart, parvenu; war y~l ~) •• , --- :::. 0:;;;
profiteer Mammalia, mammals .~~~~ u\J~ :~~:..:::.!1
chandelier, luster torrential; abounding in water .UI~'.J:!)::J
Pleiades wide, spacious, vast, broad, large t:" IJ : ~
porridge, gruel ~) e-1; -~ :(l,?)JI))
... ,, ,_ --
to siphon l?; e-1; -.JI... )5 :1)
siphoning; siphonage
:.~ . ..
~-'-:-""-' soil, ground; (moist) earth i,j)
•1 .. 0 J

:;; .... ~ - ... ;;:; ... ,'f
snake, serpent what a big difference! what has ~ _,j I ~ l,j _,j I 0:1 I
... •1 J • J

eel ~I:.UiuW the ground to do with the Pleiades?!

[ctU] ~~I (i:s-.;5") may Cod rest him in peace! God rest ol) ~I ;_ ".'t.
his soul!
serpentine, snaky, snakelike, ophidian
fox wealth, fortune, affluence, opulence,
otter prosperity, abundance
- • J . . . :;; J .... ,
..;....._. e-1;- .I,;JI ..;....._.
alopecia, loss of hair
.... , ::;. J .... to blame, censure, reproach, ~J , ~ ~ :~) ,~)
fox grape; (black) nightshade ~~~ rebuke, upbraid
vixen, she-fox, female fox ' . 1::·11 (f'"'~-:1 :~
. omentum
... •

::;. • j .... 0 ....

• ,:;;; , -... J ... 0-

tetter, ringworm omental y:;J~ ~~ J~: ,-!)

foxy, foxlike, vulpine ~ talkative, garrulous, loquacious, chatty, gossipy,.;~)

1 ••

•. . ,, .. , •. . ........... 0,
hole, bore, perfora- J ~ ' y _,.&.:.. r::j> ~ :Y: '~
, ;i ...... , ,... ... ...
to bleat •L:JI ~ .u_,;LI w
tion, puncture, punch, slot, slit, aperture, orifice,
interstice bleating, bleat
, . .w... ..

eye, threading hole to perforate, pierce, punch, hole; ;.s.~.~:~

to notch, indent, cut; to break
confidence, trust, faith, reliance
certainty, certitude, assurance, positivism~ : ~
, ... .; " ... .. 'f ... front teeth
trustworthy, d~; :~4 ..#~ ·~ y>-1 ·~
port, harbor, haven, seaport
-· ,.
trusty, reliable, dependable ·
, _.... ... , .r... '~...
authority, ~ dt_,....,... ~) .fr;"- : ~ e bay, inlet
authoritative source, expert
coastal city or town,
confidence (.t.,S:i~) ~ seaport
·=- .-..
self-confidence, self-assurance ~~ ~ fortified borderline
""'* J ... - city
distrust, mistrust ~I ,).,&.
1 ~ _} , ii ~ : o
- • , ... • ... .... 0 .J
... .; , .... gap, opening, aperture, breach, ~
vote of confidence ~I ~ ~~ hole; crevice, fissure, crack, crevasse, rift, inter-
vote of no confidence~ I (_r~ _,i) ~ ~~ stice; cavity, hollow, yawn; break, chasm; lacuna,
-'/I • ... J:, ...
hiatus, discontinuity
they gave him a vote of confidence ~I ~ 1_,; y,p crupper
~1_, ~1;-~ ~
I ,,..,.._.. .- _._..

to surpass in skill, be more skillful JiJ,.I ~ ~ : ~ to sediment, settle, deposit, precipitate

• :5 , ......... .,
to lance, spear, pierce or transfix with a c-)~~ dregs, sediment, lees, settlings; residue; marc ~
lance or spear
to become callous (hardened, rough) by (:~ ~) ~
to be or become skillful, skilled, pro- ~ ~~ ~\...:. : z..ili work
ficient, expert, subtle, clever
~ ~1;-li~~ ~\...:. =~
"' ... .
callus, callosity
... 'JI , , ...

- .... f ... ...

match, matchstick ._,;JI .)~ •yiZ
to reach, attain; to grasp, comprehend, eJ;.ll : .....W
understand, perceive - borer (ii~)~~
.... .... ... :;;
to educate, cultivate, culture, refine, y~ , ~ :~ ..•
I -· :~~
polish; to enlighten, edify, teach, instruct _
.... ;:.:; ...... ;.~ ... culture; education; refinement, cultivation ~ li
to straighten, adjust _,; : .....W
.. ... ... , cultural; educational - •ti
to be or become heavy ~ ~ :~
cultural attache
.... ... ... ~ ... .,
..... • ., ... ... - .... :1 ... - • j ... J ...
~~I ~1;-J,!l.;, ·~jl •JA;I :~ ~
~ e-') -4Ili
to slacken, lag, tarry; to be U.~ 1,; :If~ 'J to pierce, puncture, perforate, punch, hole,;)~ : ~
slow, tardy, sluggish, slothful, dull, lumpish
,,, ..... , ... bore (drill, make) a hole in
to be hard of hearing 4A... ~
....... .....
:;;... ;. ..
~ ~~;-~~ :_~
JA;I ,JA;I ~~;-~ ~ .~ - .... f. ... ... ... ;..~ ..

baggage, luggage ~i,} Ul Ji tl.:: to light, kindle, ignite t...a_,l :;UI ~

piercing, puncture, puncturing, per- ~ ;~ : ~
heaviness ~ ~
, ...... ...
4 : foration, perforating, punching, boring, drilling
J .J
sluggishness, tardiness, dullness, slow- ;J. I;; : ~
_.1 I, I_.. I..- , 0 ...

~ ·~ ~1;-d~ ,._,.._,.a.::.. t:f>,... :~

f..\ ~
c=~~====~*~·&~":t~G&·='==4+ +•c:===========s=7z==~
... __ , .
... ... ...,
Mardi (,ras, Shrove ~1)1 ~\;~ ,~)1 ~\;~ ness, slothfulness
Tuesday weight; gravity ..:,jj:~
three (r)~SI;
heaviness 4~:~
thirteen (11")~~:50
weight(iness), moment(ousness), impor- ~i :~
thirty (1".)u~S0 tance, significance
, --~
load, burden
. . .
the thirtieth ..:, _,; ':l(j I ·~ •J.:- :~
,, ........ , .
tripartite, ternary, trinary, triple, threefold, ',.,..'·:t specific gravity
trinal, trine, trinitarian, triplex, tri-, three-; ter-
nate; trio, threesome; troika; trinity, triad, triplet
, , , _, _, weight lifting
triliteral [ w] u_,.rll ~~ '~~
.. -- ... ,
three-dimensional, tridimension
~t..:~l ~ al


')LQ ~ I
.. ,
• ')l;
center of gravity
skilled, skillful, proficient, ~L. ·~?l> :~ ·~
. -
, ... ~ .1. ... J
adroit; clever, smart
trivalent ''KJI ~ ·~
~ '-~- heavy, weighty
trinomial [..:..~~)] ~_,:1.1 ~~ • J • , ....
, , ,- , __ burdensome, onerous, oppres- ~ j-o ' ~ r : ~
trilinear J.,Y-1 ~.~ sive, troublesome; hard to bear; unbearable; un-
J :;. ... , ........ , ..
,.__ ... J pleasant, disagreeable, offensive; bothersome,
triceps ....;.,Jt ?;.. .J ~ :l.)"_,j:)l ~~ vexing, annoying
-· .. ...J
triangular Ll-~'1 ~ •)l;
. '-1-
- ,-'.J'
-' ... , sluggish, dull, lumpish, lazy, in- •Ja!', 4. :~
trihedral; trihedron _,1:) I ~ • ')l; dolent, slothful, slack, slow. heavy •
C '-1-
trilobate, trilobed; trilobite
, -~'I~·~
weighty, momentous , grave, serious, ;:t. :~
~ _, ... J important, significant
trilingual ..:..Wll ;_;')l;
. ,.. ...,
;YJI , ')l; ~
J; " ., 'II
antipathetic, repugnant,c _,)l _,1 JWI _,1 i:.UI ~
" :;. J ...

repulsive, disgusting, disagreeable, unpleasant, un-

, _, bearable, intolerable, insufferable; boring, dull, tire-
trisyllable • L.WI '·~
G"' '-1- some, wearisome, uninteresting; a bore
trillium, wake-robin ~:tJt ~-- ~,,
.. /'..r . _, hard of hearing ~I ~
triplicity ~:t ..... , ...
slow-witted, thick-witted, dull, doltish, ~I~
trilogy [c.)'-"_, ~~i] ~~ obtuse, dense, silly, stupid
trio [.w. . ]~~ -'~~
indigestible, heavy ~~~
trivalence, trivalency

heavy industry
- , - ... --
iceman, ice vendor, ice dealer heavy water ~ tl..
refrigerator, icebox to lose a child J)j
freezer bereaved of a child u~,J_;j
to criticize: to blame; to slander, ~~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ : ~ barracks Gj
defame, calumniate
criticism:slander,defamation,calumny ~ ;-;.,.;,.: ~
to destroy' ruin' subvert, overthrow' Jai.:.i ' r:U. :~
topple, bring down
group, band, party, coterie, clique ~ 0, - _.. . ··:;.' _,
.,.,...j.~~ :~ three at a time; by threes, three and three .::..:t
(military) detachment (~~)ill Tuesday C·Y-) .t:SWI, .t:sBI
reason, on that account to triple
then, thereupon; afterwards, thereafter, after that, ~·
next, later, later on, subsequently; moreover, fur-
one third, third ( ~)
.:1 ,..::.£
thermore, besides to snow (it snowed) UOI <:=-) ~
, • . . . . . .J.... .. . . .
(~) ~ ~ ~~;-~ ~

to be or become pleased, ~I~, ;i:..ll ~

delighted, happy; to be or become reassured,
residue, sediment, dregs, settlings, ~ , ~I J : ;J W secure, at ease
lees -
heeltap ~ ~I;- r:J..ll ~
. -, ~-~1;- ~J..~~-~
foam, froth, spume, scum -~~ :4JW
millet (oL:-;) u-~J~ :rW ... ...... , • ;:;;
C8 ~1;- ~:fJI ~ - ... , 0 -· _. ...

-1~ I - '·II ~ , ~I - l~
eight at a time; by eights, eight and eight uW e:..- ~ J c..r-- - . - J e:..-:-
eighty (A·) uy W
, ~
, - to ice; to freeze, glaciate, frost,
congeal; to refrigerate
~ ' ~ : .;:.11 et
the eightieth 0 _,.; t:,j I snow; ice ~
eightfold; octonary; octave; octet .... , .. .J
snowball, snow cone ~ ii~
octahedral: octahedron
ice bag; ice cap ~~
octagonal; octagon J!, ... ;:;; ... J
snowcapped (_,LIL J..lG
eight .... J .... J
snowflake ~I ~ J.i
snowy, snow-; icy, ice-; glacial; snow-white, ~
there, over there, in that place; there is, white
there are snowstorm, blizzard, ice storm
_. .... , / / ...
_,..;1 ~I;-~ snow blindness
--::.·I I ""~
~-~J-.)4-' to blunt, notch, (in)dent, jag, ~~ ' ;:. ' J_; : ~
tooth; to groove, furrow, rut
fruit(s); fruitage, result, effect, outcome, pro- o~ ,;l;
geny; upshot; product, produce, yield: profit, gain, todefile,sully,dishono r,dis- ~:·/11 _,i ;. _'oil~
benefit grace, discredit, tarnish, (be)smirch, soil, blacken;
to defame, slander, calumniate, backbite
to be (become, get) drunk, intoxicated }:::. : JJ
~ ~1;-(.0
intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety )::_. : ~
~ ~I;-~~ ,;:_ 'J_; :;.t
drunk( en), intoxicated, inebriate(d), ul):.:. : J.5 _. G, ,• I
sottish, boozy, tipsy, in one's cups notch, indentation, nick, snick, ii ~ '.:JJ-1>. I , ? :

rX ·:

cut, incision, score: furrow, groove, ridge, rut; gap,

tid ~I; _Jj ,4l:J opening, breach, hole, aperture, crevice, crack,
to be or become valuable, precious, W -Lo ··~
-. '~
fissure, rift
... 0 ~ '" "'!! , ....
costly defamation, slander, calumny, ~I _,1 ~I~
to estimate, assess, evaluate, appraise, ~;; , ~::.; : ~ backbiting
.... 0 J J 0 f -· .,
valuate, rate; to value, prize, esteem, treasure, ~ ~I; -ii~ , .:JJ..I>-1 , ·:;.. :~
cherish, appreciate; to price :~ ;,
there, over there, in that place; there is, there are r'
invaluable, inestimable, priceless
hence, therefore, thereupon, thus, so, conse- ~ ~
price, ante, cost; rate; value, worth quently, whereupon, as a result, then, for that
.A 1 • 'I"
c~==============~• ••c=============~
two-dimensional par, par value, nominal value, ;_,;-1 _,i -:rc.i ~
face value
binomial, having two names
cost price ~i~
one-eighth, eighth ' .. ''
(-)~ ·~
;~I e-'J-.);..:,
dipteron, two-winged fly

~w ,
e-) -•1..J
valuable, precious, costly, invaluable, priceless, ~
bicellular to fold, double; to tuck, roll up; to ~ , l5;1 : ~
bend, flex, turn, twist, curve, inflect
bicephalic, bicephalous, dicephalous
to turn (away or aside) from, If u r" :If ~
biangular keep (away) from, dissuade from, divert from,
biform alienate from, discourage from, deter from,
prevent from
diphase, diphasic, two-phase, biphase
to double, geminate; to
Dicotyledonae duplicate; to reduplicate
;;.'"' ... _..'J :;; ...
to repeat, reiterate, reduplicate, ;~ , )\&.I : ~
bipolar, dipolar
redo, do again
bilingual ~8 ;j ~ :.~_, ~;j1 J"j
to pleat, plait, golfer
bicolor, bicolored, two-colored,
to provide with two diatrical points u).l :::.
bicameral to form the dual (of a word)

biaxial to second (a motion, a nomi- tJJ

nation, etc.)
bicentric ... - J ... -·.. • .. ;;; ...
to follow (up) with, cause to ? L ~I : .r ~L ~
binucleate, binuclear be followed by; to supplement with, add to
dualism, duality, duplicity, doubleness praise, commendation, laudation, ~) , (:._: : • 8
extolment; encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute;
duet, duo [ .li _,~,..
·· ]cw
.. , compliment
' ... ~ J.. __ ,

bivaler1ce, bivalency _;;KJI ~~ ;2. e-lr <W

• ... ,_, .... J • :;; J.. ...J

bicameralism ~\ ~~ ,~\ ~~ laudatory, commendatory, commend- ~ :._: : ~ 8

~ e-'r~8 ing, paneg)'rical, eulogistic; complimentary
.... ' _,
twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-, two-, ( J) j.o : ~ W
fetlock ( l.r')jl) ~ di-; bilateral, bipartite
male breast ~~I~:.; :oJ:.J ,(j_;:.J duet, duo
dualist; dualistic [ ~] \S.. ,....~~ biliteral
dualism [ ~ ] :i;;,J quadric
fold(ing), doubling; tuck(ing), rolling up; ~ J ,;). : two-way
bend(ing), flexing, flexion, turn(ing), twist(ing),
curving, curvature, inflection dipole
"' ,,... .......
turning (away or aside) from, If ,_; r" :If ~ bifocal
.. _

moil, tumult
revolution, rebellion, revolt, uprising, insurrec- oJ'j;

keeping (away) from, dissuasion from, alienation
from, diversion from, discouraging from, discou-
ragement from, deterring from, determent from,
tion, insurgence, rising, mutiny; coup (d'etat);
prevention from
eruption, outbreak, outburst, flare-up; excite-
ment, agitation; upheaval; commotion, uproar
. ·...r
bloodless revolution .~ ;;J~ from time to time, now and then, .c.r: . G
· :.:.; .'
once in a while
first incisor; front tooth ... ~.u-:- :(GG
Gt.:.i .. ( ) U
.. _
~);5 r:::-1)- (?JJ'J;
defile, gap, gate, col, moun- ~ ~ , ~ : ~
revolutionary, revolutionist, rebellious, (4.A...o) (s.J'j. tain pass, mountain path, mountain trail
insurgent, revolting, insurrectionary, mutinous ·· - c;~ ·... , c;G j
in, inside, within; among; be- - ~ - ..
rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, in- (f"' I) ~:1;5 tween; amidst, in the midst of
surgent, revolter, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, ........ ;;:; , :;; ....
high-aspiring, ambitious; adventurous, ~UI t)lj,
bold, courageous; efficient, powerful; vigorous
thorianite (u..u..) .::........; .. .JY:
.. L.'
fold, pleat, plait; ply; tuck; crease; bend, flexure, G
(u..u..) ~.J~
thorium (_~)~~.Jfi
,. . flexion, curve, turn, twist
cuff, fold
,.... , ....
-:,.,Lb..;JI (~L..) ~
. ~

swarm (of bees), colony (of ~I~~ 'P_;;. :Jfi

,.... ....... .... . .... .
J. _,i -1 LS~i r:::-'rJ::. 'tlii :J. _,i -1 LS~
bees) ,. , to die, pass away
thulium (~) ~~fi .... , ... ,
, to be buried ~~ :<.?~
garlic (uL} ~y
reward, requital, repayment, rec- .1 j.;. , ;;\i 1£. :y I~
chive, chive garlic (u~)~~~ ompense, retribution; merit, credit
;:,..~i r:::-') -(.$~~ 't\5' :~~
..... .J .... !
to be buried ~~ :~!'

guest U:..:.: ~f garment; dress, robe, gown; suit, costume; cloth, Yi' .'
.::;; ~ ... J .. ... .... ,. .... fabric, material; garb, cloak, guise, covering, ex-
guestroom; guest suite; guest~ ..l.a.A ui.C. :<.?f ternal appearance
wing yQ
clothes, clothing, apparel, attire, garments
wife, spouse ~j):~~
swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing suit ~01 ~;5
sheepfold, fold ~ ~# :~f
signpost, road sign, guidepost, mile-
y;5 r:::-lryq
not virgin, deflowered ~
. , ......
.r:;$-: '":"'::-'
stone, milepost

........... tl ...

widow .U..) :~ bull, steer, ox

divorcee, divorcee bison
bubal; hartebeest Taurus
theoeratic(al); theocrat eruption, outbreak, flare-up, outburst; agitation, uiJ~
theocracy excitement; upheaval; commotion, uproar, tur-
gusted, qualmish to come, arrive, show up; to reach, get t-o
~I : -· •l.:-
-- ~

soul to bring, bring forward, fetch, get, ~I :-! -~

produce, advance, present, introduce ·
hungry, starved, starving, famished 0kP,. :~l.:- , .... -... - • J: • 0 :;.

