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Name of project
Promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst of
challenges and crisis
Total Costs Grant from ELKD Support from ELCT Local Contribution
€ 13,297 € 10,000 € 499 € 2,798
Name and address of the project
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 784 731 012
Electronic mail:
Project implementer
Secretary, Planning and Development
Attn: Rev. Ezekiel A. Mwambungu
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 746 295 242
Electronic mail:
Project contact person
General Secretary
Attn: Philorian M. Mpendaye
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 784 731012
Electronic mail:
Project legal holder
Rt. Rev. Renard K. Mtenji
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 787 277904
Electronic mail:
Name and address of funding agency
United Evangelical Lutheran Church
Attn: Rev. Dr. Christine Keim
Tanzania Secretary
Podbielskistrasse 164
D-30177 Hannover
Telephone: + 49 511 69 68 72 12
Electronic mail:


1.1 Description of the applicant

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese is among 26

dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. It is made up of 27 parishes
namely Chita, Idete, Ifakara, Ikule, Kalengakelu, Kiberege, Kihansi, Kilombero, Kipingo,
Luhombero, Lupiro, Mahenge, Mang’ula, Matema, Mbingu A, Mbingu B, Milola,
Mkamba, Mlimba, Mngeta, Msolwa, Mtimbira, Ngalimila, Ruaha, Tanga, Tanganyika
and Uchindile. Its catchment area covers rural areas with communities whom 80% are
predominantly subsistence farming communities. Household poverty rate is higher by
38% and communities live below poverty line. Limited availability of microfinance offers
little opportunity for turning self-employment into sustainable income generating
activities that can generate jobs with income benefits. The economy of these
communities has not grown fast enough for an ordinary person to experience a
trickledown effect of income poverty. The diocese has 23,567 (13,461 females and
10,106 males) church members out of which 10,842 (5,854 females and 4,988 males)
are youth members; 6,831 (3,688 females and 3,143 males) adult members; and 5,894
(3,178 females and 2,716 males) children. There are 51 (4 females and 47 males)
pastors including retirees and 117 (8 females and 109 males) evangelists. Observing
the number of adherents, it is apparent that number of clergies does not correspond
with the church members and the mission work itself. This heavy pastoral responsibility
makes it difficult for them to fulfill their evangelistic responsibilities.

1.2 Development experience

The diocese is proud of its long good track records of working well with traditional,
government and international donors on implementing projects and is committed to
continuing to be responsive and responsible partner. In recent years it has successful
implemented projects including Theological Education by Extension for fishing
communities supported by Swedish Evangelical Mission, construction of multipurpose
assembly hall at Tumaini Lutheran Seminary supported by Northwest Intermountain
Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, sustainable livelihood and
environmental conservation programme supported by Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania, provision of safe water for quality life supported by Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development, environmental conservation programme
through tree planting supported by United Nations Development Programme, promoting
youth employment through beekeeping supported by Tanzania Forest Fund,
strengthening mission and evangelism programmes in mission parishes supported by
Lutheran Mission Cooperation, capacity building on counselling skills for pastors’ wives
supported by Development and Mission for Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria,
promoting cost effective and efficient mission and evangelism programmes in mission
parishes supported by Development and Mission for Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Bavaria, construction of spiritual and retreat centre supported by Leipzig Evangelical
Lutheran Mission and Berlin Mission and environmental conservation education
supported by Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission.

1.3 Description of partnership

The diocese has strong relationship with Berlin Missionswerk, Church of Sweden,
Danish Lutheran Mission, Northwest Intermountain Synod of Evangelical Lutheran in
America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (Mission Eine Welt), Leipzig
Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Finish Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Langenhorner
Tansania Arbeitskreis, Lugala Arbeitskreis, SolidarMed and Swedish Evangelical
Mission. Also, the diocese established relationship with Delloite Consulting Limited,
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, United Nations Development Programme and
Tanzania Forest Fund through implementing development projects. However, the
diocese is affiliated with All African Council of Churches, Christian Council of Tanzania,
Christian Social Services Commission and Lutheran World Federation through
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.

