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1029/2008WR006993, 2008

Multiple-point geostatistics for modeling subsurface heterogeneity:

A comprehensive review
L. Y. Hu1,2 and T. Chugunova1,3
Received 12 March 2008; revised 17 July 2008; accepted 1 August 2008; published 12 November 2008.
[1] For more than half a century, geostatistics has been developed and has increasingly
been used for modeling subsurface heterogeneity. Traditionally, geostatistical simulations
are based on a random function model defined according to the specificities of the
geological formation under investigation. Unlike traditional geostatistics, multiple-point
(MP) geostatistics avoids the explicit definition of a random function but directly
infers the necessary multivariate distributions from training images. This confers on MP
geostatistics a potential applicability to any geological environment, provided that there is
a training image representative of the geological heterogeneity and that the essential
features of this training image can be characterized by statistics defined on a limited point
configuration. This paper presents a comprehensive review of MP geostatistics. If the
principle of MP geostatistics is straightforward and attractive, its industrial applicability
largely depends on the implementation methods. The use of a search tree for storing MP
statistics is a great step that made MP geostatistics actually applicable in industry. In the
meantime, other methods such as multiple grids and image postprocessing are
introduced and allow enhancing the reproduction of patterns observed in training images.
Because of the sequential procedure, MP simulations can easily honor local hard data.
There are methods available for constraining MP simulations to target global statistics
(facies proportions) and also for integrating spatial auxiliary constraints that can
tremendously improve the spatial features of MP simulations. Furthermore, both the
gradual deformation method and the probability perturbation method are compatible with
MP geostatistics and allow integrating hydrodynamic data into MP simulations. More
recent developments of MP geostatistics include sequentially simulating patterns instead
of points and using different geological scenarios (training images) for dynamic data
Citation: Hu, L. Y., and T. Chugunova (2008), Multiple-point geostatistics for modeling subsurface heterogeneity: A comprehensive
review, Water Resour. Res., 44, W11413, doi:10.1029/2008WR006993.

1. Introduction tioned to these data. This approach is effective in practice

[2] Modeling subsurface heterogeneity is of crucial provided that the structure of the random function model
importance for the exploitation of subsurface resources captures the subsurface geometrical features. These features
and for the geological storage of nuclear wastes, CO2, etc. are crucial for characterizing, in particular, the fluid flow
For more than half a century, geostatistics has been devel- dynamic behavior of the subsurface formation. Although
oped for this purpose and widely used in practice. Tradi- this approach has been successfully applied to many cases,
tional geostatistics is based on random function models such it is however not always possible to build a random function
as the lognormal random function, the truncated Gaussian model for representing some geological architectures
random function, the Boolean random set, etc. A random observed, for instance, in a meandering channel system.
function model is chosen according to its geometrical [3] In the early nineties, multiple-point (MP) geostatistics
affinity with the geological architecture under investigation. was proposed for modeling subsurface heterogeneity and
The model parameters (e.g., facies proportion, object den- has been an active research topic in recent years. Unlike
sity, variogram, etc.) are inferred from available quantitative traditional geostatistical simulations based on random func-
data, and the model realizations are generated and condi- tion models, a MP geostatistical simulation does not require
the explicit definition of a random function. It directly
utilizes empirical multivariate distributions inferred from
Simulation of Flows and Transfers in Porous Media Department,
training images. This approach appears flexible to data
Reservoir Engineering Division, Institut Français du Petrole, Rueil- conditioning and to representing some complex architec-
Malmaison, France. tures of geological facies and petrophysical properties.
Now at ConocoPhillips, Houston, Texas, USA. [4] This paper presents a comprehensive review of MP
Now at Total, Pau, France.
geostatistics by following the mainstream of its develop-
ment. The principle of MP geostatistics, introduced in the
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
0043-1397/08/2008WR006993 early nineties is presented in section 2. This approach

