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Human Resource Management

Topic: Recruitment Process Report on Tata Motors

Submitted to – Ms. Shachi

Submitted by – Prathvi Raj Singh Rathore
Anshi Gupta
Mohit Yadav
Lavish Modi
Apurva Sharma
Introduction to Recruitment Practices –
Some people use the term recruitment to refer to both attracting job candidates & assessing them
to decide which are best to hire. We will use the term Recruitment to refer the process by which
companies assess candidates to see if they have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes (KSAAs)
required, and therefore whether or not a company wants to make them a job offer.

These processes overlap in time. It is very important to be able to attract good people to apply for
open positions the firm might have.

First, you need to fill openings so that your business can continue to produce products, serve clients,
or grow.

Second, remember that the goal of recruitment is to attract a “qualified response” from the labour
market, not just any response. It does no good to the company or the candidates to have a large
number of job applicants if many of them lack the skills needed to do the job.

Third, companies like recruitment process to produce a favourable selection ratio (number of
applicants per opening) so that they have the luxury of being selective and choosing the very best.
Part of effective recruiting is cultivating an employer brand so that people in the labour force
understand what your company is like as an employer, view it favourably, and are likely to apply and
later accept job offers.

Basic steps of recruitment process -

Current Telephonic Face To Face Complete their Finalising the

Opportunities. conversation. Interview. assessment employee.

Recruitment strategy of TATA Motors – A six step approach

 Who is being targeted through the recruitment?
 Which is the appropriate platform to recruit?
 When should the recruitment be planned?
 What info should be delivered during recruitment?
 How should then info be delivered to possible recruits?
 Who is the most appropriate person falling under criteria to recruit?
Strategic Recruiting Stages-
 Human resource planning.
 How many employees are required?
 When the employees are required?
Organizational Responsibilities-
 HR staff & operating managers.
 Recruiting presence and image.
 Training of recruiters.
Selection Process –
 The process of assessing candidates and appointing a post holder.
 Applicants short listed – most suitable candidates are selected.
 Selection process – varies according to departments throughout in TATA
Selection Tools –
 Interview – most common method.
 Psychometric testing – assessing the personality of applicants.
 Measure of personality.
 Aptitude testing – assessing the skills of applicants.
 Measures of proficiency, achievement or knowledge.
 Measures of mental ability or intelligence.
 In tray exercise – activity based around what the applicant will be doing.
 Presentation – looking for different skills as well as the ideas of the
 Assessment Centres – battery of tests.
Choice of Selection Methods –
 Number of applicants.
 Criticality of position.
 Cost/effort involved.
 Predictive validity.
 Extent of preparation required.
Determining Selection Standards – Sources of info about applicants.
 Application Forms.
 Reference Checks.
 Background verification.
Final Round – Return on Investment. (ROI)
Recruitment return on investment (ROI) understands and compares the
elements, costs and risks of a recruitment related project to the expected
benefits and then the final offer is made.

Source: Mr Girdhar Sharma

HR Head, Chennai Plant

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