to do, perform; to make ...h; : .r ~I _,I •~I •~

to travel (through, about, over), explore, yl.:- ul1 : , __ .. .... • - •1 • • :;:;
tour, cruise, patrol, wander (through or about), to commit, perpetrate ~}: .r ~I _,I ·~I •~
roam (through), rove (through), range, perambu-
to be mentioned, stated, ~j , ~~J :(~) •~
late, itinerate, stroll, go from one place to another;
reported, said
to go about, ride about, walk (about or across); to :.i 'f, _..... ;;, •

cross, traverse the newspaper reports that.. .. 01 ~I .J i~

to pierce, penetrate, perforate, bore circulating news; talk of the town; •1

~ j "--.
~ : W
. l>.
to cut, cut off thi :~~ rumor
epidemic, prevalent, prevailing, widespread, ~ l.:-
to pocket, provide with a pocket ~ ;] ~ : ~~ pandemic, permeative, sweeping, overwhelming,
devastating; disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous,
collector, tax collector, revenue officer; ((S"!l.,ll) ":-'l.:-
cataclysmic, destructive, ruinous
(bus, etc.) conductor -- •
cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, calamity,
centripetal } )1 ;;.: :,_ j ~ : it l.:-
- ,_, scourge; epidemic, plague, pandemic
centripetal force -~~ •Ji unjust, unfair, inequitable, wrongful; op- r:IU;: j'-'l>.
#- '
• j 5o

bonesetter, orthopedist~~~~ _,1 /~1 ~ :~L.:-

... ,
pressive, tyrannical, despotic, arbitrary; oppressor,
tyrant, despot
to face, confront, meet (with), J IS~ , ~I_, : ~ l.:-
low(ing), moo(ing), bellowing
encounter, face up to, front, defy, challenge,
counter, stand up to, withstand, show a bold front roar(ing)
to, intercept, counteract; to deal with, cope with,
permissible, permitted, allow- ~ (,.:.:.:. ' L ~ t;: :)
grapple with, come to grips with; to fight, combat
able, allowed, admissible, lawful, legal, licit,
basin; pool; trough; tank, reservoir · '- ·..::., ~
~~· ··~. legitimate, authorized, sanctioned, warranted,
kneeling c5"l; :(Jl.:ll) ~l.:- unprohibited, unforbidden, unproscribed
possible, contingent, potential,~ , ~ : }~
[ ctl; ]
J l.,ll conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, probable
catholicos ., 1• ~
<: 1 •l$' : ~.
if~J-' perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, }l.:ll ::r
conceivably; may, might
perching, roosting, sitting; crouching; prone, ~l.:-
prostrate, lying face down prize, reward, award, premium; bonus; stakes o) l.:-
nightmare, incubus ~t,;; e-1; -~l.:­
- ,.'.- :~1, •'b.
prow, bow, stem nauseated, sick, queasy, dis- c.r-- ~ .
t.. "\ - ~

c===========~'~ ;==,~·
. •. . . . • . . .. . "';II'
••====~'~n======~»~·,·=(~· ~ , • .. J •,

}')I,.,....~~~ ii_,i breast )Uall )~=~~

centripetal force

gravitati~n, attraction [ .~_r.,;] ~~~ ~~ :~jl..:- (~~ t""'J- cl..:-

gravity (~J )-,-.~~1) ~j~ denying, disavowing; denier )'t. : --~>1..:-
attraction, attractiveness, appeal, ~ : ~j~ unbeliever, infidel, disbeliever, atheist )IS":~~
magnetism, lure, allure, charm, pull; fascination,
apostate, renegade, turncoat, defector, J ;l.. : ~ ~
~ ..
t'J ~I _,1 ~ ~~
..... 'II 0 ,

sex appeal
ungrateful, unthankful,
capillarity thankless
exophthalm ic, pop-eyed, goggle-eyed 0:.~:.:11 ~1..:-
magnetism .. :;, ..... '*-II.- _.
~,I~ ;L...: J\...;
to low, moo, bellow )~ :~~~ ;\..:. to be or become good, well,
fine; to improve, ameliorate, become better
to roar )j: ::_~I )t. togiveger.erously,~~ . ~i ,J~ :(j& ,~) )~
to supplicate, pray ardently to t~ :4I!I JJ )t. grant liberally; to be generous, liberal, open-
handed, freehanded; to be so kind (nice, generous)
to do; to bestow lavishly upon, shower with
to deviate from, depart from, turn ,y- JL. :,y- ) 1..:-
away from to sacrifice oneself, give ~ Ji;' , ~ : ~ )~
to wrong, oppress, tyrannize, ~ : j& ) ~ oneself up
. ~ '. .... ..
persecute, aggrieve, do wrong to, do injustice to, to shed abundant tears t':J\., ~~.;..~~
treat unjustly or inequitably, be unfair or unjust to )J4 :~\.;;,)~
to rain heavily, pour with rain
;I~ t"l;-)~ ).11 )~
, to be heavy, copious, abundant
neighbor ..:,1~1 ~1_, :;1..:- ~1..:-
serious; earnest, in earnest; diligent, assiduous,
alder (.,~) .UI ~~ sedulous, painstaking, hardworking , industrious;
hard worker
preposition [w]~l..:-
street, road, avenue, boulevard J,!), , t ;l:.. : oJI..:-
pulling, drawing, dragging, tugging, ;;; J ,,. ,, ;;; J ..

hauling, towing, trailing middle of J,!)JI ~;li , 6 ,J:.:.j :J,!)Jio~~

flowing, streaming, the road, roadbed, road(way), pavement
running to argue with, debate with, dispute with, (~ : J ~1..:­
running, racing ~I;:;~ expostulate with, join issue with

J~ , .r'>~ : ;~ to quarrel with, wrangle with, bicker ~~ : J)~

current, present, present-day
with, altercate with
taking place, i .. ! ·-~II _,i ~I 4,
)I~,..:.~~ : ;~ to dispute, contest, contend: to polemize j J)~
happening, going on; under way, in progress, in
process, on foot, afoot; current; circulating saffron, crocus (uL) ..:,1~~ :~JI..:­
... .. ,, , :.,
.,.. ....

cursive, running (~;~ ~l.?) ...;_,_).I~:;~ to contend (with some- .~J ~~\; :(,;;)Ji ;_)
one) at pulling; to pull in a different direction
current account; checking account .. .. c • ~ .. ...... , ___

to engage in a C-:!J.:L.I 01.~.11 _,I ~JK.]I "-!~~

to keep pace with, keep up with, go along with, 1.5)1..:- conversatio n with, talk with, converse with
keep step with, keep abreast with; to follow, be
attractive; gravitational; pulling t}.l ~ ~ : '-:-'jl..:-
able to follow, proceed in accordance with; to act
in agreement with, adapt oneself to, adjust to; to be '-/~. t""'J -...,..\~ :...,...,~~
in agreement with, in conformity with, in line
with; to agree with, concur with; to humor, com- centripetal })1 _;.;.; ~~~
* f-,
dogmatic(al); absolutely certain ..$~,.;.. 'ckli :(j~ ply with, indulge, be willing to please; to match,
(oO, perfectly sure (oO, positive (about) cope w1th, compete with successfully, be equal or
similar to
apocopative [ w] (!·t,...
injurious, injuring, wounding, hurting, (;.,;: (J~
to explore, investigate, inquire into, ~ ~: ~~ painful: stinging, sharp, cutting, piercing, incisive,
search out biting, acrid, poignant; offensive
callous, tough, hard, rigid, stiff, rough, .J.:. :~ ~ predatory, predacious, rapa- r" \5' • ,_r _;:.: : ,.. J ~
rugged '-
cious, raptorial, ferocious
),_..:>: ~\)-.)""~ organ, limb, member ~ :~J~
spy (.)",:~ predatory bird or ,_r;::.: :_,~,:;.;.. Ji }U. :~ J~
spy-, espionage-, of spying, of espionage ~,:~ animal
spying, espionage ~,: ~ grinder, molar
to be or become ~ ,;:,_,~~ :(~ ~)J.~ torrentiaL violent, stormy, vehement; sweep-
ing, overwhelming
agitated, upset, disturbed, troubled, perturbed,
disquieted, uneasy, worried, anxious drawer (~~ :JJ~~
tobeor;)t ~t .~~\ Ji ~I..::-)._;~
:C.-.:a.n -.. , - ,~~_ , •• - J '
quern, hand mill ~J..l:! 4.;_,..1.1 :<I.:';.JJ~ •.PJJ~
get agitated, excited: to flare up, flame up with
rage, rage, storm, steam, seethe, boil, burn with ~~ ~~r~~ :uJ~~
anger odalisque, female slave, slave girl, bond- ~j: ~J~
to surge, heave, swell (up), roll, maid, bondwoman
welter, billow girl, young girl, maid t;o: ~J~
to boil, simmer, bubble up
to be or become permissible, per- t~ :;; 0\5' :) ~
to nauseate, feel nausea, be :.:...:i :;::._; ~~ mitted, allowable, allowed, admissible, legal, law-
nauseated, feel or become sick, be disgusted ful, licit
emotional agitation, perturba- Jli, ._,.,I ~I : .;t:. to be or become possible, conceiv- ~ 2;\5' : ~~
tion, anxiety, worry, uneasiness able, thinkable, probable
heart; soul ~ '~ : J-t,. }~\ ~\)
~I; ,..:;..,t ~lrJ-tLI ~I; •J-tLI ~t the trick worked with him, he
to be or become hungry, feel hungry, feel hungert~ was deceived
hunger: to starve ~~~;-~II~~ \j\
to bribe, buy off G.~:~~ jazz [~.,..]..i~l ,_;~
to stink; to rot, decay, putrefy ;_:i: u~ gas j~ :j~
.__,...., ~ , ui.::.. L : u~
dry; xer-, xero-: arid: dried (up),
desiccated; dehydrated
to reward, requite, repay, recompense, t \5' : (,)_)~
remunerate; to compensate, make up for
dull, lifeless, dry, arid, tedious, boring, ~ : :J~ to punish, penalize, chastise, discipline~~:(.$~~
uninteresting, unexciting
rude, rough, harsh, unfriendly, blunt, 1.; : :J~ t~ ~~J -o~
discourteous, boorish
to risk, hazard, stake, venture, adventure, (--?) uj ~
ball-point pen, ball-point :J~ _;:.- ~ take a risk, run a risk, take a chance
rude, rough, crude, 1.; 'o~l ~ : (J_ l,ll) u~ decisive, definitive, definite, categorical, ;:;.,~ : _)~ r
harsh, gross, boorish, discourteous, uncivil, absolute, unqualified, final, positive, conclusive,
uncouth, ungracious, churlish, surly peremptory

stagnant, dull, slack, sluggish, ~~ • 41;: -':"~ coarse, crude, harsh, rough ~
· .-. , Ja.J.i.
- :ub-. .
inactive, flat dura mater [c::u-!j]~l:l-1 ~~~
dull, inactive, inert, sluggish, ... - - .... _ ... ... .... ... -;

exanimate, languid, listless ~ e-1;- ~I~·~ V=>.rl :~!.:.;

dull, dry, arid, lifeless, boring to offend, be offensive to, be ~ G , ~I> : ~ J
.l~, ;;Q-1 (..~: ~~ repugnant to; to disagree with; to conflict with, be
inanimate, lifeless, inor-
body; inanimate in conflict with, be inconsistent with, be contra-
ganic; solid; mineral; inorganic
dictory to
[ ~] ~ ~ jacket, coat
defective, aplastic
to have sexual intercourse with, make (~i}.l) to!.:.: J~ e-1; -wu. :J~.:.;
love to, copulate with, go to bed with, sleep with to engage, absorb, engross, ~) Ji o ,).\> j J~
mosque + :t"!.:.; preoccupy, occupy, take up;. to .be on' someone's
mind, pass through someone's mind; to occur to,
collector, gatherer ~~ (; , ~ : r;: ~ cross someone's mind
'11-J - ... "
compiler, author, writer Ul;.. , ~ : r;: ~ to declare publicly, announce,
, , , 'II ... ,
typesetter, compositor u J .).I ~ : r;: ~ f. - ' • f. ... - - 0

~ e-1;-~JI ,..,._11 : ..... J~

... -

comprehensive, inclusive, all-inclusive,~\!.: r;:~

well-rounded, exhaustive, extensive, expansive, importer .l;~:~l:.;
broad, thorough, large-scale, massive, universal,
;(!~: e-1; -~L :..,..J~
sweeping, general, generic
university JWI .1:~11 'L:-;' :~b. to fight (with a sword), t~L.:. '~L ~~~: :.Ji.:.;
... :ii .... ,~ ... :r~.. ~... . meet in combat or duel
league, union, confect- ~ , ~ , ~I; : 4..u ~
to sit with; to keep someone company; to :_,.J!.:.;
eration, association, community, organization
;:;; ... ... , .... ..;:;; ... - ... J, , ... associate with, socialize with, be a companion of
League of Arab ~_;all ~l,l-l ,~_,.JI JJ:.JI ~~
States, Arab League ~ - sitting; participant (in a meeting, gathering, etc.) ._...Jl:.;
... • - J ...
storage battery, accumulator f... •
J-A : • ~~I ~ ~ ~~
- ... .., 'II,. ... , ~

university, collegiate, academic ~ ~ ~ : ~!.:.; colony, community ;q!.:.;

university graduate ~b. * -. :• :'~.

'. "(_,.,.......
.. ~ b. gallery; furniture showroom -,?~!.:.;

university student
~~ 1.:--'u.
I # Ill
cup; drinking glass IJ"ts- :r~
to compliment, pay or make a compliment to; ~ ~ to wreak one's wrath (upon); (~} ~~ ~ ;ai
to flatter, butter up; to be courteous to, nice to, to vent oneself, give vent to one's anger or rage; to
civil and polite to; to show courtesy to attack, assail, bombard
..... ;;; '· ... ' ... ;:;; .... ~ -, c.~ ... - , 0 ,

palm pith il:;,.j I ~ : .J ,..!.:.; ~l..:SJJ 'JJ.l Jl ~J t~l :-,?.;jo:oAl:.;

buffalo (..:.d~) U"',:!.:.; unruly, ungovernable, intractable, wild, re- ~!.:.;

hippopotamus (..;1~) ;,.JI '-'";. ~ fractory, recalcitrant, runaway, restive; unrestrain-

ed, inordinate, excessive, immoderate, extreme
jinn, demons, fairies ~ : ul:.;
solid, hard, rigid, stiff, inflexible
felon, criminal, perpetrator, ~~' :(~l,l-1) u~ i;:. frozen, frosted, congealed,
culprit, malefactor, wrongdoer, delinquent; guilty iced, icy, glaciated
reaper, harvester, harvestman, gatherer ~b. : ..; ~ immobile, motionless, stationary,A5':,11 (..~: -':"~
~ ~ e-1;-~ J~ immovable, still, static; inactive, inert
E:t !!!. !. >!ll..
·!!D*!i1·@~mt~~;;:::;::::=;,1J~J;~·<·!!:~t:;;!i.·w;~,'"'l!Nfuiii!4riililriE"::::::::::::'::<···---!:·~ZE··§!II·t&ml l !•i i!Q¢1E4f·:!Jif i !i!·~il!4%i i!·zBi i'"""'~·l!· .RW:!Zh\ U$1f$f, 1if: ~M¥"£·: 'l • tl ,.: ¥4~'t .,~.·!';;:
profile to walk by the side of

side, flank, wing ~~ :~~ to skirt, flank, run along the ~J~ 'lS~l> : ~~
.. , , . .., -·,
delinquent; mis- ~ ~, ..;.,;liJJ ~: ~~
"" __ ;., border of, run alongside of, run side by side with,
be at the side of, be beside; to neighbor, adjoin, be
... .,
perverted, perverse, cor- ~ li , JL;;., 0 _po;... : ~ ~
near, be or lie next to

rupted, depraved, errant, erratic, erring, devious

.~ ,~\j :~~
J) C~ ~IJ - JC,:. :J) ~~ side ._;).

rib &:~~ side, flank, waist ·~6;.,~:~~

green plum {..::..L.;).!.!
. ')"·~..>
. wing (G:- :~~
..... • 0 _. 0,

to resemble, correspond to; to be j5l.. , l:. : ~ ~ J5' part, portion; some, a J I~ , u<-> , •?. : ~ ~

similar to, like, akin to, homogeneous to, analo- few; quantity, amount, deal, degree
gous to, of the same kind or nature as aspect,~j, ~ :{;JL .,i til> ~1:;. :r)· ~~
to homogenize, make homo- C~
. ~. .· ....,...
· : l>. phase, facet • · ·
high rank, high standing; glory, ~ , 4~ :iJ ~ : o~
.... aside, away, apart, off, out of the way, by; ~~
alone, by oneself, detached, isolated, secluded;
honor, prestige, esteem, fame, superiority; power separately
to strive, endeavor, try hard, make every effort; :.A~ unilateral; unilaterally :r ~IJ ~~
to fight (for); to struggle (against), contend on his part, on the part of, from, by :r ~~
).T ~~ :r ... ~~ :r
(against), battle (against); to wage holy war or jihad
(against) on the one hand ... on
diligent, painstaking, industrious, laborious, as- .a~ the other hand , .
siduous, sedulous, hardworking; zealous, intense, side by side with, at y:,_t, ~: ~~, ~~ J)
strenuous, fervent, energetic, wholehearted the side of, beside, alongside of, along, next to,
to declare publicly, state openly, say in public,-! .J" ~ near, close to, by, at
proclaim, announce, annunciate, enunciate, pro- (..11~) J) ~ G, ~~ : (ctl~) ~~ '(..11~) ..,...;~ J!
mulgate, profess; to disclose, reveal, expose, make besides, in addition to, along with, as well as, over
known, lay open, speak out about, express freely, and above, furthermore, moreover, other than,
voice frankly, air, publicize aside from, apart from
,__ ... f;

ready, prepared, all set to be or become safe from, secure from ~~ .:r I
ready-made, ready-to-wear; to put aside, lay aside, lay out of the L;~ ~J
prefabricated W!IY; to shelve, brush aside; to put off, postpone,
"" ____ , 'J!""--'
available, ready, handy, at J.,Lll j , _;_,.::...: j'>~ defer; to omit; to save, lay away, set apart, set
hand, in stock, obtainable, accessible, at one's aside, reserve
disposal or command very important, ~~I (_~) ::r~~ r-} t¥
prefabricated house, prefab very significant, of great importance, of great
ignorant, uneducated, unlearned, nescient, ~ Ja ~l..iJ.~I;-..,...;lli:;J, ..,...;L,L.I~jo, ~l,L.I ~~
unenlightened, benighted, uncultivated, unwitting,
unknowing, not knowing, uninformed (about), ham
unfamiliar (with), unacquainted (with), unaware
(oO, unconscious (o0; ignoramus, know-nothing lateral, side, by-; fringe; marginal
pre-Islamic; pagan; ignorant ~~ profile
pre-Islam, pre-Islamic times, pre-Islamic :tL. ~ bypass, detour; byway,
epoch, pre-Islamic paganism; state of ignorance bypath, side road
gypsum quarry; plaster kiln
mixer rye
coward, poltroon, craven, to neighbor, live near, live close to, live next .)j~
recreant door to, be the neighbor of; to adjoin, border on or
cowardly, fainthearted, (~) ~ :w~ tG..:.. upon; to be next to, close to, near, in the neighbor-
chicken-livered, chickenhearted, lily-livered, hood of, in the vicinity of, adjacent to
weakhearted, fearful, fearsome, timorous, craven, millet (c.:;..L.;) U"'~J~
pusillanimous, recreant, poltroon, yellow
cheese dealer, cheese merchant, ~I~~ :u~ ~J~ e-lrlS~ '~ :)j~
, .y- ~J~ e--1; - .y- ~ '.y- ~~ :.y- ~J~
.. ~
~I e l..o :0 4
:, ....
... ......
.y- ~jG:-; ~\) - ~j ,~\ :.y- jj~
-- ..... 'f ... _.

~ e--1; - ~~ ~ ,-..;_;:.. :;jt:;:;:. benzoin, benjamin

cemetery, graveyard, burial ground o;.:: :;j ~ sergeant ..rl.__,l:.. :~J~
collection, collecting, levy(ing), raising ~ : ~ ~ ,. . •:t: ;;, ..
to cancel, annul, invalidate, nullify, void, ~I :~
tax, levy, excise, impost, duty, ~~ '~;., : ~4- make null and void, negate
rate, charge, fee to preponderate, predomi- ~ , ~L. , ~ ~ : ~
jubbah -1~ ~.;3 :~ nate; to prevail; to overcome
to cut off :i~:~
c- ..
arsenal, military depot, artillery depot; 4:i ~ ... 0 , 0 ..., ,

ammunition well, cistern; pit ii_,A>-.~:~

to pull, draw; to attract to collect, levy, raise
to set, splint (broken bones) ~,:5:11 ~I ~ to prostrate oneself (in prayer, with the
... ~... .... 'f .........
to repair, mend, restore (to good u':>J-" ' I:~ & hands on the knees or on the ground)
condition); to correct, right, adjust, remedy; to basin; pool; trough; tank, reservoir u':>Y.. : ~
redress, make good, offset, make up for, compen-
gigantic, giant, colossal, mammoth,J~, ~~ :J~
sate for
titanic, cyclopean, superhuman, herculean,
to help, assist, aid, relieve, JJ ~i, ~L.:;;:. formidable, stupendous, prodigious, enormous,
support; to do good to, be charitable to tremendous, immense, massive, huge, great, large,
..-..-o 'f .................... 'f ... ..- o'l ...... ..

