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better description than "transcendent.


After all, if everything is the Absolute, and the Absolute is everything, there is nothing to

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up! -- Tao Semko of

P.S. to learn traditional Tantric techniques and attitudes through a great dvd course,
visit Dinu Roman's Secrets of Tantra


If you want to experience sacred sexuality, first allow yourself to experience the divinity in simpler motions -
breathing, licking your lips, brushing your teeth, swallowing, smiling...

And when you can feel the awe of manifestation in the gentlest breeze, see its splendor in your lovers eye, and
in it your own reflection; if in your shallowest breath you can feel the vast expanse of infinity which permeats
all things, everything becomes tantra.

Smile, Breathe Right, and Keep Your Tongue Up,

Tao Semko

You've got to experience Dinu Roman's Secrets of Tantra. Enough said...


There are three primary spiritual uses of tantric sexuality. In all of them, great pleasure is
experienced as a side effect!

1. Balancing and healing of the lovers' physical and subtle bodies to heal physical and
emotional health issues in this lifetime. This is of particular importance in Taoist alchemical
traditions. It also exists in the secret traditions of ayurveda. However, many people today
market sexual therapy as tantra. It's not...

2. The awakening and amplification of kundalini energy, with the focus on directing this
energy to pierce and conjoin the various subtle plexuses along the body's central core. This is
the internal aspect of sexual maithuna. Frequently there is both vigorous and more meditative
lovemaking involved, using specific body positions and couplings with the lovers' placement
of their sensory awareness, to help open the nerves, endocrine glands, and subtle channels of
each part of the body in turn. (There are five common tantric positions and many variations,
many of which are quite different than the thirty or so positions in the kama sutra), which are
not specifically tantric at all...

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