1.4 Location of the applicant

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese is located on the

south western side of Morogoro Region. Geographical coordinates of the area are
Kilombero District at Latitude 8º06'77"South and Longitude 37º12'59"East, Kilosa
District at Latitude 6º64'17"South and Longitude 37º12'59"East, Malinyi District at
Latitude 8º56'00"South and Longitude 3º08'00"East and Ulanga District at Latitude
9º01'99"South and Longitude 36º43'64"East with size of 43,039 square kilometres (km 2)
in which Kilombero District has 14,918 km 2, Kilosa District has 3,561 km2, Malinyi
District has 13,871 km2 and Ulanga District has 10,689 km 2 and most of the area lies
along Kilombero Valley and part of it in Rufiji Basin and Selous Game Reserve and
extends to Udzungwa Mountains. Its administrative seat is positioned at Kibaoni Village,
Kibaoni Ward, Ifakara Town, Kilombero District in Morogoro Region. It borders with
Morogoro Rural District to the North-east, Mufindi and Njombe to the Southwest, Kilolo
District to the North, Liwale District of Lindi Region to the South-east and Songea Rural
District of Ruvuma Region to the South.


2.1 Statement of the problem

Church members of the diocese are largely composed by youth totaling 10,842 (5,854
females and 4,988 males) composing 46%. Since the past 20 years it has been
evidenced a decline in acceptable behaviour, character, values, standards, ethics and
morals among Christian young people. Teenage pregnancy is a serious concern and
records indicate that its incidence is around 9% particularly with regard to girls between
13 and 18 years. Drug abuse by students in schools is a serious problem and the
society has been referred to as sick as a result of the prevalent use of drugs and
naturally affects their behaviour in class and the community as a whole. Lack of
involvement of the youth in church-life is a serious concern to most of the parishes and
congregations. The youth often refuses to attend church and are driven and influenced
by politics, a fact which causes tension and havoc in the church. Unemployment is a

huge problematic factor in terms of its impact on the church and the community. The
number of orphans is a burning issue for relevant role-players. Child-neglect occurs in
the community in which parents do not care for their children.

2.2 Proposed solution

Funding support from United Evangelical Lutheran Church for implementation of this
project will enable the diocese to train 43 (4 females and 39 males) pastors on spiritual
reproduction to become contingent leaders for strategies towards participation in
evangelising youth through formation of small group prayer fellowships, spontaneous
evangelism, planned systematic evangelism and oikos1 evangelism. 33 (17 females
and 16 males) youth members will be trained to become change agents or peer
educators to evangelise their respective peers. 2 new motorcycles more will be
purchased to serve as reliable means of transport for the needy parishes to add already
purchased 25 motorcycles for which with the use of motorcycles pastors will travel to
reach youth members in parishes and congregations. Pastors will organise and conduct
evangelical meetings, prayer teams, house-to-house evangelism, door-to-door
evangelism and person-to-person evangelism to evangelise lost, unsaved, neglected
and needy Christian youth members and bring them to Christ.

2.3 Justification of the project

Promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst of

challenges and crisis project was initiated by the church members through participatory
need identification as a result of assessment of mission work in 27 parishes of the
diocese and review of development plan from 2016 to 2019 in which the idea for this
project was conceived. The priority was approved by the General Assembly convened
on 19 - 20 September 2019 and has been incorporated in the development plan of the
diocese for the period between 2020 to 2023. For that reason, for convenient reference,
it is recalled that this project reflects the needs of the diocese as this idea was
conceived within the administrative systems and structure. The project will address
Sustainable Development Goals to which United Evangelical Lutheran Church takes
measure to comply to achieving Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies
for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels targeting to building capacity at
all levels to prevent violence and crime.

Basically this project proposal is in accordance and consistent with the Strategic Plan
(2016 - 2020) of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese,
Priority 1: Building a strong community with Christian faith through proclaiming
and teaching the Word of God under objective 2: Build capacity through training
and empowerment with focus on witnessing and discipleship. Moreover, this
project is in line with the Strategic Plan (2015 - 2025) of the Evangelical Lutheran

Oikos evangelism is alternatively called friendship evangelism, incamational evangelism, caring
evangelism, or relational evangelism. Oikos is a Greek word translated "household" and is used
frequently throughout the New Testament (Acts 11:14: 16:15, 31: John 4:53).

Church in Tanzania, Priority 1: Strengthening Mission and Evangelism Work for
Sustainance of Christian or Church Identity under objective 5: Increase by 20%
the number of active youth in church decision making bodies and leadership by
the end 2020. Basically, these priority areas resulted from needs assessment that
identified urgent need for interventions through mission and evangelism to address the
irresponsible behaviours in which youth are facing today leading bad life-choices.

