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10, OCTOBER 2011 4931

Ageing and Failure Modes of IGBT Modules in

High-Temperature Power Cycling
Vanessa Smet, Francois Forest, Member, IEEE, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Frédéric Richardeau,
Zoubir Khatir, Stéphane Lefebvre, and Mounira Berkani

Abstract—This paper presents an experimental study on the This paper presents ageing procedures, failure modes, and
ageing of insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power modules. lifetime estimation for standard insulated-gate bipolar transistor
The aim is to identify the effects of power cycling on these devices (IGBT) modules used in harsh thermal conditions. The study is
with high baseplate temperatures (60 ◦ C to 90 ◦ C) and wide
temperature swings (60 ◦ C to 100 ◦ C). These values for thermal mainly experimental. On the one hand, its originality results
stresses have been defined according to automotive applications. from the high number of tested samples and, on the other hand,
The test conditions are provided by two types of test benches from the high temperature stress (up to 170 ◦ C) applied to the
that will be described in this paper. The changes in electrical samples in power-cycling operating modes.
and thermal indicators are observed regularly by a monitoring Section II of this paper describes the main causes and effects
system. At the end of the test (reaching damage criterion or
failure), different analyses are performed (acoustic scanning and of power cycling, described as the general research orientations
SEM imaging), and the damage is listed systematically. Nineteen on the topic. In the subsequent two sections, the aims of this
samples of 600-V 200-A IGBT modules were thus aged using five paper are defined, and tests and analysis methodologies are
different power-cycling protocols. The final summary of results explained. The last section presents the experimental results and
shows that ageing mechanisms mainly concern wire bonds and analysis concerning the ageing of IGBT modules.
emitter metallization, with gradual impact depending on protocol
Index Terms—Power electronics, reliability testing, semicon- II. K NOWN C AUSES AND E FFECTS OF P OWER

I. I NTRODUCTION A. Thermal Cycling and Power Cycling in High Temperature

Thermal stresses have two origins in power electronics. The
P OWER semiconductor devices are the main components
of power electronic systems, as well as one of their most
critical parts in terms of reliability.
first origin is power cycling, obtained when using converters
subject to load variations due to mission profiles that induce
Considering the increasing role of power electronic convert- loss variations in the power devices. The second origin is the
ers in critical functions, particularly in human transport appli- thermal cycling due to the variations of the surrounding thermal
cations [1]–[5] with significant safety requirements, features environment in which the converters are placed.
such as reliability, lifetime, health monitoring, and predictive Power converters used in transport applications typically un-
maintenance become increasingly important. In addition, in dergo both cycling modes, with different levels of temperature
this application context, the operating conditions often induce swings and frequency. In ground or air transport applications,
stress, particularly high ambient temperatures and strong tem- converters operate under intermittent and/or variable-load con-
perature variations. ditions that create power cycling. Thus, the temperature range
on chips is typically situated between 30 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C, leading
to lifetimes greater than one million cycles. In addition, the
Manuscript received February 21, 2010; revised May 25, 2010, July 21,
2010, and November 7, 2010; accepted January 25, 2011. Date of publication power module can be submitted for a few thousand cycles with
February 10, 2011; date of current version August 30, 2011. ambient temperatures that can vary over a very broad range
V. Smet, F. Forest, and J.-J. Huselstein are with the Université of
Montpellier 2, Institut d’Electronique du Sud, 34095 Montpellier CEDEX 5,
(−40 ◦ C to −55 ◦ C in cold ground zones and 120 ◦ C near
France (e-mail:;; engines).
F. Richardeau is with Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, In-
stitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 31000 Toulouse, France (e-mail:
B. Main Effects on Semiconductor Power Devices
Z. Khatir is with the Laboratory of New Technology, French Institute of
Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, 78000
At this time, the main effects of thermal and power cycling on
Versailles, France (e-mail: IGBT power modules have been quite well known for about ten
S. Lefebvre is with Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Systèmes et years [6]–[10]. These effects are thermomechanical and mainly
Applications des Technologies de l’Information et de l’Energie, 94230 Cachan,
France (e-mail: concern the layer assembly under the chips and the connections.
M. Berkani is with University of Paris XII, 94010 Paris, France (e-mail: They lead to fracture initiation and propagation in solders and in the different interface layers of the direct-bonded-copper
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at (DBC) substrates, but they also generate metallurgical damage
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2011.2114313 to wire bonds and emitter metallization.