~ ~\ e--1;- _,_.j <o)'l •ri-;1 :~ ~

big, sizable, extraordinary; a giant
strong, powerful, mighty, forceful, tough~.,i :;~
to comfort, console, solace; to concili- ;):. \:o. ~
J ;; ....
tyrannical, oppressive, autocratic, des- ~ : ;4
"" ... 0
ate, placate; to please, gratify, satisfy; to do a good
turn to, treat with kindness, oblige, do a favor for potic, arbitrary, highhanded; tyrant, oppressor,
to set, mend, grow together --- :I ;''t:.:l\ , -- dictator, autocrat, despot
arrogant, haughty, over- ·~_~:! , .r.J-"
~<<! : ) G
to set, splint (broken bones) ~,:5:11 ~I~ If~ ..

... , • ... ... J • e..-

proud, supercilious, overbearing, insolent
SettingOrSplinting{Of ii;;.sJI _i~l <:)l;.,l :~ the Almighty, the
.... , .
~I <Ill\ ~~1-r :;1:;~1
• f. • ;;:. ...

broken bones), bonesetting, orthopedics Omnipotent

reparation, repair(ing), ~.;. ' <:~ ~ l: Perseus . . ts-·<-
[I!Ui] ) 01 . ,..
mending, restoration; correction, adjustment, • .. ~ ... J
__,I i ~I ~ : o.J 4
0 ... .... -

remedy(ing), making good, making up for, com- orthopedics, boneset- ~~ 'JI

pensation ting, setting or splinting of broken bones
J ... , ... , .. ... ......

splint r~l ~ ~ \... ·•~ :ii;l~-"

c::::=====================•• ••=========<'<,,<============::::::::;;::],!
, ... , ....... ,
natural disposi- ~, ~: ~ ·~ ·~ ·~ splint r~l ~ ~ \..,i~ :~
...... •... . .... ,... .
tion, nature; constitution, -makeup, setup, compo-
haughtiness, arrogance, super- 4...~ , ;s::. :~
ciliousness, insolence
plasma C'·j;:~
) • • 0

power, strength, might

protoplasm Cj;l;,;/~ :J,1~ decree of fate; fate, fate and divine J~ _, tc..i :~
... ~ ..... J ._.;~ .......
mountainous, mountain, moun- Jl:f~ ~ :# decree, destiny, predestination; act of God
.... ,. . ...
tainy; montane algebra ~I~·~
mountaineer, highlander
,,..... ... ,... ,. ..... - -'- - ~~ ~~)- )~1, ~w~ SL.,;~I :~
to cower, cringe, quail, ...J.i Ua..,;o, Li4 wlS': ~ ;;.J ,. • ... ,. ....
forcibly, by force, coercively, •YJ~, l_,....i: I~
shrink in fear, recoil in dread, chicken out, lose
heart or courage; to be a coward; to be cowardly, , 0" '0.... , __ _
fainthearted, weakhearted, chickenhearted, fearful omnipotence; might(iness), <::JJJ"f": •<::JJ~ •<::JJ~
... , J... ....... ... _;;; - :;. .... power; tyranny, despotism, dictatorship, arbi-
to make into cheese; to curdle 4 •r.:"" : v.J.ll ~ trariness, highhandedness; arrogance, haughtiness;
to accuse of cowardice ~~ ~~ :~ greatness,' grandeur
0, J-'
~I ~ ~ : ~J"f":
• ... 'II,"", "' .....

~ ~1;-~
cowardice, cowardliness, ~~ ~, u~ : ~ ~;~J e-lr~I)J ,~;..; ,~I)'J :~~
)..-... ... ... ... • , .JI ....
pusillanimity, cravenness, timorousness, faintheart- ;..lill_, ~w~ ~,;.. :1.5~
edness, poltroonery, recreancy, fearfulness, cower-
fatalist, determinist,
... .. .... -
ing, quailing
house arrest
cheese ... ...........
forced sale ~.r:- t::'l
algebraic equation ~~ 'ii~~
caseous, cheesy
0' fatalism, determinism, ;
~~ , .WL.
~ '· L.:~l • I.) .. ,
casein ~ necessitarianism
~~ .~~ ~1;-~ ·~ to plaster; to parget; to stucco; to put in a cast, ~
set in plaster
forehead, brow, front ~ :~
:;1 :5 . . ~ 0 .... ..-... .... , .::S ... - ... 0-
front; front line;;UI ~, t..S.? ~I_,...~:~
battlefront .. < " gypsum; plaster of Paris, plaster; parget;
L,a:>; : ~

front, bloc gypseous; plastery c..r=: :~

frontal to mold, fashion, form, shape, ~ ' ~;., ' ~ ~ t :
gibbon frame, work, create, make
to knead ~ : J;.;,..

to blunge ~I J;.;,..
to have a natural disposition (propensity, ~~
plastid tendency, aptitude, inclination) for, be disposed by
nature for; to be innate (inherent, inborn) in some-
forehead, brow, front ~ :~
one, be in someone's nature
wG:- ~lrtG.;. ~ :~ mountain
. . L .....---:.' . . ..... . . . . -
frontal ~,~·~-~ iceberg

~~ ~1;-~ volcano


to side with, take sides with, fa- J ;;:::. : i: ~ to kneel, rest or fall on the knees; to
vor, be partial to, have a bias for genuflect, bend the knee
.I.:.~ .. ·- ,~:__::._ nightmare, incubus
legion, large army r.:- ~ : I.J"-:



...... .... . . ........ 0 -
corpse, body, dead body, remains,
C•~J~ .
~~ ~1)-J~ body

0 -:'

denial, disavowal, disownment, dis- J~) : J~ carcass cJ101;J.1 ~

claimer; repudiation, refusal, rejection
,, ,, '' thick, dense ~.~:~
apostasy; unbelief, disbelief, ~ 'JJr : .)~ ~ , .
infidelity, atheism, irreligion
k ~1)-dl WI
... ,', catholicos l)"~}J
<" I " 1'·-
•\S': ~

, . ,l:;~
,' to alight, sit, perch, roost, light (JUJI) ~
exophthalmos, proptosis, abnormal -r.-JI to crouch, cower; to lie (01;J.I Ji ~I)~ S\..2
protrusion of the eyeball
face down, fall prone, lie prone, prostrate oneself
hell, hellfire; lire; inferno ~ .... - • J ......... lj ....... --

to sit or lie heavily on, ~)·~J.UI:~~

hellish, infernal
to be or become new ~~~ ) ..., : ~
~ oppress
nightmare, incubus l)"
Y.IS' : ~

~ i), :~
G, , :;., I .J
to have happened lately or ~ ~1)-u~
recently, be a recent development; to arise, crop J J ,,

up, appear, develop, emerge; to happen, come kneeling t,s'J :~

about, occur, take place
barrow, (~ 2;~) ~~~ Ji yl) L.;5' :o~ ,;;?.
to be or become important, Gla Ji ~ ).,.. :~ tumulus, mound
significant, weighty, serious _........ -- .... lj -- -

to deny, disown, disavow, disclaim; _;AS, _}:;I : ~

to strive, endeavor, try hard, make -~I : (j) ~ to repudiate, refuse, reject; to disbelieve; to aposta-
every effort, take pains; to be diligent, industrious, tize; to abjure, renounce, forswear, recant, retract,
hardworking; to work hard, exert oneself renege (one's faith or belieO
to take seriously; to be serious about ~I : ( ~) ~ to be ungrateful to someone
to be serious, earnest; to be ~~ Ji ~~~ 0\S' : ~
,:;. ... __ ... , -
sedate, staid, solemn
to hurry, hasten, speed, rush, run, mend t.J""I: ~
... .. . :;. -
to deny someone his right
to be ungrateful (for a benefit, grace,

one's pace
to cut, cut off ~:~
r~l Ji y~l ;i :~
,_ • , _.. .. .- J ... .,.... .... .. -
grandfather to hide in its hole or burrow o ~ J> .l : 01~ I ~
ancestor, forefather, forebear, ....J:..: ~j ~, ~
or den
grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor, ascendant to fall in, sink in; to be or be- 0~k :~I ~ ~
• 1.- come hollow, sunken, deeply set, deep-set
paternal grandfather y ~ ~

maternal grandfather
hole, burrow, den, lair J~ J : P.
young donkey, young ass, (ass's) foal J L:..:L I :J:, :~
(good) luck, (good) fortune , • f. , 4 - • .... ..-... • ..

trestle, horse ~JI J) ~ :(tJJ ~) ~

seriousness, earnestness J:;. ~ :~ (~I ..:....) ~
to bulge, protrude, pop out
diligence, assiduity, sedulity, hard .)~~:~
work, industry, painstaking; perseverance, persis- to scrape off, scratch off, w?. , :;:.i ,D :~
tence shave off; to peel off; to sweep away, carry away


t.;K.. ~ ~\)- \~
_....... .... :;.J :;:1 J

landmark, mark .... ~,;;,....:;;~

wealth, riches, opulence, luxury ..;,),~:;;~ very great ~~
•• :>i~ ~•• -" ••
ability, capacity, faculty; power, o_,.s <OJ..U :o~ seriously, earnestly, in earnest
strength, potency
to give (to), grant (to), donate (to), ~i:(~)l~
newness, novelty, recency, recentness; ~I~ : ii~ award (to), accord (to), present (to or with),
modernity, modernness, up-to-dateness bestow upon, confer upon
grave, tomb, sepulcher _;j :6~ very, much, very much, so, extremely, exceed- I~
,:;. , :;. .... , 0 J
ingly, greatly, enormously, tremendously, consid-
cricket J.:ll I fr<> : ~~
.. - J ... :;.... .... :;. .... erably, highly, by far, quite
to renew; to renovate, restore, refit, 1-l:!~ o .r.:-P : J~
(.$-'~ e-lr~ ,;;~l; :.1~
recondition, refurbish, refashion, remodel, over-
haul, revamp, remake, redo; to reestablish, rebuild, wall ~~:I~
- ) -·
reconstruct; to modernize, update, bring up to date
_. 0 j --:;.' " .... .... ;;< " .... ,...::>i .... :;. ... paries, wall [ C!~] )~
to rejuvenate, ~\ :iij.AJI _,1 ,l,L..;J\ _,1 yL.:.ll ~~ .:;; J ....

reinvigorate, regenerate, revive, refresh, freshen sound barrier, sonic barrier c.,:.JI )~
up, recreate, reawaken, reanimate, revitalize, worthiness, worth, merit, desert; fitness, suit- 0~
resuscitate, give new life or vigor or freshness to ability, appropriateness; aptitude, qualification, ca-
to repeat, renew, redo, do again, ~~i, ~~ :~~ pability, ability, efficiency, eligibility; competence
remake, make anew mural, wall; parietal ~~ :~JI~
to renew, extend :.iJ1 _,i ~)1 _,i ~j~ ~I~~ disputatious, argu- J~~ 2,.:
,J\~1 ~~ :JI~
to reelect . - ~I ~~.
;:_,G..;:; mentative, contentious, controversial, quarrel-
'f - .... , ...
,. .... , ..... 0
some, polemic(al), dialectical; polemic, controver-
to be worthy of, de- ~ ~ _, .J )I.;. I ulS' : ~ J~
sialist, disputant, disputer, contester, contender,
serve, merit; to be fit for, 'suitable for, appropriate
controverter, wrangler
for, proper for, becoming for, befitting for; to befit,
behoove (heated) argument, arguing, quarrel; dispute, Jl~
(it is) worth mentioning )iJ~ ~~ ,
!. ... ,
~ ~~
,: .... .. . . ..JI
J .... J .... .-
controversy, debate, discussion, expostulation,
contention; argumemtation, disputation; polemics;
to have smallpox ':?J~\ 4!C..,\ :J~ 'J~ 'J~ dialectics; wrangle, bicker(ing), altercation,
J ....... ... .... .- :il _. squabble, row
to build a wall; to wall .~ : )~\ J~ -- ... .... , .... • ....
indisputable, incontest- ~ Jl~ ~, Jl~\ ~ ~
~~ e-lrJ~ able, unquestionable, definite, -undeniable, undis-
puted, undoubted, incontrovertible, indubitable,
wall ~~:)~
irrefutable, unassailable, conclusive, absolute,
- -.
keloid certain, sure, clear, beyond dispute, beyond doubt,
(.._;:, .r ) ':?~~ beyond question
smallpox, variola
... .... J, .... J 'J~ e--IJ-~1~
cowpox, vaccinia
chicken pox
)i-:.l I ':?-! ~
• lll ':?J~
~ - . SKit ~~i e-t) -SKit~~,~~
barrenness, sterility, infertility, aridity,
to amputate, cut off, lop off; to
mutilate, maim
amputation, cutoff, cutting off;
-. .
y~l e--1)-~~ ,~L. :y~
mutilation grandmother ~~~ _,i ._,_..~1 ~1 :o~
"' ........ .. ":;. ...
autotomy Jl~t~ paternal grandmother y~·~
stump ~~~~~~~L.:~~ maternal grandmother ~~:~
eN 3>i r ~ • ..C:::,:::::::::::!'ie'"===============~
agenda, schedule J~~I Jj~ to row, oar
stock list ~~~~ Jj~ to blaspheme, curse ~~~u~
chart; diagram; graph ~l; Jj~ to row, oar ul~t.z..t~
.... :. .
curriculum; schedule t.1):U1 Jj~, ~~)~ Jj~ to twist, twine, entwine, strand, ( t' J J.;l-1) j:i : J~
weave together, interweave, intertwine, inter-
docket (l. ~ ~ :t·.:.- ~I) lSJk~l Jj~ twist, interlace
payroll ~lj~IJj~ J~ ~I; -(t'J :,_81) ):. :J~
timetable, schedule
.t.,i--j-- ..,.. - UJ~ to braid, plait, cue (t'J :,.81)):.: J~
multiplication table ~~IJj~ Jl~ ~1;-J~
roll ~WIJj~ polemics J41 (~ Ji) ~
tabulation, arrangement, listing, Jj~ ;-.;..;,.. : 4l"j~ Jl~ ~I;-J44 ~~ ,J\~1 ~~ :J~
classification, cataloging, categorization, indexing,
scheduling twist(ing), twining, twine, inter- J~ ;-.;..;,.. : J~
weaving; braiding, plaiting, cuing
generous, liberal, openhanded, (-} , ~ : ~~
freehanded controversial, argumen- ~ ji:< Ji J~ ~~ k :
rUI ~ :':?~ tative, disputatious, debatable, moot, polemic(al),
kid, young goat
dialectical, forensic, contentious, questionable,
Capricorn [ ..11 ] ':? :J.1
. '" ,
(..I"! contestable, controvertible, dubitable, problem-
serious, earnest; grave, weighty, _# , ~6:- :~~
momentous, significant, important disputant, disputer, J:J.i JilL·.- :' :.;.
' . , . .r"J.
seriously, earnestly, in earnest ... -.
u~_-~ ~ debater, arguer, dialectician, polemist, polemicist,
polemic, controversialist, contester, contender,
controverter; disputatious, argumentative, contro-
-,11 -~># versial, polemic(al), contentious
seriousness, earnestness ~="-:!~
.. , J ~ :.~ dialectical materialism ~41 ~~UI
seriousness, gravity; weight(iness), o;,1.> : ~ ~
moment(ousness), importance, significance - dialectic(s) 4]~
new, novel, recent, fresh, neoteric, neo-, ne-; mod- ..!.:! ~ use, usefulness, utility, avail, ;;:, , ;;~ l; : lSJ~
ern, up-to-date; unprecedented; brand-new, unused benefit, advantage, profit; feasibility, workability
nova [ ..11 ] ~ ;:. ! :-'t ~I gift, present ~ : lSJ~
again, anew, afresh, newly, deii~~ ~:: , -'t~ ~
...-.... J .. ... • . . . ...
useless, of no use, futile, lSJi:L-1 (-~, lSJ~ ')4
novo, once again, once more, over again, a second unavailing, of no avail, vain, unfruitful, fruitless,
time, another time abortive, unprofitable, unproductive, otiose,
,;:o; , :iii -
day and night J;l.JIJ ;t..JI :01..1.:!~1 empty, worthless, ineffective, of no effect
J' • i 11 .. ...... 0 ~

worthy (oO, deserving, meriting, meritori- (~) fi.~ zedoary <.?,~ ~ ..::..~ :)J~
- . 'I J ~
ous, worth; worthwhile; suitable (for), fit (for), ~~\~I;-~~ ,~L. :1.:-'J~
proper (for), appropriate (for); apt; befitting, fitting,
becoming, seemly; capable, able, competent, quali- to tabulate, arrange, list, classify, catalog,
fied, eligible categorize, index, schedule
~ ~ :Jj~
... '/1 .. ...
trustworthy, trusty, reliable, dependabJe4..i.j4 fi.~ creek, bayou, brook, small stream,
rivulet, rill, runnel, runlet
worth mentioning
noteworthy, notable, re- .~'il Jl ~jl~ .Jt~
. .liJ4
.. , . ..
.,.. ... ....
table, chart; schedule; list, roster,
scroll, roll, register; index; panel
~li : Jj~
~ .........
• '(;,, >'h''J!#xdk;f¥JMP@itih\}?ij,r ->!!1\M@i@c ,l?;j.'"",,jj+1\9Jfij-

snakeroot markable, noticeable

square root
•:: .......... chicken pox .UI ~~~ ,~_;.~
cube root . -<-: , '.-
-~-)~ braid, plait, queue, pigtail .-. :4.L~
.-~ ·- .
"' .. -- ..... to cut off, clip t1i::;.
.- , (.$J..> J J~
....... ; ; , ..... --
to hurry, hasten, speed, rush,
- ..... j

t..r-1: ~.r.:- ~ ~
• ... ;; .....

radical sign, radical J~I (;;~1:.] Jl) ~~

mend one's pace
radical; basic, fundamental ~.)~
, • .... • ... • ...... ... ......... .,JJ

~J.i..:u ~~ (r ;;~ ~ : ~
radical, radical expression
"' .- ... ::
. fragment, fraction,
cutting, chip, shred, scrap ' -
attractive, charming, fascinating, _;li, ._,...~~ :l..:-'1~
radicalism ~~:,!);~.)~
.... - ;>; , 0
captivating, magnetic, magnetizing, engaging,
trunk, bole, stock -~~t~ catchy, catching, taking, appealing, cute, sweet,
... ,:ii J 0
stem, stalk, caulis LJI ~
.. t, .-· shreds, scraps, cuttings, chips,
... .... .......
o~ ~ : .::..1.)1 ~
..... .... J

torso, trunk, body l)l...;~i t~ clippings, fragments, fractions, bits, sm<ilt -pieces
ti~: ii~l~
• >JI , •

torso, trunk of a statue JUit~ card, index card, slip, label, tag, ticket

shaft, arbor ti~l Ji !1~~1

. ti.:.
leprosy (~,.,..)rl~
brain stem e:::JI t~ stubble ~ t~:.ll ~ J:; L. :~I~
-~.......~ "'.i..f> :.......
to row, oar (ul~~)u~ to attract; to gravitate; to pull, draw, ":-'~
drag, tug, haul
to rejoice, exult, cheer, jubilate; to be or ( ) : J~
become happy, exuberant, jubilant, gay, cheerful, to attract, draw, appeal~ •(.$~~ ,JC~ :y~
joyful to, magnetize, charm, captivate, fascinate, enchant,
win (over), bring over
hilarity, rapture, exultation, elation, ( ) : J~
exuberance, jubilation, exhilaration, glee, gaiety, attraction; gravitation; pull(ing), ~ ~ .J..f> : ":-'~
joy, happiness, cheer(fulness) draw(ing), drag(ging), tug(ging), hauling
exultant, elated, jubilant, enraptured, 0 \.,.. ~ : J~ attraction, drawing, appeal, tiL:.::.:. I : '-:-'~G ,
rapt, hilarious, exuberant, happy, cheerful, gay, magnetizing, magnetism, lure, fascination, captiva-
tion, winning (over), bringing over
glad, joyful
stump, snag, stub (of a tree) ecstasy
"' ... .....
J_yP ._,..1~~ :._,...~
.... , . .
J~ ~~J-u'S~ sex appeal

to cut off, chop off, lop off; to ampu- ~, tb :~~ piece, fragment, fraction, cutting
... .....

