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Victory at Sea & Order Of Battle

Quick Reference Sheet

(Includes some house rules) Version 1.2

Turn Sequence Initiative Phase

1. Initiative Phase One player from each side rolls 2d6 for that side. (Ties are re-rolled.) Fleets that include
civilian shipping have a –1 modifier and fully civilian fleets suffer a –2 Modifier.
2. Movement Phase
3. Attack Phase
4. End Phase Movement Phase
1. The side that wins initiative chooses which side moves a ship first.
(Squadron rules are not used. – House Rule)
Command Score 2. Players alternate moving ships one at a time in initiative order.
(A Special Action is taken when a ship is nominated to move.)
Crew Score 3. The side that won initiative chooses which side moves aircraft first.
Elite 6 4. The fist side moves all Fighter Type Flights. *
Veteran 5 5. The second side moves all Fighter Type Flights. *
Military-Grade 4 6. The first side moves all Non-Fighter Flights. *
Conscript 3 7. The second side moves all Non-Fighter Flights. *
Green 2 * Fighters designated as Escorts may react when an enemy Flight comes within 2 inches.

Command Check Values Command Checks Turning

Action Check Roll 1d6 and add the All ships may make a second turn at the
All Hands on Deck! 8 Ship’s Command Score. end of their movement, provided that the
Come About! 9 The total must be ship tuned at their half-movement point
Create Smoke! Auto greater than or equal to and no later.
Evasive! 8 the required value for Ships with the Agile trait increase their
Flank Speed! Auto action taken or the turn number by 1.
Rig for Silent Running! 9 action fails. (House Rules)
Crash Dive! * 9 - 1 Modifier in Bad
Damage Control ** 9 Weather
Extinguish Fires ** 7 Aircraft Clarifications
Note: Ships with Skeleton
Spotting Attempts *** 8 Crews may not conduct A Flight that is Out of Ammo and wins a
* This action is taken under certain Special Actions. They may Dogfight may elect to disengage.
circumstances in the movement phase. attempt Damage Control There is no limit to the number of Flights
** Not a Special Action. (One Critical Hit is with a –2 Modifier and they
selected for repair. One die is rolled per fire.)
that may attack a ship.
may attempt to Extinguish
*** Occurs during the Attack Phase. Fires. (House Rules)

Attack Phase
1. Illumination: (Night Only) Star Shells are fired by Secondary Guns (-1 Attack Die) and Spotlights are indicated.
2. Range Checks: Players check ranges as needed before allocating fire. (House Rule)
3. Anti-Aircraft: Anti-Aircraft batteries declare and resolve fire. (Fire may be split and dogfights may not be engaged.)
4. Gunnery & Air: Each side alternates firing a ship’s guns and/or depth charges or elects to resolve its air attacks.
A. Spotting: Ships make a Command Check against a value of 8 to spot. Radar spots on a 3+ on one die.
B. Hit Resolution: Resolve firing and damage for the selected ship. (Secondary Guns may split Attack Dice.)
5. Torpedo: Torpedo attack resolution. (Only the Night, Bad Weather, Beam Aspect, and Evasive Action Modifiers apply.)
A. Spotting: Ships make a Command Check against a value of 8 to spot. Radar spots at a 3+ on one die.
B. Hit Resolution: Both sides place all Torpedo Markers Bow or Beam and then resolve Attacks. (Phase 5 is a House Rule)

Spotting and Detection Notes

Bad Weather: Enemy ships cannot be attacked at Extreme Range and must be spotted at Long Range.
Night: Enemy units may not be attacked at Long or Extreme Range and must be spotted at closer ranges. At night,
ships firing Main Guns are automatically spotted within 20 inches and Secondary Guns within 10 inches.
Submersibles: A die roll of 4+ is needed for detection. The attempt is made during the Attack Phase once the
attacker is within 8 inches of the enemy submersible.
Victory at Sea & Order Of Battle
Quick Reference Sheet
(Includes some house rules) Version 1.2