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

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C. Study Goals
Different methods are investigated on the topic related to
the reliability and failure modes of power devices and the
consequences on converters and systems. A first main direction
is the analysis and modeling of ageing mechanisms in order
to estimate lifetimes or improve technologies. The resulting
works are based on thermomechanical considerations [11]–[16]
and are frequently sustained by the use of finite-element (FE)
simulation tools [17]–[19]. These models must be validated for
any components or systems by experimental results, which are Fig. 1. Interior view of the tested module.
very difficult and very time consuming to obtain.
Other considerations to be addressed are the consequences Typical electrical ratings are 600 V and 200 A, which
and management of faults during converter operation [20]–[25]. are specifications in accordance with the target context, and
In this respect, it is essential to consider redundancy options the maximal junction temperature is 175 ◦ C. The three-phase
or degraded operating modes. This concerns many applications structure allows ageing four or six IGBTs simultaneously (see
for which availability and/or safety are critical, such as embed- Section IV-A).
ded power systems for human transport, which are typical in
this area.
Health monitoring is another important point of study [26]– B. Goals
[29]. It is an essential step for developing efficient approaches Based on the application of high thermal stress, the aims of
to predictive maintenance. this paper are as follows:
1) to compare obtained ageing modes with those resulting
III. P RESENTATION OF THE S TUDY from more classical stress;
2) to estimate and validate the capability of high-
This paper mainly deals with the ageing and failure modes temperature test protocols to accelerate ageing;
of standard IGBT power modules operating under harsh tem- 3) to compare two test methodologies, with power cycling
perature cycling conditions and in high temperature ranges (for generated by dc current injection without high voltage
silicon). It is more specifically dedicated to ground and air (typical usage) or by current injection under switching
transport applications. This is part of a larger project that also conditions, such as for a real converter;
addresses the problem of thermal cycling [30]. 4) to evaluate commonly used ageing indicators VCEo (ON-
The term “ageing mode” defines a degradation process that state voltage) and RTHJC (junction to case or baseplate
leaves the device functional. Metallurgic degradation of metal- thermal resistance) in these particular test conditions;
lization or wire bonds is typical of this type. The term “failure 5) to assess failure modes by allowing chip destruction
mode” is associated with a destructive process that renders the under controlled conditions.
device nonfunctional, as a thermal runaway of the chip (short
This last aspect is directly connected to the design problem
circuit) or as a completely broken connection (open circuit).
of fault-tolerant converters. Such orientation requires knowing
Ageing modes inevitably lead to failure modes if device opera-
the failure mechanisms of the power devices in order to define
tion is not interrupted in time.
appropriate redundancy and reconfiguration strategies. The au-
thors are currently working on this topic, and this paper has
A. Context-Tested Devices contributed to providing relevant information on that topic.

Different kinds of power-cycling tests were used on various

power modules. The originality of this work arises from the par- IV. AGING T EST B ENCHES
ticular test conditions applied to the power devices (switching
A. Power Part of the Test Benches
under nominal conditions and pulsewidth modulation (PWM)
operating mode) from high thermal stress values (up to 90 ◦ C Two test benches were developed according to each of the
for the baseplate temperature and up to 170 ◦ C on chips) and goals mentioned in the previous section. These are referred to
from the high number of tested samples. as the dc test bench and the PWM test bench, respectively.
The tested IGBT power modules were chosen because they In both cases, the thermal stress is identical, and the electrical
represent current technologies. The general aim is not to char- power consumption is limited to the loss generated in the IGBT
acterize these specific devices in particular, but to obtain as power modules.
many generic results as possible. Modules include three inverter 1) DC Test Bench: The goal of dc current injection (see
legs (see Fig. 1) and use the most current assembly technology, Fig. 2) is to induce thermal stress by creating a thermal flux
alumina-copper DBC, and aluminum wire bonds. in the IGBT module.
Further connection technologies have been developed and The advantages of the dc test bench are the relative simplicity
seem more robust, but wire bonds still represent the most and the possibility to easily perform “online” measurements
frequently used technology. of electrical and thermal indicators without stopping power

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Fig. 2. DC test bench.

