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Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 1

A New Chapter in Our Book: Identifying the Perks of Work Immersion among
Science and Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students for
Higher Education

Zapata, Julliane Clarence

Mendiola, Clara Mae

Saquillo, Lyza

San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 2

Table of Contents

I. Abstract…………………………...……………………………………………………….3

Ii. Introduction…………...……………………………………………………………..…….4

a) Background of the Study………………………………………...………………....…5

b) Statement of the Problem………………………………………..………….…………6
c) Significance of the Study………………………………………….…………..………6
d) Scope and Delimitation..………………………………………………….………...…7
e) Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………7
f) Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………..……8

III. Materials and Methods…………………………………………………………….……...9

a) Research Designs………………………………………………………..…..……...…9
b) Flowchart of Methodology………………………………………………….…….....10
c) Research Instrument………………………………………………………………….12

IV. Results…...….…………………………..………………………………………….…….12

V. Discussions…………….……..……………………………………………………..…...18

Vi. Conclusions and Recommendation……………………………………………...……….19

Vii. References…...…………………..……………………………….………………………20

Viii. Appendices………………………….…………………..………………………………..21
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 3


The Philippines is now on its 7th year implementing the K-12 program. Since then the program
is expected to have progress overtime including one of its main highlight, the work immersion.
This requirement is only offered among Grade 12-Students which also serves different tasks
according to the strand and track that a student belong; it is made in this way to prepare the
students in the real work place area in the near future. Therefore, the researchers focused on one
of the Senior High School Strands, the Science and Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) Strand. The researchers’ goal is to identify the benefits or the perks of the said Work
Immersion among the Grade 12-STEM Students of San Pedro Relocation National High School
(SPRCNHS). By constructing survey forms to get the corresponding answers in connection to
the following respondents the researchers have gathered the needed data in able to answer the
essential question of the research paper. The research design of the study falls in the
classification of phenomenology since it studies about a group that deals or have experienced on
a one specific event. The respondents have clearly testified their answers according to their work
immersion experiences and it turns out that the Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM
Students is really beneficial, because it clearly helps the students to have knowledge for their
desired future profession, it also improves one’s analytical, sequential, and interpersonal skills,
and lastly the knowledge gained by the students from their chosen strand (STEM) is applicable
in the work place. Therefore, Work Immersion among the Grade 12-STEM Students of San
Pedro Relocation National High School (SPRCNHS) is beneficial.

Related Words: On the Job Training (OJT), Job Simulation, Profession

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 4

A New Chapter In Our Book: Identifying The Perks Of Work Immersion Among Science And
Technology Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Students For Higher Education

After the signing of Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 by Former President Benigno
Simeon Aquino III, Work Immersion has been added to the curriculum of K-12 Program and
became compulsory for every Grade-12 Students to take in able to complete the corresponding
High School Requirements. Thus, the implication of the additional course will only be credited
for Grade-12 Students and will not affect the Grade-11 Students yet. Work Immersion is one of
the things to look forward in accordance to the implementation of K-12 Program; students that
will undergo this course will give them a glance to their postsecondary profession. Similar to the
On the Job Training (OJT) in colleges, students will be given an 8-hour work shift to comply in
various companies that are inclined to their desired career. Work Immersions vision is to provide
an in-depth learning experience in work-nature among the learners of Senior High School.

In the Philippines, youth unemployment hampers meaningful economic development.

The sector’s lack of knowledge, skills, and work experience puts them at a disadvantage. One
way to address this is through the Department of Education’s Senior High School (SHS)
program, ushered by the K-12 education reform. One of its components, the work immersion
program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-
vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and
improve their employment prospects. This story tells how the Coalitions for Change (CfC)
program collaboratively worked with national and local governments and industries to address
policy gaps in the SHS Work Immersion program. So far, the intervention is working well with a
high passing rate in National Certification for tourism-related specializations and some graduates
joining the workforce right after graduation.

The research that will be conducted aim to distinguish the possible effects of the work
immersion which is included in the curriculum of the K-12 program. This study will use the G-
12 STEM students in San Pedro Relocation Center National High School as the respondents.
From this study, it might develop and improve the work immersion program in the country. As
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 5

the students undergo in the program, the result will show if work immersion does really help the

Background of the Study

According to a research conducted by The Australian Embassy – The Asia Foundation

Partnership in the Philippines (2018) stated that the rate of unemployment in the Philippines is
continuing to step-up which gives a major effect on the country’s economic development. In
addition, based on a Labor Force Survey conducted in 2016 that in 2.4 million unemployed 48.4
percent of them belong to the group of ages between 15 to 24 years old, with some level of high
school education.

