Agreement in Coordination

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An HPSG Account of Closest Conjunct Agreement in NP Coordination in


Aline Villavicencio Louisa Sadler

Department of Language and Linguistics Department of Language and Linguistics
University of Essex University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park Wivenhoe Park
Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK

1 Introduction CORD values by specifying that a title like Majestad

has a feminine CONCORD and a masculine INDEX
and assuming that in Spanish predicate adjectives
This paper discusses agreement strategies inside
show INDEX agreement while NP-internal attribu-
the Noun Phrase observed in an empirical study
tive adjective shows CONCORD agreement.
of Portuguese. Agreement phenomena in general
have received considerable attention in recent years (1) Su Majestadi suprema esta contento. Éli ...
from the HPSG community (Pollard and Sag, 1994; his majesty supreme.F is happy.M. He ...
Wechsler and Zlatić, 2003), among others. Pollard ’His supreme majesty is happy. He ...’
and Sag (1994) propose what can be thought of as A somewhat similar situation can be found in
a multilayered theory of agreement that allows dif- NP (and plural noun) coordination in Portuguese,
ferent agreement relations to hold between different where a mixed gender coordinate structure can trig-
objects simultaneously. This proposal, further de- ger different agreement patterns in different targets
veloped by Wechsler and Zlatić (2003) is centred on in the NP. For example, in (2), a masculine noun and
the notions of CONCORD and INDEX agreement at- a feminine noun are coordinated, and they trigger
tributes. CONCORD, is closely related to the noun’s masculine agreement with the determiner and femi-
inflected form and includes information about case, nine with the postnominal adjective. 1
number, and gender, which are relevant for agree-
ment between e.g. determiners and nouns. INDEX, (2) Esta canção anima os corações e
is related to semantic characteristics of the noun like This song animate the.MPL heart.MPL and
male or female, aggregate or non-aggregate and are mentes brasileiras.
defined in features such as number, gender and per- mind.FPL Brazilian.FPL
son, for agreement between e.g. subjects and verbs. ‘This song animates Brazilian hearts and
Languages vary as to which features are used for minds.’
which agreement processes. Using this framework it (3) Esta canção anima os corações e
is possible to account for many agreement phenom- This song animates the.MPL heart.MPL and
ena, as for example, hybrid nouns (Corbett, 1991),
mentes brasileiros.
which can be exemplified by titles like Majesty in
mind.FPL Brazilian.MPL
languages like Spanish and French, since they trig-
ger different agreements on different targets within (4) Esta canção anima as/*os mentes
the same clause, as in sentence (1) in Spanish, where This song animate the.FPL/MPL mind.FPL
the noun, which refers to a male referent, triggers e corações *brasileiras/brasileiros.
feminine agreement on the attributive adjective and and heart.MPL Brazilian.FPLMPL
masculine in the predicative adjective. They can be 1
In these examples the adjectives and the determiners scope
analysed in terms of a mismatch of INDEX and CON - over the coordinate structure as a whole.

