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Institute of Energy Management and Research, Gurgaon


India’s largest power company, NTPC was set up in 1975 to accelerate power development
in India. NTPC is emerging as a diversified power major with presence in the entire value
chain of the power generation business. Apart from power generation, which is the
mainstay of the company, NTPC has already ventured into consultancy, power trading, ash
utilisation and coal mining. According to Forbes, NTPC ranked 317 th among the 2000 world’s
biggest companies in the 2009. NTPC became a Maharatna company in May, 2010, one of
the only four companies to be awarded this status. 

The total installed capacity of the company is 33,194 MW (including JVs) with 15 coal based
and 7 gas based stations, located across the country. In addition under JVs, 5 stations are
coal based & another station uses naphtha/LNG as fuel.  The company has set a target to
have an installed power generating capacity of 1,28,000 MW by the year 2032. The capacity
will have a diversified fuel mix comprising 56% coal, 16% Gas, 11% Nuclear and 17%
Renewable Energy Sources(RES) including hydro. By 2032, non fossil fuel based generation
capacity shall make up nearly 28% of NTPC’s portfolio.

NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Although the company has
18.10% of the total national capacity, it contributes 28.60% of total power generation due to
its focus on high efficiency.


NTPC Faridabad is a Gas based combined cycle power plant. There are two units of gas
turbine, 143MW each which produces power by utilizing heated and compressed air in the
turbine. The residual heat from the spent air from these two units is used to generate steam
using a Heat Recovery steam generator to produce 144MW of additional power. This leads
to the total of 430MW capacity for the plant. The average annual power generation by the
plant for the last 5 years is approximately 2900 GWh. The standard requirement of Gas for
the plant is 2.07 MMSCMD at 90% PLF which is supplied by GAIL through its HBJ pipeline.
The cost of power generated by Gas is approximately ~Rs 1.5/KWh and the same from
Naphtha is ~Rs 6.5-7/KWh.

The commissioning dates for the three units are as under:

GT 1: 29th June 1999

GT2: 18th October 1999 &
ST: 31st July 2000


A yen loan of 56,154 million was scheduled to cover the power plant and Transmission
&Transformation facilities costs of the project, excluding the land acquisition costs, project
management costs, taxes and part of the costs for the switchyards, however, the portion
necessary for the works to be undertaken by the end of FY95 (23,536 million yen) was
Courtesy: Japan International Co-Operation Agency


(1) Power Station

The power plant was completed in July 2000, two years and seven months behind the
initially planned date (December 1997). This delay was caused by approval procedures
accompanying the changes to output scale and so on, however, as Table illustrates,
construction of the plant per se progressed extremely smoothly.

Courtesy: Japan International Co-Operation Agency

(2) Transmission & Transforming Facilities

For the same reason as cited above, construction started three years behind schedule, but
was completed in 16 months, which was essentially as per the plans (14 months).

The delays occurring prior to construction are believed to have been the product of
limitations in NTPC’s ability to deal, unassisted, with the numerous state governments and
related organizations involved in the process. However, given the fact that debate over the
changes in output scale linked to hold ups in the approval process, it might have been
possible to confirm / verify the prospects for power purchase by each of the states in
advance, thereby reducing the duration of the delays.

However, it would be beneficial to evaluate how the construction work was completed in
less time than initially projected under such circumstances.
(1) Power Station
A comparison of initially planned costs and results reveals on overall under run, with actual
costs being equivalent to around 51% (2,710 million yen) of the planned amount (approx.
5,340 million) in a yen base. This is attributed to a 35% appreciation in the value of the yen
between appraisal and completion, and to substantially lower costs for the following two

Main Plant (approx. 54% of initial plan)

Price Escalation (approx. 13% of initial plan)

This is primarily attributed to calm market conditions and the short construction period.

(2) Transmission & Transforming Facilities

The impact of changes to the project scope and the high value of the yen produced an
overall under run in project costs, with the actual figure being approximately 78% (759
million yen) of the initially planned costs (975 million yen). This served to benefit Haryana
State by enabling electricity tariffs to be set at low levels. With regard to the yen loan
portion of costs, since a second yen loan was unnecessary, the disbursed amount was
approximately 85% (19,937 million yen) of the amount authorized for the Phase 1 loan
(23,536 million yen)


No consultants were expressly employed for this project in consideration of the

performance and technical capabilities of the two executing agencies (NTPC and
POWERGRID). The construction contractor was highly evaluated by the executing agencies,
something that is further evidenced by the fact that the work was completed ahead of the
initially planned schedule. Since no consultants were engaged on this project a tripartite
Project Coordination Committee (PCC) was organized comprising the Ministry of Power
(MOP), NTPC and POWERGRID to monitor overall progress.

