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Dr. Cass'
What you need
to know about
Are you curious about CBD? Confused? Do you wonder if it’s really as good
as the claims are or is it hype and ‘placebo effect?’ Can it get you high?
These are some of the questions I get—and even had at one point too!
Now we have the answers.

In this updated interview, originally for Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain
series, I cover the power of CBD for treating anxiety, pain, sleep issues,
and more. You’ll find out how it works, how to choose it, and how to use it.

How do you know if you need CBD hemp oil extract?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the stress in your life?

Do you find it hard to fall asleep at night?
Do you find it hard to stay asleep?
Are you forgetful?
Are you often sad for no apparent reason?
Are you fearful?
Do you cry easily?
Do you have mood swings?
Are you irritable or fly off the handle easily?
Do you suffer from migraine?
Do you have irritable bowel syndrome?

If you answered “YES” to even one of these questions, you could have an
endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD), and the more “YES” answers the more deficient
you are likely to be.

The solution? Raise your endocannabinoid level with Hemp Oil Extract/CBD.

The information in this document is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
It is meant for educational purposes only and you are fully responsible for how you
choose to use or not use this material.
Dr. Hyla Cass: Hi. I'm Dr. Hyla Cass, a functional medicine psychiatrist based in Los
Angeles. My mission is to help people taper off of psychiatric
medications when appropriate, or not even go on them in the first
place. I use a more natural approach that includes diet and
supplements, and “looking under the hood” for underlying
conditions. CBD is the latest addition to my tool bag - or really,
doctor's bag!

00:16 CBD can be confusing. I have to tell you that when I first heard about
CBD, I said, “Oh, it's just an excuse to get high.” Not that there's
anything wrong with getting high, but I didn't really get it about CBD
until I investigated. Then I realized that CBD is separate from THC.
While they are the most abundant cannabinoids found in the
cannabis plant, THC is the one that makes you high. It has a
psychoactive effect. CBD, on the other hand, has many medicinal
effects and many effects on the psyche, the brain, mood; many,
00:56 many different medicinal effects, but it does not get you high.

While CBD doesn't make you high, it does help you to feel good. It
relieves anxiety and depression because of its actions on the
different parts of the brain and on the neurotransmitters. This is
different from THC, which actually is a ‘stoned’ effect. In fact, this is a
big issue right now, and that is that the current marijuana is bred for
being very high in THC because the purpose is --to get high!

01:31 In times past, when people smoked pot, it was mitigated or

neutralized somewhat by the CBD content. We didn't see a lot of
problems that we're seeing now. Right now, we're seeing quite a lot
of people, sometimes young people, having their first experience get
highly irritable, maybe even paranoid and out of control, even. And
that's because the THC has released too much dopamine. They're
getting too high, too fast, and it's not a comfortable feeling, not a
good feeling, because there's not enough CBD in the plant that
they're smoking, or ingesting in whatever way, to neutralize that high
of the THC.

02:18 We have a built- in treatment for this. Give that individual some CBD
and it works fairly quickly and can help to bring them down and
neutralize it. I far prefer that to their going to the ER and being shot
up with psychiatric medication, with its attendant side effects. It will
subdue them, but it's not addressing the problem at the root cause,
and Functional Medicine is about root cause—restoring balance in
the brain here and not just subduing symptoms. And of course there
are times, with these cases, when medications are indicated, but
hopefully short term. Longer term, they still need CBD.
02:46 CBD comes in many shapes and forms, and many delivery systems. I
will start someone off with 1-2 droppers of the tincture in my office.
But if you're taking it on your own, you just put it under your tongue,
let it sit for a bit, then swallow it and watch what happens. Then, you
just keep titrating up. It takes about 10 minutes to kick in, and lasts a
few hours.

03:17 Then you have capsules. The capsules are going to take longer to
start working and last longer throughout the day, for quite a few
hours. What I have people do when they need it chronically, say for
pain, anxiety, depression, OCD, whatever, is take a capsule first thing
in the morning, along with a dropperful of liquid. And then titrate
through the day, if needed. But usually, the capsule will kick in and
it'll take you through. And then you may need one at night, to keep
you asleep, with tincture for immediate relaxation to help you fall
It's so very individual. I have one person who says they need four
drops and they're good. That's all they can tolerate. That's all they
want. It works really well, but if they take more than that, it doesn't
feel as good. Others need four droppers, or even more!

