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A formal process provides the solid foundation. One objective is to control
those factors that will influence your brand’s ROI. BY LEE SUCHARDA III

M any marketers lack a formal

plan for creating or maintain-
ing a “desired brand”—one that
It requires a well-planned, ongoing
effort. The best results occur when
everyone in the value chain works
Your process needs to manage the
controllable factors that influence
ROI. To do this effectively, you’ll need
stays top-of-mind with consumers with what they really know rather to enlist a team of experts.
over the years. than with what they think they know. Research the backgrounds of your
Case in point: At a recent branding That’s where developing a formal current creative and research part-
seminar, 70 people were asked process is invaluable. A process ners. Understand where the majority
whether they had a formal process guides you to the critical insights that of their revenue comes from (hint:
for introducing or repositioning their help team members involved in pack- this will be where they are most
brands. Just one hand was raised. age creation to “stack the deck” in the highly trained). Then, align their
A desired brand creates value and brand’s favor. expertise with your needs.
continuous cash flow. But without a Once you establish your team,
process for getting there, new brands Influence your ROI include everyone early on in the
often fail and repositioning efforts fall Start by thinking about how to process. Hold regular meetings and
short of expectations. design a process that helps you con- rely on your experts to help you
How do you build a desired brand? trol the factors that will influence a design the process.
brand’s return on investment (ROI). All this takes time, research and
By using focus groups that check the exist- Focus on what consumers want. creative execution. It is an invest-
ing branding and packaging in a category, Marketing is a battle of perception, ment, not an expense, but it will pay
you can identify key visual equities to
retain on packaging. This enables you to not product. All else being equal, a dividends for years.
understand the “visual vocabulary” of your better-branded, packaged and posi- We’ve established the value of hav-
category, and it helped shape the current tioned product will have a higher ROI. ing a desired brand, identified the
array of packaging in deodorants.


factors we are trying to manage and 1 FACTORS THAT
determined who should be on the
team. Now let’s look at the process
for building a desired brand.
It can be broken down into eight ROI INCLUDE:
steps. While implementation could
require at least six months, the
rewards may be well worth the effort: 1 Quality. Marie Callender’s and
Banquet compete in the frozen
meal category, but use branding and
1. Product/concept research packaging to position themselves at
Start with the product. Refine the two distinctly different quality levels.
idea and get it in front of consumers. Marie Callender’s uses calligraphy, a
Probe on how they use and purchase
2 cameo illustration, romance copy, a
the product, what they like and dislike fanciful product description and a
about yours and the competition. painstakingly stylized food shot to
What would they do to make it better? communicate an upscale feel. In con-
Consider whipped yogurt. trast, Banquet offers the Meat Loaf
Consumers wanted a creamier, tex- Meal and a free game of bowling.
tured yogurt. By adding air to the
product, yogurt marketers can deliver
that texture and charge more at retail
for value-added yogurt.
2 Features. Quaker uses resealabil-
ity to add functionality and
ensure freshness. Clorox made bath-
Yogurt marketers deserve to benefit room cleaning less intimidating by
for asking consumers what they wanted. 3 inventing a delivery system that does
As long as “air prices” remain stable, not require disposal of a bucket of
they should continue to do quite well. dirty water and a rag. Heinz
redesigned its ketchup bottle to bet-
2. Package-check research ter accommodate its upside-down,
In addition to asking consumers refrigerator door-use pattern.
about the product, conduct focus
groups that check the existing brand-
ing and packaging in the category.
These groups should identify key
3 Price. Ghirardelli markets 6.9
ounces of caramel and choco-
late in a different packaging struc-
visual equities that should be retained ture and product form for $3.19.
and help you to understand the “visual
vocabulary” in considering a category.
4 Nestle uses a less expensive struc-
ture and offers 12 ounces of choco-
They should also assist you in under- late and caramel for $3.39.
standing the limitations and deficiencies
of current packaging in the category.
Deodorants offer one example.
Dove may score high on uniqueness
4 Competition. Cereal brands com-
pete in a crowded environment,
where as many as half of all brands go
while Secret may score high on prod- unnoticed. All else being equal, the prod-
uct effectiveness. uct with the best quality, more desirable
Include team members in the features, the lowest price and least com-
research. The result will be a better petition will have the higher ROI.
product and a good understanding
on how to position it.
These first two steps of research will To do this, take what you have and be different from the competition.
also help you nail down the quality, fea- learned from both the product and Did you notice that you didn’t
tures and price elements that you can the package-check research and come up with strategies and position-
control to manage your brand’s ROI. develop strategies that position the ing before you went to product
brand in the consumer’s mind. research? You waited to hear how
3. Positioning/strategy formulation You want to differentiate your consumers felt about your product
Now that your product is ready, brand in a meaningful way, to com- relative to the competition.
shift your focus to creating a brand. municate in a basic and powerful way C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 2 6