One problem with this kind of construction lies in der to cover these cases, we propose an HPSG anal-
deciding which gender the coordinate structure as a ysis that has access to the agreement features of the
whole should have. If one decides for a given gender first and last conjuncts. To present that we start with
for the coordination, e.g. masculine, this would cap- a discussion of nominal agreement patterns found
ture the agreement with the determiner, but not with in NP (and noun) coordinations in Portuguese, sec-
the adjective (even though it would also account for tion 2. We then look at an empirical study of closest
sentences like (3) where the adjective is resolved to conjunct agreement, in section 3. Finally, the ac-
masculine). Therefore a second problem is how to count proposed in HPSG that captures these cases is
account for the agreement with the adjective in (2), presented, and the implications of adopting this ap-
given that is has a strong correlation with the gender proach are discussed.
of the closest noun, so that sentence (4) would be
ungrammatical. 2 Agreement in Portuguese
These are examples of closest conjunct agree- In Portuguese determiners and adjectives straight-
ment (CCA) in noun coordinations, where a mod- forwardly agree in gender and number with the noun
ifier/specifier of a coordinate structure agrees with they scope over:
only one conjunct: the one that is closest to it. Clos-
est conjunct agreement has been discussed by Cor- (5) a/*as parede colorida/*vermelhas
bett (1991), Sadler (1999), Moosally (1999), Abeillé the.FS/the.FPL wall.FS coloured.FSG/red.FPL
(2004) and Yatabe (2004) inter alia, and it is a strat- the coloured/red wall
egy of partial agreement that can be found in many
languages such as Ndebele (Moosally, 1999) and On the other hand coordinate structures present a
Welsh (Sadler, 1999). Moosally (1999) proposes much wider range of agreement patterns, since co-
an HPSG formalisation for capturing partial agree- ordinated nouns often jointly control agreement on
ment in Ndebele, where agreement constraints are determiners, adjectives and other dependents within
defined in a multiple inheritance hierarchy, and the the NP. A crosslinguistically very common pattern
CCA constraint is defined as: in a two gender system involves the syntactic princi-
2 3 ples of resolution summarized as:
6 7
: 1
(6) If all conjuncts are GEN = FEM, resolve to FEM
6 7
6 » – 7
6 7
else, resolve to MASC

capturing agreement with the last conjunct. Yatabe Although valid, this generalisation fails to address
(2004) formalises CCA as part of a unified treat- cases of CCA. A more complete picture is given
ment which also deals with coordination of unlike by Moosally (1999), where agreement strategies in
categories. However, in order to capture cases like coordinations in Ndebele are classified in 3 types,
that in (2), it is essential to take into account infor- which can also be applied to Portuguese. The first
mation about the conjuncts in both extremities. In one, Regular Agreement, is adopted when all the
this paper we discuss a possible formalisation for coordinated NPs have the same gender, and speci-
capturing agreement patterns found in NP coordi- fiers and modifiers of the coordinate structure fol-
nations in Portuguese. The discussion is based on low that gender (7). Resolution Agreement can be
an empirical study of different agreement strategies adopted for a conjunction of mixed gender nouns,
and the requirements they pose for an HPSG treat- whereby agreement is triggered by a specific feature
ment. Portuguese presents an interesting case study, in one of the conjuncts. For Portuguese, if there is at
since a number of different agreement strategies trig- least one masculine noun in the coordinate structure,
gered by a given source can be employed at the same it can trigger agreement with a postnominal adjec-
time, such as those in (2), where a coordination can tive, regardless of the gender of the other conjuncts
have closest conjunct agreement between the deter- (sentence 3). The third agreement strategy is that
miner and the first coordinated noun and between of Closest Conjunct Agreement, when agreement
the last noun and the postnominal adjective. In or- with dependents like determiners and adjectives is

