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Name: Nala,Jezebel F.

Subject: Organization Management

Strand & Sec: ABM13 Teacher: Emiterio Mendoza

Management may be defined as achievement of organization object through

people and other resources. The importance of management is to help in achieving group goals
it arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the resources, integrates the
resources in effective manner to achieve goals. Optimum utilization of resources management
utilizes all the physical & human resources productively and the reduces costs it gets maximum
results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum input & getting
maximum output. Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages business and manages
managers workers and establishes sound organization no overlapping of efforts (smooth and
coordinated functions).

The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in

the experimenter. Even the best-intentioned scientists can't escape bias. It results from
personal beliefs, as well as cultural beliefs, which means any human filters information based
on his or her own experience. Unfortunately, this filtering process can cause a scientist to
prefer one outcome over another. For someone trying to solve a problem around the house,
succumbing to these kinds of biases is not such a big deal. But in the scientific community,
where results have to be reviewed and duplicated, bias must be avoided at all costs. That's the
job of the scientific method. It provides an objective, standardized approach to conducting
experiments and, in doing so, improves their results. No because all of them is important in a

Management is a great tool for reaching success in life and is effectively used by
goal setting, prioritizing goals and activities, communication and delegation. Therefore we
cannot do everything in one day. This creates limitations in our everyday work. In order to
manage work, social life and sleep, division of time is important. In a particular way division of
time is the need. This will help the person to complete all his tasks. You should write your tasks
in a schedule.

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