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APPLICATION FORM Corona - Fund Mission EineWelt - ELCT

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Applicant: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga

Kilombero Diocese
Philorian M. Mpendaye
General Secretary
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 784 731 012
Electronic mail:

Project/measure: Emergency Assistance to Support COVID-19 Pandemic

Response will will aim at reducing the spread of COVID-19
pandemic and mitigating deterioration of livelihoods and
social cohesion through provision of food for people in
need, maintaining administrative church structures,
purchase of medical and hygiene equipment and
awareness and prevention work.

Person in charge: Rev. Ezekiel A. Mwambungu

Secretary, Planning and Development Department
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Ulanga
Kilombero Diocese
P O Box 194
Ifakara, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 784 355 582
Electronic mail:

Duration: This project will cover a period of 21 days for

implementation of project activities starting from 11th of
May 2020 through 31st of May 2020.

Requested amount: Amount requested from Mission EineWelt is Five

Thousand Euros Only (€ 5,000).

Other requested support: The diocese has not applied for other funding in response
to COVID-19 pandemic.

Account holder: ELCT Ulanga Kilombero Diocese

Account number: 21603500091
Bank name: National Microfinance Bank
Bank branch: Ifakara Branch
Address: P O Box 33, Ifakara, Morogoro. Tanzania

1.0 Short project description:

1.1 Where will it (project) take place?

This project will be based in 27 parishes (Chita, Idete, Ifakara, Ikule, Kalengakelu,
Kiberege, Kihansi, Kilombero, Kipingo, Luhombero, Lupiro, Mahenge, Mang’ula,
Matema, Mbingu A, Mbingu B, Milola, Mkamba, Mlimba, Mngeta, Msolwa, Mtimbira,
Ngalimila, Ruaha, Tanga, Tanganyika and Uchindile) positioned in 4 administrative
districts (Kilombero District, Malinyi District, Ulanga District and a small part of Kilosa
District). Geographical coordinates are Kilombero District at Latitude 8°06'77"South
and Longitude 37°12'59"East, Kilosa District at Latitude 6°64'17"South and Longitude
37°12'59"East, Malinyi District at Latitude 8°56'00"South and Longitude 3°08'00"East
and Ulanga District at Latitude 9°01'99"South and Longitude 36°43'64"East with total
area of 43,039 square kilometres: Kilombero District has 14,918 square kilometres,
Kilosa District has 3,561 square kilometres, Malinyi District has 13,871 square
kilometres and Ulanga District has 10,689 square kilometres.

1.2 Which problem related to the Covid-19 Pandemic is it aiming to solve?

The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has remains a formidable challenge and as

such the disease must be addressed urgently. Given the weak health systems across
most of the villages within the service area of the diocese, urgent and well targeted
interventions to provide support to control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic are
urgently needed. The area is characterised by overcrowded and poorly equipped
hospitals and health centres, inadequate personal protective equipment, inadequate
isolation units and limited intensive care units; high prevalence of comorbidities that
weaken immune systems like HIV and AIDS and maternal illness that are likely to
increase risk of infection and impoverished livelihoods. COVID-19 pandemic has
significantly affected human livelihood including food supply due to quarantines and
disruptions of trade and commodity supply chain. Clergy ministers, bus passengers,
bodaboda riders, bajaji riders, hospitality workers, church members, healthcare
workers, petty traders and especially people aged over 60 years and those with
chronic underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer are a particularly vulnerable group
due to their exposure to the virus. The best option in low-resource settings is to
protect high risk groups. Therefore, this project will aim at reducing the spread of
COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate the impact of pandemic through awareness
creation on adherence to hand-washing and standard hygiene operational
procedures, distribution of personal protective equipment, layered application of
social distancing measures, restrictions in movement and social gatherings, provision
of food to people with disabilities and elderly and provision of support or stimulus
packages to church ministers who depend on meager offerings for their daily
earnings, which have been negatively affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

1.3 How will you organise the project/measure (purchase, distribution)?

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania is recommending and appealing to Mission