W11413 1 of 14

problem becomes much more difficult. There are, never-

theless, two possible approaches to this problem.
[7] The first approach consists in building a suitable
random function model based on the conceptual knowledge
about the spatial architecture and the genesis of the physical
property of interest. In some cases such as meandering
channel systems, it is not easy to build such a random
function model. Even if it is possible, we still face the
difficulties of model parameter inference and data condi-
[8] The second approach consists in directly inferring
conditional probability (1) from a complete image that
represents the geometrical/geological features of the phys-
ical property of interest. Such an image is called training
image (TI). The difficulty of building a realistic random
function model is then substituted by that of building a
realistic TI. Nevertheless, a TI does not need to honor any
specific local data but depict the spatial geometric features
of the physical property of interest. The idea of MP geo-
statistics lies in the inference of the above conditional
distribution (1) from a representative TI. The procedure is
as follows.
[9] Consider that all data points are located on the
Figure 1. Example of conditioning data configuration. simulation grid. Otherwise, they are relocated to their
respective nearest grid points. From the point configuration
(x, x1, x2 ,. . .,xn), we define a point template (0, h1,
became actually practicable when the search tree was h2,. . .,hn) where h1 = x1  x,. . ., hn = xn  x (Figure 1).
introduced for the storage of empirical MP statistics from Then, we scan the TI with the point template for identifying
training images (section 3). Some methods for enhancing all the replicates of data events {Z(x + h1) = z1, Z(x + h2) =
the reproduction of patterns observed in training images are z2,. . .,Z(x + hn) = zn} in the TI. For each data replicate in the
discussed in section 4. Sections 5, 6 and 7 present methods TI, we identify the value of the TI at location x. The
for conditioning MP simulations to global statistics, to ensemble of these values allows us to build an empirical
spatial trends and to fluid flow dynamic data, respectively. distribution of Z(x) conditioned to Z(x1), Z(x2),. . .,Z(xn).
We also discuss a more recent development of the MP From this empirical distribution, a value of Z(x) is drawn,
approach based on pattern classification (section 8). and then the simulation is moved to the next randomly
selected point of the simulation grid. This procedure is
2. Sequential Simulation With MP Statistics repeated until all points are simulated.
[5] The idea of using multiple-point statistics from 2.2. MP Statistics From Training Images
training images in geostatistical simulation was proposed [10] The idea of performing simulations using MP statis-
by Guardiano and Srivastava [1993]. This was motivated tics from a TI appears simple, consistent and attractive.
by extending the sequential indicator simulation method However, the implementation of this idea in practice gave
that utilizes only two point statistics for modeling more rise to a number of questions concerning the sources of TIs,
complex geological formations without building a complete, their credibility to represent a specific reservoir heteroge-
explicit and necessarily non-Gaussian random function neity, the sensitivity of the model prediction to TIs, the
model [Journel, 1993, 2005]. compatibility between a specific TI and a specific data set,
2.1. General Sequential Simulation etc.
[11] A TI can come from conceptual drawing, outcrop
[6] In the framework of sequential simulation, we con-
description, aerophotography, etc. These techniques pro-
sider the simulation of the random variable Z(x) conditioned
duce in general 2-D TIs. How to perform 3-D MP simu-
to variables: Z(x1), Z(x2),. . .,Z(xn) in the neighborhood of x.
lations with 2-D TIs remains an interesting research topic.
This requires evaluating the conditional probability distri-
[12] It is also possible to directly build 3-D TIs by using
bution function
an object-based or process-based stochastic simulation
method. Koltermann and Gorelick [1996] give a general
Fc ð zÞ ¼ P½Z ð xÞ < zjZ ðx1 Þ; Z ðx2 Þ; . . . ; Z ðxn Þ: ð1Þ review of these methods, and more recently, Lopez [2003]
presents a random-genetic approach for modeling meander-
ing channel systems. These methods mimic the geologic
When (Z(x), Z(x1), Z(x2),. . .,Z(xn)) is a multi-Gaussian
patterns or processes, thus provide TIs that should be
vector (under Gaussian anamorphosis or normal score
representative of the spatial geometrical features of the
transformation), the computation of the above conditional
physical property of interest. However, a process-based
distribution is straightforward and only requires to infer the
simulation cannot be directly used to represent the physical
first and second moments of the random vector. However,
property because of the difficulty of specific data
when the multi-Gaussian assumption is not suitable, the
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practice became possible because of a tremendous reduction

of computation time.
3.1. Building a Search Tree
[17] Consider a geometric template constituted of a
central point 0 and m surrounding points (h1, h2,. . .,hm).
(h1, h2,. . .,hm) is called data template (Figure 2). These
points are ordered according to their distance from the
central point. Point h1 is the closest point and point hm is
the farthest point. The size and the form of the template are
defined such that when its origin (central point) is located at
the simulation point, the template covers all conditional data
points to be used. In other words, for simulating point x, the
conditional data points used is always a subset of (x + h1,
x + h2,. . .,x + hm).
[18] Denote by tm the data template (h1, h2,. . .,hm), and by
tm0 the m0 first points of tm: (h1, h2,. . .,hm0) (m0 m). We
build a tree structure constituted of a linked set of nodes,
each of which corresponds to a specific data event. The
search tree is composed of m+1 levels from 0 to m. The
node at level 0 is called the root that corresponds to the case
without conditioning data. The nodes at level m0 (m0 =
1,2,. . .,m) correspond to data events associated with tm0.
Figure 2. Example of geometric template. Only nodes corresponding to data events for that at least one
replicate is found in the training image are present in the
search tree. At each node, the search tree splits into up to
[13] Even with a geologically realistic TI, one can ask k branches, k being the number of facies (categories). The
whether there are enough replicates of each data event in the number of nodes at each level is necessarily smaller than the
TI, so that the corresponding empirical approximation of number of points of the TI. The computation and the storage
distribution (1) is statistically meaningful. For instance, of MP statistics from TI require scanning the TI only once.
when Z(x) is a continuous property, there are in general At each location when scanning the TI, we update all nodes
few replicates or even no replicate of a data event in a TI. whose data events are compatible with the TI in the template
This is why MP geostatistics was applied to categorical at that location. When the scanning is completed, each node
properties or discretized continuous properties. Note that of the tree contains the facies histogram (frequencies)
for a property of k categories and an event of n data, there conditioned to the data event of this node. In particular at
are potentially kn data configurations. For example, with the root node, the global facies histogram is stored.
three categories and 15 data events, we have kn = 315 = Figure 3a shows an example of search tree corresponding
14 348 907! This is a huge number for only three categories to a training image of two facies in Figure 3b scanned by a
and 15 data events. Although, fortunately, not all these template of five points in Figure 3c.
configurations are actual data event, getting enough repli- 3.2. Simulation
cates for all data events requires huge or multiple TIs. There
[19] Alike the initial MP simulation algorithm, the sim-
is no guideline in the literature concerning the size or the
ulation is performed sequentially point by point. But the
number of TIs to be used.
conditional histogram is retrieved from the search tree. For
[14] Besides, to our knowledge, there are few discussions,
that, we identify the level in the search tree that corresponds
in the literature, on the sensitivity of the model prediction to
to the level of the conditioning data event. Then, we
TIs and on the compatibility between a TI and a specific
identify, at that level, all nodes consistent with the condi-
data set. These issues are however important for the
tioning data event. The ensemble of these replicates of the
application of MP geostatistics. Nevertheless, they are not
data event is used to calculate the conditional histogram of
specific for MP geostatistics, but somehow also for random
the point to be simulated.
function – based geostatistics.
[20] For this histogram being statistically meaningful, the
number of replicates of a data event must be large enough.
3. MP Simulation With Search Tree If the number of replicates is too small, then in practice, the
[15] The initial implementation of MP simulation requires farthest conditioning datum is dropped and we move to the
scanning the TI for simulating each point. This is compu- lower level in order to get more replicates. This compro-
tationally intensive, and constituted another major road- mises however the conditioning and consequently the
block for MP geostatistics for many years. reproduction of long-range geometrical features. Other
[16] To avoid scanning the training image each time when methods are then proposed to improve the above MP
simulating a point, Strebelle [2000] introduced the search simulations in terms of pattern continuity.
tree for storing the multiple-point statistics extracted from [21] Obviously, the above simulation using a search tree
the training image. The use of the search tree and its can be operational only with properties of limited number of
implementation in the computer code baptized SNESIM categories. A continuous property cannot be simulated in
reactivated the interest in MP geostatistics because its use in this way unless it can be split into a limited number of

