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TOPIC: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations



Discussion Outline: phantom limb/phantom pain and peripheral and

i. Overview of somatic sensations central mechanisms theories to explain this
ii. Cutaneous Sensory Physiology phenomenon
a. Skin Mechanoreceptors  itch vs. tickle vs. pain
b. Thermoreceptors
iii. Proprioceptors –also are somatosensory Review:
(will be discussed during the Reflex Lecture) Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG)
a. Muscle spindle  1st order neuron of the somatosensory system,
b. Golgi tendon organs whether it is for crude touch, pressure, pain,
*these two are the most studied temperature, proprioception, fine touch, 2 point
proprioceptors, though they are also determination)
somatosensory receptors  If from face region, what is the 1st order sensory
*There are also other proprioceptors in skin neuron?
and joint/muscle, but we will not be dealing
with them much anymore
2 general classes of DRG neurons
iv. Cutaneous & Visceral Pain Receptors
(Nociceptors & Intro to Pain Physiology) - (innervate various somatosensory receptors):
Pain receptors and various ascending fibers 1. Large DRG neurons
which may take the fast pain / slow pain,  Large soma, large axon (from single
and recent advances in introductory pain branching from soma, divides into 2
physiology processes)
o Peripheral – innervates the
sensory receptors
Two Well Studied Endogenous Pain Control Systems: o Central – enter the dorsal horn
1. Gate control system (posterior gray horn) of spinal
 by Dr. Walden Melzack cord
 discovered in 1960’s  they are myelinated (not all myelinated
- know the lateral inhibition mechanism behind are large, refer to Type A delta fibers
this GCC/spinal gating described below)
- you may read more about this in your book  Ex. Neurons that give rise to Type A beta,
Type A delta, and Type A gamma fibers
2. Descending pain inhibition system (late 1970-  Sensory modalities involved:
1980’s) Proprioception, Fine Touch, Pacinian
**these two are briefly described in handout diagram Corpuscles, etc.

Objectives: 2. Small DRG Neurons

 Know the features & functions of receptors  Neurons that give rise to:
 Know how adequate stimuli is converted to changes o C Fibers
membrane conductance (receptor potential) o Type A delta fibers (myelinated)
 Know the size of receptive field (small/large; = if compared with other Type A
contribution in characterizing sensory stimuli afferent fibers, A delta are
 Know how increasing stimulus intensity is expressed smaller
in terms of increasing spike discharges  Sensory Modalities involved: Most from
 Know the Central & Peripheral Mechanisms of pain Anterolateral system (but not all, only
and analgesia majority) – some experimental literatures
 distinguish fast pain, slow pain, referred pain, state that fine touch afferents send
projected pain ‘some’ collateral to ALS; also, pain too
 gating theory, opiod and non-opiod mechanism of sends ‘some’ collaterals to the medial
endogenous pain control lemniscal pathway.
 short definitions: hyperalgesia, allodynia, muscle * keyword: “some”
radiating spasm, congenital insensitivity to pain,