The PCC was convened once every two to three months and site inspections were carried
out where necessary. In the opinion of the NTPC committee representative, in “adapting the
power plant construction schedule to the schedules for the construction of the transmission
network and the pipeline connecting the HBJ line to the power plant”, the PCC made a
substantial contribution to project progress, including to the early stage completion of
construction work.

Specifically, this project had different executing agencies for the power plant and T&T
facilities components and there were also a number of overlapping external conditions; the
existence of a body aimed at coordinating the various parties involved is considered to have
been indispensable to its smooth progress. One of the PCC members was an MOP
representative and this is believed to have bolstered the coordinative capabilities of the
committee. Coincidentally, POWERGRID operates an Integrated Project Management and
Control System (IPMCS) independently. The IPMCS checks overall project progress via
periodically convened meetings. These meetings comprise representatives from all
departments concerned in the project who discuss the extent of progress and any hindering
factors, and any necessary measures and/or support are implemented on the basis of the
IPMCS reports.

The outcome was that, in spite of delays prior to the start of construction, the efficient
functioning of the PCC and the IPMCS helped to secure effective results from the funds
injected into the project.


Generally speaking, the operational performance of power plants under NTPC jurisdiction is
surpassing the national level, inclusive of other generating companies; however, the
Faridabad Power Station is outperforming other NTPC power plants, as the following table

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Technology:

A combined cycle is an assembly of engines that convert heat into mechanical energy, which
in turn usually drives electrical generators. The principle is that the exhaust of one heat
engine is used as the heat source for another, increasing the system's overall efficiency. This
works because heat engines are only able to use a portion of the energy their fuel generates
(usually less than 50%). The remaining heat (e.g., hot exhaust fumes) from combustion is
generally wasted. Combining two or more thermodynamic cycles results in improved overall
efficiency, reducing fuel costs. In stationary power plants, a successful, common
combination is the Brayton cycle (in the form of a turbine burning natural gas or synthesis
gas from coal) and the Rankine cycle (in the form of a steam power plant). Multiple stage
turbine or steam cylinders are also common.


The Brayton cycle is more efficient than a Rankine Cycle used in a thermal power plant,
closer to 55% or higher depending on the design of the turbine and the gas which drives the

In a combined cycle power plant (CCPP), or combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant, a  gas
turbine generator generates electricity and the waste heat is used to make steam to
generate additional electricity via a steam turbine; this last step enhances the efficiency
of electricity generation. This is achieved by combining the Rankine (steam)
and Brayton (gas) thermodynamic cycles.

An open circuit gas turbine cycle has a compressor, a combustor and a turbine. For gas
turbines the amount of metal that must withstand the high temperatures and pressures is
small, and lower quantities of expensive materials can be used. In this type of cycle, the
input temperature to the turbine (the firing temperature), is relatively high (900 to
1,400 °C). The output temperature of the flue gas is also high (450 to 650 °C). This is
therefore high enough to provide heat for a second cycle which uses steam as the working
fluid; (a Rankine cycle).
In a combined cycle power plant, the heat of the gas turbine's exhaust is used to generate
steam by passing it through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with a live
steam temperature between 420 and 580 °C. The condenser of the Rankine cycle is usually
cooled by water from a lake, river, sea or cooling towers. This temperature can be as low as
15 °C.

Large combined cycle power plants are combinations of single shaft combined cycle power
plants or a multiple shaft combined cycle power plants. In multi shaft combined cycle power
plants only one gas turbine, one heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), one steam turbine.
Single shaft combined cycle power plants are categorized as with and without clutch. If the
desired plant output is higher than can be produced by a single gas turbine plant, other
possible arrangements in Multi shaft combined power plants may include two gas turbines,
two heat recovery steam generators(HRSG), and one steam turbine, which is common in
plants above 300MW, as is found in the case of NTPC Faridabad plant.

Efficiency: Most combined cycle units, especially the larger units, have peak, steady state
efficiency efficiencies of 55 - 59%. Research aimed at 1370°C turbine inlet temperature has
led to even more efficient combined cycles and 60 percent efficiency has been reached for
at least one combined cycle unit.