;:;; , .
tate, remove; to mutilate, maim
, ..... J ........ 'l - , to uproot, pull out, pull up by the roots,J,:..t:.~ :~~
to have leprosy ~~~~ "-!c...1 :r~ deracinate, root up, root out, eradicate
'J •....

~~ ~1)-J,:..t:.~ :~~
0 o e ....
root, origin J.;..>l ')~ : r~ 'r~
0 J. J . . . ;;. f. .... ::ii .....
rhizome .)L.~ '.),..~ to root, consolidate, make deep-rooted J,:al : J~
firebrand, ember(s) to extrat the [ u~~J] ~:..JI ~~ r;..::.~: ~~
root (of a number)
rootlet; radicle .)':!~

to draw, pull, drag, tug, haul, tow; to ).i , ;:,..;..:. :~ root [tJJ ..::..~~J, ..::..~].;~ '.)~
trail along (on the ground), drag along base, stem, root, radical [ W] J~
to bring (upon (.$~i , ; . ~-. , ~ : (j&} ~
JJ root, radical, origin,
o~ li , V"l.l , J,;..> I : J~
1- - f • f • -

someone), draw (on someone); to entail, lead to, bottom, base, basis, foundation
practice; to be practiced result in, cause, create, produce, occasion, arouse,
-. i
(.5 f':"
I -
e-- )
' - d:;. · .,_
'-? ~ . •(.5f. provoke, prompt, trigger, give rise to, elicit, call
~ '.1~ ~1;-!.5~ ~ ,(.5-.;,; ~ ·!.>~ •!.>?: to put a word into the genitive
to commit a crime; to sin, do wrong ;; .r- f':" f':"
to dare, venture, risk, hazard, i~, i~~ :(~) }~ , ... J • • ..... o ;;;. --
to shuffle along, drag one's feet ol6.> _,1 ~; ~
take the risk of; to have the audacity or courage to,
be bold enough to; to take heart, pluck up courage, to be in shackles; to be chained, fettered,
"" ;;;. --
l.l~ ~
make bold; to be or become bold, courageous, shackled
plucky, daring, audacious, adventurous, venture-
draw(ing), draft, pull(ing), drag(ging), ..)ai , ~ :~
... :;; ~;;;. ...;
tug(ging), haul(ing), haulage, traction, trailing (on
to encourage, embolden, hearten ~ : If. the ground); tow(ing), towage
.I~ ~ '.I~ e--1;- .I;: ~ '.1-;: bringing (on), drawing (on);~ , ~ : (~) ~
causation, causing, bringing about
because of, due to, owing to, on ac- .1 ~ ~ , .I~
count of, by reason of, in view of, in consequence genetive [4.J]~
of, as a result of; for, for the sake of preposition
'· ,
iilf':" e--1;- iiolf.
::... ;;;." ......
and so on, and so forth, etc. ~~ (.l-J
bag, sack ~ :1..:-'1~
.:;; ~, ... J "'... .... .... to flow, stream, run JL.. : !.>?,
knapsack ~I Jj....;.; ~ :yl~
to run, race, rush, course ~~~~>!.>?.
cover, covering, case .~ : yl~
- - to happen, take place, occur, ~J , 6::b. : (.5-.;,;
sheath, scabbard ~I
.. ~j&.- , .4&- , o..,.{,.i... :yl~... transpire, come to pass, go on, pass
...... • ....... J ... ...
scrotum ~ ,~1 :~! :yl~ to be going on, under way, in ~~ , ~ L.. : !.>?.
progress, in process, on foot; to proceed, go on
marsupium, pouch, sac; (t'J ~) ~ :yl~ to be held
;;i ... ... "' .......... "' _.. __ t --- --
marsupial -.::..~1-1-1 ~ 01~ :(,f"!lf. to happen to, occur to, y \.:,.,I , J :..:.~ : J (.5 f':"
come over, come upon, befall, afflict, hit, Strike
Marsupialia, marsupials -.::..~ lA. I
........ f,r:>-' to head for, make for, go to, ~I , ~ : JJ !.>?.
courage, boldness, guts, bravery, intrepid-;; •I f':" :iiif. take to, bend one's steps toward
ity, fearlessness, undauntedness, pluck, stoutheart- J •t ... -
to circulate, make the rounds, be inv-J~I ~ !.5 f':"
edness, daring, audacity, nerve, enterprise
... '·' ,,, , ... circulation, be current, spread, get about, pass
~Yf':" ·~Yf':" e--1;-~lf. from mouth to mouth, be on everybody's lips, be
bacteriologic(al) 'if: :t'.I-':!~
(-~ 1 •. AI"
•~ f.
the talk of the town, run through the town
• .1-- .. l&. to take or adopt the same course as, ~I;.:.. !.>?.
bacteriologist ~ f':" ~ follow or pursue the same way as, proceed or act
garage; parking lot, park r, 1) ,'r 1;l5' :r1?: in the same manner as; to follow someone's
... .,. ... , ... .... ;;;._.- example, imitate, be guided by; to be like, similar
surgeon 4:..1-1-1 ...,..11...:! ~:(If. to, analogous to
surgery ~~~ to be in force, in operation, in effect, j:.;J1 ~ !.>-.;,;
;;;. ........... operative, enforceable, valid, effective, applicable;
prosthetics y _; 4:.-1 ~ to be applied, observed, followed, adopted; to be
::;; ....... __ ... :;i ....... __ --

plastic surgery; face~ 4:.- If':" , ~,_Aj 4:.-1 ~ practiced

lifiting; cosmetic surgery - - - ,. - --
to be customary, conventional, com- o.)WI <:=-' f':"
oral surgery mon, usual, habitual, familiar; to be a common
microbe, germ; surgical; operative ~~~
bacterium, bacillus
surgery, (surgical) operation C..l' ~~~~
0 'i. "' ,0 J '· J
··- J'; ··-
germ, origin, source, root J..>l :A..y?. '~Y?.
,. .,.. ..- locust(s) oJI'_;; ,:JI'_;;
2'~'~ ..-... J J grasshopper
, • J
._,..~ : .1Lh.i .)I?.
;:;i ... "' -- ..

....._.. ~ 1 r2 1 ~ 1 ~ • .... J ......

.;J , 0 Jl crayfish, spiny lobster, langouste ;..J I .) I?.
microbic, microbial; bacterial; germinal ,.,.. f; f':
\ ,.;;. ~0 J "' 0 .,..
potter ;1).1 ~L.:. :JI~
'-;-'~ ~) -~y?. '-;-'~ Jo ... ;:;; _.
... ,. ::; J 0 Jl tractor, bulldozer J,.:SI; :;I?.
bacteriology 21A-I r4 :c.~J;f': huge, big, large, (~ ~)~\,.,~:;I~
to gargle (.....l;..
... __
j.. dll) '_;;';: massive, tremendous, gigantic, g~ant, cyclopean,
to trail, drag mammoth, colossal, titanic
?. 'J?. :?. ?.
...... " J ... J -- • "' sliding door J I?.
;:;:; .... "'._,.. ~
to shuffle along, drag one's ~)_,I .tJp.?.?. ,. .... ... ;;:;-
feet tractor, bulldozer J,.:SI; :oJIJ":
J 0 "' 0-

broad bean(s), bean(s) (..::.. L.; ) J_,.; :_;;:J": 'J": J": harrow, drag; rake; snowplow; dredge 4i I~
thresher, threshing machine L ~~~ '1:~;: :;,;. ';;- bulldozer, earthmover (JJJI ~) 4i I~
rocket; watercress (..::.. ~ ) .1':?: :r.: graphite ~If':
to wound, injure, hurt (J": gram rIf':
to hurt (the feelings oO, offend, (..:,~ ~0:.:) ('?, granite 41J":
outrage, affront, insult
ration(s), daily ration(s) "'I' .. -I"
to challenge (as false), contest, IiS' :i~ ~ 0J, :(~ ':! J": ' ':! J":
J "'.... J ...... 'J _. _.
impugn, call into question to be or become mangy; to be or '-:-'~1 ~C... I : ~J":
to invalidate, refute, disprove become scabby
to defame, slander, libel, calumniate,~~' (:.i : (~ to try, try out; to test,~~ ~\i '~ ';,;:.;.! :~~
vilify, vituperate examine, essay; to put to a test; to try on; to sam-
wounding, injuring, hurting (?. J..l..4A : (J":
ple; to experiment, make an experiment
to experience, have experi- ~ ~ ; . , ~-~! :y~
wound, (..::..6._,;,_, cl~i_, cl?._, (-';, () (; enced, have tried, know or learn by experience; to
injury, cut, lesion, trauma gather (gain, have) experience, be experienced
to peel, pare, strip, bark, skin, scale, husk, ~ : :Jf':
to try, attempt, endeavor, essay, seek(to) J:;6.: y~
shuck, hull
to take stock, t'J
..::..1.);.;11_,i ~G..JI ~'?, mange; scabies, itch (u"> .r) ~'_;;
inventory, make an inventory (oO mangy; scabby, scabious ...,..)..~ ~~ :u~';: ,~;:
to be or become hairless; to lose ;:.. ~ 0l5' : J~
one's hair
jerboa (wlr.->) t;";:
to be or become barren, desolate,..::..G ~ 0l5': ~.;,; sea bream, sparid (cl...)~~;.
.. , ··~

bleak, waste, without vegetation - - jar t"l-' tG! :o~

to be or become shabby, worn, ragged, ~;:. :.f. :
tattered, threadbare; to wear (out), fray, frazzle, •?. ~~J- ·~.. :•~
';;:; ,. _.

~cr - stroke
to divest of, dispossess of, strip of, ~;.. J?, t.} ' ::r :..~~-__ J- 1 '' ' "w--

deprive of, deny, take away from; to withhold ._.j

J 'I "-_ ~:.~.''I
....; ....... '".... ~ .... ~ ·~ ~
.,. .... , , ..... 0 .....

from cud ~~~

r'- ->r.
c::='='"::::~:=======::<1:::;,:::;,=::,:;.;;:::~r1ii:T,;:"'J;l~k;i.i;,SR:Il!Bk=•::l1::!:11l:iSJi;:J~·· ."!jh'f4iM,,ff\R ::Jtt)H#f,v, -:<, lA·~"'" ~ I
;:~,s~~~,t 1

to criticize, condemn, denounce, ~ .),..; :-! <..r .r; to free from, disentangle ~.~~:::.~~~
decry, find fault with openly; to defam~ - from, rid of
to sophisticate, make experienced or ;..(.;. : :..,..~ to empty, void, vacate, evacuate t.J"' :....l_r; :;. .....

worldly-wise; to inure by severe trials

to disrobe, undress, unclothe; to <.S; : (~) ~~
be!l;gong <f,il; :(<fl;..i r:)U""~ denude, strip off, bare, dismantle, lay bare
rattlesnake, rattler (~ ) t,l:. \;. :<..r I;..~ I ~I ::. ~;.- r:::-1;--;:; : ~~
sound, tone, timbre, strain, ring ..:.~ : U""_;;: ,U""_;;: to unsheathe, draw, pull out :t:.:..1.:~I
.. ~,-

defamation, exposure; disgrace, shame, dishon- ._.,;. to abstract tJJ :~1 _,i •):.II ~~
or, disrepute, discredit, ignominy, infamy; scandal . ....... ... ... :;:; ...
;;.' ~

to send or dispatch troops ~ u I,; _, I :i...l..- .) .r;

to grind, mill, crush, bruise; to grate _;._;;: against; to attack, assail, launch'an attack on
grinding, milling, crushing, to denaturalize ( • +I ~ ~~
bruising; grating
to reduce (an officer) to the ranks; to~JI ~ ~~
to choke, suffocate, strangle demote, degrade; to disentitle
he choked on his saliva, he could not ~~ ~ .r; to disarm ~ (tJJ llj~' ~) ~~
swallow his saliva
- . - _,i ~~I ~~~~~~ _,i ~I ~ (tJ) ii'6··_.) ~~
~~ v<>?.
- . --
r::: I) - ~.. J'! ~_;;:
~ ~ demilitarize .:i' 'I
. ...
I _...., . .. . . --, , 0 _..

t.P-~ r::: ) ' ~ <Y--! •~_;;: to expropriate, dispossess, deprive o~l ~ ~~

to swallow, gulp (down), drink,y f, 't4 :t_;. 't~ (property, possession, ownership, etc.), disseise
pour down, quaff
.):;..i r::: I;-~ ~G ~ : ,);.
to make swallow
stocktaking, inventory J)-1 ~~~-~: J';,.
dose, dosage; potion; gulp, draft, ... 0... • ... J_. ....

swallow, mouthful, pull, drink inventory o.)_r;, J.).l Wli: J_r;

to sweep (away); to drift, carry along, carry
away; to wash away, wash out; to carry off, tear

away; to erode; to shovel (away), spade; to scoop,

.);.i r:::-1;
... .
-~ ~G ~ :.)~
.l_r;l e.- I;-~~ : J_r;
' .....

JJ ) ••
plow; to dredge, remove high and barren mountains ( .lJ?. ( J_;;:
-u;- :u~ ;:.;;.- r:::-1; ..... 'I
J_r;l e.- I)- .b_;;: ....

to curette, [ ~] uit;.; ~~ ~:; .s;. i , c.;$ :u~ •

.) .).I
- ~...
w li : oJ_;;: ... 0 ...

cliff, steep slope, escarpment, precipice, bucket, pail
;;;; ;;;;
Jh:. ')~ :J~';,.
J. , . ..,... ... ... ...
bluff; undercut bank or shore spavin ~I:.JI ~,;,r ~ iJJ: ::._;;:
continental shelf ~~\; ~:;..
rat (ul~) uj~~ , ::._;.
to bone
. ~~ ~ rJll ~~ :r~
...... . _.... . .. ... ......
i-""1 r:::-l)"'"i?-1 :i?.
.... ... 'I • , ...... :ili ... :;:; _.
~ ~1;-)ai ·~ .~ :~~
to cut off, chop off, lop off t1i :~~
to incriminate, criminate, incuh.)l.ll '_i ~ ~!: r_;;: to devour, gobble, swallow up, gorge ~!: );-
pate, convict, condemn, charge with a crime
.• 1-··.-- to ring, sound, toll, knell ~L... , ~;:.. : ~~
i-"" r:::) i-"" ·r,.
undoubtedly, doubtless, no doubt, without ~
doubt, unquestionably, certainly, sure, surely, of
r;- to talk, speak; to say, utter
to disgrace, discredit, dishonor;
... ... ...
, <.S j:> I :-!.
~ : :..,..;.-
:;. ...

course, definitely to compromise, expose

daily, daily newspaper, journal boat, watercraft; lighter, barge

(official) gazette, official journal, offi- ~ J

.. ;;. . ..- , __

o.l,! r:- offense, delict, crime ~;,.. : f. r.'

Jl""' _.. I J
cial paper in the very act, red-handed, flagrante .)~1 i~4
news, newscast, news delicto - -
bulletin body
palm branch stripped of its leaves (~I).:.;,;,..
.. _-_ mass, bulk, volume, size, magnitude ~ : i J';
. . ] L.:.......o..u-r:-

rack [ t.s::...;~ ~ ...... fl.~ .........

celestial body, heavenly body ~ Jll,?JL.:.. i J';

guilt; offense, fault, misdeed; ~;,.. '~ l '...,_.;): o~;. .... , :;; .... J 0'
crime cub scout, cub ~ ul.:S :j~f.
.... "' ...... , .. •, .... .. J 0,
overshoe(s), ~:WI ~141 J,.; ~ tli:,. :(J~f.
bellflower, campanula; bluebell galosh(es), gaiter(s)

grits; crushed grain

.. --_~·~_ _"' ,,
.... ,:·' :U""!.r.
,. - criminal; delinquent -.r f.
<l..i~ ~}':> '..,...-.r. :;. • J ,:;;
- .. mens rea, criminal intent ~~ ~
J 0 -' -' J ,
0 -" criminality; delinquency
•• :;:.

0 J

,_;_,~ ~IJ -J-~ 'J-J~ ,._ ("'- .) ,,

~ ... , "' 0 - basin; trough; mortar J_,.o..;... ~ J I t~ J : Gf.
choking or suffocating saliva ~~~~=~r. • J

grieved, sad, gloomy, melancholic

~ ... • J threshing floor J~ : w~
~ =~r:-
bulky, gross, huge, big, large, sizable,~,~ : {..;.
baptismal font ~:;.:II0;.
massive, voluminous genet (u·I ),h.j''
~.. f.
. ' I - . ' . -
i~ ~) i~ ·(..~ puppy, whelp; cub; young
Jf. •Jf. •Jf.
J ...... ....


crime, offense, delict i~ ='F:r. potion [ ..,..1]

war crime running, run, race, racing J~ , ~~ : l,?';.
murder; assassination; homicide, man- · c;--
u.~ ~ J
· c;--
I - u_~ ··':?~
slaughter, killing
according to, in accordance with, in ~ c~
criminology conformity with, commensurate with, pursuant to,
threshing floor after the manner of
sheatfish, catfish, silurid (cl....) ~~
to cut, cut ofT, clip; to shear, shear ofT, fleece ~ : ~
(wool); to mow, cut down (grass, etc.) bold, courageous, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, ~LSf.
cut(ting), clip(ping); shear(ing), fleecing; mowing ~ undaunted, brave, plucky, hardy, stouthearted, d~-­
·~.... ...~... ~ .......
fiant, lion-hearted, gutsy; daring, audacious, ad-
1_?.- ~1)-r-' :1?. venturous, . venturesome, enterprising; forward,
....... f. f. ......
• J
to take a part of t:r I f _?.- ..i> I : I_?.-
... ... ....... f.,. ... flow, flux, outflow, flowage, flowing, running, G~?.
to content oneself with, settle ~ , ~! :~ I?, streaming, stream; course; current; circulation
for; to be or become content with, satisfied with ·- J • -'
follicle [ "C}_;::, ]
":'-:!f. ' ":'-:!f.
LS)~ ~IJ- tiS' :LS~
hagfish (cl....)~~
LS)~ ~IJ -~~ :LS;,. J. -
wounded, injured, hurt (J~ =~r.
to satisfy, give satisfaction to; to suffice, J:"5 :LS;,. palm branches stripped of their leaves (~I) ~;.:
be sufficient
.... • • , . .. fl. ,. .. ...