04:11 There's a lot of confusion between hemp-derived CBD and

marijuana. Let's start at the beginning. It's all the cannabis, having
been bred in two different lines. Actually, a lot of different lines. But
one has been to emphasize the hemp. It grows tall and narrow for
making rope, paper, and cloth and it's very tough. Whereas, the
marijuana plant, has been grown to bear a lot of flowers which
contain the THC. If you use hemp-derived CBD, the content is .3% or
less. In fact, that's what defines a CBD/hemp-derived plant - if it has
.3% or less of THC.

05:04 Whereas, the marijuana plant - which is also cannabis, they're both
cannabis - has a lot of THC. Many strains are around 25% THC and
less than 1% CBD. And that's where the disproportion can end up
causing problems, as I mentioned a little earlier. CBD is needed to
mitigate some of the THC high.

05:20 CBD is important, because it influences the endocannabinoid

system, or ECS, for short. And we didn't even know about the
endocannabinoid system until about 1992, through a scientist in
Israel, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who is still diligently doing research
on medicinal cannabis.
05:40 The endocannabinoid system is ubiquitous throughout the entire
body. It's a master regulator, modulator and connector. Whether it's
your hormones, your immune system, your brain, or your gut, they
are all connected through the endocannabinoid system. Here it is,
hidden in plain sight. We didn't know it was there. And now that we
know, we can use CBD to enhance all of these functions: all the
communications among and between all of these systems.

06:17 CBD acts on the CBD receptors, CB1 and CB2. And actually, it acts
more indirectly on the CB1 receptors, which are found mostly in the
brain; and affects mood, anxiety, depression, OCD, even seizures.
That's the CB1 receptor. THC attaches directly to the CB1 receptor.
CBD has more indirect effect, but a potent one, nonetheless. CBD
has an effect on the periphery, on blood cells and on all the organs
which contain CB2 receptors.

07:00 CBD, for one thing, acts on the serotonin receptor, the 5-HT
receptor, and helps to enhance serotonin. And we know that
serotonin is a natural antidepressant, appetite suppressant, mood
regulator, and it helps you to sleep. By taking CBD, you're actually
indirectly boosting your serotonin. It also enhances dopamine in the
reward system of the brain. And dopamine is our motivator. It helps
us to focus. People with ADD have a low endocannabinoid system,
and low dopamine. When they're given CBD, it enhances dopamine
and they have better focus, improved concentration, and a better
able to feel pleasure or reward.

07:47 What's really amazing is that CBD affects the receptors, the
serotonin receptors, and actually all the receptors in the gut,
including the immune receptors. It has a tremendous effect
throughout the whole body via the gut. It affects the microbiome. It
affects the production of serotonin. All these signals are transferred
through the vagus nerve which is the longest nerve of the body. It
goes from the gut all the way to the brain. Even though the
serotonin is being made in the gut, it's influencing the brain, through
the vagus nerve's two- way signaling system.

08:25 CBD has been a great boon to my psychiatric practice. As many of

you know, I had a line of brain supplements that I'd been using for
years that contain the precursors to the various neurotransmitters. I
still use supplements here, of course using various brands. Now,
with CBD, it enhances them all. I'll give you an example. I had a highly
anxious 23-year-old young man in my office, brought in by his
worried mother.
He was insisting on smoking marijuana excessively, saying it was the
only thing that helped him sleep. Seeming not at all interested in
being there, he was not only anxious, but rather difficult, with both
his mom and me. He was looking down and mumbling his responses
to my questions, “I don't know to everything, or even, just a shrug.
From his history, I suspected the anxiety, depression, and lack of
trust may have been side effects of the cannabis.

Then I asked “Are you willing to try something? Can I give you some
09:08 CBD?” He said, “Ummm, okay.” I squeezed a couple of dropperfuls of
CBD under his tongue. I engaged his mom in conversation for about
10 minutes, then turned back to him and asked, “So, how are you
feeling?” He looked up, a little startled, and exclaimed, “Wow, I'm
really feeling so much better. I haven't felt this good in a really long
time.” I mean, he was talking to me, making eye contact. He was
there, present, and relating to me. And that just so brought it home
to me of how potent CBD is and how important it is for our work.

Because once I established a rapport with this young man, we could

begin a therapeutic alliance. I could begin to work with him. As long
as he was sullen and anxious, there was no hope. Now we had
possibility of actually working together. In his condition, his anxiety
was really an indication to me that he was likely low in
neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin, and his endocannabinoid
system was low. Just by definition, that's what was going on. So, if
you raise the endocannabinoid system with CBD, your endogenous
endocannabinoids are immediately released.