cycling. Conversely, the electrical excitation of devices is not

realistic (no switching and no high voltage).
The dc test bench allows the simultaneous testing of three Fig. 3. Elementary block of the PWM test bench.
IGBT modules. These modules are mounted on plate heat
exchangers using water-glycol circulation of which temperature 120 ◦ C (for a thermal flux up to 1100 W) by regulating the fan
and flow are regulated. The plate temperature is the reference speed.
temperature for the tests. The junction temperature is ad- Power cycling is generated by periodically allowing PWM
justed by controlling the duration and amplitude of the current operation. Cycles are controlled by the maximal value of
injection. the sinusoidal current and the duration of its injection. Here,
2) PWM Test Bench: The PWM test bench was designed the switching frequency is another control parameter because
to generate power cycling with realistic electrical stress on the switching loss is significant in the chosen frequency range and
power devices. contributes to thermal flux generation.
Two legs (two DBCs) of the IGBT module are joined to con- It is worth noting that this property makes power-cycling
stitute a single-phase PWM inverter (see Fig. 3). Its switching adjustment possible without any change to the electrical stress
frequency is adjustable between 13 and 30 kHz, and it provides amplitude.
a regulated sinusoidal current (100 Hz) to an inductive load (no
loss). For power devices, the operating conditions are similar to
B. Monitoring
those existing in a drive inverter. The principle of this test bench
is described in [31] in more detail. Both test benches are driven by controlling/monitoring sys-
The PWM test bench is modular. The previous arrangement tems that include sensors (temperature, voltage, and current),
(one module) constitutes an elementary block. Six elementary PWM controller boards (one for two blocks), data acquisition
blocks were used for this paper (six modules). The IGBT boards (one for two blocks), and personal computers that handle
module is mounted on a copper spreader that is mounted on supervision using LabView tools. Measurements of the differ-
a typical air heat exchanger. In order to extract the thermal ent temperatures are automated.
flux from the test room, this first part is placed in a closed Three parameters are generally considered as good ageing
chamber and associated with a coupled air–water exchanger/fan indicators in power device ageing tests and are monitored:
(see Fig. 3). the thermal resistance between the junction and the baseplate
The water circuit operates at low temperature and pressure, (RTH ), the ON-state voltage (VCEo ), and the gate threshold
with a constant flow. It is connected to an outdoor cooling stage. voltage (VGSTH ).
The spreader temperature is the reference temperature for the RTH is an indicator for characterizing the assembly integrity
tests. This temperature may be adjusted between 40 ◦ C and between the IGBT die and the baseplate. RTH increases if a

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by thermo-optical sensors in the PWM test bench and by an

indirect method performed on each chip in the dc test bench
(VCEo measurement with low current after thermal calibration).
A particular feature of the PWM test bench is the capability
to reach local failure modes by avoiding fault propagation.
The IGBT drivers include short-circuit protection. When fail-
ure occurs in a chip, the short circuit created through the
leg is detected by the other driver, which transmits a fault
signal immediately to the PWM controller, and the healthy
IGBT is turned off. The total turnoff delay is around a few


Two sets of tests were performed. The first test included two
protocols that were applied to both test benches to evaluate the
possible impact of different electrical stresses on device ageing.
Using three protocols, the second set of tests was carried out
only on the PWM test bench to complete and refine the results.
Fig. 4. Monitoring on test bench. (a) Thermal instrumentation of a module in
dc test bench. (b) Thermal instrumentation of a module in PWM test bench.
A. General Test Conditions
fracture appears and significantly modifies the heat transfer. Its
evaluation is the most delicate and requires measuring junction Every 5000 cycles, the three indicators (RTH , VCEo ,
and baseplate temperatures under a fixed thermal flux. and VGSTH ) are measured for a junction temperature of 125 ◦ C.
The VCEo measurement makes it possible to detect wire If any change is detected, the period is reduced to 2500 cycles,
bonds or emitter metallization damage. The relative variations or even to 1000 cycles in the cases of severe degradation. The
due to this damage are very low because the voltage across test continues until it reaches the stop criteria or the destruction
the connections constitutes a weak part of the total ON-state of the component if no change is detected (see Section V-D3).
voltage. Therefore, this measurement must be made with a very Before starting the tests, each IGBT module undergoes
high degree of accuracy. acoustic analysis in order to evaluate the initial state of the two
Lastly, VGSTH is measured to identify changes in the gate ox- solder layers between the die and the baseplate. When a sample
ide properties that should induce changes in electrical behavior. is considered as faulty, a second acoustic analysis is performed.
This classical monitoring protocol was chosen, and measure- Then, it is opened for a final analysis sequence:
ments of the three parameters were made regularly (interval of a 1) preliminary examination under an optical microscope;
few thousand cycles) under controlled conditions (temperature, 2) SEM examinations with the systematic positioning of the
current, and thermal flux). different visible damage zones;
The monitoring process is quite similar for both test benches. 3) in some cases, the cutting and creation of polished cross
All temperatures are measured in operation, while sampled sections for examination under a SEM.
values are stored continually. Indicator measurements are taken
every few thousand cycles (from 1000 to 5000, depending on
B. First Test Series
the ageing process) under low-voltage conditions, with PWM
operations stopped and the high-voltage source disconnected. Both protocols of this series are based on a reference temper-
Measurements are not carried out “online” because of the dif- ature set to 90 ◦ C. Two values for junction temperature variation
ficulty in mixing accurate low-level measurements and power are then set, 60 ◦ C (protocol 1-1) and 80 ◦ C (protocol 1-2),
injection, particularly with the PWM test bench. Electrical adjusted by the thermal flux generated in the chips. The cycle
conditions, particularly the current, are not modified during the durations are 30 and 45 s, respectively. The main results are
test. If RTH or VCEo increases, the junction temperature also given in Table I, which also indicates the number of samples
increases by a few degrees. This procedure is recognized as the tested in each case.
most realistic with respect to applications and is generally used
in power-cycling tests. C. Second Test Series
The ageing criteria leading to the test stop are the RTH
increase of 20% and the VCEo increase of a few percent. The second protocol series only used the PWM test bench
Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows the thermal sensor positioning in (see Section V-D1). Three protocols were chosen according to
and around the modules. The baseplate sensors are placed in a logical progression of thermal stress:
holes made respectively in the water plate for the dc bench (one 1) Protocol 2-1: Treference = 60 ◦ C, ΔTJ = 60 ◦ C, and
sensor under each chip) and in the copper spreader for the PWM TJM = 120 ◦ C;
bench. The main difference between the two test benches lies 2) Protocol 2-2: Treference = 60 ◦ C, ΔTJ = 80 ◦ C, and
in the junction temperature measurement. This is performed TJM = 140 ◦ C;