Moreover, the Department of Labor and Employment (2017) has released a statement
that job-skills mismatch plays a role in accordance to unemployment. Therefore, the department
suggests to implement such programs and activities to hone the following skills: (i)
execute accurate industrial skills under the supervision of industry experts and workers; (ii)
acknowledge the importance of moral practices and application in schools and; (iii) improve
their social relation skills; (iv) develop their technical knowledge and skills; and (v) develop
outstanding work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. Furthermore the K-12
Program of DepEd deals with all the properties needed for work advancement by the presence of
Work Immersion. But the question here is how Work Immersions help the Grade-12 STEM
Students of San Pedro Relocation National High School.

According to Victory Christian International School. (2015). Work immersion provides a

jump start for all the students especially Grade 12 students as part of their requirement in Senior
High School Curriculum; it gives the students a deeper outlook and generate financial awareness
at early age due to exposure to work places which will help them for the proceeding professions
that they will take in the near future.

In addition to this Bebida, Dularaya, Doria, Lubiano, Malaborbor, Rivera and Zarsuelo
(2019) stated that when skills and knowledge are utilized within an organization it will lead to a
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 6

better service quality, customer satisfactory and loyalty, enhanced productivity and higher
knowledge skill.

The article was all about the experience of a STEM student during their work immersion
and according to the Business Mirror (2018) it is said that for the senior high school student's
first impression, work immersion might just be an addition to the workload they already have.
But because of the curriculum, the students are required to experience the actual training of their
desired field. The perspective of the student about it was positive. For them, work immersion is a
journey with full of adventures. As they travel in their place, they were fascinated about the fact
that science is not just a concept that was taught in school and it is fun to apply the things you
learned in the real world. They were able to use the knowledge they acquired during the class.
The experience of their work immersion was enjoyable and they learned more information and
gain knowledge about their field. Because for them, experience is indeed the best teacher.

Statement of the Problem

This study aspired to examine the selected grade 12 students specifically STEM students
to identify the Advantages of Work Immersion. It also includes the profile of the selected grade
12 students of academic year 2019-2020.

The study must answer the following questions as stated below:

1. What are the grade 12 students of SPRCNHS preferences about work immersion?
2. Is work immersion an effective way to picture out your dream future work?

Significance of the Study

The goal of this study is to give information and most importantly is to pin point the
Perks of Work Immersion among Science and Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) Students for Higher Education. The following individuals below will also be beneficial
on the result of the said study.
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 7

The research will be credited for the teachers to use as a guide in engaging the students to
the expected nature of the Work Immersion. The new discovery and knowledge that the paper
delivers will be sufficient for them as facilitators to educate and help the students in improving or
enhancing the ability and effectiveness of work immersion. On the other hand, this study will
also serve as a tool to use in able for them to give a better outlook on how immersion works and
for them to have a deeper study about the perks of work immersion itself. In a more specified
perspective, the study will be beneficial for those students who are taking STEM Strand as their
Senior High School Strand. In this manner, students will be more knowledgeable about the
Strand and its Work Immersion as well. Furthermore, the study conducted by the responsible and
rightful researchers will also be helpful for the following future researchers; since they have the
chance to have a further study all about the content and direction of the said research paper.
From here they can produce other findings that will help to give more benefits on work
immersion's function and also to have a monitoring process on how Work Immersions become
beneficial to STEM Students.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to pin point the things to consider to the problems all about the
benefits of Work Immersion to the Grade 12 Science and Technology Engineering Mathematics
(STEM) students that are going to move up to the next level this school year of 2019-2020. Any
other issue that are not mentioned will not be included in our research topic

Definition of Terms

Work Immersion - a K-12 academic requirement which goal is to give the Grade 12 students a
hands on activities and closer view on the work nature.