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 1

Fast Pain = generally part of small DRG, with Type A Lecture Proper:
delta fibers, myelinated but smaller in diameter (smaller,
I. Overview
as compared with large DRG axons)
Ascending Tracts
Slow pain = C fibers innervated
 Anterolateral System, composed of :
Crude Touch = difficulty to localize; innervated by C
fibers 1. Lateral Spinothalamic Tract – pain and
Fine Touch = uses vibratory sensors, those specialized 2. Anterior (Ventral) Spinothalamic Tract –
for precise stimulus localization such as Merkel’s disks, touch and pressure
Meissners, Ruffini’s, Pacinian, Hair Cells
*recall their sites of decussation, thalamic nuclei
*however based on actual experimental observation (ex: destination, cerebral cortex destination, also, look
histological), fine touch modalities are discovered to at images of the sensory homunculus
have ‘some’ Type A delta fibers (but still, mostly have
Sensory Homunculus – regional specification can
larger diameters)
change (amputees developing the remaining limb’s
*thermal receptors = predominantly a delta and c fibers capabilities); Size of cortical receptive fields =
proportional to the density of receptors in the
Dr. Simbulan: this can be confusing in terms of representative region. (Fingers: have high density of ss
innervation. Generally, small myelinated and receptors)
unmyelinated C fibers predominate nociceptors;
proprioception generally A beta and A alpha Guyton further divided the spinothalamic tract into:
a. Paleospinothalamic – connecting mostly to
Still Confused? Just remember this: brainstem, then to intralaminar thalamic nuclei
 Proprioceptors: before going to Cerebral Cortex; generally
o large diameter, myelinated related to affective/emotional aspects of pain
o Aβ, Aα b. Neospinothalamic – associated to fast pain
 Crude touch, pain, temperature:
o small, unmyelinated  Dorsal Column / Medial Lemniscal System
o Group 4 or Type C fibers –fine touch, proprioception
 Fine touch, vibration, pressure:
o large, myelinated
Effects of Damage to Somatosensory cortex
o Group 2, or the rest of Type A
 A few Thermoreceptors: > Severely damaged Area 312 = contralateral loss of
o Aδ, C sensation; however, based on experiments, actually:
 *somatic motor neurons (ventral horn):
o Aα  tactile sensations – all fine tactile is generally
abolished (esp. at contralateral side); crude
Diameter Type Modality
touch is recovered after a period of time
(μm)  Pain, temperature – left generally intact
12-20 Aα Proprioception
Hence, we can conclude that:
5-12 Aβ Fine touch, Pressure • in fine touch: cortex is very important
• in pain, temp: awareness center is below
3-6 Aγ Muscle Spindles cortex (can even be at thalamus), though there
are no definite studies as to where it is exactly.
2-5 Aδ Pain, Cold, crude touch
It is just somewhere below the cortex. The role
<3 B Preganglionic Autonomic of cortex perhaps is mainly on the localization
of the pain or temperature stimulus.
0.4-1.2 C Pain, Temperature, etc.
> Lesions to Area 5 AND 7
= Sensory Association Cortex Lesion)
= astereognosis; inability to identify an object if
touched when blindfolded

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Somatic Senses Pathways Scientists were also able to identify via
(ALS or Medial Lemniscus) microneurography whether the receptors have small or
large receptive fields.

Ventrobasal Nuclei Which size of receptive field gives more exact

(VPM – if from head, neck) information about the location of the stimulus? Small!
(VPL – if from rest of the body)
Naming Convention for Mechanoreceptors

Tactile Receptor Adaptation Receptive Field Code

Area 312
(Anterior Parietal Cortex) 1. Pacinian Corpuscle Fast large FA-II

2. Meissner’s Corpuscle Fast small FA-I

Sensory Association Cortex
3. Merkel’s Disk Slow small SA-I
(Posterior Parietal Cortex)
- helps identify objects only by touching via higher 4. Hair Follicle Endings Fast small FA-I
order processing (stereognosis)
5. Ruffini’s Endings Slow large SA-II
- makes holistic image of the object
FA = Fast Adapting
II. Sensory Receptors of Skin SA = Slowly Adapting
I = small receptive field
Cutaneous Receptors
II = large receptive field
– can be found in both hairy/hairless skin
>>>>>Slowly vs. Fast Adapting Receptors
– studied via microneurography (thus, it was - see last page
studied in isolated nerves from animals/humans,
without actually exposing the nerves. They just
stimulate nerve ending above skin with some pressure (want tabular form? See final page)
stimuli (or other stimuli). Microelectrodes are inserted 1. Pacinian Corpuscle (FA-II)
to actually impinge on the isolated nerve itself. Action  Rapidly adapting
potentialns are recorded. It is with this technique that  Studied well via microneurographic
we were able to identify the thresholds for various techniques
 Onion-like lamellar capsule (about 1mm in
mechanoreceptors, as well as their receptive fields, and
whether the receptors are slowly or rapidly adapting.
✪ Speed of Adaptation: very rapid
Receptor potentials as stimulus intensity is increased
(ex: from 0.1 to 0.6 Newton) = increasing amplitude. ✪ Receptive Field: Large (hence, not accurate in
localizing stimulus source)
When the action potentials were recorded from the
axon itself where checked, they have increasing ✪ Encoded Sensation: touch, vibration
(acceleration detector)
discharge frequency
✪ Afferents, location: generally Aβ (some Aα); skin
 Aβ = large, myelinated, group 2
In short:
Increase in stimulus intensity (skin
“Increase stimulus intensity, increase amplitude of deformation is the stimulus)
receptor potential, increase discharge frequency of
sensory nerve.”
Stimulus intensity
maintained constant.