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3) Protocol 2-3: Treference = 60 ◦ C, ΔTJ = 100 ◦ C, and it must be added that VCEo was the only indicator that varied
TJM = 160 ◦ C. significantly during the tests. No significant variation on VGSTH
The main results are given in Table II. or on RTH was observed. For this reason, only the parameter
VCEo is evoked in the following sections.
1) DC–PWM Differences: One of the aims in this paper was
D. General Analysis
to compare the results given by a test bench operating under dc
The experimental studies on reliability are difficult and time conditions (the most commonly used) and a more original and
consuming. In the test series described in this paper, the test realistic test bench (PWM).
duration varied from a few hundred hours to 5000 h for the First, balancing the current between the module’s three legs
least stress-inducing protocol. One unique aspect of this paper on the dc test bench cannot be very accurate, and the electrical
is the high number of tested samples (19) with respect to the stress is not strictly identical. On the PWM test bench, the
system tests required by such power modules. This makes it switched currents in the device are set identically by the load.
possible to elaborate a broader analysis on temperature effects, A second difference concerns electrical stress. To generate
while limiting the influence of singular results. the thermal fluxes needed by the protocols, from 700 to 1000 W,
This section will emphasize the main ageing mechanisms the rms current per chip must be higher and adjusted on the
observed with respect to protocol stresses. From this point on, dc test bench (see Table III) due to the absence of switching

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Fig. 5. Example of simulated spatial temperature distributions. (a) DC mode. (b) PWM mode.

loss. In the PWM test bench, the rms current per chip is fixed (two IGBTs and two diodes). In the dc mode, the three DBCs
(60 A), and the thermal flux is adjusted by the switching loss are thermally unbalanced and cannot be ageing identically. In
that depends on the switching frequency value. that case, the temperature fixed in tests according to protocol
Third, spatial temperature distribution is not identical due to definition is the average temperature of the six chips, wherein
the fact that the diodes are not used in the dc mode and the the temperature of the central DBC is higher.
central DBC is not used in the PWM mode. Fig. 5 shows the Unfortunately, both methods of junction temperature mea-
temperature cartographies resulting from 3-D FE simulation surement contribute to amplifying the previous problem. In
performed in conditions close to those of protocol 1-2. They the PWM test, the local measured temperature is close to the
are given for the maximal temperature reached on the thermal maximal temperature of the chips (even if the asymmetry of
cycle. In both cases, the same average temperatures on each DBC shifts the hot spot toward the DBC center). In the dc test,
chip (mentioned near the chips in Fig. 5) cannot be imposed the measured temperature given by the indirect method is the
because of the module and DBC asymmetry. In addition, the average temperature of the chip. For the same reference value
difference between the two modes is significant, and the respect in both cases, with this condition being chosen in the present
of strictly similar conditions cannot be achieved. In the PWM tests, the average temperature is higher in the dc mode than
mode, the average temperature dispersion is low due to the use in the PWM mode. A test carried out under dc conditions,
of two separated DBCs and to the best repartition of heat sinks on a sample equipped with the two measurement systems, has

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shown a difference of a few degrees for a maximal temperature

