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Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering 6 (2018) 124-133


Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based

on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran

Aref Shirazi1, Adel Shirazy2, Shahab Saki1 and Ardeshir Hezarkhani1

1. Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 1591634311, Iran
2. Faculty of Mining, Petroleum and Geophysics Engineering, Shahroud University of Technology, Shahrood 3619995161, Iran

Abstract: In general, the purpose of the mineralization modeling is the advancement of a mineral exploration project and ultimately,
the extractive design of a deposit, which is one of the most important stages in mining engineering. Mineralization modeling is divided
into two general categories, superficial and deep modeling. In surface modeling, the aim is finding abnormal locations in terms of
mineralization at the study area, which is commonly used in the early stages of exploration as one of the means for locating exploratory
boreholes. After drilling in the study area with the aim of identifying mineralization and reserve estimation it is necessary to obtain deep
mineralization position and its geometric features, using statistical and modeling methods. Using mathematical, statistical and
modeling methods, we can predict the position of iron mineralization in places where drilling is not done and eventually reach a
three-dimensional model of the mineral materials underground. As a case study, the deep information about the boreholes of the
sheytoor mining area in Yazd province of Iran was investigated. Iron mineralization was modeled as 2D cumulative model and 3D
block model, and the results were presented. Finally the geochemical threshold and the anomalous limit of iron element are calculated
by concentration-volume (C-V) fractal method in this deposit. Geochemical threshold and the anomalous limit for Fe in this deposit are
24.7% and 34.3% respectively.

Key words: Ore modeling, C-V fractal method, iron deposit, core data, sheytoor.

1. Introduction At this stage, the database consists of the coordinates of
each sample, the raw data values and the normalized
Data processing means categorizing and converting
raw data values. Using concentration-volume (C-V)
them into an interpretable way. This is done by
fractal method, geochemical threshold and the
adjusting the information in the database and
anomalous limit are calculated and finally iron
generating intelligible information by applying various
mineralization was modeled [3].
mathematical, statistical, drawing up a variety of charts
[1]. Nowadays, by providing new statistical and 1. 1 Geolocation of Sheytoor Iron Deposit
mathematical methods, especially with the introduction
The sheytoor iron deposit is in Yazd province of Iran
of computers into the field of modeling, quantitative
and is located 78 km from Bafq city, near the Gazestan
and more precise models of mineral deposits have been
village. The area of the deposit is approximately 28
prepared. Similarly, algorithms have been used to
compute traditional handwriting methods, although
You can see the eastern view of the Sheytoor region
caution should be considered in the application of
in Fig. 1 [4].
computer methods [2]. In this study, after receiving the
analysis results as raw data, at first censored data were 2. Geology
investigated and normalization of raw data was done.
2.1 Geological Setting
Corresponding author: Ardeshir Hezarkhani, Ph.D.,
professor, research fields: geochemistry, geology, mineal
The area is located in Yazd province and in central
exploration, mining engineering. tectonic zone of Iran, which is a small part of the
Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran 125

Poshtebadam-Bafq block. In terms of lithology, it has a 2.3 Mineralization

wide range of alkaline (gabbro-diabaz) to acidic
Mineralization of iron-phosphate is closely related to
(rhyolitic and rhyodactic) rocks, and includes intrusive,
the region’s rocks including gabbro, monzo gabbro,
semi-deep and extrusive types. Eastern view of the diorite, syenite and diabase which is seen in dark
region and the position of the drilling equipments is green color. The main ore deposit is as
shown in Fig. 2. apatite-magnetite mineralization.
In Fig. 2, the locating of 1:1,000 map of sheytoor Quartz and calcite constitute the main waste material
deposit and 1:20,000 map of the gazestan in the of the mineral. The ore mainly consists of
topographic map of 1: 50,000 sheytoor is shown [3, 4]. magnetite-apatite in the southern part, usually
composed of quartz and calcite in the late stages after
2.2 Stratigraphic Units
mineralization, and different forms occur within
In terms of lithology, the area consists of the late volcanic rocks, microgranite and granodiorite intrusive
precambrian to cambrian volcanic-sedimentary rocks masses.
and igneous rocks after that. In the central parts of the Based on microscopic and XRD analysis, the ore
region, diorite-gabbro and diabase masses occur as minerals include: magnetite, hematite, limonite,
dykes and sills, with porphyritic granite and goethite, lipidocrocyte, apatite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and
granite-syenite which cut out older rocks and outcrop. rare earth elements minerals such as monazite which
Parts of the ore are covered by present sediments. can be seen in conjunction with pyroxene, actinolite,
Metasomatic rock is as host of mineralization and thermolite, epidote, chlorite, quartz and calcite waste
mineralization has occurred inside it [3, 4]. minerals [4] (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1 Eastern view of the Sheytoor region.