There is only discharge only

when there is increase in
intensity. After that, there
Discharge is no more response

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Pacinian Corpuscles only become really active (with ✪ Speed of Adaptation: slow
higher discharge frequency) when stimulus frequency is ✪ Receptive Field: small (hence, accurate in
increased within this frequency range: 200-300 Hz. localizing stimulus source)
(Create stimulus within this range, and this is the only ✪ Encoded Sensation: localization of stimulus
time the sensory nerve will have higher discharge (touch pressure)
frequency) ✪ Afferents, location: Aβ (group2); high density
in fingertips, lips, many skin areas
2. Meissner’s Corpuscle (FA-I)
 Rapidly adapting
 Studied well via microneurographic
✪ Speed of Adaptation: very rapid
✪ Receptive Field: small (hence, accurate in
localizing stimulus source) 5. Hair Follicle Endings
✪ Encoded Sensation: speed of stimulus  Rapidly adapting
application, low freq vibration sensors (like  Studied well via microneurographic
pacinian, though meissner’s have lower techniques
sensibility: 30-40Hz)  Practical example: when you wear your
✪ Afferents, location: Aβ (group2); fingertips, lips, clothes, at first you feel them on you, but
skin, even at sexual erectile tissues, glans penis, as time passes, you won’t even feel them
etc. (you won’t be constantly conscious of it)
Of course, when you move, you stimulate
these hair endings a bit to produce some
spike discharges so you can feel it as you
✪ Speed of Adaptation: rapid
✪ Receptive Field: small (hence, accurate in
localizing stimulus source)
3. Ruffini Endings (SA-II)
 Slowly adapting ✪ Encoded Sensation: light touch flutter; low
 Studied well via microneurographic vibration sensors (30-40 Hz, like Meissner’s)
techniques ✪ Afferents, location: Aβ (group2)
✪ Speed of Adaptation: slow
6. Tactile Discs
✪ Receptive Field: large (hence, not accurate in
7. Other Cutaneous Receptors
localizing stimulus source)
✪ Encoded Sensation: magnitude and duration of
stimulus (touch pressure); because it is slowly
Two point threshold
adapting, it can give accurate description
magnitude and duration… unlike those that  Two point
are rapidly adapting discrimination
✪ Afferents, location: Aβ (group2), with some Aα threshold
according to some literature ; covered by  Using a compass,
liquid filled collagen or any tool with 2
 Smallest tip separation for which the subject
can tell that there are two stimulus source
points without looking at them

>> High two point threshold = low sensitivity

4. Merkel’s Disk (SA-I) (ex: scapular region, back of neck)
 Slowly adapting >> Low two point threshold = high sensitivity
 Studied well via microneurographic (ex: fingertips)
 An independent cell; a specialized epithelial
cell that releases a chemical messenger
(which acts like a neurotransmitter),
activating sensory nerve endings that
synapse with them.

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Spatial resolution A Monkey Experiment using Braille (to evaluate
various mechanoreceptors)
 Can be extracted using the values of the two
point threshold  Pattern recorded closely resembles Braille: SA-
 the inverse/reciprocal of the two point I (Merkel’s disc)
threshold  More or less resembles the Braille: FA-I
 if two point threshold is 70; spatial threshold is (Meissner’s Corpuscle)
1/70  The CNS cannot describe it, no idea at all: SA-II
 the higher the two point threshold; the lower (Ruffini’s Endings), FA-II (Pacinian Corpuscles)
the spatial resolution
 more sensitive areas will have higher spatial
resolution *the characteristic common with Merkel’s and
Meissner’s = both have small receptive field, that’s why
they are good in localizing stimulus (hence, creating a
closer image of it)
I cannot find the image that Dr.
**You may try to look for the image related to the
Simbulan flashed during his
monkey-braille experiment, if you are having a hard
lecture. Sorry
time visualizing it.

