Newest MHD-Valdis Cell Stability Studies

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Newest MHD-Valdis cell stability studies

M. Dupuis, Jonquière; V. Bojarevics, Greenwich

© GeniSim
Fig. 2

sented here is the one impose the effect of the cathode surface ge-
Fig. 1 of a virtual 1500 kA ometry on the cathode surface current density.
cell. This is to reiterate The new cell stability study presented here
This year at the TMS  2014, the authors the point that as far as MHD cell stability is uses the most recent version of the MHD-
will show how the cathode surface geom- concerned, there is no foreseeable limit to the Valdis code. This takes fully into account all
etry influences the metal pad current den- size on an aluminium electrolysis cell. the impact of the transversal ridges on the
sity and the cell stability. This study [1] MHD behaviour of the cell [2].
analyses cell stability using a MHD-Valdis Study of the impact of trans- Fig. 1 presents the metal pad current den-
code version which does not take into ac- versal ridges on cell stability sity solutions comparing the case of a flat
count the impact of the cathode surface cathode surface (top) with that of the cathode
geometry on the cathode surface current A cathode surface with transversal ridges is surface with transversal ridges (bottom). The
density. Also this year at the TMS, the a design now very popular in China [5]. It geometry of the cathode surface ridges is pre-
second author will present a new version has proved to much reduce specific energy sented in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the mesh
of the MHD-Valdis code that does take consumption, as presented in [6]. This energy is not quite fine enough to perfectly capture
cathode surface geometry into account economy results from
[2]. The first cell stability study presented greatly reducing the
here is a repetition of the study presented ACD, which suggests
in [1] on the impact of transversal ridges that cells with trans-
on the cell stability using that new code versal ridges are more
version. stable than cells with
a flat cathode surface.
In 2005, the first author presented the cell Yet the cell analysis
heat balance study of a virtual 740 kA cell [3]. studies presented in [7]
One year later, the authors presented the cell and [1] do not confirm
stability study of that same 740 kA cell [4]. that interpretation of
That cell used an innovative magnetic compen- the observed facts.
sation scheme that ensured its MHD stability. The study presented
The authors claimed at the time that they can- in [7] neglected the
not foresee any thermo-electric, thermo-me- impact of the cathode
chanic or MHD related issue that would limit surface geometry on
the size of a cell. Since that time, many 400+ the cathode surface
kA full size smelters have been built in China, current density. The
Russia and UAE, and the AP60 demonstration study presented in [1]
smelter has started its operation in Canada. did account for that
Since a 740 kA cell no longer seems far- effect, but not very ac-
fetched, the second cell stability study pre- curately, as it had to Fig. 3

42 ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014

Fig. 4

the geometry of the ridges or the extra lon- tal if the mass of metal
gitudinal currents (JX) they generate (see [1] is not kept the same.
for more details). See [1] for an alterna-
Fig. 3 compares the steady-state metal pad tive explanation as for
flow field solutions. The presence of the ridges where the observed
slows down the metal flow, but not signifi- gain of cell stability is
cantly. Fig. 4 compares the steady-state bath- coming from.
metal interface deformation solutions. Again,
the presence of the ridges is only barely affect- Study of the
ing the shape of the interface deformation. cell stability of a
The previously presented results demon- 1,500  kA aluminium
strated that the presence of the transversal electrolysis cell
ridges only marginally affects the steady-state Fig. 5
solution, adding some flow resistance to the The 1,500 kA cell of
cathode surface. This in turn slows down the this study is twice the
metal recirculation flow, which is good for cell size of the 740 kA in
stability, but it also introduces some longitu- [3, 4], which itself was 50% bigger than the tion scheme. Since the magnetic compensation
dinal horizontal current, which is bad for cell 500 kA cell retrofitted into a 600 kA cell in scheme is 100% scalable, it works equally well
stability. [8]. That 50 metres long cell has 72 cathodes on any cell size, as this 1,500 kA cell example
Only the full non-linear transient cell sta- blocks, 144 anodes and 18 risers. Each riser demonstrates.
bility analysis can tell us what is the impact of feeds the current coming from four cathodes Fig. 7 presents the resulting metal pad flow
those transversal ridges on the cell stability, blocks to eight anodes. field solution, while Fig. 8 presents the steady-
and the only practical tool to carry-up such In principle, the 740 kA cell could be ret- state bath-metal interface deformation. No-
a non-linear transient cell stability analysis is rofitted into a 890 kA cell; so 1,500 kA is well tice the upstream / downstream symmetry of
MHD-Valdis. Fig. 5 presents the comparison within reach of a cell
of the transient cell stability analysis results. having twice that size.
The results indicate that the addition of trans- Fig. 6 presents the BZ
versal ridges, while keeping the same metal component of the mag-
pad height hence reducing the mass of metal, netic field obtained by
slightly decreases the cell stability. So this new passing 1,500 kA into a
cell stability study confirms the results of the 50 metres long cell fed
previous ones, that adding transversal ridges through 18 risers and
has only a marginal effect of the cell stability, using a very efficient
Fig. 6
and that that marginal effect can be detrimen- magnetic compensa-

ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014 43

Fig. 8

Fig. 7

the bath-metal interface deformation, which ity studies. MHD-Valdis, used by the majority Light Metals, TMS, (2012), 601-606.
also results from the magnetic compensation of the groups actively developing high amper- [7] V. Bojarevics, MHD of Aluminium Cells with the
scheme used. age cell technology today, is available to the Effect of Channels and Cathode Perturbation Ele-
ments, Light Metals, TMS, (2013), 609-614.
The transient cell stability analysis predicts whole aluminium industry through GeniSim
[8] M. Dupuis and V. Bojarevis, Retrofit of a 500 kA
that this 1,500 kA cell, having essentially no Inc. Cell Design Into a 600 kA Cell Design, ALUMIN-
existing BZ gradient in the long (X) direction IUM, 87 (2011) 1-2, 52-55.
of the cell, will be extremely stable, as Fig. 8 References
shows. Any organisation interested in patent-
ing the busbar compensation scheme used in [1] M. Dupuis and V. Bojarevics, Influence of the
that study in partnership with GeniSim Inc. Cathode Surface Geometry on the Metal Pad Current
Dr. Marc Dupuis is a consultant specialised in the
Density, Light Metals, TMS, 2014, to be published.
can contact the first author. applications of mathematical modelling for the alu­-
[2] V. Bojarevics and S. Sira, MHD Stability for Ir- minium industry since 1994, the year when he
regular and Disturbed Aluminium Reduction Cells, founded his own consulting company GeniSim Inc
Conclusions Light Metals, TMS, (2014), to be published. ( Before that, he graduated with
[3] M. Dupuis, Thermo-Electric Design of a 740 kA a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Laval Univer-
The authors hope that these demonstration Cell, Is There a Size Limit, ALUMINIUM 81 (2005) sity in Quebec City in 1984, and then worked ten
studies highlight the value of using mature 4, 324-327. years as a research engineer for Alcan International.
state-of-the-art mathematical models like [4] M. Dupuis, V. Bojarevics and D. Richard, MHD His main research interests are the development of
and Pot Mechanical Design of a 740 kA Cell ALU- mathematical models of the Hall-Héroult cell deal-
MHD-Valdis to carry out such MHD cell stabil-
MINIUM 82 (2006) 5, 442- ing with the thermo-electric, thermo-mechanic,
446. electro-magnetic and hydrodynamic aspects of the
[5] N. Feng et al., Research problem. He was also involved in the design of ex-
and Application of Energy perimental high amperage cells and in the retrofit of
Saving Technology for Alu- many existing cell technologies.
minum Reduction in China, Dr. Valdis Bojarevics is Reader in magnetohydro-
Fig. 9 Light Metals, TMS, (2012), dynamics at the University of Greenwich (UK). He
563-568. specialises in the numerical modelling of various
[6] J. Zhou et al., Depth electrometallurgical applications involving complex
Analysis and Potential Ex- interactions of the fluid flow, thermal and electrical
ploitation of Energy-Saving fields, melting front and free surface dynamics. He
and Consumption-Reduction has been involved in numerous industrial consult-
of Aluminum Reduction Pot, ing projects.

44 ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014

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