10:29 There are phytocannabinoids (like CBD, THC and over 100 more)
which means plant cannabinoids, which we administer in the form of
CBD. And there are the internal ones that we make ourselves called
endocannabionoids, such as anandamide and 2AG, and they're
made instantly as needed by our cells. As soon as you ingest CBD,
you signal the cells the release endocannabinoids.

10:29 CBD is used for so many different purposes and it's relatively free of
side effects. The only thing you might worry about is drug
interaction, particularly during detox, or any time it's taken with a
drug. That depends how that drug is detoxified and metabolized in
the body compared to CBD which is broken down by the CYP450
enzyme system in the liver. If, for example, they are broken down by
the same P450 enzyme pathway, the CBD could interfere with the
drug's breakdown and make it more potent.
You can look on line for sites that give you the pathways. But the
truth is that until you get over 100 milligrams of CBD you don't really
have to worry about interactions. I've been using CBD along with
psychiatric medications in the withdrawal process, and have not
experienced any issues with any of my patients, nor have any of my
colleagues who do also this. I give it several hours away to be on the
safe side.

11:38 It's an interesting question as to whether one should seek

professional help before trying CBD or to just do it. And, I say -- just
do it! It's really safe. There are not a lot of practitioners that are really
expert in it yet. Hopefully, there are enough educational programs.
I'm involved with one, too, and I can give a citation at the end, for
practitioners to learn about how to use CBD in their practice. But, it's
quite safe.

12:13 What it's doing is enhancing our own natural endocannabinoid

system. So, it's foreign in a way, but it's really inducing our own.

12:27 Everybody's different in how they react to CBD, and it really depends
on your own physiology and biochemistry. I had a patient today who
said she finds it makes her sleepy, so she has to take it at night. I
have another patient who said she loves taking it in the morning
because it sharpens her mind. And there's everything in between.
Some people need a half a dropper. Some people need four
droppers. You only can do it and try it individually. I can't even tell
how someone is going to react. I can guess. But, it's always–you start
low and you just gradually increase until you reach an endpoint.

13:08 For example, I was at a conference and a friend of mine had this
really bad sciatica and lower back pain. He was really concerned
about walking through this vast trade show. I whipped out my bottle
of CBD-- I always carry some with me --and gave him some under his
tongue. He ended up with a couple of droppers. And his pain went
away within ten minutes. I gave him the bottle to take with him. He
was titrating throughout the day, and he got through brilliantly. He
was so happy because while he did have pain meds as back -up,
they made him sleepy and unfocused. He was glad to be taking the
CBD and he's still taking it now, six months later. Not the same
bottle, though.
14:01 It's really cool that you can give CBD to pets, and it works. So much
for its healing properties being due to the placebo effect. A friend of
mine had a dog who was lame, with severe back pain, which certain
breeds of dogs are prone to. She was quite old and had cancer, as
well. So, I gave him some of my CBD for her and just told him how to
titrate it based on weight. When I checked in with him some time
later, it turned out that she had passed away two weeks later, but
had been feeling so much better. She wasn’t in pain. She was
calmer. And he just felt so much better about being able to help her
get through her pain and anxiety, and ultimately, to die in peace.

14:59 That was just using regular CBD, because that was what I had. But
there's also pet CBD and it's dosed particularly for small, medium, or
big dogs, based on weight. And again, it's also going to depend on
what that particular dog needs. You can also use it for anxiety. For
example, dogs have a very hard time with fireworks. They get very
frightened. Give them some CBD and it really calms them down. Use
it for dogs the same as for humans-- same indications.

15:40 What's really remarkable about CBD is that because it's a master
regulator, it actually affects many systems in the body, so it can be
used for a wide range of ailments. I'm using it in psychiatry for
anxiety, like separation anxiety and PTSD. I use it for kids who have
separation anxiety about going to school (ie have fear of leaving
home). People with panic attacks. People with presentation anxiety
or stage-fright.There's a good study about that: taking people who
were terrified of giving speeches, giving them CBD beforehand, and
they performed with flying colors, with no anxiety, as opposed to the
untreated group who did not.

16:24 OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, is very hard to treat. The drugs

don't work very well. But CBD helps enormously. Then, I have a
whole protocol that I use for OCD. I always add in the CBD, as well,
which boosts everything, rounding out the program.

