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From “hand-written” to computationally implemented HPSG theories

Nurit Melnik∗
Caesarea Rothschild Institute
for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science
Haifa University
Haifa, Israel 31905

1 Overview theory. It is based on the implementation of a “hand-

written” grammar proposed by Melnik (2002) to ac-
HPSG has logical and mathematical foundations count for verb initial constructions in Modern He-
which make it amenable to computational imple- brew. A representative subset of the grammar, in-
mentation. Yet it is seldom the case that this po- cluding word order, agreement, and valence alterna-
tential is in fact fulfilled, although there exist a num- tion phenomena, serves as a test case.
ber of platforms for implementing HPSG grammars. The paper focuses on different dimensions, rele-
Thus, most descriptions and analyses of linguistic vant to HPSG grammar implementation: type defi-
phenomena in the literature are not substantiated by nition, grammar principles, lexical rules, exhaustive
a working computational grammar. typing, definite relations, non-binary grammar rules,
Two leading implementation platforms are avail- semantic representation, grammar evaluation, and
able for implementing HPSG grammars. The Lin- user-interface. It examines, compares, and evaluates
guistic Knowledge Building (LKB) system (Copes- the different means which the two approaches pro-
take, 2002) is the primary engineering environment vide for implementation, by referring to examples
of the LinGo English Resource Grammar (ERG) at from a “hand-written” grammar fragment that was
Stanford. LKB is developed not particularly for im- implemented in the two systems. The paper con-
plementing HPSG grammars, but rather, as a frame- cludes that the approaches occupy diametrically op-
work independent environment for typed feature posed positions on two axes: FAITHFULNESS to the
structures grammar. TRALE, an extension of the “hand-written’ theory and COMPUTATIONAL AC -
Attribute Logic Engine (ALE) system, is a grammar CESSIBILITY . The findings of this paper are valu-
implementation platform that was developed as part able to linguists who are interested in implementing
of the MiLCA project (Meurers et al., 2002), specif- their grammar, as well as to those who develop im-
ically for the implementation of theoretical HPSG plementation platforms.
grammars that were not explicitly written for lan-
guage processing.1 The two platforms are based 2 Type Definition
on different approaches, distinct in their underlying
Types in a typed feature-structure framework are de-
logics and implementation details.
fined by determining (i) the type’s hierarchical rela-
This paper adopts the perspective of a computa-
tion to other types, (ii) appropriateness conditions,
tional linguist whose goal is to implement an HPSG
(iii) constraints on the values of embedded features,

This research was supported by the Israel Science Founda- and (iv) path equations.
tion (grant no. 136/01) and by The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin TRALE separates the SIGNATURE, where the first
de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Appli- two properties are defined, from the THEORY, in
cations of Computer Science.
See which the latter are stated. In the signature file, types
English/beschr.html are entered in a list format, where subtypes appear

indented under their respective supertype(s). Fea- are not distinguished formally from other types,
tures and values are introduced following the type. nor do LKB and TRALE prevent the grammar
Constraints on embedded features and path equa- writer from defining types that inherit from two
tions are entered separately from the signature in the subtypes under one pseudo-partition. Moreover, a
theory file as implicational constraints in which the multi-dimensional inheritance hierarchy in which
type is the antecedent. partitions are defined as types does not respect
LKB, on the other hand, takes a centralized the glb condition, and is therefore subjected to
bottom-up approach, where all the information re- the systems’ distinct treatments, described above.
lated to a type is defined in one location, in the Although this omission does not prevent grammar
TYPES file. The definition of each type, then, in- writers from implementing their grammars, the
cludes a list of its immediate supertype(s) and intro- result clearly does not reflect the source and the
duced features, as well as all other type-related con- intention of the grammar writer.
straints. This approach facilitates the task of defin-
ing the type inventory and accessing this information 3 Principles
while developing the grammar.
Principles in HPSG are often defined as implica-
Although the hierarchies are defined differently tional constraints. Thus, for example, the Head Fea-
in the two systems, they are both subject to the ture Principle (HFP), which states that the value of
glb condition, which requires that the hierarchy be the HEAD feature of the headed-phrase is structure-
a bounded complete partial order (BCPO). Thus, shared with that of its head-daughter, is defined as a
when a non-BCPO hierarchy is defined, TRALE en- type constraint on the hd-ph type.
forces the condition by producing an error message
· ¸
during compilation. LKB, on the other hand, auto- HEAD 1
£ ¤
hd-ph →
matically creates a glb type in each case of violation HD-DTR HEAD 1

and restructures the hierarchy accordingly.