By combining both gas and steam cycles, high input temperatures and low output
temperatures can be achieved. The efficiency of the cycles adds, because they are powered
by the same fuel source. So, a combined cycle plant has a thermodynamic cycle that
operates between the gas-turbine's high firing temperature and the waste
heat temperature from the condensers of the steam cycle. This large range means that
the Carnot efficiency of the cycle is high. The actual efficiency, while lower than this, is still
higher than that of either plant on its own.

The HRSG can be designed with supplementary firing of fuel after the gas turbine in order to
increase the quantity or temperature of the steam generated. Without supplementary
firing, the efficiency of the combined cycle power plant is higher, but supplementary firing
lets the plant respond to fluctuations of electrical load. Supplementary burners are also
called duct burners.

Fuel for Turbines: Gas turbines burn mainly natural gas and light oil. Crude oil, residual, and
some distillates contain corrosive components and as such require fuel treatment
equipment. In addition, ash deposits from these fuels result in gas turbine debating’s of up
to 15 percent they may still be economically attractive fuels however, particularly in
combined-cycle plants. Sodium and potassium are removed from residual, crude and heavy
distillates by a water washing procedure. NTPC Faridabad uses naphtha mix with gas in its
combustion chamber. The turbines can be run exclusively on naphtha only in case gas is not
available at the required pressure.
Planning and Scheduling: The requisition and planning of the plant operation is carried out
one day in advance. Based on the electricity requirement of the Haryana grid, the plant
carries out its scheduling. On the basis of this schedule the requisition for the gas is made to
GAIL which supplies gas to the plant through the HBJ pipeline. GAIL has a terminal right
inside the plant for offloading the gas and supplying it to the plant as per the requirements.

Plant Operations: The power plant has two gas turbines of 138 MW each and one steam
turbine of 156 MW, which are supplied by BHEL ltd. The plant has an average PLF of above
90%. Gas is burnt in the combustion chamber of the gas turbine system along with the air
which is sucked in through a air filter and which is further compressed in the air compressor
to a high pressure. The burnt expanding gas is used to rotate the gas turbine. The exhausted
flue is then used to convert de-mineralised water into steam in a steam boiler which rotates
the multi stage steam turbine. The spent stem is finally condensed in a condenser and
pumped back to the boiler. Each of the turbines rotates at the speed of 3000 rpm to
produce electricity at50 Hz which is supplied to the grid at 220KV.



(1) Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR):

The FIRR was recalculated on the basis of income and expenditure results received from the
two executing agencies and more reliable forecasts than made at appraisal, yielding a figure
of 16.9%, which eclipses the initial forecast (13.6%). The assumptions used at recalculation
are as follows.


Power selling price, transmission price: Respectively pegged at 180 paise/kWh and 5.37
paise/kWh at appraisal. At recalculation, variable prices based on depreciation costs, etc.,
were used to synchronize the figures with actual prices.
Installed capacity: Taken as 432MW, which is slightly higher than at appraisal (400MW)
Total generation p.a.: Taken as 2,514 million kWh, which is slightly higher than at appraisal
(2,328 million kWh).


Natural gas: Recalculated at the higher level of Rs. 4,321/1,000m3 (appraisal: Rs.
2,637/1,000m3). Actual figures used up to FY00, forecasts used for FY01 and beyond.

(2) Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)

The EIRR was calculated as a measure of the project’s significance in terms of the “national
economy”, yielding a figure of 17.3%. The assumptions used to calculate EIRR were as

Volume of Energy Supply

Supply volume: Generated output was based on NTPC data used for FIRR, with 40% being
deducted from FY99 results in Haryana State for system losses.
Industry sector based distribution: Average sectorial consumption rates for the state (FY97-
FY99) were used.


The Willingness to Pay Approach was utilized to calculate the benefits to industrial,
residential and commercial consumers, and the Resource Cost Saving Approach to calculate
benefits to the agricultural sector. Unit benefit costs based on both Willingness to Pay and
Resource Cost Savings were applied to the figures actually employed in the aforementioned
ADB reference case after inter-annual adjustment.
Operation and Maintenance Costs

For investment and maintenance costs (equivalent to generation and transmission costs),
the economic price obtained by multiplying the figures used to calculate the FIRR (financial
price) by a conversion factor (0.9) was utilized. Fuel costs were obtained by calculating the
required volume of natural gas from the generation volume and multiplying the resultant
figure by the unit price of natural gas (0.2426m3 of natural gas is necessary to generate
1kWh of power, and the price of natural gas is Rs3.4/m3). International prices referred in
World Bank materials were utilized for natural gas prices. Distribution costs were estimated
using data relating to the power sector in Haryana State.