Furthermore, this project was championed by key action points emanated during the
16th Annual Round Table of Lutheran Mission Cooperation held on 13 - 15 October
2019 in Njombe and as such the priority is aligned with the resolutions and priorities of
Lutheran Mission Cooperation under LMC Manual 2020 with special focus of Youth in
the Church and Society pursuant to Keynote Address of ELCT Youth
Representatives focusing on youth ministry with special attention on role of the youth
in the church and society; challenging facing the youth especially false teachings of
negative beliefs versus Christian education, shallow involvement of youth in decision
making and society, personal identity and self image issues, unemployment, negative
media influence, moral degradation (crime, drug addiction and sexual purity) and
divorce and parenting; and youth projects and programmes in which it was
recommended that the dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania must
effectively and accordingly involve the youth in church including involvement of youth as
part of decision making and investing in youth initiative projects and activities and as
such the Planning and Development Department organised the meeting held on 28th of
December 2019 that brought together key officials to discuss about role of the youth in
the church and society and the challenges they are facing today.

2.4 Goal of the project

Promote spiritual growth of the Christian youth community through effective and
economical mission and evangelism programmes.

2.5 Objectives of the project

(1) Conduct refresher training course to 43 (4 females and 39 males) pastors on

spiritual reproduction to become contingent leaders for strategies towards
participation in evangelising the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy Christian
youth members by July 2020.

(2) Empower 33 (17 females and 16 males) Christian youth members to become
change agents for strategies towards participation in evangelising youth members
who will in turn reach and evangelise 3,252 (1,756 females and 1,496 males)
Christian youth people so as to bring them to Christ by December 2020.

2.6 Activities of the project

(1) Conduct consultative meeting with an ultimate aim to bring together key officials
for preparation and logistics arrangements, develop action plan, communication

lines and tools and gather information in relation to implementation. Consultative
meeting will be convened for 1 days with the ultimate will aim to bring together
senior officers, district pastors, youth coordinator and secretary of planning and
development who have decision making responsibilities and champions for youth
ministry. 10 (2 females and 8 males) participants will attend the meeting in order to
discuss issues, elements and procedures of youth ministry and implementation. In
this meeting, the approach will be informal and participatory with discussions
enabling sharing and learning across the participants and hence gathering
information in relation to implementation of youth programmes and develop a
guide for training and implementation.

(2) Conduct refresher training course to 43 (4 females and 39 males) pastors on

spiritual reproduction to become contingent leaders for strategies towards
participation in evangelising the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy Christian
youth members. This training will be conducted for a period of 3 days to impart
knowledge and skills to parish pastors so as to become forerunners or contingent
leaders of evangelists in their respective parishes who will lead and organise youth
ministry, provide leadership to overall youth ministry, model and raise value of a
Christ-centred lifestyle within youth ministry and build a growing youth ministry
team in their respective congregations. Focus group discussion will be convened
to discuss specific youth issues and challenges by a facilitator to provide an insight
into how a group thinks about an issue, gather range of opinion and ideas and
inconsistencies and variation exist in terms of beliefs, experiences and practices.

(3) Empower 33 (17 females and 16 males) Christian youth members to become
change agents for strategies towards participation in evangelising who will in turn
reach and evangelise 3,252 (1,756 females and 1,496 males) Christian youth
people so as to bring them to Christ. The youth will be empowered for a period of 4
days to focusing on the challenging they face especially false teachings of
negative beliefs versus Christian education, shallow involvement of youth in
decision making and society, personal identity and self image issues,
unemployment, negative media influence, moral degradation (crime, drug
addiction and sexual purity) and divorce and parenting; and youth projects and
programmes. The youth will be chosen from target populations and will be
empowered become peer educators or change agents of their respective peers.

(4) Purchase 2 brand new motorcycles as appropriate means of transport to support

superintendents for monitoring of mission and evangelical outreach activities in
parishes and congregations. Project staff will purchase 2 brand new HONLG 125
motorcycles to facilitate project implementation. Each of the 25 parishes of the
diocese has motorcycle and as such 2 brand new HONLG 125 motorcycles are
need for 2 parishes. In 2019 with support from Development and Mission for
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria 10 brand new HONLG 125 motorcycles
were purchased to implement through promoting cost effective and efficient
mission and evangelism programmes in mission parishes, for this reason 2 more
motorcycles are needed to facilitate implementation this project.