K-12 Program - a term used in education and educational technology in the United States,
Canada, and possibly other countries including Philippines, is a short form for the publicly-
supported school grades prior to college. These grades are kindergarten (K) and the 1st through
the 12th grade (1-12).
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 8

Senior High School - the additional two-year academic courses among junior high schools which
presents different tracks and strands with more specific subjects that will help learners to hone
their skills.

Course - an academic path primarily viewed as a choice for further education that provides
specialized subjects connected to a specific profession.

Conceptual Framework

In this study the researcher determined the benefits of work immersion among the Grade
12 Science and Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students of San Pedro
Relocation National High School.


Identifying the perks of  Conducted a survey through Help the junior high
work immersion among questionnaire regarding the schools to have an advance
Science and said topic amidst Grade 12 look on how work
Technology students of San Pedro immersion works on the
Engineering and Relocation National High past years. And to also give
Mathrmatics (STEM) School S.Y. 2019 - 2020 certain points on improving
for higher education  Applied Minimal Statistical and maintaining the quality
Treatments of work immersion.
 Analyzed and Interpret the

Results from the following

Gathered Data.
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 9

Figure 1.A New Chapter in Our Book: Identifying the Perks of Work Immersion among Science
and Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students for Higher Education,

Shows the paradigm of the study all about the significance of the benefits of the Work
Immersions among the Grade 12-STEM Students.

Materials and Methods

Research Design

This study is conducted in able to gather the following perks or benefits given by the
Work Immersion among the Grade 12-STEM Students of San Pedro Relocation Center National
High School (SPRCNHS).

This research is made under the process of phenomenology, wherein a specific group’s
experience to a detailed event is tackled. In this case the study focuses on the experience of the
chosen Grade 12-STEM Students as respondents in connection to their work immersion
experience is recorded in able to get a result as the main answer in the question that the said
research paper have.

To make the research happen, the researchers have constructed survey forms in able for
them to conduct a survey to 36 Grade 12- STEM Students for the section which have already
done to their Work Immersion.

Flowchart of Methodology

Construct a framework or outline that pin points the direction of the study.
Create survey forms

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 10

Figure 2.A New Distribute

Chapter inthe
Book:forms/sheets to the
Identifying the chosen
Perks respondents.
of Work Immersion among Science
and Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students for Higher Education,

The procedure of gathering and interpreting data in the research’s methodology.

Gather the answered survey forms/sheets

The flowchart states the following steps or the process that the researchers have used to
record the needed answers from the respondents in able to produce the answer for the thesis
question itself. The primary action that the researchers did is the construction of a framework
which outlines the proceeding of the whole research paper. Under the framework is the elements
that are expected to perform major roles
Applied in the process
minimal of treatments
statistical researching, the said elements are the
following: Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Hypothesis, Significance of the
Study and Scope and Limitations. Therefore, the attainability of the whole study is also
considered under this outlining part. Since choosing respondents is also part of the first step
which is outlining, the second step that the researchers did is the construction and reproduction
for theirand
of survey forms Interpret
chosen the Results
respondents, from in
wherein thethis
following Gathered
study the Data. are the Grade
12-STEM Students of San Pedro Relocation Center National High School (SPRCNHS). The
researchers created 36 copies of survey forms since there are only 36 students available in
answering the questions connected to their Work Immersion. The 36 survey sheets are divided
into two parts: the choices part and the open-ended question part. This was made by the
researchers for them to gather more information in a gradual manner about the said topic. In
continuation the researchers distributed the following survey forms to the 36 respondents and
right after that they have gathered the sheets and prepare it for a minimal statistical treatment.

For clarification, this study is a qualitative research but the researchers conduct a survey
and use a minimal statistical treatment because it will be more effective for them to gather the
data; and they saw that in this practice it is more suitable for their research topic. After the
application of statistical treatments the researchers analyzed and interpret the results from the
following gathered data
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 11

Research Instrument

This study is produced by using the means of survey forms; the researchers have
formulated questions that will give answers in connection to the benefits of work immersion
among Grade 12-STEM Students. Afterwards, these questions are compiled and reproduced to
distribute evenly among the chosen 36 respondents. The survey forms or questionnaires are
divided into two parts; the choices type and the open-ended questions part.


I. The following statements below are the corresponding answers of the Grade 12-STEM
Students of San Pedro Relocation National High School from the given survey sheets as
part of the conducted research all about the Benefits of Work Immersion among Grade
12-STEM Students which are also accompanied by the respondent’s tally of votes. This
first part mainly focuses on the student’s view to the work place and the work immersion
as well with provided choices or guides to choose from.