16:48 CBD is used for pain – any kind of pain, nerve pain, migraines. And
that's where you would use a vape pen, because you want to get it
instantly. You vape it. There's a little button on the vape that heats
the oil, and you inhale a small amount. When you breathe it in, it
immediately goes through the blood/brain barrier and into the
brain. It’s very good for migraines and headaches in general. Or for
any kind of pain or Inflammation.
17:20 By the way, so many ailments are actually based on inflammation, or
have an inflammatory component–even diabetes, heart disease,
obesity, and dementia. There have been good studies on diabetics
using CBD because it helps regulate blood sugar and inflammation-
two aspects of diabetes. Also, it has positive cardiovascular effects,
including regulating blood pressure.

17:52 CBD is being used in cancer, where one may also add in THC. That's
where the medical marijuana comes in, which is not my area of
expertise. But, it has been found that that extra THC is helpful.

18:07 CBD for autism: Now, besides their usual protocols, some
practitioners are using straight CBD and getting great results. Others
have found that adding a little THC makes an enormous difference.
There are parents’ interest groups and list-serves for autistic kids,
and they compare notes. They'll have a CBD mixture and a THC
mixture. Based on a child's behavior at any particular time, they'll
make a little mixture for them. These parents, usually the moms,
become real experts in this. Again, autism can be hard to treat. It's
multifaceted, but because CBD affects so many systems, especially
the gut and there are often major gut issues in autism, it works quite

18:58 CBD is also good for Alzheimer's or any cognitive impairment of

unknown origin. I recommend that you look for underlying
conditions, too, but this is a simple start. I had a patient with
dementia and I put her on a number of products with mild
improvement, but, when I added the CBD, she got so much better.
She began to remember things. Before the CBD, her family would
take her to a restaurant that was a regular favorite, and she wouldn't
remember having been there before. And in fact, the first time I saw
her, she was like that; depressed, brain-fogged and couldn't give me
any history.

By five or ten days later, she had totally changed and kept improving.
I've been tracking her, both by seeing her and then also speaking to
her family, and she's great. She remembers things. She's
enthusiastic. She asks to go specific places. She's happy. She's
verbal. She's interested in politics. She got herself back and her
family is so happy. They had been ready to put her in a home! So,
this is the power of CBD. It's a year later and she just continues to
improve. And that doesn't happen with dementia, ordinarily, as we
20.11 For many years, I've been helping people get off of medications and
other addictive substances, or repair the damage once they are off
them. Since my discovery of CBD, my job has become a lot easier. I
can use my usual supplements, but they get a big boost with the
CBD. It's easier for the patient, and the whole course of weaning off
meds is shorter and sweeter.

20:43 One really tough class of drugs to get off are opioids. As we know,
opioid addiction is a serious epidemic. What happens is people who
have pain are taking opioids and because they have pain and
because they're on opioids, their endocannabinoid system is lower.
If you can raise the endocannabinoid system, their pain threshold
goes up and they're also able to get off the medication more easily.

21:15 I had an opioid addicted patient recently. He'd started taking it

because he had back pain, then he couldn't get off it, despite many
attempts. But adding in the CBD, plus my other supplements, but
mostly the CBD, really helped enormously. It shortened the course
because he wasn't feeling the stress, the anxiety or the pain because
of the increasing doses of CBD. And it wasn't interacting adversely
with the opiate, so it was a win-win.

21:50 In terms of treating children, it's very good for anxiety, and there's a
lot more childhood anxiety than ever. You could agree that, “Kids
have a lot to be anxious about these days.” But it's not just that. It's
their diet and lifestyle that's pushing the anxiety. And their
endocannabinoid systems are just not faring very well. So, you
titrate. You use drops. You don't use whole droppers. You start off
with a few drops and titrate up. It's good if you have a pediatrician
who understands it and can offer some guidance, because parents
are often a little hesitant about giving their children something that
they're not familiar with, especially something related to marijuana.

23:33 There are parent groups that do talk among themselves about it, but
most specifically, parent groups around childhood seizure disorders
because, often, the medications don't work. Or, if they work, they're
also making the kids very sleepy, groggy, not functioning very well. So
that's a whole other arena for children. And CBD is used to reduce
seizures to zero in many cases when meds has totally failed. See Dr.
Sanjay Gupta's 2013 documentary, "Weed," for the moving details of
one family's experience. The recent seizure drug, Epidiolex, is
actually comprised of plant derived CBD.
22:54 And CBD is effective for ADD/ADHD. Again, start with a few drops. I'll
also add some fish oil.

23:01 Head injuries, concussions–very good for concussions to reduce the

inflammation and help repair the brain. Add in fish oil as well.