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Figure 3. (a) Construction of a search tree for storing MP statistics from (b) a training image with two
facies (black and white) using (c) a five point template. At each node of the search tree, the box with
numbers represents a central point, and the boxes without numbers represent neighborhood points.
Shown in the lower left black corner is the number of replicates of black facies at the central point, and in
the upper right white corner is the number of replicates of white facies at the central point. These numbers
of replicates are conditional to the facies in neighborhood points.

categories without significantly changing the dynamic defined once for all grids, but rescaled to each grid. A
behavior of the model. search tree is built for each grid (Figure 4).
[24] If we use p simulation grids, we simulate one point
4. Reproducing Pattern Continuity and every 2p1 points along each axis, for the first grid (the
Connectivity coarsest). Then, for the second grid, the middle points
between the previously simulated ones are simulated. And
4.1. Reproducing Long-Range Patterns so on, until all points are simulated on the pth grid. A
[22] The definition of the template plays an important part sensitivity study on the number of multiple grids conducted
for MP simulations, because it contains the maximum by Liu [2006] shows that the number of multiple grids
allowable conditioning data when simulating a point. In should be a compromise between the pattern range and the
theory, larger the template, better the reproduction of the TI size. The use of multiple grids is recommended, but a
geometric features of the training image. But in practice, the very large number of multiple grids will not necessarily
size of the template is limited by the CPU and RAM costs, improve the reproduction of long-range patterns because of
and also by the size of the TI. For a given TI, a too large the limited TI size and the subsequently limited number of
template results in few replicates of patterns of that template data event replicates. Chugunova [2008] examined a simple
size, and this leads to nonrepresentative statistics. However, example with a TI composed of regular parallel bands
a small template size will not be able to capture long-range (Figure 5a). Although MP geostatistics is devoted to model
patterns of the TI. complex curvilinear geometric patterns, it should be able to
[23] The use of multiple grids allows reconciling the reproduce this simple and trivial geometric pattern. How-
small template size and the reproduction of long-range ever, a MP simulation with a random path on a single grid
patterns. The idea is to start the simulation on a coarse grid and with a circular template of 100 points cannot reproduce
and to finish it on a fine grid. The template geometry is this pattern (Figure 5b). The use of multiple grids does

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Figure 4. Example of successive simulation grids and associated templates.

improve tremendously the quality of the simulations [26] Other methods for enhancing the reproduction of
(Figures 5c and 5d), although they still present undesired patterns from training images are proposed by Strebelle and
discontinuities. Remy [2005], and more recently by Stien et al. [2007] and
[25] In case where the main direction of pattern continuity Suzuki and Strebelle [2007]. These methods are different
can be clearly identified, the use of regular (instead of forms of postprocessing simulation images. The first
random) simulation path can greatly improve the long-range method consists in resimulating each point whose number
continuity of patterns observed in the TI, even if the of conditioning points is reduced because of their incom-
template size is limited. In the previous example, if we patibility with patterns in the TI, whereas the two other
follow a regular path along the parallel bands for sequen- methods consist in resimulating some conditioning points
tially simulating points, then we can get a perfect reproduc- whose values are in conflict with patterns in the TI. These
tion of the parallel line pattern. Daly [2005] shows the empirical solutions do allow reducing anomalies of simu-
benefit of using a regular path to simulate a synthetic lated realizations.
meandering channel system.

Figure 5. Example of simulation with multiple grids: (a) training image, (b) simulation with one grid,
(c) simulation with three multiple grids, and (d) simulation with four multiple grids.
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Figure 6. Example of MP simulations of fracture networks: (a) training image, (b) MP simulation 1,
and (c) MP simulation 2.

4.2. Honoring Connectivity Functions function is largely beyond the bivariate statistics of these
[27] In addition to the above qualitative criteria, it is two points, and therefore this function cannot be character-
necessary to consider quantitative criteria when comparing ized by the variogram.
the training image and MP simulations. Because the fluid [28] Figure 6a shows a TI representing a fracture network
flow in subsurface reservoirs is mainly controlled by the and Figures 6b and 6c two MP simulations by Chugunova
connectivity of the permeable facies, it is then important to [2008]. These simulations reproduce the global proportions
compare the TI and the MP simulations in terms of of the TI and their geometric texture looks also close to that
connectivity. There are different ways to define the connec- of the TI. Figure 7 compares the vertical connectivity
tivity. We consider the definition by Allard [1994]. Two functions of the TI and ten MP simulations. The MP
points x and x0 are said connected (denoted by x $ x0) if simulations reproduce correctly the vertical connectivity
there exists a path linking x to x0 entirely contained in a function. However, if the fractures are flow barriers while
facies F. A path is a sequence of points x1, x2,. . .,xn where xi the complementary facies is flow unit, the vertical connec-
are contiguous to xi+1 for 1 i n  1. We define the tivity functions are significantly smaller than that of the TI,
connectivity function of facies F as the probability that two and show large fluctuations between each other, particularly
point x and x0 of facies F are connected: for large distance (Figure 8). The fact that the connectivity
function of the fracture network and that of its complemen-
að x; x0 Þ ¼ P½x $ x0 jx; x0 2 F : tary facies are different means it contains much more
information than the variogram, which is the same for the
Alike the variogram, the connectivity function is also a fracture and its complement.
function of the distance between x and x0, and for a given [29] Conditioning MP simulations to connectivity infor-
distance, it can be seen as the proportion of connected pairs mation, such as two or more points are connected, remains
of points of that distance with respect to the total number of an interesting research direction. Renard [2007] proposed
pairs of points of the same distance included in facies F. an algorithm for conditioning a two-facies model to the
However, because the entire connected path between x and knowledge that two points are connected. The procedure
x0 is involved, the statistical information contained in this consists in randomly drawing a path connecting the two