On the one hand, by automatically fixing the vi- In LKB principles are necessarily linked to types
olation, LKB enables the grammar writer to main- and are stated as part of the type definition. Thus, the
tain ignorance regarding a potentially confusing is- HFP is implemented as part of the definition of the
sue. This ignorance, however, turns into confusion type hd-ph. In TRALE, on the other hand, principles
once the grammar writer views the type hierarchy such as the HFP are stated as part of the theory, in
diagram. The automatic restructuring of the hier- the form of implicational constraints where the type
archy, including the addition of generically named is the antecedent, similarly to the definition above.
types, may be incomprehensible to the naive gram- TRALE, however, extends implicational constraints
mar writer. Moreover, the resulting hierarchy is to express principles which do not target a partic-
reflected only in the display and not in the actual ular type. More specifically, the antecedent of im-
definitions, rendering the automatically created glb plicational constraints can be arbitrary function-free,
types, along with their generic names, inaccessible. inequation-free feature structures .
A possible solution is to modify the hierarchy defini- Consider, for example, the following
tion to reflect the corrected hierarchy, thus allowing complex-antecedent principle (Meurers, 2001).
the grammar writer to give the glb types more mean-
 
ingful labels. word
 · ¸ 
Multi-dimensional type hierarchies are  
 verb 
widely used in the HPSG literature, yet multi- SYNSEM | LOC | CAT HEAD VFORM finite 
  ­ 
dimensionality is not a part of the formal type VAL | SUBJ LOC | CAT | HEAD noun
· D£ ¸
system itself (Penn and Hoetmer, 2003). Neither → ¤E
SYNSEM | LOC | ... | SUBJ LOC | CAT | HEAD | CASE nominative
LKB nor TRALE provide the grammar writer
with a way to define partitions (or dimensions)
in the hierarchy. Consequently, if partition labels The principle expresses the generalization that NP
are implemented as types in the hierarchy, they subjects of finite verbs are assigned nominative

case. The complex antecedent singles out the for both types of LRs is similar to the familiar ‘X ⇒
relevant class of verbs without requiring there to be Y’ notation. More importantly, from the perspective
a corresponding type. of the grammar writer, the main distinction between
The ability to use implicational constraints with the two approaches is in the “carrying over” mech-
complex antecedents provides the grammar writer anism. ALE LRs, similarly to the LKB mechanism,
with additional means to express generalizations. require explicit specification of “carried over” infor-
When the given dimensions in the type hierarchy mation. The DLR version provides an automatic
do not group together a particular set of objects to “carrying over” mechanism which implements the
which a certain generalization applies, the grammar intuitions behind the “hand-written” version of lex-
writer can choose not to expand the hierarchy, but ical rules. This is a clear advantage in terms of ap-
rather to use a complex feature structure as an an- proximating written theories and maintaining gener-
tecedent to an implicational constraint expressing ality.
the generalization. This solution can cut down on
the size of the type hierarchy and its complexity. 5 Exhaustive Typing and Subtype
4 Lexical Rules ‘Exhaustive typing’ refers to a particular interpre-
tation of the signature according to which subtypes
The main issue that is pertinent to the implementa-
exhaustively cover their supertypes. Consequently,
tion of lexical rules (LRs) is the “carrying over” of
if an object is of a certain non-maximal type t then it
information from the input to the output of the rule.
is also of some more specific subtype subsumed by
The descriptions of the input and output of lexical
rules generally include only the features and values
A simple example is the HPSG analysis of
that are relevant for the particular rule; either those
subject-auxiliary inversion in English. In order to
which constrain the types of objects on which to
restrict the licensing of inversion to auxiliary verbs,
apply the rule or those which provide “information
verbs are defined as having two features: INV and
handles” (Meurers, 1994). All information which
AUX . Furthermore, the general type verb is assumed
is not changed by the lexical rule is assumed to be
to have two subtypes: main-verb and aux-verb.
copied over from the input to the output. An im-
plementation platform thus has to implement the ex- " #
plicit as well as implicit copying of values. AUX bool
INV bool
LKB views lexical rules as unary grammar rules
which relate a mother structure (the output) to its
" # " #
daughter (the input). Similarly to grammar rules, the main-verb aux-verb
description of the daughter is included in the ARGS INV − INV bool
feature of the mother. This provides a partial solu-
tion to the “carrying over” problem — the descrip- Under an exhaustive typing interpretation, objects
tions of both the mother and daughter are a part of a of type verb which are not compatible with either
single feature structure. Nevertheless, the grammar main-verb or aux-verb (e.g., verbs specified with
writer is required to explicitly specify by structure- £ ¤ £ ¤
AUX − and INV + ) are rejected. This is the in-
sharing the information that is copied over. Aside terpretation which TRALE employs. In LKB such
from deviating from HPSG conventions, this solu- feature structures are accepted.
tion may result in a loss of generality. In addition, TRALE employs a subtype covering
TRALE provides two mechanisms for imple- strategy whereby if the system recognizes that the
menting lexical rules: the traditional ALE mecha- values of a feature structure of a non-maximal type
nism and a mechanism referred to as ‘description-
level lexical rules’ (DLRs) which encodes the treat- This interpretation is also referred to in the literature as
‘closed world’. However, as one reviewer pointed out, the terms
ment proposed in Meurers & Minnen (1997). Unlike ‘closed/open world’ have a different meaning in the study of
the format of the rules in LKB, the TRALE syntax programming languages and should therefore be avoided.