Fig. 2 The location of Bafq in Iran map and the locating of 1:1,000 map of sheytoor deposit and 1:20,000 map of the gazestan
in the topographic map of 1: 50,000 sheytoor [4].
126 Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran

Fig. 3 Microscopic images of some ores of the region. (a) Magnetite, hematite, pyrite and chalcopyrite; (b) pyrite and
chalcopyrite [4].

3. Materials and Methods distribution.

Several methods can detect and replace censored and
3.1 Raw Data Preparation Methods
outlier data. In this study, a simple method is used to
Before using raw data censored outlier data must be replace sensor data. In this method, the values of less
identified and replaced. Censored data are said to be than sensitivity limit are replaced by 3/4 of data value.
data among them, due to the high sensitivity limit of The main problem of this method is that it is by no
measuring devices, a number of data are found to be means influenced by the statistical parameters of the
smaller than the device sensitivity limit. Such data can data society and is merely a function of the sensitivity
make statistical problems, Because, firstly, statistical limit of the measurement method [5, 9].
methods require a complete set of non-censored data, In order to identify and replace the outlier data, the
and secondly, in some cases, such as anomaly doerffel method was used. Doerffel has prepared a
separation from background and relative graph for determining the threshold of outlier data
measurements, the existence of censored data leads to values, which is provided for two levels of significance
inappropriate evaluations. If the censored data are of 5% and 1% (see Fig. 4) [4, 9].
identified and replaced, the amount of background and To perform the doerffel test, the average (x ) and
intensity of the anomalies will be calculated more standard deviation of the data (s) is calculated
accurately [5]. regardless of the largest amount of data. Then the
As the existence of censored data among largest amount of data (xA) is considered to be outside
geochemical data leads to errors, outlier data also have of the row if it is true in the following equation:
the same effect on the results. In statistics, an outlier is
x A  x  s. g
an observation point that is distant from other
observations [6, 7]. An outlier may be due to variability where “g” is the threshold limit for outlier values which
in the measurement or it may indicate experimental can be calculated by graph shown in Fig. 4.
error; the latter are sometimes excluded from the data
3.2 Estimation Methods in Modeling
set [8]. An outlier can cause serious problems in
statistical analyses. Outliers can occur by chance in any In this study, in order to grade estimation, methods
distribution, but they often indicate either measurement kriging and inverse distance weighting (IDW) were
error or that the population has a heavy-tailed used.
statistics Studies and Geo
ochemical Mo
odeling Based on Core Da
ata, Sheytoorr Iron Depositt, Iran 1277

Fig. 4 The th
hreshold of ou
utlier values (g)) as a function of the sample number (n) an
nd the level of trust.