23:13 Autism, of course. And as I mentioned, sometimes adding a little THC

for the autistic kids makes it work a little better in some kids, and
that's very individual.Those are the most common conditions that I
see in kids that I would treat with CBD.

23:29 The Farm Bill of 2018 was extremely helpful. We were waiting for a
long time for this because until then, CBD was classified along with
marijuana, cannabis, the whole plant. Any cannabis was classified as
Schedule 1, which means it has no redeeming value, no medicinal
value and it's a drug of abuse. Now, it's kind of interesting that the
U.S. government has also held a patent for quite a long time on
medicinal use of cannabis. There's a little discrepancy here, but we'll
let that go for the moment. Since CBD has been separated from
marijuana, we should not have that issue of it’s having no
redeemable value or being a substance of abuse. However, the FDA
still doesn’t agree. On the other hand, it is approved in most states,
so we’re able to use it more freely.

24:33 But, there is another issue that has to be handled. And that is,
there's still a gray area about whether it can be classified as a
supplement. The reason for that is a drug called Epidiolex that is a
plant-derived CBD, specifically approved for a kind of childhood
epilepsy called Dravet syndrome. And because it preceded CBD,
there is some question as to whether, once a product has been
approved as a drug, you can’t bring it out as a supplement. So that
has to take some negotiating. It will likely be worked out.

25:15 There's enough CBD around, enough big companies doing it, and I
think there's enough pressure to bear. Maybe even, reason will
prevail. There is a lot of hope.

25:27 One of the things I'd really like to emphasize, both with people using
CBD, and even using medical marijuana is, it's part of Functional
Medicine. It's not an isolated nutrient, because then, you're just being
allopathic. CBD is amazing. It does a lot of very good things. But put
it in the context of diet, lifestyle, exercise, other nutrients and it really
shines. Then the person can be their full, complete, healthy selves.
26:00 When I see the way CBD is being taught from the podium and seen
so much in isolation as a panacea, I so appreciate the functional
medicine community because we see things in a larger context.

26:34 It's important to know how to choose your product. There's a lot of
bad product on the market that doesn't have what it says in it. Just
for starters, you need to know that what is claimed to be in it, is in it.
You want to know the ingredients. You want to know how it's
extracted. You want to know that it's non-GMO. It can be grown
organically (even if not certified organic, another level), and non-
GMO. Preferably CO2 extracted, or r at least with minimal chemicals
that are then completely removed.

27:17 You want to know if there's any THC in it. Now, the product that I
originally formulated has zero THC because there's always a risk that
someone is very sensitive to THC, even if it's less than .3%, which is
the legal limit. But also, THC actually accumulates in the fat cells, and
there's a slight chance that it can show up in a drug test. This is a
problem if you are subject to random drug testing, either because of
your job or some other situation, like being on probation.

The .3% is pretty much undetectable by most people – you won’t get
high, although some say that even that .3% or under can be helpful.
The THC containing product also undergoes less processing ie that
required to remove THC, so may have a slightly more robust
cannabinoid profile. I think your choice depends on your individual
chemistry and your own preferences
27:56 Every batch needs to have a Certificate of Analysis. It will list the
various cannabinoids, the terpenes, which can have considerable
medicinal value, and also, what the toxics are-- toxic metals,
pesticides, herbicides, chemicals that are used to extract the CBD,
and so on. Hemp is a concentrator, so must be grown in clean soil or
it will accumulate the toxins found in contaminated soil. When you
have a clean Certificate of Analysis from a reliable source, then
you're good to go.
There are a number of excellent brands on the market. I actually
formulated my own, because I had very specific specs, including
added caryophyllene (a healing terpene) and a good-tasting natural
lemon flavor. And it compares well clinically with other quality
brands. I have had feedback, too, that mine actually works better
than some of the other respected brands. Being a natural product,
we have to choose our source well, extract the active ingredients
properly, and hope for the best outcome. In my case, it really worked
out well!
28:45 I think the problem with the opioid epidemic, first of all, is that it's
being pushed by big pharma.

Let's face it. Doctors are writing prescriptions. For example,

somebody I know had a tooth pulled and was given a prescription.
She said, “I don't want it. I don't need it,” because she was going to
be using CBD. And the doctor was like, “Oh no. You need it. Here,
take it.” And it was for 90 pills of oxycodone (Oxycontin). Crazy!
Maybe she needed five pills, if any.