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Figure 7. Vertical connectivity function of the fracture network (dotted line, training image; solid lines,
MP simulations).

points among the existing patterns in the TI. Then, this path as hard data, global facies proportions, local facies propor-
is used as conditioning data for subsequent simulation. tions, etc. MP simulations can honor hard conditioning data
and tend to reproduce the global statistics of the TI.
5. Conditioning to Global Statistics However, in practice, one expects to constrain the MP
simulations to global statistics that often differ from that
[30] Training images used in MP simulations are often of the TI. Two techniques in the literature address this issue:
built according to conceptual geological information. These the one, called Bayesian updating, uses the Bayesian
TIs can be a description of an analogous outcrop or result formalism and the other, called servo system correction,
from sedimentary process-based numerical modeling. They imposes an attraction to the target global statistics.
depict the geometrical features (or patterns) of the reservoir,
but not necessarily respect the quantitative information such

Figure 8. Vertical connectivity function of the background facies (dotted line, training image; solid
lines, MP simulations).
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5.1. Bayesian Updating correction of order relations is applied to P# (AjB) before

[31] Consider a categorical random function Z(x) that simulation.
takes k possible values or states. Denote by A the event [34] Liu [2006] shows that increasing the value of l can
{Z(x) = z} and by B a particular data event, say {Z(x1) = z1, make the global statistics of a simulation closer to the target
Z(x2) = z2,. . .,Z(xn) = zn}. From statistics stored in a search statistics, but at the cost of loosing geometrical features of
tree, we could calculate probabilities P(A) and P(AjB). the TI. This is because the marginal probability and the MP
Realizations using P(AjB) should reproduce P(A) and statistics are not decoupled. It is recommended that the
P(AjB) up to statistical fluctuations depending on the size target statistics should not be too different from that of the
of the TI. If the target global statistics P*(A) differs from TI. This requires building training images representative
P(A), it is then necessary to modify (or update) the condi- both in terms of geometric features and global statistics.
tional probability during sequential simulations of points.
Using the Bayes rule and considering P(B) = P(B, A) + 6. Conditioning to Spatial Trends
 we have
P(B, A), [35] A MP simulation is performed sequentially point by
point in the simulation grid. Consider the simulation of the
Pð BjAÞPð AÞ variable Z at point x. Suppose that some of the neighbor-
Pð AjBÞ ¼  Þ½1  Pð AÞ ;
Pð BjAÞPð AÞ þ Pð BjA hood points are already simulated and denote the ensemble
of simulated events by {Z(x1) = z1, Z(x2) = z2,. . .,Z(xn) = zn}.
where A stands for the event {Z(x) 6¼ z}, hence P(A)
 =1 [36] In addition, at each simulation point x, we have an
P(A). P(AjB) is thus a function of the marginal probability auxiliary information (a spatial trend) derived, for instance,
P(A), the likelihoods P(BjA) and P(BjA).  The Bayesian from seismic attributes. We denote this auxiliary variable as
updating of the conditional probability P(AjB) consists in S(x) = s, s 2 <.
replacing the marginal probability P(A) by the target [37] The simulation of Z(x), called principal variable
probability P*(A), while maintaining the likelihoods hereafter, conditioned to {Z(x1) = z1, Z(x2) = z2,. . .,Z(xn) =
P(BjA) and P(BjA).  This leads to a new conditional zn} and {S(x) = s} requires the evaluation of the following
probability: conditional probability distribution:

P*ð AÞ½1  Pð AÞPð Aj BÞ P½Z ð xÞ ¼ zjZ ðx1 Þ ¼ z1 ; Z ðx2 Þ ¼ z2 ; :::; Z ðxn Þ ¼ zn ; S ð xÞ ¼ s: ð2Þ
P*ð AjBÞ ¼ :
½ P*ð AÞ  Pð AÞPð Aj BÞ þ ½1  P*ð AÞPð AÞ
For simplicity, this probability will also be written P(AjB, C)
It is easy to verify that P*(AjB) satisfies all order relations: where A, B and C stand for events {Z(x) = z}, {Z(x1) = z1,
Z(x2) = z2 ,. . .,Z(xn) = zn} and {S(x) = s} respectively. We
0 P*ð AjBÞ 1 discuss three types of methods for approximating the above
conditional probability.
6.1. Using Vector Training Images
P*ð AjBÞ þ P*ðAjB
[38] The first method consists in using, in addition to a TI
of the principal variable, a TI of the auxiliary variable
Given the probabilities P(A), P*(A) and P(AjB), the
[Strebelle, 2000]. The latter is obtained, for instance, by
simulation of Z(x) conditioned to {Z(x1), Z(x2),. . .,Z(xn)}
 numerical simulation on the first. We simultaneously scan
is performed according to P*(AjB) and P*(AjB) instead of
 both TIs using a template that covers x1, x2,. . .,xn, and we
P(AjB) and P(AjB). Examples by Liu [2006] show that when
identify all patterns in the principal TI that satisfy the
P*(A) and P(A) are not very different, the above Bayesian
following both conditions: (1) {Z(x 1 ) = z 1 , Z(x 2 ) =
updating paradigm works well. Otherwise, the target
z2,. . .,Z(xn) = zn}, namely, the values of the principal TI at
statistics cannot be correctly reproduced. This leads to the
the already simulated neighborhood points x1, x2,. . .,xn are
servo system correction.
z1, z2,. . ., zn respectively, and (2) {S(x) = s}, namely, the
5.2. Servo System Correction value of the corresponding auxiliary TI at the simulation
[32] The servo system correction attracts the running point x equals s. From this ensemble of patterns of the
simulated marginal probability toward the target probability principal TI, we compute an empirical approximation to the
at each moment of the sequential simulation process. Let conditional probability distribution (2). This direct and
Pc(A) be the probability of event A calculated using the consistent method is, however, not practical, because of
existing (informed and simulated) points before simulating the often continuous character of the auxiliary variable.
point x. For simulating point x, instead of using the Indeed, there is generally very small probability to find
conditional probability P(AjB) (eventually updated using a pattern, in both TIs, which coincides at the same time
the above Bayesian formula), we further introduce a cor- with the given pattern of the given point neighborhood
rection toward the target probability P*(A) by using and with the given value of the auxiliary variable. A
solution to this problem is to classify the auxiliary variable
l into a few classes. This may attenuate the above problem,
P# ð AjBÞ ¼ Pð AjBÞ þ ½ P*ð AÞ  Pc ð AÞ l 2 ð0; 1Þ: but the reproduction of auxiliary characteristics is not
continuous. In addition, the classification is in general
The degree of correction increases with the value of l. somehow arbitrary.
[33] Note that P#(AjB) may not necessarily verify the [39] Instead of classifying the auxiliary data into a limited
order relations. Alike the sequential indicator simulation, a number of classes, an alternative procedure proposed by

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Chugunova and Hu [2008] consists in storing, in each node C2,. . .,Ci1). The inference of all these parameters is not
of the search tree, all corresponding auxiliary data. These easy in practice. Instead of these l  1 individual measures
data define the range of variability of the auxiliary variable of data redundancies, it is more convenient to introduce a
knowing the pattern defined at this node of the search tree. global measure of redundancy of the joint data event (B, C1,
The conditional probability (2) is then empirically evaluated C2,. . .,Cl). This leads to the n expression of the t model
using nodes of the search tree that are compatible with the [Polyakova and Journel, 2007]. Using this data sequence-
principal conditioning event B and that the auxiliary datum independent measure of global data redundancy makes its
is in the range of the auxiliary variable. The procedure can inference much easier than that of t i, i = 1,2,. . .,l that are
be easily implemented in the existing MP simulation codes data sequence-dependent.
using the search tree. Examples by Chugunova and Hu 6.3. Using Regional Training Images
[2008] show good performance of this procedure. This is
due to the fact that the procedure implicitly accounts for the [44] Strebelle and Zhang [2005] present another way of
support of the auxiliary data, which is in general much constraining MP simulations to orientation and size of
larger than that of the principal variable. geological features that are different from the TIs. They
propose to rotate and rescale the data template with respect
6.2. Using the t Model to the TI. This is equivalent to rotate and rescale the TI with
[40] When there are no relevant TIs for both principal and respect to the orientation and size constraints.
auxiliary variables, an analytical approximation of the [45] In the case where the reservoir field can be divided
probability (2) using the t model [Journel, 2002] can be into regions with different orientations and sizes of geolog-
considered. The t model expresses the relation between the ical features, it is possible to rotate and rescale the data
marginal probability of A, the two probabilities of A template (or the TI) for each region. The simulation can be
separately conditioned to B or C and the probability of A performed globally or region by region, but a point in each
jointly conditioned to B and C as follows: region is simulated with the corresponding rotated and
rescaled data template or TI. To avoid sharp discontinuity
x  c t between regions, the conditioning data events can be from
¼ ;
b a contiguous regions. Nevertheless, like the example of sim-
ð AÞ 1Pð AjBÞ 1Pð AjC Þ 1Pð AjB;C Þ
ulating a deltaic fan system [Wu et al., 2008], we can still
where a = 1P Pð AÞ , b = Pð AjBÞ , c = Pð AjC Þ and x = Pð AjB;C Þ . observe channel sand discontinuities around region frontiers.
The ratio a can be seen as a distance to event A occurring. [46] This method is further extended to the case where the
Likewise, b, c and x can be seen as distances to the different regions of the reservoir have completely different
occurring of conditional events {AjB}, {AjC} and {AjB, C} geological architectures. The rotation and rescaling of the
respectively. data template can no longer be applied to this case, but the
[41] This relation depends on a parameter t that measures method using different TIs for different regions remains
the degree of redundancy between events B and C with operational.
respect to event A [Krishnan et al., 2005]. The quantifica- [47] In general, if the reservoir field is actually composed
tion of this redundancy is very difficult in practice, which of geologically independent regions, the MP simulation can
makes the inference of t delicate. Moreover, this needs to be performed independently in each region and the final
be performed for each simulation point. For those reasons, field simulation is a patchwork of these independent
the value of t is often set to 1 in the current practice of the regional simulations. However, if the partition into regions
t model. The t model with t = 1 means the affinity between is artificial, then the geological continuity between regions
the distance ratios c/a (before knowing event B) and the cannot be systematically honored, even if the conditioning
distance ratio x/b (after knowing event B). The degree of data events can overlap contiguous regions. A solution to
approximation of this choice is not easily appraisable and this problem might be using a regular simulation path along
depends on each particular case. the main orientation of geological features.
[42] In particular, when the auxiliary event C does not
provide any information about the principal event A, namely
P(AjC) = P(A), the t model, whatever the value of t, leads 7. Conditioning to Fluid Flow Dynamic Data
to P(AjB, C) = P(AjB). However, because event C generally [48] The above methods for integrating auxiliary data
affects event B (principal conditioning data event), namely cannot be extended to the integration of fluid flow dynamic
P(BjC) 6¼ P(B), we do not have P(AjB, C) = P(AjB), even if data (e.g., well test pressure data and production history
P(AjC) = P(A). In such a situation, the t model cannot be data). These data are related to the reservoir model param-
applied. Chugunova and Hu [2008] show an example eters through a system of nonlinear flow equations. In
with local pattern orientation constraint where the use of general, these data do not reflect the principal variable at
the t model does not affect the MP simulation whatever the a local scale, but at a regional or even global field scale.
value of t. Nevertheless, except for the above case and when They can be integrated into the subsurface model using an
there are no relevant TIs for both principal and auxiliary inverse approach. An inverse approach consists in minimiz-
variables, the t model with an empirical t value remains a ing an objective function, which quantifies the difference
practical solution for nonstationary MP simulations. between the data measured in the reservoir and the
[43] The t model can be easily extended to the case of corresponding answers numerically simulated for the real-
multiple auxiliary data events (C1, C2,. . .,Cl) [Krishnan et izations representing the reservoir. The goal is to identify
al., 2005] where l parameterst i, i = 1,2,. . .,l are introduced. the realizations that reduce the objective function to a low
t i indicates how the discrimination power of Ci with respect enough level, i.e., the most coherent realizations in com-
to event A and its complement A  is changed by (B, C1, parison with the data. This is achieved by iteratively