Kriging: The
T basic ideea of krigingg is to predictt the
value of a function
f at a given point by computinng a
weighted avverage of the known valuees of the funcction
in the neigghborhood off the point. In geostatistical
models, sam mpled data aree interpreted as the result of a
random proccess. The factt that these moodels incorpoorate
uncertainty in their concceptualizationn does not meanm
that the phhenomenon— —the forest, the aquifer, the
3.3 Three-Dimennsional Modeeling
mineral depoosit—has ressulted from a random proccess,
but rather it allows one too build a methhodological basis
b 3D
3 modeling is one of thhe most comm mon types off
for the spattial inferencee of quantitiees in unobserrved mod deling to unnderstand thhe mineralizzation modell
locations, annd to quantify the uncerrtainty associiated beloow the surfacce of the eartth. This modeeling, carriedd
with the estiimator. The kriging
k functtion is defineed as out by interpolaation of the cooncentrationss of boreholee
follows: elemments at diffferent depths,, results in a form of oree
beloow the surfface of the earth. Con nsidering thee
threeshold limit, it
i is possible tto see the separated part off
the deposit, whiich is considdered as an anomaly.
a Thee
λi is the weight assocciated with the t value off the mosst common tyype of 3D moodel for the description
d off
x-variable x at the point i in the case where
w Σλ = 1 [10].
[ the ore and the implementati
i ion design is “Regular 3D D
Inverse Distance
D Weigghting (IDW):: IDW is a typpe of Fixed Block Moodel”. Fig. 5 shows an example e of a
deterministicc method for fo multivariaate interpolaation blocck model [2]..
with a know wn scattered set of points. The assiggned
3.4 Two-Dimenssional Cumulaative Modelin
values to unknown
u pooints are caalculated witth a
weighted avverage of the values availaable at the knnown An
A importannt discussioon that gives g us a
points. IDW W is an inteerpolation method
m in which
w com
mprehensive viewv is the m
modeling of the deposit in a
estimation is
i performed based on thhe values off the twoo-dimensionall cumulative model. In th his method off
nearest poinnts to the pooint of the weighted
w inveerted mod deling, the tootal amount oof iron in the depths of thee
distance. Thhe calculation method off the IDW is i as eartth is depictedd on the surfaace. Thereforee the positionn
follows [11]]: of the
t ore is visibble on the groound. Using this
t model, itt
128 Geos
statistics Studies and Geo
ochemical Mo
odeling Based on Core Da
ata, Sheytoorr Iron Depositt, Iran

Fig. 5 Regullar 3D Fixed Block

B Model [2].

is easy to deetermine the position

p of thhe facility andd the [15, 16]. In otther words, the intensity
y of elementt
depot of minnerals and wastes. Other usse of this moddel is enriichment is depicted
d by each slope of the linee
in the extracctive design of open mines in order to better segmment in the C-V
C log-log pplots [17].
design the position of thee mine pit [3, 12].
3.6 Drilling andd Sampling
3.5 Concenttration-Volum
me Fractal Meethod
Inn this study, information oof 20 boreholles which aree
The C-V fractal moddel, which was w proposedd by drillled in Sheytooor deposit w
was used. Thee depth of thee
Afzal et al. [13] for divission of minerralized zones and boreholes was between 99 and 430 m. m And 151
barren hostt rocks in porphyry deposits,
d cann be sam
mples from coores were sysstematically collected,
c thee
addressed ass: aveerage samplinng distance waas about 2 m.. All sampless
V    v    1 ; V    v     2 werre analyzed ussing ICP-AES S method [4]. You can seee
the geolocationss of boreholess in Fig. 6.
where V    v and V    v  illustraate two voluumes
T statisticaal parameters of the statisstical societyy
with concenntration valuees less than or equal to and
such h as mean, standard
s deviiation, varian
nce etc. weree
greater than or equal to thhe contour vaalue ; v indiccates
calcculated and shhown in Tablle 1 [3].
the thresholdd value of a mineralized
m z
zone (or volum me);
and  1 and a  2 are characteriistic exponeents. 4. Discussion
Elemental threshold
t vallues in this model repreesent
4.1 Censored annd Outlier Daata
boundaries between diffferent mineraalized zones and
host rocks ofo mineral deeposits. To calculate V    v  The
T explainedd method in Section 3.1 was used too
and V    v  which are the volumess enclosed by b a repllace the Fe censored
c dataa values. Ussing Doerffell
contour leveel  in a 3D block
b model, the
t borehole data metthod for idenntifying outliiers, data weere analyzed..
of ore elem ment concentrations weree interpolatedd by Reggarding iron cadmium daata, the valuees of 42.10% %
utilization of geostatisticaal estimation [13, 14]. werre consideredd as larger vaalues and then
n the averagee
The selecction of breaakpoints as threshold vaalues and
d standard deviations
d oof data weree calculatedd
appears to be an objective o deecision because with
hout considering these vaalues, which was 24.78% %
geochemicall populationss are defined by different line and
d 9.91%, respectively.
segments inn the C-V logg-log plot. The T straight fitted
f According
A to the graph thhat is given in
i Fig. 4 andd
lines were obtained
o baseed on least-ssquare regresssion num
mber of sampples (151 sam mples), the ammount of (g))
Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran 129

Fig. 6 Geolocation of drilled exploratory boreholes in the Sheytoor deposit at surface and depth.

