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JUNE 2018


Compassion International Tanzania is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with
those who are suffering from extreme poverty so as to release them from spiritual, socio-economic and
extreme physical poverty. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, Free
Pentecostal Church of Tanzania Ifakara Mission and Tanzania Assemblies of God Southern Diocese are
among 419 Implementing Church Partners of Compassion International Tanzania through assisted projects
in 3 Child Development Centres namely KKKT Kanisa Kuu Milola Student Centre TZ 0268, FPCT Ifakara
Student Centre TZ 0841 and TAG Bethel Christian Centre Kisegese TZ 0159. These Implementing Church
Partners jointly form the proponent of this proposed project. The project involves drilling of 3 groundwater
boreholes equipped with submersible pumps driven by electricity coupled by construction of water towers
with their storage reservoir tanks. The project is located in 3 villages namely Kibaoni Village at Milola,
Viwanja Sitini Village at Jongo and Kisegese Village at Kisegese in Kilombero District, Morogoro Region.

Despite that water is a precious and basic need; compassion’s assisted projects in the area suffer a serious
problem of not having an access to safe, clean, sufficient and reliable water and water sources. Women
and young girls spend more than one hour trekking to hand dug shallow wells for buckets of water for their
families. The water is highly contaminated leading to spread of waterborne diseases to the registered
children. Consequently, water shortage in the area gave birth to the project idea for drilling groundwater
boreholes as alternative water supply. The goal of this project is to ensure access to reliable, safe and
clean water supply. It will ensure the local communities particularly women and young girls in the villages
do not waste much time walking long distances to fetch contaminated water and ultimately reduce the
spread of waterborne diseases and maximize health impact. The project strives reach this goal through
provision of reliable, safe and clean drinking water to registered children, capacity building to
underprivileged communities to maintain sources of safe and clean water, empowering members of water
management committees on operation, maintenance and management of water facilities; and information,
education and communication campaigns and awareness creation on hygiene.

Regular water quality monitoring will be part of the established tasks and responsibilities. Implementing
project interventions will have support of local communities including their financial and in-kind
contributions. This project will benefit the registered children through access to reliable, safe and clean
drinking water, reduced waterborne diseases, decreased deaths, improved health, reduced workload and
increased school attendance; parents and/or guardians will benefit from reduced health costs, reduced
households’ expenditure on water, reduced burden of fetching water, reduced social conflicts on water use;
and implementing church partners will benefit through reduced costs and time on water supply to their
respective child development centres; whereas local communities living within 5 kilometres from the
targeted child development centres will benefit through adoption of a new positive attitude towards hygiene
and increased human capital building and job creation through involvement in construction work and
maintenance of water facilities. A competent and reputable drilling contractor will be hired and contracted
by the implementing church partners to ensure drilling work is conducted and completed as agreed. A total
of US$.......... (Say…..) equivalent to TZS…………. (Say………) at the exchange rate of TZS 2,485 per US$
1.00 is required to accomplish implementation of project activities.


1.1 Background information

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, Free Pentecostal Church of
Tanzania Ifakara Mission and Tanzania Assemblies of God Southern Diocese are the operators of the
Gospel and agents of full human promotion where social work for human development becomes unified
with pastoral care with the vision to have a community of faith, living in love and striving in hope for the
coming of the Kingdom of God. They are among 419 Implementing Church Partners (ICPs) of Compassion
International Tanzania through their respective Child Development Centres namely KKKT Kanisa Kuu
Milola Student Centre TZ 0268, FPCT Ifakara Student Centre TZ 0841 and TAG Bethel Christian Centre
Kisegese TZ 0159 respectively to release vulnerable and marginalised children from spiritual, economic,
social and extreme physical poverty. These Implementing Church Partners together form the proponent of
this proposed project titled Improving Access to Safe and Clean Water Supply for Compassion’s Assisted
Projects at Milola, Ifakara and Kisegese in Kilombero District . These Childe Development Centres suffer
from shortage of reliable, safe and clean water and has been identified as a highest priority and need to be
immediately addressed so as to reverse waterborne diseases affecting the registered children. Provision of
reliable, safe and clean water is therefore an important intervention for Child Development Centres in which
the Implementing Church Partners proposes to partner with Compassion International Tanzania to make it

The Child Development Centres: KKKT Kanisa Kuu Milola Student Centre TZ 0268, FPCT Ifakara Student
Centre TZ 0841 and TAG Bethel Christian Centre Kisegese TZ 0159 collectively form Ifakara Cluster
located in Ifakara Division, Kilombero District in Morogoro Region. Ifakara is both the division and
headquarters of Ifakara Town Council, Kilombero District Council, Catholic Diocese of Ifakara and other
organisations such as Plan International, Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health, SolidarMed
and Ifakara Health Institute. Ifakara Division lies within geographical coordinates of l atitude 8°30'12"South
to 7°55'12"South and longitude 36°8'59"East to 37°6'0"East. It lies at the edge of Kilombero Valley, a vast
swampland flooded by Kilombero River and close to Udzungwa Mountain National Park. According to 2012
Population and Housing Census (Estimate for 2017), the area has 121,806 (58,526 males and 63,280
females) people and the population is rapidly growing at the rate of 2.4% per annum. Over 78% of its
population live below poverty line and can afford only a meal per day. The average household size is 4.3
persons. The high population growth rate is associated with ignorance, poor family planning methods and
facilities and polygamy. The provision of social services does not go hand in hand with the rapid population
growth and therefore a pressure on meager water and other resources.

