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Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Il'1ggris

Program IPA - IPS - BHS - AGAMA
Hari, Tanggal Rabu, 12 Maret 2014
Wa k tu 07.30 - 09.30 ( 120 menit)

1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan dengan menggunakan pensil28!
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata pelajaran!
3 Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum and a kerjakan!
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas TPH8S apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidaK lengkapl
5. Tidak dijzinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, atau a/at bantu hitung lainnya!
6. Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!


Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan ';l1engarsir ( • ) Iingkaran huruf A, B, C, D atau
E pada lembar jawaban yang tersedial

In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken Eng/ish. There are four
parts to this section with special direction for each part.
Part one : Question 1 - 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions
will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be
the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man Are you OK?

Woman A truck hit my car and drove away. It such a mess.

Man Have you called the police?

Woman No, I haven't. In the confussion I forgot.

Man All right. Let me call the police to report about this.

You will also hear:

What is the conversation ~bout?

You'll read in your test book:

A. A truck driver
B. A hit run accident
C, A police officer
D. An accident report
E. A confused woman
The best answer to the question is "A hit run accidenf'.
Therefore, you should choose answer (8).

,. !
IEVG/5MAI ·2· TP H B5/B.1 NG/XII/14
1.. A. In the hall
B. In the man's office
C. In the man's house
O. In the woman's office
E. In the woman's house

2. A. Making seafood soup

B. Having barbecue
C. Preparing lunch
D. Describing seafood
E. 'Cooking some hotdog

3. A. Talk to the man

B. Move to the town
C. Move to the town
D. Offer a new carrier
E. Work in the company

4. A. 10pm
B. 10.10pm
C. 09.50 pm
O. 11.50 pm
E. 12.00 pm

Questions: 5 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogue spoken in English followed by four responses also
spoken in English. The dialogues and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book,
so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response
to each question or statement.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Excuse me! Would it be OK if I use the telephone? I need to call My secretary.
You will also hear:
A. Thanks a lot.
B. Oon'tworry!
C. Let's hope so!
O. Sure, go ahead!

The best answer to the question is "Sure, go ahead".

Therefore you should choose answer (0)

5. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!

6. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!

7. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!

'I:m YG/SMJ~ -3 . TPHBS/B.I NG/XI1/14

Questions 8 -11.
In this part of the text yo u will listen to a dialogue and a monol ,')gue spoken in English. The dialogue or monologue
wil! be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying. f\t'ter you listen the dialogue or monologu e look at the five pictures provided in your test book,
and decide which onE~ would be the most suitable one with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

8. A. D.



9. A. D.

..... , ..­ ..-.-"

....,~.' '


"' 1-1 . TPHI3S/B.ING/XII/14 '

l~) A. D.

8. E.

·i1. A.

.. .,.'­
D. • • •

-_ ­ "::;;;.

8, E.

Questions : 12 to 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear
a monologue and the question or questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would
be the best answer to the questions you have heard.
12. A. Her white jeans D. Herunp~asantexperience
B. A great coffee cup E. Hergood time in coffee house
C. Her cell phone ring
13. A. She bought new jeans D. She drank coffee
B. She wore white jeans E. She lost her grips
C. Her cell phone rang
14. A. A winter storm D. US school regulations
B. Flight cancellation E. Safety guidance

C School closing days

15. A. Stay indoors D. Save the property

B. Use blankets E. Cancel the flight
C. Close the doors

Choose the best answerl

The following text is for no 16 -17.

Daffodil, also called common daffodil, or trumpet narcissus bUlb-forming flowering plant of the genus
Narcissus, native to northern Europe and widely cultivated there and in North America. The daffodil grows
to about 16 inches (41 cm) in height and has five or six leaves that grow from the bulb and are about
12 inches (30 cm) long. The stem bears one large yellow blossom with a corolla deeply cleft into six
lobes and a central bell-shaped crown, or corona, that are frilled at its edges. This "trumpet" shape
contains the stamens and is the flower's most conspicuous feature. The daffodil's popularity has resulted
in the production of many varieties differing from the yellow parent form mainly in color the trumpet and
petals may themselves be of contrasting yellow, white, pink, or orange.