9 of 14

modifying a set of initial realizations. By using the rejection data event D. Consider an initial realization z0(x) of a binary
method, for instance, the modification from one realization random variable Z(x) generated by a sequential simulation
to another is discontinuous. This makes the rejection method algorithm. Z(x) can take value 0 or 1. Denoting by A the
generally inefficient for our inverse problem because of event {Z(x) = 1}, we use the following heuristic expression
the intensive computation of fluid flow simulations and the for the probability of event A conditioned to event D:
huge number of iterations required. On the contrary, the
gradual deformation method [Hu, 2000] and the probability Pð Aj DÞ ¼ ð1  rÞz0 ð xÞ þ rPð AÞ ð3Þ
perturbation method [Caers, 2003] enable us to progres-
sively modify a realization by changing a small number of with a parameter r between 0 and 1.
parameters while respecting its spatial continuity/variability. [53] In addition, let B the principal data event including
These methods have been successfully applied to history the hard data and the already simulated data of Z. Using the
matching of petroleum reservoir models. In the following, t model, we can approximate P(AjB, D), i.e., the probability
we review their applicability to conditioning MP simula- of A jointly conditioned to B and D, as a function of P(A),
tions to dynamic data. P(AjB) and P(AjD).
7.1. Gradual Deformation Method [54] Knowing P(AjB, D), one can generate a new reali-
[49] The main idea of the gradual deformation method is zation z1(x) of Z(x). This realization depends on the param-
as follows. Any stochastic simulation can be regarded as a eter r. It can be shown that, when r = 0, z1(x) identifies the
deterministic operation that transforms a series of indepen- initial realization z0(x), and when r = 1, z1(x) is independent
dent uniform numbers into a series of numbers organized from z0(x). Therefore, by fixing the random seed and by
according to the stochastic model. These mutually indepen- changing r from 0 and 1, the PPM also enables us to
dent uniform numbers can be transformed into mutually progressively modify a realization. The parameter r can be
independent Gaussian numbers (Gaussian white noise). optimized in the same manner as the gradual deformation
Consequently, a realization of any stochastic model always method, and this optimization procedure can be iterated until
corresponds to a realization of a set of independent Gauss- a satisfactory realization is obtained. Besides, Johansen et al.
ian numbers. The gradual deformation method consists in [2007] proposed a method for accounting for qualitative
linearly combining two independent realizations of the gradient information when applying the PPM.
Gaussian white noise; the combination coefficients are [55] The above PPM can be easily extended to the
chosen so as to improve the calibration of the corresponding multiple facies case and also to local updating of a realiza-
realization of the stochastic model to dynamic data. This tion. However, because the t model approximation is
procedure is iterated until obtaining a satisfactory calibration. involved, a relevant inference of the t parameter is required.
[50] The current practice of MP simulation uses the [56] Besides, Hu [2008] introduced a continuous form
sequential algorithm that generates the random vector Z = of (3):
(Z(x1), Z(x2),. . .,Z(xN)) point by point following a prede- PðZ ð xÞ < zj DÞ ¼ ð1  rÞ1z0 ðxÞ<z þ rF ð zÞ ð4Þ
fined order. At each point, we compute the probability
distribution function Fc (zi) of the simulated variable con- where F stands for the cumulative distribution function of
ditioned to the previous simulated points and eventually to Z(x). In particular, when Z is a white noise, the equation
some auxiliary data, then we draw a value of this condi- (4) can be used to interpolate two independent realizations
tional distribution zi = F1
c (ui) where ui is a uniform random
of the white noise without the t model approximation.
number. Therefore, a realization of the vector Z corresponds Therefore, this interpolation constitutes an alternative to the
to a realization of the vector U whose elements U(x1), gradual deformation method for perturbing any stochastic
U(x2),. . .,U(xN) are mutually independent and uniformly simulation, including the sequential MP simulation.
distributed between 0 and 1 [Hu et al., 2001]. From this
point of view, the sequential MP simulation can be regarded 8. Pattern-Based MP Simulations
as an operation S that transforms an unstructured uniform [57] Instead of generating a realization point by point, the
vector U into the structured vector Z of interest: idea of pattern simulation consists in generating the reali-
zation pattern by pattern. Alike the simulation of a point, the
Z ¼ S ðU Þ: simulation of a pattern is conditioned to the data event in the
neighborhood of the pattern location. Pattern simulations
[51] This suggests that the problem of constraining the can also be considered as a kind of object-based simula-
vector Z to different kinds of data can be solved by tions. For instance, for a specific data event, one can scan a
constraining the distribution functions Fc(zi) or/and by TI using a template to identify all patterns on the template
constraining the uniform vector U. The gradual deformation support, and then draw randomly one of them, and patch it
method applied to the MP simulation consists in minimizing onto the simulation field. Two methods of pattern-based MP
an objective function by iteratively modifying realizations simulation are proposed in the literature. The first method
of this uniform white noise. baptized SIMPAT, proposed by Arpat and Caers [2005],
7.2. Probability Perturbation Method focuses on simulating categorical variables, while the
second method baptized FILTERSIM, proposed by Zhang
[52] Instead of modifying the random numbers used for
et al. [2005], can deal with both categorical and contin-
sampling the probability distributions, the probability
uous variables. Both methods proceed on two major
perturbation method (PPM) consists in changing the
steps: pattern classification and pattern simulation.
probability distribution Fc(zi) by integrating the dynamic