The Faridabad Power Station commenced on-grid generation in 1999 and all power
produced (100%) at the plant is being supplied to Haryana State. Assuming that the plant
had not existed in FY99, the supply deficit in the state would have deteriorated from 2.3% to
9.0%. Moreover, in a trial calculation for the following year, FY00, the supply deficit would
worsen from 2.8% to 15.8%.

In fact, the peak supply deficit dropped from 8.3% in FY98 to 3.3% in FY00, a circumstance
to which the Faridabad Power Station is believed to making a certain contribution.


The state’s economy is driven by the agricultural and industrial sector, with agriculture
accounting for the largest share of state GDP.

Agricultural Sector: After the commissioning of the plant, there has been a continuous
increase in the yields because of the usage of the equipments like water pumps etc. for the

Manufacturing Sector: Growth in Haryana State’s manufacturing sector is mainly propelled

by the auto industry, which accounted for 21% of state GDP in FY00. Foreign investment and
exports are also increased, with exports growing from Rs 45 million in 1966 to Rs70bn in
2001. The IT industry (software) accounts for Rs30bn of this figure, followed by the garment
industry and auto components.


Impact on Local Residents: Based on the provisions of India’s Land Acquisition Act, a total
of Rs252 million was awarded to residents (90 persons) holding deeds for land within the
power plant lot, whilst residential land (50 × 40 feet) was provided at a distance of 1
kilometre for the six persons who were resident on the site. It was not necessary to acquire
any land for the T&T facilities.

Environmental Impacts: NTPC periodically measures effluent and atmospheric

concentrations of environmental pollutants including nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulphur
oxide (SOx), as well as the quality of effluent and water in the river into which said effluent
is discharged (suspended particulate matter, heated effluent, etc.). All results to date have
been in conformity with the standards governing emissions and the environment
established by the national government, and there have been no specific reports of adverse
environmental impacts.


Power Station

(1) Current Status of Facilities

The power station was constructed essentially as per the plans. Further, as mentioned
earlier, the various operation indicators (net electric energy production, capacity factor,
forced outage rate) would seem to indicate that the operating condition of the facilities,
etc., developed via this project is favourable.

(2) Issues currently concerned

Appropriate maintenance tasks are being undertaken in line with the guidelines and
manuals compiled by the equipment manufacturers, and no specific problems were
confirmed during observations made during this survey.

(3) Operation and Maintenance

Organizational Capability

As was initially planned, NTPC is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
power plant. There have been no major changes in the scope of the organization or its
systems since the time of appraisal. Moreover, in order that careful examinations of the
plant’s impact on the environment may be conducted, an “Environment Management Unit”
has been established within the operating department.

Technical Capability

Of the personnel engaged in plant maintenance, there are 52 technicians with a bachelor’s
degree or diploma, plus an additional 33 engineers. Personnel have an average of 15 years
experience, and NTPC reports that it has sufficient staff and technical capability for
operation and maintenance.

Power Purchaser

Power produced at the Faridabad Power Station is purchased by Haryana Vidyut Prasaran
Nigam Ltd., (HVPNL), the distribution company that came into being as the result of the
unbundling of Haryana State Electricity Board (HSEB).

HVPNL is employing the following measures as a means of assuring its payments to NTPC. In
the first instance, it converted all tariffs arrears accumulated up to 2002 into bonds, and in
July of that year it opened a letter of credit for a sum equivalent to 105% of the monthly
supply volume. This means that should HVPNL default on its payments NTPC can invoice the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the amount concerned, and the RBI will make the payment
on behalf of the state government. However, HVPNL has not been in arrears since July 2002
and is making all payments.

Transmission & Transforming Facilities

(1) Current Status of Facilities

T&T facilities were constructed in line with the aforementioned changes to the project
scope. No specific problems have been reported to date.

(2) Issues Currently Concerned

According to POWERGRID, no particular problems have been reported with the

maintenance of the T&T facilities developed via this project to date.

(3) Operation and Maintenance

Organizational Capability

POWERGRID is responsible for the maintenance of T&T facilities. There have been no major
changes in the scope of the organization or its systems since the time of appraisal.