LS_?.-1 ~IJ -~ Jl ~ LS?, newspaper, paper, daily, journal

r- -

o)j :~1;...
. . . :;. ... 1:;. ...
abundance, plenty, plentifulness, to divide, part, separate, break up, break r-' : ''-
plenitude, ampleness, amplitude, profusion down, cut up, split, partition, fractionalize, frac-
partial, halfway, part, incomplete; i( "' . "'
t..r' -¥ :'-T'-
.M ~ ~, tionate, subdivide, section
part-time part, portion, fraction; section, divi- ~ , ~ : ~;.
.. . . "' 0,
minor, trivial, insignificant, ~ ,~ : J?. sion, segment; piece; constituent, component
unimportant, inconsiderable, fractional, slight, ,, _.. , 0 - " _.. 0 ) ;;;_

';-:"l? ~
, 0 ,

small, tenuous
volume, (..,...S ~~ _,1 ~: •?.
(t'J )-'~ :r) .;,..
i • ,

petty, minor; summary [

u_,;\i ]
J?. part
partly, in part, part, partially [J·
~ ., -·, .- 0,
.. _?. section of the Koran; the 30th part ul _;.]I ~ t "_r;
_, . , ~- ;..-· -
~ e:- I )- .w·
... ?. ~ of the Koran
j-:- :.- ~ ,.·.'
details, particulars; specific items; minor - o~'
~ ... J":
Part and parcel, inseparable part,
integral part
~ •?.
issues; particular aspects; subordinate parts;
trivialities reward, requital, repayment, ot ~ ,'-:-'I~ : ~ t;.
recompense, retribution
fleece, clip, shorn wool
punishment, punition, penalty, sane- '-:-'~: .t;...
purse, bag, handbag; wallet, billfold, pocketbook uI:.~ tion, retribution
to slaughter, butcher, kill C!~ :.J'- fine, mulct, amercement ~I) : .1;...
to ebb, flow back, reflow, wane, ~UI _,i ~I ~;... penalty [ ~~ 4..D~J] .t-;.-
flow out, recede, subside, sink, drop off
penalty kick [~~ 4..D ~ J ] .I;... ~:,:..
carrot(s) (..:..L;) ~-
. .JJ": J --... , ,

parsnip (c.L;) .·•i"·.- 0_,;\i e:-'J- .t.).t 0_,;\i

. ~ )..f";

ebb, ebb tide, reflux, refluence ::.C.~: (~I) .J';:

.t;... e:-'J --t~ ''-:-'1~ : ~~~
Algiers •(it
slaughter(ing), butchering, killing ci~ J?. : yJ__r.
... ... osJ 'II .. , ~ ... ... .... '!I, .. , ... ... _.. Algerian
insular o..l:!~ J.(;... _,1 ~..1:!~ Jl.a.:... :!.?!'-
... ... ;jj J J... • "' , , penal; criminal; punitive, retributory,
islander L. ~ ..1:! ,* 0K:. ..~.>I : '-?d?. retributive; vindictive
carotene · ~-
- ' lS' ·. U'-!, J

e:-'J- J'?.
"' ... .... .... J
?. e:-)-
butcher, meatman
iG.J ''-:-'G..i :)~
:;i' J ... 0

to worry; to be or become ~ ~ , ~ , ~ : t;.. butchery ~~ ,):).-14.;~ :0~

worried, concerned, anxious, uneasy, impatient, shearer, woolshearer u-~ -II~,-'.- · ·t~-
:J-' ~ ___,.. · . ) ,
mower, mowing machine, lawn mower o~t...;_: ;;)I~
to be or become sad, grieved, unhappy 0:]> :t_;..
to pity, cqmpassion, feel pity for,
... -. f
JA!-.1 : ~
label; tag; card; index card ~~ :o)t;..
...... ... J - ...... J
feel regret for, feel sorry for slip (of paper); clip, clipping, cutting o~...<>l.....; : c; jl?.
to vein, grain, marble 'J~:~ sale or purchase in a lump or in gross ul~
• ...
• ... J

to cut up; to tear (apart); to break tJai :t_:;.. at random, haphazard(ly), random(ly),L; I?. , li I"_r;
,. .... ,. ... J

worry, concern, anxiety, appre- tJ 'c!J. '~ :~ aimlessly, purposelessly, blindly -

hension, uneasiness, disquiet(ude), unrest, restless- random, haphazard, aimless, purposeless; alea- ~ 1;..
ness, impatience; fear, alarm, dread, fright tory, risky, chancy, chance, hazardous, venturesome
sadness, grief, sorrow eloquence; purity of language or style ~ ~ : ;J I~

% •- ... ... - ,_
dogmatization, dogmatism, asser-
~ 1.> ' ~ G: ~?. worried, concerned, anxious, ~ , ~ : V, ,V
apprehensive, uneasy, impatient, restless
tion, positiveness
- , .. ....
tY :v.
resolution,resolve,determination,decision ~ ~: ~';; onyx ~I~
imposition, imposing, enjoining; obligat-ua) : ~';; sardonyx
ing; obligation
apocopate (form or mood), jussive (form [ W] ~ ';;
or mood), imperative (from or mood) small or little quantity

boot(s), shoe(s) .1,1 tl~ :~;.. rest, remainder ~:~··

.. . ?.
,:>i ,,... - ... 0 -

J_i..S-JJ :~j;<:
• J "" 0-
watch, part of the night I 11 1
~ If
. Wl1

dogmatism ' ..:.~-

t.;,::. JJ.
to cut, cut off t1i :J;.,
~;>; ~ J .-
slaughter camel or sheep C! .i.l!. u J _p. J I ~ :.;Jj;<:
" , -... J.,.
to coo J::U. :~ U I J;..
t;. 't:;... ~~)-u~ to abound;. to be or become abundant, ;s ,) J :
L L...S] ,_, . _, plentiful, ample
molecule [ <.t:h • .. .. i.r-f. ' ·~.?,/': to be eloquent, pure, clear,
, • :. " J ·-
Ja;JJI J I ···L·I\

molecular lucid
abundant, plentiful, ample, copious, pro- } IJ : J~
tribute; tax; poll tax, capitation ~). : ~~ fuse; much, many
- "* J ~.... 'f - .,.
~ : J';;
~~ JS' -r ~u~ AJ,t;.:. ua) :o..)':!_r.
"' ' , 0

island, isle
eloquent, pure, clear, lucid

- '· judicious, prudent, having sound l,?l)l ~ : J:;,.
islet, isle generous, liberal, openhanded, ~ , (-} : J';;
insular freehanded
ooo(ing) J.i~ :(_iUI) J';;
piece, slice ~ :~~ ,~~
to cut off, sever, clip ~ : ~;.,

many thanks! thank you very much!

to decide, determine, settle, resolve, judge,~ :
adjudge; to have the final word, cast the die
thanks a lot!
to touch, feel, handle
to be positive about, be absolutely (-!) 1'i : r;:.
certain of, be perfectly sure of; to dogmatize,- assert
to palpate, examine authoritatively, state positively
(medically) by touch to resolve to, decide to, determine to, ~r-; : r;..
to probe, sound, ~ , ;;... :liS' ~ ~ ;:,..:i , make up one's mind to, be determined to, be
explore, examine, test; to try to find out (about), resolved to • ..,
,... ... .. J-- • 'f 0 ... - ...... -

try to gain information about, inquire about, to impose upon, """'.) , ~ J I : ·~I ~ ~ ~
search for enjoin on, make incumbent on, obligate
to feel someone's pulse to put (a verb) in the apocopate or [ W] ~I r;:.
~ )J..a.o : ~
:;. - ... 0 - "" -
jussive or imperative
touching, touch, taction, feeling;
palpation; probing, probe, sounding, exploration, to pronounce the final consonant [ W] ~I
(of a word) without a vowel
examination, testing; inquiry, search
- J -
soft, smooth, tender, delicate to the touch ~I '-:? _,.!. cutting off, cutoff, clipping

to be or become callous, tough, ~,z):..:4 settlement, decision, determination,

hard, rigid, stiff, rough, rugged resolution

..:.-:. e.-') - ..:.-:. :~
I -
)~ ·~.
,_ . , -
9 e

callus, callosity
- .~ e--'J-~j:., :~
bridge; viaduct ~ )~ ~1)-.J~
beam, girder, rafter, joist, G.J ~ : ..:.-:.
ii ~ IJ ' boldness, intrepidity, courage, pluck, oi:;. :o).:~
transom, support
....... ' , , ... daring, audacity
axletree, axle ~;;, ~ :;. ~ ~ ~ : ;-:;, impudence, insolence, impertinence, ~ ~:; : •~4
(dentai) bridge; bridgework (~L.:.i) ;-:;, brazenness, effrontery, cheek(iness), nerve, gall
., <JI..- .... spy ..,.;..~ :'-""~
airlift, air bridge <?Y':" ~
antenna, aerial
.., "'
~I 'J 1_,. : '-'"~
....... :;. ....

pontoon bridge, floating bridge ~

drawbridge, movable bridge
"'- - J , • ~ ~~)-r4
:.... , .., . bigness, largeness, greatness, sizable- :C ~ :4:. ~
suspension bridge Jl....~ ness, bulkiness, grossness, hugeness, massiveness,
bridgehead ~

voluminosity, vastness, immensity, enormousness,
... .... .... J... 'J ... ... ... tremendousness
.....a....; e.-')- ·J~ u....; fatness, obesity, stoutness, corpulence,~!~: 4.:4
·~~ e.-')- 0~ fleshiness, plumpness
gravity, seriousness, grossness, heavi-~ I~

to be or become big, large, great, ~J ~ : ~

__ , ... _..J ... ...
sizable, bulky, gross, huge, massive, voluminous, ness; enormity, exorbitance
... J ' :;>..§---f. ...... -
vast, immense, enormous, tremendous; to grow or importance, significance, ii J_,k. , ~I : ~ ~
increase in size or volume weight(i ness), moment( ousness);gravity, seriousness
to enlarge, magnify; to make ;.:.. , ;:s ,~ :;,:.;:. size, volume, bulk, magnitude ~ : ;c4
big, large, great, sizable, bulky
to embody, incorporate, incarnate, materialize, ~
to exaggerate, magnify substantiate, give material or concrete form to,
to embody, incarnate, incorporate, sub- ~: ~ render or represent in corporeal form; to
stantiate, materialize, give concrete form or body personify, typify, symbolize, embody, be a symbol
to; to humanize, anthropomorphize or perfect example of
, ,...... ... ... ... ...:;;. ... ... body; soma; flesh r-:-::~
to protrude, bring out, cause I) Li ~ , j r,l : ~
--... J ... --.... J
to stand out; to raise in relief, emboss Corpus Christi (Day) ~~~.~~~
... ~ ... J J-...... ....:;:. ...
to make three-dimensional .)l-.;~1 J~ ~: ~ :;;. .. ... , .... ... ...::;. 0 ' "' 0 J

~~ ·<?~ e--'J-~1~ ·~'~

to make stereophonic, make stereo Z.::.~l ~
bodily, corporal; fleshly, carnal, corporeal, <?~
body 0..1.!:("'-':" physical, material; somatic; sensual
substance, matter -~L. :~ corporality; corporeality, carnality
.... , .
mass ~:r-:-:
object, body
•<i" :r-:-: to cross, traverse; to span r. : ~
~:~ _,i ~)I~~:;..;:,.

form, shape, figure to bridge, build a (;:;_;;

body, institution, ~~ 'j~ • '4 ~ 4 : bridge (on or over)

to bridge a gap, fill a gap
,. .... , ::;. ... .. .......
..,;.; ...... :~
organization; corps; cadre; staff; board; group
size(oftype) [~~](~~~)~ to encourage, embolden, hearten
.. :;; . "'. :;:. '·
hull, body ~I
C• _;~_
;; 'Uall I L..t.:.ll
J - ··- r-:-:
''>>EhcnJI1'11... • ; ,i\,,;,~,.'t >: ,:. , j#l%44¢&Rtjij?il>:tliJ4iiE+3~1' ·3$!E'-11i!&i1l)}iwlliH!<f1$4tl,:\Hir@+<W,ifii'W

' '
to impose upon, burden with, :...JS' , ~ :~ antibody
charge with; to make sutTer, cause to undergo . .,
~ e:-IJ-uk
pipit ()l1} $
bodily, corporal; fleshly, corporeal, ~~ : ~ ~
groats; grits; coarse meal or flour ~ r:- : ~
,. .... ....
carnal, physical, material; somatic
ground, milled, crushed, bruised 0 _pJ.:. : ~ corporality; corporeality, carnality ;,; ~ : ~ ~
0 "' "' .... .. :;;; 0 "' 0 \ . . :;; 0 "' 0
plaster, plaster of Paris; gypsum; ~ :~ ,~ ~~·i~~)-~'~
parget; stucco
callousness, toughness, hardness, rigi- ~)(::.,: .~
plaster kiln; gypsum quarry L.~ : ~~ dity, stiffness, roughness, ruggedness
, , --
to plaster, whitewash; to parget; to stucco~:~
.,. ....
bold, courageous, intrepid, fear- t~ 'Lsf'; :J~
less, dauntless, brave, valiant, plucky, hardy,
plastery; gypseous ~ :~
gutsy, stouthearted; daring, audacious
·' e:-)I - ~
·' :~~ '~~ '~~ ,J~
_o 0 0 0
impudent, insolent, impertinent, saucy, c-' _,- :J~ '

bribe .:;:.~ : ti~ 'ti~ 'ti~ 'J~ forward, brazen

quiver (for arrows) ~ 8" :~ spy

big, large, great, sizable, bulky, gross, huge,~ : ~
massive, voluminous, vast, immense, enormous,
brewery tremendous
noisy, boisterous, clamorous, blatant, voci- fat, obese, stout, corpulent, fleshy, plump Ul-~ : ~
ferous, roaring
gross, flagrant, glaring; grave, serious, <:.?li :~
to clamor, roar, shout, vociferate, bellow, bawl, e,.:~ heavy, bad,_grievous; exorbitant, excessive, unrea-
din; to be noisy, boisterous, clamorous sonable, enormous
clamor, (up)roar, (out)cry, shouting, hubbub, ~ important, significant, weighty, _#' ' ~t \,. : ~ '

din, fanfare, hullabaloo, racket, rumpus, tumult, momentous; grave, serious

turmoil, noise, pandemonium, burly-burly, boiste-
rousness, bellowing, vociferation
much ado about nothing 4 LS) ~-' ~::.:~ t::i corpuscle
.... ;J~.- .... .... , __

~ e:-1)-~ corpuscle
to curl, frizz, frizzle, crimp, crisp, wave (the hair);~ corpuscular
to wrinkle, furrow, shrivel (the skin or face); to
crease, pleat, plait, pucker, crinkle, corrugate, crim- to grind, mill, crush, bruise
ple, crumple, rumple, ripple, cockle (cloth, etc.) to belch, burp, eruct, eructate
curly, curled, frizzly, frizzled, ,:~:, ~i ~ : belch(ing), burp(ing), eructation
frizzed, crisp(ed), crispate(d), crispy, wavy, rippled,
ripply, kinky, crimpy hoarseness, huskiness, raucousness,
curl, frizzle, lock, ringlet (of hair); wrinkle, ;;~ harshness, throatiness, gruffness
furrow, line (on the face or skin); crease, crinkle, gestalt
crumple, rumple, pucker, corrugation, fold, ripple
(on cloth, etc.) to be or become greedy, ~ 015', ~ : ~
covetous, avid, avaricious, grasping
~ ~\)-~~
to drop its manure or dung ~j~ Jli: ~I~
greed(iness), covetousness, cupidity, avidi- tJ. :~
ty, avarice
manure, dung, droppings c.j~: ~ greedy, covetous, avid, avaricious, grasping t t:.1 :~
rivulet, stream, small river, creek
~ :~
.... .,,.... -~ , , I - -


phytogeography -~-G WI '.' broomrape

~- .... ~
to dry, dry up, dry out, become dry, ~ '~ : ~ to make, render, cause to be or become
dehydrate, desiccate, exsiccate
to create, make, form, fashion
to drain (~~ ")~ ~
to turn away from, avoid, ~~ ~ 'cr ~ ~ -;i :
to put, place, lay (down); to position, t<-:; :~
shun; to abandon, desert; to walk out on; to treat
to appoint, assign, nominate ( ~ .J) ~ :~
harshly, roughly, rudely, coolly; to be rude (cruel,
unfriendly, cool, discourteous, boorish) to to fix, set, determine, specify ~ ' ~~ : ~
, .... .... J.. .... ...
to be or become harsh, rough, C,.:.... , ..lal.i : ~ to make, prompt, induce, JJ ~~, J.. J:;. :~
coarse, crude incite, move, actuate, impel, motivate
to find no sleep, be restless, J-1~1 (~) ~ ~
be unable to stay in bed ·
to think, believe, assume, suppose, Jl.;. '01 :~
... ;;;.... ,.... ,... ,.... :;; __ imagine, take for
to alienate, estrange, disaffect, _,A.j , ~ ~ : ,_;.
to give (to), grant (to), donate
disincline, repel, disgust
alienation, estrange- (cr-) .;oi_;,J,
o~, JY.:.: .~
. ,, - (to), accord (to)
to provide with, supply with, ~ ;~~j : 1j5' ~ ~
ment, disinclination, disaffection, aversion, dis- furnish with, equip with, outfit with, fit (out) with
taste, disgust, antipathy, repulsion, repugnance; 'f....... .. "".... ... ... , ............. ...

roughness, har!lhness, rudeness, coolness, un- to begin, start, set (out) to I ...I.! , t,;.. :I .iS'~~
friendliness; turning away (from), avoidance,
scarab, dung beetle; chafer; ~ Ul ~ t_;: :~
refuse, scum, dross, slag, clinker, scoria, 4 :.~ salary, wages, pay, emolument, ' • , ~I J
?.I I~~
: ~..~""':'
- , ... ., stipend
useless, futile, vain fee, charge, rate ~ , ii ;J , ~~ :~
dryness, aridity' desiccation, exsiccation u::.; :u~ allowance
... ....
J...l.! : ~
drought, aridity, dryness, lack of rain ~ : u~ 1J J ..... , " '/J,..,.,. , . . • , ... ..... . . •,
t:L :J:
" .... ,

_,I~ JS' ~ t~ 1 -' 1 ~~ti-l:!

dullness, lifelessness, dry- -1; ~;;.,I 0.;5' :u~ royalty, royalties ~·~ - ~
• _
ness, aridity, jejuneness, tedium, tediousness
........ ~,, ... :;:.'''. commission, brokerage; factorage
- ,,
4.1 ~ : ~

doubled-muzzled gun, ~,; c. I~ ~ ~ : ~ f:-•- ,,

double-barreled gun prize, reward, premium; bonus Cit; l5:.'. ' o} ~ : ~
,, I a...;,.
.~e.-)- ··-·
cipher, code
.. ,. , "' .,. ... , ""' .'
divination, fortune-telling, soothsaying, _#I~ geographic(al) WI :J \.. ~1>. ;,j\ ..
"" r->:' . _,....- ...,-: ~
..-.' -0, geographer
"' ., "' "" ,
<)lp ~I.e. :<)lp
pit, hole op :o_,A.:. .. "'~. ; ... .' __

to dry, dry up, dry out, make dry, ~ , ~ :~ gazetteer JIP.~

desiccate, exsiccate, dehydrate geography ul ·.• ,w1 ·. ,w1 ·.•
to drain, dry out, empty t_:;, ;:,.;:,:_,, ~):; ~
... ~
. .. .,~
.. ~
economic geography ~.)WIGI·.
.. _ .... ~ -
to start, startle, bolt, shrink, ~) ~ , ~ : ~ human geography ~-,.-WI.,
draw back, recoil, wince, shy . r. ... ~

~ e--1)-t~~ ,;; :~ historical geography Y,!\j QI_;.;.

-" -- WI .,
to startle, frighten, shock, scare away, t~~ ' ;; :~ biogeography ~~ .... ~

drive away physical geography, physiography ~".~.J· Q1.,;.;.