are consistent with the values of only one of its sub- rather a list of descriptions of feature structures.
types, it will promote those values to the values of A thorough discussion of the benefits of adding
the compatible subtype. This is justified only under recursive relations to the description language of
an exhaustive typing interpretation, and is therefore implementation platforms for HPSG grammars is
not a part of the LKB system. found in Meurers et al. (2003), which compares
One advantage to TRALE’s approach is that the treatment of unbounded dependencies and op-
it implements an implicit assumption in “stan- tional arguments in the ERG, implemented in LKB,
dard” HPSG (e.g., (Pollard and Sag, 1994)) and is with that of TRALE. They conclude that the ability
thus appropriate if the goal is to narrow the gap to express relational goals increases the grammar’s
between “hand-written” theories and their imple- modularity and its ability to express generalizations,
mented counterparts. Second, Meurers (1994) notes and reduces the gap between “hand-written” theo-
that “while both interpretations allow the inference ries and their implemented counterparts. This con-
that appropriateness information present on a type clusion is echoed in the following section.
gets inherited to its subtypes, we can now addi-
tionally infer the appropriateness specifications on a 7 Non-binary Grammar Rules
type from the information present on its subtypes”.
Grammar rules in the HPSG literature are not re-
Moreover, in addition to increasing the expressive
stricted to binary rules. A prime example is the
power, such a system facilitates syntactic detec-
head-complement phrase, one of the most basic
tion of errors and increased efficiency in processing
phrase structures in the grammar. In addition to be-
(Meurers, 1994).
ing non-binary, the head-complement phrase rule is
The main reasons that are given for adopting designed to account for phrases with a varying num-
the alternative approach, often referred to as ‘open- ber of daughters. Implementing a rule for such a
world reasoning’, are not theoretical, but rather, mo- phrase type poses a number of challenges for a com-
tivated by engineering considerations. This type putational system, challenges which are handled dif-
of reasoning allows the grammar writer to be non- ferently by the two systems.
committal regarding the complete inventory of types The assumption in LKB is that the number of
needed to account for the language. This is partic- daughters associated with each rule is fixed. Thus,
ularly helpful during incremental grammar/lexicon for grammars which are not restricted to binary
development. branching trees the grammar writer needs to de-
fine phrase types and grammar rules for each arity.
6 Definite Relations TRALE provides a special cats> operator to ex-
“Hand-written” HPSG makes use of various rela- press rules with daughters lists of unspecified length.
tions which are external to the description language, This, combined with the ability to incorporate def-
many of which apply to lists and sets. One such re- inite recursive relations into the grammar provides
lation is APPEND. LKB and TRALE differ greatly in the grammar writer with a way to implement non-
the solutions that they offer for implementing “hand- binary grammar rules, such as the head-complement
written” analyses which make use of definite rela- rule, in a concise and elegant manner, which closely
tions. LKB takes a conservative stance and adheres approximates “hand-written” grammars. This, how-
to the description language, while TRALE augments ever, does require from the grammar writer the pro-
the description language with a programming lan- gramming skills needed to be able to code using the
guage for implementing definite relations and incor- definite logic programming language.
porating them into type constraints and rules.
8 Semantic Representation
Programming definite relations in the TRALE en-
vironment is very similar to programming in Prolog, LKB contains a module for processing Minimal
with the exception that first-order terms in Prolog Recursive Semantics (MRS) representations. The
are replaced with descriptions of feature structures. module is independent from the rest of the LKB
Thus, a list in this case is not a list of terms, but and provides tools for manipulating MRS structures

