Booklet - Sfyc2010 Book Bw-Final

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Guidance for Teachers


Science projects help students to put into practice

some of the scientific knowledge that they have
studied. Also, a science project will help them to
learn much more about a subject that interests
them personally. Through School Level Science Fair,
students will have an opportunity to share their new
discoveries with others.

Students will learn much more about the use and

application of the Scientific Methods. They will
learn about the variables found in all experimental
procedures and discover ways to control them. The
importance of experiment duplication, collection
of data and interpretation of results will also be
valuable lessons for the student.

Participation and preparation for the Science Fair

will develop additional valued skills. In addition to
learning more about science, the student will also
improve their research skills. They will develop skills
in art and perhaps photography as they prepare
their displays.

Communication skills and confidence in presenting

ideas to a variety of people will also be developed
during the fair. Participants will discuss their projects
with judges and visitors and will exchange ideas
with other young people. Students will be able to
list their experience on job resumes and Science
Fair participation may also lead to scholarships or
future career opportunities.


In order to advance on and be successful at State

level or National level Science Fairs, schools must set
some criteria and standards for student Science Fair
projects. The best method for assessing student work is
to hold a School Level Science Fair. Here are the steps
you need to follow in order to organize a successful fair
in your school.

I. Science Fair Project Research and Creation

The first and sometimes the hardest part of a science

project is to get a clear idea of the problem to be
investigated. Students should be encouraged to
develop a Science Fair project that reflects their grade
level and ability. Here are some guides for help the
students to come up with the right Science projects:

Standard 1 - The students will be given:

• Word Search Puzzles (5 Types)
• Quiz (40 Questions)
which is based on their syllabus and IQ. After
completed this Puzzles and Quiz, the students required
to do a creative scrap book about ANIMALS.

Standard 2 - The students will be given:

• Word Search Puzzles (5 Types)
• Quiz (40 Questions)
which is based on their syllabus and IQ. After
completed this Puzzles and Quiz, the students required
to do a creative scrap book about PLANTS.
Standard 3 - The students will be given:
• Word Search Puzzles (5 Types)
• Quiz (10 Questions)
• Experiments (4 Questions)
which is based on their syllabus and IQ. After
completed this Puzzles and Quiz, the students required
to design an experiment in order to prove the scientific
statement following Scientific Method.

Standard 4 & 5 - The students will be given:

• Cross Word Puzzles (5 Types)
• Quiz
• Experiments (10 Questions)
which is based on their syllabus and IQ. After
completed this Puzzles and Quiz, the students required
to design an experiment in order to prove the scientific
statement following Scientific Method.

For standard 1 and 2 the activities are recommended

to be conducted as an individual task. For standard 3,
4 & 5 the activities recommended to be done in a
group of 4-5 students. Teachers should make sure that
all the groups comprises of various level of students. All
the participants required to do readings and studies
before taking part in the quiz and puzzles. Students are
advised to follow the scientific method given in the
Teacher’s Guide for their experiment. These the
materials are attached in the CD.

If your school is interested to organize a School Level

Science Fair, please send a simple proposal (2-3
pages) to the Science Fair secretariat regarding your
school level science fair following the format given in
the CD. Your school would be eligible to a seed fund
of UP TO RM400 per school.
II. Implementation of a Science Project towards
Science Fair

Implementation Chart for Standard 1 & 2

Word Search Puzzle

Time Period: 20 minutes per puzzle

Quiz (40 Questions)

Time Period: 45 minutes

Scrap Book
Time Period: 2 weeks

Presentation during
School Level Science Fair
Time Period: 10 minutes
Implementation Chart for Standard 3

Word Search Puzzle

Time Period: 20 minutes per puzzle

Quiz (10 Questions)

Time Period: 15 minutes

Experiments (4 Questions)
Choose 1
Time Period: 3 weeks

Presentation during
School Level Science Fair
Time Period: 15 Minutes
Implementation Chart for Standard 4 & 5

Crossword Puzzles (5 Types)

Time Period: 20 minutes per puzzle

Quiz (10 Questions)

Time Period: 15 minutes

Experiments (10 Questions)

Choose 1
Time Period: 3 weeks

Presentation during
School Level Science Fair
Time Period: 15 Minutes
III. Set the Date and Place for the Science Fair

You will need to find a location for the Science Fair

that can accommodate the display boards of your
students and remain open long enough for judging
and visitors.

• Calculate how much table space you will

• Determine which locations will accommodate
the appropriate number of tables
• Your location will also affect how long you
can hold the fair
• If you need to use a location that affects the
school, involve your principal in the decision
making and planning at this point
• If possible, book a smaller room near the fair
room for volunteer breaks, judging
orientation, judging discussions

Now set the date, taking the planning you did in the
step above and the availability of the location into
consideration. Again, discuss this with your principal.
Closer to the date of the fair, you will determine the
specifics of the schedule for the day of the fair itself.

After confirmed with the date and place, it is time to

promote your Science Fair within the school. Let the
school know that there will be a school Science Fair
by putting up posters. Keep parents informed
through school newsletters and telephone
IV. Locate and Select Judges

You want to have the best possible judges for your

Science Fair and you will need an adequate number
of them. Some of the best judges are neighboring
school science teachers, student teachers from
colleges of education and individuals from the local
community with a background in science and
technology. If a university or college is nearby, get in
touch with their faculty of Science to see if any
students may be interested in helping out. The general
rule is "anyone with a science background and interest
in working with students is an ideal candidate for

Organize a pre-event meeting to discuss the judging

process and explain about the judging form that
provided in the CD. Make sure that the judges are
rewarded in some way for their participation (lunch
and a school pen are good suggestions). Keep a
contact list of past judges for future events.