16. 'oo. and widely cultivated there and in North America.' (Line 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Brought D. Found
B. Planted E. Kept
C. Picked

17. What is the most conspicuous feature of the flower?

A. Its color D. Its six lobes
B. Its edge E. Its trumpet shape
C. Its stamen
lZE] YG/SMA J ·6· TPH BS/B.I NG/X11/14

The following text is for no. 18 -19.

O'Hare Market Office BUildings offer convenient aCcess to Rosemont Convention Center, O'Hare
International Airport and qUick travel to Chicago and Northwest Suburbs. Rosemont location offers wide
array of office buildings that offer first class amenities to corporate clients, small, medium and large
businesses. Rosemont location is complemented by quality restaurants and fast food chains, health
club facility, cleaning service and abundant parking. Rosemont's supreme location is a perfect mix of
convenience and value for the shrewd business organizations. Office Suites are available in various sizes
from 300 to 45,000 Square Feet. Lease rates are generally 20% - 30% lower than Chicago Downtown.
Don't wait. Call Today to discuss your office needs. Our services are free for Tenants. We would be happy
to share our local office market expertise to help you locate your new headquaters, disaster recovery
site, or office space that will fulfill your business requirements.
Core Commercial, LLC
4849 N. Scott, Suite-11
Schiller Pakr, IL 60176

18. Which one may be inaccessible from O'Hare Market Office Building?
A. Convention Centre D. Health Club
B. International Airport E. City Park
C. Fast Food Chains
19. The advertisement is offered to those who want to ....
A. share the buildings D. lease an office for business
B. get health treatment E. find an excellent restaurant
C. discover a place to stay

The following text is for no 20 - 21.

To: MrAnwar .. i
This will confirm my telephone call advising your secretary that unexpected work responsibilities I
necessitate my traveling abroad for three weeks. I must therefore ask you to postpone my tax audit that I
was scheduled for July 2. I will contact your office when I return and will then rescheduIe our appointment.
My bookkeeper has reviewed all my documentation to be sure it is complete, and I anticipate no
further delays. If you need to get in touch with me, please leave a message on my home answering
machine and I will return your call as soon as possible.
Budi Santosa

20. What does the message inform Mr. Anwar?

A. Meeting confirmation D. Tax documentation
B. Meeting schedule E. Project appointment
C. Tax audit delay
21. What does Mr. Budi promise to Mr. Anwar?
A. To leave message D. To audit the tax soon
8. To see him abroad E. To have no more delay
C. To call his secretary
-7- TPHBS/B.INGn~;~/i4

The following text is for no 22 - 23.

,Dear Mr. Albert, i

I am Jonathan Borden, MBA student at the University ofTartu. In the recent months I am conducting!
a survey on the effect of the pollution on bird life in the Baltic Sea region, needed for my master thesfS
project "Effects of the air pollution on the Baltic Sea bird habitat". Could you please set aside several
minutes in order to participate in my research and fill in the Questionnaire, that I am sending you in the
Attachment? It will mean a lot for my thesis, which I believe would be incomplete withoutthe Questionnaire.
Please feel free to add any additional remarks to my survey, or leave blank if you have troubles
answering certain questions. Although the Questionnaire is anonymous, at your request I will include
your answers as a reference and give a special acknowledgement to your Organization.
Thank you very much in advanced for your co-operation. i
Sincerely, Jonathan Borden
'----- . • j

22. The main point of the first paragraph is the writer's ....
A. Research D. Gratitude
B. Greeti~lg E. Questicl'.naire
C. F<equesl
23. What does the writer want Mr. Albert to do?
A. Conducting a research D. Finish the master thesis project
B. Fill the writer's questionnaire E. Answer all the questions completely
C. Find the effect of the pollution

The following text is for no. 24 - 26.