Technical Capability

There are 11 staff members directly involved in the maintenance of project facilities at the
completion of construction work as compared to 13 at the present time. POWERGRID
reports that this is a sufficient number for the maintenance of facilities under its jurisdiction.
Furthermore, technical staffs receive periodic training.


Annual results in brief

Mar ' 10 Mar ' 09

 2001 Haryana State Electricity Board Report

It was 7am on a typical winter morning, but the scene at the IEMR boy’s hostel was not
so typical. It was one of those miraculous days when everybody in the hostel was awake
by 7 am. The zest was in the air and the excitement amongst the students was palpable.
People were running up and down like kids but exactly fifty minutes past 7, the people
of Saraswathy Vihar were amazed on seeing thirty smartly suited up men walking out of
the hostel and marching down the streets of Chakkarpur. They were all walking towards
Sahara Mall, which was the boarding point. From there the students were to leave for an
industrial visit to Faridabad. While waiting for the bus, students relished on the hot
paranthas, biscuits and chai from the street-side vendors. To the students’ delight,
Dr.V.P. Singh, our faculty member was brave enough to take out time from his busy
schedule and accompany us for this trip. A few minutes later the bus arrived and
everyone was so eager to get on board and get going. But one small job was yet to be
done before the journey began and that was decorating the bus with the banner. So
after embellishing the bus with the beautiful banner that read “Institute of Energy
Management and Research”, the journey was on.

A two hour drive down the Mehrauli Highway which is filled with greeneries on both the
sides was a refreshing change for the budding energy managers who lived in the
concrete jungles of Gurgaon. “We are here!” announced somebody and all the students
woke up from their dream-like experience and got down from the bus. Everyone had
butterflies in their stomach as they walked into the NTPC campus for the very first time
as energy management students. This was followed by an intimidating experience with
the security guards. These guards looked at the students as though they were anti-social
elements who had come with nefarious intentions of blowing up the plant. Going past
this frisking point felt like crossing the line of control. Yes, ladies and gentleman NTPC
Faridabad is a highly guarded place.

What happened next was a dream come true for all the students. As we walked down
the lanes of the campus thinking that we were being taken to a boiler or turbine room,
we were taken directly to the NTPC CANTEEN. The excitement in the group increased
exponentially, after seeing the price column of the menu on the wall of the canteen. We
suspected that they hadn’t repainted the prices on the menu for the last forty years.
Then a learned one in our group reminded us that this plant was built only ten years ago.
All the students instantly changed their mental list of dream companies. All this
excitement came to a screeching halt when we were informed that we won’t be eating,
we were just waiting for an NTPC official. Hence the hypothesis “You can’t have your
cake and eat it too” was proved right. After a few minutes wait in the canteen, Mr.
Subramaniam, arrived. He seemed to be very happy to meet a large group of
management students and was more than willing to start with the plant tour. Thus
began the real industrial visit.
NTPC Faridabad is indeed a serene place to visit. All of us who had notions that power
plants would be noisy were totally surprised. We were completely baffled by the sight of
the control room. We felt as though we were in a Hollywood Sci-Fi movie. It looked as
though the room’s walls were replaced by computer screens, that showed data which
cannot not be comprehended by an ‘Aam Aadmi’, we being one of them too. We
considered ourselves to be really fortunate for getting this opportunity, but little did we
know that we had more surprises in the line. Following this we got to look at the huge
turbine from as close as possible, we got to see the point where this plant electrically
connected with the rest of the world, the grid connecting point, and for the rest of the
morning we had an electrical, electronic and architectural feast for our eyes. After a
long, tiring, enriching and exciting morning the most awaited moment – lunch time
arrived. Feasting upon a delicious and sumptuous meal felt after a long morning, felt
like moksha. But the line of surprises didn’t end there. As we stood outside the canteen
enjoying the gentle breeze, Mr. Subramaniam told us that we would be meeting the
Additional General Manager of operations & Maintenance of NTPC soon. The
excitements slowly tended towards anxiousness after hearing this news. Students now
started adjusting their ties and checking their hairstyles. We followed Mr. Subramaniam
up a really tall tower with a lot of anxiety. We reached the top of the tower to meet the
top-notch guy of the plant. Mr. Mishra, AGM (O & M) with another gentleman Mr.
Sharma, DGM (EEMG) was really happy to meet us. Though he is one of the busiest guys
in the plant, he was kind enough not only to set aside time to meet us but also to
prepare a small lecture for us. It was an enlightening meeting. He was really happy to
address a batch of energy management students, a unique breed indeed.