(5) Conduct 27 evangelical meetings parishes to reach in which 3,252 (1,756 females
and 1,496 males) youth who are the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy Christian
youth people. Evangelical meetings are needed for youth members hence 3,252
(1,756 females and 1,496 males) youth members will be reached. Each parish will
conduct evangelical meetings in which change agents will be assigned to reach
their respective peer youth with the message on youth ministry with special
attention on role of the youth in the church and society, challenging facing the
youth and Christian values such as acceptable behaviours, character, values,
standards, ethics and morals among youth. Contingent leaders will assign change
agents to conduct house-to-house, door-to-door and person-to-person

(6) Project oversight including monitoring visits, semi-annually and annually review
meetings to assess project activity performance standards. There will be review
meetings organised after every project phase to determine progress, lessons
learnt, identify challenges and operational plans can be improved and actions
taken where needed to correct shortfalls and constraints in order to attain efficient
and effective performance standards. Project completion review meeting will be
conducted in which project reports including technical and financial accountability
reports will be presented, discussed and approved for submission to United
Evangelical Lutheran Church.

2.7 Outputs of the project

(1) 43 (4 females and 39 males) pastors capacited as contingent leaders on spiritual

reproduction towards participation in evangelising the lost, unsaved, neglected and
needy Christian youth members.

(2) 33 (17 females and 16 males) Christian youth members empowered as change
agents for strategies towards participation in evangelising the lost, unsaved,
neglected and needy Christian youth members.

(3) 2 motorcycles purchased and in use for monitoring of mission and evangelical
outreach activities including evangelical meetings, prayer teams, house-to-house,
door-to-door and person-to-person evangelism.

(4) 27 evangelical meetings conducted in 27 parishes in which 3,252 (1,756 females

and 1,496 males) the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy Christian youth people
reached and brought to Christ.

2.8 Outcomes of the project

(1) Christian youth members within the diocese developed lives of integrity, loyalty,
commitment and obedience living in full awareness of God.

(2) Challenges such as substance use and drug abuse, violence, rape, child trafficking
and prostitution that lead to lives of Christian youth being destroyed reduced.
(3) Respect for self and others, positive self-image and trust improved among the lost,
unsaved, neglected and needy Christian youth in parishes and congregations.

(4) Healthy lifestyle, better financial management, better family relations, control of
emotions, responsibility and strength in their faith improved among youth. 

(5) Acceptable behaviours, character, values, standards, ethics and morals improved
among youth.

(6) Better follow of values such as obedience, respect, honour, honesty, friendliness,
peacefulness, forgiveness, discipline, thankfulness and helping and consequently
responsible and better life-choices enhanced among youth.

(7) Improved involvement of the youth in church-life and engagement in development

activities in parishes and congregations.

(8) Increased church attendance among youth members, less influence in politics and
gangsterism among youth members and diminished tension and havoc.

(9) Decreased number of HIV/AIDS victims and orphans for relevant role-players and
less child-neglect in the community by parents.

(10) Zero teenage pregnancy among Christian youth particularly with regard to girls
between 13 and 18 years.

(11) Increased care of children by parents and guardians, less child-headed

households and quality life-decision making.

2.9 Project methodology

Project implementation strategy will rely upon transforming the mindset of the youth
members to become Christ-centred responsible people. Project implementation will
require consultative meeting, training, procurement, evangelical meetings and
monitoring and evaluation. Planning and Development Department of Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese will lead implementation of this
project and operations of project interventions will be the responsibility of Christian
Education and Youth Department. Project planning process involved participatory
method in which different stakeholders were involved mainstreaming gender balance to
improve project implementation so as to achieve project desired results. Active
participation of different stakeholders mainstreaming gender balance in all aspects of
project implementation, monitoring and evaluation will be involved to ensure that
stakeholders enjoy ownership of the project and as such to increase its success and
realisation of project implementation, monitoring and evaluation so as to achieve
established project objectives. Evaluation of project implementation through

participatory approach will involve specific established tools including focus group
discussions, observations and interviews with key implementers and persons.
Through this project pastors will be trained to become forerunners or contingent leaders
of evangelists in their respective parishes and in turn will lead and organise youth
ministry and provide leadership for overall youth ministry. Youth members will be trained
to become peer educators or change agents and will be identified amongst specific
youth members with similar social and cultural background such as the same habits,
attitudes, ways of thinking, similar mistakes and fallacies but at the same time are
enough aware of the risky behaviours and have got knowledge and skills to use the
knowledge and will be trained according to Christian values and standards to become
peer educators or change agents. Change agents will be assigned to go directly to each
individual peer in order to evangelise and inspire youth members on their risk
behaviours and behavioural change and ultimately develop lives of integrity, loyalty,
commitment and obedience living in full awareness of God.