triggered by the conjunct that is closest to each of adjective and the rightmost conjunct (2). This pic-
them (sentences 2 and 8). ture is confirmed in a corpus based investigation of
NP internal agreement patterns in Portuguese, dis-
(7) a parede e a janela
cussed in the next section.
the.FS wall.FS and the.FS window.FS
coloridas/vermelhas/*vermelhos 3 A Corpus Study
To estimate the approximate frequency with which
the coloured/red wall and window
the agreement strategies are used in coordinate NPs
(8) ... que o professor possa recontextualizar modified by postnominal adjectives, a corpus-based
... that the teacher may recontextualise investigation was performed. Of particular interest
o aprendizado e a experiência are cases that combine agreement strategies (closest
the.MS learning.MS and the.FS experience.FS conjunct agreement of gender, but semantic resolu-
vividas durante a sua formação ... tion of number).
lived.FP during the his training ... In order to perform this analysis we searched the
Web (using Google) for occurrences of coordinated
from fust/
NPs followed by plural adjectives. The searches
Sentence (8) in particular raises a number of in- used the following pattern: “<ART> * e <ART> *
teresting issues because it is a clear case where num- <ADJ>”, where ART refers to Portuguese (definite
ber resolution is also involved: despite the fact that and indefinite) articles, and ADJ to adjectives, which
the postnominal adjective scopes over the NP coor- were extracted from the 1,528,590 entry NILC Lex-
dination as a whole, the feminine gender on the ad- icon (
jective indicates gender agreement with the closest As we want to test the correlation between the gen-
conjunct, while plurality on the adjective indicates a der of each of the NPs and the gender of the adjec-
resolved feature, since each NP is actually singular. tive, only adjectives that overtly reflect gender dis-
Determiners and adjectives differ as to which of tinction were used (9,915 masculine and 9,811 fem-
these strategies they employ for agreement with inine adjectives). The results found are displayed in
NP/noun coordinations. Both determiners and tables 1 and 2, where Frequency indicates the num-
prenominal adjectives scoping over all coordinated ber of pages returned by Google for the searches,
nouns, follow CCA, e.g. sentences (4) and (9), re- and NP1, NP2 and Adj refer to the gender of the
spectively. For a postnominal adjective modifying first conjunct, second conjunct, and adjective, re-
a coordination of mixed gender, agreement can ei- spectively. The number of the NP conjuncts is in-
ther follow a resolution strategy, with the adjective dicated in each table, but the adjective is plural in
in the masculine form (3) or it can agree with the both cases.
closest conjunct (2 and 8).
Table 1: Frequency of Adjective modifying an NP
(9) assustadoras colinas e
Conjunction - Conjunction of Plural NPs
...theFPL frightening.FPL mounds.FPL and
Case Frequency NP1 NP2 Adjective
morros de argila do Parque Nacional...
hills.MPL of clay of the National Park...
from (c) 468 MASC FEM FEM
(d) 2317 MASC FEM MASC
A complex picture emerges in which the three
sorts of agreement coexist in the NP, triggered by These results give an indication of how
different targets: determiners, prenominal adjectives widespread the adoption of the closest con-
and postnominal adjectives. In many cases coordi- junct agreement strategy is, in cases (b) and (c).
nated nouns trigger agreement between the deter- Case (c), in particular, provides clear evidence for
miner and the leftmost conjunct and the postnominal CCA, where the adjective scopes over both nouns,

Wechsler and Zlatić (2003) or of Dalrymple and Ka-
Table 2: Frequency of Adjective modifying an NP
plan (2000). Kaplan and Dalrymple, for example,
Conjunction - Conjunction of Singular NPs
use marker sets to represent gender information and
Case Frequency N1 N2 Adjective
this approach gives the desired result that, if there is
(a) 0 FEM MASC FEM at least a masculine noun in the coordinate structure,
(b) 137 FEM MASC MASC CONCORD . GENDER is masculine. As determiners
(c) 90 MASC FEM FEM and prenominal adjectives in Portuguese agree with
(d) 1737 MASC FEM MASC the leftmost noun closest to them, the agreement
is by coindexation with LAGR. Postnominal adjec-
but agrees in gender with the closest. Simultaneous tives, on the other hand, agree with the rightmost
CCA of gender and number resolution are shown noun closest to them (via RAGR), or adopt a resolved
in table 2, case (c) . These constitute unambiguous agreement (via CONCORD).
cases of number resolution, as both NPs are singular For sentences like (2 and 3), both LAGR and CON -
and the adjective is plural (8). Such data provides CORD are masculine and RAGR is feminine and the
empirical evidence for the complex interrelation correct agreement values are observed, since the ad-
of agreement strategies in NP coordinate struc- jective can either agree with RAGR or CONCORD, but
tures that need to be accounted for in a theory of it will correctly rule out sentence (4) as ungrammat-
agreement. ical. This formalisation can also capture a sentence
like (8), which has CCA for gender, but resolved
4 An HPSG Formalisation number agreement for the postnominal adjective.
The coordination of mixed gender singular nouns
To account for these cases we propose an analyses
sharing a determiner seems to be much more con-
that stores agreement information about the leftmost
strained. However, acceptable occurrences can be
and rightmost noun conjuncts, introducing two addi-
found as the sentence below, from one of the clas-
tional agreement attributes: LAGR, for the leftmost
sic exponents of Brazilian literature, O Guarani by
conjunct, and RAGR for the rightmost conjunct.
Machado de Assis, exemplifies, where the relevant
For non-coordinated nouns LAGR, RAGR and
parts are in bold font:
CONCORD share the same values.
2 3 D. Antônio tinha ajuntado fortuna durante os
: 1 7
primeiros anos de sua vida aventureira; e n ão só por
capricho de fidalguia, mas em atenç ão à sua famı́lia,
6 2 3 7
6 7
6 LAGR : 1 /p 2
6 7
6 7 7
procurava dar a essa habitaç ão construı́da no meio
6 7
HEAD : 6
6 RAGR : /p 2
6 6 7 7
6 7 7
6 7 7
CONCORD : /p 2 de um sertão, todo o luxo e comodidade possı́veis.
4 4 5 5

