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The 3 Male Body Types: Warrior,

Greek God, and Superhero

Kinobody Physique Classes - Warrior, Greek God, Superhero

The different body types

The ideal male body types all focus around achieving extreme physical
excellence in aesthetics, strength, and fitness. Now when I say aesthetics
I am not referring to the puffy, round and curvy physique of bodybuilders.

Rather I’m talking about a hard, dense and angular physique with broad
thick shoulders and upper back muscles, masculine square chest, rock
hard arms, taut waist and athletic legs.

However, even this detailed description allows room for different builds.
In fact, as my physique has improved and I’ve built strength in the gym,
my body has shifted in size and development.

There are three different male body types that you can be achieve. These
include the Warrior, Greek God and Superhero build. With each physique
there is an emphasis on aesthetic proportions, leanness and functional
The difference between different body types is the level of muscle
development attained. With proper, tailored nutrition intake and a well
designed strength training program, you can achieve any of these
physiques. Let’s take a look at each class individually:

What Is The Warrior Physique?

Exceptionally lean, toned and wiry

Shredded abs
Appears slim in clothes
6-8% body fat
Ex: Brad Pitt in Fight Club, Christian Bale in American Psycho

The warrior build is one of the original male body types that I encouraged
at the start of this blog back in 2011. I was turned off by the meat head
movement to get bigger at all costs and opted for a lean male body and
toned physique instead. The warrior workout routine is geared toward low
volume strength training to build firm and dense muscle development. As
well, it is essential that you reach and maintain a low body fat by using a
warrior diet and nutrition strategy.

The great benefit of the warrior physique is that your face will be
seriously defined and chiseled. Blue steel baby! Your body will also
photograph incredibly well. You may appear slim in clothes but when you
take your shirt off jaws will drop. This is the precise look that my warrior
shredding program focuses on.

NOTE: If you have any fat to lose, the Warrior Shredding Program is
where you want to begin your physique journey.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exception

What Is The Greek God Physique?

Muscular with great definition and proportion

Stands out in clothes
8-10% body fat
Ex: Brad Pitt in Troy, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale

This is the look that I have shifted my emphasis towards in the last year.
The Greek God Physique definitely attracts more female attention,
provided you wear well fitted clothing. As well, this bigger and more
muscular build makes you appear more dominant and imposing. Girls will
ask to feel your muscles and they may even nonchalantly bump into you
quite often.
This type of physique comes with some serious strength and power! In
fact, I didn’t have this physique until I was capable of incline benching
240 lbs for 5 reps and chinning 100+ lbs for 5 reps. My new Greek God
Program is designed around achieving this type of physique.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exception

What Is The Superhero Physique?

Incredible Muscle Development

Looks like a real life superhero
Rockhard muscles and chiseled abs
Ex: Chris Evans in Captain America, Chris Hemsworth in Thor, Henry
Cavill in Superman

The Superhero Physique is very similar to the Greek God Physique but
with an extra 6-10 lbs of ‘pretty muscle’. This additional growth is
achieved by adding high volume pump training into your lifting regime. An
emphasis on high quality carbs is important to stock up muscle glycogen

My new Superhero Bulking Program focuses on attaining this physique

and includes four phases – chest and back, shoulders, arms and a bonus

The Superhero workout, which incorporates this type of training, should

be reserved for those who have surpassed the intermediate stages of
strength and training experience. The superhero look is truly an
astonishing one. Adding in the high volume lifting and high carbs will buff
up your body fast and give you the shrink wrap effect making your
muscles look absolutely incredible.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exception

Building the Kinobody Physiques

Building the three different male physique and body types is all about
implementing your training and nutrition in the proper way. It requires a
consistent increase in strength on movements that best enhance your
muscle development. My preference is towards incline bench, standing
presses, dips, chin ups (weighted chins and dips of course), barbell curls,
skull crushers, lateral raises, rear delt flyes, bulgarian split squats, calf

If you are getting stronger in the gym consistently (microloading helps

big time) and gradually bring your body fat down, then you will eventually
hit one of the male body types. First, you will eventually reach the Warrior
or Greek God build. You will need to attain a lower body fat for the warrior
physique. For the Greek God physique you will need to build up more
strength and mass.

Taking things into Superhero status requires a great nutrition protocol. It

also takes some additional high volume lifting. For most people who
aren’t already seriously chiseled, I would recommend cutting with the
warrior shredding program.

Next, I would build great strength, proportion and muscle density with the
greek god program. This would take you about 80% of the way to the
superhero physique. For those that want to achieve the highest level of
muscle development, the last step would be to work through the 8 month
superhero bulking program.

If you want to find out which one of my programs best suits you, click

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