Funding support from United Evangelical Church for implementation of this project will
enable the diocese to purchase additional 2 brand new HONLG 125 motorcycles to
serve as reliable means of transport for parish pastors in parishes while serving as
forerunners or contingent leaders and support to evangelists in their respective parishes
and in turn will lead and organise youth programmes and in turn provide leadership for
overall youth ministry. With the use of motorcycles pastors will travel up to the jungle
areas of the parishes and congregations and organise and conduct evangelical
meetings, prayer teams, house-to-house evangelism, door-to-door evangelism and
person-to-person evangelism to evangelise the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy
youth members and inspire them on best practices and acceptable behaviours,
character, values, standards, ethics, morals, self respect and respect for others, positive
self-image, trust, healthy lifestyle, better financial management, better family relations,
control of emotions and rage, responsibility and strength in Christian faith. Motorcycles
will help pastors as means of transport during supervision visits in congregations.

2.10 Project location

Promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst of

challenges and crisis project will be based in 27 parishes of the diocese namely Chita,
Idete, Ifakara, Ikule, Kalengakelu, Kiberege, Kihansi, Kilombero, Kipingo, Luhombero,
Lupiro, Mahenge, Mang’ula, Matema, Mbingu A, Mbingu B, Milola, Mkamba, Mlimba,
Mngeta, Msolwa, Mtimbira, Ngalimila, Ruaha, Tanga, Tanganyika and Uchindile with
143 congregations located within 4 administrative districts namely Kilombero District,
Kilosa District, Malinyi District and Ulanga District.

2.11 Target beneficiaries

Project interventions will target both direct and indirect beneficiaries. Direct beneficiaries
will include the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy Christian youth members who
constitute 10,842 (5,854 females and 4,988 males) people. From this number of youth,
33 (17 females and 16 males) youth members will be selected and empowered as

change agents to reach and evangelise 3,285 (1,766 females and 1,519 males) through
evangelical meetings, prayer teams, house-to-house evangelism, door-to-door
evangelism and person-to-person evangelism. 43 (4 females and 39 males) pastors of
the diocese who will be trained through refresher training as forerunners or contingent
leaders for strategies towards evangelising the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy
youth members. Indirect beneficiaries of the project will be 20,122 (11,683 females and
8,439 males) church members in 27 parishes of the diocese.

2.12 Gender sensitivity

Different stakeholders were involved in project design and planning process through
parish management committees, project management committee, executive council and
general assembly, which are formed mainstreaming gender balance. Women and men
including the youth were involved and will continue to be involved in project realisation
and evaluation. Target group was effectively involved in the planning process during
participatory need identification of which currently there are 23,567 (13,461 females and
10,106 males) church members whom 10,842 (5,854 females and 4,988 males) are
youth members; 6,831 (3,688 females and 3,143 males) adult members; and 5,894
(3,178 females and 2,716 males) children.

2.13 Key success factors

Management of this project will be under the headoffice of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese. The diocese has a long good track
record and experience in managing funds from traditional partners and international
donors. The Bishop, Assistant to the Bishop, General Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary of
Planning and Development Department, Secretary of Mission and Evangelism
Department and Secretary of Christian Education and Youth Department with ample
expertise, experiences and competencies in managing both small and big funding
projects form project team and will be involved in undertaking project activities. The
team will be resourceful towards achievement of project desired results. Project team
will help the diocese to embed accountability procedures to ensure that it contributes
towards achieving project desired results. Financial management system will be guided
by the financial regulations and procedures of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania. Preparation of financial reports will comply with principles and guidelines of
United Evangelical Lutheran Church and International Financial Reporting Standards.

2.14 Monitoring and evaluation

Project implementing team with ample expertise, experiences and competencies will be
responsible for monitoring of project activities and provide liaison and technical
assistance. Project activities will be subject to situation analysis, problem identification,
development of recommendations and solutions, planning and organisation,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Project work plan will record project activities
and each activity will have a means for collecting and reporting data. Tools such as
minutes, action plans, contracts, activity forms, invoice, purchase order, purchase

receipts and delivery notes will be developed and administered. Demand for evaluation
of effectiveness will be realised to produce good deliverables. Review meetings will be
organised to review progress, identify challenges and develop solutions to them.

Narrative and financial accountability report will be prepared and submitted for review,
discussion and recommendation, hence send to the United Evangelical Lutheran
Church. There will be an independent final evaluation of the project from the ELCT Audit
Division. Monitoring and evaluation of project activities will be undertaken using
established objectively verifiable indicators as indicated in the following project
framework matrix based on narrative summary, objectively verifiable indicators, means
of verification and assumptions of risk factors (Table 3.1 - Logical framework matrix
for promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst
of challenges and crisis).