of 160 ◦ C. Thus, the lifetime dispersion observed in protocol
1-1 probably results from the combination of two facts: a higher
rms current in the connections and a higher average temperature
in the dc tests.
The results are quite similar for both tests in protocol 1-2,
with the average lifetime remaining lower in the dc test. There
is a lower dispersion of the results that can be explained by
greater test harshness and lower lifetime values.
One last difference concerns the changing behavior of mod-
ules in the previous protocol. In the dc mode, the tests were
stopped because of a progressive increase in the junction tem-
perature (unexplained for the moment). In the PWM mode, it is
mainly failure that leads the test benches to stop (local fusion
of the chip, see Section V-D3). In both cases, no changes in the
indicators were detected previously.
To summarize, the two methods do not yield strictly identical
results. This paper emphasizes the nonrepresentative test condi-
tions of the dc mode because there are no switching operations
and no high voltage applied to the chips. For a given device, the
Fig. 6. Examples of bonding damages. (a) Metallurgic damage (DC5).
rms values for currents have to be significantly higher than the (b) Heel crack (PWM7). (c) Fracture (PWM1). (d) Liftoff (PWM2).
standard values used in applications.
With the diodes not being used, temperature repartition on
the DBC is not realistic. Lastly, it is not possible to reproduce
real failure situations as in the PWM mode (see Section V-D3).
The counterpart is the simplicity of the electrical element and
the relative facility to collect parameter measurements. These
latter points constitute a significant advantage for testing very
high power modules (a few kilovolts and 1000 A).
Conversely, the PWM mode places devices in realistic con-
ditions, but it makes parameter measurement more challenging.
The online measurement of VCEo should be of primary interest,
but its implementation is very delicate and was not included in
the scope of this paper. In addition, this PWM method cannot
be applied easily to very high power modules.
Considering the more realistic test conditions and the possi-
bility to achieve controlled failure situations, the complemen-
tary tests of the second series were carried out with the PWM
test bench.
2) Connections—Metallization-Acceleration Factor: Con-
versely to the results usually provided by power cycling in long-
term cycle operations, the ageing modes here mainly concern
Fig. 7. Examples of bonding damage cartographies.
the connections (wire bonds) and metallization, while the DBC
and solders are lightly damaged by the hardest cycles.
The following damage modes were observed on the wire In this latter case, metallurgical damage represents the main
bonds (see Fig. 6): damage, and failure frequently occurs before the development
of other ageing modes.
1) heel crack and fractures (mechanical constraints in the
The less stress-inducing modes generate cracks, fractures,
wires and fatigue phenomenon due to the deformation
and liftoff. Due to lower temperature variations, a progressive
related to temperature swings);
degradation of the connections is observed, with the device
2) wire bond liftoff (mechanical stress on Al–Si joints due
remaining functional. This can be observed on the damage
to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient
cartographies of Fig. 7. PWM2 and PWM4 are samples of the
between Al and Si);
protocols 1-1 and 1-2, respectively.
3) metallurgic damage due to the thermomechanical stress
The emitter metallization is the other area suffering from
on aluminum resulting in part from the difference in the
degradation. Metallurgical damage was observed on almost all
thermal expansion coefficient between Al and Si.
the devices, regardless of the protocol (see Fig. 8). Neverthe-
The previous order gives the predominant mode appearing in less, the average area concerned by this mechanism in a given
the different protocols from the least to the most severe stress. chip increases with the amplitude of the thermal cycle.

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Fig. 8. Examples of emitter metallization damages. (a) Initial state.

(b) Damage beginning. (c) Protocol 1-1—PWM2. (d) Protocol 2-3—PWM12.

These results first point out the critical feature that consti-
tutes connection ageing and, then, the similar ageing behavior
observed in the different protocols. Therefore, the hardest pro-
tocols (1-2 or 2-3) can be used to perform accelerated tests,
in the considered range of thermal swings. A generalization to
lower swing conditions cannot be made without experimental
results. Unfortunately, such tests would most likely require
several million cycles.
3) Chip Destruction: The PWM test bench has the capabil-
ity to immediately stop power injection in the case of a chip
failure (see Section IV-B). This functionality has frequently
operated in the protocols 1-2 and 2-3 for which chip failure
without any previous evolution of the indicators is the most
common occurrence. In the other cases, VCEo is a good indi-
cator for bond wire ageing. To illustrate this fact, Fig. 9 shows
the evolutions of VCEo during the test for three devices.
Fig. 9(a) corresponds to a device tested using high-
temperature protocol 1-2 and immediately stopped after failure.
No evolution of VCEo (as for the other indicators) can be
observed. The device in Fig. 9(b) was submitted to the inter- Fig. 9. VCEo evolution in protocols 1-1, 1-2, and 2-2. (a) Protocol 1-2.
(b) Protocol 2-2. (c) Protocol 1-1.
mediate protocol 2-2. A strong increase of VCEo was detected,
and the test bench stopped while the device was still functional.
Lastly, in the case of the less stress-inducing protocol 1-1, is representative of the mode that should be generated without
a progressive increase of VCEo was measured and is due to the short-circuit protection.
successive fractures or liftoff of the wire bonds. The destructive mode, without detecting indicator evolution,
Despite the occurrence of failure, ageing effects can be was not expected when the testing began but is highly interest-
analyzed correctly because the fault consequence on the con- ing. First, these results define an objective lifetime. They can
cerned chip is limited by short-circuit protection. The views of also give information on the mechanisms that lead to failure
Fig. 10(a)–(c) show examples of the resulting damage, which is and the origin of this failure. This information is essential for
localized. the development of fault-tolerant converters.
The result of Fig. 10(d) was obtained in a particular case: In the present case, a rigorous identification of the failure
The test bench stopped normally after a first failure (protection scenario should require thermal simulation and metallurgic
triggering) but was then restarted by mistake. Fault propagation analysis. The authors are currently working on the understand-
and the quasi-destruction of the chip are the consequences. This ing and theoretical analysis of these failures. Nevertheless, as

