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dogma/ method/ technique (shiva) of the higher practice become animated by sacral wisdom

and primordial emptiness (Sakti).

"The Subtle Body connects this universe to the subtle ones. No object or doctrine equals in
importance the teaching of the Subtle Body - a door opened towards Ultimate Freedom." -
From the Kaula Tantra

When the subconcious, primordial brain, is kept separate from the "rational" "thinking" brain,
when the feminine and masculine are kept segregated, we end up with sectarianism, dogma,
and violence. This is why real internal practice with authentic techniques is always more
important than parroting dry philosophy. Start practicing today!

For every student, there is a teacher. Keep in touch!

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!

Your Friend,
Tao Semko of

You can safely learn and practice authentic tantric yogas in Umaa Tantra's Tantric Inner
Circle. You can read more about the Tantric Inner Circle here:


As taught in Secrets the Gurus Will Never Show You

and Tantric Inner Circle Practice Session One

The exercise depicted is intended for people in good health, and this video is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We cannot be held responsible for the
application or mis-application of the information in this or any video. Take
responsibility for your own health, and always consult your licensed physician before
beginning any new practice!

Your Questions on Skeletal and Bone Marrow Shaking Answered:

Q: Hello Tao!
I received the “Guru Secrets” package you sent a few days ago and have been completely
immersed in it ever since. I believe that I have finally found the most effective practices
available that I have sought for so long! Thank you both for making this available! I just have
couple questions regarding some exercises and other things.

Regarding Charana exercise one, Skeletal Shaking. I am confused on how the tailbone should
shake up and down. Is it like tucking in your sacrum quickly in and out, almost like a

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