Table 3.1 - Logical framework matrix for promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst of challenges
and crisis


Promote spiritual growth of the Christian youth community  Deliberate practice in spiritual activities  Parish reports Willingness of youth
through effective and economical mission and evangelism  Increase in commitment to Christian  Parish minutes members to participate in
programmes youth members in the church  Parish assessment reports the church activities


Conduct refresher training to 43 pastors on spiritual  Number and gender disaggregate data  Refresher training report Willingness of pastors to
reproduction to become leaders towards evangelising of pastors trained on spiritual  Registers participate in refresher
Christian youth members by July 2020 reproduction  Photos training
Empower 33 Christian youth to become change agents for  Number and gender disaggregate data  Training report Willingness of Christian
strategies towards participation in evangelising who will in of Christian youth members trained as  Registers youth members to
turn reach and evangelise 3,252 youth by December 2020 change agents and youth reached  Photos participate in training


43 pastors capacited on spiritual reproduction as leaders  Number and gender disaggregate data  Refresher training report Willingness of pastors to
towards participation in evangelising the lost, unsaved, of pastors trained on spiritual  Registers participate in refresher
neglected and needy Christian youth members reproduction  Photos training
33 Christian youth members empowered as change agents  Number and gender disaggregate data  Training report Willingness of Christian
for strategies towards participation in evangelising the lost, of Christian youth members empowered  Registers youth members to
unsaved, neglected and needy Christian youth members as change agents  Photos participate in training
2 motorcycles purchased and in use for monitoring of mission  Number, size and durability of  Quotations, Commitment of project
and evangelism outreach activities in parishes and motorcycles purchased and in use for  purchase orders team and availability of
congregations monitoring project activities  Receipts, delivery, register funds
27 evangelical meetings conducted and 3,252 (1,756 females  Number and gender disaggregate data  Outreach reports Willingness of Christian
and 1,496 males) the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy of Christian youth members evangelised  Registers youth members to
Christian youth people reached and brought to Christ and brought to Christ  Photos participate in outreach


Christian youth members within the service area of the  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
diocese developed lives of integrity, loyalty, commitment and of youth addressed to uphold Christian  Parish minutes members to participate in
obedience living in full awareness of God norms, values and Lutheran heritage  Parish assessment reports the church activities

Massive challenges such as substance use and drug abuse,  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
violence, rape, child trafficking and prostitution that lead to of Christian youth members with  Parish minutes members to participate in
lives of Christian young people being destroyed reduced reduced massive challenges  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Respect for self and others, positive self-image and trust  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
improved among the lost, unsaved, neglected and needy of Christian youth members with  Parish minutes members to participate in
Christian youth members in parishes and congregations acceptable behaviour and characters  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Healthy lifestyle, better financial management, better family  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
relations, control of emotions and rage, responsibility and of youth members with improved  Parish minutes members to participate in
strength in their faith improved among youth members healthy lifestyle and self control  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Acceptable behaviours, character, values, standards, ethics  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
and morals improved among Christian young people in of Christian youth members with  Parish minutes members to participate in
parishes and congregations improved etiquette  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Better follow of values such as obedience, respect, honour,  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
honesty, friendliness, peacefulness, forgiveness, discipline, of Christian youth with enhanced  Parish minutes members to participate in
thankfulness and helping others responsible and better life-choices  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Improved involvement of the youth members in church-life  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
and engagement in development activities in parishes and of Christian youth with involved in  Parish minutes members to participate in
congregations church activities  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Increased church attendance among youth members, less  Number and gender disaggregate data  Parish reports Willingness of youth
influence in politics and gangsterism among youth members of Christian youth with better church  Parish minutes members to participate in
and diminished tension and havoc attendance  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Decreased number of HIV/AIDS victims and orphans for  Number and gender disaggregate of  Parish reports Willingness of youth
relevant role-players and less child-neglect in the community decreased HIV/AIDS victims and  Parish minutes members to participate in
by parents in parishes and congregations orphans and neglected children  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Zero teenage pregnancy among Christian youth members  Number and gender disaggregate of  Parish reports Willingness of youth
particularly with regard to girls between 13 and 18 years in decreased teenage pregnancy among  Parish minutes members to participate in
parishes and congregations Christian youth members  Parish assessment reports the church activities
Increased care of children by parents and guardians, less  Number and gender disaggregate of  Parish reports Willingness of youth
child-headed households and quality life-decision making in children taken care and reduced  Parish minutes members to participate in
parishes and congregations number of child-headed households  Parish assessment reports the church activities