Judge’s Duties on the day:

• Attend an orientation meeting prior to the fair
• Judge projects by reviewing display boards
• Stay briefly after completion of judging to assist
in score tabulation and to verify accuracy of the
awards assignments
V. Meet with the Science Fair Participants

Have a brief meeting with all of the participants prior

to the day of the School Science Fair. Discuss items
such as the outline of the event, appropriate behavior
and dress and proper etiquette when addressing
judges and other spectators. Explain the judging
procedure and the location and organization of their
displays for presentation. Encourage them to ask their
family, teachers and friends to attend.

VI. Day of the School Science Fair

Experiment Set-Up
In the morning, have the students set up their projects
in a pre-determined location. This site should be a
large, visible area within the school. Make sure that
you have booked this location ahead of time. Also,
ensure that an adequate number of tables are set up
in advance. Label each table with a form so the
students know where to set up. Make special
considerations for electrical outlets, over-sized
displays, and additional props and so on.

Standard 1 & 2
The students will be presenting about the scrap
book they have done to the judges and visitors.
Also have adequate tables for quiz and other

Standard 3, 4 & 5
The Students will be demonstrating and
presenting about their experimental set-up to the
judges and visitors.
Public Viewing
Allow a time period for open viewing of the projects by
the staff, students and public. A lunch period in the
middle of the day is usually suitable. Take appropriate
security precautions for the displays in cases where the
students have to leave their displays unattended for a
period of time.

Activities for Visitors

The teachers or students are advised to conduct
activities for visitors such as Math and Science Quizzes,
Puzzles, Sudoku, and Treasure hunt so that the visitors
also can benefit from the event. Teachers can make
use of the materials in the CD in the activities for visitors.
The winner of these activities also should be awarded.

In the afternoon, close the area off for judging.
Participants must be available for questioning as the
judges move amongst the displays. Each pair of judges
should only be required to assess approximately eight
projects due to the amount of time involved. Make sure
that they are supplied with clipboards, pencils and
evaluation sheets. Name tags or judging badges are
also helpful to identify them. At the end of the judging,
be sure to once again thank the judges. Collect all of
the evaluation forms and check for completeness and
fairness. Also make sure that all of the displays have
been assessed.

Award Presentation
Using the evaluation sheets, determine the top displays
in your school Science Fair and award them
accordingly. You will only be allowed to submit a limited
number of participants from your school to compete at
the next level of competition. Select your winners in
order to meet this number.
Besides that, consider whether to acknowledge
participation. You may wish to give each participant a
customized certificate including his or her name and
ideally the name of his or her science project. You may
also decide on how you want to give awards to the
students such as:
i. 1st winner
ii. 2nd winner
iii. 3rd winner
iv. Potential award(Best booth, best log book,
best presentation and etc.)

However, do not over emphasize winning. Do not make

the prizes for winners too large. Participation is the most
important, so it is better all participants get something.

End of the event

Have the students relocate their displays to a storage
area for future pick-up and removal. Return all tables,
signs and other equipment to their original locations. Be
sure to thank the students for their participation and

VII. The Next Level of Competition

Plan to attend the next level of competition and future

ones if your students advance further. These students
need your support and encouragement and they truly
value it. You and your school will receive great
satisfaction from their accomplishments.
Appendix 1: School Level Science Fair Simple Planner


Step1: Science fair Project Research and Creation
Step2: Formation of SF team in each Standard
(4-5 students per group)
Step3: Write Proposal and Funding Strategy
Step4: Implementation of Science Projects towards
Science Fair
Step5: Set the Date and Place for the Science Fair


Step1: Determine detail schedule for the fair
Step2: Plan and confirm science fair location details
Step3: Find volunteers and judges


Step1: Invite visitors for the fair
Step2: Decide on awards categories and method
Step3: Gather supplies
Step4: Send a reminder for parents and students


Step1: Set up the room and display boards
Step2: Conduct orientation for judges and judging
Step3: Opening for Visitors
Step4: Award Presentation
Step5: Acknowledgement for Judges
Step6: Close up the event

Step1: Send thank you note for volunteers and judges
Step2: The winner of the fair participate in follow up
Step3: Prepare and send report following the format
to Science Fair Secretariat
Appendix 2: CD content

School Level Science fair

School Level
Teacher’s Lower
Appendix Science Fair
Guide Primary

Origami Upper
English Primary

Standard 1
Sample • Puzzles
Judging Tamil • Quiz

Sample Standard 2
Proposal Crossword • Puzzles
Puzzles • Quiz
Standard 3
• Puzzles
Report Standard 4
• Quiz
• Puzzles
• Experiments
• Quiz
• Experiments

Standard 5
• Puzzles
• Quiz
• Experiments
Science Fair for Young Children
Malaysian Indian Science Intellectuals (Secretariat)
No 1, Lorong 22/44A, Seksyen 22, 46300 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel/Fax: 03-78778571 E-Mail:
Funding Partner: Partner Organizations: Media

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