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Name : Opie Sopyan

Student ID : 20200130005
Class : Master Computer Science Nusa Putra University
Courses: Advanced Database

1. Describe your understanding about Data Analytics.

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about
that information. Many of the techniques and processes of data analytics have been
automated into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human

2. Explain Data Analytics as a Process and draw a diagram if necessary.

The data analysis process, or alternately, data analysis steps, involves gathering all the
information, processing it, exploring the data, and using it to find patterns and other

3. What are the Data Analytics types? Describe each type and provide a relevant example
for each type?

There are 4 types of Data Analytics :

1. Diagnostic Analysis. 
Diagnostic analysis answers the question, “Why did this happen?” Using insights gained
from statistical analysis (more on that later!), analysts use diagnostic analysis to identify
patterns in data. Ideally, the analysts find similar patterns that existed in the past, and
consequently, use those solutions to resolve the present challenges hopefully.
2. Predictive Analysis. 
Predictive analysis answers the question, “What is most likely to happen?” By using
patterns found in older data as well as current events, analysts predict future events.
While there’s no such thing as 100 percent accurate forecasting, the odds improve if the
analysts have plenty of detailed information and the discipline to research it thoroughly.
3. Prescriptive Analysis. 
Mix all the insights gained from the other data analysis types, and you have prescriptive
analysis. Sometimes, an issue can’t be solved solely with one analysis type, and instead
requires multiple insights.
4. Statistical Analysis.
Statistical analysis answers the question, “What happened?” This analysis covers data
collection, analysis, modeling, interpretation, and presentation using dashboards

4. Determine the following:

 P(0 < Z < 1.57)= 0,4418 – 0 = 0,4418
 P(Z > 1.57)= 0,5 - 0,4418 = 0,0582
 P(1. 46 < Z)= 0,4279-0,5 = -0,0721
 P(Z < -1. 46)= 0,5 +(- 0,4279) = 0,0721
5. Use a table or Excel, find interpret z0.07
a. P(Z > z0.07 ) = 0.07

So sory I’m afraid I Can’t explain anything

6. Write your understanding about different types of Machine Learning algorithms

Machine Learning is a domain of computer science with its base in computational

mathematics and statistics. The machine is shown a ton of data and it learns the pattern in
the data to make future predictions, recognise new patterns or suggest different classes to
the data. Broadly speaking, Machine Learning algorithms are of three types- Supervised
Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. A basic understanding of
the different types of algorithms will help you choose an algorithm for your project or will
simply help you appreciate the vast variety of problems AI can solve using Machine
 Supervised Learning
When the machine is supervised while it is “learning”, the training type is called
supervised learning. But what does supervising a machine really mean? It means
that we provide the machine with a ton of information about a case and also
provide it with the case outcome.
 Unsupervised Learning
As the name suggests, in case of unsupervised learning, there is no help from the
user for the computer to learn. In the lack of labelled training sets, the machine
identifies patterns in the data that is not so obvious to the human eye.

 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is probably the closest to how we as humans learn. In this
case, the algorithm or the agent learns continually from its environment by
interacting with it. It gets a positive or a negative reward based on its action.

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