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3. A: Are you going toeat lunch soon? B: I (eat, already) eat) tc a hour ago. 4. A: When are you going to get a new computer? B: 1 (buy, already) fone. I (buy) —_______it Jast week. 5. A: When is Steve going to leave for the concert? B: He (leave, already) He (leare) an hour ago. 6. A Will you please leck the door? B: I (lock, already) it. T (loc) it when I got home. © PRACTICE 4—SELFSTUDY: Irregular verbs. (Charts 2-3, 2-4, and 7-4) Directions: This is a review of IRREGULAR VERBS. Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST and the PRESENT PERFECT of the given verbs. 1. begin = 1__began__ a new diet and exercise program last week. 1 have begun ___ tors of new diet and exercise programs in my lifetime 2. bend I down to pick up my young son from his crib this morning. I_____ down to pick him up many times since he was born. 3. broadcast The radio ________________ news about the terrible earthquake in Iran last week, ‘The radio ___ news about Iran every day since the earthquake occurred. 4. catch = T__ a cold last week. 1 alot of colds in ny lifetime. 3. come Atourist______ into Mr. Nasser’s jewelry store after lunch. A lot of tourists______into his store since he opened it last year. 6. cut 1 some flowers from my garden yesterday. 1 lots of flowers from my garden zo far this summer. 7. dig ‘The workers__ a hole to fix the leak in the water pipe. They many holes to fix water leaks since the earthquake. N 8. draw The artist_ a pieture ofa sunset yesterday. She s many pictures of sunsets in her lifetime. x 9. feed birds at the park yesterday. 1 birds at the park every day since I lost my job. « 10. fight == We __________awar last year. We ___ several wars since we became an independent country. 130 © CHAPTER? 11. forget, = 1__to turn off the stove after dinner. I to turn off the stove a lot of times in my lifetime 12. hide The children_ in the basement yesterday. They in the basement often since they discovered a secret place there. 13, hit The baseball player ____ the ball out of the stadium yesterday. He a lot of homeruns since he joined our team, 14. hold = My husband____the door open for me when we entered the restaurant. He________a door open for me many times since we met each other. 1S esp During the disenssion yesterday, 1__________my opinion to myself. T my opinions to myself a lot of times in my lifetime. 16. lead = Mary___ the group discussion at the conference. She —____ group discussions many times since she started going to conferences. 17. lose ——-Bddie____ money at the racetrack yesterday, He money at the racetrack lots of times in kis lifetime. 18. meet. = [__two new people in my class yesterday. [_____ a lot of new people since I started going to school here. 19. ride 1 the bus to work yesterday. I the bus to work many times since I got a job downtown, 20. ring The doorbell a few minutes ago. The doorbell three times so far today. The Present Pertact and the Past Perfect © 131 21. see 22. seal 23. stick 24, sweep 25. take 26. upset 27. withdraw 28. write I a good movie yesterday. [_______a lot of good movies in my lifetime. The fox a chicken from the farmer’s yard last night. The fox three chickens so far this month. 1___a stamp on the comer of the envelope. 1 lots of stamps on envelopes in my lifetime. 1____ the floor of my apartment yesterday. I the floor of my apartment lots of times since I moved in 1____ atest yesterday, | _____ lots of tests in my life as « student The Smita children Mr. Jordan wher. they broke his window. Because they are careless and noisy, they Mr. Jordan many times since they moved in next door. I some money from my bank account yesterday. I - _ more than three hundred dollars from my bank account s0 far this month, I a letter toa friend last night lots of letiers to my friends in my lifetime. © PRACTICE 5—GUIDED STUDY: liregular verbs. (Charts 2-3, 2-4, and 7-4) Directions: This is a review of IRREGULAR VERBS. Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST or the PRESENT PERFECT of the given verbs. 1. go 2. give 3. fall 4, break 5. shake 132 © cuavrer7 al have gone to every play at the local theater so far this year b. My whole family went to the play last weekend. a. Jane gave me a ride home from work today. b. (he, ever) ___Has she ever given __ you a ride heme since she started working in your department? al down many times in my lifetime, but never hard enough to really hurt myself or break a bone. b. Mike _______ down many times during football practice re yesterday. 2. (yo ever) a bone in your body? “ b.1______ my leg when I was ten years old. I jumped off the roof of my house. “ a, In my entire lifetime, I (never) __ hand with a famous movie star. a b. In 1990, 1 hands with a famous soccer player. 10 nN 12 hear ‘wear build teach find drive 1____you practicing your trumpet late last sight In fact, 1 you practicing every night for two weeks. . Mike is a commercial airline pilot. Yesterday he from Tokyo to Los Angeles. Mike to many places in the world since he became a pilet Carol really likes her new leather jacket. She it every day since she bought it She___ her new leather jacket to the opera last night. = (904, ever) apiece of furniture? . My daughter a table in her woodworking class at the high school last year. Ms Kent______ math at the local high school since 1982. She _______ in Hungary last year on an exchange program: Tn your lifetime, (you, ever) something really valuable? My sister ____a very expensive diamond ring in the park last year. After I took Danny to school, I straight to work I'man experienced driver, but I (never) abus or a big truck Tho Present Perfect and the Past Pertact © 133 1B. 14. 1S 16. 18, 19. 20. sing ad a duet with my mother at the art benefit last night. b. We together ever since I was a small child run a, I (never) in a marathon race, and I don’t intend to. b. I’m out of breath because I _ - _all the way over here ell a. Last night, my brother me a secret b. He me lots of secrets in his lifetime. stand a, When I visited the U.N, last summer, 1___in the main gallery and felt a great sense of history. b. Many great world leaders there over the years spend aT all af my money at the mall yesterday. b, I don't have my rent money this month. I (already) it on other things. make a. I consider myself fortunate because ]_______ many good friends in my lifetime. b.1___ a terrible mistake last night. I forgot that my friend had invited me to his apartment for dinner. rise a, The price of flour__a ot since 1990. b. When his name was announced, Jack__ from his seat and walked to the podium to receive his award. feel a[___ terrible yesterday, so I stayed in bed. bI terrible for a week now. I'd better see a doctor. © PRACTICE 6—SELFSTUDY: Since vs. for. (Chart 7-5) Directions: Complete the sentences with SINCE or FOR. 134 © Harter 7 1 David has worked for the power company __Since__1990, His brother has worked for the power company __for__ five years. Thave known Peter Gow __ September. ve known his sister _____ three months. Jonas has walked with a limp _____ many years. He’s had a bad leg he was in the war. Rachel hasn’t been in class last Tuesday, She hasn’t been in class three days. I've had 2 toothache yesterday morning. I've had this toothache thirty-six hours. ‘My vision has improved ____I got new reading glasses. P've had a cold_____ almost 2 week . Jake hasn’t worked last suramer when the factory closed down, J attended Jefferson Elementary School six years.

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