*The ones with highest spatial resolution (low 2 pt

threshold) = fingertip; also has high density of
mechanoreceptors with small receptive field and low
density of mechanoreceptors with large receptive field.

Recent findings on temperature sensation

transduction mechanisms
Transduction Mechanism of Mechanoreceptors
Simply stretching the extracellular matrix of the skin  There are receptors for ATP (ATP is released
would stretch the cytoskeletal structures which open up by surrounding tissues, exciting the free nerve
the mechanically gated ion channels allowing cation endings that are sensitive to warm stimulus)
influx, causing initial depolarization (receptor potentials o P2X receptors = purinergic receptors
which are activated ATP released from
surrounding tisssues; mediate
moderate heat sensations
Temperature = generally group a delta and c fibers;  There are also receptors found in cold
receptor free nerve endings
Thermal Spots o CMR (cold and methol sensitive
Hairy skin has larger thermal spots than hairless skin receptor)

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There are specific types of nociceptors for every
damaging stimulus:

 Cold nociceptors
*if you go higher (temp), the activity of the cold
 Hot nociceptors
receptors will dive down (same happens for warm  Mechanonociceptors
receptors)  Chemonociceptors

*If temperature is increased beyond 45 degrees, before Are “receptors” used in different ways? Cold receptor? Pain Receptor?
sensory nerves become denatured, there will be an The word “Receptor” can describe:
increase in discharge frequency… results to paradoxical 1. a part of a sensory nerve ending, or specialized
cold sensation. (Principle: cold receptors are briefly epithelial cell that causes changes to
active before they are inactivated; the pain sensation is membrane conductance in response to an
adequate stimulus
from the pain receptors) Prolong the exposure to high
2. a transmembrane protein in the cell
temperature, and the cold receptors will be destroyed. membrane that may have different function
Pain receptors will be activated (slow pain if there will (can be an enzyme, an ion channel, binds to
be swelling and blisters forming) chemical messenger)
*don’t be confused when the word “receptor” is used in
*example: accidentally touching a hot iron, you will feel a statement to describe different things
brief coldness, then pain (try it!)

The opposite occurs when the

temperature is increased

>>Thermal Stimulus (34 degrees30 degrees34 * Hence, the CNS uses both warm and cold fibers to
degrees) respond to cold or warm stimulus (if stimulus is cold,
>>Cold Fiber = Cold sensitive free nerve endings heat sensitive free nerve endings also acts, v/v.)
>>Warm Fiber = Heat sensitive free nerve endings

*However, these two cannot give any responses to Trivia:

absolute temperature, only to transient changes in According to new version of Ganong: ipsilateral insular
temperature cortex is a possible new sensory cortex for thermal

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Questions: Overstimulation hypothesis

1. Difference of pain receptors from others: - when you stimulate a receptor lightly, you
signals potential threat/damage only cause touch and when you stimulate it at higher
2. The importance of pain receptors? They lead to intensity, temperature at higher still, possibly tickle and
the eventual removal of damaging stimuli more, pain.
3. When is pain harmful? If it is chronic in nature
that it already disturbs personal and social life, Labeled Line Mechanism
or even causes loss of sensation leading to self - No matter how specialized sensory receptor is,
mutilation if there are no central connections no sensory
experience. That kind of central connection component
Chronic Pain related to illnesses is called labeled line mechanism—it is a little bit of an
extension of this older doctrine.
 Diabetes = leads to peripheral neuropathies;
leads to hyperactivity and degeneration of  Visceral Nociceptors
sensory nerves, causing chronic pain o Primarily innervated by C fibers (slow)
 Whiplash syndrome = from injury arising from o Periosteum, joint Surfaces, dura mater,
neck, complains for a long period of time tentorium, cranial vault
 Spinal Nerve Problems = if vertebrae is o Most are associated with Referred pain
degenerating; may cause chronic pain
 Chronic Headache experiences = like migraine Referred Pain
 Onset of changes of physiologic states = - there are corresponding surfaces of the
dysmenorrhea (possibly with headache) body wherein pain is referred to by various injuries or
some inflammatory conditions of internal organs.