29:13 The doctors are pushing it. The pharmaceutical companies are
pushing it. There has been a big brake put on that lately and doctors
are getting a little more cautious. This is shortening lifespans. It's
driving people to suicide. And not only that, people are just dying
from overdoses. It's just a scourge. Note that pharmaceutical
companies are now being successfully prosecuted for this and it’s
about time.

29:36 So, I see CBD coming in and being used as a first-line treatment for
pain. I also see it in a functional medicine context. Do chiropractic.
Do all the things we know, all the physical medicine things that we
can do. Physical therapy. There's so much that is not done. When
the first thing is to give an opiate, give a prescription - that is crazy.
You watch TV–it's a pill for every ill and you're cured. It's just not the
way we're built.

30:06 And the real answer, of course, is lifestyle. Using lifestyle for pain,
how does that work? Well, you change your diet, you change your
lifestyle, you change your attitude. And the pain really changes. You
throw in CBD, and you have a really magical mix.

30:25 I think the opioid epidemic is a symptom of how removed people are
from their own physiology, their own biochemistry, from nature,
from our own nature. And there really must be a return to a respect
for nature, as a whole, for us as part of nature, and for our own
inner nature. How we have built in to us, we have the anandamide
and 2AG built-in, so we actually can treat our own pain if we know

31:02 I'm so happy to have this opportunity to educate people on the use
of the cannabinoids for this purpose. I hope we make a lot of ripples
and waves to let people know they can take charge of their own
health, their own pain control, their own bodies and minds.
31:21 I want to talk about reading labels of CBD. It took me a while to
figure it out. You're going to see, on the bottle, for example, “500 mg
CBD in two ounces.” Each squeeze of that dropper, which pulls up
1ml, contains 8.33mg. You may not even care how many milligrams
it is, but just know what amount in droppers works for you. And two
of them is going to be 17mg. Three of them is going to be 25mg.

32:07 One of my bottles is 1500 mg in 2 ounces: one squeeze, which is

1ml, which is half a dropper, is going to be 25mg. You have the 500
mg, one squeeze is 8.3, the 1500mg, one squeeze is 25mg. That's
quite a difference -- a multiple of three. So please be aware of the
total contents, and amount per dropper. I hope it's been helpful. to
help you figure out the math.

32:35 You'll look on the side of the label and it'll say how much either CBD,
or it may say phytocannabinoid, or phytocannabinoids. That's
encompasses the whole CBD fraction ie all the cannabinoids, not
just CBD.

32:54 Also, you'll see it referred to as ‘hemp oil extract’. In fact, that's what I
call mine ‘hemp oil extract,’ because it's full spectrum. It's not just
CBD; it's CBD, CBN, CBG, terpenes, and a whole lot of other goodies.
That's the full entourage. I, and other people, would call this hemp
oil extract, rather than CBD.

33:20 If people just want to learn more about CBD and its uses, with plenty
of excellent research citations, is excellent and there
are others, too. If practitioners want to learn how to use it, Dr. Dustin
Sulak, has an excellent certification course here. I also do blogs on
CBD on my website. As I find more resources, I will put them up on
the website as well. My weekly newsletter is covering CBD as well.

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Nationally acclaimed innovator and expert in the fields of integrative medicine,

psychiatry, and addiction recovery, Dr. Cass has helped individuals to take charge of
their health. One area of expertise has been helping individuals to withdraw from
both psychiatric medication and substances of abuse with the aid of natural
supplements. Since adding Hemp Oil Extract/CBD to the mix, the tapering is faster
and smoother, with the added benefit of supporting overall mental and physical

Dr. Cass has appeared as a guest on national radio and television, including The Dr.
Oz Show, E! Entertainment, and The View, and in national print media, and
participates in many summits that educate the public and professionals alike. She
has spoken at many professional conferences over the years about a more natural,
drug-free approach to psychiatry.

She has been quoted in many national magazines, has blogged for the Huffington
Post, and is the author of several popular books including Natural Highs, 8 Weeks to
Vibrant Health, Supplement your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know
About Nutrition, The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free, and Your Amazing Itty
Bitty Guide to Cannabis.

A member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Health Sciences Institute and Taste
for Life Magazine, she is also Associate Editor of Total Health Magazine and has
served on the boards of California Citizens for Health and the American College for
Advancement in Medicine (ACAM).

A native of Toronto, she graduated from the University of Toronto School of

Medicine, interned at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, and completed a
psychiatric residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA School of Medicine. She is
a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), and of the
American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). She currently resides in Los

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