EineWelt to strengthen capacity of the diocese to contain spread of the COVID-19
and mitigate its impacts within its area of jurisdiction. This project will focus on
building capacities to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate
impact of the pandemic through the following activities:

(1) Activity 1 - Awareness creation through radio peer communication and tailor
behavioural change message to clergy ministers, bus passengers, bodaboda
riders, bajaji riders, hospitality workers, church members, healthcare workers
and petty traders focusing on standard health procedures to contain the spread
of COVID-19 pandemic such as use of personal protective equipment, hand
washing, social distancing and restrictions in movement and social gatherings.
(2) Activity 2 - Purchase personal protective equipment including hand wash
sanitisers, masks, soaps and tape buckets for congregations of the diocese for
use during worship services and community settings.

(3) Activity 3 - Purchase food especially rice, maize flour and beans for people with
limited mobility to food especially persons with disabilities and elderly.

(4) Activity 4 - Distributing personal protective equipment especially hand wash

sanitisers, masks, soaps and tape buckets and food especially rice, maize flour
and beans.

(5) Activity 5 - Provide support or stimulus packages to ministers who depend on

offerings for their daily earning that has already decreased tremendously due to
COVID-19 pandemic as church members fear to attend worship services.

(6) Activity 6 - Monitoring and evaluation of implementation of project and provision

of feedback so that operational plans can be improved and actions taken where
needed to correct shortfalls and constraints in order to attain efficient and
effective performance standards.

1.4 How many people will benefit from the project/measure?

Direct beneficiaries of this project will be 10 (3 females and 7 males) parish

secretaries, 40 (3 females and 37 males) evangelists, 20 (2 females and 18 males)
parish pastors and 30 (12 females and 18 males) lay ministers who will receive
financial support or stimulus packages following financial difficulties caused by
COVID-19 pandemic in their respective work places. Other direct beneficiaries will be
21 (2 females and 19 males) pastors, 77 (5 females and 72 males) evangelists, 17 (8
females and 9 males) parish secretaries and 20 (18 females and 2 males) parish
workers who have been vested with roles and responsibilities to minister worship
services in congregations who will be sensitised and inspired to contain COVID-19
pandemic and given personal protective equipment and 20 (14 females and 6 males)
people with disabilities will be given food. Indirect beneficiaries will be 10,842 (5,854
females and 4,988 males) youth members and 6,831 (3,688 females and 3,143
males) adult members whom by government declaration have been allowed to attend
worship services and are expected to be reached and served by their respective
pastors, evangelists, secretaries and parish workers, hence will be will be sensitised
and inspired to contain COVID-19 pandemic. However, other indirect beneficiaries
are 203,334 (102,269 females and 101,064 males) people (25% of the population)
especially bus passengers, bodaboda riders, bajaji riders, hospitality workers
targeting barmaids, lodge attendants, local brew sellers and food vendors, healthcare
workers and petty traders who will be reached, sensitised and inspired through radio
peer communication and tailor behavioural change messages campaigns.

1.5 How will they be selected?

Pastors, evangelists, parish secretaries and parish workers have been involved in
planning of this project organised through participatory need assessment to obtain
specific needs and active participation in implementation mainstreaming gender
balance. Selection of project beneficiaries will based on rate of vulnerability focusing
on vulnerable female-headed, people with disabilities and elderly and financial
difficltuies for church ministers whom their congregations have been severely
affected due to COVID-19 pandemic. Also, church ministers will be selected based
on their roles and responsibilities vested to minister worship services and visiting
their respective members especially sick persons in hospitals and health centres and
as such they are particularly vulnerable group due to their exposure to the virus and
will be selected to benefit from support with personal protective equipment and will
be sensitised and inspired to protect against infection and will receive financial
support of stimulus packages. Bus passengers, bodaboda riders, bajaji riders,
hospitality workers, church members and petty traders who are part of communities
will be reached, sensitised and inspired through radio peer communication and tailor
behavioural change message campaigns.