Conduct consultative meeting with an ultimate aim to bring  Number and gender disaggregate data  Reports Willingness of officials to
together key officials for preparation and logistics of key officials who are aware of project  Register participate in project
arrangements for project implementation implementation  Photos logistics arrangements

Conduct refresher training to 43 pastors on spiritual  Number and gender disaggregate data  Refresher training report Willingness of pastors to
reproduction to become leaders towards evangelising of pastors trained on spiritual  Registers participate in refresher
Christian youth members reproduction  Photos training
Empower 33 Christian youth members to become change  Number and gender disaggregate data  Training report Willingness of Christian
agents for strategies towards participation in evangelising the of Christian youth members trained as  Registers youth members to
Christian youth members change agents  Photos participate in training
Purchase 2 motorcycles as appropriate means of transport to  Number, size and durability of  Quotations, Commitment of project
support superintendents for monitoring of mission and motorcycles purchased and in use for  purchase orders team and availability of
evangelical outreach activities in parishes and congregations monitoring project activities  Receipts, delivery, register funds
Conduct 27 evangelical meetings parishes to reach in which  Number and gender disaggregate data  Outreach reports Willingness of Christian
3,252 (1,756 females and 1,496 males) the lost, unsaved, of Christian youth members evangelised  Registers youth members to
neglected and needy Christian youth people and brought to Christ  Photos participate in outreach
Conduct project oversight including monitoring visits, semi-  Status of project achievements attained  Project reports Commitment of project
annually and annually review meetings to assess project in the course of implementation of  Photos staff in monitoring
activity performance standards project activities  Success stories availability of funds

2.15 Sustainability plan

Implementing this project through existing planning and administrative framework

assume efficient and sustainability. It is anticipated that new strategies, sources of
income and networks will be established through existing systems and structures. To
ensure strengthened sense of ownership, this project used participatory appraisal and
engagement in planning and off course in implementation of project activities. Technical
feasibility will be guaranteed by training representatives from target groups to become
contingent leaders and change agents. Thus, project activities will be implemented in
close connection with members of entire targeted groups. Project tools will be used to
sustain the project and as well change agents will assume continuation of services as
referral and networking without further payment. The lost, unsaved, neglected and
needy Christian youth reached by outreach programmes and brought to Christ will form
back-up teams and provide more information to their respective peers through
evangelical meetings, pray teams, house-to-house, door-to-door and person-to-person
evangelism hence perpetuate Christian faith from time to time.

2.16 Project benefits and consideration for funding

This project deserves financial support as it is spiritually friendly and sound, socially
equitable and technically feasible. Through this project, quality Christian education will
be taught in schools. Christian youth members will develop lives of integrity, loyalty,
commitment and obedience living in full awareness of God. Christian norms, values and
heritage among youth will be upheld. Problems of gangs will be approached and
juvenile delinquencies particularly antisocial, criminal or illegal behaviour and acts that
are common will be reduced. Poor family ties, lack of proper supervision, conflict and
parental abuse predisposing delinquent behaviour will be addressed. Respect for self
and others, positive self-image and trust will be improved. Healthy lifestyle, better
financial management, better family relations, control of emotions and rage,
responsibility and strength in their faith will be improved. Acceptable behaviours,
character, values, standards, ethics and morals will be improved. Better follow of values
such as obedience, respect, honour, honesty, friendliness, peacefulness, forgiveness,
discipline and better life-choices will be enhanced. Involvement of youth members in
church-life and engagement in church activities will be improved.

2.17 Training venue and dates

Training sessions for pastors and youth members will be held at Mbingu Sisters’
Spiritual and Conference Centre located at Mbingu Village, Kilombero District in
Morogoro Region. Refresher training course for pastors is proposed to be conducted
from 8th of July 2020 to 10th of July 2020. Training of youth members as change
agents is proposed to be conducted from 14th of July 2020 to 17th of July 2020.

2.18 Facilitator of the training

Refresher training course for pastors and empowerment training for youth members will
be facilitated by Bishop Charles R. Mjema who is the Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran

Church in Tanzania Pare Diocese and Faustina Nillan Manyangu who is the Director
of Women and Children Directorate of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Bishop
Charles R. Mjema is the National Patron of Tanzania Students’ Christian Fellowship
(TSCF) for denominations under Christian Council of Tanzania. He is renowned
professional pastors and youth trainer and counselor as well as motivational and
inspirational speaker. Faustina Nillan is currently implementing gender based violence
programme and her work focuses on vulnerable groups of women and children who are
marginalised and susceptible within the church and community.