III. Cutaneous and Visceral Nociceptors  Muscle nociceptors

o Primarily A delta (III) and C type (IV)
 Cutaneous Nociceptors (Skin receptors) o Ischemic pain (blood unable to cope with
o A delta (fast pain) group III contraction
o C fibers (slow pain) group IV o Basically, much of these receptors are
*Specific for damaging mechanical, activated as a result of occlusion of blood
chemical, or thermal stimuli supply in the muscle tissue contributing to
relief of other sensitizing chemicals like
Question: If you are to isolate touch receptors: merkel’s, potassium in a so-called Louis factor so
this can either be experienced in skeletal
meissner’s, ruffini’s, pacinian (assuming you can isolate
or cardiac muscles which can activate
them) –then increase stimulation intensity. What will these muscle pain receptors.
be the sensation felt (touch only, or both touch and o the adequate stimuli in transduction
pain)? mechanisms involved for pain pathways,
generally speaking, damaged cells can
Answer: Only touch sensation will be generated; no induce the release of various
pain sensation will be felt. (See Mullerian Doctrine of neurochemicals or other tissue chemicals
Specific Nerve Energies). Overstimulation will only lead of non-neural nature which would
to pain if the touch receptors are not isolated and are sensitize or activate numerous nerve
adjacent to pain receptors. Thus, the overstimulation endings. So in addition to histamine, you
have potassium, and hydrogen ions.
hypothesis is countered.
Activators (Tissue Chemicals) that activate nociceptors
o In addition to histamine or bradykinin,
Mullerian Doctrine of Specific nerve energies. which are released from damaged tissues
and can activate these damaged
- The sensation which is generated by nociceptors, there are other tissue
stimulating a sensory pathway or receptor is due to the chemicals of both neural and nonneural
fact that there is a specialized receptor for that nature which can activate various pain
particular sensation. And of course, the sensation nerve ending.
generated is basically due to the central connections of
this sensory pathway o Synthesized by polypeptides
 Cholecystokinin
- for one specific type of sensation there is one  Opiods
type of sensory receptor with its own sensory ascending  Neurokinin
pathway to a part of the brain

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 7

o Non neural Question: if prostaglandins are the predominant
 Histamine chemicals, what kind of analgesics would be most
 Bradykinin effective?
 Acetylcholine Answer: Your aspirin-like drugs. They are prostaglandin
 ATP synthesis inhibitors. They actually inhibit the synthesis
 Etc. of prostaglandin.

o Neural 5. histamine is released from mast cells, activating

 What are they? histamine receptors
6. Serotonin is also released. It is a known active
= And they bind to their corresponding receptors on ingredient in inflammatory tissues, in inflamed
pain nerve endings so it seems the pain system is really joints.
a primitive system which can respond to various 7. The role of sympathetic system in pain, especially if
chemicals. So even if you fail to synthesize one kind of there’s nerve injury, is induced.
chemical due to gene mutation, still, there are other
chemicals released from damaged tissue which can Uninjured Nerve
activate the pain system. So they are not as highly What is known is that many pain nerves as well as
specialized as the other pain systems. ordinary somatosensory pain nerves are not highly
excitable at the basal state, if they are not injured.
Other neurobiological findings will be specialized
receptors which can activate some endings. For Injured Nerve
example, the sili. But when they are injured, what has been found out is
 The component of some chili sauce is a that many of these pain nerves as well as ordinary pain
capsaicin, a molecule which activates your nerve endings upregulated their membrane molecular
vanilloid, your vr1 receptor. The receptor itself receptors for norepinephrine (either in the soma or in
is activated by temperature beyond 43 the peripheral nerve endings).
degrees centigrade. Probably some kind of hot The alpha adrenoreceptor is a receptor subtype
nociceptors. for norepinephrine. When they upregulate this receptor,
 In addition, there are also other kinds of they become sensitive to circulating or basal
membrane receptors called vrl1 receptor concentrations of norepinephrine in the blood, in the
which is non-capsaicin sensitive and is also plasma. And then they would possibly reach these free
activated by changes of thermal stimulus nerve endings. So upregulation of these norepinephrine
beyond 50 degrees centigrade. receptors can make them excitable and that is why
 So these vrl1 is supposed to be found in c many of these nerve injuries are very difficult to
fibers. However, data does not actually discuss suppress the pain so what some pain doctors would do
whether they come from a delta or c fibers. is to use blocking agents for some alpha norepinephrine