C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 2 5 Keep in mind you are building your gested further enhancements.
4. Initial branding and packaging concepts brand in the minds of consumers. The You now have valid, reliable con-
Once your strategies and position- only way you are going to find out sumer perceptions to guide your deci-
ing have full agreement across the what they think is by asking them. sion and make further adjustments to
team, let them guide your branding Packaging deserves the investment of your branding and packaging efforts.
and packaging development. time and money because: In essence, you have in hand what
A kickoff meeting is essential. ■ Everyone buying or consider- consumers have identified as their
Review the research findings and the ing a brand will be influenced by most desired option for your product.
You have stacked the deck in your
favor simply by having a process.
Keep in mind you are building your 8. Implementation

brand in the minds of consumers. Before you’re ready to launch your

brand, you’ll need to add time to
extend the winning concept to other
SKUs in your line, complete prepress
competition. Then explain how you its package. work and print, fill and distribute the
chose the positioning and strategies. ■ Packaging is more permanent new packages.
Allow enough time for questions than other marketing tactics. There are implications to imple-
and set realistic deadlines that allow ■ Packaging competes side-by-side menting a process to build desired
for plenty of creative time for your in a very competitive environment. brands. The two major areas that need
design firm to explore and prepare ■ Packaging can add value to both to change are communication and
about five concepts of the primary the brand and the product by appeal- budgeting. You’ll need longer lead
display panel of your package. ing to a different segment, adding times to get through your process and
convenience or making it desirable to introduce more effective packaging.
5. Design guidance research those with an “on-the-go” lifestyle. You may need to dedicate
Since you are attempting to build Heinz redesigned its ketchup bot- $100,000 to branding and packaging
your brand in the mind of the con- tles to mirror how consumers really development that you previously
sumer, you should once again use them: upside-down. allocated to the ad budget. Fight for
return to research to help select the Simply Grillin made it easier to the extra $100,000 you may need.
two or three packages that are the include vegetables in a cookout, Spend $9.9 million on advertising
most viable. while Columbo built a spoon into the instead of $10 million to assure you
This qualitative research will lid for consumers who wanted to eat are reaching consumers with the
accomplish the following objectives: yogurt while on the go. brand they want—a desired brand. BP
■ Gather consumer reaction to a
The author, Lee Sucharda III, is President of
range of creative options. 7. Design selection research Design North, a package design and brand-
■ Uncover the communication of Now, it’s time to make a selection. ing firm in Racine, Wis. Contact Lee III at
individual packaging elements. Design selection research is quanti- 262.898.1090 or
■ Determine each design’s ability tative and will assess the two or
to deliver against the objectives. three proposed designs relative to
■ Identify the two or three most
viable designs.
the communication objectives, com-
petitive packaging and category REPEAT THE PROCESS
■ Offer insights for enhancement. norms. It will also provide the fol- Resist the urge to rest on your laurels
lowing knowledge: after completing the eight-step process to
6. Branding and packaging revisions ■ Shelf impact and label readership. building a desired brand.
At this point, it’s time to gather the ■ Shelf and label recall. Strong brands remain strong because
team again to review findings and ■ How the category is shopped. their creators challenge them constantly.
outline revisions to the two or three ■ Aesthetic appeal. Even after your new packaging reaches
concepts that remain. Set a comple- ■ Packaging attributes. the store shelves, continue to evaluate
tion deadline for revisions and ■ Product expectations and your product, branding and packaging.
research materials, and schedule brand imagery.
Evaluate against and be ready to respond
“design selection” research. ■ Price perception and purchase
to changing market forces.
By now, you may be wondering why interest.
If you don’t, you just may be the next
you’ve spent so much time and money The outcome will be a recom-
brand that needs to be turned upside-down.
on branding and packaging research. mended design direction and sug-


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