1. Would you recommend the place where you did your work immersion?


I think so 36

I don’t think so 0

 According to Table 1.1, all Grade 12 STEM students said that they recommend the place
where they worked at.

2. Does work immersion help you to widen your knowledge in the field/ degree you want to
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 12


Yes 33

Only a little 2

No 1

 According to Table 1.2, majority of them said that work immersion helped them to widen
their knowledge in their future field or work. But some of them said it will probably help
them. And only one person said it will not help him/her.

3. What is the level of difficulty of your work immersion?


Easy 4

Average 31

Difficult 1

 According to Table 1.3, most of them said that the level of difficulty of their work
immersion is average. Some of them said it is easy and few of them said it is difficult.

4. Does your work immersion help you to improve your skills?


Strongly Agree 33

I’m not sure about it 3

Strongly Disagree 0
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 13

 According to Table 1.4, most of them said that they are strongly agreeing that work
immersion will help them to improve their skills and some said they are not sure about it.

5. Is work immersion an effective preparation for your future/field work?


Yes 35

I don’t know 1

No 0

 According to Table 1.5, most of them said that work immersion is an effective
preparation for their chosen field or work and only one person said he/ she doesn’t know.

6. Is the company or workplace you worked at satisfies/ satisfied your expectations?


Yes 29

No 7

 According to Table 1.6, most of them said that the company or workplace they worked at
satisfied their expectations but some said that the workplace they worked at didn’t reach
their expectations.

7. Do you agree with the concept of work immersion?


Strongly Agree 35

Maybe 1
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 14

Strongly Disagree 0

 According to Table 1.7, most of them said that they are agreeing to the concept of work
immersion and only one people said he/she disagree to this concept.

8. Is the process improving your social and communication skills?


Yes 36

No 0

 According to Table 1.8, all of them said that work immersion helped them to improve
their social and communication skills.

II. The second part is the open-ended question type of the survey sheets. And these are the
following insights of the students in connection to their work immersion experience.

1. At first, what is your first impression about work immersion?


It will be difficult. 15

It will be exciting. 4

It will be fun. 4

It will be easy. 3

It will be satisfying. 2

I was pressured. 3

I will gain knowledge. 5

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 15

 Based on the Table 2.1, majority of Grade 12 STEM Students have an impression for
work immersion that it will be difficult, since this is a first time experience. There are
also students who view the said activity as an exciting and enjoyable requirement. On the
other hand, minority of the students have a first impression on work immersion that it
will be easy; part of it states that this activity will deliver pressure to students. But some
students agree to the view that work immersion will provide knowledge to every Grade
12 STEM students.

2. State your experience about work immersion.


They are hospitable. 2

It is good. 9

It is fun. 10

I learned technical drawings. 1

It improved my skills. 6

I gained knowledge. 7

It was mind blowing. 1

• Based on the Table 2.2, majority of the, STEM students have a fun and good experience
after their participation to the work immersion. In connection to this, many Grade 12
STEM students have testifies that they have gained knowledge and also improved their
corresponding skills due to the presence of the said requirement. Minority, of the group
stated that work immersion for them is mind blowing. On the other hand students also
said that their companies turned out to be hospitable for them which become beneficial
for them to learn technical drawings.
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 16

3. Does the company you worked for practice business ethics?


Yes 31

I think so 1

No 4

 Based on the Table 2.3, majority of the respondents said that the company where they
had their work immersion practices the right business ethics. While minority of the result
concluded that the company did not practice it

4. Are you able to use the lesson you have learned in the strand of STEM in your work


Yes 30

Some of it 3

No 3

 Based on the Table 2.4, most of the Grade 12 STEM students, which are the respondents,
answered that they are able to use the lesson they had learned in the strand of STEM
during their work immersion. On the other hand, few of them said they were not able to
apply all of the things they had understood during the class.


According to the results gathered from the given data produced by the cooperative
respondents, it is clearly manifested that the Work Immersion is successful in completing its goal
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 17

to give benefits among the chosen Grade 12-STEM Students of San Pedro Relocation Center
National High School (SPRCNHS).