One night, at 11 :30 pm, an older African-American woman was standing on the side of Alabama
highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a
ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 19605. The man
took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab. He seemed to be in a big hlJify!
He wrote down his address, she thanked him and drove away. ,
Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant combination
console color TV and stereo record player were delivered to his home. A special note was attached.
The note read: Dear Mr. James: Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night.
The rain drenched not only my clothes but my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able
to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me dnd
unselfishly serving others.
Mrs. Nat King Cole. I
.~ . .__._.._J

24. What is the topic of the story?

A. A lashing rain storm D The death of the beloved
B. A note for Mr. James E A great worth assistance
C. A terrible car accident

25. What is the greatest thing that made the woman thank to Mr. James?
A He had stopped his car and given her a ride
B. He helped her endure the lashing rain storm
C. She could be beside her husband in his last day
D. She got a giant color TV and stereo record player
E. He left his name and address before he drove away

26 What may you learn from the story?

A A little help may great worth for other
B. A faithful wife should be by her husband side
C. A gift is a must for those who have helped us
D. A disaster drenches not only the things but the spirits
E. A gratitude raises the spirit in an inconvenient situation
~YG/5MAI -8- TPH 85/8.1 NG/XII/14

The following text is for no. 27 - 28.

The German insurance company Munich Re says some 20,000 people died in natural disasters last
year, about twice as many as in 2012. .
Most of the deaths resulted from Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines, Vietnam and China in
November with a loss of almost 6,100 lives. This was followed by floods in India that killed about 5,500
people in June.
. Munich Re's annual disasters report released Tuesday found that the economic cost of natural
catastrophes was lower last year.
Some 880 events cost about US$125 billion, with insured losses of $31 billion. This compares with
costs of $173 billion and insured losses of $65 billion in 2012.
The costliest natural disasters were summer hailstorms in Germany, floods in Central Europe, and
storms and tornadoes in the United States. http://'WWVv'

27. What is the news about?

A. The deaths ofTyphoons D. The hailstorms disaster in Germany
B. The global natural disasters E. The economic cost of the catastrophes
C. The floods in Central Europe
28. Which information is told in the news above?
A. The number of victims doubles in 2013
B. The cost of the disaster in 2013 is higher
C. About 6100 people died because of the floods
D. The losses in 2012 is lower than those in 2013
E. The disasters in Germany took the life of 20.000 people

The following text is for no 29 - 31.

I was on vacation with my sister in Paris. It was our last day and we went to the Louvre Museum and
stayed there till it closed. Then we went for dinner at a restaurant near the museum.
When I reached my bag to get my wallet to pay the check, I discovered that it wasn't in my bag.
Inside there was make up and stuff, but nothing to identify the owner. My sister had some cash so we
were able to pay for dinner. The problem was that not only were my wallet and credit card in my bag but
both our passports and our airline tickets were in there. Oh, and my camera, too.
We made our way back to the hotel feeling really depressed. We were due to leave for the airport at
7 o'clock the next morning, but without passports and tickets there was no way we'd allowed to get on
the plane.
At midnight the phone in my room rang. When I answered it, a ....oman's voice said, "I've got your
bag. You must have mine. "She had found the camera, looked at the photos for clues, and spotted our
hotel in one of them, I was like, "Where are you?" She said, "I am downstairs in your hotel". I ran down
to the lobby and exchanged bags. I was so relieved! We got home safely.

29. What made the problem happen?

A. The writer had a vacation in Paris. D. The writer took the wrong bag
B. The writer didn't have any cash E. The writer could not stay any longer
C. The writer lost his camera
30. The last paragraph infers that ....
A. The writer and the woman were friends
B. The writer had left her bag in the lobby
C. The writer and the woman had the similar bags
D. The writer and her sister had to leave the hotel
E. The writer couldn't find the passports and tickets
31. '... spotted our hotel in one of them.' (Paragraph 4)
The underlined word refers to ....
A. The writer and the sister D. The photos in the camera
B. The writer and the woman E. The exchanged bags
C. The passports and tickets
The following text is for no. 32 - 33.