We all had a long and exhilarating day at NTPC. Though we went for an industrial visit,
we got much more than what we expected. All good things have to come to an end and
so did this one. After thanking the really polite NTPC officials, we marched back and
crossed the line of control. We all boarded the bus with an intention of enjoying the
greeneries on the Mehrauli Highway once again. But as it always happens, within few
minutes of boarding the bus, the students moved from a dream-like state into a real
dream. The entire bus which was noisier than a power plant in the morning was now as
silent as a monastery. The budding energy managers who had an enlightening and
exhilarating day were now travelling back to the concrete jungles of Gurgaon, in a Zen-
like manner.

In 1956, India took a major step towards the establishment of its heavy engineering industry
when Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd., the first heavy electrical manufacturing unit of the
country was setup at Bhopal. It progressed rapidly and three more factories went into
production in 1965. The main aim of establishing BHEL was to meet the growing power
requirement of the country. B.H.E.L appeared on the power map of India in 1969 when the
first unit supplied by it was commissioned at the Basin Bridge Thermal Power Station in
Tamil Nadu. Within a decade, BHEL had commissioned the 100 unit at Santaldih, West
Bengal. BHEL had taken India from a near total dependence on imports to complete self-
reliance in this vital area of power plant equipment.

BHEL has supplied 97% of the power generating equipment. Today BHEL can produce
annually; equipment capable of generating 6000MW. This will grow further to enable BHEL
to meet India’s entire projected power equipment requirement. Probably the most
significant aspect of BHEL’s growth has been its diversification. The constant reorientation
of the organization to meet the varied needs in time with time a philosophy that has led to
the development of a total capability from concepts to commissioning not only in the field
of energy but also in industry and transportation.

In the world power scene, BHEL ranks among the top ten manufactures of power plant
equipment and in terms of the spectrum of products and services offered, it is right on top.
BHEL’s technological excellence and turnkey capabilities have won it worldwide recognition.

 Over 40 countries in the world over have placed orders with BHEL covering individual
equipment to complete power stations on a turnkey basis.

 BHEL has its headquarters at New Delhi. Its operations are spread over 14
manufacturing plants and number of engineering and service divisions located across
the country/ the service divisions includes a network of regional branch offices
throughout India.

 Installed equipment for over 90,000 MW of power generation -- for Utilities, Captive
and Industrial users.

 Supplied over 2,25,000 MVA transformer capacity and other equipment operating in
Transmission & Distribution network up to 400 kV (AC & DC).

 Supplied over 25,000 Motors with Drive Control System to Power projects,
Petrochemicals, Refineries, Steel, Aluminium, Fertilizer, Cement plants, etc.

 Supplied Traction electrics and AC/DC locos to power over 12,000 kms Railway

 Supplied over one million Valves to Power Plants and other Industries.

BHEL's operations are organized around three business sectors, namely Power, Industry -
including Transmission, Transportation, Telecommunication and Renewable

This enables BHEL to have a strong customer orientation, to be sensitive to his needs and
respond quickly to the changes in the market.

BHEL caters to core sectors of the Indian economy viz; power generation & transmission,
industry, transportation, telecommunication, renewable energy, defence etc. the wide
network of BHEL’s 14 manufacturing divisions, four power sector regional centers, over 100
project sites, eight service centers and 14 regional offices enables the company to be closer
to its customers and provide them with suitable products, systems and services efficiently
and at competitive prices. Having attained ISO 9000 certification, BHEL is now well on its
journey towards total quality management (TQM). On the environmental management
front, the major units of BHEL have already acquired the ISO 14001 certification.



BHEL, Haridwar complex is situated in the foothills of Shivalik range and HARIDWAR district
of Uttranchal state.


BHEL, Haridwar complex consists of two manufacturing units, namely Heavy Electrical
Equipment Plant (HEEP) and Central Foundry Forge Plant (CFFP). The approximate area of
these plants is as follows:

HEEP: 845 Sq. Km

CFFP: 1.0 Sq. Km

About 40% of the area in HEEP and 10% in CFFP is covered area and rest is occupied by
pathways, roads and greenbelts.
Product Profile

 HEEP (Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant)


1. Thermal sets 5250MW

2. Hydro Sets 625 MW

3. Electrics machines (AC/DC) 450MW

4. Gas Turbines @

5. Super Rapid Guns 3 no.

@ Capacity installed for manufacturing of gas turbines components like rotor

equivalent to 600MW gas turbines. Balance components for turbines from existing
thermal sets facilities.