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ing mode that has been rarely encountered. Acoustic analysis

and SEM examination of cross sections carried out on aged
modules confirm that fact. Nevertheless, regarding the less
stress-inducing protocol (1-1), the initiation of fracture in
solders was observed. Fig. 11(a) shows some weak fractures
(acoustic analysis) in the corners of the DBC-baseplate solder
for sample PWM2 (520 kC). Fig. 11(b) shows fractures in chip-
DBC solders revealed by the SEM examination of the section.
Conversely, the SEM does not reveal any fracture for the same
section realized on a sample aged under protocol 1-2 (failure at
60 kC).
As it has already been mentioned, no significant variation
in RTH was measured during ageing tests on the concerned
samples, despite the previously described damage. They are
localized on the border of the DBC-baseplate solder and there-
fore do not really affect the heat transfer. Very accurate RTH
measurements would be necessary to reveal such degradation.
An intermediate conclusion can be drawn on the modules
Fig. 10. Examples of chip destruction. (a) PWM3. (b) PWM12. (c) PWM4. tested in this paper: In the competition between ageing modes,
(d) Destroyed chip after test error.
wire bond degradation is the predominant mechanism in the
case of high thermal stress. In less stress-inducing protocols,
the different modes can occur simultaneously.

The study presented in this paper is a contribution to the
understanding and the quantification of ageing mechanisms
observed in IGBT modules stressed under power-cycling con-
ditions. From the test of 19 samples in five different protocols,
five families of results were obtained, reported, and analyzed.
They show the high sensitivity of wire bonds and metallization
to high-temperature power cycling (maximal temperature up
to 170 ◦ C). Gradual occurrences of three ageing modes, heel
fractures, liftoff, and metallurgical damage were observed in all
protocols. This is the main cause of module degradation and,
in the severest protocol, leads to failures whose propagation is
avoided by test bench protections. As ageing mechanisms are
similar in the different protocols, the possibility to use high-
temperature cycles to accelerate test conditions was confirmed
in the 60 ◦ C–100 ◦ C temperature swing range.
In addition, this paper demonstrates the interest of test
benches close to the real converter topology (PWM). Devices
are placed in realistic electrical conditions, with a heat flux
and temperature distribution that cannot be reproduced with
the dc test bench (no switching loss and no loss in diodes).
The thermal parameter adjustment is easier, as the current
Fig. 11. Fractures in solders. (a) Corner fracture of DBC-baseplate solder
in PWM2 (SAM). (b) Chip-DBC solder fracture in IGBT1—PWM2 (SEM). levels in switches are more representative and failure modes
(c) Chip-DBC solder in IGBT1—PWM5 (SEM). can be attempted under controlled conditions. The counterpart
is the difficulty in carrying out online measurements of ageing
the destroyed zones are generally localized around wire bond parameters.
heels, a realistic assumption can be formulated. As the first
bond wire contact fails, the remaining bond wires must then R EFERENCES
conduct a higher current. As the degradation proceeds, an
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increasing number of bond wire contacts fail, and the current tronics,” Microelectron. Reliab., vol. 49, no. 9–11, pp. 1319–1325,
continues to increase in the remaining contacts until localized Sep.–Nov. 2009.
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tic and warning system for power-electronic modules in electric, hybrid
4) DBC and Solder Fractures: In the particular test con- electric, and fuel-cell vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6,
ditions of this paper, the delamination of solders is an age- pp. 2268–2276, Jun. 2008.

