Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person Midterm A. Multiple Choice. Choose The Best Answer

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.
1. A type of freedom which refers to “the absence of interference or coercion.”
a. negative freedom b. positive freedom c. neutral freedom d. choice freedom
2. A person who is free and has control or mastery of herself and so has the strength to do what is good
a. negative freedom b. positive freedom c. neutral freedom d. choice freedom
3. A philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible
agent determining their own development through acts of the will.
a. Behaviorism b. Dualism c. Empiricism d. Existentialism
4. A state in which I recognize my being as a being-with-others.
a. Dependence b. Co-existence c. Intersubjectivity d. Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
5. Which of the following is a true sign of freedom and responsibility being described by Kierkegaard and Sartre?
a. A teenager saying, “Ito ang trip kong gawin.”
b. A man choosing between marrying two girls.
c. A student deciding to stay in her strand of choice while considering her family income.
d. A corrupt official using dummy account in the bank in order to make his stolen money from people’s pockets
untraceable to him.
6. He tells us that the tendency to totalize the other person is more common because most of us are afraid of
uncertainty. a. Bertrand b. Descartes c. Plato d. Levinas
7. We commonly say, ”Kung ako ikaw…” which according to Faber and Mazlish is a sign of ______________
a. best advice b. sign of concern c. prejudice d. kawalang pakialam
8. When a friend grieves over her mom and we say,”Kalooban ng Diyos ang nangyari, nakikiramay ako,” is a good sign of
intersubjectivity communication.
a. I agree. b. I don’t agree. c. I am not sure. d. It doesn’t matter.
9. It is the people close to you that you take for granted most often. This sentence is an example of________
a. labeling b. familiarity c. totalization d. assumption of sameness
10. Which of the following is not an importance of Intersubjectivity?
a. It validates real and authentic subjective experiences.
b. It promotes a sense of community and unity among individuals.
c. It doesn’t emphasize that anyone can contribute to society.
d. It enables individuals to look at others equally, regardless of any physical or socio-demographic factor.
11. It is derived from a Latin word ‘socious’ that means association or companionship.
a. Society b. Human c. Interaction d. Social Science
12. Habermas idea of social transformation can be cited in the concrete example of_____________
a. NGO’s effort to alleviate the suffering of Maralitang taga Lungsod.
b. Greenpeace’s movement of having focused-group discussions
c. Akbayan’s peaceful forms of protest and information campaigns that would get the public to participate in their cause.
d. All of the above.
13. Since human freedom enables us to be in control with environment, it will be the same freedom that would help
preserve and solve its problems. In which part of the activities in the community this is implemented?
a. Implementation of recycling in and out of the classroom c. Landscaping and road improvement
b. Additional electric outlets in the classroom and common areas d. Community participation for drug prevention drive
14. When Rowena seeks for knowledge about her subjects and proper advise from her teacher she shows____________
a. negative freedom b. positive freedom c. neutral freedom d. choice freedom
15. Learning to avoid using drugs and bad companions is a clear example of _______________
a. negative freedom b. positive freedom c. neutral freedom d. choice freedom
16. From the argument of Kierkegaard we remain inauthentic when we allow dominant forces or personalities around us
to choose for ourselves the most important aspects of our lives-career path, whom to marry, faith or religion.
a. True b. False c. His view is inapplicable. d. Answer not mentioned.
17. A type of relationship described by Gabriel Marcel where a person is being treated with respect and where the
center of one’s life is on the care for the welfare of another.
a. Dependence b. Co-existence c. Intersubjectivity d. Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
18. When we call people jologs, conyo, jejemon, addict, bakla, malandi. These words we use is a type
of_______________ a. label b. category c. classification d.stratefication
19. The term used by Martin Heidegger as a form of running away from the face of death, from the reality of one’s
finitude, from one’s fallenness. How do we as humans should face death?
a. See to it that we always look young. c. Enjoying what you have worked for.
b. Securing wealth and property. d. Living a virtuous and honourable life.
20. With Steve Job’s message: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Have the courage to
follow your heart and intuition.” This shows that_____________
a. Every human is finite. c. We are challenged to reawaken ourself from idle chatter.
b. We are beings-unto-death. d. All of the above.