. In the movie Beethoven, George Newton meets his nemesis in the form of a St. Bernard puppy
named Beethoven. Since Beethoven's owner never claims him, the Newtons keep the CUddly puppy.
However, Beethoven begins to grow and grow, and the bags of puppy chow get bigger and bigger.
Furthermore, George finds his shoes destroyed as Beethoven teethes on them and has to contend with
Beethoven's bathroom habits. So, when the veterinarian hints at St. Bernards' dispositions changing in
time to the point where they can turn on people, George is determined to rid himself of the dog. However,
Beethoven proves to be a wonderful friend and companion to George's family. The dramatic tension builds
to a climax with the result that Beethoven emerges as George's champion, and they grow to love and
respect one another.
Beethoven is a family movie--refreshing, funny, exciting and heart-warming as each one in the Newton
family learns from their new pet and from each other about love, understanding and acceptance. After
Viewing Beethoven and hearing the children's laughter at the film's end, the reviewer left the theatre
thankful that some filmmakers still know how to make a good movie.

32. The last paragraph shows that the writer ....

A. appreciates the movie so mUCh. D. left the theatre because he disliked it
B. summarizes the end of the movie. E. accepts Beethoven as a family movie.
C. learns about love from his new pet.
33. 'George finds his shoes destroyed as Beethoven teethes on them ... ' (Line 4)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. His shoes D. Bathroom habits
B. The bags E. George and his family
C. The nemesis
34. 1). Start every morning by making a list of things you need to do during the day.
2). In this way, there will be no regret for leaving any important task put aside.
3). Organizing your workday is the key to getting things done.
4). Work on the most important task first.
5). Then move on to the next task, next task and so on.
6). Professionals need to work out with planning.
7). Next, rank each task in the list according to its importance.
8). Don't let anything bother it but stay with it until it is completed.
The correct arrangement to make a good paragraph is ....
A. 1,5,3,2,6,4,7,8 D. 6,1,4,2,5,7,8,3
B. 3,4,1,5,2,7,8,6 E. 6,3,1,7,4,8,5,2
C. 3,2,5,8,1,4,7,6

The following text is for no. 35 - 36.

Posted by Chris in OCA News Wednesday, 30 October 2013 11 :59

Thanks to a generous donation from Bianchi Canada, this year's Cycling Celebration will see a bike given

to one lucky Ontario Road Youth Cup racer.

To have a chance to win this fantastic prize, you must follow the instructions below:

1. Create a letter with an explanation (in 250 words or less), stating why you think you would be deserving
of this amazing prize.
2. Attend the OCA Cycling Celebration at the Cardinal Golf Club in New market, Ontario on Saturday
November 16, 2013.
On the evening of the Cycling Celebration, we will draw from the submiss,ions, and some lucky youngster
~sgoing to win a brand new bikelll
AII'submissions must be in to the OCA office by Thursday November 14, 2013 at noon to qualify and the
winner MUST be in attendance at the Cycling Celebration that Saturday night.
Submissions can be sent to :
Mail: 3Con'cordeGate, Suite 212 Toronto, ON M3C 3N7
Fax: 416-426-7349

35. What is announced in the text above?

A. Cycling Celebration D. An amazing race
B. Cardinal Golf Club E. Ontario Road Youth Cup
C, A brand new bike
36, When Will the even be conducted?
A. Wednesday, 30 October 2013 D. At noon in November2013
B. Thursday November 14, 2013 E. At night on Saturdays
C. Saturday November 16, 2013

The following text is for no. 37 - 38.

