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The Lessons I have Learned from The Pearl

John Steinbeck

An author, Journalist, Screenwriter, and Novelist. He was born on February 27, 1902, California, United
States. He was well known for his novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939). He was awarded in1962 for his
realistic and imaginative writings, sympathetic humor and keen social perception. The great novelist
died on December 20, 1968, New York, United States.

The Pearl

It is a parable about a Mexican Indian pearl driver named Kino who finds a valuable pearl and is

transformed by the evil it attracts. Kino sees the pearl as his opportunity for a better life.


 Kino- Kino is a simple poor pearl diver. He is close to nature and lives in harmony with it. He
loves his family, his village, and his people.

 Juana- Juana is Kino’s loving and obedient wife. She represents the typical submissive wife who
takes care of her husband and son.

 The Doctor- The doctor represents the white people who oppress and exploit Kino’s people.


I see the pearl, the scorpion, the canoe are the symbols in novel the pearl.

The Lessons I have Learned from The Pearl

From the Pearl I have Learned about Greed. Now I discuss about the Greed: Greed is a destructive
symbol in this novel. All competition in this novel is unhealthy, and everyone is motivated by self-
interest, and they are not concern for others. The roles of fate and agency in shaping human life.

Another thing I have learned from the pearl is Gender discrimination: The male is the leader of the
household. He is dominant, he is the decision- maker, and the family’s benefit rests only on his
shoulders. On the other hand, the female is submissive, deferent, and always silent.

Another one is Good vs Evil: Love is good and destruction is evil. In this novel, the only thing that stands
outside the clear good vs evil duality is the pearl itself – it simply reflects what is around it. That the
pearl ends up reflecting evil is an indication of The Pearl’s terrible view of the world.


In conclusion, I want to say that, the destructive power of greed is explored as the characters navigate
their personal desires, destiny, and racism. I will explore the destructive effect of Kino's sudden change
from being poor but happy, to possibly instantly wealthy.

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