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[3] F. Richardeau, M. Elghazouani, F. Forest, J.-J. Husestein, Z. Khatir, [27] Z. Huiguo, R. Kang, M. Luo, and M. Pecht, “Precursor parameter identi-
I. Klutsch, M. Bouarroud, S. Lefebvre, and P. Tounsi, “Accelerated ageing fication for power supply prognostics and health management,” in Proc.
test benches of standard IGBT/MOSFET modules for hybrid 6 kW– 8th Int. Conf. Rel., Maintainability Safety, Jul. 2009, pp. 883–887.
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[4] H. Lu, C. Bailey, and C. Yin, “Design for reliability of power electron- related reliability indicator for planar-gate non-punch through IGBTs,”
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[5] P. W. Hammond, “Enhancing the reliability of modular medium-voltage tronics,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Technol., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 222–
drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 948–954, Oct. 2002. 229, Mar. 2006.
[6] Z. Khatir, J. P. Ousten, F. Badel, L. Dupont, S. Lefebvre, and [30] M. Bouarroud, Z. Khatir, J.-P. Ousten, and S. Lefebvre, “Temperature-
M. Bouarroud, “Degradation behavior of 600 V-200 A IGBT modules level effect on solder lifetime during thermal cycling of power modules,”
under power cycling and high temperature environment conditions,” Mi- IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Rel., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 471–477, Sep. 2008.
croelectron. Reliab., vol. 47, no. 9–11, pp. 1719–1724, Sep.–Nov. 2007. [31] F. Forest, J.-J. Huselstein, S. Faucher, M. Elghazouani, P. Ladoux,
[7] M. Ciappa, “Selected failure mechanisms of modern power modules,” T. Meynard, C. Turpin, and J. Vallon, “Use of the opposition method in
Microelectron. Reliab., vol. 42, no. 4–5, pp. 653–667, Apr.–May 2002. the test of high power electronics converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
[8] G. Coquery, G. Lefranc, T. Licht, R. Lallemand, N. Seliger, and vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 530–541, Apr. 2006.
H. Berg, “High temperature reliability of automotive power modules veri-
fied by power cycling tests up to 150 ◦ C,” Microelectron. Reliab., vol. 43,
no. 9–11, pp. 1871–1876, Sep.–Nov. 2003.
[9] A. Morozumi, K. Yamada, T. Miyasaka, S. Sumi, and Y. Seki, “Reliability
of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules,” IEEE Trans.
Ind. Appl., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 665–671, May/Jun. 2003.
[10] J. A. Sayago, T. Brückner, and S. Bernet, “How to select the system
Vanessa Smet graduated from the Ecole Normale
voltage of MV drives—A comparison of semiconductor expenses,” IEEE
Superieure de Cachan, Cachan, France. She received
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3381–3390, Sep. 2008.
[11] G. Z. Wang, Z. N. Cheng, K. Becker, and J. Wilde, “Applying anand model the B.S. degree in applied physics from Paris XI
University, Orsay Cedex, France, in 2004, and the
to represent the viscoplastic deformation behaviour of solder alloys,” J.
M.S. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D.
Electron. Packag., vol. 123, no. 3, pp. 247–253, Sep. 2001.
degree from the Montpellier University of Science
[12] M. Usui, M. Ishiko, K. Hotta, S. Kuwano, and M. Hashimoto, “Effects
of uni-axial mechanical stress on IGBT characteristics,” Microelectron. (Institut d’Electronique du Sud laboratory, Unité
Mixte de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche
Reliab., vol. 45, no. 9–11, pp. 1682–1687, Sep.–Nov. 2005.
Scientifique 5214), Montpellier, France, in 2007 and
[13] R. Darveaux, “Effect of simulation methodology on solder joint crack
2010, respectively.
growth correlation and fatigue life prediction,” J. Electron. Packag.,
vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 147–154, Sep. 2002. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the
Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Her research
[14] R. Darveaux and C. Reichman, “Mechanical properties of lead-free sol-
interests include reliability of power semiconductor device, high-temperature
ders,” in Proc. 57th Electron. Compon. Technol. Conf., 2007, pp. 695–706.
packaging, and thermomechanical modeling.
[15] M. Amagai, M. Watanabe, M. Omiya, K. Kishimoto, and T. Shibuya,
“Mechanical characterization of Sn–Ag based lead-free solders,” Micro-
electron. Reliab., vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 951–966, Jun. 2002.
[16] N. Bai, X. Chen, and H. Gao, “Simulation of uniaxial tensile properties
for lead-free solders with modified anand model,” Mater. Des., vol. 30,
no. 1, pp. 122–128, Jan. 2009.
[17] H. Ye, H. Lin, and C. Basaran, “Failure modes and FEM analysis of power
electronic packaging,” Finite Elements Anal. Des., vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 601– Francois Forest (M’06) received the B.S. degree
612, May 2002. in electrical engineering from the Ecole Normale
[18] A. Guedon-Gracia, E. Woirgard, and C. Zardini, “Reliability of lead- Superieure de Cachan, Cachan Cedex, France, in
free BGA assembly: Correlation between accelerated ageing tests and FE 1982, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
simulations,” IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Rel., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 449–454, Paris 6, Paris, France, in 1985.
Sep. 2008. From 1989 to 1999, he was a Professor with the
[19] Z. Khatir and S. Lefebvre, “Boundary element analysis of thermal fatigue Electrical Engineering Department, Ecole Normale
effects on high power IGBT modules,” Microelectron. Reliab., vol. 44, Supérieure de Cachan. Since 1999, he has been a
no. 6, pp. 929–938, Jun. 2004. Professor with the Montpellier University of Sci-
[20] B. Abdi, A. H. Ranjbar, G. B. Gharehpetian, and J. Milimonfared, “Reli- ence, Montpellier, France. His research activities (In-