The principles that allow cases like this need to

Determiners and prenominal adjectives agree be further investigated, and will not be addressed in
with nouns via LAGR, while postnominal adjectives this paper.
agree with nouns via RAGR, all having the same
value but via different attributes. For a coordi- 5 Conclusions
nate structure, the values of LAGR, RAGR and CON -
CORD may differ. As these reentrancies between In this paper we discussed agreement processes
them are defined as persistent default specifications found in NP/noun coordinations in Portuguese, fur-
(Lascarides and Copestake, 1999), noun coordinate ther investigated through an extensive empirical
structures override these defaults and instead define study. Although we concentrated on gender and
that LAGR values are reentrant with those of the left- number agreement between nouns and their depen-
most conjunct and RAGR with those of the rightmost dents in Portuguese, some similar strategies can also
conjunct. be found in other languages like Spanish and Ara-
We assume that the CONCORD of the coordinate bic (Camacho, 2003), and this proposal could be
structure reflects the resolved gender for the whole used as the basis for a cross-linguistic formalisa-
conjunct, adopting a resolution approach like that of tion of these agreement processes. In order to cap-

2 3
6 2 3 7
6 6 LAGR : 1 / 3 7
6 6 7 7
6 : 6
7 7
6 7
6 4 5 7
6 3 7
6 » – » – 7
6 7

2 3
6 2 2 37
6 2 2 3 3 3 7
6 77
6 6
6 7 7 77
6 6 6 6 6 7
6 6 : 4 7 7 77
6 6 5 7 7 77
6 6 6
6 6 6 7 7 77
6 6 6 7 77
6 6
6 : 6 : 6 2 37
7 7 77
6 7 7
6 6 77
3 77 7
6 6 6 77
6 6 6 6 7
: 6 6 6 6
: 4 57 77
6 5 7 7
4 4
NUMBER : 4 5 77
6 6 77
6 6 2 3 77
6 7
1 ∨ 3
6 6 77
6 6 6 7 77
6 : 4 57
4 5
2 ∨ 4
4 5

ture these cases, we proposed an HPSG formalisa- Lascarides, A., Copestake, A., 1999. Default repre-
tion that stores information about the leftmost and sentation in constraint-based frameworks. Com-
the rightmost conjuncts, which, together with the putational Linguistics 25 (1), 55–105.
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tween nouns, prenominal (determiners and adjec- nation in Ndebele: and HPSG analysis. In: Bird,
tives) and postnominal (adjectives) dependents. This S., Carnie, A., Haugen, J. D., Norquest, P. (Eds.),
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in the empirical study, and correctly rules out un- cadilla Press.
grammatical combinations.
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