10 of 14

where a stands for the filter range (half of the filter size).
Similar filters can be defined in y and z axes or in any other
direction. For each filter fi, we build the score image by
performing the convolution product of the training image TI
and the filter:

Si ¼ fi *TI:

The score image using an average filter highlights the local

pattern’s central location along the filter axis. The score
image using a gradient filter provides edge detection and
highlights object boundary contrast. The score image using
a curvature filter provides information about gradient
change. Each filter is defined for a specific direction. For
capturing geometric features along a specific direction,
filters need to be rotated accordingly.
[62] If n filters are used, the score space is n dimensional.
Each local pattern of the TI corresponds to a point of the n
dimensional score space. The classification of local patterns
Figure 9. Example scheme of classification of local
consists in discretizing the score space into a certain number
patterns with two scores S1 and S2.
of zones, each of which corresponds to a pattern class
(Figure 9). How to classify local patterns is an important
8.1. Pattern Classification issue and remains an ongoing research topic.
[63] For all patterns of each pattern class, we compute
[58] The pattern classification consists in classifying
their mean value at each point. The ensemble of these mean
patterns of a TI into a certain number of classes. In the
values constitutes the pattern prototype of this pattern class.
case of a categorical variable, we scan the TI using a
The pattern prototype is used for identifying the pattern
template to obtain all existing patterns of the template
class during pattern simulation.
support that occur over the TI. Identical patterns are
grouped together and constitute a pattern class. The 8.2. Pattern Simulation
frequency of each pattern class can be calculated. [64] The simulation is also based on the sequential
[59] In the case of a categorical variable with a large TI, paradigm. A nonsimulated point is randomly chosen, and
each local pattern may have multiple replicates. However, the conditioning data event in its neighborhood is identified.
there are in general few replicates of a particular local [65] In the case of SIMPAT, we identify the pattern in the
pattern in the case of a continuous variable even if with a pattern database that is most compatible to the data event
large TI. This limited number of replicates does not allow and we patch the pattern found to the simulation field by
obtaining representative MP statistics. locating its center at the simulation point. This is iterated
[60] One solution to this problem is to classify the until all points are simulated.
continuous variable into a certain number of categories, so [66] Note that during simulation, it may possible to find
that the above method of evaluating MP statistics can be more than one pattern compatible with the data event. In
applied. Another solution, inspired from puzzle reconstruc- that case, one of these patterns is randomly drawn (eventu-
tion, consists in gathering similar (instead of identical) local ally accounting for their frequencies) and patched to the
patterns of the TI into a same class. The sequential simu- simulation field. If this does not happen frequently with
lation proceeds by associating each conditioning MP data respect to the ensemble of nodes, then for a fixed path of
event with a pattern class and then patching a pattern visiting nodes, the above algorithm leads to almost a unique
sampled from this class onto the simulation grid. realization. Further investigation is necessary to evaluate
[61] A convenient way for classifying similar patterns is whether different paths leads to an ensemble of similar or
to use a set of filter functions that allow transforming a TI into different realizations.
a set of score images. Each score image, corresponding to a [67] In the case of FILTERSIM, the pattern prototype
filter, depicts a specific geometric feature of the local patterns mostly compatible with the data event is determined. We
in the TI. Typical filters include average filter, gradient filter randomly sample a pattern among those in the pattern class
and curvature filter. For instance, we have the following: corresponding to this prototype. We patch the sampled
average filter in x axis pattern at the current simulation point but retaining hard
data and previously frozen simulated points. The inner part
j xj
f1 ð x; y; zÞ ¼ 1  (or hard core) of the patched pattern is frozen and is not
a revisited in the sequential simulation. A larger inner part
gradient filter in x axis makes simulation faster, but may cause discontinuity. The
x outer part (or fuzzy shell) of the patched pattern will be
f2 ð x; y; zÞ ¼
a revisited, hence resimulated.
curvature filter in x axis [68] When comparing a pattern prototype and a data
2j xj event, we distinguish three types of data in the data event:
f3 ð x; y; zÞ ¼  1;
a (1) hard original data, (2) frozen previously simulated
points, and (3) nonfrozen previously simulated points from
11 of 14

