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Greeting to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior. Jesus

Beloved children Of God, I am very glad to meet you through this

magazine. I believe that through out this year Lord will bless you and your
family. Lord is always read to help this people. Jesus is always with as, so
no need to worry. Be happy, Rejoice, god almighty is with as. While I was
waiting at the feet of the lord with fasting and praying. Lord gave me
wonderful word from bible, that is I cor .10:26, “for earth is the Lord’s and
the fullness there of “ we may mediated fullness and its blessings.

1. Fullness of earth:
When we read the first chapter of the bible lord created
everything then god made Adom and Eve. Beloved child of God, let
me tell you before lord called you the arranged all things for you.
Already God has setup everything that you mean. Give thanks to
almighty god because he made everything for you. When we think
about Abraham our fore – father gen 24:35 says. Lord has greatly
blessed Abraham, so that Abraham has become rich and he has given
him flocks and herds and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and
camels and donkeys. How he received everything?. Only one world
that is Abraham’s obedience. Because of his obedience he received
everything from God (Gen 12:1). When god called Abraham lord says
“Come out from your country, and your relatives, and your fathers
house” Abraham heard the voice of God and obeyed his
commandment, so Lord blessed him.

2. Fullness in family life.

If God is head of our family will become small heaven because
God Builds the house ps 127;1 there will the Blessing prove and life
for ever. We have to make an order in our family, First place to God
2nd pouse and children, 3rd to parents, 4th to friends and Relatives. If we
change this order problem will arise, so don’t change. Bear one
another’s Burdens, forgiven everyone forget everything, honour all
ment, love the brot her hood, fear God. Submit your self’s for the
lords sake every human institution. Wives be subject to your own
husbands, as to the lord. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also
love the church Sarah b God

3. Fullness in your ministries

Beloved minister of God, are you tide? Are you cheated by anyone?
Are you sicic don’t be discourage our lord Jesse will empower you. Lord is
Author of your ministry. One who called you for his ministry is faithfully.
Let us look Jesus “ministries. He did everything perfidy. He healed the sick,
drive out the demons, feed thousands. Don’t fear, do his ministry with
power. He will Strengthen you, praise always pray to God. Lord will give
more fruits and many Souls. God will lead you in a good path.

4. Fullness in wisdom
Now a days people are seeking doctors and medicine to
increase there knowledge. But the word of God Says, the fear of the lord is
the beginning of the wisdom (pro15:33) had almighty gave wisdom unto
Solomon (1 icings 3 :9,10) he Judge the people a cording to the word of
God. Solomon never goes after the people to receive the wisdom. But all
over the world. People come to him and found the wisdom of God is upon
him. So my beloved brothers and sisters, prayer to God for his wisdom, God
will give you. If you receive the heavenly wisdom you will shine like stars
Joseph, Daniel were lifted by God. Because they received wonderful
wisdom. May God will give fullness in everything’s. Give thanks to Gad
may God Bless you.

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