 Number of Employees (Approx.)

HEEP: 5200

CFFP: 780

No. of approximate contract workers: 1000 No.



Tehri Development Corporation is a Joint Venture Corporation of the Govt. of India and
Govt. of U.P. THDC was incorporated as a Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956,
in July’88, to develop, operate and maintain the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and other
Hydro Projects. Govt. of India & Govt. of U.P share the ratio of 75:25 in the project. The
Corporation has a share capital of Rs.4000 cr. In the fiscal year 2008-09 the company earned
revenue of 1208.65 crores with a net profit 3252.06 crores. In the same year Tehri Power
station generated 119% of its installed capacity of 1000MW. THDC has a total manpower of


The investment clearance for Tehri dam & Hydro electric project was initially accorded by
Planning Commission in June 1972, to the government of U.P. An installed generating
capacity of 600MW was initiated in 1978. Further the installed capacity of project was
increased to 1000MW in the year 1983.There was an agreement on technical and financial
co-operation between Government of India and Government of U.S.S.R in Nov 1986. This
included execution of 2400 MW Tehri Hydro Power complex and financing of 1000 million
Roubles from U.S.S.R. However, the co-operation couldn’t continue due to the
disintegration of U.S.S.R. Indian government was forced to take control of the project in
1988 which led to formation of THDC.

The Project was developed in three stages: Tehri Dam Project with 1,000 MW in Stage 1,
Koteshwar Power Plant with 400 MW capacity in Stage-2, and Tehri Pump Storage Plant
with 1,000 MW capacity providing altogether 2,400 MW of clean hydro electric energy in


 THDC has got investment approval for 444 MW Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric
Project on river Alaknanda from Government of India in August 2008.

 THDC has also been allotted projects in Bhagirathi, Alaknanda and Sarda valleys with
a total capacity of 760 MW by Govt of Uttarakand.

 THDC has an approval for Kishau Multipurpose project of 600 MW on river Tons
which is a tributary of Yamuna.

 A MoU with Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) has been signed for
development of Hydro Power Projects and pumped storage schemes in India.

 Govt. of Maharashtra has allotted 2 PSP’s, Malshej Ghat(600 MW) and Humbarli
(400MW) to THDC and NPCIL

 Under India-Bhutan Co-operation in hydro Sector development, MOP has allotted

two Projects namely Sankosh Multi Purpose Project (4060 MW) and Bunakha HEP
(180 MW) in Bhutan for updating of detailed project report, and subsequent
implementation on Intergovernmental Authority Model / JV with Bhutanese PSUs .

 THDC is also engaged in the engineering consultancy work for stabilization of

Varunavat Parvat in Uttarkashi entrusted by Government of Uttarakhand.


The 1000 MW Hydro Power plant which is under operation has a 253 m Tehri dam which is
the high earth and rock fill embankment dam on the Bhagirathi River. It is the highest earth
and rock fill dam in Asia. The length of the dam is 575m, Crest width of 20m and base width
of 1128m. The coverage area of the reservoir is 52 sq. Km. Other details are as follows:

 Tehri has two head race tunnels and an underground Power house which has
conventional turbine and generator sets each of 250MW.

 The turbines used are vertical Francis turbines which are of Russian technology.

 The spill way system comprises of chute spill way, 2 gated shaft spill ways and 2 un-
gated shaft spill ways. The spill way capacity is 15,540 cu m per sec.

 There is an intermediate outlet which enables water release for irrigation purpose
when the machines are not in operation.

 The intake structure has a bifurcation chamber and a butterfly valve chamber.

 The power structures of Tehri hydro and pumped storage plants are designed in a
single complex which made it possible to merge a number of elements of the
structures functionally for the purpose of reducing capital expenditure.

 A single platform at elevation 745m with mechanical equipment for servicing the
water intakes for hydro electric and pumped storage plants.

 A single platform at elevation of 840m for servicing the shafts of the repair gates of

 It has underground chambers for disk gates and assembly of penstock linings with
single approach tunnels.

 A common transformer room having 3 phase power transformers and a single 400
KV electric gas distribution devices in which electric and gas conductors are placed
for power transmission from power house to point of conversion of overhead
transmission line.