21. This type of relationship is based on a mutual regard for each other as person.
a. transactional b. personal c. communal d. traditional
22. A type of relationship where interactions are based on a regard for each other as means for attaining one’s goals.
a. transactional b. personal c. communal d. traditional
23. The following are the characteristics of the underprivileged, except?
a. Uneducated b. Malnutrition and poor health c. Victims of calamity d. Lack of shelter
24. Which of the following is not an example of I thou relationship.
a. A little boy helping an old woman carrying her things.
b. A man who pays money in exchange of sexual gratification.
c. A grandaughter taking care of her grandmother who is physically ill.
d. The Philippine government support person with disabilities.
25. Heap(2013) explained that Newton’s Law of Action and Reaction gives us an incredible insight into
a. Life is like a game of chess in that we get to choose the next move we make
b. The balance and battle between the positive and negative in our life
c. Every choice we make in life has a consequence
d. Human person’s blindness and injustice destroy the cultural conditions needed for freedom
26. I –You is fellow member; I it is____
a. Thing b. Object c. Either d. Neither
27. Sir Isaac Newton in the 1600 presented the 3 rd Law of Motion which basically states that
a. “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
b. “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants”
c. “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people”
d. “Some of those consequences are minor, some are major”
28. Which is not included in the “10 ways to make Society More Inclusive for People with Disabilities”?
a. View the disability community as a valuable consumer c. Increase Disability Representation in Political Setting
b. Do not employ people with disabilities d. Promote Social Inclusion in Schools
29. Why is authentic dialogue important in our society?
a. It emphasizes that anyone can contribute to society.
b. It promotes a sense of community and unity among individuals.
c. It facilitates interaction among individuals.
d. It is a means of accepting others regardless of individual differences.
30. These are composed of persons who have less money, less possessions, and fewer opportunities or those who do
not enjoy the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society.
a. Underprivileged Sectors b. Low Class c. Middle Class d. High Sectors
31. According to the World Health Organization, what is the number of people who have some form of disability?
a. 1 million 2 out of 9 b. 1 million 1 out of 7 c. 1 million 3 out of 5 d. 1 billion 2 out of 6
32. Which is true among the following statements in terms of conceptual meaning?
a. Conversation is similar to the meaning of authentic dialogue c. Authentic dialogue is an element of “I-It” relationship
b. Conversation is much more than a dialogue d. Authentic dialogue is much more than conversation
33. “Dialogue is an exchange in which people discover something new.” This best means?
a. It helps people to discover themselves more c. This helps people to share understanding of greater truth about life
b. Dialogue helps people to tolerate others more d. Dialogue helps people to conduct research.
34. Used by virtually all vertebrate species. Each member has to recognize as an individual every other member of its
a. Individual Recognition Societies b. Anonymous Societies c. Social Interaction d. Human Society
35. Which is not included in the types of societies?
a. Agricultural b. Industrial c. Virtual d. Post-Modern
36. It is one of the types of individuals in society that consists of white-collared workers.
a. Upper Class b. Middle Class c. Lower Class d. Working Class
37. In political science, it is often used to mean the totality of human relationships, generally in contrast to the State, the
apparatus of rule or government within a territory.
a. Human b. Social Interaction c. Class d. Society
38. It is an act of making good judgment that allows a person to avoid risks.
a. Limitations b. Frugality c. Prudence d. Freedom
39. It is a state or situation which all humans will encounter at the end.
a. Physical Harm b. Emotional Conflict c. Eternal Judgment d. Death
40. This means being alive and conscious.
a. Death b. Life c. Happiness d. Love
B. Essay: In not less than 5-10 sentences answer the following statements.
Rubrics: Clarity of thought-2pts Content-2pts Followed direction-1pt
41-45. What are your goals in life? Explain how it helps you in finding meaning to your existence.(5pts)
46-50. What is meant by the statement, “Man as a being-unto-death.” (5pts)
Answer Key in Finals
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. D
36. D
37. D
38. C
39. D
40. B
41-45 Essay 5pts
46-50 Essay 5pts

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