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Quality Control

Quality control ordinarily concentrated on finding defects, current problems within

the unit, rejecting defective products or technologies, and providing information
with which to alter the processes so that they would produce fewer defects. It is
often more responsible for instituting more frequent quality checkpoints so that
errors might be caught earlier to ensure quality and effective care to each of our

Place a check mark on the box before each statement if it has been accomplished:

Assist staff with incident, accident and error forms, as necessary. Done
Incident Follow-Up Form. Analyze reason for all incidents and errors, discuss
with personnel involved, and make written recommendations to Risk Manager
for prevention.
Supplies such as emergency medicines, wound dressing kit, and other
emergency supplies are complete.
Machines and equipment such as suction machines, mechanical ventilators,
ECG machines, and defibrillator are keeping clean and in good repair.
Beds are enough to support the number of patients rushed on the E.R
Each bed has its proper drapes and side railings to provide privacy and
Assure that all rooms are kept clean, stocked and ready for use.
Functional wheelchairs and stretchers are readily available in transporting
patient to wards and other department.
The Nurses are properly trained, and equip with the rights skills and attitude
in order to work efficiently and provide quality care to our patient.
The Physicians are responsive on all the emergency needs of the patients
Implement and coordinate the infection control policies as they relate to the
Emergency Room staff education, and orient new employees to proper
infection control techniques.
St. Raphael Medical Center

E.R. Unit

Appraisal Sheet

I. Employee Information:

Name: Job Title:

Appraisal Date: Department:

II. Purpose:

St. Raphael Medical Center Emergency Department will have an annual

evaluation to the E.R. Unit for all staff nurses and surgical team specifically. This is
done to review the knowledge, skills attitude and value of each personnel, if some
discrepancies will be found; adjustments will be done immediately to ensure a
quality care towards the patient.

Every 1st week of the month of January, evaluation tools will be distributed to
every personnel to be answered or rated accordingly. Then it will be collected, and
over-all ratings will be gathered respectively. The E.R. supervisor reviews the rating
of each surgical team and peer review, while the chief of the hospital will conduct
the E.R. over-all evaluation together with other unit supervisors and an
interpretation will be made afterwards.

III. Direction:

Evaluate the staff by rating according to the numbers of their performance level.
Encircle the number that corresponds to your rating.

 1- unsatisfactory

 2-good
 3- very good

 4-excellent

Performance 1 2 3 4

I. Clinical/Technical/Service

• Demonstrates the ability to perform

clinical/technical/service/administrative tasks:

• Proactively serves as advocate for patients and families by

facilitating communications with other staff and providing
assistance to meet patient and family needs.

• Supports E.D. other staff by intervening and providing support for

anxious patients and families.

• Assists in monitoring the waiting room: alerts the triage officer of

any potential patient care problems or issues, maintains the triage
line, enters demographic information on the triage form, answers
the triage phone and identifies patients who have been referred to
the E.D. by private attending or other facilities.

• Assures patient privacy, confidentiality and proper implementation

of Patient Bill of Rights.

• Demonstrates the knowledge and skills necessary to provide

care, based on physical, psychosocial, educational, safety, and
related criteria, appropriate to the age of the patients served in
assigned area.

Age Specific Competencies (check all patient population served)

Neonate/Infant Paediatric Adolescent Adult Geriatric Not

A. Identifies physical, behavioral and emotional characteristics

typical for the age group.
B. Modifies approaches based on patient age-specific needs and
responses to treatment.
C. Provides care for patients based on age-specific needs.

D. Uses communication techniques, which are age appropriate.

II. Organizational/Managerial

• Participates in the department’s performance improvement activities.

• Maintains patient/employee confidentiality in the management of

• Observes the Health Care System’s compliance policies.

• Addresses patient concerns, complaints and compliments referring

unresolved and significant issues to the E. D. Associate Chair for
Operations or designee.

III. Educational/Professional Development

• Participates in the development of other staff members

• Meets regulatory, licensure and annual health assessment


• Identifies learning strengths and needs

• Utilizes learning resources.

D. Communication/Relationships

• Demonstrates a professional, courteous, and respectful attitude in

dealing with patients, families and significant others.

• Displays courtesy, tact and patience during interactions with all

members of the hospital staff and extended community.

• Maintains effective communications and working relationships with a

diverse patient population and a wide variety of Medical Center

• Routinely confers and consults with clinical, clerical and administrative

staff while addressing and responding to patient and family concerns.

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