. -~ tTO
~ -·
,, , J ....
surface, come to light fright, alarm, scare, dread; startling, JY.:, , J~ : ~
to clarify, clear (up), make clear, ~_;i, ~i: ~ starting, bolting, shrinking, recoiling, wincing, shying
elucidate; to unveil, uncover, reveal, disclose,
evince, manifest, show, bring to light
eyelid, lid
. :l4
... , .

to polish, burnish, scour, glaze, ~, ~: ~

gloss, shine, refurbish, furbish, luster bowl ~:~
to dispel, drive away ~1) :tJJ ~I _,j ~I~ grapevine, vine ~):~
(worry, grief, etc.)
vine-plant, vine-stock .t.):~
to evacuate, pull out of, J>
i , ~ ().. :(~) ~ ,, tl. e

move out of, withdraw from, depart from, leave, palpebral u#.~;:_,.,L.;.:~
quit, go away from, clear out of; to vacate
._hi ~1)-~i ,(;.i :(~) ~
.~ ~~.J
;;. I
-;;*- ,;;~
..-I ;ji J I,... J J
anaphrodisia ~lii,...:JI..I..U: ·
··- _. - )~
~~~)-~'~:~ I...- JJ

....... -- .... ,:f ........ • 'f :;._..

~ ~1)-J~
~ ~I.J-~JI ,_,..1;1 :~
... - ,, ,. ....
hay, straw, haulm; chaff J.i: 4.
•~ ~I)_(,...,_,:~ u~ ~I.J-u~ :4.

01~ ~I)-~ 0!~

.... ... J •

to be or become great, lofty, exalted, sub- ~: ~

, -
'I :;.,
matter of great significance, momentous ~ la r I : ~
"' .... 0
lime, dignified, grand, august, stately, imposing
affair to be far above, be be- ~ ~~ , ~ ~) : ~ ~
... '... • "' -- ' , ~ ... J ~, yond, be too great for, be too proud for; to disdain,
~I ~I.J-~1 c.jj... :J.:.;
,, _. ... look down upon
clarity, clearness, lucidity, plainness, (_,.,.,_,: .~ to be innumerable, countless, incal- _,.:..11 ~ ~
distinctness, obviousness, explicitness
clarification, clearing up, c:4! 'J~!: .~ :;. ... 'I "''II
to age, grow old, get old(er), u-1 , ;:;.JI J ~...a;:~
.... ;;. ...... :;; ....

making clear, elucidation; unveiling, uncovering,

revelation, disclosure, showing, manifestation,
bringing to light
be advanced· in years, be aged
to take most of, take the
,_ ..... , . ....
.. :;; :;. ....

0 ', ...... bulk of

evacuation, pulling out, mov- .')l;. J 'C'_;> : .~ ;:;. - ... :;; ... J,
Cod, the (ireat and Almighty; God, to ~ _, js- .:Ill
ing out, withdrawal, departure, leaving, going away
whom belongs might and majesty
polish(ing), burnishing, ~ , ~ : .~ 'L.. - I I~
scour(ing), furbishing, glazing, glossing, shining ~~~)-~:~
'1~ I -(tl~l) :'1~
kohl ~:.~ ~ ~) -· '1::..
~..)"':" ~

clearly, lucidly, plainly, distinctly, manifestly,.~ most (oO, the majority (oO, bulk, major ~:~
evidently, obviously, patently, conspicuously, part, main part, greater portion
markedly, explicitly, expressly, unmistakably horse cover, horse-cloth; packsaddle,
-- ,
evacuation day (of foreign troops) .~I ~ saddle
kohl rose(s)
;;. J ;;. ..- - :;; ....
slave trader, slaver ~)I ?.l:;, U"L,;..;: (~1) '-:-'~ jasmine

julep old, aged, advanced in years

rose water
galabia, djellaba to be or become clear, plain, distinct, ~J, A};:~
manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit,
unequivocal; to manifest itself, reveal itself, show,
~ tTi
E /*!fJil$ ' ' ·Js Q"fifij[;; '~@J@JjJijNI@iUMjl }H\i#'fti#M;. ·~,.lllllilllllillllllfiiFifli'Rfii!IDI!)Wil"'il§:i··ril'@li!:b~IIJ:3§[5\v:i§·ii&P!;JQ:I:J·;At!:,~llJ:'}'ilJ: ·Zjl:cJ!:"'~il :!f;, ;: : ":i f,,:;:,:].5f:J:,:::!Aiil',,,r!J'.'I
~ I_,-_·~
. . t::'J ~· . .
noise, din, roar, uproar, clamor, ~ , ~: ....1. executioner, hangman,
hubbub, burly-burly, tumult, tu~moil, fanfar~. · headsman
racket, hullabaloo, clatter, pandemonium leather merchant; skinner
y_,b:.... t::'IJ -y~ ·~ :~
'· #' '· .... .... ........

bringing, fetching, getting )

b 'I : -....1.
importation, import(ing) Jl~!: ~
clay; mud, mire
bringing (upon), drawing (on); ~ : (~) ~
causation, causing, giving rise to rudeness, roughness, coarseness, blunt- j,}; \1i :~ ~
ness, gruffness, impoliteness, uncivility, uncouth-
attraction, drawing y~:~ ness, boorishness
earning, getting, obtaining, obtain- ~:~ loftiness, exaltedness; .t+;, ~~, ;(,'L;,:. , :;:: : J~
ment, gaining, winning sublimity, augustness, magnificence, grandeur,
arraignment; summoning, ~I JJ :,_1; grandness, greatness, majesty, stateliness, portli-
subpoenaing, citation ness, dignity, gravity, solemnity; splendor, glory
-- ,
subpoena, (~ JJ) ~ i;~J ,~ Cod .:ill :J~I_,~
summons; writ; writ of habeas corpus I - J )1_;.
J )1_;.-t::'J . : ~.
heartwood, (,~1 t~ ~~I -)ill~-::_:~ t.1111 ~: ti~
duramen .... ,,... .......

jalap ~ ~::,c.; :~ His Majesty, the King ..1111 4.1~

gown, loose garment t"l-' ~~ :'-:-'~ ''-:-'~ Her Majesty, the Queen QJll 4.1%-

chickling vetch (..:.L:-;) u~ •U~ His (Her) Majesty ti~l (i;,..l..>) ~\...
to dress in, clothe with, garb withyl_Lll .s......JI : ~
• , __ .... •1 ~ .... 0 ....

fleece, clip, shorn wool (~_,..... ,

, ) ii_?.- -· ,\,
: ... ~
(a garment, gown, etc.) ...... 0 'f -- ... -
to bring, fetch, get, bring ~ -~·~1:~
~ t::"IJ-~ ,.:.::., :~ forward, introduce
jalap ~~::,G:~ to import )~_;.::! : ~
~ , ;_ ,_ : (~) ~
• .....

. 11• ~
Q ' ..... •

'··:~ to bring (upon someone),

scab, crust, scar c~ ..
. - ·:f ·:f' draw (on someone); to cause, entail, result in, lead
dung, droppings, manure .;.._,):~·~
to, create, produce, occasion, arouse, give rise to,
~, -;,,
basket, scuttle, frail W :~ elicit, call forth
._, J~ to incur, contract, bring (down)
~ t::"IJ- ..
upon oneself
to rattle, clank, clink; to jingle, tinkle; to ;::,;:a :~ to attract, draw
resound, reverberate, ring out, peal
" , .-.. ' 0' to earn, get, obtain, gain, win ~ :~
small bell; sleigh bell; cowbell ~ U"' ~ : ~
to clamor, roar, shout, cry, din, vocifer- ~: ~
c..... ' ::;; - J •,
sty ~I ~G..:.:~
ate; to be noisy, boisterous, clamorous
hibiscus (..:.L:-;) ~ • f-~ J , ' ....

to scab, scar over, J:.:.;! '(.L:J! '~:cA-l ~

sesame ~:u~ heal (up), cicatrize

rattle, clank, clink; jingle, tinkle; peal, ringing, ~ to coagulate, clot, harden :_,..;,~:~~I ~
resounding, reverberation
skull, cranium
__ , ,, u..
to arraign; to summon, subpoena, ~I
demand, cite
JJ ~
subcutaneous, subdermal, hypodermic 41 ~ rattlesnake, rattler (t,;..) U""1;_ ~I ~b :~
lash, whip, stroke .1~~ ~:,:..: ii~ to be or become bald ~:~

·~ ~:~
skin; hide; piece of leather baldness, alopecia
scalp )~1 ~:.1:- to whet, hone, sharpen, strop, (,.:.. , ~ : ~ , &.
- J •
binding, cover; jacket ylfJI o~ grind
whetting, honing, sharpening, stropping, ~ : ~
our fellow tribesmen, our compatriots, l:; :J.,.. J- - ; }-! grinding
our coun.trymen, our fellow citizens
dermal, cutaneous, skin; endermic (medica- ~~ whetstone, grindstone, hone
tion); leathern, leather-
to whip, lash, flog, flagellate, slash, .1~~ "y'),: ~
(k) 41 ~ ~\) -~~ ~ thrash, lace, scourge
....... • ... __
dermatologist~#,\ _u">1;.~1 , ~~ ~ ... "-b
') __

: .. ) to force to, compel to, coerce to, ~ oyS I : ~;

dermatosis, skin disease
. "'
u"> .r
...... constrain to, oblige to
.. ~ _. ... ... _.. ...... .. 0.... ... --,--

'f. • ,. ..- to be or become patient, '-#,iJ ~,; ..:,\5': ~

rh :c.~~

dermatology ....OI.riJ ~I
., ... .,. 0 _.
tolerant, forbearing, long-suffering, firm, fortitu-
mole ..>..1.> : ( ...i.:.-
L.. ( ) .i.l.>. dinous, tough, hardy, strong, sturdy
. . :;:;....... . . 'J - :;1 _. ...

to sit down, sit, take a seat, seat oneself ~ :~ to freeze, frost, ice (up), ~, •~.,.r,J~ ~ :~
congeal, be formed into ice, turn into ice; to be or
to convene, meet, assemble, ~WI , ~! :~ become frozen, frosted, iced, icy
gather, sit, be in session
to freeze, ice, glaciate, frost,
to accede to, ascend (the throne) J-~1 ~ ~
to straighten, make straight l:._o? : ~ ' ~;.i :A to bind (a book)
.,. .... , 'f ...... , 'f ...... ·f. ... :;;_...
~I ~IJ-~1 ,_wl :~
endurance, stamina, fortitude, ~ , ~ :~
- - .
~ toleration, tolerance, sufferance, patience, forbear-
ance, long-suffering, hardiness, perseverance,
session, sitting, seance; hearing; meet- t ~! :4' ~ steadfastness, firmness, self-control
ing, gathering
firmament; sky
sitting ~ ~ oJI :~
:;. ... • "'- 0- whipping, flogging, lashing, slash- .10\..
. . . :_;
-. : .J;..
opening session ~bl~
ing, thrashing, lacing, scourging, flagellation
closing session Gl:;_ t.l~ patient, telerant, forbearing, wW _, i j£- _, ~ :;
....... c.... , 0 ...

.......... ' ~ ....... .~'! ... •

meeting in camera, secret ses- ~ _,I ~'r ~ long-suffering, perseverant, steadfast, firm, con-
sion, closed session, closed-door session stant, fortitudinous, tough, hardy, strong, sturdy
extraordinary session, emergency 43 J l.b ~ masturbation, onanism .L:.;:.:.!: o~ ~
~ ... f;, ... ... 0 -- ...... , .... 0
skin; integument; hide; leather ~
pie- .~~~ (~KJ__,I) ~~ ~ ,~ ~
nary session patent leather t tJ ~
~ -~\) -t1:- ~
sedentary, doing much sitting U"",U.1 ~ ::c..b,.
,, J... .... 0
posture, seat, pose, manner of sit-U""_,.LL I 4-'Y.). : ~
ting; sitting - - dermatologist
to graze, abrade, excoriate, ~ ,D :(41) ~ dermatitis

hazelnut(s), filbert(s); hazel ( .:,.L.;) J~ : j*-

'., • :00
gall, chafe, scrape off, rub off, scratch off

_;,.: j*- ji;.. :(,..1~1) ~

, D J D;Oi

policeman, officer, police officer ~ to shave

,, ,_.
sitting, sitting down, taking a seat .lyoi : '-""_P. clot, coagulum, lump ~ ,4.1,j~
..... "' .... blood clot, thrombus ~;~~
accession to the throne ,_;. ?J I ~ If~
' ' .. ... ,_. ,ti~
. I -~\hl :·~
audience, attendance, )~')~:(.)"'~ ~)

attendees rude, rough, crude, coarse, blunt, gruff, J.; : ~

glucose jF' _P.
' impolite, uncivil, uncouth, boorish, ill-mannered

gallon ' : u~
u_,.ll.& '' galvanic ~ I.At:-
clear, evident, obvious, plain, patent, ~IJ: ~ galvanometer 'I./,· \.J;.. "If"- G..
manifest, distinct, conspicuous, marked, unequi- galvanoscope ' · \.J;. 0L5:...
(,?'_ . -
vocal, unmistakable, explicit, express, lucid, un-
questionable galvanism ~~.At:-
(~~) ~~ ~I;-~ to calk

~~ ~lrt.~j; '~ :~
calking •::61~
... ....

apocalypse, vision, revela- ~j;, 0.:.5 :u~ •U~

'II ...
to galvanize ~
tion · galvanization :G.i~
the Apocalypse, the lamprey (.1..-)~,ft:
-- '·' '·'
~~ ''-="'~ ~1;- ···-· ' ..._.
~ ~ to cover, wrap, envelop, overspread, ~:~
spread over, drape, clothe, dress, cap
obvious matter, sure (certain, positive) thing;
plain fact; true report
~ ~i e--1;-~~ ·rk :h
important, significant, momentous, -~,.' .t:.:. :Jt:.
(' ~
truth, reality, true state of an affair ",. weighty; great; grave, serious
ice ~:: "\.. .. ,- to shear (offi, fleece; to cut (offi, clip
. ~-·~
~ e--1;--=..q, J-;. J~ :+. shears, woolshears; clippers
.... ' ........ - "' ~.... .JO, _.. ....
iceberg ~~ merlin ~_,.A..>·~~:~
... ........... ...........
membrane;cuticle,pellicle,film~;o~, ~~:;;~

. .... , rk ~~;-~ :u~

J~ '~
film rL.-! :o~ rock, boulder
;;d .. 0.... :;:;,

icy, ice, glacial ~..w;. pomegranate blossom(s) uG) I .;A j : .J ~

.. - ··- .
iceberg .l?.+. '~
rose honey
.J .... ....
~ :~
_., o.J'

Ice Age, Glacial Epoch • ..wll ~I eglantine, sweetbrier, wild rose (-=..L.;) · '.j:__
. v..~
l?.- "- .
cutin to be or become bald ~ : 4
companion, comrade, associate, friend, person ~ baldness, alopecia e:J:.. :~
with whom someone sits · black alder, alder buckthorn (-=..~) ~
glycerin(e), glycerol u..~
.~ ~1;-~ '~ :,1:;:.
lofty, exalted; sublime, august, magnificent, ~ JJ o J D

policeman, officer, police officer ~ _;,. : ji_P.

grand, great, stately, imposing, portly, dignified,'
•.... ........ ..... . .. ....
solemn, grave; splendid, glorious; venerable, ~ ~I; -oW, _i:r- _,): J_P.
collective farm ~c;_~-·.-
··- . Jr honorable, respectable; momentous, weighty,
collective bargaining ~~t:;~ important, significant
:: :;; ...
... .:;:. ....
to gather, accumulate, collect ~=~
collective ownership ~c;.W..
. ··- ...
.... ... ...
to increase, grow; to abound; to be or )5 :;:..:.
become much, many, abundant, plentiful, copious
beauty, grace(fulness), prettiness, handsomeness, J~
loveliness, comeliness, shapeliness, charm ~~:~! ~IJ-(1;.:.1 :~
aesthetics JOI ~ much, many, numerous, abundant, ~ '~ : ~
plentiful, copious, ample, plenty; a great deal, a lot
_. ~li
JUI : J~.
cameleer, camel driver ....
greater portion, major part, main part ~:~
aesthetic(al) :_,J~ - I ..-
.. ~-
aestheticism; aesthetics; beauty, grace, 4~
splendor, finesse, fineness I love him very much 4~~1
excess (of a brimful measure) r~,r~,r~ caprice, whim, fancy, fantasy
... , .-' ..
j.lj.l:u~ .. 1- "·~
........ _.. , <:~~) <:~·<:.
pearl oj.lj.l :4.;~ a solid; solid body; mineral; inorganic body; J~
the masses, the multitude(s), the ~ I ,~~ 0 inanimate body, inanimate being
,'f ..- ....
public, the populace, the rank and file, the people soil, ground; earth ...,<>):;;,~
(at large)
rainless; dry, arid )JI ;~~ ~ :;;,~
• .. 0 J stingy, niggardly, miserly, close- ~:~~~~
gymnastics; calisthenics )·~. .)·~.....:-
. . . . . fisted, tightfisted, hardfisted
.. .} . . :~·~
..... .:;:. ... .... .:;:. J
gymnastic; calisthenic(al) (S·L;.. .. .) . . palm pith 4.L;..JI ~ :.;~
"' ........
shrimp; prawn U"~_} :~~ .!.)~ ~~)-.!.!.)~
. .
.... .:;:. .... ~ --,
~LSJJ 'J_J;;, _,1 ~J t~! :~.;~
"~ ... ....


.. .....

collector, gatherer " -.

- , \.:.. . ~ ·t .
ham wJ-:-i~ :u~ storage battery, accumulator ;;~~ t~
_.... l:;; 0.. J,:;:. .... , •• :;; J
forelock ~\.; '1..)"1)1 ~ i..l.i. :4>:" sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, ~~ =t~
wig, peruke, periwig, toupee
........ 0

, . , 0...

~ :~
coition, lovemaking, sex, carnal knowledge
............... ·--
to maunder, drivel, talk incoherently (.).a : ~
orgasm, climax t~~-~
skull, cranium
•• . - ' 0 ..
group; company, band, troop, body, collective; ~~
clique, coterie, faction, party; squad; community
cranial ~
_, ... ,_ --- pressure group, lobby ~W. ~~
to bolt, run away }U : 0 l.o.:L I ~
. -
~ •f ..........

.......... , -' ... ....... , .:;:. ... .-

in groups and individually, jointly l;;,l _; 1_, ...::..~~
tobe u::,.Ia; '"I"' tl11 ,~~:~1 ~ and separately, jointly and severally •
recalcitrant, refractory, insubordinate; to be collective; mass, team, group, concerted;
whimsical, capricious, fanciful; to go to extremes, communal
be excessive
... Jt ... genocide
to desert, forsake, .(;;,..;. : ~ j~ (~) ol )I ~
walk out on, run out on, run away from home collective agreement
(.~ ~~)-~ collective security
... JJ .... ;:;. ........

~1)-0:lJ.r.l~ ~ =~ teamwork
customs union
customs barriers
d@Mf i. iT'·
... ::;.... ....

~ e-')-~:~
-~ e-')-~ :~
.. ,,...
0 l!l lr cl il" ,;T! JiM!lilL:i il lft: :J.'2: ;:<~: ;t:,;"i !lr]i-@!lllli@-i!liliW'~i:::t:g;~·;

customs, customs duties, customs to stagnate; to be or become :.:.$ , :6'~ :~

tariffs stagnant, dull, inactive
customs broker, ~t..,t:<'.
.,-:- : )''I~:
•. (:.,J:..: ''J...... ,J to be or become ~~I (:~ 015 , ~ :~
customs agent immobile, motionless, stationary; to be or become
amethyst (-j~ :···',.-a~'~ inactive, inert
to be or become dull, in- ~\> 14. 015 , ~ : ~
. . ,
to gather, collect; to pick (up); Z , J:..j , ~ :~ active, inert, sluggish, exanimate, languid, listless
to combine, group; to join, unite, conjoin, connect, , ... ,, ... .......
... ~ ,

couple, pair; to assemble, put together, piece to- to be or become stingy, niggardly, J:i..! :•-':! u~
gether, fit together, joint; to raise, collect (funds, closefisted, tightfisted, hardfisted
... ... ... ... ' ....
money, contributions, etc.); to aggregate; to accu- ~ e-') -~
mulate, amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to assemble, .... , J .... ;:;._.. .... :;, ..-
to freeze, frost, congeal, ice, glaciateo.)_,_r.l~ ~: ~
bring together, congregate, crowd, rally, round up;
to band; to muster, summon to solidify, harden, stiffen, set, indurate,~:~
to contain, comprise, include, j:!. , c..S;;.. : ~ ~ make solid or hard
... :;;.... .... ::;i ...

comprehend, encompass, embrace, embody, hold, to coagulate, clot; to congeal; to curdle r> :~
take in, cover _.. 01 .... :;:; ...
to freeze, block (assets, funds, currency) Ji_,... ~I ~
to assemble, convene, t ~I JJ ~~ ' ~ : ~ - ,-
convoke, call (together), summon to immobilize, prevent themovement<l..i lG j .~
to add, add up, total, sumt'J ~~~~~ Ji ~t;}~l ~ of, keep in place, make immobile ··
::;i .... .... ill .... .... , , ............ ice; frost ~·~:~
to compose, set, typeset ~-' ~_:uJ_,.:LI ~
... ;,~f ... .,.,... .. .... ... ...... sleet )ali~
to compile, compose, write Ull , U..:... :. ~ ~ ~ ~- - , -
~ e-')-..::;.; '~ ~
to pluralize, make plural, put in the [ W] tlS' ~ )J...Ao :

plural ice; frost

~I ~ J ...
0... 0 , 0... , -- -- ....

to reunite, reunify; to bring together, freezing point .4:1-1 ~ '.4:1-1 ~ ).)

assemble, round up, group; to unite, unify, inte-
grate, merge catalepsy ~~t~\:jj~
..,.. f •

to accumulate, amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to ~ to roast, toast, broil, grill c..S;:..~ :P.
gather, collect; to assemble, put together, fit togeth-
er, join, unite, group, bring together; to aggregate; ·~ e-1;- P.
0.... .... '!/ .... j ,
to congregate, crowd, rally, round up; to concen- to be on tenterhooks, be on ~I tr ?I ~015
trate, mass (troops, etc.) pins and needles; to be in suspense, be filled with
gathering, collecting, collection;~ , ~J , ~ r:.. : anxiety, boil with impatience
picking (up); combination, combining, grouping; firebrand, ember(s), live coal oj~ ,o~ :oP.
joining, junction, uniting, union, conjunction, con-
joining, connection, connecting, coupling, pairing; small stone, pebble •c.,;. :•~
_ ..... ::;. J ....
assemblage, assembling, assembly, putting togeth-
0 ....

carbuncle ;u:;,.) : •.,-:

er, piecing together, fitting together; raising, collec-
tion (of funds, money, contributions, etc.); aggrega- anthrax c_.... _,..)4 ~~ ··~
tion; accumulation, amassment, piling up, heaping to pay customs duties (for or on) ~P.
up, stacking; congregation, crowding, rallying,
rounding up; banding; mustering, summoning customs; customhouse
addition,adding,summation t' J: I~~ IJi _i \;~~I~ customs; tariff
.5""If11iji.!vffllj3LW¥Jj1ljJ&Jiill·:ctH?<"''' <ffiit:2". o,gn·, '-4· ,£1>»$*11,i~fl-¥i!¥<Y;;d:l
..,. , ..,. ..,. , .... ..,. , ....
typesetting, composition,U..., ~ :u_,_)-1 ~
.... .... • ... ', , 0 ...

to be fit for, suitable for, ~ 0-- , ~ J..J.:I:' : ~ ~

appropriate for, proper for, 'becoming for, be'fitting composing
for; to befit, behoove compilation, compo- (~I) u.J~ , ~ : ~
'' ", ",

~ e-1)-~ sition, writing

to beautify, pretty up, make ~ ;;.:., , ;Jj :~

plural [w]~
beautiful, embellish, adorn, garnish; to make up, ~: e-'J-C.rUI ~) ~ :~
put cosmetics on, apply cosmetics to • .... , 0--

reunion, reunification; bringing together, ~I ~

assembling, rounding up, grouping; uniting, union,
dromedary, Arabian (one- (rWI ~j) ~--_;. J,:;;. unification, integration
humped) camel broken plural
llama (1..)~ i'"
., )IS'~~
plural of the plural, secondary plural
chameleon (.:,1~) .~~: ~~1 ~ sound plural, complete plural
mantis, soothsayer (;;~)~I :.r;: ~~1 ~ collective noun
~' , ... ~J
use of the letters of the alphabet ~I ...,..L.:,.. : ~ Day of Resurrection
according to their numerical value
sentence, clause, proposition fist, clenched hand
. . 0, . . 0,