Costs for Tehri Hydro Power Project (1000MW)

Item Cost in Crores Rupees

Major Civil works including Hydro Mechanical 3034.59


Electro Mechanical Equipment 1107.85

Infrastructure 159.67

Rehabilitation & resettlement 983.14

Environment 141.74

Establishment 346.93

Others 287.40

Sub total 6061.32

Interest During Construction(IDC) and 560.00

Financing Charges

Total 6621.32

The Government has approved the revised cost estimate of the 1,000 MW first stage of the
Tehri hydro electric-project in Uttarakhand, implemented by THDC India Ltd. (THDC), at Rs
8,392.45 crores in October 2010. The Stage I of Tehri Hydro Electric Project has four units of
250 MW each. The investment approval for Tehri project was accorded by the Centre in July
2006. The project cost then was at estimated at Rs. 1657.60 crore (at December 2005 price
level) with a debt-equity ratio of 70:30.

The project was commissioned in 2006-07 and has generated 10,723.21 million units till
September 2010. It provides peaking power to nine States of northern India, including Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Chandigarh, Rajasthan
and Himachal Pradesh.


a. Capital Employed

Capital employed has decreased YOY from 2007-08 to 2008-09, also the return on the
capital employed has decreased marginally though it remains more or less the same in
absolute terms.

b. Profit & net worth:

Reference: for graphs

There seems to be some discrepancy in the above net profit graph as depicted by the
company. There is an increase of 0.5% in the net profit which has been wrongly depicted as
a decrease in the net profit. The net worth of the company has also shown a marginal
increase of 2.88% over previous year’s performance.

 Capacity Addition Plan

In the 10th plan THDC added a net of 1000MW through its THP station. In the 11 th plan the
company plans to add 400 MW through Koteshwar HEP. In the 12 th plan THDC has the
following projects lined up for commissioning:

a. 1000MW Tehri Pumped Storage Plant

b. 444MW Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project

 Projected Energy Generation

An important observation to note is that the company has already surpassed the target for
the year 2009-10 in the year 2008-09 itself. The unit of energy generated is million units.


 Impact of Tehri Dam Lessons Learnt – Prepared by Water for Welfare Secretariat IIT
 Sustainability Report 2008-09 by THDC

BHEL (24th DEC, 2010) AND TEHRI (25 th DEC, 2010) TRIP DETAILS
To start a journey at 4 o clock in morning doesn’t sound pleasing, but if people are fraught
with enthusiasm and filled with joy it rather becomes fun, so happened with us. We started
our trip to BHEL Hardwar from our hostel in Gurgaon in the wee hours of morning. The two
buses were packed with students all half asleep. It took us few hours to get out of stuporous
phase. Once the first ray of light appeared in the sky we were already awake enjoying the
chill outside and thrill inside. We relished a much needed breakfast at some roadside motel
in Muzzafarpur and all the while we were diligently creating and storing memories in .JPEG

It was about eleven in morning when we reached Haridwar, a city with utmost religious
importance and also home to one of India leading electrical instruments supplier BHEL
which was our prime reason for being there. We were at the entrance of BHEL on appointed
time and were welcomed heartily by the co-ordinating personnel. Though we didn’t have
much time to acquaint ourselves with plant wholly, we made best use of time available with
the help of one of the senior engineer of BHEL who showed us the manufacturing unit and
assembling area and also provided us with the basic knowledge of generator and turbine.
After couple of hours we were back to our hotel and helped ourselves with snacks. Most of
us had planned to visit the famous “har ki pauri” and watch “ganga aarti” in the evening. It
was refreshing and buoyant experience for all of us. Some of us dared to take a dip in the
freezing water of Ganga.

After having an eventful and hectic day, the transition between days is often smooth and
known as sound sleep. So the calendar showed it was next day and we were ready to sail
towards our next destination “TEHRI DAM”. The route to Tehri was through the hills and
was spiral that gave jitters to some chaps but was managed adeptly by having frequent
stops mixed with bites. While on board we played many games like dumb charades, cards,
and other amusing acts. We had with us guitar and we were all singers impromptu that
made our journey a musical one. By 9 in morning we were at Tehri, and were stunned by the
huge structure and the breathtaking beauty of the dam. We were given the overview of the
dam by one of the employee there who was generous enough to answer all of our
questions. Then we headed to see the generating units through the tunnels and acquainted
ourselves with technicalities of hydro power plant. Then we had a wholesome meal in
employees mess and it was time for us to bid adieu to Tehri.





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