2.19 Project work plan

This project will cover a period of 6 months and is scheduled to take off in the first week
of July 2020 and end up in the fourth week of December 2020. The work plan of
implementation of activities will strictly be adhered to immediately the project
commences. Project team made up of Bishop, Assistant to the Bishop, General
Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary of Planning and Development Department, Secretary of
Mission and Evangelism Department and Secretary of Christian Education and Youth
Department have pledged to cooperate and provide support towards implementation of
project activities. Project work plan is as shown below (Table 3.2 - Project work plan
for promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst
of challenges and crisis).

Table 3.2 - Project work plan for promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst of challenges and

Activity Description
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Conduct consultative meeting with an ultimate aim to bring together key officials for preparation and logistics arrangements for
project implementation
Conduct refresher training to 43 pastors on spiritual reproduction to become leaders towards evangelising Christian youth
Empower 33 Christian youth members to become change agents for strategies towards participation in evangelising the
Christian youth members
Purchase 2 motorcycles as appropriate means of transport to support superintendents for monitoring of mission and evangelical
outreach activities in parishes and congregations
Conduct 27 evangelical meetings parishes to reach in which 3,252 (1,756 females and 1,496 males) the lost, unsaved, neglected
x x x
and needy Christian youth people
Conduct project oversight including monitoring visits, semi-annually and annually review meetings to assess project activity
x x x x x x
performance standards

2.20 Project budget and financing

(1) Project costs for implementation of project activities is the sum of Tanzanian
shillings thirty three million six hundred ninety one thousand four hundred
(TZS 33,691,400) which is equivalent to € 13,297.

(2) Grant support from the United Evangelical Lutheran Church is Tanzanian
shillings twenty five million three hundred thirty eight thousand eight
hundred (TZS 25,338,000) which is equivalent to € 10,000.

(3) Support from Women Directorate of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania for
implementation of the project is Tanzanian shillings seven million eighty six
thousand four hundred (TZS 1,265,000) which is equivalent to € 499.

(4) Contribution of the diocese for implementation of the project is Tanzanian

shillings seven million eighty eight thousand four hundred (TZS 7,088,400)
which is equivalent to € 2,798.

(5) Exchange rate is calculated as per Lutheran Mission Cooperation exchange rates
as at 1st of June 2020: € 1 = TZS 2,533.80.

(6) Summary of project costs and financing plan with its corresponding timeframe
(Table 3.3 - Summary of budget by activities by month with financing plan for
promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst
of challenges and crisis).

(7) Budget is included in this proposal as detailed budget for promoting youth
interventions through mission and evangelism programmes in the midst of
challenges and crisis, Appendix I.

(8) Brand new brand new HONLG 125-5 motorcycles will be purchased as per
quotation from Arizeno Mirenyi based in Ifakara Town, Appendix II.

Table 3.3 - Summary of budget by activities by month with financing plan for promoting youth interventions through mission and
evangelism in the midst of challenges and crisis

Activity Summary Budget Cost by Month (TZS) Financing Plan (TZS)

July August September October November December Diocese ELCT ELKD Total

Activity 1 - Convene consultative meeting for officials 722,000 - - - - - - - 722,000 722,000

Activity 2 - Conduct refresher training for 43 pastors - 13,726,500 - - - - 1,325,000 1,265,000 11,136,500 13,726,500

Activity 3 - Train 33 Christian youth members - - 10,426,500 - - - 1,485,000 - 8,941,500 10,426,500

Activity 4 - Purchase 2 brand new motorcycles - - 5,168,400 - - 630,400 - 4,538,000 5,168,400

Activity 5 - Conduct evangelical outreach programmes - - - - - 1,755,000 1,755,000 - - 1,755,000

Activity 6 - Project oversight and administration 205,000 20,000 1814,000 20,000 20,000 814,000 1,893,000 - - 1,893,000

TOTAL COSTS 927,000 13,746,500 12,240,500 5,188,400 20,000 2,569,000 7,088,400 1,265,000 25,338,000 33,691,400

Appendix II - Proforma invoice from Arizeno Mirenyi for purchase of motorcycles
for promoting youth interventions through mission and evangelism in the midst
of challenges and crisis


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