The Black Mamba is the most deadly snake in the world, They grow 14 feet in length, and can travel at
speeds of up to 12 mph. They have a head shaped like a coffin. The Black Mamba is not actually black.
They have a brownish-gray body with a light belly and brownish scales along its back. It gets its name
from the color of the lining of its mouth, which is purple-black, and which it displays when threatened
The Black Mamba lives in South Africa. They like open, low habitats such as savannas, rocky places and
open woodlands. They are active during the day. They often sleep in hollow trees, burrows, rock crevices,
or empty termite mounds, and will come back to the same place every night.
The Black Mambas feed on small mammals and birds, like vares, rats, squirrels, mice, rats, or bush
babies. Once a Mamba was found with a parrot in its stomach, another with a full grown Forest Cobra! It
will strike a large animal and then release it. It then stalks their victim until it becomes paralyzed. With
smaller animals it will strike and hold on until the animal becomes paralyzed. Its flexible jaws and scales
make it possible to eat the animal whole. .tmP.:I/

37. The first paragraph mainly tells us ....

A. what may threaten Mamba D. how Mamba looks like J
B. how Mamba defends itself E. what Mamba prey on
C. where Mamba is found
38. '... until tl becomes paralyzed.' (paragraph 3)
What does the word 'it' refer to?
A. A parrot D. Forest Cobra
B. Their victim E. The Black Mamba
C. South Africa
The follOWing text is for no. 39 ­ 41.

Visiting Affandi Museum that is located on Jalan Raya Yogyakarta - Solo, or by the west bank of Gajah
Wong River, gives an '" (39) ... for you to trace all meaningful parts of Affandi's life. You can see the great
works when he was alive, the works of other painters that he kept, the vehicles that he used in the past,
the house where he used to live and a gallery that now functions as a place to educate ... (40)... children
in painting.
The complex of the museum consists of 3 galleries with gallery I as the ticket box and the starting point
of your exploration. Gallery I that was personally opened by Affandi in 1962 and was inaugurated in 1974
... (41 )... some of his paintings from the early time of his work to the late time of his life. The paintings
most of which are sketches .and reproductions are placed in two rows - upper and lower - that fill the
curved room.

39. A. opportunity D. integrity

B. inferiority E. equality
C. authority
40. A. gift D. gifting
B. gifts E. to gift
C. gifted
41. A. depicts D. describes
B. contains E. decorates
C. includes
The following text is for no. 42 - 44.

Everybody yawns - from unborn babies to the oldest great-grandparent. Animals do it, too. But why,
exactly, do people and animals yawn? No one knows for sure. But there are many theories (ideas) abouf
why people yawn.
One is that when we are bored or tired, we just don't breathe as deeply as we usually do. As this
theory goes,'our bodies take in less oxygen because our breathing has slowed. Therefore, yawning
helps us bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood. Yawning,
then, would be an involuntary reflex to help us control our oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.
Other people believe that yawning is a protective reflex to redistribute the oil-like substance called
surfactant (say: sur-fak-tint) that helps keep lungs lubricated inside and keeps them from collapsing.
So, if we didn't yawn, according to this theory, taking a deep breath would become harder and harder­
and that wou Id not be good!
But there is one idea about yawning that everyone knows to be true. If you yawn in class, you'll
probably notice a few other people will start yawning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you
yawning. How many times have you yawned while reading this article? We hope not manyl

42. What do we need to lubricate our lungs and to keep them from collapsing?
A. An involuntary reflex D. Surfactant
B. A protective reflex E. Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide
43. When we are yawning we ....
A. take in less oxygen D. will feel bored and tired
B. inhale carbon dioxide E. can't breathe deeply as usual
C. brings more oxygen in.
44. From the last paragraph we get an idea that yawning ....
A. happens any time D. seems contagious
B. can't be controlled E. is needed for health
C. should be avoided

The following text is for no. 45 - 47.

What Are the Main Benefits of Soy Milk?