in feature structure representations (Copestake and Macros are especially useful for defining the lexicon
Flickinger, 2000). TRALE provides an alternative when it is structured to minimize lexeme-specific in-
module which is an implementation of Lexical Re- formation.
source Semantics (Penn and Richter, 2004). A com- • LKB is a graphic-user-interface system where
parison and evaluation of the two systems will be commands are invoked through drop-down menus.
given in the full paper. In TRALE the user interacts with the program by
using commands entered at the Prolog prompt.
9 Evaluating Competence and • LKB uses the same syntax to define types, lexical
Performance rules, grammar rules, and words in the lexicon. In
Implemented grammars can be evaluated according TRALE distinct formats, similar to “hand-written”
to two dimensions: competence and performance. HPSG, are used for each of the grammar compo-
The competence of a grammar refers to its coverage nents.
and accuracy, that is the ability to account for all • LKB comes with the Matrix (Bender et al., 2002),
and nothing but sentences which are assumed to be an open-source starter-kit for rapid prototyping of
grammatical. Performance relates to the resources precision broad-coverage grammars. TRALE gram-
— mainly processor time and memory space — that mars need to be implemented from scratch, or based
are used during processing. on existing grammars.
Both LKB and TRALE provide a way for defin-
ing a test suite which can be used as a benchmark- 11 Conclusion
ing facility. A batch parse returns for each sentence Generally speaking, the characterization of HPSG
in the test suite the number of parses and passive as an implementable grammatical theory is justified,
edges. In terms of performance, TRALE indicates due to the computational effort that was put into
for each sentence the CPU time in seconds that it designing and developing the two implementation
took to process the sentence. In LKB only a total platforms discussed in this paper. The major gap
figure for all sentences is given. More sophisticated that was identified between “hand-written” HPSG
tools for evaluating competence and performance of and its implemented counterpart was in the multi-
grammars are available in both systems through the dimensional inheritance mechanism, which is not in-
[incr tsdb()] package (Oepen, 2001). corporated into neither implementation platforms.
LKB and TRALE can be compared and evaluated
10 User-Interface Issues and Features
along two different axes: FAITHFULNESS and AC -
Aside from major design differences between the CESSIBILITY . Faithfulness is the extent to which
two systems, LKB and TRALE are distinguished by the implemented grammar resembles the original
other more superficial user-interface type of differ- “hand-written” one. Accessibility, on the other
ences. hand, is the degree of computational skills that is re-
• LKB provides an interactive display of the gram- quired from a linguist in order to implement a gram-
mar’s type hierarchy. The user can click on types mar.
and examine their immediate and expanded defini- In some way, LKB can be viewed as a simpli-
tions. TRALE produces static images of the hierar- fied TRALE. Thus, when implicational constraints
chy. with complex antecedents, DLR lexical rules, the
• Both systems provide ways for displaying and cats> operator, definite clauses, and macros are
inspecting feature structures and syntactic trees. eliminated, one can implement an LKB-like gram-
TRALE’s Grisu graphical interface displays fea- mar in TRALE. Of course, one LKB feature that
ture structures in AVMs that are identical to those cannot be assimilated is the automatic correction of
of “hand-written” HPSG. The LKB display is less glb condition violations.
compact and more difficult to navigate. The gap between the LKB-like TRALE gram-
• Parametric macros in TRALE are used as a mar and a grammar implemented using the entire
shorthand for descriptions that are used frequently. collection of tools provided by TRALE character-

izes the differences between the systems. The ‘true’ pages 18 – 25, New Brunswick, NJ. The Association
TRALE grammar is positioned much higher on the for Computational Linguistics.
faithfulness axis than the LKB-like TRALE gram- Detmar Meurers, Kordula De Kuthy, and Vanessa Met-
mar. The TRALE tools needed in order to elevate the calf. 2003. Modularity of grammatical constraints in
LKB-like grammar on this axis require from the lin- HPSG-based grammar implementations. In Proceed-
guist more computational skills. This is especially ings of the ESSLLI ’03 workshop “Ideas and Strate-
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true when writing (and debugging) Prolog definite enna, Austria.
clauses to express relational constraints.
In terms of accessibility, the menu-driven user in- Detmar Meurers. 1994. On implementing an HPSG
theory – Aspects of the logical architecture, the for-
terface of LKB is more user-friendly than TRALE’s
malization, and the implementation of head-driven
command-line interface, making LKB more attrac- phrase structure grammars. In Erhard W. Hinrichs,
tive to the less computationally savvy linguist. How- Detmar Meurers, and Tsuneko Nakazawa, editors,
ever, tipping the balance a little on the accessibility Partial-VP and Split-NP Topicalization in German –
scale towards TRALE is its AVM display, which is An HPSG Analysis and its Implementation, pages 47–
155. Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen,
much easier to process than LKB’s. Consequently, Germany.
a computational linguist interested in implementing
an HPSG theory must consider these dimensions Detmar Meurers. 2001. On expressing lexical gener-
alizations in HPSG. Nordic Journal of Linguistics,
when choosing an implementation platform. 24(2):161–217. Special issue on ‘The Lexicon in Lin-
guistic Theory’.

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