Ranges Attack Die Modifiers

Extreme Range: 30 Inches Plus Extreme Range -2 Target is Large Silhouette +1
Long Range: 20 Inches Plus Long Range -1 Improved Rangefinders +1 (4)
Close Range: 10 Inches or Less Close Range +1 Torpedo Spread on Beam +1
Target Speed 7+ (1) -1 Radar +1 (5)
Bomber (2) -1 Twin-Linked Weapon A
To Hit Rolls Above 6 Bad Weather -1 Evasive Action B
2nd Roll Result AA Through Smoke (3) -1 Night -1
4 7 Notes: - Modifiers in Bold are the only modifiers applied to Torpedo Attacks, which
5 8 cannot be made through smoke,.
6 9 - Underlined modifiers apply to aircraft.
In instances that the value - Depth Charge attacks are never modified.
needed to hit is higher than a 6, 1. Does not apply to Secondary Guns.
the die is re-rolled on a 6 with the 2. Applies to Bombers only.
result as shown above. 3. AA Attacks Only. Guns may not fire through smoke without Radar
(House Rule) 4. Only firing at Extreme or Long Range. (May not be combined with Radar.)
5. Only if target engaged during Daytime and in Good Weather and is being
engaged at Long or Extreme Range. (May not be combined with Improved
Damage Die Modifiers Rangefinders.) Before 1943 Radar used at night must be used to engage the
largest target in range. A player may elect not to use Radar with an attack.
Plunging Fire (1) +1
AP Weapon +1 A Re-Roll Misses
B Re-Roll Hits (The Evading ship must Re-Roll its Hits when firing.)
Super AP +2
Weak (2) -1
Notes: Crew Critical Hits
D6 Area Damage Crew Effect
1. Long or Extreme Range Only. 1-2 Fire +0 +2 Fire Starts
(20 Inches or more) 3-4 Multiple Fires +0 +3 1D6 Fires start
2. May only inflict Critical Hits 5 Hull Breach +2 +5 -
upon ships with Armor 3 or 6 Multiple Explosions +0 +2 Fire Starts
less. Can’t inflict more than +1 Engine Critical Hits
Crew and +1 Damage with any D6 Area Damage Crew Effect
one Critical Hit. 1-2 Turbine Damaged +1 +1 -1 Speed
3-4 Props Damaged +1 +1 -2 Speed
- Torpedo damage is doubled 5 Fuel System +2 +2 -3 Speed, Fire Starts
against civilian shipping, 6 Engines Disabled +3 +3 Speed = 0, No Special Actions, Target
Value -1
Weapons Critical Hits
Critical Hit Location D6 Area Damage Crew Effect
1-2 AA Weapons Damaged +1 +1 AA Weapons -1 Attack Die
Die Roll (2d6) Location 3-4 Sec. Guns Damaged +0 +3 Sec. Guns -1 Attack Die
2 Vital Systems 5 Turret Destroyed +3 +4 Random Turret Destroyed, Fire Starts
3-5 Crew 6 Magazine Explodes +4 +6 No Weapons Fire for 1d3 Turns, 1d6 Fires
6-8 Engines Vital Systems Critical Hits
9-11 Weapons D6 Area Damage Crew Effect
12 Vital Systems 1 Bridge Hit +0 +1 No Special Actions
2 Rudder +2 +1 No Turns
3 Engineering +2 +4 No Damage Control
4 Fire Control +3 +4 Each Weapon System may only fire on a die
End Phase 5 Secondary Explosions +1d6 +1d6
roll of 4+
1d6 Fires Start
1. Roll for Damage Control 6 Catastrophic Explosion - - Ship Sinks
2. Roll to Extinguish Fires
3. Remove Submersible
Detection, Star Shell, Aircraft Carrier Rearm and Refuel
Smoke, and Ship Fired The Carrier Card has three boxes: Refuel, Rearm, and Ready. The turn a
Markers, etc. Flight lands it is placed in the Refuel Box during the End Phase. In the
4. Move Flights through following End Phase Fighters are moved to the Ready Box and other aircraft to
Boxes on Carrier Card the Rearm Box. In the subsequent End Phase other aircraft are moved to the
(4. is a House Rule) Ready Box. Flights in the Ready Box are available for launching. (House Rule)

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