Vidya Nila Tugas B.inggris 3 Semester 6

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Answer the following questions to guide you in writing your personal essay!
1. Why do you want to be a nurse?
Why do I want to become a nurse, the first is because being a nurse is a very
noble job by helping people who are sick to recover and helping healthy people
as well, for example by promoting health in the community. I believe that if I
help someone in trouble, then when I am experiencing difficulty someone will
help me too. Because the actions of nurses who are carried out sincerely and
sincerely will definitely be noted as a good deed, because it can help to heal
patients, although it cannot be denied that the patient's healing comes from Allah
SWT and we as nurses are only intermediaries. The second field of nursing work
is wide open, namely the increasing population, of course the demand for
medical professionals is increasing because the need for health is one of the
basic human needs. And the third nurse has the opportunity to open their own
practice with certain conditions.
2. What do you picture yourself doing once you have graduated?
After graduating from college,Insya Allah i will work to make my own money,
lighten the burden on my family and apply the knowledge that I get at campus
by helping people. Because there was a dream that my parents had left on my
shoulder, and there was a degree that I had to lift because being the first
daughter to be abandoned by my father was my destiny and looking after my
sister and mother was my job.
3. What nursing specialties do you choose?
The nursing specialist that I chose is pediatric nursing, because I like children,
so can I help parents to solve / calm and provide care to children.
4. What are your strengths that will be valuable in nursing?
Vidya Nila Putika Sari
My first strength is that with family support, I get a lot of experience during
nursing practice, for example by changing patient infusions, injections, checking
for vital signs and others. The second is to gain knowledge directly from the
practice of helping patients, being able to complete actions correctly and as a
friend to confide in by patients and their families. Being a nurse is a profession
that is beneficial to everyone
5. What are your weaknesses and how will you overcome them?
My weakness during the second semester of practice yesterday was that I was
still hesitant to take action because it was the first time and actions such as
replacing infusions that were used up, injection was not taught in lectures. To
finish it I have to see the senior nurses are taken first and then try it. It is my
wish that during the next practice I can be active to treat patients properly and

Vidya Nila Putika Sari

Write your personal essay here!

My name is Vidya Nila Putika Sari I was born in Pati, August 15 2001. I
started my Bachelor of Nursing education since 2018-now at University Sultan Agung
Islamic Semarang. I live with my mother and sister, because my father pass away four
years ago. My mother is a farmer who doesn't have any educational background.
I chose the nursing science program (S1) for a number of reasons: the first was
the mandate from my late father to study health. Second, being a nurse is a very noble
job by helping sick people to recover and helping healthy people as well, for example
by promoting health in the community. Third, nurses have the opportunity to open their
own practice with certain conditions. Fourth, the nursing work field is wide open,
namely the increasing population, of course the demand for medical professionals has
increased because the need for health is one of the basic human needs.
My plan after graduating from college is that I will work to make my own
money, ease the burden on my family and apply the knowledge that I get in campus by
helping people. If i have money to continue the nursing specialist that I am currently
interested in, namely pediatric nursing because I like children, I can also help parents to
settle / calm and provide care for children.
For the strength that I had during my first nursing practice with family
support, I got a lot of experience in nursing practice, for example by changing patient
infusions, injections, checking for vital signs and others. Second, getting knowledge
directly from the practice of helping patients, being able to complete actions correctly
and as a friend to confide in by patients and their families.
My weakness during the second semester of practice yesterday was that I was
still hesitant to take action because it was the first time and actions such as replacing
infusions that were used up, injection was not taught in lectures. To finish it I have to
see the senior nurses are taken first and then try it. It is my wish that during the next
practice I can be active to treat patients properly and appropriately.
That is the personal essay I wrote.

Vidya Nila Putika Sari


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