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Case law Hint (QBE pattern)

Acc. To Q-1
LLB. I 5-trr A111111I [ u -
S•bJ«1: f1Mlty U"· I

Tm,e: ) :OOHn Maru:100

All qwstionl cany ~ l mafb {25 mark$ for each queslion). Allnnpl AN Y FOUR
The M«liurn of Ann.ff KTipc tan either be Enclid, or Hindi but the NlfflC incdnlm 1hould be

Marriqt,ofK.ann. 1ged20ycan. ,.,jlh R.vttna.aged 17 ycan.. wuk>lnnniwd in2006

under Hindu Marriag,e An and they an: blnsed wilh I daUJh(a in 20 10. In 20 16. KS111
con,·encdioldamllldbttanwAslamlndmarrinlhisokllChoolma1c z.oy.• pcrM111lim
t.w and li,·cd happi ly•ith bet. Rnttna pros«Uled him l«bigamy and Karan IOOk the: defence
lhal-.'Ond~ llladcrM111limlavo' isnot bipn-u: bc:lladC01T1rnilledno o fTfflCC • his
r.,,, mani~- in ,·iolalion of Prohibition or Child Marriage An. 2006. D«idc:.
Q.l. Ajay married Rakhi in 2011. fll)rll the ,·cry rn 1 day ofmarriacc , he Jlal'led miibcha,·ias
• ·ith llakbi and Jtarted io abuK lbc family mcmbn'Jorher fordo"'TY• On sonwoccasions. he
has lockod brr in room whm ibc ,.._ IO lta,·c for ollkc. Hr aho lbtt21t'lled Ral!.hi by uyinc
lhathc,.·illpourktroKM onhcrbodyandwill 11e1heronfiR. Oncday. infitofanlfJhr
her fro,n 1cnxcofbouu b«auK o fwhid! h'°' both kp l(tl frac1umi. On ZO- January
20 15. ..-hm bkhi alone ,o•i'lh Ajay 'llffll to_. her i-pilaliud lath«. he JtarlNI io abuK her
r:111tin- and OlMJ family mcmbtn. At the same time. he lhRlltnf'd IO kill lbma. On 26• Januaty
• 201S she left her m.ilrimonial homr. Al IN!. lime li he \O'aJ in r..,ily IO'IY, Ht liWlcd Sffldinc
r.alw rompbinu apinsl R..khi 10 lxr bon .. wrl l urol lugue.. Ht ,.wit kncn IO Rakhi alliO.
lltNI diKllKN his in1mlx>n Iha! he ,..ill not lean any • to11e un11umcd IO makt lxr lo$C job and

set it published i n - ~· Ht also lhreatmcd her 1ooomc N('lr. olhcno.·iH he will dcram(
her ramily rnm,btn. After tine ynn:on 11"' FC'bn.lary 2011. Ruhi likd pc1ilion for di••Of«
on lhc ground of mlfily. On the OWi' hand. Ajay opposed tht p(lilion of di•·OJ« lltNI lilcd
coun1Crclaimon the l l( l l(iblof HMA . Wbo will RICCftd~

Oilcus.s. Rtf(l'cuclaw.

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R.u..___ W...'°"-"°.,. ,,,...._, Sa!'-'.HA'"'~e.«
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-½ o_ c.l,,:U ( f..c.lin-3) .
So , ~U..o.. ""-'•r M Sk.. ..._,...,.,:.';I~ ti..,_
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.&. t.11.t.J. ~ ~a,J.W,./,_ £., ~ .


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