1.2 Proposed project area

Drilling groundwater boreholes will be based in 3 different hamlets namely Milola hamlet in Kibaoni Village
for KKKT Kanisa Kuu Milola Student Centre TZ0268, Jongo hamlet in Viwanja Sitini Village for FPCT
Ifakara Student Centre TZ0841 and Kisegese hamlet in Kisegese Village for TAG Bethel Christian Centre
Kisegese TZS0159. Milola hamlet is located at a distance of about 6 kilometres from Ifakara town; Jongo is
located at the distance of about 2.4 kilometres from Ifakara town; and Kisegese hamlet is located about

30.5 kilometres distance from Ifakara town. More 56% of the population lives below poverty line and they
lack basic needs of life and 9.7% of the population is extremely poor cannot afford to buy basic foodstuffs
to meet their minimum nutritional requirement of 2,200 kilocalories (Kcal) per adult per day. A very small
section of the area is getting water from few open wells and Lumemo River, which are unsafe and highly
contaminated sources of water supply. Because of non-availability of safe and clean drinking water, people
suffer from water related diseases such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhea and typhoid.

1.3 Project identification

In November 2017 the Implementing Church Partners conducted needs assessment and found the urgent
need for provision of safe and clean drinking water for their respective Child Development Centres. It was
found that the most alerting problem in the area is non-availability of reliable, safe and clean water supply
facilities. The Implementing Church Partners have started with an aim of seriously addressing the issue
pertaining to water shortage for their respective Child Development Centres. The project is designed
keeping in view of the community and their willingness to shoulder responsibility to implement this project.


2.1 Statement of the problem

Water is a very essential natural resource for the socio-economic development. Availability of safe and
clean water, mostly fresh water for domestic use is an issue of concern. Water can unite people that share
a source of water such as rivers, lakes, wells or provoke conflicts among them as they compete for water
(URT 2002, World Bank 2002). Lack of clean, fresh water is one of the primary reasons for the adverse
health. Globally, waterborne diseases are leading cause of illness and deaths, and 88% of diarrheal deaths
are due to lack of access to sanitation facilities and inadequate availability of water for hygiene and unsafe
drinking water (Chirenje 2011). Water scarcity is globally getting worse in the light of increase in demand
for water use. Human and ecosystem health and socio-economic development are affected by problems of
water scarcity and water pollution (Musamba 2011). Water shortage means that women and girls have to
walk long distances to fetch water for their families. Water shortage has impact on the wellbeing and
economic activities. Water shortage leads to poor sanitation, lack of safe and clean drinking water and
overcrowding at water sources.

The largest barrier to the health of the registered children is lack of reliable source of safe and clean water.
Majority of the households collect water from ponds and shallow hand dug wells which during dry season
they completely dry out. Women and young girls have walk long distance and queue up along sand dug
shallow wells spending hours fetching water in turns. They sometimes fight and always children come to
school late. Hand-dug wells are often dry and contaminated resulting in several infections in particular
waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhea and typhoid. Water shortage has resulted to
prevalence of waterborne diseases and every year there are many deaths related to unsafe water and
hygiene. Majority of these deaths are children under the age of 5. 68% of the population lack access to any
form of improved water supply within 1 kilometre of their homes. Waterborne disease is a major threat to
the children and community affecting their poor economic base. Most of the meager resources are often

spent on the treatment of waterborne diseases. High rate of spread of waterborne diseases occur during
periods of floods due to increased rate of vectors that cause diseases (Balama et al., 2013). The children
and the entire community are generally at the mercy of their creator since the cleanliness of such water is
not assured. Therefore, availability of reliable, safe and clean water for domestic use for the registered
children in Child Development Centres is an issue of concern.

2.2 Proposed solution

While Sustainable Development Goal 6 is targeted to ensure availability and sustainable management of
water and sanitation for all, this and other goals may not be fulfilled for the Child Development Centres and
the local communities in which the registered children live unless funding support has been secured to
implement this project. Funding support for implementation of this project will provide reliable, safe and
clean water sources and help to eliminate the possible spread of infections and enable the Child
Development Centres have healthy children. The grant support will enable the Inmplementing Church
Partners to drill 3 groundwater boreholes equipped with submersible pumps driven by electricity coupled by
construction of water towers with their respective storage reservoir tanks. The project will establish and
educate water system management committees on operation, maintenance and management of water
facilities. It will conduct awareness campaigns on best practices for the usage of the water facilities,
contribute to insights to the understandings covering sustainable use of resources and activities to promote
community cohesion. The water management committees will supervise the continued use of the water well
to full participation of community.

12.0 Project sustainability:

A. For the good sustainability of the project, it appears indispensable that Nedsom
organisation verify that an adequate qualified staffing is involved in the preparation
and execution of the project.
B. The sustainability of the systems would be achieved through implementation of
technically sound and viable project.
C. Choice of adequate technology and standardization on equipment will help
economize the operating costs for the systems at affordable level.
D. Basic training for maintenance and clerical staff of the management company will be
E. Essential spare parts/tools will be provided at the completion of the project to ensure
every chance for correct effective maintenance can be carried out.
F. Training of WES committee and mobilizing of community members at the grass root
level, in support of proper utilization and management of water and sanitation
facilities would also enhance the sense of ownership and commitment from the
community side.

G. Gardo Local Authorities will establish a fair water tariff system. The tariff will be fair
to the beneficiaries to secure salaries for operators, kiosk attendants, recovering costs
of fuel, lubricant and periodic maintenance. The donor will assist in the establishment
and monitoring of this revenue rising to ensure suitability.
H. Somalis are traditionally willing to pay for their water needs but also they assist the
vulnerable groups within the community to get water free of charge for domestic use.
Under the present water supply system, one-meter cubic of water is sold at 1USD in
the household connection,and 0.52 Cents for Kiosk and truck-filling points for
vunerable and low incame communities.
I. The project will be implemented and carried out by Nedsom organization in
collaborations with Gardo local authorities.


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