several, a number of, numerous, F ,·~ :~ ~

many; most (oO, the majority (oO

totality, total, sum, sum total, aggre- t~ :~
gate; whole, entire, all Friday
group, band, troop, body ~ ~ :~ week
system r~,~~:~ Passion Week
nominal clause (or sentence) t.:.l'il:;..
.. _ . C.ood Friday
circumstantial clause t,ll:.- t:;. collective; additional, additive
conditional clause a·:
.. , ..r- t:;... society, association, club; institute, institution,
organization; assembly
verbal clause (or sentence) tJ~'il:;..
.. _... .
constituent assembly
parenthesis, parenthetical clause ~
:.·• t:;...
~~· J Jo
legislative assembly, house, parlia-
phrase ~~ ment
nervous system (-.. ~ t:;. cooperative society, cooperative, co-op~_, t:..:; ~
:;;. , ....... "':. 0 ....

.... oj/J ~oj/J ' : . - -_ J ..... J ; ..... "':;;. ....

'-?.~-' ~IJ -~~_,JI ~I 4.W-I charitable organization (association, ~ ~ ~
. . 0, ,. . . . , institution), charity, philanthropic organization
altogether, wholly, completely, total- 4.W-~ , ~ ,.:;;. , , ~:;;. 0 ... _:;;. ~:;;. 0 ...

ly, in toto; as a whole, en bloc, en masse, in bulk, general assembly; gener- ~~ ~, -.,.l£, ~
al meeting; plenary session, plenum
in one lump, in general, on the whole, at large,
overall the C.eneral Assembly of .-.?'~·ll _~.:~~WI ~~~ ·,:t_ I
,. ,. ..... , - the United Nations
all at once, in one stroke, at a blow ·~ 1_, ~
~i ~~)-~
in short, in brief, briefly, in a word, J,;iJI ~ (_,)
in a few words, in fine, to make a long story short, to be or become beautiful, ~ 0\5',;;.:... :~
shortly, summing up, to sum up, in summary, in a pretty, graceful, good- looking, comely, handsome,
nutshell, in a capsule lovely
J-- ~-- , -.,
......,.; ~\)-......,.; :.)~ on the whole, in general, generally, by ~I~
... .... J... "' .... - ;:i , • ... '' and large, generally speaking, altogether; in short,
solidity, solid- ~W-1 jj~, ~~~ ~~~0~: ~~ to sum up, in a word, briefly
ness, solid state; inorganic state, inanimateness ... ... .... J ... ... .... J •
.... ... ... J....... J J (one) of, (one) among; I£ ll...:- j ' I£ ll...:- l.r
immobility, motionlessness, still- ~_,ll ('.IS- : ~~
inter alia, among other things ·· - -
ness; inertness, inaction
"' .. J J , J wholesale [ ;; ) ~]~\..
. . .
inertia <.ib ),-i: ~~ .... , J , .... J J
.. , J .... .... ... J J
wholesaler, wholesale dealer~ I ~l:i '~I d~
inactivity, indolence, dullness, J.,...> 'o.=~':l4 : ~~
sluggishness, languidness to wholesale ;(i.j_~ t~
... - ,, ,, "'',t ,,,
,:£1.:1.\. C7-
stagnancy, stagnation, standstill, , ~,) J : ~~ ~LS'
wholesale ~~ e7-
I ,,,

recession, slump, inactivity, dullness ..... , , .

... • . . ... ... J...... , , wholesale price ~I . r-:
standstill, deadlock, stale- u. )J 'rl:i Uiy : ~~
mate, impasse
~---- ,, _,, mass production
""• J
. ,(
... •

......,.; ,~~ ~~)-oJ~ to grow luxuriantly, be lush, be }s:~Cll~
(...::.. L.i} ..s~ ,~ luxuriant
all, all of; every, each; whole, entire, total,
.JS', : ~
- to fill a measure to the brim
totality, entirety abundance, muchness, large quantity, great ~
number; excess (of a brimful measure)
all (oO, the whole (o0; all without exception, 1: .. !~
one and all, everybody, everyone; altogether, gymnasium, gym [~-'! ~~)] r;.j~
wholly, totally, entirely, completely, fully, in full
.... J J J. .... J. ... ... to gather, collect; to crowd, assem- Z , ~ :~
~1}11 t~ 't~' ~,)_~, ble, congregate, rally, round up
synthesis (~~~) ;;:_~ ~ ~,)_~; :~

beautiful, graceful, pretty, lovely, {.:":"J, ~: ~ gathering, collecting, collection; ~ JJ..Ao : o~

handsome, comely, good-looking, fair, sightly, crowding, assembling, assemblage, assembly, con-
shapj:ly, dainty, charming gregation, rallying, rounding up
J I_. I _. _.. '•' \ '•' __ ............
favor, service, courtesy, good u_,_,... 'J...;.U : ~ )~ ~)- ),....-.:- ··~
J Q'
turn, kindness, kind act, grace
.... "' .... • - J... • ... .... J ....
crowd, throng, gathering, t~ :J~
J 0 ...

'....:..:.. -

grati- M~ ulrs! ' M ' ~..,.... ,M10lir- assemblage, assembly, congregation, concourse,
tude, thankfulness · rally; multitude, host, great number, plurality;
..... ., - ~ J ... ., .... ,
the majority; the public, the populace, the people,
grateful, ~~I!.' M~ 'M~ u ~ . ,. _. the rank and file; community
thankful, appreciative - · · ·
,..,,, ... , ...... ,., , ... ,, ... ;;:; ... ,, ,,,
audience,atten- 0~ ,;;Jlh.; 'J~ :J~
ingratitude,MI ~.¥-:, Ml JK.; I, M101 ~
dance, attendees, attenders, attendants, assembly,
ungratefulne~: unthankfui~ess, tha'nkl~~sness gathering, people present, persons attending, spec-
- ... <'l.;
ungrateful, unthankful, thankless ~~· tators, viewers, watchers, listeners
... - J ,,
fine arts, beaux arts ~~0~1 ~t.s:... ~ ~\)-~~
to cover, veil, screen, enshroud; to hide, republican ~.)~
conceal; to shield, shelter, protect "' , 0 .J .......
presidential palace l,?J~ ~
to become dark; to descend J;.., ~i: ~I~ '. '
,,. ... ... -- ... :;, ' republic ':!.J~
to be or become insane, mad, crazy; ~ '-:-"" ~ : 0-':
to go mad, go out of one's mind or head ~~ ~,)_(~
.... ,, , J ;;:; J ,
to be or get madly excited, wildly J ~ : ~~ ~ recalcitrance, refractoriness, disobedience, (~
agitated, frantic; to go mad or crazy, lose one's defiance, unruliness; excessiveness, excess
~ H'f
I\Jj£,j}&,·,,,,_, " J''''4",;i'r';,,,~",j,,:f,' ,';,\,,At.fif~lli~i0f{$ill!fj\i}W·y@Jlffii',s,•,;%;-~ ,. • . .tiiW!Iifit!'}:,'L;EjY,?4J>~ ',~<:f. "*''.r_:>
L J A,'i<Cl

division, section, segment, com- •:;. , ~ : ( G;. head or mind

.... J ... _ .... J ... _ - ....
jinn, demons, fairies 01.:.:- :~
under the wing of, I,) ')I.; (~~,I,) ')I.; (L.;.. ...:..,o.j
under the protection of
by radio ·~I
L.;.. ,_
. ( • lt"'
to pick, gather, reap, harvest,
pluck out, pull ofT
to earn, get, obtain, ~ •••. -
1....--J • . -- - $,

' ';.- --

··'~'. ·~
assoonaspossible,quickly, ~)J1 (G;. ~ acquire, receive, gain, win, profit, reap, harvest,
speedily, rapidly, swiftly, promptly, hastily, fast, realize, derive, draw; to attain, achieve, accom-
with winged haste, wingedly plish, secure, bring about; to incur, bring upon
J .... J
:( 4
1..- I ..- I

misdemeanor; delinquency; ..,._.; j ' ~! '~ oneself, draw on oneself

offense, fault, misdeed; sin, wrongdoing; guilt to commit, perpetrate ~~!:~
::;;.... .... ...
alar, alary; pterygoid, winglike to wrong, aggrieve, harm, hurt, ~ .r">l : ~ ~

pteropod victimize, do harm to, do wrong to, injure by

injustice, disadvantage, bring or lead into trouble,
pterygoid, pterygoid bone inflict an evil upon, plunge into misfortune, cause
losses (disaster, misery) to
Pteropoda J I .- J I ..- :;;_.. t# ..-

fruits, yield, produce, Jy..;.... , J~ , ~ :~

samara crop, harvest, revenue, returns, receipts, proceeds,
green plum earnings, takings, incomings

requiem, obsequies, funeral rites; funeral .J4 •..i~ funereal, funeral

Hanging Gardens, hanging gardens of

funeral procession; funeral; obsequies, ;;)~~ ,;;)~ Babylon
funeral ceremony
gardener; orchardist; horticulturist
funereal, funeral
criminal, penal

alliteration ~ •u;li ~IJ-~~ ~ ·~~ s;li

J ..... ... "'
Esq., Esquire, Mr., ~~ ,;;~ :~~·'-:-'4
.... '- -· .... ,, ... __ ..... _
heart; soul
" , Messrs., Honorable Sir, Right Honorable, Your (His)
steadfast, staunch, unflinching, undis- 0~1 ~~ Excellency, Your (His) Honor
mayed, fearless, tough, bold
pleurisy C. .,a.r)'-;-'~
felony, serious crime, capital offense
major ritual impurity [~)l.P··=rl ~G:-
~ ~~J -;;G:-
to put aside, lay aside, push ~I , ~ .l , ~
_.. ... o"f ..-........ :;1 ,...
.,. - diJ ~c,:'.JI ._,.,ji.IJ ~LJIJ ~)UJIJ AUJI) rG:-
away; to ward ofT; to send away, dismiss wing (of a bird, airplane, building, (t,..;.~~l
political party, goal game)
to worry about, be anxious ~l:.!.IJ J.1i: JJ ~ ala, wing [ '-'.. L..; ···] ~
about; to miss, long for, yearn for . J r:!J-' ( .
- ... , - • Jl ......
toejaculate,be ~~~j ~I ;:_;j; :~~~ ~ annex, wing ~~ ~ :(~
impure, be in a state of major ritual impurity
,., _ ,,_J, . :; ....
J .... J ,_ .... t - '
suite (tJJ ~...w ~) ~ .;i- ~.,...,.... '~: (~
to suffer from pleurisy, be ._,.,~1 ~~I:~ 0 " ......... )I "'· ......

ward dl~J 1 ~~r-i:c~
to keep away from,~ ).J, :r
~ If- :.:,;i: :. ~ , stand, stall, booth (..,a;.: ~) cG:-
ward off from, guard against, protect from, pre- flank, wing -·~, Ji'.-·~1)
(.;-!. (r.l
,__ ~ ... "" ...
to strand, run aground LA.:..! I ~ serve from, safeguard from, shield from; to save,

to deviate from, depart from, turn ~ .;r u;..: : ~

side ~\.;.~:~
away from, diverge from, digress from
to be delinquen t, ~~ ~~~ '~~ 2,15' :~ side, flank, waist ;;~l;. 'r!s :~
misdeme anant • , ... .., ... ... , ;:;;_.. (~~) ~~ ·~~ J,l ~~;-~ .~
... 0

~I ~ ~ :
to wing, provide with wings
side by side (with), ~ 4 •~ Jl 4
to accuse of a sin; to charge J ~J ~ : ~ lJ abreast (of or with)
with an offense; to impute guilt to aside, away, apart, off, by, out of the way;~~
watch, part of the night C'!;., ~\1: (~I~)&. separatel y, isolatedly; alone, by oneself
... :;; .. , ... . ., .
... .~
pleurisy (_;.__,.-)~I ~I.), ~I~~~
in the dark of r~l -~ I}
_&. .::......:i 'J.;.l.ll
night, under cover of night pleura [~~]~I~~
'b. . . , - ....... , . -- "' 'J "J
~. ·~

impure, in a state of major ritual ~ LL I ~ \..,..1 : ~
., ,;o ""

~ ~I; -(J.;.l.ll ~) ~ impurity

l.?,j .. ')·~
misdeme anor; delinquen cy, delict, offense [ w_,.; li ] ~

to draft, enlist, recruit, conscript , (~~I) t~: ~

horse dealer
, _........ .......
muster in, sign up, induct, enroll in the armed shrub, bush
forces, levy troops, raise troops
side; region, area, territory, :cb··- :G
. .
to mobilize, call up t.: ~ land; district

~ :~
0... ,,:;; - ...... • ......... '

soldiers, troops, soldiery, army what one avoids t)l~\...:~

:ii ... "' .... ... , • ,

grasshop per (;;_r.:..) .1> l1.i .) I?. : ~ ~ shrimp; prawn

-- 0' 0 ...

gendarme rie, gendarm ery, gendarmes, ..... )~ lateral, side

police(men) ... ., ..... "" .....
shrubby, frutescen t !.?,~:~
oysters ~~ 0 ... 0 _-;._

to fell, throw down, knock down, strike t;..:J~ paradise, heaven
:ii J :;; :;; ....

down, bring to the ground paradise, Heaven If~~~\ :~1 ..::..~ ,i..;_,l\

rock, stone garden A.A.,..;., :~.

, ,. ,
J-t. : J~
cataract, waterfall, falls, chute; cascade d l.
,., swallow . )~

J.,~ ..r:.-:-=~
gondola ., shelter, shield, protectio n, screen
, , ::;:;
soldier, private ~~. 1.)"'";:4
... _. . ~ .,
, J ,,;:;;
, '
reserve, reservist w~ ~1;-w~ =~
private first class; lance corporal J~i~~ w~
... ~ ., gentlema n
recruit, cadet ~!.?,~
Unknow n Soldier J~l~41 knotweed , polygonu m, smartwee d,
regular '~ 11>...~.::.:.
-. knotgrass
... .J! J.- ... J • '

~~ hop (..::..L;) ;l::ill ~ :~

the army, the military, the armed forces; mili-
tary service; military life (career, profession) to incline to, tend to, learn to( ward); to JL. : J~ &.
general (AI~) .)4' .IJ.l_ :JI~ turn to
I J ~ , ',, _. _. ..-__.
scoliosis ~~I ~~I~ <Jib:- 0~ 'JJj :~ to say the burial prayers for,
u.;~ e--1)-ul~~ :~
"" • I ..-.,. conduct the· funeral service for
. .
sackcloth, sacking, bagging, gunny, u$. ''-'"'~ chain
burlap, canvas, hessian .. _,,,
dipper, water ouzel, water crake ;;t.. )U.: ~ to naturalize, confer citizenship
to madden, craze, drive mad, drive ~ ~ • .r.:-P : ~
"' '· .. ,... ;;:;... ~ ;;:;~ upon, admit to citizenship
• 0.... • ....

crazy, make insane kind, sort, type, species, ~·Y~•t_y:~

variety; class; category
grave, tomb, sepulcher _,:j :?. race, stock

shroud, winding-sheet JS':~
,, ,, genus [.~i]~
0~ e--1)-~ - 'i. ' - J ~ ' ·- • ) •
sex (male, female)(~_,.; )I Jl ;; J~ .ill ~ r;r ~
;;:; , .. J '... '~
south ~I.A.:; ~I ~I :y~
. "' , __
gender [~J (~!:n Ji A'jj' ~ ~) ~
southward(s), south, toward the south ~~
_.. I , _.. I

;;:; , ,, sex, sexuality, sexual drive o~ _,.£. : ~

southeast, southeastward ~:,..;Jiy,.:.:!-1 (urge, instinct) - -
.J..- _.. _...J
sex, sexual intercourse, t_G...:-: AI ~JC.:. '~

• ·~q ~-~-Ji

southwest, southwestward
c.;!Y"' .~
J... , , • ... .... , _.. copulation, coitus, coition, lovemaking, carnal
southern, south, southerly y,_;.:!-1 JJ y,_..;..: 1,1!~ knowledge , , ,
J.... 0 .. t ... , .,.
human race, mankind, humankind , ~r.:;.JI ~I
, ...
southerner y,_;.:!-1 ~~I ...,..1 :c.;!~
humanity, human beings, people
southeastern, southeast ....
• ... t5
' ..
the stronger sex, the sterner sex '
- .
southwestern, southwest ... 0 ....

<.j._Y c.;!_J-=':
t5 ~--
the fair sex, the gentle sex, the ~lu-41
~ , .
inclined to, well-disposed to( ward), JC.,: :JJ r~ weaker sex
tending to, apt to, given to, prone to , generic noun
inclination, leaning, tendency, disposition.~:
c.? asexual, sexless, neuter
delinquency; criminality
juvenile delinquency
stranding, running aground
sexual, sex; sexy, erotic; generic ~
delinquency; criminality
'!II • .. '!II

insanity,lunacy, madness, mania, dementia, JL...;~ e.-')-~ JL...;~

craziness; foolishness, folly
, ,, .. , , ,, .,.
sex appeal L't~l:..
..... _. ··:. ....
para- yL.;~ ~I 0~ , ~I..U.. 0~ '.)~~I 0~
0 , ,,
sexual'activity, sexuality • . j,l;.,;
noia ~
kleptomania nationality, citizenship 41_,... 'Ul_,... :~
;;:; .... , ........ ... , .. ~ 0

,..-.,. , ,, . sexuality
of ff. '.... ....

~I Jll)'~ ~_,;JI 0;5' ·~~ :~

• .... .J :.... _:;; • _;;:; •

UJ-=': :;;:; "' ....... .J ... 0
~ .... , , .J, registry, flag •-'•l1Ji J I ~I~
frenzy, temporary madness ci_;... 0~ .)"_ - .. _ .. , _.
,, stateless, having no nationality G1'~
.. _ _. (..,
crazy, insane, mad; frantic, frenzied, wild,
raging, hysteric(al), uncontrolled gentian (..::.l.
. ..... .i)G~q)~
. .._"
freshly picked or plucked (fruit)

respiratory system

~........ ... ~ ... ~ , ...

picking, gathering, harvest(ing), ~ 'u~ :~

reaping, plucking
~;- ..~ j~
earning, getting, obtainment, ~ , ~ : ~
nervous system
muscular system ~j~ acquisition, acquirement, gaining, winning, reap-
ing, realization; achievement, accomplishment
digestive system, diges- ~j~,~~)~ , "' ';IJ
~I ~ 1J : ~
jinni, demon, fairy
tive apparatus
vascular system
~.~ ~~
<.1-) ) ,' bush, shrub
... . ..
;; ~A,~:~

....•.... .. ........ '
... ... . ,
o.)~\ Jl ~}.;:II j~
~ ~ ...

' -~ ... .
steering gear; control(s)
... ... ...
4.$' .).I~ j~
... ...
crime, offense, delict; guilt ~~,i~:~

fairy, female jinni, female demon

J ,. .. 0 J .. .... • ' ....

transmitter, trans- ~~JI ~...1"' j~ ,Jl.Jl j~ aileron

mitting set
..... J "~ ,. ... • • ,. .... J ...
elytron, elytrum
re- ~ Jl ~~ j~ ,J~I Jl }o>~l j~
ciever, receiving set fetus; embryo

television, television embryology

set, TV
radio, radio set ,:;\J )~ .. ... ..... 0 ... J

garden ~~:~
wireless set, radio (set), walkie-talkie ~ ~ j~
I"' II'J .- I ""' cS.-:;:i ,JI .,. fetal; embryonic, embryonal
scuba (u<>JAll .-WI ~lll ~) ~ j~
systemic; systematic ~~ ~
. ·:.·\~
pound sterling, .. _-_ ......
abortionist ~\P.~I ~~ :.;,~ English pound
e:- I )-·4JC--
"' • , , ... J
,·.:_ <.?. ~ ~
v-. "P. Egyptian pound
~ t::"\J- 4:.~ jihad, holy war (by Moslems); struggle, strife, .)~
~ ,~
fight(ing), battle
great scholar; expert, adept, master,
authority, connoisseur utmost, most, limit, utmost degree
... ,... ... .... ... 0 ...

lioness ii Y.J , •;J :~ ~ t::"\J- .)~ '.J~

side; direction ..,.,;_,~~,;,~~:~ sonority, orotundity, loudness (~~\) ii~~
region, area; part, section; ~~-~.:._. ,~1.; :~ , , ,t ( ' • t ) ,-__
apparatus, set; appliance; ;; ..l.C , o\.) I : ;; ~I [. j '+"!'"
district, quarter gadget, contrivance, device; instrument, tool, imple-
locality, locale, place ci~:~ ment, utensil; equipment(s), equipage, outfit, gear,
paraphernalia, materials, materiel; rig, intsallation
party, side ~):~
... .... ... ., .... ... system, apparatus [ t:J J ~ _r:;; ] i ~ : j ~
authority' body 4 ' w... ' e _,. . :4::. S, :j~
body, institution, organization; corps;
modality [~] ~ cadre; staff; panel; board; group
'... ,
qj:;., -.,..~, JG) ~~\~VI
cardinal(-.,..) trousseau I.J'"JrJI j~
- -
toward(s), to, in the y;.,).:..: 1j5' ~ JJ
machinery of government; organ of p1 j~
direction of
urinary system
concerning, -1 jj::~ ~: 1j5' ~ ~, 1j5' ~
regarding, as regards, as to, as for, 'with regard io; reproductive system

to equip with, fit (out) with, outfit -' ~;~ :-! ~ with respect to, respecting
with, furnish with, supply with, provide with, rig
from, from the direction of ~: 1j5' ~ ~
to rig (a ship) from, on the part of, by J..; ~: 1j5' ~ ~
to prepare the bride's trousseau on the other hand ~~ Jj (.$;_1 ~ ~
to prepare (the deceased) for burial -~!e.-')-~:~
e.-')-& _._.
to man
·' .....
.tG~ ~i e.-')-(~ ~) ~ ...l.p e.-')-~
effort, endeavor, attempt; pains, trouble; ~
miscarried fetus, abortion ~ :~ (strenuous) exertion, overexertion, (over)strain;
not to know (oO, have no knowledge ~ ~ : ~ fatigue; toll, hard work; power
of, fail to know (o0; to be unfamiliar with, unac- voltage, tension, potential
quainted with, unaware of, unconscious of, unin-
with great difficulty, with great effort,
formed about: to be ignorant, uneducated, unlear- ~~
ned, nescient, unenlightened, benighted, unculti- with strenuous effort, with much ado, only
vated, unwitting,unknowing,without knowledge arduously, only laboriously

to attribute ignorance to; to ~I ;.i] ~: k J~ e.-')_;~ J~

accuse of ignorance, charge with ignorance
~i e.-') -I~ .Jt ~
ignorance, nescience, benighted- ~:.,;. ';J~ : k
ness, lack of knowledge, unenlightenment, un- ~ e-')-ul~
learnedness, unfamiliarity (with), unacquaintance potential [.~~]~~
(with), unawareness (oO, unconsciousness (oO
to appear, come out, come ~! , ~! , ;6}; :~
k- e.-')-~ to light, show, reveal itself; to be or become
snipe ()U.) Jk known, revealed, disclosed; to be made public; to
spread, get about, circulate
-~- : I - ,_
. j.~ e-IJ -(~ Jj ;~1) :,P.
- -,
"'~ ~
.. ·I ,_,.._.
- o:;:i ... ..- ..

to raise the voice w J : u _,::..J I ~
hell, hellfire
~ to dazzle, daze ~:~
hellish, infernal
~/&~ to be or become loud, sonorous, e;~!:~~~~
orotund, sonorous, loud, stentorian, strong ~J~ orotund
to dazzle, be or become
orotundi(y, sonority, loudness •• :;:.

- 0-

dazzled or dazed
J.;.~ e.-') -J~ dazzling; day blindness (_ra.JI
' ' )~
~e.-') -~.w.. ~)~e.-')- k
~e--1)-~~,~ open ness, overtness, publicness, publicity ~ ~ : ~

LSJ~ e.-')-~)~:~ •joG..: e-'r•j.~ : R,

miscarried fetus, abortion ~ , ~ :~ publicly, in public, openly, ~~:~~,I~
abortive, unsuccess- LSJ~ ~ '~ '~ : ~~
ful, fruitless, unfruitful, futile, ineffective, of no I~ e-IJ-~~ :~~
......... f.
effect, unavailing, of no avail
~ .Jp,l e.-')-~~
..-:;. f -
atmosphere, air .UIJ V:>J ~I
0 0-

L.: y;

(r.:; to prepare, ready, make ready E.;. , ~i :~

near, close to, in the neighborhood '-:-') :;I~
... .' ...
of, in the vicinity of, next to, next door to, by- -
... ' ,.,.. .... . environment, surroundings,
good-neighbor policy ) -'+I ~ ~ ~
...,..~;... ~I; -y;IY.-
milieu; medium
.., ,,
atmosphere, air,~ J~ J\ ;;~L. ~b. :I"~ _p.- •p.-
.-' .., ... ~... "" ~... "" ...

ambience, feeling, climate, tone, mood