Remember: Role of norepinephrine receptors in nerve endings of

o VR1 = capsaicin sensitive pain system
o VRL1 = non capsaicin sensitive
Again, another important polypeptide is substance P
Activation of Pain System which is not only released in the soma of dorsal horn,
- as long as there is damage to the tissue but they’ve been found to be released in free nerve
- a nerve ending can stimulate itself endings in inflamed tissue and they can also cause
(autostimulation of pain)by releasing chemicals such as sensitization of pain afferents. Then hydrogen ions
substance P. when the tissues become more acidic as a result of
damaged tissue so there are protons here and then of
Interaction of Bradykinin with other neurochemicals course the release of free radicals like H2O2 from
and tissue chemicals in sensitizing joint tissue during damaged tissue can also cause activation of nerve
inflammation (such as arthritis) endings.

H2O2 – increases pain sensitivity

1. Damaged tissue releases bradykinin.
H+ – acidity also increases pain sensitivity
2. Bradykinin will stimulate a corresponding receptor
Bradykinin cascade – metabotropic; uses G protein and
(like B2, a metabotropic receptor)
Phospholipase C
3. Other sensitizing chemicals will be released
4. How bradykinin interacts with them determines the
excitation of the sensory endings (complex cocktail
of chemicals + prostaglandins)

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 8

Fast Pain vs. Slow Pain Phantom Pain
o In phantom pain, (having phantom limb) pain is
FAST (First) PAIN SLOW (Second) PAIN arising from the body part which is
“initial” “delayed” absent/amputated.
Aδ fibers C fibers o Earlier hypothesis about phantom pain- even in
amputating it, severed nerve will regenerate.
Discrete Burning sensation There will be a kind of neuronal regeneration
which will contribute to hyperactivity of
Sharp dull
regenerated axonal stump.
Well localized Poorly localized o The cortex will always project it to area of body
even if it is missing.
o What clinicians try to do is to inject with local
anaesthetics, sometimes they succed, but for
Neospinothalamic = associated with fast pain some, they don’t. Thus, phantom pain comes back.
Paleospinothalamic = associated with slow pain o Dr. Ramachandran from india, a neurologist, found
out that many of his patients would report
Here possibly acute injuries let’s say bullet wound. phantom pain sensations on their upper arm.
Initially, sharp pain. Also like thumbtack. Stimulating c Digits can be reflected in upper arm as well as in
fiber for short periods of time can stimulate release of face region. Follow-up studies in animals verify
glutamate and aspartate. For acute responses to painful same observations e.g. in monkeys.
stimuli, glutamate ad aspartate will be released but in
this experiment c fibers also induce this release to Phanotom limb
activate second order neuron in dorsal horn. o not necessarily pain, can merely be an
awareness that there still remains a certain part
However, for chronic responses, for prolonged of our body, even if it was already removed.
stimulation of c fibers, other polypeptides like o animal studies: it can be due to cortical neurons
substance P, cholecystokinin, g-related peptide, from the regions receiving activated synaptic
neurokinin is co-released with glutamate and aspartate. connections from adjacent regions of the body.
This is more complex than Guyton saying that: A delta
will be for glutamate and c fibers will be for substance P.
ALS which mediate your pain signals.