Soy milk is a good substitute for cow's milk on many levels. It acts as a good source of protein while
still supplying a fair supply of calcium. According to every aspect of the medical field, both calcium and
protein are needed by our bodies for a healthy and productive lifestyle.
One of the primary benefits of drinking soy milk is that it is lactose-free. Lactose is the natural sugar
that is present in cow's milk. Many children and adults cannot digest lactose resulting in disagreeable
consequences including diarrhea, vomiting, gas and cramps.
Additionally, cow's milk contains a protein called casein. This particular protein is known to cause
problems for some people such as the worsening of allergy symptoms, an increase in mucous and
problems with the immune system.
This is why a recommendation is often made to decrease milk consumption in children who experience
frequent ear infections colds, or chronic bronchitis. Additionally, children with asthma or sinus conditions
are also told not to drink milk because of the problems associated with this protein.
A recent finding according to the National Institute of Health and Nutrition located in Japan, states
that soy protein can aid in the lowering of cholesterol in the blood.

45. The text is intended to ...

A. explain how soy milk is lactose-free
B. convince that soy mHk is needed for health
C. present the positives and negatives of soy milk
D. recommend readers to decrease soy milk consumption
E. inform that soy milk may cause diseases such as asthma
~YG/SMAI -12­ TPH~S/B.ING/XIl/14

46. The text tells us that soy milk ....

A. is not recommended for children with asthma
B. causes diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps
C. worsen the allergic symptoms
D. contains high lactose and protein
E. may cut down the cholesterol in the blood
47. What makes cow milk worsen the allergy symptoms?
A. It is lactose-free D. It has high cholesterol
B. It contains casein E. It has no natural sugar
C. It provides calcium

The following text is for no. 48 - 50.

Energy drinks have quickly become the fastest growing sector in the beverage industry. Recently
however, research into the effects of consuming energy drinks has raised questions about their health
Supporters of caffeine will argue that there's lots of research supporting the benefits of caffeine
intake, such as improved short term memory, improved concentration, reduced fatigue, and improved
reaction times. Some studies have also suggested that caffeine can lower the risks of some diseases
like Alzheimer's disease and liver cancer.
And most of the health benefits you get from energy drinks are due more to the natural herbal
ingredients, such as ginseng that have an energizing effect. Other ingredients might include kava Gingko
Siloba, and guarana. •
However energy drinks can be bad for you. While caffeine is safe in moderation, too much of it can
be addictive. Regular caffeine intake can cause high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, increased heart
rate, and reduced bone density. As caffeine is a diuretic, when you take it during or before exercise it can
lead to dehydration.
Energy drinks also have a lot of sugar. Like caffeine, food and drink containing sugar is ok in
moderation, but too much (more than two cans per day) can cause cavities in your teeth, and the
instapility they cause in your blood sugar levels will make the weight loss process very difficult. In
adeJition, energy drinks are very dangerous for children.
Not all energy drinks have the same ingredients, so it is very important to read the nutrition label.
While there has been research on the effects of energy drinks, their long term effects on organs like the
liver, the effect they have on cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are unknown. As the potential harmful
effects of energy drinks far outweigh their benefits, it's therefore best to limit your intake to only the
occasional energy drink.

48. What is the main idea of the text above?

A. Energy drinks contains natural herbal ingredients
B. Energy drinks are beneficial but harmful as well
C. Energy drinks' benefits C(re greater than its risk
D. Energy drinks are dangerous for children
E. Energy drinks helps the weight loss
49. '.... As the potential harmful effects of energy drinks far outweigh their benefits ... ' (Paragraph 6)
The underlined word can be replaced by ....
A. are less than D. are useful than
B. are better than E. are greater than
C. are worse than
50. ~ What does the writer suggest the drinkers do?
A. They must consume energy drinks occasionally
B. They should stop drinking energy drinks soon
C. They'd better reduce their hobby of drinking it
D. They should have a research of its effects
E. They can drink it any time they want

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