1.6 Description of financial reporting/proof

Project financial reporting will require a breakdown of sources of funding including

funds contributed by implementing partner and how funding was spent in the course
of project implementation. Financial reporting form in Microsoft Excel will be used
appropriately to produce financial accountability that will provide detailed breakdown
of activity costs with corresponding numbered receipts resulting into detailed
breakdown of activity costs systematically arranged by ascending order in which
earlier receipts and lists signed by project beneficiaries preceding later receipts and
lists signed by project beneficiaries and will be scanned and sent to Mission EineWelt
together with narrative and financial reports. Project receipts produced by Electronic
Fiscal Device (EFD) machines will be photocopied immediately to avoid fading.

2.0 Cost and financing plan

2.1 Project costs

Cost per item Total
Items Quantity
(local currency) (local currency)
Activity 1 - Awareness creation through radio peer communication and tailor behavioural
change message to clergy ministers, bus passengers, bodaboda and bajaji riders, hospitality
workers, healthcare workers, petty traders and church members focusing on standard health
procedures to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic
Round trip bus fare for radio broadcaster 12,000 2 routes 24,000
Tax charges to and from bus stand 10,000 4 routes 40,000
Subsistence allowance for radio broadcaster 60,000 1 route 60,000
DSA for radio broadcaster 120,000 2 days 240,000
Production of jingles for peer communication 50,000 7 jingles 350,000
Production of behavioural change messages 100,000 1 jingle 100,000
Broadcast jingles for peer communication 300,000 2 weeks 600,000
Broadcast behavioural change messages 200,000 2 weeks 400,000
Activity 2 - Purchase personal protective equipment including hand wash sanitisers, masks,
soaps and tape buckets for congregations of the diocese for use during worship services
and community settings
Sanitisers 65,000 15 gallons 975,000
Soaps 5,000 50 pcs 250,000
Tape buckets 25,000 50 pcs 1,250,000
Masks 2,000 750 pcs 1,500,000
Activity 3 - Purchase food: rice, maize flour and beans for people with limited mobility to
food especially persons with disabilities and elderly
Rice 2,000 300 kgs 600,000
Maize flour 30,000 10 bags 300,000
Beans 3,000 40 kgs 120,000
Activity 4 - Distributing personal protective equipment especially hand wash sanitisers,
masks, soaps and tape buckets and food especially rice, maize flour and beans
Fuel for transport 2,187 350 litres 765,450
Cost per item Total
Items Quantity
(local currency) (local currency)
DSA for coordinator 70,000 6 days 420,000
DSA for driver 50,000 6 days 300,000
Activity 5 - Provide support or stimulus packages to ministers who depend on offerings for
their daily earning that has already decreased tremendously due to COVID-19 pandemic as
church members fear to attend worship services
Parish secretaries 70,000 10 persons 700,000
Evangelists 70,000 40 persons 2,800,000
Parish pastors 70,000 10 persons 700,000
Unit pastors 70,000 10 persons 700,000
Lay ministers 70,000 30 persons 2,100,000
Activity 6 - Monitoring and evaluation of implementation of project and provision of feedback
so that operational plans can be improved and actions taken where needed to correct
shortfalls and constraints in order to attain efficient and effective performance standards
Paper ream 10,000 2 pcs 20,000
Cartridge HP 05A 185,000 1 pc 185,000
Internet bundle subscription 100,000 1 month 100,000
Scanning documents 1,000 50 pages 50,000
Photocopying 100 250 pages 25,000
TOTAL / / 15,674,450

2.2 Financing plan

Activity Summary MEW Diocese Total

Activity 1 - Awareness creation 938,000 876,000 1,814,000

Activity 2 - Purchase personal protective equipment 3,975,000 - 3,975,000

Activity 3 - Purchase rice, maize flour and beans 540,000 480,000 1,020,000

Activity 4 - Distribute protective equipment and food - 1,485,450 1,485,450

Activity 5 - Provide support or stimulus packages 7,000,000 - 7,000,000

Activity 6 - Monitoring and evaluation - 380,000 380,000

TOTAL COSTS 12,453,000 3,221,450 15,674,450

N.B: Please note that the actual exchange rate of the LMC (TZS to the EURO) will
be used (Euro 1 = TZS 2,490.60).

30.04.2020 Rt. Rev. Renard K. Mtenji, Bishop

Date Signature stamp name and position

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