Referred Pain
o One well accepted theory now is the convergence
of afference from somatic structure and visceral
nociceptor which converges in the spinal cord
and since there is no cortical representation of o Neuron 2 (the one once innervated by the
your viscera, most of the excitation of your amputated limb) upregulates receptors, causing
visceral receptors is reflected on various body denervation hypersensitivity
surfaces at the same dermatome as your visceral o Example, your forearm hand region receiving
receptors. sensory inputs from limb. Putol na yung sensory
o For example, in cardiac pain, you would find it in signals, what could happen is that there are
the inner aspect of left arm. axonal projections from adjacent regions e.g.
o When you have dysmenorrhea (assuming that upper arm, face. Probably, there may still be
you are a female), do you experience referred long term memories of amputated arm in
pain? cortical neuron so that when upper arm or face
are activated, they activate also the cortical
Projected Pain neurons which were receiving signals originally
o Phenomenon of projected pain which arises from form the amputated region. This is the central
the so-called law of projection. mechanism of phantom pain.
o In this law, when you excite a sensory pathway,
sensation generated will always be projected to Cortical plasticity
the site of the receptors for that particular Some functions of a cortical region will connect with
ascending pathway other cortical regions. If there is a sensory
o Eg. Ulnar nerve excitation: sensation projected to deafferentation or cutting off of sensory signals, there
fingertips. will be upregulation of synaptic receptors on the
o Phenomenon of projected pain can be used to postsynaptic neuron. If there are upregulation of these
understand phantom pain. receptors, they become sensitive to circulating
neurotransmitters which was described originally in
Phenomenon of denervation hypersensitivity.

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 9

Withdrawal reflex Itch and tickle
o generally sympathetic autonomic response  usually innervated by C fibers
o There are some individuals who may report  a number are also activated by similar tissue
opposite response. chemicals like histamine, kinine, elevated number
o Generally, however, associated with of bile cells, etc. and the same type of afferent C
sympathetic response along with fight or flight fibers.
o Slow pain, generally activated by c fiber Clinical Correlations
stimulation produce autonomic response Hyperalgesia = oversensitivity to noxious stimulus
associated behavioral experiences like nausea
and thermoregulatory responses like profuse Allodynia = pain caused by the non noxious movement
sweating and deduction in muscle tone. of sensitized skin e.g. boils on skin (when touched,
o We experience when visceral nociceptors are “Normally, when you touch skin, no pain. If you have a
activated e.g. appendicitis, diarrhea, dysentery, pin and you touch it lightly on skin, it can sometimes
severe stomach pain—doctors touch muscles, activate threshold of nociceptor and cause pain, but if
rigid upon touch due to protective reflex. you do that to skin adjacent to a boil = very painful
o When visceral nociceptors are activated, hyperalgesia.”
polysynaptic reflex can excite alpha motor
neurons in ventral horn which will activate Previously, noxious stimuli to normal skin can cause
overlying muscles. This is a viscerosomatic more sensitive response to inflamed tissues. That’s a
guarding reflex. hyperalgesic condition. In fact, there are discussions or
experimental conditions of primary and secondary
Chronic vs Acute pain hyperalgesia.
Chronic Pain Acute Pain o Secondary will be brought about by sensitization
of structures at spinal cord and above spinal
C fibers A delta fibers cord centers for pain processing.
o Primary it is only peripheral nerve endings that
are sensitized. Removal of the inflammatory
condition can result in absence of pain but in
How chronic pain works and how to manage it? secondary even removal of main source of
o it has been assumed that it will be passing activation can still result in chronic pain
through ALS system condition as result of sensitization of higher pain
o thus, treatment may be via spinal cord order processing centers.
transsections focusing on anterolateral
quadrant. Hyperesthesia = oversensitivity to mechano and
o Mostly for patients with terminal cancer to thermoreceptive systems to non noxious stimulus
manage pain. Transecting ascending pathways
passing through ventral and lateral Hyperpathia = a pain syndrome characterized by an
spinothalamic tracts. They do transections of increase in response with delayed onset, and an after
anterolateral quadrant by surgery. They found response that outlasts the stimulus; apparent after
out that even surgery is not very successful for repetitive stimulation
chronic pain relief:
 there can be central structures, Hypoalgesia = undersensitivity to noxious stimulus
supraspinal structures, above the
thalamus which become already Hypoanaesthesia = undersensitivity to all
sensitive as a result of chronic pain somatosensory modalities
conditions or some types of chronic
denervations, or some reverberating *Anaesthesia relates to all somatosensory modalities,
circuits. even touch.
 there can be some pathways which *Analgesia, just pain system. Complete congenital
can send collaterals through dorsal absence of sensitivity to pain due to absence of A delta
column. and C fibers.