pattern patches. The compatibility between a data event [74] Other algorithms like multiple grid simulation, sim-
(DEV) and a pattern prototype (PROT) can be measured by ulation of different regions and the use of vector training
the following criterion: images can be easily extended to FILTERSIM [Zhang et al.,
2005; Wu et al., 2007]. However, the deformation or
nk perturbation of a pattern-based simulation involves the
jvDEV ðik Þ  vPROT ðik Þj
ik ¼1 change of local patterns instead of points. This introduces
d ð DEV ; PROT Þ ¼ wðk Þ ; more discontinuity in the objective function and therefore
makes the gradient-based inverse methods more difficultly
applicable. These issues constitute a further research
where n DEV stands for data values, n PROT for pattern direction.
prototype values, k for data types, ik for locations of data of
type k, nk for the number of data of type k and w (k) for the
weight given to data type k with w(1)  w(2)  w(3). 9. Conclusions
[69] Note that it may happen that the distance between the [75] Far beyond two-point statistics, traditional geostatis-
data event and the closest pattern prototype is still not tics is based on the definition of a complete multivariate
negligible or the randomly sampled pattern in this class is random function model. Two-point statistics, namely the
not enough compatible with the data event. This may lead to variogram, is an important structural parameter, but does not
discontinuity in conditional simulations. contain all the structural information of the random function
[70] Another issue concerns the choice of the closest model. For instance, the variogram is not sufficient to
prototype. When there is a small number of conditioning characterize a truncated multi-Gaussian model or an object-
data, particularly at the beginning of the sequential simula- based model.
tion, it may happen there are several prototypes compatible [76] On the contrary, multiple-point geostatistics avoids
with the data event. Instead of selecting the prototype an explicit definition of a random function, but directly infer
closest to the data event, one may also randomly select a the necessary multivariate distributions from training
prototype among the several closest ones on the basis of images. These empirical multivariate distributions contain
their frequencies. much more structural information than the variogram, but
[71] If we freeze only the central point of the sampled they are necessarily limited with respect to the whole
pattern, the above approach using pattern classification is simulation field. This is why a MP simulation is not
almost equivalent to that using search tree. Their difference necessarily able to reproduce the geometrical features of a
lies in that the conditioning is exact when using search tree truncated multi-Gaussian simulation or an object-based
but approximate when using pattern classification. It is this simulation.
approximation (relaxation of data conditioning) that makes [77] Unlike what is often stated in the literature, the very
the pattern classification approach more flexible and appli- difference of MP geostatistics from traditional geostatistics
cable to continuous variables. does not lie in the extension from two-point statistics to
8.3. Implementation Issues multiple-point statistics, but lies in that the MP simulation is
based on the multivariate statistics directly inferred from
[72] Most algorithms implemented in SNESIM can be training images instead of an explicit random function
adapted to FILTERSIM. For instance, the servo system model. The fact of avoiding the definition of a particular
correction in SNESIM can also be applied to FILTERSIM. random function model confers on MP geostatistics a
During the sequential simulation process using FILTERSIM potential applicability to any geological environment, pro-
algorithm, a pattern prototype is chosen for its proximity to vided that there is a training image representative of the
the conditioning data. The next step is to draw a local geological heterogeneity and that the essential features of
pattern in the class of this prototype. Instead of randomly this training image can be characterized by statistics defined
drawing a pattern in this class, we can select one that attracts on a limited point configuration (template). Issues related to
the currently simulated statistics to the target global statis- the construction of TIs, the credibility of a TI to represent a
tics. However, this method is inefficient in the case of fine specific reservoir heterogeneity, the sensitivity of the model
classification where local patterns in a pattern class are very prediction to TIs, the compatibility between a specific TI
similar. Another solution needs to be found. and a specific data set remain important research topics.
[73] The use of the t model for secondary data integration [78] If the principle of MP geostatistics is straightforward
can also be adapted for FILTERSIM. The procedure is as and attractive, its industrial applicability largely depends on
follows. First, a pattern prototype is chosen according to the implementation methods. The use of the search tree for
hard conditioning data. For each point of this prototype, we the storage of MP statistics is a great step that made MP
have the conditional distribution of the variable Z given the geostatistics actually applicable in industry. Note that the
hard data event B: P(Z < zjB). Second, given the soft data search tree is a data structure that is not related to the
probability map P(Z < zjC), we calculate, for each point of stationarity or the nonstationarity. Each node of the tree
the prototype, the joint conditional probability P(Z < zjB, C) corresponds to a specific data event and its corresponding
as a function of P(Z < z), P(Z < zjB) and P(Z < zjC) using conditional distribution of the principal and auxiliary vari-
the t model. From P(Z < zjB, C), we can generate an ables. When the training image presents spatial trends in
updated prototype. Third, among all prototypes, we identify terms of orientation and object size for instance, the number
the one closest to the updated prototype. In the class of replicates of a data event may be small, and its
corresponding to that prototype, we draw a pattern and corresponding conditional distributions is then not statisti-
patch it in the simulation grid. cally representative. It is necessary to generate multiple TIs,
for instance, by process-based simulation. The stationarity is
12 of 14

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perform weighted moving average for pattern classification. Renard, P. (2007), Conditioning stochastic simulations with connectivity
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exchanges during his 3 month visiting research and teaching in 2006 at images, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif.
the Department of Energy Resources Engineering of Stanford University. Strebelle, S., and N. Remy (2005), Post-processing of multiple-point geos-
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and to Sébastien Strebelle of Chevron for helpful discussions on some tatistics Banff 2004, edited by O. Leuanthong, and C. V. Deutsch, pp.
issues presented in this paper. We also appreciate the thoughtful comments 979 – 988, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
by Jean-Paul Chilès and two anonymous reviewers. Strebelle, S., and T. Zhang (2005), Non-stationary multiple-point geostatis-
tical models, in Geostatistics Banff 2004, edited by O. Leuanthong, and
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