Table 1 Statistical parameters of the statistical society.

Sample Minimum Maximum Standard
Mean (%) Median (%) Variance (%) Skewness Kurtosis
number (%) (%) deviation (%)
151 4.98 64.47 32.77 30.9 231.03 15.19 0.06 -1.15

parameter, was estimated 4.4. (histogram) is drawn to examine the various

So using Doerffel relationship: characteristics of our statistical society. The statistical
society of the study is a set of geochemical information
x A  x  s.g
in the form of iron element concentration derived from
Outlier limit  24.78 + (9.91 × 4.4) = 68.38 %. systematic sampling of exploratory boreholes which
The highest Fe content in the analysis data is 65.5% are drilled in the sheytoor mining area. The histogram
which is less than outlier limit (68.38%). Therefore, it of our statistical society is shown in Fig. 7.
does not count as an outlier value. So some value is not
4.3 3D Block Model of Fe Mineralization
removed from the raw data as outlier data.
In this model, by using the IDW interpolation
4.2 Raw Data Computing
method, interpolation and estimation of the iron
In this section, the frequency distribution chart element concentration according to the boreholes (Fig. 6)
130 Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran

Fig. 7 Histogram of the data on a linear scale due to the sum of the mean with the standard deviation.

Fig. 8 3D block model of Fe mineralization in Sheytoor iron deposit, regardless of the cut-off grade.
Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran 131

were studied at all points of the study area. Then, 3D practical visibility and reduce computations, the target
block model of subsurface mineralization was area is divided into cells, and by applying interpolation
modeled (Fig. 8). methods, each cell is assigned a cumulative grade. Using
this map, you can see the cumulative concentration of
4.4 2D Cumulative Model of Fe
iron element on the surface of the Earth (Fig. 9).
This type of modeling, known as two-dimensional
4.5 Modeling Based on C-V Fractal Method
cumulative modeling of the sub-surface deposit, can
well represent the surface expansion of the ore. In this Fig. 10 shows the logarithmic graph of the volume of
modeling method, the cumulative value of the element the Fe mineralization versus the Fe concentration in the
in question is calculated at each point of the desired ore deposit and the separation of communities in
range level due to the drilling and interpolation fracture sections of the data process.
methods and is plotted as a map. According to the above graph, and determining the
The Fe concentration at different points of the location of the fracture of the curve, each of them
deposit was estimated using the kriging interpolation represents a different statistical society. Based on the
method. Then the cumulative content of the Fe was concentration-volume fractal method, the geochemical
calculated in percentages at each point of the earth’s threshold of the Fe element in the deposit was 24.7%
surface. Finally, the two-dimensional cumulative map and the anomalous limit in the deposit was 34.3%. In
of the iron mineralization of the sub-surface deposit Figs. 11 and 12, iron mineralization is modeled based
was modeled. on the geochemical threshold and anomalous limit
In a 2D cumulative model, in order to provide more respectively.

Fig. 9 Two-dimensional cumulative model of Fe mineralization in Sheytoor iron deposit.

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ata, Sheytoorr Iron Depositt, Iran

Fig. 10 Sepaaration of communities in con

ncentration-voolume logarith
hmic graph, C-V
V fractal meth

Fig. 11 Fe mineralization
m 3 model baseed on geochem
3D mical threshold,, cut-off grade is 24.7%.

Fig. 12 Fe mineralization
m 3 model baseed on anomalous limit, cut-offf grade is 34.33%.
Geostatistics Studies and Geochemical Modeling Based on Core Data, Sheytoor Iron Deposit, Iran 133

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