Guyton’s reverberating circuit theory—inputs will Complete Congenital Insensitivity = no C fibers&A delta
cause action of higher reverberating circuit but what
present studies actually discovered is that synaptic Causalgia and reflex sympathetic dystrophy = Part of
neurotransmitters can be upregulated in cases of neuropathic pain-paindue to nerve injuries; upregulated
denervation causing activation of supraspinal pain norepinephrine receptors

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 10

Neuralgia = probably similar mechanisms to  There are conditions of plasticity
sympathetic dysreflexia; neuropathic pains in learning. Learning itself is a
good model of plasticity.
 Upregulation of norepinephrine receptors either  When we learn/remember there
in soma or in regenerated axonal sprouts which are structural changes happening
make them sensitive to circulating basal levels of in our brain. In order for us to
norepinephrine especially in times of stess. In remember something/be good at
times of stress, fight or flight responses, higher something, we have to do
levels of serotonin which can excite nerve-injured repetitive stimulation (Repetitive
areas furthers. stimuli of certain pathway) and
 Closest biochemical model for reverberating Some emotional affective
circuit of Dr. ganong: but this one is brought components (you feel well-
about by glutamate so there is no such circuit of a motivated), emotional cues. At
circle/pathway of nerves whch have been found the same time, there are
experimentally but only expt’l evidence is emotional deterrents to further
pathways (pain pathways) which releases learning e.g. stress.
glutamates as well as polypeptides like substance
Postsynaptic neuron and induces release of nitric
oxide which further excites presynaptic neuron.

 Nitric oxide, for example, has been known to

diffuse to the presynaptic neuron in central
pathways causing positive feedback mechanism-
hyperexcitation of this pathway.

 in normal conditions, may not happen but with
hyperactivation of pathway due to injury to nerve,
it can be possible
 Eg. Normally, nitric oxide is not produced much
but with hyperactivation of this pathway, nitric
oxide is formed and would lead to positive
feedback of the mechanism.
 Another example of plasticity would be
regeneration of adjacent neurons in phantom
pain. Causes us sensation of a limb which has
been cut off as though it is present.
 Other examples- you’re blind so your visual
cortex is not well used but your somatosensory
neurons from anterior parietal and posterior
clacarine cortex would be possibly invading (in
terms of synaptic connections to your visual
cortex). Possibly, visual cortical neurons now will
be having synaptic connections with
somatosensory cortex in performing work very
similar to somatosensory neurons.
 Normally, ganito specialized functions niya pero
due to changes in environment, they perform
either functions.
o For example, left brain, right brainfor
young people, infants, with brain
damage, left hemisphere is destroyed
(language-specialized), right hemisphere
still intact, language functions can still be
developed in left hemisphere because
right hemisphere takes over such
 Such plasticity gradually decrease
when we’re older.

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 11

 Aβ = large, myelinated, group2
 Small receptive field =accurate in
localizing stimulus source
 Large receptive field = not accurate in
localizing stimulus source

Characteristic Pacinian Meissner’s Merkel’s Ruffini’s Ending Hair Follicle

Corpuscle Corpuscle Disk Endings


Adaptation Fast Fast Slow Slow Fast

Receptive field size large small small large small

Touch, vibration speed of stimulus localization of magnitude and Light touch
Encoded Sensation (acceleration application, low stimulus (touch duration of flutter; low
detector) freq vibration pressure) stimulus (touch vibration sensors
sensors (like pressure); (30-40 Hz, like
pacinian, though because it is Meissner’s)
meissner’s have slowly adapting,
lower sensibility: it can give
30-40Hz) accurate
magnitude and
duration… unlike
those that are
rapidly adapting
generally Aβ Aβ
Afferents (with some Aα) Aβ Aβ (with some Aα) Aβ

fingertips, lips, high density in ??

Location Skin skin, even at fingertips, lips, covered by liquid
sexual erectile many skin areas filled collagen
tissues, glans
penis, etc.
Onion like
Notes / Remarks lamellar capsule

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 12

PHYSIOLOGY: Neurophysiology of Somatic Sensations Page 13

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