~~~ ~') -c;'Y.- ~b. , ~J: ~~ ~ P,. ,
situation, status, condi-
permissibility, ad- ~ 6-,.::.: 1)~ ~:f:JI 0_;5- :.)IY.- tion(s), circumstance(s); position
missibility; legality, lawfulness rainy weather )> \... J i ~ ~
possibility, potential(ity), J~ l '~ts:::.l: jl~ .-J rJ I -_ , ·- - ·-
I Jl.~~
- air-to-air ~ p.- p.-
contingency, propability
.... ' ......
permit, license, authorization ~) :jlp.- surface-to-air, ground-to-air
-- J ,--
passport _}.- j p.- by air, by airplane
'' 'jly.-
laissez-passer; pass
poetic license
• . .. ,--
!.?, r:: j _p.- airsickness
..,..... .-'' , ... '
guava (..::.~) :J1;.. ,:JIY.- airsick j.:ll ;IJ~ ...,..~
...... o:;i ...... o,.. ,:;;... ;;,,..
,.:;it!.... "

J~~-: ~I; -J~~-: :JIY.- toweather~j.:li~I_,..JI~ J\~1 ~~~i,)>_r:i,S~


globe-trotter, traveler, rover, '-:-'I~ , ~G.~ :J I~ passion, love; intense emotion ~J :($~

wanderer, bird of passage 4~ ~I; -~I:P.

f ' ' ... ... ...
0-' I J..:- J
J Iy.-

ranger r...H;1 :
answer, reply; response ~~ :yi:P.
boy scout, scout __;lj- :JI~
:;; .... , plea [u,;\i] e):~\ Ji ~ ~11 ~IP.-
~4 ~I;- Jlp.- c:;!4
rejoinder __,;UI ~ ~11 ~IP.-
Jl~ ~\) -.riY.- .. :{1 o'.... ... ,:;; J .J .......

rebutter ..;..JLJI ~ u":J.I '-:-'ly.-

sack, bag; saddlebag J~ :Jll;.
octave ] '-:-' ,--
[ p.-

~~.~~~I; -~IY.-
apodosis [w] 1~1 ~~P.-
inner, interior; internal; inside; indoor ~I .l : ~ IY.-
....... 0 ... ' .-' .-'
globe-trotter, traveler, explorer, ~G.~:~ I~, yiY.-
jewelry; jewels, gems ..::.\ _;~~> y..o :~I~ wanderer, rover, bird of passage
... _' :;. ...
~ ';. _;. , _;. :~~I Y.- wanderer, tramp, vagabond,hobo, vagrantt.Jl; I'-:-' ly.-
-- ·;_
, exploration, touring, -.j\_,1:;
: y:P.
answering, reply ~ I:P.-
cruising, patrolling, wandering, roaming, roving, Passeriformes, passerines ("'Y.
rove, ranging, perambulation, itineration, itineran-
cy; crossing, traversing, traversal
generous, liberal, openhanded, ~ '(.f: .li:P.-
freehanded, bountiful, munificent
piercing, penetration, perforation, boring J 'j :'-:-';.,.
horse, steed; charger, courser; (C;'_;.) 0~: JIP.-
hole, pit; hollow, cavity, excavation race horse, racer

lacuna JIP.- ~I;-~ , (.} : Ji'P.

• J -
.. -;. c' .. 0 '
neighborhood, proximity, vicinity, near- '-:-') :;I~
jute 4.J~,u~
ness, closeness, propinquity
c~l ~ 1; -c~l =c:P. protection; security, safety;
• J
broadcloth; cloth; suiting t~ safeguard, guarantee
n·-. ,)Y.'
, >' ft~."jff,A,]ri?#r:'@l!ijjt:<'h '>$;0" ': nf:".\/M. ++ >';t:IT¥·~i2l.>G~t~Jill0;,@!!t.e1H~"·"·;r§i •>r·ww£1~n00A#tjil$ dpk !Gpf!!7f.fJ·f~1fr¥il¥\1ilif#>B·hJ
to starve, famish, hunger t_~i:t.Y.- to improve, better, ameliorate, upgrade, ;;.:... : ~Y.-
0, make better
hunger, starvation t.P. to intone, modulate, recite (s)ill ~~
db:- t"'IJ -u~Y,.
heavy rain, downpour ~;. ~ : J Y,.
'I -
.... 0 .........
to be or become hollow up.- I uts' :u.P.
to hollow out, cave, cavern ~ , u p.-1
.... ~-- ..... 1 ......
o~ : u
;li..- .-' .:;:; ....
generosity, liberality, openhanded- .b..:.,~}: J;.,
ness, munificence, bounty
out, excavate, bore, make hollow
goodness, excellence, quality, fine o~;., •oJ.P.
interior, inside, heart ~ , ~ ~ , ~I~ : WY,. quality, high quality, fineness, superiority, su-
0 ;oi , .... 0 - 0 .....
perbness; perfection; efficiency, efficacy
abdomen, belly, venter .*1JI u':ll?-, ~:up.-
• ..- J judo [~-'! ~~J] _,~;,..
uhJ I ~ ~ : u _p.
0 ....

0 :: ..... ,
.- .... • , injustice, unfairness, inequity, wrong; r11 :J.P.
oJ o ....

<....A:!P.'-' e--lrii~ ,4.:..::.; ·Y!~ :u_p. oppression, tyranny

hold { .. :n0·-
_ _p. } 6:- t"' IJ- ~1.1 ' } 6:- :J_;..
inside, within; in(to); in the middle of sock(s); stocking(s); hose(s) (y~IY.- r) 1..:-'~Y,.
interior, inner, inside ~I~: ~Y,. damask rose (uli) ~J;
~ : ;;_;..
abdominal, ventral
0 j .... 0 .... "' 0 ....
j~i t"' I)- J~ ':,;i '0?i '[~i '~ :)Y.-
underground, subterranean, v'> J ~I ~ : t}_p. walnut; nut (ul:-;) o)Y,. ,..)Y,.
subsurface; plutonic, hypogene •
~- '·- ·1,1 '-·- ·1, '·-
core G' .. G
.. ,.P- ..
nutmeg c.SY. . ~
J.P- ' . ..
... ~I·
0 J.P- ' . .. J.P-

groundwater -~."
"-::J_p. "c..
0 ...
nux vomica ·Ji-ll oj_p., •Ji-ll j_p.
0 .... , .... 0... 0 .... , 0 .-

4i _;.. t"' IJ - JY,. coconut ~~UI ~j_;.. , ~~ j_;.. , ~~ j_;..

butternut, white walnut
troop, company, group, band ~~ :4iY,.
choir; orchestra, band mangosteen
theatrical troupe
Legion of Honor u~ I ii _;.. middle, center, heart

jockey J.:.}. I ~:;. J l; : -J;.

J C'.J I ~ :r most (oO, bulk, major part

J~ ,J~ t"'IJ-JY,. ,JY.- Adam's apple

joule ~ Ji ~l1 ~:.;.:; :J;,..
J~ t"'IJ -u~:P.
round(s); patrol; circuit; tour, (round) trip, voy- ;JY,. Jo J .... o"'
age, journey, excursion, outing; cruise; ride; errand squab, young pigeon J,hj :Jj_P.
round (tJJ ~Jt:.:, ~~~~, ~~J~ :r) ;J_;.. nut-brown, hazel; nut ~..),;.;;.
.... ".... J..- - :;:.
golf (W)uJ;,.. J uglandaceae ~j~l ~~ :u~j_,.,/-1
0 ....

furze, gorse, whin (uli) ·:t'

. <J' .P. hickory
ham u;,:b:- :u~; palace, mansion; belvedere
inlet, bay, gulf ~:u; chest, breast, thorax
,. '


,. ' ,
rye ham 0~~ :0~y:-

nucellus black-bellied sand grouse ()l1)~;.

stud essence, quiddity, quintes- o~L. , J,

~ L.:;. _P.
sence; essential nature, intrinsic nature; gist, pith,
dowel; peg, pin core, marrow, kernel; substance; matter; content
coming, arrival, advent, incoming ·~ :~ ,~ jewel, gem (-} ~ : ;. Y,.
... , ' ....... .
... .... .... , ....
back and forth, to and fro,~_,.~_,~'~~.~.~_,~ atom; monad
up and down - -
jewel, gem
f': 't , , •'o ~ - .. • oo I>- jeweler :S,;. Y,. , :S, ~ IY,. :~:,A _P.
quicklime, unslaked lime YUa..o r, ~ ~ .J~ ,. _.. 1 _,. ~ e /

substantial, substantive, material; es- 1.$' L I :!.?I' y:-

limekiln ~-% :o~ ~ sential, intrinsic, inherent; radical; fundamental, ba-
agitated, excited, kindled, inflamed, over- .;.~ sic, principal, main, chief, major, prime, primary,
wrought, impassioned ; wild, hot, enraged, horn- cardinal, key, master, capital, leading; crucial, vital
mad; surging, rolling, heaving, rough; ebullient; jeweler ~:;. Y,. , :S, ~I Y,. ::S,;. Y,.
boiling, bubbling up, simmering 4>..0.:.i; '!> lc~ .. > - '-
:J ~ :~ essentialism ... "'-:! r :~I" y:-
to pocket, provide with a pocket ~
to be passionately stirred by love or grief t.?.r.
pocket (t'J y~ll) ~
air, aerial, aer-, aero-; atmospheric(al), airy, :S,~
heart; breast, bosom J~ , .)i :~
meteoric; weather, meteorologic(al)
sinus [C;l~]~
·-] (~i) '-'~
nasal sinus(es) [ C;!..r-' " , (~~:i) .__.:.;. 0

0 0 ..

sine [ ..::.. L..<.l.. -- \~II,

... _) ] "'-:!~
j- ~ '~
_, , ·- airmail
cosine [ u~~J ] 1"\....::ll ~ .... '!J ... ..-.

_.......... ' ' ,, .... .... .... "' .....

airlift, air bridge i.?Y':' ~
pocket(s)of resistance ~...e_,WI y~ •i.?F ~ meteorite
.... -J!_.-

i.?Y':' .;:-

;;1_;;,. ~
air pocket, air hole, pocket _y;- l. t~
" -..... '
y~l _,1 ~I yt.J~
. airlines, airways
_,. :;. . . . . , t S,'/J.--

"' .... '

sinusitis aerial photograph (o )L6.14 oj_,.. ) ~y;- OJ_,...
pocket watch . ~ ~L atmospheric pressure ;:,~~
pocketknife, penknife
meteorology ~~I~~....~~~~
pocket book, pocket
air raid ~~ ~)~

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