ability considerations for parallel performance of semiconductor switches stitut d’Electronique du Sud laboratory, Unité Mixte
in high-power switching power supplies,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 5214) concern es-
vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2133–2139, Jun. 2009. sentially parallel or series multilevel converters from low-power dc-to-dc stages
[21] C. Turpin, P. Baudesson, F. Richardeau, F. Forest, and T. Meynard, “Fault to high-power pulsewidth-modulation inverters, power devices and converter
management of multicell converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, reliability, and passive component modeling.
no. 5, pp. 988–997, Oct. 2002.
[22] K. Rothenhagen and F. W. Fuchs, “Current sensor fault detection, iso-
lation, and reconfiguration for doubly fed induction generators,” IEEE
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 4239–4245, Oct. 2009.
[23] P. Barriuso, J. Dixon, P. Flores, and L. Morán, “Fault-tolerant reconfig-
uration system for asymmetric multilevel converters using bidirectional
power switches,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1300– Jean-Jacques Huselstein received the B.S. degree
1306, Apr. 2009. in electrical engineering from the Ecole Normale
[24] S. Khomfoi and L. M. Tolbert, “Fault diagnosis and reconfiguration for Superieure de Cachan, Cachan Cedex, France, in
multilevel inverter drive using AI-based techniques,” IEEE Trans. Ind. 1988, and the Ph.D. degree from the Montpellier
Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2954–2968, Dec. 2007. University of Sciences, Montpellier, France, in 1993.
[25] S. Ceballos, J. Pou, E. Robles, I. Gabiola, J. Zaragoza, J. L. Villate, and He is currently an Associate Professor with the
D. Boroyevich, “Three-level converter topologies with switch breakdown Montpellier University of Sciences. His research ac-
fault-tolerance capability,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 3, tivities (Institut d’Electronique du Sud laboratory,
pp. 982–995, Mar. 2008. Unité Mixte de Recherche Centre National de la
[26] N. Patil, J. Celaya, D. Das, K. Goebel, and M. Pecht, “Parameter iden- Recherche Scientifique 5214) cover insulated-gate
tification for insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) prognostics,” IEEE bipolar transistor converter reliability, direct ac–ac
Trans. Rel., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 271–276, Jun. 2009. converters, and low-power direct-drive wind power génération.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universite du Quebec en Outaouais. Downloaded on February 14,2021 at 18:01:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Frédéric Richardeau received the M.Sc. and Agre- Stéphane Lefebvre received the Ph.D. degree in
gation degrees in electrical engineering from the electrical engineering from the Ecole Normale
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan Cedex, France,
Cedex, France, in 1991 and 1992, respectively, and in 1994.
the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from the In- He is currently a Professor with the Conserva-
stitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT), toire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France,
Toulouse, France, in 1996. where he teaches power electronics. His research
He was a Lecturer and Researcher Assistant with interests (Systèmes et Applications des Technologies
the INPT from 1996 to 1997. He joined the Lab- de l’Information et de l’Energie Laboratory, Unité
oratoire d’Electrotechnique et d’Electronique In- Mixte de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche
dustrielle, Toulouse, as a Centre National de la Scientifique 8029) include the test and the modeling
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Reseacher and a part-time Lecturer at the of power semiconductor devices in hard working conditions and at high
INPT, in 1997. He is currently the Head of the Static Converter Group with operating temperature.
the Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie at the Toulouse University and
CNRS. His research interests include reliability and diagnosis of power devices,
safety design and management, fault-tolerant converter, and multicell converter.

Zoubir Khatir received the Dipl.Ing. degree in the

physics of solids from the Institut National des Sci-
ences Appliquées de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in
1984, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics prepared Mounira Berkani received the Ph.D. degree in
in the Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des electrical engineering from the Ecole Normale
Systèmes-Centre National de la Recherche Scien- Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France, in 2008.
tifique laboratory, Toulouse, in 1988. She is currently an Associate Professor with the
Since 1988, he has been with the Laboratory of University of Paris XII, Paris, France. Her research
New Technology, French Institute of Science and interests (Systèmes et Applications des Technologies
Technology for Transport, Development and Net- de l’Information et de l’Energie Laboratory, Unité
works, where he was in charge for high-power semi- Mixte de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche
conductor device modeling and computer-aided design tool development. His Scientifique 8029) include the behavior and reliabil-
actual research interests include the reliability in the high-temperature environ- ity of power semiconductor devices under extreme
ment of high-power electronics in the field of transport applications. operating conditions and high temperature.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universite du Quebec en Outaouais. Downloaded on February 14,2021 at 18:01:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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