On the other hand, in spite of the negative answers presented by the respondents;
majority of the Grade 12-STEM Students have given a positive response on the constructed
questions based on their experience.

By looking at the result of the two divided groups of questions (choices type and open-
ended type) it is accepted as a success since there is a higher positive response from the group of

From here, the researchers have evaluated that the Grade 12-STEM Students of San
Pedro Relocation National High School have a high rate of preference to their Work Immersion.
Because according to the respondents, it improves their skills in different fields that will be
applicable in the work place and they stand to agree for the said concept of the work immersion
among Grade 12 students, especially among STEM students.

The respondents have also testified that Work Immersion is an effective way to picture
out their dream future work since the tallies presents that it really helps them (the Grade 12-
STEM Students) to have a preparation for their future field.

Conclusions and Recommendations


In connection to the following results gathered by the researchers, the following perks of
the Work Immersion are as follows: (i) It widens the student’s knowledge in their future field or
work; (ii) It engages the students in effective preparation for their chosen field or work; (iii) It
will help them to improve their skills especially in analytical and sequential manner; and (iv)
They testified that the Work Immersion plays a big role in improving their social communication
skills (Interpersonal Skill).
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 18

To give additional findings from the gathered results, the Grade 12-STEM Students said
that they are able to use the lesson they had learned in the strand of STEM during their work


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following ideas below were
displayed to serve as guides on what the future researchers can perform:

1. Pin point the hindrances that the school faces in choosing a company for the
Grade 12-STEM Students’ work immersion
2. Find other school activities or requirement that will engage STEM students in
having the skills beneficial in their work immersion.
3. Identify possible problems that a student face upon doing his/ her part in a work


Bebida, Z.Y., Daluraya, J.C., Doria, D.L., Lubiano, D.R., Malaborbor, M.A.Z., Rivera, G.C.,
Zarsuelo, E.Z. (2019). Influence of Work Immersion on Enhancing the Knowledge and
Skills of Selected Grade 12 Students in Luis Palad Integrated High School (Unpublished
Dissertion) Luis Palad Integrated High School, Tayabas, Philippines.

Business Mirror. (2018). Student’s work immersion: A journey through S&T. Business Mirror

Department of Labor and Employment. (2017). DOLE forms TWG to protect K-12 senior HS
during work immersion.
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 19

The Australian Embassy – The Asia Foundation Partnership in the Philippines. (2018). Work
Immersion: Real Work Experience at Senior High. CfC Reform Story 8 Work
Immersion Real World Experience. p. 03.

Victory Christian International School. (2015). Immersion: Preparing High School

Students for Employment/. Retrieved January 22, 2020, from preparing-high-school-



Dear Respondents:


We are the STEM students of San Pedro Relocation Center National High School who are
recently enrolled at Practical Research I. Presently, we are conducting a study entitled “A New
Chapter in our Book: Identifying the Perks of Work Immersion among Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students for Higher Education”. With this regard, we
are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer all the questions from this questionnaire
that is important for the completion of the study.

Rest assured that all the data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of

Your positive response in this request will be a valuable contribution for the success of
the study and will be highly appreciated

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 20


Clara Mae S. Mendiola

Lyza Isabella Saquillo

Julliane Clarence V. Zapata


Name (optional): _ Age:


Gender: _

I. Direction: Please check (√) the box that corresponds to the answer that suits you.

1. Would you recommend the place where you did your work immersion to others?

I think so I don’t think so

2. Does work immersion help you to widen your knowledge in the field/degree you want
to take?

Yes Only a little No.

3. What is the level of difficulty of your work immersion?

Easy Average Difficult

4. Does work immersion help you to improve your skills?

Strongly agree I’m not sure about it Strongly Disagree

5. Is work immersion an effective preparation for your future field/work?

Yes I don’t know No

6. Is the company or workplace you worked at satisfies/d your expectations?

Yes No
Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 21

Do you agree with the concept of work immersion?

Strongly Agree Maybe Strongly Disagree

Is the process improving your social and communication skills?

Yes No

II. Open Ended Questions: Please answer the following questions honestly.

1. At first, what is your first impression about work immersion?


2. State your experience about work immersion.


3. Does the company you worked for practice proper business ethics?

Perks of Work Immersion among Grade 12-STEM Students 22


4. Are you able to use the lesson you have learned in the strand of STEM in your work


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